WINDOW GLASS ACTIVITIES - 2/22/63 - 2/23/63

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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 28, 1963
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Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100190023-6 BEST COPY A VAILABLE Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100190023-6 STATINTL ase 2000/05/04: CI1 Al eS`$ t" rt*t? 1- a :0J YJi? Y ;5 c ? 3 ? s .r- ? aTM~"z'S~ ? 8 $ cf S J by r,. 4W.e"''`.'"a~,.,;s ss f ;:.."t3-,. t fC,U d by pr W_ gk "# _ .c tilt '-I' f /mar EZa t 8~tty, r" t~:F qu$: t~-& 1 tNr gkS 5 $ .. ~} _.: $. + f r.? t _. v~ ..v7 a T?,, rgr: t _ Another pra.ct{: tit :& i + s Rr r, as w' 3 t Y a$ soci ed witr the azt ch s c f e cu v i i .s s F h . h ? i r4 &t of the` craE r- i& " ~? ? ~~ fi L t ze l *." k [ P j Our ltt,e*t of or~ s e 1d J IF ire grit", e?t-Is Si C ~e ts; V;, good CLTf~$ 1 y-of ow, and &be-.iwe.. f otai ', crick-ice:: at;d YVA.L :t-if. tht"ifi..'t..~u..s Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100190023-6 Approved. For. Release- 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 Rd00100190023-6 :cr. e~~i~~v__?y ode b i e tt t~c~ tt a~ fii^ a~ is ct S' r ~ ti y:PieiEel 3ffi i * ?? p 'Ga Y" ? a 'w ~ ''t;~ .s'".St fief s s ~je fY 'du?'ir3.+ R ?:. ~rI~.LF:~ t agredd to ti 5vi 3t4t Sys . b,_ : ? te4 .~ .xA -;~^r r i r? r?.r- ^ f c?rt a . : he a l ck ag. eed ~a.,.itide a W;SC 6, %,,r' d.f.8 *r .. L^ it k" ~ 6>iid Sri C'~CaULAL Ye LVL VP FIAILP..1 i ar:. i%.Var -tG-a1 U.mi?;iz- weld, bey w e,' ht",t t{' achieve the proper aett *s tot, R ?z3d fe14, b.;t screed to tP .,. They .tti~ took us o the we3dlz? -tquinx 'tt sd .= ? c e rRcpsi''r t-Lftib FCCi,'ft_ ?ti t E' F'S~ is :Mat :a"+d k--uid~ caic e wrfttp r n re treat for additiortsl work, *'`& r ' e :suit' a9t. as e,,ei 1 f .r ta: S"t7 r" l Br,,udIir oet pia'`'? :Lu' erzeZt vi i S t. te~ +y electron I eam tacxxi ra, ke.} nr i, e ,die?ux e , `A p:3ai f its ~~ :?^~ > a eIV ... "r -C~- aaa 4e' i Approved for Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511R000100190023-6 Approved For2elease 20001.05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 RO ,. k u: &1hLSt?r; 4.t Zl`T,dL ~_%nrtld tulD?l will, -for tCrr5s el f f fi l , ... s cu present Jigging 1r is arrfr.t:v Another plate glass 14 k : j w: ,;,; th.s assembly i , s ze quartz window 'Will subsequently be made. Work saontinuing in an effort=, ibrp c~vi~ ttie relic tl.ity of-thc'lb ellti~,=s At T . , ,,Additional 14 x 20 frar6s are cur:-e}.t?y being made at Taylor-Winfizeld in an effort to :wild :p our stccu. Two?ccmpletedp vac-io pr-we; Supp ie~ name ~e n made. The use of,a glow discharge fechniq~ue as sr;ears ci o* gas*ing or vacuum window is being investigated. Approved, For Release 2000/05/04 CIA-RDP67BOO511 R000100190023-6 Approved For:Release 2000/05/04: CI~-RDPE TO. FROM: g `EJECT, Windo i* e t v ti 4 ', x~ t lent ie~ak 4t 1 I", nt It 8 beta . tie ..;d i j, erc~ nel '?-p enlaaged i 'the e p e i p* -,f C" 14 t.n? o? foil - Tbl r?. V, althottg we e. still have r t t a v at. feel are desirable- tl al=to. factory. The results ar# en to_ attach a' bellct,s 't4 out good i4 x 20 frame. This frame is the one that far were godd. We ate going to ma k# more before using this technique, the higher uelti 11th rI.ze. ale is st .l 1. not "been for this work, have.. .the, ello~48 46th a; ,x to the bellows . tt t profit e ; 'e ed ar4 iacpzcvvd tur tez riiquea Ve edcRr r i tb:c? r i i ? -s. , which 1we shth h axe. which we, Oonetder sstis-- Fare nearing sucoe'Ac Asa intend is going to be used for ti kifig a quartz and glass window, attached. It .is awaiting attactent' of the curved tube And vacuum appen- ? ,pAnt i ere both coated pieces` of glass have been satisfactorily - ritae s` r."ioic -to maki 4 _ - w p_ ng the good o:~e. ?This 'i udaio:haa - prograased to attached'. loge.. the. low thermal conductivity mount and cooling fine will also be ~'- Considerable effort was spent in preparing our test, facilities for tesi- perature cycling, leek checking, vacuum testing and outgassing both the Approved: For Release 2000/05/04 : CIA-RDP67BO0511 R000100190023-6 n rye, -de feel t? t we' ure joutbstituted a BT braze for J wo test samples ae. have don r so Approved' Four Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 R'b00100190023-6 frames 'Witprotected :al e ore tigh '14 x 20 tram e with `protected alumin= to. the fr so e wore able to prcd ce twb*tight~7-X 10 tie ve i g1y soloed' t .,pro lems "~saciated with attaching.