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Approved For F~8A' %8RW.: J %F 7B AF 00400170011-8 July 8, 1965
to silent abettors of the crime of incita- violation of International Law and in
tion to violence and even to murder. violation of the U.N. resolution on Suez.
Byrd, Va. Ellender McClellan
Carlson Hart McGee
D irksen Hruska Young, N. Dak.
So Mr. PROUTY's amendment, as mods-
fled, was rejected.
Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, I move
that the Senate reconsider the vote by
which the modified amendment was re-
jected. ,
Mr. LON9':of Louisiana. I move to
lay that m ion on the table.
The ion to lay on the table was
r. DODD. Mr. President, on June
ser cope with grave domestic shortages.
I believe that it was a tragic mistake
to give this aid to Nasser without con-
ditions of any kind.
I wish to call to the attention of my
colleagues a remarkable study, recently
prepared by the research staff of the
Anti-Defamation League, dealing with
Nasser's worldwide anti-Jewish activi-
I heard of the existence of this 'study'
last week, and I asked for an advance
copy of the document because I felt that
this situation has, or should have, a very
direct bearing on Public Law 480 ship-
ments, or aid of any other kind, to the
Nasser regime.
The document has not yet been pub-
lished, but I am so impressed by the facts
compiled in this study and by their per-
tlnence to the entire question of our re-
lations with the United Arab Republic,
that I have asked and have been given
permission to insert them into the REc-
ORD for the information of Congress.
I ask unanimous consent to insert into
the RECORD, at the conclusion of my re-
marks, the complete text of the study
on "Arab Anti-Jewish Activities in the
United States," prepared by the Anti-
Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith.
out objection, it is so ordered.
(See exhibit 1.)
Mr. DODD. Mr. 'President, after
reading this study, I can only agree that
it constitutes a record of the most ma-
levolent international hate campaign
against the Jews as Jews since the Hitler
Anti-Semitism, hard core and deliberate We have done nothing about this.
in design- When Nasser organized a quisling coup
Says the study of the Anti-Defamation in Yemen, backed up by an invasion of
League- 25,000 Egyptian forces, not only did we
fail to demand any action by the U.N.,
denials, a distinct mark of the authorized
propaganda of the Arab world. This is the
latest conclusion in a continuing study of
Arab sources-official government publica-
tions, tightly regulated domestic newspapers
and magazines, and the voluminous output
of worldwide information services.
The study points out that in a pam-
phlet entitled "Who Benefits From Anti-
Semitism?" published by the Arab In-
formation Center and available from the
United Arab Republic Embassy in this
country, the Jews are assailed with nu-
merous quotations from that most dis-
credited of all spurious documents, the
so-called protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The study quotes the following passage
from the Scribe-April 1964-a monthly
magazine published in Cairo in English,
French, German, Italian, and Spanish:
At the risk of being accused o anti-bean
ism (sic), we want, in the single pursuit o
th, to prove that President Kennedy, ins
ike the two American Presidents assessi
ted before him, was the victim of a Zion
Yemeni Government and we evth? Frel ""01 1
frained from any statement of at cial
condemnation such as we made the
time of the Indian Invasion of Goa.
In response to this show of restraint
on our part, Nasser has now increased
his forces in Yemen to 50,000 men, and
he has mounted campaigns of infiltra-
tion and subversion directed against the
other countries of the Arabian Peninsula.
Beyond indicating our mild displeas-
ure, or perhaps I should say beyond in-
dicating our strong displeasure mildly, we
have failed to react to Nasser's open
support of the Congo rebellion, to the
massive arms buildup carried out with
the help of the Soviet Union and German
scientists, and to the unyielding belliger-
ence he has displayed toward the State
of Israel.
Even the sacking and destruct o
U.S. Embassy installations, with t e in- R H
dulgence and most probably witti the
inspiration of the Egyptian authorities,
brought no reaction beyond an ostensibly
stern demand for indemnification-
which Nasser was quick to promise.
In February of this year, the Senate
voted against continued Public Law 480
shipments to the United Arab Republic.
However, the resolution barring such
shipments was amended at the request of
the administration in a manner which
ilkes Booth, murderer of President Abra
tam Lincoln, and Leon Czolgosz, who assns
mated President McKinley, were both Jew
n the service of the Zionist cause.
newspaper as saying that "what Hitler
did to the Jews was simply revenge for
what they did to Christ."
Still another article quoted from an
Arab newspaper says:
The Jews are use to living on
f others, and whatever the Jewish people
ave achieved was mainly arrived at by
eans of disorders which they themselves
rovoked to help attain their goal. The
Communist revolution in Russia was orga-
ized by the Jews for their own ends.
orld War II against Hitler was a Jewish
These are only a few of the many,
many exhibits compiled by the research-
ers of the Anti-Defamation League.
In deciding last month to renew Pub-
lic Law 480 shipments to Egypt, the ad-
ministration was unquestionably guided
by the conviction that, as difficult as
Nasser may be, we must do everything in
our power to prevent his further aliena-
tion. If we decide to get tough with
Nasser, so the argument goes, it may
result in a complete rupture of his al-
ready tenuous ties with the West and
force him into the arms of the Com-
Out of fear of driving Nasser irrevoc-
ably into the arms of the Communists,
we have, ever since the Suez crisis,
turned the. other cheek to each new af-
front by Nasser and to each violation of
The berserk quality of this propaganda
is terribly reminiscent of "Der Stuermer"
and Stretcher and Goebbels. To rational
men, its sheer insanity may appear to
render it ineffective. But, as I learned
in painful detail at the Nuremberg trials,
such malicious nonsense can poison the
minds of millions of people; and -once
they are thus poisoned, they become ca-
pable of unspeakable atrocities against
the objecl;s of their hatred.
Thi$ new Arab anti-Semitic propa-
ganda, like Nazi propaganda in its own
day, is nothing less than an incitation
to. murder. And if, in the interest of
avoiding offense to the Nasserite ex-
tremists, we close our eyes to the poten-
tial consequences, we reduce ourselves
left Public Law 480 shipments to the dis-
cretion of the executive branch. I voted
against this amendment, because~,~ as I
stated on the floor on February 4 5.d e tRGH
that it makes no sense for Cong ss to
pass on the details of our foreign aid
program, and then have the executive
branch override the intent of Congress
whenever, in its opinion, the national
interest demands it.
I "Relieve that the stand I took at that
time has been borne out by the events of
the past several weeks.
As we should have learned from past
experience, our new offer of aid to the
Nasser regime has brought only more
abuse from the Egyptian press and radio,
and more praise for Moscow and Peiping.
In this connection, Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent to insert into the
RECORD at the conclusion of my remarks
an article in the Baltimore Sun for Sat-
urday, July 3, captioned "U.S. Food Aid
Disparaged by Egyptians : Radio Stations
Belittle Johnson Action but Praise Russ
objection, it is so ordered.
(See exhibit 2.)
Mr. DODD. Mr. President, this is a
very interesting article. I hope that the
11 was Only thanks to
t "--- -
Nasser was able to survive the Suez Mr. Paul Ward, the author of tG Ir'R G H
crisis. But when we had pulled his cle, quoted the Egyptian Radio . s say-
t:...+~ out of the fire for him by Sun- in
porting a U.N. resolution calling upon
Britain, France, and Israel to withdraw
their forces, Nasser responded by impos-
ing a blockade on all Israeli shipping, in
Mates as charity or aid, as its trumpets
ake out, but buy it at the full price which,
ndeed, includes profit. There were favor-
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$3 billion mentioned 'by the Senator in ' Mr. PROUTY. Mr, President, will the
charge, of the .bill. Somewhere in be- Senator yield further?
tween i the cost. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I yield.
These natters should be considered Mr. PROUTY. Is it not,,true,that the
on their merits. proposal now incorporated in the brill
The program will erode to nothing in would cost $1.5 billion?
a few years If we start this practice. I Mr., LONG of Louisiana., Is the Sen-
1. 1 am not talking now about medicare. I ator asking whether it would cost $1.5
am against the medicare proposal. I billion?
am talking about social security benefits. Mr. PROUTY. Yes. I mean the pro-
If we continue this program, it will be gram presently incorporated in the bill
out the window within 3 years. as reported by the committee..
Mr. PROUTYY. Mr. President, I am Mr. LONG of Louisiana. The esti-
glad that the Senator has shown some mate is that it would cost 1.1 percent of
interest inthe Canadian system, because the payroll. , That works out to $3 bil-
I may offer a related amendment later. lion a year. That is what the actuary
Eighty percent of the older Americans estimates it to be. He has been in the
under social security have this income' business of estimating this kind of thing
as their Qnly income. Half of them all his lifetime.
have less than $12.56 in outside income. I heard the Senator from Illinois [M'r.
One-third have no income at all. Six DOUGLAS] Who at one time was president
percent of the social security retirees re- of the American Association of Econo-
slue less than a month. It seems mists state that in his judgment the man
to me that in the, interest of humanity, I have named was the most honest ac
Congress can do no less than increase tuary in the entire United States.
these figures. In the higher brackets So I say that that is what the proposed
I do not exceed the figures In the bill. program would cost-more than $3 bli-
The excess of $600 million that I have lion.
mentioned is accurate. It has been ob Mr. RUSSELL of South Carglina, Mr.
tained from socia~l security authorities. President, will the Senator yield?
I believe it is fully justified. I do not Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I yield.
wish to take any more time. Mr. RUSSELL of South Carolina. As
I point out that, under the social se- I understand, if we vote for the amend-
curity program there was general rev- ment, we shall Impose a burden upon
enue refunding up to 1950. That was the general revenue. fund of $3 billion.
with the approval of the late President If we vote for the amendment, there will
Roosevelt. So this is not a novel ap- be an increase of $3 billion in social secu-
proach. rity costs.
Mr. President, once again I plead for Mr. LONG of Louisiana. That is cor-
the 20 million old people In this noun- rect. That is what the amendment of
try, most of whom desperately need an the Senator would do.
increase in social security benefits. I Mr. RUSSELL of South Carolina. We
very much hope that the Senate will are voting not only for the amendment,
accord them the increased benefits but at the same time to increase the ap-
which they so richly deserve and need. proprfation of the Federal Government
Is the Senator from Louisiana willing by $3 billion.
to yield back the remainder of his time? Mr. LONG of Louisiana. That would
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I should like be the authorization.
to make a brief statement before yield- Mr.. PROUTY. Mr. President, how
Ing back my time.
Not only would the amendment change
the principle of the social security, pro-
gram, but also it would cost $3 billion of
general revenue. It would not be the
most efficient way to spend money under
the program.
Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield?
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I yield.
Mr. PROUTY. I should like to know
the authority for that $3 billion figure.
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. The esti-
mate is that the proposal would cost 1.1
percent of the payroll. That Is the esti-
mate of Mr. Myers, whose word, I always
take, even If his estimate appears high.
He is an honest actuary.
