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Q G CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE 7963 A''??.r,,"k$rroJ3 for Release 2003/10/22: CIA-RDP67PQ$4p~} jQOR QOJa 6n1e Federin CocereunSnt and the PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S RECENT concern as evtrl, . cod t t t VISIT TO MIDWEST HEARTENED and my cokes meas. I would also. an your State of Ohio, between the Federal her- President. like to pledge to you the Intl co- must and the local governments. Everywrywhere CITIZENS OF OHIO Operation and support of your Government I have gone I have heard the wary highest Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President, in working with your State and with your praise for the performance of the National On April 14 President Johnson person- local officials to help overcome the lessee Guard, and the highway patrol. the state that So really of you have suffered. police, the local law-enforcement officers. Six ally visited the tornado-ravaged sections Governor Rhoden was iii contact with ue well as the Rod Crota. I want to exprees my of Ohio and neighboring States. Our veatelday. We told him then that the full personal appr,ciatlon to each citizen who Is dent a his ieern ovegain the probinstr Steed by deep me ats were at po rerisposal. Federal be here useful to t i his neighbors ? and his helpful u aniitty ac citi- Lens In distress. It was not satisfactory today W take a firsthand look. We hope by In these times of need. This I. really Amer- to Lyndon Johnson to receive factual re- the time we get back W Washington tonight Ion at its finest and at its hest. I hint; when I wall is youngster ports of the sad loss of life and of dam- mweskh can misery as pas pososr i he and Rttoo begin our growing per When adversity would overtake my family we would all pull a little bit, age caused by this disaster. He had task rebuilding ass firsthand the havoc oc and misery re- - Unfortunately throughout the years we closer together and try to be sorry for the. suiting from this tragedy. suffer from these disasters, and we can't help things we said just the day before about Almost immediately help was forth- that, but ono we have them we can do some- each other-our hi others and our sisters, and corning from many agencies of the Fed- thing about It That Is what I have come maybe our fathers and our mothers, So, In hero to do this hour of adversity we are not concerned eral QOV t. The Farmers Home Thank you very much. with titles or pocinons. we are not concerned Administration ration made available loans for with putties or polities we are concerned farmers In this area unable to Ot/taln an- REMARK. of THE Pa elobolT ON DEPARTURE with the otltmtry that we all love 00 much. sistance from other sources. Officials of FROM TO1.10o. onto A I speak here even ire manning their the Small Business Adntinlatration set Governor 10,4". Members of Congress, Stations 10.000 miles from here In order to up disaster loan offices (Or businessmen public officials. my dear friends In Ohlo, for protect the freedom that we enjoy htre, And I hope that when we got ready to turn out and Offic als hl all of the stricken mauy yearn 1 have been coming to this won- the light tonight each of its will say a prayer areas. , Officials of the Office of Emer- derful State and meeting i Its ra fine calxens. I for them. and also for throe poor peogie who le,n that, ini Sch gency Planning established a dl's acter al he ejoand I always hate W leave eduA have suffered time great I aces, suffered them ays for myself and all the people that traveled with their china up and their cheat, out, to be . lit led field poffice 1State that agency In Supplementing and local cal erole local me from Washington. gill has been a and who are ready to nil up their sleeves The President's visit it did did tomorrow when we bond what has been taken gency efforts. State day of both hearl be se and hopefulness. from them much to hearten and encourage faraffies We have much to W be thankful for. Each TTIM has been n sad eapa.rieace fur me to- t suffered great hardship as a result esult of us don't know how lucky we are until ay. is been a long one that began at of the tornado. we see what has happened to OUT neighbors d 530 t1rt. IIshmorning, Ism due to report to 33 Mr. President, upon his arrival at To- through no aairi wr of neiWe ground today we Senators at s o'clock In Waaningwn this eve- tec o on April 14 and before his departure rroal t and _?