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Appeoved'For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1
objection to the requests of the Sena-
tor from New Jersey and the Senator
from New York?
The Chair hears none, and the names
of the Senator from New Jersey [Mr.
WILLIAMS] and the Senator from Michi-
gan [Mr. Ga=ul will be added to the
cloture motion.
Mr. JAVITS subsequently said: Mr.
President, I ask unanimous consent that
the Senator'from New Jersey [Mr. CASE]
be allowed to sign the cloture motion.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that following
the vote on the minimum wage bill con-
ference report on Wednesday, the vote
on the motion for cloture shall take place
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, reserv-
ing the right to object, I may not object,
but I understand the rules set for a time
for the vote.
Mr. MANSFIELD, That is why I
asked unanimous consent.
Mr. STENNIS. Is this the time speci-
Mr. MANSFIELD. No. That is why
I asked unanimous consent. Otherwise,
it would be automatic. I thought it
would be best for the convenience of all
Senators concerned.
Mr. STENNIS. The request is merely
for the convenience of Senators?
Mr. MANSFIELD. Exactly.
Mr. STENNIS. And has nothing to
do with the procedure on cloture itself?
Mr. MANSFIELD. Not in the least.
It would make it convenient for Senators.
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi-
dent, reserving the right to object-and
I hope I shall not find it necessary to
object-if we should have an opportu-
nity to vote on the motion to take up
before that time, would we nevertheless
be required to vote in accordance with the
unanimous consent request? Could we
vote on the motion to proceed prior to
that time?
Mr. MANSFIELD. I do not quite un-
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Suppose we
should vote on the motion to proceed be- and Wednesday.
Mr. MANSFIELD. There will be no
vote on the motion to proceed between
now and the time of the vote on the
cloture motion; I can assure the Senator
of that.
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. The major-
ity leader can assure the Senate that
there will be no vote on that matter be-
tween now and then?
Mr. MANSFIELD. I can, and I do.
Mr. ELLENDER. Mri President, can
the majority leader be specific on the
time of the vote?
Mr. MANSla'IELD. Approximately 6
Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, reserv-
ing the right to object, I inquire of the
majority leader whether, if the confer-
ence report be rejected, it will then be
in order to make motions and perhaps
have votes.
Mr, MANSFIELD. It will.
objection to the request of the Senator
from Montana?
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, again
reserving the right to object, as I under-
stand the majority leader, assurance is
given to the Senate that his request is
based merely on the convenience of Sen-
ators, and that no motion will be made
or in order, and the majority leader will
actively oppose any motion to dispose of
the bill, or the motion to take up, or any
other questions with reference to the
House bill which is now the pending
Mr. MANSFIELD. The Senator has
my word.
Mr. STENNIS. I thank the majority
objection to the request of the Senator
from Montana? The Chair hears none
and it is so ordered.
Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, the
election of a constituent assembly to
draft a constitution for Vietnam is an
event of surpassing importance.
That it should have taken place under
reasonably tranquil conditions and with
no more untoward incidents than one
might find in an election in New York or
Chicago is in itself of the highest signifi-
Anyone familiar with Vietnam, with
the stress and strain of the instant strug-
gle and with the high illiteracy rate must
realize how impressive this vote by the
people really is. Anyone familiar with
the group cleavages-the religious and
ideological pressures in Vietnam-will
appreciate the feelings of the Vietnamese
Behind the stolid expression which
characterizes their oriental outlook on
life; behind the seeming indifference
which would be rather easy to under-
stand; behind the factional pushing and
pulling of recent years is a purposeful
determination to manage their own des-
tiny, and surely this is in the best demo-
cratic tradition.
The response of the people is one of
the most impressive facets of that elec-
tion. It may well exceed 75 percent or
more of the eligible voters who re-
sponded. Could we have done better?
We are equipped with up-to-the-
minute views on all matters by an alert
press, by a radio and television medium
which is as up to the minute as the res-
taurant prices in a nation beset with wild
inflation. We might be expected to know
the last word on an election of this kind,
but for the Vietnamese with limited com-
munications, low literacy, an overriding
fear of the constant Vietcong surveil-
lance makes this an extraordinary
For us it as a tonic. It is an answer to
those who believe that our faith in the
Vietnamese and in their desire - for self-
determination has been fully vindicated.
In the welter of war and bereavement,
the people of Vietnam have demon-
strated their determination to be free.
They have proved to all the world that,
notwithstanding numberless handicaps,
they have not lost sight of their national
goals, and that is the desire to remain
the masters of their own freedom and
their own destiny without pressure from
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, if'
the civil rights bill is disposed of this
week by means of cloture or a failure of
cloture, it is the hope of the distinguished
minority leader and myself that, it the
committees start functioning with rea-
sonable dispatch as they can and will, we
can dispose of the legislation still pend-
ing in committees before or by Octo-
ber 15.
We have discussed this matter and we
would both very much like to adjourn by
October 15, and not recess.
The decision, however, is not in our
hands. It is in the hands of the com-
mittees, and I personally appeal to the
chairmen of the committees and to the
ranking minority members to do what
they can to expedite the handling of this
legislation so that it may be possible for
the Senate and Congress to adjourn sine
die by October 15 of this year.
The minority leader and I have also
discussed the possibility of meetings on
Saturday. We hope that the Senate
would concur in this procedure if there
is legislation to consider in an effort to
reach adjournment by October 15.
Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, will the
majority leader yield?
Mr. MANSFIELD. I yield.
Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I con-
cur in the hope expressed by the distin-
guished majority leader.
I assure him now that, insofar as the
minority is concerned, we will cooperate
with respect to Saturday sessions. I
think it is appropriate here and now to
thank the majority leader for his gen-
erosity and tolerance all through this
session. We have had few if any Satur-
day sessions that I recall.
That is not much of a sacrifice for
Senators to make if there is a reasonable
hope that we can conclude our legisla-
tive labors by the 15th of October.
Mr. President, I shall propose when
our policy committee meets tomorrow-
and that will include all of our mem-
bers-that we explore this matter.
I am confident there will be a maxi-
mum amount of cooperation afforded in
order to achieve this goal.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
express my thanks to the distinguished
minority leader and state that if there
are Satur 1 ay sessions, it will only be be-
cause the 4e is business to be attended to
and rely for the purpose of meet-
ing ~n rday per se.
Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, there
has been a great deal said in this Cham-
ber about American actions in southeast
Asia. There has been too little said
about the brave people of South Vietnam.
On Sunday the citizens of that country
went to the polls to elect a constituent
assembly which would decide how their
Republic is to be governed. To prevent
them from conducting this basic sacra-
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1
September 12, I roves r K e a LOUDIuoILy : I..IA-KUF'Dft5UU44OK0004UUi1uu"14-"I
were ordered to be printed in the Ap-
pendix, as follows:
Address by Deputy Postmaster General
Frederick C. Bolen delivered at the dedication
of the U.S. Post Office and Federal Building,
Parsons, W. Va.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the Senate
have a brief period for the transaction
of routine morning business, with state-
ments limited to 3 minutes, and that the
unfinished business not be displaced.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the Senate
proceed to consider executive business.
objection to the request of the Senator
from Montana.
There being no objection, the Senate
proceeded to the consideration of execu-
tiive business.
fore the Senate messages from the Presi-
dent of the United States submitting
sundry nominations, which were referred
to the appropriate committees.
(For nominations this day received,
see the end of Senate proceedings.)
be no reports of committees, the clerk
will state the nominations on the Execu-
tive Calendar.
The legislative clerk read the nomina-
tion of John A. Carver, Jr., of Idaho, to
be a member of the Federal Power Com-
mission for term expiring June 22, 1968.
out objection, the nomination is con-
Mr. MANSFIELD subsequently said:
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the action of the Senate in
confirming the nomination of John A.
Carver, Jr., as a member of the Federal
Power Commission, be rescinded, and
that that nomination be placed on the
Executive, Calendar and passed over.
out objection, the nomination will be re-
considered and placed on the calendar.
The legislative clerk read the nomina-
tion of Gen. Paul DeWitt Adams to be a
general on the retired list.
out objection, the nomination is con-
The legislative clerk read the nomina??
tion of Rear Adm. Allen M. Shinn to be it
vice admiral.
out objection the nomination is con-
The legislative clerk read the nomina-
tion of Carl Walske, of New Mexico, to
be Chairman of the Military Liaison
Committee to the Atomic Energy Coin-
out objection, the nomination is con-
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the Presi-
dent be immediately notified of the con-
firmation of these nominations.
out objection, it is so ordered.
On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and by
unanimous consent, the Senate resumed
the consideration of legislative business.
On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and by
unanimous consent, the Subcommittee
on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Com-
mittee on the Judiciary was authorized
to meet during the session of the Senate
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that on Wednes-
day, September 14, 1966, during the fur-
ther consideration of H.R. 13712, the
conference report on the minimum wage
bill, debate shall commence at 3 p.m.
on the question of agreeing to the con-
ference report, and shall be limited to
not more than 3 hours on that question,
the time to be equally divided between
and controlled by the senior Senator
from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH) and the
junior Senator from Vermont [Mr.
PROUTY], or whomever they may desig-
objection? The Chair hears none, and
it is so ordered.
Mr. MANSFIELD subsequently said:
Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent
to modify the previous unanimous-con-
sent request concerning the conference
report on the minimum wage bill, so that,
instead of the junior Senator from Ver-
mont [Mr. PROUTY] being in charge of
the opposition, the distinguished minor-
ity leader, the Senator from Illinois [Mr.
DIRKSEN] be assigned that task.
objection, the order will be so modified.
The unanimous-consent agreement,
subsequently reduced to writing, is as
Ordered, That beginning at 3 o'clock p,In.
on Wednesday, September 14, 1966, during'
the further consideration of H.R. 13712, the
conference report on the minimum wage bill,
debate on the adoption of the conference
report shall be limited not to exceed 3 hours
with the time to be equally divided and
controlled by the Senator from Texas J Mr.
YARBOROUGH] and the minority leader IMr.
Ordered further, That immediately follow-
ing the disposition of the conference report
on H.R. 13712, the minimum wage bill,. in-
stead of the time prescribed by rule XXII,
the Senate shall proceed to vote on the
cloture motion to bring to a close the debate
on the motion to take up H.R. 14765, to
assure nondiscrimination in Federal and
State jury selection and service, to facilitate
the desegregation of public education and
other public facilities, to provide judicial
relief against discriminatory housing prac-
tices, to prescribe penalties for certain acts
of violence or intimidation, and for other
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President
send to the desk a motion for cloture,
and ask that it be read.
motion will be stated.
The legislative clerk read as follows:
We, the undersigned Senators, in accord-
ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the
Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move
to bring to a close the debate upon the
motion to proceed for the consideration of
H.R. 14765, an act to assure nondiscrimina-
tion in Federal and State jury selection and
service, to facilitate the desegregation of
public education and other public facilities,
to provide judicial relief against discrimina-
tory housing practices, to prescribe penalties
for certain acts of violence or intimidation,
and for other purposes.
Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey subse-
quently said: Mr. President, I ask unani-
mous consent, because a 10-minute de-
lay made it impossible for me to be here
in time to amx my name to the cloture
motion on civil rights, that I may, at
this time, affix my name to that motion.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, if the
Senator from New Jersey will yield, I
should like to make a similar unanimous-
consent request, that the name of the
Senator from Michigan [Mr. GRIFFIN]
be affixed to the cloture motion, who
came into the Chamber about 1 minute
after the motion was read.
Approved For Release 2005/06/20 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1
A roved Fo 24 0 29 G P67B 000400110014-1 21363
September 12, 1966 C 5
ment of democracy, the Communist Viet- constitutional government. They thus the people of Southeast Asia the sacred
cong intensified their campaign of terror, embarked upon the first step toward self- right of self-determination, can take
striking at villages, at military outposts, government in selecting the delegates to deep satisfaction from what happened
and deep into the capital of Saigon, itself. draft the necessary constitution for self- For a courageous and proud people
They sought to frighten the innocent government.
Vietnamese into staying away from the Loud and clear they said that they have delivered a message to the world.
polls. To date this savagery has left 19 want nothing to do with Ho Chi Minh And the world has heard-and ap-
dead and 120 wounded. In the Mekong and his Communist agents and follow-2 plauded.
Delta alone, 52 incidents of terror were ers in the south. COPIES OF
reported on election day. Over 140 were They gave the lie to the idea that the TO HEARINGS PRINT ADDITIONAL CNALPLOMENTF
counted throughout the country. Vietcong represented any significant part
Despite this brutal campaign of in- of the Vietnamese people. IASSISTANCE FOR VIE SUPPLEMENTAL
timidation, over 4-million people went to Confounding many of the so-called NOM FOR FISCAL 19E FOR FET-people ter ent sit better than 75 that theyhwantlfreedom and democrats ENCE REPORT
percent of the e registered voters, and a . Mr. President, on
rate of ballot participation far higher institutions and a chance to pick their Mr. FULBRIGHT behalf of the Senator from North Caro-
ls than
enxtrao had dared n hope. to by a ? In no uncertain terms, Mr. President, lina [Mr. JORDAN], I submit a report of
of frtheir co u- the committee of conference on the dis-
poor and humble a people demonstration
AndeI hwas given for ope that all the
Americans agreeing votes of the two Houses on the
ragearns nd humb devotion to o the e cause their f self - - hear message
gove te o
government. the people of every nation-and amendment of the House to the concur-
The world The world does not yet know what particularly the leaders in Hanoi-have rent thorizing the resolution (S. printing Con. of Res. 77) au-
decision decision the voters will produce. But it heard and understood that message.
does know that the people of Vietnam All Americans can take heart from this copies of hearings on supplemental for-
have given the lie to the Communist massive expression of free popular will eign assistance for Vietnam for fiscal
argument that the Vietcong and their of the Vietnamese people. For we have 1966. I ask unanimous .consent for the
terror represent the wave of the future. been fighting and sacrificing for just this present consideration of the report.
They have also shown that there are purpose. We consider it of vital im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The re-
weapons more potent than raw force. portance that these people can make port will be read for the information of
In Venezuela and the Dominican Re- their own way without pressure and in- the Senate.
public, we have recently witnessed the timidation from outside. The legislative clerk read the report.
triumph of the democratic system of Thus, the first step-not a long one, (For conference report, see House pro-
elections over Communist violence and but one of great importance-has been ceedings of August 25, 1966, CONGRES-
terror. The instruments of democracy taken toward building a new nation ded- SIONAL RECORD, p. 19789])
are the strongest weapons available to icated to the principle of self-rule. Many The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there
man. They are a match for subversion, tough problems lie ahead. The Viet- objection to the present consideration of
conspiracy, tyranny and terror. We cong, regardless Of this defeat at the the report?
sometimes fail to appreciate the true polls and their efforts to frustrate this There being no objection, the Senate
measure of their power. election, are not now going to simply proceeded to consider the report.
The Vietcong may well have suffered melt away. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The
their Dienbieiiphu-at the polls. Ho Chi Minh has suffered an impor- question is on agreeing to the conference
At every reasonable opportunity, the tant defeat. But it is doubtful that it is report.
instrument of suffrage, and of public de- severe enough at this point to make him The report was agreed to.
bate and public expression, should all be pull his forces back to the north and to
used as this experiment in democracy abandon his campaign of terrorism and
gains strength. aggression. LEADING INDICATORS SHOW LONG
If man is to achieve his dream of peace Much hard work and sacrifice remains BUSINESS BOOM ABOUT TO END-
on earth, his words and his will must to be done in Vietnam. Political parties PRESIDENT'S TAX PROPOSALS
overcome the fist and the dagger. Albert will have to be created. Leaders chosen KE END COME QUICK-
Henceforth wrote: by the people must prepare to write a WOULD
Henceforth the sole honor will be to hold constitution to guide a new democracy. ER GO
obstinately to the tremendous wager which Early next year there will be new elec- Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, the
will finally decide if words are stronger than tions for the executive and legislative in- President of the United States has asked
bullets. stitutions that will make up a freely this Congress to suspend the investment
chosen government. credit and endorse the administration's
Yesterday's action by the Vietnamese Regardless of our satisfaction over the suspension of accelerated depreciation in
people strengthens our faith that. be first strong forward step taken in the order to. keep prices and interest rates
r - Or for ulle piup.e W1 vacv~awaaa-~v _~_., A_---
THE VIETNAMESE ELECTION brate a victory and consider that the Whether Congress should approve the
r. MONRONEY. Mr. . President, yes- fight is won. it is no time to relax, but President's proposal depends on how the
ter the embattled M citizens of yes- a time to rededicate ourselves to the Members of this Congress expect tke
cause of freedom. economy to behave in the next year and
answered a question that has been the Instead, those of us who work In the a half or so, if we do not follow the
subject of world dispute for many many Congress as the constitutional repre- President's prescription, and how we ex-
months. sentatives of a great nation of people pect it to behave if we do follow it.
Spokesmen by the dozens, purporting should once more demonstrate the ef- Mr. President, I strongly endorse the
to represent the tens of thousands of fectiveness and strength of a govern- President's proposed cutbacks in spend-
Vietnamese, have been declaring over ment based on the consent of the gov- ing, but I hasten to add that he has not
many months that these people did not erned. The bravery and determination gone nearly far enough. I have said he
understand nor comprehend the meaning of our Vietnamese friends should remind should cut additional spending, and I
of democracy. us of our responsibilities of the moment. have indicated how in my judgment he
Sunday the Vietnamese people, mil- The Congress has "before it several should reduce it.
lions strong, spoke for themselves. legislative proposals of great urgency. I favor that course for many reasons.
Instead of a stay-at-home vote-in- The pending business of the Senate A principal reason is that such a course
stead of ignoring the opportunity to ex- should be disposed of. Measures to would have an immediate effect on prices
press themselves-they spoke in the 80- strengthen our domestic economy should and can be swiftly reversed if we should
percent turnout of the registered voters be considered without delay. move into a recession.
of their desire to be their own masters. Meanwhile, the Members of Congress But these are exactly the reasons I op-
This was a decision that they want to who have overwhelmingly supported pose his tax proposals. Both suspension
walk down the road of representative, three Presidents in our efforts to gain for of the investment credit and postpone-
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1.
Approved Foree QQ0o55/~g/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000460110014-1
ment of accelerated depreciation will not
have their prime effect for a year or
more, and their consequences will be felt
for years after that time.
This morning's Wall Street Journal
carries an excellent article by George
Shea which concludes:
Thus the signs accumulate that before
many months have passed the course of
general business will be seen to be turning
down, If so, the tax and other measures
urged by President Johnson, if they succeed
n slowing down capital spending, will mere-
ly add their weight to an already weaken-
ing trend.
Mr. Shea spells out the key advance
indicators of a turn in cur economy
which more and more clearly points to
the near future as a period when the
record long boom of the economy will be
turning down. They are:
First. The sharp rise In Interest
rates--characteristic of the end of a
boom period.
Second. A decline in stock prices, fol-
lowing hard on the rise in interest rates.
We have suffered a 23-percent drop in
stock prices since February.
Third. A third characteristic of the
top of booms is that prices of industrial
raw materials tend to edge off while
other wholesale and most retail prices
are still climbing. The Government's
daily Index of 13 industrial raw mate-
rials touched a high just under 125 per-
cent of 1957-59 last March, and in recent
days has fallen below 109 percent.
Fourth. Other leading indicators seem
to have turned down in recent months.
They include housing starts, the aver-
age workweek in manufacturing, and
commercial and industrial building
awards. Still other leading indicators
seem to have turned to a level trend
from an uptrend previously,
I ask unanimous consent that the ar-
ticle by George Shea from the first page
of this morning's Wall Street Journal be
printed at this point in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed inthe RECORD,
as follows:
The current economic situation in the
United States has the earmarks of a typical
top in a business boom. If events follow
their historical course this top will be fol-
lowed soon by a downturn in business ac-
tivity. And the measures just proposed by
President Johnson to fight inflation are
likely to speed the arrival of the downturn
or aggravate it or both.
One of the clearest signs of a boom top is
a strong rise in interest rates on borrowed
p em e7 L z, 196G
very rapid pace. Fundamentally, it is this late in a recession. But in a sense-if looked
rapid expansion in loans at the banks, ac- at upside down, as it were, by watching
companied by large credit demands in other bond prices-they could be regarded as a
forms, that has tightened money and caused very early leading indicator that moves even.
interest rates to rise. ahead of stocks and raw materials.
The Reserve authorities themselves putt the Others of the leading indicators seem to
case clearly in a statement Sept. 1 asking the have turned down in recent months. They
banks to limit new loans and avoid selling include housing starts, the average work-
securities as a means of obtaining money to week in manufacturing, and commercial and
make loans. Credit expansion, they said, industrial building awards. Still others of
"should be moderate enough to help insure these early indicators seem to have turned to
that spending-and particularly that fl- a level trend from an uptrend previously.
nanced by bank credit-does not exceed the Thus the signs accumulate that before
bounds that can be accommodated by the many months have passed the course of gen-
nation's growing physical resources." eral business will be
This is the key point in two was. Not down. If and to be ease es
only does spending at a rate of grovc s the tax and other succeed
LlA be- urged ged by President Johnson, if they yond that of physical capacity tend to cause in slowing down capital spending, will merely
prices to rise, thus defeating the efforts of add their weight to an already weakening
the spenders to speed physical growth. But trend.
by the same t
en, the accompanying
growth in credit demand tends to exceed the
rate of savings growth that the economic
system is capable of producing.
In turn, that is why interest rates rise and
the supply of credit falls short of demand.
As this shortage becomes aggravated it first
limits, then often reverses, growth in busi-
ness activity, bringing about a downturn.
Furthermore, the sequence appears ines-
capable; any attempt by Reserve authorities
to increase the supply of credit in this situa-
tion would merely speed up Inflation of
prices without changing the physical limits
on growth, and the same unfortunate conse-
quences of tight money and business down-
turn would follow sooner or later.
Another characteristic of boom tops Is a
decline in stock prices that follows hard upon
rising interest rates. This, too, we have Seen
in the present instance, with a stock-price
drop of some 23 percent since early last
February. Basically, the same factors that
caused interest rates to go up make stocks
go down. People in need of money can't
buy stocks and in many cases sell stocks. In
addition, of course, low dividend yields ob-
tainable from stocks look less and less at-
tractive when the interest yields available
Mr. PROXMI1 E. Mr. President, on
this investment credit suspension, there
is a built in technical reason why its
effect will be far sharper and greater a
year from now than it will be in the first
few months.
Consider the position of Transconti-
nental and Western Airlines, which was
reported to have ordered $400 million of
planes on September 2. If the Presi-
dent's proposal Is written into law, this
firm will lose $28 million In net profits.
If TWA had had` any inkling of the
Presidential message, they would have
speeded up their order to August 31..
now, Mr. President, consider the posi-
tion of the businessman next August or
September who is considering ordering
a big Item of equipment. Remember,
restoration of this credit will be only
4 or 5 months away. Should he order
now or wait 4 or 5 months? With each
day that passes, businessmen will be
more and more reluctant to order. They
will be a day closer to a profitable credit
A third characteristic of the tops of booms If they wait.
Is that prices of industrial raw materials The capital goods industry may start
tend to edge off while other wholesale and dropping this year, because the credit is
most retail paces are Still climbing. Ap- absent, but it will accelerate Its descent
parently these raw materials tend to be the in March, April, May next year. By
first commodities in which supply catches September, the Industry is likely to be
up with demand as a result of the opening all but paralyzed. The last quarter of
up of new sources of production. The Gov- next year will be a nightmare. Every
ernntent's daily index of 13 industrial raw businessman with any kind of major
materials touched a high just under 125
percent of 1957-59 last March and in recent equipment order In mind will of course
days has fallen below 109 percent. postpone the order.
This decline may seem strange at a time The same will be true of all the Indus-
when, the Government and many economists trial building in America. Can one
worry about inflation, but such contradictory imagine a businessman contracting for
movements have been seen before. In the a half-billion-dollar plant in October
1957--58 recession the index of raw commodi- next year, when he could wait 3 months
ties fell from 109.7 in 1956 to 102.2 in 11,57
and 95.1 in 1958, although the overall whole- and enjoy a $35 million Increase in his
sale index in the same years edged up from net profit?
96.2 to 99.0 and then to 100.4. So thle
ag w
a specially depressing
money. Such a rise has been taking place Even in a single commodity, copper, the Impact about a year or so from now Is
for more than a year. same thing can be seen today. Since last
winter copper scrap has fallen sharply but a This consequence
mean ce that these
Congress will proposals.
Some people seem to think the Federal the U.S. price of newly refined copper was This ens metC Maybe will end
Reserve Board is responsible for the rise in raised last week by two producers; the reason, Its suspension earlier. Maybe, maybe
interest rates, hen it b ed d to that it triggered the rise of course, is that the refiner price has been not. That depends on what is happening
4% percent from 4 per- heald artificially far below the world price to prices at that time. We could have
cent last December the discount It charges as reflected in scrap and in the London Metal in late 1967 what the country has had
on loans to member banks. Actually, at that Market. Now the Administration, continua-past-rapidly time, rates on tax-free bonds had been ris- ing the artificial pressure, is trying to in the col cidi g iwithasing n -
time, since early 1965 and rates on Treasury suade the two back per- ployment pri coinciding with conti nuinng
securities had been going up since July. producers to roll bthe rising prices.
ices raised.
It is true that the Reserve Board began to price
a and raw material prices are public
Postponement projects W Ud einvo Governmentpublic
ration the banks' lendable reserves as early two of the so-called leading indicators that Works s
as the spring of 1965, though it did so far economists watch because they tend to turn
more moderately in that year than it has up or down ahead of these vazards, Its effect would be or in
since March this general business. III- Its reversal could come in part or in
since n year. But in spite of such terest rates are classed as a lagging indicator wholes-depending on an Instant Presi-
g, bank lending has continued at a because they go up late in a boom and down dential decision.
