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17258 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE August 3, 1966 "Whereas numerous bread price increases are being attributed entirely to higher farm prices for wheat, and "Whereas some newspaper accounts indi- cate retail price increases of as much as 5 times price increases to farmers have been attributed entirely to the increase in farm return; Now, therefore, be it "Resolved, That the Secretary of Agricul- ture is requested to make a survey through the field offices of his Department of the amount of retail milk price increases since April 1 In towns and cities of the Nation, their relationship to increases in farm price support in each instance, and the extent to which the public was clearly advised, or mis- informed, as to the reason for such in cease; and that the Secretary similarly surve bread price increases and their relatio ip farm returns for wheat, reportin~to rY mmit- Equally unfounded is the subsequently dredged up assertion that the SEATO Treaty, in article 4, justifies our military intervention. That likewise is a decep- tion. This article of the SEATO Treaty makes clear that in the case of aggres- sion all the parties to the treaty shall consult and come to a conclusion by unanimous agreement. There never was any consultation, and, of course, there was, and could be, no unanimous agreement because at least two of the signers of the SEATO Treaty-France and Pakistan-are completely out of sympathy with our attitude and actions in southeast Asia. The stark and unpalatable fact, which the official propaganda has never been willing to face, is that we went half way THE "CREDIBILITY GAP" WIDENS IN OUR WAR IN VIETNAM The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Alaska is recognized. Mr., GRUENING. Mr. President, it should not be news to my colleagues in the Senate and the House that the Amer- ican people are not getting the facts about what is going on in Vietnam. In- deed, they have never gotten the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about our involvement in southeast Asia. - Actually, the whole basis alleged for our military intervention is false. It is not true, as the official pronouncements have stated again and again, that we were invited in by a friendly government to help it repel aggression. The official record, found in the State Department's publication: "Why Vietnam," Issued August 20, 1965, with the foreword by President Lyndon B. Johnson, is bare of any such commitment. It is not found in the crucial letter of President Eisen- hower to President Diem of October 1, 1954, in which President Eisenhower proffered aid but coupled his offer with conditions of reform and good perform- ance which were never carried out. The only request for aid by Diem had been one to assist in the transportation of several hundred thousand North Vietnamese to South Vietnam. The lack of such a request by Diem-. to help repel aggression-and the evi- dence that it was we, the United States, who asked ourselves in, is further con- firmed in the White House statement of November 3, 1954, which states that President Eisenhower had instructed Gen. J. Lawton Collins, as his special representative, to explore with President Diem and his government how to help them with their critical problems and to supplement measures adopted by the Vietnamese themselves. The initiative for intervention came from the United States. At no time under President Eisenhower and President Kennedy, and not until after the inception of the John- son administration, were any U.S. troops sent Into combat. Previous to 1964, they had only been military advisers. There- fore, the official allegations repeatedly made that three Presidents have made this commitment, and that it has thereby become a national pledge, are without foundation. The fact is, we asked our- selves in and, by our subsequent actions, we have become the aggressors. around the world to inject ourselves into a civil war and, in doing so, violated every pertinent treaty commitment-the United Nations Charter, the SEATO Treaty-which, in article 1, refers to the United Nations requirement not to resort to force but only to peaceful means, as further enumerated in arti- cle 33-and we likewise violated the unilateral commitment made for the United States by Under Secretary of State Walter Bedell Smith that we would respect the Geneva agreements and its pledge of all-Vietnam elections. All these we violated, and treaties, under our Constitution, are of the highest class of commitments. We might add that there was a further commitment which the American people understood, or thought they understood, that President Johnson made in his cam- paign not to follow the Goldwater poli- cies, but to find a peaceable solution to our presence in Vietnam, which, at the time of his campaign, had not escalated into sending our troops into combat. President Johnson, in the course of his campaign, said: There are those who say I ought to go North and drop bombs to wipe out the sup- ply lines.... But we don't want to get tied down in a land war in Asia. States' news policies in Saigon. They are Dean Brelis, of the National Broad- casting Co.; Malcolm Browne, formerly of the Associated Press and a Pulitzer Prize winner, who has been in Vietnam for, years; Charles Mohr, of the New York Times, likewise there for consider- able time; and Jack Foisie, a star corre- spondent for the Los Angeles Times, also an old Asia hand. In an article published in the New York Times under a three-column head- line reading: "Four Reporters Assail U.S. News Policies in Saigon," Mr. Browne points out that the Pentagon's news policies prevent reporters from getting first-hand information about military activity in Laos and Thailand. "As far as the command is concerned publicly," Mr. Browne averred, "Laos doesn't exist. Neither does Thailand." Surely, the American people are entitled to know of our steady widening of the war and that American troops are op- erating outside of South and North Viet- nam in both of these other countries. Mr. Browne also referred to Arthur Sylvester, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, as "one of the great practitioners of the 'art' of news man- agement." I ask unanimous consent that the news article from the New York Times of Au- gust 2, 1966, headed: "Four Reporters Assail U.S. News Policies in Saigon," be printed at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 1.) Mr. GRUENING. A more detailed commentary on Assistant Secretary Syl- vester and his performance is published in the August issue of the Progressive magazine, published at Madison, Wis. In it is an account about Mr. Sylvester which appeared in Dateline 1966, a pub- lication of the Overseas Press Club, which revealed that Sylvester made no secret of the fact that he expected Amer- ican newsmen to disseminate only infor- mation "that made the United States And President Johnson also said: look good." - We are not about to send American boys At this point, a network television cor- nine or ten thousand miles away from home respondent said: to do what Asian boys should be doing for Surely, Arthur, you don't expect the Ameri- themselves. can press to be the handmaidens of govern- When he made these statements in the ment? fall of 1964, he did make a commitment Sylvester, he recalled, replied: to the American people. That's exactly what I expect. That commitment has been totally breached. We are going further and fur- That is what an official in a totali- ther north. We are getting bogged down tarian country would and could expect. in a land war. And we are sending more It is shocking to hear that from an and more American boys 9,000 or 10,000 American official. miles away from home. Considering the widening "credibility No wonder there is a "credibility gap." gap," which is a euphemism for what It is ever widening. actually goes on-namely, that the The allegation that we are fighting American people are being misled by aggression and that North Vietnam- their government officials-when this Hanoi-is the aggressor, is also a distor- matter was brought up, Sylvester replied: tion of the truth. There has been infil- Look, if you think any American official tration from the North, but it followed is going to tell you the truth, then you're U.S. violation of our agreements and was stupid. Did you hear that-stupid? far less in quantity than ours. Moreover, There is much else in this revealing we are expected to be the law-abiding, resume as to the lack of concern on the treaty-respecting nation. part of some Pentagon officials, and espe- So much for the past, with its awe- cially Assistant Secretary Sylvester, some present and future consequences. about getting the truth to the American We now find four veteran reporters, people; and I ask unanimous consent newspaper men of integrity and repute, that this article, entitled "The 'Bull Ses- now in Vietnam, assailing the United sion,' " from the August issue of the Pro- Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 August 3, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE position at that time to make any con- tract concessions. Mr. NELSON. I do not interpret the question or the answer in that way. As I am sure the Senator will agree in retro- spect, Mr. Siemiller was giving an honest and accurate answer. Because the fact of the matter is that the contract was re- jected by a large margin. I think his guess is correct, that they would not go back to work without the contract settled, because of course they would lose their bargaining position, then, to go back and bargain while work- ing, and then go out on another strike Mr. PROUTY. They would not lose their bargaining position, because they would retain the right to strike again at any time, a right which they shall lose by our passing a resolution regardless of Its final form. - Mr. NELSON. Yes, but to have two strikes in a row is something I do not be- lieve that the union membership or leaders would want to get engaged in. But my point here is, I think there may well be a time when Congress should act. But as of last Wednesday-and the dis- tinguished Senator from Vermont was on the committee, and made a fine con- tribution to the discussion and the ques- tioning at all stages-I think the Senator will agree we thought there was hardly any chance; and when I was urging that we wait until Friday for a reply from the Secretary, many people there thought the chances were almost nil, and that perhaps we ought to send out a bill im- mediately. I, too, felt they were almost nil; but bam, on Friday they reached an agreement. I say that as of this moment, today, there is a better chance of their getting back together and negotiating the rela- tively small points which I think now separate the membership's willingness to accept and the employers' position; and if in fact they could in the next 3, 4, or 5 days reach an agreement that was rea- sonable and not too costly, one that could be met, I think that would be a much better solution, to delay action for these 4 or 5 days, than for Congress to move in, for the first time in 40 years, in this kind of a situation. Mr. PROUTY. If we had any assur- ance that would take place, I am sure we would all agree. However, I cannot see it in the same light as the Senator, particularly in view of the Secretary of Labor's testimony on Monday to the ef- :Pect that he did not anticipate a volun- tary settlement in the immediate future. Mr. NELSON. As the Senator knows, the Secretary of Labor could give us no assurance on last Wednesday, and yet dramatically they reached an agreement. l:f they can do it once, they can do it again. Mr. PROUTY. Last Wednesday, the Secretary asked us to delay reporting-a bill in order to permit certain avenues to me. I believe the union's national nego- tiating committee was under extreme governmental pressure to settle, and that it was also under pressure to reach an agreement from a public relations stand- point. However, when the officers and leaders of most of the IAM locals involved recommended to their respective mem- berships that the contract terms be re- jected, I do not thinl: that many of us were surprised at the outcome of the vote. This might be a case where the union's national leaders acted responsi- bly, but one where the leaders of the various local unions did not. I think the ratification vote might have shown quite a different result if the local leaders had urged approval of the new contract. I thank the Senator. Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I yield the floor. INVESTIGATION OF PRICE IN- CREASES ON MILK, BREAD, AND OTHER COMMODITIES Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President, I am happy to announce to the Senate that the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry this morning unanimously approved a resolution which I presented to the com- mittee. This resolution would direct the Secre- tary of Agriculture to undertake an im- mediate investigation and survey of price increases for milk, bread, and other com- modities. The purpose of the Investigation is to provide the committee and the Congress and the American people with Informa- tion that will give us an understanding of what is behind sharp food price increases, particularly the price increases for bread and milk, that have taken place in recent days. There has been an unfortunate effort on the part of some Industry spokesmen to attribute increases of as much as_ 3 cents a quart In the price of milk en- tirely to the milk producers, because of modest increases in farm price supports on April 1, and again on July 1. There has also been an implication that increases of as much as 2 cents a loaf in the price of bread can be ex- plained, entirely by modest advances in wheat prices. I think that Investigation will demon- strate very quickly that the farmer's re- turn represents a very small part of the increase in milk and bread prices. The purpose of the investigation which our committee has instructed the Secre- tary to undertake immediately is not to make anyone a scapegoat, but simply to demonstrate the facts, and to show that when there is an increase of 2 cents on a loaf of bread or 3 cents on a quart of milk-as we have had in a number of market areas around the country-many factors go into such an increase other than the amount the farmer receiv es . be explored. Day before yesterday, how- The farmers' share Is actually a minor ever, he testified that these avenues had part; of the total. been exhausted and that he was no longer The Metropolitan Milk Institute of hopeful of an early settlement. The New York wired me this morning that agreement reached Friday also troubles the figures on milk price increases in a rae, or rather, the failure of the union New York Times story of last Friday membership to ratify its terms troubles were in error. It may very well be that 17257 there is some error or conflict in various statistics that have been cited. If this is true, then it further points up the need for a reliable and fully publicized investi- gation, and statement of the true facts by the Department of Agriculture. When the investigation is completed- and I hope that it will begin immediately and be completed within the next 2 or 3 weeks-the Secretary will then re- port his information to our committee. At that time, if hearings seem to be in order, I hope our committee will take that into consideration. I do think that this investigation is in the interest of not only farm producers, but also consumers. Consumers have a right to know the facts and to under- stand what is behind these very marked increases in food prices which have oc- curred during the last few weeks. I know that farmers are not to blame and I am determined that this be demon- strated to the American people. I ask unanimous consent that a copy of my resolution as unanimously ap- proved by the committee this morning be printed at this point in the RECORD along with a press statement which I released this noon. There being no objection, the state- ment and release were ordered to be printed In the RECORD, as follows: SENATE AGRICULTURE CoMaerrrEE APPROVES MCGOVERN FOOD PRICE RESOLUTION The Senate Agriculture Committee today unanimously approved a resolution proposed by Senator GEORGE McGovERN directing the Department of Agriculture to survey and re- port to the Committee on the extent to which farmers are being improperly blamed for milk, bread and other food price increases. The resolution directs the Department to make a survey, community-by-community, of the amount of farm price increases, the amountof consumer price increases, and the extent to which increases in excess of the farm return were blamed on increased farm prices. In presenting the resolution, McGovERN read newspaper articles which he said falsely blamed farmers for milk price increases that were actually double and triple what the farmers get. "Bread prices have been raised in many places several times more than is justified by increases in wheat prices," he said. "The investigation I have requested as ap- proved by the Committee is not an effort to make a scapegoat of anyone," Senator Mc- GovERN said. "It is an effort to be sure that consumers clearly understand that farm prices are only a minor factor in most of the current round of food price increases." The resolution, which will go directly from the Committee to Secretary of Agriculture Freeman, asks him to report back to the Committee on the price increases as early as possible. The Committee will then con- sider the need for hearings. The Committee agreed to amend the reso- lution to cover several food commodities, including butter, cheese and eggs, and in- creases in meat costs resulting from specifi- cation buying. The resolution approved by the Committee, as originally submitted by Senator McGov- ERN, follOWS: "RESOLUTION "Whereas members of the Senate Agricul- ture Committee are receiving protests against milk price support increases indicating pub- lic misunderstanding of the extent of April 1 and July 1 rises in supports to farmers, and, Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 ; CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 August 3, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE gressive, be printed also at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 2.) ExniBrr 1 FOUR REPORTERS ASSAIL U.S. NEWS POLICIES IN SAIGON-ON TV, `THEY SAY BRIEFINGS BY MILITARY ARE OFTEN LATE, INACCURATE, AND COLORLESS Defense Department information policies and press briefings in Vietnam were sharply criticized by four American correspondents there in a television program last night. The correspondents, whose remarks were taped in Saigon, said briefings by United States military spokesmen were often color- less, late and inaccurate. The daily brief- ings are called "The 5 o'clock follies" by many correspondents, Dean Brelis of the National Broadcasting Company said. Malcolm Browne, a former Associated Press reporter and a Pulitzer Prize-winner now doing free lance work in Vietnam, said on the National Educational Television pro- gram on WNDT that the briefing officers often lie. Charles Mohr, a New York Times corre- spondent, said the information officers In Saigon were "more Interested in policy than facts" and in "the effect of a story-rather than its accuracy." A SANITARY WAR He said the Administration was reluctant for correspondents to write about napalm or antipersonnel bombs. "They want to make it a sanitary war," he said. Mr. Browne criticized the Pentagon's news policies, which, he said prevented reporters from getting first-hand information about American military activity in Laos and Thai- land. "As far as the command is concerned publicly," said the writer, "Laos doesn't exist. Neither does Thailand." He said Arthur Sylvester, Assistant Sec- retary of Defense for Public Affairs, was "one of the great practitioners" of the "art" of news management. He said the Administration, and "parti- cularly Secretary [of Defense Robert S:] Mc- Namara, have deliberately misled American public opinion." An example of this, he said, is "the continual harping on the North Vietnamese aggression." Mr. Browne said the war in Vietnam was basically a civil war. The three other correspondents agreed. Jack Folsie, a reporter for The Los An- geles Times, said he would prefer "formal censorship" to news management "that squashes information at the roots." There was sympathy for the briefing of- ficers, though, Mr. Mohr said they often "give a distorted picture, not out of either bad motive or viciousness, but simply because they themselves don't have a clear idea of what happened." The correspondents agreed with a state- ieh.t by Mr. Brelis that no one could cover the war adequately from Saigon. "You've got to go out there," he said. EXHIBIT 2 THE "BULL SESSION" As Assistant Secretary for Public Defense, Arthur Sylvester, a former newspaperman, is charged with the top responsibility for the official release of war news from Vietnam. This most sensitive task demands, among other qualities, an appreciation of the peo- ple's right to know a great deal more than they now do about the war they are paying for with their taxes and the lives of their sons. If an account written by Morley Safer, a respected Columbia Broadcasting System newsman in Vietnam, is essentially correct- Sylvester has attacked it without effectively refuting it-then the Assistant Secretary holds views on the handling of war news that should horrify the press and public, and justify his removal by President Johnson. Safer's account, which appeared in Date- line 1966, a publication of the Overseas Press Club, revealed that in July, 1965, a meeting was held in Saigon between Sylvester and a group of American newsmen to discuss some of the problems involved in covering the war. Sylvester, wrote Safer afterwards, "seemed anxious to take a stand to say something that would jar us. He did." The first jolt, as Safer told the story, came when Sylvester said, "I can't understand how you fellows can write what you do while American boys are dying out here." Then he went on, as Safer described it, "to the effect that American correspondents had a patriotic duty to disseminate only informa- tion that made the United States look good." A network television correspondent said, "Surely, Arthur, you don't expect the Ameri- can press to be the handmaidens of govern- ment?" Sylvester, Safer recalled, replied, "That's exactly what I expect." When the problems of the credibility of American officials was brought up, Sylvester responded: "Look, If you think any American official is going to tell you the truth, then you're stupid. Did you hear that stupid?" One