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Approved For a asp 2Q
R U@29$
So Mr. HOLLAND'S amendment was re-
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President,
I mgve to reconsider the vote by which
the amendment was rejected.
Mr. ,AVITS. I move to lay that mo-
tion on the table.
scribe maximum working hours and other
conditions for the protection of the health
and safety of children employed pursuant to
this subparagraph (C):'
1000Must 25, 1966
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, former
Ambassador Anthony B. Akers, an ex-
perienced individual in the field of diplo-
macy and a distinguished and thoughtful
INTEREST RATES AND INFLATION man, has developed a memorandum con-
Mr. GORE. Mr. President, one of the cerning the possibility of achieving a
most persistently consistent factors con- peaceful and generally acceptable solu-
tributing to the inflation we are now tion to the Vietnam problem.
I believe that his memorandum might
fts. With is the ons in corporate pro- , be of interest not only to our country
fits. With variations in depreciation, to other countries. In any case, I
bes other eo of coo ingporate wtllgimmicciation, gimmicks, the am sure it will interest my colleagues
pest measure op coital r- consumption being allow- and for this reason I ask unanimous con-
ances. ss plus cap- sent to have it printed in the RECORD.
ances. believe this approach is a worth-
In 19meprofits a$51. billion. n. 19allow , while one and that the Akers proposal
antes am risen to i and d i on. is now ow should be followed to its logical conclu-figure run ing had rut tn to $87 .2 billion. sion. Both as an old friend of Mr. Akers
running about This and as an American, I wish him every
represents an increase, over the short
er success in his efforts.
span of 5 or 6 years of some 69 percent. cc There being no objection, the memo-
porttion of rion of this increase inc thatrease a inc corporate vrpoorate pro- pro- significant randum was ordered to be printed in the
o RECORD, as follows:
fits is attributable to tax reduction, in- MEMORANDUM: PROPOSED COURSE OF ACTION
vestment tax credit and accelerated FOR THE UNITED NATIONS IN RE VIETNAM,
depreciation. AUGUST 3, 1966
With corporate health so clearly I PREFATORY COMMENT:
robust, many questions are being asked North and South Vietnam combined com-
about the odd behavior of the stock prise 127,000 square miles and more than 34
market. million people supported essentially by a
Many economists think a great many rice-growing economy based on ancient and
economic decisions are psychologically traditional social systems evolved by a people
based. In any event, there is much un- identifiable 2000 years ago.
certainty about the future course of the In the same year, 1945, that the United
economy and of Government actions Nations was founded, there began in Viet-
affecting the economy. nam the fateful struggle which soon flared
The indicators of economic health, it into open warfare. Even before that date
should be realized, are mixed. As I have Vietnam had become a war torn area, occu-
pied by the Japanese in 1940. For more than
just said, corporate profits and dividends a quarter century, therefore, the tides of
continue to rise sharply. The stock violence in Vietnam have ebbed and flowed
market has recently suffered sharp across the headlines of the world. Most of
declines. Total industrial activity con- the major powers have been involved in
tinues brisk, but certain segments, not- either principal or ancillary roles at one time
th So have several small nations.
The motion to lay on the table was
agreed to.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I yield
myself 1 minute on the bill.
I yield myself the time to ask the ma-
jority leader to lay to
the s child am labor
amendment and make it the pending
business. I am not prepared to debate
it tonight. I should like the majority
leader to give us his wishes.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, in
response to the question of the distin-
guished senior Senator from New York,
there will be no more votes tonight, be-
cause I think we are all pretty tired.
However, I ask unanimous consent
that when the Senate completes its busi-
ness today, it stand in recess until 10
o'clock tomorrow morning.
BYRD of Virginia in the chair). Is there
objection? The Chair hears none, and
it is so ordered.
Mr. MANSFIELD. For the Informa-
tion of the Senate, there will be no
morning hour, and at 10 o'clock, at the
conclusion of the prayer and the reading
of the Journal, we will go directly on the
bill and the Javits amendment, which I
understand will be the pending business
at that time.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I call up
my amendment No. 759 and ask unani-
mous consent that debate on it may be
suspended until tomorrow.
there objection to the request of the
Senator from New York? The Chair
hears none, and it is so ordered. The
amendment will be stated.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the reading of
the amendment may be dispensed with
but that it be printed at this point in the
objection, it is so ordered.
The amendment (No. 759) is as fol-
On page 43, strike out lines 14 through 17
and insert in lieu thereof the following:
"(c) (1) The provisions of section to any
lating to child labor shall not apply
employee employed in agriculture outside of
school hours for the school district where
or ano
Although the struggle in Vietnam has
paralleled the life of the United Nations, that
body has been neither willing nor seemingly
able to influence the course of events there.
From 1945-54 the Vietnamese struggle cen-
tered on the issue of colonialism and the
political question of self-determination.
After the defeat of French military forces at
Dienbienphu, the cease-fire and Geneva
Accords of 1954 ended colonialism and di-
vided Vietnam into North and South with
provisions for subsequent elections. Such
elections were not held in either South Viet-
nam or in North Vietnam.
Since 1954 the struggle, often brutal and
cruel in character, has found its focus in
South Vietnam between forces vying for con-
trol of South Vietnam. Each side has re-
ceived and is receiving external assistance.
More recently the conflict has been brought
into North Vietnam, especially through air-
-- -
sucn em iu ec as --5 ?-.-.- - - -
ployed, if such employee- adjourns this year. The President had intervention by the United Nations in the
"(A) is employed by his parents, or by a an opportunity yesterday at his news Vietnamese struggle. The United Nations
person standing in the place of his parent, conference to take and to announce his cannot intervene with success if it attempts
on a farm owned or operated by such parent to deal with charges and counter-charges of
or person, or on a neighboring farm, as de- arrival at some hard decisions. He ,aggression" or attempts to censure or to
fined by the Secretary of Labor, or passed. He settled for platitudes, mild assess responsibility for the present situation
"(B) is fourteen years of age or over, or admonitions, and an indefinite reference in Viet Nam. It is imperative that the
"(C) is twelve years of age or over and is to congressional action. He chose to ig- United Nations function strictly as a media-
employed on a farm to which he commutes nore the Truman maxim, "The buck tory framework looks only forward-
daily within twenty-five miles of his perms- Stops here." But there is yet time for toward Nam, peaceful l the solution. Unio Nations is to must succeed
nent residence, and (i) such employment is action. Without action both interest in Viet Nam
here strictly its most basic ons must
the written consent of his parent or rates and the cost of living will further her as an interts tl basic purpose of last
person standing in place of his parent, or rise, bringing hardship in their wake. rIng esort to which appeal can be made above
(ii) his parent or person standing in place
of his parentis also employed on the same Mr. President, the short, but the intense fervor of political passion and
farm. The Secretary may by regulation pre- there is yet time to act. continuing military combat.
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100005-2
ably housing starts and automobile sales,
have fallen off badly.
I think it is generally realized that
high interest rates cannot really regu-
late the economy. Reliance upon high
and higher interest rates to curb inflation
has brought imbalances and inequities.
Everyone is waiting for the President,
with the power and prestige of the Office
of President, backed up as he is by the
wealth of talent in the Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers, the Treasury Depart-
ment, various agencies with credit and
debt management functions to provide
the leadership that is needed and neces-
sary to bring down usurious interest
rates. The acuteness of the need for
such Presidential leadership is "illus-
trated by the fact that Johnson interest
rates are now higher than Hoover rates,
higher now that at any time in 45 years.
~~~2 I~ P67 ~A 000400100005-2
August 25, 190pproved Fo(:6Nf~M
The result was announced-yeas 22, Labor Standards Act of 1938 to extend Senator from Florida. On this question
nays 64, as follows: its protection to additional employees, to the yeas and nays have been ordered,
[No. 222 Leg.] raise the minimum wage, and for other and the clerk will call the roll.
Kennedy, N.Y.
Aiken Ervin Morton
Allott Fannin Mundt
Anderson Fulbright Muskie
Bass Gore Pearson
Bayh Griffin Prouty
Bible Harris Randolph
Boggs Hickenlooper Robertson
Brewster Hill Russell, S.C.
Burdick Holland Russell, Ga.
Byrd, Va. Hruska Saltonstall
Byrd, W. Va. Jordan, N.C. Scott
Cannon Lausche Smith
Carlson Long, La. Stennis
Church McCarthy Symington
Cooper McClellan Talmadge
Cotton McGovern Thurmond
Curtis McIntyre Tower
Dirksen Miller Williams, Del.
Dodd Mondale Yarborough
Dominick Monroney Young, N. Dak.
Eastland Montoya
Ellender Morse
So Mr.
Jordan, Idaho
Long, Mo.
Proxmire question recurs on the amendment of the Mr. MANSFIELD (after having voted.
Tyaimg Senator from Florida. in the negative). Mr. President, on this
Williams, N.J. Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President, vote I have a pair with the distinguished
Young, Ohio all time has been yielded back in opposi- Senator from Alabama [Mr. SPARKMAN].
ti- to th
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President,
I move to reconsider the vote by which
the amendment was rejected.
Mr. PASTORE. I move to lay the
motion on the table.
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi-
dent, I ask that the Chair lay before the
Senate a message from the House on H.R.
4665, a bill relating to the income tax
treatment of exploration expenditures in
the case of mining.
the Senate a message from the House of
Representatives announcing its disagree-
ment to the amendments of the Senate to
the bill (H.R. 4665) relating to the in-
come tax treatment of exploration ex-
penditures in the case of mining and re-
questing a conference with the Senate on
the disagreeing votes of the two Houses
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I move that
the Senate insist upon its amendments,
agree to the request of the House for a
conference, and that the Chair appoint
the conferees on the part of the Senate.
The motion was t?greed to; and the
Presiding Officer appointed Mr. LONG of
ment on
Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware, and Mr. Mr. YARBOROUGH. We are not
CARLSON conferees on the part of the seeking to crush them to death. This in-
Senate, voives only 1.6 percent of the farms all
over America. This is a bill to protect
FAIR LABOR STANDARDS the small farmers and put them in a
AMENDMENTS OF 1966 competitive position.
The Senate resumed the consideration having been yielded back, the question Is
of the bill (H.R. 13712) to amend the Fair on agreeing to the amendment of the
22 p
poses. The assistant legislative clerk pro-
Th,. PP FCTx>rntr_ nztc r"a,- i _
[No. 223 Leg.]
Russell, S.C.
Russell, Ga.
Byrd, Va.
Jordan, N.C.
Long, La.
Williams, Del.
Young, N. Dak.
Kennedy, Mass. Pastore
Kennedy, N.Y.
Byrd, W. Va.
Williams, N.J.
Young, Ohio
Hayden Metcalf
Jordan, Idaho Murphy
Long, Mo. Simpson
Mansfield Sparkman
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100005-2
e amendment of the Senator If he were present and voting, he would
from Florida which would strike the pro- vote "yea." If I were permitted to vote,
visions with respect to agricultural work- I would vote "nay." Therefore, I with-
ers from the bill. hold my vote.
Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, I yield The assistant legislative clerk resumed
myself 2 minutes on the bill. and concluded the call of the roll.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I announce
Senator from Florida is recognized for that the Senator from Alaska [Mr. BART-
2 minutes. LETT], the Senator from Alaska [Mr.
Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, I call GRUENING], The Senator from Missouri
attention to the fact that there were 22 [Mr. LONG], the Senator from Montana
votes to put agricultural labor on parity [Mr. METCALF), and the Senator from
with industrial labor. There were two Alabama [Mr. SPARKMAN] are absent on
live pairs. That makes 24 votes for that official business.
position. I also announce that the Senator from
If there is any better showing required Indiana [Mr. HARTKE], and the Senator
that there is already sentiment existing from Arizona [Mr. HAYDEN] are neces-
to put agricultural labor on comparable sarily absent,
rates with industrial labor, we have had I further announce that, if present
that demonstrated here in the last few and voting, the Senator from Alaska
minutes. [Mr. BARTLETT], the Senator from Alaska
I hope that the amendment can be [Mr. GRUENING], and the Senator from
agreed to. Missouri [Mr. LONG] would each vote
Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and "nay."
nays. Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the
The yeas and nays were ordered. Senator from Utah [Mr. BENNETT] and
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President, I the Senator from California [Mr.
yield myself 1 minute on the bill. MURPHY] are absent because of illness.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The Senator from Idaho [Mr. JORDAN]
Senator from Texas is recognized for 1 and the Senator from Wyoming [Mr.
minute. SIMPSON] are necessarily absent.
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, will the
present and voting, the Senator from
Chair restore the Senate to order? Utah [Mr. BENNETT], the Senator from
The PRESIDING OFFICER. There Idaho [Mr. JORDAN], and the Senator.
will be order in the Senate. from Wyoming [Mr. SIMPSON] would
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President, each vote "yea."
I point out that the amendment of the
Senator from Florida would strike all If present and voting, the Senator from
agricultural labor from the protection California [Mr. MURPHY] would vote
11 afforded by the bill. The agricultural nay."
labor that would be covered under the The result was announced-yeas 37,
bill involves only 1.6 percent of the farms nays 51, as follows:
in the country, 98.4 percent of the farms
in the United States are exempt under
the pending bill. That 1.6 percent of
the farms in the country employ 390,000
farm laborers.
It is the position of the House and of
the committee that we should support
this very modest provision in the bill to
give protection to some agricultural
workers. Since the Kuchel amendment
has been rejected, it would go only to
$1.30 and stop there.
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield?
Mr. YARBOROUGH I was about to
yield back 20 seconds.
I yield to the Senator from Mississippi.
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, can the
Senator from Texas guarantee that if
this measure becomes law there will not
be a further
Approved ~~Re1e 6 D 6R000400100005-2 19777
August st 25, 1966 C~ivUx~~~i~ ~~C ~
The United Nations must encourage nego- gional arrangement" or "regional agency" mittee" of the United Nations. The integrity
tiations, and, if that does not succeed, it convoked for the purpose of considering the of such "Peace Zone" shall be guaranteed by
must then invoke the ballot box of the else- Vietnamese problem under Chapter VIII armed units designated by the United Na-
tural process in the cause of self-determine- the United Nations. such conference trative frameworks shall nregularlyacon consult
tfon. of General and/or the Security with a "Consultative Assemblage" composed
is1tllough the keynote o er in the "cleans e- the Secretary- of fifteen citizens of South Vietnam. This princi- ing, c much persuasive power " nce f of pals in in the also summon: a) the and, b) "Consultative Assemblage" membership shall
all ll other he Vietnamese eAsiatic-Pacific -aPacific conflict; nations ionanot d, (b) now be representative as far as possible, of all the
the bting glare e and of the "compelling"world influence spotlightt" pals
the bright righ
shining with continuous intensity on the members of the United Nations which would sections of the South Vietnamese people, and
Vietnamese situation. be entitled to membership in such a "re- the members shall be designated by the
With a reasonable reasonable le proposal for settlement gional arrangement" if such nations were ,anon of a cease- General fire. immediately upon effectu-
subject to reasonable modifications spelled now members of the United Nations. elected gov-
South after the Viet duly shale have
out in detail beforehand, obstructionism 2. Upon the convocation of such con- ern-ment One of year
would soon become apparent to the entire ference the Secretary-General and/or the assumed office, South Vietnam and North
world in such a cleansing intensity of light Security Council shall declare that the Viet- invited to become members
from the very first step through final settle- namese situation constitutes a grave threat Vietnam
the United United shall be Ne invited ons. ment. to international peace and world order and 5 The uestion as to whether South
III. THE QUESTION AT ISSUE AND THE UNITED shall call for a cease-fire in Vietnam to be () q
NATIONS CHARTER followed immediately by negotiations "with- Vietnam and North Vietnam shall be re-
out prior conditions" between the principals. united shall be postponed for a period of
Irrefutably the central question at issue 3. Such conference would proceed to es- twelve years from cease-fire at the end of
in Vietnam, admitted by both sides, is ent tablish an "ad hoc Regional Agency" made which time elections shall be held separately
political question involving the inherent up of members And non-members of the in each country to determine tile will of the
right of the people of South Vietnam to United Nations. Such agency then would electorate in each country in this matter.
determine their own fate. Irrefutable, also, proceed to oversee negotiations between the Such elections at the end of twelve years
"the clarity of intent and meaning of the principals of the Vietnamese conflict. shall be ordered by the government of each
"Purposes and Principles" in the United If course A does not succeed in a ,timely country and shall be overseen by United
Nations Charter set forth in Article 1 as manner, then, either through such "ad hoc Nations teams of observers. In the alterna-
follows: or otherwise, Course B tive the two then duly constituted govern-
1. To maintain international peace and Regional Agency" shall be invoked with dispatch. mints of South Vietnam and North Vietnam
security, and to that end: to take effective Course B: "Quarantine Cordon of Peace"- may negotiate the question of reunification
collective measures for the prevention and Under the peace-keeping mandate of the at the end of such twelve year period.
removal of threats to the pews, and for the Charter, the United Nations not only has (6) Concurrently with the cease-fire there
breachesion the acts of aggression about other bthe right but the obligation and moral duty shall be established a United Nations Neu-
peceeful tpeace, and bring h the to prevent and remove threats to the peace. trality Zone for Southeast Asia under the
peaacful m means, and n in conformity with the Furthermore, when the principal question at auspices of the United Nations. The follow-
principles of justice and international law, issue relates to the right of a people to deter- ing nations shall be invited to join: Thailand,
disputes or it seons which of international mine their own fate and such issue is con- Laos, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cam-
adj or breach peace. s which might lead to a joined with military action which gravely bodia.
each s of or h the p has threatened international peace for an Those nations which join shall be declared
based asedlop . friendly for the principle o of ng extended period of time, and repeated at- neutral nations by the United Nations and
t. To.
nations an respect no tempts to initiate negotiations between the their neutrality and territorial integrity
equal rights and self-determination pep- principals have failed, then it becomes clear- guaranteed by the United Nations provided
pies, and to take other appropriate oriate mess- ly obligatory upon the United Nations to all foreign troops are removed from their
uses to strengthen universal peace;" ring such a region with a "Quarantine Cor- territories within a 40 day period after join-
IV. THE THREAT TO PEACE AND THE UNrrED don of Peace", and to proceed with all delib- ing the Neutrality Zone. Such neutral coun-
NATIONS OBLIGATION erate speed to provide an appropriately tries shall be permitted to continue limited
It is self-evident that the Vietnamese situ- supervised electoral framework in order that alliances with other nations but shall not
ation now constitutes, and for an extended self-determination may take place. receive military assistance through such al-
period of time has constituted, a clear and 2. It is proposed, therefore, that the United liances. COMMENT
continuing threat to international peace. Nations proceed at once through the Secur- VI. CONCLUDING
It follows, therefore that the United Nations ity Council and/or the General Assembly as
has an obligation and enduring responsibil- follows: its It is was Urgent to thaat t the United Vietnam Nations quesestioon find
n find
ity under its Charter to remove such an (a) Declare that the conflict in Vietnam immediately. It is enormously important
obvious threat to world peace and actively now constitutes a grave and constantly re- Nations ha definitive
action United mind when have
to participate in the settlement of the Viet- curring threat to international peace. that lag the
considers the
namese struggle. (b) Declare that a United Nations team is p of in it
Neither North nor South Vietnam is a being dispatched to both North and South Vietnam question. There are, of course,
member of the United Nations. In this mat- Vietnam for the purpose of informing the several possible approaches to the problem. and
mirr doSection 6 of Article 2 the United Na- United Nat ons belligerents thetViet- meaning of the Un ted Nat onsoCharter.o
lions Charter provides jurisdiction:
"8. The Organization shall ensure that gamest conflict now constitutes a grave and These proposed courses of action have been
states which are not Members of the United constantly recurring threat to international drawn in full awareness of the difficulties in-
Nations act in accordance with these Prin- peace and world order; and that the United herent in implementation. The difference far
in the
and see VNations ietnamcand its all es govendrt eegovernment SecurityhCou cil as comparedttoethn e Gen-
measures mciples of international peacy for
curity." of South Vietnam and its allies to enter at eral Assembly have-been borne in mind, e.g.
It is not enough for the United Nations to once upon a cease-fire under the following that the General Assembly cannot order but
conditions: can only recommend, while the Security
attempt to use etc "good offices" to stop the (1) Simultaneously with the cease-fire the Council may order and enforce its order.
Secrete and n encourage negotiations. The United Nations shall mandate a "Quarantine Cognizance has been taken also of the fact
ready have eneral and member nations es. Cordon of Peace" conterminal with the that, as yet, the political will to have the
ready offered these
solemn obligation o.f borders of South Vietnam and extending United Nations assume such a role in the
mes It now becatio tac solemn obtervene o three miles on each side of such borders. Vietnamese struggle has been either not Ares-
the United Nations actively to intervene. (2) Within a 40-day period dating from ent, or at least not marshalled effectively.
V. TWO PROPOSED COURSES OF ACTION FOR THE the cease-fire all foreign and non-resident Neither North Vietnam nor South Vietnam
. UNTIED NATIONS military personnel shall be removed outside is a members of the United Nations. Fur-
The two courses set forth below call for the borders of South Vietnam except military thermore, the most populous nation in the
s not involved in tIn Viet-
immediate initiation of action by the United personnel designated by the United Nations world, which conflict deeply
Nations, Course A is aimed toward the logi- for peace-keeping purposes. a member.
cal first. step of negotiation, and course B is (3) The United Nations immediately shall tion, a great power may elect to invoke the
based on self-determination through the begin establishment of a framework for the veto in the Security Council against even the
electoral process. The failure of Course A supervision of elections in South Vietnam inscription on the Council's agenda of any
leaves no productive alternative except to to be held 180 days from the date of cease- item relating to Vietnam. Those who would
invoke immediate pursuit of Course B. fire. Such elections shall be held by secret oppose such course of action may peremp-
Course A: 1. The Secretary-General and/or ballot for all offices of a national constituent torily state that the United Nations has no
the Security Council shall summon a con- legislative body, and for at least a chief business in Vietnam because the situation is
ference of represenatives of the governments executive officer and deputy chief executive. properly the concern of the Geneva Confer-
of all member nations of the United Na- During the interim 180 day period South ence which has no connection with the
tions which would be entitled, as Asiatic- Vietnam shall be declared a "Peace Zone" United Nations. There are those who may
Pacific countries, to membership in a "re- under a special international "Interim Com- restate the view that the United Nations has
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100005-2
no right to examine the problem, or that
United Nations action would be Inappropri-
ate, or that the "Purposes and Principles" of
the United Nations Charter set forth merely
general principles rather than more substan-
tive obligations.
