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1965 J lease 2003/1~c~ZZ ':N~~ 0(bRM500~*d$$-4 Approd For e 2091 PRESIDED AL INABILITY Congress which Passed such an amend- young men representing (Mr. ROBISON (at the request of Mr. ment. I have some fault to the 12 Boy find with Scout regions across the Nation, who are GURNEY) was granted permission to ex- the provisions of that amendment, but here to make a "report to the Nation." tend his remarks at this point in the the important thing is that action be They will convey to the President and to RECORD and to include extraneous mat- taken and soon. I would hope that the other officials of Government and Con- ter.) House and Its appropriate committees gress information concerning some of the Mr. ROBISON. Mr, Speaker, I have will take an immediate and active in- accomplishments of the Boy Scouts of today reintroduced legislation in the terest in this extremely important sub- America during 1964. form of two House joint resolutions pro- ject so that when another emergency or This occasion today was particularly viding for a constitutional amendment cloudy situation arises in the Presidency, thrilling for me, since 1 of those 12 boys and the establishment of a permanent no one in the Congress can be blamed for lives in the Seventh Congressional Dis- commission relating to the subject of not having done his utmost to insure trict of Minnesota, which I have the Presidential inability and succession. that the constitutional void is filled. Privilege to represent. He is Curtis Frye The language of the Constitution is of Fergus Falls, a young man who has vague as to who is to determine that REPEAL OF ADMISSIONS TAXES not only made an excellent mark in presidential inability exists, what con- scouting, but is respected in his commu- stitutes inability, and who determines (Mr. MINSHALL (at the request of Mr. nity as an outstanding young citizen. We when the inability no longer exists. One GURNEY) was granted permission to ex- are indeed proud that he was chosen to of the resolutions I have today intro- tend his remarks at this point in the represent our region. duced would amend the Constitution and RECORD and to Include extraneous mat- We in the seventh district are justi- remove this element of doubt by giving ter.) fiably proud of the caliber of young men the Congress these powers. The lan- Mr. MINSHALL. Mr. Speaker, the being developed through Scouting. Cur- guage of this amendment has been ap- President's decision as to which excise its Frye is the third of our young men to proved and recommended by the house taxes to eliminate still remains in doubt, appear here in Washington since 1961 of delegates of the American Bar Asso- although we have the administration's as 1 of 12 regional representatives re- ciation. assurance that cuts are forthcoming. Porting to the Nation. The other resolution I have introduced It is to be hoped that wartime-imposed Such outstanding young men as these provides for the establishment of a Com- taxes on entertainment will be among have been coming to Washington during mission on Presidential Disability com- those to be erased. The entertainment Boy Scout Week each year since 1948 Posed of 10 members from both the world is in a state of economic distress to render this service. This year's rep- executive and legislative branches of the and a repeal of taxes in this area would resentatives participated in the break- Government, including minority party spur new employment among those in fast program representing the over 5r/z- representatives, whose duty it would be the industry. million of their fellow Boy Scouts and to decide the President's ability to dis- We all have seen the empty theaters Scouters. Each of the 12 report to the charge his duties in a questionable situa- and clubs in our major cities, many of Nation Scouts has attained the rank of tion. It would also provide for the Pres- them out of business and boarded up. eagle and has distinguished himself in ident to declare his own disability and to Presently almost one-fourth of all our many other ways. During the breakfast declare an end to any such self-imposed larger theaters are in jeopardy of being the young men proudly introduced their disability, closed, turning as many as 10,000 em- Congressmen and Senators who were The shortcoming of our Constitution ployees on the street in search of work, special guests of the Scouts on this occa- in this regard has been of concern to me The situation in cabarets Is even more Sion. Being introduced by our own for several Congresses, and as time goes serious, since they also are victims of representative, Curtis Frye, was indeed a on and as the events of recent history the expense account regulations. A re- great honor for me. have so forcibly impressed upon us, the peal of excise taxes on nightclub ad- The 64th Congress issued a charter to need for such reform becomes more ap- missions could create as many as 30,000 the Boy Scouts of America on June 15, parent and immediate. I am gratified newfull-time jobs, according to esti- 1916, and next year we will observe the that there seems to be a favorable climate for consideration by this Congress, and We cannot afford to regard the enter- 50th anniversary of that charter, the that the administration has at last seen tainment business as frivolous: it is an first to any youth serving agency. fit to offer is support for this much- important segment of American life, Gen. Bruce C. Clarke, U.S. Army, re- needed reform. both to those who depend on it for their tired-served as master of ceremonies at The President's recent hospitalization, livelihoods and for those of modest the breakfast and the chief scout execu- while not for a serious ailment, has once means who turn for relaxation to the mo- tive of the Boy Scouts of America. Mr. again aroused the interest and concern tion pictures, the legitimate stage and Joseph A. Brunton, Jr., told us of the of the general public for some action to the cabarets. activities connected with the observance remedy the existing situation. This