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August 13, 1962
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Approved For Release 2000/08/ 8 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
August 13, 1962
The establishment of the clean area requested in our twx no. 985
was discussed with you and your technical people during my visit on 25 July.
The technical decision was that the clean area was necessary, however the
extent of Headquarters participation in the cost was left open for negotia-
tion. This letter will serve to furnish additional information in support
of our request. 25X1A
Early in 1959 it became apparent that a separate facility would
be required for the engineering, assembly and test bases of the program.
At that time we extended our lease on the plant with the thought
that one half of the plant area would be sufficient to house the program. 25X1A
Contract RE-518 was negotiated at this time to cover the rearrangement and
equipping of the applicable half of the plant. This work was
completed for October '59 occupancy and the rear half of the building was
set up as a Division machine shop. In the spring of 1960 it became apparent
that the full area of the plant would be necessary for this program, the
machine shop was moved out, and the rear half of the building was made
suitable for the program at our expense.
Of the equipment furnished ?~5X1A
25X~A, _ y you under RE-518 and PR-8200 com-
ivow peculiar to the items being furnished under'PR-8200_
25X1A be shipped to
the Area for
in the
use building. The remainder will
be held for later use on M & 0 and spares requirements. Thus your net invest- 25X1A
ment here over the last three years approximates Our own invest-
25X1A ment in pl id equipment for u ernment work over that period has
been about million of which can be identified in direct support 25X1A
of PR-8200. (This is itemized in attachment "A".)
Items not specifically identifiable as in direct support of this
program also contribute in large measure to its In addition to
direct capital investment we lease approximate) worth of machin- 25X1A
ery and equipment which is used to fabricate pars or your program as well
as others. We believe that our support of PR-8200 as compared to other
programs in progress is normal.
r specific request in regard to the Clean Room was in the amount
of included our standard G & A of 20 percent on the estimated
cost of This estimated cost covered three main categories as follows:
of the remaining
equipment which will ultimately 25X1A
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :CIA-RDP67B00820R00040002%V{A
Air conditioning, humidity, and dust control
Ceiling, lighting, and electrical
General construction
These are costs above the normally required lighting, heating,
flooring, and wall treatment for the addition to the building if it were
used for a stock room.
Questions raised during our last meeting regarding -a) the con-
sideration which we would give for final title to the equipment and building
improvements and -b) the ultimate disposition of the building can be answered
as follows: 25X1A
a) In consideration for ultimate title we offer to com lete the
Clean Room as described in our memo dated 24 J 1962 from to
for a total cost against PR-8200 of 25X1A
b) Our purchase of the building at was made in the belief
that the program under PR-8200 would continue for a number of years, and that 25X1A
a purchase by us would eliminate any possibility at a later date that lease-
hold extensions might be uneconomical or impossible. We expect upon comple-
tion of this program the building will be disposed of since it represents a
decentralized operation with its attendent inefficiences and expenses. We
wish to point out that maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation, etc. on this
building are shared by others through overhead. Had this program been of a
less sensitive nature security wise, we would have integrated it into opera-
tions at our main plant and used some of the equipment and facilities on a
scheduled basis with other programs. To the extent possible this is being
done in machining, electronic sub-assembly, optical fabrication and testing.
However security precludes final assembly and testing at any facility other
than Conn. Ave.
Since our meeting at your office on 7 August, we have reviewed
the requirements regarding permissible particle size and find no substantial
reduction in either specification or cost is feasible.
We believe the above requested support of the Clean Area to be
justified and reasonable and solicit your approval at the earliest possible
CMH: jkh
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Machine Sho Move and Modification of Rear Half
of Machine
Rental of special warehouse
Purchase o Bldg.
P-E equipment at
Shell of addition
Optical Shop Equipr;ent
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B00820R000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019
August 3, 1962
Subject: PR-8200 - Change in Scope
We wish to present the following three items for your review and
approval as change in scope:
I - Modification of the C-123 Gimbal to isolate it from the air-
craft vibrations
2 - Fabrication of 'indows for use in an interim test vehicle
3 - Addition of data outputs for the proposed flight recorder
25X1A as follows: 0 -
Of these items I is completed, Item 2 is in process and Item 3
is held pending your approval to proceed. 25X1A
Cost breakdowns for each item are attached and total
estimated cost wit fee including three each of Item 3 above.
are required their cost is estimated at dditional with
Please call me if you require additional information.
11 -
Approved, `For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B00820R000400020019-0
W 4u
v a H 4-4 v a Fr
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CIAa[ 6$BG08:iR0004db d0( 94
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Contract Item Cost to Date Cost to Total Prime
Item No. Description 11/2 Complete _ Cost
1 2;: e l iminary Design,
2 Final Design
3 Type IA
4 Type 1B
5 Type IC
6 Types 1D, E & F
o Field Support Equip.