I have heard many people argue about
the estimates of Bob Myers. No one has
proved him wrong. Most of us believe
that Bob Myers is the most honest ac-
tuary and the most honest person to
estimate the cost of something without
fear or favor that we have in govern-
much time have I remaining?
Senator from Vermont has 11 minutes
Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, I only.
want to add that Mr. Myers, to whom
the Senator from Louisiana was refer-
ring, said that the same program which
I offered last year would cost $2.1 bil-
lion. I have that in memorandum form.
I believe it was incorporated in last year's
RECORD. ]Inasmuch as the bill now be-
fore the Senate would increase the
amount by $`i.5 billion, I maintain that
my amendment would increase it only
another $606 million. If Mr. Myers'
earlier estimates are correct in that re-
spect, the program would cost not $3 bil-
lion, but only $600 million in excess of
the benefit Increases provided In H.R.
yields time?
Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, I yield
back the remainder of my time.
ment. That is his estimate. He esti- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does
mates that it would ,cast a minimum of the Senator from Louisiana yield back
$3 billion from the general revenue. the remainder of his time?
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi-
dent, I checked with Mr. Myers before
the amendment was offered. He is still
firm in the estimate he.gave me.
I yield back the remainder of my time.
having been yielded back, the question is
on agreeing to the amendment, as modi-
fied, of the Senator from Vermont. On
this question. the yeas and nays have
been ordered, and the clerk will call the
The legislative clerk proceeded to call
the roll.
Mr, YOUNG of North Dakota (when
his name was called). On this vote I
have a pair with the senior Senator from
Louisiana [Mr. ELLENDER]. If he were
present and voting, he would vote "nay."
If I were at liberty to vote, I would vote
"yea." I therefore withhold my vote.
The rollcall was concluded.
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I announce
that the Senator from Louisiana [Mr.
ELLENDER], the Senator from Michigan
[Mr. HART], the Senator from Arkansas
[Mr. MCCLELLAN], and the Senator from
Wyoming [Mr. McGEE] are absent on
official business.
I further announce that the Senator
from Virginia [Mr. BYRD] is necessarily
I further announce that, if present.
and voting, the Senator from Virginia
[Mr. BYRD] and the Senator from Wy-
oming [Mr. McGEE] would each vote
Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the
Senator from Kansas [Mr. CARLSON) and
the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN]
are necessarily absent.
The Senator from Nebraska [Mr.
HRUSKA] is absent on official business.
If present and voting, the Senator
from Nebraska [Mr. HRUSKA] would
vote "nay."
The result was announced-yeas 12,
nays 79, as follows:
[No. 167 Leg. ]
Fong Prouty
Hickenlooper Scott
Kennedy, Mass. Simpson
Kennedy, N.Y. Smith
Anderson Hill Muskie
Bartlett Holland Nelson
Bass Inouye Neuberger
Bayh Jackson Pastore
Bennett Davits Pearson
Bible Jordan, N.C. Pell
Boggs Jordan, Idaho Proxmire
Brewster Kuchel Randolph
Burdick Lausche Ribico8
Byrd, W. Va. Long, Mo. Robertson
Cannon Long, La. Russell, S.C.
Case Magnuson Russell, Ga.
Church Mansfield Saltonstall
Clark McCarthy Smathers
Cooper McGovern Sparkman
Curtis McIntyre Stennis
Dodd McNamara Symington
Douglas Metcalf Talmadge
Eastland Miller Thurmond
Ervin Mondale Tower
Fannin Monroney Tydings
Fulbright Montoya Williams, N.J.
Gore Morse Williams, Del.
Gruening Morton Yarborough
Hems moss ' Young," Ohio
Hartke Mundt
Hayden Murphy
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July 8, 1965
Approved For Release 2Q0.~/07(13 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400170011-8
able payment terms because the whea flour,
and other supplies were surplus `in the
United States.
blaming the United States for the
United Nations crisis and assailing both
the United States and the United, Xing
doin for their.,interventior in Vietnam.
I bring these items to the attention of
my colleagues because I believe that the
time has come fora fundamental re-
examination of our relations with ex-
tremist dictators like Nasser.__ ,
. All of Qur massive aid has given, us
absolutely no influence with Nasser. On
the contrary, it seems only to have fed
his contempt for us.
All our attempts to placate and ap-
pease him have only resulted in further
abuse and more aggression-yes, and
ultimately in the growing alienation
which we seek to avoid.,
If we had forgotten the previous les-
song of history on this score, we should at
least have learned from our very recent
experience with Sukarno.
A policy of firmness from the begin-
ning in our dealings with Sukarno
would, in my opinion, have obliged him
to pursue a more moderate policy. At
the very least it would have encouraged
the more moderate elements in his coun-
try. But, instead of firmness, we dealt
with Sukarno as we are still dealing with
We lavished aid on him, , We ignored
his _ abuse, ignored the frequent attacks
on American Embassy installations, ig-
nored the consistent diplomatic aline-
ment with the Communist countries
against the free world, ignored the mas-
sive buildup of Soviet weapons. We even
went so far as to. give him our support
for his imperialist grab of West New
The omentum of the course he was
pursuing has now carried Sukarno al-
most to the end of the road. He has
withdrawn from the United Nations and
has virtually severed relations with the
free world. Bolstered by the support,he
was receiving from both the Communist
world and the United States, he has
moved progressively to undermine the
once-powerful moderate elements, em-
ploying the salami tactics made famous
by the Communists. And, now a point
has been reached where most Westgrn
commentators fear that Indonesia, un-
der Sukarno, has become, or is rapidly
becoming, a de facto member of the
Communist camp.
Such has ,been the consequence of the
policy of avoiding offense to Sukarno, I
gravely fear that, if we persist in the
policy, of avoiding offense to Nasser, the
ultimate consequence may be very little
Because we refuse to offend Nasser, we
cannot officially 'oppose or expose his
anti-Jewish propaganda.
Because we refuse to offend him, or to
openly disapprove of his actions, we can-
not, clearly demarcate ourselves mQr-
ally from the many acts of , aggression
Nasser. has already perpetrated against
his. Arab neighbors, or from the major
aggression he is plotting against Israel.
Nasser does not speak for the entire
Arab world. He speaks for only an ex-
tremist segment of it. I think it would
vastly improve our posture before the
entire world, including the Arab world,
if we made further American aid to Nas-
ser contingent on his peaceful behavior.
I think it would contribute to the
peace and stability of the Near East if we
spoke up in a strong voice against the
crimes of the Nasser regime against its
neighbors and against its own people.
We must continue, as I have said be-
fore, to offer Nasser the hand of friend-
ship. But we must stop kowtowing to
him, or muting our disapproval of his
Only such a combination of friendship
and firmness stands any chance of per-
suading Nasser that it is in his interest
and in the interests of his people to
abandon his present dangerous path and
instead seek a regional settlement that
would assure peace to the peoples of the
Middle East.
Especially on the question of the vi-
cious anti-Jewish agitation now being
carried on by his propagandists, it is
important that we let Nasser know where
we stand.
Only several months ago, the Senate
voted unanimously for a resolution,
which I was honored to cosponsor, ex-
pressing our moral condemnation of the
persecution of the ,Jewish religion and
other religions of the Soviet regime. We
took this action because we believed that
this was a matter that properly con-
cerned us and that it was incumbent on
us to express our indignation to the
I consider the massive international
anti-Jewish agitation being carried on
by extremist elements in the Arab com-
munity to be a matter that appeals
equally to our conscience. Perhaps this
is a matter, too, on which the Senate of
the United States should let the people
of the world know where it stands.
Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, will
the Senator yield?
Mr. DODD. I yield.
Mr. GRUENING. I commend the Sen-
ator from Connecticut highly for his
constructive criticism of Dictator Gamal
Abdel Nasser.
The statement of the Senator from
Connecticut is one additional indictment
on a series of acts that we in the United
States seem not only to condone but also
to subsidize.
, The list of these violations, the ag-
gressive acts of this dictator, the waging
of war in Yemen, while we pour our
money into Egypt for the relief of the
undernourished and poor citizens of
Egypt, is positively shocking. The list
of his other aggressions and planned ag-
gressions, his mutiple acts of violence
and hate, are well known to the Senate.
However, the indictment should lie not
only against Nasser, but also against
those in our administration who persist
in appeasing him. Such indictment may
apply not orily to the executive branch,
It may be that we should be somewhat
critical also of some of our own col-
leagues who take the actions of the Sen-
ate to conference, after an overwhelming
vote that aid to Nasser should cease, and,
almost invariably and without exception,
the actions of the Senate are deleted in
I believe that it is about time that we
had an extended debate on how long we
shall subsidize such characters when
their every act is a violation of every
principle that the United States es-
Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I am ex-
tremely pleased that the Senator from
Alaska made that comment. The com-
ment needed to be made. _
I wholeheartedly agree with what the
Senator said. I assure him that I will do
my best and I know that he will do his
best to see whether we can change our
policy toward governments that are so
hostile to us.
Mr. HARRIS. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield?
Mr. DODD. I yield.
Mr. HARRIS. Mr.: President, I asso-
ciate myself with the remarks of the Sen-
ator from Alaska and the Senator from
Connecticut, concerning aid to Nasser.
The Senator will recall that, by a vote
of 73 to 13, the Senate agreed to an
amendment in the foreign aid authoriza-
tion bill, declaring. that no aid should go
to either Egypt or Indonesia so long as
either of those countries continue their
acts of aggression against our country.
We now have a finding by the Senate
that these countries are continuing their
acts of aggression against our country.
Reports filter down to me from the con-
ference to the effect that that section of
the bill has been deleted and that the
measure will come back to the Senate
shorn of the amendment which was
agreed to by a vote of 73 to 13. This ac-
tion in conference would be taken in spite
of the fact that the State Department
now admits that it has under investiga-,
tion reports that Nasser is in violation of
our 1962 agreement with him and, in vio-
lation of the agreement, has been selling
rice in excess of the agreed amount to the
Communist bloc countries, including
Cuba and China, against which countries
we have embargoes.
If that particular bill comes back to the
Senate without that amendment included
therein, with regard to Sukarno and Nas-
ser, I hope the Senate will refuse to agree
to the conference report.
I commend the distinguished Senator
from Connecticut for his remarks, which
further strengthen the position of the
Mr. DODD. I am grateful to the Sen-
ator from Oklahoma.
Mr. RIBICOFF. Mr. President, will
the Senator yield?
Mr DODD. I yield.
Mr. RIBICOFF. I commend my dis-
tinguished colleague the Senator from
Connecticut for making this case co-
gently clear and bringing the matter to
the attention of the Senate and of the
I believe that the Senator has per-
formed a most useful service.
I should like to associate myself with
the remarks and comments of my dis-
tinguished colleague the Senator from
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Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I am
pleased that my colleague joins me in
this action, ,as I have joined him.
I believe that we are making progress.
I am glad that I was able to bring the
matter to the attention of the Senate.
Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will
the Senator yield?
Mr. DODD. I yield.
