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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 ------;--7-------d.:, .. 5 io. - ? r? COPY 2_, OF .....................1 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1 -December 7, 1962 Revised April 11, 1963 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 ABSTRACT This document contains operating instructions and general system infor- mation for Q-Bay Package Type I, pre- pared as part of, and constituting the effort on W.O. 5441 of SPO 71945. 1. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Title Page 1 Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1, SYSTEM DESCRIPTION - 1 2 Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE. 1, CONTROL PANEL 6 3 Status Switch 10 4 V/H Option Switch 12 5 Timer Switch 12 6 Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1 AND VEHICLE RELATIONSHIPS 13 7 Power 13 8 Attitude 13 9 Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1 OPERATION 17 10 Typical Mission Profiles of Q-Bay Package Type 1 17 11 Q-Bay Package Type 1 Failure 17 12 Failure Procedure 20 13 Control Panel Indicators, Pre-Flight Check 21 14 Control Panel Emergency In-Flight Checkout 21 15 MISSION OBJECTIVES 21 16. PHOTOGRAPHY WITH AID OF PERISCOPE WIDE FIELD 22 17 MISSION RESULTS 22 18 DATA RECORDING 22 ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 / Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 1 Aerial Panoramic Photography 2 2 System Type I Ground Coverage Format, Straight and Level Flight 3 3 4 8 Q-Bay Package Type 1, Physical Description 4 Q-Bay Package Type 1, System Dimensions -5 Operational Control Panel, Q-Bay Package Type 1 7 Q-Bay Package Type 1 Control Panel Location 8 Q-Bay Package Type 1 and Vehicle Attitude Relation- ships, Caged Condition 14 Vehicle and Q-Bay Package Attitude Relationships, Uncaged Condition . 15 9 Typical Mission Profiles of Q-Bay Package Type 1 18 10 Q-Bay Package) Mission Profile 19 11 Q-Bay Package Type 1 Frame Format Relationship to Ground Coverage Pattern 23 12 Data Recording on Film 24 LIST OF TABLES Table Title 1 Control Panel Controls and Indicators Page 9 iii Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29 : CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1 1. Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1, SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Q-bay Package Type 1 is an aerial panoramic camera system with the mission of obtaining photographs of the earth from an airborne vehicle. The camera system photographs the-earth transverse to the vehicle line of flight. Two identical cameras are employed to accomplish the photo- graphy -- a forward camera and an aft camera. Photographic coverage of the camera system is represented in Fig- ure 1. The forward camera scans the earth from 67 degrees to the left of nadir to 21 degrees to the right of nadir. The aft camera scans the earth from 21 degrees to the left of nadir to 67 degrees to the right of nadir. Each mission can provide 2500 nautical miles of flight line coverage on 1980 frames and 60 miles (or 134 degrees) total transverse coverage. The scan overlap provides full stereo viewing of mission results for all points on each frame format. See Figure 2, The Q-bay Package Type 1 consists of two major assemblies -- a stable platform and a supporting frame assembly. See Figures 3 and 4. The stable platform is an aircraft type structure that contains both camera sys- tems and associated subsystems, and the stabilization system. The stabilized 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Start Aft Scan Figure 1: Aerial Panoramic Photography Start Fwd Scan . .2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 L.--; Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 5 3 1 134? (60 Miles At Minimum 'Vehicle A Flight Path Approx. 1980 Total Scans (Last Scan) Vehicle Altitude) Fwd Camera Aft Camera 1 Scans 1 ,,/ Figure 2. System Type I Ground Coverage Format, Straight and Level Flight Scans ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 6 4 2 2500 Nautical Miles Li= 1= I= ? L.? . C.= 1:= &kali Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 ? Type I Control Panel Frame Assembly Forward Camera Window Stable Platform --- Azimuth Heading Reference ---- Aft Type 1 Camera Window Vehicle Hatch Figure 3. Q-Bay Package, Type 1., Physical Description Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Film Transport clir.--- Helium Supply Assembly i Aft Scanner Frame Assembly Fwd Scanner Gimbal Support Rod. Fwd Camera Aft Camera 134? Scan Limits Platform Assembly 48" Figure 4. Q-Bay Package Type 1, System Dimensions 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 platform is gimbal supported at its center of gravity through a gimbal support rod that is fixed to the frame assembly. The frame assembly is installed dir- rectly in the Q-bay at four isolation shock mounts. The platform is normally in either one of two conditions: caged .or-uncaged.