_ the ning And I an' going t, report to them on from that city on aerie day, Presi_ what LI haf)Peunlit In Vl,Uram Rod what is kina of which I have never seen belfon, in all ---- .... ..... Of Amer. -_- real and sincere concern in the welfare who lives that have been changed. the Hues the United sinter, and one of the really best of all Americans. I ask unanimous us us con- which will forever bear the memory of this part of that country Is the State ot,tmlo Ilw Pent that he remarks be printed at this Find h ' lefn the top at o the their little head you people that Ilse hero point in the RECORD as part of my re- with the sole i them others' h,muw that W.I. there yesterday thank you so much .. marks. he and now are gone they know not where, it is There being no o tin tlon, the remarks enough to bring tears to the eyes of any- , : CONSTITU were ordered to be printed fit the RECORD, one. AMENDMENT To Ti as follows: Yet, we have even very few tears in these TION OF THE IJNI'l'ED STATES RE- RSMA9aa OT THE Pa SIOENT ON Arminou, AT six States Unit we have visited today. At LATINO TO THE SUCCESSION OF Tohano, thno the very worst of the stricken neighborhoods THE PRESIDENCY AND VICE PREf#- I awn delighted W be here this afternoon we have Seen the young, we have Seen the with Governor Rhodes, Congreeemeu ASHLIT, old ,tending there shoulder-to-shoulder IDENCY SwnNir. FxmNAN, VaMK, Lava, now, soil planning hopefully for tomorrow. Mr. BAYH. Mr, President, I ask that mosNaa, Well, that is to' ruches. of our misson- the Chair lay before the Senate a mea- I he" visited today in three States. I have to come here to personally., extend our sym- sage from the fiches of Representatives flown across and observed from the au six patty arid our condolence, to try to learn amending StheenatH? Joint of Representatives 1, pro- States. All these Status were, struck by the and mu then try to understand do about something what has happened, posing an f ineilt to the ltiltlon e tragedies of this eWeekend. ter There are talkers and there are doers. and of the United States relating to the sue- e there are pe..ple who believe in action, and cresion of the Presidency and Vice fe s I have coma hem . t w twit is rot af for myself to Toledo t extensive dmag ymlf at the idamages caused and to meet with there ore people who put it on the Dank dency er and to cases where the President is your public officials t, plan with them the burner But we want to be certain that unable to discharge the powers and lutist support and the action that the Federal Gov- everything is done IS rapidly and as Pi eo- of his ofce? ernment can take In assisting your city and treaty as it can be done. We want to re- The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before your oltizens to meet the challenge which build for tomorrow. In a situation slteh as this, it Is the role the Senate the nntendment of the Hogue has been Inflicted eo cruelly and ro unex- Of the Federal Government to assist the of RCpreaentativea to the joint resolution to p~ttdlP States; for the President to work with the No words of Ones Would be adequate to ex- Governs; for the hoverurn work will' the (Si. he R Constitution s. 11titutio of ion of thvinge Uaftnited States amendment re- re- rese the sympathy and compassion of the t r. the Deese Meyers, end all of its in work we t an do, while lating to succession to the Presidency and tile Nation d fut those who have elfffr h om orate ire e to what to can dn I want of etheir famllirll~esO es tit' I or Injuirles to "It each Wt youW to pledge this is afternoon w every citizen, to Vice Presidency and to cases where the every community Afflicted by the tornadoes President is unable to discharge the pow- know that we share with you the heavy- or who (foods. that yqur Governmeuq and ere and duties of his office which was, tq hesrtednaes that I know wash. upml you y,,,ir President, will do everything ninety- strike out all after the resolving Clause how. ably possible W be or ae.UAtahce under our and Insert: It is an American CharaettrUitlo W be con- laws. That the following nril? to Is propcaM as W terrierl not about Self alone hilt about We Before 1 leave. I want W congratulate cape- amendment to till, Consti Wtion of the United fete end the fortune of your neighbors and clally the Governors, the mayors, and the Stara, which Sbell be valid to all Infanta and your friends under circumstances Such N Meal nmclala that we have talked to In them purposes as part of the Constitution shad Mess. it is also an American ohnraaMrlste arms. Each of than are tremendously eau- ratified by the lel;lelctorb of thre"CATLW a eili for those who have suffered hardship and cerued and want to do all they can. You of the several within seven yarn from trngMlen to turn quickly and hopMUlly W have out of the finest dulegnt loos in the the date of its Aubmlralon by the CongreM' suite" the task of reuonetruction. Congress. and each of those men are here k t 11 ''ArTlr'LE- i roll p b l ac ag Wherever we have gone throughout this with inn today and are gu long, long