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Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 7 SPECIAL HANHLIN Copy 2 of 5. PROGRESS REPORT Period of I June 1965 to 30 June 1965 CONTRACT NUMBER AF33(600) 0280 BY WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION AEROSPACE DIVISION Box 746, Baltimore, Maryland 21203. SPECIAL HANDLING Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 TABLE OF CONTENTS F-WI Flight Test . Flight Teets . . r . Modifications and Ground Tests i Low Noise Receiver Pre-Amplifier Motion Compensation s ? . s r Antenna C. spares . r ? D. Correlator Operation, . E. Gcrrelator Design Review Appendix A - : n ary of Flights SrWAL H.AN LING Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 A. F-l0l FLIGHT TEST ht Tests Five radar missions were accomplished during June, as indicated n the program summary in Table I. Primary prpo the f 1 igh' were linear receiver evaluation and radar interpretation data from a ship anchored in Baltimore Harbor and army vehicles at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Flight 169 was the last in the series using the linear receiv h a corner tor pattern at Boiling Field as the primary target. Difficulties on the next flight prevented direct comparison of the limiting amplifier with the linear receiver. Ten radar passes were made against the "Ciudad de la Habana" a freighter anchored in Baltimore Harbor, at 0O0 450, 900, 31;50, and 2700 headings relative to the ship and for down-look angles of 240 and 38?. TALE I F-l01 PROGRAM SUMMARY June 1965 Scheduled .14 hts Accomplished Radar 5 Flights Cancelled Recorder I Receiver 1 Power supply 1 Weather 3 Aircraft 3 In-flight Failures Power suppi Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Radar returns have not been constant over the full range for the flights at 22,,500 feet altitude. Near range returns were less than normal, indicating incorrect positioning of the antenna elevation pattern relative to the recorded range sweep. Range mark timing and transmitter delay (l uses) were measured relative to the same synchronizing pulse and found satisfactory. A map with more uniform was obtained by flying at 21,000 feet altitude to effectively shift the antenna pattern. Appendix A summarized the individual flights in June. All radar data was recorded at low altitude. However, the aircraft was flown to 40,000 feet on three flights to perform after- burner engine tests. A Pratt and Whitney representative has visited Westinghouse as a consultant and recommended further engine work. to correct the deficiency and permit high altitude, super- sonic missions. Failures of the radar operator's oxygen regulator and aircraft altitude indicator and a skin fracture that occurred during flight 172 have been corrected. Personnel fry Hill AFB in Ogden, Andrews AFB, and Wright- Patterson AFB met at Westinghouse to review the IRAN and Tech Order status on the F-l0l. Four T.O.'s, were considered critica T.O. 847 Wing Skin Doubler T.O. 859 Speed Brake and High Q Fence T.O. 921 Rivets in Wing Rear Spar (4) T.O. 951 Heat and Vent Ducts In order to maintain maximum aircraft availability for the contract AFB people will fabricate ducting; and supply a crew to perform these depot level T.b.'ss at Westinghouse in July. -4- Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 V LI.IML 11H1@? iV ) Modifications and Ground Tests Receiver After completing the linear receiver tests with flight 169, the second IF amplifier was reconverted to the normal limitin c onf igura During, the flight 171 pre-f light, a change in noise level and receiver oscillations were noted when the transmitter was on Retuning the Par-Amp and changing the Par-Amp bias fU corrected the trouble. Tunnel Diode Amplifier failure was reported in the May progress report. The TR tube was replaced at the same time as the TDA module and returned to the manufacturer for testing. The TR tube was found to have a cracked window which increased the trans- mitter leakage per into the TDA, causing the TDA failure. Transmitter An intermittent overload developed during the 174 pre- flight.. To expedite flying, transmitter 001 was replaced by the breadboard transmitter, which provided a 32 nano-second pulse and 40 watts average power. Recorder The improved electronics package with higher reliability and faster switching in the flip-flop circuits has been flown for the last four flights with satisfactory results. The C blanking uitry was modified at the same time to shorten the cathode urn lead. Post-flight tests following 169 indicated a decrease in CRS' light output and a change in the recorder transfer eharacte: ~(WAL HANULING Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Recorder 006 replaced 005 In the F-10l. The recorder bias vs. film transmission curve for this CRT is very steep over the desired linear operating region, causing the bias adjustment to be quite critical, as evidenced by the maps of flights 171 and 172 against the ship. The high voltage power supply was unsynchronized Into mittently during flight 169 causing a change of focus, in addition, a $u8 failed in the dynamic focus circuit. Recorder 006 now in the P-101 has satisfactory C but the trace focus on the capstan is out of adjustment. Becau of this maladjustment and the greater vibration