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1
Approved Fo C~RQ6/~O/9~~BP67Mt000400;`~4>4 bey Y 2, Y 966
21366 e
such authority under Article II section 2 key indicators of success were positive. socialist, Communist"-a Marxist, a revolu-
of the Constitution that puts him'in charge there was a large voter turnout and there tienary , an open advocate of the
of the conduct of V.S. foreign relations and revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and
were hardly an charges of fraud. Pres- 1 replacement with a world socialist or-
his power is not derived from the Trade Ex- ent figures are that over 5 million South der . . . EASTLAND's intrepid snoopers could
pansion Act of 1962. However, I agree that, Vietnamese or almost three-quarters of have saved the taxpayers' money, for in my
if such an international agreement is reached
and it would result in amending the Anti- the eligible voters cast their ballots. two years of civil rights activity in this state
Dumping Act of 1921 the consent of Congress We should be perfectly clear in our I have never attempted to hide my political
would have to be obtained and it would be own minds, however, on the meaning of convictions or my affiliations. Far from
free to accept or to reject any such amend- this success.' It .is not going to produce denying the charge, I am greatly honored to
ment. have been denounced on the Senate floor as
any new and miraculous harmony or a an implacable foe of this most qualified rep-
The question can be legitimately asked clearcut mandate. It was not a vote of resentative of degenerate racism,
ti thocowho aoe "Hod with stiff inderur- confidence in any premier or political EASTLAND'S latest blast is a heartening sign
selves?" "How do we defend our- party. It is not even a definite sign that to the Negro people and the poor people of
I submit that the lasting solution to im- the South Vietnamese are going to clean the state, for it shows that the old planta-
port competition is to increase the efficiency their own house and begin to pursue the tion master the ro Sunflower County of
smash thhis ndsve
and productivity of the American economy. war against the Communists or their war ississippians tspectring up to
It is the job of the Federal Government to against want in a more determined Mstem of racist, sing upon.
encourage the growth of the more efficient fashion. EALAND, who constantly talks of Missis-
The success of the elections proves one sippi's "excellent" race relations, has the
and competitive elements of this economy
through such measures as tax incentives,
the reciprocal reduction of trade barriers, thing-control. And this is what was tricky job of explaining the mass support of
revision of antitrust laws, manpower train- really to be tested in the first place. The the Meredith-Mississippi March among the
ing, aid to higher education, encouraging impressive voter turnout demonstrates state's Negro rally of some 20,000 at the Capri
labor mobility, export promotion. that the Saigon government actually enthusiastic al The best can come up
sts who
with In is a handful of alleged he can come up
Much of our economy is highly competi- controls and is administering the terri- tol
tive. A smaller segment is not able to com- Cory of a great majority of the people. with is ad handful be amon the tremendous
pete against more efficient domestic or for- The Communists, whatever they will now hrowd. c
eign competitors. claim, were trying to sabotage the elec-
in the U.S.-C Sorry Senator, but the thousands of Mfs-
7n the U.S.-C Trade .-Canada Auto ada Auto Act Agree of ment, nt, Conand- tions by frightening people away from sissippi Sorry peat moved to aous n s rec is-
gress recognized the existence of national the polls and candidates from running events in the state know they are not "in-
responsibility should injury to domestic for office. A poor voter turnout would filtrated." This was the Mississippi peop
workers or businesses result from tariff cuts, have indicated that the South Vietnam- work, "agitated" by you and your kind and
and authorize the President to provide ad- ese people believed the Vietcong was the decadent system you so ably represent.
justment assistance to those injured or a more powerful than the Saigon govern- The Senator screams "Communists are
combination of Federal Assistance and tariff ment. staging a revolution in this country." Speak-
er quota relief. In the test of wills and strength, the ing from the Senator's home state, I say yes
Those, plus the national security exemp-
tion, are the means to use-not political Saigon government demonstrated it. indeed Mr. EASTLAND, there is a resolution
staged here, and although Commu-
protectionism by special discrimination in COUld deliver. The people felt safe nists" can hardly be credited with staging it,
favor of one economic bloc or another. enough with Saigon's protection to brave it is a revolution that deserves the partisan
The credibility of this country's professed the Communist threats, support of all those who work for a society
support of trade liberalization is now being But the elections are only a beginning, free of racism, violence and exploitation of
called into question at home and abroad. and the task of COristitutionmaking, with man by man.
Should our principal allies become c s moon- all the attendant political problems, lies There is a revolution afoot here to destroy
that our the current this policy lacks a eon , ahead. It is very important that those the naked rule of the rich, which has made
which the GATT negotiations, options, Mississippi the poorest state in the nation;
sistencewhich, have will fail. organized at our own in- chosen for sponsibility this concentrate on constitution- drafting drafting re- the to destroy the vile racism nurtured by EAST-
In our rapidly changing world, where new constitution and do not busy themselves LAND and his ilk that blinds men to their
common interests in struggle and has denied
currents of power-economic and political- by taking potshots at the present Gov- the most basic of human rights to vast num-
are moving all around us, the path of the ernment. Similiarly, the military junta bers in this state; to destroy the attitude of
protectionist seems so easy and logical to should exercise restraint in allowing the subservience to a "law and order" designed to
some at home, but it is a terribly dangerous dui elected delegates to write the con- perpetuate a reactionary racist order, and to
currents of power to the purposes of freedom , Stitution without military dictation, one. Only by harnessing those mighty new y instill the revoluntionary will to organize
and fight among the oppressed masses of
only by having the courage and foresight to our job now is to convince the poll- this state. There is a revolution afoot here,
meet them squarely in the great private en- ticians and the military that they need which will consign all the Eastlands and
terprise tradition of our country, can we each other. The military chain of com- everything they represent to their long de-
reach for the destiny of free men. mand is the only structure that exists in served place on the garbage heap of history.
nomic South Vietnam that can implement de- EASTLAND sees the handwriting on the wall,
The United States, with the greatest eco-
power on earth, provides that best cisions, and the various political group- and fights back with any weapon he can
could this inns represent the only way decisions get his hands on; for he knows that a society
eate test eedom will catastrophe prevail
which on
earth. guarantee The that
befall the g world in terms of international can be both made and accepted by the free of racist oppression means the social,
economic death of all the James
trade, with incalculable effects on freedom people. ppolitical itical s and d the world.
everywhere, would be if we abdicated our As a "known Communist" I am proud to
position as the world's leader in increasing COMMUNIST REPLIES TO SENATOR be a participant in this revolution that will
international trade and freeing it from bar- silence the James Eastlands.
riers and restrictions by slipping into a pro- EASTLAND someday the James Ear lac
tectionist policy of our own. It is to avoid Mr. EASTLAND. Mr. President, I ask TouGALOO, Miss,
such a catastrophe, with its inevitable de- unanimous consent to have printed in
structive retaliation from our Nations trad-
letter sent
s led me to oppose pro-
t h
partners t a a
slation in gene
a d the
the Jackson Daily News.
approach to ant
um ing in
There being no objection, the letter
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
L` 1.,P~R. i~.v,.?v
- ---'-
Jackson Daily
f th
In the July 21 edition o
News I am mentioned by Senator JAMES
S. Mr. Presid
t, yester-
EASTLAND as one of "11 known Communists
nd influenced"
day's bly in election
Vietnam could
h t h
e the assem-
s g-
e all been
Names Reds in March").
niflcant first step t
er to waiting for, the first concrete sign that is not my i tension in I this s left indeed a
our joint efforts are paying off. The two deny tnN
Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, on August
30, 1966, my good friend, Representative
Carolina, made a statement on the floor
of the House to the effect that Andrew
Jackson was born in South Carolina.
My good friend's action on that occa-
sion calls to mind Horace's statement:
But as Homer, usually good, nods for a
moment, I think it a shame.
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1
September 12, 4)ved Forc ?5P& 6A/19:: CII -RDP67B00 446R000400110014-1
Mr. HOLLAND. Mr President on legislation.
at times-for protectionist omies of others will be equitably protected
Friday, September 9, I felt it necessa I take this opportunity to sound the alarm
to take the floor to comment on a front- coand to issue
nsequencesaoftrang warning now as to the
q pursuing such policy. The
'page article of the Evening Star dated increased protectionism of the Congress is a
September 8, entitled "Johnson Signs growing threat and failure or even the ab-
$6.99 Billion Agriculture Bill." sence of a caearcut success at the current
The article qbviously showed that the GATT negotiations could unleash a world-
President had been furnished with in- wide wave of protectionism.
accurate figures from some source, and I It is clearly in the interest of the United
Pelt It appropriafe to support a policy of effective trade
ppropriate to spread the accurate liberalization. A policy of protectionism
facts upon the RECO .D. In so doing, I weakens the competitiveness and efficiency
find that the Government Printing Office, of our economy and the economy of each
in the printing of the RECORD, made an nation that practices it. The United States
error in Copying my remarks. The error - and its allies need to be economically strong
appears on page 21241 of the RECORD of and cohesive. Increasingly greater interna-
September 9, Beginning with the third tional trade insures that nations seek to re-
full paragraph of main competitive and that their resources
my remarks in the are used efficiently.
first column, the first sentence should Elimination of restrictions against trade is
read: an essential ingredient of effective interna-
I think it is also appropriate to say that tional cooperation. The trouble is that we
in several instances the appropriations bill want to have our cake, and eat it, too. We
Insisted upon including expenditures under want to expand exports, while increasing
the traditional formula for distribution to restrictions against competitive imports.
the States as authorized by law rather than This would be a nice trick, if it could be
wscretion or the secretary of Agri-
culture as recommended by the budget,
I ask that the RECORD be corrected ac-'
correction will be made.
0 our mutual advantage.
bill is that: (1) it would deprive althe Bureau
of Customs and the Treasury of the ability
to do more than make a purely mechanical
"less than fair value" determination; (2) it
would virtually eliminate the Tariff Commis-
sion's discretion in the anti-dumping field;
and (3) it would practically assure that each.
complaint would be followed by a "less than
fair value" determination and most, if not
all, such determination followed by a find-
ing of injury.
The bill, If it became law in its present
form, would become a major barrier against
legitimate international trade in products
competitive with U.S.-made products.
An international anti-dumping code, on
the other hand, is desirable because (1) It
would blunt the drive in many foreign coun-
tries for legislation such as the Hartke-Her-
long bill and therefore would remove this
potential hindrance to U.S. exports; (2) prop-
erly drawn, it would effectively protect
American industry against' predatory price
discrimination and U.S. Importers against
unfair harassment; and (3) it would elimi-
nate an important bone of
ention at the
search for perpetual motion. It sounds trite current GATT negotiations and thereby con-
to repeat it, but it is true-trade is a two- tribute to their successful conclusion.
way street. This is the principle which It would be premature f
or me to discuss
forms the basis of the U.S. negotiating posi- in detail what I think should be included
tion in Geneva and I can assure you Congress in an antidumping code. On September 12
will not approve any agreement that does the Trade Information Committee will begin
not reflect this principle. hearings to examine the complex issues in-
Make no mistake about it, efforts such as volved in an international agreement on
he so
artke-Herlong antidumping
-dumping. Expert testimony before
ANTIDUMPING AND PROTEC- bill--sponsored by 32 of my colleagues in the these hearings will, I am sure, be very help-
TIONISM Senate and 97 members of the House of Rep- ful in the construction of an international
resentatives-are, I regret to say, thinly dais- anti-dumping code, which will be fair to
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the Trade guised forms of protectionism. both the domestic industries of trading na-
Expansion Act of 1962 was heralded as I am in favor of modernizing the Anti- tions and to importers. At this point let
the start of a new era of liberalized dumping Act of 1921 through legislation or me say only that such a code should, as a
world trade policy, yet it has not pre- regulation.; that would bring to a halt pred- minimum, establish uniform definitions of
vented protectionist forces from attack- atory price discrimination and the unfair dumping and injury, and uniform adminis-
Ing this policy in Congress since the act use of economic power to destroy competi- trative practices for entering and prosecuting
has been in effect. tion in International trade. That is why dumping claims by all the signatories. Such
I have fought protectionist legislation, this Act was passed by Congress in the first a code should use as a point of departure
as protectionism only hurts the consumer place and measures that maintain that prin- Article vi of GATT which sets forth the
ciple under current conditions have my sup- basic GATT rules on dumping and be ad-
and weakens the competitiveness and port and that of other fairminded people. ministered under GATT auspices. Proce-
efflciency of our domestic economy and But, the Hartke-Herlong approach violates dures should be established to deal with
that of every other country that partici- this concept. It runs counter to a basic violators of the code both through the levying
pates in this practice. principles of international trade which is of dumping duties and through court sane.
on Congress in recent months to amend when people in country A find it to their ad-
the Antidumping Act In a fashion that vantage to purchase a product in country B
rather would make it so restrictive as to prevent or more economical. because sHartke-Herlong
legitimate forms of international com- bill is a move to "protect" by restricting total
petition and to induce foreign countries trade certain American industries-such as
to retaliate in kind, steel and cement-against legitimate inter-
In my view, the best approach to stop national competition. If the drive by the
this protectionist spiral is to negotiate U.S. steel industry for legislation such as the
an international antidumping agreement Hartke-Herlong bill Is motivated by a desire
during the current GATT trade ne otia- E defend itself against the newly they are
tions, and in a recent speech I gave a full building a weak defense. Enactment of such
exposition of my reasons in support of legislation would only lead to similar meas..
such an international agreement. ures in Europe and the U.S. steel industry
I ask unanimous consent tt insert Into would be exactly in the same position as it
the RECORD the speech I delivered on this is now. The most effective defense is an.
subject before the International Trade would m- eel l e
l agreement on dumping that edatory
attack and Customs Law Committee of the Fed- so that which culd be mounted by Ero
oral Bar Association, September 9, 1966, steel cartels without penalizing normal in-
at the Statler Hilton Hotel in Washing- ternational competition.
ton. In my estimation, and I am pleased to say
There being no objection, the speech in the estimation of a growing segment of
was ordered to be printed In the RECORD, the business conununity of the industrial-
iss follows: Ized world and their governments, the best
When the Trade Expansion Act became
I.sw four years ago it was hailed as the be-
ginning of a new era of enlightened and lib-
eralized trade policy. The experience of
these four years shows that the Act did not
prevent protectionist forces from maintain-
ing steady pressure on the Congress-with
paper Issued by the International Chamber
of Commerce this June in which they make
19 specific recommendations on the prin-
ciples on which an international code of
anti-dumping procedure should be based.
Let me just cite three of them:
"1. Save in exceptional circumstances, an-
ti-dumping, procedures should only be ini-
tiated when domestic producers submit a
complaint to the effect that imports at
dumped prices are causing them material
injury [my italics] * ? *
"2. An application should only be accepted
by the authority concerned when it is made
by or on behalf of domestic producers whose
total production of the like goods represents,
both in value and volume, a major proportion
of total domestic output of these goods.
"5. Until such time as a final decision can
be taken, no provisional measures should be
applied unless they are essential in order
to stop or prevent really serious injury, and
then only for a limited period."
I urge the Federal Bar Association and
Governor Hert
s Office to take this report
protection against predatory price discrim- with the utmost seriousness, as it represents
Illation and the unfair use of economic power the collecti
ve judgement of a very knowl-
to destroy international competition is the edgeable segment of the industrialized world.
world-wide standardizaton of laws designed The question has been raised by the pro-
to bring such illegal practices to a halt. tectionist forces whether or not the Presi-
Once such standardization is achieved dent does in fact have any authority to con-
through an international agreement on anti- elude an international agreement on dump-
dumping, both our economy and the econ- ing. In my opinion the President does have
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1
Approved For RCONORESS40NA9L fGCTKf37B0 ?V004001199~4elnber 12, 1966
that this nation confronts a determined tween 1960 and 1965. But the companies
enemy in Viet Nam. I can also tell you that increased the wholesale price level of man-
Viet Nam, and a military victory there is ufactured goods by 1.7 percent-almost as
vital to our own security and the preserva- much as the decline in unit labor costs. In
tion of liberty and freedom in other parts the first half of 1966, the unit labor costs of
of the world. manufactured goods were only one-tenth of
in the performance of our servicemen in one percent higher than in the same period
that far-away land, I have an enormous of 1965, but the wholesale prices of Indus-
pride. Partly this is because of my years trial products jumped 2.8 percent.
of identification with the armed forces; but The spread between unit labor Costs Itnd
far more it is because of their heroism, their industrial prices has been growing.
professional skill, their steadfastness in the now greater than at any time since mid-
supreme challenges of the battlefield. 1951. Most of this spread reflects widening
I for one strongly favor what President profit margins. And with the rising volume
Johnson has sought to do and has done of sales, profits have soared.
there. Particularly I commend the prudence The inequity and injustice of these trends
and statescraft he has employed to insure IS crystal clear to all who wish to know the
that this crisis does not escalate endlessly, facts. Between 1960 and 1965:
and ultimately engulf all mankind in devas- Corporate profits soared 52 percent tbefore
tation too horrible to contemplate. taxes and 67 percent after payment
I know that communism is not going to Dividend payments to stockholders rose
just fade away. I know that communism 43 percent.
is going to be a challenge to our way of life Weekly only take-home pay of factory terms ers
for many years to come. in 21 percent,
If I have ever been convinced of anything buying power, merely 13 percent.
in my life, I am convinced that democracy, Total wages, salary and fringe benefits of
and the freedom and dignity of man which all employees in the entire economy in-
go hand-in-hand with it, will out-wear, out- creased only a33 s well percent-reflecting gains in wages increased
last, and out-live any philosophy or catch- employment, phrase that ever emerges from the Kremlin. salaries. This trend continues in 1966-
We must maintain our position as the with wages and salaries lagging behind the
leader of the free world. sharp continuing ividends.
This will involve sacrifice-the sacrifice of
lives, just as we are sacrificing lives today tion is creating a serious lack of balance be.-
in Viet Nam; the sacrifice of time; the sacri- tween the economy's rapidly rising ability
fice of material wealth; and the sacrifice of to increase production more efficiently, and
demand for
long family separation. sustainable advances in
must apply equitably to all groups in the
But neither you young men, nor our citi- goods and services.
zens, are afraid of sacrifice. We will do Soaring profits-aided by the 7 percent population and to all components of the cost
whatever must be done. For when all is tax-credit subsidy for business investment of living, as well as the coat of production.
said and done, the tomorrow of this nation is and rapid depreciation write-offs-are fuel- W are prepared to sacrifice as much as
being entrusted to you-to you, the Army ing the fires of a capital goods super-boom. any a else, for as long as anyone else, so
of the future, guardians of the land of the The new installations are increasing indus- p there is equality of sacrifice.
faster than
Thayer. the demand for goods an
I thank you. expected to rise, on a sustained basis. As a
result, there is a growing danger of excess (Mr. MULTER (at the request of Mr.
capacity, eventual collapse of the investment I~LUCZYN5KI) was granted permission to
STATEMENT BY AFL-CIO EXECU- boom and a general economic decline. More-m
tary ex-
his point in TIVE COUNCIL ON THE NATIONAL nover, In enditues then capitaation gooods boom isicreating R CORD and to in ude textraneous m to
KLVCZYNSxt) was granted permission to
t i
extend his remarks at this poin
for goods in short supply. Auto sales are -taken place; and despite the doom and
RECORD and to include extraneous mat- down from last year; home-building has
ter.) dropped sharply; there are no shortages of gloom prophets the people of South
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, every consumer goods; nor is there any scare- Vietnam have demonstrated-by a 3-to-1
Member of this Congress and the admin- buying or hoarding. Unemployment at 3.9 majority-that they have confidence in
istration is vitally concerned with the percent of the labor force-with joblessness their country and in its future.
inflationary trend presently evident in rates of over 12 percent for teenagers, nearly In the aftermath of the election it is
is ndf r6 perorcemnt fufor
ll gratifying to note that the New York
the economy. Labor is also concerned. blue co percent f o w'Negroes
The of -CIO . nc views this the AFLl be f nterest employment. Times, not known for its support of the
council on this matter will be ofinterest The Federal Reserve's attempt to curb this administration's Vietnam policy, has
and importance in considering what capital goods boom has pushed up interest editorially endorsed the results. I com-
moves can be taken to combat inflation. rates to the highest levels in 40 years-boost- mend to the attention of our colleagues
The executive council's recommendations ing the cost of living and throwing residential that editorial, which appeared in the
should be given very serious considera- construction into a depression. Times of September 12, 1966:
tion and I commend to the attention of Because of all these factors, the AFL-CIO SnlcoN's $ ECTORAL VICTORY
our colleagues the statement issued at Executive Council advocates the following The elections in South Vietnam were a
their meeting in Chicago on August 23, economic policies:
1. mcootion of balance between wages, success for Marshal SoKy's uth Vietnament and
1966).: prices, profits and business investment is es- indirectly for the Johnson Administration.
STATEMENT BY THE AFL-CIO EXECUTIVE sential, as well as much lower interest rates. According to present available figures, three-
COUNCIL ON THE NATIONAL ECONOMY, CHI- 2. Increases in the buying power of wages quarters of the eligible voters cast ballots.
CAGO, ILL., AUGUST 23, 1966 and salaries are needed to provide workers This far exceeds Vietnamese and American
Inflation in America is clearly and directly with their fair share and provide a healthy hopes before election day.
profit inflation, advance in mass consumer markets, the The victory deserves full acknowledge-
Profits have skyrocketed-moving up, far foundation of the nation's economy. ment, but its effects should not be exagger-
out of line with wages and salaries. 3. The major mechanism for achieving ris- ated. Candidates were merely elected to an
The' result has been increased living costs ing real earnings in America is collective bar- assembly which will draw up a constitution
that have washed out much of the value of gaining-within the framework of the thou- leading to still another election in 1967 or m
a government wd kea' wet gains. In the past year, the occ pati ns, as well asathe national economy. the s tuatione nd political backwardness of
buying power vamost , workers' take-home pay
ha;;.hardly advancednced, at all. 4. Special attention to lift the real wages the people will permit.
Wage and salary earners have not received of the working poor requires the extension of Since large regions of South Vietnam are
a fair and adequate share of the benefits of coverage of the Fair Labor Standards Act to under Vietcong control, or subject to the
the economy's forward advance. millions of low-wage workers and an increase Vietcong's threats, the election could not
In the key manufacturing sector, unit in the federal minimum wage. lead to a genuine popular majority. But,
labor costs actually declined 1.9 percent be- 5. High and rising business profits and the insofar as the South Vietnamese people, at
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110,014-1
This one-sector boom, however, snoum, uvo the predictions o2 the pessuzuaw un.u iu
be confused with generally excessive demand cynics
the election in South Vietnam has
economy's rapidly increasing productive ef-
ficiency make possible such increases in
workers' buying power without raising the
price level. In fact, the profits and produc-
tivity of many companies are so high that
they could simultaneously raise wages and
cut their prices to consumers.
6. Achievement of economic balance also
requires an effective curb on the capital
goods super-boom-through repeal of the 7
percent tax-credit subsidy for business in-
vestment in new equipment and/or an in-
crease in corporate taxes. This will also
make more funds available for housing, the
rebuilding of America's cities and expanded
public facilities.
7. Continued growth of the economy is re-
quired to achieve and maintain full em-
ployment. This means increased real wages
and growing consumer markets, as well as
sufficient federal funds for the planned ex-
pansion of programs to meet the needs of
America's growing and increasingly urban
8. We urge the Administration and the
Congress to provide ample funds to finance
an effective war against poverty.
9. Interest rates must be rolled back.
Finally we reiterate our position:
If the President judges the situation to
warrant the adoption of extraordinary sta-
bilization methods-designed to bring all
costs, prices and profits, as well as wages and
salaries, under evenhanded restraint-he can
be assured of the support and cooperation
of the AFL-CIO. At the present time, there
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1
become more and more steeped in the his- responsive to any type of military challenge It is the fervent hope of all of us that
tort' of our armed forces, and from this that we might meet. You will never have to apply your knowledge
I have come to appreciate the critical role I did not believe then-nor do I believe in the hard test of combat. But bear this
of your graduates in preserving and building now-that a nuclear exchange was likely, :it in mind, the greatest satisfaction that can
this nation. we were prepared to meet every type of come to any citizen of our land is to know
But-more, even, than any of these threat. that he has made a contribution to his na-
things-I have, over the years, become in- I believed then-as I do now-that this tion-that he has helped to preserve and
creasingly conscious of the truth, that it is nation must constantly maintain a strong, protect our way of life-a way of life un-
character that means the most in human modern military structure-capable of ex- equaled In the history of civilization.
affairs. And, I have learned that, above all pansion, but always large enough to meet I know of nothing that can give a man a
else, the United States Military Academy immediate challenges. greater feeling of pride than to know that he
symbolizes Honor, Duty, and Country. I was always concerned when our active has done his job well,
Perhaps, then, considering these things, military strength fell below 2,500,000 men, can see the results around particularly
him. Fm. F when
you can sense why this event today means and the Army had less than 1,000,000 men an these be or you,
so much to me and can share my feelings active duty. those results will bthe enjoying t knowledge that our
a form live of freedom, ornt that the benefits
In some measure. But back in 1947, in addition to the prob- people
I am aware that Major Thayer's system, lem of the new and awesome dimensf n of the highest of government that has attained
which he evolved during his 16 years of atomic warfare, the Army and Navy also the highest living standard in the world.
superintendency, gave this institution its di- faced the problem of unification. the As Academy, proceed wforwaxd constantly. ith your studies hero -
rection and standards. I know he .is rightly We had three services, and there were content with look standing still, because hysi
immortalized as "Father of the Military many who wanted only one service, one chief cally to is impossible t still, ph he
Academy." of staff, and one philosophy of warfare. I tally it is impossible to stand still. The
I realize that he implanted here the rule of o
is in there-
pno world you u either move constant forward o rand
that as I the s oppose
have absolute honesty and complete integrity; it now-for w-for this I have always eafelt then-just
you fall
that here he established a curriculum as rate services-each an expert in its own mis?- When I was told that I was to be the re-
broad as was consistent with the primary sions-are indispensable to our security. ci ient of this
demands of professional training; that it But I did recognize the virtue of one or.- some p great
graduate of at of honors , this amind y-men
was he who induced every cadet to exercise ganization overseeing the entire function.. vision-men the who looked r d. I was
his faculties to the utmost, to the end that ing of the separate services, reminded of who lofm forward. "The
both mind and character would reach for Thus, the first and most important step reminded of Cicero's famous words, "The
the skies. that had to be taken to bring about this hero est: old age is the recollection and
I have seen first-hand, over my own years, type of unification was to combine the Mili?? abundance ce of blessings previously secured."
that these firm. foundations laid a century tary and Naval Affairs Committees of the Among these blessings are my friendships
:and a half ago by Sylvanus Thayer have con- Congress to form the Armed Services with such men as General Pershing, General
tinued here to this very moment. Committees. Eisenhower, General Bradley, General Gruen-
Back in 1914, when I entered the Congress Without bringing together into one com-, they, General MacArthur, and a multitude of
and World War I had just started in Europe, mittee in each house the experienced mill- others.