Technicians can while away weeks, months
and years on the meaning of the same words
in different contexts or on thediffering legal
interpretations of similar actions as employed
by varying agencies of the United Nations.
In the meantime men, women and chil-
dren are being killed in a war which hope-
fully could be terminated through a collec-
tive will to act on the part of member nations
of the United Nations.
It would be difficult to find phrases more
descriptive of the United Nations purposes
than "to maintain international peace" and
"self-determination of peoples." The entire
universe is now aware that Vietnam consti-
tutes a continuing threat to world order-
the kind of threat which may lead to univer-
sal conflagration. The principals in the Viet-
namese struggle readily concede that the
basic question at issue is that of the right of
the people of South Vietnam to determine
their own fate.
In such situation there should exist an
avenue of appeal to some supreme interna-
tional authority, as far removed as possible
from political passions, which can function
in a mediatory or conciliatory capacity. The
United Nations must serve such purpose
until a better framework is created.
What has become of the promise of San
Francisco in 1945 which began:
"We the peoples of the United Nations
determined to save succeeding generations
from the scourge of war, which twice in our
lifetime has brought untold sorrow to man-
kind ... ?"
On June 30, 1936 Haile Selassie made a
memorable address before the Assembly of
the League of Nations pleading for the
League's intervention, which was not forth-
coming. The League subsequently failed
and World War II followed shortly thereafter.
The last words of Haile Selassie's fervent
pleas ever since have haunted mankind:
"Representatives of the world . What
answer am r to take back to my people?"
Wars, and their scope and force have pro-
gressed trigonometrically since that time.
In the event of nuclear holocaust no man on
earth can be safe.
Today the question
answer shall all of
of the world . .
us take back to
tegrity and highly skilled but who would,
apparently, rather fight than switch.
I have no doubt that if further names
come before the Senate for its advice and
consent with respect to confirmation, the
hearings in the Committee on Foreign
Relations will be sufficiently extensive
to develop to what extent these gentle-
men are hard liners or are, on the con-
trary, interested in minimizing the con-
flict between East and West and in mov-
ing forward through the orderly devel-
opment of international institutions
toward the cause of peace.
Mr. President, I am confident, at least
with respect to one of the nominations
now pending before the Committee on
Foreign Relations, that there will be ex-
tensive debate on the floor of the Senate
with respect to whether the individual-
who is gentleman of great ability and
high integrity-nevertheless, represents
so obsolete an attitude toward foreign
policy that his confirmation might be
[From the New York Times, Aug. 25, 1966]
(By Richard Eder)
WASHINGTON, August 24.-President John-
son said today that he was nearing a decision
on restafflng the rapidly emptying top eche-
lon of the State Department, but gave no
hint as to his choices.
The President announced at his news con-
ference that he had "tentatively selected" a
successor to Thomas C. Mann, who :resigned
in April as Under Secretary for Economic Af-
fairs, the department's third-ranking post.
[Question 16, Page 18.1
Mr. Johnson said that he would probably
not disclose his choice until after U. Alexis
Johnson, who ranks fourth in the department
as Deputy Under Secretary for Political Af-
fairs, was confirmed by the Senate as Am-
bassador to Japan.
Saying that "there will be several an-
nouncements there" the President appeared
to indicate that he would announce the
Deputy Under Secretary's successor at the
same time.
The President said that there would be one
or two other vacancies to be filled "below the
Secretary of State." He thus foreshadowed
the impending resignation of Under Secre-
tary George W. Ball, and gave substance to
reports that William J. Crockett, Deputy Un-
der Secretary for Administration, was plan-
ning to leave the department.
The President also announced the nomina-
tion of John S. Hayes, a broadcasting execu-
tive, as Ambassador to Switzerland. One or
two other ambassadorial appointments will
be announced, he said, as soon as the coun-
tries to which the prospective ambassadors
are destined have accepted them.
Mr. Johnson's disclosure that he had a
candidate to fill one of the State Depart-
ment's under secretaryships sharpened spec-
ulation here as to what the department's
complexion would be once he had completed
its most extensive reshuffling in many years.
Mr. Johnson's reference to changes below
the secretary level made it clear that he in-
tended, to keep Dean Rusk where he is. The
changes involve the three top policy posts
under Mr. Rusk, and, If Mr. Crockett leaves,
the top administrative post as well.
It is considered virtually certain that Alexis
Johnsen, who coordinates state operations in
Vietnam and other critical areas with those
of agencies such as the Defense Department
and the Central Intelligence Agency, will be
succeede-1 by a career Foreign Service officer.
It is believed likely that a career officer will
also fill the second under secretaryship--that
formerly held by Mr. Mann.
25, 1966
Although speculatidn has ranged widely,
the men most commonly mentioned for the
two jobs-with no clear estimate of which
man would get which job-are Lucius D.
Battle, now Ambassador to the United. Arab
Republic, and Douglas MacArthur 2d, who is
Assistant Secretary for Congressional Rela-
Two other names mentioned frequently,
but somewhat less insistently, are those of
William P. Bundy, Assistant Secretary for
Far Eastern Affairs, and Ridgway B. Knight,
Ambassador to Belgium..
The most important choice, however, and
one about which there is little informed
speculating, is that of a successor to Under
Secretary Ball.
There has been something of a tradition of
choosing an Under Secretary whose views
and style complement, if they do not con-
tradict, those of the secretary.
Mr. Ball, for example, has argued for a more
flexible policy on Vietnam than that advo-
cated by Mr. Rusk and he was an advocate of
close European cooperation, a subject that
Mr. Rusk tends to leave alone.
Clark Clifford, a foreign policy adviser to
Presidents Truman, Kennedy and Johnson,
was reportedly a strong choice for the post.
His health is not good, however, and his
appointment is now being discounted.
Observers here suggest that the President
is looking for a candidate who will bring, If
not actually a fresh approach, at least some-
thing of a fresh image. to the department.
They suggest further that he should have
somewhat more appeal to liberals in the
Senate and elsewhere than the battle-worn
figure of Mr. Rusk does.
Mr. HART. Mr. President, I was un-
fortunately detained off the floor yester-
day at the time the Senate adopted and
thus cleared for the President the con-
ference report on appropriations for the
Department of Agriculture. If I could
have been present, I would have liked
to have made the following comment.
While overall the legislation as sent to
the President has much to commend it,
I am disappointed that cut from the bill
was the amendment which I sponsored
to provide an additional $2.5 million for
school lunches in needy areas.
Mr. President, what disturbs me about
this situation is that while we have been
responsible in providing funds for the
school lunch program as a whole-and
this means lunches in suburbia and in
the well-to-do neighborhoods as well as
in the low-income areas-we are short-
changing the schools in the poor areas
where a high percentage of the children
need the free or low-cost lunch. The
able Senator from South Dakota [Mr.
MCGOVERN] inserted in the RECORD a
most compelling example of the need and
value of this effort when the amendment
was being considered-RECORD page
15118. He reported on the Annunciation
Grade School of Denver, Colo.
Our sense of values is open to ques-
tion if we are not able to see the need
for additional expenditure in low-income
neighborhoods. The hearings being con-
ducted by the Senator from Connecticut
[Mr. RIBICOFF] have made a real con-
tribution in given us an idea of the scope
of the problems we face In our urban
centers. We are going to have to re-
. what
all our
Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, this
morning's New York Times contains an
article written by Richard Eder, entitled
"Johnson Weighs Appointments to Top
State Department Posts."
I ask unanimous consent that this arti-
cle be printed in the RECORD at the con-
clusion of my remarks.
objection it is so ordered.
(See exhibit 1.)
Mr. CLARK Mr. President, of course,
this article is pure speculation, but I
must say that some of the names men-
tioned for high positions in the State De-
partment send chills down the backs of a
number of members of the Committee on
Foreign Relations, to whose attention I
have brought the article.
Those of us interested in peace and in-
ternational cooperation are gravely con-
cerned at some of the nominations pend-
ing before the Committee on Foreign
Relations of individuals of complete in-
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1~CAS~~~C~~ -
hope to live where all the people can live
together in a smaller world, at a higher level
of prosperity, without wars. And we also
hope, for our security and the peace of the
;world, that we will live where those of us
who are Americans can be proud of that
fact; where the statement, "Civis Americanus
sum," will command respect everywhere. For
we are the citizens of no mean state.
Yet the news reader today is so continually
dismayed, so often sickened and discouraged
by the truth as it arrives, that millions-
with some justice-say: "I can't take any
more. I hate to pick up a newspaper and
read what's happening today."
Well, unfortunately, there's so much to
know in this world that none of us can know
very much. Each of us reads just enough to
realize how immense are the problems. We
think just enough to realize what is required
to meet the tasks that face the United States.
May I ask you to read only a few words
more? An editorial:
"It is a gloomy moment in history. Not
in the lifetime of most men ... has there
been so much grave and deep apprehension;
never has the future seemed so incalculable
Premier Ky's efforts in connection with up, but amendments can be overridden by a
the September elections were reviewed two-thirds vote of the assembly. Within 30
in a Saigon dispatch from Associated days after it is completed, Thieu must offi-
Press Writer George McArthur. Entitled cially promulgate the constitution.
The assembly will have 117 seats. Nine
"Election Season in Vietnam," the in- will be filled by mountain tribesmen, four by
formative dispatch appeared in the Au- border people of Cambodian extraction, and
gust 10, 1966, issue of the Honolulu Star- 104 will be elected by the rest of the popu-
Bulletin. Having met Mr. McArthur in lation.
the Philippines last November I am Despite the complications, more than 700
pleased to submit his article for inclu- candidates applied. The military screening
sion in the RECORD' committee, appointed by the regime, ac-
cepted 629, after eliminating those deemed
ELECTION SzasoeI IN VIETNAM to be tainted by communism or neutralism.
(By George McArthur) About 50 of the candidates are military
SAICoN.-Apparently reluctant no longer, men, not all of them supported by Ky and
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky is warming up to the military junta. The rest can amend the
South Viet Nam's elections for a conatitu- draft constitution which represent a cross
tional assembly, now only a month away. section of literate Vietnamese. Their po-
With an air of increasing confidence, the litical inclinations are unlikely to become
35-year-old military boss Is playing a hard clear until the formal campaign is permitted
game of domestic politics. Even his critics to start August 26.
agree that the dapper air vice marshal is pro- The government limits printing costs for
moting the September 11 elections now, leaflets or posters-and does the printing
although he only grudgingly accepted the itself.
idea last April, at the height of a Buddhist
Ky recently placed his senior colleagues
before the press for a comprehensive, rose-
bles with uncertainty. Russia hangs, as tinted state of the nation report-military,
usual, like a cloud, dark and silent, on the political and economic.
horizons; while all the energies, resources He followed up with speeches and public
and influences of the British Empire are appearances. He has seen a stream of call-
sorely tried, and are yet to be tried more ers, foreign and Vietnamese. He has ordered
relations with China. It is a solemn moment, provinces to call in local notables and explain IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
and no man can foresee the end of our what the elections are about. By all ac-
troubles." counts, those meetings were well attended, Thursday, August 25, 1966
A solemn moment. Yes, the writer was frequently in such neutral settings as Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, it
right. But it was not the end of the world. schoolhouses.
This editorial appeared in Harper's Weekly Ky also summoned all province chiefs to would be well for our State Department
in October, 1857. Saigon for a three-day election conference, to follow the example of some of our
In the century since 1857 America has attended by other military-and civilian- allies in the conduct of foreign affairs
made more progress than in all the years leaders. Ky opened the meetings by pledg- and their perspective on communism.
that go back to the Declaration of Independ- ing honest voting supervised by candidates, In an effort to provoke the State De-
ence; made more progress, in fact, than has civil servants, students and military cadets. partment's thought processes, I insert
been made by the human race as a whole in Ky also has permitted his former chief in the RECORD, two articles by the distin-
all the preceding centuries from the first day rival, General Nguyen Chan Thi, to fly to guished international columnist, Du-
of human history, the United States for an indefinite visit,
Oh, yes, there have been many, many despite an embarrassing six-months prison mitru Danielopol. They appeared in the
other times when things were stacked against sentence Thi Incurred for guessing wrong. Thursday, August 4, and the Friday,
us and we have somehow pulled through. All this has given rise to some optimism July 22, editions of the Aurora Beacon-
We will again. This country was made or about the elections. The optimism is most News of Illinois:
faith, not fear. `noticeable at the U.S. Embassy, which likes [From the Aurora Beacon-News, July 22,
to dispatch good news to President Johnson. 19661
On the other -side of the ledger is the DUMITRu DANIELOPOL COMMENTS-THE
skeptical view of some officials, both Viet- GREEKS AREN T GULLIBLE
Vietnam Prepares for September Elections namese and American, that the Premier is ATHENS.-Don't talk to the Greeks about
engaged primarily astute maneuver economic progress behind the Iron Curtain.
sugarcoat his military an rule and retain power. .
EXTENSION OF REMARKS Ky's statement that he would not be a They will laugh in your face.
or presidential candidate in any future election . "What progress?" they ask.
has not dispelled the Idea he will be. While "Before the war the Greek peasants' stand-
HON. SPARK M. MATSUNAGA Ky remains air force commander, as he says and of living was the lowest in Eastern
QF HAWAII he will, the aloof little man with the well Europe, now it is the highest," one Greek of-
trimmed mustache will be a power in Saigon, ficial told me.
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Some facts of Vietnamese life cloud the In the Peloponnesus it is estimated that
Thursday, August 25, 1966 prospects for civilian rule. It is difficult to 80 per cent of the farmers drive their own
envision an anti-Communist government in cars. In neighbouring Albania, Bulgaria,
Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. Speaker, with South Viet Nam which would not be under Romania and Yugoslavia the figure doesn't
the opening of South Vietnam's formal profound military influence. approach 5 per cent.
political campaign on tomorrow, the Apart from the Viet Cong, military forces Greeks are considered among the most
world is anxiously awaiting this south- comprise the only nationwide political force astute businessmen in the world. Typically,
east Asian nation's free elections to be of any effectiveness, with the possible excep- they trade with Iron Curtain countries. They
held on September 11, 1966. tion of the minority Catholics. Buddhists, are in a position to know the Communist
Confucianists and other sects making up the facts of life.
The framework to elect a constitutional majority are fragmented and have yet to Communist propaganda may beguile
assembly has been established and it is produce either positive programs or appeal- President Johnson's missions of American
encouraging to note that Premier Nguyen ing leadership. The labor movement is po- businessmen, gullible Western journalists,
Cao Ky has been actively promoting the litically feeble. So-called independent poli- but not the Greeks.
coming elections. Displaying a departure ticians have not ignited any significant sec- "Marxism has been good for us," taunted
from his usual military stance, Premier tion of public opinion, even in cities where one Greek merchant in a recent conversation
some have relatively large followings. with an Eastern European Communist. "Be-
Ky has launched He e I has program held The elections are not designed to oust fore the war we used to buy wheat from you,
for the new ew electorate. soldiers from government life, but rather to now you come to buy wheat from us." .
meetings with both civilian and military produce an anti-Communist assembly with This just about sums up the situation in
leaders, and pledged an election which the specific-and only-task of writing a that part of Europe.
would be fair and open. He has assured constitution. ? The Marxists destroyed their farmers,
the Vietnamese populace that the elec- The military-civilian directory, technically whom they considered class enemies, and they
ti . would be supervised by candidates, bossed by the chief of state, Lieutenant Gen- lost the means to feed their people. All the
civil servants, students, and military ca- eral Nguyen Van Thieu, can amend the draft disasters that ensued are the consequence of
dets. constitution which the assembly will draw the application of Marxist theories.
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"You can compare Marx with a doctor who
prescribes a cure for a disease he doesn't
understand," one Greek official told me. "He
wrote his book in the early days of the indus-
trial revolution. He did not know what was
wrong and why. He prescribed a blindfold
cure. It was all nonsense."
The economics of the much ballyhooed
tourist boom in Bulgaria and Romania was
explained to me by an expert in Greek tour-
ism which has become a fine art in this
The Greeks figure that in order to make
money a hotel must be busy eight months
a year.
On the Communist Black Sea coast the
weather dictates a season of three to three
and a half months. This means that they
are operating at a loss. There is no remedy.
But the Reds continue to build hotels and
the more they build the more they lose.
In their anguish to get hard currencies,
both Romania and Bulgaria are offering bar-
gain prices for tourists from Western Europe.
For $200 or $250 one can get from Paris
to Mamaia or Varna and back and spend
three weeks at a Black Sea resort. This im-
plies a very heavy loss, to their economies.
"It wouldn't be so bad," said one woman
who spent a few days at a Bulgarian resort,
"but the life there is so boring. There is
nothing to do after one comes back from the
beach-nowhere to go, nothing to see, noth-
ing to buy that one wants or can use, no
natives to talk to because they are kept away
from foreigners.
"That is no vacation."
In economic terms this means that the
losses Incurred to the Communist economies
by Government "give away" tourist programs,
cannot be compensated in other ways.
From the Greek frontier to Sophia, the
capital of Bulgaria there are 100 miles of bad
"You can't even get a cup of coffee on that
road and there are only two gas stations,"
said the woman.
Doesn't this cut-rate Communist tourism
compete with Greece's own business?
"Not really," said the Athens officials. "We
cater to a different type of tourist, people
who enjoy comfort, good food, good roads,
good hotels, good sport."
The Greeks provide accommodations for
the less well-heeled tourists. There are
hotels and camps on the mainland and
around the islands. Many artists, students,
etc. come here to work, study or relax.
"Don't forget, people don't come to Greece
only for the bathing. There are many things
to see of great historical and archeological
"This is a year-round tourist land."
Can the Communists continue to operate
Indefinitely at a loss in the face of this Greek
"Of course not," laughed the Athens of-
flcial. "You cannot spend yourself rich."
From the Aurora Beacon-News, Aug. 4, 19661
ATHENS, GREECE.-"East-West trade a la
Grec" operates differently from that of other
Western countries, especially Britain.
The Greeks exchange goods with their Red
neighbors under clearing agreements, strictly
on a barter basis. They grant no credits.
And they are not likely to be caught with
large credit balances if the Communists de-
fault in their payments.
With their economies teetering danger-
ously, East European satellites are anxious
to get long term credits from the West.
"All Communist governments know that
their economies have failed," said a British
expert on Eastern Europe recently. "They
are trying hard to bring remedies. Will they
be successful? No one knows."
Yet Britain continues to export to Eastern
Europe on long credit terms.
"We don't do that," said Xenofon Zolotas,
governor of the Bank of Greece. "We work
strictly on a barter basis. If we don't find
anything to buy, we stop selling."
"We buy meat and other anima]: products
from Romania and Bulgaria," said another
government official. "We need high protein
foods. They want to sell us tractors. Every
one of the Communist countries produces
tractors which they cannot sell."
In their haste for Stalinist-type industrial-
ization. the Communist satelliies are over-
industrialized-at least in terms of their in-
ternal market. They have pauperized the
majority of the population, especially the
"Their economies are out of balance," ex-
plained the London expert.
The Greeks refuse the Communist tractors
because they prefer Western manufactures.
"They are of a better quality and design,"
one official said. "The Communists offer
theirs at bargain prices, but we still don't
want them."
"Below cost price?"
"Of course; they would sell them at a loss.
They need Western currency desperately."
The Romanians wanted to buy wheat from
Greece some time ago, but the Greeks re-
fused to sell.
"'We want dollars for our wheat;, but the
Romanians had none," he explained.
When brain-washed Communists go to
Greece and see the prosperity and activity
in this non-Communist land they gasp with
Red diplomats have complained that the
Greek workers who came to help in the em-
bassies--plumbers, carpenters, painters-
were "exploiting" them. Their prices were
too high, the diplomats said.
The Greek government ordered an inquiry.
They found that the workers were charging
strictly Greek prices,
The Communists gasped. They couldn't
believe Greek workers were so well paid.
Greek wages are between two and three
times higher than those paid in Commu-
nist countries.
"The standard of living in the 'workers
paradise' is appalling," said a Greek mer-
While meat and other protein foods are
rationed in the satellite countries, their Red
governments export them to Greece, Spain
and other countries.
"Is there a remedy?" I asked.
"Not under Marxist ideology," was the an-
A Glorious Age Without Money
Monday, August 22, 1966
Mr. QUILLEN. Mr. Speaker, it seems
that we are finding no limit to our In-
genu.ity when it comes to buying now and
paying later.
This administration has set a fine ex-
ample in how this can be done, and as
the following editorial from the :Bristol,
Tenn., Herald Courier indicates, new
credit schemes appear endless.
This is really not a laughing matter.
It is time we got down to serious deliber-
ations and reversed this trend before it
runs over us.
One of the glaring deficiencies in the Great
Society is that there are still a few things--
not many, of course, but a few-that you
have to pay cash for.
It is a pleasure to report that this economic
oversight is now being corrected.
In the near future it will be possible to
walk up to your friendly vending machine
and buy such necessities as candy, sand-
wiches, coffee, desserts and other delicacies
without spending a cent of real money.
You will merely present a permanent credit
card which the vending machine registers by
means of an electronic device.
The company which plans to introduce this
further step toward total on-the-cuff. living
concedes that use of the wonder machines
may be limited at first to Institutions and
industrial plants, for the very practical rea-
son that it will cost a lot of-forgive the
expression-cash to install them.
An elaborate electronic memory unit and
a computer will be needed to enable the
vending machine to sell stuff on tick.
This paraphernalia will cost about $2,000
in addition to the price of the vending ma-
chines, which itself isn't peanuts.
With this break-through in the currency
curtain, it will undoubtedly be only a matter
of time until such other irritating cash items
as public phone calls, toll fares, parking
meters and similar hangovers from medieval
living will be eliminated and we can enjoy
a glorious age in which we can charge every-
thing now and pay later.
The ultimate Utopia will come, of course,
when some supergenius figures out a way to
charge now and never pay later.
Then society will really be great!
And We Wish Shriver a Happy Future,
Wednesday, August 24, 1966
Mr. QUIE. Mr. Speaker, under leave
to extend my remarks in the RECORD, I
include the following exchange of cor-
respondence between Mr. Sargent Shri-
ver and Mr. Leonard Inskip. I surely
appreciated the humor of Mr. Inskip.