day I have Seen that spirit and their sleeves and try to redo what was un- "Sac nut I In rest of the removal of the I nave seen It I. Americans and It I. etsngl don, only yesterday and the day before. President from oslce or of his death or tests- ,,,A it Is sure. I em pleased by the really, willing tender- nation, the Vice President will become Fred- pdJ9u a~~.eleasie ~gQ8Jis /22t8rCIA RDP&1BOU446R600500tT0626-1 7964 CQNGR.SSIQNAL RECORD - SENATE April 22, 1965 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000500170026-1 '"arc. 2. Wherever there is a vacancy In the Whereas Senate bill 1697 has been pro- board of directors of the Sao Antonio Homs- olhce of the vice President, the President Rented to Congress containing proposed builders Association. w ~ shall nominate a Vice President who shall amendments to the Federal Firearms AM ~ take non' upon confirmation by a majority and . .-,,. ,.,-. ,-.. .-.- I n n o can f i on o '3W. S. Whenever the President transmits accomplish Its Pu of the suppress to the President pro tempers of the Senate crime in the Unl - States, but contains pro- and the Speaker of the House of Represent.- visions which will abridge and encumber tives his written declaration that he U unable the right of law-abiding tree people to own to discharge the powers and duties of his and beer arms; and once, and until he transmits a written decks- Whereas such attempted legislation can ration to the contrary, such powers and du- lead to a further attempt to disarm the law- ties shall be discharged by the Vice President abiding gun-owning public and hamper ae Acting President, their Ability of sell protection: Now, there- "Sac. 4. Whenever the Vice President and fore, be It a ma)orty of the principal officers of the Resolved, That the Danes Gun Club be executive departments, or such other body recorded ae opposed to the passage of Sen. as Congres may by law provide, transmit to site bill 1697 and be further recorded as de- the President pro temporal of the Senate and mending a public hearing on said bill. the Speaker of the Hoarse of Representatives their written declaration that the President to unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shalt Imme- diately Assume the powers and duties of the office As Acting President. "Thereafter, when the President transmute to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representa- tives hit written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of the principal officers of the ex- ecutive departments. or such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within two days to the President pro tempure of the Senate And the Speaker of the House ofRep- resentntives their written declaration that the President Is unable to discharge the loweTe and duties of hie office. Thereupon Congress shall deride the issue, asaemhiying with is forty-eight hours for that purpe wr If not in session. if the Congress. within ten days after the receipt of the written tleclars- fbon of the Vice Prctaldent and a majority of the principal olbeent of the exec little depart- ments, or such other body as Congress may by law provide, determines by two-thirds vote of Loth Houses that the President Is unable to discharge the p,mers and duties of the once, the Vice President shall continua to discharge the same as Acting President; oth- erwles, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his oa ce." RESOLUTION OF THE SAN ANTO- NIO HOMEBUILDERS ASSOCIA- TION CONCERNING HR. 6363 Mr. TOWER. Mr. President, the San Antonio Homebuilders Association re- ecnltly passed a strong and thoughtful resolution concerning II.R. 6363. I com- mend to the Senate the views of the as- sociation upon the most pressing matter involved in this bill, and I ask that the association's resolution be printed in the RECORD. There being no objection, the resolu- tion was ordered to be printed In the Racoga, as follows: Whereas the bond of directors of the Sara Antonio Honobutldera Association supports the principal purpose of the National Labor Reifliol:s Act. am amended, nanady, to meter peaceful relationships between labor and management thrraignonrt the Nation, Includ- ing the homebulldhig and aeetruction in- dustry: and Whereas legislation (HR. 63631 has been introduced for consideration by the Bath Con- gress which would change this law to permit a union within the industry to apply coercive picket and strike pressures against neutral employees and employers performing work at a construction site where such union has a Mr BAYH. Mr. President, on April pr.imar.y labor dispute with another em- 13, 1965, the House of Representatives player: and passed the above-mentioned joint reso- Whereas secondary strike or boycott pres- lutiorl with anrendmellts. Because of sure