X became concerned about our state of pre- tarp and naval congressional personnel we, Most of the great men of this nation
paredness. That concern has remained with had in the Congress at that time, many of are humble men. And the true test of any
ine for more than half a oerltury the legislative achievements that are now the man is--
As a Member and later Chairman for six- law of the land would not have been possible.. To be able to combine humility with
teen years of what was then the Naval Af- I look back now with some pride and with pride; to be wisely aggressive without being
fairs Committee, I concentrated on the Navy a great deal of satisfaction upon the accom- dogmatic; to be firm without being stub-
find the Marine Corps. But, at the same plishments of the House Committee on born; to be capable of making decisions,
time, I was aware then, and even more so Armed Services during the fourteen years I without; being rash; to accept criticism with-
in later years, of the need for a vigorous Army served as Chairman. Many of the laws we out resenting it; to be compassionate with-
capable of meeting our defense requirements. wrote not only guided the officers who lead out being weak; to inspire others, and, at
It was a small Army at that time, and only the Armed Forces today, but will guide you the same time, be inspired by others; to
a handful could foresee that in a few years as you lead the Army of tomorrow. be loyal not only to those whom he serves,
it would become the mightiest force ever But I did not come here today to remi- but to those who serve under him.
gathered together in the world. nisce. And then there will be the supreme test-
Looking back on those years, I have to ad- i came, instead, with a heart full of grati- and tdon e, you are leadership. here For when all become is Arm rmy
gait that Congress was not entirely free of tude, to indulge myself, for a few moments, of men.
guilt when it came time to earmark funds in some admonitions to you men of the No academic leaders course men.
far our armed forces. The combined mili- Cadet Corps, based upon my half-century of ship, knowledge gse can teach yng Ingredient.
tary appropriations for 1925, 1930, and 1935, association with the finest men I have ever You pc but
quire is the basic irp by
f;n example, amounted to #1,132,000,000-a known-officers and men of the Army of the can acquire the instincts of leadership by e
significant fact when we consider that the United States. dmulation. But first you must have the
Army budget alone for this fiscal year is cur- When you receive your commission and desire to us a leader.
rently $17,000,000,000 and expected, to mount leave this hallowed ground, you will go forth You muss be willing and anxious to ac-
even higher. to face a constantly changing world. ceY uesmust dity.
In the years leading up to World War It, It has been a century of strife and up_ Yon must dl your level best in every
t nose of us in the Congress who were con- heaval and they continue today. assignment, including those which may ap-
cerned about our defense had a lot of talking You have the great advantage of knowl- pear Make you tt ng barren In yourenge.
to do to convince some of our fellow members e everything you do in your Army
o[ thei nation's military needs. And while we edge and youth, career Important-regardless of your own ap-
were busy trying to convert our colleagues You also have the great advantage of praisal of the situation.
(and frequently the Executive Branch of the knowing that you will serve under capable, You have to not only understand an order
Government, as well) here at West Point you outstanding ofiicer;r. and know how to carry it out, you must also
were busy training our present Army leaders, You will have the advantage of serving in have the ability to give an order and make
Without the training your predecessors re- a modern Army-an Army with solid tradi- sure that it is followed through.
ceived here, without their devotion to duty tion, outstanding spirit, and- the finest mili- Always think in terms of the whole Army-
and their faith in the urgency of their pro- tary hardware available. not just one branch. Remember-except
fession, our fantastic expansion and final vie- You will serve in an Army made up of for the one day each year, and that is when
tory In World War II would not have been highly educated men and women. You will you play repa your annual football aafo -
p:rssible. find a much higher degree of Intelligence in you are prepari ng to become part of a four-
When the Committee on Armed Services the Army today than any period In the his- service team.
was formed in 1947, I became even more tory of the nation.
own the same time, never loth pne r your
familiar with the Army and the Army Air I need not tell you that when you wear your ou service-and
own military miliandtary maintain the he i ro Be e pro td of
Corps, and shortly thereafter the Air Force, ud of
and finally the Air Force Academy. the uniform of a cadet of the United States your heritage, proud of your leaders, proud
Our defense structure, b 1947, had un- Military Academy, and later the uniform of of this the greatest of all nations on earth, officer
f the United
States dergone considerable change. Nuclear that you a e wearing aounifoim that should and then k ow, we telr proud of yourself.
weapons posed grave threats-not only to fill you with pride--pride in the knowledge inAa wYou are ar, which, on some other- campuses
our security, but to our survival, that you are acquiring skills that will help I soon realized that the answer to the to preserve the future of our nation; pride able fr t oncountry, has produced consider-
problems that confronted us, from a defense in the fact that you are preparing to bear I cannot tell you, nor can anyone tell you,
viowpoint, lay in the creation and mainte- the torch of liberty to light the way for all what the future holds in Viet Nam, or any
nonce of a stable, balanced force structure, freedom-loving people everywhere. other part of the world. But I can tell you
No. 153-8 -
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400110014-1
Sep `e' e? 12, f p joved
this stage of their history could record a
democratic vote, they have done so.
Marshal Ky, himself, has been an in-again-
out-again candidate for the office of an
elected president, but it is obvious that any
future government would have to be either
military or, if civilian, willing to prosecute
the war. The conflict will go on pretty much
as if the election, despite its undoubted value
and success, had not taken place.
Hanoi's inflexible rejection of President
Johnson's offer of a mutually agreed with-
drawal of troops from South Vietnam shows
that neither the time nor the circumstances
are ripe for negotiations or a truce.
The block on the road to peace has been
made clear again and again by both sides,
as it was in the recent exchange. The United
States says that Hanoi is the aggressor and
North Vietnam says that Washington is the
aggressor. Behind the simple accusations
are all the complex forces of power politics,
ideology, nationalism and emotions that
make the war in Vietnam so stubborn and,
for the moment, so intractable.
Yet, the effort to solve it and to bring
about negotiations must go on. The United
States cannot assume that Hanoi literally
means, and always will mean, exactly what
it says today. North Vietnam may one day
accept the fact that the United States really
intends to withdraw from Southeast Asia
when circumstances permit, and Hanoi may
also hope that the American escalation of
the war, will not continue to a point of no
In the diplomatic game that goes on behind
the crack of guns and thunder of bombs,
the ideals for which the United States stands
gained a point in yesterday's election. The
Vietcong, the North Vietnamese and the
Chinese Communists lost by the same mar-
gin. The war goes on, but it has been proved
that three out of four of those who could
vote in South Vietnam braved danger and
future risk to do so, and thereby expressed
either support for or acquiescence in what
the Saigon Government is trying to do.
of Mr. KLUCZYIISKI) was granted per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. HANSEN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker,
on Friday afternoon it was my privilege
to be on the speaker's platform when our
very able and popular Vice President,
HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, spoke during the
national plowing matches in Jefferson,
Thousands of people from my fine
State of Iowa and neighboring States
were:there on a beautiful day to hear one
of their fellow midwesterners talk about
Iowa's most important industry-agri-
With acres of the best crops in years
around him, Vice President HUMPHREY
clearly and succinctly outlined the aims
and aspirations of the administration's
farm program. I believe that it was the
best 'presentation on the agriculture pro-
gram that I have heard.
For that reason, I place the Vice Presi-
dent's . speech in the CONGRESSIONAL
I am delighted to be back with so many
good friends. This is not my first visit to a
rational Plowing Match. And I hope to be
h ere many more times again.
I did not come here today to tell you that
you never had it so good.
I did not come to criticize or to lecture.
I have come to Iowa to thank you, on
behalf of the President, for a job well done.
I have come to thank you for your patience.
I have come to thank you for your respon-
sible stewardship of our vital soil resources.
I have come to thank you for your hard
work . for your ingenuity ... for your
progressive thing ..'. for your unsung suc-
cess in making America the best-nourished
nation in the world.
I have come to thank you for being the
resourceful, productive people that you are.
And I have come to tell you that the
Johnson-Humphrey Administration is fully
committed to giving the American farmer his
full and rightful place in our growth and
our prosperity.
He deserves nothing less. He must have
nothing less.
Let me take a few moments today to put
into perspective the challenges we Ameri-
cans face in the world today, and especially
those challenges which directly involve and
affect the American farmer.
The overwhelming fact of our time-a fact
that is being recognized far too late in the
day-is this: That in a world of hunger,
there can be no peace.
Governments have risen and fallen on their
ability, or inability, to feed their people.
And political leaders in the hungry countries
are increasingly realizing that neither prom-
ises, gold nor prestige will substitute for
the basic nourishment of their people.
Per-capita food production in the volatile
and poverty-stricken continents of Asia,
Latin America and Africa is going down and,
unless the trend is. reversed, will continue
going down for the foreseeable future.
As President Johnson said earlier this year
when he proposed the Food for Freedom
.. The time is not far off when all of
the combined production, of all the acres, of
all the agriculturally productive nations, will
not meet the food needs of developing na-
tions-unless present trends are changed"
We must meet this challenge in order to
move ahead on the narrow road to peace.
We stand ready and committed to lead In
the war on hunger. 1 or we stand not only
as the richest and most powerful nation on
earth, but also as the nation with the great-
est agricultural resources.
When we look at American agriculture,
we see industry strong and highly developed
in its productive efficiency. We see an in-
dustry rapidly creating, and adjusting to,
change. Productivity has increased more
rapidly on our farms than in the rest of our
economy: 'One American farm worker today
produces enough to feed 37 people-nearly
twice as many as only 12 years ago.
In recent years we also have created and
improved the machinery of government pro-
grams designed to assist agriculture. Neither
the machinery nor the programs have been
perfect, but we are trying each day to make
them better.
We see, too, an agriculture where, since
1961, a better balance has been achieved
between supply and demand.
The surplus is gone. It no longer hangs
over markets to depress them. The rate of
consumption is growing.
We see, in short, an agriculture superbly
and uniquely qualified to help meet the chal-
lenge not only of expanding domestic mar-
kets, but of a hungry world.
Many of us have seen the article on Ameri-
can agriculture in the current issue of For-
tune magazine.
The trends that article points out-trends
the Americas} people are increasingly aware
of-are these: that the American farmer is
entering a seller's market. that farm out.
put and farm receipts are headed upward .. .
and that a new era of farm prosperity can be
at hand.
Yes, for American agriculture, there is a
new day ahead.
We must be ready for that day. We must
do what is needed to meet the times.
We must be ready to expand American
agricultural production.
And we must be ready for changes in em-
phasis in our government agricultural
Today we need to expand production of
wheat, feed grains, soybeans, and dairy
In the last four years the world has con-
sumed some 200 million bushels of wheat
per year more than it has produced.
In the last four years it has utilized about
6 million tons of feed grains more than it has
In the case of soybeans, we are using all
we produce. Carryovers are minimal. The
demand continues to grow.
There is every indication we will need big
crops in these commodities for several years
Our production of milk is insufficient now.
That is why we have raised the support level
for manufacturing milk to four dollars per
We also need to determine and announce
government programs at an early date. And
we will. For example, we should not-and
we shall not-postpone until just before
planting time the feed grain and oilseed pro-
duction goals the Department of Agriculture
recommends as desirable in 1967. We all
know that more and more farm plans are
now made so far in advance that there isn't
much left undecided by Christmas for the
next year's production program.
We need to maintain adequate reserves.
We must have food reserves for national
security. We must have them to assure our
markets of adequate supply at fair prices.
We must have them to serve as a cushion
against bad weather-as visualized by the
late Henry A. Wallace in the ever-normal-
granary concept.
Our reserves have fallen faster than ex-
pected because crop weather in many parts
of the world, including India, has been bad.
(Furthermore, it is not generally realized
that in the last three years imports of wheat
by the Soviet Union even exceed those of
So we must have reserves.
These reserves can and should be insu-
lated from the marketplace. They will be
used if needed, but they are hot meant to be
used in direct competition with sales by
farmers. The Commodity Credit Corpora-
tion should not be and will not be your
competitor. Its use should supplement-
not supplant-farm income.
Our position of world leadership requires
that we maintain an arsenal of food and
fiber just as we maintain an arsenal of mili-
tary weapons.
But your government has no intention of
calling upon the American farmer to provide
that arsenal at the sacrifice of a fair price
and a decent income.
Farm producers are well aware of what
happened to them at the end of the Korean
They remember that their government
called upon them to expand production and
open up new acres, and they remember what
happened to prices and income.
They went down, down and down.
We have no intention of calling on Ameri-
can agriculture to pay the cost of policies
and programs that belong to the entire
The Johnson-Humphrey Administration
knows that the American farmer is doing
more than his share in helping to create
well-being and prosperity in his country.
We know that he Is doing more than his
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214$ tfl~,''~i epemberJ66
share in helping to create a freer and more
peaceful world. And we will not be satisfied
until he stands in the position 6f equality
he deserves in our society.
Today, partly because of farm legislation
Achieved in the past few years, we are seeing"
an improvement In farm income.
On September 1, 1960, you were selling
your hogs in Chicago for $15.46 a hundred-
weight. On September 1 of this year you
were getting $24.89 a hundredweight.
,Number one yellow soybeans were bringing
you $2.20 a bushel in Chicago on September
1, 1960, On that same date this . year, they
brought you $x.79 a bushel.
Farmers were receiving $1.18 a bushel in
Chicago for their number 3 yellow corn oxq
September 1, 1660. Six years later that corn-
was bringing them $1.46 a bushel. And if you
`were in, the Feed drains Program you received
an average of $1.71 a busf el.
The, price to farmers for manufacturing
milk was $3.19 a hundredweight in August of
1960. In August of this year it was, $4.18 a
Choice grade beef steers weighing between
900 and 1100 pounds were bringing farmers
$24.75 on September 1, 1960. The price had
risen to $25.75 on September 1, 1966.
And number 2 hard winter wheat was
selling In Kansas City for $1.97 on September
1, 1960. Six years later, with the Wheat
Certificate Program in operation, farmers
were receiving an average of $2.46 for the
saint type wheat.
the farm programs begun by the Johnson-
Humphrey Administration have worked.
They have had a favorable effect on farm
income, We should not abandon them.
Rather, we should continue to make im-
prove'lne#its in them which will work for the
benefit of all our farmers and those living in
rural America.
Most of you recall that farm legislation
was difficult to pass in 1961 and 1963.
Feed grain legislation was a nip-and-tuck
affair in the United States House of Repre-
s'eritatives in 1963. , Only one Member of
Congress from Iowa voted for the Adminis-
tration's Farm Bill that year. That one
supporter was Congressman NEAL SMITH.
He also was the only Democrat in the Iowa
Congressional delegation that year.
When only one member of a delegation of
seven supported the farm bill, Members of
Congres from urban districts were puzzled.
Why, they asked, would .a farm bill be. op-
posed by six out of seven representatives
from the great farm state of Iowa?
They `weren't puzzled very long. In 1964,
Iowa made some needed changes in its repre-
sentati0n in the House of Representatives.
Your delegation went from one Democrat and
six Republicans to six Democrats and one
Republican. And when the issue of extend-
ing the feed grain program came up in 1965,
it was supported by all six Demrocratic mem-
bers, Representatives NEAL SMITH, JOHN
It'was opposed by the one hold-over Re-
publican. But a number of Republicans
from such states as Minnesota and Kansas
joined in supporting the 1965 farm bill. It
was passed with votes to spare.
You will continue to need these men in
the Congress to provide leadership in Wash-
ington to match that of Governor Harold
Hnghes In Iowa-prudent, progressive, strong
leadership-which benefits the people of this
state. You need, too, Pat Touchae to give
the Third District the same representation.
I hope the good people of Iowa will see to
that this November.
Last year, President Johnson sent to the
Congress a truly remarkable state paper: His
Farm Message.
That message dealt at length with the need
for parity of income for commercial farmers,
for price support and production adjustment
programs. It emphasized a market-oriented
policy, calling for restraint in the role of gov-
ernment in supply and distribution.
It dealt also with long-range cropland ad-
justinent, reserve stocks and agricultural
trade. It recognized the key role of agricul-
ture in the achievement of broad economic
policy objectives for the nation and In world
If outlined plans for establishing a National
Advisory Commission on Food and Fiber,
which is now reviewing our farm policies
And the President urged that we use our
agricultural abundance and technical skills
in agriculture to assist the developing na-
tions to stand on their own feet.
President Johnson's Farm Message was a
blueprint for the future. It deserves the
support not only of the American farmer, but
of all-Americans.
For what it, in essence, set forth was the
President's faith that the people of a free
society can accomplish far more than people
living under the oppressive weight of totali-
tarian controls and dogma.
Today nothing is more obvious than the
failure of Communist societies to meet the
food and fiber needs of their own people-
much less the needs of others in the world.
As a result, the developing nations of Asia,
Africa and Latin America look increasingly
to America and other free nations-not just
for food and fiber, but also for answers as
to how they can do more to feed and clothe
That is why I believe that, in the long run,
our food power-far more than military
power--can be the critical factor in the
achievement both of democratic institutions
'and of safety in the world.
Food power is our secret weapon.
Food is life. Food is strength. Food is
hope and compassion.
Food is the giver of health and vigor to
children. Food is the vital ingredient of so-
cial stability said peaceful change.
Let 'us use that power wisely and well.
Let us, in the world, act in the same spirit
that today is everywhere in our society at
home--a spirit of building, of progress, of
commitment to equality and justice.
Let us use the tremendous resources at
our command to bring health, education,
food and the techniques of modern agricul-
ture to struggling nations living in the
shadow of famine and outside aggression.
It is today our challenge and our respon-
sibility-to replace, throughout the world,
the blind stare of hunger and poverty with
the clear vision of a freer and happier day
If we meet that responsibility, we have the
chance-as few others ever have-to be re-
membered in history not as makers of war,
but as makers of peace . . . not for our
wealth, but for our compassion ... not for
our things, but for our Ideals.
I have faith that we Americans-and espe-
cially those Americans who draw their
strength from the rich earth-will prove
equal to that responsibility.
. I have faith that our productivity, our ex-
perience, our knowledge, our determination,
can be successful in the building of a world
where lights shine forth from every win-
dow . . . where the bounty of earth waves
free across open fields . where children
stand strong and straight to face a future
filled with peace and promise.
(Mr. HANSEN of Iowa (at the request
of Mr. KLUCZYNSKI) was granted per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. HANSEN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker,
I rise to support the President's anti-
inflation program which he has now
outlined to the Congress.
- Inflation is an insidious enemy, strik-
ing stealthily, hunting the weak, and
weakening the strong. Only a compre-
hensive governmental program, stoutly
supported by every segment of the
economy, can cope with its dangers.
One of the most important and effec-
tive steps that can be taken in our effort
to beat inflation, is for this Congress to
support the President's suggestion that
we suspend the investment tax credit
and accelerated depreciation program.
The investment tax credit of 7 percent
became effective in 1962. It had been
enacted by the Congress as part of a
comprehensive plan to stimulate the
economy. Unemployment stood at too
high a level and strong measures were
needed to restore prosperity.
The investment tax credit program
was simple and effective, but the prob-
lems of 1966 require a reappraisal of
that measure.
The -President has now focused the
Nation's attention on the needs of 1966.
We should remember that the pro-
,grams we are asked to suspend were de-
signed to take care of a particular prob-
lem. That problem is not only now
solved, but the pressures are now oper-
ating in the opposite direction.
We have too much to lose to allow
that to continue.
These steps we are asked to take are
not easy, but they are firm and they are
We have been asked to assist in pre-
serving what we have only begun to en-
The fixed incomes of millions of Amer-
icans must continue to have meaning in
the marketplace.
The real wages we are paid must not
be allowed to be eroded by prices increas-
ing at too fast a rate.
We need now to suspend these pro-
grams which successfully brought us out
of a long-departed trough, but now
threaten us when we are near the peak.
Once again we see the emergence of
historic Democratic philosophy-a real
concern for the well-being of people as
individuals as opposed to the attention
paid by our opponents to the interests of
The President has proposed a bold and
constructive program, I urge the Con-
gress to move immediately to do its part.
(Mr. MORRISON (at the request of
Mr. KLUCZYNsxl) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in. the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Speaker, the
following is a letter I am sending to
some of my constituents:
DEAR FRIEND: I have represented you as
your Congressman for 24 years.
I am running for re-election on my record
of service.
I am one of 435 members of the House of
I rank 28th in seniority. Because of this
seniority and hard work, I hold a powerful
position of influence in the Congress which
I have always used for the benefit of the
citizens I represent.
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September 12, A RR ~~~ 21375
an issue bearing on the integrity of the Pres-
idency. Nothing could undermine the Presi-
dent's position more than a situation in
which he calls upon other nations to take
action which the United States has actually
rejected for itself in advance. Cynicism is
not among the values that give distinction
to American history.
The`flrst essential, both of policy at home
and policy abroad is the total credibility of
the President. Nothing could be more vital
in the present situation than for the Presi-
dent himself to dispel any doubts that may
have been raised by the record at Geneva or
by official or semi-official spokesmen. The
President can best do this by taking part in
the effort to obtain vital agreement in the
field of arms control, whether with respect
to non-proliferation of nuclear weapons or
a comprehensive ban on nuclear testing.
He can eliminate existing confusion by
putting into action the policies he has de-
clared to be essential. If the McNamara
proposal has virtue as a means of breaking
the deadlock, he should say so.
Recent history has demonstrated it is only
when the President himself takes direct part
in negotiations that important break-
throughs and results are likely to be achieved.
What happens otherwise is that the Presi-
dent's own announced purposes stand in
danger of being nibbled to death by nay-
sayers and cramped strategists in the opera-
tional branches.
The needs described by the President at
Idaho Falls are the dominant needs affect-
ing the safety and security of the American
people. If we are to make substantial prog-
ress in meeting these needs, the President's
role must be decisive.
Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, I
brine to the attention of the Senate an
excellent editorial from the Columbus,
Ga., Enquirer discussing the so-called
Civil Rights Act of 1966. The editorial
is both discerning and timely in its dis-
cussion of the proposed legislation.
The editorial recounts previous strug-
gles over bills of this kind and notes
quite correctly that whatever the pro-
ponents of those measures paid they were
not intended to do very often turned out
being done, the net result being to de-
prive American citizens of more rights
and liberties than were purportedly
granted to anyone. Moreover, legisla-
tion of this type in the past has certainly
been no panacea in the area of human
relations, as the editorial points out.
I ask unanimous consent that the edi-
torial be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows,
[From the Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer,
Sept. 9, 1966]
Senate debates on civil rights bills are tra-
ditionally a means of consuming time rather
than changing minds.
But the Senate opponents of the 1966 Civil
Rights Bill actually have hopes that their
extended arguments will provide light as well
as sound, and will rise above the level of a
calculated filibuster,.
Unhappily, in the past, neither side has
paid much attention to the arguments on
civil rights bills, no matter how logical or
judicious they were. Minds snapped shut at
the mere mention of the bill's. title.
The stock reaction of civil rights support-
ers is to claim that opponents are "reading
too much" Into the bill and are suffering
hallucinations about its intentions.
For instance, during debate on the 1957
bill, Sen. RICHARD RUSSELL raised the specter
of federal troops being sent to enforce school
"Ridiculous," cried the bill's supporters.
A few weeks later, the paratroopers landed
in Little Rock.
The 1963-64 bill was supposed to get the
"racial struggle out of the streets." Op-
ponents expressed fear that passage of the
bill under duress of mobs would encourage
similar mob tactics in the future. Not so,
said the backers.
Opponents kept complaining that the bill
would give the Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare the right to withhold fed-
eral funds on a whim.
Fiddlesticks, replied the backers, our boys
at HEW aren't like that.
But you might ask the superintendents of
50 Georgia school systems--some of them
among the most heavily Integrated in the
state-who still haven't been approved for
funds this year.
Now comes the 1966 bill, with its "open
housing" clause.
Sen. RUSSELL, the old ringmaster of anti-
civil rights battles, has picked up a valuable
new ally this year, and he's letting him carry
the ball for the time being. The ally is Sen.
EVERETT DIRKSEN, Republican minority
Southerners have usually fought their civil
rights battles without open support of sena-
tors from outside the South. They'll have
some help this year.
But as in the past, the arguments of law
and constitutionality will be dismissed by
civil. rights supporters as merely a mask for
segregationist sentiment.
To an extent, that is true, but it is far
from the whole truth. There ARE honest and
sincere and serious questions involved which
affect everyone's rights, and also the future
structure of the democratic system.
The quest for legal protection of Negro
rights and the elimination of racial barriers
is itself a type of mask-a mask that covers
a bewildering growth of governmental au-
thority and responsibility in a nation that
has previously emphasized Individual choice
and initiative.
The problem is not one which lends itself
to easy catchwords or simplifications. Jus-
tice and wisdom reside on both sides of the
civil rights debate. So does honor. It is not
a dispute between bigots and wild-eyed radi-
cals, but between sincere advocates seeking
a solution to a dilemma which has baffled
nations and cultures since the dawn of time.
A short view might favor passage of the
current bill, but a long view advises that the
liberty and strength of this nation and its
competitive system will be best served by
resisting further governmental solutions to
personal problems.
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, in
fiscal 1964 the national investment in re-
search and development was estimated
at $19 billion. Two-thirds of this was
from Federal sources. Some of the re-
search supported was of the most basic
kind. In other words, it was not done to
meet particular needs for, say, a cancer
cure or a bigger and better rocket
booster. Rather it was intended to look
into basic questions such as the life
process and the expansion of the uni-
verse-questions whose answers will
have no particular application but will
serve as important blocks of knowledge
on which to build the scientific advances
of the future.
In fiscal 1967 the administration
budgeted $185 million for basic research
project grants to be awarded by the Na-
tional Science Foundation. Although
funding basic research is important and
necessary, I seriously question the wis-
dom of a $65 million jump in this item
from the fiscal 1965 total of almost $120
million, especially at a time when we are
seemingly unable to continue the special
milk program for schoolchildren at past
The milk program provides the most
immediate kind of benefits for each tax
dollar spent. It means healthier lives
for a great number of the Nation's
schoolchildren. It means less pressure
on the Federal Government to purchase
and store surplus milk at the taxpayers'
expense. And it means better income
for dairy farmers as the consumption of
milk at school is stimulated.
