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,01/-k1 \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200190007-1 CON UR -11,NIULN AL nr,LAJ FEB 2 0 7961 ? Dingeri -Confronting AmeriCa EXTENSION OF REMARKS . or 110N. EDGAR tvHEESTANEtims ? _, __ _ - .._ OF CALIFORNIA -. ' - 'IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES" ? , , Monday, February 20,, 1961' , - 4 Mr. HIESTAND.. Mr: Speaker, we are . always "faced with the task of awaken- ing the American people to ,the,dange-rs 1 confronting us.. ' t-: .. ..1:*?? ?!. George Todt touches On 'this vital' 1 'point in one of his e011liiins for the 'Los Angeles Herald ExpreSs::i.' '. . 1 - ......---..............-.....--.......... DANGERS CONFRONTING ? AMERICA . 1 I , (py ' Gem e Todt) -. 1.1. . Cuba and- L s o ay - e-nothing more , than symi)toms' Of 4a major disease-the pathological desire of the international Com- munist' hierarchy to conquer' the nations ' of the earth 'andpress- them into aJlled one-world doiiernment dominated by Moscow i and Pei/Sing. - . - ,Ic""- -' t7-1- ' ' *7. This is the tteateit-? worldwide threat' to the uhiverial,ffe-e7egency of mankind in ' the history of "CivilliAlon: . ... ..,......7 t...:. . Yet the speolale 'Of 4 the Unitedg St?tes-- themselves ftice,zarelltprOtagonistraiid chain- i'' pion of' hilmanahherty in modern, times--. 1 ? stand' rconfuled.,as =to tlie 'magnitude, the direction, and'the?sco-pe of the teat today. True, mark of -us are alerenow-l-and the numbers are increasing 'daily_ with the pas- a-age of time. But there BA still not enough. My readers haveIonglieen'awrire as to my 1 beliefs about' the Reds1V ,-.'7 '4," r ?.. ..:. " Briefly,. I thoughtz'tlie-Haiia%unCler' Adolf Hitler. had. reached 'a' xi in 7 hiunan depravity-and, voliinteefed?tb- fight 'against ' thenh" ' in tWor1c3J,?Warl II."1?4 But I +think: the 1 ' Commuits 'of, yesteiday ari.'cl 'today are 'even I `worse. ' ' ?? ? ' ? ' ??14"'" = - ''? ' ? ,.. ..,- ? _ 4' ? ; ooba 4 Qiji. STION. ".. .,::-.211 '.' .:. 4',1:, ? The blackest4a W. rt ' the PiCture iS ',they have gratuitously picked us as their mortal enemy, whOni thejr1iolan to' defeat by'either fair means Or fdul. ',Hitler, at least, did not ? make us his!priority No. I 'target. The lat- ter position was reserved' for such, peoples ' 6.7s the Russ,' the 'Poles,' and ' the French., Why are we sc1" dangerously' apathetic to 'the expanding7menabe,which',nOw threatens us from the direction of the Ural Mountains in no longertrfaraWay Eurasia? ? Is 1t.13e- ? cause we ?are .,so :rich' we,' Cannot? imagine danger 'can 'berclose upor us? Why com- placency? . 4,,,,,,,, ',.., , -- . ? Recently??Gen:C:,P;,.Cabell, D,,,eppty_pi-? - re8.Cor'nf ; the', Central , Ifialliggfice-_-Agency, 'inade-it'disee'rning speech' about'S5viet?cipa- 1 bilitieS"and- overall strategy ,.that zeroed 'in 1 on the military ideological-target. Strangely enough, his piercing diagnosis received scant attention'in=oni-obminuMeltfond'inedia7 ' I'VetwriiY,*(eillers".trieaa-:Gaiieral.'-"Cabills knowledgeable ? words' and judge their merit for themselves. He' said, in part: - . ?_ 0 4'., .9I'lc_ .v--'1. .. ? - ? , . ? . "What ,doi the; Communist ileaders .. really.. want? .,The answer is>simplyhez world. . Call it conquest, domination or control, their aim?as A stated .bylthemselves-and denion- , strated by ,their actions-7ls to ;destroy free- dom in the world. and to impose a Commu- ? ..-nIst structure upon the whole ,globe.. . ? ?. . . "Theirs lithe language.of total.war. They have a consistency, and a single mindedness aboutoprOmoting, a world revoliftion which is unique :in :the history, of dictatorships. We have :been warned before, by Hitler, of plans 'for worldidomination. ',We cannot-Ig- nore the present-, clear ,Communist warning. "The Soviets .have -one great Intangible resource which can best lad? described as , gall. They are showing ever-increasing con- fidence and . even arrogance about their growth, both in material things and in in- fluence. . . "We in ,Intelliispe(CIA)?consider?.,the ? ofiTy--Milible---View of Communist inten- tions is that the seek to destroy us by any means they can use. ? GRASSROOTS ? , ?"The next ,question .ildw?? Will it be by diiect military attack or ,by long-term erosion? The answer'is .both. 'If we display, weakness in our Military Establishment ? if they believe they :could strike without 'suffering unacceptable damage in return? then they will 'strike: 'Similarly, .11, we maintain soft spots., in our nonmilitary, posture at hone- and around the world they will--as ,they have in the past? seek to exploit these weaknesses. ? : ' ''.'In their nonmilitary arsenal they have, at their -disposal all' the open techniques of. diplomacy,. trade, foreign aid and cultural missions ,which," when used by almost any other country, would be legitimate arms of official government business. 43,:,1The Communists lidi?e 'in addition local parties, in nearly: every country of the world?parties- trained' and directed by Moscow, as at the recent meeting, and dedi- cated to .the .overthrow of representatiim d'ovcrnmelft..!ti _ ? - NEXT? .`fThis ?; is -no secrei. The Soviets have .boasted there are ? active' Communist parties in 87 countries in the world.- f "The Soviets have the greatest and most expensiiei propaganda machine :the world has ever known. - ' !'Several years iv' we were -inclined to say what goes on far across the Atlantic' or the Pacific does not really .affect us. Then we began toi recogniie , the; real - intention's of the!Coraniunist. I Se;Yeral.rrionths ago we could still hav,e-, said: 'Today Laos is in danger:- tomorrow,, it. ma f;- be somewhere else, perhaps closer to home.'". Now we are forced to say: 'Today Laos and today Cuba, 90 miles from our shores.' "Behind their curtain of secrecy, they beiieve they ,can make preparations for a surprise ,Military attack. ? ."In. insWer t to the question: 'When will the dorrimiinista strike?'?the answer is they aN-re.attacked, they .are attacking and they ill continue to attack." Perhaps an even more. pertinent question ight be posed to my,readers: ' "When will we really wake tip?" ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046Ronn7nn (annn7_1