Mr. Shriver gave evidence of the ridic-
ulous confusion that still exists in the
Office of Economic Opportunity. In just
a small way it demonstrates that any-
time you center all authority in Wash-
ington you create opportunities for gross
mistakes as well as the ones which are
small and humorous.
The letters follow:
(EDrroR's NOTE.-The letter immediately
below was received this week under the let-
terhead of the Office of Economic Opportu-
nity (i.e., the headquarters command of the
poverty war). The writer of the second let-
ter-the addressee of the first-who became
associate editor of the Tribune editorial/
opinion page Aug. 1, is a graduate of Middle-
bury College in Vermont.)
AUGUST 1, 1966.
Editorial Pages, Minneapolis Tribune,
Minneapolis, Minn.
DEAR MR. INSKIP: I am happy to learn that
you are one of some 20,000 students in Amer-
lea who have been selected to participate in
the exciting pre-college program known as
Upward Bound. .
You will meet new responsibilities and
challenges as an Upward Bound student. We
hope you will also find new pleasures and
excitement in the pursuit of learning.
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House. of Representatives
The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chair hears none, and
The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, ordered.
D.D., offered the following prayer: . There was no objection.
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge
and my fortress: my God, in Him will I
trust.-Psalm 91: 2.
Eternal God, our Father,. who art the
Creator of the world and the everlasting
sustainer of our spirits, without whom no
one 3s wise, no one is good-we pause in
Thy presence - to invoke Thy blessing
upon us and to offer unto Thee the devo-
tion of our hearts.
Bless us as we meet this day and may
we be given wisdom to make sound de-
cisions, strength to walk in the way of
justice and freedom for all, and good will
to motivate all we say and do.
Bless Thou our country and make us
now and always a people mindful of Thy
favor, eager to do Thy will, willing to
obey Thy commandments, and ready to
live in Thy spirit of love.
Bless our Armed Forces at home and
abroad. Strengthen their families and
all their loved ones-separated from one
another as they are; and, as some jour-
ney through the valley of the shadow of
death, let them feel Thy strengthening
presence and Thy comforting spirit.
May we as the leaders of this free land
match this devotion by a deep dedication
of our own spirits to the welfare of our
beloved country, in the Master's name we
pray. Amen.
The Journal of the proceedings. of yes-
terday was read and approved.
A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar-
rington, one of its clerks, announced that
the Senate agrees to the report of the
committee of conference on the disagree-
ing votes of the two Houses on the
amendments of the House to the bill (S.
3700) entitled "An act to amend the
Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964."
The message also announced that the
Senate agrees to the report of the com-
mittee of conference on the disagreeing
votes of the two Houses on the amend-
ments of the House to the bill (S. 3688)
entitled "An act to stimulate the flow of
mortgage credit for Federal Housing
Administration and Veterans' Admin-
istration assisted residential construc-
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that the Committee
on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
may sit today during general debate.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection?
No. 142-17
Mr. HAYS submitted the following
conference report and statement on the
Senate concurrent resolution (S. Con.
Res. 77) authorizing the printing of addi-
tional copies of hearings on supplemental
foreign assistance for Vietnam for fiscal
The committee of conference on the dis-
agreeing votes of the two Houses on the
amendment of the House to the concurrent
resolution (S. Con. Res. 77) authorizing the
printing of additional copies of hearings on
supplemental foreign assistance for Vietnam
for fiscal 1966, having met, after full and
free conference, have agreed to recommend
and do recommend to their respective Houses
as follows:
That the Senate recede from its disagree-
ment to the amendment of the House and
agree to the same with an amendment as
follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be
inserted by the House amendment insert the
following: "ten"; and the House agree to
the same.
Managers on the Part of the House.
Managers on the Part of the Senate.
The managers on the part of the House at
the conference on the disagreeing votes of the
two Houses on the amendment of the House
to the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 77)
'authorizing the printing of additional copies
of hearings on supplemental foreign assist-
ance for Vietnam for fiscal 1966, submit the
following statement in explanation of the ef-
fect of the action agreed upon by the con-
ferees and recommended in the accompany-
ing conference report:
The concurrent resolution as passed by the
Senate provided that there be printed for the
use of the Committee on Foreign Relations
14,000 additional copies of its hearings (89th
Cong., 2d Seas.) on supplemental foreign as-
sistance, fiscal year 1966-Vietnam. The
House amendment reduced the number of ad-
ditional copies to be printed to 4,000. Under
the conference agreement the number of ad-
ditional copies to be printed is 10,000.
Managers on the Part of the House.
(Mr. MILLS asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1
duty to announce to the House the pass-
ing on Monday last of one of our es-
teemed former colleagues.
Wade Hampton Kitchens, attorney,
statesman, and veteran of three wars,
passed away August 22 at the age of.
Wade Hampton Kitchens was a Mem-
ber of the House during the 75th and
76th Congresses, from 1936 to 1940, and
was a member of the Arkansas General
Assembly for two terms.
Mr. Kitchens was a veteran of three
wars-the Spanish American War, the
Philippine Insurrection, and World War
I. He was a member of the bar of the
States of Arkansas, Tennessee, and Okla-
homa, as well as a member of the Phil-
ippine bar. With the exception of the
period of his military service, he prac-
ticed law in Magnolia, Ark., from 1909
until 2 years ago when illness forced
him to retire.
Mr. Kitchens was born in Nevada
County, the oldest of 12 children of
James Monroe and Margarette Sherrill
Kitchens. He attended the University
of Arkansas, Southwestern Academy
in Magnolia, and received his law degree
from Cumberland University. He had
taught school in Columbia County.
Following the Philippine Insurrection,
Mr. Kitchens practiced law in Lingayen,
Pangasanin Province, Philippine Islands,
for 7 years. Then, he his wife, nee Lillie
Dempsey of Waldo, and his son, Wade
Hampton Kitchens, Jr., returned to the
United States in 1909.
He volunteered in the 2d Arkansas Na-
tional Guard as an enlisted man during
World War I. He helped to organize a
company of 162 men and was elected
their captain. He was commissioned by
Governor Brough as captain of K Com-
pany, 3d Arkansas National Guard, and
by President Woodrow Wilson in August
1917 as captain of K Company, 154th
Infantry, and served throughout World
War I for 2 years, 1 year in this country
and 1 year in Europe. In 1917 he was
selected from among over 1,500 officers
and sent to Washington to a conference
attended by the Honorable Newton D.
Baker, Secretary of War; the Honorable
Franklin D. Roosevelt, then Assistant
Secretary of the Navy, and others. This
conference was concerning the insurance
of soldiers' allotments and allowances to
their dependents while at war.
Wade Kitchens was a member of the
Central Baptist Church. He is survived
by one daughter, Mrs. Gladys Pickens of
Magnolia, five grandchildren, and six
brothers and sisters.
Military services were held for him at
4 p.m. Tuesday, at Lewis Funeral Home,
Magnolia, by American Legion Post No.
3, of which he was a member. Inter-
ment was in Columbia Cemetery near his
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I am sure that all Members who had
the privilege of knowing Wade Kitchens
join me in extending condolences and
deepest sympathy to his surviving family.
(Mr. GATHINGS asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his
Mr. GATHINGS. Mr. Speaker, it was
with regret that I learned of the passing
of Wade Kitchens, Sr. I served with him
in the 76th Congress, which was my first
term here. Wade Kitchens offered me
kindly advice and assisted me greatly in
my work as a new Member of the House.
I needed his counsel and he was ever
ready to offer it.
He was a lawyer and a soldier of re-
nown. He was admitted to the bar after
his graduation from Cumberland Law
School, Lebannon, Tenn., in the State of
Tennessee, and later in the States of
Arkansas and Oklahoma, and finally in
the Philippine Islands where he prac-
ticed for 7 years. He served for 2 years
in the Spanish-American War and saw
service in the Philippine insurrection.
He enlisted in the U.S. Army when
trouble broke out in Europe, and was
commissioned a captain of infantry by
President Woodrow Wilson. His service
during World War I consisted of 1 year
in the United States and 1 year in the
European theater.
Wade Kitchens served the Seventh
District of the State of Arkansas in the
House of Representatives with honor and
distinction. The district at that time
consisted of the counties of Ashley, Brad-
ley, Calhoun, Chicot, Clark, Columbia,
Hempstead, Lafayette, Nevada, Oua-
chita, and Union.
He worked for flood control improve'
ments on the Ouachita River and for the
betterment of agriculture. He interested
himself in legislation with respect to the
natural resources of his native State,
including most especially problems hav-
ing to do with the production and re-
fining of oil and natural gas. He was a
dedicated and devoted public servant.
He possessed a pleasing personality and a
sense of humor which endeared him to
his colleagues.
Mrs. Gathings joins me in extending
sympathy to his daughter, Mrs. Gladys
Pickens of Magnolia, Ark., and to his
Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan-
imous consent that all Members desiring
to do so may extend their remarks at this
point in the RECORD on the subject of the
passing of Wade Kitchens, Sr.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection
to the request of the gentleman from
There was no objection.
Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani-
mous consent to take from the Speaker's
table the bill H.R. 4665 relating to the
income tax treatment of exploration ex-
penditures in the case of mining, with
the Senate amendments thereto, dis-
agree to the Senate amendments, and
request a conference with the Senate.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from Ar-
kansas? The Chair hears none and ap-
points the following conferees: Messrs.
MILLS, KING of California, BOGGS, KEOGH,
BYRNES of Wisconsin, and UTT.
(Mr. HANSEN of Iowa asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute.)
Mr. HANSEN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker,
yesterday, August 24, 1966, the House of
Representatives considered and acted
upon the conference report on H.R.
14596, making appropriations for the
Department of Agriculture and related
agencies for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1967, and for other purposes.
Due to a conflicting commitment, I
was not present during the consideration
and action upon the conference report.
Had I been present, I would have voted
(Mr. RONCALIO asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, and to revise and extend his
Mr. RONCALIO. Mr. Speaker, when
we of this 89th Congress passed the GI
bill, It was our hope that a great oppor-
tunity could be provided for veterans who
now serve their country so unselfishly
in these difficult days. However, Mr.
Speaker, we are finding from many cold
war GI returnees in the Rocky Mountain
States the development of a pattern that
is most disturbing. Home vendors in
these difficult times because of the tight
money policies, because of climbing in-
terest rates, are apparently placing one
price on a house to an ordinary buyer
and a second price on the house when a
cold war veteran tries to buy it on GI
Sellers attempt to justify this double
standard by saying that a high dividend
must be paid by the seller; also stating
that without larger downpayments the
overall price must be increased some-
what. Mr. Speaker, while this, of course,
is brought on in part by the unreasonably
high rates these days, all of it does re-
mind me of Abraham Lincoln's tearful
observations upon the men taking too
high and too fat a profit during the Civil
Where the carcass is, there will the eagles
be gathered!
Mr. DAVIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker,
I ask unanimous consent that the per-
manent RECORD and Journal be corrected
to show that I did not vote "yea" and
rollcall No. 234 on August 22, 1966.
I was out of the city and did not vote
on the motion to recommit H.R. 16340,
though the RECORD reports that I voted
for the motion.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from Geor-
There was no-objection.
(Mr. STAGGERS asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. STAGGERS. Mr. Speaker, after
6 weeks of idleness, five major airlines
are once more in operation; their planes
are in the air; passengers, air freight,
and mail are speeding to their respective
destinations; wages are accruing to the
credit of thousands of employees; reve-
nues are flowing Into the coffers of the
various companies. Nobody lost this
strike; nobody was penalized; nobody
was coerced; nobody was victimized; no-
body lost face. The good old American
system of free enterprise, free bargain-
ing, and settlement of differences by ne-
gotiation has once again been vindicated.
It works. Without passing judgment on
the merits or demerits of the terms of
settlement, it is fair to say that every-
body concerned gained stature during
the struggle.
Almost at the start, the House Com-
merce Committee was thrust into the
vortex of the storm. Mr. Speaker, I want
to pay tribute to the courage and deter-
mination of the members of this com-
mittee. They were buffeted by the winds
of advice and demand from every quar-
ter of the economic and political environ-
ment. The pressure kept up without
intermission for days. But they took
no counsel of hysteria, or panic, or ex-
On the contrary, they pressed on with
unwavering steadiness and irresistible
patience toward a settlement. Through-
out the negotiations, they comported
themselves, to a man, in the finest tradi-
tions of responsible American statesman-
ship. I am proud to be a member of this
committee. Its courage and judgment
have been tried in the hot fires of con-
tention, and proved to be the real mettle.
Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, On roll-
call No. 238 I am recorded as voting
"nay." I was present and voted "yea."
I ask unanimous consent that the per-
manent RECORD and Journal be corrected
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from New
(Mr. GROSS asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his
Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, when will
Secretary of Defense Robert Strange
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Approved For RtM& J JIU/N?ALC WRD7BOSENATE 400100005 August ; 1 966
Lankford, Carson W., OF103866.
Lippincott, William R., Jr., OF102781.
McCollum, Tommie L., OF104488.
Metelko, James E., OF102554.
Moore, Julius B., Jr., OF102684.
Nadal, Rafael L., OF104504.
Nichols, Robert A., OF102578.
O'Neill, Peter G., OF104510.
Parker, Charles M., OF103000.
Pennywell, Johnson E., OF103067.
Plymale, Charles F., OF103071.
Poff, Gary L., OF103009.
Prather, Thomas L., Jr., OF100608.
Putman, Gerald H., OF101884.
Ruppenthal, Harry L., OF103721.
Straub, Delbert M., OF105558.
Tysdal, Thomas P., OF103757.
Wilkins, Harold H., OF103776.
Wittbrodt, Thomas A., OF103781.
Wood, Smythe J., OF103783.
Woulfe, Robert Jr., OF103785.
Young, Leo M., OF105601.
To be first lieutenant, Medical Service Corps
Mumma, Patrick J., OF102989,
The following-named officers of the Ma-
rine Corps for temporary appointment to
the grade of captain, subject to cjualiflca-
tions therefor as provided by law:
Winfree M. Abernethy Allan E. Berg
Dennis M. Achilles Craig A. Bergman
Carl P. Ackerman Gordon C. Berryman
Chauncey C. Acrey III
Carl I. Adams Coy T. Best, Jr.
Charles N. Adams Thomas N. Best, Jr.
Larry G. Adams George R. Bettle
Wayne T. Adams Lance V. Bevins
John R. Ahern Abraham Bevis
Paul J. Albano Richard L. Bianchino
David G. Amey Ronald J. Biddle
Andrew G. Anderson Noel C. Bing
II Max D. Bishop
Donald F. Anderson Robert A. Black, Jr.
John M. Anderson Clifford G. Blasi
Larry R. Anderson Patrick J. Blessing
Peter P. Anderson Bradley W. Bluhm
Donald K. Angel. Michael A. Blunden
Fred W. Anther. Carl E. Bookewitz
John T. Archer Wichard H. Bode, Jr.
David A. Arthur Henry C. Bollman III
William C. Asbury Latham Boone III
Thomas D. Ashe Andre M. Bordelon
Dennis M. Atkinson Michael O. Boss
Douglas W. Austin John J. Bowe, Jr.
Clair E. Averill, Jr. John W. Boyan
Allan F. Ayers III Thornton Boyd
Wayne A. Babb Gerald P. Brackin
Larry A. Backus Christopher M. Bradley
Charles L. Bacon Clinton E. Braly
Maurice S. Bacon . Walter J. Breede III
Kenneth E. Bailey John F. Brennan
Allan P. Bakke Patrick J. Brennan
Richard C. Bannan Thomas V. Brennan,
Emory W. Baragar Jr.
Boyd L. Barclay Anthony D. Brewin
Richard K. Bardo Roger S. Bride
Brent J. Barents Lloyd G. Brinson, Jr.
Richard T. Barker Harold L. Broberg
William G. Barnes, Jr. David W. Brown
Blanton S. Barnett III Gary E. Brown
Henry D. Barratt Raul B. Brown
John J. Barrett Robert D. Brown
Peter L. Barth Robert W. Brown, Jr.
Merrill L. Bartlett Robert A. Browning
Robert O. Bartlett Curtis B. Bruce
Francis J. Barton Clay A. Brumbaugh
John F, Bates Robert L. Brutke
Harry C. Baxter, Jr. Frederick T. Bryan
Dale S. Beaver George S. Burgett
Duard "L." Beebe Charles O. Burke
James R. Beery Alan L. Burnaford
Thomas M. Beldon Arthur E. Burns III
Donald R. Bell, Jr, Donald E. Burns
John R. Bell Thomas V. Burns
George E. Bement Ronald G. Burnsteel
Benjamin E. BenjaminBruce Burrows
Joseph J. Bennett IIIPeple M. Burton, Jr.
Ronald D. Bennett Roland E. Butler
William H. Bennett Robert W. Byrd
Jerome H. Bentley IIIMichael "J." Byron
Roderick E. Benton William L. Cadieux
Chester C. Calkins, Jr. Roger E. Davis
John M. Geisser
Thomas M. Howlett
Richard D. Camp, Jr.
Patrick E. Dawson
Robert J. Genovese
Robert W. Hubbard
Gary E. Carlson
Joseph C. DeBilio
Aultie G. Gerwig
Charles R.
James E. Carlton, Jr.
Herbert W. DeGroft
Michael P. Getlin
Peter D. Carpenter
John D. DeHoll
Michael R. Getsey
Walter F. Hudiburg,
Jimmy M. Carson
Carmine J. Delgrosso
Larry R. Gibson
Frederick H. Carter
Angelo C. DeMeo
Bobby G. Girvin
William E. Hudson
Kenneth L. Carter
Arlie W. R. Demien, Jr.
Aloys A. Close
Norbert A. Huebsch
Thomas C. Carter
Thomas F. Dempsey
Robert If. Goetz
John B. Caskey
Larry T. Denney
Paul B. Goodwin
Ronald H. Huesman
David J. Cassady
Francis T. Dettrey
Henry F. Gotard
Benjamin M. Huey II
Henry B. Castle
Thomas P. Devitt
Bernard Grabowski
Robert A. Hughes
Paul R. Catalogue
Lawrence G. De Vore
James A. Graham
Winston L. Hughes
Ronald D. Cater
Thompson B. Dickson
Donald A. Grant
Richard C. Hulit
Leon G. Chadwick{
William P. Dickson
Peter C. Grauert
Bruce A. Hultman
William M. Diedrich
Edwin T. Gray
Gerald Hunt
Robert C. Champion,
Roger H. Dingeman
Robert W. Green
Robert A. Hutchins,
Ernest L. Dinius
William R. Green
James M. Chance
Ronald R. Dirck
Joseph P. Greeves, Jr.
Delbert M. Hutson
Kurt J. Chandler
Elliott S. Dix
Simon H. Gregory
Donald K. Igou
Lonnie S, Chavez
Wilson R. Dodge
Tommy D. Gregory
Raymond F. Incociati
Charles W. Cheatham
John W, Dohrman
Donald A. Gressly
William W. Jackson
Stanley W. Cheff, Jr.
John T. Dolan
Marshall M. Grice, Jr.
Bronson C. Jacoway,
Louis E. Cherlco
Patrick J. Donnelly
Alfred L. Griggs
Jack A. Chiaramonte
John J. Dougherty
Jackie L. Grinstead
Fred L. James
Douglas S.
Richard J. Dove
Steven J. Groebner
James J. Jaros
Jack G. Downing
Paul G. Grummon
James T. Jenkins
Duel D. Christian
Michael J. Doyle
Leon A. Guimond
Gilbert D. Johnson
William H. Christoph
Robert A. Doyle
Gordon H. Gunniss
Herbert C. Johnson
Jorel B. Church
Walter B. Dozier
Michael A. Gurrola
Kenneth H. Johnson
Theodore C. Cieplik,
Richard L. Drury
Thomas M. Haddock
Thomas L. Johnson.
Charles Duffy
John F. Hales
Ward S. Johnson
Joseph B. Clancy
Charles J. Duffy
Hurston Hall
Harlan E. Jones
James A. Clark
Clay J. Dugas II
Samuel T. Hall
Jack L. Jones
Joe Clark
Dorris "A." Duncan
James C. Hallman
Patrick S. Jones
Robert F. Clark
Denniss J. Dunlap
George C. Hamilton
Richard C. Jones
Roger J. Claus
David S. Durham
William P. Hamilton
Robert L. Jones, Jr.
Charles D. Clausen
William G. Dwinell
Thomas L. Hampton
Robert E. Jones
William C. Clay, III
Edward J. Dwyer, Jr.
Joseph J. Hanley
William D. Jones
Harry F. Clemente,
Joseph M. Dwyer
James H. Hanson
Charles G. Jordan
Joseph J. Dzielski
William T. Hardaker,Robert W. Joyce
F. Clemmons
larence L. Eastwood
Charles D. Joyner
David W. Clingman
Leonard M. Eaton
Christian L. Harkness Norman G. Jungmann
Michael E. Cochran
Ronald R. Eckert
Michael H. Harper, Jr.Kenneth E. Junkins
Richard V. Coffel
James F. Egan II
John F. Harrah
Gerard T. Kalt
Richard W. Coffman
James E. Egloff
John D. Harrill, Jr.
Dennis W. Kane
William E. Cole II
Helmut J. Eichhorn
William G. Harris, Jr.
Richard J. Kapsch
Michael H. Collier
Earl W. Eiland
John C. Harrison
Gerald R. Keast
Ernest E. Collins
Paul R. Ek
William L. Hartley
Elton J
Bemis B. Conatser, Jr. Steven J. Ek
Jude M, Hartnett
Thomas P
Ronald J. Condon
John H. Ellingson
Stanley E. Haynes
William F. Keller
Thomas M. Conley
James F. Ellis
James D. Hayslip
John A. Kelly
James E. Connell
Richard W. Elsworth
William L. Heflin
John A
Charles E. Conway, Jr. John N. Ely
Ronald A. Heintz
Edmund W
John J. Conway I
Robert E. Enis
Hans R. Heinz
Rodney P. Kempf
Thomas C. Corbe
Patric S. Enright
Jerry G. Henderson
James A. Kenniger
David C. Corbett
Brian J. Fagan
Kenneth S. Hendrick-Richard B. Kenyon
d C. Cormier
ames W. Fagan
John P. Kerchner
Jerry L. Cornelius
Rudolph H. Fahrner
Walter J. Costello
Robert J. Faught
Berry L. tienson
John P. Coursey, Jr.
Paul I. Faulkenberry
James R. Herd.
Eugene W. Kimmel
Harold W. Courter
Joseph M. Favor
Donald H. Hering
Steven B. Kimple
Paul H. Courtney
Harold T. Fergus
Walter H. Herkal, Jr.