noise in recorder 006, recorder 005 will be ,returned to the F--101 prior to the next ht. Power Supply An arcing fuse--holder and a shorted Zener diode were re- placed in one of the +150 volt power supplies during the pre-flight for 171. The shorted Zener caused a voltage overload and damage to a transistor in the film drive inverter. Forward Look System Data from the forward look system was recorded for the second time on flight 173. Receiver gain was inadequate for proper operation. B. Low Noise Receiver Pre-Amplifier The Par-Amp installation for the two deliverable units has been delayed another six weeks. The delay imposes no problem,; since the Phase 11 flight test is inactive until October. -6- Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Motion Compensation Tests on the modified integrator unit were completed. Results showed the gain and phase shift to be the same as the original design, while the resonant period of the ringing was increased less than 10 per cent. However, the overshoot in response to a step function was reduced eignif cantly t ad Unit Unmodified Unit shoot in High Gain, First Maximum 5.2 volts 7.5 volts Second Maximum. 0.83 volts 3.3 volts This improvement will be added to all units, including the integrator used in the F--10: Antenna Investigation into possible solutions to the antenna sealin problem is continuing along several paths. inghouse Research Labe have achieved excellent bonds of fabric on nickel strips with heat, pressure and no adhesive. However, bonding to the waveguide sticks has been more difficult because of non-uniform pressure along the bonding surface. Two successful bonds have been made and are being tested. Research Labe are also working on a wet overlay bond, in which a glass fabric saturated with resin is laid on the waveguide sticks and cured and then overcoated with successive layers of resin, which are cured in sequence. This has been unsuccessful to date because of the formation of bubbles in the bond line and air leakage through the fabric at room temperatures. In tests at Aerospace, IkO and 166 resin was used to bond the fabric to waveguide as Doryl had been used. One sample out of three for each type of resin survived 6 hours at heat and pressure; one of these later held 70 psi pressure at roan temperature. -7- Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 SP Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 The remaining sticks developed leaks in the bond line during heat-pressure teats. Except for a few local spots, adhesion was exceptionally strong, indicating a problem in cleaning the sticks. Tests showed that the vapor degreasing and ultrasonic cleaning hot tri-clorethylene did not leave the surface clean. Electro- chemical etch should replace the ultrasonic cleaning. No additional testing of the Doryl resin is planned because of non-uniformity and lack of control on. the resin. Vacuums of 10-4 gun of mercury were attained on. an antenna module (16 sticks). Because of the encouraging results with the 1140 and 166 resin bonding techniques, this technique will be discontinued for now. C.; SPARES One Item - TR tube - was added to Amendment 11 of the system spares exhibit.. Status of spares is as f ollowss : Items Ite Cent Shipped Open plete Sys 1 99 Basic list plus first 10 amendments 1 9 99 Amendment 11 (remains open Ground Support Equipment 1 99 D. CORRELATOR OPERATION The beat correlated map to date was obtained from flight 168 in the Washington, D. C. area., SPECIAL HANDL4 6 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Jr Ll,IP L 1 If ?JL'".v 'WW A series of test correlations was run to determine if the narrow alit above the wedge interference filter could be located to eliminate extra images caused by inter-reflections. As a the alit has been relocated. Work with the Detail Correiator continued. Two plane-convex cylinders were added to the enlarging system which normally 'provides a 4.4 to 1 aspect ratio. The added lens enlarged the range dimension approximately 1 times, while relaying the azimuth infor- mation, to provide a 1 to I aspect. Since they are simple lenses, field curvature is still a problem. Achromatic doublets have been ordered to improve this. Several targets from many flights have been correlated on the Detailer for interpretation work and study. E. CCRRELATOR DESIGN REVIEW Further delays have been encountered with the information for design review report. Srt U AL HAN0UUNG Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/09: CIA-RDP67B00657R000200210012-0 APPENDIX A Flight No. 169 170 J i Date 6-2-65 6-14-65 6-22-65 Altitude 22500 21000 21000 Area Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Baltimore- Harbor Purposes After-burner checks; After-burner L herkss .~ultiple runs against receiver Linearity Iii lI rrmiting es `?4th, an arch red sh p0 ests with corner re- corner refleib for ear- P flector targe,s gets; Altitude change i or antenna pat tern test.. Significant stern ~ 11.14 db less FT gair. L it:L--gig receiver; re- if l d 6 YTone Changes than flight I66 ; ,od e corder 00 recordder electronics 1 package. { Results a 4 r vi i at were Antenna servo 6 ~1^ix~'v~ z ~~'- ~a~ on ?...?~~ and 20 ab. Run 2 15 corder not turned on,. ecor~ela ion a , fail No o 7 d d J tamed I ore de ail, sit con- rast s ~