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February 26, 1958
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Approved For Relea 9A0002QW10036-7
26 February 1958
I. Authority
The Advisory Committee on Foreign Language Publications was established
in pursuance of paragraph 5 of NSCID-16 (7 March 1953) to assist the :Director
of Central Intelligence in the implementation of that Directive. The C ttee
is composed of representatives of the IAC agencies and can invite other in~erezted
agencies to sit with it on matters which concern them. Chairmanship is provided
by CIA.
II. Organization
Three subcommittees have been established which comprehend in generals the
responsibilities separately identified in the Directive and which are listed
below. However, as the IAC bad established in 1955 an Ad Hoc Subcommittee, on
Information Processing (AHIP) whose function covered all categories of intel-
ligence source materials, the Reference Subcommittee was directed on. 13 January
1956 to suspend further meetings and consolidate its function with AHIP as CLong
as the latter continues in existence.
III. Responsibilities Accomplishments and Objectives
1. Responsibility: To assist the Director of Central. Intelligence in
insuring the coordination of the procurement of foreign language publications
for intelligence purposes, it being understood that captured documents are
excepted from this provision.
2. Projects Completed:
a. Preparation of a paper incorporating specific ex
ples o0? the
contribution overt publications have made to intelligence With
cooperation from the Exploitation Subcommittee and the research officals
of the intelligence agencies, the State member of the Procurement Sub-,
committee prepared a paper (State Circular Airgram 1505, 14 August 1957,
SECRET) sent to Embassy Moscow, as well as to Bucharest, Budapest, Prague
and Warsaw. This paper specifically dealt with publications acquired
and transmitted by procurement personnel at Embassy Moscow and cited
specific examples of how the data was used to satisfy intelligence
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010036-7
Approved For Releaw 2001/08/15: CIA-RDP68-00069A000Z010036-7
b. Provide personnel eMged. in interrogation work with adeSLmtel
requirements for information on foreign 2~t lications. A guide for use
during interrogations was prepared by the Subcommittee with the advice
of the staff of the MC interrogation program, AFCTN, and Contact
Division, CIAO The paper, specifically prepared with respect to need
for Hungarian publications, we submitted in June 1957 to Contact Division,
CIA, for incorporation into existing interrogation guides.
c. Establish a means and schedule for reporting by members
cones ng the scope and product o their procurement programs
exchanges. Each of the monthly meetings et by the Subcoenittee res teed
in an exchange of information concerning procurement channels, a'tilabili
of publications and procedures. As a result there was better coordination
of requirements and closer cooperation among field collectors. Experts
in the field of collection were brought in to attend meetings and gave
the members the benefit of their advice and experience. These meet
are the medium for the members to be informed on the respective procu*e-
ment programs.
d. Review the systems of reporting a uisitions b the member
agens and sugges improvements where needed. Continued to l B
3. Projects Planned:
a. To meet with primary collectors of foreign publications in th*
field, including representatives of the three services and the Depart*ent
of Late. A Paris meeting is scheduled for mid-April 1958, to be chaired
21 Chairman of-the-Advisory Committee on Foreign Language Publications.
_--O W vbc v.-va ws w. i-ZU 07WTi
CIA and USAFE (ATI). A similar program for the posts in the Far and
Southeast Asian areas, together with a meeting of
in the area, is scheduled for Fall, 1958.
b. To participate in procurement programs of the U.S. Government ,of
potential value to intelligence (National Science Foundation, Departme:at
of Commerce/Office of Technical Services, etc.)
c. To establish a practical policy on the exchange-of-publicationis
program as related to procurement.
d. To continue the program of evaluating overt publications for the
benefit of the field collectors.
e. To review the systems of reporting acquisitions and want lists! by
the member agencies and suggest improvements where needed.
C-O-a P-I-D-S-N-T-I-A-L
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Approved For Release 2001/08/15: CIA-RDP68-00069AO002 010036-7
1. Responsibility: To assist the Director of Central Intelligence i#
insuring the coordination of the preparation and dissemination of En ish-
language excerpts, suamslries, abstracts, and compilations from foreign fang usge
2. Projects Completed:
25X1C4a a. During the year, the
Foreign Documents Division/CIA FDD established and commenced operations
in contractual exploitation facilities under the nominal cover title of
b. Pro== reviews. All reporting programs of FDD and its contractual
facility, were reviewed and in response to the resulting recopmner
dations FM made adjustments so far as possible to comply with the needs
expressed by the Subcommittee members. The Subcommittee surveyed the
needs of the IAC agencies resulting from the dissolution of Joint Press
Reading Service, Moscow, and termination of the contract for "Selectiloras
From the Soviet Press." The major requirements of the IAC agencies were
met by the production of the FDD report "Sure of the Soviet Press."'
