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9852 Approved For Re C MRWL f?)7BD9#MN 0400070011-9 May 12, 1966
under Title I-of the Elementary and Sec- `Resolved by the Senate of the State of
ontlary Education Act of 1965; now, there- California (the Assembly thereof concurring),
fore, be it That the Members of the Legislature take
"Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly pride in commending Wishard A. Brown and
of the State of California, jointly, That the Jack Craemer for their outstanding records
Legislature of the State of California re- of achievement, and congratulate them on
spectfully memorializes the Congress of the the occasion of their being named publisher
United States to enact legislation to permit and copublisher, respectively, of the San
the state to approve grants to school dis- Rafael independent-Journal; and be it fur-
tricts of federal funds allocated to the state that
under Title I of the Elementary and Sec- "Resolved, That the Secretary of the Sen-
ondary Education Act of 1965 beyond the ate is hereby directed to transmit suitably
present maximums permitted under that act prepared copies of this resolution to Wishard
for Individual school districts for the educa- A. Brown and Jack Craemer."
tion of children of low-income families,
where the school district is in need of such
additional funds and the funds are made REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE
available by the failure of other eligible
school districts to apply therefor so that the
more needy school districts within the state
The following reports of a commit-
tee were submitted:
could obtain additional funds; and be it By Mr. ERVIN, from the Committee on
further the Judiciary, without amendment:
"Resolved, That the Secretary of the Sen- H.R. 136. An act to amend sections 1, 17a,
ate is directed to transmit copies of this 64a(5), 67(b), 67c, and 70c of the Bankruptcy
resolution to the ,President and Vice Presi- Act, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 1159);
dent of the United States, the Speaker of and
the House of Representatives, to each Sena- H.R. 3438. An act to amend the Bankruptcy
for and Representative from Califfrnia in Act with respect to limiting the priority and
the Congress of the United States and to the nondischargea.bility of taxes in bankruptcy
United States Commissioner of Education." (Rapt. No. 1158).
A concurrent resolution of the Legislature
of the State of California; ordered to lie on
the table:
"Whereas Wishard A. Brown has been a
resident of Marin County since boyhood,
graduating from San Rafael High School
prior to attending College of Marin and the
University of Oregon; and
"Whereas He served with distinction in the
United States Army during World War II and
was on the personal staffs of General Simon
Bolivar Buckner, Jr., and General Joseph W.
Stillwell; and
"Whereas He joined the staff of the Inde-
pendent-Journal after his release from the
armed forces in 1946; and
"Whereas He has been extremely active in
civic affairs and has served as president of
the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and
as a member of the Marin Safety Council,
the Boy Scouts of America Marin Council,
the National Board of the Junior Chamber
of Commerce and many other boards; and
"Whereas He was honored by the Marin
County Real Estate Board in 1955 as Marin
County's outstanding citizen; and
. "Whereas He is expected to continue the
fine record of community service associated
with the Brown family during the long
tenure of his father, the late Roy A. Brown,
as publisher of the San Rafael Independent-
Journal; and
"Whereas He was named publisher of the
Independent-Journal and president of Cali-
fornia Newspapers, Inc., on March 23, 1966,
the 1055th anniversary of the founding of the
Independent-Journal; and
"Whereas Jack Craemer joined the staff of
the Independent-Journal in 1947 after work-
ing on the Turlock Daily Journal; and
"Whereas He graduated from Stanford Uni-
versity and worked for a time for the Holt-
villa Tribune in Imperial County prior to
entering the United States Army in which
branch of the armed forces he served for five
years, being discharged as a major of artil
lery; and
"Whereas He is immediate past president
of the highly prestigious California News-
paper Publishers Association and past north-
ern California vice chairman of Sigma Delta
Chi Professional Journalism Society and
serves the County of Marin on many boards
and commissions; and
"Whereas He was named copublisher and
editor of the Independent-Journal on March
23, 1966; now, therefore, be it
Bills and a joint resolution were in-
troduced, read the first time, and, by
unanimous consent, the second time, and
referred as follows:
By Mr. CURTIS (for himself and Mr.
S. 3339. A bill for the relief of Peony Park,
Inc., and others; to the Committee on the
S. 3340. A bill for the relief of Garabed
Eknoyan; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
By Mr. ELLENDER (by request) :
8.3341. A bill to amend the Commodity
Exchange Act to restrict further the use of
customers' funds by commodity futures com-
mission merchants, to authorize further the
regulation of records of contracts markets,
and for other purposes; to the Committee
on Agriculture and Forestry.
By Mr. MAGNUSON (for himself, Mr.
S. 3342. A bill to require authorizations of
appropriations for the Environmental Science
Services Administration, Department of
Commerce; to the Committee on Commerce.
(See the remarks of Mr. MAGNUSON when
he introduced the above bill, which appear
under a separate heading.)
By Mr. GRUENING (for himself and
S. 3343. A bill to authorize the Secretary of
the Interior to sell lands embraced in cer-
tain terminated entries, and for other pur-
poses; to the Committee on Interior and
Insular Affairs.
(See the remarks of Mr. GRUENING when
he introduced the above bill, which appear
under a separate heading.)
By Mr. MAGNUSON (for himself, Mr.
LONG of Missouri, Mr. CASE, Mr.
S. 3344. A bill to establish a Small Tax Di-
vision within the Tax Court of the United
States; to the Committee on Finance.
(See the remarks of Mr. MAGNUSON when
he introduced the above bill, which appear
under a separate heading.)
S. 3345. A bill for the relief of Vittorina
Micol Squires; to the Committee on the
By Mr. HART:
S. 3346. A bill for the relief of Camile Najib
Rabah; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
S. 3347. A bill to make certain expendi-
tures of the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, eligible
as a local grant-in-aid for the purposes of
title I of the Housing Act of 1949; to the
Committee on Banking and Currency.
(See the remarks of Mr. LAUSCHE when he
Introduced the above bill, which appear
under a separate heading.)
By Mr. BASS:
,S. 3348. A bill to establish the Department
of Education; to the Committee on Govern-
ment Operations.
(See the remarks of Mr. BASS when he In-
troduced the above bill, which appear under
a separate heading.)
S. 3349. A bill to amend section 144 of title
28 of the United States Code concerning bias
or prejudice of a judge of the court of the
United States;
S. 3350. A bill to amend section 401 of title
18 of the United States Code dealing with the
power of the courts of the United States to
punish for contempts of its authority;
. S. 3351. A bill to amend section 1651 of title
28 of the United States Code governing the
issuance of writs by the courts of the United
States; and
S. 3352. A bill to amend section 1292 of title
28 of the United States Code governing ap-
pellate jurisdiction of courts of appeals from
interlocutory decisions of the district courts
of the United States; to the Committee on
the Judiciary.
S.J. Res. 159. Joint resolution to authorize
the President to Issue a proclamation desig-
nating the 1st day of June in 1966 as "Qual-
ity Control Day"; to the Committee on the
(See the remarks of Mr. NELSON when he
introduced the above joint resolution, which
Mr. RIBICOFF submitted a resolution
(S. Res. 258) relative to supervision of
elections to be held in Vietnam, which
was referred to the Committee on For-
eign Relations.
(See the above resolution printed in
full when submitted by Mr. RIBICOFF,
which appears under a separate head-
Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. President, I
introduce, for appropriate reference, a
bill to require annual authorizations of
appropriations for the Environmental
Science Services Administration, Depart-
ment of Commerce.
The Committee on Commerce has held
long and elaborate hearings on the sub-
ject of weather modification. Research
in weather modification is essentially in-
distinguishable, in many respects from
research in the atmospheric sciences
generally. The Environmental Science
Services Administration, which includes
the Weather Bureau is deeply involved
in this area.
Much concern and interest has been
expressed to the Committee on Com-
merce about the operations of ESSA.
It therefore seems useful that the Com-
mittee on Commerce be given the op-
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
May 12, 1966 Approved CONGRES IONAL6/ ~& DP 7 R~4~46R000400070011-9 9g51
THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHU- penditure of $5 million for the con- "WHEREAS The east side division will pro-
BETTS, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, struction of up to five experimental fish vide a much needed supplemental water sup-
State? House, Boston, May 6, 1966. protein concentrate plants in the United ply to portions of Kern, Tulare, Kings, Fresno,
RESOLUTIONS MEMORIALIZING THE CONGRESS States; and Madera, Merced, Stanislaus and San Joaquin
OF THE UNITED STATES IN FAVOR OF THE Es- "WHEREAS The earliest possible construc- Counties; and
TABLISRMENT OF THE UNITED STATES PUBLIC tion of such plants is essential to the devel- "WHEREAS There is presently a serious over-
HEALTH SERVICE ALCOHOLISM CENTER IN opment of an acceptable fish protein concen- draft of the ground water resources of this
trate which can so immeasurably aid in service area which has resulted in an imme-
BOSTON WhereaWhereas President Lyndon B. Johnson in relieving the suffering of so many persons in diate need for supplemental water; and
the world: now, therefore, be it "WHEREAS There are some 5,000,000 acres of
his message to the Congress of the United "Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of land within the east side division, of which
States on the health needs of the Nation the State of California, jointly, That the a considerable portion will require a sub-
called for the creation of a $20 million Fed- Legislature of the State of California respect- stantial supplemental water supply; and
eral Center for research into the cause, pre- fully memorializes the Congress of the "WHEREAS Forty-five percent of California's
vention, control and treatment of alcohol- United States to enact legislation at the agricultural production, valued at nearly two
ism; and earliest possible time to authorize construc- billion, dollars ($2,000,000,000), is produced
Whereas Alcoholism is the major cause of tion of experimental fish protein concentrate in the San Joaquin Valley, and
mental illness In Massachusetts and the plants; and be it further "WHEREAS Several San Joaquin Valley
primary cause of fifty per cent of our high- "Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the counties are among the Nation's leading pro-
way death toll; and Assembly is directed to transmit copies of ducers of agricultural commodities; and
Whereas The educational and medical re- this resolution to the President and Vice "WHEREAS The initial planned development
sources available in the Boston area to work President of the United States, to the Speaker will provide 1,500,000 acre-feet annually of
in conjunction with Federal authorities is of the House of Representatives, and to each supplemental water, primarily for agricul-
unequaled anywhere in the entire country; Senator and Representative from California tural use at a price the farmer can afford;
and in the Congress of the United States." and
Whereas The religious community in Bos- "WHEREAS In addition to irrigation bene-
ton and throughout Massachusetts has Two joint resolutions of the Legislature of fits, substantial flood control, recreation, fish
achieved an outstanding degree of unity of the State of California; to the Committee and wildlife, and water quality control bene-
thought and action in aiding alcoholics and on Interior and Insular Affairs: fits will also accrue as a result of this proj-
their families to cope with the problems of "SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9 RELATIVE ect and
alcoholism; therefore be it TO REMOVAL OF RESTRICTION ON TITLE TO "WHEREAS The initial supply will be made
Resolved, That the Massachusetts House MORRO BAY ROCK available through the operation of existing
of Representatives hereby respectfully urges "Whereas to preserve Morro Rock as an facilities of the Central Valley Project sup-
the Congress of the United States to take historical site, natural landmark and public plemented by unappropriated flows from the
such action as may be necessary for the es- park, the Congress of the United States, prior American Stanislaus, and Sacramento Rivers;
tablishment of the United States Public to 1935, was requested to authorize the con- and
Health Service Alcoholism Center in Boston; veyance of said rock. to the State of Cali- "WHEREAS The proposed project will have
and be it further fornia; and a dramatic economic and social impact upon
Resolved, That copies of these resolutions "Whereas the Congress of the United the affected area by increasing agricultural
be sent forthwith by the Secretary of the States, by an act approved May 28. 1935 (49 production and farm income in addition to
Commonwealth to the President of the Stat. 311), authorized the Secretary of Com- providing thousands of new jobs and other-
United States, to the presiding officer of each merce to convey Morro Rock to the State of wise benefiting the area: Now, therefore, be
branch of the Congress, and to the members California for public park purposes; and it
thereof from the Commonwealth. "Whereas the United States did 5o convey "Resolved by the Senate and Assembly of
House of Representatives, adopted, April Morro Rock to the State of California for the State of California, jointly, That the Leg-
21, 1966. public park purposes by deed dated August islature of the State of California supports
WILLIAM C. MAIERS, 17, 1935 (covering approximately 30.00 H.R. 14030, H.R. 14031, H.R. 14202, and simi-
Clerk. acres), executed pursuant to said act, and lar legislation to authorize the East Side Di-
A true copy. by deed dated September 15, 1960 (covering vision of the Central Valley Project and urges
Attest: 0.69 acre), executed pursuant to the Federal the Congress to enact such legislation at the
KEVIN H. WHITE, Property and Administrative Services Act of earliest possible time; and be it further
Secretary of the Commonwealth. 1949; and "Resolved, That the Secretary of the Sen-
A joint resolution of the Legislature of the "Whereas the deed dated August 17, 1935 ate is hereby directed to transmit copies of
State of California; to the Committee on reserved to the United States of Arnerica this resolution to the President and Vice
Commerce: the right to resume ownership, possession, President of the United States, to the Speaker
and control, for government purposes, of any of the House of Representatives, to the Secre-
"ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION 14 RELATIVE TO tary of the Interior, to the United States
EXPERIMENTAL FISH PROTEIN CONCENTRATE of the property so coveyed, at any time and Commissioner of Reclamation, to the Re-
PLANTS without the consent of the State of Cali-
fornia; and gional Director of Region 2 of the United
"WHEREAS The development of a means for "Whereas the right so reserved impairs the States Bureau of Reclamation, and to each
low cost production of fish protein concen- Senator and Representative from California
trate would mean that more than a thousand use and management of Morro Rock by the in the Congress of the United States."
million human beings, who now suffer the State of California for public park purposes,
misery of chronic malnutrition, would have and its preservation as an historical site; A joint resolution of the Legislature of
an opportunity for a better diet; and now, therefore, be it the State of California; to the Committee
"Resolved by the Senate and Assembly of on Labor and Public Welfare:
"WHEREAS Protein deficiency diseases are
the largest t single ele source ce of of infant mortality the State of California, jointly, That the - "SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION No. 12, RELATIVE
in the world today; and Congress of the United States is respectfully TO THE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCA-
"WHEREAS The ocean resources off Cali- requested to authorize the removal of the TION ACT OF 1965
fornia contain vast numbers of fish, other restriction on the title to Morro Rock with- "WHEREAS Under Title I of the Elementary
than anchovies, such as the Pacific hake, out monetary consideration based upon Its and Secondary Education Act of 1965 federal
which could be used for such a program character as an historical site and public funds are available to provide financial as-
without endangering either their population park, qualifying it for transfer at no cost; sistance to local educational agencies, in
and be it further eluding school districts, for the education of
or the other fish resources of the state; and
"WIIEREAs Proper development of a fishery is " directed Resolved, to That the transmit copies of the Senate children of low-income families; and
for such purpose could greatly aid the tom- ies of this. resolu- "WHEREAS Although under such act a
fipur purpose c this state and be a sub- tion to the President and Vice Presient of state is allocated the total amount of fed-
mercial al addition to the state's economic the United States, to the President pro eral funds which all the local educational
prosperity; and Tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the agencies in the state are eligible to receive,
"WHEREAS The Conservation and Wildlife House of Representatives, and to each Sen- the maximum amount each local educational
ator and Representative from California in agency may receive is limited; and
Committee of the California Assembly has the Congress of the United States." "WHEREAS If an eligible local educational
considered this matter on numerous occa- agency determines that other local educa-
sions and attempted to further the develop- "SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION No. 10 RELATIVE tional agencies within the state are in greater
ment of a program to provide such a TO THE EAST SIDE DIVISION OF THE CENTRAL need of such federal funds and does not ap-
concentrate; and VALLEY PROJECT ply for its share thereof, the state cannot
"WHEREAS California has increased its ex- "WHEREAS Congressman B. R. Sssn has in- reallocate those federal funds to another
penditures in this area, including an appro- troduced H.R. 14030, Congressman HARLAN needy eligible local educational agency with-
priation in the budget for this year of $92,000 HAGEN has introduced H.R. 14031, and Con- in the state beyond the permissible maxi-
from the state's General Fund for research; ;gressman JOHN MOSS has introduced H.R. mum for that local educational agency; and
and 14202 in the Congress of the United States to "WHEREAS There are many local educa-
"WHEREAS Legislation has been introduced authorize the East Side Division of the Cen- tional agencies in this state who are in need
in Congress which would authorize the ex- tral Valley Project; and of funds beyond the maximum permitted
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
Approved For 1qg [t k Q: -8PBZBQP} 1RR00400070011-9tlay 12, 1966
tend. Of the top 50 percent of high
school graduates, 37.9 percent of the
boys and 57.9 percent of the girls from
families with less than $3,000 annual in-
come did not enroll in college.
It is interesting to note that two-
thirds of the families whose heads of the
household had less than 9 years school-
ing live in poverty; that 20 percent of
the young people between ages 18 and 24
with less than 9 years of school were
unemployed; that keeping a family on
relief' cost a minimum of $2,500 a year;
and that keeping a young person in a
detention home cost $1,800 a year, and a
person in prison $3,500 a year. This is
contrasted with the average cost of $450
a year for keeping a child in secondary
school. This is not to say that this lat-
ter amount is sufficient, but the fact re-
mains that at the present time it is the
Against this background of problems-
and because of the efforts of the Fed-
eral Government to alleviate these prob-
lems-our involvement in the field of
education has undergone one of the most
rapid expansion programs of any area of
government. For instance, the staff of
the Office of Education increased during
the fiscal year 1966 by 646 people. Ap-
propriations for fiscal year 1965 in-
creased over 200 percent to $1.5 billion.
In fiscal year 1966 it again increased over
200 percent to $3.3 billion. This increase
reflects both the stepped up activity in
existing programs and in the inaugura-
tion of several new ones.
The Office of Education at the present
time has one of the largest organizations
in the Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare. On January 1, 1966, it had
2,202 employees in four major bureaus
with 21 divisions or offices, 9 other major
offices, a contracts and construction serv-
ice, and a national center for educational
statistics, not to mention its regional of-
fices. For this reason I feel that it is
imperative that we reorganize the Office
of Education and the various other of-
fices which deal with educational pro-
grams into a new and separate depart-
ment. When the increasing complexity
of educational programs is viewed, and
when the broader scope of these pro-
grams is considered, the urgent need to
consolidate them in order to coordinate
more closely all national educational ef-
forts becomes very apparent.
At the present time, with the many dif-
ferent agencies which handle the educa-
tional problems, it is almost necessary
that an institution of higher education,
with respect to even the local boards of
secondary education, employ, a staff as-
sistant specialized in contacting the Fed-
eral Government and its various agencies
which handle these problems in order to
be assured that full advantage is being
taken of the opportunities afforded now
for education at the national level.
I believe that, with the increased neces-
sity for educational assistance at the
national level, this new department
should be created in the very near future.
We know that even though this is the
first year In which we have entered the
field of secondary education, the demands
will become even greater in the next few
years and that secondary education will
receive an increased amount of assist-
ance from both the Federal and the State
level of government. Certainly if any
political unit or any entity of govern-
ment in the Nation has a responsibility
in the field of education, whether it be
the higher educational level or secondary
level, the Federal Government has a
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the bill lie on the desk for 10
days for cosponsors.
will be received and appropriately re-
ferred; and, without objection, the bill
will lie at the desk, as requested.
The bill (S. 3348) to establish the De-
partment of Education, introduced by
Mr. BASS, was received, read twice by its
title, and referred to the Committee on
Government Operations.
Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I in-
troduce, for appropriate reference, a
joint resolution which will authorize the
President to proclaim the first day in
June as Quality Control Day. This date
coincides with the 20th anniversary of
the American Society for Quality Con-
Quality control, with its associated dis-
cipline and reliability engineering, as-
sures the public that the products it
uses are safe, sound, and durable. The
tists and engineers throughout the Nation:
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep-
resentatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled, That the President is
authorized and requested to issue a procla-
mation designating the first day of June in
1966 as "Quality Control Day" and inviting
the Governors of the several States and
mayors of the local governments of the
Upiterj States to issue similar proclamations.
Mr. RIBICOFF. Mr. President, last
week, I called for United Nations super-
vision of the forthcoming elections in
South Vietnam. At that time I said:
We must request that a special session
of the United Nations General Assembly be
We should introduce in that special session
a resolution requesting that United Nations
observers be assigned to the forthcoming
elections in South Vietnam.
And we should lend the full prestige of the
United States to this effort, in the person of
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
I emphasized that elections would be
held within areas of South Vietnam
which could reasonably be secured
against violence and intimidation, and
where U.N. observers could gain access
to assure impartiality.
It is my belief-and the belief of many
others-that the elections scheduled in
South Vietnam must be held. At present
the United States has committed over
society, which started with 1,000 mem- - 250,000 men and substantial resources
bers in 1946, now number 20,000.
The quality control man in the factory
is often referred to as the customer's
voice in the plant. Proof of industry's
forthright intent to provide good service
to the consumer is the inclusion of a
quality control program in the plant.
The establishment of a Quality Con-
trol Day will reaffirm Government's com-
mittment to the protection of the
American consumer.