Mr. LAUSCHE. I associate myself
with the remarks made by the Senator
;root Connecticut. I particularly sub-
scribe to his statement that our policy
of helping our enemies and looking In-
differentlY and sometimes with coolness
upoll our friends, Is the main ' cause of
our problems.
There are men in the State Depart-
ment who believe that we can, by ap-
peasement and by the spending of
money, win the friendship of dictators
who are basically and philosophically
opposed to what we do.
Nasser is a good example. He has
flouted our flag. He has burned our
buildings. He has challenged the honor
of our Nation. And yet those men in
the State Department, in the face of
these actions, believe that, by pleas and
by gentle considerations, we can win
Nasser to our side.
The fact Is that the more we help
him, the more we supply him, the
greater Is his challenge, because he be-
lieves if he threatens to join the Com-
munist forces we will yield still more.
I Ommerid the Senator.
Mr. DODD... I thank the Senator from
Mr. MILER. Mr. President, will the
.Mr. DODD. I yield to the Senator
from Iowa.
Mr. MILLED?,. I also join the other
Senators who have spoken in commen-
dation of the Senator for making this
most timely statement. In addition to
other violations, Mr. Nasser and his gov-
ernment are very delinquent to
Jnfted Nations in their dues and as-
ses=Lei ts. That is only one of many
other factors-that ought to be taken
into account.
I say to the junior Senator from Okla-
homa [Mr. HARRIS] that we have been
through this before. We have put
amendments in the foreign aid bill In
the Senate, and we have seen them taken
out in conference. As sure as we are
present here In the Senate tonight, Mr.
Nasser is counting on action by the
State Department with the conferees
to take the amendment out of the bill. I
hope he will be disappointed, but if pre-
vious history is borne out again, he will
not be disappointed. I dislike to say
this, but that is the way it has been. I
CPYRGHIink it is most unfortunate. I hope
the conferees will stand firm, but do not
count on it.
Against Arab claims in regard to their
writings, broadcasts, and press dispatches
that they are solely anti-Israel and anti
' 1onist-standg the documented record o
their own words. ' It is a record of the most
malevolent international hate canipaig
against Jews as Jews since the Hitler years
and it bears the seal of the highest position
of Arab officialdom.
Anti-Semitism-hard core and deliberate
in design-Is now, despite pious and often
heated denials, a distinct mark of the au-
thorized propaganda of the Arab world. This
is the latest conclusion in a continuing study
of Arab sources-official government publi-
cations, tightly regulated domestic news-
papers and magazines, and the voluminous
output of worldwide information services.
Though political war against the State of
Israel may be the ultimate purpose of Arab
propaganda efforts, the means to this end
are often vicious attacks on the Jews them-
selves, regardless of nationality or political
belief, and on their religion. In fact, in
notable instances the political issue of Israel
Is so unrelated to the questions involved as
to be obviously only the thinnest excuse for
open defamation of the Jewish people in all
parts of the world. Two well-documented
examples--a barrage of' scurrilous anti-
Semitic canards attempting to cite a
Jewish plot behind the assassination of Presi-
dent Kennedy; recent Arab pressure on the
Roman Catholic Church to uphold the
"guilt" of all Jews in all times for the killing
of Christ-serve to demonstrate both the
turn to undisguised anti-Semitism in official
propaganda and the surprisingly unsubtle
techniques involved.
An Arab propagandist in the United States
may write that charges "that Arabs are anti-
Semitic * * * are not only false but ridicu-
lous" '-but in January 1965, English-speak-
ing areas in Africa were flooded with copies
of a pamphlet, "Israel, The Enemy of Africa,"
vilifying the Jewish faith and labeling all
Jews as cheats, thieves, and murders. Its
authors cite and quote directly from the'
"Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"
and Henry Ford's "The International Jew,"
two of history's most vicious and most
thoroughly discredited anti-Jewish tracts.
Released by the Information Department of
the United Arab Republic in Cairo, the
pamphlet is available from the United Arab
Republic Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Such official sources prove undeniable
government policy. But the rigorous press
censorship practiced in Arab lands, especially
in Egypt, points also to government aip-
proval-if not to actual government origin-
Of articles and opinions published in the
leading daily newspapers.
"Spot the Jew"-with this headline, Fala-
stin, a Jerusalem (Jordan) daily, began its
account of the tragic events in Dallas in
November 1963. Emphasizing the fact that
Jack Ruby was Jewish, the Arab propagan-
dists discovered a blood conspiracy in far-off
Texas, and the winds of hatred were fanned.
On November 25, the authoritative Egyp-
tian daily, Al-Gomhouria of Cairo, reported
the assassination's aftermath in a. column
by Nasser ed-Din An-Nashashibi:
"In the same part of town * * * Ken-
nedy's killer fell in his own life blood.
"All eyes are turned to the new killer-
the murderer of the assassin. He is a night
club owner named Jack Rubinstein * * * a
Jew, of course.
"It has already been proved beyond all
shadow of doubt that the new killer is of
Jewish origin."
On the 'loth, "Al-Hihad Dialog," a daily"
column in Al-Jihad, published in the Jor-
danian part of Jerusalem, reported:
'The man who killed Kennedy's assassin
was a Jew. The question is, what were
these vital secrets which the Jew who killed
Kennedy's assassin was trying to cover
up? * * * The role of this, Jewish killer
in the dilemma of Kennedy's assassination
moves people to ask whether world Jewry has
any interest in this crime, and whether sub-
' Sami Hadawi, "Who Benefits From Anti-
Semitism" (New York: Arab Information
Center, 1961) pp. 1, 2.
July 8, Y965
sequently, for fear of punishment, it got rid
of the assassin lest he should disclose vital
secrets? How many crimes has world Jewry
already committed In history, to attain its
ends and further its own interests?"
On the 27th, the same column in Al-Jihad
probed deeper into Its suspicions of the pre-
vious day:
"The Jews are used to living on the blood
of others, and whatever the Jewish people
have achieved was mainly arrived at by
means of disorders which they themselves
provoked to help attain their goal. The Com-
munist revolution in Russia was organized by
the Jews for their own ends. World War II
against Hitler was a Jewish war.
"Rooted in the Jewish character since the
dawn of their history, these qualities domi-
nate them In America and Europe just as
they did in days gone by.
"When will the Americans become wise to
the secret crimes and conspiracies of the
Jews-Heaven only knows."
The following day, Beirut's newspaper Al-
Hayyat published a letter from Na'if Shab-
laq, a supporter of the Grand Mufti of Pales-
tine, which added some new Jewish blood to
the supposed conspiracy into which only
"Rubinstein" seemed to have fit until then.
Incredibly, the writer had uncovered "an im-
portant point, which the international news
agencies-mostly under Zionist influence-
apparently tried to cover up; namely, that
the assassin, Lee Oswald, Is a Jew on both his
father's and his mother's side, a Jew by be-
lief and a Jew by religion, who was born a
Jew and lived as a Jew."
This revelation continued the vision of the
"hidden hand" plot behind all major assassi-
nations-one of the oldest canards of anti-
Semitic pamphleteering and one which the
Arab ideologies have recently resurrected for
worldwide consumption. It was set forth in
the Scribe (April 1964), a monthly magazine
published in English, French, German, Ital-
ian, and Spanish by the National Publica-
tions House in Cairo:
"At the risk of being accused of anti-
semitism (sic), we want, in the single pur-
suit of truth, to prove that President Ken-
nedy, just like the two American Presidents
assassinated before him, was the victim of
a Zionist-armed hand. It is no secret that
John Wilkes Booth, murderer of President
Abraham Lincoln, and Leon Czolgosz, who
assassinated President McKinley, were both
Jews in the service of the Zionist cause."
To the names of the three Presidents, the
Scribe added those of seven Senators-in-
eluding Huey Long and William E. Borah-
as victims of Jewish killers. The technique
is to identify any American Jew as a part
of what this Arab monthly referred to as
"the Zionist octopus at large," then to insist
that the attack is against Zionism rather
than Jews as such. And in this case the
picture of Jewish terror In America's streets
was sharpened with a quote from some even
more practiced masters of tortuous propa-
ganda. The editors of the Scribe reported
to their readers in five language:
"The Moscow newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda,
organ of the Soviet Ministry of Defense, at-
tributed, in its issue of December 14, the
assassination of President Kennedy to
Murder Inc., which succeeded the Mafia of
sad memory, and which gave rise to all sorts
of Israeli criminals, such as Al Capone (real
name Isaac Schacher). "
On December 4, 1963, Sa'id Nu'mat Ulla,
writing in Cairo's Government-regulated
Acher Sa'a, summed up the approved assas-
sination story,, brazenly twisting the best
evidence and adding a final virulent carica-
"The Zionist terror * * * and the Jewish
gangs are the ones responsible for the crime
of President Kennedy's assassination.
"Investigators in America have all come
to the same conclusion: this outrage com-
mitted in Dallas, which shook the conscience
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of the world, was not the act of one s ngle
man. * * * Jack Rubinstein, the Jew who
killed Oswald, had no intention--as he
claimed-of sparing Jacqueline Kennedy the
anguish of testifying in court.
"All the evidence indicates that an inter-
na$lonal gang is behind the assassination.
Meanwhile, in Dallas jail, Rubinstein is busy
writing his memoirs. He has announced that
he hopes to fetch a very high price for them.
"Once a Jew-always a Jew, even in jail."
The continuing study of Arab propaganda
sources establishes that the renewed use of
blatant anti-Jewish material, begun after
the Kennedy assassination, was greatly in-
creased at the time the Ecumenical Council
of the Roman ' Catholic Church undertook
consideration of its schema relating to the
Jews-the clarifying statement on respon-
sibility for trie crucifixion.
The Arab nations seemed determined to
halt the Vatican's efforts to bring about a
better understanding between Christians and
Jews-this, in an area far removed from any
i;naginable dispute with Israel or Zionism,
could only lead to grave questions concerning
the motive for the Arab actions.
"Certainly the Arab Christians have raised
their voices against the attempts to alter
the Holy Scriptures," declared Arabische Kor-
respondenz, a German-language newsletter
,published by the Arab League in Bonn, West
Germany, in its issue of October 28, 1964. "As
inhabitants of the cradle of Christianity the
Arabs are, in a better position to be able to
judge the history of Christianity. That is
why they permitted themselves to oppose the
attempts of the council."
Suggesting thus that its judgments on
matters of Christian doctrine were superior
to those of the Vatican itself, the Arab League
stepped up its anti-Jewish propaganda. To
this its agents added open political pressure
on Rome, designed to convince the Council
of the Jews' "total and perpetual guilt" in
Christ's death.
The following issue of Arabische Korres-
pondenz (Nov. 20, 1964) announced the
League's political orders clearly:
"All Arab Ambassadors in foreign countries
have received instructions to keep constant
contact with the bishops and cardinals who
participate in the council in Rome and to
enlighten them about the political back-
grounli behind the Jewish schema debated
by the council. The Arab Ambassadors will
also explain the Arabian point of view con-
'cerning this document to the Papal Secre-
tariat and other authorities of the Vatican.