--In?the?caged--condition, the platform is-locked to the frame and therefore fixed with respect to the vehicle (except for 3/8-inch isolator free- ? dom). In the uncaged condition, the platform is freely suspended from the gim- bal support rod and is allowed to stabilize with respect to rate and verticality. The-caging-syiteM-PioVides-anT.iffiatiVe 'Means to quickly and automatically change the condition of the platform. 2. Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE I CONTROL PANEL The control panel for Q-bay Package Type 1 is shown in Figure 5. The panel is located on the left side, rear portion of the vehicle cockpit con- sole, and occupies an area approximately 6 inches by 3 inches. See Figure 6. The Large Status selector switch, Figure 5, controls the operation of the package. The smaller V/H option selector switch controls the V/H in- put for camera functions. The TIMER-OFF toggle switch controls the data re- cording on the film and the automatic exposure control programmer. Three in- dicators are: CAGED (RED); STBY 2 (AMBER); and OPR (GREEN). Control panel switches and indicators are listed in Table I. Q-bay Package Type 1 failure is indicated by a Q-BAY EQUIP OUT indicator (RED) located on the warning panel center console. This will be discussed later. 6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 LIU LILA E-(; ? = ?Frifkilli Alai L=.1- 4-:=1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Red Amber Green Programmer and Data Flash Control V/H Option Selector Switch Status Selector Switch Figure 5, Operational Control Panell'Q-Bay Package Type 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 TO BE SUPPLIED BY VEHICLE PEOPLE Figure 6. Q-Bay Package Type I Control Panel Location Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29 : CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 7-77.1 771 rzn LIT TABLE I. CONTROL PANEL CONTROLS AND INDICATORS CONTROL _ .- ? POSITION FUNCTION INDICATORS STATUS switch (4-position rotary selector switch) OFF Shuts down all systems in Q-Bay Package Type 1. ? . No indicators lighted on control panel. STBY 1 '(scan idle mode) and (system warm up, mode) Energizes scanner drives. Scanner cubes rotate at constant idle vel- ocity to maintain even surface tem- ' perature due to thermal gradients. Data recording stepping motors are energized. Energizes system elec- tronics for warm up of system to even temperatures and permits gyros to attain proper rpm. No indicators lighted on control panel. STBY 2Turns (Data Flight Re-:- corder Mode) . ' on Magnetic Data Flight Re- corder when first employed; There- after identical to STBY 1. CAGED (RED) -- OFF STBY 2 (AMBER) -- ON OPERATE (GREEN) -- OFF i OPERATE_ (photography mode) All system functions in operate condition. Photography takes place. Platform may be caged or uncaged. CAGED (RED) -- ON or OFF STBY 2 (AMBER) -- OFF OPERATE (GREEN) --'ON V/H OPTION (3-position selector switch). ..., __, ' i? ..... . .4... SENSOR -(V/H sensor.) Provides a corrected V/H signal for camera operation determined by scene viewed by V/H sensor. Not Applicable .. CL (Clouds) ? Switches out V/H sensor input and, therefore, provides an uncorrected nominal V/H signal for camera oper- ation predetermined for a normal vehicle ground speed and nominal altitude above ground scene. Used during conditions of cloud cover to prevent false V/H information from controlling system operation. Not Applicable EMER (Emergency) Provides an uncorrected nominal V/H signal for camera operation prede- termined for an emergency vehicle ground speed and emergency altitude above ground scene. :Used in event of loss of one engine, Not Applicable TIMER , Etements_system_exposure-program tape 1 - - 'and data flash from operating. Used during preflight system checks. Not Applicable (2-position toggle switch) - __OFF , 4 . , TIMER Turns on exposure programmer and allows data flasher_to operate. (Data information will be recorded on film during OPERATE condition only.) Timer must be turned on at a pre- selected time, usually during re- fueling. Not Applicable npclassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 3. STATUS SWITCH. The status switch is a 4-position selector switch. Posi- tions and functions are: a. STBY 1 position - The STBY 1 position energizes the forward and aft camera scanner drives, the gyro spin motors, and all electronic sub- systems for system warmup. (1) The scanner cubes are exposed to heat via the vehicle windows; as a result, the scanner optical elements may tend to expand. Thermal expansion of the optical elements is evenly maintained, and possi- ble deformation of the optical surface is prevented by having the scanner cubes ro- tate at a'constant idle velocity prior to a mission-run. (2) The STBY 1 position also energizes the Q-bay Package data recording mechanism stepping motors. .The stepping motors' must be synchronized with the INS inputs to reflect correct latitude, longitude, and ground speed. The INS (Inertial Navigation System) and the data recording stepping motors are synchronized prior to take-off. At that time the data record- ing