of the newsmen suggested that Syl- vester "was being deliberately provocative." The Assistant Secretary, according to Safer, replied: "Look, I don't even have to talk to you people. I know how to deal with you through your editors and publishers back in the States." Safer's account of what immediately fol- lowed this threat is astounding: "At this point, the Hon. Arthur Sylvester put his thumbs in his ears, bulged his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and wiggled his fingers." At one point Sylvester asked: "Do you guys want to be spoon-fed? Why don't you get out and cover the war?" The effect, as described by Safer: "It was a jarring and in- sulting remark. Most of the people in that room had spent as much time on actual op- erations as most GIs. Two television corre- spondents walked out, saying they had enough. A few minutes later, two more cor- respondents left." If Sylvester made a single one of the re- marks attributed to him he merits dismis- sal. When the Overseas Press Club pub- lished the Safer article, Representative DuR- WARD G. HALL, Missouri Republican, entered it in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and told the House that "if Mr. Safer's reporting of this meeting is accurate-and based on my own experience I have no doubt that It is-then Mr. Sylvester should either resign, or be fired." Sylvester later wrote to Representative HALL, attaching a copy of his correspondence with Victor Riesel, president of the Overseas Press Club. The Congressman inserted Syl- vester's response in the CONGRESSIONAL REC- oaD--where it has been greeted with the same press silence that was accorded the original incident for a whole year. In his letter to Riesel, the Assistant See- retasy referred to Safer's account as a "gem of misrepresentation," and charged him with distortions and "self-created quotations at- tributed to me." Sylvester said that Safer was correct on only one point-that in open- ing the session Barry Zorthian, minister- counselor of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, said it was not the usual briefing for infor- mation, but a "bull session." Otherwise, wrote Sylvester, "his (Safer's) recollection of the evening was 'bull.' " He made specific denials of only one of the comments attrib- uted to him by Safer, and then concluded with an attack on Safer's reputation as a newsman. The Indifference of Congress and the press to this incident is shockingly callus. If 17259 Safer still stands by his story, as we under- stand he does, his description of the official Pentagon position on the handling of news in Vietnam, especially the Sylvester notion that the people are entitled to only that news which makes 'he United States look good, should be the subject of a comprehensive Congressional investigation-and the sooner the better. THE AIRLINE LABOR DISPUTE The Senate resumed the consideration of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 186) to provide for the settlement of the labor dispute currently existing between cer- tain air carriers and certain of their em- ployees, and for other purposes. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, the ma- jority leader has in mind suggesting a unanimous-consent agreement to apply to the Lausche amendment only. I think that perhaps the staff on both sides of the aisle will wish to notify Senators, and I suggest the absence of a quorum. Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. CLARK. I yield. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Will the Senator withhold his suggestion? Mr. CLARK. I withhold it. Mr. KUCHEL. My understanding is that the limitation would go into effect about half an hour from now. Mr. CLARK. The Senator is correct. Mr. SMATHERS. Mr. President, I have a brief statement of 3 or 4 minutes. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The assistant legislative clerk pro- ceeded to call the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, with the approval of the floor manager of the bill, the distinguished senior Senator from Pennsylvania, and the ranking minority member of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, and also the distinguished minority leader, the Sena- tor from Illinois, I ask unanimous con- sent that, beginning at 1:30, there be an hour of debate on the Lausche amend- ment, the time to be controlled by the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. CLARK] for 30 minutes, and the other 30 minutes by the Senator from Ohio [Mr. LAUSCIE]. Mr. KUCHEL. Reserving the right to 'object-and I approve it-I have been in- formed by a staff member that one Sen- ator here said he had some objections. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I withdraw the request. Mr. KUCHEL. For 2 minutes; then the Senator will be here. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The assistant legislative clerk pro- ceeded to call the roll. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I yield to the Senator from Florida. Mr. SMATHERS. Mr. President, with the airline strike now in its 27th day, I No. 126-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 17260 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE August 3, 1966 am prepared to support vigorously and vote for any equitable measure that will assure prompt restoration of air service for the benefit of the general public. There is no further need to recite sta- tistics to demonstrate how serious an effect this impasse between labor and managment has had on the American economy. We have heard numerous statements in this Chamber that have recounted the hardships suffered by everyone from the stranded tourist to the merchant who has watched his business dwindle away to a trickle. There is strong evidence that, if allowed to drag on much longer, this walkout could set off a general economic downturn that would be highly resistant to any corrective action. I am convinced that not more than one or two Senators doubt the words of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare in Senate Joint Resolution 186, that "emergency measures are essential to the settlement of this dispute and to the security and continuity of transportation services by such carriers." I am convinced that nearly every Sen- ator is aware of the urgent necessity for steps to protect the welfare of the general public. Yet, I am also convinced that many Senators are reluctant-for whatever reason-to associate themselves with those steps. It is ironic that some of these Members of Congress who frequently proclaim the abject surrender of the legislative branch of this Government to the executive branch are the ones who are now hesitant to move in this field. They chide the President and other members of his ad- ministration for attempting to bypass or ignore the Congress. In their flights of wrath,, they proclaim that Congress has become an "errand boy" to the Presi- dent-that his wish is our command. But now, faced with a road heavily mined with political explosives, they would turn back and have the President lead the way for them. Mr. President, Congress has clear au- thority In this matter. This is our road to walk, and article 1, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution is our guide. ft pro- vides that Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce. Should we fail to assume our respon- sibility, should we attempt to shunt it to the President, Congress would be gravely Imperiling the concept of sepa- rate and co-equal branches of govern- ment. We would be setting an ominous prec- edent for future generations to place in Presidential hands sweeping discretion- ary powers that should rightly be exer- cised by the Senate and the House. As the directly elected representatives of the people of our various States, it is we who must move to protect their in- terests in this current crisis. We can- not look downtown for direction. The initiative and the responsibility are ours. Mr. President, at one point in the show "My Fair Lady," Eliza Doolittle cries out in anger at "words, words, words." It is my hope that the American public will not have to rise up in anger and shout for action instead of words from the Congress. UNANIMOUS-CONSENT AGREEMENT Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, the ma- jority leader unfortunately cannot be present in the Chamber at this time, but I propose, with his approval, the approval of the minority leader, the minority whip, and the Senator from Ohio [Mr. LAUSCHE], the following: I ask unanimous consent that com- mencing at 1:30 p.m. the Lausche amendment be called up; that 1 hour be allotted to its consideration, 30 minutes to be allotted to each side, the propo- nents' time to be controlled by the Sena- tor from Ohio [Mr. LAusciEl, and the opponents' time to be controlled by me, as floor manager of the bill; that the vote shall be had at the expiration of 1 hour; and that any quorum calls which may be had in the meanwhile shall not be charged to either side. The PRESIDING OFFICER. (Mr. GRUENING in the chair). Is there objec- tion? Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, re- serving the right to object, may I suggest to the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. CLARK] that there be included in the unanimous-consent request that at the end of 40 minutes-20 minutes used by the opponents and 20 minutes by me- there shall be a live quorum call, leaving 20 minutes to be used after the quorum call is completed. Mr. CLARK. I have no objection to that, but I do not think it is necessary to write it into the unanimous-consent agreement because we have agreed that the quorum call shall not be charged to either side. Mr. LAUSCHE. With that statement I am satisfied. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? The Chair hears no objec- tion, and it is so ordered. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, late yes- terday afternoon, when only the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. LONG], the Senator from Oregon [Mr. MORSE], and I were on the floor of the Senate, the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. LONG], with the concur- rence and approval of the Senator from Oregon introduced into the RECORD a letter from the Attorney General, which is printed at page 17179 of the RECORD and which I shall read in full. It is ad- dressed to Senator LONG, who stated yes- terday that it was written at his request. The letter reads: OFFICE Or THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, Washington, D.C., August 2, 1966. Ron. RUSSELL B. LONG, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. DEAR SENATOR: Iam writing in response to your inquiry regarding any constitutional or other legal problems involved in S.J. Res. 181 as reported by the Senate Labor Committee yesterday. While I do not wish to comment on either the need or merits of this legislation I would like to call your attention to Section 2 which delegates the broadest possible authority to the President to order people back to work pending settlement at a labor dispute. No standards are expressed in the resolution by which to guide the President in this extraor- dinesy delegation of power., Section 5 provides for enforcement through Injunctive relief. In any judicial proceedings a court would have to find that the power had been exercised properly. Thus the absence of express standards would invite attack in such proceedings. The unneces- sarily broad nature of the delegation is un- derscored by the fact that Congress would already have made the finding expressed in the Railway Labor Act without stating what further findings, if any, the President should make before exercising his discretion. Sincerely, NICHOLAS DEB. KATZENOACH, Attorney General. Mr. President, I wish to point out, with regard to the Attorney General's letter that there is either a typographical error or the Attorney General was reading the wrong resolution before he wrote the let- ter to the Senator from Louisiana, be- cause he refers to "S.J. Res. 181" which is not the pending measure or the com- mittee resolution. The committee res- olution is Senate Joint Resolution 186. Senate Joint Resolution 186 does con- tain the finding of the Congress in ac- cordance with the criteria of section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, that this labor dispute "threatens substantially to inter- rupt interstate commerce to a degree such as to deprive any section of the country of essential transportation serv- ices." That finding having been made by the Congress in section 2 of Senate Joint Resolution 186, the President is then given discretion as to whether or not to order the men back to work. As I stated on the floor yesterday, as many other Senator have stated, and as is abundantly clear in the committee re- port, this resolution uses not only the criteria of section 10 of the Railway La- bor Act, but follows exactly the proce- dure set forth in the Railway Labor Act, with respect to the exercise of discretion by the President. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, will the Senator yield? Mr. CLARK. - shall be happy to yield in a few moments. Under the Railway Labor Act, section 10, it is the National Mediation Board which makes the finding that the dis- pute threatens substantially to interrupt interstate commerce. That finding hav- ing been made, the President decides whether or not to create a dispute board. I wish to quote from the provisions of section 10 of the Railway Labor Act: SEC. 10. If a dispute between a carrier and its employees be not adjusted under the fore- going provisions of this Act and should, in the judgment of the Mediation Board, threaten substantially to interrupt Inter- state commerce to a degree such as to de- prive any section of the country of essential transportation service, the Mediation Board shall notify the President, who may there- upon- Mr. President, I call attention to the words-"who may thereupon"- in his discretion, create a board to investi- gate and report respecting such dispute. Note the words "in his discretion"- Such board shall' be composed of such num- ber of persons as to the President may seem desirable: Provided, however, That no mem- ber appointed shall be pecuniarily or other- wise interested in any organization of em- ployees or any carrier. The compensation of Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 Approved For Release 2005/016/29: CIA-RDP67B00446R00040010-0020-5 House of Rep r~esent~ztives The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, D.D., offered the following prayer: The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.- Hebrews 13: 6. Eternal God, our Father, in whom we live and move and have our being, we are children of. Thine--creatures of Thy hands, sustained by Thy spirit, redeemed by Thy love and guided by Thy wisdom. Steady us, we pray Thee, and give us strength to do what we ought to do. Save us from accepting too easy answers to the problems that confront us. Save us from yielding to the temptation to accept the second best when the best can be ours. By the power of an inner spiritual triumph may we conquer all pettiness, all narrowness, and all un- worthy desires. May we put first that which is first, second that which is sec- ond, and last that which is last. May Thy spirit rule our hearts, and together may we serve our Nation to the limit of our faith and our ability, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE'JOURNAL The Journal of the proceedings of yes- terday was read and approved. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE A message from the Senate, by Mr. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate had passed, with amend- ments in which the concurrence of the House is requested, a bill of the House of the following title: H.R. 13298. An act to amend the Organic Act-of Guam in order to authorize the legis- lature thereof to provide by law for the elec- tion of its members from election districts. The message also announced that the Senate had passed a bill of the following title, in which the concurrence of the House is requested: 5.3080. An act to amend section 8 of the Revised Organic Act of the"Virgin Islands to increase the special revenue bond borrowing authority, and for other purposes. The message also announced that the vice president, pursuant to Public Law 170, 74th Congress, appointed Mr. TAL- MADGE, Mr. ROBERTSON, Mr. BIBLE, Mr. LONG of Missouri, Mr. YARBOROUGH, Mr. HART, Mr. HIcKENLOOPER, Mr. SCOTT, Mr. FONG, Mr. KUCHEL, and Mr. SIMPSOx (alternate) to be delegates on the part of the Senate to the Interparliamentary Union Conference to be held in Teheran, Iran, September 27 to October 4, 1966. WEDNESDAY, VU ft T 3, 1966 AUTHORIZING PRINTING OF HEAR- INGS ON SUPPLEMENTAL FOR- EIGN ASSISTANCE FOR VIETNAM Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- imous consent to take from the Speaker's table the resolution (S. Con. Res. 77) authorizing the printing of additional copies of hearings on supplemental for- eign assistance for Vietnam for fiscal 1966, with House amendments thereto, and insist on the House amendments and agree to the conference requested by the Senate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ohio? The Chair hears none and appoints the following conferees: Messrs. HAYS, JONES of Missouri, and CORBETT. AUTHORIZING PRINTING OF ADDI- TIONAL COPIES OF HEARINGS Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- imous consent to take from the Speaker's table the resolution (S. Con. Res. 90) to authorize printing of additional copies of hearings, with a House amendment thereto, and insist on the House amend- ment and agree to the conference re- quested by the Senate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ohio? The Chair, hears none and appoints the following conferees: Messrs. HAYS, JONES of Missouri, and CORBETT. AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRA- TOR OF GENERAL SERVICES TO ACCEPT TITLE TO THE. JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY LIBRARY Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the. immediate consideration of the resolution (H.J. Res. 1207) to authorize the Administrator of General Services to accept title to the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, and for other purposes. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- tion. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Texas? Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, I believe the gentleman from Texas would assist the Members of the House if he would explain the precedents that are involved, and the purpose of this proposed legisla- Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Speaker, I shall be very pleased to answer the query of our distinguished minority leader and say that this is in accordance with the General Services Administration respon- sibilities to administer Presdential li- braries as a part of the National Archives. Mr. Speaker, this would implement the immediate acceptance of the very kind and generous offer by the late President's estate of his papers, documents, and oth- er materials of his office, which will be placed in the library. The library will be built by the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Inc., and then given to the U.S. Government for operation under the Ar- chives system, as a place of research for the people of the United States. This follows the pattern set in the other Pres- idential libraries-the Hoover Library, the Truman Library, the Roosevelt Li- brary, the Eisenhower Library, and the Johnson Library. Mr. GERALD R. FORD. As I under- stand it, the land and the building are being donated to the Federal Govern- ment? Mr. BROOKS. That is correct. Mr. GERALD R. FORD. And that through the transfer of title from the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Inc., to the Federal Government, there is no cost involved to the Federal Govern- ment? Mr. BROOKS. That is correct. Mr. GERALD R. FORD. However, as I further understand the matter, once the transfer is consummated, then the Federal Government does have in this case, as it has in the others, the mainte- nance responsibilities for the future Mr. BROOKS. That is correct. The actual maintenance and operation of Government libraries and museums is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $225,000 a year. The estimate for the expenses of the Johnson Library is $190,000 to $225,000. The actual expenses of the Truman Library at present are $230,000; of the Hoover Library, are $150,000; of the Roosevelt Library are $210,000; and of the Eisenhower Library are $175,000. So, Mr. Speaker, the range is from about $150,000 to $230,000 for mainte- nance and operation, which would be the responsibility of the Government, as we make these materials available to the American people. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. GERALD R. FORD. I yield to the gentleman from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. I shall not oppose the consideration of this joint resolution, but 17304 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 August 3, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SENATE . RECESS UNTIL 10:30 A. TOMORROW Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, if there is no further business to come before the Senate, I move, under the previous order, that the Senate stand in recess until 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 o'clock and 52 minutes p.m.) the Senate recessed, under the previous order, until tomorrow, Thursday, August 4, 1966, at 10:30 a.m. NOMINATIONS .Executive nominations received the Senate August 3, 1966: DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE Thomas E. Macklin, Jr., of California. Thomas J. O'Flaherty, of New York. Miss Eleanor Wallace Savage, of California. Miss Elizabeth R. Thurston, of Indiana.. James E. Thyden, of California. Miss Judy Anne Uhle, of Illinois. William D. Wade, of Massachusetts. Anthony H. Wallace, of New York. Miss Carol A. Westenhbefer, of Michigan. Paul R. Wisgerhof, of Colorado. For appointment as Foreign Service officers of, class 7, consular officers, and secretaries in the Diplomatic Service of the United States of.America: John H. Adams, of California. John W. Bligh, Jr., of New York. Norman R. Buchsbaum, of New York. Timothy J. Burke, of Wisconsin, Michael B. Cook, of New York. Bruce Cossaboom, of New Jersey. James F. Creagan, of Ohio. Carl C. Cundiff, of Oklahoma. John H. Curry, of Michigan. Lawrence A. Dash, of Pennsylvania. Edward S. Dubel, of New Jersey. Bernard Engel, of Ohio. Albert E. Fairchild, of North Carolina. Daniel Figgins, of Iowa. Robert M. Fresco, of New York. Richard J. Higgins, of Missouri. Dell J. Hood, of Texas. Duane L. King, of Washington. James