John T. King
Cryspin J. Cowell
Robert L. Ferguson,
Jerome L. Hess
Robert N. Kingrey
David E. Cox
Francis E. Hearing
Michael P. Kingston
Millard Cox
Roger G. Ferguson
Bruce B. Hickox
William G. Kingston,
Wililam F. Cox
James D. Field
Billie E. Hicks
Miles H. Crafton, Jr.
Peter B. Field
Kent R. Hildreth George W. Kirby
Wayne N. Crafton
Frank A. Finizio
Nicholas J. Hilgert, Jr.Thomas W. Kirby
Richard J. Craig
John T. Fischba
Fred P. Hilpert, Jr. Hague M. Kiser
Robert R. Craig
James A. Fisher
Thomas F, Hinkle John W. Kiser, Jr.
Marvin L. Creel
Thomas M. Flattery
Amos B. Hinson III Francis T. Klabough
William W. Crews
Victor K. Fleming, Jr.
Alan W. Hitchens Alfred S. Kline
Richard H. Criche
Stephen T. Flynn
Harold M. Hitt John E. Knight, Jr.
Ronald R. Critser
Elbert A. Foster
Daniel A. Hitzelberger Edward A. Kolbe
Albert B. Crosby
Wayne N. Fowler
Robert W. Hobbs Anthony F. Konopka
Kenneth L. Crouch
Donald R. Frank
James V. Hoekstra . William E. Konrath
Thomas B. Cullen
Douglas R. Frank
John W. Hogue Frank H. Kos, Jr.
Paul W. Culwell
Howard A. Franz
Vernon J. Holbrook , Gerald W
?C? ..D? Cuny
David L. Fraser
Alwin G. Holland, Jr. Paul F. Kramer
James E. Curran, Jr.
Richard A. Frindt
Bobby G. Hollings- Dennis E. Kraus
Edward R. Curtis
Robert D. Fulcher
worth Larry A. Krohn
James G. Custer
Richard F. Fullerton
James A. Hollis Leonard R. Krolak
Reid E. Dahart
Harold F. Gabelman
Kenneth L. Holm Peter A. Kugel
Joseph C. Dangler
Sidney R. Gale
Hal Holmes, Jr. Lawrence C. Kutchma,
Marshall B. Darling
Samuel J. Galloway
Franklin J. Homan II Jr.
William D. Davidson
Joel R. Gardner
Richard J. Rooton, Jr.Thomas A. La Cour
Bruce E. Davis
Barry L. Garner
Keith D. Hornbacher Ellis E. Laitala
Donald R. Davis
James D. Garrett
Gerald L. Hornick
Harry E. Lake, Jr.
James A. Davis
Albert R. Gasser, Jr.
John A. House II
Gary K. Lambert
James F. Davis
Ronald L. Gatewood
Otis E. Howard III
Timothy A. Lamphier
Leroy G. Davis
Charles R. Geiger
Thomas M. Howard
Carlton E. Land
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Approved For Release 20 5/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B0 4 6R000400100005-2
But even if there is to be a long and siz-
able war rather than a phase one struggle,
only such a Government could make South
Vietnam an effective partner in waging and
winning it. And if there is, after all, a nego-
tiated settlement, only such a government
could absorb the disciplined cadres of the
Vietcong, whether as a recognized political
body or as unreconciled revolutionaries.
In the shorter run, the Sept. 11 elections
also could prove important in themselves if,
in the face of what is expected to be a deter-
mined Vietcong effort to disrupt and stifle
the voting, there is a sizable turnout-say,
something like half of those eligible.
That would indicate that the Vietcong do
not control as much of the populace as many
believe. And it would suggest that a large
number of South Vietnamese believe enough
in a future for their country to take a hand
in shaping it-despite terrorism on the one
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the idea
of an all-Asia Peace Conference to bring
about a negotiated settlement of the
Vietnam conflict is an idea worth fos-
tering-despite the fact that Hanoi and
Peking have initially rejected it. The
initiator of this idea, Charles Percy, of
Illinois, is to be commended. The value
of this initiative is demonstrated by the
fact that many persons intimately con-
cerned with foreign affairs have risen to
support it. Most notable among them
are: Thanat ?Khoman, Thailand's For-
eign Minister, ex-President Eisenhower
and former Vice President Nixon, a num-
ber of Senators and Congressmen from
both parties, and as recently as yester-
day, President Johnson.
Though there may be little likelihood
in the foreseeable future for a nego-
tiated settlement in Vietnam, this does
not relieve us of the responsibility of
seeking peace by all possible means.
Even though Peking, Hanoi, and the Na-
tional Liberation Front refuse to talk
about anything but total South Viet-
namese and U.S. concessions, our uncon-
ditional offer of peace talks must stand.
Only by doing so, can we convince the
world that our intentions are honorable.
I have always maintained that the best
way to solve regional problems is by the
regional approach, and I have argued
that regionalism represents the most
vital kind of reality in contemporary in-
ternational affairs. For, regionalism is
the most productive and acceptable way
for nations with common problems and
objectives to join their resources and
energies into a common effort.
Beginnings of regionalism are already
apparent in Asia. Three such groupings
are of particular importance. First,
there is the Asian Bank, a project which
has been enthusiastically received by
Asian and Western countries alike. The
Asian Bank with an initial capitalization
of $200 million for the first year will be
an ongoing operation as of January 1967.
Its full acceptance by Asians indicates
that it will be only a first step in.the di-
rection of greater economic cooperation.
A second Asian grouping, one that is
being revitalized, is the Association of
Southeast Asia, composed of Thailand,
Malaysia, and the Philippines. This
small grouping intends to extend its co-
operation to all enterprises-political,
economic, military, and technical.
There has been much talk of late about
the possibility of Indonesia joining this
group. If this occurs, it could be the
beginning of a solid and lasting nucleus
for wider Asia cooperation.
The third, a newly organized Asia and
Pacific Council-composed . of South
Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan,
Australia, New Zealand, Republic of
China, Malaysia, South Vietnam and
Laos as an observer-may well be the pre-
cise instrument and organization
through which to implement the idea of
an all-Asian peace conference for Viet-
nam. If ASPAC's first meeting in Seoul,
Korea, is any indication of what this
do, it may develop into a regional orga-
nization capable of dealing with regional
security matters without direct U.S. par-
ticipation. It may if nurtured, instead
of being pushed into any rigid ideological
framework, be the means of bringing
peace to Vietnam.
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (H.R. 13712) to amend the Fair
Labor Standards Act of 1938 to extend its
protection to additional employees, to
raise the minimum wage, and for other
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President, I
suggest the absence of a quorum.
whose time?
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the time not
be charged to either side.
objection., it is so ordered, and the clerk
will call the roll.
The legislative clerk proceeded to call
the roll.
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi-
dent, I ask unanimous consent that the
order for the quorum call be rescinded.
objection., it is so ordered.
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives by Mr. Hackney, one of its
reading clerks, announced that the House
had agreed to the report of the commit-
tee of conference on the disagreeing votes
of the two Houses on the amendment of
the House to the bill (S. 3105) to au-
thorize certain construction at military
installations, and for other purposes.
The message also announced that the
House had agreed to the report of the
committee of conference on the dis-
agreeing votes of the two Houses on the
amendments of the Senate to the bill
(H.R. 15941) making appropriations for
the Department of Defense for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1967, and for other
purposes; that the House receded from
its disagreement to the amendments of
the Senate numbered 11 and 29 to the
bill and concurred therein; that the
House receded from its disagreement to
the amendments of the Senate numbered
10, 13, and 27 to the bill and concurred
therein, severally with an amendment-
in in which it requested the concurrence of
the Senate; and that the Houseinsisted
on its disagreement to the amendments
of the Senate numbered 5 and 24 to the
The message further announced that
the Speaker had affixed his signature to
the following enrolled bills, and they
were signed by the Vice President:
H.R. 13298. An act to amend the Organic
Act of Guam in order to authorize the legis-
lature thereof to provide by law for the elec-
tion of its members from election districts;
H.R. 14596. An act making appropriations
for the Department of Agriculture and re-
lated agencies for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1967, and for other purposes.
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi-
dent, in accordance with the order
previously entered, I move that the
Senate stand in recess until 10 o'clock
a.m. tomorrow.
The motion was agreed to; and (at
6 o'clock and 28 minutes p.m.) the Senate
recessed until tomorrow, Friday, August
26, 1966, at 10 o'clock a.m.
Executive nominations received by the
Senate August 25, 1966:
John M. McSweeney, of Nebraska, a For-
eign Service officer of class 1, to be Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
of the United States of America to Bulgaria.
Miss Carol C. Laise, of the District of Co-
lumbia, a Foreign Service officer of class 1,
to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni-
potentiary of the United States of America
to the Kingdom of Nepal.
Leo G. Cyr, of Maine, a Foreign Service
officer of class 1, to be Ambassador Extraor-
dinary and Plenipotentiary of the United
States of America to the Republic of Rwanda.
The following-named officers for promo-
tion in the Regular Army of the United
States, under the provisions of title 10.
United States Code, sections 3284 and 3299:
To be majors
Lewis, Robert G., 064369.
Stewart, Wilmer D., 070516.
Wallace, William B., 064662.
Waller, Ephraim E., 0F102287.
The following-named officers for promo-
tion in the Reguar Army of the United
States, under the provisions of title 10,
United States Code, sections 3284 and 3298:
To be first lieutenants
Cowan, Charles E., Jr., 0F103818.
Craig, Richard P., 0F100157.
Dahoney, Richard H., 0F102445.
Edwards, William J., 0F192861.
Fredrick, Gilbert H., Jr., 0F102876.
Hadaway, Bobby G., 097126.
Hand, David E., 095391.
Jagielski, James R., 0F104455.
Jarrett, Garnett L., 0F105441.
Kelley, Erskine H., 3d, 0F104463.
Kelley, Lawrence 0., 0F103860.
Krumholz, Harvey R., 0F108401.
LaFreniere, Richard L., 0F105457.
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100005-2
August 25, 196 pproved F lggMtOffnE$DP M R000400100005-2 1M3
"Therefore, I am today introducing a bill
to establish a National Commission on Pub-
lic Management. My bill is cosponsored by
A companion measure is being introduced
today in the other body by Representative
Moasz of Massachusetts and more than 40 of
his colleagues.
"This Commission would bring to bear on
the management of public business the very
best minds in private industry, government,
labor and education. Its mandate is to an-
swer two fundamental questions: can new
management technology aid us in solving
public problems? What is the best way to
do the job?
"This bill proposes that a National Com-
mission be appointed by the President in
order to study and recommend the manner
in which modern systems analysis and man-
agement techniques may be utilized to re-
solve national and community problems in
the non-defense sector.
"The Commission would be composed of a
Chairman, Vice Chairman and eleven other
members, who shall be experienced in the
subject matter to be studied by the Com-
mission, and shall include representatives
from government, business, labor and edu-
cation. In addition, the Commission may
appoint an Executive Director and any other
staff personnel required.
"The Commission would have an active
life of approximately two and one half years.
At the end of one year it would provide the
President and the Congress with a prelimi-
nary report including a precise description of
the problems, a preliminary analysis of the
applicability of these new management tech-
niques to a wide spectrum of public prob-
lems, and a detailed plan for continuing
study leading up to the final report. Then,
18 months later, the Commission would sub-
mit its final report, containing explicit plans,
including case examples, for applying par-
ticular management technology to specific
public problems. This report would also
contain recommendations for legislation,
Federal executive action, and State and local
governmental action needed to facilitate the
application of these techniques.
The Commission would study and investi-
gate the following major areas:
"1. Definition of those social and economic
problems to which the application of the
'systems approach' appears to hold promise.
"2. Analysis of the many modern manage-
ment techniques currently being used in the
aerospace field to determine those which are
best suited for application in the non-defense
sector and what modifications may be
"3. An assessment of the proper relation-
ship between governmental and private in-
vestment in these areas, including the degree
of public involvement 'and the best proce-
dures for government support and funding.
"4. An assessment of the optimum orga-
nizational relationships among several levels
of governmental authorities,
"5, The role of small business and orga-
nized labor in the application of these new
management techniques.
"6. An assessment of potential contribu-
tions of the universities toward resolving
public management problems.
"The tasks of management in both public
and private enterprise have become more
complex due to the very nature of the prob-
lems inherent in a dynamic society such as
ours, and due, of course, to advances in
science and technology. The problems of
managing even the largest Federal programs
of a generation ago were small compared to
those of today. All levels of government-
Federal, State and local-are finding it in-
creasingly difficult to solve their complex
management problems on a piecemeal basis,
to a large extent because they lack the man-
agement techniques and skills that have been
applied so successfully in private industry.
"Although there are studies in process
dealing with the use of systems analysis in
several non-defense areas, the questions of
where and how the systems approach is most
applicable and the problems as to how these
can best be applied are still largely un-
answered. Those questions require the
attention of a Commission, appointed by the
President, to include the best minds in the
field of modern management technology.
"Some of our distinguished colleagues have
recently introduced legislation which would
authorize the expenditure of public funds,
either directly by Executive Departments or
through grants to the States, for contracts
with universities or other organizations
which would attempt to apply the systems
analysis approach to public problems. We
fully support our colleagues on the basic
issue of stimulating governmental support
for such endeavors, but we also believe that
a national commission is required first to
provide the overall analysis and informed
recommendations needed by all govern-
mental authorities who may have reason to
use the systems approach in the future.
"The significance of the proposal goes far
beyond the mere application of systems man-
agement and the new technology. The Com-
mission would be the first step in a major
new political departure. What is envisioned
is the application by private industry of
these new problem solving techniques to
public policy problems. By utilizing the vital
skills of private industry, under contract to
the government, it is possible at the same
time to solve these increasingly complex
problems and to attack informatively the
great problems presented by the constant
burgeoning of the Federal Government in its
multifarious aspects."
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr.
President, I ask unanimous consent to
insert in the RECORD an editorial, en-
titled "Rights, Leaders and Marches,"
which appeared in the August 23 edition
of the Washington Daily News.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD
as follows:
A half-dozen leaders of rival civil rights
organizations appeared Sunday on a national
TV show. The experience was not especially
instructive, nor necessarily constructive.
Most of these men dealt with tactics, rather
than goals.
Their views ranged all the way from the
realistic appraisal by Roy Wilkins of the
NAACP, who thinks progress is at work, even
if not fast enough or broad enough, to
Stokeley Carmichael of SNICK, as it is called,
who would burn down the granary to get at
the wheat. Or James Meredith, who talked
of Negro vigilantes.
Martin Luther King, leading the daily
demonstrations in Chicago, said a court in-
junction to limit the demonstrations was
"unjust, unconstitutional and immoral." He
implied he might obey it only temporarily.
The court restricted the demonstrations
to one at a time, to daylight hours, to 500
marchers and required the demonstrators to
give 24-hour notice.
In the circumstances, this was a judicious
limitation. Dr. King says the only purpose
of demonstrations is to "bring issues out
into the open," and with the public atten-
tion he gets one parade can do as much as a
But the Chicago marches have been
marked by fierce violence. There is no logic
or excuse in this, but it puts a heavy load on
police. The court limitation is in protection
of the marchers.
Moreover, these marches in business streets
disrupt traffic, hampering the normal opera-
tions of those who live in the areas. These
people at least deserve reasonable notice of
the disruption. Rights are for all, not just
some, which is the principle Dr. King is try-
ing to prove.
These leaders could help their cause by
more resort to persuasion, education, per-
sistence and devotion to goal rather than
tactic; by being less abrasive, less menacing.
They have made their point: excesses could
blunt It.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr.
President, I ask unanimous consent to
insert in the RECORD a column by Bruce
Biossat, entitled "Actual Figures on
Negro-White Economic Levels," which
appeared in the August 19 edition of the
Washingotn Daily News.
There being no objection, the column
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By Bruce Biossat)
Stokely Carmichael of the Student Non-
Violent Co-ordinating Committee seems to
be suggesting, in recent public utterances,
that most whites are comparatively well off
and nearly all Negroes are poor.
This generalization, if he intends his com-
ment to be that, represents a vast and mis-
leading over-simplification of white-Negro
economic status today.
It obscures the fact that in the last two
decades Negroes have made substantial-if
still greatly insufficient-economic progress.
It also conceals the fact that millions of
whites are very poor.
Some social analysts consider a $6000-a-
year family income the entry point into the
steadily swelling American middle class. By
that measure, about a fourth of the nation's
5 million Negro families today fall into the
middle class category.
In 1940 the figure was only 10 per cent.
Even as recently as 1950 it was just 16 per
There can be no joy over the fact that this
clear progress still leaves 75 per cent of
Negro families below middle class levels and
36 per cent of the total below the $3000-a-
year family income plane-in abject pover-
ty. Yet, tho it cannot be a consolation, it is
instructive to note that 40 per cent of the
country's 45 million white families are like-
wise below middle class income levels, and
more than 14 per cent of white families be-
low the $3000 family income mark.
These percentages, for whites, are much
lower, but the numbers are high. Some
3,750,000 Negro families fall short of middle
class. So do about 18,250,000 white fam-
ilies. Perhaps 6.5 million white families
classify as very poor.
Furthermore, with all the racial ferment
in U.S. cities, the notion has taken hold that
core-city slums today are almost totally
occupied by impoverished Negroes. Housing
studies show, however, that of 9 million U.S.
households living in squalor, some 6 million
are white. The Negro total is 2.3 million,
with Puerto Ricans and Mexicans accounting
for the rest.
Charges that Negroes are slipping farther
and farther behind in the income race with
whites do not seem to be supported by gov-
ernment income figures.
In 1947 the U.S. Negro family was earning
51 per cent as much as the typical white
family. A decade and a half later, the per-
centage had risen to 53 per cent. That is
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Approved For RGV eif551UNA9L C i 47B 4 .6AFff040010000August 25, 1966
not much "catching up," but neither is it
slipping back.
Income gains for Negro women workers
account for the modest advance, since male
Negro workers have held steady at around 55
to,57 per cent of white male workers' income.
What. holds the Negroes' income down
is the sharp pay differential between Negro
and White workers doing the same jobs.
Moreover, the proportionately older white
population has many more people in their
middle-range peak earning years than does
the young Negro population.
And, of course, the far higher Negro unem-
ployment rate, especially among teen-agers,
severely aggravates this situation.
Catching up obviously depends partly on
finding millions more jobs for Negroes and
partly on their elevation into more skilled
and professional jobs-at pay levels com-
mensurate with whites.
Nevertheless, median family income for
all Americans, white and Negro, rose roughly
45 per cent from 1947 to 1963 and is still
climbing. The Negroes' substantial, share in
this advance explains why more and more of
them continue, slowly but surely, to move
into the American middle class. They are
far from income parity with whites, but
they are on a persistently rising income
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres-
ident, I ask unanimous consent to insert
in the RECORD a letter written by a resi-
dent of Southeast Washington and ad-
dressed to his neighbors in the commu-
nity. The letter appeared in the August
18 edition of the Washington Daily
There being no objection, the letter
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD
as follows:
(The following letter was written by a
resident of southeast Washington, Ken
Smith, of 2422 Elvans Road se, addresed to
his neighbors in the community.)
I'm Poor, I'm not working, even. I'm
Negro. I'm a high school drop out. I
drink, I smoke and gamble, and I'm a product
of a broken home ... but I'm not a rebel.
I love you and my country and community.
I love life. I've seen police brutality first
hand; but on a larger scale I've seen citizen
"Coming events cast their shadows before"
is one of the truest sayings in the world.
And anyone can say "I told you so" after
things get out of hand.
But I have a solution to our community
problem. It is this:
First remember, regardless of who you are,
if you look for trouble you'll find it. Second,
each and every one of you, white and colored,
stop and think, "What am I as an individual
doing for my community, not what is my
community doing for me?" Are you guilty Of
hanging on corners, creating a nuisance to
passers-by with rough language and horse-
play? Do you hang outside of the liquor
stores waiting for a sponsor to get your head
bad on cheap wine and beer?
Do you hang on your front steps looking
as unkempt and slovenly as you can? Do
you really give a damn where your children
are, or only when they are arrested? Do
you pull as many as five false alarms on a
given week-end night? Do you harass the
paper boys who are trying to lift them-
selves by their bootstraps, and take their
Did you, in spite, break into the new
apartment building and tear things apart,
breaking windows, fixtures, and such? How There being no objection, the article
many windows did you break at ' Moten was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
School, Birney School? How many rides did as follows'
You steal on the D.C. Transit buses? How
many muggings, party crashings, gangs, rapes
and :rumbles were you in on? (By Tom Wicker)
Did you come home drunk last Friday and
curse the neighbors, God and your own
What did you do about the dirty apartment
fronts on Morris Road and other places? Did
you get up and stick the kids on the front
porch looking as lost as can be while you
caught another nap?
Well, most of us are guilty of some of these
things and the solution lies with the indi-
vidual. He presents his ideas to a group and
if his ideas are not right then the group's
ideas won't be right if they adopt his.
Don't demand until you are ready to offer.
Don't take until you are ready to give.
You are not born free socially, or economi-
cally. You are born free spiritually and it be-
hooves each and every one of you to put forth
the effort to be free socially and economically.
Youth is no excuse any more than age or
educational ignorance because we all know
what hurts us and if it hurts us it hurts
others also.
So get off the street corners and stoops, get
into the churches, Y's, community centers
and the like. Hold your heads up, look all
men in the eye and say I am as good as you
because I act it.
Just like the rioter's way of living leads to
early death and destruction, so does the
rioter's way of asking for help lead to death
of ideals and incentive and programs.
Don't let Chicago and Watts and Detroit
and Philadelphia be your guideline or ex-
ample. "To thine own self be true."
Remember this: orderly dissent is legal, it
is soul-searching, and it is productive. But
remember that "united we stand divided we
fall" means united in decency and purpose
i; jr
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, in. an ar-
ticle which was published in the New
York Times on August 24, Tom Wicker
makes an important contribution to
shedding light on some of the unpleas-
ant, but nevertheless very real facts
about Vietnam. Mr. Wicker's article
takes almost precisely the position and
analysis on Vietnam which I myself
have been making for over a month.