mechanism readouts follow INS signals. Data information, however, is not recorded on the film until the TIMER switch is placed to the TIMER position. (3) The STBY 1 position of the STATUS switch also places critical system electronic packages in a warmup condition. Q-bay Package Type 1 is a critically aligned assembly; both mechanically and electron- ically. Thermal stabilization of all critical components is achieved for proper operation of the overall system by placing the STATUS switch in the STBY 1 mode prior to take off. STBY 1 also energizes the gyro spin motors to allow time for them to reach proper rpm. b. STBY 2 position - The STBY 2 position energizes the magnetic data flight recorder and maintains all of the conditions determined by STBY 1. 10 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 7.1 3 1 4: 3 3 3 1. i ..: i Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 The flight recorder tapes critical system functions for post flight evaluation of overall system operation. The STB? 2 position thus maintains the magnetic data flight recorder in operation during intermittent operation of the Type 1 equipment. c. OPR position - The OPR (operate) position of the STATUS switch places the package into the photography mode. When the STATUS switch is placed in OPR, the following events normally occur: (1) The system "starts up". The GREEN indicator lights. Film is transported through each camera, all phasing and synchronism of com- ponents occurs, and photography takes place. Time from initial start-up to normal oper- ating speed requires approximately 1-1/2 minutes. (2) The system will uncage if the vehicle atti- tude is within discrete attitude limits. The RED caged indicator will not light. - or (3) The system will remain caged if the vehicle attitude is not within discrete attitude limits. The RED caged indicator will light. d. OFF position - The OFF position of the STATUS switch shuts down the entire Q-bay Package Type 1 equipment. CAUTION The OFF position is equipped with a special detent to prevent accidental placement of the STATUS switch to the OFF position. The STATUS switch must be simultaneously pushed in and turned,to place switch from STBY 1 to OFF posi- tion. 4. V/H OPTION SWITCH. The V/H option switch controls the V/H inputs to the camera system. Three types of V/H inputs are provided for three different flight conditions. These are: 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29 : CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 a. SENSOR position. The SENSOR position is the normal position 11 for the V/H OPTION switch. This position is selected during normal flight con- ditions and cloudless weather conditions. 3 3 Ti b. CL (Clouds) position. The CL (Clouds) position-iS?Selected) during normal flight conditions where partial cloud cover intermittently ob- structs the ground scene. C. EMER (emergency) position. The EMER (emergency) position is selected during abnormal flight conditions when one vehicle engine is out and an emergency vehicle altitude is necessary. 5. TIMER SWITCH. The timer toggle switch controls the data flasher and the camera exposure programmer. The main purpose of the timer is to permit the operator to control the operation of the exposure programmer during a mission, and thus assure that camera operation during preflight checks will not in- advertently cause the data chamber to record the operational base coordinates on the film. NOTE II, ., Data flasher can operate only when the TIMER switch is in the TIMER :I position and the STATUS switch is in the OPR position. Exposure Programmer will operate when the TIMER switch is in the TIMER post- 7.] tion and the STATUS switch is in STBY 1, STBY 21 or OPERATE position. LI i 12 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 6? Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1 AND VEHICLE RELATIONSHIPS Q-bay Package Type 1 is dynamically influenced by the vehicle under normal conditions in two ways: a. Power Inputs b. Vehicle Attitude 7. POWER. Q-bay Package Type 1 normally derives its power from vehicle in- verter number 2. Power requirements and input configurations are such that operation of the package should not be affected by the loss of one engine or by switching inverters. 8. ATTITUDE. 'Photographic performa:nce of Q-bay Package Type 1 depends upon platform attitude. Platform attitude should be level: in pitch and roll and parallel in azimuth with the vehicle line of flight. The Q-bay Package Type 1 is installed in the vehicle such that in the caged condition the platform is level in pitch and roll when the vehicle is at a nominal cruise .attitude of +7 degrees in pitch and 0 degree in roll. See Figure 7. Q-bay Package Type I will uncage in the operate mode only when the platform is coarse level -- within ?2 degrees on true vertical. The vehicle must be within ?2 degrees in pitch and roll of its nominal cruise attitude as shown in Figure 8. In the uncaged condition, the Q-bay Package will stabilize with respect to rate and verticality and will automatically align itself with 13 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 - I LI Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Vehicle Nominal Cruise Attitude Pitch Fwd Nadir Aft Nadir Q-Bay Package Attitude Level Figure 7. . Q-Bay Package Type 1 and Vehicie.Attitude Relation- ships, Caged Candition 14 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 L L=.