O. Knowles, Jr., of Washington. Miss Barbara M. Kugel, of Michigan. Lawrence B. Lesser, of New York. Philip Thomas Lincoln, Jr., of Michigan. James B. Magnor, Jr., of New York. James P. Nach, of New York. Gene R. Preston, of California Jerry Lincoln Prillaman, of Virginia. Denis R. Regan, of New York. James L..Robb, of Colorado. Erik S, Ronhovde, of Montana. C. Michael Schneider, of Ohio. James T. Schollaert, of Pennsylvania. Charles S. Spencer, Jr., of Tennessee, Thomas E. E. Spooner, of New York Willis J. Sutter, of New Jersey. Miss Caroline Marr Turtle, of Arizona. Phillip J. Walls, of Michigan. Stephen H. Whilder, of Virginia. Howard S. Witmer II, of Michigan. Miss Carol K. Stocker, of Illinois. Terrence P. Tiffany, of Oregon. Kenneth H. Torp, of New York. Miss Ruth L. Willow, of Michigan. Ralph Winstanley II, of Indiana. A Foreign Service Reserve officer to be a consular officer of the United States of America: Thomas A. Twetten, of Iowa. Foreign Service Reserve officers to be con- sular officers and secretaries In the Diplomatic Service of the United States of America : James D. Baldwin, of New Jersey. Edmund F. Becker, of Virginia. Edward B. Beidleman, of Virginia. Paul H. Brent, of California. Mrs. Ruth L. Brooks, of Michigan Eugen F. Burgstaller, of Maryland. Stewart D. Burton, of Utah. Will. J. Carter, of Texas. R. Dabney Chapman, of Maryland. Gordon A. Martin, of Maryland. Robert N. Chiperfield, of Illinois. John D. Clayton, of Virginia. Walter R. Cox, of Texas. Robert E. Day, Jr., of Virginia. Eddie Deerfield, of Illinois. Cloyce I. Dixon, Jr., of Maryland. Richard L. Doerschuk, of Maryland. William W. Douglass, of Kentucky. James H. Feldman, of Ohio. Alan Fisher, of the District of Columbia. James M. Flint, of Maryland. C. M. Fry, of Missouri. Allen Fuehrer, of Virginia. Burton L. Gerber, of Missouri. Robert S. Hewett, of Virginia. Neil Hinckley, of Utah. Paul W. Hodges, of Virginia. John T. Kirby, of the District of Columbia. Joseph Yoshio Kiyonaga, of Maryland. John F. Kordek, of Illinois. Arthur R. Lee, of Idaho. George H. McLain, of Virginia. Samuel Duncan Miller, of the District of Columbia. John S. Morgan, of Florida. Peter Cary Muncie, of Maryland. Edmund R. Murphy, of California. Miss Kathleen O'Malley, of the District of Columbia. The following-named persons, ilow Foreign Service officers, of class 2 and secretaries In the diplomatic service, to be also consular officers of the United States of America: A. John Cope, Jr., of Washington. Grant G. Hilliker, of Virginia. Now a Foreign Service officer of class 3 and a secretary in the diplomatic service, to be also a consular officer of the United States of America: Clarence J. McIntosh, of Florida. For appointment as a Foreign Service offi- cer of class 5, a consular officer, and a secre- tary in the diplomatic service of the United States of America: Ralph W. Stephan, Jr., of Ohio. Now a Foreign Service officer of class 6 and a secretary in the diplomatic service, to be also a consular officer of the United States of America: Fernando E. Rondon, of California. For promotion from a Foreign Service offi- cer of class 7 to class 6: John D. Forger, of the District of Columbia. For promotion from Foreign Service offi- cers of class 7 to class 6 and to be also con- sular officers of the United States of America: Edward P. Allen, of Massachusetts. 'Samuel B. Bartlett, of Massachusetts, Don E. Bean, of Virginia. Lee S, Bigelow, of Texas. Henry Clay Black If, of Illinois. Marion V. Creekmore, Jr., of Tennessee. Hilary J. Cunningham, of Michigan. Edmund T. Dejarnette, Jr., of Virginia. Frank Ralph Goiino, of Pennsylvania. William H. Gussman, of New York. Richard J. Harrington, of California. Edwin Ho, of California, Leon M. Johnson, Jr., of Colorado. D. Lowell Jones, of Mississippi. NoC. LaBrie, of Massachusetts. D.T. niL mb, of New York. James W. Lamont, of Maryland. John R. Lampe, of Minnesota. George H. Lane, of Illinois, Mark Lore, of New Jersey. Michael J. Mercurio, of Ohio. Geoffrey Ogden, of California. Donald K. Parsons, of California. Harry W. Quillian, of Virginia. Alan D. Romberg, of New York. Charles B. Salmon, Jr., of New York. Donald E. J. Stewart, of the District of Columbia. Peter O. Suchman, of New York. Walter Frederick Weiss, of California. David S. Wilson, of California. For promotion from Foreign Service offi- cers of class 8 to class 7 and to be also con- sular officers of the United States of Amer- ica: Edward James Alexander, of Colorado. David E. Brown, of Pennsylvania. G. Gardiner Brown, of Ohio. Donald E. Crafts, of Georgia. Gordon J. DuGan, of the District of Co- lumbia. John J. Hurley, Jr., of Massachusetts. Walter J. Kearns, of Montana. Frank P. Kelly, of New Jersey. John H. Kelly, of Virginia. Stuart H. Lippe, of Michigan, Approved Kenneth Yalowitz, of Illinois. Herschel F. Peak, of California. For appointment as Foreign Service officers John P. Presby, of Texas. of class 8, consular officers, and secretaries in MetroRomankiw, of Virginia. the Diplomatic Service of the United States Richard E. Scutt, of Pennsylvania. of America: George Sekel, Jr., of Ohio. Miss Juliet C. Antunes, of New York, Glenn Lee Smith, of California. William S. Butcher, of Ohio. Jerome J. Stenger, Jr., of Maryland. Robert K, Carr, of California, John McH. Stuart, of New York. Robert J. Carroll, of Connecticut. John M. Taylor, of Virginia. Thomas H. Carter, of Florida. Robert Allen Thomas, of Pennsylvania. Herbert A. Cochran, of North Carolina. Joel D. Ticknor, of California. Preston M. Corn, of Illinois. Eugene W. Trone, of Pennsylvania. James P. Dodd, of Kentucky. Donald C. Weaver, of Virginia. David J. Dunford, of California. Joseph C. Wheeler, of Pennsylvania. Miss Katherine M. Durkin, of New York. Robert E. Winter, of Ohio. Robert C. Felder, of New York. Foreign Service staff officers to be consular Thomas Austin Forbord, of California. officers of the United States of America: William L. Gallagher, of California. Donald J. Bouchard, of Maine. Miss Patricia J. Howell, of Indiana. Richard A. Calfee, of Michigan. Robert D. Johnson, of Missouri. Allen Cooper, of Florida. Philip A. King, of Florida. Henry P. Daymont, of California. Miss Isabel D. Lamy, of Missouri. Lloyd M. Duffe, of Iowa. Edward Gibson Lanpher, of Virginia. Charles E. Gates, of California. Alexander O. Lehner, of New Jersey. Miss Mildred J. Hall, of West Virginia. James N. May, of North Carolina. George M. Hlraga, of California. Norman D. McLennan, of Michigan. - Miss Catherine M. Hurley, of Connecticut. Jonathan C. Menes, of California.- Miss Lucy H. Little, of Florida. Ralph R. Mooney, of Virginia. Robert A. MacCallum, of Pennsylvania. Robert J. Palmeri, of Massachusetts. Joseph P. Malone, of Massachusetts. Raymond J. Pardon, of New York. Joseph L.'Martinez, of Pennsylvania. David D. Passage, of Colorado. F. Coleman Parrott, of Alabama. Robert Stephen Pastorino, of California. George J. Peterson, of California. Gerald D. Ramsey, of the District of Chester F. Polley, Jr. of Illinois. Columbia. Charles T. Pooley, of New York. Arnold L. Rapbel, of New York. David A. Roberts, of Pennsylvania. James J. Reid, of Texas. George F. Rodman, of North Carolina. Lange Schermerhorn, of New Jersey. Danny B. Root, of California. Edric Sherman, of California. Miss Mary J. Singhouse, of Pennsylvania. Thomas H. Shugart, Jr., of North Carolina. Mrs. Dorothy M. Weaver, of the District of Steven E. Steiner, of Pennsylvania. Columbia. Byron R. Stephenson, of Kansas. Miss Frances Lee Weinman, of Washington. For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 Approved For Release 2Q0 0g~ RD 000400100020-5 A4091 Augicst 3, '1966 CONGRESSIONAL R~O~- A TIME Or SADNESS, A TIME FOR HOPE But we are slbw learners. Or those made by Eisenhower in his first (By David Gimbel) We got in a big flap when the Buddhists campaign about slashing the budget to fifty threatened to resist by their own civil war billions. I remember, my little girl, when you were with the Ky regime and fight to the death Or those made by Franklin D. Roosevelt in only two, any effort to discipline them or restrain 1932 about balancing the budget! The world all around you seemed so bright them. They said at the main pagoda in We are slow learners, indeed, on the sub- and new. Hue, specifically, that any attempt of gov- ject of political statements made to meet Your smile would brighten every room with ernment troops to enter would be met by a obvious political pressures] eternal, previous light, well of burning monks, a fight to the death, It's too much to expect us to change as we And my happiness would reign supreme when and the blowing up of the whole shebang. face another "silly season" in the election you were in my sight. Yes, we got in a big flap, but Ky didn't. campaigns now getting underway right here. I remember when we went outside, the snow His troops moved in. The pyres in front of was on the ground, the pagoda went unlit, the interior unblown, And like costly jewels, flakes kissed your face and the defenders surrendered without a but you never made a sound. shot. The supposed "civil war" petered out Urge To Serve in Washington Can Go Too Then came the Spring with birds on trees, into the burning of a couple of hysterical and sweetness filled the air, teen-agers and a couple of street demon- Far But when neighbors passed you by, they strations, poorly attended. would always stop and stare. How many times has this game been EXTENSION OF REMARKS played? What would you expect an enemy of By the time you reached the age of three my to say when he's trying to get YOU to back concern began to grow, down: 'Really, we'll quit if pressed." ?/?/? HON. LEE H. HAMILTON I began to travel from place to place, for I Now, North Viet Nam shrieks that they'll really had to know. fight for another 20 years if necessary, and OF INDIANA The truth just hit me with such force, my Americans wring their hands and want to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dreams were all in vain, either pulverize Hanoi or "get out of Viet And I found myself like in a trance, just Nam"! Wednesday, August 3, 1966 walking in the rain. What in the world do we expect Ho to say? Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, under Like parents of past centuries I keep on ask- He says what he HAS to say to try to get leave to extend my remarks in the REC- ing "Why?"; his way-and anybody that speaks up and the following editorial by The question is as old as time, so I bear my says, "No, we won't! Are you nuts?" will 01W, Hugh I Sidey include a tieh appeared in the July .pain and cry. get shot. But the parents s of retarded children with (Only here can the efforts of the govern- 29, 1966, issue of Life magazine that re- their unlimited courage and devotion, ment to be impressive in our determine- minds us that all things do not revolve Are all born with a feeling of love that is tion-for the same reason and purpose-do around the Federal Government and that deeper than any ocean. a bunch of folks eagerly jump to their feet- men and women with a sense of citizen- or the nearest microphone-to holler: ship are the country's greatest strength. But the years slipped by and like a flower .,Don't you believe it!") you blossomed with beauty rare, Politics domestic or international offers This excellent editorial which appeared And now when folks would make remarks a host of situations in which the public ut- in the July 28 issue of Life magazine. I'd never listen or care. terances are predictable, virtually inevitable, The author, Hugh Sidey, has touched For Right is Might, 'tis also they world in regardless of the truth. a nerve here, and, hopefully, it should they own limited way. When that occurs we certainly ought to give a twinge to the public servant who Now Hope eternal is my song, "Dear God", recognize such statements as meaningless has become preoccupied with the belief I'll always pray. one way or the other, instead of taking them that all things revolve around the Fed- Oh, I'll help to build a citadel to erase those so seriously. era] Government. ugly years, McNamara's 1963 statement about all reminds us that this coun- were that we can bring in sunshine where there Americans being home from Viet Nam in Mrtry's. Sidey strength and greatness still lies were only tears. 