If the Federal Government is to con-
tinue to play an important role in spon-
soring basic research, it must not turn
its back on the very practical problem of
providing enough funds for the school
milk program, as well as other federally
sponsored social help programs, to pros-
per and grow. This is why I intend to
fight for the appropriation of at least an
additional $6 million for the school milk
program in fiscal 1967. This amount is
essential if the Federal Government is
once again to reimburse local commu-
nit s under the program at the rate
use prior to fiscal 1966.
Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, a note of
optimism, albeit cautious optimism, has
been sounded on the situation in Viet-
nam by Hon. Chester Bowles. Ambas-
sador Bowles, upon returning to his post
at New Delhi following a trip through
southeast Asia, expressed his personal
assessment of the situation at a news
conference August 17. His statement on
that occasion is deserving of notice be-
cause it represents an intelligent, well-
informed view, and because it states the
U.S. hope for Asia :
That the day will soon come when India
and the noncommunist nations of Asia will
themselves organize an effective effort to
assure that the tragedy of Vietnam is not
repeated elsewhere.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the text of Ambassador Bowles'
statement in New Delhi on August 17 be
printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the state-
ment was ordered to be printed in the
RECORD, as follows:
(By Chester Bowles, U.S. Ambassador to
I have just returned to India from a Week-
long visit to Southeast Asia, during which I
had a chance to observe at first hand recent
developments in Thailand, Laos, and par-
ticularly South Vietnam.
These three countries, as you know, are
now the immediate targets of communism
in Southern and Southeastern Asia. My
purpose In visiting them was to make a
personal estimate of how well they are stand-
ing up to this pressure.
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21376 1~f ESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE 'September 12, 1966
I would like to add that, this was my sixth will be a decisive milestone" In the future of frequently asked whether India saw Chinese
+v-isit to Southeast Asia in fourteen years, and Southeast Asia. expansionism simply as a phenomenon
that I return to India much encpur'aged, For the last several years the Viet Cong. limited to the Himalayan area or rather as a
In Laos the situation has improved dra- echoed by their Chinese communist sup- threat to all the people of noncommunist
m tically in the past two years, largely as porters, have been attempting to persuade - Asia.
a result of the present Prime Minister's de- people all over the world that they represent So much for the situation In Southeast
termination to keep his country from being the revolutionary majority of the South Asia as I saw it. Now let me review briefly
Wwallowed up by communist elements. Al- Vietnamese whose will is being frustrated by my own government's attitude toward the
though the communist-led forces still con- a "reactionary" South Vietnamese Govern- developments which I have described and
trol nearly one-third of the population, they went supported by the "imperialist" United particularly to the pursuit of a just peace
are steadily losing ground. States, In South Vietnam.
Thailand, which has been publicly named There is already ample evidence that this There are several fundamental points:
by the Chinese Government as the oommu- claim is false. For instance, no Important 1. The bombing of North Vietnam by
nista' next Southeast Asia target, is also talc- South Vietnamese political or military per- United States planes is restricted to mill-
ing energetic and constructive steps to meet sonage and no South Vietnamese military tary targets which are being used by Hanoi
the threat. unit has ever defected to the Viet Cong. in support of its aggression against South
In the Northeastern part of the country, On two occasions the Viet Cong have failed Vietnam. The U.S. remains prepared to
Government forces are vigorously hunting dis:mnlly in their efforts to organize a general cease this bombing the moment that Hanoi
down Chinese-trained communist saboteurs strike, agrees to take some reciprocal action.
and assassins who have been sent into the I believe the September election will offer 2. The United States reaffirms Its offer,
peaceful villages of this area to disrupt and further evidence that far from represent- which it has made on innumerable occa-
to destroy. Ing the sober, hardworking, long-suffering sions, to join with others In negotiating a
In. support of this rural security pro- people of South Vietnam, the Viet Cong peaceful settlement. We are prepared un-
gramme, Thai Government, with the support :peak for only a minority who will seek by conditionally to discuss any proposals 'which
of the United States, Is pressing forward every possible means to prevent the demo- may lead toward a peaceful settlement, in-
with intensive economic and social develop- erotic test of a free election, eluding the so-called Four Points set forth
went programmes even in the most remote In preparing for this election South Viet- by North Vietnam.
sections of the country. narn has been divided into 108 electoral dis- For the record, may I remind you that
In South Vietnam, ,a 1,500-mile trip by tric:ts, plus nine additional seats provided the United States has replied affirmatively
plane, helicopter, and jeep, covering many for tribal minority groups, in a procedure to the peace initiatives sponsored or par-
outlying provinces, left me cautiously opts- similar to the one followed here in India, ticipated in by India. We welcomed the
.mistier Although the military struggle Is . Five hundred and forty-two candidates proposals of the nonaligned nations in Bel-
still"Intense, It is now clear that the. South have been registered, which means that grade on April 8, 1965. We welcomed Pres-
Vietnamese armed forces, vigorously sup- about five individuals will contest for each ident Radhakrishnan's proposal on the 24th
ported by American and other allied units, seat. The largest number of candidates are of that same month. Again we welcomed
are steadily gaining ground. school teachers, closely followed by doctors, Mrs. Gandhi's Geneva proposal of July 8,
The officers and men of the four divisions labour, business, and rural leaders. 1966. The United States has consistently
we visited In the field offered impressive Once elected, this Constituent Assembly supported reconvening the Geneva Confer-
e'fridence that in the last year, and particu- will prepare a democratic constitution for ence and a settlement based on the essen-
larly in the last six months, they have been South Vietnam. In February, at about the tials of the 1954 and 1962 Geneva Accords,
successfully wearing down their communist same time that India will be holding its 3. The United States does not threaten the
adversaries. own elections, a fully responsible, repre- existence of the Government of North Viet-
This claim was fully borne out by my own sentative government will be chosen under nam. We hold no animosity toward the
observations, For instance, in a rural prov- this new constitution by another free vote. people of North Vietnam; indeed, President
ince sixty miles east of Saigon I drove in a The present government will then resign and Johnson has repeatedly pledged our assist-
seep for some fifteen miles through country- the new one will take its place. ance for the economic development of North
side which less than two months before had If the September 11th election Is held Vietnam once peace has been restored.
been under the control of regular Viet Cong on schedule and a significant number of peo- 4. The United States has no intention or
units. pie In this war-torn country are able and desire to maintain military bases in South-
However, we must not forget that North willing to vote, the result will represent a east Asia. We are pledged to withdraw our
Vietnam has sent forty to fifty thousand massive democratic repudiation of com- troops from South Vietnam as soon as its
of its regular army troops into South Viet- munist claims and a decisive political victory security and freedom of choice have been
nam both by way of the He Chi Minh trail for the South Vietnamese Government. assured.
'through Laos and directly across the demil- Consequently, the communists will do 5. The United States does not oppose the
itarized zone which divides, North and South everything in their power to keep the South reunification of Vietnam. We support the
Vietnam. These are professional soldiers Vietnamese people away from the polls. Be- right of self-determination through the free
. Who fight in uniform and are armed with the tween now and election day we shall no doubt choice of the Vietnamese people. Similarly,
most modern Chinese weapons. see an Intense communist programme of in- the United States does not oppose the neu-
Theretore, unless, the Hanoi Government ...timidation, assassination, and harassment. trality or nonalignment of the countries of
tan somehow be persuaded to negotiate a Indeed, the campaign was already beginning Southeast Asia if that is the course they
peaceful settlement, It will be some time while I was there last week. choose.
before the military situation can be stabs- It is expected that more than 500 press 6. However, until the communists agree
lazed, representatives from all over the world will to negotiate a peaceful settlement by one
Another dimension of the South Viet- be able to witness the election from the van- means or another, the United States will
namese Government's massive effort to estab- tage point of each of the forty-three prov- continue to support South Vietnam's resist-
lish political stability, which I had a chance inces and from Saigon and report the full ance to aggression. We shall maintain our
to examine at first hand, are the many im- facts to their readers. I hope this press efforts until the aggression ceases and South
pressive self-help projects such as the con- gathering will include many of India's ablest Vietnam Is allowed to determine its own
struction of schools, clinics, roads, housing, reporters, editors, and commentators. future, free of outside coercion.
and central markets. Speaking more generally, I returned to New 7. This policy reflects the consistent de-
Training programmes similar to those being Delhi deeply impressed with the increasing termination of my Government since 1941
developed here In India are also going for- determination of the noncommunist nations to resist aggression in Asia and to create
-ward. .For example, since my last visit to of East and Southeast Asia to create a solid here the basis for stability, prosperity, and
South Vietnam in ,July 1563, over 5,500 school base for their own security, vis-a-vis. China, freedom.
teachers have been graduated and training and to assure their own economic growth. In World War II this determination caused
programmes for thousancls of civil adminis- Foreign Minister Thanat's recent proposal us to oppose Japanese aggression throughout
trators are well under way, for an all-Asia conference to bring When you consider that the population of Vietnam was peace to Asia. It then led to our n ia. the
promptly supported by Japan, 'U.N. opposition to the commuommunist ist i invasion
South Vietnam is less than that of the Indian the Philippines, Malaysia, and other nations. of South Korea. It led us to defend Taiwan,
state of Kerala and that a full-scale war is in I also found considerable interest in India. and in 1962 it brought us promptly to your
progress, this is an impressive performance. Several South Vietnamese political leaders support when Chinese forces violated India's
Although the United States is providing most asked me about the Indian Constitution and - northern borders.
of the material resources, the effort is going its Parliamentary system, while develop- After this vast and costly effort by the
forward under increasingly competent South mental officials were interested in your pro- American Government, our abandonment of
Vietnamese leadership and direction. grammes in school building, malaria control, the
By all odds the most important political agriculture, and small industries. Not only would South millions of a unted South
development in the period immediately ahead However, the most pointed questions Vietnamese wou ground of dedicated South
Veground under by the come
will be the September 11th election for the Thailand, Laos, and South Vietnam con- munists, but t the determination of the
formation of a Constituent Assembly. This cerned India's broad approach to Asian af- United States Government to support and
will be the first national election ever held fairs. Particular concern and interest was assist the free nations of Asia-including
in South Vietnam, and I believe its outcome expressed in India's view of China. I was India-would become subject to serious
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-I- V
September 12, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE 21377
doubt both by these nations and by their
communist adversaries.
May I add that we are hopeful that the
day will soon come when India and the
noncommunist nations of Asia will them-
selves organize an effective effort to assure
that the tragedy of Vietnam is no repeated
Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, edi-
torial comments will be written about the
late Margaret Sanger henceforth because
her concern was for all mankind, and
her crusade on behalf of family planning
made sense when people listened.
I ask unanimous consent that an edi-
torial and a news story by Martin Tol-
chin, published in the New York Times
of Sunday, September 11, be printed in
There being no objection, the article
and editorial were ordered to be printed
in the RECORD, as follows:
(By Martin Toichin)
As a young nurse on New York's Lower
East Side, Margaret Sanger specialized in
maternity cases. She saw women, weary and
old at 35, resorting to self-induced abortions
which frequently caused their deaths.
Mrs. Sanger nursed one mother, close to
death after a self-inflicted abortion, back to
health, and heard the woman plead with a
doctor for protection against another preg-
"Tell Jake to sleep on the roof," the physi-
cian said.
The mother died six months later during
a second abortion. `Mrs. Sanger renounced
"I came to a sudden realization that my
work as a nurse and my activities in social
service were entirely palliative and con-
sequently futile and useless to relieve the
misery I saw all about me."
At that point Mrs. Sanger, who coined the
phrase "birth control," began her crusade
to free women from sexual servitude, as she
saw it.
The fiery feminist, who died last week at
the age of 82, survived Federal indictments,
a one-month jail term, numerous arrests
and lawsuits, hundreds of raids on her clinics
and the combined opposition of the Catholic
and Protestant churches to see much of
the world accept her view that family plan-
ning was a basic human right.
Mrs. Sanger saw Protestant opposition turn
to approval. Catholic opposition appears to
be all but surmounted. Legal barriers to
birth control have all but been removed.
Pope Paul VI acknowledged in a recent
interview that he was reappraising the
church's teaching on the subject of birth
Mrs. Sanger's American Birth Control
League, established in 1921, became the
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
in 1946. The federation today has centers
in 150 cities in the United States and 38
member organizations and projects in 88
other countries.
"It was she who convinced America and
the world that control of conception is a
basic human right and like other human
No. 153-12
rights must 'be equally available to all," said
Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher, president of the
Planned Parenthood Worldwide Association.
When Margaret Higgins, one of eleven chil-
dren of a stonecutter, looked around Corning,
N.Y., she observed that "large families were
associated with poverty, toil, unemployment,
drunkeness, cruelty, fighting, jails; the small
ones with cleanliness, leisure, freedom, light,
space, sunshine." It was only a child's view,
but it helped to change the world. As Mar-
garet Sanger she was one of history's great
rebels and a monumental figure of the first
half of the twentieth century.
The economics of poverty, the limited re-
sources of the planet measured against the
limitless capacity of mankind to increase, has
at last brought most governments and most
religions to recognize the necessity of birth
control. But it was for the liberation of
women as individuals that Mrs. Sanger began
her crusade in 1913. The population explo-
sion had not been thought of when she first
published "Woman Rebel," and first went to
jail in 1914, and when she opened America's
first birth-control clinic in Brooklyn fifty
years ago.
The birth-control movement grew out of
one woman's outrage at the suffering she saw
among the poor. It grew into a view of fam-
ily planning accepted and practiced in a ma-
jority of American homes, a cause widely and
wisely promoted throughout the world and
an international consensus that population
control is necessary to human welfare and
global peace.
Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President the
distinguished business editor of the
Washington Post, Mr. Hobart Rowen, re-
cently authored an important column on
the problem of Negro unemployment.
Mr. Rowen calls attention to the dis-
turbing fact that the unemployment rate
among Negroes is now 8.2, nearly 21/2
times the rate among whites. He makes
clear that this situation is close to the
heart of the frustrations and difficulties
experienced by the Negro in the United
I ask unanimous consent that this sig-
nificant column be printed at this point
in the RECORD.
There being no abjection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By Hobart Rowan)
Probably the most discouraging statistic to
come out of the Washington numbers-fac-
tory lately is the higher Negro unemployment
rate. At 8.2 percent in August, it is nearly
21/2 times the white unemployment rate of
3.4 percent. Thus, in the middle of the
biggest economic boom in history, the Negro
is not gaining, he is losing, in the area in
which he needs help most-jobs.
Worst of all, officials say they are at a loss
to explain this phenomenon. Until recently,
the theory that prosperity would reach out
even for the disadvantaged and the unskilled
seemed to be proving out. Even the barrel-
bottom would get scraped, we were told.
In the ge ly months of the year, Negro un-
employment had dropped to around 7 per-
cent, still double the white rate but a con-
siderable improvement from the level of the
spring of 1965, when it was 8.6 per cent. At
least, the jobless total was coming down in
step with the general trend.
But the situation since May has deterio-
rated: while unemployment continues to
edge down among whites, it has moved up
considerably among Negroes. Nor is it a
question just of the teenager problem. That
is simply the worst spot of all, with an un-
employment rate of 27 per cent among Negro
The worsened job outlook is among Negro
men, Negro women, as well as among Negro
teen-agers. It runs through all industries,
and in all sections of the country.
There are a number of unhappy develop-
ments contributing to the situation, in the
opinion of worried and well-informed persons
in Washington.
First of all, the drive in private industry
to hire Negroes apparently has lost steam, in
part, perhaps, because national attention
has been diverted from civil rights to Viet-
nam. Moreover, the Equal Employment Op-
portunities Commission never developed into
a tough, viable agency. Since May, it has
been without a chairman. Now, under
Stephen N. Shulman, former general counsel
of the Air Force, it may get going again.
It should be acknowledged, at the same
time, that many companies have made hon-
est efforts to recruit-and have been re-
buffed. They must keep trying, for it's hard
to undo in a few years the damage done in
a century.
Second, as a recent Labor Department
study shows, industry and commerce is ex-
panding in the suburbs, not in the central
cities. Job opportunities have thereby been
exported to suburbia, where segregated
housing patterns prevail. Thus, it becomes
increasingly difficult for Negroes to find the
jobs and pay their way to them.
And finally, the industrial job expansion
which is at the heart of the boom is probably
calling for skills ar the ability to learn that
many of the disadvantaged Negroes simply
do not have.
White society has kept the Negro in the
ghetto so long that it is not surprising that
many are beyond recall. Some of the cur-
rent poverty programs amount to no more
than a massive dole designed to keep a lid
on a powder keg.
But there are plenty of things that must
be done. Employers who have rested on
their laurels, pleased as punch because
they've hired one or two Negroes, need to
be pushed again into a vigorous, positive ef-
fort to find, hire and train.
In the short run companies escaping to
suburbia may do well. But in the long run,
if business shifts to the suburbs while the
ghettoes remain intact, they are risking a
period of unrest-even revolution-that will
make the 1965-66 riots look pale.
What business had better do is to back
open housing programs in the suburbs.
More money will have to be spent on basic
education and training programs.
The Government, for its part, needs to dig
deeper into the various root causes for Ne-
gro unemployment. In all probability, the
situation is probably even worse than por-
trayed. A special Labor Department survey
for March, for example, showed 150,000 Ne-
gro men aged 25 to 64 in the big city slums
not even looking for work-and therefore
not counted among the unemployed.
For too long, this country has been divided
into two economies. There is the first-class
one, where there is a boom, fancy cars, good
clothes, and worry about yesterday's Dow-
Jones closing stock average.
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And then there's the other economy-of The employe had nearly forgotten her first
hunger and hate and unemployment. Those meeting with her boss in the early 1940s
of us in the first class section had better start when she walked ?into the office and in her
opening the doors. nervousness became entangled with a waste
Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, the
U.S. Information Agency recently filed
its 26th semiannual report to Congress.
In the foreword, Leonard H. Marks,
who this month observes his first anni-
versary as Director of the USIA, states:
As man's ability to create weapons of ulti-
mate terror becomes more widespread, we
who inhabit this small planet must devote
more of our energies to the critical race
between communication and catastrophe.
Philosophically and factually, the
report presents the activities of the
USIA in telling America's story to the
world. The facts and figures are impres-
sive: USIA has, during the period of
January through June 1966, broadcast
845 hours weekly in 38 languages to an
estimated worldwide audience of 25 mil-
lion daily; exhibited its motion pictures
to 350 million people in 120 countries;
placed its television programs on 2,082
TV stations in 94 countries; produced
400,000 leaflets and pamphlets a week in
47 languages for use in 115 countries;
published more than 1,304,000 copies per
month of 24 magazines in 29 languages
for distribution in 90 countries; assisted
foreign publishers to produce 6 million
copies of 799 different books, including
translations; operated 223 libraries and
reading rooms, which were visited by
over 12 million people.
It is interesting to note that Mr. Marks
states in the report:
As I consider the past year, I find no reason
to change the basic philosophy which I
brought to this assignment. It is expressed
in five words: "truth is our best propaganda."
Two other items of particular interest
are accounts of dollar savings in USIA
activities and of efforts to strengthen
foreign language skills of USIA officers.
I invite the attention of the Senate to
this report in the belief that they also
will find it informative.
Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, the
Nation was saddened by the death Sun-
day of C. E. Woolman, founder and chief
executive of Delta Air Lines.
In his untimely passing, Georgia lost
one of its finest citizens and the airline
industry one of its great pioneers. He
will be sorely missed by his loved ones,
friends, and associates.
I ask unanimous consent that Mr.
Woolman's obituary in Monday's edition
of the Washington Evening Star be
printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered printed in the RECORD, as
ATLANTA, GA.-Recently, C, E. Woolman
presented a 20-year service pin to one of his
employes and said, "You've done well for a
girl who started out in the trash basket."
paper basket.
Mr. Woclman.had not forgotten.
That incident typified, Mr. Woolman, a
pilot who founded a small crop-dusting firm
in 1925 and watched it grow into Delta Air
Lines, seventh largest air carrier in the world.
Mr. Woolman always tried to keep in close
touch with his employes. When he died
yesterday, one of the first telephone calls to
the home office here was from a Birmingham,
Ala., porter who started with the company in
"Me and Mr. Woolman used to load the
mail together," he said.
Mr. Woolman, 76, died in Methodist Hos-
pital at- Houston, Tex. Death was attributed
to a heart attack. He had been making a
satisfactory recovery from abdominal surgery
Sept. 4.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Sam
Preston and Mrs. Martha Taylor, both of
Atlanta; it sister, Mrs. Rachael Woolman
Simpson of Urbana, Ill.; a niece, Mrs. Delmer
Murphy of Wilmington, Del.; and five grand-
children, all of Atlanta.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow
-morning at the First Presbyterian Church in
Atlanta and burial will be in Atlanta's
Arlington Cemetery.
Mr. Woolman was elevated to the chair-
manship of Delta's board and to chief execu-
tive officer last year. He had been company
president and general manager.
He was born on the campus of Indiana
University, the son of a college physics pro-
fessor. He spent most of his younger life,
however, on the University of Illinois campus,
an institution he attended.
In 1910, he worked his way across the
Atlantic on a cattle boat to attend
the world's first aviation meeting in :Rheims,
France. It was this event to which he at-
tributed his leaning toward aviation.
In 1925, after serving as a county agri-
cultural agent and managing a 7,000-acre
plantation in Louisiana, he founded a crop-
dusting firm to combat the boll weevil that
threatened the South's cotton economy.
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President,
yesterday the people of the Government-
occupied sections of Vietnam dealt a
shattering blow to the Vietcong.
Yesterday, the people of the Govern-
ment-occupied sections of South Viet-
nam gave He Chi Minh one of the worst
defeats of his life.
Yesterday, the people of South Viet-
nam who were free to vote moved a giant
step in the direction of popularly elected,
constitutional government.
Yesterday, the people of South Viet-
nam in areas where they could vote re-
inforced the faith of Americans who
have all along believed that the people of
that wartorn land wanted nothing
more than freedom to make their own
way and to build their own country.
Yesterday, Mr. President, the people
of South Vietnam went to the polls,
where the polls were open, giving; them
a chance to vote.
They went in overwhelming numbers.
If the latest reports are correct, over 80
percent of the eligible voters in that
portion of South Vietnam where the
polls were open, cast their ballots for
their choice of candidates to a constit-
uent assembly.
It was not an easy thing to do. It was
not easy for the voters-and it was not
easy for the candidates.
The candidates ran for seats in the
Assembly at the risk of their lives.
Many of the voters cast their ballots un-.
der the same threat.
The Communists had set out to use
every technique of violence at their dis-
posal to make the elections impossible.
Their entire propaganda apparatus of
the Communists in South Vietnam and
in Hanoi and in the rest of the Commu-
nist world was directed to discourage
participation in the voting.
Candidates received threatening
phone calls and letters. And some were
visited by Vietcong agents. The mes-
sage was simple-and brutal: pull out of
the election, or you will be killed. Yet, of
the more than 500 candidates, not 1
withdrew his name because of this
The people were threatened, too.
Vietcong agents fanned out through the
countryside. They called at village
houses in the dead of night. And the
message was repeated and repeated
again: Do not vote.
But the people did vote. When elec-
tion day came, they trooped to the polls
in huge numbers. They rode buffaloes,
and they walked. They rode buses.
They used every available means of
transport. But they got to the polls-
more than 4 million of them.
And even as they went to vote, the
Vietcong kept up the pressure. Down in
the Mekong Delta, it is reported this
morning, a hundred voters or more were
walking down a road to vote. The Viet-
cong opened up with sniper fire. The
people ducked. Three of them were hit
and died on the spot, according to re-
ports, but the rest kept going, and they
In an off-year election, we can expect
about 39 percent of our eligible voters
in the United States to turn up at the
polls. And no one is shooting at us. So
when more than 80 percent of the eligi-
ble Vietnamese appear at the polls when
they were open in South Vietnam, free-
men here and everywhere can only be
filled with wonder-and with pride at the
courage of another people in a faraway
I wonder, Mr. President, what Ho Chi
Minh is thinking this morning. What
happens now to his claim that the Com-
munists represent the voice of the South
Vietnamese people in the Government
areas? What does he now tell the young
men from the North whom he has sent
into South Vietnam? What does he now
tell those he promised would be welcomed
as "liberators"? For the overwhelming
voice of the people of the free areas of
South Vietnam has spoken. And it :has
said: "We do not want you. We want to
rule ourselves."
Yes, Mr. President, the people of the
South Vietnam areas not under Vietcong
control have taken an important step in
the direction of building their own polit-
ical life.
But let us remember that it is but a
step, not the entire journey. The new
Assembly has the responsibility for writ-
ing a new constitution. Next will come
the creation of executive and legislative
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organs to conduct the day-to-day busi-
ness of government. And we can expect
elections for those new political institu-
tions early next year.
There are as yet no national political
parties-around which the loyalties of
men and women, and the political life of
the South Vietnamese can be assembled.
This is another major task that lies
We who remember our own history
know the travail and the difficulties we
passed through in shaping a nation and
in developing the parties and the institu-
tions of government that met our needs
and our desires. This is the work of dec-
ades, not of months.
So let us be patient with our South
Vietnamese friends-for they have hard
work ahead and a long path to travel.
But yesterday, they moved ahead down
that path-with courage and with hope.
Let us ask ourselves whether this would
have been possible yesterday if the role
we have played had been different.
Without the wisdom of a determined
President without the sacrifice of brave
American men-without our military
and economic assistance-would there
have been an election in any part of
South Vietnam yesterday?
The answer is obvious to us all.
So let us take new heart-let us take
hope that the basic course we are pur-
suing Is the right one, even if there are
Individual mistakes and tragic misun-
For we are helping a brave and deter-
mined people-a people who want to be
free to make their own choice. I believe
that we are making progress, and if we
do not escalate this war into ' Cambodia
or North Vietnam, peace may be closer
than we think.
Let us hope that day is near.
Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, last
Thursday, the chairman of the Commit-
tee on Interior and Insular Affairs, the
'distinguished Senator from Washington
[Mr. JACKSON], and I jointly announced
at a press conference that the lumber
.companies in northern California, op-
erating in the proposed National Red-
wood Park areas, had all voluntarily an-
nounced that they would not cut any
redwoods, in such areas.
Congress may therefore proceed In its
next session to consider Redwood Park
legislation as recommended by the
All conservation groups are agreed
that a National Redwood Park is in the
national interest. There is, however,
disagreement on size and location.
