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Approved For lease 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-000690200010044-8 AUGUST 1956 CURS RUMUNG PROD d OF TIM FOREIGN DOCMMVS DIVISION 1. USSR (nonscientific) A. Political-Sociological 1. Organisation, functions, and activities of the ministries and governmental departments on the various levels, including changes and reorganizations. 2. Organization, functions, and interactions of the Party and Government on local levels, with increased emphasis on parliamentarianism, amalgamation of rural local. Soviets, and the primary party organization. 3? Initiation, organization, techniques, and implementa- tion of propaganda campaigns. 4. Territorial-administrative changes. 7. East-West travel and contacts, including cultural and sports delegations, trade fairs, and international conferences. Statistics on and evaluation of undergraduate study progreme, with enghwis on graduate courses and degrees offered. Study of the Soviet secondary technical educational system; the technic um and its place in the new ten-year education system. 8. Public Health: Organization and facilities, training of medical doctors and technici=s, the Soviet Red Cross and Red Crescent in coordination with paramilitary organizations. 9. Crime: Comparative analyses of court cases by type of crime, sentence, and geographical distribution of reported cria. Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved ForrYa eq,p1/Q/15CA R68-000690200010044-8 n A APPEM lOo Collective farm system: P,eacription of aye:tem as an institution, or- araization? administration, chains of co do procedures and practices in operation., tr?ansi- tion to state farms., relations with 1 , pending Changes Biographic ll.. Biographic data mm information one am Government -- (U SR and 3epubli c level) sarncil Chairman and L c;:SL vies; Ministers :;.and their deputies; Ch_-,.. o'.i and Deputy Chiefs of Main Administrations; other of- ficials directly under Council of Ministers; Officials of Presidiu of Supreme Soviets; Officials of Judicial apparatus. Government a- (Oblast and large city level) Chairman and Deputy Chairman of executive committees of oblast and city soviets; Administrators cf agriculture ba Party -o (USSR and Republic) Officials and members of Central Committee and of organs directly under Central Committee; (obi t and large city) Secretaries and members of boxeau of Party committees a Other -m (USSR and Republic) Officials of Trade Union Councils; Consumers' Cooperatives,, Komsomol Secretaries, and other mass organiza- tions; newspaper editors; directors of insti- tuters, selected cultural., religious, and sci- entific figures. (Oblast and large city) I om~ l Secretaries. Attendance at Moscow diplomatic functionso Inclusive lists of membership in Party or government bodies. Party officials down to the rayon level, for congresses and other Party mti,ngs. C:, Military 12. Military: Personalities: generals admirals, and other ficers; obituar?ies., editorial commentary, com plaints military districts, fleets , military Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 280-/0 / 5,$ Q)ArFP68-00069A' 200010044-8 Approved For 0001 'VA DDA schools? military books? light aviation, military -ti , .ipment,s theory,, tactics,, and strategy, airbornep:y V3, Paraw1litary2 Identification of W Dv , s D orga ,ii :a;- tt,sa a and units, their personnel and missions, t- 1i i?tios available to them. Civil defensez Antiaircraft and aaatinucleaasr measures' faci_litiee, identification of ta ite. 15. K'r .;hl?.'10 tools-. nro,iuction of lathos$ and boring - chines, grinding machines, lalyping, honing, and polishing machines, threading and gear processing macksines3, milling maeahines, planing,, shaping,, and broaching machines, and electrical processing me chinos, with model daaeignations and technical apa.a e,l#icatione Data on plantsa producing machine tools,, cutting tools,, and abrasives. 16,, Motor vehicles.