This action of, the Arab nations is to be. in-
terpreted as a good-will, action, in order to
maintain good relations with the Vatican."
The closing threat, though implied, was
clear. Indeed, Catholic prelates now ex-
pressed openly their concern for the well-
being of priests and church in the Arab lands
should the schema pass. President Achmed
Sukarno of Indonesia made a trip to Rome to
warn the Pope of possible diplomatic reper-
cussions. On November 22, Jordan's Foreign
Minister Kadri Toukan was quoted in a Bei-
rut newspaper, the Daily Star, to the effect
that passage of the proposed church declara-
tion would be disastrous since, he said, "his-
tory testifies to Jewish intentions of destroy-
ing Christ and Christianity.'
Ill-disguised assaults of hate from official
sources had patterned such analyses as the
following-from the Arab Observer, "the
nonalined weekly," published in English by
the United Arab Republic's General Organi-
zatlon of Publications in Cairo (issue of
Oct. 19, 1964) 1
"What are the facts of the -strife betvyeen
opposing .groups of prelates? * ? * Some
mention would inevitably be made concern-
ing the references in the New Testament to
the part of the Jews in the murder of Jesus
of Nazareth, and o their and ua
guilt in this crime.
"The Zionising Cardinals * * * are the
dupes of an incessant power struggle which
uses the supposed sufferings of the Jews as
one of its principal aids."
In connection with these "supposed suffer-
ings," the Arab League's Bonn voice had
sought somewhat startling ties of sympathy
with its German readers (Arabische Korre-
spondenz, Oct. 3, 1964) :
"The Council in Rome again occupies itself
with Judiaism and Christianity * * *. The
question arises whether it is prudent and
right to correct history for the sake of Zion-
ism * * '. Would it also not be right if
one wants to forgive the Jews their 2,000-
year-old guilt also to forgive the Germans
their guilt?"
All restraint seemed to be dropped in the
barrage of propaganda attending the historic
visit of Pope Paul VI to the Holy Land prior
to the council debates on the Crucifixion
"They Will Not Deceive Him, for He Knows
Them Well," proclaimed the headline in
Cairo's highly-authoritative Akhbar el-Yom
on December 14, 1963, over the following
"The Jews have already exploited this
purely religious pilgrimage to create the im-
pression in world opinion that the new Pope
harbors some opinion concerning charges
that the Jews killed Christ.
Christianity holds fast to its belief that
the Jews killed Christ-because they ad-
mitted their guilt and boasted of it, and be-
cause the way they treat Christians and
everybody else is like that of bloodthirsty
"And as for the claim these vagrants
make-why do they trouble today to clear
themselves of something they admitted per-
petrating 2,000 years ago. Why are they
so anxious to still their conscience over the
blood of Christ, when so many fingers have
pointed at them to claim the blood of
"We are convinced that this visit will not
influence the Pope's belief as to the nature
of the Jews, since he knows them quite
enough. And once he will have met them,
he will get to know them more than enough."
On January 4, 1964, in covering the
Pope's arrival at the Emir Abdullah Bridge,
Radio Amman (Jordan) broadcast a com-
mentary which declared in part:
"The events of history will fortify his lofty
,spirit more and more; His Holiness will con-
sider how the Jews behaved at that time.
"Some 2,000 years ago the Jews crucified
Jesus, after beatings, humilations and tor-
tures that heap shame upon mankind every-
where. And 15 years ago, in the most cruel
manner, the Jews overran Palestine. They
attacked its innocent, unarmed citizens and
subjected many of them to the most villain-
ous atrocities.
"Thus do the Jews prove their respon-
sibility for the infamies of their forebears,
and for the crucifixion and humilation of
Christ 19 generations ago."
Among the Ecumenical Council fathers
there was deep feeling that distortions of the
crucifixion story had spawned many of the
slanders that had led to historic persecu-
tions-slanders now heard again, ironically,
at the very moment of these deliverations.
The propagandists of the Arab world were
attempting to turn that hatred which had
made the schema necessary into a weapon
against its success. Upon Christ's "murder-
ers" should fall a heritage of blood and pun-
ishment. And the killing of an American
President had provided a fortunate parallel.
Anis Mansur, writing in Cairo's Al-Musa-
war on December 6, 1962, had turned the
trick to the propagandists' satisfaction, set-
ting a pattern for muc of e ensu ng cam-
paign. Some significant excerpts:
"I am not a man of religion, but I feel
bound to broach an old religious problem, for
reasons that are new * * * whereupon the
connection between this problem and Ken-
nedy's assassination becomes quite straight-
* *
"What is 'new, however, is that there is
a definite trend among Catholics to exon-
erate the Jews completely from the blood of
Jesus * * * The Jews have already suffered
dozens of times since those days. They
pleaded innocence of this dastardly crime
hundreds of times. What Hitler did to them
was simply revenge for what they did to
* * * *
Catholic Church,
"A congress of Catholic churchmen was
held in Rome, which debated a document
appealing to brotherhood. * * * A vote was
taken on this particular passage, which
showed 2,114 for and 40 against. It was thus
decided that Catholics the world over should
know that the Jews had not crucified
* * *
"It was strange that this congress was
held in great haste, since one would have ex-
pected it to take place in December, 1964.
"Its decisions-in other words-were due
to have been published in the middle of this
month, a week before President Kennedy was
"Kennedy was a Catholic-and his assassin
Jewish. The killer of Kennedy's assassin was
Jewish too, and so is the man in charge of
the investigation.
"While the Catholics are busy making
peace with the Jews-the Jews are assas-
sinating the foremost Catholic personality in
the world.
* * * *
"The capitalist regime in America
tolerates the existence of Jewish gangs * * *
and America pays the price * * * which this
time was high. It is inevitable that anti-
Jewish feeling-flickering at present-will
turn into an open hatred as cruel as the
bullet that struck Kennedy."
On February 24, 1964, the Grand Mufti of
Palestine, Mohammad Amin El Husseini, as
chairman of the Arab Higher Committee for
Palestine, wrote to Pope Paul VI decrying
the principles of the Jewish religion-as in-
terpreted, to be sure, in some of the oldest
examples of anti-Semitic humbug?
"The Zionist movement," he wrote, "is
chauvinistic and reactionary. It is based on
the Talmudic principles which consider non-
Jews as goyim with no human rights."
The same tactic-an apparent attack
against Zionism as an excuse for vicious
slanders against a people and their religious
faith-is at work in the United Arab Repub-
lic's government-sponsored pamphlet, "Israel,
the Enemy of Africa," distributed through-
out the struggling continent to the south of
Egypt since January 1965. An obvious at-
tempt to promote fears among the people of
new nations which have received extensive
technical and educational assistance from
Israel, the United Arab Republic's political
pitch has been one of religious hatred-re-
plete with quotes from the notorious proto-
cols of Zion forgery.
A few excerpts from the pamphlet:
Page 8: "Before we examine in detail the
racial and religious discrimination practiced
by Israel which also sucks the blood of the
9 The Mufti's letter was publicly printed in
Beirut 4 days later. It has been distributed
in New York by the neo-Nazi National Ren-
aissance Party.
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countries struggling to attain freedom, let us
look at what the Talmud says:'
"The Talmud considers the Jews equal to
God, and as such everything on earth should
by right be theirs.
"For Instance, the Talmud says: 'If a non-
Jew steals from a Jew he must ,be put to
death whereas if a Jew lays his hands on the
property of a non-Jew he is not liable to
"Th Talmud condones the murder of the
non-Jew. The Talmud adds that it is for-
bidden for a Jew to help a non-Jew get out
of a hole. It decrees that the Jew must
cover the hole with a atone and bury the
non-Jew alive.
"Such are the teachings of the Talmud
which are binding to the Jews. Therefore, it
should not surprise anyone when the Jews
? * cheat end rob. Wheh Israel extends
her hand to the Africans, she is extending a
hand covered with blood."
Page 19: "The Talmud is full of agitation
-against the Christians, and insulting words
against the Virgin Mary whose virginity is
Page 22: "The Jew Is a materialist and a
Page 24: "It is laid down in the 14th pro-
tocol of Zion which says: 'When rule is con-
centrated in our hands, any religion other
than Judaism would have to be destroyed.'
"Israel is using another manner of weapon
in Africa that is spreading moral corruption
among the African youth.
"In doing so it is applying protocol 13 of
Zion which says: 'In order not to give the
noh-Jew a chance to think. independently, we
must encourage him to enjoy himself' * * *
This. Is why the Israeli Government has
opened brothels for the Africans and en-
couraged them to keep company with Israeli
girls, in the hope that they may forget their
national mission."
But the "Jewish corruption" theme had
other ancient. versions, and the Arab govern-
ment, propagandists could scarcely ignore
On November 16, 1964, El-Kuat El-Muslaha,
the official journal of the Egyptian armed
forces, published a tired expose of Free-
masonry, supposedly a licentious Jewish
secret society designed to bring about the
"elimination of the Christian religion" by
luring young Christians "into the arms of
Jewesses" and into moral ruin. Corruption
was allegedly Introduced into Germany in
the 1920's when one of the secret plotters
introduced in the Reichstag a bill to legalize
sexual perversion.
"Another member who could not restrain
his feelings, went up to the rostrum and
struck the Freemason a sharp blow which
felled him to the ground. All the members
in the House, applauded with the exception,
of course, of the Jews * * *. If that Free-
mason had survived until the Hitler period,
Hitler would have broken every bone in his
Such diatribes of hate are not isolated in-
stances, nor have they gone without conse-
quence in the life of Arab nations.
In the New Yqrk Arab Information Center
pamphlet mentioned at the outset, Sami
Hadawi wrote that "there are no discrimina-
tory laws anywhere in 'Arab countries; Jews
are legally recognized as citizens and exer-
cise full and equal rights with Moslem and
Christian Arabs:' Yet on December 8, 1963,
the Jews of Iraq were ordered to report to
the Department of Travel and Nationalities
within 10 days, bringing with them proof of
Iraqi nationality. Those recognized as citi-
zens were to receive identity cards; the prop-
erty of all others was to be impounded.
The significant point is that the law (law
No. 161 of 1963) was applicable to neither
Moslems nor Christians-nor even to Israelis
or Zionists as such-but sole)y to Iraqi Jews
as Jews. If such laws were reminiscent of
the Nazi regime, so too was the ' malignant
propaganda which acccompanied them in'the
daily press.
The leading Jordanian daily, Al-Manar, of
November 24, 1964, for example, published
caricature of a..Jew wearing the
the vicious
Star of David on his chest and surrounded
by bags of money. The caption over It read:
"The hungry one who is never satisfied."
The Unified Arab Republic's armed forces
weekly, El-Is uat El-Muslaha, in its article on
freemasonary, drew an equally vicious
caricature in words:
"The Jew in his very soul and character
has not the qualities of a man who bears
arms. Ile is not naturally prepared to sacri-
fice his life for anything, not even for his son
or his; wife. If there is today in Israel a man
who bears arms he does this because he is
sure that there is another man who will pre-
cede him, who will stand in front of him
not behind him in order to defend him when
the time comes. Were it not for that, no
,Tew in the world would agree to bear arms."