Additional requirements were absorbed byi 25X1 C4a
c. Publications. Two surveys, "Foreign Publications Exploitatiob
survey,, 1957and Foreign Language serial Publications Exploited by
Foreign Documents Division" were completed and disseminated at the Sub-
committee's request. In addition, a listing was issued incorporating
the current FDD and USJPRS periodic reports in answer to the requirements
of the ccenwuii ty.
d. Coordination. Throughout the year the member agencies established
closer liaison and entered bilateral arrangements with FDD in the interest
of coordinating the work load with existing facilities and avoiding
25X1A9a of FDD made an extensive tour of the Par East to
survey the overseas exploitation facilities in the area with a view to
improving coordination between them and US facilities, and between ewh other.
At year and., recamm andations resulting from this trip were under study
by Subcommittee members. Department of State arranged with Bong Kong Press
Monitoring Service for closer coordination with FD), and Department of ttee
25X6A AraW
e. Reclassification of Reports. At the request of members, the;
Subcommittee considered the classification of certain FM reports from the
standpoint of need for dissemination. As a result of subcommittee recoam =ew
dations, FDD made the following classification adjustments:
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010036-7
C-O-N F-I-D-E-N .T-I-A-L
Approved For Rele%2V0P/116?(J1,jikD2069A0002P010036-7
a. "Annual Report on Crime in the USSR" from COAL
b. "Weekly Information Report on Communist China" from
c. "Consolidated Translation Survey" from SECRET to
d. "IGY" information lifted from the COaTIAL "Scientific
Information Report" and reported separately under FOR OFFICIAL
3. Projects Planned:
a. The Subcommittee plans to conduct periodic reviews of all
exploitation programs during 1958, and will continue to take coordinating
action for the avoidance of unnecessary duplication among exploitation
activities of the intelligence community.
b. Review the developing scientific exploitation facilities of !the
Department of the Air Force and their coordination with existing facilities.
c. Review the development of coordination with the new project in the
Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce., for scientifiO and
technical exploitation of soviet publications.
d. Complete surveys under way at year end on:
(1 Chinese scientific abstracts in the "Referativnry Zhur#a1.
(2) Volume of available biographic information on significant
Western World scientific personalities.
(3) Feasibility of Army Or Air Force facilities in the FhriEast
1. Responsibility: To insure the coordination of IAC indexing end control
measures which provide access by subject to foreign language publicaktionsi
2. Projects Completed:
a. The Reference Subcommittee continued during 1957 to operateiunder
the aegis of the IAC's Ad-Roc Subcommittee on Information Processing (AMP)
as directed by the Chairmen of the Advisory Committee on Foreign IaAwmicr.
Publications (ACP'LP) on 13 January 1956.
Approved For Release 2bel /'f3"Ibi8' 069A000200010036-7
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AOQ0200010036-7
b. During 1957 ABIP took the following actions on matters re..atinjj,
to Reference Subcommittee responsibilities:
(1) Issued a Guide to Intelli ence Periodicals published at
Headquarters. (WQULTSP-R-l, 6 December 19 7 pstem enerage
provided with each periodical title described open literature
wherever appropriate, e.g. as in the case of most FDD titles.
(2) Recommended standards for the citation of enclosures
supplied with IAC information reports. Many enclosures
identification OPO*
literature and citation in the past has raised many
handling problems for reference personnel. By the end of the year,
many of the member agencies had incorporated major portions of the new!
standards in their operation procedures.
(3) Developed a new classification for coding of area referenpes
in intelligence documents and, open literature enclosures. The Air Force
Minicard operation began experimental use of the scheme in October- CILA
expected to begin its use in 1958.
(4+) Planned a major revision of CIA's Intelligence Subject Code
(ISC) to meet the subject classification requirements of all IAC agencies
and directed that the revision be completed during 1958 with the advide
and assistance of a classification specialist from the Library of Congress.
This program will have direct bearing on the indexing of open literature
(5) Established. a standing Group on Inter-Library Services
which met frequently during 1957 to identify the reference resources of
the community and to improve their accessibility for intelligence
research purposes.