1965 was such a statement, and we said so From a past of endless sorrow and system at the time. It was merely a means of tell- its millions of men and women who too difficult to cope, ing the world we were NOT-trying to take choose others to run the Government +h a hile they -in +.heir nwn lives. i e w n rlvel~a~' American presence and otherwise willing to end the fracas. the people and by the people" has suc- ceeded because it has continued to be Yet, it was taken literally then, and is still harked back to as if McNamara was aware of the wants of the people. smoking opium or something! The article follows: Lyndon Johnson in 1960 said flatly that URGE To SERVE IN WASHINGTON CAN Go Too EXTENSION OF REMARKS under no circumstances, whatsoever, would FAR of he be a candidate for vice president if Ken- (By Hugh Sidey) nedy beat him for the presidential nomina- na- HON. ROBERT H. MICHEL tion. He HAD to say that or weaken his The men in the u higher reaches of the of ILLINOIS position in the convention. We said so at tional government sooner or later suffer, in the time. The Nation's professional com- varying degrees, a virulent affliction which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mentors, however, took it and treated it as inhibits the eye, pinches the brain and ob- August 3, 1966 gospel truth. sesses the victim with the belief that the Wednesday, Now, we are going through the same sort noblest calling of mankind is to work in Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, under of game with Premier Ky in South Viet Washington for the infections, the strati of job sup power. unanimous consent I include the follow- Nam, taking his statements at face value wives, children, religion, recreation, ing editorial from the August 1, 1966, and then "analyzing" what this means to plants wives, and the omega and anything else issue of the Peoria Journal Star: the international situation. the a Everybody seems to have forgotten that that's left. The mediocre pay is hardly a SAYING WHAT IS EXPECTED promised elections are coming, now, in bother. The thrill of deciding the fate of We seem to have a standing habit in the South Viet Nam, and Premier Ky is deeply countries and dispatching armies or replan- country of paying great respect and exam- involved and concerned with those election ning societies and economics, or simply lurk- ining the great details prouncements that are results. ing at the fringes of power, outweighs any- actually meaningless on their faces. He is not candidly discussing war policy thing else the world has to offer. It is a long standing practice. with reporters off the top of his head. He is It may be that some men involved in pri- After all, we dropped the atomic bomb making statements calculated to make his vate pursuits are just as dedicated, but per- because we believed the repeated Japanese fellow citizens say: "We are going to need haps don't K so c nvisCedeof their statements that they would defend their Gen. Ky." "sacred soil" and happily die before giving And he says what he HAS to say to lead Pierre Salinger, now an airlines vice presi- up-taking millions of American lives with them to that attitude. dent and surrounded with West Coast opu- them. Actually, while such statements were It is as simple as that. lence and esteem, can't quite conceal a being made and feverish preparations for As meaningless as the statements made by hankering to get back where the power lies. a "suicidal" defense being made, the ma- Lyndon Johnson in the last presidential It took Douglas Dillon three Presidents and neuvers to seek a surrender had already campaign here about Viet Nam! 7 years to tear himself away from the Poto- been decided upon. The loud threats and or those made in the election campaign mac and go back to his millions in Wall boasts were attempts to get a better offer of 1960 by John F. Kennedy about Quemoy Street-and even then his departure was re- and a negotiating position. and Matsu and a "missile gap." luctant. Veteran Diplomat Averell Harri- Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 A4(192 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX August 3, 1966 man, 74, took medium rank in the State De- The President talks of putting responsi- Clearly, this kind of "black power" is partment without flinching just to be around bility on the people back home in connec- blackmail, and it will have to be dealt with to participate in the big show. Arthur tion with his concept of creative federalism. as such, regardless of race or color. Majori- Schlesinger Jr. was frank to admit that he In a week where headlines tell of one of the ties, too, have rights to be defended. preferred his stay in the capital to tenure at worst mass murders in this country's his- Harvard. tory, where riots flare from Cleveland to It is strongly suspected that Ted Sorensen, Jacksonville, there is not much doubt that another Kennedy aide, would gladly abandon some of the biggest challenges this country Truth in Packaging BillHas False Label his New York prominence and high lawyer's faces are in the town halls, corporation offices pay for the right kind of federal poet. and the homes. that American Feeding the Flames greatness still resides ver- OF WASHINGTON other things than running the -~~..ti.~,.~ "` J411V1L~''~ Wednesday, government. OF y, August 3, 1966 This preoccupation produces a feeling, ex- *1 Mrs. MAY. Mr. Speaker, in my view pressed in various ways, that to serve the fed- HON. DURWARD G. HALL the pending Federal packaging and eral government is a kind of higher duty or OF MISSOURI labeling bill carries a false label when experience that all of us should somehow it is referred to as "truth-in-packaging." share. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara Wednesday, August 3, 1966' I submit that we would do well to take made a widely applauded suggestion that all a careful look at this legislative pack- young persons in this country, boys and Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, on the 22d age-to examine its contents as well as girls, perhaps should be required-whether of July 1966, there appeared in the its label-before buying it. and passing in peace or war-to give a year or two of their Joplin Globe, an editorial entitled "Feed- it on to encumber the national economy lives in some kind of national service. But ing the Flames," which I now submit for and the American consumer at this time. the proposal, made in sincerity (and because insertion in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. In my opinion this proposed legislation the draft isnow many people an alights th a great y paple who onerous aren't In problem), It involves the current disregard for law is legally superfluous, technically inexact government and don't want to be unless and order in our cities and reveals some and an inflationary time bomb for the there is a national emergency. of the fallacies of the present approach American food and grocery consumer. There are a lot of folks around who think to the civil rights problem. The editorial I was pleased, therefore, to note in this that it is just as vital for a young Los Angeles is well worth pondering and I recom- morning's Washington Post the article woman to get married and rear a family with mend it to our colleagues: respect for law and the rights of men as it is FEEDING co the Drummond, entitled journalist Me. Roe for another young woman to work in the pov- erty program. There are some who contend The most blatantly irresponsible state- Deceptive Packaging Bill." that a young teacher in Orient, Iowa who ment we have read by a supposedly responsi- Earlier this week I noted with pleasure opens the world to his class is just as deli- ble person encouraging mounting race riots another fine article on this subject by opted to the flag as a Peace Corps volunteer in our cities was the assertion by Vice Presi- Alyce Hazeltine, the Seattle Post-Inte]'li- in Chile. The young engineers who develop dent Humphrey at New Orleans that if he the techniques of our industry are as impor- had to live in a ghetto he, too, "might lead At the gencer's "Prudence of Penny." to tiie strength of this country as the a mighty good revolt." conclusion of my brief remarks special assistants who inhabit the,big fed- That's one sure way to fan the flames of I shall include both articles and coln- eral agencies. violence, with more burning, looting and mend them to the attention of my col- There are weeks in this city, in fact, when, bloodshed, ouch as we have been witnessing leagues. The points made by the authors after a plethora of conferences and meetings in Chicago, Cleveland, Jacksonville, Fla., and of these articles are well taken. such as the recent one on the status of other cities this summer. That kind of talk What concerns me most of all about women, the residents would gladly barter from on high, plus federal handouts as this Federal packaging and labeling bill, half a dozen status officials for one mother bribes, and other a.ctsyof appeasement of the who wants more than anything to bring love lawless can be counted upon to keep the ne Speaker, is that while it offers beauty into the lives of her children. Or tempo of anarchy and insurrections rising. sum protection the American C cost they would trade a whole physical fitness There has been far too much of this kind surer, it would hike the escalating cost conference in Washington for one grand- of Sympathetic agitation and pampering by of food and groceries. Evidence in Com- father who would round up the neighborhood do-gooders and left-wingers, reflected also mittee points out that American food children and take them on a hike. on our TV screen, sometimes to the point of processors would have to spend millions Oddly enough, the idea of some sort of disgust. It can only tend to cater to and of dollars in converting equipment to universal national service seemed to have encourage the persecution complex of some, meet- requirements of the proposed bill. been swallowed with the rest of the soft while giving hoodlums and criminals what And, Mr. Speaker, experience shows that so poll found ap out of Washington. George Gallup's amounts to a license to commit more- dep- increased food processing costs mean thought the plan had%merit, those Nor was there and fns in disrespect for life, property higher prices on our supermarket shelves. much protest from those traditional There is a growing feeling that we are wit- As