The expressed views of certain Arab leaders,
like their propaganda techniques, seem to
echo a recent European sound. An inter-
view with President Gamal Abdel Nasser of
the United Arab Republic was published on
May 1, 1964 on the front page of the Deutsche
National Zeitung, an extreme rightist Ger-
man weekly edited by Dr. Gerhar l Frey, who
had visited Cairo that spring to bolster his
international anti-Jewish alliances. In the
Interview with Frey, Nasser said:
"During the Second World War our sym- were with the Germans."
Nasser added that recent policies of the
West German Government, Including the
payment of reparations to Israel, irked and
confused him. When Dr, Frey explained
that these payments, and other examples of
West German accommodation with. Israel,
were the result of what he called the Jew
murders, of the recent past, the United Arab
Republic's dictator replied: "But the lie of
the 6 million murdered Jews is not taken
seriously by anybody."
Certainly not by the authorized peddlers
of hate. The Arabs, wrote Saleh Joda in the
Cairo newspaper Al-Musawar on December
20, 1963, "have always had faith in Germany's
friendship, and in the fact that the great
German people, which tasted disaster and de-
struction at the hands of Jewish arms-
dealers and bloodsuckers, can trust them no
more." The writer added: "There are still a
few Jews left in Germany, who are trying
once again to raise their viper's head and
seize control of economic life, business, and
Events in other countries have been re-
ported in the approved and sometimes gov-
ernment-subsidized Arab press from a simi-
lar viewpoint-particularly those events
which lend themselves to an anti-Jewish slur.
The notorious.Profumo affair in England, as
described by Ibrahim Sakjaha in the Jor-
danian Falastin, was headlined "Jewish
Scandals," and the writer concluded: "In
all this scandal and corruption, one fact
stands out. Most of the leading racketeers
and vicemongers were Jews * * *. Jews in
England who ran these rackets amassed their
fortunes by the foulest and most depraved
of means."
On August 8, 1963, a venomous analysis of
history was offered by "Wayfarer" in the
Jerusalem (Jordan) daily, Al-Jihad:
"Of all the dwellers on this planet, if
any scholar were bent on counting; * * *
the nations who hate the Jews * 'i * and
those who are pro-Jewish * * * would he
find so much as one single nation that like
them? * * * I am sure that on this score
everyone feels the same way.
"All of them hate to have Jews in their
midst, and all do their best to get rid of
them. Obviously this hatred is rooted in
world feeling since the dawn of history.
"But why is it that everyone hates the
"The reason is one and the same * * * with
everyone * * * in every age.
"It stems from the mentality of the Jews,
and their character, which impels theme to
live within a nation * * * as a people
apart * * * with different aims * * * and
feelings * ? * Because of this * ? ? and
because of their spiritual insolationism * * *
among whichever nations they dwell * * *
they plunder its. wealth * * * and are not
squeamish over the propriety of'thelr meth-
"This is why the Jews are the root of all
creeping corruption, and there is no doubt
that this is also one of the main reasons
why Jews are detested."
But the persecutions of the past are not
all that the Arab propagandists seek to
justify. The threat of future anti-Jewish
recriminations, even more terrible ones, are
often only lightly hidden. In an article
called "The Sinister Grasp," in Falastin
(Nov. 22, 1962), H. Ibrahim Sakjaha began
with a report of Jewish crimes in the Soviet
Union, then produced a torrent of analysis
and grave prophecy:
"'The mouse is dead but its tail is wag-
ging' runs the well-known Arabic proverb.
And it springs to mind, when we read of an-
other band of Jews in the U.S.S.R., sentenced
for economic crimes.
"Not only Jews are tried on the charge in
that particular country, admittedly. But
most of the convicted criminals are Jews---
for one of two reasons.
'"The Jews try to get control of financial
and economic life wherever they are.
"In this attempt they usually tend to em-
ploy unscrupulous and illegal tactics.
"Obviously it is not just the Jews of Rus-
sia who commit economic crimes, try to get
the whip hand, and use underhanded tactics.
In Russia, however, they are caught and
tried, and some of them get the death sen-
tence, in accordance with the severe laws
there. Whereas in the United States, for
instance, and other capitalist countries, they
pursue their nefarious work unhindered, liv-
ing a life of pleasure, and seizing all in their
clutches, without their deeds being con-
sidered a capital crime. On the contrary,
some of them are even thanked or decorated
for what they do.
"Take for instance the stock exchange
crises in New York, London and elsewhere.
Most people blame the Jews for profiteering
on the stock markets to their own advantage,
but all the same nobody takes them to task.
In a city like New York nobody can settle
accounts with them.
"Yet if the powers that be who yield to
Zionist domination because their economies
are in its clutches shut their eyes to crimes
like these for the while, will the peoples who
are lorded over by these Jewish exploiters
be able to keep silent forever?
"We do not think so-nor do we doubt that
they will square their accounts with the
Jews, one day in the not too distant future.
This accounting will be cruel and terrible;
it will take reckoning of the sinister Jewish
domination over the economy of the free
Much of the blatant defamation of Jews
produced by the authorized Arab propa-
gandists-that which is paranoid or patently
nonsensical--is obviously intended chiefly for
internal consumption. For, only under a
system of rigid press censorship which con-
trols the public's level of awareness could
the distortions in 'the Arab version of the
Kennedy assassination, for example, be ped-
died seriously. But the growing hate cam-
paign has had international elements as well.
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So malevolent has been the anti-Semitism
of Arab pamphlets published in Germany
that the central board of the Jewish commu-
nity at Dusseldorf pleaded with' the Bonn
government, on January 11, 1964, to take
steps to limit their spread, considering the
danger of the possible incitement of resur-
gent Nazi groups to violence.
In Argentina, there are a number of anti-
Semitic groups, many of them Nazi In flavor
and beliefs. According to .a leading Argen-
tine daily newspaper, El Siglo, an agent of.
the Arab League named Hussein Triki has
been working closely with some of these
groups and financing their activities-par-
ticularly a 'banned fascistic organization
known as Tacuara. According to the Buenos
Aires weekly, Pr'imera Plana, the police have
known of Tacuara `expenses being covered by
Triki. (Triki, a former representative of
Algeria's FLN who was known for his openly
pro-Nazi sympathies during World War It,
publishes an anti-Jewish newspaper, Nacion
Arabe, and has fostered widespread distribu-
tion of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion")'
In the Arab States, Arab propaganda is
issued regularly from several special offices.
A press release dated March 5, 1965, issued
by the Palestine Arab Delegation in New
York, was, quite in keeping with the official
anti-Jewish propaganda abroad-charging
that Zionists had started 'the Second World
War in Europe in 1939 and had later "capi-
talized on the alleged destruction by Ger-
many of 6 million Jews." The release added:
"It is appropriate to point out that ac-
cording to statistics published by European
governments, it is estimated that more than
45 million gentiles lost their lives in the
Second World 'Par and yet no one hears
about them, no one is capitalizing on their
deaths, erecting monuments in their mem-
ory, or cashing in through blackmail on
their misfortune."
Deliberately, or not, the authors had con-
fused the hapless victims of war with those
of programed murder. But such confu-
sion fits the divisive purpose apparent In
today's Arab propaganda throughout several
In "Who Benefits From Anti-Semitism,"
the New York Arab Information Center's
pamphlet, Author Hadawi quotes proudly
from a book by Dov Joseph, who had been
military governor of the Israel part of Jeru-
salem, In order to bolster claims that such
propaganda was merely anti-Israel, and
purely political in nature. "I have never
found among Moslems * * *" the author
had written, "any trace of feeling against
Jews comparable to anti-Semitism."
If this is so, then the flood of anti-Jewish
hate sampled in these pages becomes all the
more damning of its perpetrators-all the
more tragic to the hopes for ultimate under-
standing between peoples-for the responsi-
bility then must fall almost entirely upon
the officials of the Arab governments them-
One such official, King Hussein of Jordan,
declared in a speech in Washington, D.C., on
April 15, 1984: "It is clearly in the best in-
terest of the adherents of the Jewish faith
wherever they live to make a deep, soul-
searching, and, perhaps, an agonizing re-
appraisal of their attitude toward this whole
program of Zionism. For if they could only
do that they would be able to make a far-
reaching contribution toward solving a
tragedy which threatens to engulf them and
others in a senseless and ruthless calamity."
The tbxekt--against "adherents of the
Jewish faith. wherever they live"-was, ' like
all threats of its kind, only thinly veiled.
May 17, 1965: Bjorn Lundahl, leader of a
group of Swedish Nazis, at whose headquar-
ters police discovered a cache of weapons and
a list of Swedish Jewish leaders marked for
assassination, was charged with high treason.
Lundahl had held at least 3b conferences
with the former First Secretary of the Egyp-
tian Embassy in Stockholm.
April 24, 1965: Radio Cairo, commenting
on the "necessity of the destruction of Israel
and the disappearance of Jewish people from
the face of Arab soil," declared: "We find our-
selves facing human groups whose nature
prevents them from coexistence with other
peoples * * * These groups plan aggres-
sion of, and domination over, other peoples."
April 16, 1965: Mahmound Riad, Foreign
Minister of the United Arab Republic, in an
'interview with the "Deutsche National
Zeitung and Soldatenzeitung," extreme
rightist German weekly, said: "Most nations
are not interested in these (Nazi crime)
trials and (wish) that these nuisances be
stopped. This self-flagellation does not
bring honor to Germany. Often, it seems
to me as though the Germans were begging
to be slapped. What is referred to in Ger-
many as pressure of world public opinion is
in reality the pressure of a tiny minority."
April 15, 1965: Hilmi Salem, writing in Al
Gemhouria, attacks President Bourguiba for
being the first Arab ruler to have nominated
a Jew, Andre Baruch, a relative of the
famous millionaire, Bernard Baruch, as a
member of his cabinet.
March 6, 1965: The Palestine Arab Delega-
tion In New York issued a press released en-
titled "Germany, the Arabs and the Inter-
national Zionist Manipulators" stating: "No
German leader with any self-respect whatso-
ever would take such a position (arms de-
liveries to Israel) knowing as he does about
the sinister role played by the international
Zionist manipulators to crush Germany in
two World Wars. What would it matter to
them if millions of gentile lives were
January 2, 1965: A cartoon in the daily
Akhbar al-Yom shows Golds Meir kissing
the hand of the Pope and saying: "Thank you
for the resolution declaring that the Jews
did not hang the Messiah. But next year we
will demand a resolution be adopted declar-
ing that it is the Arabs who hanged the
January 1965: The United Arab Republic
distributed through its Information Depart-
ment in Cairo and its Embassy in Washing-
ton, D.C., copies of a pamphlet entitled
"Israel, The Enemy of Africa," replete with
quotations from the "Protocols of The Elders
of Zion."