I ask unanimous consent that the
joint resolution be printed in the RECORD
at this point.
joint resolution will be received and ap-
propriately referred; and, without ob-
jection, the joint resolution will be
printed in the RECORD.
The joint resolution (S.J. Res. 159) to
authorize the President to issue a proc-
lamation designating the first day of
June in 1966 as "Quality Control Day,"
introduced by Mr. NELSON, was received,
read twice by its title, referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered
to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:
S.J. R.Es. 159
Whereas the quality of American civiliza-
tion is dependent, in large measure, on con-
tinuing improvement in the quality of goods
alld services; and
Whereas the survival and success of the
free world depends to a great degree on the
quality and reliability of its products and
services in open competition on the inter-
national market; and
Whereas quality control . unites the in-
terests of consumers and producers alike in
the joint pursuit of excellence; and
Whereas there is great need to draw wider
public attention to the contributions made
by quality, control and reliability of scien-
to the struggle in Vietnam. Our Nation
is helping the South Vietnamese to fight
the enemy in the jungle. We are help-
ing to bring social and economic prog-
ress to the villages. Yet, the period of
recent political turmoil and bickering in
South Vietnam has shown that neither
an effective military effort, nor success-
ful economic and social development ef-
forts-the 'so-called "pacification" pro-
gram-is possible without the direction
and support of a strong and stable cen-
tral government. Also, if we are ever to
have fruitful negotiations, they must
rest on the same solid base. In fact, no
effective or permanent solution to the
problems of Vietnam is possible without
political stability. Political stability, in
turn, can best be based on institutions
that are responsive to the needs and de-
sires of the people-institutions that can
accommodate the conflicts between di-
vergent groups within the society in Viet-
Last month the Buddhists demanded
elections. Premier Ky promised to com-
ply with their demands. Thus, the South
Vietnamese Government has committed
itself to the elective process for develop-
ing political institutions. Elections must
take place. And most important, they
must be honest and free.
Let us face the issue squarely when
we discuss the forthcoming elections in
South Vietnam. The complexity of
problems-the intricacy of the web that
must be disentangled in setting up the
electoral machinery required for a fair
election-cannot be underestimated.
The difficulties to be met are immense.
South Vietnam-a country at war-is
torn by violence and terror. South Viet-
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
May 12, 1966 Approved F aft1g3 NAL RECORDDP SENATE R000400070011-9
tively valuable on the date of the issuance
of the patent.
The bill would (1) embrace entries, in-
advertently allowed on withdrawn lands; (2)
apply to trade and manufacturing sites,
homesites and other settlement or use and
occupancy claims in Alaska, and to asserted
claims under such laws, but made on with-
drawn lands; (3) apply to entries which are
not In good standing by reason of failure to
meet statutory requirements, e.g., the filing
of annual proofs in desert land cases. The
term "good faith" as employed in the pro-
posed bill is not intended to be equated with
the degree of compliance with statutory and
regulatory requirements. No withdrawn
lands would be disposed of without the con-
sent & the governmental agency for which
the land is withdrawn and subject to such
terms and conditions as that agency might
deem appropriate. However, no lands in na-
tional parks, national monuments, national
wildlife refuges and other areas dedicated
to fish and wildlife purposes, national forests,
and no Indian lands would be subject to dis-
posal under the bill.
The provisions in the bill would not require
the Secretary of the Interior to sell the land,
but rather would permit him to do so in ap-
propriate circumstances. We believe that
the bill would obviate consideration of in-
dividual bills, e.g., S. 394, 88th Congress, cul-
minating In the Act of May 17, 1963 (Pri-
vate Law 88-4), H.R. 2291, 88th Congress,
culminating in the Act of April 26, 1963 (Pri-
vate Law 88-2), and H.R. 5302, 88th Con-
gress, culminating in the Act of August 13,
1964 (Private Law 88-281).
We believe that the appraisal of the land
should not encompass any improvements
which can be removed without injury to the
land, whether or not such improvements
under the general rules of real property
would be regarded as a part of the realty.
If the improvements are not so removable,
their value would be separately included in
the appraisal of the land. If the entryman
acquired the land pursuant to the sale, he
would be afforded a deduction in the pur-
chase price for any improvements made by
him or his predecessors in interest to the
extent that the value of such improvements
was an element in the appraised value. If
another person acquired the land, the entry-
man would be compensated out of the pur-
chase price by the Government for nonre-
movable improvements to the extent of the
appraised value of the improvements. Fur-
thermore, where a person other than the
entryman acquired the land pursuant to the
sale, the entryman, with the consent of the
Secretary of the Interior, could remove the
removable improvements or sell them to the
person acquiring the land. The consent of
the Secretary to such actions is deemed
necessary to assure that (1) substantial in-
jury to the land would not occur as a result
of the removal of any improvements, and
(2) the person acquiring the land would not
be put in a position of paying both the Gov-
ernment and the entryman for the improve-
In brief, where the entryman acquired the
land pursuant to the sale, he would not be
required to pay for the value added to the
land resulting from improvements by him
or his predecessors in interest. If the land
is sold to anyone else, the entryman would
be compensated for such improvements
either by the Government or the purchaser
of the land,
Our proposal requires the Secretary, 90
days before making a sale, to notify the
head of the governing body of the political
subdivision or other instrumentality of the
State having jurisdiction over comprehen-
sive planning and zoning in the area within
which the land is located, or in the absence
of any such instrumentality, the Governor
of the State, in order to afford the appro-
priate body an opportunity to take appro-
priate land planning or zoning action to meet
local planning and development needs. If
no such action Is taken, no conveyance
of the land is to be made unless the Secre-
tary determines that the conveyance and
the provisions of the conveyance, will be
reasonably consonant with local land use
and development needs.
This provision is similar to section 2 of
Public Law 88-608, 78 Stat. 988, an Act "To
provide temporary authority for the sale of
certain public lands."
The Bureau of the Budget has advised
that there is no objection to the presenta-
tion of this draft bill from the standpoint
of the Administration's program.
Sincerely yours,
Under Secretary of the Interior.
Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, on
April 28, 1966, I received a letter from
the city of. Cincinnati requesting that I
introduce legislation to achieve the ob-
jectives set forth in the letter.
I introduce, for appropriate refer-
ence, a bill in behalf of the city of
Cincinnati, as requested.
I request unanimous consent that the
full contents of the letter referred to
above be printed in the RECORD.
bill will be received and appropriately
referred; and, without objection, the let-
ter will be printed in the RECORD.
The bill (S. 3347) to make certain ex-
penditures of the - city of Cincinnati,
Ohio, eligible as a local grant-in-aid for
the purposes of title I of the Housing
Act of 1949, introduced by Mr. LAUSCHE,
was received, read twice by its title, and
referred to the Committee on Banking
and Currency.
The letter presented by Mr. LAUSCHE
is as follows:
Cincinnati, Ohio, April 28, 1966.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
voters of the City of Cincinnati approved a
ten million dollar bond referendum for the
construction of a Convention Center for the
City. This Convention Center is now under
construction on ground made available
through the Queensgate III Urban Renewal
project (Ohio R-82).
The Convention Center is strategically
located In the downtown area, adjacent to
the Central Business District Urban Re-
newal project (Ohio R-55) now in execu-
tion. The benefits derived from this Con-
vention Center will be of great value to the
revitalization of the City's Core area. If the
construction costs of this facility of nearly
ten million dollars could be applied as a Non-
Cash Grant-In-Aid Urban Renewal credit,
it would allow the City to move more quickly
into the implementation of many other
needed City projects.
A weekly Washington report on housing
entitled, "Housing Affairs Letter" dated
April 22, 1966, indicates that the sub-
committee Chairman SPARKMAN has intro-
duced four bills to credit the Huntsville
Civic Arts Center, the Birmingham Civic
Center, the Mobile Cultural and Convention
Center and the University of Alabama Medi-
cal Center. Expansion Efforts as Non-Cash
Grant-In-Aid. Another bill would credit
New Haven's proposed Coliseum-Convention
It would be most helpful to the Urban
Renewal projects of this City if you could
see fit to introduce such legislation for
Cincinnati's Convention Center. Including
the cost of this structure as a Non-Cash
Grant-In-Aid would enable us to proceed
with other needed and worthwhile projects
aimed at improving other blighted areas of
the City.
Thank you for your cooperation in this
City Manager.
Mr. BASS. Mr. President, I introduce
for appropriate reference a bill which
would create a U.S. Department of Edu-
cation to be headed by a Secretary of
Education with Cabinet level status.
This measure would transfer from the
Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare and other agencies which have
jurisdiction over programs of education
all the agencies, functions, and pro-
grams involving education to this new
Department and consolidate them un-
der one authority.
Mr. President, the problems in the
field of education are so enormous they
are difficult to conceive. A few exam-
ples illustrate this. For instance, since
World War II-a scant 20-year period
of time-the number of colleges and uni-
versities has increased by 250 percent,
from 866 to approximately 2,300. About
10 percent of these 2,300 institutions of
higher learning have not met the Inini-
mum standards for accredition. In 1955
there were approximately 2.7 million
students in the fall enrollment of our
accredited colleges.. By 1964 this num-
ber reached almost 5 million, and it is
estimated by 1970 it will have reached
7 million. The rate of increase during
the last 4 years has been aproximate-
ly 8 percent. In addition, the cost of
attending public institutions has in-
creased over 30 percent between 1955
and 1965 and another 20 percent in-
crease is estimated by 1970. The cost
increase for attending private institu-
tions is even greater. Our education
experts estimate a cost spiral amount-
ing to a 50-percent increase in tuition
over the next decade.
In addition, there is also the problem
of the increased demand for financial
assistance. Under our existing loan
programs, 600 thousand students have
borrowed approximately $450 million.
However, this is far from sufficient and
far too many potential students have
been left out. For instance in 1960, 1.1
million high school graduates were not
attending college. Forty two percent of
these listed financial problems as the
reason for not enrolling in colleges and
universities. Twenty-two percent of the
students that did attend dropped out at
the end of the first year and of this group
28 percent listed lack of money as the
chief reason for such dropouts. In June
of last year, the largest senior high school
class in the history of our country grad-
uated. The September freshman class
was estimated at approximately 1.4 mil-
lion students. However, many promis-
ing young people were not able to at-
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
May 12, 1966 Approved Fot&ftt~ffWA1i29 ,Ie P67 RAftR000400070011-9
nom Is inexperienced in the ways of the
elective process. And South Vietnam is
a country where contending political and
religious groups have had ample time,
and ample reason, to accumulate a vast
catalog of grievances against each
other-grievances that have not been
dissipated in the give and take of a po-
litical arena. Thus, if the elections are
to succeed, it will take patience and un-
derstanding-perseverance and will-
on the part of every political and reli-
gious group concerned.
One point seems clear. If the Ky gov-
ernment supervises elections, the results
will be contested-and may well be re-
jected-by the othe. elements of the
Vietnam power struggle. Buddhist-
supervised elections, as Tri Quang has
proposed, would be equally unacceptable
to the military, the Catholics, and other
groups. Pollwatchers supported by the
United States alone would also be unsat-
The need for objective outside super-
vision of the forthcoming elections is
clear. The kind of supervision required
can come only from an international
On many occasions I have stated my
belief that every elected official, and
every concerned individual citizen should
analyze the issues and make every effort
to contribute constructively as we search
collectively for a solution to the situa-
tion in Vietnam. This is our right. This
is also our obligation. It i, recognized
by the President of the United States
who has said time and again that he wel-
comes suggestions and ideas concerning
Following my speech last Thursday, the
Department of State was asked by the
press to comment on my suggestion for
U.N. supervision of the forthcoming
elections in South Vietnam. The De-
partment gave the following reply:
We have seen Senator RIeicoFr'S sugges-
tion. As far as the United States is con-
cerned, we have urged on many occasions
that the United Nations find a way to con-
tribute constructively to a peaceful settle-
ment of the Vietnam problem. Specifically,
Ambassador Goldberg has recently reaffirmed
at the U.N. our interest in a United Nations
role in supervising elections designed to im-
plement the Geneva Accords. Regrettably,
the Soviet Union, Hanoi and Peking have
frequently opposed any United Nations par-
ticipation in the solution of the Vietnam
problem. This opposition has apparently
led the Secretary General and many mem-
bers to conclude that there is no effective
role for the United Nations to play in the
present circumstances. However, we are
glad that Senator RIBIcoFF has added his
voice to those who believe the U.N. can play
a constructive role in Vietnam.
In my approach to the complex prob-
lems of Vietnam, I have tried to be con-
structive. My proposal for U.N.-super-
vised elections is concrete. Yet, the De-
partment's comments on my proposal are
indecisive and misleading. Let me dis-
cuss State Department's statement point
by point.
I do not doubt for a moment that the
United States has urged the U.N. to find
a way to contribute constructively to a
peaceful settlement of the Vietnam prob-
No. 79-2
lem. In my speech last Thursday I de-
scribed the President's search for peace
through diplomacy-his peace offensive
which reached into the Security Coun-
cil of the United Nations, as well as to
some 115 countries. I fully support and
encourage the breadth and intensity of
his efforts.
Yet, when the Department of State
says that Ambassador Goldberg has re-
affirmed this country's Interest "in a
United Nations role in supervising elec-
tions designed to implement the Geneva
accords," I am admittedly puzzled and
dismayed. For the elections referred to
by the State Department are those in
point 7 of the final declaration of the
Geneva Conference. They are not the
elections promised by the Ky govern-
ment. They bear no relation to my pro-
posal. Thus the elections the Depart-
ment refers to are the elections that were
supposed to be held in July 1956, in both
North and South Vietnam, with the ob-
ject of unifying the country. At the con-
cluding plenary session of the Geneva
Conference, on July 21, 1954, Walter
Bedell Smith, on behalf of the U.S. Gov-
ernment, explained the purpose of the
elections set out in the final declara-
In the case of nations now divided against
their will, we shall continue to seek to
achieve unity through free elections super-
vised by the United Nations to insure that
they are conducted freely.
Mr. President, the elections that I hope
to see supervised by U.N. observers-the
elections I discussed on the floor of the
Senate-are not "elections designed to
implement the Geneva accords"-
though conceivably they might have
some bearing on a future settlement ne-
gotiated according to the Geneva agree-
ments. I am talking about the forth-
coming elections demands by the Bud-
dhists, agreed to by the Ky government
and expected by the entire world. Their
purpose is to choose the members of an
assembly that will write a constitution
for the Republic of South Vietnam. I
think my statement was clear. The De-
partment of State has not only side-
stepped completely the critical issue In-
volved in my proposal-the question of
U.N. supervision of the forthcoming elec-
tions in South Vietnam-but the State
Department has once again muddied the
waters of discussion.
In its statement, the Department fur-
ther states that the Soviet Union, Hanoi,
and Peking have frequently opposed par-
ticipation by the United Nations in the
solution of the Vietnam situation. This
comment also begs the issue. Two of the
three countries named-Communist
China and North Vietnam-are not
members of the United Nations, nor do
they control any significant number of
votes in the U.N. Therefore, the De-
partment's next point-that opposition
by these countries "has apparently led
the Secretary General and many mem-
bers to conclude that there is no effec-
tive role for the United Nations to play
in the present circumstances"-simply
does not follow from the earlier premise.
Mr. President, if the Department of
State believes my proposal has no merit,
let it say so. If the Department wants
or needs time to consider this sugges-
tion, let the comment be made that the
proposal is under study. But let us avoid
the meaningless statement-the mislead-
ing phrase. The issues involved in Viet-
nam require that we say what we mean
as clearly as we can.
And let us be clear about the elections
in South Vietnam. They are vital. I
believe that their failure would be a sig-
nificant setback for the future of South
Vietnam, the United States, and the cause
of peace. And I believe that if those
elections are to be free and honest, an
international presence in South Vietnam
is essential. So let our Government do
everything in Its power to obtain U.N. su-
pervision. Let us commit our Nation to
the success of the elections. The stakes
have seldom been higher.
Mr. President, I submit, for appro-
priate reference, a resolution urging the
President to request the United Nations
to send observers to the coming elections
in South Vietnam. I ask unanimous con-
sent that the resolution be printed at this
point in the RECORD.
resolution will be received and appro-
priately referred; and, without objection,
the resolution will be printed in the
The resolution (S. Res. 258) was re-
ferred to the Committee on Foreign Rela-
lations, as follows:
Whereas the Republic of South Vietnam is
actively engaged in making preparations for
elections to choose a constituent assembly in
a constructive effort to bring about a more
representative government, and
Whereas the United States is dedicated to
the principle, in the conduct of its foreign
affairs, that peoples everywhere have the
right to determine their own destinies
through free participation in elected gov-
ernments; and
Whereas the success of the promised elec-
tions in South Vietnam will depend on the
assurance that they will be free, fair, and
open; and
Whereas the United States has committed
its resources and the lives of its men to the
cause of freedom for the South Vietnamese
people; and
Whereas an objective and international
presence would make a significant contribu-
tion to assuring that the promised elections
in South Vietnam are free, fair, and open,
and thus help substantially in bringing about
political stability and the establishment of
effective political institutions: Therefore
be it
Resolved, That It is the sense of the Senate
that the President should encourage the
Government of South Vietnam to seek United
Nations observers for its forthcoming elec-
tions; and
That the President should call upon the
United Nations to assign United Nations ob-
servers to the forthcoming elections in South
Mr. RIBICOFF. Mr. President, Mr.
Joseph Kraft has written a perceptive
series of articles in recent weeks concern-
ing the prospects for the coming elections
In South Vietnam. I ask unanimous con-
sent to have his articles, together with
editorials from the New York Times,
Hartford Times, Hartford Courant, Mid-
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
dletown Press, and New Britain Herald,
printed in the RECORD.
Where being no objection, the material
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
[From the Washington Post, May 4, 1966]
(By Joseph Kraft)
SAIGON.-The most recent Vietnamese crisis
brought to the surface all the complex social
and political currents that the war and its
drum-beaters tend to suppress. Indeed, pre-
cisely because these elements have been
eclipsed in the past, their sudden outcropping
now tends to catch Americans by surprise
and to fill them with alarm and confusion.
But while the denouement remains in
doubt, the outbreak and development of the
crisis followed a logical course. They are
subject to analysis, and I will offer an anal-
ysis in subsequent columns dealing with the
two chief forces at work-the Buddhists and
the Catholics.
First, however, I must try to describe the
mosatC of Vietnamese policies. For it is a
subject in which interplay is everything-a
case of minority politics, a matter of action,
reaction and counteraction by tiny groups.
Indeed, in its basic elements, its geography,
its history, its beliefs, South Vietnam is a
divided country-"a huddling together," as
Hazlitt once said of Shakespeare tragedy, "of
fierce extremes."
Geographically, the basic division in
South Vietnam is between the Center and
the South. The Center, once known as
Annam, is the coastal plain stretching from
the 17th Parallel down the outskirts of
Saigon. It happens to include-in Danang,
Ankhe, Camranh Bay and Nhatrang-the
main American air and sea bases. It is a
region of tiny parcels of relatively poor land,
much subject to salination by repeated in-
cursions of the sea. Though the population
is only 3 million and though fish are plenti-
ful, Central Vietnam cannot support itself.
The South, or Cochin China as the French
called it, includes Saigon and the delta of the
Mekong River and its many mouths. The
delta region is one of the great rice-producing
areas of the world and Saigon its entrepot.
Though the combined population amounts
to perhaps 8 million people, in normal times,
the South produces a large export surplus.
Historic difference tended to follow geo-
graphic lines. Central Vietnam has been the
heartland of the country, the site of the im-
perial court, a center of Buddhist studies,
and the historic seat of strong resistance
both to Chinese pressure from the north and
to French pressure from the south. Its elite
is a traditionalist elite, looking back with
nostalgia to the days of complete freedom
from foreign presences and thus highly na-
tionalistic, even xenophobic-especially in its
attitude toward other regions of Vietnam
that have accommodated more easily to for-
eign presences.
The South was a frontier province for the
Center, settled late and, as usual with fron-
tier provinces, in rather large holdings. The
French invasion of the last century found
easy pickings in the South, notably with the
large landholders. The native elite that.
emerged from the process tended to be rela-
tively well off economically, civilized in the
French manner and totally divorced from the
uneducated peasant masses.
Not surprisingly, differences in belief are
in harmony with the geographical and his-
torical divisions. The harsh, traditionalist
xenophobia of the Center has found its
purest expression in the Buddhist revival led
by the famous Bonze Tri-Quang. A similar
Catholic attitude was reflected in the family
of the late President Ngo Dinh Diem, al-
though more recently the Catholics of the
Center have everted to the more self-effac-
ing 'role of a heavily outnumbered minority.
Before World War II, some of the same xeno-
phobic spirit was channeled into two par-
ties--the Dal Viet, or Greater Vietnam Party,
and the Vietnamese Kuomintang, or Nation-
alist Party-which still have strength in the
In the South, leadership in the cities tended
to fall into the hands of the French-educated
local notables. The colonialist atmosphere
dissolved native Catholicism, and even more
Buddhism, to the point of decay. Among
the peasantry they developed several reviv-
alist groups-notably the Boa Hao and Cao
Dal sects. The mixture was further thick-
ened after the Geneva conference of 1954,
when hundreds of thousands of Catholic
refugees and some leading Nationalist
politicians fled from Communist North Viet-
nam and settled, mainly around Saigon.
