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;Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-R[E 8R000100110004-4 FMSAC 026-64 28 April 1964 25X1A 25X1A SUBJECT: Research and Development Review Board Meeting of 2 April 1964. Col. E. Giller, ADDS&T C/TSD AC TSD C/OC Exec. DIR/NPIC NPI C Mr. R. Chapman, DAD/ORD Mr. D. Chamberlain, AD/SI C/S&T Branch DDS&T Staff DDS&T Staff OSA OSA ^ FMSAC 2. Discussion of exchange of letters between DIA, .and Mr. Kirkpatrick. The position of the Board was that the exchange of information should be on a program and general level of funding basis rather than on a specific project basis. 3. Termination of Colonel Giller's presentation categorizin Agency research and development areas. (See attachment) will work with the planning staff of each R&D component to cast their individual projects into the format which was discussed and agreed upon. 4. The next meeting of the Board will be on Wednesday, 6 May 1964, at 2:00 p.m. in room 3E-13. The main item of business on the agenda will be the presentation by the Office of Communications of their proposed communications system. distributed budget figures per Agency R&D component/category. Executive Secretariat GNU t Excluded r Irm d I-Jorn;l. XER COAS C00.Y ,. dCc sI C'OAOY . Approved For-Release 2000109/01 - CIA,-RDP67B00558R0001001 i 0044 . Miller,.AD/OEL 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110004-4 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110004-4 Approved For. Release 2000/09/07: CIA-RDP f Ei8R000100110004-4 DD/S&T-1102-64 31 March 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, Research and Development Review Board SUBJECT: Categories of Agency Research and Development 1. At the RDRB meeting on 12 February, it was requested that an attempt be made to categorize the Agency research and development effort under headings denoting end objectives. It was found that the TSD has the most extensive and diverse listing of projects--this being necessitated by the large number and varied objectives of contracts which they let and monitor. OEL, Commo, and NPIC had narrow limits to their listings--a reflection of their channelized interests; ORD is, as a matter of organization, categorizing its projects and monies under scientific areas. 2. The attached is submitted as a first effort to pro- duce categories for an Agency-wide index of projects. Some t categories are narrow and will contain projects funded a only a few thousand dollars; these need to be identified separately if they are not to be lost in association with 25X1D more costly and heavily funded items. In addition, the detail shown would make the listing useful for the withdrawal of information for answers to questions such as: How much is the Agency spending on audio surveillance as compared to counter-audio? How much in each category for basic studies, applied research or engineering development? How much in FY 64 and FY 65? Do these amounts include related power sources, SECRET Exclsded fin aai^m tl Corn radl;; z,;d d 4i.^ibn ..-.-~' XERO Copy XERO ~XERO ~, ORY~ 1 ;COPY . COPY ' .Approved For Release 2000rfd9/07-:-C RDP67l30U558R000"6T1 0044 Approved For Release 2000/09/07: CIA-RDP67B%I.Tff 00100110004-4 .SUBJECT:. Categories of Agency Research and Development .3. Some combining of categories will be possible as the data is developed and used; done for RDRB to date demonstrates that any initial master listing should contain at least the detail shown. Further usage will ..result in additions, deletions, and changes to develop the 4. This listing will be discussed at the RDRB meeting on 2 April to provide guidance for future work. rXEROI r,OPY if XERO~%ERO%ERO ~''PY COPY ,COPY Approved For Release-200@109/07:.: C--RDP67B00558R000011~000 .EDWARD B. GILLER Assistant Deputy Director (Science and Technology)