I made a statement last Thursday on
this matter, and I ask unanimous con-
sent to have it printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the state-
ment was ordered to be printed in the
RECORD, as follows:
The public interest of the American people
is. will sgrvgl today and the cause of sound
Conservation has been advanced. We are
a little nearer to the creation of a Red-
wood National Park because of the volun-
tary action of the lumber industry. Congress
may proceed next January to consider Red-
wood Park legislation. Meanwhile, the giant
and ancient trees in the proposed park sites
are in no danger.
Miller Redwood Company has agreed to
stop cutting the redwoods from along the
south boundary of the Jedediah Smith State
Park. It will simply carry on its logging
operations In other parts of its properties,
which is all we sought at this time. It has
agreed that until Congress has had a rea-
sonable time to act on Redwood National
Park legislation, it will not cut in the prime
areas of aged virgin redwoods. It will not
shut down during this period; no one will
be out of a job.
To their great credit, the redwood com-
panies which operate in the area proposed
by the Sierra Club for a park have announced
that they will voluntarily, and at no cost
to the American people, adjust their cutting
operations so that the park value of the
Redwood Creek watershed will not be de-
faced pending action on a Redwood National
Park bill. These companies are Georgia Pa-
cific Corporation, Simpson Timber Company,
and Arcata Redwood Company.
In its telegram to me this morning,
Georgia-Pacific Corporation. stated:
"It has been the long-standing policy of
Georgia-Pacific Corporation that the special
interests of the Corporation, its employees
and their families must be sacrificed if the
national interest requires it." I salute it.
Miller-Rellim apparently will cut about 100
acres of what it describes as "non-park qual-
ity" trees this winter, but it has agreed to
consult with the National Park Service on
the location of this cutting. It has also
agreed to consult with the Chairmen of the
House and Senate Interior Committees be-
fore moving back into the prime stands about
which I have been concerned over recent
As the Chairman has indicated, we can
look toward early passage of a Redwood Na-
tional Park bill in the next session of Con-
gress. Areas of disagreement still exist on
where and how big the park should be. The
Save-the-Redwoods League, the National Au-
dubon Society, the California Division of the
Izaak Walton League, the National Geo-
graphic Society, Mr. Laurance Rockefeller,
and other distinguished conservationists
favor the bill which I introduced an Presi-
dent Johnson's recommendation. Governor
Brown of California also favors this bill. The
good people of the Sierra Club and other con-
servation organizations favor a vastly larger
park located in a different area.
I believe the national interest requires a
great Redwood National Park for the benefit
and enjoyment of the American people. I
also believe that the national interest re-
quires the conservation organizations of this
country to set aside their differences and to
agree on a park site which will do justice to
the majesty of these centuries old trees,
while protecting the timber-based life and
economy of the north coast region of my
State of California.
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, in the
September 1966 issue of the NEA Jour-
nal there appears over the byline of Mr.
Byron Fielding an article entitled "How
New Mexico Schools Are Using Federal
Funds To Meet Local Needs."
This article is an excellent review of
the program being carried out in one of
Our great States. I was particularly
struck by the comment Mr. Fielding re-
ports from a local superintendent to the
effect that "I have never seen a Federal
program implemented so quickly. Title
I is the best thing that has happened to
education in this State."
I ask unanimous consent that the arti-
cle to which I have alluded be printed at
this point in my remarks because I feel
that it can be most helpful to my col-
leagues when later we consider amend-
ments to Public Law 89-10 at the time
S. 3046 comes before the Senate.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
In the summer of 1965, no one in the
U.S. Office of Education or in the various
state departments of education could say
exactly how Title I of the new Elementary
and Secondary Education Act (PL 89-10)
was going to work. The $1.16 billion Con-
gress authorized for Title I had to be used
for projects that would meet the special
educational needs of "educationally deprived
children." Each eligible local school dis-
trict was notified of the maximum amount
of funds available to it under a formula
based upon the number of educationally de-
prived children it had and the average edu-
cational expenditure per child in its state.
It was left up to the local school district to
submit project applications for approval by
the state department of education, which
was then empowered to make grants within
the limit of the maximum amount of funds
available to the particular district.
The big problem in New Mexico, as else-
where, was' preparing the local school dis-
tricts to submit projects that would be ac-
ceptable for Title I support. Local school
officials were uncertain about whether the
law was to be narrowly construed, requiring
projects that would involve deprived chil-
dren exclusively, or whether it would permit
flexibility, allowing for such general improve-
ments as increased library services and re-
duced class sizes. To compound the prob-
lem, Congress was late in appropriating
funds, so that superintendents did not know
until after school had opened last fall how
much money their schools would be eligible
for or where they were going to find the
additional staff they would need to carry on
the proposed projects.
Fortunately, Charles H. Wood, late execu-
tive secretary of the New Mexico Education
Association, had anticipated many of these
problems. As early as May, he had prepared
and distributed a booklet giving a complete
description and analysis of PL 89-10, with an
accurate estimate of how much money each
district in the state would be eligible for un-
der the Title I formula.
The booklet also contained lists of sug-
gested projects for helping educationally de-
prived children.
"As an organized profession," NMEA said
in the booklet "we believe that the state
agency and the administrations of local
school districts do not have the full responsi-
bility for carrying out the provisions of this
Act. Teachers and those on the firing line
should take an active part in developing pro-
grams and helping implement the Act."
After schools let out for the summer, NMEA
field people and the two NEA West Coast
representatives held a series of conferences
throughout the state with local association
leaders and others to prepare teachers for
participating in Title I planning.
Similar meetings for superintendents
throughout the state had been called by
State Superintendent of Schools Leonard J.
DeLayo. Mr. DeLayo, incidentally, had
cancelled all summer leaves for the state de-
partment staff so that they could study the
guidelines published by the U.S. Office of
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Education and interpret them for the local
school districts. (The state superintendent
and his staff have since been commended by
the U.S. Commissioner of Education, Harold
Howe II, not only for the speed with which
they brought the .benefits of Title I to the
children who need it, but also for "the
imagination and enthusiasm that prevades
the entire program" in New Mexico.)
As a result of this kind of preparation,
eighty-nine of New Mexico's ninety eligible
school districts during the past school year
had one or more new programs supported en-
tirely by Title I funds. The funds have been
used to supply children with everything from
new library books to the eye glasses some of
them need to read the books.
"I've never seen a federal program Im-
plemented so quickly," Lays a local school
superintendent. "Title I is the best thing
that has happened to education in this
Because of New Mexico's "three cultures"-
Indian, Spanish, and Angio-Title I projects
have had to be tailgred to meet a variety of
local needs.
Take the matter of teaching reading skills,
for example. Practically every district is
using some Title I money for development of
reading skills. West Las Vegas, a predomi-
nantly Spanish speaking community, is
using the Miami Linguistic Series, which was
originally developed to teach reading skills to
Cuban refugee children. Bloomfield, which
has a number of disadvantaged Navajo and
Anglo children, as well as Spanish, has been
using Words in Color to teach early read-
ing skills.
Pecos, one of the smallest school districts
in the state, used Title I money for quite
a different purpose: It purchased a four-
wheel-drive school bus to bring children to
school from a remote, poverty-ridden com-
munity in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains..
The only road into the community is a dirt
logging road which snow, rain, or even a
slight drizzle can make impassable for con-
ventional vehicles.
An interesting Title I experiment is taking
place in West Las Vegas, in grades one
through five, where Spanish is being taught
to pupils whose first language is Spanish.
"The children's Spanish is not very good,
though," says the teacher, Humberto Gurule.
"We want the children to be truly bilingual,
but how can we expect them to become lit-
erate in English if they are illiterate in their
own language?"
Although Mr. Gurule uses an audio-lingual
approach in his teaching, he also puts a great
deal of stress on proper grammatical usage
and vocabulary building. Knowing that
young children can become eaisly bored with
grammar and word drill, a visitor to Mr.
Gurule's class Is pleasantly surprised at the
hand-waving - eagerness-to-answer atmos-
phere in the class.
Ray Leger, the youthful-looking, bilingual
superintendent, credits this enthusiasm not
only to Mr. Gurule's patient teaching meth-
ods but also to the delight the children take
in being able to use their own language at
least one period a day. "It is helping n'iany
of our children see for the first time that
their own tongue may be used as a medium
of instruction," he says.
Other teachers have also commended on
the favorable side effects of the elementary
Spanish classes. The children who have been
taking Spanish seem to find it easier than
before to learn other subjects where the in-
struction is given in English.
In addition to the elementary Spanish
classes, West Las Vegas has sixteen other
Title I projects, ranging from a course in au-
to mechanics to music lessons. Music is em-
phasized because it is as much a part of the
children's Spanish heritage as their language.
"We want the children to be proud of their
heritage so that they will have pride in them-
selves," says Litra. Romero, the district's
music director for the past fifteen years.
Under. Mr. Romero's direction, West Las
Vegas has begun its first organized music
program for the elementary schools. He has
also arranged for teachers from nearby New
Mexico Highlands University to give lessons
in. folk dancing, as well as in'stringed in-
strunients and piano. All of this comes out
of Title I money.
"There is certainly no lack of flexibility in
what can be done with these funds," says
Superintendent Leger.
This high degree of flexibility was con-
sciously encouraged by the state's Title I
coordinator,. Mildred K. Fitzpatrick. In
helping local school districts plan their pro-
posals, Dr. Fitzpatrick purposely provided no
models. "We didn't want to discourage any-
one from experimenting with anything that
he thought might work in his particular
situation," he says.
The great leeway in using Title I funds to
nowhere more evident than in the Central
Consolidated School District No. 22 in the
northwest corner of New Mexico. Central
Consolidated takes in some 4,800 square
miles of Navajo Reservation; more than 85
percent of its students are Navajo Indians,
who for the most part still lead the same
pastoral existence that they did in the days
of the Spanish governors.
The typical Navajo child suffers not only
from the primitive and harsh conditions of
life on the reservation but also from an al-
most total lack of familiarity with the Eng-
lish language and from isolation from the
greater society beyond the reservation. Mere-
ly getting him to come to school is often dif-
ficult, for many Navajos have not yet full
accepted the values of formal education.
In order to give the Navajo child an op-
portunity for an education that will. -mean
something to him, Central Consolidated is
spending more than $465,000 in Title I money
for a project on arts of communication that
begins at the pre-primary level and carries on
through high school. The project includes
construction of such facilities as a reading
and listening skills center, a language lab-
oratory,' and an eight-room pre-primary
building, which should be ready this month.
In addition, Title I provides badly needed
supplementary school health services and
two well-balanced meals a day to supplement
the Navajo child's monotonous diet of
mutton stew. The school health program
is run in cooperation with the United States
Public Health Service, which has found
among Navajo children diseases ranging from
tuberculosis to sight-destroying trachoma.
Finally, the school district has sought to
spread. the word among the Navajos about
these new Title I projects, in drawing up the
district's proposals, Assistant Superintendent
Wallace Cathey made provision for hiring an
attendance officer and a Navajo Interpreter.
The attendance officer is not an old-fash-
ioned truant officer but a college-educated,
fully certified teacher. "His job is not to
threaten., but to inform," says Mr. Cathey.
By having someone to keep track of all the
Navajo children in the district, the school
system hopes not only to cut the high rate
of absenteeism among the Indian youngsters
but also to get parents of four- and five-year
olds to enroll their children in the noncom-
pulsory pre-primary classes.
Keeping track of all the Navajo children in
the school district is no mean feat, however.
The Navajos, who are believed to have one
of the highest birthrates in the world, have
only in recent years attempted to keep ac-
curate birth records. Furthermore, because
of perpetual drought and pastureland de-
pleted by centuries of overgrazing, the
Navajos have to move frequently in search
of new grazing land and, watering places for
their sheep.
If this were not enough, some Navajo
children are in the habit of changing their
names whenever it suits them. Thus, at the
beginning of a new school year, a fourth-
grade teacher may have to go to last year's
third-grade teacher to find out who "Richard
Begay" or "Joe Garcia" really is as far as his
school record is concerned.
The hiring of the attendance officer has
resulted in substantial reduction of the ab-
sentee rate among the school district's 2,000
Navajo children, The public schools are even
getting children they never knew were in
their district before, like the eleven-year-old
boy who recently showed up in school for
the first time.
Until about ten years ago, less than one-
fourth of the Indian children in New Mexico
were in the public schools. The majority
attended schools on the reservations run. by
the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and,
various churches. These schools had the dis-
advantage of (a) being mostly boarding
schools, and (b) being totally segregated and,
therefore, not giving the Indian child con-
tact with children living off the reservation.
In order to permit Indian children to
attend public schools with non-Indians, the
federal government compensates needy public
school districts for taking children from non-
taxable Indian lands. The policy of the BIA
and some churches is to provide schools only
in areas not served by the public schools.
Nevertheless, in some places they continue
to accept children for whom public schooling
is available.
"A lot of people seem to think that the
Indians prefer having their children edu-
cated separately," says William Dwyer, super-
intendent at Jemez Springs. "The truth, I
think, is that they would rather have their
children in the public schools if they were
sure their children would not be discrimi-
nated against."
Jemez Springs has an enrollment that is
about 25 percent Pueblo Indian, and Su-
perintendent Dwyer is using the district's
Title I money in ways that he hopes will en-
courage more Indian parents to send their
children to the public school. "I'll take any
Indian child who wants to come here," he
The emphasis at Jemez Springs is on pre-
primary education and language arts. The
pre-primary program is designed to get the
Indian child at an age when he is receptive
to learning what for him is a foreign lan-
guage and to mixing more easily with non-
Indian children. The program has one
group coming in the morning and another
group in the afternoon with both groups at
school together for lunch, which is free.
In order to have an integrated program,
Dwyer permits nondeprived children to en-
roll in the pre-primary groups, provided
their parents pay for their lunch and trans-
portation. To keep these children out of
the program, Dwyer believes, would be to
discriminate against the Indian children.
During the first few weeks of the pre-
primary program, a number of mothers came
from the Jemez Pueblo to see what the
school was up to. Many have since come
back to thank Superintendent Dwyer for
what the school is doing for the children.
Some even stay to assist the two pre-primary
teachers on a voluntary basis.
An unexpected dividend, Superintendent
Dwyer feels, is the responsibility his upper
elementary students have assumed for the
four- and five-year olds in the pre-primary.
In the school cafeteria, one sees the older
boys and girls hurrying through their own
lunch so they can help the small fry (who
eat afterwards) with their trays.
Much to the superintendent's satisfaction,
the governing council of the Jemez Pueblo
recently passed a resolution urging the Bu-
reau of Indian Affairs to close its school in
their area and allow all the students to
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September 12, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 21381
transfer to the public school. Even though Every piece 'of equipment Tucumcari pur- half at its narrow waist. But this situa-
the recommendation has not as yet been chased, with Title I money, including tables tion was reversed because of the rapid
followed by the BIA, it was looked upon by and chairs, bears a red plastic tag with white buildup of the American presence there,
Superintendent Dwyer and his staff as a lettering that reads, "Tucumcarl Public and since then, the Members of this body
vote of confidence in what they are trying Schools Title V' The tags are Superintend- who have been critical of the U.S. posi-
to do in their Title I programs. ent Nell's way of saying, "Title I is for all
In practically every Title I project men- disadvantaged children, no matter where Lion in Vi tna berate retr demo of am one to excuse to a fiuse
tioned thus far, teachers have been involved they go to school." Bxaorr FIELDING. lament our presence there.
from the earliest planning stages to direr-
tin of and participation in the program. At one stage, the critics thought that
This involvement has been, to a great extent, we should stop the bombardment in or-
the result of the five regional meetings held CONCLUSION OF MORNING der to invite a conference. We have done
by the New Mexico Education Association in BUSINESS this twice. But that was not enough
the summer of 1965. An average of 250 to satisfy the critics. They stated that
teachers and administrators attended each of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there was that the government
these Title I briefings so that they could be further morning business. If not, morn the Premier next step p would h not hold together,
prepared to offer not only suggestions but ing business is concluded.
also to take part in the actual planning of 0 that it was a totalitarian regime which
projects. could not command law and order or the
An outstanding example of the kind of THE ELECTION IN VIETNAM support of any semblance of the people
teacher involvement NMEA encouraged is
the way Title I has worked in Tucumcari, a Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, I want to of In South uth Vietnam.
Iwas in Vietnam for the
district with some 3,000 students, which is address myself for a few moments to the fact, tlap i in the midst of
spread out over a vast area of eastern New question of the election held on yester- third
violent time e las April, it was evident
Mexico. day Vietnam. then that the demonstrations in Viet-
When Warren Nell took over as the new Much is written in the press and the United
States were because more of theieir interpretat on
of the the things he did was authorize the spoken over radio and television about nam
appointment of a Title I steering committee. things which go wrong. It seems to me here than they were Vietnam at the
Headed by Albert Thornberry, a sixth-grade that we should talk a little humbly and here
teacher, the committee polled fellow teachers calmly about things which happen to time.
event, those troubled days last
on what they thought were the most urgent go right. In any
May, aearly June, more long
needs of their disadvantaged students. The The events which transpired in South Apcepril, disappeared sand n into a far hav long
almost unanimous choice as the number one Vietnam on yesterday, in the form of
need was for a reading skills program at all their voting for membership of a con- and settled configuration. The regime
Me the existing Government seems to be
levels above grade 3. Next came expanded stituent assembly, falls specifically into of
New the latter category. riding very well at the moment.
health services, more education, whicAUnswhic,ch few and ele-
ico districts s sc have been able to, afford. I can remember listening on the floor The significant thing is that great steps
have been taken for the better-and that
Acting as a coordinating group, the steer- of the Senate to the many critics of our have of tam.
lag committee then set up subcommittees of general position on Vietnam. They were one the same time, during my presence
teachers in each area of need, and at each sounding the note of alarm only a very
level, elementary, junior high school, and few months ago that there should be an in Vietnam last April, the great concern
high school. The district's lone school nurse election, and then when the election was was about inflation. Quietly, signifi-
headed the subcommittee on health services. ordered they were saying that it probably cant anti-inflation steps have been
The task of the subcommittees was. to draw taken by the Vietnamese Government
up proposals, including the kinds of facilities would not come off or if it did the elec- which are now beginning to show up on
and equipment needed as well as the esti- tion would be loaded, or something would edger.
mated costs. ' Except for the clerical work be wrong with it. the There is also also sida e of tchanhgee lertitude
and some other details handled by the super- I think there is enough of a record
intendent's office, all work that went into now to take quiet satisfaction not only among the many countries in that part
Tuaumcari's Title I proposals was performed in the fact of the election but also in the of the world. There has been great
by teachers and principals, much of it in the way it was conducted. To the best of headshaking in this Chamber about the
evenings and on their own time. my knowledge, until now, there is no fact that the rest of the world seems to be
Because of the lateness in receiving Title
I funds last year, none of the proposals could measurable complaint as to any serious critical of us.
said on many occasions that we
be put into action until midyear. This posed infractions or violations on the conduct I not traidg to run a popularity cone
quite a staffing problem in Tucumcarf, as it of the election. When we bear in mind are have
aret o Vietnam, run during the un-
did in many school systems. Although the the circumstances under which it was that
superintendent had teachers who were eager Conducted, it is all the more a tribute to century, when the world was a perittohe rakepart in school their own program. projects, he was re- the South Vietnamese people that they encing its greatest stability, "perfidious
t to take them for fear of disrupting should have turned out in such large Albion" was the best that could be said
the regular e
Relying instead on finding new teachers numbers under the grave risks they ran of the British on whose shoulders the
responsiblity for that order in the world
amon midyear college graduates, he was with the terrorist incidents. It bears had largely fallen.
able to o recruit a 'number of young teachers good testament to the fact that they were not tto make this apop-
of "surprisingly high quality." These in- at least willing to edge their way along We are ncle this love-
eluded a reading specialist with an M.A. toward a more representative process in ity America crusade, trying r week," or to make
of the role which
plus twenty hours in her field, two young the government of their country.
physical education specialists, and several It is important not to jump to any history has thrust upon us in trying to
others with specialized training. dangerous conclusions that this will solve restore some kind of stable balance of
"Although it accounts for only 8 percent
of our budget, Title I has changed our whole the problems of Vietnam. We are en- power to the world.
program," says Superintendent Nell. titled to caution ourselves, and to assess Even so, let us not lose sigh'. of the
Title I has also made a significant change the implication of the events of yester- fact that in this part of the world, largely
in the relations between the public schools day in the quietest of terms. in South Vietnam and east Asia in gen-
and St. Anne's, Tucumcari's parochial school. The elections is a landmark. It is an eral, there has been a substantial shift
In explaining Title I to various groups in the important step forward. We should be in the climate of opinion. That shift is
community, the superintendent assured recd of what has taken place in that not without a real record of action as
children fro m impoverished families would d regard. It is the culmination of a pig-
officials o St. Anne's that their 100 or proud as of words among the leaders of not be discriminated against. In his Title nificant year, of great changes, and most those countries, and in actions by the
I proposals he made provisions not only for of them for the better, in that part of the countries themselves.
having a counselor and some of his new world. In that connection, I invite the atten-
teachers spend part of their day at the It is a landmark election because, as tion of the Senate to a discussion between
parochial school, but also for equipping a many will recall, it looked as though a distinguished American columnist, Mr.
classroom at St. Anne's for a small-group, Vietnam had really gone down the drain Roscoe Drummond, and the President of
reading - program. was thatkals equipment, The os,and other condition when the drive of the Vietcong and the the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, who
materials a would quipme remain nt, the e property maooperty of the North Vietnamese was pressing danger- is shortly to arrive in this country. When
public schools, as PL 89-10 requires. ously close to cutting South Vietnam in President Marcos was asked what he
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21382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE September 12, 1966
thought of the presence of the United So these are some of the benchmarks
States in southeast Asia in this crisis, he in the last year that spell out the critical
replied: changes in attitude, opinions, and post-
Of course it has been worthwhile. At first tions in the countries which are critically
I was against sending our combat troops to important to what is going on in south-
fight in Vietnam because we in the Philip- east Asia.
pines were not sure of the firmness of the I inject that along with the election in
U.S. will to stick it out. Our doubts have
now been wholly Vietnam because they all show that we
removed. The U.S, has
made abundantly clear its determination to are indeed moving ahead. We are in-
maintain its presence there, deed improving our position. We are in-
deed conditioning a more favorable
The point that President Marcos made climate for ultimately a peaceable settle-
is the point that can be made in every ment of the differences in that part of
capital in that part of the world, which the world.
has been banging over the capitals of Let us remember, however, it must be
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, a two-way street. Even so, the condi-
and even Cambodia, if you will, as well tions make it more possible and there are
as the Philippines; namely, the great emerging more clearly evidence that the
question mark of American intentions, people want to resist aggression, that
the great doubt as to whether America they believe in independence, that they
really meant what it said in the wake believe in the lawful processes, rather
of World War II. It seems to me that we than a resort to aggression to achieve
have removed all reason for those doubts. their goals.
We have removed the question mark These are the trends of today, and with
which has been hanging heavily over the the election in Vietnam yesterday we
policymakers of southeast Asia during have another evidence of a climate that
the past year. As a consequence, not gives us hope that we will be successful
only the Philippines shifted their basic in the kind of goal we are trying to
position during the past year, but so have achieve, in order that the Asians will
other leaders. in that part of the world, have a chance to put their house in order.
The Thais are in a much firmer position if we do not help them preserve that
now than they were a year ago, whereas chance, no one else there is going: to have
in many of the provinces in Thailand, an opportunity to do'so.
their villages were being invaded by So I want to pay my own salute to the
thousands of guerrilla cadres sent by the Vietnamese for the limited but signifi-
Red Chinese. That remains a threat, cant undertaking exhibited in their coun-
largely because the Chinese have had no try yesterday. ,
new bases from which to purchase ma- Mr. President, I ask that editorials on
teriel, and no new sources from which to the Vietnamese elections from the New
resupply. Therefore, it has been curbed, York Times and the Baltimore Sun, as
It has been held in check only because well as newspaper columns on our suc-
of the American presence in Vietnam. cesses in Asia by Roscoe Drummond and
Let me add, Mr. President, that the Joseph Alsop be printed in the RECORD.
same judgment is held in regard to the I thank the Senator from Mississippi
sudden and fortuitous turn of evepts in for yielding to me.
Indonesia, As the President of the There being no objection, the editorials
Philippines has observed on that point, were ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
largely because of the presence of the as follows:
United States in Vietnam, the, doubters [From the New York (N.Y.) Times, Sept. 12,
in Indonesia, those who were,not sure 19661
which side to turn to, which group to SAIGON'S ELECTORAL VICTORY
play with, had their, doubts removed. The elections in South Vietnam were a
Our presence in Vietnam did, in fact, ac- success for Marshal Ky's Government and
cording to President Marcos, mare the indirectly for the Johnson Administration.
difference in this tarn of events in According to present available figures, three-
Indonesia, quarters of the eligible voters cast ballots.
The Premier of the government of This far exceeds Vietnamese and American
hopes before election day.
Singapore, Lee Kuang Yew, has fur- The victory deserves full acknowledgement,
ther declared-although he has not been but its effects should not be exaggerated.
altogether friendly to our cause most of Candidates were merely elected to an assem-
the time-that if the Americans were to bly which will draw up a constitution lead-
pull out of Vietnam, his government and ing to still another election in 1967 or 1968
that of his neighbors would be imme- for as representative a government as the
diately placed in jeopardy, and while he situation and political backwardness of the
people will permit,
would hope that someday the Asians . Since large regions of South Vietnam are
could reconsider their own balanced under Vietcong control, or subject to the
structure in that part of Asia, until they Vietcong's threats, the election could not lead
were capable of doing so, the American to a genuine popular majority. But, insofar
presence in Vietnam was an indis- as the South Vietnamese people, at this stage
pensable part of a more peaceful and of their history could record a democratic
stable future in that part of the world. vote., they have done so.
K, himself, ndidate forhas eboffice ofian a a-
Burma, as to which we have received out-againlca
a great deal of criticism, refused to ac- ed president, but it is obvious that any fu-
cede to the, importunings of Peking to ture government would have to be either
censure the presence of the United States, military or, if civilian, willing to prosecute
Burma refused to do it because of the the war. The conflict will go on pretty much
change in opinion and the firm U.S, as if the election, despite its undoubted value
and success, had not taken place.