There is little likelihood of a Vietnam
settlement in the foreseeable future by
either a peace conference or a series of
decisive military victories. Even when
our military force becomes predominant
in South Vietnam, when the Communists
discover that it is not militarily feasible
for them to operate in large units, it is
likely that they will revert to stage one,
or the guerrilla stage of Mao Tse-tung's
theory of guerrilla war. This, in turn,
points up the real challenges of its in-
surgency warfare, the real limitations of
force as the only solution to defeating
The main role of force should be to
provide a shield of confidence behind
which the equally real war against social
and economic_ deprivation can go for-
ward. It is at the ballot box, through the
process of legitimizing government, and
through the worth of the daily lives of
the people that a guerrilla war Is won
or lost.
I ask unanimous consent to have Mr.
Wicker's article printed in the RECORD.
WASHINGTON, August 23.-Reports from
South Vietnam now indicate somewhat fewer
combat incidents involving large North Viet-
namese units and somewhat more guerrilla
and terrorist attacks than might have been
On its face, this could suggest that North
Vietnam and the Vietcong, discouraged at
the American force and firepower in the
field against them, are reverting to the so-
called "phase one" of a war of national lib-
eration-terror, assassination, intimidation
and political infiltration, waged by small
bands in the countryside.
This is not accepted here. Administration
officials-particularly the military-are in-
clined to think instead that the "spoiling
tactics" of American troops have been suc-
cessful enough to keep the opposition's main
force units off balance and unable to develop
anything like a general offensive.
Thus, guerrilla incidents make more of a
splash than they might otherwise. In addi-
tion, the forthcoming South Vietnamese
elections probably have provoked increased
terrorism as the insurgents seek to disrupt
the campaign and render the voting as mean-
ingless as possible.
Finally, infiltration from the north con-
tinues at a high level, which would hardly
be the case if there were any Intention in
Hanoi to pull back its main force units.
Nevertheless, a growing number of Amer-
ican officials no longer expect to see the Viet-
namese war liquidated over a green baize
conference table, or in some climactic series
of military confrontations.
Their view is that powerful and mobile
American forces are demonstrating their
ability to cope with large North Vietnamese
battle units and that Hanoi eventually will
recognize that it has little chance to win
a clash of armies. Moreover, to the extent
that the American bombing in the north
affects the Communist ability to fight in the
south, it is the big main force units whose
supply and replacement channels are hardest
Since it is virtually a unanimous belief
within the Administration that Hanoi never-
theless shows no indication of either giving
up that struggle or seeking a negotiated
settlement, the conclusion of many officials
is that logic probably will dictate an ulti-
mate lapse into phase one.
Such a reversion to hit-and-run guerrilla
tactics, with small, mainly native bands
ravaging the countryside and terrorizing the
people, would limit the big American units
to their lowest level of effectiveness.
It would make American bombing In the
north even more meaningless militarily than
many believe it already is. And If such a
development suggested to the American peo-
ple that the war was subsiding to manage-
able levels, it might produce far more potent
pressures on President Johnson to "bring
the boys home."
If that is to be the war's future, all the
more importance must be attached to the
development of a stable, popular, broad-
based government in South Vietnam-a
process that could have its beginning in the
elections Sept. 11, when an assembly to write
a constitution will be chosen.
This is because a new phase one struggle
obviously would return much of the burden
of the war to South Vietnam-and only an
able and respected government, dealing fairly
and effectively with its people, is likely to
cope with a determined insurgency that has
some support in the populace.
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McNamara devote his full attention to
the wax in Vietnam?
Task this question because of his latest
venture into the so-called war on
poverty. Apparently, since the Johnson
administration's designated antipoverty
agency has botched the job, the latest
ploy is to divert taxpayer dollars sup-
posedly going for the defense of our
Nation into a military poverty war,
where, in true McNamara style, the ex-
penditures and the results can be classi-
field as secret.
Mr. Speaker, this Nation is involved
in a real war. We are spending billions
and billions of dollars supposedly in an
effort to win it, McNamara has said he
is pleased that the war is called
McNamara's war.
When is he going to stop trying to run
other operations of the Government and
climbing mountains, and do the job he
was hired to do? Our fighting men in
Vietnam deserve at least a full-time
Secretary of Defense, even if he and the
ning war.
(Mr. WAGGONNER asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute, to revise and extend his
Mr. ? WAGGONNER. Mr. Speaker
the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. GROSS]
has brought to the attention of the House
a matter about which I have previously
obtained a special order for this after-
noon during which I propose to discuss
the dangerous proposal of the Secretary
of Defense to train additional personnel
who do not presently qualify for physical
or various other reasons to serve in the
Armed Forces. The proposal raises many
questions which should be resolved be-
fore implementation. We must proceed
with caution and not allow the military
to depart or stray from their purpose.
traveler should pay a higher proportion-
ate share of the cost of developing com-
mercial aircraft which will permit him
to travel at higher speeds and at greater
Mr. Speaker, I believe that one way or
another we should proceed with the de-
velopment of the best kind of com-
mercial aircraft. However, public sup-
port for this program can only be as-
sured if there is an increased contribu-
tion by the regular air traveler who will
enjoy most of the special benefits.
The proposed commercial aviation
trust fund is patterned after the high-
way trust fund under which the Inter-
state Highway System is currently being
developed. The user tax principle has
worked admirably to develop an inter-
state system which is the finest in the
world. There is no reason why it should
not work equally as well in bringing
about necessary improvements in com-
mercial air travel.
to assist those directly, immediately, and
adversely affected by imbalances in a
factor of production.
Mr. Speaker, I commend this bill to
the House for consideration on the part
of all Members. From the legislative
standpoint, my subcommittee will com-
mence extended, in-depth hearings next
Mr. HELSTOSKI. Mr. Speaker, on
rollcall No. 237, a quorum call taken
earlier today, I am recorded as not an-
swering to my name.
I would have been in the Chamber and
responding when my name was called,
but I was at the White House attending
a bill-signing ceremony.
The legislation which became law to-
day relates to the transportation, sale,
and handling of animals which will be
used in labroatory experimentation. I
have been keenly interested in this legis-
lation and have introduced a bill to regu-
late the abuses in this field. I am
pleased that it has been signed and is
now the law of the land.
Mr. Speaker, I wish that the Journal
and permanent RECORD could be cor-
rected accordingly.
(Mr. DENT asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, I
introduced a bill to amend the Fair
Labor Standards Act of 1938 with respect
to injury caused American employment
by the importation of foreign goods from
low-wage areas. This legislation will be
a basis for hearings my Labor Subcom-
mittee has scheduled, beginning next
week, into this area.
The intent of the original minimum
wage legislation is clearly outlined in
section 2 of the act. My bill does not
depart from this intent but, in fact, am-
plifies it. The framers then recognized
the threat of severe wage disparities in
market competition. They further rec-
ognized the power of Congress to ap-
propriately regulate the flow of com-
merce among the States and with foreign
nations. The sum and substance of the
intent was, and has been, to protect the
economic health, efficiency, and general
well-being of workers. This has been
effectively carried out in commerce
among the States, but severely neglected
in commerce between our Nation and
To provide a partial remedy for this
situation, my bill asserts the responsibil-
ity of the Secretary of Labor to recog-
nize the suffering of workers and com-
munities because of wage imbalances. It
likewise provides a vehicle for workers,
and, any other interested party, to bring
Federal attention to resulting unemploy-
ment and community hardship. Once
this attention is focused, and there in-
deed exists a problem, the bill empowers
the President to take whatever action he
deems appropriate to alleviate it. This
action is in addition to any other cus-
toms treatment provided by law. We do
not, therefore, infringe upon the estab-
lished practices of trade or the authority
of certain bodies to regulate that trade.
We only provide an additional safeguard
(Mr. VANIK asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute and to revise and extend his
Mr. VANIK. Mr. Speaker, I have to-
day introduced legislation to establish
a commercial aviation development
trust fund to pay for a portion of the
costs involved in developing new com-
mercial aircraft such as the supersonic
transport, the cost of which is estimated
to run in excess of $4 billion. The legis-
lation would create the trust fund by in-
creasing the Federal tax on commercial
air travel from 5 percent to 10 percent.
This would raise approximately $140
million per year. It Is contemplated
that the trust fund would bear a portion
of the cost of developing the supersonic
transport with the remaining cost paid
out of the Federal Treasury.
There is no justification for requir-
ing the general taxpaying public to as-
sume the total burden of developing
supersonic transport planes which only
a small portion of the public can be ex-
pected to use. Certainly the regular air
Mr. WYDLER. Mr. Speaker, I make
the point of order that a quorum is not
The SPEAKER. The gentleman from
New York makes the point of order that
a quorum is not present. Evidently, a
quorum is not present.
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a
call of the House.
A call of the House was ordered.
The Clerk called the roll, and the fol-
lowing Members failed to answer to their
[Roll No. 240]
Andrews, Hungate Rivers, S.C.
Glenn Irwin Rooney, N.Y.
Baring King, N.Y. Roudebush
Bolling Krebs Schisler
Broomfield Landrum Schmidhauser
Brown, Calif. Leggett Scott
Callaway Long, La. Senner
Celler Long, Md. Shipley
Oohelan McEwen Teague, Tex.
Conyers McMillan Thomas
Craley Martin, Ala. Toll
Cramer Martin, Mass. Tuten
Evins, Tenn. Moeller Walker, Miss.
Flynt Morrison White, Idaho
Foley Murray Whitener
Fulton, Tenn. O'Brien Willis
Hagan, Ga. Pool Zablocki
Hansen, Wash. Powell
Harvey, Mich. Rivers, Alaska
The SPEAKER. On this rollcall 374
Members have answered to their names,
a quorum.
By unanimous consent, further pro-
ceedings under the call were dispensed
Mr. SMITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker,
I ask unanimous consent that the Com-
mittee on Rules have until midnight to-
night to file certain privileged reports.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from
There was no objection.
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Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400100005-2 .r?.
Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I call up
the conference report on the bill (H.R.
15941) making appropriations for the
Departmentof Defense for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1967, and for other pur-
poses, and ask unanimous consent that
the statement of the managers on the
part of the House be read in lieu of the
The Clerk read the title of the bill.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from
There was no objection.
The Clerk read the statement.
(For conference report and statement,
see proceedings of the House of Aug. 24,
The SPEAKER. The gentleman from
Texas [Mr. MAHON] is recognized for 1
Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, we have
for consideration today -the conference
report on the Department of Defense ap-
propriation bill for the fiscal year which
began on July 1, 1966.
Some have asked why this bill is being
presented to the floor at so late a date.
I would like to give the chronology with
respect to the pending legislation.
The President's budget including the
request for defense appropriations was
presented to Congress on January 24 of
this year. Authorization was considered
by the House and by the Senate of that
portion of the bill:which requires author-
ization. Finally,-the authorization con-
ference report was adopted on July 12.
The Committee on Appropriations mar-
shaled its forces and sought to bring the
bill to the House as soon as there was au-
thority to do so, the President having
Summary of appropriations
[In thousands]
1966 appro-
1967 budget
Conference action compared with-
1966 appro-
Title I, military personnel_________________
Title II, Operation and maintenance------
$18,'}51, 044
$18, 731, 044
4-$1,691, 553
+$55, 344
-$568, 300
Title III, Procurement
18, 423, 400
18, 408, 200
16, 658, 000
-1, 781, 600
+$5, 600
itle 1V, Research, development, test,
andevaluation --------------------------
Title V, Emergency fund, southeast Asia
Title V, Special foreign currency program_
, 348
7, 348
-1,700, 000
+7, 348
Distribution of appropriations by or-
ganizational component:
16, 826,700
Defense agencies/OSD
2, 864, 405
2 0,686,300
3, 239, 059
3, 271, 407
3, 270, 207
3, 269, 807
El .1geney fund, southeast Asia------
--- -----------
Total, Department of Dofense-------
58, 858, 003
57, 661, 353
58, 616, 445
58, 189, 872
58, 067,472
-790, 531
-548, 973
I The original budget estimates were submitted in local currency amounts which were equivalent to $11,975,000. The original amounts were subsequently reduced to
$7,348,000 at the request of the Department of Defense.
The conference amount is below the
figures in either the House or the Senate
versions of the bill. But to be utterly
frank-and we must-the conference
amount is above the President's budget
in the sum of $403 million. This results
in large measure from the fact that the
House has approved certain projects
which were not contained in the budget
but which were authorized, mind you, in
the authorization legislation.
Some of the measures not included in
the budget and included in the confer-
ence agreement are as follows:
Retaining separate Army Na-
tional Guard and Army Re-
serve organizations ---------- $67,044,000
Retain all 25 Air National Guard
heavy aircraft units --------- 4,300,000
Continue B-52 fleet at 600 air-
craft ----------------------- 6,000,000
Continue 'Claims" as regular an-
nual appropriation --------- 25, 000, 000
Provide appropriation In lieu of
foreign currency appropria-
tion ----------------------- 7,348,000
Additional OH-6A light observa-
tion helicopters ------------ 19, 900, 000
One nuclear powered frigate and
long leadtime items for a sec-
ond ------------------------ 150,500,000
Provisions for production capa-
bility for the F-12 intercep-
tor aircraft ---------------- 55, 000, 000
Procurelnerit of aeromedical
transport aircraft ------------ $16,000,000
Augmentation of Deep Sub-
merge program ------------ 2, 500, 000
Additional funding for Ad-
vanced Manned Strategic Air-
craft ----------------------- 11,800,000
For the manned orbital laboratory-
and this House has been strong in sup-
porting space programs in both NASA
and the Department of Defense--there
is an addition above the budget of $50
million. The figures generally in the bill
for space programs of a military nature
total about $1.7 billion.
For research and development in the
field of antisubmarine warfare there is
$7.5 million above the budget.
So these are the areas in which we are
above the budget.
I think we can say that with respect to
the major provisions in the bill there is
considerable unanimity. It is true that
in the House version of the bill about
$569 million was included above the bud-
get for the pay of about 108,000 men who
had not been budgeted for and who were
actually on board at the beginning of the
fiscal year, on July 1.
We felt that we should appropriate for
the pay of these men. We appropriate
for the pay of people in various govern-
signed the authorization legislation on
July 13. -
So, following enactment of authoriza-
tion on July 13 we brought this bill to the
floor on July 19 for consideration. It
passed the House on July 20. It went
to the other body and it. passed the other
body on August 18.
The conference met on August 23,
and here we are, on August 25, con-
sidering the conference report. In other
words, it would have been impossible for
the House of Representatives to have
considered this legislation in the first in-
stance prior to July 13, and it was con-
sidered on July 19.
I should like to speak briefly about
what is actually in the conference report.
The report is below the House version by
$548 million and it is below the Senate
version by $122 million. The compari-
sons by title and by department are as
ment agencies for the full 12 months; so
we felt a budget estimate should have
been submitted for this $569 million, but
failing to secure a budget estimate for
these funds, the House put the money in
the bill.
The other body decided to omit the
funds and await a budget estimate. It
is. true that we have sufficient money in
the bill for the pay of all of our military
personnel for a major portion of the
year, but not for the whole year.
It is true that next February or March
we can, in a supplemental bill, provide
the necessary money for the pay of these
additional men who were on board at the
beginning of this fiscal year above the
number estimated in the budget.
It is true, in my judgment, that there
will be additional men called into the
service and that we will likewise have to
provide funds for them.
It is generally estimated that a supple-
mental will be required next year for the
pay of personnel and for the continua-
tion of the war in Vietnam-unless it
should unexpectedly end-in the sum of
$5 to $15 billion. Nobody knows the
exact figure, but it is going to be a tre-
mendous figure.
While the tabulation of this bill shows
that it is $790 million below the Defense
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19812 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE August 25, 1966
be well for the committee to look into quiring of the distinguished majority production which he has built up to support
this further. leader as to the program for the remain- our defense effort, it would wreck our na-
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. We der of the week. tional economy.
ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the With our present national debt, we must
would be glad to. Mr. keep national income high for we cannot
Mr. BATTIN. With the thought in gentleman yield? handle our debt any other way.
mind of keeping a very modern facility Mr. GERALD R. FORD. I yield to the That man was just as patriotic and just
in operation. gentleman from Oklahoma.
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. We Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, in re- as much for peace as you and I; but the
would be glad to take a look at it, and if sponse to the inquiry of the gentleman more I analyzed his statement, the more
the gentleman will give us the informa- from Michigan and after consultation frightening it became. It did appear
tion we will look at it carefully, with the Republican leadership, it has that if we tried to slow down the then
Mr, McCLORY. Mr. Speaker, will the been agreed that we would meet tomor- Government programs, we could have an
gentleman yield? row and dispose of two very important economic crackup; and yet I could not
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. I conference reports, one being the urban bring myself to acknowledge even to my-
yield to the gentleman from Illinois. mass transportation conference report self that it took a war, or preparation for
Mr. McCLORY. I thank the gentle- and the other the so-called FNMA re- war, to maintain our material prosperity.
man. I wish to commend the committee port, and then we would ask to go over Yet, as I thought further, we had been
and the conferees for the excellent work until Monday when we will continue the producing about 15 to 20 percent more to
which they have done. I am concerned consideration of the Department of meet the needs of national defense; there
about the subject of military housing. Transportation bill as the first order of had been, as now, a sale for practically
Mr. Speaker, as I understand it, legislative business on Monday. We will anything industry produced. As my
the subject of new housing is de- then continue with the program which friend pointed out, then As now, most la-
ferred under the direction of the will be announced tomorrow for the bal- bor, turning out that production, had
Department of Defense, but the commit- ance of next week. been accustomed to a full workweek, with
tee and the conferees have authorized Mr. GERALD R. FORD. The rest of much overtime; and farmers were then
rental housing which will sort of take the program for next week will be an- producing about 20 percent more than
care of it. nounced tomorrow at the conclusion of our normal markets required. They had
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. No, business? been accustomed to selling almost any-
we have not authorized, any new rental Mr. ALBERT. It will be announced thing they could grow.
housing but have continued rental tomorrow. The gentleman is correct. I could see that the American people
housing that they had in the last bill ad for years enjoyed material prosperity
with 500 additional units for Hawaii, and to a greater extent than any people ever
that is all. There are no new ones in THREAT OF DEPRESSION HA NO before in this or any other nation. We
the continental United States. PLACE IN CONSIDERATION OF had more cars, more clothes, more and
Mr. McCLORY. With regard to new VIETNAM better food, more radios, television sets,
military housing, that is deferred until (Mr. WHITTEN asked and was given more electrical equipment, more of every-
next year or some later time? permission to address the House for , thing that people need or want than any
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. We minute and to revise and extend his other nation.
reauthorized those deferrals which will remarks.) With All of us sincerely for peace, I felt
expire under the law. They are reau- Mr. WHITTEN. Mr. Speaker, the it simply could not be that it takes a war,
thorized under this bill. Sunday, August 21 issue of Parade, a or preparation for war, to continue such
Mr. McCLORY. I see. I thank the part of the Sunday edition of the Wash- prosperity. I was certain in my own
gentleman. ington Post, carried an article under the mind that there must be some other
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. Mr. title, "After Vietnam, What?" and a sub- answer.
Speaker, I move the previous question title, "Will Our Economy Tumble if After thinking the matter through, it
on the conference report. Peace Comes?" dawned on me that it is not war or prepa-
The previous question was ordered. The article had this to say : ration for war, as such, which was the
The creport was agreed to. basis for our material prosperity; but it
reconsider was laid on the If the United States were suddenly plunged was the 15 or 20 percent extra effort our
A motion conference
into peace, what would happeng to $30 our war-
table. people had been putting forth because of
table. buoyed economy? A staggering or preparation for war, which had
a day now being poured into the Vietnam war
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION would go begging. Hundreds of companies resulted in such material prosperity.
geared to war production would be disrupted. Thus, I could see that if we could have
990 Thousands of youths now employed by the peace but continue that extra effort, we
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. Mr. armed forces would be turned loose on the could maintain our prosperity and be
Speaker, I offer a concurrent resolution streets to hunt for civilian jobs, an even richer nation.
(H. Con. Res. 990) and ask for its imme- This fear is not new. Quite some In war and preparation for war a
diate consideration. years ago when the head of the agency large part of our extra effort consumes
The Clerk read the concurrent resolu- charged with expanding our facilities so our raw materials which are destroyed as
tion, as follows: as to be ready for an all-out war with shells, worn out as military vehicles,
Resolved, That in the enrollment of the Russia told me as we walked from com- planes, equipment, guns, warships, while
bill (S. 3105) to authorize certain construc- mittee hearings that if he were in charge we increase wear and tear on our rail-
tion at military installations, and for other of Russia and wanted to wreck the econ- roads and our highways. The extra
purposes, the Secretary of the Senate is au- omy of the United States, he would de- food and fiber are either given to our
thorized and directed to make the following clare 5 years of peace. With all of us allies, or given to them in money with
correction: praying then as we do now for peace, his commodities sold to them for the return
In section 612, strike out "$50,000" and statement was shocking. of our money. Our lands are used to a
insert "$150,000". greater extent, our timber and natural
The concurrent resolution was agreed dust think- resources are further depleted.
to. He said- Where the extra effort due to war or
A motion to reconsider was laid on the if we were to cancel all war contracts, with preparation for war is the basis for our
table. the resulting closed factories and unemploy- material prosperity, we end up a poorer
ment; if we were to call our men in the country, for our real wealth decreases.
service back home and have them seeking However, if only we had peace so we could
LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR THE jobs; if we quit producing and shipping ma- put forth that extra effort-not in needed
BALANCE OF THE WEEK chinery, equipment, and everything else we defense expenditures which use up our
(Mr. GERALD R. FORD asked and send to our allies through Mutual Security, raw materials, but in work that will im-
was given permission to address the other her o m 20n by the ExporImdusr t Bank had and cut t prove our basic resources, in reforesting
House for 1 minute.) out its s 20 percent of civilia nn extra auproduction and our lands, harnessing our streams for
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, that labor was unemployed; if the farmer had electricity, reclaiming our lands through
I ask for this time for the purpose of in- no market for the extra 20 percent of his soil conservation, building the highways
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Aviation Agency for utilization of the
complex for appropriate aviation pur-
poses only if the President so directs.
I feel this represents a major victory
for the House position and accomplishes
the purposes for which we inserted the
Section 612 is a provision which would
require notification in advance of any
contracts awarded for advance planning,
construction, design and architectural
services costing $50,000 or more. The
principal was accepted during the con-
ference although the cost figure was
-raised to $150,000. This would insure
that in any building the cost of which
exceeds $2,250,000, Congress would have
prior notification before architectural
and engineering contracts were awarded.
