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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110007-1.pdf119.08 KB
Approved For Release 2000/09/07 :CIA,_F2DP67B00558R00010011006.7ei/YJ ?- 18AUG1964 DD/s&T-2221-64 MEMO UM FOR: Addressee Distribution SUBJECT: Computer Listings of Agency Research and Development Projects 1. Some time ago, an attempt was made to list research and development projects of the Agency in. a manner suitable for processing and analysis using computer techniques. This was found not to be practical in January 1964; however, recent additions to the S equipments and an increase in the potential users for such listings now makes this feasi- ble and desirable. 2. Plans and Programs Staff, DD/8&T, has prepared a suggested fgrmat, explanatory notes, and categories of descriptions for the projects which were discussed and listed in RDRB meetings in the fall of 1963. Each office to be concerned with this project is furnished a copy of this material for review and suggested additions or deletions. 3. The need for compartmentat ion of information from each office is recognized and will be provided as a matter of routine practice. By keying your project listings pro- perly and through instructions to OCS, no single participant will have access to information other than that which he contributes unless authorization from an original contributor is obtained. Approved For Release 2000/09/07 CIA- RDP67B00558R000100110007-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/07: C ~ 7B00558R000100110007-1 Computer Listings of Agency Research and Development Projects 4. The attached format for inputs has been designed by following as closely as possible the present formats of TSD and OR --the two activities having 80-90 per cent of the R&D projects in the Agency. However, some addi- tions which would make the format more useful to other offices can be accommodated. In return for the work of conforming to this request and future listings, each office will be able to retrieve easily a complete computer print-out of their R&D program at any particular time. It is requested that your comments be furnished directly to Plans and Programs Staff, BD/S&T, by 1 September. Executive Secretaria Research and Development Review Board Addressee Distribution: ORD OEL TSD Comma NPIC OBPAM Admin/DD/S&T Attachments: A/S Distribution: 1 Each Addressee Dr. Wheelon via 25X1A 1 25X1A - 1 - OO S 1 - PP/DD/S&T 1 - 2 - D /S&T Registry DD/S&T:x:4020:hjb (14Aug64) 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RIYP67B00558R000100110007-1 0 `fir ~L.:w