Presence. Within the past few days Ne Hanoi's inflexible rejection of President
Win has been in this country, visiting Johnson's offer of a mutually agreed with-
President Johnson, drawal of troops from South Vietnam shows
that neither the time nor the circumstances
are ripe for negotiations or a truce.
The block on the road to peace has been
made clear again and again by both sides, as
is was in the recent exchange. The United
States says that Hanoi is the aggressor and
North Vietnam says that Washington is the
aggressor. Behind the simple accusations are
all the complex forces of power politics, ide-
ology, nationalism and emotions that make
the war in Vietnam so stubborn and, for the
moment, so intractable.
Yet, the effort to solve it and to bring
about negotiations must go on. The United
States cannot assume that Hanoi literally
means, and always will mean, exactly what
it says today. North Vietnam may one day
accept the fact that the United States really
intends to withdraw from Southeast Asia
when circumstances permit, and Hanoi may
also hope that the American escalation of
the war will not continue to a point of no re-
In the diplomatic game that goes on be-
hind the crack of guns and thunder of
bombs, the ideals for which the United States
stands gained a point in yesterday's elec-
tion. The Vietcong, the North Vietnamese
and the Chinese Communists lost by the
same margin. The war goes on, but It has
been proved that three out of four of those
who could vote in South Vietnam braved
danger and future risk to do so, and thereby
expressed either support for or acquiescence
in what the Saigon Government is trying
to do.
[From the Baltimore (Md.) Sun,
Sept. 12, 1966]
Premier Ky said last week that the success
of yesterday's South Vietnamese elections,
the results of which may remain unknown
for several days, cannot be measured "on a
percentage of voters." He said also that not
many of the voters understand what they
would be voting for. As to the first point,
it is but partly true. If the vote had been
small, the chances that the elections would
be taken by the South Vietnamese, and by
others elsewhere, as the faint beginnings of
popular government would have been seri-
ously dimmed. As to the second, it may be
true that most voters had no more than a
faint notion of what the balloting is about.
In a way it is no wonder. The election is
a complicated arrangement, set up not to
choose a government but to name the mem-
bers of a constitutent assembly which will
be charged with writing a constitution. Once
that is accomplished, if it does get accom-
plished, a government is to be elected, some
time next year, under the constitution's
terms. What those terms will be no one can
say now-except that they will not be dis-
pleasing to the present ruling military junta,
which has drawn the procedures in such a
way as seemingly to guarantee for itself a
power of veto over any portion it finds con-
trary to its own thinking.
Further to confuse the voters, Premier Ky
has said, in contradiction to earlier state-
ments (which themselves sometimes con-
tradicted still earlier) that he may run for
the presidency next year after all. To a good
many Vietnamese who dislike military re-
gimes this will sound like a declaration of
intent by the military to stay in power, no
matter what.
Other confusions are many. Some of them
arise simply from the rules laid down for the
campaign that led to the voting. These
were elaborate and peculiar. The campaign
was sharply limited in duration. Candidates
were restricted in the time allowed to address
such crowds as showed up to hear them,
and the candidates for each place had to
appear together. Then there was the boy-
cott announced by the more militant Bud-
dhists, the effect of which still today re-
mains uncertain.
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September 12, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 21383
Then, and even more seriously, there were might have happened if there had been no The first was that the Indonesian Commu-
the acts of violence undertaken by the Viet demonstration of resolution on the part of nists would have won in the end somehow,
Cong to hinder the voting, and perhaps just the United States. if the United States had left the Vietnamese
as effective, the hints and threats of violence. Question. Would it be helpful to have to their fate. And the second was that the
Some possible voters were certainly so intimi- Red China in the U.N.? Indonesian future must still in a consider-
dated that they refrained from going to the Marcos. Unfortunately, as of now, the able measure depend upon a successful out-
polls. How many cannot be known, today leadership of Red China Is not willing to come in Vietnam.
or later. renounce war as an instrument of interna- There is much other evidence of the same
Yet for all the complications, vagueness tional policy. sort, ranging from Seoul to Manila, from
and dangers, this election was worth holding. To be eligible, she must be willing to live Rangoon to Singapore, where the position
Not to have tried to move at all, now, in the peacefully with her neighbors. When she is taken by the brilliant leader, Lee Kuan Yew,
direction of popular government would have prepared to do so, let her leaders say so-and is particularly significant. In Asia, more
been worse than to move in this way, tenta- act so. than almost anywhere, politics are governed
tive though this way is. by an acute sense of the trend of events;
[From the Washington (D.C.) Post, Sept. 9, and except for the eccentric Prince Sihanouk
[From the Washington (D.C.) Star, Sept. 1966] in Cambodia, Asian leaders see the trend
11, 1966] MATTER OF FACT: DIVIDENDS ON VIETNAM today, not as de Gaulle sees it, but as Pote
Sarasin sees it.
OUR ASIAN ALLY-PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT HAS POLICY That does not mean, however, that we can
PRAISE: FOR U.S. POLICY (By Joseph Alsop) take the Asians for granted, even if the time
(By Roscoe Drummond) BANGKOK, THAILAND.-It is high time for comes when our effort in Vietnam has sue-
Americans will soon have in their midst a someone to speak out, loud and clear, about ceeded. On the one hand, we cannot per-
brave Asian ally and a superb advocate of the great success already achieved in Asia mit ourselves to indulge in the kind of
the growing will of more Asian nations to by the American effort in Vietnam. This arrogant outrage typified by Senator FUL-
unite in defending themselves against Com- does not show at home, where all eyes are BRIGHT'S proposed investigation of American
munist aggression. upon the harsh, always continuing war. But activities in this country.
He has earned the esteem and respect of it stands out a mile here in Thailand, in the Here is a country that has given the United
Asians and Americans alike. He will address aftermath of General de Gaulle's strange and States every kind of assistance imaginable
a joint session of Congress on Sept. 15 and haughty Asian oration. and with the freest and most generous hand,
will speak to the United Nations a few days Senator J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT and his all on one signed condition, that this assist-
later. I believe he deserves to be heeded, sympathizes used to warn the country, in ante should not be too publicly discussed.
whether one is a supporter or critic of United hollow, tragic voices, that the American in- It is not going too far to describe Senator
States actions in Vietnam. tervention to defend South Vietnam would FULBRIGHT'S plan to hold public hearings on
The Asian spokesman is the young presi- make every Asian an enemy of the United these matters as a plan for giving aid and
dent of the Philippines, Ferdinand E. Marcos. States, If these warnings had not been comfort to the enemy. If we want allies, we
In advance of his speeches in the United wholly misleading, Eastern Asia should now must treat them as equals.
States, I wish to cite some of his views and be resounding with acclamations for de Even if we manage to refrain from such
insights which are not widely known. Gaulle. self-righteous provocation, we must be pre-
Question. How do you think Indonesia Instead, the de Gaulle speech has been pared for surprises and even for shocks if and
escaped the attempted Communist coup? sharply condemned by the usually cautious when we have succeeded in Vietnam. The
President Marcos. It was only the Ameri- Japanese; and in every other Asian country main motive for the Asian cooperation that
can presence in Vietnam, I feel, which pre- not aligned with the Communists, the speech is being pushed by Foreign Minister Thanat
vented the fall of the Indonesian Govern- has either been sharply condemned or simply is to assure the independence of the Asians,
ment into Communist hands. Not only treated as unworthy of comment. Nor is the eventually including independence of the
Indonesia, but also other countries. response to de Gaulle anything more than Americans. No doubt this independence may
Question. Why do you feel this is true? the superficial symptom of a truly profound later be manifested in distressing ways. But
Marcos. The Communists supposedly change in the Asian outlook. the wiser Americans will take these mani-
plotted an effort to prevent a take-over by The able Foreign Minister of Thailand, festations as proofs of our success.
the enemies of President Sukarno. But it Thanat Khoma.n, summed up the change very
actually was an open and outright coup to succinctly. "A .year and a half ago," he said
take over the government. It was planned to me, "there seemed to be no doubt at all MRS. MARY T. BROOKS
a long, long time ago. The situation became that we should soon be faced with a Commu-
such that the Communists were certain, were nist-controlled axis running from Indonesia The PRESIDING OFFICER. The
very certain, not only of internal support to North Korea, and including the whole of Chair lays before the Senate the un-
but of support from outside. Vietnam, Cambodia and eventually Laos. finished business, which the clerk will
Question. What intervened? The pressure-on the other Asian countries state by title.
Marcos. When the American Government would then have been all but irresistible, and LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A
decided to increase its aid to South Vietnam, in some cases It would not have been resisted. Thbille e 35 ASSISTANT the relief LEGISLATIVE Mary
that knocked out all previous assumptions. "That threat has vanished, now, and it can
But by then, the Communists had begun the never be revived if the American effort in T. Brooks.
initial moves of their operation and it was Vietnam is successful in the end, as I am The PRESIDING OFFICER. The
too late for them to pull back. And very sure it will be. Instead, the non-Communist Senator from Mississippi [Mr. STENNIS] is
few. people know this. Asian countries are now moving further and recognized.
Many leaders who were wavering in In- further towards forms of cooperation, even Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Mr.
donesia immediately realized that the Com- partnership, which have great promise for
munist coup was going to fail. Also, with the future." President, will the Senator from Missis-
large U.S. forces in Vietnam, the Red Chinese The Foreign Minister's colleague at the sippi yield?
would not have either the capability nor the Development Ministry, the astute and experi- Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I yield
inclination to send any help whatsoever to enced Pote Sarasin, put the matter even more to the Senator from New Jersey.
the Indonesian Communists. And that is concisely. Vietnam, he said, had been the
exactly what happened. decisive test, both of America's willingness to
Question. Then you think the United live up to American commitments and of the HUDSON RIVER BASIN COMPACT
States action In Vietnam has been worth- much-vaunted prospects of general Commu-
while? Dist victory. "Suppose you had done differ- Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Mr.
Marcos. Of course it has been worthwhile, ently," he continued. "Everyone is now President, I have been requested by the
At first I was against sending our combat convinced that the future does not lie with majority leader to ask unanimous con-
troops to fight in Vietnam because we in the the Communists." sent that the Senate proceed to the con-
Philippines were not Sure of the firmness of "But if you had done differently, it would
the U.S. will to stick it out. Our doubts be just the other way.around. And In Indo- SideiderastioOn of direct Calendar No No. Secretary of 1556, the H.R.
13508, t the In-
have now been wholly removed. The U.S. nesia, for instance, the sensible leaders
has made abundantly clear its determination would not be in any position to try to save terior to cooperate with the States of
to maintain its presence there. (The Philip- their country from ruin, as they are now New York and New Jersey on a program
pines will soon be sending combat forces to doing. Instead, everyone in Djakarta would to develop, preserve, and restore the re-
Vietnam.) be saying that Bung Sarno was dead right sources of the Hudson River- and its
The American presence goes far beyond all along." - shores and to authorize certain neces-
the effect on the North Vietnamese and the A few days ago, the courageous Indonesian sary steps to be taken to protect those
Vietcong. The fight which the Communists Foreign Minister, Adam Malik, also hap- resources from adverse Federal actions
refer to as the "fight for national liberation" pened to pass though Bangkok. Through- Until the States and Congress shall have
is the single most important thing that will out a long and absorbing afternoon's talk
determine the state of affairs in Asia for the about Indonesian problems and hopes, there had an opportunity to act on that pro-
next century. You can hardly imagine what were -always two underlying assumptions. gram.
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21384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE September 12, 1966
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there cussion and some of the points about That is an admission that it is not an
objection to consideration of the bill? debate. alleged principle they are fighting for
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, reserving I firmly believe that the poor showing here. This is a political measure! pure
the right to object, this is the first time, of the bill, so far, is because the people and simple, designed, not by all, per-
I have had any notice that this bill would are against it; that is, the rank and file haps, but designed by many, of those
be brought up at this time. I ,should like of the people across the Nation are who are pushing it to the limit to get
to ask the Senator from New Jersey against the bill. They will be against votes at the forthcoming election this
whether it has been considered by any it in the forthcoming elections this year, year and in years thereafter. The only
committee. In the years to come, the more they reason in the world they abandoned
Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Oh, understand the bill, the more pronounced such a major part of it was that the
yes, indeed. will be their opposition to it, backfire of the opposition to it was too
Mr. JAVITS. Is this the measure
l ti
""" "
on he has some rights of his own under our
to a compact? system of government whether he be
Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Yes; white or black or brown. He believes
this deals with a compact between the that some of his basic rights have been
State which the Senator from New York forgotten in this pellmell rush. of agi-
so ably represents, and New Jersey, the tation and competition among those in
'State of which I am the junior Senator. public life for the passage of a civil
Mr. JAVITS. When was it reported to rights law by Congress on eves conceiv-
the Senate? able subject, The white citizen knows
Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. It was that he is not only forgotten, but that
reported to the Senate by unanimous he is the target of this bill. The white
vote of the Committee on Interior and citizens all over this Nation realize this
Insular Affairs on September 8. There fact and most of them have had enough.
was one request to hold up consideration Further, they have gone to saying so.
on the Senate floor which was made by I believe they will continue to say so, at
the Senator from Vermont [Mr. AIKEN]. the polls this year and next year and in
Let me frankly say that I, too, did not the years ahead. As supporting evidence
know the bill would be brought up today, of my conclusion on this point, I cite the
but the Senator from Vermont is sans- major change in this bill in the House
fled and has no reason to o object either of Representatives when the proponents
to its consideration or to passage of the of the measure were forced to agree to
Mr. Mr. an amendment making the housing pro-
have had d no no JAVITS.
notice e concerning since I visions thereof applicable to only this bill, S 4Q per-
I have to say now that.I will object, but I cent, as estimated, of the housing sales
may not have to do so necessarily later. throughout the Nation. Various reasons
I suggest at this time that the Senator were assigned for this change in statute,
from New Jersey withdraw his request. but the basic reason was the people back
The PRESIDING OFFICER, Objec- home have been heard from. There was
tion Is heard. great opposition, as I say, to the bill
Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Mr. from the rank-and-file people.
President, I must confess I thought the The filing of amendment to the hous-
bill would be considered on Wednesday. ing section and agreement to it by the
I came into the Chamber at 10 minutes proponents of this measure entirely
of 1-and it is now 1:25 o'clock p.m.- abandoned the idea of the alleged prin-
and only then learned that the majority ciple upon which the bill was supposed to
leader wanted this bill called up. have been drawn. That amendment elim-
I withdraw my request for considera- inates, as estimated, from the operation
tion of H.R, 13508. of the bill about 60 percent of housing
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The re- transactions which occur in the United
quest is withdrawn. States in the course of a year's time.
Thus, it was an act by the proponents of
CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1966 the measure in which they joined, at
least, which repudiates the policy of the
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, what is bill as expressed in title IV, section 401,
the pending business before the Senate? which states:
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The It is the policy of the United States to
question is on agreeing to the motion of prevent discrimination on account of race,
the Senator from Michigan [Mr. HART] color, religion, or national origin in the
to proceed to the consideration of the bill purchase, rental, lease, financing, use, and
(H.R. 14765) to assure nondiscrimina- occupancy of housing throughout the Na-
tion in Federal and State jury selection tion.
and service, to facilitate the desegrega- Further evidence of my conclusion on
tion of public education and other pub- this matter is the almost total lack of
lic facilities, to provide judicial relief interest in the present Senate debate,
against discriminatory housing practices, Further evidence supporting this con-
to prescribe penalties for certain acts clusion is that in each instance during
of violence or intimidation, and for other the last several years when the people
purposes. have had a chance to vote on this prop-
Mr. STENNIS. I thank the Chair. osition of open housing they have voted
Mr. President, reams have been writ- It down by a substantial margin.
ten, volumes of words have been spoken After laying down those very fine
as to the reason for the poor showing of words as a policy, the measure as it
this bill. comes to us turns around and immedi-
Before debate proceeds any further, ately eliminates 60 percent of housing
and for the record, I want to make a transactions in the Nation, and to that
few remarks that are notdirectly on the extent entirely abandons the policy writ-
contents of the bill but go to the dis- ten on the face of the bill.
great from the people back home. This
backfire comes from areas outside the
South, where we have felt so much of
the impact of the other civil rights bills
that have been enacted.
Further evidence of my conclusion as
stated on this subject is the almost total
lack of interest on the subject in the
present Senate debate.
In my humble opinion the spectacle
that the Nation has been given of trying
to place the entire blame on the minor-
ity leader [Mr. DIRKSEN] for defeat of
the bill has been pitiful. He stands on
his own feet. He resists pressure. I
commend him for it highly. But the
idea, either from a party standpoint or
the standpoint of a group of Senators, or
from any other standpoint, of trying to
bring the crushing weight, the politically
devastating weight by some on his head
because he has been firm and unyielding
is a tragedy in the political affairs of this
I say that the reason why the bill has
not moved and the lack of interest is
due to the opposition to having it
Further evidence to support my con-
clusion is that in the past several years,
when the people of the Nation have had a
chance to vote on the proposition of open
housing, they have voted it down by a
substantial margin. That applies to local
elections, not to national elections, where
the issue was sharply drawn. I refer to
local elections not in one area, but in
areas throughout the Nation.
I have been a Member of the Senate
for some time, but I consider myself by
no means wise in this matter or any
other matter; however, there is no doubt
in my mind that the proposed Civil
Rights Act of 1966 is purely a political
measure, drawn, presented, and urged for
the purpose of getting votes from minor
ity groups in the elections of 1966, In the
elections of 1968, and in the years there-
after. If this bill is passed-although I
do not believe it will be-we will see the
same drive for the use of implied power
to impose a code of conduct on the people
of the Nation with respect to housing as
is being imposed now in the South as to
public schools, under title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964.
For that reason, I want to make some
references directly to the power being
used under some of the language of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, particularly as
to schools. I am using it as an illustra-
tion because almost the same language to
which I shall refer is also found in the
bill as to housing.
When we passed the Civil Rights Act of
1964 we did not know what claims would
be made, what the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare would
do, or what the Department of Justice
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I feel a personal sense of grief in his
passing. For more than 25 years it was
my privilege to have a close personal re-
lationship with this great man and to be
the beneficiary of his wise counsel and
his unselfish assistance to me in many
Our close friendship resulted in part
from his lifetime acquaintanceship with
members of my immediate family and
the mutual esteem in which they held
each other. I shall always remember
with gratitude the many very personal
relationships that I was privileged to
have with Mr. Dickson which meant so
much to me in so many ways.
The sense of loss which I feel is felt
by countless others who were the bene-
ficiaries of his good works. As a busi-
ness and financial leader of the Nation,
he was of great assistance to many strug-
gling business organizations. As a hu-
manitarian, he contributed much to the
hospitals and educational institutions of
the North Carolina area. ..s a friend of
the average man, he was constantly giv-
ing alms to his less fortunate brother
without ostentation.
Rush Dickson's life touched so many
facets of human activity that I could not
commence to detail them in this short
statement. In a broad way, however, an
editorial writer for the Charlotte ob-
server on Sunday, September 11, 1966,
dealt with the life and works of this
wonderful man. I submit this editorial
for printing in the Appendix of the REC-
ORD today:
Rusk Smith Dickson, who pulled himself
up by his bootstraps to become a financial
giant and a man of great influence, was the
kind of person George Bernard Shaw ex-
pressed admiration for in his play, "Mrs.
Warren's Profession," written in 1893.
"People are always blaming their circum-
stances for what they are," Shaw wrote. "I
don't believe in circumstances. The people
who get on in this world are the people who
get up and look for the circumstances they
want, and if they can't find them, make
Rusk Dickson did just that. He was born
in a log house on a farm near Grover son
of a strict disciplinarian who appreciated
property and its values. Chances are that
Rusk Dickson would have become a success-
ful farmer and businessman even if his eyes
had not seen beyond his own community,
but he made no little plans.
From the beginning of his awareness of
the world around him and its opportunities
for personal and business growth, Rusk
Dickson. wanted to make his own way. He
combined ambition, hard work, thrift and
self-discipline to rise from his humble be-
ginnings to head one of the nation's top 50
Investment securities firms.
When the Charlottean was honored by the
Newcomen Society at a dinner here in 1961,
the then-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
of North Carolina, his old friend Emery B.
Denny, said: "Rusk Dickson is the living
embodiment of the competitive element in
the system of private enterprise."
Rusk Dickson had his critics, detractors
and enemies. He was a hard-nosed business-
man who stood with Gibraltar-like resolve
\ when he thought he was right in a personal,
business or political matter, and nobody is
right all the time. But thanks to his ability
to see business investment matters clearly
and realistically, hundreds of businesses in
these Piedmont Carolinas have begun and
succeeded, thousands of jobs have been
created and scores of municipal and county
governments are stable.
In addition to his financial genius and
ability to build productively. Rush Dickson
gave much of himself to state and commu-
nity life. His long service to Charlotte Me-
morial Hospital was especially noteworthy.
The two fundations he created have done
immense good.
Family and friends knew a side to this
man that the public saw but rarely. They
understood the beat of the drum he heard,
the one that drove him to the pinnacle
of financial success. But they knew him,
too, in softer and less compulsive moments,
as a man capable of compassion and other
emotions that do not dominate the market
Many financially successful Charlotteans
with small-town or village beginnings saw
something of themselves in Rush Dickson,
and something of the novelty and opportu-
nity of this land and this people. There was
much of Cornelius, Clover, Concord, Gaff-
ney, Mount Holly, Grover and Gastonio in
his life story, and the people there still
identified with Rush Dickson when he died
last week at 71.
He made no small plans because he knew
they would not move him or others. By
setting his goals high, he prospered, but
more important, he built for the benefit of
many. It was the good fortune of Charlotte
and he Southeast that he came to be among
Congressman Roudebush Exposes U.S.
Professor's Denunciation of U.S. Viet-
nam Policy While Traveling on Federal
Monday, September 12, 1966
Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, my good
friend and colleague, Congressman
RICHARD L. ROUDEBUSH, of Indiana, has
discovered that an American professor
who recently bitterly denounced U.S.
Vietnam policy while visiting in Moscow
had made his trip on Federal funds.
The professor, from the University of
California, had also been active in anti-
war protests and was cochairman of the
Berkeley campus Vietnam Day Commit-
tee last year.
This professor made his denunciation
in front of North Vietnamese press corre-
spondents while in Moscow to attend a
mathematics conference. He also has
been granted money for further travel
expenses in 1967. We may well wonder
where this professor will turn up next to
attack his own country, unless the Na-
tional Science Foundation heeds Con-
gressman ROUDEBUSH'S recommendation
and cancels the 1967 grant.
The following story from the Septem-
ber 12, 1966, Indianapolis Star describes
this shabby affair and Congressman
ROUDEBUSH is to be complimented for his
work in uncovering the facts of the case:
WASHINGTON-An American professor de-
nounced United States policy in Viet Nam
while on a Moscow visit financed by the Fed-
eral government, a congressman said yester-
Representative RICHARD L. ROUDEBUSH (R-
Ind.) identified the professor as Stephen
Smale of the University of California.
The congressman said Smale also had been
co-chairman of a Viet Nam Day Committee
that organized antiwar protests at the uni-
versity's Berkeley campus last year.
Smale, ROUDEBUSH said, called North Viet-
namese correspondents to a press conference
last month in Moscow and there criticized
U.S. policy in Viet Nam.
Smale was in Russia to attend a mathema-
tics conference, the congressman said.
ROUDEBUSH said the professor drew $2,778
a month in Federal funds as salary during
the summer and also drew $1,000 for a round
trip jet fare from California to Moscow un-
der a Federal grant,
"I don't believe the American taxpayers
should be saddled with the expense of send-
ing a professor on a three-month European
junket to issue statements in Moscow run-
ning down the policies of the United States
government," ROUDEBUSH said In a state-
,'If he wanted to travel at personal expense
we couldn't officially object, but taking
$13,000 in tax money to visit Moscow and rap
America is too much."
ROUDEBUSH said he had requested a com-
plete report from the National Science Foun-
dation regarding details of the grant
awarded Smale. He said the foundation had
made a $91,500 lump sum grant to the Uni-
versity of California and it selected Smale for
a $13,000 grant for salary and travel ex-
penses in 1966 and 1967.
Thus, he said, Smale is due to receive
$6,000 next year. RouDEBUSH indicated he
would recommend that the National Science
Foundation cancel Smale's 1967 grant.
Monday, September 12, 1966
Mr. RUMSFELD. Mr. Speaker, ours
is a constantly changing society and it is
proper and necessary for the Congress
to assess from time to time its organi-
zational structure and procedures.
I have been enthusiastic over the work
of the Joint Committee on the Organi-
zation of Congress, which has issued a
valuable set of recommendations on im-
proving the methods of operations in
Congress. The joint committee report
is a. good one, though some important
problems were not included in it.
An analysis of the importance of a
modern Congress was made in an edi-
torial by Paddock Publications, Inc.,
publishers of 17 suburban newspapers in
the 13th Congressional District, Illinois.
The editorial of September 1, 1966, fol-
Adjustment to changing needs of society
is essential to effective operation of govern-
With the ever-increasing reliance placed
on the federal government to meet needs of
its citizens, that is particularly true of Con-
gress. Yet Congress has failed to adjust to
modern conditions. It continues to operate
in the same basic format it did a generation
Final report of the Joint Committee on Or-
ganization of Congress was issued four weeks
ago. It resulted from 16 months of study
during which the joint House-Senate com-
mittee heard nearly 200 witnesses--congress-
men, congressional employes, political scien-
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Under the plan, postmasters and rural let-
ter carrier jobs would be filled as a result of
examinations conducted by the Civil Service
The top three candidates making the high-
est scores for the particular job would be
submitted to the Post Office Department.
Candidates Who are disabled veterans would
get top preference. -
The postmaster general would have the
right of final selection, but this would have
to be,on the basis of the three names sub-
mitted to him by the CSC.
In effect, the system would be the same
as for career job appointments in other gov-
ernment departments and agencies.
The administration feels that the pro-
posed new system would save it and Congress
the countless headaches in appointing post-
masters and rural letter carriers.
As one official put it, "Under the present
system, for every friend you make, you make
100 enemies who did not get the job."
Civil Service Commission officials feel the
proposed new system would improve the
quality of postmasters by encouraging out-
standing leaders of a community to apply
for the job.
The proposed new system would not apply
to present postmasters and rural letter car-
As a matter of fact, CSC officials say that
the quality of present postmasters and rural
letter carriers is uncommonly high.