November 26, 1964: A radio Baghdad com-
mentator deplores the alleged invasion of the
Vatican by Jews who succeeded in "forcing
a few Christian clergymen to publish a docu-
ment which distorts the contents of the New
Testament * * *. This way the Jews are
murdering Christ and His mission once
November 24, 1964: Al Manar, a Jordanian
daily carried a cartoon showing a malevolent
caricature of a Jew, wearing a Star of David
on his chest and surrounded with coins and
bags of money. The caption read: "In con-
nection with antipoverty program-the hun-
gry one who is never satisfied."
November 23, 1964: Al-Manar (Jordan)
publishes a cable sent to the Pope by the
Christian members of the National Council
of Jordan. It "strongly deplores the resolu-
tion of the Ecumenical Council which ac-
quits the Jews from the murder of Our Lord
the Messiah."
November 22, 1964: The Daily Star (Beirut,
Lebanon) quotes Jordan's Foreign Minister
Kadri Toukan as predicting that the ecu-
menical declaration would pave the way for
"Zionism and Israel to continue their mis-
guided policy. History testifies to Jewish
intentions of destroying Christ and
November 21, 1964: Over Radio Amman,
Ka.dri Konkan, Foreign Minister of Jordan,
commenting on the Ecumenical Council's
vindication of`the Jewish people, said that
the Jews were responsible for the war against
Christ and Christianity and that this was
proved by history.
November 20, 1964: According to Al-
Akhbar, United Arab Republic, Abel-Allah
al-Tall published a book under the title,
"The Danger of World Jewry for Islam and
November 20, 1964: Arabische Korres-
pondenz, published by the Arab League
Office in Bonn, under the heading "The
Arabs and the Jewish Scheme," declared that
all Arab Ambassadors were to maintain close
contact with Vatican authorities "to en-
lighten them about the political background
behind the Jewish scheme."
November 19, 1964: Damascus radio said
that while the Jews might have merited
mercy before the establishment of Israel
or before the Nazis, "Jews certainly do not
deserve pity or mercy now, as their hands are
still soaked with the blood of Arab Pales-
November 16, 1964: El Kuat El Muslaha,
journal of the United Arab Republic Armed
Forces, carries an article by Mustafa El-Sid
entiled "Return to The Black Chamber."
It depicts Freemasonry as a Jewish inven-
tion and instrument of Jewish international
October 1964: Number 5 of "Publications of
the League of Arab States-Cairo," German
edition, is devoted to the subject "Israel
Persecutes German Scientists." On page 3
appears the following comment: "The Fed-
eration of German Labor Unions * * * has
concerned itself strongly with German for-
eign policy in the Arabian part of the world.
Whether this is really in the interests of
German workers * * * or whether this is the
work of the Jews who operate In Germany
for Israel, cannot be judged easily." (This
is an insinuation that Ludwig Rosenberg
(Jewish), head of the German Federation of
Labor Unions, is an Israeli agent.)
October 28, 1964: Arabische Korrespondenz
contains a strong statement against any
changes of the Holy Scriptures by the Ecu-
menical Council and ends as follows: "It is
in the interest of the faith to look for the
cause of anti-Semitism in men themselves,
not in the Holy Scriptures."
October 19, 1964: The Arab Observer pub-
lished in English by the United Arab Re-
public's general organization of publications
in Cairo, carries a 2-page article entitled "'I
Am Content', says Cardinal Bea". It refers
to "Zionising Cardinals" as dupes of * * * a
power struggle which uses the supposed
sufferings of the Jews as one of Its principal
October 3, 1964: Arabische Korrespondenz
editorially comments: "The (Ecumenical)
Council in Rome again occupies itself with
Juddismaand Christianity * * *. The ques-
tion arises whether it is prudent and right to
correct history for the sake of Zionism.
Would it not be better to examine one's own
shortcomings and not seek them in others?"
Summer 1964: The Arab League repre-
sentative in Argentina, Hussein Triki, trav-
eled through Argentina delivering lectures
sharply attacking Judaism and charging
that the Jews were planning a "Zionist
May 12, 1964: Nacion Arabe, a newspaper
published in Buenos Aires by Hussein Triki,
contained a front-page anti-Jewish carica-
ture showing a claw bearing the Star of
David attempting to seize Argentina.
May 1, 1964: Deutsche Nationalzeitung
and Soldatenzeitung published an interview
with President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the
United Arab Republic quoting Nasser as de-
claring: "During the Second World War our
sympathies were with the Germans * *
The lie of the 6 million murdered Jews is
not taken seriously by anybody"
April 1964: The Scribe-Arab review, pub-
lished in five languages in Cairo, contained
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July 8, X965
a four-page article entitled "Was Kennedy
the Victim of'a Zionist-Armed Hand?" insin-
uating that the late president Kennedy and
American statesmen 'before him, including
Lincoln, were murdered by Jews.
-April 27, 1064: The Argentine Arab Youth
Movement distributed leaflets inviting the
public to a "big tlemonstration in support of
the Arab League* * *. Enough of currency
evasion and gcgnomic criminals that bring
misery to our people. Enough of double
nationality, * * * ." At the meeting, slogans
such ' as `Long Live Hitler," "Nasser and
Peron," "Jews to the Crematoria" and "Mak.e
Soap Out of the Jews" were voiced by partici-
pants, ntany of whom were identified by their
uniforms, as well as by their Nazi salute, as
members of Tecuara and Guardia Restaura-
dora Nacionalista, neo-Nazi groups.
April 15 1964: King Hussein of Jordan, in
a speech in Washington, D.C., made veiled
threats against "adherents of the Jewish
faith .., wherever they live." Be intimated
that unless they abandoned Zionism they
would be engulfed "in a senseless and ruth-
less calamity."
March 9, 1964: El Siglio?, leading Argentine
daily, denounced Arab League agent Hussein
Triki chaiging that he was collaborating with
anti-Semitic and nationalist groups.
February 24, 1964: The so-called Grand
Mufti of Palestine, Mohammad Amin El
Husseini, chairman of the Arab Higher Com-
mittee for Palestine, in a memorandum sub-
mitted to Pope Paul VI stated: "The Zionist
movement * * * is based on the Talmudic
principles which consider non-Jews as Goyim
with .no human rights and with whom Jews
cannot live or associate."
February 1.964: The newspaper Al Nahar
(Beirut, Lebanon), assailing President John-
son. referred to him as "Johnson the Jew."
January 28, 1964: At an Arab League ses-
sion in Cairo, the Egyptian representative
proposed to renew distribution of the "Proto-
cols of the Elders of Zion" in the countries
of Asia and Arica.
January 21, 1964: At Dusseldorf, Germany,
Dr. Hendrik Van Dam, Secretary General of
the Central Council of Jews in Germany, ap-
pealed to the Government of the German
Federal Republic to take steps against the
spread of anti-Semitic pamphlets published
by Arab propagandists.
January 8, 1964: Al Anwar of Beirut shows
a caricature of a Jew labeled. "Cohen" about
to collapse, supported on each side by Brit-
ain and the United States. The three fig-
ures are encircled by cannons with inscrip
tions of the names of Arab League . coun-
tries.. The cg?ption puts the question in
Cohen's mouth: "What? You are leaving
January 8, 1964: Broadcast over Radio
Amman referred to the Jews. "hostility to-
ward the other cosmic religions, and Chris-
tianity in particular. Thus is the truth re-
.vealed, and with it the shame of the ene-
mies, of.,God, and of Islam and Christianity.
Thus do the Jews prove their responsibility
for the infamies of their forebears, and for
the crucifixion and humiliation of Christ 19
generations ago."
January 1, 1964: Ad-Difa'a Jerusalem
(Jordan) daily, carried it column by Yusef
Hanna stating: "The reader would do well
to know that Johnson is said to be infatu-
ated with the Jews as Truman was, and that
Mrs. Johnson is said to back Mrs. Roosevelt
in her outbursts and 'Zionist outbursts and
Zionist leanings. Mrs. Johnson's daughter
is engaged to a young Jew by the name of
Rosenberg, who works as a real estate broker
in New York."
December 20, 1963: A1-Musaw,ar,,` Cairo
daily, carried a column Pictures Behind the
'News by Saleh Joda containing, the. follow-
ing comments: "The great German people
which tasted disaster and destruction. at the
hands of Jewish arms-dealers and bloodsuck-
ers, can trust them no more * * * There
are still's few Jews left in Germany who are
trying once again to raise their viper's head
and seize control of economic life, business,
and politics."
December 14, 1963: Achbar ell-Ybrn, Cairo
newspaper, insinuates that- the Jews were as
much responsible for the murder of former
President Kennedy as for the death of Jesus
._December 6, 1963: Al-Musawar Columnist
Anis Mansur described Jews as killing Catho-
lics 'while extracting concessions from the
Catholic Church.
December 4, 1963: Columnist Sa'ld Nu'mat
Ulla writing in Acher Sa'a (Cairo), declared
that Jewish gangs were responsible for Pres-
ident Kennedy's assassination.
November 28, 1963: Cairo daily Al-Gom
houria featured a cartoon showing a hang-
man holding a torch to enable Ben-Gurion
to write on a wall, while Uncle Sam stands by
indifferent. The wall bears the names: Ber-
nadette, Lord Meyne, Deir Yassin, Lincoln,
Lumumba, Hammerskjold, and names of Ger-
man scientists. Ben-Gurion has just added
the name of President Kennedy." The cap-
tion reads: "The Page of Precedents."
November 28, 1963: The Beirut Lebanon
newspaper Al-Hayyat published a letter to
the editor from 1* supporter of the Grand
Mufti, bearing the title, "World Jewry Be-
hind Kennedy's Assassination."
November 27, 1963: The daily column "Al-
Jihad Dialog" in the Jordanian publication,
Al-Jihad, reiterates typical anti-Semitic
charges of alleged Jewish responsibility for
mankind's misfortunes, from the Communist
revolution to President Kennedy's assassi-
November 27, 1963: Al Gombouria com-
ments: _"The killer Jack Leon Rubinstein-
Jew and Zionist-is not just a symbol of
criminal Zionist domination over public life
in the United States * * *. He personifies
the subjection of respectable American citi-
zen to machinations of the criminal.. Zionist
gangs * * *. To date the Jews have founded
over 70 hospitals, for the use of their own
race * * * Special Jewish institutions
* * * for their own advantage * * * for
their own patients In the United States."
November 26, 1963: Alakhbar, Cairo paper,
commented: "To say this Jew killed Ken-
nedy's killer to defend the reputation of
Dallas and Texas, which has been soiled, is
pure and utter nonsense * * *. Those who
know our Jewish friends well know that they
don't get excited or involved unless personal
or material interest Is involved * "' * All
this goes to prove it was a well-planned ac-
tion to hide the motives of Kennedy's assassi-
nation. The removal of details of the crime
was to the interest of some gang * * * "
The paper went on to say that "when this
Jewish killer goes on trial, Zionist elements
will try to influence the jury."