3. Projects Pled:
In the last quarter of the year, AEEP began discussion of proposals
for termination of its ad hoc status and reconstitution under the IACjas
a permanent Subcommittee on Documentation with revised terms of reference
These envision permanent transfer of Reference Subcommittee responsibilitiev
from, ACFLP to the new organization.
Approved For R e l e a s i 2 8 , 0 JL% 8/11, ?JJ QRBAAP069A000200010036-7
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010036-7
cientific Information Report
Soviet Bloc IU;Y Infcar:ation
cc unications in the USSR
Radiobiology in the USSR
Electric Passer In the L EM
USSR Public Health Program
Public Health in Yugoslavia
Soviet Academies at Sciences
Nuclear Research and Development in Poland
i iology in the USM
Soviet Scientific Personnel
Production of Soviet Commaunicatitma Equipment
Soviet BioloMgical, P'harmaceuticel and Medical Industry
Ae~caraechanics and Mechanical Bering in the USSR
Territorial?Admiaitraati*a Changes
Report on USSR Ministries (Subtitle)
Annual Report on Crime in the USSR
Soviet military Ibforantian Report
Repot on USSR Production or Industrial $quIeent
Quarterly Report on Chaness in USSR Foreign Trade Person l
Report on Labor in the USSR (Subtitle)
Annual Report on UM Republic Budgets
semimnual Report on Vho esele and Retail Trade in the LESS
Transportation, Ccaaemicatioms, Electric Power, and Urban
Development in the USSR
Activities in the Arctic and Antarctic
Data 0% USSR Eztraative Industries
USSR Agriculture and Forestry Report
Survey of the Soviet Press
Building Materials and Construction Industry
Approved For Release 20Q1 ij. $LJW-gWA000200010036-7
? Approved For Release 2001/08/15: CIA-RDP68-00069AO0040010036-7
s= y Eca c Report cm Eastern Europe
military Report an E a.ern Eurcpe
Ea tern EorO I t ;c 1. MU-M
aei a ted Esgters L E z Jpe Political Transi+aticem
Roai .ogice.. Report rte Czechosloreakcia (deft spay
ucation in Bu: r:L &
S ?ry a ?,h P inciai. Bungeria - Press
: Ludy of 1 tOt ID' in Bulgaria
Diog epbic WO,
unt!`fyn on fibers the Rama tnn Wald
I T e t. i o n e l. A s s "l, y
political D formtia i an cteehaslovakia
Hungarian .4 rice l turd, Forestry and Fishing
'Legal.. Abstracts: Hv pwy - mar XSOwl0My
Legal Abstracts Csedhoslovakia - Rbirka Zak= ea
Legal Abstracts h Czeea;hoslrriraici.+s
Digest of (3a dac i t? lay
Health ariltatan inxay
eek' tformatton R t as Gist China
Mina }Iilitav- artaatian Report
I mtb1 r Information Report on Continental Sct theaat Aai
nthl t Information Deport on North Ico rea
Monthly Indonesian Press Surv"
ouad iafonwtian Report on Ladonesla
Ian technics]. !location in Cam mist Anna
Mae Reorganization in Canwalst Chine.
Domestic Trade in Ccamist China
Agriculture in North Korea
Political Theo r and Ideolo in Com imist China
Health and Sanitation in Cbraunist China
Forestry in Casmunist Mina
Trade and Pingace in North urea
Industrial Develap^ent in North Kama
Textile Industry in Cost Chine
Wages in Caaasmist MUM
Manpower in communist Chins
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : G1A2-R15P68-00069A000200010036-7
=C-E F-I-D EA`-T-I A-L
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00200010036-7
W we {LD
made, of "Le ,r
xsde of "Les 8taaPs" MA "Le Stamps Sera,"
mrc ation. remit ort Arab States mnd Isreal.
Infer ti m cox Worth A trica
:Ent tiara a ric:H South of the Sahara
W-bathly ;It ormatiace !*port can Af* ieta n
Develo t oce Political, Attitudes in West Gemsr,y
l d Press Summate cd` T*te ',ion .. Devel? t,
mast--V t J t rs--(mrbit '.1 end Contacts
bzek] y P.t'e se Notes T iternationai Ccnfereue and Pairs
F iff- Press Repm-Ons nV Int tidal Trade and 8h{
C ol, dated '!ran It tins Survey
Approved For Release22Q:(1 1t5D1 .W069A000200010036-7