The CSC's standards have been high and
in a majority of cases one of its top three
candidates certified to the department has
been the person selected.
But the CSC feels the new system will
encourage even better-qualified candidates
to compete for these jobs, in the knowledge
that merit and not politics will be the decid-
ing factor in all cases.
Agriculture Department Ignores "Small
Monday, September 12, 1966
Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, the De-
partment of Agriculture has ignored one
of its most important jobs, which is to
get the income of the small farmer up
to a decent level, not drop the family
farmer as an economic liability.
I quote a statement made by the As-
sistant Secretary of Agriculture, John A.
Schnittker that "Federal farm policy is
aimed at achieving parity income for
adequate size commercial farms, not nec-
essarily for small farms."
Schnittker defined as "adequate" those
farms grossing over $10,000 a year in
This statement is typical of the abuse
and misuse which the administration has
made of the agricultural segment of the
Nation's economy.
.According to farm census figures just
released, South Dakota lost an average of
1,205 farms per year in the period 1959
to 1964.
It is very apparent that the Johnson-
Freeman administration is ready to ig-
nore the family farmer completely. The
long-range plan for the American pro-
ducer evidently does not Include 29,000
South Dakota farmers--or more than 58
percent of them-whom the Department
considers as "small famers."
The Secretary of Agriculture should
denounce this irresponsible statement
and take effective action to reverse this
record of failure and neglect which the
statistics clearly reveal.
Payments to Dentists for Insurance Claims
Monday, September 12, 1966
Mr. KEE. Mr. Speaker, I have to-
day introduced in the House of Repre-
sentatives, H.R. 17638, a bill which will
make mandatory the inclusion in health
insurance policies issued by companies
doing interstate business, a provision re-
quiring that payments shall be made un-
der these policies to doctors of dental
surgery, doctors of dental medicine, and
oral surgeons for the performance of
surgical procedures where the contract
permits payment for these procedures
to a doctor of medicine.
Unfortunately, some insurance con-
tracts have been narrowly construed by
the companies issuing them so that
necessary surgical procedures involving
the mouth and jaw of affected patients
have to be performed by a medical
doctor, and if performed by a dentist,
no payment is made. In my opinion,
this unnecessarily restricts the freedom
of choice of patients, and should not be
This problem has been met in Cali-
fornia by a supreme court decision in-
terpreting a health insurance contract
so as to include within the term. "med-
ieal doctor," a dentist when performing
surgical procedures otherwise covered
by the contract.
North Carolina and West Virginia
have passed legislation similar in pur-
pose to my bill.
These surgical procedures consist of
fractures of the jaws, biopsies of the tis-
sues of the mouth and jaws, tumors, and
cysts of the mouth and jaws, frenum op-
erations, incisions in and about the
mouth for acute infections in the soft
tissues and jaw' bones, surgery for cor-
rection of deformities and malirelation
of the jaws, X-rays of the teeth and
jaws, avulsion of branches of the fifth
nerve in cases of tic douloureux, removal
of salivary stones, correction of disloca-
tion and disturbances of the maxillary
condylar joint, alveoplasty and stomato-
plasty of the mouth, incisions of the ton-
gue, lips and palate, and so forth.
There are good national precedents
for this legislation; namely, the Federal
Employees Health Benefit Act of 1959-
Public Law 86-382, S. 2162, Septem-
ber 28, 1959-and the recent Health
Medicare Insurance Act-Public Law
89-97, H.R. 6675, July 30, 1065.
In the Government-wide indemnity
benefit plan, covered by Aetna and other
associated insurance companies, under
the heading "Definitions of Terms Used
in This Brochure," is the following word-
Doctor is a duly licensed doctor of medi-
cine (M.D.) or a duly licensed doctor of
osteopathy (D.O.). The term includes sur-
geons and other specialists if they meet this
definition. A duly licensed dentist is also
considered a "doctor" for purposes of the
dental work and oral surgery covered by the
Plan, and a duly licensed podiatrist (chiro-
podist) is considered a "doctor" for purposes
of the foot conditions covered by the Plan.
Types of practitioners not specifically men-
tioned above are not considered "doctors" for
purposes of this Plan.
In the Government-wide service bene-
fit plan, administered by Blue Cross and
Blue Shield, under the title "Definitions
of Terms Used in This Brochure," is the
following wording:
Physician is a doctor of medicine (M.D.)
or doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) who is legally
qualified and licensed to practice medicine
and perform surgery at the time and place
the service is rendered. For services cov-
ered by the Plan, doctors of dental surgery
(D.D.S.), doctors of medical dentistry
(D.M.D.), and doctors of surgical chiropody
(D.S.C.), when acting within the scope of
their licenses, are deemed to be physicians.
No practitioners other than those specified
above shall be deemed to be physicians for
purposes of this Plan.
In Public Law 89-97, under Title I:
Health Insurance for the Aged and Fed-
eral Assistance and subheading "Phy-
sician," is the following wording:
(r) The term "physician." when used in
connection with the performance of any
function or action, means (1) a doctor of
medicine or osteopathy legally authorized to
practice medicine and surgery by the state
in which he performs such function or ac-
tion (including a physician within the mean-
ing of section 1101(a)(7), or (2) a doctor
of dentistry or dental or oral surgery who is
legally authorized to practice dentistry by
the state in which he performs such function
but only with respect to (A) surgery related
to the jaw or any structure contiguous to
the jaw or (B) the reduction of any fracture
of the jaw or any facial bone.
This definition with respect to physi-
cian has been upheld by the Supreme
Court of some States-notably a ruling
by the Arizona State Supreme Court re-
garding the right of a dentist to admin-
ister a general anesthetic, wherein the
court- ruled that in fact a dentist was a
It is my understanding that consider-
able attention is now being given this
matter of vital Importance by several
Monday, September 12, 1966
Mr. WHITENER. Mr. Speaker, on
Thursday, September 8, 1966, our State
of North Carolina and the Nation lost an
outstanding leader when Rush Smith
Dickson departed this earthly life.
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Post Office Committee to become Chairman
of the House Interstate and Foreign Com-
merce--a committee which, of course, is very
important to West Virginia.
With. the kind of representation you have
in Congress, it ig no surprise that a new
building has been constructed to house the
Post Office and other federal agencies which
serve the people of this area. As has been
said previously, more goes into a building like
this than just bricks and mortar.
What President Johnson refers to as a "con-
sensus" is an essential part of the blueprint
for a building like this. Before this fine new
structure could be built there had to be a
meeting of minds between Congress and the
Executive Branch of government.
It is, of course, as Mayor Armentrout said,
a recognition of your economic progress. I
was mast pleased as I came into Parsons to-
day to see, for example, that your woolen
mill is developing its capacity. We know that
the new Fharcoal plant has also added to
Parsons' payroll.
You may have noticed that we on the plat-
form have been going through some rather
unusual gyrations. It is because we have
had a number of yellow jackets flying around
up here on the platform. I thrust that the
Senator and Congressman do not think you
are putting the bee on them for another
While these new facilities are being built
because the efficient handling of mail requires
them, the construction of a new federal
building also helps the economy of the area
where it is located. This is a most welcowu
"fringe benefit."
At our present rate of construction, we
are building about 900 new post offices a
year. That's a lot of new post offices, but
when you consider that we have approxi-
mately 34,000 post offices throughout the na-
tion you can understand why we have a
constant demand to replace outmoded faci-
The United States Post Office Department
is a tremendous operation. For instance, we
operate a fleet of more than 50,000 motor
vehicles and more than 100,000 of our em-
ployees are on the road every working day.
These employees travel over 4 million miles
a day, which is more than eight round trips
to the moon.
All of this activity is devoted to one pur-
pose-delivering the mail. And the size of
our mail load is almost unbelievable. Our
country is in the midst of an unprecedented
mail explosion. On any typical day the
Post Office Department of the United States
processes as much mail as the rest of the
world combined.
This year we will process almost 80 bil-
lion pieces of mail, which represented an
increase of 51/a per cent over the previous
year's volume. Right now our mail volume
is running 6 per cent ahead of last year's
record figures. This means that over the
past two years our annual volume has in-
creased by 7% billion pieces of mail.
Naturally, no one ever sees our entire
volume of mail-all 80 billion pieces at one
time. In fact, I suppose it is even difficult
for anyone to visualize what a figure like
80 billion really means. I know it is for me.
When I try to picture the tremendous
size of our mail volume I think of the
country lady whose family took her to the
seashore for the first time. She had heard
a lot about what a huge body of water the
ocean was, and as she stood looking out at
the horizon one of her sons asked her what
she thought of the ocean.
"Well, really," she said, "it's not as big
as I thought it would be."
Records have become commonplace in
the Postal Service today-records for mail
volume, records for miles traveled, records
for man-hours worked, records for just about
every aspect of our operation. I would have
to guess we even set a record every year for
the number of employees bitten by dogs.
Speaking of dog bites reminds me of the
story of the letter carrier who was bitten
by a rabid dog. He was taken to the hos-
pital and after an examination the doctor
told him he might get rabies.
"If that's the case," the carrier said, "I'd
like a pencil and some paper." He started
writing and after he was at it for some time
the doctor said: "That's a pretty long will
you're making out."
"Will!" the letter oa'rriei' said. "That's no
will. It's a list of the people I'm going to
The building of new post offices is just one
phase of a broad program to improve mail
We are taking steps to revitalize every as-
pect of mail processing and delivery-to move
the Postal Service into the 20th century.
Far-reaching changes are necessary if we are
to carry out President Johnson's mandate to
us to give the nation the best mail service
in its history. And Postmaster General
O'Brien has made it very clear that he will
accept nothing short of meeting the Presi-
dent's goal.
The major thrust of the changes we are
making in the Postal Service is toward mech-
anization. We are obtaining the most mod-
ern, the most efficient, the most advanced
mail handling machines American industry
can produce.
The machines we are installing to handle
this postage deluge are being used to sort
mail, stack it, place the addresses in the same
direction, cancel stamps and "read" ZIP Code
Naturally, it is practical to install these
highly specialized and expensive mail proc-
essing machines only in major mail handling
centers. But I want to stress that our mech-
anization program will mean better mail
service for every post office patron, no mat-
ter where he lives or how often he uses the
The quicker we can process mail at the big
volume post offices where most of it enters
the mail stream, the quicker it will be deliv-
ered, regardless of where it is headed.
I'd like to emphasize one other point about
our mechanization program-a point I know
is of concern to Senators RANDOLPH and BYRD
and Congressman STAGGERS because of their
interest in the welfare of postal employees.
The machines we are installing are not going
to cost any postal employee his job. Our mail
volume is increasng so fast we are going to
need the help of every employee we have,
and more, to handle it.
In the next year we expect to recruit
about 50,000 employees. Although most of
these employees will be needed in larger
urban communities, we must have qualified
workers and we are taking steps so people
in smaller cities and towns can take exami-
nations for appointment to postal jobs in
large cities nearby.
We are proud of our employees and we
know they can get the job done no matter
how great the volume of mail, if we give them
the modern tools they need. Our mechani-
zation program is giving them the tools. But
even with the force and the most
modern machines, there is still one other
ingredient indispensable to efficient mail
service-and that's cooperation.
We must have the cooperation of every-
one who uses the Postal Service, from big
businesses which send out millions of pieces
of mail to the individual citizen who sends
just a few personal letters. We need the co-
operation of everyone in using ZIP Code.
I can't urge you too strongly to use the
correct ZIP Code number in the destination
address and return address of every piece of
mail you send.
ZIP Code and mechanization are part of
our program to modernize the Postal Service
from top to botton. So is the new post office
we are dedicating today. It is a small step
in the overall picture-but a vital one. Its
dedication marks the forging of another
strong link in our chain of improved postal
facilities and services.
I'm sure it will serve you well. And I know
Postmaster Hehle and his employees will con-
tinue to reflect credit on the Postal Service.
It is a pleasure to dedicate this new post
office and federal building to fill the needs of
the people of the Parsons area.
Grateful appreciation is expressed to all of
the following for their civic leadership and
sense of deep community responsibility in
making this program possible:
Parsons Volunteer Fire Department; Boy
Scouts of America, Troop; 97; Parsons Wom-
an's Club; Holly Meadows Farm Women's
Club; Quoda Club; Flanagan Hill Farm Wom-
en's Club; Women's Auxiliary, Parsons Fire
Department; River City Club; Kiwanis Club;
Lions Club; Elkins Highlander Band; Par-
sons High School Band; Local Merchants,
Bakeries Serving Parsons, Industries of Par-
Federal Agencies Represented by: Lorraine
Barrick, Selective Service; Leona Thompson,
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation
Service; Harold Matlick, Soil Conservation
Service; Paul Natale, Forest Service; Max-
ine Nestor, Parsons Post Office.
Post Office Employees: Charles F. Barbe,
Assistant to the Postmaster, Maxine Nestor,
Clerk, Earl J. Delaney, Clerk, William H.
Sheets, City Carrier; Paul S. Mauzy, Sub.
Clerk-Carrier; Ford Fink, Sub. Carrier, Rob-
ert Bozic, Sub. Clerk; John W. Howater, Cus-
todian; Edward C. Simmon3, Janitor; Claud
S. Sturm, Star Route Carrier; Norine Hedrick,
Star Route Carrier.
Mr. Hubert B. Lake, Master of Ceremonies,
President, The Tucker County Bank.
Mr. Stanley A. Hehle, Postmaster.
1:30 p.m.: Band Concert, Parsons High
School Band, Guy A. Saporito, Director;
Elkins Highlanders, Chester Phillips, Man-
2:00 p.m.: Invocation, Rev. Meade L. Gut-
shall, First Methodist Church; Introduction
of Mayor; Welcome to Parsons, Mayor For-
rest Armentrout; Introduction of Dis-
tinguished Guests; Introduction of Honor-
able David Phillips, Regional Administrator,
General Services Administration; Introduc-
tion of U.S. Senators; State Senator J. Ken-
ton Lambert; The Honorable JENNINGS RAN-
DOLPH, State of West Virginia; The Honor-
able ROBERT C. BYRD, State of West Virginia;
Introduction of Dedication Speaker, Honor-
able F. Alvin Webb, Regional Director, Wash-
ington Region, Post Office Department; Dedi-
catory Address, The Honorable Frederick C.
Belen, Deputy Postmaster General, United
States of America; Presentation of Flag, The
Honorable HARLEY O. STAGGERS, U.S. Con-
gressman, Second Congressional District,
West Virginia; National Anthem, Parsons
High School Band; Benediction, The Rev.
Acie H. Bryant, First Presbyterian Church.
3.09 p.m.: Open House-Everyone invited.
p -
Salinger Tells How Kennedy Tried To
Hide Vietnam Buildup
Monday, September 12, 1966
Mr. RUMSFELD. Mr. Speaker, there
are many questions about our involve-
ment in Vietnam which demand honest
answers. Among these questions is:
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Deputy Postmaster General Belen Dedi-
cates U.S. Post Office and Federal
Building at Parsons, W. Va: Praises
Work of Senators Jennings Randolph
and Robert C. Byrd, and Representative
Harley 0. Staggers
Monday, September 12, 1966
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President,
as ranking majority member of the Sen-
ate Committee on Post Office and Civil
Service, and chairman of its Post Office
Subcommitge, I have monitored with in-
terest the drive toward better service
which is underway in the Post Office
Department. Under the capable direc-
tion of Postmaster General Lawrence F.
O'Brien, significant advances are being
made to insure that the delivery of the
malls is accomplished through the most
rapid, dependable and economical
I have noted with gratification that
modernization efforts include the con-
struction of a number of new postal fa-
cilities which will make possible improved
handling 'procedures. One such facility
is the U.S. Post Office and Federal Build-
ing in Parsons, W. Va., which was dedi-
cated on Saturday, September 10, 1966.
The principal address on this important
occasion was delivered by Deputy Post-
master General Frederick C. Belen. Ap-
proximately 600 persons were in attend-
In his comments, Mr. Belen pointed
out that West Virginia and the Parsons
area are fortunate to be, represented in
the Congress by such able leaders as
C. BYRD, and Representative HARLEY O.
STAGGERS. He gave special commenda-
tion to Senator RANDOl PH, my colleague
on the Post Office and Civil Service Com-
mittee, for his efforts in the passage of
recent legislation which provides im-
proved parcel past service. I echo these
words. There is no abler or more effec-
tive member of the United States Senate
than my cherished friend JENNINGS RAN-
Mr. Belen went on to indicate that
mail volume in this year is expected to
reach the astounding figure of 80 billion
pieces. He assured his listeners, how-
ever, that the Department was hard at
work finding new and better methods for
moving this record total. The Deputy
Postmaster General said, in part:
The building of new post offices is just one
phase of a broad program to Improve mail
We are taking steps to revitalize every
aspect of mail' processing and delivery-to
move the Postal Service Into the., 20th Cen-
tury. Far-reaching changes are necessary if
we are to carry out President Johnson's man-
date to us to give the nation the best mail
service in history. And Postmaster General
O'Brien has made it very clear that he will
accept nothing short of meeting the Presi-
dent's goal.
Mr. President, I commend Mr. Belen
for these words of assurance to the mail-
ing public, and take this opportunity to
indicate that I shall continue to labor in
the Senate of the United States to assist
in bringing these goals to reality.
I ask unanimous consent that the text
of the address by Deputy Postmaster
General Bclen at the dedication of the
Parsons, W. Va., U.S. Post Office and
Federal Building be printed in the Ap-
pendix of the RECORD.
There being no objection, the address
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
TEM]3ER 10, 1966
It is a pleasure to join you today for this
happy occasion and to extend to you the
personal greetings of President Johnson and
Postmaster General O'Brien.
Other than dedicating a post office at
Lansing, Michigan, where I was born and
grew up, this is as close as I could come to
unveiling a new post office in my home town.
My ties to Parsons are deep and strong, and
if a man can, be said to have two home towns,
then I qualify as a native. In any event, I
am a native by virtue of affection, if not by
birth. And, believe me, Opal and I appre-
ciate this welcome home.
As has been emphasized, my wife is from
Parsons. I've been visiting this community
and this State for almost 25 years. I've done
quite a bit of fishing in West Virginia's many
beautiful lakes and streams, and although I
bow to no man in my belief in conservation,
I must I've taken a lot of fish from
West Virginia waters.
It has been said the difference between
catching fish and bragging about it later Is
about four to ten inches per fish. That
cynical observation notwithstanding, I've
caught some big ones here.
If I hadn't known about West Virginia be-
fore I came to the Post Office Department, I
would have learned quickly, for many na-
tives of your State are in positions of major
responsibility in the Post Office Department
and all of them have made valuable con-
tributions to the postal service.
A West Virginian, Alvin Webb, is the di-
rector of, the Washington Postal Region,
which includes West Virginia as well as
Virginia, Maryland and the District Of Co-
lumbia, and he is here with us today. So is
Carson Browning, formerly Postmaster at
Logan. Carson heads our Postmasters Divi-
We also have with us today Sim Bright, a
native of nearby Keyser, who tackles some
of our most difficult personnel problems with
much success.. Sim is no stranger to the
Postal Service, his father having spent 40
years as a Railway Postal Clerk.
Whenever my duties take me away from
Washington, I make it a point to talk to as
many postal employees as I can. They are
the men and women on the firing line.
Better than anyone else, they know where
we are succeeding and where we need to im-
prove postal service. I appreciate the at-
tendance of so many of you today.
My pleasure at being able to take part in
the dedication of this new Parsons Post Office
is greatly enhanced by the fact that I am
sharing the platform with three distin-
guished representatives of this State, for
whom I have the utmost admiration and re-
spect-Senators RANDOLPH and BYRD, and
Congressman STAGGERS.
It has been my privilege to work. closely
with these outstanding national legislators.
When I came to Washington in 1937 to
work for a Michigan congressman, our office
was across the hall from JENNINGS RAN-
DoLPH'S, who was then a member of the
House of Representatives. Since then, I
have come to know him well and my admira-
tion for him and for what he has accom-
plished for West Virginia and the nation
has grown Steadily through the years.
Although I left Capitol Hill in 1961 when
President Kennedy appointed me Assistant
Postmaster General, I did not lose contact
with Senator RANDOLPH. Since then our
paths have crossed often. He is a member
of the Senate Committee on Post Office and
Civil Service, and I have testified before the
Committee often and have had numerous
occasions to confer with him on postal
I am sure the occasion Senator RANDOLPH
referred to when he questioned me before
his committee was when I testified on the
subject of increasing the size and weight of
parcels permitted to go in the mails. I want
you to know that we, in the postal service,
were delighted with the solution that was
worked out for this legislation. Parcels Lip
to 40 pounds and 84 inches can ultimately be
sent through the mails between first-class
post offices. Instead of a sharp change, the
committee provided for a gradual change
over five years. This pleased both the Rail-
way Express Agency and its employees, and
the employees of the railroads who had ex-
pressed concern. Chairman MONRONEY,
Senator RANDOLPH and other members of the
committee are entitled to a great deal of
credit for working out this solution.
I can assure you he is very well informed
on the postal service. He knows our prob-
lems and he has been extremely helpful to us
in our endeavors to build a more efficient
mail delivery system.
With West Virginia's other Senate seat in
the very capable hands of ROBERT BYRD, this
State can boast of two strong and respective
voices in the U.S. Senate. We in the Post
Office Department appreciate the support we
have received on important postal matters
from Senator BYRD.
This Congressional District is thrice
blessed, for it also has an extremely able
spokesman in the United States House of
Representatives. With my close ties to Par-
sons, I consider HARLEY STAGGERS my congress-
man. I trust he won't object to my joining
his constituency.
You may know, at one time Congressman
STAGGERS was my boss, when he was a mem-
ber of the House Post Office and Civil Service
Committee and I was its staff director. I
was impressed then with his effectiveness, and
my esteem has Increased since he left the
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Are the American people being ade- "Stories began appearing with increasing suggested for this, of course, is "pass a
quately informed about the conduct of regularity describing heavy involvement of law."
the war in Vietnam? U.S, forces in Vietnamese operations, and This luncheon meeting pointed out not
According to a recent issue of U.S. stories of the shooting down of U.S. heli- only that there are already a host of laws
copters. on the books-local, State, and Federal-
News & World Report, former Presiden- "Such articles are frequent now with more
tial Press Secretary Pierre Salinger indi- than 235,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam [302,000 but there are also ethical codes and gen-
cates in his new book, "With Kennedy," as of Aug. 30, 19661, but taken in context of eral rules of conduct within different
the lengths the administration went to 1962-63 operations, they presented the trades and businesses themselves, and
in order to conceal moves that put the American people with the picture of a widen- businessmen band together, place them-
United States deeper and deeper into war ing war in Southeast Asia"-a picture which selves under voluntary self-regulation
in Asia. It has been alleged that ques- Mr. Salinger said "the Administration did and restriction, and go to great care to
not want to present." make sure the consumer is both pro-
tionable information policies relating to "president Kennedy was particularly sen-
Vietnam tected in what he gets, and gets what
are continuing in effect. sitive about some of these articles," Mr.
I introduce for the RECORD at this point Salinger observed. "It was my the he wants.
the U.S. News & World Report article of time that we should be prepared to take I have yet to see any solid evidence
September 12, 1966. The article follows: the good stories with the bad in Vietnam, that would make me believe the Ameri-
but the President pushed hard for us to can consumer is a helpless individual,
SALINGER TELLS How KENNEDY TRIED To HIDE tighten the rules under which correspond- brainwashed by advertising into buying
VIETNAM BUILDUP-NOW OUT IN THE OPEN: ents could observe field operations in person.
DETAILS OF How KENNEDY ADMINISTRATION "Those responsible for information policies a product or service he does not want.
HOPED To CONCEAL MOVES THAT PuT THE of the Government were therefore squeezed The relatively few consumer complaint
UNITED STATES DEEPER AND DEEPER INTO hard-between the desire of the Administra- letters I receive invariably end with the
WAR IN ASIA tion to downplay the war for a whole variety solemn vow that not only will the indi-
An account of how American armed forces of military and political reasons, and the de- vidual never buy that particular product
became actively involved in the war in Viet- sire of reporters on the ground to tell all to or service again, but he will also tell his
nam-and how the late President Kennedy the American people." friends and neighbors what he thinks
tried, to cover up such involvement-is given Several additional attempts were made to of it. This is a powerful deterrent to poor
by a former Government official in a new lay down guidelines controlling news cover- merchandise, and the businessman knows
book. age of the Vietnam war, the Salinger book it.
Pierre Salinger, former Press Secretary to indicates.
both 'Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, Is A new press policy authorized by President What consumer dissatisfaction exists
the author. On the basis of his experience Kennedy in the spring of 1963, Mr. Salinger cannot and will not be eliminated by
in the White House, 1961-64, Mr. Salinger said, was in a "secret memorandum" which more restrictive legislation which is of
writes in the book, "With Kennedy," pub- Assistant Secretary of Defense Arthur Syl- doubtful merit to begin with. Educating
lished by Doubleday & Company, Garden vester hand-carried to a strategy conference the consumer to be careful-to be on
City, N.Y.: in Honolulu with U.S. officials from Vietnam. the lookout for and to be able to identify
"When John F. Kennedy became President Later, the then Assistant Secretary of State merchandise apractices-and
of the United States, the total U.S. force in Robert Manning, after an on-the-spot survey shabby
use protection p memercrchanise and n is already practices-and
Vietnam was about 600. It could be truly of press relations, said in a report:
said that the United States was acting solely "The problem is complicated by the long- able to him is preferable by far. This is
as an adviser to the Government of South standing desire of the U.S. Government to exactly what Indiana businessmen are
Vietnam." see the American involvement in Vietnam doing, and they are to be complimented
GENERAL'S ADVICE minimized, even represented, as something for their work in this field.