9 Spares
10 Manuals & Dwgs.
11 Ammendment #2
Change in Scope
13 Change in Scope
3 Aug '62 letter
14 Facility Const..
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : GIfRDP67B00820R000400020019-0
a single field location. The types of equipment to be provided are
listed on Attachment "B".
8.2 Field Support Equipment will be delivered with the Type IA system, Ttem 3.
9. Spare Parts for support of Acceptance Tests
9.1 Spare parts will be provided sufficient to support each system in the
field for the duration of its Acceptance Test program as described in
item 7 above.
`10. Instruction Manuals
10.1 The Contractor shall provide labor, materials, supplies and services
necessary to prepare the following manuals:
1. Alignment procedures for each system and all subsystems
2. Handling procedures for each system and all subsystems
3. Operating procedures for the system
4. Maintenance procedures for each system and all subsystems
a. Preventive maintenance and inspection
b. Testing
c. Trouble shooting
d. Corrective maintenance
e. Removal and replacement
5. Description and principles of operation on major subsystems
(black box) level. 'These categories will be covered for the
entire system and all subsystems, including ground support
equipment, special tools and equipment.
All differences between theh lsysTems will be documentated as
required. These will include design changes as well as those
determined in the field.
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B00820R000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0Q830R000400020019-0
10.2 Manuals described above will be similar to those supplied under
contract #HF-20-80. It shall present a general understanding of
the overall system and its function. Half-tone line drawings and
other necessary illustrations shall be included.
10.3 Individual Instruction Manuals shall be loose leaf manuals similar
to those supplied under contract #HF-20-80. Each manual shall
present sufficient instructions to permit plant or field trained
.personnel to perform general and special maintenance of the equip-
ment in the field.
10.4 Delivery of the first preliminary Instruction Manuals shall be made
at the time of shipment of the first prototype from the contractor's
plant to,the customer's test site.
10.5 Delivery of subsequent manuals will be made at time of shipment of
the respective system types. b ~~L
c. set a/...epi-':' vawi .r
11. The changes and additions in the contract work stated in Contractor's letter
JF-M-230, dated 3 April 1961, and comprising the following shall be included
in the performance'of the contract work:
11.1 Changes, redesign and mock-up rework resulting from vehicle motion.
JF-M-323, dated 19 October 1961, and comprising the following, shall be in-
cluded in the performance of the contract work. Said letter is incorporated
11.2 Engineering incident to contemplated computer for nonstraight courses.
11.3 Furnishing of two (2) each Century 409X recorders.
11.4 Additions to the vacuum furnace to provide a complete mission thermal
and pressure profile.
12. The changes and additions in the contract work stated in the Contractor's letter
into and made a part of this contract by reference:
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W11 r4/,rked 0'.9 rc~uert of ayy
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Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B00820R000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP57B0082OR000400020019-0
12.1 Effective.1 July 1962 all Contractor Personnel comprising the flight
test group at the Area and all travel and field adjustments relating
thereto will not be furnished under this contract, but shall be
provided by the Contractor under a separate contract for services
of Contractor's Personnel to be drawn for this purpose.
12.2 The Contractor shall perform maintenance, repairs and overhauls of
equipment provided the Government under this contract through
30 June 1963. This item covers only the work at the Contractor's
13. The changes and additions in the contract work stated in Contractor's letter
JH-M-432 dated 3 August 1962 and comprising the following shall be included in
the performance of the contract work:
1 - Modification of the C-123 Gimbal to isolate it from the aircraft
2 - Fabrication of five windows for use in an interim test vehicle
3 - Addition of
as follows:
data outputs for the proposed flight recorder
13.4 Data outputs per paragraph 13.3 are to be included in items 3, 4, and
14. The changes and additions in the contract work stated in contractor's letter
JH-M-430 dated 13 August 1962 and comprising the following shall be included
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP8-AB00820R000400020019-0
in the performance of the contract work:
14.1 Modification to the plant as described in contractor's letter
JH-M-430 dated 13 August 1962 are chargeable to this contract to a
soh -t-lea C
s,paf/ rcv d~C
25X1 D
Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP67B0082OR000400020019-0
Approved For Release /08/28: CIA-RDP67B00820R00040
''c 1 c r o tors, t~to.
XLc a i. wmoch.. check.-out co r::o ea
Mot control
'.1i -a v ,cwth bLo axed xnicroscozoe,
Poww Cart.
Cabinets,, Beaches, Vacuum C1c aer~ OlTiCe 1 qu1} n:
n.ozt Tort . r~t~tion
P iota a s Pqui ut ana, 8u ,p3.3oz ,:
Appros 4d f or Release'2000/08/28 'C1A-RDP67B00820R00'0400020019-0-