-the: to= bU I gip; 4a. b k log of 14' .x 2 fs ss Barry. Pr to ark, pl ni to leave for. Ohio. on Monday.t.g continue' der t test c=titiCVA_ of-ll20 atm. He -different aI .'alaamino av,.d 'one. 14 x 20-.fraw which had a- nin *te leak rate of =2.4 k this afternoon. At soon as the curved tube is attached to this unit it will be erature cycled under simulated operating condit:ieAa empioyictg One' of the t'ight 7 x 10 frames is bei used for making 'another tight testable 7 x 1+0 window. bellows and ribs have been attached sat s- actoarily. The BK-7 w+ attached this morning and produced a weld which visually appeared as?good as any'we have ever made. This is using pro- tected aluminum. The fused silica is being applied with a double weld. wil ro 1 it" still to be solved in . t -tee feel is at a e omiste -- this re4,ti1 to equate. The effort is being Lu- the geekend in an attempt to. finally area by the beginning of next week.. welded I,to plate glass andassemtsled first as a necessary preparatory pro aw .tingoaa adequate solution to the bellows problem.'H wevery a practice the vac in pump. Construction of the first 14 x 20 configuration has begun. A frame is cedure-to making the first good full size window. Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100190023-6 We .:were able to get occasionally tight seals but An Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100190023-6 M E M O R A N D U M TO: FROM: DATE: January 31, 1963 SUBJECT: Window Group Activities - Period 1/24/63 to 1/31/63 CC: All Group Leaders Vacuum Window The tight 7 x 10 window was temperature cycled through the mission profile 9 times. It was leak checked after this cycling and indicated no leak. It was decided to soak the assembly in helium for a long period as a more severe type of leak test. It indicated a leak rate of 1.2 x 10'8 cc per sec-o,id. The next 3 cycles of this configuration were done with a 1/3 atmosphere pressure differential between the gap and the outside environment, to simulate actual conditions. After this test, its long, terms leak rate=. was 30 x 10-8 cc per second. The calculated allowable leak sate. in use, which our VAC-ION 7 - 8 pump is expected to overcome, is '5C x J _.c per second. Efforts are now being directed tc produce another testable 7 x 10 and a 14 x,20 configuration. The two primary problems at this point are as- sociated with aluminum attachments and bellow attachments. Neither process is fully under control at this time. A double (concentric) weld on the 14 x 20 plate glass sample was made and Its tight. Investigation of rewelding and salvage is being conducted. It has been decided to-postpone an attempt to eliminate chipping during ultrasonic welding until after the next 7 x 10 is welded. The pumping device for the 7 x 10 test window is completed and leak tight with the exception of the G-P valve which still must be added. Miscellaneous Alternate seal program-preliminary checks with a stainless steel (teflon coated) "0" ring were made. This ring was of the self energizin type. The seal leaked badly under all screw torque ted when the 11()" deF...... d ina- rin g PFF/jas Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100190023-6 Approved For kelease 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67B00511 R00'b 100190023-6 STATINTL Wi ow Group Acti 'Uis3 - 1/2f/~3 - 1/ j 3 Non-V&-,uum Window Test eertxsp foa c bu fining imf;~-se.ti -. e~a.~~ asg 3 ity to Seal an inve.r foil to glass with RTV, wric~ ts ~.~: rasa for the new ddeign of the nonmvac-tsum wlrev i.m b rg It is st,tLcipatet that. these tests will begin sets week. - (L-24 10` ct/i*c leakage. This test wi1 be c tines emd 4.4o ie-te, after airs tyvAOs .see .4 to, lzd+ .te the i",e tit . of cittr sly 'sligh outsides of the .weld r t Vass 1"?t d after t o s w' The. w i v Vacuum Window A.-tight 7 z LO va == wictow,,-Au t xperatzra cycled mine. tilt 8 .$ is Moos s, with t profs ~hi;~~r . ~f thes? egua is .tan ;the. report vviii, be a ies d tits c: isxai :moo in't1~at;xet nta our fic t e Qesefui effort in h#.s length weld A tight. 14 x 2O.1ir ? a, to giaea t fie %'eid. we* This,.is si .Mfi -t are at Taylgr,- 'tn.field attetepting . to increase t ? ashes iity. 0~10. the vac . to iivar resietan*e,we`Idizg.. As of t)4$ .4ate, Paul-,re 'rt, 4z, - significant progress in this regard. pump; flange and eq per ; asst asseatbi is r ft eE Y P 400 ,040: ;f toady The fabrication of:.all equipment which is neeesstxy for the thermal. cycling test sof the 7- x :18_ wtadow ' ittciudizss support suss strt stare for, vac-loon this tiffs xity has been .di acussa wig be tried very. shortly; .smsteh bets a the billows and 'the foss. A teechrs.igii for overcoming bresing by elvser, titoring of the brazing temperature. There is posiibiiity that our diffteulttes s sy be ' d? e . to a thermal coeftia lent ,file a to ti to increase the reliability of our ' el:ows to.'fotl and should be eavletsd by was `'abricste b silsd at s rc~o?imetels 2 ! s `:no 'fr's tune of'`t e'' priot.ity basis; t t t. with g d t'" -sk- t" ` m Inra$ 1 t iaas of amts sealing to a -siques +t t f Tag. of ,th+e bolts. =- Thta ? sal .tee h~aigbe will, be''explored -more thoroughly STATI NTL