- Production of motor vehicles and bearings, nee models of passenger care and trucks,, with deecri,p- tione and technical specifications,, organization and technology in motor vehicle and bearing plant;, and aeebly and motorcycle plants r Tractors and agriculltur?al, machinery: Production of tractors, and of all types of seed bed pr parationD plant:Lng, tillage, westing,, and general service machines w descriptions of models with specifications, and information on producing plant s 18. traction Production,) w id Power Machinery: Production of coal, peat, and petroleum machinery,, tallurgical machinery, presses and forging equip m ent, foundry machinery, and chemical machinery with model designations and specifications, pr. action of turbines and turbine parts,, with indication where possible of power plarnte for which they are desig- nated, and information on producing plants, Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved For ft6 YR,Pt68-00069A0 J4A8 l9. Construction, Transport, and Service uip nt oduct ion of all major types of construction and roadbuilding machinery, dredges, excavators, cranes and important service equipment such as conveyors, and model designations and plant information. 20. Electrical Equipment-, Production of generators, motors, transformers, and other heap 7 electrical equipment,, electric ces, welding equipment, wire and cable, and independent power sources, model designations w3d s acifi.cations, information on producing plants,, t..a '9,lation equipment,, po4?~ ^ station control ap- and motor vehiclo electrical equipment. 21.. Co unications Equipment and Inst nts: Production and development of radio and television receivers, telephone and telegraph equipment, vacuum tubes and light bulbs, electrical and noelectr;cai Instruments,, model designations and specifications, and information on producing plants. 22. Republic Budgetse. Data on the state budgets, budget laws, and roco ndations of the budget commissions from the official annual releases of the 16 union republics of the U8SL 23. Republic Plan Fulfil.iaents Data from the official semiannual releases of the 16 USSR republics concerning achievements in industry, agriculture, transport,, trade, education etc. L Foreign Trade Charters of new foreign trade organizations, periodical articles on development of USSR foreign trade, data on. personnel authorized to sign trade agreements. 25. Domestic Trades Expansion,, shortcomings,, and commodity turnover in the domestic trad' network and the system of consumers l cooperattvees. 26, wages, Prices: 'age rates and scales in UISSR industry and culture. tail price listings of food and consumer goods. 4 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 C-0-E-F-i-D-E$Il-T-I L~.a nt ~'b;u k iv production k a;ra a llitifis Meese replacement of f erroq s by non aae alii ; Mille a3a ~ ~ oneo iere G L~!3 } .spa d.aabtixan of aelected rgafactur : consumers ,oi,:ds? incILuding food aLol clothing, plant facil:i- ties;, egvIpn t, 'grace techniques, cent PW Report on This A ?ea o tical.- sociGII O ical I;; US Party-Govermmmat Rel, .? ;ions at the Local. Laval i a ama,v - (pa asdic) 0O '1ID MM U a . rop:% an.d C;' l at ra Tmrhni!alc:a s 1 (s , ic) co rr 'J, TI r Public .Heal.,th anal wait%t.i.on in the IUS ' 8 a a Ra~tJ~ti~Li'3f19i , O T ho c ka .tiva ar 6;ys?t r..aa In the USSR P DD Suvemry f S r odic 5`&& 'Per.riteirleO.-Admiiiistrat,ive Changes ewiaru as i. Report on Education in the USSR FD S Sum1 , y --: , UG t ,e,? edWa?ti ., technical education) n l Report on Crime :-,.n the USSR Report on WSP. Ministries W DD BurmiA.I.,S;',,,9 (b Moradic ,) C(f.d?Fa!D S v~. }~.laM, /~ ob FOR FICIA.%.' USE Approved For Release 2001/08/15 :: CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 ? Approved Foi (ease 2001/08/15: CIA-RDP68-000694p00200010044-8 C-0-N-F-1-D-E-N-T-1 A-L i PPEIW : , Military 90 Soviet Military Information Report FDD Summary (Monthly) C0Z FIDEI TWAL (Military, paramilitary, civil defense) 100 Report on USSR Production of Industrial Equipment FDi) Summary (Monthly) FOUO (Machine tools, motor vehicles, tractors and agricul- tural machinery, extraction, production and power machinery, electrical equipment,, construction, trans- port and service equipment, communications eTtapment and instruments) 110 USSR Agriculture and Forestry Report FDD Summary (Monthly) FOUO (Crops, livestock, forestry, fish) 12. Transportation, Communications, Electric Power and Construction in the USSR FDDD Summary (Monthly) FOUO 13. Data on USSR Extractive Industries FDD Summary (Monthly) FOUO (Ferrous and nonferrous metals, minerals, chemicals, petroleum, solid fuels) 14. 