All of these forces have been jockeying
for position ever since then. While the war
has tended to submerge their activities, they
have made themselves felt in every change
of regime, beginning with the overthrow of
the Diem government in 1963. Now the
political forces are out in the open. The
important question over the next few months
is whether they will yield chaos and a
running down of the war effort or a kind of
consensus that could lead to an organized
[From the Washington Post, May 6, 1966]
(By Joseph Kraft)
SAIGON.--What do the Buddhists really
That question is at all times being put by
Americans to the militant Buddhist leader,
Thich Tri Quang. A skillful politician, far
above average In the capacity to develop
calculated ambiguities, Tri Quang keeps re-
turning dusty answers.
It thus becomes possible to see him either
as a Communist tool or as the potential
savior of his country. And therefore The
questioning game continues-ad nauseam
and ad infinitum.
A more pertinent question, it seems to
me, is to ask who the militant Buddhists
are. The answer is that they are a tiny
minority with respect to size, locale, and
Apart from Thich Tri Quang, a gifted
leader in my view, the Buddhist militants
include only a few hundred veterans of
protest demonstrations. They are mainly
drawn from the center of the country and
notably from the children of good families,
often of royal blood, who attended the Uni-
versity of Hue.
Their viewpoint is the viewpoint of nar-
row, xenophobic traditionalism, which, as I
have indicated, Is common to the educated
elite of the central region of South Vietnam.
It happened that this tiny group played a
dramatic role in the anti-Catholic protests
that ended in the fall of the regime of the
late President Ngo Dinh Diem. That (largely
accidental) bit of history has combined with
self-consciousness of their small numbers to
define what I would call the minimum, and
destructive goal of the militant Buddhists.
The minimum Buddhist goal is to prevent
power from passing into the hands of any
leaders who might try to reverse the events
of 1963--who might, to be more specific,
crush the militant Buddhists as an act of
revenge for what happened to President
Diem. That minimum goal has largely gov-
erned the actions of the military Buddhist
leadership since 1963.
Thus when Gen. Nguyen Khanh seemed
about to take dictatorial powers after the
Tonkin Gulf Incident of August 1964, the
Buddhists went into the streets to force
Khanh to rescind his declaration of one-man
rule. Similarly, in May 1965, when Premier
Tran Van Houng, a leading personality from
the South, moved into a position to crack
down, the Buddhists again went into the
streets and forced his regime from power.
More recently, the specter of Marshal
Nguyen Cao Ky's using his Honolulu meetting
with President Johnson to gather supreme
power set in motion the latest set of Bud-
dhist-inspired. troubles. And, if the Bud-
dhists are now prepared to settle for free
elections, it is again within the perspective
of their minimum objectives.
For free elections, apart from demonstrat-
ing for all the world to see that the Catholics
really are a minority, would wipe the slate
clean. They would be a new beginning.
They would serve to normalize the political
situation, to ratify the events of 1963, to pre-
vent the purge of revenge that the Buddhists
most fear.
If avoiding a purge is the minimum, de-
structive goal, however, the Buddhists also
have a larger and more positive aim-an aim
that has been broadening in the course of
time. The constructive goal, as I see it, is to
become the nucleus for a popular majority
in South Vietnam that might, in time, serve
as a means of bringing an honorable peace
to this country, and perhaps, even, to all of
Buddhist southeast Asia.
To this end, the tiny knot of militant
Buddhist leaders has developed a gamut of
techniques for reaching the rest of the popu-
lation. By emphasizing dislike of Saigon and
the central government, they have won over
most of the army and civil service of central
Vietnam. Cryptic talk of peace appeals to
the war-weariness that, at times at least,
afflicts almost everybody in the country.. A
slight dash of anti-Americanism, by con-
fronting the rich foreigner with the poor
native, does duty for the one thing the
Buddhists lack most of all-a social program
with appeal to the poor.
My feeling is that the Buddhists hope to
combine these tactics with elections to some
kind of assembly to organize a popular na-
tional majority. Once the majority is in
place, they believe, I think, that they could
talk to the other side and arrange a peace
that would be neither victory nor defeat for
either party.
For the moment, however, the Buddhists
are searching for allies to form the majority.
Mindful of their own tiny size, they do not
seek to dominate a national assembly. My
information is that Tri Quang would like to
see an assembly made up of one-third
Buddhists, one-third Catholics, and one-
third other groups.
Already the Buddhists are working to form
alliances that could lead to the majority they
seek. To establish a footing in the South,
they have put out lines to leading southern
personalities, notably former Gen. Tran Van
Don, the president of the alumni association
of southern high schools comprising most
of the upper middle class of Saigon and the
But the big hope for the Buddhists, the
key to building a majority, is that they can
work with the Catholics. I will be exam-
ining that possibility in the next; column in
this series. -
[From the Washington Post, May 9, 1966]
(By Joseph Kraft)
SAIGON.-Mention the Catholics of South
Vietnam and most Americans think of people
who are first, fervently anti-Communist, and
only next Vietnamese. But that is not even
a half-truth.
To be sure, about half of the 11// million
Catholics in South Vietnam are refugees who
fled their native villages when the Commu-
nists took over North Vietnam in 1954. Most
of these refugees are settled around Saigon
in small, often armed, villages dominated by
the local parish.
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
May 12, 1 966 Approved Fot JQRM2WtE&WP6gf0 iR000400070011-9
Thus cut adrift from their old moorings
and isolated in present surroundings, the
refugees represent a potent mass, easy to stir
against any regime suspected of being willing
to negotiate with the other side-the more
so, since the fall of their great patron, the
late President Ngo Dinh Diem. They are,
in the words of one high official in the Amer-
ican Embassy, "like medieval fanatics."
They have tended to form the popular back-
bone of the recent military regimes, and to
be the death weapon against more moderate
But the other half of the Catholic popu-
lation-the Catholics native to the southern
and central regions of this country-are by
no means fanatic, or even edgy. They are
used to coexisting as a minority with a large
Buddhist majority. Through the archbishop
of Saigon, Nguyen Van Binh, they have felt
the influence of the updating that has re-
cently come to dominate attitudes in the
Vatican. To some extent, Archbishop Binh
has been able to take in tow the chief refu-
gee leader, the Reverend Hoang Quynh.
The institution for this takeover by the
more moderate Catholics. of South Vietnam
has been the liaison office of the archbishop-
ric of Saigon. Over the last year the office has
been issuing a series of communiques on
political subjects.
For example, in its fourth communique
put out in November of last year, the liaison
office made an obvious effort to have all
Catholics work to cooperate with the Bud-
dhists. The communique said: "The office
calls upon the faithful to pay very careful
attention when speaking or writing on mat-
ters related to other religions, strictly avoid-
ing any actions which might be harmful to
friendly relations."
In its fifth communique, issued on Janu-
ary 7 of this year, the liaison office lined up
with the Buddhists in supporting a compro-
mise negotiated end to the war.
Most recently, the more moderate Cath-
olics seem to have been working with the
Buddhists against the military government
of Air Marshall Nguyen Cao Ky. The most
recent communique of the liaison commit-
tee, issued on April 6 said: "The most press-
ing problem * * * is the present political
vacuum * * The political situation in
South Vietnam is still a cold emptiness. The
authorities are still unable to lay a legal
foundation for the country, and they still
lack the support of the people."
_ In short, the Catholics native to South
Vietnam led by the highest authority in the
local hierarchy are not far distant from the
position of the militant Buddhists under
bonze Thich (venerable) Tri Quang. The
possibility of an alliance exists.
If such an alliance could be-struck, elec-
tions could yield a coalition majority domi-
nated by the militant Buddhists of the Cen-
ter and the moderate Catholics of the South.
A government based on that majority
could transform the situation here. It
would at long last command the loyalties
and faith of the most dynamic political
forces in the country, and it could enlist
these 'forces in support of the war effort.
It could finally activate the pacification
campaign which is now more than ever neces-
sary as a supplement to American military
To be sure, the Ky government, the old
political parties and the undisciplined fa-
natics among the Catholic refugees are now
at work trying to break up the prospective
working alliance between Buddhist militants
and moderate Catholics. These forces have
produced recent anti-Buddhist demonstra-
tions in Quang; Ngai, in Dalat and in Saigon.
They have inspired repeated statements em-
phasizing the dangers of elections.
Indeed, the election campaign is already
shaping up as a struggle between the gov-
ermnent, on the one hand, and the Buddhists
on the other, for the support of the Catholics
and the local notables of Saigon and the
delta region. As a matter of fact, the win-
ning combination will probably be a coali-
tion of the present government, the Catholic
refugees and the old-fashioned notables of
the South. In that case, it seems to me that
the essentially political struggle in South
Vietnam will have been lost.
But it also seems to me that there is a
dim chance of promoting the alliance be-
tween Catholic moderates and militant
Buddhists from which so much could flow.
That chance depends to a large extent on
what the United States does, or does not do,
in the period leading up to the elections
and to that subject I will devote the conclud-
ing column in this series.
[From the Washington Post, May 11, 1966]
(By Joseph Kraft)
SAIGON.-Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge's
return to the United States is happily timed.
For the central theme of his consultations
will have to be the coming elections in Viet-
nam. And on that score Washington has a
huge contribution to make to American
thinking here In Saigon.
Without outside help, indeed, the Ameri-
can mission here is almost incompetent to
frame a broad approach to the elections. For
One thing, the mission is preoccupied with
the day-to-day not so say minute-to-minute,
business of supporting the war effort.
The emphasis is on moving goods and peo-
ple, arranging appointments, making tele-
phone calls and other tedious administrative
tasks. That emphasis leaves little, if any,
scope for thinking big. In consequence, the
American mission here has yet to develop a
coherent program for dealing with the elec-
tions and their predictable problems.
Precisely because the mission is so much
geared to doing business, it tends to favor
people in power who can get the job done.
That is how such diverse figures as the late
President Ngo Dinh Diem, former Premier
Nguyen Khanh, and, now, Marshal Nguyen
Cao Ky all acquired virtually unconditional
American support.
By the same token, the focus on getting
things done puts a discount on uncertainty.
But a free election is uncertainty writ
large-a leap in the dark. It is thus pre-
cisely the kind of thing the American mis-
sion in Saigon does not like to think about.
Already the unease of the mission here in
the presence of an election prospect has
yielded two exceedingly damaging impres-
And in large measure, Washington's work
during the consultations with Ambassador
Lodge should develop a means for dissipat-
ing these bad impressions.
First, there is, rightly or wrongly, a wide-
spread impression among both Americans
and Vietnamese in Saigon that the United
States is opposed to free elections. This
feeling at this time is exceedingly dangerous.
For insofar as they believe that the United
States has misgivings about elections, by so
much the Vietnamese military leaders in
office will be tempted to stage a coup or
phony coup designed to head off the elec-
There is also a widespread impression that
if the United States does accept elections,
it is only in order to provide a flg-leaf of
legitimacy to the present military regime.
This impression is reinforced by rumors of
covert American efforts to set up some polit-
ical notable from Saigon or the delta region
as a front for the present military leaders.
It is further reinforced by rumors of Ameri-
can efforts. to line up a majority of refugee
Catholics, nationalist parties, and members
of the Hoa Hao and Cao Dai religious sects
to support the government against the Bud-
dhist militants under Bonze Tich Tri Quang.
The mere prevalence of these rumors,
whether they are true or not, works against
the American interest. For the rumors lend
color to the. suspicion that the United States
is not in favor of a free choice in South
Vietnam, that, instead, the United States
only wants a regime that will continue to
sponsor the war.
Even if the schemes attributed to the
Americans here could be brought off, they
could not yield lasting results. For the
present government plus a politicalized front
would fence out not only the Buddhists but
the whole central region of South Vietnam.
And the center, which has been the source of
the present trouble, would react by making
even more trouble.
The true American interest, in fact, lies
in the one thing the American mission here
finds it most difficult to contemplate. It lies
in making a leap in the dark-in fostering a
process that will give free play to local polit-
ical forces. And the starting point for that
process can be the coming elections.
But that means unrigged elections.
It means elections which hold out the
possibility of a passage of power to a new
government based on an alliance of the
moderate Catholics of the South and the
militant Buddhists of the Center.
It means elections from which there could
at least develop a meaningful political
The consultations with Ambassador
Lodge can be a success only if they advance
the prospect for honest elections, only if
they make clear beyond any doubt the Ameri-
can commitment of free choice in South
[From the New York Times, May 10, 1966]
Premier Ky's announced intention of hold-
ing Office for another year, despite the promise
of elections this fall, reduces his chances of
doing so. His own Government has felt
obliged to censor this latest evidence of
political ineptitude out of the Saigon press
in an effort to avoid new Buddhist demon-
strations. And the Buddhist leaders, who
fortunately are reacting with restraint, are
undoubtedly right In their judgment that
the elections will determine the outcome,
not Marshal Ky.
Whether the Constituent Assembly elected
in the fall limits itself to the task of drafting
a constitution-as the military junta de-
sires-or pronounces itself a legislative as-
sembly, its existence is bound to alter the
political context. The Ky Government will
be unable to ignore the views of a popularly
elected body if the elections are fair and the
Assembly is generally accepted as representa-
Th real issues are whether the elections
will be held on schedule and whether they
can be organized in a fashion that produces
a popularly accepted result. Ambassador
Lodge's vaguely expressed reservations about
the elections unfortunately have provided
encouragement to those elements in South
Vietnam which wear a Buddhist victory and
want the voting postponed-through a mili-
tary coup, If necessary. If the elections are
called off or rigged, the damage in world
opinion would be exceeded only by the de-
structive effect on political cohesion in Sai-
gon itself.
Mr. Lodge's visit to Washington this week
provides an opportunity for the Administra-
tion to remove any doubts about where the
United States stands. An unequivocal state-
ment is needed, but it cught to go beyond
mere words. The most useful contribution
would be a decision to seek international
observation-and, preferably, supervision-
of the entire electoral process from the cur-
rent drafting of an electoral law through the
campaign and the actual balloting.
Senator RIBICOFF has proposed that Presi-
dent Johnson invite the United Nations to
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[From the Hartford Courant]
South Vietnam, Premier Ky's weekend as-
sertion that he intends to stay in power at
least another year brought a swift reaction
both in Saigon and Washington. In Saigon,
the physical evidence of the reaction was the
prompt prohibition of any domestic publica-
tion of the statement, dramatized by the
blank spaces in the first pages of the news-
In Washington, the news brought Secre-
tary Rusk to the TV screen on Sunday to
insist that the news stories in the American
press Sunday morning were misinterpreta-
tions of what Premier Ky had actually said.
On Monday, he told the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee that, while the text of the
statement he had was incomplete, it had been
misinterpreted to mean that the General
would not step down after a civilian govern-
ment was established.
What the incident did establish was evi-
dence of the tenseness in both Saigon and
Washington over the political prospects in
South Vietnam. And it lends point to Sena-
tor RIBICOFF's suggestion, repeated in Hart-
ford Sunday, that the State Department seri-
ously consider his suggestion that it call on
the General Assembly of the United Nations
to lend a hand in supervising the elections
there next fall.
For 67B 00400070011- ~
RW(ffi . 8R 7 ff ~I2ay YN, 1966
take on this task through a special session of
the General Assembly. This suggestion de-
serves thorough discussion with Secretary
General Thant and other U.N. members.
Some form of international supervision
could help assure that the election results
will not be contested. More important, it
would set a valuable precedent for the
broader elections, including the Commu-
arists, that ultimately will be needed to
achieve a peaceful settlement of the Viet-
nam conflict.
[From the Hartford Times, May 9, 1966]
Premier Ky's expectation that he will re
taro power into 1967 and his evident hesi-
tancy to commit himself to abide by the out-
come of the proposed election may bring dis-
orderly Vietnamese protests. The results
hoped of the election may have been com-
But if the plans for it are pursued and the
exercise of the popular will is to have any
substantial meaning-or even an opportunity
to be meaningful-more thought and prepa-
ration must be given to the election ma-
For it would be witless to rely on the
outcome of an election as a solution of South
Vietnam's governmental problems when that
election still has only the slightest prospect
of being organized.
Senator RIaICOFF's call for U.N. supervision
of the election process summons sense to a
hectic situation.
This is true because the prospective elec-
tions are not to be conducted under such
auspices of order as govern some similar
event in Connecticut. The Vietnam ballot-
ing must take place in a nation torn, ter-
rorized and shattered by a vicious guerrilla
war, a nation lacking experience with cam-
paigniag or national election procedure.
Iii view of those conditions, Senator RIBI-
CoFF in a major policy speech has asked that
President Johnson personally fend the full
prestige of the United States to a request
that the UN assign observers for the Viet
Nam voting.
The intention is to insure by the inter-
national presence, insofar as is possible, the
validity of the election process and its out-
In response to Senator RIBICOFF's initiative,
doubt has been expressed that the UN can
arrange to assist. Certainly the arrangement
would be difficult to make.
Yet, without such disinterested supervi-
sion, is hard to imagine the holding of an
election, much less to have confidence in its
result. Without safeguards, the most ex-
treme pressures would be employed in an
attempt to make sure that this was anything
except a free and open decision. The in-
clusiveness of the election is another point.
For example, as the Senator notes, only 2D
per cent of South Viet Nam's 16 million peo-
ple live in urban centers where, presumably
the government alone might offer personal
safety to those who went to the polls.
The masterful and perceptive analysis of
the Viet Nam problem offered by Senator
RIBIcoFF in his speech lends weight to his
plea that at this decisive time, the best pos-
sible expression of the will of the people of
Viet Nam be obtained.
Senator RxBrcoFF supports President John-
son, but he is convinced of "the powerless-
ness of sheer power" to effect a settlement in
Viet Nam.
He asserts that our military, diplomatic
and soclo-economic assistance programs
there are all drained down by local political
Instability arising from government that
lacks consent as expressed by the people.
It seems to us, as it does to Senator RIBI-
core, that the proposed election offers op-
portunity to certify Vietnamese opinion and
thereby solve some of the vast uncertainty
and instability that surround the United
States relation with South Viet Nam.
[From the Middletown (Conn.) Press, May 7,
. 1966]
Senator ABRAHAM RIBICOFF's call for United
Nations supervision of the forthcoming elec-
tions in Viet Nam is an inspired suggestion.
It would give currency to the validity of the
elections, it would involve the prestige of the
U.N. In the outcome, and It would tend to
stabilize the date on which the elections
would be held.
As Connecticut's junior Senator put it:
"The elections must be held. But let us
face reality. Under the supervision of the Ky
government, the results would be challenged
and rejected by the other elements of the
Viet Nam power struggle. Elections super-
vised by the Buddhists-as Tri Quang has
proposed-would be equally unacceptable
to the military, the Catholics and other
groups. Poliwatchers supported by the
United States alone would also be unsatis-
factory. The tides of colonialism have long
since receded, leaving a residue of strong
suspicion of Western man.
"There is a clear need for objective outside
supervision of the forthcoming election.
That kind of supervision and that kind of
objectivity can come only from an interna-
tional presence.
"There is no magic method that will as-
sure the international presence needed-we
must work, and work hard toward that goal.
"First, we must request that a special ses-
sion of the United NationsGeneral Assembly
be called.
`Second, we should introduce in that spe-
cial session a resolution requesting that
United Nations observers be assigned to the
forthcoming elections in South Viet Nam.
"Third-and most important-we should
lend the full prestige of the United States to
this effort. I can think of no better way to
present the case to the U.N. than in the per-
son of President Lyndon B. Johnson-who
has demonstrated time and again his un-
swerving devotion to the cause of peace.
"The elections should be held within areas
which can. reasonably be secured against via-
lence and intimidation, and where the U.N.
observers can gain access to assure impa '-
"We must work toward the establishment
of a strong-stable-and independent gov-
ernment in South Viet Nam. Let us at least
recognize that the elections offer the chance
to begin."
In his speech, Senator Rrsscolw also pointed
out that the pacification program now stands
on a tenuous base because the peasant is
not really assured that he plays a role in
his government. We could commit a rail-
lion men in Viet Nam, he said, stamp out the
Viet Cong, and still lose the war. All this is
quite true, and anything that the United
States can bring about to insure the credibil-
ity of the elections, both within Viet Nam and
without, will contribute to a shortening of
the war.
[From the New Britain (Conn.) Herald,
May 7, 1966]
Senator ABRAHAM A. RIBICOFF has fired off
his second major Senate floor speech in
3 months on the subject of Viet Nam, and this
message, like his first, deserves a careful
The Senator carefully traces the parallel
military and political efforts to sustain
South Vietnamese independence, and casts
his lot with the political program as being
most likely to produce the desired goal of
achieving a Vietnamese society capable of
governing itself and maintaining a semblance
of control of the countryside.
He said, "Let me clearly state my belief:
No solution to the problems of Viet Nam is
possible without political stability-which
must in turn be based on institutions which
can accommodate the conflicts between di-
vergent groups within the society of Viet
Nam. Such institutions have developed in
the West over the course of the centuries.
South Viet Nam faces the incredible task of
compressing the political experience of gen-
erations into several months."