the articles to follow point out, defenders of individuality and the right of nessing a pattern of planned organized vio- "what is unfortunate about this situation self-determination, the Republicans. It was lence under the guise of "civil disobedience" is that the so-called truth-in-packaging Harvard's President Nathan Pussy who spoke for racial justice. Evangelist Billy Graham bill actually gives consumers few legal up against the McNamara Idea. It was, he is quoted as having said the riots are orga- safeguards they do not already have. declared, "coercive conformity." And, he nized by extremists teaching violence, some It is fortunate, indeed, that at long added for good measure, "I cannot believe of whom "are no more interested in civil last the American consumer is being our government could possibly provide a rights than is the Ku Klux Klan." He demanding and meaningful experience with- charged that they are interested in national made aware of the false label concealing out the help of the colleges, for the millions disorder for sinister motives; that the Presi- the contents of this proposed legislation. of young people-men and women-who dent and the FBI know who the fomenters In my view, consumers need higher food would be involved.... Nor can I think of are and what they are up to. costs right now like they need square anything worse for young people eager to If this is true, then the President and the wheels on their supermarket shopping get on in the world than to stand by mark- FBI have a sworn duty to inform the people carts. ing time." Another quite important man has his and to move swiftly against these insurrec- As a Member of Congress, as a con- doubts. Speaking to a group of teen-agers, able. tionists. The situation is growing intoler- - surer, as a housewife, I urge the Cori- who have a special and immediate interest able. To permit it to continue makes n no in the matter, Lyndon Johnson said point- sense whatsoever. grref and the American public to give edly: "The new age will also require much It is noteworthy that the more civil rights Careful study to the inflationary effects of those who do not enter public service-- laws passed by Congress, the more millions of this bill before final action is taken. the housewives, the businessmen." He went and billions appropriated for antipovery, re- [From the Washington Post, Aug. 3, 19661 on to explain: "If we are to solve our prob- lief, housing and other benefits, a Large por- BUYER BEWARE: DECEPTIVE PACKAGING BILL lems, our citizens must develop a new sense tion of which is being channeled Into the (By Roscoe Drummond) of citizenship, a new concern for the public so-called ghettos, the -more widespread and This "truth in packaging" bill, now be- good." . violent thelawlessnes becomes. fore Congress, is just about the most decep- w sue success oI the U.s. OF But the singular preoccupation with federal Hn1U r A THE. nt*Ir an ? Y. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 A4104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -APPENDIX August 3, 1966 Seeing no better solution, I suggest the addition of this tool to present labor- mangement relations law. I propose that compulsory arbitration machinery be set in operation when the President or, and I repeat "or," the Con- gress makes the determination that a strike has become a national emergency or an intolerable public nuisance. No more deferring of the Congress or the President to the other; no more fiddling; no more "dilly dallying" or charging one another of failure to act. Secondly, I propose the representation of the pub- lic on the Board of Arbitration. I sug- gest a three-member Board with full authority to settle all issues. One repre- sentative selected by labor, one by man- agement and one member of the Amer- ican Arbitration Association or the American Bar Association to represent the public, user, and taxpayer interests. All other procedures of the present law could be retained. These new but simple suggestions would insure more nearly fair settle- ments without the enormous losses, hard- ships and inconveniences of discontin- ued service. My plan, when known and understood by the parties, would encourage, if not impel, quicker settlements of labor dis- putes. It would insure more stability and productivity in public transportation industries. I believe scholars and students of la- bor-management relations know what is necessary. We do not need a study commission. We do not need protracted hearings in both the House and. Senate. We need courage. We need to eliminate politics. We need to consider the pub- lic. We need new enabling legislation. We need it now. These proposals are intended to, and do, protect the basic right of labor to organize, bargain, and strike. They also protect the necessary right of investors to earn a profit, and of management to manage its business. Reckless, irresponsible, callous, or greedy action by either party must be minimized. The public rights must have primacy and must be protected now and in the future. I urge members of the House Commit- tee on Interstate, and Forei Commerce to consider my proposals wwjaich are in- a Statement on Vietnam EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. THOMAS M. REES OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, August 3, 19.66 Mr. REFS. Mr. Speaker, last Friday, July 29, 46 Members of the House of Representatives sponsored a statement on Vietnam in response to the recent pronouncement by Premier Ky suggest- ing an invasion of North Vietnam and eventual war with Red China. As one of the signatory Members, I would like to introduce this statement in the REC- ORD as I believe it will be of great interest to my colleagues: STATEMENT ON VIETNAM Recent statements by Premier Ky suggest- ing an invasion of North Vietnam, and even- tual war with Red China, indicate he and other South Vietnamese generals have am- bitions that extend far beyond and contra- dict the limited aims stated by President Johnson in seeking self-determination for the Vietnamese people. The danger that the war will spread is increasing daily. Exten- sion of the conflict may embroil the major powers of the world in a destructive and brutal confrontation that would shatter all hopes of world peace. Premier Ky's statements dramatize the ne- cessity for the American government to re- direct its energies more forcefully in pursuit of a peaceful political settlement of the war. The spiral of escalation now being advocated by General Ky must be opposed and new initiatives attempted for negotiated settle- ment. The United States should use its great influence to assure that fair and free elections open to all parties will be held in the South so that a truly representative ci- vilian government may be established. The granting of political rights to all would offer a peaceful alternative to those who now pur- sue the path of armed rebellion. DEMOCRATS JOSEPH P. ADDABBO, JOHN A. BLATNIK, JONATHAN B. BINGHAM, GEORGE E. BROWN, JR., PHILLIP BURTON, RONALD BROOKS CAMERON, JEFFERY COHELAN, JOHN CONYERS, JR., JOHN Dow, KEN W. DYAL, DON EDWARDS, LEONARD FARBSTEIN, DONALD FRASER, JACOB H. GILBERT, BERNARD F. GRABOWSKI, HENRY B. GONZALEZ, AUGUSTUS HAWKINS, KEN HECKLER, HENRY HELSTOSKI, ROBERT W. KASTENMEIER, ROBERT LEG- GETT, JOHN C. MACKIE, SPARK M. MAT- SUNAGA, RICHARD D. MCCARTHY, PATSY T. MINK, WILLIAM S. MOORHEAD, ROB- ERT N. C. NIx, BARRATT O'HARA, ED- WARD J. PATTEN, THOMAS REES, JOSEPH Y. RESNICK, HENRY S. REUSS, BENJAMIN S. ROSENTHAL, ED- WARD ROYBAL, WILLIAM F. RYAN, JAMES H. SCHEUER, JOHN R. SCHMIDIIAUSER, WILLIAM L. ST. ONCE, HERBERT TENZER, LIONEL VAN DEERLIN, WESTON VIVIAN, JEROME R. WALDIE, LESTER WOLFF, SID- NEY R. YATES. REPUBLICANS SEYMOUR HALPERN, THEODORE R. KUPFER- MAN, A Mother Does Her Bit EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. LIONEL VAN DEERLIN OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, July 27, 1966 Mr. VAN DEERLIN. Mr. Speaker, the morale of our men in our Armed Forces overseas is vitally important, not only to their own well-being, but to their performance of duty. As every soldier and sailor knows, such morale is lifted immeasurably by the arrival of parcels and mail from home. One mother who realizes this and who is doing more than her share to boost the morale not only of her own son but of all members of his outfit is Mrs. Leonard Sellers of my own district in California. Mr. Lee Chilson, who writes a column in the Chula Vista Star-News, took note of this in the issue of July 14. Under unanimous consent I insert in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD this heart- warming newspaper account of the activ- ities of Mrs. Sellers in sending to the troops overseas such typically American products as hamburgers, and the joyous welcome with which her packages are received by men fighting in Vietnam: A MOTHER DOES HER BIT "It's hard to put down on paper how happy I and the rest of the guys were the day the Goodie box came. It brought us all a little closer to home-even if for only a few min- utes." . . . "Your son Paul is lucky to have such a wonderful family. The goodie box was just great. Thank you so much." "The box was wonderful. It brought back memories of home. It gets lonely'over here." Those were just a few of the quotes from letters received this week by Mrs. Leonard Sellers, 1058 Monserate Ave., Chula Vista. They came from her son and a dozen or so of his Marine pals fighting the war in far-off Viet Nam. The "goodie boxes" that brought on all the thanks were mailed several weeks ago by Mr. and Mrs. Sellers. They weren't the usual boxes of candy and cookies, though. They were filled with real American ham- burgers. We told you about Mrs. Sellers and her efforts to get the 'burgers all the way to Viet Nam several weeks ago. She packed cans of beef patties and wrapped buns in special material so they would stay fresh on the long trip. This week she received pictures and letters of thanks. She let us read them, including this one from her son: "The box that I remember (and always will) was the box of hamburgers, and there's a little story I'd like to tell you about how we finally got a chance to eat them, Sunday at about 11 a.m. we got the word to pack up our gear because we were moving out. We got on trucks and they took us to our base in Chu-Lai. We made up field transport packs and went to the airstrip. "While we were waiting to board the plane we had mail call. I got some letters and a couple of boxes. We opened the smaller box and ate the cookies but I knew what was in the big package. I was so loaded down with gear that carrying the box was a little diffl- cut so a couple of the guys carried my pack and gear. "Believe me, we really guarded that box. We handled it like it was glass. Finally we boarded our plane and flew to DaNang. We got on trucks again and they took us south to a camp. When we got to the camp it was almost dark. Most of us hadn't eaten all day. "We opened the box. (I took some pic- tures and it was just about dark so I hope they came out.) I guess I don't have to tell you how fast the hamburgers disappeared. They were delicious. And you should have seen some of the other Marines coming by when they saw our gang eating real ham- burgers. They couldn't believe their eyes!" Terry Fountain, another Chula Vista youth who joined the Marine Corps with Sellers, also wrote Mr. and Mrs. Sellers about the 'burgers. "They were great. Everyone en- joyed them. Only thing missing were some pretty girls to serve them," he wrote. And Don Schneider, the Navy corpsman with Sellers' unit, had this to say about the 'burgers he received: "They were just great. We heated them on a little stove and they brought back a lot of memories. It gets lonely out here." Schneider, who everyone calls "Doc," has been in the Navy 41/2 years and is the father of a five-month-old son. Tom Tobin of LaPuente, Calif., was on duty during the DaNang riots when his box of 'burgers came. He wrote Mrs. eellers, Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 Approved For Release 2005/06/29: CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5 August 3, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX Great Britain ---------------------------------------- France------------ ----------------------------------- Italy------------------------------------------------ Belgium--------------------------------------------- Russia---------------------- ------------------------ Poland--------------------------------------- Czechoslovakia-------------------------------------- Romania-------------------------------------------- Yugoslavia------------------------------------------ Greece-------------------------------------------- --- Armenia ---------------------------- -. ---------------- Estonia---------------------------------------------- Austria---------------------------------------------- Lithuania--------------------------?