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STAT ? ntry.cnitnetu in.. ??4 int^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/06/12 : CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090036-0 f1.16.1..1 Circ.: e. S. Frost Ult Pais PIMP Date: 297,902 501,537 Other hipor it Saucer Dill Suppressed, Admiral Says ,Congrossman .,-Adrnits Secret a Aloarings Hold -.Ail:1013E11T J. =MG *ASIUNCTON, Aug. 49up,whkh includes a former ?est! Intelligence chief re- parted today Uurtongression. al4ednin1ttees have Conducted watebserret hearhsgs on'. leg -saucers" but. have never /Wide their !hidings public.. ,.." The claim as made by the Nitional Investigating Com- mittee. Int Aerial- Phenomena (NICAPi, which insists the Me Force is withholding evl? *nee Whitt would prove that flying" lancers actually exist. Retired Vice 'Admiral R. IL Ilillenkoetter, who once headed the Central Intelligence Agency, is a committee mern: ben ? Congressman Quoted ..NICAP quoted a letter from Rep.- William IL Ayres, Ohio Poetrublican. as proof that hush-hush congressional heat. Ings had been held. An aide confirmed that Mr. Ayres wrote the letter last January to Melvin.V. Knopp of West Richfield, Ohio. The congressman said: 'Con- gressional investigations .have been held and are still being held on the .p ruble ra?..,of unidentified fiytnE objects WFO's). Since most o! .the material presented to the ecen- rWttees is classified, the hear- ings are never Printed. When 001W1111110112 are rgAched, they CI be released if possible." -The NICAP said this refuted le Force .claims that no con- gressional hearings had been ? clkiffrat Claims be Ale Form. says that thorough Investigation has illostmlitue is nothing to bear out claims that reported flying arc man-made or -ted. ? Officials contend that ttrateribus objects in the sky arms natural phenomena such as Orange_ "0 loud formations, ethern lighti Or,. optical Mu- .' NICAP differs. Admiral MI- linkoetter and other.. board members issued a-statement Which said: ? "From evidence In NICAP's o*sesIon, it is dear the Air ree is still withholding In- formation -ort.ttnittertiffied fly- Ing objects,--including sighting reports.' We believe this po- hey to bo. dangerous. It inaketol It Pohilhis for thi Soviet gov- ernment to claim ownership of UFO's or flying saucers. Such se claim, -especialty ? at this trine. might create a serious situation' in this country." ? ? ? Scott Views Given :The grifurr, which includes, Donald E. Kehoe who has viajteu extensively on flying, saucers. quoted'Rep. 'Ralph H. North Carolina Demo.; mat, In support of the demand' ftir more .infcrnnaticm. ? Mr. Seatt said:. 'The general, public should .be allowed In. fOrmatinn thus far known, atenti flying objects except. of Ours?, In titi case where they. might becorie unduly alarmed, ? panielted by such a revelal iton. ?111 thia inforr,nation osuldi ne presented to the American Peefie litisuch ii:,way as to ap-: ? tegenson and not to emo-' *d k it would be a g th ? held. ' . oo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/06/12 : CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090036-0