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Q-Bay Package Roll Caging Limits ?3? Of Vehicle Level Roll Attitude _ Flight Path And Q-Bay Package Roll Axis Coincident rz Nominal Vehicle Cruise Attitude +3?1/3? +70 - . +7? Q-Bay Package Yaw Axis Uncaged Q-Bay Package Is Level In Pitch And Roll When Vehicle Is At Nominal Cruise I Pitch Attitude ?3-1/3 Q-Bay Package Aligned With Line Of Flight When Vehicle Yaw Attitude Is Less Than 2? With Respect To Flight Path ??????? Q-Bay Package Aligned With Vehicle Roll Axis. When Vehicle Yaw Attitude Is Grater Than 2? With Respect To Flight Path Figure 8. Vehicle And Q-Bay Package Attitude Relationships, Uncaged Condition Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Flight Path ???????? ? El 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 respect to the vehicle flight path. The package will remain uncaged and stab- ilized within the following vehicle attitude limits: (See Figure 5) Pitch 70 ?-3-1/3? Roll 00 ?30 Yaw 0 ?2? The Q-bay Package frame physically prevents the stabilized platform from ex- ceeding the above limits. When any limit has been reached, a corresponding clearance switch will close and cage the platform. In the caged condition, the Q-bay Package is fixed with respect to the vehicle and is level in pitch and roll only when the vehicle attitude is: Pitch +7? Roll 0? Yaw During a normal mission-run, the Q-bay Package is expected to un- cage and cage possibly more than once due to vehicle attitude perturbations that exceed the platform caging limits. Uncaging is accomplished by a com- pressed helium supply of limited quantity. When the supply is exhausted, the platform will not uncage. It is possible for the platform to experience at lease 25 uncaging and caging cycles during one mission. Should the number of caging cycles ex- ceed 25 at any time during the mission, then the possibility exists that the platform will remain caged for the remainder of the mission. 16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 1 ?, 11 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 9. Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1 OPERATION Q-Bay Package Type 1 does not operate continuously throughout the entire mission. The package may be operated continuously for a portion of the mission, or it may be operated intermittently for an extended portion of the mission. The flight plan will normally indicate the exact operating procedure. --------The-package-will _operate properly and should be operated when re- quired either in a caged condition or an uncaged condition. Best photographic performance, however, can be expected in the uncaged, self-stabilized mode. When the package is being operated in the caged condition, vehicle attitude rates directly affect the photographic performance. Vehicle flight' should be keptas smooth as possible and changes in vehicle attitude should be accomp- lished as smoothly as possible. This will minimize photographic degradation. 10. TYPICAL MISSION PROFILES OF Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1. Two typical Q-Bay Package Type 1 mission profiles are shown in Figure 9. Mission 1 shows con- tinuous operation of the package for a segment of the entire mission. Mission 2 shows intermittent operation of the package for arbitrary portions of the mission. In practice, the package will always be placed in the standby 1 mode at. sometime during the final pre-flight check. The package will always start the mission in the standby I mode. Specific flight instructions will state the exact sequence of operation of the status switch for the standby 2 and operate modes, as shown in Figure 10. 11. Q-BAY PACKAGE TYPE 1 FAILURE. The Q-BAY EQUIP OUT indicator (RED) on the warning panel will light in the event of the Q-bay Package Type 1 failure. The Q-BAY EQUIP OUT indication on the warning panel can occur only when the 17 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 CO OPERATE -- STBY 2 -- STBY 1 ? OFF LI= L;;.1'. AWN 6:4ia faaJi 644,44 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 45 Min Approxy OPERATE ? STBY 2 ? STBY 1 -- OFF Pre Flight H- 45 Min Approx., Start Mission CONTINUOUS OPERATION INTERMITTENT OPERATION \ Q-Bay Package Mission Runs Figure 9. Typical Mission Profiles Of Q-Bay Package Type Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 End Mission p r - , rtl Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 OPERATE ? STBY 2 STBY 1 ? OFF The Exact Sequence Of Operate And Standby 2 Modes Will Be Designated In The Flight Instructions ? Pre Flight Q-Bay Package Mission Start End Mission Mission Figure 10. Q-Bay Package, Mission Profile Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 status switch is in the OPR position. When a Q-BAY EQUIP OUT indication occurs, the package will automatically switch from the operate mode to the standby 2 mode; the green OPR indicator will go out and the amber STBY 2 will light. 