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September 2, 1965
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0 ~ 4p rt?ved or-Releatse 004/04/08: CIA-RDP67BOO446ROO05 Paco f Page P096 CHICAGO, ILL. !NEWS BY PETER Lf5AC0It ing from a serious' but tin- gtlected the offer .He told'U.S.t- specitied.ailment. The Amer' !t officials that it was. too fate" Our Wa.chirt Eton Bureau Chief can doctor was recommended and that lie :would rely. upon; WASHINGTON -- Behind: by Lee's Qwn physician, ibis 'own dpetor, 'a: Itritish i the Singapore. -prime minister's The State Department. 'toll" citizen critter outburst against the : [acted the American doctor; A SHU1tT whila later, 'Lt,, c1 United States is the story of who was retired and will), as- chose to exhume an. old CIA, an emotionally distressed nran, ,!t happened, was about to dell 1~Iun.ler nr a long . drsjointcl who blames Washington, for'part for Europe. His reaction o r (failure to help his des crate( interview with five foreign c-'?+ p y :was, a negative one, and he ? respondents. During the ram-k sick wife. , tolrl U.S. authorities that man bJbin Lee Kuan Yew blew the;: Y " discussion, he charged' e th other doctors were available that Washington did not under- W lri on a 1960 Cent ! In- d bl a e to handle Mrs. Lee's stand the, Chinese, and added: i J tcllin clice_A cncy plot' to pen-, particular condition. He rec. And they don't understan ctrate Singapores intelligence nnimended several. d the' Vietnamese. That is why-~ service in an interview pub- The' Slate Department re_ Viet Nam is in such a mess" lished Monday,,angrily'accus rayed: these names, to Lee, Ironically, Lee had indicateding the United States of it whose response was'hitter. He his support of the American crud b ib r o i e r e y attempt t s .prlvtldh1 effort i Vi N? -;ae, accu'c te dcEarl- 1.net .am but be-. fence him.. i ?-) cause of pressures on hitn V meat of. lacking col'rpassion from Indonesia and Red China Lee's attack uliou the United and of being indifferent to his' he has Indonesia expressions of States, .which he accused of -I wife's plight. Only the origin- . support to prit' vae converxa- y iG ally recommended doctor tions? a lack of "depth and ud woufdd l g 0 ., ment or wisdom that comes Because Lee 'is reg,irded as, Since Singapore's break with, out of an . accumulation of a promising Asian leader with hffalaee the 4.t-year-old Lee, s some privately held ym ath has been under some emo knowledge of human bein g g p Y b( ? .ona stress, according to in and human situations over . a, !,.for U.S. polio in ,southeast formauts here. He has felt" long period of time, was As t a, department officials more vulnerable and lias'tried triggered by an intensely per-,? made another attempt to per. to show hims lf b e to g as va ? red doctor, who; sonar grievance, according to I w sd then ill, trG ieva. to take early anti-American in, public'? informants hone. as Sukarno. '.A U.S.' 'offtctal the case, _I, wit' hard sell in described Lee's reaction this A FEW weeps agog Lee the extreiue, but the doctor asked U.S. authorities to help , finally agreed., ; WI I We re the best Afro- him get an American medical But when Lee was uiformed Asian fall guy'in the,businehe L spcclah~ _ t~l~ 1_ ,:.wife suircr .1 lie had become; so enlotco ally and Lee was doin g 'what he; } 4 00ught necessa r' idist{auehE lttt"'.be:flatly 1e- ~~.,....,-ry....,, Gv~nt:n~re:~ Approved For Release 2004/04/08 : CIA=RDP67B00446R000500010019-6 Approved For Release 2004/04/08: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500010019-6 neither the CIA nor many', ;t BUT WASHINGTON con- in the State Department knew' tinned to look upon ' Lee'.as a the letter 'had . been sent. It I dynamic leader who would be co-operative wjth ' the British, t as he confirmed id his ' inter- !;view, 'and would, not carry his occasional blasts' at the United States ,too., far.' ? Then 'the . illness of his wife ti intervcied,`-and he turned to the United"States `for: the one! specialist he ' was `told', could; help her.. Some sources'.liere?.say Lee felt Washington was ;treating him somewhat cavalierly in saying that the doctor'was.re-I .tired, unwilling. and unable to take the case, Ond that there were' other ' doctors equally capable of treating her. When the' United States 'in squired - more fully into Mrs. L, ee's'con'dition,' they found it ..to ,be more 'sophisticated than they imagined. and realized , ay. that perhaps Lee's'-own doctor Lee' told 'about the CIA case hadgood_C,ause'tarecommend'.~..to a group of American bus- A l e: e: rocricau .specia ist: It was incssmen touring Asia tinder thee, that they moved to 'per- the auspices, of 'l'ime-Life Inc.; s'uade the doctor to'see Mrs. So little was thoughtf itt o a LCe that time, thQ -disclosure went ' 1JIVIBAl212ASSMJEI`r"1r over unreported. As one `;source ' s part of the CIA's: the CIA goof was compounded notes! "it ' mandate here by the belated disclosure e'to do what they.tried that Sec. of State Rusl4;.shortly to (lo in Singapore. They -just ,ater taking office 1961' I got caught there.", ii What the State Department$ wrote Lee Wh that' the "United 1 can ' now do to placate. the~1 . !!States regretted any "improper emotionally: trj set Iree, whose) ` action" by an American rn'; wife -cautinues desperately ill; :1 L5mo ig causing a,? krngtsizedt heads re 0 SEP 2 1965 Approved For Release' 2004/04/08 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000500010019-6 was at a?. time when President