150 16 0 Data on USSR Consumer Goods Industries FDD Summary (Bimonthly) FWO Quarterly Report on Changes in Soviet Foreign-Trade Personnel 00-V - FOUO Semiannual Report on Retail Trade in the W SR FDD Summary - FOUO 17. Annual Report on USSR Republic Budgets FDD Summary - FOLIO 18. Semiannual Report on Plan Fulfillment of EWE Republic FDD Summary - FSWO 190 Soviet Activities in the Arctic and Antarctic 00-V (Bimonthly) FOLIO 20. I MR Fiscal and Credit Policies 00-w (Sporedic) FOLIO Approved For Release 2001/08T1P: tIA-RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 C-0-N-F-I D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Ie ?JQPIJ%JCujEJ8-00069 020001044--8 0 A Capital. Investment in the USSR FDD Summary (Sporadic) FODO 22. Labor and Manpower in the USSR FDD S ry (Sporadic) FOLIO 23? Pricey and Wages in the DS$R OO-W (Sporadic) FOUO Approved For Release 0 1/08/15 : CA-RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 Approved FoQPlease 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00065 00200010044-8 C-O? 3-F-I-O-E-B-1'-I-A-L APPENDIX A 2. Scientific and Technical USSR: All scientific and technical journals available to FDD are being exploited for information in the following fields: 1. Nuclear theory, nuclear Instruments, developments in nuclear technology and power, high energy nuclear physics research, cosmic ray experiments 2. Radio astronomy, radio spectroscopy, communications, Interference and countermeasures, electromagnetic wave propagation, radars, electronic navigation aids, target locator equipment and proximity fuzes, television, recording devices, electronic components, infrared, radio frequency heating, underwater acoustics and magnetic, dielectric, and semiconductor materials. 3* Aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, structures and propulsion, fuels and combustion, geophysics, direction and control related to rockets and missiles Chemistry, handling, and harmful effects of radioactive materials, chemistry of materials used in nuclear energy work, radiation injury, prophylaxis, and therapy related to atomic warfare; epidemiology, pathogens, toxins, prophy- laxis9 and therapy related to biological warfare; toxic agents, prophylaxis, and therapy related to chemical warfare. Scientific news items from the Sim-Soviet press Include the following information.- 1. Notes on the physical, earth, medical, natural, electronic, and engineering sciences. 2. Notes on changes in scientific and engineering publications 3 o Information on new units, changes in established agencies in the Organization of lino-Soviet :science. 4. New scientific personnel assignments and identification,, including names, location, and directors of Soviet hospi- tals; and biatYidays, obituaries, travel, conferences, awards, nominations and appointments of Soviet Bloc scientists. Identification and reference to scientific graphic materials c-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I A-L Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 Approved Folea Q.Q 85-_ CIA=RDP68-000600200010044-8 C. Titles, authorse and institutional affiliation of t156R dissertations for degrees in science and engineering, Current FDD Reports in This Area-. I. Scientific Information Report FDD Sum =y (Semimonthly) C0MDL,RML Dissertations for Degrees in Science and Eri.ii~eel~ri;~ Defended at USSR Higher Educational lrxstitutiona 00-M (Sporadic) F0U0 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved Fc'efeas0,1/p$/1~n1-CP8-000600200010044-8 APP IK A 3. East~:'va Dirope A.ibenia A. Political -Sociological 1. Party and Govti rmien-t functions and activities a all levels. 2. 0rganizations ninct3.orLs,, and activities of the D-eco_, cratic Front, the Union of Albanian Womeno and the Union of Albanien Wcri Ing Youxth, 3, Subversion and sabotage; economic crIme. 3 4. Trade union organization, t)inc tiori an t c , .vi4 ie> ., 5, Statistics on students and educational facilities; workers ? training; parent-school relationships, 6. Public health facilities; efforts to improve pWbli.c hygiene. B. Military -- all available information Cr. Economic 1. Agriculture a. Aar ea= to craps, hate F an4 ummml nth ect b rata; the food processing,, In lnnatry a. Investments in fuels and power Installations; production and distribution of :kRels and poi::ero 3.. Minerals and Metals y a. Prod+~ction and =._f minerals and metals, . Motor vehicle and mail transp(at. 4 Light Industry a. Aggregates an input and output Approved For Release 2001/08/15 CIA-RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 Approved F le 0Q1!.0$.f 1.5 C]A-RQP,68-000600200010044-8 APPS DIY A Bulgari. A. Political-Sociological 1. Party and Government organization and activities at the local level. 2. Activities of the Fatherland Front, Bulg&wian Red Cross, and the DOM. 3. Crimes against the Statefl hoolibanism, and uiora crimes. h, Population and occupational shift? ; the position of women and ainorities,.. 