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Document Release Date:
December 9, 2010
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Publication Date:
January 1, 1964
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Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
Period of February 1. to February 29, 1964
Contract No. AF33(6OO)40280
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
A F-1101 FLIGHT TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
PHASE II FLIGHT TEST . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENVIRONMENTAL TESL . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
Primary Film data was obtained on each of the three flights
made this month. The results of flights 97 and 98 were degraded
by erratic Recorder Pilin transport mechanism and by a 500 cycle
noise modulation and video striping. Film drive was improved for
flight 99, but the source of the noise modulation and video striping
as not determined prior to that flight. Correlated film from
these three flights was blurred and streaked because of the
extraneous signals present on the primary film.
The erratic film transport was encountered with a Recorder
that had been modified to operate with thin-base film. Effective
repairs could not be made, so the Recorder was re-modified to
operate with thick-base film. No film-drive problems were encountered
on flight 99.
Flight 98 concluded flight testing of units for the fi
rn delivered to the Phase II flight program. Units which will
comprise the second system were installed in the aircraft and flown
on flight 99. The transmitter cover interlock switch failed during
flight and was replaced.
Plight altitude of the P-101 was increased from 40,000 to
45,000 feet for all three flights to optimize the antenna pattern
position with the recording range segments. Observation of the
mary film indicated an improvement in the uniformity of signal
strength over the full range recorded.
The CEC recorder has been modified to handle "sine of Heading"
and "Roll Table Position" signals.. A recording of the Frequency
Generator VFO control voltage was added to the magnetic instrumentation
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
system to determine if the video striping was caused by Frequency
Generator transients.
Prior to flight 5-99, a Minneapolis-Honeywell representative
was at the Test Center to repair the F-lOl auto-pilot. Auto-pilot
operation was very good during flight 99.
The first radar system, in place on the frame and mount
the dolly, was shipped to the Phase II Flight Test location. Also
shipped were the Instrumentation and Programmer and the Field Test
Equipment, consisting of the system Evaluator, System Test Set and
the standard laboratory instruments. The antenna, interconnecting
wavegulde, and Single Axis Platform preceded the equipment.
With one field engineer already at the test location, the re-
ning three were underway by the end of the month. Some customer-
furnished laboratory equipment has been delivered to the test
laboratory area, but the area was not ready for system check-out.
sling from the equipment installation was the flex section
of waveguide between the antenna and transmitter, which allows the
antenna to remain aligned with the flight path as the test vehicle
yaws or pitches. This section is subjected simultaneously to
bending, twisting, tension, compression and internal pressures. A
program to determine the beat kind of flexing piece was carried out.
Of two mechanically reinforced sections of solid waveguide checked,
one was satisfactory in flexing life but imposed severe stresses on
the antenna at the extreme antenna positions. Now under consideration
are a spiral shaped waveguide and a high temperature flexible wave-
guide. All sections will be tested on the hydraulic test stand for
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
r'nr?nI AI I IAkint IA1f`
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
11 unknown-is the angle-of-attack of the test vehicle
during the initial phase of the flight test. To change this angle
between the longitudinal axis of the antenna and vehicle, the pivot
end of the antenna will be lowered and an adaptor for the bell crank
attachment made to keep actuator operation in the same place, thus
maintaining the same degree of linearity between actuator piston
and antenna angular motion.
Design of corner reflectors for field use is completed except
for determination of smallest size from the results of static
correlation. Sketches for building reflectors are about 20% complete.
The Frequency Generator was vibrated in the fore and aft,
lateral and vertical axis, in accordance with the requirements of
MIL-T-5 22E(ASG), as amended by specification R-1811. The results
e summarized as follows (Reference: STM-152):
., There were no mechanical resonances between 10 and 500
cycles in any axis.
2. There were no jumps in offset frequency greater than
5 cycles from count to count during vibration in the vertical axis.
Exploratory vibration on Nav Tie-In Unit and Single Axis
Platform was started and will be completed early in March.
Two modifications of the film transport were breadboarded to
lm ove drive reliability and exposure station stability. In order
to control the maximum supply and take-up free loop of film, a film
feeler yoke and special low torque potentiometer were designed to
sense any change in shape of the loops and apply a corrective voltage
to the loop drive motors. Several trouble-free film runs have been
made with both thin and thick film using variable speed film drive.
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
In addition, a proportional torque control device was installed on
the supply cassette to sense the amount of film on the spool and
adjust the torque on both torque motors, thus achieving constant
film tension before the supply loop and after the takeup loop.
Controlled thickness drive belts were installed and an exposure
made for comparison with previously uncontrolled thickness belts.
The result is presently being evaluated.
Two power supplies have been returned to Utronics for repair.
Power suppiy'76l failed after 500 hours operation. An external
check revealed that the high resistance precision divider was open.
Power supply #9760 had unstable ultor voltage output and poor line
Component changes and layout modifications of the data flash
circuit will be proposed following an analysis for the radiation
effects on system operation and for reliable operation at high
Surge arrestors and avalanche diodes are being investigated
for protecting deflection and focus modulation circuitry from damage
as a result of flashover from the alter to focus grid of the CRT.
The focus modulator design overlooked the maximum cathode to
filament voltage rating of the 6uS vacuum tube. Study is continuing
to eliminate the tube overrating, which could result in tube
destruction and shorting of the 300 volt power supply.
A periodic variation in film density on the fiber optic recorder
breadboard was found to be caused by a magnetized pulley driving
the capstan. Several manufacturers of precision rotating assemblies
have been contacted to obtain nonmagnetic film drive c.ponen
replace the present 1400 magnetic steel units.
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
one antenna module was assembled to test the bonding of L
fabric to the array stick without masking the slot area.
evidence of delamination was apparent when pressurized. The module
was then heated to 550?F and pressurized. The module failed when
approximately 20 psi of air had been applied. one seal
Led by delamination and two others had large bulges. The mode
is being reworked to replace the three seals that failed, and will
be retested. This failure indicates that little Improvement to the
fabric reliability can be obtained by this technique of coating the
entire fabric surface with the bonding resin rather than masking
the area covering the slots.
Samples of L fabric were subjected to various values of heat
and pressure and then pulled apart . An analysis of these resu
indicates no definite pattern nor any significant improvement of
the delamination defect. No additional tests are planned along
these lines.
Heat-pressure life tests of the new fabrics have been started.
A total time of 262 hours exposure to 5500 ' temperature and 30 psi
internal pressure has been accumulated. In addition to this, the
same samples have been exposed for 7 hours u rnpressurized at - 5?F.
Of the samples tested, the Westinghouse 17 fabric and the control
am:ples of L fabric show no signs of leakage. The DuPont 1 ply
and 2 ply laminates showed a slow leakage or creepage after 41 hours
and the Narmco laminate leaked after 131 hours. This leakage was
not considered to be of large enough volume to require changing
the sample. Other fabrics were removed from the test because of
oor elec
al or mechanical properties.
Bonding, samples were prepared for all usable fabrics and all
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6
swiple8 indicated That bonding would not be a major problem.
Prior to shipment of the first system, all units were
operated on the frame, and tested. Na al nif .cant difficulties
were encountered, with operation much as predicted. The Field
Test Equipment was used during this composite test phase to
generate test signals and to analyze the results.
Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210025-6