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Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP68-00069A000200030058-0 Security Information PSC-Mml 20 October 1953 PROCUREMENT SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE on FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 11inutes of the first meeting held at 1ho0, 20 October 1953 in 2125 "N"r Bldg. - :Ca The following representatives were present: Mr. George Pope, State, member ' / Major M. F. Donlan, AFOIN, member '` Captain R. C. Laidlaw, AFOIN, alternate Mr. George Pughe, AFOIN, observer Mr. Ivey Iglesrud, AFOIN, observer ' Cmdr. H. F. Perrenot, ONI, member Lta Cmdr. W. C. Kruse, ONI, alternate Mr. James G. Chandler, ORR, observer II. Discussion A. The Chairman opened the meeting by quoting pertinent paragraphs from NSCID-16, discussing general responsibilities of the Advisory Committee on Foreign Publications and the relationships and responsibilities of the Procurement Subcommittee with the other subcommittees, Reference and Exploitation. B., Copies of a status report on the Foreign Branch, CIA Library, were distributed to all members and the relationships between this. Foreign Branch and the State Department were discussed. ...}''`Under the Agenda heading "Exchange of Information on Procurement" the following points were discussed. (1) The question was raised as to whether any follow-up procurement action was being taken by any of. the agencies as a result of the publication in the Monthly List of Russian Security Information PSG-M-1 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP68-00069A0002A3~b 6r 1953 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP68-00069A000200030058-0 CONFIDENTIAL Security Information. PSC-M-l 20 October 1953 Accessiofis of"USSR publications identified but not located in the United States. The Air Force representative reported that collection requests for selected items were forwarded to the Air Attaches for action. It was further reported that CIA sends copies of the MLRA to certain collectors for guidance as to what publications are already available in Washington and which ones are lacking. Further study of this problem is desirable in order that specific collection requests may be coordinated for desirable items, recognizing the fact that some of the missing publications may have no value and that collection should be limited to those needed for the research program, D. The Air Force representative emphasized the extreme importance of open published literature to the research program on the Soviet. Bloc. and deplored the economy measures which may result in reducing the overseas collection program. He suggested that it would be highly have two Publications Procure- ment Officers in Moscow, one of whom should be a subject specialist '.n science and technology. It was also pointed out that additional PPOs could be used effectively in Western Europe particularly in Helsinki, Stockholm, Prague, and Vienna. Discussio> brought out the fact that increasing the number of Publications Procurement Officers would be very difficult and even maittaining the status quo was a serious problem due to budgetary limitations imposed by Congress and the apparent desire to keep the number of Embassy personnel. at as low a number as possible. Suggestions were made that it would be desirable and pro,ably possible to send qualified personnel who have the necessfi7 linguistic ability and book trade knowledge to certain places in Europe on a temporary duty status for perhaps six month.. All present recognized that this would be a second choic,. substitute for full-time Publications Procurement officers, but Fnouid be explored in case it is impossible to provide additional full-time PPOs. The Air Force representative thought Air Farce might finance one person on MY. The Javr representative was doubtful but thought it might be possible, for example, to send someone from 0MWAVGf.U to one of the Scandinavian countries provided that they had a qualified pf.,son available in Germany. The State representative reporte6 qualified personnel were available in State but that funds '.I>r such a trip would be difficult to obtain. 2 CONFIDENTIAL PSG-M-1 Security Information 20 October 195: Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP68-00069A000200030058-0 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP68-00069A000200030058-0 rir CONFIDENTIAL Security Information PSC4M-1 20 October 1953 A, The next item discussed concerned the need for providing prospective assignees to publications procurement activity with a basic education in the book business and detailed briefings on requirements as well as continuous guidance, evaluation of effort, and encouragement while they are in the field. Serious attempts have been made to do this in the past and it was recognized that renewed efforts to provide the collectors in the field with all possible useful information and up-to-date requirements must be made if the collection program is to reach its full potential. B. The State representative suggested that one means of providing orientation and background information for field collection Personnel would be the preparation of dossiers for each post, such dossiers to include such items as book trade organization and practices, lists of book stores with their specialities and names of personnel to contact, lists of libraries and librarians in the area which might be helpful and any information concerning prices, pay- ment methods, accounting procedures and export restrictions which might be helpful. Some information of this type already exists in the files of Foreign Branch and further consideration will be given to compiling such dossiers at the next meeting. A. After some further discussion it was decided that the immediate efforts of this-committee should be devoted to the following three items: (1) Strengthening of the field collection effort. (2) Centralization of records concerning lAC receipts of Soviet Bloc serial publications. (3) Coordination of requirements for serial publications. V. Action A. Two working groups were appointed to explore the three immediate problems. -3 m CONFIDENTIAL PSC*M*I Security Information 20 October 1953 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP68-00069A000200030058-0 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP68-00069A000200030058-0 CONFIDENTIAL Security Information PSC4M-1 20 October 1953 (1) The Air Force representatives will study the problem of strengthening the field collection effort. (2) The CIA representatives will explore the capabilities for maintaining a record of serial subscriptions placed and a central record of receipts within the IAC of Soviet Bloc serial publications. Both working groups will report to the Chairman in time for their reports to be reproduced and disseminated prior to the next meeting. The next meeting will be held in 2125 "M" Bldg. at 14OO on 1? November 1953. 241 A 9a CONFIDENTIAL PSG -M -1 Security Information 20 193'3 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP68-00069A000200030058-0