5, Education organization and facilities; statistics on the specialized t;chaxical schools; the study of Russian. 6. Public health organization and facilities; train- ing of doctors and medical technicians; the availaa, bility of drugs and ~nedicinea. B. Military 1. Military personaliti ~s. Editorials on military topics. 3. Nonmilitary employment of military personnel, 4+. Tactics, weapons, equipment, and ships. 5. Military and naval o.?ganizati-ons, units, and instal- lations, 6. Military and naval districts, schools, training,, and sports, 7. Security forces. 8. Paramilitary organizations and activities, and civil defense. 13 Approved For Re"e 2 A / /j5i_gJA1RPt68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved Fcelease 2001/08/15: IA-RDP68-0006000200010044-8 q.S.ak,,w.; '^yy I. Agrara1..,4. i:ii:i a. Areas son to all crops', harveatsd and tznns']a1 weather affecting harveaty; th food p o:. : ai.t t ind.stzyn avesstia,.en't,s in the cberrairal industry, neap installe- tions, pr'odatcts.. and processes prod4..ctiton fiamt,resu manyover, technical, dt.f,ficuita,e ,, c .er f trade f:i gatres a -Production, consumption, and furia and electrt: power. Machine Buildin Industry :Plant construction or p r? -, i..3--.s z-;;.d technological developments, prod+:~:f1i:~CI~4DP68-00069Ai~200010044-8 IYA A. Political-Sociological 1. Trends in party policy and its effect on party or ganization and personalities, implementation of government and party policy on local level. 2. Organizations growth or decline, and effect of mass organizations upon population. 3. Organization and activities of security and police rranizations; incidents or trends reflecting dint, a;a %% bane of internal security. 4. Quantitative and qualitative increase or decrease on all levels of education,. but primarily on higher education level. Direction and control of education, primarily on higher education level. 5. Attempts to discredit ?weligion and religious leaders. 6. Extent and control of media of public information for promotion of party and government policy. B. Military - Saw coverage as Bulgaria. 0. Economic 1. Agriculture a. Areas sown to all, crops,, harvests,. and unusual, weather affecting the harvests; investments in the agricultural w tor; the food processing industry. 2. Chemical Industry a. investment by chew cal commodity; new installo?a- tions; products, and processes; production figures; plans and plan folf'illment; input data; distribu- tion; technical difficulties. u Planned and actual production of solid fuels and electric power. 19 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 C-O?N-F-I-D-.E.N-?T-I A-L Approved For s 91!2 8 1 : I R 68-00069AQW200010044-8 A 1 b xnufacturing Industries a Construction or expansion of industrial plants; new products and technological developments; production figures; plans and plan fulfillment. Plane and plan fulfillment; investment; location and capacity of in3tallations in use, being can- structed and planned; production and consumption; manpower8, prices; new technological developments. Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved For a e 0 ? C R P68-000690200010044-8 APPENMX A X. Political-sociological L Party and Government organization, functions, and activities at the local level; summary of party theoretical journal,. Organization, function, and activities of the tom,, Women's Democratic Committee,, ABL . 3. Subversion and sabotaagtt; economic crimes, juvenile delinquency; changes i,.a the penal code; police and cans activities. 4 Trade union organizaatic)n, functions, and activities. 50 Statistics on stvgdents and educational facilities; workers ? training par`:in-school relationships 6 Scope and content 'of cultural contacts; tourism, including number of pe,,sons involved, 7 Public health facilities, training of personnel, apeciaal health problem Red Cross, :, C. Military Wm Same coverage as Bulgaria!. Economic 1. Agriculture a. Areas sown to all crops,, harvests, and unusual weather affecting harvests; investments in agri- culture; the food processing industry, 2 Chemical Industry ad New installations ? nd products; production and distribution of chemicals, 3. Petroleum production and pipeline transportation. Sao Manufacturing and Metallurgical Industries aa., Plant construction or expansion; new products and technological developments; production figures., Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 C-0-N-P-I-D-B-N-T-I-A-L Approved For s(1/81~Ia~[ P68-00069A40200010044-8 APPEEDIX A Yugoslavia A. Political-Sociological 1. Party developments as reported in Yugoslav periodicals, including the party journal. . Labor legislation and policy, organization, anploymento and wages. New developments in higher education, educational re- organization, educational legislation, changes in edu- cational policy. 