November 26, 1963: Falastin, Jerusalem
(Jordan) daily, headlines a report about
events in Dallas, "Spot the Jew."
November 26, 1963: Al-Jihad's column "Al-
Jihad Dialog" stated: "The man who killed
Kennedy's assassin was a Jew * * *. The
question is, what were these vital interests
which the Jew who killed Kennedy's assassin
was trying to cover up * * *. The role of
this Jewish killer * * * moves people to ask
whether world Jewry has any interest in this
crime, and whether subsequently, for fear of
punishment it got rid of the assassin lest
he should disclose vital secrets? How many
crimes has world Jewry already committed in
history, to attain its ends and further its own
November 25, 1963: All Gombouria, in a
column by Nasser ed-Din An-Nashashibi,
referred to Lee Oswald's murderer as "Jack
Rubinstein * * * a Jew, of course."
August 8, 1963: The column "A New
Phenomenon" by "Wayfarer" in Al-Jihad
deals with the reasons for the world's hatred
of the Jew.
July 17, 1963: A column entitled "Jewish
Scandals" published in Falastin traced cor-
ruption in England to Jews.
July 13, 1963: Falastin headlines a Reuters
dispatch from Moscow about alleged
profiteering in the sale of Matzeh: "Jewish
Crimes in Russia."
December 4, 1962: In an address at the
United Nations, Hussein Zulficar Sabry,
United Arab Republic Deputy Foreign Min-
ister, said: "I am more Semitic than all the
Greens, Zlotnicks, Shkolniks, or Shimono-
vitches put together-those East Europeans
born and reared in the 19th century in
Plensk, Poltava, Kiev, Bobrinsk, or whatever
it was * * * and they found it expedient
to take on Hebraic aliases to make the world
believe that they are of Hebrew origin."
November 30, 1962: Ahmad Shukafry,
Saudis Arabia's envoy to the United Nations,
in an address at the U.N., stated: "Recently
in Argentina * * * a national movement
under the name of Tacuara has started, for
which a gentinal should be saluted. Tacu-
ara has proclaimed a crusade against Zion-
ism. The extermination of Zionism is a
master key to the solution of the Palestinian
refugees. We hope that Tacuara would
spread in Latin America and we propose that
Tacuara be adopted by the United Nations."
November 22, 1962: An article in Falastin
headed "The Sinister Grasp" by H. Ibrahim
Sakjaha repeats the canard that Jews con-
trol economic life everywhere in the world,
but are being punished for their crimes In
Soviet Russia.
June 11, 1962: According to the Ruz al-
Yusuf (Cairo), Deputy Foreign Minister of
the United Arab Republic Hussein Dhu al-
Figar, commenting on the Eichman trial,
denied the fact that 6 million Jews were
killed by the Nazis. He declared: "There are
documents confirming the existence of Jew-
ish gangs in Germany whose task it was to
kill Jews in order to create sympathy for the
Jews and Ben Gurion himself was the leader
of one of these gangs."
February 1962: The weekly "Al Amghreb
Al Arabi," published in Rabat, Morocco by
the Popular Movernment, serialized "The
Protocols of The Elders of Zion."
. December 6, 1961: Ahmad Shukairy con-
cluded a speech at the, United Nations by
denying there was anti-Semitism in the
world but that anti-Semitism was being 'used
as a propaganda "tool" to serve the interests
of Zionists, who had "created anti-Semitism
in order to justify their demands."
December 5, 1961: Ahmad Shukairy chal-
lenging the objectivity of Dr. Joseph E.
Johnson, United Nations refugee aid, be-
cause he is a U.S. citizen and the U.S. is "in
Zionist captivity," demanded that the United
States must be "freed, emancipated and lib-
erated from Zionism" before its statesmen
can be trusted.
October 1961: The Palestine Arab Delega-
tion sent to all U.N. delegations a formal
statement of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
declaring: "The enmity of Nazis to Jews
* * * was based on well-documented re-
search and studies" which showed that the
Jews were "a strong factor" in bringing
about the defeat of Germany in World
Weir I and dominated the "political, eco-
nomic, and professional life of Germany."
August 1, 1961: "The Crescent and the
Cross," newsletter of the Palestine Arab
Delegation, adopted the anti-Semitic canard
of the Khazar origin of present-day Jews.
It charged that the use of the term "Israel"
by Jews was an abomination because only
follows of Jesus Christ can be considered
"fellow citizens" in the commonwealth of
Israel. It added that Zionism was deter-
mined to eradicate Christianity and that
this "Zionist fanaticism" stems from the
Summer 1961: ' "The Crescent and the
Cross" charged that the Jews were respon-
sible for "railroading the United States into
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June 6, 1961: In a letter published in the
San Francisco Examiner, Mohammed T.
Mehdi, then west coast director for the Arab
League Information Center, charged "Ameri-
can Jews are Israelis residing in exile and
potential Israeli citizens."
April 15, 1961: Il Nahar, of Beirut, Leba-
non, published a cartoon depicting Eich-
mann standing on a heap of skulls with the
caption: "Eichmann is being tried for his
mistakes. He didn't kill them all."
March 25, 1961: In an address before the
American Friends of the Middle East, Sami
Hadawi, then charge of the Southern Office
(United States) of the Arab Information
Center, asked: "Is it in the interest of the
'United States to allow a minority group to
influence its policy, and is it in their in-
terest of the Unted States to allow tax-free
dollars to be used for harmful things to
American policies?"
January 20, 1961: Al-Ahram reports: "The
Information Department of the United Arab
Republic has been able to obtain copies of
the protocols of the elders of Zion, of the
Talmud and other books * * * The depart-
ment is now engaged in translating these
books into. Arabic, French, and English in
order to distribute them in African coun-
tries * * * The Talmud says that whoever
kills a non-Jew will be admitted to Paradise.
The Talmud also permits the stealing of
gentile property and attacks upon the honor
of non-Jewish women."
December 1960: Al Gomhourla an-
nounced that one of the last few copies of
the Nazi film, "The Windering Jew," had
been obtained by the Egyptian Government
and would be shown on television in the
United Arab Republic. The paper then
stated: "All the other copies were seized
and destroyed by the Allies, but we succeeded
to get a rare copy so that our people will
have the privilege of seeing it."
November 25, 1960: Al-Abram (United
Arab Republic) carries an article by Salah
Darsuki which tries to prove the validity
of the "protocols of the elders of zion." The
author's crown witness is Sergei Nilus, no-
torious anti-Semitic forger under the czarist
system. Darsuki reiterates the old-Semitic
canards that Wall Street, the French, and
British economies are dominated by the Jews.
August 29, 1960: In an address before a
convention of the Organization of Arab Stu-
dents in the United States, Mostafa Kamal,
QV#ed Arab Republic Ambassador, stated:
5['8lbnists in this country organize the Jewish
minority in a bloc, powerful, rich, influen-
tial, fanatically self-interested and perma-
any understanding between the Arabs and
the Americans."
June-July 1960: The Jordanian paper Al-
Sha'b contains an article by Yuruf Hannah
which reads in part: "Genocide and war
crimes were invented by the Jews and per-
fected by the Zionists. The Torah is full of
genocide propaganda and blood-thirsty
teachings, and the entire Jewish religion is
based on hatred, revenge, racial discrimina-
tion, intolerance, racial persecution, aggres-
sion, murder, looting, and raping."
The Jordanian newspaper Falastin pub-
lished an article by Yehya Hawwash which
contains the following sentence: "Compared
to the Jewish gangsters, Hitler and the Nazis
were pure saints."
June 23, 1960: Radio Baghdad commented:
"Eichmann Is a Nazi German Jew who killed
Jews-many at that-during the Hitler era."
June 13, 1960: Radio Cairo: "The aim of
the kidnapping of Eichmann is to extort
money from world Jewry."
June 12, 1960: Radio Damascus: "The Israel
the old legend about the millions of Jews
who are supposed to have been exterminated
by Eichmann. * ? ? This absurd legend is
devoid of all basis in fact, and nobody be-
lieves it * * * not more than 150,000 Jews
were killed throughout Europe during the
Nazi regime."
.June 11, 1960: A Radio Cairo commentator
declared: "Here is Eichmann who is going
to be the victim of world Jewry. Our sym-
pathies are with him, not because he was
realistic about the dangers of world Jewry,
but also because he will see how injustice is
practiced in a country based on injustice and
June 9, 1960: Ai-Anwar of Beirut publishes
a cartoon with the following message: "Ben
Gurion: 'You deserve the death penalty, be-
cause you killed 6 million Jews.' Elchmann:
'There are many who say I deserve the death
penalty because I didn't manage to kill the
June 9, 1960: Falastin, Jordan daily, made
this comment: "The Jewish race goes into
hiding after every war, like the snake that
strikes and then takes cover * * * May the
wheel of history turn so that the leaders of
Jewry will stand trial for the war crimes they
perpetrated against all of humanity."
June 2, 1960: Al-Hayat, Beirut daily, pub-
lishes an article by Yunis Bahri, who broad-
cast in Arabic from Berlin in Hitler's time.
Bahrf wrote:
"It appears that the Jews, having failed
to attain the ends they set for themselves in
the Germany of today, looked for some weak
and miserable prey such as the fugitive figure
of Adolf Eichmann, in order to try him for
the crimes of the Hitlerite Nazi regime which,
according to their claims, destroyed 6 million
Jews * ? * The Jewish fabricated stories
about the desecrations of their synagogues
? * ? This campaign, too, ended in failure,
but the Jews did not retreat, for after all
trickery is their trade."
May 31, 1960: The Saudi Arabian paper
Al-Bilad carries an article on the arrest of
Eichmann under the headline: "The Arrest
of Eichmann Who Had the Honor of Killing
5 Million Jews."
May 26: 1960: Ash-Shaab, Jordan daily,
contains the following comment: "Chief
Rabbi Niesim's statement on the Eichmann
case is a true interpretation of the teachings
of the Torah, which are based on the incite-
ment to hatred, revenge, racial discrimina-
tion, aggression, murder, looting and other
virtues practiced by the heroes of the Bible."
May 7, 1960: Abdul Gamal Nasser, in a
statement on financial dealings, referred to
"the methods of Cohen."
(By.vaul W. ar
WASHINGTON, July 2.-President Johnson's
June 21 decision to ship another $37 million
worth of American foodstuffs to Egypt is get-
ting an unrewarding reaction from President
Gamal Abdel Nasser's regime there.
Government-controlled radio stations, on
which the regime depends for indoctrina-
tion of an electorate that is 70 percent il-
literate, are belittling President Johnson's
action but simultaneously praising Premier
Alexei N. Kosygin of the Soviet Union for
having taken similar action 3 days later.
Recordings of the Arab broadcasts that be-
came available in translation here today also
contain quotations from Cairo's govern-
ment-controlled. newspapers that show
Nasser's press organs being as pro-Soviet and
anti-American as his broadcasters in this
They show, in addition, that Egypt was
thin 3 weeks of exhausting its grain stocks
when the State Department announced here
n June 22 that President Johnson had de-
ided the previous day to resume aid ship-
ents to Nasser's regime.
