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February 20, 1961
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200190007-1
FEB 2 0 7961
Dingeri -Confronting AmeriCa
. or
? _, __ _
- .._ OF CALIFORNIA -. ' -
? , ,
Monday, February 20,, 1961'
, -
4 Mr. HIESTAND.. Mr: Speaker, we are
always "faced with the task of awaken-
ing the American people to ,the,dange-rs
1 confronting us.. ' t-: .. ..1:*??
?!. George Todt touches On 'this vital'
1 'point in one of his e011liiins for the 'Los
Angeles Herald ExpreSs::i.' '. .
1 -
I , (py ' Gem e Todt) -.
. Cuba and- L s o ay - e-nothing more
, than symi)toms' Of 4a major disease-the
pathological desire of the international Com-
munist' hierarchy to conquer' the nations
' of the earth 'andpress- them into aJlled
one-world doiiernment dominated by Moscow
i and Pei/Sing. - . - ,Ic""- -' t7-1- ' ' *7.
This is the tteateit-? worldwide threat' to
the uhiverial,ffe-e7egency of mankind in
' the history of "CivilliAlon: . ... ..,......7 t...:.
. Yet the speolale 'Of 4 the Unitedg St?tes--
themselves ftice,zarelltprOtagonistraiid chain-
i'' pion of' hilmanahherty in modern, times--.
? stand' rconfuled.,as =to tlie 'magnitude, the
direction, and'the?sco-pe of the teat today.
True, mark of -us are alerenow-l-and the
numbers are increasing 'daily_ with the pas-
a-age of time. But there BA still not enough.
My readers haveIonglieen'awrire as to my
1 beliefs about' the Reds1V ,-.'7 '4," r ?.. ..:.
" Briefly,. I thoughtz'tlie-Haiia%unCler' Adolf
Hitler. had. reached 'a' xi in 7 hiunan
depravity-and, voliinteefed?tb- fight 'against
' thenh" ' in tWor1c3J,?Warl II."1?4 But I +think: the
1 ' Commuits 'of, yesteiday ari.'cl 'today are 'even
I `worse. ' ' ?? ? ' ? ' ??14"'" = - ''? ' ?
,.. ..,- ?
_ 4' ? ; ooba 4 Qiji. STION. ".. .,::-.211 '.' .:. 4',1:, ?
The blackest4a W. rt ' the PiCture iS ',they
have gratuitously picked us as their mortal
enemy, whOni thejr1iolan to' defeat by'either
fair means Or fdul. ',Hitler, at least, did not
? make us his!priority No. I 'target. The lat-
ter position was reserved' for such, peoples
' 6.7s the Russ,' the 'Poles,' and ' the French.,
Why are we sc1" dangerously' apathetic to
'the expanding7menabe,which',nOw threatens
us from the direction of the Ural Mountains
in no longertrfaraWay Eurasia? ? Is 1t.13e-
? cause we ?are .,so :rich' we,' Cannot? imagine
danger 'can 'berclose upor us? Why com-
placency? . 4,,,,,,,, ',.., , -- . ?
Recently??Gen:C:,P;,.Cabell, D,,,eppty_pi-?
- re8.Cor'nf ; the', Central , Ifialliggfice-_-Agency,
'inade-it'disee'rning speech' about'S5viet?cipa-
1 bilitieS"and- overall strategy ,.that zeroed 'in
1 on the military ideological-target. Strangely
enough, his piercing diagnosis received scant
attention'in=oni-obminuMeltfond'inedia7 '
knowledgeable ? words' and judge their merit
for themselves. He' said, in part: -
. ?_ 0 4'., .9I'lc_ .v--'1. .. ? - ? , . ?
. "What ,doi the; Communist ileaders .. really..
want? .,The answer is>simplyhez world.
. Call it conquest, domination or control, their
aim?as A stated .bylthemselves-and denion-
, strated by ,their actions-7ls to ;destroy free-
dom in the world. and to impose a Commu- ?
..-nIst structure upon the whole ,globe.. . ?
?. .
. "Theirs lithe language.of total.war. They
have a consistency, and a single mindedness
aboutoprOmoting, a world revoliftion which
is unique :in :the history, of dictatorships.
We have :been warned before, by Hitler, of
plans 'for worldidomination. ',We cannot-Ig-
nore the present-, clear ,Communist warning.
"The Soviets .have -one great Intangible
resource which can best lad? described as
gall. They are showing ever-increasing con-
fidence and . even arrogance about their
growth, both in material things and in in-
fluence. . .
"We in ,Intelliispe(CIA)?consider?.,the
? ofiTy--Milible---View of Communist inten-
tions is that the seek to destroy us by any
means they can use.
, ?"The next ,question .ildw?? Will it be
by diiect military attack or ,by long-term
erosion? The answer'is .both. 'If we display,
weakness in our Military Establishment
? if they believe they :could strike without
'suffering unacceptable damage in return?
then they will 'strike: 'Similarly, .11, we
maintain soft spots., in our nonmilitary,
posture at hone- and around the world they
will--as ,they have in the past? seek to
exploit these weaknesses. ? : '
''.'In their nonmilitary arsenal they have,
at their -disposal all' the open techniques of.
diplomacy,. trade, foreign aid and cultural
missions ,which," when used by almost any
other country, would be legitimate arms of
official government business.
Communists lidi?e 'in addition local
parties, in nearly: every country of the
world?parties- trained' and directed by
Moscow, as at the recent meeting, and dedi-
cated to .the .overthrow of representatiim
d'ovcrnmelft..!ti _ ?
.`fThis ?; is -no secrei. The Soviets have
.boasted there are ? active' Communist parties
in 87 countries in the world.-
f "The Soviets have the greatest and most
expensiiei propaganda machine :the world
has ever known. - '
!'Several years iv' we were -inclined to
say what goes on far across the Atlantic' or
the Pacific does not really .affect us. Then
we began toi recogniie , the; real - intention's
of the!Coraniunist. I Se;Yeral.rrionths ago we
could still hav,e-, said: 'Today Laos is in
danger:- tomorrow,, it. ma f;- be somewhere
else, perhaps closer to home.'". Now we are
forced to say: 'Today Laos and today Cuba,
90 miles from our shores.'
"Behind their curtain of secrecy, they
beiieve they ,can make preparations for a
surprise ,Military attack. ?
."In. insWer t to the question: 'When will
the dorrimiinista strike?'?the answer is they
aN-re.attacked, they .are attacking and they
ill continue to attack."
Perhaps an even more. pertinent question
ight be posed to my,readers: '
"When will we really wake tip?"
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046Ronn7nn (annn7_1