To that end, RIBIcorF advocates United
Nations presence during the elections; and
that the elections be held only in those parts
of Viet Nam where there is "reasonable" as-
surance that balloting can be conducted
without Viet Cong interference. To em-
phasize the importance of such U.N. super-
vision, RIBICOFF proposes that President
Johnson personally should go to the U.N.
and appeal for its involvement in the
In effect, RIBICOFF has consolidated a major
idea that is being discussed in Washington,
and has put it into proper focus. The two
major variants to the U.N. supervision theme
which were suggested by RraIcoFE'--the Presi-
dent's appeal and the limiting of voting to
"safe" areas-both make consummate good
If the U.N. 115-member nation General
Assembly cannot fulfill this obligation, then
its value in this strife-torn world will have
become so diminished as to be worthless.
Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. President, I
submit, for appropriate reference, an
amendment in the nature of a substitute
for S. 2916. I previously introduced
S. 2916 as a vehicle to promote discussion
and as a background for the extensive
hearings by the Committee on Com-
Those hearings have been completed.
The Library of Congress has prepared
a special report on the subject of weather
modification which I have presented. to
the Senate. The Committee on Com-
merce, thus far, has developed extensive
knowledge on the subject.
S. 2916 has served its purpose. Re-
flecting what our hearings have revealed
and what the Library of Congress pre-
pared, I now offer the amendment in the
nature of a substitute. I ask unanimous
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Approved ForR~l~s~af/ ~7B IQ0400070011-9May 12, 1966
ress. We, in our time, will be stronger and
better when we weave back more brilliantly
into our own fabric of thought and heart the
epic days and deeds of our forebears and of
our immortal great. As someone said one
hundred years ago when we pushed the fron-
tiers of Freedom out to the Pacific and built
this great country, "The cowards never
started and the weak never arrived." I hope
history will write a favorable verdict of us,
but what we need are more strong men with
convictions throughout this nation if we are
going to arrive at the dawn of the coming
century intact.
Remember, at the age of only one hundred
ninety years, our country is the oldest and
proudest symbol of liberty in the world.
Forty years after our Revolution we had
ejected the British a second time. Then
President Monroe told everybody else, in-
cluding the Russians, to keep out of the
Western Hemisphere. They did.
Another forty years, and our own sad con-
flict ended, we had to tell the French to get
out of Mexico. They did.
Another forty years and we ejected the
Spanish from Cuba, and told the Germans
in no' uncertain terms to stay out of Vene-
zuela. They did.
Then on twenty-year cycles, we fought two
World Wars to insure our freedom and hemi-
spheric solidarity. We did.
Now, after another twenty years, our Cuban
front yard is a playground for the "dead-
end kids" and termites are in the woodwork
from Passamaquoddy to Panama and Pata-
gonia. I, for one, deplore this low state of
American affairs.
The threat from Cuba today exceeds the
one that existed in 1962, in my opinion. The
and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Teddy Roosevelt from the class struggle within the nations
and Douglas MacArthur, Longfellow and Will concerned; and that the wars t? win national
Durant, Victor Herbert and Gershwin, Edison independence in Asia, Latin America, and
and Henry Ford and a host of others, big Africa were "originally linked" to the fight
and little, who lived (and a million who for genuine "democracy" waged against
died) to give us the United States of America domestic "feudal" and other "reactionary
we know today, forces, agents of imperialism."
With due regard and regret for, both our Many critics in this country have re-
past failures and our yet incomplete vic-
tories, we need apologize to no one for the peatedly stated that in their view the war
causes we have advanced so greatly for the in Vietnam is essentially a civil war, and
benefit of mankind. We must not lose our the National Liberation Front is an in-
pride in accomplishment nor our loyalty to digenous movement seeking to achieve
the ideals that made us great. The protec- real national independence.
tion, the prosperity, and the progress of our Professor van Der Kroef rejects this
country demand our fullest dedication, view, and concludes by stating that-
these struggle goals. and efforts if we are to achieve Seen from Hanoi, the Vietnam war aims
This struggle will yet be won by the su- not simply at driving American forces out, or
pterior spirit, determination and tenacity at establishing some kind of "truly inde-
of the victor. I hope it will be our side. If pendent" government in Saigon, as one some-
not, God knows we will deserve our fate. times hears. DRV war aims go far beyond
Greater devotion to the true spirit of Amer- this and encompass, according to the pro-
ica and continued expansion of the phenom- nouncements of its own leaders, a phased
enal moral and industrial power of the social and, economic revolution in the South,
United States of America would be among in tandem with the North and directed to-
the most reassuring signs that this country ward the creation of a Communist state.
and the Free World, under God, will not fail. All who urge an American withdrawal
On this day that so symbolizes the beginning should understand that were this to be
of our struggle for freedom, with the security done, all freedom and hope of future
of our country still challenged from without
and threatened from within, let us pause to freedom in South Vietnam would die. A
remember with calmness and good judgment Communist tyranny would descend upon
that the nation we love will only remain that country, free speech would end, and
the land of the free as long as it continues the slaughter of all those who dared to
to be the home of the brave- and that means resist would ensue.
every dedicated American. i 1A1 Since I feel that Dr van Der Kroef's
overt withdrawal by Khrushchev then, has DR. VAN DER KROEF'S ANALYSIS
permitted the covert installation of major OF VIETNAM
offensive and defensive installations since
then, according to many on-site observations Mr. DODD. Mr. President, our per-
and, reports that cannot be disregarded but spective with regard to the nature of the
I have cannot not been believe our denied intelligence is so Government. poor war in Vietnam is often one-sided. We
that these claims cannot be checked. What are correct in understanding this war as
is at San Andres? A major underground an attempt by world communism to ex-
i sile installation? A its influence and control through
in s
analysis is so important for all of us
to understand and ponder, I wish to share
it with my colleagues, and ask unani-
mous consent to insert it into the REc-
ORD at this point.
There being no objection, Dr. van Der
Kroef's analysis was ordered to be print-
ed in the RECORD, as follows:
(By Justus M. van der Kroef).
control center. major
Are the Soviet submarine pens at Nipe Bay the tactic of movements of "national (NOTE.-Professor Justus M. van der Kroef
completed? What is going on at the Margot liberation." This is what Communist is Chairman of the Department of Political
Mines? Are we blind to the threat of a ma- leaders have repeatedly told us about Fellow at the Research Institute on Com-
jor Communist headquarters now operating munist Affairs, Columbia University.)
in Cuba to create chaos and anarchy Vietnam, and these are the stakes we In recent months, various published state-
throughout our hemisphere? have properly understood to be involved ments by the leaders of the Democratic
Let us remember, among the interesting in that country. Republic of Vietnam (DRV) and of its
ments by the leaders of the Democratic
words of Rudyard Kipling, the following, Yet there are two distinct revolutions the Liberation of South Vietnam (commonly
perhaps prophetic verse: occurring in Vietnam, both of which are known as the National Liberation Front, or
"Fenced by your careful fathers, ringed by essential if the Communists are to NL,F), have outlined a comprehensive and
your leaden seas, achieve their stated goal. One is to re- interlocking set of Communist objectives
Long did ye wake in quiet and long lie down move American influence from southeast in the Vietnam war. These go much be-
at ease; - Asia and destroy the established govern- yond the mere withdrawal of United States
Given to strong delusion, wholly believing ments in that region. The other is to forces from South Vietnam, the cessation of
a lie, transform these states into Communist atacks on the North, or even American
Ye saw that the land lay fenceless, and yet dictatorships, just as China and North recognition of the NLF as the sole bargain-
let the months go by . Vietnam have been transformed into tag representative of the South Vietnamese
But ye say, `It will mar our comfort.' people. Seen from Hanoi, the Vietnam war
Ye say, ''Twill 'minish our trade.' such tyrannies. has far-reaching domestic and international
De ye wait for the spattered shrapnel ere ye Justus M. van der Kroef, chairman implications that must be taken into ac-
learn how a gun is laid . of the department of political science at count in whatever settlement is eventually
For the low, red glare to southward when the University of Bridgeport and senior reached in the area. This article attempts
the raided coast-towns burn? fellow at the Research institute on Com- an analysis of Hanoi's view of the Vietnam
(Light ye shall have on that lesson, but war as projected in Communist doctrinal
little time to learn)." munist Affairs at Columbia University, terms by leaders of the DRV.
has clarified these dual aims in a recent n
It is fitting, as we contemplate our serious article in "Vietnam Perspectives." To begin with, the official United States
domestic and international problems and He points out that- position that North Vietnam is committing
gaze the critical months ahead, that we
appraise ppraise again our humble beginning and This dual aim of the war in the aggression against South Vietnam, that
shore up our nobility of purpose if we are South * * * is for Democratic Republic of North and South are two separate states, and
to gauge successfully the rough course down Vietnam leaders not simply relevant to Viet- that the war in Vietnam is therefore not a
the road ahead. While I regret all the un- nam alone, but is generally characteristic of "civil war," finds needless to say no accept-
happiness in this world, I refuse to be brain- all "anti-imperialist" or "national libera- ance in Hanoi. An exchange between the
washed by those who seek to instill in us tion" struggles now going on in the world. NLF Central Committee and the Vietnam
a feeling of guilt by association for every Le Duan, chairman of the Lao Dong Party Fatherland Front (the predecessor of the
maladjusted and unhappy person who exists and one of the DRV's top theoreticians, ad- NLF and now little more than a paper
or every unfortunate incident that occurs. dressing a central committee session of his organization) on war aims, published in
Let us build up pride by association in- party in December 1963, said that the na- March 1965, affirms the essential indivisi-
stead-pride to be countrymen of leaders tional struggle against imperialism evident bility of the county and the war. "Vietnam
like Washington and Lincoln, Tom Marshall in the modern world could not be separated is one, the Vietnamese people are one.
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overly disturbed about such explosive devel- quilizers to help us ignore our problems, but evolved to date. I hope we have a strategy
opments because the tenets and goals of we do need a moral adrenalin to stimulate equal to the threat. We must strive to
Communism are changing. This is untrue us to solve them courageously. The erosion maintain an adequate deterrent and build
and highly dangerous, of the moral integrity of Western man is too a defensive capability of suitable magnitude.
We must indeed beware of the machina- prevalent to ignore. It pervades our atmos- We must push new weapons systems and
tions emanating from the Pugwash con- phere like a poisonous fog. No kind of air counter measures.
ferences, the Fabian Socialists and the One pollution is as dangerous as this one. We Military procurement must be greatly ex-
Worlders. They, rather than the card-carry- are being numbed by mounting violations of panded. I do not intend to discuss short-
ing Communists, constitute the major in- our ethical, as well as our criminal, codes in ages publicly but even an optimist would
ternal threat to our Republic today. I see official, adult and adolescent life. Our sense know there are areas where no surplus or
nothing on the world scene today that would of individual pride and responsibility is fad- reserves exist. Troopwise, our strategic re-
permit the relinquishment of one iota of ing in the expanding grasp pf a welfare state. serve is already depleted and we are assum-
our sovereignty or the reduction of a bal- After twenty years of so-called contain- ing risks no military commander would
anced military superiority by one jot or tittle. ment, there is hardly a section of the Free countenance. The demands in Southeast
We should be just as assiduous in guarding World's frontier that is not overtly or covertly Asia must not blind us to the dangers in
our power as we are in avoiding belligerency. being eroded or penetrated today. Only the our own front yard or on a second front
We must explain, again and again, that the torch left in Castro's hands could have light- anywhere.
possession of power is not synonymous with ed the fires in Panama and Guantanamo From a standpoint of cost-effectiveness,
the use of force but that aggression will be that smoulder throughout. Latin America. Newsweek mentions a United States cost of
dealt with firmly. Only our dilatory tactics in Korea fourteen $375,000 per Viet Cong casualty. This is
Our goal must still be to reduce or elimi- years ago permitted Red China to challenge startling as we certainly aren't fighting a
nate Communist imperialism as a threat to uss in Southeast Asia as she does today. Un- war of attrition. Are we using the right
world peace by all means short of war. Some challengeable power and determination to weapons systems? The right strategy? How
of our policies In this regard are hard to stop further erosion and preserve ourselves about sealing off Haiphong by blocking or
understand as we provide aid and comfort and western civilization is the priceless in- blockading the harbor since at least 75 per-
to our self-declared enemy. We even relieve gredient to any successful solution. Any cent of enemy supplies arrive by sea in both
internal pressures on the Russians and weakening of our present relative nuclear de- Communist and "friendly" ships? The
Chinese by feeding their people and ex- terrent or conventional military power in the principal logistic support comes from Rus-
pediting the buildup of their industrial base face of this challenge could be devastating. sia, not China, of course. Such is peaceful
to compete with ours at a time when they are Neither magic "black-boxes" nor the Ouija co-existence, but we still ship them wheat
involved in military operations against us. board of disarmament can give the solution and industrial plants.
We see our Government defied by young to this struggle.
Likewise, one of our leading columnists
men, indoctrinated by Communist propa- Today, change is more rapid and meaning- says we "lost the war in North Korea." That
ganda, mutilating their draft cards and ful than in any period during the past five is not true. We didn't lose it. We could
demonstrating against an established foreign hundred years, at least. This situation is have won it. Instead, we let the Chinese
policy which affects our very life's blood. typified by not only the dramatic fading of "Off the hook" and are now paying for it in
Can you believe that the demonstrations the boundaries of empires, but by the ever- Viet Nam, thirteen years later.
increasing rate of obsolescence of both com-
against our involvement in Viet Nam, which mercial products and military weapons and I rise to defend General of the Army
appeared on our college campuses and around by ventures beyond the long-standing Douglas MacArthur. His assurance that
the world on the same day, were not orga- even frontier of the atmosphere. China hina would not intervene in Korea was
nized and directed from some central head- based on his justified confidence that he
quarters? Where was it? In Cuba? The The explosion of science and technology could smother them in Manchuria if they
demonstrators, for the most part, are beatle- has opened doors never dreamed of a few did. He didn't know his hands were to be
haired, misguided misfits looking for an out- years ago. In the nuclear field as well as in tied by making it a sanctuary, nor would he
let for their energies. space, all of us, both friend and foe are ever have thought that perhaps the Chinese
While they are a minority, our task today still infants. For one thing, we have. no way knew this when he didn't. Now the Bay of
is to get Communism out of our schools and of determining how much we don't know. Tonkin is their sanctuary as our Navy
to get Americanism back into them. Our More important to our security, we don't watches the ships go by.
traditional type of education has always know how much our potential enemies do Today is a time when our country faces
sought to develop the mind and to build char- know, or how long it will be before-or even the gravest, crisis in its history. In Cuba,
acter, to encourage self-reliance and engender if--they know more than we know today. Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East,
a competitive spirit that brings out the best I am concerned that their 1962 tests may Latin America-or you name it-the fires
efforts of which each is capable. The so- have provided them knowledge that seri- are burning beneath the thin veneer of
called progressive system submerges the in- ously degrades our deterrent power today. civilization and order we enjoy. It seems to
dividual in the group, disregards character With our vision limited to a second-strike me that unless leading citizens like you-
and faith in God, and eliminates competition missile system, we may be as wrong as France in business-with the utmost seriousness and
as a spur to initiative. If democracy is only was in depending on their Maginot line. dedication-engage more actively in urging
to be the triumph of such mediocrity, God The blind ban on high altitude nuclear test- our Government to face the challenging prob-
help us. ing and on the development and testing of lems before us, America and the whole Free
You must be aghast at the widespread ef- nuclear devices in space for deterrence and World can suffer the most dire consequence.
forts to declare that "God is dead." defense may have been disastrous to our na- We still have a Congress that must listen.
You needn't be. The scientific atheist is tion's security as the failure to guard our Communism, Socialism and the One World
more dangerous to our society than the Rus- freedom with continuing vigilance and tour- proponents of health, wealth and happiness-
elan Communists or our own Fabian Social- age along our far-flung earth-bound defense for-all fear a fully-awakened America and
ists. their No. 1 effort is to lull us to sleep.
This effort to destroy the remaining shreds People talk-but only talk-about our nu- It is the anomaly of our times that while
of ethics and morals on which our Christian clear defenses against enemy missiles and Cecil Rhodes failed to found an African em-
civilization and the culture and progress of satellites. What nuclear defenses? We have pire, the country named for him is fighting
the modern world were built, is the most none. We are naked. We have even offered for its freedom while some of the dynasty
insidious challenge of our times. To claim the Russians an agreement never to build enriched by his scholarships here are trying
that this universe has no Creator but devel- any. The Nike system-imperfect though it to give our sovereignty away,
oped from the hydrogen atom leaves at least may be-is our best hope today but it is not We must also beware of domestic policies
one very important and fundamental ques- in production. Had the same criteria of that destroy individual, local and State iden-
tion unanswered. Who created hydrogen? perfection before production been applied tities and initiative by overcentralization of
Let us bow our heads- in humility and to our other major weapons systems or space government. Brainwashing is not confined
shame before a Creator on whose mercy, even ventures over the last decade-we would to enemy prison camps. When the distinc-
more than his justice, all life on this planet have nothing today-not even early warn- tion between patriots and traitors grows dim
depends. ing. The growth potential of this basic in the public mind, as it seems to do today,
As General MacArthur--God bless him- - system to defeat missiles and even satellites the doctrine of Marx and the techniques of
said, "There is no substitute for victory." is our best hope for an effective nuclear de- Pavlov have made their imprint. Maybe
The law of life is one of struggle. All the fense tomorrow. Today we are the world's Johnny can't read but I am sure you can,
world knows this, but in this favored seg- greatest nuclear nudist colony. and the handwriting is on the wall and in
ment of the world we, as a people, seem to Recently, the Soviet displayed some new the papers.
be forgetful. With three billion people un- anti-missile missiles. They continue to The keys to our survival are still faith-
like even in their fingerprints, the dawn of a make remarkable advances in space. If they not fear; firmness-not fuzziness; courage---
Utopia full of milk and honey is still only are concentrating their current resources on not complacency; patriotism-not patronage;
a social scientist's dream. Struggle Is a cross the production and deployment of such a and sacrifice-not selfishness. The clarion
mankind is destined to bear as long as the system, building an assault base In Cuba call to be bold, decisive, creative, and morally
world exists. It will never be made of foam . and placing supermegaton warheads on near- strong is as clear as it was to our forefathers
rubber, nor will the psychiatrist's couch ever earth, orbiting, maneuverable satellites, we through the long painful decades when they
replace it. We don't need any more tran- are facing the greatest threat that has stood alone and fought for liberty and prog-
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North and South Vietnam are of the same
family ... the heart cannot but suffer when
the hand is cut. That the people in North
Vietnam should be resolved to fulfill their
duty towards their kith-and-kin in South
Vietnam fully conforms to sentiment and
reason." To this NLF pronouncement, the
Vietnam Fatherland Front quickly re-
~sponded that "Vietnam Is a single territory
from Lang 'Son to Point Ca Mau," and noted
that the defense of "our Fatherland" is the
sacred duty "of our 30 million-odd people,"
that is, of the combined_ populations of
North and South'
For Hanoi the paramountcy of national
unity in turn requires reciprocal military
assistance as between North and South. In
September 1965 Nguyen Van Vinh, chairman
of the DRV State Committee for Reunifica-
tion, declared that "if the defense of the
North is the bounden duty of our Southern
compatriots, in return the support given
to the South is the sacred duty of our
Northern people. Vietnam is one, the Viet-
namese people is one." The NLF statement
of March 1965 also included among its ob-
jectives the duty not only "to liberate South
Vietnam," but also to "defend the North"
with a view to the reunification of' the
fatherland." 3
But the emphasis on the oneness of Viet-
nam and on the requirement of mutual mili-
tary assistance does not mean that, from
Hanoi's point of view, the nature of the
struggle is exactly the same in North and
South. In, the North there already exists a
Communist "people's democratic govern-
ment," while in the South there does not.
This creates significant tactical differences
which DRV spokesmen, along with their
appeals to unity, have stressed over and over
again. Necessarily, it also influences Hanoi's
view of the war. Various signed or unsigned
articles in Hoc Tap, the theoretical journal
of the Central Committee of the Lao Dong
(Workers) Party, the Communist Party of
the DRV, have explored the implications of
the . "two aspects of the gigantic struggle
put up by all our people," that is, "The
Socialist construction carried out in the
North" as opposed to "the revolutionary
struggle waged by our compatriots in the
South." 3 This difference is not simply a
semantic exercise, but goes to the root of
Communist theory and hence of DRV views
as to the nature of the war, and the appro-
priate strategy and tactics for prosecuting
it. Although on the one hand the struggles
in North and South are considered to be
"mutually complementary and must be
closely coordinated," on the other hand the
North is seen as having already overcome
certain difficulties on the road toward Com-
munist development while the South has
1 March 22, 1965, statement of the Central
Committee of the NLF, and March 27, 1965,
reply by the Central Committee of the Viet-
nam Fatherland Front, in Vietnam Courier
(Hanoi), no. 23, April 3, 1965, pp. 5-6. In
his interview with the British correspondent
Felix Greene on November 24, 1965, He Chi
Minh reportedly ridiculed the notion, that
North Vietnam had been committing ag-
gression against South Vietnam, declaring
that "Vietnam is one" and the "the Vietna-
mese people are one, children of the same
fatherland." The New York Times, Decem-
ber, 19, 1965.
2 Nguyen Van Vinh, "How Should the Most
Correct Solution to the Vietnam Problem be
Understood?", Vietnam Courier, no. 36, Sep-
tember 23, 1965, p. 4, and March 22, 1965,
NLF statement in Vietnam Courier, no. 23,
April 3, 1965, p. 6.