3 Developments in public information activities. 5 Medical facilities, activities, and personnel. 6. Standard of living. Military -- Same coverage as Bulgaria. Economic 1. Agriculture a. Major developments;. 2. Chemical Industry a. Investments, production figurees, new installations, products and processes; plans and plan fulfillment; ministry organization; manpower aggregates; input chemical trade figures; distribution and stock- piling wholesale prices. a. Planned or actual capacity increases, distribution, allocations, and consumption of electric power; terminals of trapumiseion lines, electric power rates; changes. in organization; power shut-offs and restrictions; construction of atomic-power plants; capital invo atment, Approved For Release 2001/08/15: CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved Foraje0ip~0/S~CJAAREP68-000690200010044-8 I A 4. Manufacturing and Metallurgical Industries a. Annual production figures; new products and tech- nological developments; plant construction or ex- pansion; plans and plan fulfillment; aggregate manpower; material input; production difficulties. Transportation and Communications New transportation and communications facilities and equipment., FDA Rerports in This Areav Political and Sociological Information Report on Eastern rope 1.W Summary (Quarterly) FOLIO 2. Military Information Report on Eastern Europe D Sumwy (Monthly) CONFIDENTIAL Weekly Economic Information Report on Eastern Europe FDD Sumary ..,. FOITO 4. Review of Rut .an Workers' Party Journal OO-W (Sporadic) FOUO 5e Review of Albanian Workers' Party Journal 00.41 (Spot le) FOTJA - 23 For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 C-0-R-F-I-D-B-RoT?IoA-I, Approved For e@s Q4~~8 If -k1LP68-00069 0?R,00 044-8 AV ul'A 4. Far East 10. Crop production on provincials harveat.mseason basis. 1. t overcment and Chinese Co as niet Party Organization with emphasis on national goverment and provincial party organization,, including minority areas and Sino- Soviet governmental relations. Technical education and education under the aconvnic ministries. Theoretical articles in the economic and politic l ?Lelds. rationaal,, provincial,, and selective local budgets; quarterly price reports on selective localities; In- vestment programs on a sector or higher level; con-, r~tructioh and production ra j t data; t^ rates end schedules. 5. Public information and public opirdon; 'rell.gion, 6. Xalitary advisors, Political, economic,, and scientific biographical data with eacp~sis on the provincial level,, and Soviet Industry -- to on specific plants as pe)?iodical'ILy clarified by end users; protgreas reports on major individual construction projects; monthly production reports on . haaa m Pao- t I ou, and An-shah iron and tateel cembines, quarterly plans and fulfillment reports and high level-criticism in heavy a d light industry. or policy statement's, reports,, decrees,, and re ,ttla- tions on the socialization of agriculture, commerce,, and industry. Data on farm consumption and marketed production; storage,,, warehousiaagg atockpilingl, seed,, feed,, and waste :fir- Rail way transportation, 13. , icaations. :fin Geographic, including s iuorities~ - 24 - Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 C-O-N F-1-DmE-N..T-I-A-L Approved For 1Je8s_?p11 [P68-00069020000114014-8 35. Plans and plan fulfillments for annual or longer periods !or provincial and national levels and for Shanghai, Tientsin, and Peiping. B. Co aaunist Vietnam lp Policy pronouncements, lave. decrees, and regulations; party and {a~L vra Qat Awior:ta; international aGr- :cntZ; party and government organization; agencies of defense, I G; foreign affairs., economic ministries and policies, on the national level; selective iaaaxnicipat organization; military administrative committees. Production for rice, coal, and manufactures (except handicraft); socialization of industry; semiannual reports on domestic and foreign trade,, with eaphasia on bloc assistance programs; labor and a anpover; budgets and finance. 