12. FAILURE PROCEDURE. Should the Q-bay Package fail during normal operation, the following procedure is recommended: a, Place the STATUS switch from the OPR position to the STBY 2 positibn. The Q-BAY EQUIP OUT light on the warning panel will go out. On the control panel, the amber STBY 2 light will continue to light. b. Wait 15 seconds. c. Place STATUS switch to OPR position. One of three possible indications will occur: (1) If the Q-BAY EQUIP OUT light lights immed- iately, place the STATUS switch to the OFF position. (2) If the Q-BAY EQUIP OUT light does not light immediately, but does light after a notice- able time (approximately 3 to 30 seconds) return the STATUS switch to the STBY 2 posi- tion and wait 15 seconds. Then place the STATUS switch to the OPR position and ob- serve the Q-BAY EQUIP OUT indicator. If the Q-BAY EQUIP OUT indicator lights, then the STATUS switch should be placed to the OFF position. 20 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 (3) If the Q-BAY EQUIP OUT light does not light within 30 seconds, then the package can be , considered operational. 13. CONTROL PANEL INDICATORS, PRE-FLIGHT CHECK. All three control panel in- dicators are of the press-to-test type. All three indicators should be checked during the pre-flight checkout. 14. CONTROL PANEL EMERGENCY IN-FLIGHT CHECKOUT. Any indicator on the control panel that is suspected of malfunction during system operation should be pressed- to-test. If indicator fails to light when pressed, lamps should be changed if possible. 15. MISSION OBJECTIVES Ideally, a mission-run will be flown in a great circle route; the Q-bay Package will operate in an uncaged condition all of the way; the mission flight path will be exactly as expected; and the photographic results will in- clude the area of earth desired. However, circumstances may be during a mission-run that the flight path is not as expected, or the Q-bay Package has been operating caged most of the way. Caged operation requires the utmost attention. Vehicle attitude rates must be kept low -- the vehicle must be flown as smoothly as possible to minimize photographic degradation. If flight path correction is necessary during a mission run, again, vehicle attitude rates should be minimized during flight path correction, 21 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 16. PHOTOGRAPHY WITH AID OF PERISCOPE WIDE FIELD System operation, in most cases, will be programmed according to ,time and earth coordinates. However, circumstances could be that the operator is responsible for determining photographic coverage through use of the peri- scope. If an object to be photographed appears on the periscope wide field at a time when the Q-bay Package is in the STBY 2 mode, the package must be placed into the OPERATE mode within 20 seconds after the object's first appearance on the periscope wide field. If the STATUS switch is not placed to the OPR position within the object's first 20 seconds of visibility on the periscope, then the object will probably not be within the photographic field of view during the time of photography. 17. MISSION RESULTS Q-bay Package Type 1 provides matched sets of panoramic photographs in the format shown in Figure 11. Paired photographs, one forward scan and the corresponding aft scan, appear with the associated data information recorded in ? an area between them. Approximately 990 such paired photographs with recorded data can be expected from a full film supply of 5000 feet. Film width is 6.6 inches. Individual frame dimensions are 6.4 inches by 27.8 inches. 18. DATA RECORDING Vehicle ground speed, latitude, longitude, Greenwich Mean Time, and the mission flight number are recorded for each frame. See Figure 12. A CAGED Status indication is also provided, indicating whether the Q-bay Package was caged or uncaged for any particular frame. 22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 iiim*W &Whirl liftwadw 1616:441A *mmul Wiwi wood odor' m.e.o *soma Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 27.67"_.1 6.35 Inches 7 Nadir Nadir A)!rtta Recording On F1,1m Hatched Pair 8 3 4 -21? +67? Fwd Scan -67? +21? Aft Scan , Nadir +67 h) 1.4.) Fwd Scan +21 -21 Ground Coverage Pattern Aft Scan Figure 11. Q-Bay Package Type 1 Frame Format Relationship - To Ground Coverage Pattern Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 -67 FLi Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9 I 2 6 9 LATI TUDE LONGITUDE 11 0 2 0 NO. DATE L P < I> GRD SPD 250 Principal Point Indicator Data Card Fwd Nadir Time (Approx,) 3 Sec Separation Aft Nadir Point (Exact) ? Principal Point Indicator Cager Status V/H Status Figure 12. Data Recording On Film 24 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP67B00945R000200090001-9