The decision entailed arrangements to
hip 260,600 tons, or $22,400,000 worth of
heat plus $8,900,000 worth of tobacco,
5,600,000 worth of vegetable oils, and $100,-
00 worth of dried milk to Egypt in comple-
ion of contracts made in October 1962, to
upply that country with $431,800,000 worth
f American farm products at bargain prices
epayable in currency spendable only in
Three days later Nasser got a note from
osygin promising an additional 300,000 tons
wheat for Egypt on terms that he left
ubject to negotiation but vowed would be
ept within the means of an Egyptian regime
hat, according to Israeli publications, had
ust tried to contract for annual shipments
f 1 million tons of wheat from Argentina
ver the next 5 years but could not meet
rgentine credit requirements.
Egypt's desperate need of grain was also
ointed up in Cairo broadcasts about
osygin's offer. They stressed that it en-
ailed immediate diversion to Egypt of Aus-
ralian and Canadian wheat in Soviet ships
hat had been bound for the Soviet Union.
The first of those Soviet ships, northbound,
eached the Suez Canal last Saturday. The
econd, bearing another 11,500 tons of Aus-
ralian wheat, reached Alexandria Tuesday,
nd a third, carrying 9,500 tons, is due there
Nasser's radio stations, which had forecast
'resident Johnson's decision weeks in ad-
ance, treating it as something Arab pres-
ures were certain to extract from the White
Ouse, began contrasting Moscow's action
7ith Washington's as soon as Kosygin's note
as received.
They have, moreover, used each Soviet
ain ship's arrival as excuse for elaborating
n their pro-Soviet and anti-American theme
nd for blasting at "pro-Zionist American
ongressmen clamoring for stopping the ex-
ort of wheat and foodstuffs to Egypt so that
is sons may starve and succumb to Ameri-
an policy."
"We do not get wheat from the United
tates as charity or aid, as its trumpets make
ut," they add, "but buy it at the full price
hich, indeed, includes profit. There were
avorable payment terms because the wheat,
Lour, or other supplies were surplus in the
United States."
The contrastingly pro-Soviet note is struck
n Cairo broadcasts saying Kosygin's promise
as accompanied by "a profound diplomatic
emark; namely, that the Soviet Union fully
ppreciates the policy of nonalinelpeYR
espoused by Nasser. ll,~
"The first (Soviet) consignment of w eat
cached us," they add, "while discussions
were taking place (at Cairo) between Presi-
ent Nasser and Chou En-lai, Premier of the
hinese People's Republic which is contest-
ng the Soviet Government on vital ideo-
ogical subjects.
"Despite this, neither the Peiping Govern-
ent nor the Moscow Government sees any
trangeness in the supply of Soviet wheat to
he United Arab Republic.
"This is because each behaves within the
Balm of peaceful coexistence among lib-
rated peoples. This is a great lesson for
he U.S. Senators who have often pressed
heir Government to break the wheat agree-
at with us.
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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400170011-8
"We have been able to prove through ma
terlal evidence that the land of God whin
produces wheat is wide. We have conclud
deals to purchase wheat from Mexico. Theare other wheat deals being concluded
These deals will meet our requirements 'unti
we produce our own wheat in 2 years' time
"After 2 years It will be our right to tel
those who helped us 'thank you, and thos
who were hostile to us `what did you gain
being hostile to us, other than failure?'"
Nasser's radios, which also have been blare
lag the United States this week for all th
United Nations' Shortcomings as a peace
keeping organization and simultaneously de
nouncing both Britain and the United State.-
for their actions in the Vietnam crisis, hay
just broadcast, in addition, some detail
about Egypt's present grain stocks and futur
These broadcasts are based on an an-
nouncement made at Cairo last Sunday b
Deputy' Premier Kamal Ramzi Istinu, wh
said Egypt has managed to "overcome th
difficulty of meeting its requirements i
wheat, corn, and flour" for the next 1
It had entered last Saturday, he added
into a contract with Mexican authorities fo
400,000 tons of wheat and 100,000 tons OF.
corn to be supplied it on an 18-month credi
Egypt, which currently has to imporE 1,
500,000 tons of wheat a year, also has con
tracted, he said, to buy 55,000 tons fro
Australia plus 30,000 tons from the Unit
States exclusive of the additional 260,00
tons due it under President Johnson's Jun
21 decision.
Added to the 300,000 tons promised b
Moscow, these figures reach an aggregate o
1,045,000 tons of wheat, or enough, he said
to last 10 months in Egypt, which normall
consumes 125,000 a month.
It has also contracted, he added, to bu
380,000 tons of flour from France, Italy, an
Spain and this, added to its stock of 80,00
tons, will cover Egypt's flour needs for
He did not project any imports of corn be
yond the 100,000 tons from Mexico, saying
instead, that Egypt's Ministry of Agricultur
is Increasing acreage that will yield a con
crop in September of 1 million feddan
(1,470,000 acres).
The United States has been shippin
about about 2 million tons of wheat an
nually to Egypt as part of economic ai
allotments to that country which by Jun
30 last year had reached an aggregate o
$943,100 and topped $1 billion at the end o
Wednesday of fiscal 1965. -
But Soviet economic aid commitments
totaling $1,011,300,000, according to Stat
Department data, have been supplement
by military aid commitments in excess o
$1 billion. Some of the latter are, however
not directly attributable to Moscow, bein
shared by other Soviet bloc members suc
as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary
Poland, and Rumania.
According to State Department data
Moscow's foreign aid commitments wer
trippled during 1964 and a third of the tots,
went to Egypt which got, in consequence
$467,300,000 in credits from the Sovie
Union. Communist Chinese credits
Egypt amount, on the other hand, to onl
$84,700,000 to date, including $80 millio
granted last year.
Mr. JAVITS subsequently said: Mr.
President, I ask unanimous consent that
this brief statement may appear in con-
nection with the statement made by the
Senator from Connecticut [Mr. DODD] on
President Nasser's anti-Jewish propa-
Mr. President, I believe that the Sen-
ator from Connecticut has rendered the
country a distinguished service in dis-
closing the facts of what appeasement of
President Nasser has come to mean to
the United States. I have been trying to
disclose these same facts constantly.
The Senator from Connecticut has
given enormous aid to efforts to show
how misguided the United States has
often been in Near East policy, especially
with respect to the recent release of
wheat to President Nasser's regime.
I hope very much that every Senator
will read the remarks of the Senator
from Connecticut, as we shall be trying
to implement by legislation these policy
OF 1965
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (H.R. 6675) to provide a hos-
pital insurance program for the aged
under the Social Security Act with a
supplementary health benefits program
and an expanded program of medical
assistance, to increase benefits under the
old-age, survivors, and disability insur-
ance system, to improve the Federal-
State public assistance programs, and
for other purposes.
Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I call
up my amendment No. 330.
clerk will read the amendment offered
by the Senator from Nebraska.
Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the reading of
the amendment be dispensed with, and
that it be printed in the RECORD.
objection, it is so ordered.
The amendment (No. 330) offered by
Mr. CURTIS, is as follows:
On page 126, line 13, strike out "programs"
and all that follows, and insert in lieu there-
of "programs."
On page 123, between lines 13 and 14, insert
the following:
"SEc. 1876. (a) Except as is provided in
subsection (c) (1), the inpatient hospital
deductible applicable to an individual. under
part A with respect to inpatient hospital
services furnished to him during any spell
of illness shall, if his income tax liability ex-
ceeds the amount of such deductible as de-
termined under section 1813, be, in lieu of
such amount, an amount equal to his Income
tax. liability, or the amount of the custom-
ary charges imposed for the inpatient hos-
pital services furnished him, whichever is
the lesser.
"(b) Except as is provided in subsection
(c) (2), the deductible applicable to an indi-
vidual under part B with respect to services
provided him thereunder during any calen-
dar year shall, if his Income tax liability ex-
ceeds $50, be, in lieu of $50 an amount equal
to his income tax liability, or the amount of
the customary charges imposed for such serv-
ices, whichever is the lesser.
"(c) (1) The inpatient hospital deductible
applicable to any individual-
"(A) who, during any calendar year, has
received inpatient hospital services with re-
spect to which the inpatient hospital deduc-
tible is subject to increase by reason of the
provisions of subsection (a), and
"(B) who, during such calendar year, has
received medical or other health care with
respect to which the deductible applicable to
him under part B has been increased by rea-
son of the provisions of subsection (b),
shall, in lieu of the amount determined un-
der subsection (a), be (i) the amount deter-
mined under subsection (a) minus the
amount by which his deductible under part
B was increased (by reason of the provisions
of subsection (b)) over $50, or (ii) the
amount determined under section 1813,
Whichever is the greater.
"(2) The part B deductible applicable to
any individual-
"(A) who, during any calendar year, has
received medical or other health care with
respect to which the $50 applicable thereto
is subject to increase by reason of the pro-
visions of subsection (b), and
"(B) who, during such calendar year, has
received inpatient hospital services with re-
spect to which the inpatient hospital deduc-
tible has been Increased by reason of sub-
section (a),
shall, in lieu of the amount determined un-
der subsection (b), be (1) the amount deter-
mined under subsection (b) minus the
amount by which his inpatient hospital de-
duotible under part A was increased (by rea-
son of the provisions of subsection (a)) over
the amount determined under section 1813,
or (ii) the amount determined under part B
(without regard to this section), whichever is
the greater.
"(d) For purposes of this section, the term
'income tax liability' means, when applied. to
any individual, the amount of the tax im-
posed on such individual for the taxable year
under chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1954, reduced by the sum of the credits
allowable under part IV of subchapter A of
such chapter (other than the credit allowable
under section 31 of such Code).
"(e) For purposes of -subsections (a) and
(b), an individual's income tax liability shall
be determined on the basis of his last taxable
year which ends prior to the date he com-
menced to receive the services with respect
to which the deductible under subsection
(a), or (b), as the case may be, is being
"(f) In the case of any individual who is
married and files a joint income tax return
with his spouse, the Income tax liability of
such individual shall be deemed to be one-
half of the joint income tax liability of such
Individual and his spouse."
Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I advise
"Members of the Senate that I expect to
ask for a rolleall on this amendment.
Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and
nays now.
The yeas and nays were ordered.
Mr. CASE. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield briefly?
Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that I may yield to
the Senator from New Jersey without
losing the floor.
objection, it is so ordered. .
Mr. CASE. Mr. President, I call up
my amendment, which is at the desk,
and ask that it be stated.
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi-
dent, reserving the right to object-and
I shall not object-I hope the amend-
ment can be agreed to. We have dis-
cussed the amendment. It is not con-
troversial. If we can dispose of it now,
without the Senator from Nebraska
losing his right to the floor-
Mr. CASE. Mr. President, I ask unan-
imous consent that my amendment may
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