Section 613 of the bill relates to base
closures, and is probably the most impor-
tant provision in this year's bill. As you
recall, it requires the Secretary of De-
fense to make base closure announce-
ments prior to the expiration of 30 con-
tinuous days of session of the Congress
before congressional adjournment.
I am most pleased to say that the Sen-
ate conferees accepted the House ver-
sion. I think this is a significant feature,
and returns to the Congress certain pow-
ers which belong in the Congress.
The conferees added a section to the
bill directing the Secretary of Defense to
make a further study concerning the de-
sirability of transferring the Defense
Language Institute from the Washing-
ton, D.C., area to the lands formerly con-
stituting Biggs Air Force Base, Tex., and
also directed him to make a study of the
demolition of the four existing piers at
the Boston Navy Shipyard and the con-
struction of three new piers and related
facilities at such shipyard.
The Secretary will be required to re-
port to the Committees on Armed Serv-
ices of the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives not later than 6 months after
the date of the enactment of this act.
tion. I refer particularly to the provi- important committee knows. It has
sion in which I had some interest, the been close to many of our hearts, be-
Defense Language School. cause we have been trampled on and
The gentleman was modest In describ- hurt by executive actions which have
ing the result of the conference. Not been unilateral.
only was the entire House position up- Certainly if anyone believes even a
held, but in addition to that, as Mem- little in and pays the least mind to this
bers will see, the conference report is report and to the action of the conferees
almost it verbatim recital of the position with respect to section 613 of the bill it
of the House and of the committee. will be a new mark in the maintenance
Frankly, I do not see how any fair- of separation of powers and the preroga-
minded person, reading that statement tives of the legislative branch.
and the statement of the managers on I thank the gentleman.
the part of the House, could possibly Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. ]:
come up with any other. conclusion. thank the gentleman. We worked out
I do not know what the Defense De- the provision in the bill this year which.
partment thinks it is going to be able makes it abundantly clear that the Con-
to do next year in restudying this matter. gress must be advised
while in session
I believe what the conferees have done when a base is to be summarily closed,
has been a victory for our defense lan- by the whims of some transitory Secre-
guage capacity. If we had more people tary, whomever he may be, today or in.
in Vietnam who could speak Vietnamese the dim and distant future.
today, 1: believe our military capacity Mr. BATTIN. Mr. Speaker, will the
there would be greatly enhanced. I want gentleman yield?
to congratulate the gentleman for this Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. I
fine victory on something that is also yield to the gentleman from Montana.
essential to our national security. Mr. BATTIN. I have a question con-
Mr. BATES. Mr. Speaker, will the cerning the section 613 to which the
gentleman yield? gentleman from Missouri [Mr. HALL]
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. I referred.
yield to the distinguished ranking mi- Under the Military Construction Au-
nority member of our committee [Mr. thorization Act dealing with base
BATES]. closures, would it be the opinion of the
Mr. BATES. Mr. Speaker, I also want gentleman that when a base is on
to commend the distinguished gentle- schedule to be phased out at some time
man from South Carolina, the chairman jn the future-thinking now of 1967 and
of our committee. 1968, when the base is still in full opera-
This is an austere bill. We did give tion-taking into account the conference
it very close scrutiny when it went be- report on the appropriation bill that was
fore our committee. It is essentially the adopted earlier today and the fact that
House bill with some changes. But all B-52's are still going to be maintained
in all, this side of the aisle heartily ap- at a higher level than anticipated by the
proves the bill and recommends that the Department of Defense, under the Ian-
conference report be adopted. guage now in the conference report be-
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. Mr. fore the House, there should be a review
Speaker, this is the conference report. of a decision to close the base, which
It is substantially the House bill. We decision was previously made, prior to
are thoroughly satisfied with it. the adoption of such language?
Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, will the Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. No;
gentleman yield? this would not be retroactive, for any
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. I announcement made on any existing
yield to the distinguished gentleman base. This is with respect to future
from Missouri, a member of the coin- announcements and future
TITLE VI-RESERVE FORCES mittee, Dr. HALL. Mr. BATTIN. I asked the gentleman
There was no difference in the author- Mr. HALL. I thank the chairman. the question because the base I have
ization between the House and Senate as I particularly wish to commend those particular reference to is the Glasgow
it related to Reserve forces. who have writen the report, for such Air Force Base at Glasgow, Mont.
While I am still not satisfied that the areas as have been mentioned: the Aan- Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. If
bill provides the essential facilities re- costia-Bolling complex decision, and the they have announced the closure, this
quired by the military services, I am con- position the committee has taken, after would not apply. This is for future
vinced that this is the very best that we many subcommittee investigations over closures.
could hope to do this year in view of the there; and the position with respect to Mr. BATTIN. I asked because it is
attitude of the Department of Defense. Puerto Rico and the Rodriguez General one of the newest bases in the SAC
I believe we have a sound bill even Hospital, vis-a-vis a new one which inventory.
though an austere one.. eventually may be needed. Certainly Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. Has
I am hopeful that every Member of the other needed to be preserved. there been an announcement of closure?
this great House will support this report. i rise particularly to speak about sec- Mr. BATTIN. Yes. I would urge the
Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, will tion 613. There are comments about committee, in the light of our colloquy, to
the distinguished gentleman from South that section on page 42 of the statement study the matter.
Carolina yield to me? of the managers on the conference re= Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. I
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. I am port. would be glad to have the gentleman
delighted to yield to my good friend from To my mind this makes an even give me any information available. We
New York, an outstanding member of our stronger and greater legislative record, will take that into consideration next
committee, from which the Department should irn- year. Who can tell?
Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, I ap- plement its regulations concerning Mr. BATTIN. In the present circum-
preciate the gentleman's very generous military construction, and particularly stances, considering the fact that the
comment. base closure. language of the Defense Department ap-
I want to commend him for the out- This has been a subject of great con propriation bill kept the B-52 force at
standing job which he and the other tern, as the distinguished chairman, the a higher level, since that Is the squadron
conferees did on this particular legisla- gentleman from South Carolina, of this at the Glasgow Air Force Base, it might
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and the schools we need, and in those
things that develop and restore our coun-
try-we would end up a richer country.
Mr. Speaker, the answer to the Wash-
ington Post article, "After Vietnam,
What?" is that if we will only bring that
war to a successful end we will be equally
or more prosperous and In the long run
our country will be a hundred times
richer if we only were to put forth the
extra effort now going to support the
war, on the things we need at home.
Mr. Speaker, we must give to our men
in service what it takes to win.
Prosperity or the threat of. depression
has no place in the consideration of
(Mr. OLSEN of Montana asked and
was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute and to revise and ex-
tend his remarks.)
Mr. OLSE'N of Montana. Mr. Speaker,
for most of the legislative measures
which come before the Congress, the sup-
port or opposition from the State of Mon-
tana is readily apparent. Montanans
take pride in participating in the deci-
sions of their Congressmen and as their
representative, I am well instructed.
But, Mr. Speaker, at no time during
my tenure as a Congressman from the
western district of Montana have I re-
ceived such an outright command from
the citizens of Montana as I have in their
opposition to the proposed firearms con-
trol legislation.
For nearly 6 years I have strongly and
repeatedly expressed my opposition to
any Federal gun control laws. I have
made my position widely known, both to
my good constituents, and to my col-
leagues in the Congress.
The advocates of the proposed gun
control bill are undoubtedly sincere in
their endeavor. Their efforts to study
the causes of criminal behavior in the
United States deserves the broadest ap-
plause and acclaim. But I do not believe
that the underlying rational of the bill
is valid. I do not believe that the ease
with which firearms can be acquired is a
significant factor in the prevalence of
lawlessness and violent crime in the
United States. Experience has shown
that criminals can, and do, and will, ob-
tain firearms regardless of restrictions.
The proposed bill attacks the firearm
and the legitimate user of the firearms
rather than the criminal user of the fire-
arm. Essentially, the proposed bill
misses the target of its purpose. In ad-
dition, it imposes unnecessary and bur-
densome restrictions upon the manufac-
turer, dealer and legitimate user of fire-
arms without necessarily achieving con-
trol of crime.
Mr. Speaker, this piece of legislation
brings to mind the spectre of the alco-
holic prohibition laws which this Nation
adopted in the early part of the century.
These measures were ill-conceived and
impossible to. administer. Because the
laws could not be administered effec-
tively, the legislation adopted was grad-
ually more and more severe, and the
police powers of the Federal Government
No. 142-20
had to be more and more expanded.
Finally, in a fit of exasperation, Congress
threw up its hands and repealed the pro-
hibition laws outright.
Mr. Speaker, I have a genuine fear
that this is to be the fate of any gun
legislation which the Congress would
pass. It is my prediction that if this
proposed gun law is enacted, there will
be more severe laws to follow, and again
the police powers of the Federal Govern-
ment will be expanded to administer the
Twenty million legitimate sportsmen
would be penalized, while illegal gun traf-
fic among criminals would flourish.
There is a firm and deep-rooted tradi-
tion in our history which commands that
every American should have the right to
keep and bear arms. This concept is ex-
pressed in innumerable places, the most
noteworthy being the U.S. Constitution
itself. It is, indeed, a stalwart principle
in annals of the American civilization,
and we should not tear it down in a blind
attempt to strike out at crime in our
(Mr. DULSKI asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. DULSKI. Mr. Speaker, over the
-past month a heavy volume of evidence
has appeared to justify the description of
the 1966 Captive Nations Week observ-
ance as a new high point in this annual
event. In so many respects the recent
week has surpassed all previous observ-
ances, extending back to 1959 when Con-
gress passed the Captive Nations Week
resolution. Beyond question of doubt,
this is a good and solid omen of things
to come as concern the captive nations in
Central-South Europe, the Soviet Union,
Asia, and Cuba, Congress' intent to up-
hold the issue in the basic interests of
our national security and that of the
free world, and the future development
of U.S. foreign policy.
Millions of Americans have shown in
this most recent successful observance of
Captive Nations Week that they are not
being fooled by the superficial and non-
essential changes taking place in the Red
Empire. The totalitarian Red regimes
from Moscow down are solidifying and
consolidating their power, not losing hold
of it over the suppressed captive nations.
The 1966 observance also demonstrated
that large segments of our population
are not being fooled by the deceptive Red
strategy of "peaceful coexistence." They
are very much aware that the Russian-
inspired cold war is being waged more
intensively than ever in the underde-
veloped areas of the world toward the
objective of extending the Red Empire
further through Communist takeovers.
The heavy Russian support of totalitar-
ian Hanoi, with missiles, technicians, and
a whole variety of arms used to cut down
our own soldiers and planes, was high-
lighted, during the event and advanced as
a firm basis for the creation of a Special
Committee on the Captive Nations.
Such a committee now would focus
world attention on the Red Empire and
its deep involvement in the aggression
against South Vietnam. With the situa-
tion becoming more involved in Vietnam,
the extent of Soviet Russian, and other
empire aid, to the totalitarian Hanoi re-
gime must be publicly examined and
properly assessed. A Special House Com-
mittee on the Captive Nations would be a
most effective means to develop all the
implications of this study and to deter-
mine required legislation in this new,
evolving context.
Mr. Speaker, as a further indication of
the scope and variety of the 1966 Captive
Nations Week observance, I request that
the following selected items be appended
to my remarks:
First. The proclamation of Mayor
Sedita of the city of Buffalo, N.Y.
Second. The Buffalo Courier Express
account on July 18, "Parade Honors Cap-
tive Nations" and the Buffalo Evening
News accounts of the same day, "Give
Meaning to Heritage of Freedom,
Paraders Urged" and "Marchers Parade
`Freedopi' Flags of Captive Nations."
Third. The July 18 report in the COG
of the Rotary Club of Buffalo titled
"Freedom Fighter" and the same publi-
cation's report of July 25 on the Viet-
namese Ambassador's address.
Fourth. A press release issued by the
Buffalo Captive Nations Committee.
Fifth. The presentation of His Excel-
lency Dr. Vu Van Thai, at the Rotary
Club Captive Nations event.
Sixth. The address of Dr. Nestor Pro-
cyk on Captive Nations Week.
Seventh. The article "Buffalo Kiwanis
Observes `Captive Nations Week" in the
Link publication.
Eighth. The texts of the American
Security Council broadcast network dur-
ing the entire period of Captive Nations
Week, featuring among others the Hon-
orable DANIEL J. FLOOD of Pennsylvania,
and Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky of George-
town University and chairman of the Na-
tional Captive Nations Committee.
Ninth. A published letter by the ex-
ecutive director of that committee,
which conducts the annual observance,
Mr. Donald L. Miller:
Whereas, the aggressive and overtly hostile
policies of Russian and Chinese Communists
have led to subjugation and enslavement of
a large number of once free and independent
nations; and
Whereas, ample proof exists that these un-
willing captives are desiring liberty and inde-
pendence from their captors, and have proven
time and time again their dissatisfaction
with their fate; and
Whereas, the powerful deterrent these na-
tions constitute with their passive as well as
active resistance by checking and hampering
the grandiose ambitions of the Communist
imperialists have been recognized by many
experts; and
Whereas, the United States is committed
to defend freedom and peace with justice all
over the world because by such stand the
preservation of our own hard won freedom is
being guaranteed; and
Whereas, the freedom aspiring peoples of
the Captive Nations know that the United
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"We bear a responsibility to understand
and defend our heritage of freedom under
the law.
"Every time you demonstrate respect for
the law and encourage good citizenship you
give meaning and substance to our American
heritage," he asserted.
The observance in front of City Hall, fol-
lowing a parade, marked the_ beginning of
the eighth Captive Nations Week, as pro-
claimed by Congress in 1969.
Judge Marshall said the hope of all free-
dom-loving people is that the human rights
and dignity of people of Iron Curtain coun-
tries will be restored.
Dr. Nestor Procyk, chairman of the local
observance, said the captive nations "did not
wish to be occupied and ruled by Russia."
"This observance is to remind you that all
the people of these nations are enslaved by
terror," he said.
Dr. Procyk said besides giving moral sup-
port to the captive nations, the observance
is a time to announce support of America's
stand in Viet Nam.
In endorsing the bombing of North Viet
Nam, Dr. Procyk said the "best strategy is to
strike the enemy on his own territory.
"However, we must remember that our
main enemy is not in Viet Nam but in
A proclamation issued by Mayor Sedita
called for the citizens of Buffalo to observe
the week "with appropriate prayers for the
deliverance of the oppressed and subjugated
nations the world over."
About 400 representatives of eight nations
held captive by Russia marched eight blocks
to City Hall Sunday in the name of freedom.
The marchers-many dressed in native
costumes--carried signs and banners remind-
ing American citizens of the sufferings of
their people behind the Iron Curtain..
"Sir, why does that flag have a hole cut in
the center?" a woman spectator on the cor-
ner of Genesee and Franklin Sts., asked a
Hungarian flagbearer.
"In 1956 the Freedom Fighters cut out the
symbol of the hammer and. sickle on the
Hungarian flag to protest their enslavement
to Russia," he informed her.
Several of the Captive Nations groups also
carried signs supporting the United States'
involvement in Viet Nam.
Each country had a story to tell:
Albania and Bulgaria, small Balkan coun-
tries which fell to Russia after World War II;
Croatia, "fiercely nationalistic people, who
have waged strong resistance to Tito's brand
of socialism, "
Estonia, "independent until invaded by
Soviet tanks in an annexation that shook
too conscience of the world."
Hungary, whose revolution "sparked pub-
lic opinion to discussions but too little ac-
Latvia, "unwilling satellite;" Lithuania,
formed after World War I, lost in World
War 11; Ukraine, has "sad distinction of being
the first to be overrun by Communist Rus-
sian occupants."
[From COG of Rotary Club of Buffalo, July
18, 19661
The Mayor's Citizens Committee to ob-
serve Captive Nations Week, under the chair-
manship of Dr. Nestor Procyk, has invited an
outstanding Freedom Fighter, Dr. Vu Van
Thai, Vietnamese Ambassador to the United
States, to give his views on captive nations.
This program will be sponsored by the Rotary
Club of Buffalo at its regular meeting at
12:00 Noon on Thursday, July 21, in the
Golden Ballroom of the Statler Hilton Hotel.
Dr. Vu was born,in Hanlo in 1919. He re-
ceived his high school education in Viet-
Nam and further education was completed
in France, with an M.S. degree from the
Sorbonne, Paris. In 1954. Dr. Vu returned
to Viet-Nam after the Geneva Agreement
to join the Vietnamese administration. Re-
signed from the Government Service in 1961
and joined the United Nations Secretariat.
After the fall of President Diem, Dr. Vu re-
turned to Viet-Nam and was appointed .rim-
bassador of Viet-Nam to the. U.S., but de-
clined the appointment after the military
coup of General Khanh. Reappointed Am-
bassador of Viet-Nam, Dr. Vu Van That pre-
sented his letters of credence to President
Lyndon B. Johnson on December 16, 1965.
States is the stronghold of human decency
with a deep dedication toward helping others
to achieve a sovereign life and is willing to
aid others at a great cost to her as shown in
Viet Nam; and
Whereas, the Congress of the United States
by unanimous vote passed Public Law 86-90
establishing the third week of July of each
year as Captive Nations Week, urging the
citizens of our great country to observesaid
week with appropriate prayers, activities and
rallies and expressing their moral support for
the just aspirations of captive peoples to at-
tain a full measure of freedom and inde-
Now, therefore, I, Frank A. Sedita, Mayor
of the City of Buffalo, do hereby proclaim
July 17-24, 1966 as "Captive Nations Week"
and call upon the citizens of Buffalo to join
with their fellow citizens in observing this
week with appropriate prayers for the de-
liverance of the oppressed and subjugated
nations the world over.
Mayor of Buffalo.
[From the Buffalo Courier Express, July 18,
County Judge Frederick M. Marshall told
an audience in Niagara Sq. Sunday after-
noon, following a parade inaugurating Cap-
tive Nations Week, that "there is no greater
privilege than American citizenship."
The parade featured costumed groups from
eight nations which have fallen under the
yoke of the Soviet Union. Police estimated
1,500 persons viewed the parade which began
at Main and Tupper and proceeded south
In Main St. to Genesee St., and west in
Judge Marshall noted, "With the privilege
of citizenship, however, comes the equal re-
sponsibility to understand and defend free-
dom under our laws."
"Every time you or I show respect for the
law and practice good citizenship we give
further meaning to the American way of
life," Judge Marshall added.
The crowd broke into applause when he
said "It is your desire, and that of Americans
everywhere, that your loved ones in the Com-
munist countries may be able to taste free-
dom and liberty."
Judge Marshall called the day, "a time
for reflection, thanksgiving and a rededi-
cation to the principles of democracy."
Dr. Nestor Procyk, assistant director of the
West Seneca State School and chairman of
the Citizens Committee to Observe Captive
Nations Week, said "This celebration con-
tributes to a better understanding of the
needs of the people behind the Iron Curtain."
H. Buswell Roberts, senior deputy corpora-
tion counsel for Buffalo, served as master of
ceremonies and introduced Judge Marshall.
Captive Nations week will also be observed
at noon Wednesday when John R. Pillion,
former representative of the 39th Congres-
sional District, will receive the Citizens Com-
mittee to Observe Captive Nations Week
Freedom Award at a luncheon in the Ter-
race Room of the Hotel Statler Hilton.
[From the Buffalo Evening News, July 18,
19661 .
The privilege of freedom carries with it the
responsibility of respecting the law, partici-
pants in opening ceremonies of Captive Na-
tions Week were told Sunday.
"We have become so accustomed to free-
dom we tend to take it for granted," said
County Judge Frederick M. Marshall.
President Bill presided at this distinctive
meeting observing "Captive Nations Week".
Earl Sidler, II, Senior Minister of Delaware
Avenue Baptist Church, pronounced the In-
All sang the fourth stanza of our National
Anthem and Les Erlenbach played the Na-
tional Anthem of the Republic of Viet Nam.
President Bill welcomed the visitors to our
meeting and reminded us of the Sunshine
Day activities this afternoon at Cradle Beach
Camp, and the dinner at Spooner Smith's
Woodbrook Farm in Derby.
Roster Chairman Rog Davis gave No. 2
copy of our new Roster to President Bill.
Since the 1966-67 Roster is dedicated to
Fenton M. Parke, the No. 1 copy had pre-
viously been presented to him in the hospital.
Jim Maxson served as Sergeant-at-Arms
and welcomed the most distant traveler,
Alberto Berra DiBerra, San Paulo, Brazil,
who spoke briefly in Italian.
Among the distinguished guests at the
head table was Mayor Frank A. Sedita who
spoke briefly and presented our speaker with
a Bison statuette, symbolic of the City of
Next President Bill called on Dr. Nestor
Procyk, Chairman of the Citizens' Commit-
tee to observe Captive Nations Week, who
introduced our speaker, His Excellency, Dr.
Vu Van Thai, Ambassador to the United
States from the Republic of Viet Nam.
Ambassador Thai stated that in the past
25 years, since World War II, Viet Nam has
had a constant struggle with colonialism and
then communism. Viet Nam came very close
to becoming a captive nation, until a few
years ago.
The was in Viet Nam is the only open
confrontation with communism in South-
east Asia. Burma, The Philippines, and
Laos have had and still have problems with
communist guerrilla warfare. The conflict
in Viet Nam is having a considerable effect
on communist policy in other Southeast
Asian countries.
A serious contradiction in the communist
world between nationalism and international
communism has developed with the use of
communist China as a challenge of
Russia. This contradiction has been ac-
celerated by the Viet Nam struggle.
Ambassador Thai quoted a statement from
an official of Singapore that South Viet-
namese are dying, not only for their country
but also so that the Viet Nam conflict will'
not be repeated elsewhere.
Ever since the enactment of Public Law
86-90 in 1959, popularly known as Captive
Nations Week, Buffalo has been in the fore-
front in complying with the provisions of this
important law. This year, as in previous
years, the week of July 17-24 was marked by
activities to promulgate the ideas written
into law by giving moral support to the peo-
ples held in Russian or Chinese captivity.
The Week's program started Sunday, July
17, 66 with a parade and motorcade which
proceeded to the City Hall. The official civic
opening of the Captive Nations Week was
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Church and the Communist State of Yugo-
Two other interesting examples are Hun-
gary and Czechoslovakia. Hungary has, of
course, dominantly a Catholic people, but it
also has large Calvinist and Lutheran
Churches. Czechoslovakia has reported now
quite a revival of religion. For example, it is
now the fashion in Czechoslovakia for a
large number of young people to have their-
marriages celebrated in church. This is a
very interesting development which indicates
that religion has not lost its vitality and its
potential, although it has been-particularly
the Catholic part of religion in Czechoslo-
vakia-has been severely persecuted. At one
time, for example, there were 1500 priests,
at least, in jail. Quite a few, no doubt, have
been liquidated. There is now a freeing of a
good many of these priests.