3. Political and economic biographic data. Military -a- all available data. C. Co ntat Korea l,, Economics plans; reconstruction; bloc assistance program; pR llatton manpower, liv1p+a are : x'c~a~; I-Inds s ri 1. ste.- tisticas and quota lfilbents. 2. Political dya mics; relationships among government and party organs; organization and function of local govern- nta; role of mass organizations. Letters to the editor, editorials, end major speeches in the Minju Chosun a xd Nodong Sinrrnun. :biographic, with emphasis on lover levels. 25 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved For Rs , X11[q?/i1, 1; I~p?fL8-P0069A0i1 100010044-8 1DIX 11 1. Organization,, poli .iee . and, activities of politic pr .rtieas government agencies,, mass orgax.izations, ,and dissident groups. 2. Foreign relations and political penetration. 3. Military: selective exploitation of military paa tionas. 4. Press and public inforetion media. 5 t3 national level economic data with emphasis on ecoromic pnetration,. 6. Biographic.. 7. National developments in education' health,, and seal-, tatio, anal population. Political: orientation in foreign ;relations; political pcnetratiena politi. a3. pax-ties and It al governm to except Bangkok,, internal security. 2. Economic: provincial agricultural., forestry,, and mineral pro-ductioa; trade and trade agreements, emphasizing economic. penetration; railways and h3gh- ways; budgets and finance. Sociological: minority groups; provincial level biographic information. - 26 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved For ilea e 0 / . P6 00069AW0200010044-8 APPMIX A k7 Eeports in This Area., 1. Weekly ~Information Report on Coi uniet Chine CONF IDi9hSA IM 2 Monthly, Info tion Report on ~ Korea FOUO Background Information Report on Indonesia Monthly Indonesian Press Survey 5. Monthly.i:forotion Report on Continental Southeast Agin PUO ? ,. Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved For %Wease 2001/08/15 : CIA-RD 68-00069A*90200010044-8 Western World A. Afghanistan 1. Coaaaircial, cultural, end other contests with the Sino-Soviet Bloc. 2. Military-, all Arse r, Air Force, gendarmery, and police developments, including logistic problems. 3m Governmental structure, central and local; statements by important Afghans. Religion, education., and public information. 5. Industrial, agricultural, and trade developments, 3. Arab States 1. C ni L party and C ow u,ist fk'a nv a tiivitaa:a, C - aiercial, cultural,: and other contacts with the Sino- Soviet Orbit. 2. Military-, all pertinent information on Army, Navy, Air Force, police, quasi-military organizations, and paramilitary organizations. Politic&U significant information on political activities, parliamentary affairs, administrative developments; and religious and minority groups. Economic: significant information on industry, agriculture, transportation, telecom nicstiOus, and trade. Soeiologicalm significant information on organized labor activities, education, public health, housings religious affairs. 28 C-O-B -1 D E-B-T-I -A-L Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 C -,p- _F-I-D .,E4-T-1-A-L AP D A 1. Co niat ,i ri y and Communist-front activities; coII x-gi , cultural.,* and other cant t3 with the Sino - Soviet Orbit. 1. C ^r i -t Ft3rty and c o=. lsit-front activities; com- mercial, cultural., and othax*.. contadts with the Sinom 25X6A Soviet Orbit. _2g_ Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved For 68-000690200010044-8 APPEK= L, Commercial., cultural,, id other contacts with the .Sing-Soviet Bloc. iv Selected Conran st Party and Comtmmair t..front activities; commercial, cultural., and other contacts with the 8ino? Soviet Bloc. 2 Security measures by the Indian Government along the northern border, Approved For R4 'e fD8l 4 +A- 68-00069A000200010044-8 Approved For F ads a e 0 / ?P6 00069A1l200010044-8 If 5 APPBZ= A 1. Communist Party and Communist-front activities; cor- merciala cultural,, and other contacts with the Sino- soviet Bloc. 2 Organized labor activities,, includi information on legislation,, organization, leadership,, and affiliation. Paclitiscaal s a Government policies and reforms. b. Political agitation and native unrest,, including terrorism. c. Political parties and organisations,, including settler groups da Activities of North African nationalists in foreign centers. ee Federation of Ethiopia and Eritrea, including information on changes in the structure of both governments. f. Efforts to prepare Somalia for independence by 196. g0 Attitudes of the National Party in the Union of 8 South Africa toward the opposition, the US, and the UN, as gleaned from editorial ce nts ap- pearing in p Bu g are and Me Tra nsvaler, 4. Biographic information on high- and low-level po- litical and economic personalities. 