& On The Prob,jem of War and Peace (For-
eign Languages-Publishing House, Hanoi,
1964), p. 93. The citation is to an article
in the January 1964 issue of Hoc Tap, which
together with three other Hoc Tap articles
has been reprinted in this volume.
not. Therefore "the. building of the North
itself cannot replace the resolution of the
inherent social contradictions of South Viet
As early as September 1960, the Central
Committee of the Lao Dong Party declared
that "the revolution for the liberation of
the South" involves a "solution of the two
basic contradictions" existing in the South:
first, the contradiction between the people
of the South and the "aggressive imperialists,
above all the U.S. imperialists and their
henchmen;" and secondly, the contradiction
between the people of the South, "especially
the peasants" and "the feudal landlord
class." 5 This means that the war from the
DRV point of view must be prosecuted not
only in purely military terms in order to
defeat the United States and its South Viet-
namese "henchmen," but also In terms of
certain, socio-economic reforms. Among
these one of the most important is the land
tenure question, which, in customary Com-
munist jargon, stands for a whole range
of problems typical of a country still pre-
sumably in a socially backward agrarian
stage. The disparities between North and
South, - and the double aspect of the strug-
gle in the South, have remained standard
dichotomies in DRV and NLF pronounce-
ments. At a recent scientific symposium in
Peking, for example, Professor Nguyen Van
Hieu, Central Committee member of the
NLF, described South Vietnam as "a back-
ward agricultural region subject to im-
perialist domination and at the same time
semi-feudal in character. The national lib-
eration struggle in South Vietnam is there-
fore closely linked with the struggle for the
liberation of the peasants." a
North and South thus are considered to
represent different levels of political and eco-
nomic development, as generally indicated by
Communist revolutionary theory today. Ac-
cording to such theory, for example, the "na-
tional democratic" revolution precedes the
socialist revolution; the former is waged
against "imperialism" and "feudalism." the
latter against those class obstacles (at home
and abroad) which may still resist the com-
plete socialist transformation of state and
society? The national democratic revolu-
tion ends, according to Communist theory,
with the complete dominance of the local
Communist Party. As one Lao Dong Cen-
tral Committee member put it during the
Third Congress of the Party. "The North,
completely liberated, has achieved the peo-
ples national democratic revolution and is en-
tering the period of transition to socialism.
But the South is still under the yoke of the
impelialists and feudalists," and hence the
"people's revolutionary task" lies in promot-
' ing the "socialist revolution in the North,
and at the same time the national peoples
democratic revolution in the South." 6
It may seem superfluous to emphasize the
implications of this DRV position. But in
4 Nguyen Chi Tanh (a Lao Dong Politiburo
member), Who Will Win in South Vietnam?
(Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1963), p.
9. Originally published in the July 1963
issue of Hoc Tap.
5 Third National Congress of the Vietnam
Workers Party. Documents (Foreign Lan-
guages Publishing House, Hanoi, n.d.), vol.
1, p. 5.
U Nguyen Van Hieu, "Special War"-An
Outgrowth of Neo-Colonialism (Foreign
Languages Press, Peking, 1965), p. 15.
4 On the phase of "national democracy"
in Communist revolutionary theory, see J. M.
van der Kroef, "On National Democracv-
some Western quarters the operations of the
Viet Cong or the NLF are occasionally viewed
as if they are somehow divested of any ideol-
ogical character, except for a vaguely de-
scribed "nationalistic" or "anti-colonial"
commitment. The fact is that for Hanoi and
its Southern ancillaries, the purpose of the
war is not just a matter of winning a mili-
tary victory in a broadly nationalist cause.
It is also a question of bringing about the
complete transformation of South Vietnam-
ese society and economy, a transformation
predicated on the Communist concept of a
successful "national democratic" revolution
led by the Communist Party, and exemplified
by the experience of the North.
This dual aim of the war in the South, it
may also be noted, is for DRV leaders not
simply relevant to Vietnam alone, but is gen-
erally characteristic of all "anti-imperialist"
or "national liberation" struggles now go-
ing on in the world. Le Duan, chairman of
the Lao Don.g Party and one of the DRV's
top theoreticians, addressing a Central Com-
mittee session of his Party in December 1963,
said that the national struggle against im-
perialism evident in the modern world could
not be separated from the class struggle
within the nations concerned; and that the
wars to win national independence in Asia,
Africa, and Latin America were "originally
linked" to the fight for genuine "democ-
racy" waged against domestic "feudal" and
other "reactionary forces, agents of impe-
rialism." a It is not, moreover, a question of
postponing the desired transformation of so-
ciety until indepnedence has been won. On
the contrary, the "national liberation" strug-
gle must go hand in hand with the estab-
lishment of a "democracy" free from "feudal"
landlords and other bourgeois and imperialist
elements. In this connection, an interview
of General Vo Nguyen Giap, the victor of
Dien Bien Phu and the present DRV defense
minister, which was published in a recent
retrospective volume on the Dien Bien Phu
campaign, is instructive. Giap notes that al-
though, as the war against the French went
on, the techniques and equipment of his
forces improved, the truly decisive element
in bringing final victory, including the sur-
mounting of technical difficulties, was "the
political factor." Our army fought for just
political objectives." And what, Giap was
asked, did this political factor consist of?
The national consciousness and spirit, the
general replied, and went on to explain;10
"Our revolution is in the first place a na-
tional revolution. It is also a democratic
revolution. Our Party launched the agrarian
reform while the war was raging. Our sol-
diers were mostly poor peasants. During
their political studies each of them recalled
how he had been exploited, oppressed by the
feudal landlords * * * Our men at the front
received many letters from their wives, their
parents, Informing them of the agrarian re-
form then in full swing, describing their
joy and enthusiasm of the seething peasant
masses. Our Party ceaselessly inculcated in
our,troops a double consciousness: national
and class consciousness."
How effective the "agrarian reform" ac-
tually was, and what degree of enthusiasm
it may or may not have aroused in Giap's
forces, we can pass over here; in any case,
from Hanoi's point of view they are not
debatable. The point, again, is that the DRV
avowedly is not simply fighting a war for
national independence, but simultaneously
a struggle for the elimination of "feudal-
ism" and the bourgeois henchmen of "im-
perialism" in South Vietnam. The "double
consciousness" to which Giap refers, and
pp. 134-145, and "The Communist Concept
of 'National Democracy,"' Studies on the
Soviet Union, vol. 4 (1964), pp. 39-63.
8 Third National Congress of the Vietnam
Workers Party. Documents, op. cit., vol. 3,
p. 243.
9 Le Duan, On Some Present International
Problems (Foreign Languages Publishing
House, Hanoi, 1964), pp. 154-155.
10 Contribution to the History of Dien Bien
Phu," Vietnamese Studies (Xunhasaba,
Hanoi, 1965), no. 3, p. 20. Author's italics.
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with which Hanoi seeks to inculcate its fight-
ers, is but a reflection of this whole double
purpose of warfare. DRV reports, meanwhile,
continue to be fulsome in their praise of the
revolutionary social and economic changes
now being wrought in "the liberated zones
in South Vietnam" (that is, the areas under
NLF or Viet Cong control), noting the "bold
program of land reform," education and pub-
lic health services, and the new spirit being
fostered by "art ensembles" and "song and
dance troupes" in "every zone, province, dis-
trict or village," and so on11
The conceptual link between "national
liberation" and social reform in the context
of an "anti-imperialist" war cannot be sepa-
rated from the theoretical acceptance of the
role of violence currently voiced by DRV
leaders. This is not the place to appraise the
influence of the Sino-Soviet split on Hanoi,
or the impact of Peking's presumably more
militant approach in world affairs. But it
would appear from their published state-
ments that DRV spokesmen are wholly com-
mitted to the.proposition that violence is
the indispensible midwife of revolutionary
change. "Ruin and mourning," an already
cited Hoc Tap article asserts, "is caused by
capitalism, not by us. We do not tell the
people to remain with folded arms looking
helplessly at these ruins," but rather "we
tell them to rise up" and, if necessary, "to
wage revolutionary wars against capitalism
for our own salvation." Of course, in the
process of such resistance "ruin and mourn-
ing" will be inevitable. But only by making
such sacrifices can capitalism be eradicated.12
DRV military and political leaders have gen-
erally echoed this line. According to them,
the Lao Deng Party has always had a
thorough grasp of the Marxist-Leninist con-
cept of revolutionary violence and, indeed,
has consistently favored the use of violence
to overthrow reactionary and counter-
revolutionary elements, thus "enforcing" the
dictatorship of the proletariat. This tactic
has been, and still is, particularly necessary
in Vietnam. The Vietnamese Communist
movement arose in a colonial and "semi-
feudal" society whose rules drowned the
masses' struggle in blood; and very early it
was realized that in order to achieve their
self-liberation the people would have to fol-
low the path of armed struggle. Yet Viet-
nam is not a unique case in this respect.
The "national liberation" struggle in other
parts of Asia, and in Africa and Latin Amer-
ica, has been developing against a back-
ground very similar to Vietnam. Today "the
U.S. imperialists" face millions of people in
the world who have risen against them; and
like the people of South Vietnam, the
peoples of many countries realize that the
"imperialist aggressors" can only be dealt
with by means of popular violence11
Within the context of Hanoi's dual war
aims, this acceptance of the tactics of revo-
lutionary violence also applies to the social
and economic transformation sought by the
DRV in South Vietnam itself. Just as revo-
lutionary violence Is necessary to eliminate
the military resistance of the "imperialists"
and their "feudal" and bourgeois henchmen,
so violence may also be necessary to destroy
their social and economic resistance as well.
Again, "ruin and mourning" may accompany
this process of destruction, but this is un-
11 Vietnam Courier, no. 34, August 26, 1965,
p. 8.
12 "On the Problem of War and Peace, op
cit., p. 89.
l2 Major General Van Tien Dung (chief of
staff, Vietnam People's Army), "On the
Building of Our Revolutionary Armed
Forces," Vietnam Courier, no. 16, December
17, 1964, p. 4; and Pham Van Dong (DRV
prime minister), Vietnam Courier, no. 24,
April 15, 1965, p. 5.
avoidable if, as the above mentioned Hoc Tap
statement indicated, the people are to "be
spared forever of the ruins and mournings
caused by capitalism."
The theory that violence is inescapable in
the realization of revolutionary objectives at
home is inseparably linked with the DRV
concept of the international significance of
the Vietnam war, a linkage that may now
perhaps be briefly examined. At the outset,
it is necessary to stress the open acknowledg-
ment by DRV leaders of their theoretical debt
to Maoism. Such ideas as the use of the
peasantry as the "main force" of the revolu-
tion led by the proletariat, the reliance on
rural base areas and the encirclement of
cities by villages, the building of a broad
"anti-feudal" national front, and the con-
cept of protracted struggle, have all been spe-
flcaily acknowledged by no less a figure than
Le Duan as being of Chinese origin. "Chi-
nese revolutionary tactics are at present ex-
emplary tactics for many Communists in
Asia, Africa, and Latin America." By means
of the "creative" application of Chinese tac-
tics, Le Duan goes on, the Vietnamese Com-
munists have been able to guide their revolu-
tionary cause to victory.14
Not least because of the alleged similarities
in social and economic conditions among the
underdeveloped countries struggling against
American "imperialism," and the general ap-
plicability of them of Chinese revolutionary
tactics, DRV leaders have emphasized the
close identification of the Vietnam war with
"the World Peoples' Front against U.S. im-
perialism." 15 In a recent memorandum
castigating Washington's offer to hold uncon-
ditional discussions on the' Vietnam war,
Hanoi noted that the Vietnamese people were
not making sacrifices simply for their own
cause but "also for the freedom and inde-
pendence of other peoples, and for world
peace." 10 Indeed, the NLF avowedly con-
ceives one of its main tasks to be to "inter-
nationalise" its struggle, that is, to make the
people of South Vietnam fully aware that
their national liberation struggle is part of
the "common struggle" throughout the world
against imperialism and in favor of "demo-
cracy, peace, and social progress." It is no
small measure because of this international
emphasis that NLF leaders also declare their
movement to be the "genuine representative
and champion of the South Vietnamese peo-
ple's present basic interests and aspira-
tions." 17
Today, however, DRV spokesmen no longer
think of the Vietnam war simply as a single
salient in the "world people's" struggle
against American imperialism, but rather as
the principal testing ground of that struggle,
and hence as a prime example for the
anti-colonial and anti-imperialist movement
throughout the world. Hanoi's claims in this
respect are loudly supported by the Chinese
Communists. Peking's defense minister, Lin
Piao, in a widely noted address on China's
victory over the Japanese in World War II,
published early in September 1965, declared
that the "struggle of the Vietnamese people
against U.S. aggression and for national sal-
14 Le Duan, Some Questions Concerning
the International Tasks of Our Party (For-
eign Languages Press, Peking, 1964), p. 13.
Originally delivered before the Ninth Plenum
of the Third Central Committee of the Lao
Dong Party and published in the February
1964 issue of Hoc Tap.
15 See, for example, the report of Pham
Van Dong to the DRV National Assembly,
April 1965, in Against U.S. Aggression.
Main Documents of the National Assembly
of the D.R.V. 3rd Legislature-2nd Session
(Foreign Languages Publishing House, Hanoi,
It Vietnam Courier, special issue, Septem-
ber 23, 1965, p. 2.
17 Ibid., no. 29, June 17, 1965, p. 7.
vation is now the focus of the struggle of
the people of the world against U.S. aggres-
sion." 18 But more than a year before, Gen-
eral Gfap had already struck a similar note.
The "war for liberation" in South Vietnam,
he said, was setting an example for other na-
tional liberation movements in the way in
which a weak and small nation, by means of
stubborn struggle, could be victorious over
the American "imperialists" and their "spe-
cial war" (counterguerrilla) strategy. The
failure of the American "special war" effort
in South Vietnam, Giap declared, "would
mean that this war can be defeated anywhere
in the world." 19
It is difficult to assess the importance of
this interpretation of the International sig-
nificance of the Vietnam war. But there
seems to be little doubt that it adds a dimen-
sion to Hanoi's war aims, and that this as-
pect of the struggle is not always taken fully
into account by outside observers. To be
sure, even for the DRV leaders themselves,
Hanoi's self-proclaimed role as the vanguard
of a world struggle against United States im-
perialism doubtless has considerable value
simply as propaganda. Even so, one cannot
altogether depreciate in this way the kind
of statement made by Premier Pham Van
Dong to the DRV National Assembly in mid-
"Recently when the Song and Dance En-
semble of the Republic of Guinea visited our
country, the head of the Ensemble made a
very significant statement: 'The successful
Vietnamese revolution against colonialism
has given us the determination to persistent-
ly carry out revolution in Guinea and Africa.
The struggle of the Vietnamese people in the
South is also our struggle, and the successes
of that struggle are not only those of the
Vietnamese people but also those of the
Asian-African bloc and of the whole of man-
"We can hear such heartfelt words in every
part of Asia, Africa, and Latin America."
More than a year later Pham was still ela-
borating on the theme when he noted the
"deep and broad sympathy and support from
the peoples of the world" which the Vietnam
"patriotic" struggle was now receiving, in-
cluding support from various groups in the
United States. The movement "for the with-
drawal of U.S. troops from South Vietnam is
closely coordinated with the struggle for
democracy and peace and the struggle against
racial discrimination," he said, and added
that "This movement is developing." 21
There is one part of the world, however, to
which the Hanoi government, by virtue of
its geographic location, apparently believes
that its concept of the international signifi-
cance of the war particularly applies. "We
must see the situation in the Indochinese
pennsula against the background of the
general situation in Southeast Asia," :Pharr
Van Dong has emphasized; 22 and, indeed,
Southeast Asia has been a focus of DRV pol-
icy for a long time. The reasons are not
hard to find. Throughout the region there
has been a notable upsurge in Communist
guerrilla and united front activity as the war
in Vietnam itself has begun to intensify. In
18 Lin Plao, Long Live the Victory of Peo-
ple's War! (Foreign Languages Press, Peking,
19 Vo Nguyen Giap, "The South Vietnam
People Will Win (Foreign Languages Pub-
lishing House, Hanoi, 1965), p. 70.
20 Some Documents of the National As-
sembly of the Democratic Republic of Viet-
nam, 3rd Legislature-1st Session, June-July
1964 (Foreign Languages Publishing House,
Hanoi, 1964), p. 73.
21 Vietnam Courier, no. 35, September 9,
1965, p. 5.
22 Pham Van Dong, "Vietnam Ten Years
After Geneva," Vietnamese Studies (Foreign
Languages Publishing House, Hanoi, :1964),
no. 1, p. 55.
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Laos, the Communist Pathet Lao virtually
control the eastern half of the country, and
afford important geographic cover for DRV
infiltration into South Vietnam. In North-
east Thailand, a new, Peking-backed "Thai-
land Patriotic Front" has launched a "na-
tional liberation" style guerrilla campaign;
while in the southern part of 'the country,
along the Thai-Malay border, there have
been new attacks by remnants of the (largley
Chinese Communist) guerrilla force that
formerly operated in the Malayan jungles
during the so-called "Emergency" of 1948-
1960. In Sarawak, Communist guerrillas
(also ethnically Chinese) have been engaged
in a terrorist campaign against oultying
settlements and police posts for some time.
And in Luzon, in the Philippines, the Com-
munist insurgency of the Huks has flared
up again.
This is not-the place to analyze the vari-
ous causes behind all these manifestations of
Communist violence in Southeast Asia, ex-
cept to note the specific and strong expres-
sions of support for them emanating from-
Hanoi. Thus the,Pathet Lao have been as-
sured of Hanoi's "militant solidarity," the
new That "independence movement" has
been described as "particularly welcome,"
and the new upsurge in the Philippines has
been "hailed" as an indication that U.S. "im-
perialism" will be "defeated part by part
and finally will meet complete failure." 28
While there has been no evidence of direct
DRV participation in these developments,
Hanoi's interest is clear. ` It is also obvious
that a DRV victory in South Vietnam would
give much encouragement to Communist
elements involved in these scattered South-
east Asian insurgencies.
Thus, seen from Hanoi, the Vietnam war
aims not simply at driving American forces
out, or at establishing some kind of "truly
independent" government in Saigon, as one
sometimes hears. DRV war aims go far be-
yond this and encompass, according to the
pronouncements of its own leaders, a phased
social and economic revolution in the South,
in tandem with the North and directed to-
ward the creation of a Communist state.
This revolutionary process specifically ac-
knowledges the use of violence as central
and indispensable to ultimate victory.
Hanoi's war aims also include development of
military and other tactics which will be ap-
plicable to Communist insurgency move-
ments in other parts of the world. "If we
can do it," Hanoi seems to be saying, "so
can you." Herein lies the true significance
of the Vietnam war.
Mr. LONG of Missouri. Mr. Presi-
dent, a funny thing happened to a Bos-
ton Mass., State senator on his way
to investigate the use of wiretapping.
His own phones were "bugged," both
at his office and at his home.
State Senator Mario Umana is chair-
man of a special legislative commission
on electronic eavesdropping. Apparently
the "bug" was discovered when the sen-
ator's administrative assistant-_carrying
on a conversation from his office-sud-
denly realized that he was also listening
in on the senator who was having a
personal. phone conversation from his
own home. Some so-called wiretap
"experts" are of the belief that since
the crossover occurred between different
N Vietnam Courier, no. 17, January 7, 1965,
p. 8; no. 37, October 7, 1965, p. 7.
telephone exchanges, phone conversa- One said, "Let's put it this way, it's sup-
tions from both the home and the office posed to be illegal, but come in and talk
were being led into a wiretapping "plant" to us about it and we'll see what can be
where the conversations were intercepted. ."
A check with state and Boston police dis-
President must it be that eve
closed the telephone company does not re-
time we pick up our daily newspaper, an- port wiretaps found by telephone company
er wiretap episode is reported? The
situation in Boston is most tragic-es-
pecially since Senator Umana is attempt-
ing to investigate the use of these elec-
tronic eavesdropping devices.
I ask unanimous consent to insert at
this point in the RECORD a report of this
case from an article in the May 5, 1966,
edition of the Boston Herald.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
[From the Boston (Mass.) Herald,
May 5, 1966]
(By Ronald Kessler)
The State House and home telephones of
a state senator investigating wiretapping are
being tapped.
The charge, made by State Sen. Mario
Umana, was confirmed by the top law en-
forcement expert on wiretapping in the state
and by a high official of the Federal Com-
munications Commission in Washington, D.C.
Sen. Umana told The Herald he was making
a call from his home telephone in East Bos-
ton to another telephone in East Boston April
15. At the same time his administrative as-
sistant was talking on the senator's State
House telephone to a person in West Newton.
The administrative assistant, Ernest Ratto,
Jr., heard Sen. Umana talking on the same
line. Ratto gave the receiver to another per-
son in the office, Sanford A. Kowal, a lawyer,
and he too heard Umana's voice.