The Communist aim is to knock out re-
ligion and strangle it, but the tactics and
the way of handling depends upon circum-
Dr. JUDD. Thank you, Dr. Charles W. Lowry,
President of the Foundation for Religious
IProgram: 475, Washington Report, July 22,
Dr. JUDD. My guest today is my good friend,
the Hon. DANIEL J. FLOOD, Democratic Con-
gressman from Pennsylvania. Congressman
FLOOD is the author of a proposal designed
to demonstrate more clearly America's un-
wavering support of the peoples of Captive
Nations oppressed by Communism. Con-
gressman FLOOD, please explain some of the
details of your plan to our listeners.
Representative FLOOD. As you know, and
as I am glad to tell your audience, the pur-
pose for the Captive Nations Resolution in
the House is to bring to the attention of
the nation-and always sponsored by the
President, whoever he might be, or whatever
party-and this is entirely a resolution of
both parties. Members of both parties have
presented this resolution.
The idea is to establish a special committee
on this question of the Captive Nations be-
Cause we created the phrase; they had been
"satellite" nations. Now these people are not
"satellites.". These are "captive" peoples.
And that is the point of distinction. We
are trying to point out the importance of
establishing, in the House especially, this
special committee and the purpose is to point
out the pure, naked imperialism and the
colonialism of Soviet Russia. The Com-
munists make a point of pointing the finger
at democracy, especially the United States,
and saying we are colonial and we are impe-
rial. As a matter of fact, this is not true, and
the captive nations are held captive by the
Soviet. There are many of them; I shall not
enumerate them now.
The purpose of the special committee, as
you know, and you were one of the sponsors,
is to bring to the attention not only of the
House and the country and the world the
fact that this naked condition of imperialism
and colonialism really exists only today in
the world in the Soviet Union. And we want
to send a bridge across the oceans and the
seas and the hemispheres to all of these cap-
tive peoples, not only now in the Soviet in
Europe and Central Europe, but in the Far
East and in the Southeast or wherever they
might be in the world.
We believe that the existing established
committees do not have the time and cannot
give the proper attention to a sub-committee
existence for this purpose; and we feel that
only by the creation by the House-we would
even agree a-joint committee would be bet-
ter-but for our purpose, the House itself,
a special committee on the captive nations
to put a rifle on this target and expose im-
perialism and colonialism where it really ex-
ists-in Soviet Communist Russia:
Dr. JUDD. Thank you, Congressman FLOOD,
for speaking on this important proposal dur-
ing this week which our nation annually ob-
serves as Captive Nations Week.
Sir: The writer of your July 8 editorial,
"Disarray in the Warsaw Pact," has a fine
command of the adjective and the adverb,
but a rather faulty memory of recent history.
The Soviets proposed an "all-Europe secu-
rity plan" as long ago as Aug. 11, 1955 for the
then-stated purpose of liquidating the NATO
and Warsaw pacts.
In usual Soviet fashion, propagandists kept
this issue alive for several years. On May 27,
1958, Moscow announced the USSR would
"pull Its troops out of Romania" and reduce
troops in Hungary to get NATO powers to
join with her in a 25-year non-aggression
When your editorial suggests it would be
great if the Kremlin agrees with Mr. Ceau-
sescu of Romania, the impression is given
that the new proposal for abolishing NATO
and Warsaw pacts is made against the oppo-
sition of Moscow. Not at all so.
You may be interested, and your editorial
writer may also be intrigued, by a Columbia-
Harvard Research Group report to the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee February 14,
1960. It stated, in part:
"The objective of Soviet policy toward the
advanced industrial countries now and in the
near future appears to be not a social trans-
formation of these countries, but a modifica.
'tion of their national policies. That is to
say-and a number of distinguished American
observers have gone astray an this point-it
is not a question, in any short-range projec-
tion, of trying to communize the countries
of Western Europe, but rather of seeking to
bring about changes in the policies of their
`bourgeoise' governments. In the first in-
stance, this means changes that will have
the effect of weakening the Western alliance;
later, it may be hoped to encourage these
governments to orient their policies more
favorably toward the Soviet Union to make
their industrial output available to the Soviet
economic complex. In the short-term situa-
tion, the direction of the flow of industrial
output of Western Europe is a major factor
in the world power balance."
It would seem that the Soviets have made
considerable progress toward implementing
this above-stated policy while we have suf-
fered from not having any stateable, long or
short term policy of a similar scope toward
the Soviet Union or the Communist bloc.
Executive Director, National Captive
Nations Committee.
Enrroa's NoTE.-The editorial was not
meant to give the impression cited by Mr.
Miller. Its main point was that Romania's
position in the Warsaw Pact seemed to be
having the wholesome effect of blocking the
Kremlin's efforts to impose on the alliance
a rigid, Soviet-dominated political, economic
and military integration fit only for truly
captive nations.
(Mr. BENNETT asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
.Mr. BENNETT. Mr. Speaker, we are
at this moment engaged in one of the
most difficult and perilous missions a free
nation has ever set upon. The conflict in
South Vietnam, is costing the American
people $33 million a day in military aid,
and an untold amount of priceless life
and property. It is appalling to us all,
I am sure, to witness the thousands of
persons who are losing their lives and
billions of dollars which are being ex-
pended in the machinations of war, when
these resources could be much better
spent in the forward progress of man-
kind. Yet we stand committed to our
belief in the right of self-determination
for the brave people of South Vietnam.
In the pressures of our military activity,
much of the attention of the world and
the press has been on our military op-
erations. But I submit to you that we
are fighting a three-faced battle: a mili-
tary war, a political war, and an eco-
nomic war. -
In order to be successful in bringing
independence and freedom to South
Vietnam, we must win all three -battles.
The military battle, although long and
difficult, will ultimately result in victory.
The political battle, tremendously com-
plicated, is slowly being resolved. But
the firm basis upon which sovereign and
independent nations stand must ulti-
mately be economic. Today I am intro-
ducing legislation which is vitally needed
to help win the economic battle in South
My bill will provide tremendous in-
centives for private enterprise in the
United States to furnish Its know-how
and technical ability in the production of
industrial-type management and job op-
portunities in South Vietnam. The great
system of American private enterprise
has served as an inspiring example for
many underdeveloped countries of the
world. It must assist the development of
a strong, free, and private enterprise sys-
tem in South Vietnam. I think Ameri-
can business will enthusiastically lend
its know-how to help win the economic
war in South Vietnam and to provide a
locally owned business base for job and
management opportunities there. This
bill will provide for a guarantee of 100
percent for any American private -in-
vestor or business concern against in-
ability to convert money into U.S. dollars,
expropriation, and loss due to war. In
addition, my legislation calls for a 90-
percent guarantee against any com-
mercial loss in the investment.
American businessmen have recog-
nized the opportunity in South Vietnam
and have made direct private investment
to a total of over $5 million, exclusive of
construction. Recent private studies
Indicate that companies moving into
South Vietnam have average profits of
20 to 30 percent on their investments.
Last December, a seven-man mission. of
U.S. businessmen sponsored by the
Agency for International Development,
reported favorably on the profit pros-
pects for a wide range of small or medium
industries and told of a rising number of
inquiries. But while the response on the
part of the private enterprise system has
been sympathetic and encouraging, it
has nowhere matched the overwhelming
need for this type of economic activity.
My bill would also provide for grants
for surveys of investment by private en-
terprise. The surveys would be financed
by the U.S. Government to encourage
private investors to look into the vast
opportunities open for business and in-
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It Jr. always good to hear Dr. Nestor Procyk
speak in his own style. There can never be
any question of his sincerity and his enthu-
siasm. He was most gracious in his com-
Inendation of Kiwanis and its noble aims
and purposes. He then proceeded with the
formal introduction of the speaker of the
day, the Honorable John R. Pillion. In his
introduction he carefully reviewed the spirit
of public service that has characterized John
In his address, John Pillion paused to pay
tribute to Kiwanis and to congratulate Inter-
national on its objects and objectives. He
then proceeded to outline certain interna-
tional problems that face the free world, and
cited great challenges in a situation where
some one-third of the world is "captive" and
another one-third is "uncommitted." At the
conclusion of his address he was greeted by a
standing ovation.
It was a salutory meeting with P.P. Don
Murphy presiding in his usual inimitable
style, bringing greetings from Prez Ralph
Garnish who is still apparently "cherchezing
the femme" that Veep Ab Homburger men-
tioned at one meeting, with Johnny Metse-
laar introducing guests and Lions and Ro-
tarians, and with the team of `Riebling and
Stradtman performing in great style.
[Program 471, Washington Report, July 18,
ANNOUNCER. This is the American Security
Council Washington Report. Speaking from
Washington, here is our editor, Dr. Walter
H. Judd.
Dr. JUDD. Each July, during this week,
America re-declares its support for the na-
tions and peoples of the world who have
fallen under the yoke of Communist tyranny.
On the recommendations of the Congress of
these United States, the President proclaims
this to be Captive Nations Week. The author
of this annual movement to pay tribute to
the world's oppressed is my good friend, Dr.
Lev Dobriansky, Professor of Economics at
Georgetown University here in Washington.
I have asked Dr. Dobriansky to tell us more
about the significance of. Captive Nations
Dr. DoBRIANSITY. The significance of Cap-
tive Nations Week has ben consistently re-
flected since 1959, when the resolution was
first passed. 'Last year, for example, the top
Russian ideologist, Mikhail Suslov, had this
to say concerning Captive Nations Week:
"Especially disgusting is the villainous
demagogy of the Imperialistic chieftains of
the United States. Each year they organize
the so-called Captive Nations Week, hypo-
critically pretending to be defenders of na-
tions that have escaped from their yoke."
Dr, DoSIANSKY. The Captive Nations Reso-
lution and the Week concentrate on the close
to 1 billion people from the Danube over to
the Pacific and, also, in Asia and in Cuba. It
is a deep thorn in the side of the Moscow
chieftains because it brings up one of the
greatest weaknesses and vulnerabilities with-
in the U.S.S.R. itself.
There has never been a monolithic struc-
ture within the Soviet Union itself and this
resolution concentrates not only on. the areas
that most Americans are familiar with-the
captive.areas of Central Europe, Asia and now
Cuba, but also those within the U.S.S.R.
During the Captive Nations Week observ-
ance of last year, and again this year, we have
supported the President's policy concerning
Red aggression in Vietnam. We raise the
question: What about the 17 million captive
people in North Vietnam? When will we
allow the South Vietnamese to point their
strategy toward the liberation of their
brethren in captive North Vietnam? This
and numerous other issues will be discussed
in the course of this week. Americans should
become more familiar with all of these captive
nations and share this observance with us
this week.
Dr. JUDD. Thank you, Dr. Lev Dobrlansky,
the man who conceived the idea of Captive
Nations Week in which Americans may dem-
onstrate their continued support for those
millions of people who yearn for freedom
from the cruel tyranny of Communism under
which they are still compelled to live.
[Program 472, Washington Report, July 19,
Dr. JUDD. My guest today is Miss Maria
Mihajlov (MEE-HI-LOV), who is the sister
of Mih:ajlo Mihajlov and a citizen of Yugo-
slavia. Last year, Mr. Mihajlov demon-
strated a rare spirit of independence by
writing "Moscow Summer," an essay com-
menting unfavorably on conditions in
Russia. For this he was jailed by the Tito
government and then released on a sus-
pended sentence. Today, he is again tempt-
ing fate by proposing to publish an inde-
pendent opposition magazine in Yugoslavia.
His sister, Maria, is a student in the United
States. While here, she is acting as the voice
of Mr. Mihajlov in this country. Her pur-
pose is to make known to the American peo-
ple the nature of her brother's project and
the crucial importance of its outcome.
Miss Mihajlov, would you please tell us
about your brother's project?
Miss MIHAJLOV. My brother's project is to
publish an independent magazine in opposi-
tion to one-party system rule in Yugoslavia.
The purpose of this magazine would be, as
he puts it, to oppose the one party system as
a matter of principle, and to take an anti-
Marxist and anti-totalitarian position and
to promote Democratic Socialism which is
entirely in keeping with the constitution and
existing laws.
Dr. JUDD. Miss Mihajlov, what do you think
this project may accomplish?
Miss MIHAJLOv. The magazine will serve as
a nucleus for future non-Communist Social-
istic legal opposition. This will serve as the
first breakthrough which my brother and I
hope and believe will stimulate opposition in
other iron curtain countries. This is a test
of the Yugoslav constitution. If the Yugo-
Slav government denies my brother his legal
right, this at least, will reveal to the world
that the liberalization is nothing but talk.
Dr. JUDD. How do you believe that we in
the West can influence the decision of the
Yugoslav government?
Miss MIHAJLOV. My brother needs the
greatest possible publicity for his project, in
the free world. It is not money-it is moral
support that he needs.
Dr. JUDD. Why do you believe such pressure
will have any effect on the Yugoslav govern-
MISS MIHAJLOV. My brother feels that Tito
Is increasingly in the need of economic help
from the West and simply cannot afford to
ignore public opinion of the free world.
Dr. JUDD. Miss Mihajlov, what are your
own future plans?
Miss MIHAJLOV. Well, when I get my M.A.
degree, I will go back to Yugoslavia. I didn't
break any laws of my country. I love my
people and I want to serve my country.
Dr. JUDD. Thank you, Miss Maria Mihajlov.
[Program 474, Washington Report, July 21,
Dr. JUno. My guest today Miss Monica
Flidr of Czechoslovakia-has been before our
microphone previously to tell of her recent
escape from Communist domination of her
homeland. Today-in this week of America's
solemn reiteration of our support for the peo-
ples of all nations captive under Commu-
nism-I would like to ask you, Miss Flidr,
what most irritates the citizens of commu-
nist-run countries?
Miss FLIoR. In my frank opinion, I
wouldn't start with academic freedoms. It is
irritating, but mostly daily life contains of
small and mostly economic things, so I would
say that from economic point of view, it
would be that, well, unavailability of items
of daily use whether it's food or dresses or
electric appliances. On the other hand, drop
in level of all services, and on the other hand,
from psychological point of view, continuing
strain of vast propaganda in our newspapers
where you can find out that everything works
out marvelously and that everybody has rea-
sons only to satisfaction but not to com-
And I would like to add here that, espe-
cially in families with children, there is great
dissatisfaction with school propaganda and
indoctrination, because children hear some-
thing entirely different in their families and
something entirely different in the school and
they become hypocrites and it irritates par-
ents and children, both of them.
Dr. June. Miss Flidr, in terms of what the
United States and the Free World generally
might presently do to help, what would be of
greatest help to the peoples of Captive Na-
Miss FLIeR. What I would say that perhaps
would be the best thing would be if people
in captive nations would see that especially
United States are accepting responsibilities
and obligations towards the countries fight-
ing against Communism, let's say as in Viet
Nam, this would give us hope and this would
psychologically help very much in idea of
revolt, in my opinion. I know how disap-
pointed we were after Hungary in 1956, and I
know how glad people were when United
States helped in Viet Nam.
Dr. JUDD. Thank you, Miss Monica F11dr.
[Program 473, Washington Report, July 20,
Dr. June, My guest today is Dr. Charles W.
Lowry, President of the Foundation for Re-
ligious Action in the Social and Civil Order
and the author of the internationally known
book "Communism and Christ." Dr. Lowry
Is one of the nation's foremost authorities
on the relationship between Communism and
religion. Dr. Lowry, as we honor and re-
member the captive nations this week, will
you tell us something about the status of
religion in the East European captive
Dr. Loway. Yes, the model or the classical
example and the model for emulation, of
course, is always the Soviet Union. But the
satellites present a variety of circumstances
that make for quite a. few differences.
For example, Poland, which we are very
much aware of at the moment in the news-
Poland has 95% Catholics. Now this gives
the Catholics a great advantage. Also, there
is an identification of the religious and the
national that is almost unprecedented any-
where else in the world, I think, In Poland.
This is probably the reason for the stepping
up of resistance to religion and attempt to
check it and to herd it and harrass it at the
present time, when we are having the 1,000th
anniversary of Poland and when religion is
very prominent, as it is very prominent in
the feelings of the people, and religion has
never suffered as much in Poland as in the
other satellites in the other Communist
Yugoslavia is very much in the public eye
at the present time because of a most im-
portant recent happening, namely the forg-
ing of a new Concordat between the Catholic
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nWyWVV NV, v v
dustry as a way in which the economic ernment-owned nickel is absorbed by
war can be assisted. industry.
The country of South Vietnam has The bill I have introduced would waive
requirements of section
great resources, and the Vietnamese are the procedural
. and Critical Materials
ability that is necessary for the creation
of a sound economic system. Since we
do not wish to assume colonial obliga-
tions or powers, my bill provides for the
disposition of all projects initiated under
this act to the Government of South Viet-
nam or to private South Vietnamese in-
vestors after a 15-year period and at the
cost of the value of the investment.
Thus, the private enterprise system of
America, which has developed this Na-
tion into the wealthiest country on the
face of the earth, will lend a helping
hand to a brave people so that they might
improve their economy and win the third
of the battles which they must overcome
to emerge as an independent, free, and
sovereign nation. I believe this idea is
consistent with aspirations of our Presi-
dent's policies.
tion and transmittal of notice and the
6-month waiting period. The bill would,
however, preserve the substantive re-
quirements of section 3 with respect to
protection of the United States against
avoidable loss and the protection of pro-
cedures, processors, and consumers
against avoidable disruption of their us-
ual markets.
The enactment of this bill would not
require the expenditure of additional
Federal funds. Furthermore the Bureau
of the Budget has advised that there is
no objection to such legislation.
Mr. Speaker, I urge immediate consid-
eration of this bill in view of the exigen-
cies of the present nickel supply situa-
(Mr. POOL asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute, and to revise and extend his remarks,
and include extraneous matter.)
Mr. POOL. Mr. Speaker, I should like
to call the attention of the Members of
Congress to a recent statement by the
AFL-CIO as reported by the Washington
Post this morning. They advise the
American people to unite in support of
our Nation's efforts against the Com-
munist enemy we are fighting in Vietnam.
The statement follows:
(Mr. SWEENEY asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Speaker, I wish
to draw the attention of the House to a
bill that I have introduced today to au-
thorize the President to invoke tem-
porary emergency price, wage, and rent
ceilings whenever the United States has
declared against a foreign nation or
whenever the Congress by concurrent
resolution shall find and declare that
grave national emergencies exist, and
that the exercise of such authority is
necessary in the interest of national se-
curity for economic stability.
Mr. Speaker, the emergency in Viet-
nam and our increased commitments
throughout the world make it essential
that the President be possessed of power
that was formerly his during World War
II and the Korean conflict, when on the
advice of his economic advisers, he as
Chief Executive of the land determines
that runaway inflation is a national
Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is essen-
tial that attention be drawn to the fact
that today the President is without im-
mediate remedy to control inflationary
price and wage increases. During
periods of great national tension result-
ing from the spiralling cost of living,
great responsibility for the continuance
of a healthy American economy falls
upon the shoulders of the President. As
the Nation has noted, our President has
not shirked these responsibilities, but has
repeatedly appealed for restraints and
the initiation of many voluntary efforts
to curb rising costs.
Mr. Speaker, I note with some degree
of satisfaction the fact that the Presi-
dent has requested of the Congress legis-
lative action to control rising interest
rates. While I deem such action on the
part of the President as very meritorious
and helpful, I cannot help but to feel
that the request should have been en-
larged so as to include the granting of
power to the executive department to
deal with the matter of cost relating to
prices and wages as well.
I wish to make it abundantly clear
that while I applaud President John-
son's efforts to secure a voluntary com-
pliance at 3.2, I do not share his opti-
mism insofar as the long-range merit of
the voluntary guideline program, and I
believe that it is high time that the
(Mr. MONAGAN asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his
Mr. MONAGAN. Mr. Speaker, there
are certain industries located within the
Fifth Congressional District of Con-
necticut, which I represent, that are de-
pendent for their business life upon a
plentiful supply of nickel ore. At the
present time worldwide
nickel is theatening the operations and
the jobs in these industries. I am cer-
tain that such an impact is not limited
to my district. In fact, the shortage of
nickel may rightfully be considered a
national problem.
In an effort to alleviate some of the
difficulties caused by the tight supply of
nickel, I introduced yesterday legislation
(H.R. 17254) authorizing the disposal of
surplus nickel from the national stock-
pile. This bill authorizes the disposal of
approximately 24.5 million pounds of
nickel from the national stockpile estab-
lished pursuant to the Strategic and
Critical Materials Stockpiling Act-50
U.S.C. 98-98h. It has been determined
by the office of Emergency Planning that
this quantity is not required to meet
stockpile needs.
In the last session of Congress Public
Law 89-323 was enacted .and authorized
the release of 260 million pounds of ex-
cess nickel from the national stockpile.
However, due to the temporary shortage
of this vital metal, most of the amount
released has been used up. In fact, I am
informed by the General Services Ad-
ministration that there is approximately
1 month's supply left from this authori-
zation or 3 months' supply with selective
The approximately 24.5 million pounds
covered by my bill would provide suffi-
cient material to fill urgent industry re-
quirements. It is hoped that the nickel
supply situation will be materially im-
poved by the time this additional Gov-
CHICAGO, August 24.-The AFL-CIO in ef-
fect today advised critics of American policy
in Vietnam to shut up.
While claiming that "the right to dissent
is sacred," a resolution approved by the fed-
eration's Executive Council at its quarterly
meeting here insisted that "disruption by
even a well-meaning minority can only pol-
lute and poison the bloodstream of our de-
The strongly worded motion singled out
the Soviet Union as the foremost villain in
the Vietnamese fighting, claimed that the
United States "isn't resorting to an escalation
of the war," and accused the Communists of
"the most savage ruthlessness and reckless
bombings against civilians."
"Those who would deny our military forces
unstinting support are, in effect, aiding the
Communist enemy of our country-at the
very moment when it is bearing the heaviest
burdens in defense of world peace and free-
dom," It said.