---------------- Finland---------------------------------------- Hungary--------------------------------------- Cuba------------------------------------------- ---- Nicaragua------------------------------------------- Liberia ------------------------------------------------ Here is a country-by-country breakdown of World War II and post-war debt as of last Dec. 31, the most recent date for which complete figures are available. Figures for Original debt (principal and. interest) $4, S02,181, 641. 56 4, 089, 689, 588. 1S 2,049-1364,310. 28 419, 837 630.37 192, 601, 297.37 207,344,297, 37 185, 071, 023.07 68,359, 192. 45 63,577,712. 55 32, 499, 922.67 11, 959, 917. 49 16, 466, 012, 87 26, 843,148.66 6, 888, G64, 20 6,432, 465. 00 8,990, 9911 97 1, 982, 555. 50 10, 000, 000.00 141,050.36 26, 000. 00 Payments (prince- Total still owed (Iii. pal and interest) eluding interest) $2,024,854,207.74 486, 075, 891.00 100, 829, 880. 16 52, 191, 273.24 8, 750, 311.88 22, 646, 297. 55 20,134, 092.26 4, 791, 007. 22 2, 588, 771. 69 4, 127, 056.01 -------------------- 1,248,432,07 862, 668. 00 761, 599.07 1, 237, 956.58 15, 063, 230. 93 556, 919. 76 12, 286, 751.58 168, 575.84 36, 471.56 $9, 453, 659,301. 93 6, 580, 932,495. 57 2, 251, 48340934 669, S99:077: 60 640, ()SO, 535. 28 449, 810, 224. 20 266, 822052.34 111,199:1310.69 82,51)0,:168.78 45, 590, 335. 10 39,350,996. 73 35,042,300. 81 26, 0?4, 113969 14,899,W: 04 13, 375, 487. 90 5, 071, 000. 00 4, 068, 341. 20 --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- individual countries may not add to the total borrowed because of currency and other ad- justments made over the years. United Kingdom ------------------------------------------------ India------------------------------------------------------------ Brazil----------------------------------------------- ---- _------ Pakistan------------------------------------------------------- Japan------------------------------ - ----------------------------- Turkey -------------------------------------------------------- Yu oslavia_______________ _ --_ _ -_ -_ Chic--------------------------??----------------------------- United Arab Republic------------------------------------------ Israel------------------------------------------------------------ Spain----------------------------------------------------------- France----------------------------------------------------------- China (Formosa)------------------------------------------------ Arggent.ula-------------------------------------------------------- Colombia------------------------------------------------------- Mexico---------------------------------------------------- Morocco------------------------------------- ------------------- Iran------------------------------------------------------------ Germany-------------------------------------------------------- Russia ---------------------------------------------------------- Greece----------------------------------------------------------- Indonesia------------------------------^------------------------- Peru------------------------------------------------------------- Italy------------------------------------------------------------- Ireland---------------------------------------------------------- Portugal--------------------------------------------------------- Philippines------------------------------------------------------ Liberia---------------------------------------------------------- Tunisia------------------------------------------------ Poland---------------------------------------------------------- Others----------------------------------------------------------- Proposal for Minimizing the Public Hard- ship in Transportation Strikes . EXTENSION OF REMARKS Or HON. BURT L. TALCOTT OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, August 3, 1966 Mr. TALCOTT. Mr. Speaker, it must be clear to those involved-the machin- ists, the airline operators, the public, and the Government-that a protracted strike of five major airlines, or the dis- continuance of air transportation serv- ice, is no longer tolerable. Regardless of the efficacy, even need, of the strike device in ordinary labor- management disputes, it is no longer an appropriate weapon in labor disputes when public hardship or a national emergency is involved. The public has a majority interest in the transportation business. Trans- portation-air, water, land, or rail-is a $5, 468, 858,528 3, 428, 088,387 1, 949, 040, 147 1,078,689,613 1,614,277 ' 759 762, 815084 725,159:418 782, 644, 959 595, 719, 780 614, 091, 098 538, 716, 873 2, 534, 908, 591 572, 213, 463 694, 701, 907 526, 934, 290 712, 850, 739 272, 470, 364 354, 345,406 1, 356, 372, 601 222, 494, 574 288, 005,952 309, 100, 456 326, 233, 485 722, 279, 227 128, 200, 000 134, 425, 231 285, 237, 495 120, 755, 533 94, 102, 956 142, 231, 610 3, 990, 515, 337 Principal repaid $1, 486, 625, 055 281,140, 246 737, 804, 361 88, 003, 864 850, 676, 674 78, 378, 074 83, 542, 799 205, 896, 225 35, 922, 379 182, 961 688 1`26, 228, 166 2,127, 189, 907 213, 602, 287 231, 615, 040 226, 445, 046 456, 417, 645 19,935,061 105, 042800 1, 131, 093, 239 32, 485, 673 107, 155,114 123, 453, 331 179, 357, 806 577, 268, 429 16, 403, 932 22, 474, 904 180, 302, 707 19, 090,525 6, 257, 988 59, 853, 558 2,130, 968,143 Principal still owed $3, 982, 336, 440 3,108, 328, 435 1, 076, 283, 345 1, 030, 31.2, 912 763, 601, 085 683, 614,786 613, 889, 951 569, 403, 925 555, 560, 549 419, 761, 297 412.414, 841 404, 381, 837 358, 486, 782 349, 944.903 278, 583, 031 253, 208, 119 251, 801, 346 249, 661, 331 225, 019, 752 190, 008, 901 179, 376, 895 170, 221, 047 146, 867, 634 145, 006, 950 111,706 068 111,069:679 104,539,387 102, 363, 408 86, 427, 258 82, 376, 934 1, 947,81D, 541 service, a public service, whether passen- ger, mail, or freight. The taxpayer has a large stake in all transportation businesses. Profits are essential to the airlines and important to the public. The wages should be fair for the work done. The profits should be fair for the risk, in- vestment, and service rendered. Neither excessive wages nor excessive profits should be taken at the expense of the user of the transportation or at the ex- pense of the taxpayer who contributes to the subsidies and governmental serv- ices to the industry. Any excessive profits or wages which are not returned to the public in reduced fares are just as inflationary and unaq- ceptable as increased prices that are re- quired by excessive wage or profit demands. The fare-paying traveler is just as entitled to a slice of the extra profits as are the employers and em- ployees. The taxpayer is just as much entitled to a slice of the extraordinary profits as they were obligated to subsi- dize when profits were impossible. A4103 In many places public transportation is an absolute necessity. Interruptions of transportation can quickly and easily become a public inconvenience or-hard- ship or a national emergency. Presently it must be clear that a po- litical solution is usually wrong or often impossible. It would appear as though President Johnson has refused to inter- vene in either the airline or the New York City transport strikes for political reasons. Politics has no place in labor disputes when the national interest or public inconvenience is involved. President Johnson is quick to use his office to control steel, aluminum, and other industries, but laggardly when unions exceed the administration eco- nomic guidelines allegedly designed to forestall inflation. Perhaps another President would be similarly encumbered and shackled by the feared political con- sequences. Through press-agentry, President Johnson attempted to milk as much po- litical advantage as possible out of the negotiation proceedings. His. curious outward detachment from the negotia- tions until settlement appeared immi. nent, then the nighttime summons of the parties to the White House woodshed, the mandatory closeting of the negotia- tors in the Executive offices, the grand TV announcement of the "noninflation-, ary" settlement, the devious childish withholding of the terms of the agree- men t from the public, the taxpayers, and the families of the machinists until the time of the election must have demon-, strated that this President and his labor advisers do not understand labor, do not care about management, and have little concern for the public or the taxpayer,. Neither crass politics nor cheap press- agentry have any legitimate or helpful. place inlabor-management. The Pres- ident has mishandled the airline strike. The President cannot be blamed en- tirely because there is no prescribed plan or procedure for solution. A new procedure for settling strikes of this nature is desperately needed to re- sume air transportation service now and to preclude such a public inconvenience and hardship in the future. The present law permits Congress and the President to weasel out of their re- sponsibility. Congress leaves the prob- lem to the President; the President defers to the Congress. Generally, President Johnson likes to intrude on the preroga- tives of the legislature-but not in dis- tasteful strike situations. Congress must enact clear enabling legislation. Compulsory arbitration is a distaste- ful method for settling an ordinary labor-management dispute. Compulsory arbitration brings together representa- tives of both contending parties with a neutral third party acceptable to both contenders. While compulsion in any form in a free society is objectionable, the inhumanitarian hardships of unabated use of economic power by either labor or management are also objectionable. Heretofore, Congress has refused to in- voke compulsory arbitration for many good reasons. The enormity of the pub- lic detriment now overwhelms the rea- sons against compulsory arbitration. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100020-5