According to the two wiretapping experts
contacted by The Herald, the fact that the
Crossover occurred between different tele-
phone exchanges means conversations over
both the senator's State House and home
telephones were being led into a wiretapping
"plant" where the conversations were inter-
cepted. The wiretap was apparently a sloppy
A high-ranking wiretap expert in a state
law enforcement agency said, "There is no
doubt in the world that his phones are being
tapped." The expert said he did not want
his name used because it would impair his
In addition, Charles Cowan, FCC chief of
the Domestic Service and Facilities Division
of the Common Carriers Bureau, said from
his Washington office, "I don't see how the
incident could have happened unless the
phones were being tapped."
Senator Umana is chairman of a special
legislative commission on electronic eaves-
The bizarre story came to light Wednes-
day as other developments unfolded.
A telephone company repairman in a Bos-
ton suburb said he personally found "about
30" wiretapping devices attached to lines in
the suburb in the past year.
He said the devices were of all types-
transmitters, direct connectors, and recording
devices attached to lines in homes.
The devices and their services are easily
Meanwhile, a reporter posing as a prospec-
tive client called three detective agencies
prominently advertised in the classified tele-
phone directory and asked if they would
perform wiretapping for him in a divorce
Two of the three agencies indicated they
employes, despite the fact that wiretapping
is prohibited by state law.
The company did report two instances of
wiretapping to the Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation last year.
The information comes from J. I. Hanley,
FBI special agent in charge of the New Eng-
land bureau; Capt. William F. Powers, state
police director of public relations, and De-
partment Superintendent William Bradley of
the Boston police.
The telephone company has maintained
that wiretapping is not widespread. J. M.
Gepson, vice president and chief counsel of
New England Telephone and Telegraph Co.,
said in an interview published in the
Herald April 22, that only three cases of wire-
tapping have been uncovered in New England
in the past two years.
He also said, in response to questions, that
no precautions are taken to prevent tapping
of telephone lines used by the governor,
attorney general, state police, or other state
agencies and officials; that terminal boxes
,are not locked; routine tests to detect wire-
taps are not made; no special code is used
when repairmen request information to lo-
cate a subscriber's line; and it is "possible"
for anyone who knows the proper telephone
number to obtain such information.
Telephone lines to some law enforcement
agencies in New York City are enclosed in
pressurized cables so that a tap can be lo-
cated immediately.
Gepsen 'was asked where the thousands of
wiretapping devices being manufactured and
advertised in mail order catalogues are going.
He replied, "I don't really know. Probably
some of it is used in messy divorce cases
and by industry to get trade secrets."
He asserted stricter laws are not needed
to Cope with wiretapping.
Sen. Umana (D-East Boston) said he was
told six months ago by a friend who is a
telephone company employe that his lines
seemed to be tapped.
He made a complaint to a telephone com-
pany lobbyist, but he did not report the
April 15 incident because, "It wouldn't do
any good. You're not going to get the phone
company to tell you your line is being
tapped. The prevalent attitude in the Legis-
lature is that legislators' lines are being
tapped. You just go on that assumption,
because there's nothing you can do."
Umana, a Harvard Law School graduate,
has served two terms in the House and six
terms in the Senate. He was assistant dis-
trict attorney of Middlesex County and has
a law practice in East Boston.
The Herald interviewed the four partiep
to the telephone conversation, as well as
the fifth person who was asked to listen in.
Here is their story:
At about 10 a.m., April 15, Sen. Umana
called from his home telephone (LO 7-3199)
at 82 St. Andrew Rd., East Boston, to his
brother Guy's telephone (LO 7-9884) at 92
Brooks St., East Boston.
At about the same time a constituent of
Senator Umana, Luigi Vuzzi of 39 Orleans
Street, East Boston, was calling from his
place of employment, the Massachusetts
Turnpike Authority in West Newton (969-
8751), to Senator Umana's State House line
(727-2564). The senator's other three lines
were not in use.
As Umana's administrative assistant,
Ratto, was talking tp Cuzzi, both men heard
Senator Umana's voice clearly but not as
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distinctly as in a normal telephone con-
Ratto summoned Kowal, counsel to the
commission investigating wiretapping, and
he also heard Umana. He could not speak
to him, When Umana finished his conversa-
tion, Ratto and Kowal called him and told
him what had happened. Umana confirmed
he had just been talking on the telephone.
Umana said Tuesday he intends to request
the telephone company and private detec-
tive agencies to appear before future hear-
ings of the wiretapping commission. The
commission has subpena power.
At the legislative group's first hearing
April 14, a New York manufacturer of wire-
tapping devices demonstrated the range of
devices being produced.
Ulnana believes the manufacture and use
of such devices should be strictly regulated.
? Manufacture of these devices is legal under
present statutes.
However, wiretapping is prohibited by the
Federal Communications Act of 1934. Pen-
alty Is up to a $10,000 fine or a year in jail,
or both.
According to Gepson, no prosecution has
ever been initiated in New England under
this law.
Wisetapping is prohibited by State law,
but it contains a loophole which permits
snooping by "corporations subject to the
jurisdiction of the Department of Public
Utilities of the commonwealth or to the
jurssdiction of the Interstate Commerce
Commission, or to employees engaged in the
conduct of its business."
Wiretapping is therefore sanctioned, ac-
cording to legal experts, for stock brokerage
firms, gas, electric, water, telephone, tele-
graph, railway, bus, trolley, and trucking
companies-all under the "jurisdiction" of
the State DPU.
.In addition, tapping is permitted for all
corporations whose trucks or products cross
State lines, thereby under the "jurisdiction"
of the ICC. Included are department stores,
manufacturing and food product firms, and
Penalty for infraction of the law is $1,000
or two years In jail or both.
The first prosecution under this law was
completed last week. Earl E. Jaycox, 41, of
212 Davis Street, Springfield, a former tele-
phone company employee, pleaded guilty to
four counts of wiretapping.
Jaycox was given a six-month suspended
sentence and a year's probation.
economy of the Midwest. North West-
ern seeks to merge with the Rock Island
Railroad, another basically midwestern
carrier. Both lines have been historic-
ally marginal in character with. more
than two-thirds of the North Western
and one-third of the Rock Island over-
laping in five Midwestern States: Il-
linois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and
South Dakota. Obviously, the oppor-
tunities are numerous for the two roads
to improve service to the public through
elimination of duplicating facilities, in-
creasing car supply through pooling of
equipm"pit and other efficiencies stem-
ming from soundly conceived coordina-
By eliminating duplicate facilities
which abound in these areas, the com-
bined railroads could function more ef-
ficiently, give far better service, and pro-
vide more coordinated schedules in keep-
ing with the requirements of modern in-
dustry. It is significant that a combina-
tion of the two roads could only result in
improvement rather than an impairment
of needed transportation services.
North Western serves South Dakota
with almost 1,500 miles of line. South
Dakota, therefore, is deeply concerned
and strongly encourages any steps that
will result in improving the rail service
which will have a major impact on the
future of the State's economy, just as
it has contributed to the growth of the
State in the past.
I am convinced that a North Western-
Rock Island combination can only result
in what is essential for the Middle West;
namely, the development of healthy re-
gional rail systems oriented to the needs
of thousands of communities throughout
America's heartland of which South Da-
kota is a part. Such regional systems as
the proposed North Western-Rock Is-
land combination would unquestionably
,strengthen South Dakota's economy,
broaden its opportunities to market its
products, and also add to its capacity to
consume products from other regions.
Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, strip
mining without adequate regulation con-
tinues to ravish the Nation's beauty and
natural resources. After mining, . the
broken and poisoned land is often left
to nurture poverty, despair, and ugli-
ness. The profits of strip mining are
large, and, comparatively, the cost of
rehabilitating much of this land is min-
imal. About 1,750,000 acres have been
damaged or destroyed by surface mining
for all minerals. To satisfy the coun-
try's growing need for electricity, more
and more acres will be stripped for cheap
coal to fuel the many thermoelectric
dise Is Stripped" and describes the ap-
palling waste that surrounds a town in a
once beautiful Kentucky valley.
Evidence of resource destruction by
strip mining has been accumulating; for
many years. Mr. Caudill's article indi-
cates than an "enlightened industry" has
done very little to alleviate the situation.
In many areas, the law condones and
encourages destruction of the land and
real and personal property of those who
occupy the surface to get at the minerals
below. People are deprived of the sanc-
tity of their homes and their means of
earning a living. Let me quote two para-
graphs from Mr. Caudill's article de-
scribing conditions in eastern Kentucky..
With this license to wreck, many operators
have proceeded with complete abandon.
They have rolled rocks through some homes
and have pushed others off their founda-
tions. Many have been demolished by ava-
lanches from the spoil banks, In Knott
County, a one-armed miner came home from
a retraining program conducted as a part of
the war on poverty to find his house and all
its contents buried beneath a mammoth
When a group of mountaineers calling
themselves The Appalachian Group to Save
The Land and People visited Governor Ed-
ward T. Breathitt of Kentucky last June, an
80-year-old woman told him that she had
stood on the front porch of her little home
and watched the bulldozers invade her fam-
ily cemetery. She said, "I though my heart
would break when the coffins of my children
came out of the ground and went over the
hill." This situation prompted one moun-
taineer to comment that the coal industry
digs up the dead and buries the living.
The human anguish caused by these
inhumane practices is outrageous.
Mr. Caudill's description of conditions
around Paradise, Muhlenberg County,
Ky., depicts the typical result of strip or
surface mining on a community. Last
year Muhlenberg County produced. 17.6
million tons of coal-more than any
other county in America. The cost has
been staggering. He writes:
Paradise is isolated and shrunken, huddled
in an appalling waste. Thousands of acres
of earth are piled high into ghastly ridges,
sometimes black with coal, sometimes brown
with sulphur. The streams that wind
through this dead landscape are devoid of
This is not an isolated picture. It is
repeated almost endlessly. Without re-
habilitation, the future productivity of
these lands is uncertain.
After the strip-mining profit taking is
complete, companies move out, leaving
desolation and poverty in their wake.
Off-site damage also results from strip
mining. Silt and sulphuric acid poison
streams and destroy famlands far down-
stream from the mining operation.
Fish and aquatic life die; timber and
Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, starting
in Chicago on May 4 and continuing dur-
ing forthcoming weeks, the Interstate
Commerce Commission is holding hear-
ings and receiving testimony on which
it will base an extremely important de-
cision. This will be a decision that will
have widespread and long-lasting effects
on the Nation's heartland-the great
Midwest between the Great Lakes and
the Continental Divide and from the
Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.
The State of South Dakota, by virtue of
its location~ and an economy highly de-
pendent do the preservation of a healthy
railroad transportation system, has
much at stake in the Commission's
Now before the Commission is a posi-
tive and constructive proposal of the
Chicago & North Western Railway Co.
designed to create a strong competitive
regional system which would bolster the
plants. The Federal Government has crops are destroyed; the natural beauty
too long shirked its responsibility to of valleys is scarred; and residents be-
guide the coal industry in applying re- comp impoverished.
sponsible mining practices. REisABILITATION IS FEASIBLE
Recently, an article published in the Many European countries are doing a
New York Times magazine of March great deal to rehabilitate strip or surface
13 came to my attention. It vividly mined land. Mr. Caudill reports that
demonstrates the need for Federal in England, for example, the overburden
regulation of strip and surface min- is carefully saved and then replaced
Ing operations. The article, written by when mining is complete. He writes
Mr. Harry M. Caudill, is entitled "Para- that costs average about $1 per ton of
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98 y
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well as to other citizens, it might be possible
to bring about improvements with relative
simplicity and this might be worthy of ex-
ploration. The reduction in governmental
redtape could be assigned to a small corps of
government employees whose one and only
functiol~ would be to suggest simplifications
of operations, procedures-and governmental
language. Cutting redtape in this matter
would doubtless lower the cost of operating
the government itself as well as lessen the
irritation of the ordinary citizen. As some-
one remarked recently the Internal Revenue
Service has been going to simplify its forms
for the last twenty years; it will p ~b_ably
take some outside individual or age11Z, to
problems in a manner which is now being
explored in the United States and which has
been discussed in articles and by a number
of newspaper columnists. This is the om-
budsman system apparently first established
in Sweden' in 1809 and now spread to Fin-
land, Japan, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand,
and under consideration in Great Britain.
A person given the Scandinavian name of
"ombudsman" has been variously defined as
a "gad fly to government," "a guardian of the
people's rights against abuses and malfunc-
tions -by government, its programs and offi-
cials" and as a "cutter of red tape and right-
er of wrongs for citizens caught in the toils
of bureaucracy" However defined, the man
serving as an ombudsman (there may be
more than one) has the job of representing
the "little fellow" against unlawful, capri-
cious, or other faults of his government or of
government employees.
In Denmark, for example, there is only one
ombudsman who is a judge of exceedingly
high standing. He is independent of Parlia-
ment in the performance of his duties though
the general principles governing his activi-
ties have been established by that body. It
is his responsibility "to observe if persons
under his judisdiction pursue unlawful alms
in their service, make arbitrary or unfair
decisions, or are guilty of other faults of
commission or omission. Should he become
aware of defects or shortcomings in current
laws or administrative provisions, he must
bring them to. the attention of Parliament
and fhi minister concerned."
The ombudsman can deal with a wide
variety of problems and only one (from Den-
mark) is mentioned here. This concerned
the question of the extent to which an ad-
ministrative agent had the requisite legal
authority for a decision taken. The Parlia-
mentary Commissioner (ombudsman) in-
vestigated a case where a Chief Constable had
forbidden a taxi-cab owner to seek hire at
a cab-stand for a month because of a dispute
between the taxi-cab owner and some of his
colleagues. It was found that the Chief
Constable did not have the requisite legal
authority for refusing the taxi owner the use
of the cab stand and this ended with a
compromise under which the Constable un
dertook to pay the cab owner damages for
lost earnings.
The question is being taken seriously in
the United States. The Senate Subcommit-
tee on Administrative Practice and Procedure
under the Chairmanship of Senator LONG of
Missouri has been holding hearings to explore
the feasibility of a U.S. version of this office.
A distinguished Swedish ombudsman was
the lead-off witness in March.
The need to do something is hardly de-
batable; the method of performing the need-
ed functions, whether by an ombudsman
system or some substitute method is not so
clear. Thus the risk of merely establishing
another bureau with still more redtape is
real in a nation as vast as this and would
bring little improvement. Possibly, the so-
lution would be to set up a small experi-'
mental quasi-governmental organization
which could receive and investigate com-
plaints from individual citizens and make
rough determinations of their validity. Those
thought to be legitimate could be channeled
to governmental individuals or agencies in-
volved, to appropriate Congressional Com-
mittees, or to the public press if it were
necessary to marshall public opinion on an
important issue. No doubt new problems
would be created and its success would de-
pend entirely on the integrity, intelligence,
vigor-and powers-of the heads of such an
organization. Indeed, it seems highly un-
certain that the ombudsman system in any
modification could be suitably established in
a nation like the United States!
On the other problem of redtape, however,
which is a frequent irritant to physicians as
ccomplish such a miracle.
Mr. DODD. Mr. President, in recent
days American young people have been
criticized for everything from over-
exuberant spring weekends in seaside
resorts, to dishonesty in taking examina-
tions, to lack of understanding of the
American commitment in the world.
Most Americans have taken little stock
in such criticism. They have tended to
believe that this generation was not
really represented by the minority of its
members who participated in such activi-
ties. Each generation must face the
close scrutiny and examination of the
one which precedes it, and today's gen-
eration is no exception.
It is for this reason that I feel it so
important to publicize the many con-
structive and worthwhile activities pur-
sued by our young people-activities
which demonstrate that, in many re-
spects, our young people understand the
stakes in today's world a lot better than
many who are older and presume to be
While a vociferous minority has dem-
onstrated in opposition to the national
commitment in Vietnam, and an even
smaller number have championed, the
cause of the Communist Vietcong, the
overwhelming majority of American stu-
dents and young people have seen quite
clearly that if aggression is not defeated
it will be endlessly repeated. They have
also felt the need to make it clear that
the few vociferous critics do not speak
for them.
One example of this comes from Wol-
cott High School in the town of Wolcott
in my own State of Connecticut.
In a letter which I received from Rob-
ert F. Carroll, a faculty member at the
school, the project initiated by Wolcott
students was described in these terms:
The students in my Contemporary Issues
classes organized project SAVE (Students
Approve Vietnam Effort) as a direct result of
President Johnson's plea to the American
people throughout the country to shout ant(,
make their views heard on Vietnam
These students mailed out 16,433 letters and
five times as many petition sheets to every
public high school in the country on March
8th * * ?. I am pleased to announce that
returns are just beginning to come in and as
of today 500 schools have made returns with
a total of over 100,000 signatures.
This effort gives notice that the vast
body of public-spirited high school stu-
dents want neither to criticize nor stand
silent. They want to be heard, and to
show the world that the critics do not
1N, 1966
speak for them, that this generation of
American young people understands that
freedom does not come easily, and that
each generation must rededicate itself to
its preservation.
It gives me great personal satisfaction
to know that such a national movement
of support for our troops in Vietnam
originated in Connecticut, and I wish to
bring to the attention of my colleagues
the details of this effort.
I ask unanimous consent to insert in
the RECORD at this point information
concerning 'the campaign started at Wol-
cott High School.
There being no objection, the material
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Wolcott, Conn., March 29, 1966.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C. -
DEAR SENATOR DODD: We both know that
Democracy is a difficult system because it
places great responsibility on every individ-
ual to contribute his share and his talents to
society so that it can function successfully.
Today's high school students have the ca-
pacity to understand the problems facing
our great country and a sense of responsibil-
ity to tackle them. My students have taken
the Vietnam problem and have decided that
a minority who have protested by burning
draft cards and marching on Washington
have distorted the true feeling of the ma-
jority of American students and American
people toward the policy of their govern-
ment, They feel they have a responsibility
to do something so that other nations do not
get a false impression of how the majority
of us feel.
The students in my Contemporary Issues
classes organized project SAVE (Students
Approve Vietnam Effort) as a direct result
of President Johnson's plea to the American
people throughout the country to "shout"
and make their views heard on Vietnam. His
remarks were carried on the front page of
the New York Times which each one of my
students subscribe to daily. These students
mailed out 16,433 letters and five times as
many petition sheets to every public high
school in the country on March 8. These
letters were addressed to the high school
principal. We asked him to circulate the
petition through the Social Studies depart-
ment so that intelligent discussion might
precede any signing by the students asked to
I am pleased to announce that returns are
just beginning to come in and as of today
500 schools have made returns with a total
of over 100,000 signatures. We hope this is
just the beginning. AP wire service carried
the story twice throughout the country,
many newspapers using it as front page copy.
The story was also picked up by television
and radio. I have a folder with over 300
letters to date. from all over the country and
a number from our boys in Vietnam who
read about the Wolcott High project in the
Stars & Stripes. Many religious and frater-
nal organizations have made plans to make
awards to the students involved and one man
from upstate New York suggested that some-
one submit the project for a Valley Forge
The students hope to deliver the results to
President Johnson personally when the coun-
try-wide project is completed. I will keep
you posted on the progress of project SAVE,
Senator DODD. We all hope you can be of
assistance in arranging a meeting with the
Very sincerely yours,
raculty Advisor to SAVE.
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The youngsters seem to see the
significance of the Vietnamese conflict
even better than some Members of the
Congress , or our so-called experts.
Rather than continue, Mr. President,
and I do, not believe that I could begin
to tell the story as movingly as Com-
mander Plank, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the letter I received from
Commander Plank together with his
story of the children's letters and art
be printed in full in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the letter
and story were ordered to be printed in
the RECORD, as follows:
U.S.S. "HANCOCK" (CVA-19),
FPO San Francisco, April 19, 1966.
The U,S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MURPHY: I invite you, Sir,
to read the enclosed short article which per-
tains to a group of- California school chil-
dren. It describes what happened when a
small package of their letters and crayon
drawings found their way to the aircraft
carrier Hancock. Not only were the weary
warriors of this Vietnam-engaged ship
cheered and strengthened, but they were
vividly reminded of our American purpose
in the world.
The story is both heartwarming and of
great significance, I believe. It is my hope
that you will both enjoy it and in some way
find it helpful in your much appreciated
work on behalf of us citizens of California-
my native state.
Very respectfully yours,
Lieutenant Commander, Chaplain Corps,
U.S. Navy, Ship's Chaplain.
(By Lt. Comdr. David W. Plank, Chaplain
Corps, U.S. Navy)
This is the story of a bundle of children's
drawings that were addressed and mailed to
"The U.S. Navy, Vietnam" What follows
could have been repeated aboard many other
ships and military installations. Hence this
is not a, story about the Seventh Fleet
Alameda-based attack aircraft carrier U.S.S.
Hancock (CVA-19); it is about 24 grease-
crayon pictures painstakingly drawn by sec-
ond-grade boys and girls in Oakridge School,
Sacramento, Calif.
The story necessarily begins on April 6,
1966, the day a small ordinary-looking
cylindrical package arrived in the Chaplains'
Office aboard Hancock. At the time, she
was busy operating in the tropical waters of
the South China Sea, catapulting Viejnam-
bound planes from her flight deck, one every
26 seconds. The package which Ship's
Chaplain David W. Plank found was tattered
and badly scarred from its long journey. For
it had been seventy days enroute-28 Jan-
uary was the postmark it bore. In a child's
scrawled handwriting it was addressed to,
"The U.S. Navy, care of Gen. William C.
Westmoreland, Vietnam." It had come from
"Miss Burns Second Grade, Oakridge School,
Sacramento, Calif."