against neutral and innocent empinyeer, 1 made I move and employee by such anon, In the. industry l RESOLUTION OF RETIREM OP T11:15 MONSANTO CO. CONCERNING MEDICAL CARE LEGISLATION Mr. TOWER. Mr. President, FeUFeel of the Monsanto Co. at Texas City, Tel., recently unanimously adopted a suotlnct and thoughtful resolution coneentint medical care legislation. In otde? that other Senators may share the ooneletitns of these Monsanto Texas City alumni, I ask that the resolution be printed at this point in the RECORD. There being no objection, the resolu- tion was ordered to be printed In the RECORD, as follows: He it resolved. That we, the retiree, of Monsanto Co. at Texas City, Tell., ere un- alterably opposed to the medlearo. bbl as presently written or any other bill that pro- vides tor; 1. Financing through increased social security tax of a compulsory nature. 2. benefits limited primarily to hospital costs to the exclusion of other malor medi- cal expenses each As-doctor's fees, dreg fees (oo taidc nl horeplti ba). etc. a Om'oregr of everyone 66 and over regardless. of their lananrlnl amts, Furthermore, that Tax" Congressmen be urgently requested to vote agalnat the ml care bill or any other bills which Includes the provisions of this resolution. Renpeetfnlly submitted. M. D. VLRNADnar, PreHd east, Monxu arc laces CUP Alumni. TEXAS Cn v, Trx. RESOLUTION OP THE sreLtNNAN COUNTY. TEX., CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL CONCERNING VOTING RIGHTS Mr. TOWER. Mr. Frosident, the Me- Lenlwn County, Tex.. Central Labor Council recently Passed a most succinct and thoughtful resolution concerning the protection of voting rights. I support the council's determination that no American be dented the right to vote be- cause of discrimination, and I ask uranl- reous consent that the resolution be printed at this point In the RECORD so that other SenaWls may review it. Titers being no objection, the resolu- tion was odertd to tie printed in the REcosn, as follows Resit;;i WN To PRInEC r C..NSTRnTIONAL ttir.u rs Whereas organived labor'' att uggle for free- dom was much like the present day struggle of Negroes ftrr freedom; and Whereas by the event* these Past yew days we have aeon a basic freedom dented; and Whereas If tire right to vote can be denied, the right to picket an empioyer while on strike can also be detnext; and Whereas the President of the United States Made a speech Monday night and introduced legislation that would protect the rlgkt to register to vote: Therefore be It Resolved. That the Ncb.rmaa County COPE.. AFL VIC, let is he known that we favor legislation that would Protect this freedom; and he It further the substaliua t. Ialtgeb was outlawed by the Visages" under th;?, law that the Senate dlaWfrce to the amend- in 1947, and reaffirmed In 1950 by passage of menus of the House of Representatives, the Landrum-cnimn labor reform taw, to that a conference be requested, and that protect and insulate such neutral parties the Chair appoint the conferees on the from being Injured through Irresponsible and part of the Senate. damaging senior such anions; and The motion was agreed to: and the Whereas picketing and strike coercion by Presiding Officer appointed W. Barn, construction unions against such neutral Mr. EASTLANO, Mr. ERVIN. Mr- DIRRSEN, and innocent employees and employers not and Mr. IIRUSKA conferees on the part of Involved In the primary labor disputes will the SCnatA.. result III ass d omploynrent by curb ent- pioyeee and direct halm to the business of the neutral employer and cause Increased RESOLUTION OF TILE DALLAS OUN home building and construction ,w,st, in it, _ CONCE'ItN INO PROPOSED American borne hover and the Federal Gov- (1,1113 eminent Now. Ileereinre. be it AMENDMENTS TO THE FEDERAL Resolved. That the board of directors of the FIREARMS ACT San Antonio Hrnnebuilders Association urges Hoar. Rare. 'A Yasnnaormrt and Hon J,nle M[. TOWER. Mr. President, the Towns. US Senator,, and lion Hsasy R. board of dp"cctors of the Dallas Gun Club clonasr.rr? Braise of Representatrors ends recently adopted a resolution concerning District, Texas, to oppose rigorously H.R. proposed arliendmCnts to the Federal 6363 And similar hills which would make any Firearms Act. In order that other Sell- change in the National tabor Relations Act's ators may share the views of this dies- ban against secondary boycott strike and tingulahed club. I Ask that the resolution picketing by mdom to the constructtrm in. be printed At this (wilt in the RECUR,. dustry an destructive to the basic purpose of this law. contrary t,? the general public wel- fare and as harmful special Interest legiA- t.ion was ordered to be Printed in the retina. REc'cueu as follows: Adopted this 6th Ally of April 1966. by the