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Approved For Release 2000L09/07 : Li ' 67B00558R00010011 M%8-0 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Project Title ( ) 2. Short Title/Code Name ( ) 3. Contractor Name 4. Location of Contractor 5. Class of Contractor . Class of Contract 7. Requisition Number 8, Contract Number 9. Task Order 10. Funds 11. Contract Data 12. Compl. Date 13. Type of Contract FY $ FY $ FY $ 14. Responsible Component 15. Requirement By 16. Directing Components/Persons 17. Type of Work to be Done 18. Categories of Effort Sub:.categorios o (1) Major Category (2) ( 3) (4) 19. End Item or Services from this Contract 20. Supporting or Related Contracts (Agency & Other) 21. Participation or Coordination 22. Short Description of Intelligence Requirement and ,Dc,:aiied Technical Description of Project GROUP 1 Excluded true autaM t1i wr-'raainb gad Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP67B00558R0001001100 8-13s.lilcailcl SECRET Approved For Release 2000,(09/07 : Cl ;500558R00010011 d 08-0 1. Describe the project in one sentence using vocabulary which is generally understood or which can be explained to a non-technically trained person engaged in budget and fiscal work, serving on a Congressional Committee, or providing representation before such groups. Do not avoid new or uncorunon technical terms if they are needed to correctly describe the project. Include classification of this sentence. 2. List short titles, code names, or other descriptions such as etc. Include classification of each code name. 3. Name of the contractor. 4. City and state in which contractor is located. 5. Manufacturer, university, individual, etc. 6. Cost plus fixed fee, non-profit, etc. 7. Requisition number assigned by Office of Logistics (if applicable). 8. Contract number (if applicable). 9. Task order number (if applicable). 10. Years and dollars X 1000. 11, Month and year. 12. Month and year. 13. New, continuation, expanded scope, follow-on, level of effort, etc. ilk. Directorate and Office. 15. Directorate, Office, or other activity. 16. Office , Division, individual. Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP67B00558R0001001100 udtd from automatic ~"4'Y!"~C` diwndr~dlr; and SA E. . S dmet~ss{liC~!!on Approved For Release 2004J09/07 : CIA-M. 110558ROO0100110 08-0 (a) BASIC RESEARCH (Effort directed toward the increase of knowledge in science, the primary aim of the investigator being a fuller knowledge or under- standing of the subject under study--usually characterized by using a "level of effort" as the principal program control. Same as Fundamental Research.) (b) APPLIED RESEARCH (The application of knowledge, material a.,d/or techniques directed toward a solution to an existent or anticipated requirement--usual characteristic is that the design of end items is directed towards hardware for test or experimentation as opposed to service use. Same as Engineering Research.) or (c) ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT (Project directed towards the developme?t, test, or evaluation of items of equipment and/or systems for field use or operational evaluation. Same as Advanced Development or Prototype Design/Assembly.) (d) EXTERNAL ANALYSIS (Project directed towards the compilation and analysis of data and the production of finished information or intelligence reports.) or (e) SERVICE (Provision by the contractor of personnel or other services.) or (f) EQUIPMENT (Contracts for the procurement of existing or previously developed equipment.) 18. To categorize the area of research or other effort covered by the contract, list the major category and up to four sub-categories, in order by level of importance. The categories used should be drawn from the previously distributed lists of standardized categories, or, when those lists are not sufficient, identified the first time used as "new" and manually entered on the standardized lists at that time. 19. Studies, reports, prototype, service models, etc. 20. Within Agency or in DOD, NASA, NIH, NSA, AEC, etc. 21. Within Agency or DIA, NSA, AEC, etc. Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110008-0 SECRET Approved For Release 20OX09/07 : CIA-R[ E 9PP58R00010011IM08-0 22. State briefly the intelligence requirement against which the work is directed. Be particularly explicit in relating the project to a specifically assigned mission or function of CIA. Next, describe in scientific and engineering terminology the work being performed. This description should permit professionally qualified scientists or engineers to gain an insight into the starting and end points of investigations under this project and how the work couples into other effort being expended in this field. A free use of technical vocabulary is permissible and encouraged. If an unusually high degree of sensitivity or classification is required, this description should be provided on a separate card and reference to this card made on the basic form. Approved For Release 2000/09/ CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110008-0 25X1D Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110008-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110008-0 C sstpA w f TI AND MOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIl& GItET? Approved or Release 2uu TUN nt - - W"JUAL IUL71'I1YlG SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 2 Dr. Wheelo n 3 4 5 6 ACTION `REP.I Y Pip -REPAY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE _ INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : FYI Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP67B00558R00010011000870