In late 1961, Mr. Salinger said, the Presi- less in reality than it is:"
It is axiomatic, I believe, that the
dent sent his military adviser, Gen. Maxwell Pierre Salinger concluded: American consumer simply will not buy
D. Taylor, to Vietnam for a personal investi- "There are a number of hard lessons to be
gation. learned from the handling of the press in a product he does not like or want. If
The Administration began a gradual build- Vietnam between 1961 and 1964. The most there is any question in anyone's mind
up of U.S. troops in South Vietnam which- important is that, despite all the motivations about this, let me ask: How many Edsel
according to Mr. Salinger-"was to reach which exist to the contrary, the Government dealers are still in business?
over 20,000 at the time of the death of the can never expect success for a press policy The following article from the Au-
President." which does not rely on total candor." gust 30, 1966, Indianapolis Star describes
Authorities in Washington decided that the work of the Central Indiana Better
"a change was necessary in our policies to- Business Bureau and the Indianapolis
ward the press in Vietnam," Mr. Salinger Consumer Affairs Council:
continued. Indiana Businessmen Protect the PACKAGING BILL OPPOSED
"With the build-up of U.S. troops and sup- Consumer
plies, this Government was now going to be (By James A. C. Thom)
engaged in activities which were in clear vio- If you open a box of Crashle-Crunchies
lation of the Geneva Conference of 1954." EXTENSION OF REMARKS breakfast cereal and find that it is only half
The 1954 Geneva Agreements partitioned or full, do you sit there and suffer in silence
Vietnam at the seventeenth parallel into a (broken only by the crushing sound of cereal-
Communist North and a free South; set limits HON. WILLIAM G. BRAY chewing), or do you scream for Federal
on the size of armed forces in both areas; OF INDIANA intervention?
and pledged the "neutrality" of Laos and Or, if you open a can of Chicken Gumbo
Cambodia. The U.S. did not sign the pact, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and find it tastes more like gum than
but agreed to abide by it under specified Monday, September 12, 1966 chicken, do you write your congressman and
conditions. insist on a law against gummy gumbo or do
Mr. Salinger said the Communists had Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, on August 30 you just quietly resolve never to buy that
been violating the agleemeht for some time. I was privileged to attend a luncheon in brand of gumbo again?
Nevertheless, he added, U.S. policy makers Washington, sponsored by the Central Private businessmen like to believe that
did not want to admit that the U.S. now was Indiana Better Business Bureau and the you'll just change your brand and find your
"similarly violating the Agreements." Mr. Indianapolis Consumer Affairs Council. own way to a better product with an honest
Salinger writes: "Finally, the Administration,
having gone through the Bay of Pigs, and Following the luncheon, a special illus- label.
Private merchants believe that consumer
still involved in the Berlin crisis which had trative film presentation showed and education and competition are strong enough
caused it to call up the reserves and send described the kinds of voluntary controls forces to keep packaging and selling on the
extra divisions to Europe, was not anxious to practiced through self-regulation by In- up-and-up, without any necessity for calling
admit the existence of a real war in South- diana businesses to educate and protect in the Feds.
east Asia." consumers. An informative and helpful Now, the Indianapolis business community
The Administration sent a directive to question-and-answer session closed the for a long time has been a bastion against
Saigon for a new public-information policy meeting. Federal fiddling In private business matters,
in State Department cable 1006 of Feb. 21, Due to a great deal of recent propa- so it is not surprising that a group of In-
1962, Mr. Salinger said. It called for "co- dianapolis businessmen is going to. Washing-
operation with the press," but also ap- ganda from some quarters, it would-be ton this week to try to convince Congressmen
pealed for restraint on the part of corre- very easy to get the impression that the that we don't need more laws on ethical
spondents in handling information affecting American consumer is little more than a packaging and merchandising practices,
national security. helpless lamb, to be preyed upon at will Armed with a recently compiled 20-min-
Mr. Salinger relates: by the wolves of business. The remedy ute slide and tape presentation, the In-
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dianapolis Consumer Affairs Committee regular efforts of the Advertising Federation "But are not labor unions, as tax-exempt
hopes to show that the consumer already is of America and several other national busi- organizations under Section 501(c) (5) of the
protected well enough from exploitation, and ness-policy groups. Internal Revenue Code subject to the same
that he can put the unethical sellers in their What the committee is trying to support, restrictions on political activities as the Na-
place if he knows where and when to tom- then, Is the idea that ultimately, the cus- tional Committee and other exempt orga-
plain. tomer (not the government) is always right nizations? And if this is so, why is it that
What the committee hopes to influence is and the businessman knows it-or else. labor unions can openly and flagrantly use
Washington thinking on a couple of bills the monies collected from compulsory mem-
(S. 985 and H.R. 15440). The bills, pretty - bership dues to make contributions to
far along in the law-making process, call for
political candidates?"
packaging and labeling controls that would IRS Put on Spot The issue is clear cut. It makes more plain
limit and specify package size for virtually than ever the need to retain Section 14(b),
all grocery products, and would let govern- and to spread its benefits through states
ment agencies regulate the allegedly mis- EXTENSION OF REMARKS other than the 19 which now have right-to-
leading "cents-off" and "economy size" of work laws.
designations on packages. HON. ~ It is patently unjust to force a worker to
The narrated visual presentation is built HONE. C. GATHINGS join a union against his wishes, to force him
on the findings of a couple of surveys in the OP ARKANSAS to contribute dues to support a leadership
Indianapolis area-one a survey of business- which he himself does not support, and to
men and the other a survey of consumers.. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spend his money in political activity con-
The survey among the businessmen indi- Monday, September 12, 1966 trary to the individual's political sentiments.
cated that they think their own self-regu- More than that, it is deplorable to see the
lation is the most effective kind of control. Mr. GATHINGS. Mr. Speaker, the Administration, through the IRS, twisting
And that they must regulate themselves to Memphis Commercial Appeal carried a revenue statutes in an attempt to still the
retain public confidence in the competitive provocative and illuminating editorial in persistent voice of the Right To Work
marketplace. Fraud and deceit are minimal, its Thursday, September 8, 1966, edition. Committee.
they said, because of internal self-regulation It commented upon the offensive action
within the company's quality control pro- taken by the National Right To Work
gram and such inter-industry influences as
the trade associations, the Better Business Committee in responding to a charge by Postmaster and Carrier Removal From
Bureau and the advertising media. Internal Revenue Service that it had Patronage To Be Sought
All local advertisers, for example, are been engaged in political activity.
pledged to conform to standards of advertis- The National Right To Work Com- EXTENSION OF REMARKS
ing acceptability set forth in the "Truth in mittee is in the same identical situation
Advertising" book published by the Adver- as any other group that is tax exempt OF
tiling Club of Indianapolis and the Better under section 501(c) (5) of the Internal HON. DONALD RUMSFELD
Business Bureau. Then there Is the "Adver- Revenue Code. Section 14(b) is sound
tieing Code of American Business," which OF naINOLS
lists nine guidelines which must be followed legislation, as it permits a person in the
19 States that have right-to-work laws
anyone advertising in the Indianapolis
market. to join or not join a union. It would Monday, September 12, 1966
Also an important influence In this regula- be well if the working people in all of Mr. RUMSFELD. Mr. Speaker, I have
tion is the use of the consumers' well-voiced the States of the Union were accorded long advocated the removal of postmas-
complaints, Whether voiced directly to the the same privilege in earning a livelihood ters and rural letter carriers from pol-
merchant or to the BBB or trade associations, for themselves and their families.
these complaints usuedly result in quick The Commercial itics. On March 14, 1966, I introduced
remedy of the situation. Ali-peal editorial fol- a bill-H,R. 13586-in the House which
On top of all this self-regulation, there is lows: provides that the Postmaster General
also a powerhouse of legislation existing IRS PUT ON SPOT shall appoint postmasters under civil
already-in anti-trust laws, Federal Trade As a tax-exempt organization., the Na- service procedures and that no political
Commission and Food and Drug Administra- tional Right To Work Committee is under test or qualification shall be considered
tion powers, postal restrictions, and so on; Investigation by.the Internal Revenue Serv- in such appointments.
and there is the wide range of local and state ice to determine whether it has violated the was pleased that, in its recent final
laws, the building, plumbing and electrical revenue code by indulging in political I
codes, labeling and sanitation rules, etc.--all activity, report, the Joint Committee on the Or-
of which, this Consumer Affairs Committee Reed Larson, executive vice president of ganization of Congress also recom-
believes, make up quite enough legal protec- the Right To Work Committee, has now put mended removal of these post office ap-
tion without the writing of more legislation. the IRS on the spot by calling attention to pointments from politics.
The survey among consumers was carried the lax enforcement of similar restrictions Now it has come to my attention
out by Walker Research, an Independent local on labor unions. through "The Federal Spotlight," a
research firm which Interviewed 500 Indian- The AFL-CIO retorts that its activities are
apolis area housewives on the general topic "strictly within the law," but it would appear column by Mr. Joseph Young appearing
of their own complaints about product or that what has actually happened is that the daily in the Washington Evening Star,
service quality. unions have found loopholes in the law. that the Johnson administration is con-
Their complaints covered a broad spec- The issue, of course, Is not really political sidering asking Congress to remove post-
trum-from dealers who make a sale and activity or tax-exempt status, but rather masters and rural letter carriers from
then forget the customer when it comes time whether voluntary union membership is to the political patronage system. I greet
for emergency service to the auto insurance be permitted to continue in states which have this news with enthusiasm. It would be
company that drops its long-time policy- right-to-work statutes. a proper step in the direction of im-
holder after his first accident; from watery In 1964-the labor movement mounted a
canned goods to scum-leaving detergents- furious attack on Section 14(b) of the Taft- proved postal service and improved Gov-
but the number of dissatisfactions was sur- Hartley Labor-Management Act, which allows drnment.
prisingly low, the researchers reported. individual states to retain or enact laws that Mr. Young's column of September 6,
The committee concluded that further give workers a choice between joining a union 1966, follows:
legislation is not the way to eliminate what or refusing to join. Big labor avidly sup- POSTMASTER AND CARRIER REMOVAL FROM
consumer . dissatisfaction there is. Instead, ported candidates who promised to, work for PATRONAGE To BE SOUGHT
It declared, the answer is In educating the repeal of 14(b). The labor lobby put heavy
consumer to be careful in the marketplace pressure on the White House and Congress (By Joseph Young)
and to use the protection that is already in the ensuing months, but lost the fight for The Johnson administration will ask Con-
available. The BBB is working presently to the duration of the 89th Con ess. It was, in gress next year to remove postmaster and
educate the buying masses through news- effect, a defeat for President Johnson, too rural letter carrier jobs from the political
paper stories and ads and radio and television And it was then that the IRS suddenly bore patronage system.
spots and shows. down on the National Right To Work Administration officials disclose that the
And an elaboration of the committee's Committee. proposal will be for postmasters and rural
slide show Is to be prepared soon for viewing Says Mr. Larson: "We are, of course, well letter carriers to be appointed the same way
by consumers throughout Indiana. aware, that as an exempt organization we as other federal and postal civil servants.
So far as Is known, say spokesmen for the cannot engage in any politioal action, and Eliminated would be Senate confirmation
Consumer Affairs Committee, no other com- we have scrupulously avoided any involve- and the present "character evaluation" eys-
munity has prepared an opinion-shaping mes- ment in politics or political activities. The tem, whereby prospective candidates are
sage of this type for the lawman in Wash- only purpose we have is to promote the prin- screened by the administration before they
ington, though it does concur, with the cipie Of voluntary unionism, are cleared for consideration.
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Ethel Merman For instance, when she mentioned that room door, I forget. Most people in (show)
Lynda Johnson, accompanied by two White business are always on-always talking shop.
House aides (probably one was her Secret I can't stand it."
EXTENSION OF REMARKS Service man), came to the National the other Her son Bob, though-he is the son of her
of night and came to see her afterwards, she late husband, Bob Leavitt, but he legally
said, "She asked me for an autograph. Isn't took the name of Bob Six Jr. when she
HON. THEODORE R. KUPFERMAN that a switch?" married Bob Six ("But Bob never adopted
OF NEW YORE "She is a delightful girl, and she is a him")-is already involved in the theater.
beautiful girl. Her pictures don't flatter her He had two years at Carnegie Tech where he
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at all." majored in directing and is now production
Friday, August 26, 1966 Last night the Teddy Kennedys were in assistant at the William Shakespeare Festival
the audience-Joan having just come down in Stratford, Conn.
Mr. KUPFERMAN. Mr. Speaker, from Hyannis, and Monday a week ago the "Some day you are going to hear a lot
Ethel Merman, the incomparable star of Bobby Kennedys were there with the Averell about him."
all media of entertainment, is I am proud Harrimans. The next day Bobby, whom she Her daughter, Ethel Geary, 24, who has
to say, my constituent and friend. had met at functions but didn't know well, two children and lives in Sherman Oaks, her an
as an actress Recently in the District of Columbia called
"He was building 1t up and bus ding it up," becausecshe didva loteoflwonderful things
the acclaimed revival of "Annie Get Your said Ethel who was getting pepped up about at college."
Gun," she has, in the true show business it until she asked him "When is it?" "To- By that time her nails were beautifully
tradition, given of her time to entertain night," said the senator. manicured and her hair was being combed
the war wounded. So she couldn't go, because on that Tues- out when another customer came in to hear
A delightful interview, which captures day night she received at a National Press my Chihuahua, Pogo, sing again. He obliged,
the spirit of Ethel Merman appeared in Club party the club's award for outstanding and Ethel joined in. It was the first duet
the Evening Star of August 24, 1966, and cooperation with the press, TV and radio. of her life with a Chihuahua.
I commend it to my colleagues: Only three other women have received 1t- As she walked out, still bubbling with
Eleanor Roosevelt, Mme. Chiang, Kai-shek vitality, she said she would play 1?hiladel-
MERMAN ENTERTAINS THE WAR WOUNDED and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. phia next week, open in New York on Sept.
(By Betty Beale) What makes her so young, vibrant and 20; be on Ed Sullivan's show on Sept. 25 and
"What this country needs is more of the peppy? Does she take setting up exercises again on Jan. 8; and on Jan 25 she will be
big-hearted spirit and world embraceable every day? on Danny Kaye's show.
warmth of Ethel Merman. The minute she "No, I never do any exercises. The only
walks on the stage it comes over the foot- thing I do is walk. When I am in New York,
lights and hits you in the face," said a Wash- wherever I have to go, I walk. Sometimes I
ington admirer. walk from 52nd Street to 77th." Peace Corps Next Step for Retiree
"This is the kind of woman she is: She Does she diet? "I just don't eat a lot of
turned down a $5,000 fee here last week to sweets," said Ethel. REMARKS
appear on a TV program, yet she devoted What about her voice? Does she have to EXTENSION OF
a whole afternoon to entertaining the Viet take care of that? OF
Nam casualties at Walter Reed but wouldn't "I never wdo
never anything
had a voice lesson in her HON. CLARENCE D. LONG
allow any publicity about it. singer
"She went out last Thursday did a 45- life. "I have been told by people taking or' MARYLAND
minute show In the auditorium for the am- singing lessons that I must be doing some-
bulatory cases, then visited three different thing right because it doesn't get tired." IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
wards and sang in each for a half-hour. She It wasn't even tired after doing seven shows Monday, September 12, 1966
went to every bed and posed for a picture in four days the first week here, and she is
with each of the boys so they could have on the stage most of the time. Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Speaker,
them. I bet she didn't even tell you she "And I don't know which Is worse-to be last week Congress passed and sent to the
gent," observed the speaker. on continually or have to go off and make a President for signing the Peace Corps
No, she had not, said I, who had just fast change. I don't know which is the most authorization bill of 1966. It gives me
finished interviewing her under a hairdryer. tiring." ' great pleasure to bring to the attention
It was the only time she had free before the After two shows Saturday she had the
early dinner she has before rushing to the Cackle Club up to her suite at the Jefferson of my colleagues the recent acceptance
theater. and stayed up until 4 a.m. The Cackle Club for service in the Peace Corps of a 70-
The incomparable musical cofn.edy star has consists of seven persons connected with the year-old retired nurse. Mrs. Mabel
given the women of America a new lease oil show who are all stopping at the Jefferson Yewell. Just last June Mrs. Yewell was
life. She has proved that a grandmother can and who like to sit up and cackle by the honored at a retirement ceremony after
come back in the identical show and identi- hour. Miss Merman is the honorary press- 23 years of service at the Edgewood
cal role in "Annie Get Your Gun" that she dent. Arsenal. The Havre de Grace Record
starred in 20 years ago and do it better than "We are like high school kids," she said, summarized Mra Yewell's transition
ever before. She has been wowing Washing- describing the three games they played that
ton, night. "We played that chain letter game from retiree to Peace Corps trainee in an
like to have in-
In a world where some companies won't you see on NBC, and one called Chu-Chu, article d in the RECORD:
take on a feminine employee over 40 and re- and another I don't know the name of. In :
tire those they do have at 60, she has proved that one we team up with two on each team PEACE CORPS NEXT STEP FOR RETIREE
how wrong they can be. and a team picks two famous people of the dge-
But this angle never occurred to Ethel. same name-like Buck Rogers and Richard After wood 23 Arsenal, years 70-year-old as a civilian n n nurse at at E E he-
sked her
She never thinks about age. She "had no Rodgers-one person becomes one, and the decided to join the Peace Corbel AYewell
reservations" about playing a romantic role other becomes the other and they talk to for wanting to serve or the Corps, her
opposite a man obviously younger than her- each other as those people, and the rest in reason decided
replied: for n'i think I v ready for ps, she
self. the room have to decide who they are. You rep chair."
"Everybody tells me ti}ey are not conscious try to give evasive clues in the beginning." with the
of the age different," she said above the hum Members of the Cackle Club are her stand- Mrs} Corps in Yewell January. applied She for a position with
passed all
of the hair dryer. "Even in my personal life by, Eileen Rogers; Jerry Orbach, who plays the tests and physical examination and was
I go out with younger people because any- the barker in the show, and his wife; Ron accepted for two years of service, tentatively
body older could not keep up with me. I Carroll who plays the hotel keeper, and his ac ac India.
always go out with younger people" wife; and John Anderson, the condu' tor. Mrs. Yewell, currently of Bel Air, has
"It's the concensus that it's a better show What does she do during the day. spent most 11 her life in Harford Bel county.
than the first one-productionwise and from "I get up when I wake up. That's why I She has two children: Richard W. Yewell.
every standpoint," she continued, don't make luncheon dates. I usually sleep
"I have a whole new audience now because eight hours. Twice a week I come here Jr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer, both of Bel Air,
when I did it originally some of these people (Madison Hotel beauty shop). Yesterday I and four grandchildren.
were not even born. Now I have a whole went to Garfinkel's and bought it out-two After graduating from Church Home and
new following of teen-agers and 20-year-olds. beautiful evening outfits, two coats, one wool Hospital in Baltimore, she joined the Army
You'd be surpised at the letters I get. They winter dress and a wool knit suit." She also Nurse Corps, where she served for two years.
don't even ask for photographs. They just has a weakness for buying jewelry. After leaving the Corps she remained in pub-
write and say they had heard about this What does she think about marrying lic health work until 1943, when she joined
legend and now they have Seen it and love again? Edgewood Arsenal. At the time of her re-
it so they just want to say it." "The way I feel now, I don't. I play the tirement in June, she was chief nurse at the
They were talking about Ethel, obviously, field, and I enjoy it immensely. Arsenal dispensary.
but modesty made her phrase it that way. "I don't usually associate with anyone At the end of the month she will leave for
Modesty is a Merman characteristic, in the business. Once I close that dressing the University of North Carolina, where she
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will go through four weeks of training be-
fore beginning her assignment. Questioned
on her plans following her two years of serv-
Ice, she answered: "If I'm in one piece, I'll
ask for an extension of my tour."
Timetable for Vietnam
Thursday, September 8, 1966
Mr. O'IIARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker,
President Johnson's response to Gen-
eral de Gaulle's Vietnam proposals has
received strong words of support from
the Chicago Tribune.
The Tribune editorial reviews the
President's offer of a timetable for with-
drawal ' from Vietnam if anyone comes
up with a schedule for halting the Com-
munist aggression in that tormented
This was a sensible reply, the Tribune
says. The newspaper suggests that
General de Gaulle and his countrymen.
would not be free men today if the
United States had failed to send military
forces to Europe in World War II. And
it contends the South Vietnamese would
not retain the freedom they want if the
De Gaulle proposals were adopted.
The complete editorial follows:
President Johnson made a sensible reply
to President Charles de Gaulle's proposal
that the United States set a "timetable" for
Withdrawal of its military forces from South
Viet Nam. The proposal was made by the
French president last week in a speech in
President Johnson replied to de Gaulle in
a speech on Labor day in Lancaster, Ohio.
Ile said:
"We cannot walk away from the simple
fact that the peace and security of many
nations are threatened if aggressors are per-
mited to succeed in a strategic area of the
world, if vital treaties are broken, and if
men and arms are moved illegally across
international boundaries to conquer small
Mr. Johnson went on to declare that
United States troops will come home, and
United States bases will be turned over to
peace time purposes, as soon as aggression
stops. He said:
"And I may add to all whom it may con-
cern: If anyone will show me the time sched-
ule when aggression and infiltration and
'might makes right' will be halted, then I, as
President of this country, will lay on the
table the schedule for the withdrawal of all
our forces from Viet Nam."
This statement spells out firmly and
simply what United States officials have been
saying for a long time. They have asserted
that the United States does not, want perma-
nent bases in South Viet Nam. They have
promised to withdraw American troops as
soon as North Viet Nam agrees to stop in-
filtrating South Viet Nan and to respect its
President de Gaulle wants a unilateral
declaration by the United States. On Friday
he issued a joint communique With Prince
Norodom Sihanouk, chief of state of Cam-
bodia, asking for the cessation of all acts of
war in Viet Nam, but the communique failed
to mention infiltration by North Viet Nam.
De Gaulle's efforts to serve as a mediator
In the conflict have been unhelpful. They
will continue to be so until he recognizes
that peace depends on cessation of the
bloody campaign of aggression against South
Viet Nam.
Of all the world's statesmen, de Gaulle
ought to be most thoroughly aware of the
consequences of aggression. He was a gen-
eral in an army which was routed by ag-
gressors in 1940. He and other Frenchmen
would not be free men today if the United
States had not, sent military forces to Eu-
rope in World War II.
The people of South Vietnam would not;
retain the freedom they want If de Gaulle's
peace proposals were adopted.
Donald Douglas, Jr., President of Douglas
Aircraft Co., Speaks on Space Fallout
Wednesday, August 17, 1966
Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker,
a great majority of the people of this
country view our space program as a
limited program of placing a man on the
moon-period. Every letter I receive de-
nouncing our programs contain the
phrase "a waste of millions of dollars to
place a man on the moon." 'Very few
people of this country know, appreciate,
or realize the vast benefits derived from
this program, both to our economy and
to our well-being.
Mr. Donald W. Douglas, Jr., President
of the Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., deliver-
ed a speech recently entitled "The
Benign Fallout From Space Technology"
which I would like to insert in the RECORD
for the benefit of all who care to read It.
I believe Mr. Douglas is to be compli-
mented in his efforts to bring the story
of the basic benefits which are being
derived every day from our space pro-
The speech follows:
(Remarks by Donald W. Douglas, Jr., presi-
dent, Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc.,)
These be groves of redwood trees,
among the greatest of all nature's produc-
tions, may at first seem like incongruous
place for a discussion of space technology.
The injection of engineering and mechanical
matters into such a setting sounds a jarring
Yet, on second thought, there Is a certain
harmony about it. For space technology is
really nothing but the latest and most spec-
tacular evidence of man's ability to unlock
the secrets of nature and put then to work
for him. However, to use the phrase "noth-
ing but" certainly does not do the subject
Actually this means that we are going
through one of the most exciting and revolu-
tionary phases of human existence. Dr. Lee
DuBridge of Caltech recently emphasized this
point when he said that man's ability to
understand the physical world Is really the
one great development of the past 300 years.
He described the acquisition of this under-
standing as the most important thing that
has happened in the 100,000 years that man
has been present on the earthly scene.
That is why there can be no narrow defini-
tion of what we are talking about when we
refer to "space technology". For space tech-
nology is simply the application in one direc-
tion of many technologies and scientific find-
ings that the rapid expansion of knowledge
has made available in recent years. A great
array of scientific disciplines has played a
part whenever we achieve a new success in
One of the greatest of these successes took
place just last month. On June 1, at 11 :17
p.m. Pacific Daylight Time a strange-looking,
three-legged object, traveling at just eight
miles an hour, set itself down on the surface
of the moon.
This object, which we know as Surveyor I,
had just completed a three and a half day,
234,000 mile journey, through space. Forty
minutes later it began sending to earth some
of the most remarkable pictures in the his-
tory of photography. By daybreak 144 top
quality pictures had been transmitted and as
much had been accomplished as had been
expected in the first three or four such mis-
sions. Man's knowledge of the moon was
immeasurably increased in a few hours of
time and proof that he knew how to get him-
self there was clearly demonstrated.
Now I would like for you to use your Imagi-
nation for a minute. Just picture a line of
1966 automobiles stretching bumper to
bumper from New York to Los Angeles.
That's not supposed to be some kind of mo-
torist's nightmare. Actually, it's not too far
from the real thing if traffic gets much worse.
What this whopping and, I hope, :imagi-
nary traffic jam represents is horsepower
equivalent to the thrust generated by the
basic stage of the Saturn V. This is the
vehicle, started on its way with 7,500,000
pounds of thrust, which will carry man to
the moon. President Kennedy said we should
do it in this decade and I believe that we
will. The success of Surveyor I, both in
transmitting information and in achieving
a perfect soft landing, has considerably
heightened the optimism of all concerned.
This effort to send man to the moon, for
those who may not have followed it too
closely, is known as the Apollo program., It is
being carried on under direction of the Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Administration.
A number of major contractors, including
Douglas, are involved. On other levels,
thousands of subcontractors also are par-
ticipating. More than 300,000 government
and contractor employees are working an the
And, not just incidentally, this whole pro-
gram is costing an estimated 22 billion dol-
lars. I do not think it is an exaggeration to
describe it as the greatest single effort in all
I have mentioned that the first stage of
Saturn V will have 7,500,000 pounds of thrust.
Just by way of comparison the first stage of
Titan II used in the Gemini program has
only 430,000 pounds of thrust.
Saturn V will be able to place 140 tons in
earth orbit, 10,000 times the weight of Ex-
plorer I, the first American satellite which
was orbited less than nine years ago. Most
important, it will be able to send a 45-ton
payload to the moon. All this is possible
because, in addition to that initial stage, it
will have a second stage with one million
pounds of thrust and a third stage, which
Douglas manufactures, with 200,000 pounds
of thrust.
This entire vehicle, including the lunar
module which will take men to the moon,
stands 360 feet high. This is something less
than the 550-foot Washington monument
but it compares pretty well with some of our
new 30 and 40-story buildings here on the
West Coast.
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