in- I am today introducing legislation to of Boy Scout Week throughout the Na- terest has been bolstered by the backing repeal these admissions taxes in the hope tion this year. He expressed the appre- of the President himself as evidenced in that the administration will encourage ciation of the movement to the Congress, his message to this Congress on January such repeal in its anticipated excise tax the executive branch of our Govern- 28. As he rightly pointed out in that reduction recommendations. ment and to cooperating organizations message, the time to act is now. We can throughout the country who worked with ill afford to delay any longer. While I EAGLE SCOUT, CURTIS FRYE, 1 OF 12 during the helped and g the Boy It was announced am sure that it is the fervent hope of us that the past yeah It was the scouting all that the provisions of these reforms CHOSEN thathe membership of the scoumay never be put to test, we must realize (Mr. LANGEN (at the request of Mr. Program at the end of 1964 was 5,585,000 our duty to provide for such an even- GURNEY) was granted permission to ex- with more than 140,000 scouting units tuality. We know only too well that the tend his remarks at this point in the serving boys in all sections and terri- need for such machinery can, and in all RECORD and to include extraneous mat- tories of the United States. Among the outstanding accomplishments last year probability will again, present itself, tu-) without warning and in but a moment's Mr. LANGEN. Mr. Speaker, were the sixth national jamboree at Val- this ley , Pa.. in Jy which wa at- time. morning I had the pleasure and good tendedr by 52,124 boys a and le derss and There are very encouraging signs in fortune, along with many other Mem- the dedication of a memorial in the el- the other body that indicate forthcom- bers of the Congress, to take Part in the lipse here in Washington last November, ing action on the presidential Inability Boy Scout birthday breakfast held at the called the commemorative tribute which and succession problem based on the re- Statler Hilton Hotel, an event which honors the volunteer leaden of Scouting cent Presidential message, and we are, helped to launch the 55th anniversary of during its first 50 years. of course, all aware of the vote in the the Boy Scouts of America. _ Senate in the waning days of the 88th We were greatly impressed by the 12 cialnpresentations were made to the De- No. 25-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000500170014-4 AppR3'V'Ed For Release 2003/10/22 CQPAWB'#&gNA461*8&MVI7p Ql4SE partment of Defense and the Depart- ary 6 New York Journal American by ment of Health, Education, and Welfare Columnist Guy Richards. I ask leave to for their support of this and previous place it in the RECORD at this point. jamborees. Secretary Anthony J. Cele- SOVIET TINDERBOX: UxEAINIANS STIRRED UP BY brmze uucepied the award for the De- SLAYING "partment of Health, Education, and Wel- (By Guy Richards) fare and Gen. Harold Johnson, Chief of The itch for freedom is a curiously variable Staff of the Department of the Army, for force which has probably caused more wars, the Department of Defense. Mr. Brun- upsets and surprises than any other. ton announced that the next world jam- Its harvest of surprises Is especially in- boree will be held in the United States teresting. They're rooted to the cyclic na- during 1967. It will be attended by rep- ture of the itch. Tesentative groups of Scouts from more Not all peoples have it in the same degree. Those who feel than 84 Scout associations around the years s of f a certain it most decade mastrongly y ay scarcely ielrcely certain notice years WOTid . Mr. Brunton outlined a new and far reaching program entitled "Break- through for Youth" which will be launched this year and aimed at reach- ing and serving greatly increased num- bers of boys throughout the country, especially in hard to reach urban and rural areas. He said: We are aware and concerned today that there are still tens of thousands of boys who have no unit within their reach, in spite of the annually, increasing membership of the Boy Scouts of America over the years. The Boy Scouts of America feels a keen awpre- ness of Its responsibilities to the Nation to see that these boys have the opportunity to belong and to develop ideals and physical well being which are conducive to good citi- zenship and character. The Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge, Pa., was recognized by the Boy Scouts of America for successful comple- tion of a special program in citizenship, entitled "Strengthen America's Herit- age," and which was called the largest single exercise in citizenship training ever undertaken by a youth agency. Dr. Kennth D. Wells, president of the Free- doms Foundation of Valley Forge, read 1 of the 36 winning essays for which the Freedoms Foundation presented Its Nathan Hale Youth Patriotic Award. More than 35,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorers submitted statements in this contest. It was reported that 1,361,938 individual boys actively shared in this program during the past year and that nearly 60,000 Scouting units across the country conducted activities aimed at "Strengthening America's Heritage," including nearly 40,000 special camp fires called American Heritage Camp Fires, the first of which was conducted at the national Jamboree. SOVIET TINDERBOX (Mr. DERWINSKI (at the request of Mr. GURNEY) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Mr. DER,WINSKI. Mr. Speaker, too often the interpretation of the State De- partment of internal conditions in the Soviet Union is based on the false premise that the U.S.S.R. is a monolithic State ardently supported by all of its residents. The opposite is truly the case although it 10 years later. The docile aborigines of Australia have never felt it very strongly. Neither have the tribe-ridden Arabs. And the Polynesians of American Samoa were given a sample in- oculation and thereafter made It clear they wanted no part of it. Many a liberty-loving Frenchman, willing to