The Chaplain opened the package. Out
tumbled 24 grease-crayon drawing, and 19
oversized letters. The pictures bore scribbled
titles such as "Our Janitor In The Hospital,"
"My House," "This Is Me, This Is You," and
"Evelyn The Clown." The letters read in
part, "Thank you for fighting for our class-
room and country. I hope all of you don't
die," "We have sawdust in our hair," "My
mother went to the hospital. Do you have
have a brother?" "I am praying for you.
I am crying for you. Please come back."
From where had this forlorn package of
pictures and letters come? Who sent it to
Hancock? How did it happen to arrive on
board? Where had it been for seventy days?
No one seemed to know or care. The Chap-
lain's first impulse was to simply discard
them all, then write a perfunctory letter of
thanks to Miss Burns.
But then came a thought. Why not give
these children's expressions of concern, en-
couragement, and appreciation an oppor-
tunity to be heard themselves by those for
whom they were intended, men of the U.S.
Navy fighting in Vietnam? Mount and dis-
play them, of course. They may not be
artistic masterpieces-certainly they had no
commercial value. But the message they
held to tell could be priceless.
Two days later, the "Miss Burns' Second
Grade Class Grease-crayon Drawing Exhibit"
officially opened in Hancock's Library when
Capt. James C. Donaldson, Jr., the ship's
Commanding Officer, cut with a Navy cere-
monial sword the paper chain-ribbon which
stretched from wall to wall in the Library
"`gallery." By posters and flyers, by notes on
barbershop mirrors and by word of mouth;
from bow to fantail, from boiler room to
bridge, the word of the unusual art exhibit
The men came first by ones and twos, and
then by dozens. During the first week of
the exhibit alone, 1,000 men, nearly one-
third of Hancock's crew, crowded into the
Library and browsed among the pictures.
To add to the enjoyment, they participated
in a contest to choose which they thought
were the best pictures and letters. Officers
and enlisted men came at lunch hour, be-
fore plane launches, after recoveries, during
the coffee-break of an engine room watch;
early in the morning, late at night. They
toured the picture exhibit in green flight
suits and red crash-crew jerseys; in sweaty
T-shirts and mechanic's overalls: hardly
what you would expect at an Art Exhibit.
But Hancock is a fighting ship. And the
men that make her so, work hard, hot,
round-the-clock hours. These are the ways
of war. The men look the part they play.
Thus during the heat of battle, the men
of "Fighting Hannah" have been chosen-by-
chance as "The U.S. Navy, Vietnam."
They have paused and pondered twenty-four
crayoned drawings; they have thoughtfully
read the penciled letters. Though these be
the creations of children's tiny hands in far-
away Sacramento, Calif., they might have
been the heart's handiwork of children any-
where. Weary naval warriors rested and
listened to the pure voices of seven-year-old
boys and girls from home telling them of
their love and prayers., their concern and
gratitude. To their duties the men of
Hancock returned with quicker pace and
lighter heart. The true spirit of America
had somehow touched and lifted her distant
fighting sons-through the fingers of little
Into the midst of war, twenty-four second-
grade boys and girls have unwittingly stepped
to remind us of our American purpose: to
strive always to obtain and preserve for them,
and all children, both those living and those
of generations to come, justice and equality,
peace and freedom, in Vietnam, or any op-
pressed place upon earth, in order to make
certain that children everywhere can always
draw what they please, and write whom they
As was said centuries ago, "A little child
shall lead them."
Mr. BAYH. Mr. President, May 10 was
a special holiday for all of our proud
people of Rumanian origin. It com-
memorated the day on which Ruma-
nians, who enjoy a freedom here not
known presently in their native home-
land, celebrated the achievement of Ru-
mania's independence and the founding
of its Kingdom.
The joy of all Rumanians is dimmed
by the unhappy fact that their Inde-
pendence Day cannot be celebrated in
the homeland. It is fitting that our
friends can observe this national holi-
day here in the United States where every
individual and group have the promise
of freedom. The Rumanian National
Committee planned a fitting observance
of the anniversary at the Carnegie En-
dowment International Center in New
York City.
Independence came to Rumania on
May 10, 1877; but the peace that fol-
lowed the victory was a hard and bitter
one. The valiant nation struggled
bravely through the two World Wars,
losing vast numbers of its soldiers and
citizens. A free and independent gov-
ernment has been withheld from the
patient Rumanians for 19 years.
In continuing sympathy for the Ru-
manian people and their lack of com-
plete freedom on their national holiday,
we renew our hope that one day their
wishes for full independence will be
Mr. LONG of Missouri. Mr. President,
recently the American Association of
Medical Clinics, in an editorial in their
monthly journal Group Practice, dis-
cussed the ombudsman system as it could
help physicians in the "two major prob-
lems of the age: the time and effort
required to cope with redtape and the
related problem of apparently arbitrary
actions or procedures emanating most
notably from governmental administra-
tive officers."
The association points out that the
"need to do something is hardly debat-
able; the method of performing the need-
ed functions, whether by an ombudsman
system or some substitute method is not
so clear."
We are in complete agreement with
this statement. As I have informed my
colleagues many times before, the Senate
Subcommittee on Administrative Prac-
tice and Procedure intends to study all
facets of the ombudsman concept as it
could relate to the United States.
I ask unanimous consent to insert, at
this point in the RECORD, the editorial
entitled "Ombudsman for the United
States." This appeared in the April 1966
issue of Group Practice.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Physicians are becoming increasingly in-
volved in, and conscious of, two major prob-
lems of..the age: the time and effort required
to cope with red tape, particularly-but not
exclusively-that concerned with government
and its agencies at all levels; and the related
problem of apparently arbitrary actions or
procedures emanating most notably from
governmental administrative officers or bu-
reaus and less frequently from the legislative
branches of government.
Some of the smaller democracies have rec-
ognized and attempted to deal with such
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
May 1 , 1966 Approved FoC$WCAESHIMMtl2RECMJMF6MD04 000400070011-9
SAVE, students of America, have decided to
Wolcott, Conn., February 22, 1966.
been a part of our great American heritage
to speak up for causes we believe in. The
Vietnam War is such a cause. It is so tragic
in intensity and so overwhelming in impor-
tance that we, the senior class of Wolcott
High School, have decided to organize our
nation's schools to take a position in support
of our American policy there.
Our campaign for signatures offers stu-
dents all over America an opportunity to be
heard and to rally to a cause which has as its
sole purpose the guaranteed independence of
South Vietnam. We don't want our govern-
ment to settle for anything less. If the
United States gives up an Vietnam, free Asia
will give up on the United States and all Asia
will be swallowed up by the communist
Student demonstrators against our policy
in Vietnam are in the minority. Many of
them are not aware of the issues involved
there. We need the help of your students to
help ameliorate this false impression given
Peking and Hanoi. Your cooperation in this
campaign for signatures will not be forgotten
by us here at Wolcott.
SAVE would appreciate your distributing
several copies of the enclosed petitions to
each classroom in your school to be signed by
those students who support our position.
This can all be done very easily and conven-
iently at the beginning of the school day.
This can also be done through your Social
Studies Department, if you find it more con-
venient than the method we suggested.
Have the sheets returned to your office as
soon as possible so that you can mail them
back to our headquarters. Please address
your envelope to read: SAVE, Wolcott High
School, Wolcott, Conn., 06716. If there are
private schools in your area, we would appre-
ciate your notifying them of our endeavor
and urging them to send in signatures of
their students on facsimllies of the form
we sent you.
The critical nature of the Vietnam War
makes it all the more essential that we com-
plete our projects as soon as possible so that
we can notify Washington of our results. We
know you will not refuse so urgent an appeal.
This project has the endorsement of the
Connecticut Association of Secondary School
Very sincerely yours,
SAVE Chairman.
Faculty Sponsor.
We, the undersigned, wish to express our
support of the United States policy in Viet-
nam. As we understand this policy we are
in Vietnam at the request of the South Viet-
namese government to help them stop com-
munist intervention. We are not there to
impose our system because every nation
should have the right to choose the system
of government that best fits its needs. We
Mail returns to: SAVE, Wolcott
School, Wolcott, Conn., 06716.
(By Greg Chilson)
WOLCOTT.-"God help you, keep it up,"
the Army colonel wrote from Fort Worth,
The Marine in Da Nang wrote that he read
about SAVE in the Pacific Stars and Stripes
and "it is one of the things that can make
any of us over here extremely proud of serv-
ing our country."
"You may be interested to know that the
first signer is the daughter of a soldier in
Viet Nam," wrote the principal of the high
school In Holidaysburg, Pa.
These are some of the responses pouring
into Robert Carroll's contemporary issues
class at the high school here, which is trying
to get millions of students to sign petitions
backing U.S. efforts in Viet Nam.
SAVE is the name of the project, "Students
Approve Viet Nam Efforts," and the class
plans to take the signed petitions to Presi-
dent Johnson as a counter to the draft-card
burnings and other protests about American
"They're coming in now," said Carroll.
"We've got them back from 190 schools in
34 states and the District of Columbia. Peo-
ple are sending in newspaper articles and a
lot of other things."
These other things included an editorial
cartoon from the York, Pa., Tribune. It
showed a student shouting "Support Amer-
ica's Viet Nam Efforts" through a megaphone
bearing Wolcott High School's name.
There were clippings from across the coun-
try, newspapers in Alabama, Detroit, Oregon.
From Oregon there was also an Interesting
"Congratulations to you and the senior
class," said a woman from Forest Grove,
Oreg. "It's kids like that who make this
country worth fighting for. I have just
.clipped the article out of the evening pa-
per to send on to my husband in Viet
Nam. He has been there since 1963 and
has become, very disgusted with all the stu-
dent demonstrations in this country. Al-
though I campaigned for Senator MoR.sE,
I want you to know that he isn't speaking
for the people of Oregon and we are very
ashamed of him and Governor Hatfield."
From Detroit came a song written by a
music publisher who said all royalties from
it would be sent to the Wolcott class.
"Althgugh the number of signatures are
few," said a letter from Girard, Tex., pub-
lic schools, "it represents 100 per cent of our
high school students " ? * We are a rural
community and have very strong patriotic
feelings toward our country." There were
40 names.
The principal of Cherokee High School in
Canton, Ga., wrote that names of his stu-
dents have already been turned in to Pres-
ident Johnson after a rally at Atlanta, and
any additional petitions would be duplica-
tion but "we wish you every success."
The principal of the Houston, Minn., high
school wrote that the school policy "does
communist are there to destroy it. We are
not there to impose American colonialism;
we are there to oppose communist colo-
We are seriously disturbed by the small
minority of students demonstrating against
our policy in Vietnam and even advocating
the tearing up of'draft cards. Their tactics
have led to highly exaggerated estimates of
their numbers. Because these tactics may
lead Peking and Hanoi to seriously under
estimate American commitment we, the
Nam' buttons I see on our students shows
they are behind you wholeheartedly."
Signed petitions from Mackay, Idaho, were
received one day and the next day came a
letter from two girl students. "We were
not available when your petitions were passed
around. We would like to add our names
to the list."
Patapsco Senior High School in Baltimore
wrote that students made duplicates of the
petition forms so every homeroom in the
school could have one to sign, They even
went a step further and elected one student
as SAVE chairman for the school.
Ink smeared on one of the printed peti-
tions, which were mailed to 17,500 high
schools across the country, and the prin-
cipal of the Stony Point High School in
North Carolina wrote: "Would you be kind
enough to send us a legible copy of your
petitions. I feel that the Stony Point stu-
dents will react favorably If they have ma-
terials they can read."
"This Midwest is radical against demon-
strations, and boy did they let me know
how they felt," wrote a social science teach-
er from Warsaw, Ill. "All but one student
was willing to sign."
There were some opposing letters, too,
Carroll noted. Most contended the stu-
dents saw only one side of the Viet Nam pic-
ture. A Waterbury man said he'd like to
obtain a speaker to tell the class the "other
side" of the story. A Naugatuck writer sent
a five-page letter of opposition. A principal
in Hawthorne, N.Y., sent back the petitions
saying the project "is not in the service of
educating students."
A packet of religious tracts came from a
woman in Millersville, Pa., urging the stu-
dents to read them "for in so doing thou
shalt SAVE both thyself and them that
hear thee."
"Dear Nut" started another letter, criti-
cizing Carroll and the class for its project.
Carroll said some 700 out of about 760
Wolcott High School students have signed
petitions, but none have yet come in from
other Connecticut schools. He said the class
isn't discouraged because someone found out
that schools are holding back the petitions
to give all students a chance to sign them
and others are duplicating the forms.
Many school officials from this and other
states called or wrote Principal Nicholas
D'Agostino, asking if the project had the
school's official approval and adding that
if so, they'd send in the petitions.
There were petitions back from Senator
MORSE'S Oregon but none yet from Arkansas,
which is represented by another critic of the
Viet Nam policy, Senator J. WILLIAM FuL-
Mr. ROBERTSON. Mr. President, on
April 26, Mr. Harold F. Linder, President
and Chairman of the Export-Import
Bank of Washington made an important
speech at the annual meeting of the
Bankers' Association for Foreign Trade
at Boca Raton, Fla. I believe it to be
of interest to the Senate and to the pub-
lic to see this speech and I ask unani-
mous consent to have it printed in the
There being no objection, the address
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
RATON, FLA., APRIL 26, 1966
It is a great pleasure for me and my col-
leagues at the Export-Import Bank to be at
your meeting, to see and talk with so many
people whose interests and occupations
closely parallel our own. I know of no or-
ganization whose members are more inti-
mately concerned with the daily business of
Eximbank than this one. And therefore I
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
9894 Approved For 9 R R &7EJQ9$A 000400070011iay 1966
value this opportunity to share with you my E
thoughts on the proper relation of our bank
to your member banks, to our exporters, to
our nation, to our borrowers and their gov-
ernments abroad, and to our foreign export-
ing competitors.
Let me say also that, on the advice of your
President and Vice President, I am assuming
that most of you already are familiar with
our basic operations in long term loans for
capital equipment and our emergency for-
eign trade loans. Thus I will confine myself
to those activities of our business which con-
cern you and us in our day-to-day relations.
As I look back over the past 5 years during
which I have served the Export-Import Bank,
I am reminded how much it has changed-
how far the Bank has traveled' toward a
close partnership with the commercial bank-
ing community in bringing financial assist-
ance to exporters. The first guarantee un-
der our present commercial bank program
was authorized on April 18, 1961, just about
two and a half months after I appeared on
the scene. We have since issued over $1,300
million of these and other commercial bank
Before 1961, commercial banks had issued
letters of credit under Eximbank direct loans;
we had occasionally guaranteed an export
credit extended by a commercial bank; we
had experimented with a commercial bank
participation program; and we had occasion-
ally sold nonrecourse participations to com-
mercial banks In the near maturities of our
better loans.
But there was no continuing, large-scale
involvement of commercial banks in the daily
business of Eximbank such as we take for
granted today-an involvement which ex-
tends beyond the bank guarantee program to
the protection of your credits under assign-
ments of 'the proceeds of Foreign Credit In-
surance Association policies, In turn, com-
merclal banks have purchased, with the
right to sub-participate to others, more than
$1,700 million of participations in our Exim-
bank Portfolio Funds.
This widening partnership has benefitted
both of us, It has enabled its to increase
our commitments by more than a billion
dollars, while simultaneously reducing very
substantially our drawings frog} the Treas-
ury. It has brought more banks into export
financing-one of our genuine even though
intangible profits. To the commercial banks,
our guarantee and insurance programs have
brought added security. More importantly,
they have made possible new business which
would not have been done without our cover.
Our Portfolio Fund sales have provided you
and your subparticipants with a sound in-
vestment at an attractive return.
I can assure you that whenever we are
convinced that by enlarging this partner-
ship we can serve better our mutual goals of
faster and more adequate financial assistance
for sound export transactions, which will in-
crease export receipts, we shall do so-and
This leads me to what I really want to
talk about today-not the past, but the
future. What would most interest you, I
believe, is the current thinking of Exim-
bank's management on some of those pro-
posals for changing export financing prac-
tices and facilities which are actively de-
bated today.
The topics most frequently raised in com-
ments or articles on our activities are, broadly
stated, these:
First, whether we are overly conservative
in our interpretation of the "reasonable as-
surance of repayment" requirement of our
Second, whether ,s so-called National In-
Third, whether we should establish some
sort of rediscount facility for export paper;
Fourth, whether Eximbank should greatly
broaden its guarantees to commercial banks
and, correspondingly, cut back its own direct
lending activities; and
Finally, whether our existing programs
should be made more liberal, especially in
respect of fees, coverage, discretionary au-
thority, advance commitments, and the like.
Most fundamental is this question: Does
Eximbank's view of when to say "yes" and
when to say "no" in the marginal case best
serve our present national needs? The
answer depends on what those needs are.
Is the overriding need today the promotion
of exports, purely and simply-exports for
their own sake-regardless of the risk of non-
payment, regardless of what may be the
terms? Or is the need that of expanding
existing markets and developing new ones
wherever there is a reasonable prospect that
our debtors will be able to meet their ob-
As we bankers know, the present national
need, and the need you and we both serve,
Is the promotion of export receipts, not just
exports. In today's plethora of slogans, it is
sometimes easy to forget that increasing our
exports is a means to an end-not an end in
The true significance of exports, whether to
stimulate the domestic economy or to con-
tribute to our balance of payments, lies not
in the departure of goods or services from our
shores. It lies in' the payments we receive
for the exports. True, if Eximbank makes
the payment or issues its guarantee of pay-
ment to the exporter, the domestic economy
will he stimulated-even if the foreign pur-
chaser has to postpone, or even fails to meet
his obligation. But you will be the first to
recognize that domestic stimulation is not
what our economy needs today. The need
is for credits to our balance of payments.
And our financing of exports helps the
balance of payments only when the foreign
purchaser discharges his debt by paying
dollars to this country.
Thus the interests of our nation are best
served by the promotion-not of exports for
exports' sake-but of exports for. which -we
can reasonably expect to receive payment as
promptly as possible from the foreign pur-
I suggest that the proper role of the Bank
is therefore to stimulate the domestic econ-
omy when this is appropriate, but without
subsidy, and at all times-particularly to-
day-to aid our balance of payments by in-
creasin& receipts from export sales.
These are among the most important of our
guideposts-the standards against which Ex-
imbank's performance should be judged.
And we try conscientiously to operate at the
outer limits of these guidelines.
I do not imply that those who say that
Eximbank is overly conservative use another
standard. Our differences frequently come
down to nothing more than differing judg-
ments as to how short-run and long-run
interests can best be balanced. The manu-
facturer who argues that to protect our
markets we must maintain the flow of ex-
ports to a country in severe balance-of-pay-
ments difficulties, or who seeks assistance in
penetrating new but risky markets, can al-
ways claim to have in mind the long-run in-
terests of both our economy and our balance
of payments. Should he be sufficiently ob-
jective he may even recognize that repay-
ment for his sales may be highly doubtful-
but if this be so I suggest that he does not
recognize nor give sufficient weight to the
seriousness of our country's present pay-
ments problem.
and into that judgment go a substatinl
number of considerations-political, eco-
nomic, financial-which some of our critics
cannot be expected to weigh or possibly even
consider. Yet a reasonably dispassionate
look at the contentions of some of our
friends and critics may be instructive.
The proposition most frequently cited is
the generalized statement that the United
States is losing export sales because Exim-
bank will not offer credit support as liberal
as that made available by other govern-
If this is true to any significant extent, we
at Eximbank have been hard put to find
evidence to support it. Our conviction is
that the export credit facilities offered by
Eximbank and other U.S. Government agen-
cies are superior to those of any other coun-
try. We at Eximbank try to make it clear
that we will consider meeting any foreign
government's support for its commercial ex-
ports. If we are failing to do so in any sig-
nificant number of specific cases, we would
like nothing better than to know of it.
When we are confronted with the general-
ization that we fail in this regard, we ask
that cases be documented. And then we are
often met with a strange reticence on the
part of our exporting friends-and, yes,
sometimes our banking friends as well.
Please believe me, we want to know about
that export sale which may be lost because
our terms, our procedures, or our require-
ments are deemed deficient. The Bank can-
not weigh and judge the complaints unless
it has the relevant facts.
To obtain these facts, we have established
a group within the Bank to hear and assess
complaints. Harry Rowntree, our Executive
Vice President, is in charge. I would con-
sider it a personal favor if you would give
him in writing now or in the future the de-
tails of any cases of which you have direct
knowledge, whether it is clear that an. export
was lost just because a competing foreign
exporter had better financial support from
his government.
As I have said on other occasions, we do
not deny that U.S. exporters may from time
to time lose sales which foreign exporters
may win with their government's support,
just as our exporters win some sales with our
In a competitive world no country, regard-
less of its credit facilities, can expect to get
all of the business all of the time. For years
the United States Government has sought to
persuade other industrialized nations to as-
sume a greater share of the aid burden to
developing countries. As you know, prac-
tically all such aid is "tied"; that is, it is
made available through the sale on long
terms of goods and services originating in
the lending country. This of course means
that the United States cannot at the same
time expect greater participation by other
industrialized countries and not expect them
to take a share of the business.