Some officials of the AFL-CIO, who give
---4- to the Johnson Administra-
acute distress over what they claimed was the Nation, share with the President of
the jingoistic and hawklike tone of the reso- the United States some united responsi-
lution. bility for what the President is attempt-
But Walter P. Reuther, a bitter critic of ing to do under the bill that I have intro-
the federation's stand an many international duced today.
issues, joined in unanimous approval of the
resolution after two minor word changes, ac- The President could continue his very
cording to federation sources. consistent program of seeking the coop-
Sources within the federation said Reuther eration of men of business and labor to
gave grudging support to the Vietnam reso- combat the spiraling cost of living, but
lution after these changes were made: armed by this legislation, his effort to
"Russian, Chinese and North Vietnamese secure compliance would be strength-
warlords" were changed to "Russian, Chinese erred by the realization on the part of
and North Vietnamese governments." And
the word "such" was deleted before the business and labor alike, that the Con-
phrase "disruption by swell-meaning mi- trols almost immediately if he felt that
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19820 22 ~ 1 GRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE August 25, 1966
profit margins and price increases on out lonely hours of filth and torture in lection of all income taxes from all de-
basic commodities and wage rates, as Communist prison camps. pendents of our prisoners of war during
well as interest rates, were getting out of I served some time in a prisoner of the period when their husbands and
hand. war camp in World War II, Mr. Speaker, fathers are in captivity.
Mr. Speaker, it seems to me that the and in freedom or in a prison compound, If the Revenue Commissioner refuses
American public throughout the land is Mr. Speaker, I know the lifesaving to take these steps, or if he needs legis-
confronted with the same basic prob- thought that keeps a soldier from giving lative authority to accomplish them, I
lem-for some wage rates through col- up is that at least his loved ones at home intend to introduce such legislation and
leotive bargaining, and an increasing are being looked after by a grateful confer with my colleagues on Ways and
part of the benefit of these enlarged Government. Means to insure its speedy consideration
wage rates is reduced by the diminishing I am sorely distressed, Mr. Speaker, and enactment.
purchasing power of the dollar, and I am certain the Congress and the I intend to seek the advice and co-
The situation is somewhat compounded American people will be equally dis- operation of my good friend, the gentle-
by the shortage of labor and some basic tressed, to learn that such is not the case man from South Carolina [Mr. RIVERS],
materials, and prices seem to be all on with dependent wives, mothers, and chil- chairman of the House Armed Services
the upward track. Distressed heads of dren of our fighting men in Vietnam who Committee. I intend to ask that a direc-
families whose budgets are in a squeeze are now captives of the Communists. tive be sent to the Secretary of Defense,
find it difficult to meet the cost of basic Some of them cannot get income tax telling him to instruct all branches of
essentials such as food, clothing, auto In- refunds because they are required to the military service to set aside a special
surance, education, and the like. One secure their soldier-husband's signature fund immediately, out of which depend-
commodity hike tends to push up the on a joint return-obviously an impos- ents of prisoners can seek immediate
prices of other much-needed commod- sibility. financial help.
sties. Mr. John Q. Public is beginning to Others cannot secure license plates for I will ask the same of those chairmen
register alarm and to record by letter to automobiles they need to transport their of committees and subcommittees deal-
every congressional office on the Hill his children off the military installations ing with civilian agencies with prisoner
view that labor, business, and Govern- they are forced to leave when their hus- of war personnel in Vietnam.
ment have all defaulted In their so-called bands and the fathers of their children Perhaps It may be necessary, Mr.
voluntary effort to hold the price line. are ordered overseas. Speaker, for the Congress itself to set up
Mr. Speaker, John Q. Public has come They cannot even get adequate :medical a special committee with special appro-
to the clear and logical conclusion that care. priations to ride herd on this unseemly
in present-day America individual, self- They cannot get commissary and post mess. At least every dependent of every
interest has taken precedence over na- exchange food. serviceman in captivity should be living
tional need. Mr. Speaker, I could not They cannot get access to joint family at the level of prosperity set by the ad-
help but to feel that world prestige of savings accounts. ministration poverty officials-since
the American dollar is on the decline and In other words, Mr. Speaker, we are these are the families of our fighting men
that the dollar can hardly be expected to treating the dependents of our prisoners we are talking about-not defendants of
hold its exchange value due to inflation- of war almost as badly as the Commu- street rioters.
ary trends here at home. nists are treating the prisoners of war - This is an incredible, adominable situ-
Mr. Speaker, I believe that we are liv- themselves. ation, Mr. Speaker.
ing In a time of grave national emer- This is a disgrace, Mr. Speaker. And our neglect of the prisoner de-
gency Insofar as our fiscal planning is These dependents are being described pendents is symptomatic of how little! too
concerned. as the dependents of "nonpersons" legal- many Americans care about those who
If this 2d session of the 89th Congress ly. They are not "nonpersons," Mr. are doing our fighting in Vietnam. And
adjourns without putting Into effect Speaker. They are our people--Amer- the same applies to those they leave be-
strong wage and price controls, this Re- scans-temporarily husbandless and hind to eke out a living, not as wards of
public within the 10-year period ahead fatherless Americans, because we have the military, not as wards of all of us as
-may well find herself in the same posi- sent their breadwinners off to war. they should be, but as castoffs to be :for-
tion as Great Britain today, where the We worry about the American image gotten while we pump billions into car
economy is so seriously Imperiled by the abroad, Mr. Speaker. Endless miles of ing for everybody else everywhere else
devaluation of the pound sterling. films and pictures of American street in the world.
During this period of grave fiscal re- rioting appears on foreign television and i repeat, Mr. Speaker, it is a shame,
sponsibility, I call upon the Congress to in the foreign press. that this Congress would ever need to
Immediately initiate hearings to author- I would call your attention to what the have this called to its attention. I do
ire these temporary, emergency price, American image is-not abroad, Mr. not know who is to blame, and I do not
wage, and rent ceilings, and to empower Speaker-but here at home in the eyes think we need take the time to fix it.
the Executive to secure compliances with of the wives and children of captured Our course is clear. If necessary, Mr.
respect to fiscal programing that here- soldiers when they are told to get lost Speaker, we will carry to the front door
?tofore have not been achieved through by Government and military agencies. of every home, tent, or trailer, where
voluntary effort. ,,,,~~ // This is the image we need concern our- these neglected dependents are living,
t T'_ selves with, Mr. Speaker. not only a bag of groceries if that is
~f ' The image of neglect at home, In sol- needed, but the proof as well that at
RELIEF FOR DEPENDENTS OF dier, sailor, marine, and Navy homes- least the Congress of the United States
PRISONERS OF WAR if the pittance they are left to live on has their concern at heart.
(Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia asked provides for a house. Are there not a few crumbs available
and was given permission to address the Our duty is plain, understandable, for the dependents of the soldiers we
House for 1 minute and to revise and clear, and necessary, Mr. Speaker. send to Vietnam out of the $58 billion
extend his remarks.) These people do not have enough mon- handed to the Defense Department, Mr.
Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. Mr. ey; they are driven from military hous- Speaker?
Speaker, on July 27, I addressed the ing, if they ever had it, while the Secre- We had better find out.
House In protest over the way our prison- tary of Defense tries to give away land Is the Secretary of Defense so ton-
ers of war In Vietnam are being treated. within the shadow of the Capitol at Bol- cerned about poverty among civilians he
I pointed out at that time the necessity ling-land that is ideal for building the cannot see it in his own ranks?
of action by the House to officially pro- homes these service families must have. We had better find out.
test this mistreatment by the Communist It is my intention, Mr. Speaker, to We hold the purse strings, Mr. Speaker.
North Vietnamese. contact the Commissioner of Internal I suggest we loosen them enough to take
It has now come to light, Mr. Speaker, Revenue to promptly refund income tax care of dependents of prisoners of war.
that the wives and children of these overpayments due to these dependents, Let us be generous and at least secure
very same prisoners are also being sub- and to waive any requirement of signa- for them a poverty-level income.
jected to neglect, cruelties and redtape tures of their husbands in all cases. Let us do this even though these men
here at home while their husbands sit Second. I shall ask him to defer col- are not picketing and rioting in protest
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of the war in Vietnam, but fighting it- A number of people in Lawrence
or were doing so until captured. County, Mo.,'have sent me copies of the
Perhaps, Mr. Speaker, instead of refi- editorial. I am inclined to agree with
nancing the United Nations, as we are them that it represents one of the most
being asked to do, we can refinance the perceptive, hard-hitting commentaries
families of our prisoners of war in Com- on the paradox in which our Nation
munist POW camps. finds itself today.
I suggest we owe it to them, and to On one hand, men are fighting and
their families. dying in the struggle 10,000 miles
away from home, and on the other hand,
Communist sympathizers are given a
JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN free hand to commit almost any kind of
AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION act designed to prolong that struggle
TO PROVIDE 12-YEAR TERMS FOR and inhibit our ability to support our
The editorial follows and I hope it will
CIATE JUSTICES OF THE SUPREMI; receive the wide spread recognition
COURT which I am confident it deserves:
given permission to address the House for For 21 years we have sent our young men
1 minute and to revise and extend his overseas in Europe by the thousands-so
remarks.) many tlfere's scarcely a home in the land
Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Speaker, I which hasn't had a member there in the
am introducing today a joint resolution army of occupation for one reason-to keep
proposing an Amendment to the Consti- communism
years oo ver t fine free world men
tution which would provide 12-year terms F
to Africa, the Near East, the Far East, the
for the Chief Justice and Associate Jus- Islands of the Pacific, up into the arctic cold
tices of the Supreme Court. It reads as and down into tropical heat, kept them there
follows: month after weary month, year after weary
The Judges of the Supreme Court shall year, for just one reason-to keep commu-
liold their offices for terms of 12 years, run- nism from taking over the free world.
ning from the date of their commissions. For 21 long years this nation has spent bil-
They shall be eligible to. be again appointed. lion upon billions to finance the Marshall
The provisions of this article shall not Plan, subsidize the UN and NATO, help the
limit the tenure in office during good beha- neutrals, help even communist countries and
vior of those Judges of the Supreme Court those who twist our tail and spit in our face
who hold commissions of appointment at the every chance they get until we have so squan-
time this article becomes operative. dered our reserves that should all the
countries to whom we now owe gold call for
In recent years the Court has pene- repayment at once we could give them every
trated so far into the' political thicket ounce and still not be square with the world,
that it has become snarled therein. The for just one reason-to prevent the spread of
political, economic, and social benefits communism and the enslavement of free
of the Judges of the Supreme Court be- mFor 21 long years this nation, after win-
come. law the present the land. land. system of tenure ning a great war, has strained its economic
Under re, resources, marshalled its engineers and scien-
during good behavior the Justices are not tists, used up raw materials and manpower
at any time answerable to anyone, but, much better used for other purposes to
they exercise a power unreachable. create, maintain and enlarge an arsenal not
My proposal is offered as a mechanism only for our own armed forces but for a long
to bring the Supreme Court within our rlist of other eason only, to deter for one communist reason, and one
system of checks and balances. a
ld domination
nd wor
After a Supreme Court Justice has Twice in the past two decades, we have anew whose only crime was being the same
served 12 years his term would expire. drafted our young men and reservists to blood as that of one of our enemies crack
Whoever is President at that time might light and die-and thousands upon thou- down upon these traitors in our midst today?
not choose to nominate him for another sands have given their lives in Korea and Why can't we shut these people up for as
term; or the Senate may not choose to Viet Nam-for just one reason-to resist long as our men are dying for us? If com-
advise and consent to the nomination if communist aggression. munism be wrong, and if its spread should
made. The President and Senate in this This has been our national purpose for be prevented, why must we give these agi-
way would pass upon the qualifications 21 years. This has been our contribution to tators freedom to spread It here in America-
and performance of members of the Su- the life, and death struggle to preserve hu- nay, even protect them as they spread it?
man freedom and prevent the enslavement Why, when there is open treason in our
preme Court periodically. of that portion of the world population which streets, on our campuses, even in our con-
has not already been enslaved. gressional hearings, can anyone think that
INTHE NAME OF GOD? No "nation has ever been so generous, so to let it continue unpunished is not to
WHY, unselfish, so dedicated, so self-sacrificing for break faith with our men fighting overseas?
(Mr. HALT asked and was given per- so long in all the history of mankind. Ours . If communism must be resisted at all costs
mission to address the House for 1 has been a noble purpose, one for which our in Berlin and Saigon, why shouldn't we re-
minute, to revise and extend his re- young men have been willing to give their sist it with all our might and main in Wash-
time, and their lives, and for which Ameri- ington, and Berkeley, and Chicago?
marks and to include extraneous cans have been willing to spend their treas- Yes, why?
matter.) ' ure.
Mr. HALL. _ Mr. Speaker, on August Then why, in the name of God, do we per-
19, the Aurora Advertiser of Aurora, mit the enemy we resist without the borders
Mo., carried an editorial entitled "Why, of this country to work within it unre-
In the game of God?" strained-protected by every legal gnat so-
This editorial by the editor, Mr. Rob- called liberal interpreters of the law can gag
eft Lowry, is a commentary on the tore- on?
We have seen, this week, a federal judge,
sponsible and often treasonous action by fortunately overruled almost without a hear-
the so-called New Left, as it relates to ing by a higher court, dare to enjoin a con-
America's struggle and sacrifices in gressional treason al this to investigate mine
order to defend the free world.
No. 142-21
what aid and comfort, material and spiritual,
Americans are giving our enemies.
We have heard Americans take the stand.
admit they are communists, boast how much
they have aided, are aiding, and will aid the
very communist soldiers who are killing men
wearing the uniform of this country and sent
into battle by our own government. We have
listened to them defy their country and the
congress, disrupt a congressional hearing, call
the president of this country a murderer-
and let a few off with nothing more than a
$10 fine, while others weren't punished at all!
We have seen treasonable Americans seek
by force to prevent the loading of supplies
being shipped to soldiers fighting for this
country half a globe away and not even be
arrested! In fact, simple minded commen-
tators and reporters have dared to criticize
an American marine who pushed a crazed
young female traitor out of the way of such
a shipment because she stumbled and fell
into a ditch full of water, which they intim-
ated was an act of brutality.
We have seen others try to break up col-
lege draft examinations, interfere with the
work of draft boards, disturb the wedding of
our president's daughter, demean and call
men moving toward Viet Nam murderers of
women and children.
And, if we've done anything, it has been
nothing more than to slap them on the wrist
and let them know we think they are naughty
Why, in the name that is right, do we suffer
this? Why do we let people too young to
vote or be elected to congress influence our
foreign policy? Why do we listen to people
so wet behind the ears they'd never be hired
for a position of any importance bye pri-
vate business firm? Why do we spend so
much time, blood, treasure and effort oppos-
ing communism abroad and let young punks
and perverts boast they are communists
fighting our government here at home?
Why do we protect with all the force of
law the right of admitted communists to
teach in publicly supported colleges and uni-
Why do we listen to prattle about the
right of dissent by hopheads from hashish
or LSD parties on our campuses when other
young men have been drafted to give up jobs,
leave their families, and die in foreign
jungles all in the name of resistance to com-'
Why can't a nation which only 25 years
ago could move whole populations of Jap-
(Mr. CAMERON asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. CAMERON. Mr. Speaker, yester-
day I was greatly disturbed to read in a
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And less than 5 months ago he and his
brother and their wives spent $12,000 for
membership in the President's Club.
Although the Democratic National
Committee may have laughed all the
way to the bank at the time, I am sure
it now realizes that all it got for its
money was a king-sized headache.
There is only one type of aspirin that
can cure the pain-returning the $12,000
to the Martins with a "thanks but no
thanks" note attached.
I would rather see the national com-
mittee clad in rags as it walks to the
-bank to deposit sincerely donated nickels
and dimes than see it decked out in a tux
and lugging baskets of greenbacks which
come from insincere and extremist re-
sources--both left and right.
Mr. Speaker, as proud members of the
President's party we cannot permit a
lazy, greedy, and irresponsible national
committee to tarnish our reputations or,
more importantly, the Chief Executive's.
He carries the weight of the world. on his
shoulders and the hopes of millions of
Americans and freedom-loving peoples
in his heart. We cannot, we dare not,
allow the national committee by its in-
credible indiscretion to add to the Presi-
dent's awesome burden.
The Democratic National Committee
can begin to lighten his load this very
day by returning the $12,000 to the
The altar of greed has no place in the
temple of our party.
Lei; us begin to dismantle it now,.
syndicated column in the Washington
Post that a prominent southern Califor-
nia member of the John Birch Society
was also a member of the President's
Blame for this deplorable development
must rest with the Democratic, National
Committee for as the major political and
intelligence arm of the party it has per-
mitted dollars to replace discretion as
its major concern.
This latest incident is but another il-
lustration that the National Committee
has failed to keep its house in order for
many months.
Many Members have long complained
of fouled-up mailing lists.
Party leaders in the States have com-
plained of the committee's casual in-
difference to their particular political
We have become accustomed to hear-
ing reports that the committee's serv-
ices are being withheld from Members
who dare deviate on certain issues from
.the position taken by the administra-
Only a few days ago my office called
the committee to inquire about a packet
of position papers prepared by Repub-
lica4n national headquarters. Although
the press several days earlier had given
prominent play to the existence of these
papers, personnel in the committee's re-
search, library, and public affairs sec-
tions were completely unaware of them.
In view of this abysmal record I was
not surprised, although greatly dis-
turbed, to read that the John Birch So-
ciety has infiltrated the prestigious Presi-
dent's Club.
The club has recently come under
heavy fire from the opposition pUXty.
Their attack has been grossly unfair, in
my judgment, for the focus has been on
alleged "influence peddling" rather than
on lack of discretion. This latest devel-
opment makes it patently obvious that
the national committee is making no at-
tempt to correlate fat Government con-
tracts with fat contributions.
All the DNC is concerned with is seeing
that the checks they receive are properly
signed and do not bounce.
Those who purchase membership in
the President's Club with the notion that
their share of Government business will
increase are in for a sad awakening.
They are giving undeserved credence
to the GOP's propaganda campaign and
undeserved credit to the national com-
mittee's ability-even if it were willing-
to tie contributions to contracts.
Mr. Speaker, examine for a moment
the background of. Birch Member J.
Edward Martin, of Los Angeles, For
several years he has been a chapter
leader in a JBS cell. The society's own
publicity proclaims that he was host and
major sponsor of at least three testimo-
nial dinners for Birch founder and dic-
tator Robert Welch.
(Mr. HORTON asked and. was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his remarks
and to include extraneous matter.)
[Mr. HORTON addresed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
Appendix. ]
and local cooperation that the-greatest edu-
cational development can be achieved with
federal help.
Under the principle of State and local re-
sponsibility, the American educational sys-
tem has grown so that it compares favorably
with that of any other country of the world.
In 1960, school enrollments constituted 23.2
percent of total population In the United
States, compared to 11.1 percent In Europe
and 14.24 percent in the Soviet Union.. In
this country, total revenues for public schools
have grown by 376 percent since 1950 and
classroom construction has proceeded at a
rate that will provide 653,000 classrooms in
the decade 1962 to 1972.
At the time the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act of 1965 was being considered,
we were concerned that this poorly-drafted
legislation would too often impede rather
than help the education effort in this coun-
try. We were concerned that it would de-
prive the State agencies and local school au-
thorities of any real power to shape educa-
tional programs to meet local needs. Cen-
tralization of power was a theme that ran
throughout the entire bill. Now, one year
and a number of serious defects later, this
Congress is being asked to broaden and ex-
pand the original Act. In an almost casual
.manner, authorizations in excess of $4.8 bil-
lion have been requested. Unfortunately,
there has been no meaningful attempt to
sort out the vast and confusing tangle of
federal programs. Moreover, obvious defects
have been either glossed over or totally ig-
nored by the Democratic majority on the
For example, under the present Act, the
distribution of funds within a State is es-
tablished by a set formula. As a result, State
education agencies have been unable tochan-
nel money to the areas of greatest need. In
the past, distribution on the basis of need
has been the traditional administrative de-
vice for the allocation of federal funds. Such
distribution permits State-wide concentra-
tion upon the most urgent educational prob-
lems. It encourages responsible State edu-
cational planning. Unfortunately, the Dem-
ocratic majority rejected all Republican
amendments that would authorize State
education agencies to distribute fends in
nient that would give greater flexibility to
States be .
ep blicanlamendmentdthat would pro-
STATEMENT ON ELEMENTARY vide added funds for the low-expenditure
AND SECONDARY EDUCATION States was adopted. This will cure some of
AMENDMENTS OF 1966 the disparity in federal aid between States.
However, it does not change the present un-
(Mr. RHODES of Arizona (at the re- satisfactory method of distribution within
quest of Mr. DEL CLAWSON) was granted States which scatters funds indiscriminately
permission to extend his remarks at this It among is wealthy and and agreed needy that school thoe district.
point in the RECORD and to include ex- for reducing educational generally best hope
failure among eco-
traneous matter.) nomically and socially disadvantaged chil-
Mr. RHODES of Arizona. Mr. Speak- dren lies in the area of preschool education.
er, at the August 23, 1966, meeting of However, during the first year of this Act,
the House Republican Policy Committee only 5.7 percent of the funds under title I
a policy statement regarding the Ele- have been used for preschool education.
mentary and Secondary Education Mhave been enmeshed In the oreover, many of the preschool projects
Amendments of 1966 was adopted. As fusion that exists between bureaucratic
Office of
chairman of the policy committee, I Education and the Office of Economic Op-
would like to include at this point in the portunity (which is responsible for funding
RECORD the complete text of this State- Operation Headstart), Certainly, this pro-
ment: gram should be unshackled and properly fl-
REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE STATEMENT ON nanced so that greater emphasis can be
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION The placed r disadvantaged preschool children.
greattest t threat t
NTS OF 1966
e independence
J. Edward Martin was appointed to the From the Morrill Act of 1862 and the cre- toOf State and local n is 'contained in title III ofathis dAct. nistra
Republican State Central Committee of ation of the U.S. Office of Education in 1869, title has placed in the hands of the U.S.
California 2 years ago and is an elected to the National Defense Education Act of Commissioner the sole power to determine
member of the GOP's Los Angeles County 1958 and the Manpower Training Act of 1962. which applicant school districts are to receive
Central Committee. the Republican Party has advocated and sup- funds and which educational purposes are
Less than a month ago he held a fund- ported the important role of education in to be favored in their use. This has caused
resin advancing the capabilities and opportuni- frustration and confusion and delayed many
g party for a Republican candidate ties of the citizens of the United States. We worthwhile projects. School administrators
for the State senate. have recognized that it is only through State from all over the country have vigorously
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