5. military-. a6 Traini amsxaeuvsrs, b, French OB in North Africa. ca Local military and security forces in Africa south of the Sahara. 6. Significant economic developments., including German and Japanese penetration .. 31 - Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 C-O-P 1-I-D-T-B-T-I-A-L Approved For' 8-00069 7. Sociological a. Social exchanges between Europeans and natives b. The spread of Isla and Christianity in Black Africa. c Population pressures and movements in Africa south of the Sahara. Approved For Release 2001/08/15- 4 -"RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved For 1&?J0P1/101 fZgPfi8-00069Afi/"0200010044-8 ANN= A 1. Communist Party and Communist-front activities; com- mercial, culturalr and other contacts with the Sino- Soviet Orbit o 2 Development of Austrian political attitudee3 sum- maries of significant articles on social and political, Issues appearing in serial publications representing professional and lay groups 1, Communist Party and Communist-front activities, com- ercia1, culturale and other contacts with the 81-no- Soviet Orbit 1. Communist Party and Communist-front activities; corm marciall., cultural, and other contacts with the Sino- Soviet Orbit. Data on trade unionas policies, pclitia al action, strikes, educational programs, .strength, 1ea4ex sh ps and ft.nances. Communist Party and Cnmaaanist-front a :tiv i ties; e?nm- merciala cultural,, and other contacts with Stho- Soviet Orbit 2 Monthly Index of the Paris newspaper Le Monde, covering events of national and international Importance grouped under the following major categories: political, do- mestic; foreign affairs, and economic,, sociological., and military. 0 Cooperation between Cennist and non-Cosrkist labor unions: information on cooperation pertaining to collective agreements,, joint labor union policies,, and significant shop-steward policies, Approved For Release 2001/08/15 :-I1 RDP68-00069A000200010044-8 C-O-H1 F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For letst2ROg/(8f1 JL ZF 2f68-00069 0200010044-8 APEZNDIX M. Italy 1, Communist Party and Communist-front activities; com- mercialg cultural,, and other contacts with the Sino- Soviet Orbit. Weekly index of L$ Stamps, and Le Stampa-Sergi Turin ? newspapers, covering events of national and inter- national importance grouped under the following major categories: political, domestic; foreign affairs; and economic, military# scientific, and sociological. Cooperation between Communist and non-Communist labor unionaa information on cooperation pertainiv; to collective agraeuouta, joinxt labor union policies, and significant shop-steward election. 1. f:cmwmnist Party and Co ania -front activities; com- mercial, cultural,, and other contacts with the Sino- Soviet Orbit 1 Communist Party and Communist-front activities; com- mercial1, cexltural, and other contacts with the Sinon Soviet Orbit, 25X6A _34_ Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010044-8 Approved ForQpleis, RO J(~8/~5E~ 1l R1DPA6~-0006 02000109 Q. Latin America 1, Communist Party and Communist.-front activities; commercial, cultural., and other contacts with the Sino-Soviet Bloc, FDD Reports in This Area: 30 5, to Index of "La Stamps" and "La Stampa Sera" (date span) 00-W (Weekly) FOLIO 2, Index of "Le Monde? (date span) 00-W (1 nthly) FOUO o Information on Africa South of the Sahara FDD Summary (Monthly) m FOLIO Information on North Africa FAD Summa (Monthly) - FOLIO Monthly Information Report on Afghanistan OD -W - FOUO OO-W (Bimonthly) FOLIO Information on Communist and Non Communist Labor Union Cooperation in France and Italy 00-w (Bimonthly) FOLIO 6, Information on Trade Union Activities in Finland $, Development of Political Attitudes in Austria OO~-W (Bimonthly) FOLIO 9. Information Report on Arab States FDD Summary (Semimonthly) FOLIO FDD World Wide Reports 1, World Press Summary of International Communist Developments FDD Su==T (Weekly) FOLIO 2, Consolidated Translation Survey POD Summary (Monthly) SECRET 3, Weekly Press Notes on International Conferences and Pairs OO-W (Weekly) FOLIO Foreign Press Reports on International Trade and Shipping OO-W (Weekly) FOiTO East-West and Intra-Orbit Travel and Contacts OO-W (Weekly) FOUO -35_ Approved For Relea PM'b00069A000200010044-8