murder anyone who challenged his right to denounce his own government leaders, wouldn't lift a finger to save the last vestiges of France's oversew empire from passing out of the family. So the itch not only produces paradoxes. It produces hypocrisies which so aggravate it that it often becomes an epidemic strong enough to spark a revolution. - TROUBLE BREWING FOR THE RUSSIANS Taxation without representation proved to be the final fuse for our Revolution and now the Soviet Union may be about to endure some of the wracking ordeals suffered, for somewhat different reasons, by the bumbling monarchy of George III. Ingredients for an explosion are present and are fast building up. In the first place, in the field of nauseating hypocrisy, the U.S.S.R. Is without a rival on the face of the earth. Here is a nation holding a whole galaxy of captive states in the grip of its army and secret police, while at the same time pretend- ing its heart bleeds for the "liberation" of oppressed peoples everywhere, What a mock- eryl Look at Hungary. Red China-every bit as aggressive-has never tried to strain anyone's credulity about being interested in peaceful coexistence with the West. Secondly, within the broad confines of Russia and her satellites, are millions of people who have always felt the itch for free- dom intensely: notably In Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czechosolvakia, the Ukrain- ian Union Republic and the Tartar Autono- mous SSR. Of these, the ones most keenly feeling the Impulse at the moment are re- portedly the Baltic populations, the Ukrain- lans and the Tartars. Thirdly a fuse has started to burn. It's a lulu and it's burning in the Ukraine, the great black earth belt north of the Black Sea which harbors a population of 43.5 mil- lion. Those millions go a long way to feeding the rest of Russia, and ever since the 18th century days of Ivan Mazeppa, Heiman of the Ukraine, Inspirer of the romantic move- ment enlivened by the great poet, Taros Shevcheno (who, in turn, inspired Lord By- ron, Victor Hugo, Franz Liszt and even Alex- ander Pushkin), they've always done their best to kick free from the Russians. The last time was during the German in- vasion of World War II. That almost suc- ceeded. the public is too rarely provided with What has relit the old Ukrainian fuse is news and commentary emphasizing the the combination of a brutal political awas- anti-Soviet spirit of individual national In s nation, a book about it and the elevation groups within the U.S.S.R. Therefore, I wthe masterminded ndhierarchy of one of the men am especially interested in directing to The e who assassination it. in Munich, a Germany, in the attention of the Members an article 1959, was that of Stephen Bandera, Ukrainian which appeared in the Saturday, Febru- nationalist leader. He was murdered by a February 8 KEG-trained agent, Borgan N. Stashinsky, who used the relatively clueproof cyanide spray gun. The book about it is "Political Assassina- tion" by a West German, Hermann Rasch- hofer. (He writes that the murder caused the CIA to reinvestigate the death of 150 politicians who appeared to have died nat- urally.) It is being distributed in the United States by the Boniface Press, in Philadelphia, Pa. PLOTTER BECOMES DEPUTY PREMIER The man who helped plan the murder, and who has since risen from KGB boas to deputy premier of the U.S.S.R., is 'Aleksander N. Shelepin. This trinity-a murder, a book, and a high promotion-is reportedly having an abrasive effect In Europe, and especially in the Ukraine. It has been translated In several languages. It spells out move by move how the murder of powerful insurgents has become a state policy of the U.S.S.R.; how the opposition (in this case West German Intelligence) was deliberately framed to look like the guilty one; and how planners and perpetrators were rewarded. Bandera was an Ukrainian hero. He was a white flame of the nationalist movement. The dossier of his cold-blooded extermina- tion and of the projected quick followup murder of Yuroslav Stezko, head of the Anti- Bolshevik Bloc of Nations headquartered in Munich, is gaining a prairie-fire readership among those anxious to find the real face of the Kremlin under the smiling facade. The book makes Instructive reading for citizens of the Congo, the United States, South Vietnam, Iran, and Burundi, to name a few, who have recently lost government leaders via the assassination route. AN IMPACT FELT IN UNITED STATES It's having an Impact on the more than 2 million Americans of Ukrainian descent who seem to know very well what it means when political assassination is as firmly entrenched as Russian policy Be social security is as American policy. The lesson is being rammed home, too, In their major English-language publications, the Ukrainian Bulletin, the Ukrainian Week- ly and the Ukrainian Quarterly Review. The editor of all three, Walter Dushnyck, a vet- eran of the Army's World War II campaigns in the Pacific, told the Journal-American: "The Bandera assassination demonstrates the eternal Russian fear of the Ukrainians' loyalty to the Ukraine. As long as Ukrain. ian freedom fighters exist anywhere In the world, the Russian Communist bosses know they're insecure-and they are." This timely and vivid description of the nationalistic seething within the Ukraine is reflected by the Baltic Peoples, Armen- ians, Cossacks, and other groups held captive within the Soviet empire. We must emphasize to our State De- partment that diplomatic, economic, and Information pressure should be brought to bear upon the Soviet Union so that the colonial practices of that Government might be terminated. It is with a sense of frustration that I recognize the State Department unwillingness to deal firmly with the Soviet threat. Therefore, ar- ticles such as this one by Mr. Richards serve a most helpful, timely role in pro- viding the public with proper informa- tion from within the U.S.S.R. (Mr. MOORE (at the request of Mr. GURNEY) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the REC- ORD and to include extraneous matter.)