We also hear that Eximbank must be too
conservative because it has earnings, pays
dividends to the Treasury, and has accumu-
lated a reserve of a billion dollars. It is of
course an insufficient answer merely to quote
our statute: "Net earnings of the Bank after
reasonable provision for possible losses shall
be used for payment of dividends on capital
stock. The real issue is whether our present
"provision for possible losses"-our accumu-
lated reserves-has passed the reasonable
Again, this is a matter of judgment. As
the Chairman of one of the Congressional
Committee is fond of reminding me, we will
never really know the adequacy of our re-
serves until the Bank is liquidated. But some
figures may be helpful.
As of this time the Bank has total com-
mitments of over $61/2 billion-some $2,200
million in so-called C and D markets, the
terest fund should be established in Exim- is there any yardstick against which to
bank to finance transactions which even on measure whether Eximbank is in fact too
a liberal interpretation do not offer "reason- conservative In its case-by-case decisions?
able assurance of repayment"; I fear not. This is a matter of judgment,
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Approved For Release May 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
is not always exactly what is right for the
world.or for Vietnam's smallest hasplet.
The unfavorable has always been reported
along with the favorable-but television tells
it with greater impact. When the U.S.
blunders, television leaves little doubt.
So when a, government official, either in
Saigon or Washington, denies what television
plainly reports and then attempts to give
verisimilitude to his denial by damning the
reporter-at best that is pure humbug.
The war in Vietnam has become almost en-
tirely an American responsibility. And re-
sponsible American officials must accept It.
For the most part they have. But there have
been glaring examples of misoalcuuation and
a few examples of downright lying. The mis-
calculations have been reported, the lies
have been found out. And it is that kind
Of honest reporting that in the end measures
the rightness of our cause in Vietnam or any-
where else.
(Mr. NELSEN asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to include a newspaper
Mr. NELSEN. Mr. Speaker, we ap-
parently no longer have a Secretary of
Agriculture. 'We should have suspected
,as much when the 1966 Agriculture Year-
book was entitled "Consumers All." The
farmers of America realize that they
are a minority, comprising only 7 percent
of the population. But they still are en-
titled to representation in our Govern-
ment. It is now evident that the De-
partment of Agriculture is headed by the
Secretary for Consumers Affairs.
Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my
remarks, I include the following article
from the Washington Post of May 12,'
1966, entitled "Revolt Against Freeman":
(By Rowland Evans and Robert Novak)
The political revolt against Secretary of
Agriculture Orville L. Freeman got so over-
heated. last week that he called a secret
breakfast meeting in his office with eight
Democratic Senators.
Whether it was the Secretary's ham and
eggs, or his promises to do better next time,
the Senators left the breakfast table mo-
mentarily mollified. But they are far from
What angered the Democrats, all of them
Westerners and four of them up for re-
election next fall, is the fact that under
the persistent prodding of President John-
son, Freeman has been making statements
that seem to blame the farmer for the rising
cost of living.
For example, on April 1, the Secretary said
in a speech that he was "pleased" that hog
prices had fallen from their peak. The
effect of those words in the farm belt was
dynamite. They put Freeman in the position
of advocating- a decline in farm income.
But more than words causes Freeman's
trouble. Under orders from the President,
he has released wheat and feed corn from
Government storage for sale at less than
market prices, an action that had the im-
mediate effect of depressing the price of
farmer-sold wheat and corn. This infuri-
ated wheat and corn growers.
Then the Commerce Department slapped a
ban on the export of rawhide, ostensibly to
keep the price of shoes from going up. The
farmer did not like being blamed for the
high price of shoes.
The Commerce Department also opened
the door to imports of cheddar cheese from
Canada, which, coming on the heels of Mr.
Johnson's cutback in the school milk pro-
gram, enraged the dairymen.
Accordingly, the eight Democratic farm-
bloc Senators complained to Freeman that
his excellent reputation was falling to the
level of Ezra Taft Benson's in the Eisen-
hower Administration-the most hated Sec-
retary of Agriculture in this century. One
of the eight, Sen. LEE METCALF of Montana,
told Freeman that his re-election next fall
hinges on the Administration's changing its
image in the farm belt.
METCALF told Freeman that his slender
4,000-vote margin in 1960 was a direct re-
sult of his breakthrough among normally
Republican wheat growers. Today, he .said,
he would not come close to getting that vote.
The Democratic Senators warned Freeman
that if he did not explain the political facts
of life in the farm belt to President Johnson,
they would make a trip to the White House
themselves and do it.
They told him he must get the Presi-
dent's permission to make political war on
the Budget Bureau, the Council of Economic
Advisers and other arms of the Administra-
tion that are blaming inflation on the
farmers. They warned Freeman against
any more presidential suggestions that
housewives buy the "cheaper cuts" of meat,
not the choice cuts, in order to help the
campaign against inflation.
Finally, they told Freeman that although
he personally was not the cause of all the
growing resentment against the Administra-
tion, he was getting the blame and had
better speak up for the farmers' point of
view or face demands for his resignation.
The breakfast meeting was the roughest
and frankest Freeman has had in his five
years as Secretary.
The fact is that Freeman is caught in a
classic cross-haul. To appease the labor
unions and the important voting blocs in
the big cities, the Administration has singled
out the farmer as the biggest culprit in -the
rise of the cost of living. Good citizen Free-
man, playing like a member of the team,
has been willing to go along with the Presi-
dent at the sacrifice of his own constituency,
the farmers.
But no longer. As a direct result of last
week's lecture he persuaded the President
to expand the wheat acreage allotment by
7,7 million acres for 1967. Freeman is now
out to show that he still loves the farmer.
There is just one trouble: farmbloc Dem -
crats are fearful it may be too late.
(Mr. CHAMBERLAIN asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute, to revise and extend his
remarks, and to include an article.)
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Speaker,
last week, on Wednesday, May 4, and
Thursday, May 5, I sought to bring to
the attention of my colleagues the na-
ture and extent of the back-door aid
that the Vietcong derives from Cam-
bodia and, directly or indirectly, from
free world ships sailing up the Mekong
River through South Vietnam to the
Cambodian port of Phnompenh. That
the fallacy of Cambodian neutrality is
becoming a critical problem is confirmed
by a report appearing in this week's is-
sue-May 16, 1966-of U.S. News &
World Report which states in part:
The U.S. has firm evidence that three regi-
ments of North Vietnamese regulars are now
based inside Cambodia, in addition to thou-
sands of Viet Cong guerrillas and main-line
forces. All are at base camps that serve as
springboards into South Vietnam.
This aid is now an open secret. We
can no longer officially pretend that it
does not exist. The time is overdue for
the administration to urge the Govern-
ment of South Vietnam to close this
back door of supply for the Vietcong. I
say the Mekong River should be closed
to Cambodian-bound traffic both as a
direct means to cut the flow of contra-
band to the Vietcong and as a weapon
of economic pressure to encourage Cam-
bodia to adhere to its alleged policy of
neutrality. I include the article entitled
"As War Spreads Into `Neutral' Cam-
bodia" at this point in the RECORD:
SAIGON.-War in South Vietnam has now
spilled over into neighboring Cambodia-
openly and officially.
On May 3, the U.S. high command dis-
closed that American artillerymen, in a bat-
tle three days earlier, fired into Cambodia to
silence Viet Cong guns.
"Hot pursuit" orders: This was the first
official report of such an attack, although
some months ago U.S. officers were given au-
thorization to fire onto Cambodian soil in
the heat of battle or even undertake "hot
pursuit" of Red troops using it as a sanctu-
Another official disclosure-this one about
the semisecret air war over Laos-also was
made on May 3. The Defense Department
announced that 11 U.S. airmen have been
killed and "less than 20'' are missing as a
result of two years of operations against the
Ho Chi Minh Trail leading from North Viet-
The big question was: Will war now keep
spreading in these two small nearby coun-
The answer on Laos seemed set-a firm no.
President Johnson earlier this year ruled out
any ground action against Red routes in
Laos, largely out of respect for friendly La-
otian rulers. Cambodia is another story.
Prince Norodom Sihanouk, the country's
royal dictator, has broken diplomatic rela-
tions with the U.S. and advertises himself as
a close friend of Red China.
The U.S. has firm evidence that three reg-
iments of North Vietnamese regulars are now
based inside Cambodia, in addition to thou-
sands of Viet Cong guerrillas and main-line
forces. All are at base camps that serve as
springboards into South Vietnam.
How supplies move: The Reds are said to
be supplied frequently by Cambodian mer-
chants or, in the case of rice, directly by the
Cambodian Government. A Cambodian
supply route, called the "Sihanouk Road" by
Americans, has been developed to ship sup-
plies from Cambodia into South Vietnam.
Yet, top military men in Saigon report that
the official American position is that there
will be no large-scale drive against the Cam-
bodian sanctuary.
When attacked from the Cambodian side,
U.S. commanders have authority to call for
air strikes or artillery against the enemy to
ensure the security of U.S. troops. But re-
taliation on the ground rarely exceeds push-
ing more than 250 yards into Cambodia, for
fear of being drawn into ambush in the
heavily jungled mountain regions.
The official U.S. view in Saigon is that, al-
though Cambodia is giving aid to the Com-
munists; it is not in America's interest to
push any farther into Cambodia-thus forc-
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ing Prince Sihanouk into openly helping
Hanoi and widening the war.
(Mr. KEOGH asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his
Mr. KEOGH. Mr. Speaker, I have to-
day introduced a bill to bring under the
Federal income tax profits derived by
local governmental authorities or agen-
cies from the leasing or operation of in-
dustrial or commercial facilities when
the facilities are leased or operated for
profitmaking purposes as distinguished
from governmental purposes.
In general, the Federal income tax
has not been imposed upon the profits
made by State or local governmental
units, or by any so-called authority or
agency of those units. This has been
true because heretofore, so far as I am
aware, the facilities which these units
operate have been confined to those
which local government authorities be-
lieve should be constructed, owned, or
operated by public bodies and which
would not be adequately provided or
operated by private industry. The pub-
lic Interest in government rather than
private operation has justified the ex-
emption from Federal income tax.
Recently, however, we have begun to
witness attempts by local quasi-govern-
mental units to take advantage of their
Federal income tax exemption to con-
struct and operate facilities which go far
beyond any reasonable public need and
convenience and which are already fully
and adequately provided by private
I refer particularly to the plans an-
nounced by the Port of New York Au-
thority to construct and operate a World
Trade Center in Lower Manhattan in
New York City. The World Trade.Center
in New York is a most commendable
project, but the Port of New York Au-
thority has announced that it will be
built to include twin 110-story towers
that would be the largest office structures
in the world, containing more than 10
million square feet of space. These
structures, I am Informed, would con-
tain at least 4 million square feet of
office space for private occupancy that
is totally unnecessary to the operation
of a World Trade Center. Office space
for private occupancy is fully and ade-
quately provided by private industry in
New York City.
The purpose. of this extra 4 million
square feet of office space, I understand,
is to provide profits for the Port of New
York Authority to use in connection
with other projects it carries on or con-
templates. It is apparently intended
that the authority will voluntarily pay
amounts to the city of New York to equal
real estate taxes on the value of this ad-
ditional space, which would not be the
case in New York if this extra space
were considered an appropriate govern-
mental facility or operation..
Mr. Speaker, I see no reason why a
local authority should not pay Federal
income taxes on its profitmaking ven-
tures which compete directly with facil-
ities properly and adequately maintained
by private industry and for which gov-
ernmental construction or operation is
unnecessary. Unless the misuse of the
Federal income tax exemption is stopped,
there will be no limit to the extent to
which local authorities or agencies en-
gage in profitmaking ventures in unfair
competition with heavily taxed private
industry. The bill which I have today
introduced would eliminate this im-
proper advantage and produce the ap-
propriate revenue for the Federal Gov-
I should like to stress that my bill
would in no way curb public officials or
their constituents in deciding what local
governments should do for their com-
munities, if it Is 'determined that a gov-
ernment project would'help fill true com-
munity needs. But projects conducted
only to make profits for government do
not deserve exemption. To permit this
will do harm to the Federal tax struc-
ture, to private Industry and in the long
run, I believe, to local governmental
revenues as well.
(Mr. HORTON asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. HORTON. Mr. Speaker, last fall I
received a letter from a constituent seek-
ing my assistance which has led me to
introduce a bill designed to met his prob-
lem and others in similar circumstances.
This person is a World War I veteran
with a service-connected disability rated
at 60 percent. He asked if I could assist
him in obtaining a certification from the
Veterans' Administration that would
allow him to purchase articles at a post
I was informed by the VA that military
regulations do provide that purchasing
privileges at PX's, and at commissary
stores as well, may be extended to vet-
erans, but only if they are totally dis-
abled from service-connected causes or
if they are hospitalized by the VA. The
bill I have introduced would allow a vet-
eran with a service-connected disability
rated at 50 percent or more to obtain pur-
chasing privileges at military PX's and
commissaries including naval ships' serv-
Mr. Speaker, this is not a great deal to
ask in the name of these veterans. It
would have no significant impact upon
either the retail economy or the post-
exchange stores.
The military regulations governing the
purchasing privileges of totally disabled
or hospitalized veterans have been liber-
alized significantly over the years. At
one time the veteran could exercise the
privilege. A change was made to allow
him to appoint someone else, usually his
wife, to exercise the privilege for him.
This change made good sense in view of
the limitations on the ability of these
veterans to actually get to a PX or com-
missary. The regulations were also
amended last November by eliminating
a requirement that a totally disabled vet-
eran must also be receiving medical
treatment from the VA in order to obtain
the purchasing privileges. I look on my
bill as another worthwhile liberalization
to the rules governing these privileges,
no more drastic than the changes that
have been made in the past.
I would also like to take this oppor-
tunity to cite the importance, generally,
of the post exchange and commissaries
on our military installations. There has
ben considerable talk of closing some or
all of these facilities, and I wish to state
my opposition to this trend. It is well
known that PX privileges add materially
to the real income and purchasing power
of active duty personnel, retired service-
men and disabled veterans. There is no
group to whom this Nation owes more
gratitude, and certainly, there should be
no "economizing" on the services we have
promised to these military families.
It is my hope that the introduction of
this measure will be looked upon not only
as a liberalization of disability require-
ments for PX privileges, but as a general
vote in favor of honoring and expanding
our commitments to these men and their
(Mr. FASCELL asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his
Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Speaker, we in this
Chamber may take rightful pride in leg-
islation we have approved in recent
years to assist our Nation's education
programs. Federal legislation to date,
however, in support of adult education
has been restricted to the elementary
level. I believe the time has now come
for us to enact legislation to assist those
who have an inadequate education and
are, therefore, denied equal employment
For this reason I am today introducing
the Adult Education Act of 1966 which
would allow adults to meet the accepted
standards of formal education which
they have missed. It would offer other
adults the opportunity to participate in
"supplemental adult education" regard-
less of the levels they have attained
through formal education. "Supple-
mental adult education" is defined as "a
program of instruction and services for
adults designed to enable them to over
come English language limitations, to
improve their basic education in prepara-
tion for occupational training and more
profitable attainment, or to become more
productive and responsible citizens
through citizenship training, parent
education, and consumer education."'
A look at some statistics reveals the
extent to which the lack of higher edu-
cation by many of our citizens is closely
intertwined with unemployment, job in-
stability, and myriad other problems.
Between 1953 and 1963, jobs filled by high
school graduates rose 30 percent, while
jobs for those with only elementary edu-
cation decreased by 25 percent. A 1963
report of the Office of Education shows
that persons 18 years and older who have
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to ask yourselves: if you were President,
what Would you dp?"
One can be sympathetic with the Presi-
dent's plight. The problems he encounters
both at home and abroad are staggering in
number and magnitude. They defy easy,
simplistic solutions. Nevertheless, many of
the made creations of this administration.
Others could have been by-passed as having
low priority in essentiality.
It seems to this observer that our war poli-
cies lack insight, skillful direction and total
purpose. There can be no criticism either of
our men in the field or of the military com-
mand., They have performed magnificently
under the most trying conditions. The na-
sion can be proud of their dedication and
The changing emphasis from Washington
produces confusion and uncertainty at home.
First, it was said that the U.S. is in Vietnam
by invitation of the government. Next, we
were told that we must resist aggression
everywhere. Quite an undertaking, that.
A third explanation suggests that the
United States is acting in its national inter-
est which, according to Vice President Hu-
DERT HUMPHREY includes the "containment
withou'fisolation" of Red China.
And now it appears that Washington wel-
comes "free elections" in Vietnam which, if
held, could result in our being asked to leave
the country.
But not I assure you, before the departure
is conditioned on promises of vast assistance
and the financing of an Asian Great Society.
So the question; "What would you do"
flows from such an intricate and complex
background of gradual and unnecesary step-
by-step involvement that it must be answered
by the architects of these policies.
In fact, this means that only the President
can decide. The voices of protest against
the insanity of Vietnam have gone unheeded
through the years. No one would listen.
Mr. Johnson, though an inheritor of the
Vietnam mess, has undertaken to enlarge
the conflict while talking of his hopes for
He bears the responsibility. He must there-
fore answer his own question and provide
direction for the future.
On the home front, the President's great
concern is, as he expressed it, "The crucial
domestic issue of the day-the maintenance
of our unparalleled prosperity with economic
This was the question he posed to his
labor-management panel. It is good that the
President is seeking such advice. He could
have used some earlier counsel on Vietnam
or even urged that our involvement be de-
bated by the Senate at a time when the truth
was being concealed.
Nevertheless, only a confirmed optimist
would believe that a 21-member group from
labor and management could agree on any-
thing more than the dangers of inflation and
resolutions deploring it.
The labor people are unhappy with govern-
ment guidelines on pay increases and have
generally ignored them. Business and in-
dustry see no merit in tax hikes but think
government should reduce spending.
Gardner Ackley, chairman of the Presi-
dent's, council of economic advisers, points
his academic finger at the highest corporate
profits in history and asks: "Does anyone
imagine that labor will continue to show
moderation in its wage demands * * *?"
Though it is beside the point, one may well
ask "What moderation?"
Other than an admonition that the im-
pact of future price increases must be care-
fully evaluated, Mr. Ackley offered no sug-
gestions on how business can slow down its
own profitability. Nor did he explain that
reduced corporate earnings would adversely
affect the government's tax revenues-all
needed to pay for the unending proliferation
of federal projects.
As the New York Times reported, "Until
Mr. Ackley's address, the administration, de-
parting considerably from its democratic
predecessors, had taken nothing but pride
and pleasure in the high level of profits."
So who speaks for the government? Mr.
Johnson, who wants a continuation of our
"unparalleled prosperity," or his economic
adviser who worries because business is do-
ing too well?
Since everyone-business, labor, govern-
ment and consumers-agree that inflation is
the domestic enemy we face, it is again the
President's responsibility to propose a pro-
gram which will cool off, but not chill our
over-heated economy. The problem is how
to dampen the fire without putting it out.
To a non-economist, several procedures
seem to be in order:
1-Curb government spending and partic-
ularly in non-essential areas.
2-Convince the honorable members of
Congress that they are poorly serving the
country's interest by voting higher appropri-
ations than requested by the President. Mr.
Ackley has noted that congressional actions
now being taken may increase appropriations
by "close to $3 billion" above Mr. Johnson's
3-Impose a "temporary" $5 billion tax
increase and earmark these additional funds
for debt reduction rather than operating ex-
These three steps, if taken in unison,
would alleviate the problem and avoid the
necessity for stronger measures such as rigid
wage and price controls at a later date.
The President's plea for voluntary coopera-
tion in correcting the imbalance of interna-
tional payments is sound. His recommenda-
tions for holding down future capital ex-
penditures in plant and factory is not as im-
pressive. A growing economy needs expan-
sion in manufacturing to provide additional
employment and to serve new markets, both
at home and abroad.
Mr. Johnson's "wait and see" approach to
inflation can permit conditions to get out of
hand. As Hobart Rowen of the Washington
Post has said: "The pressures of war and
boom will not disappear by themselves."
Business won't like tax increases. Labor
generally opposes the idea because their lead-
ers sense that any hike will go across the
board and hit their members as well as the
Still, a President has no choice in these
hectic times but to take affirmative action
designed to protect the dollar lest its dilution
in value rob the savings and pension ac-
counts of this country.
The question "What would you do?" is
unworthy of a man elected to lead the coun-
try through the trials and tribulations of
war and attendant domestic unheavals,
A President is supposed to lead, not seek
government by consensus.
The hour is here when he should forget
about politics and popularity and provide
the guidance for the nation which is so sorely
It is all very well to seek competent advice
and ask others "to think in my shoes."
put inevitably, the President must show
the way.
Political Freedom for Vietnam Begins in
Saigon ~,'yj~/
Thursday, May 12, 1966
Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, recently
I called for full support by the U.S. Gov-
ernment of elections in Vietnam. I be-
live that political freedom for Vietnam
begins in Saigon, and I would like to
include in the RECORD a column by Jo-
seph Kraft in a recent Washington Post
article which arrives at the same conclu-
(By Joseph Kraft)
SAIGON.-Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge's
return to the United States is happily timed.
For the central theme of his consultations
will have to be the coming elections in Viet-
nam. And on that score Washington has
a huge contribution to make to American
thinking here in Saigon.
Without outside help, indeed, the Ameri-
can mission here is almost incompetent to
frame a broad approach to the elections.
For one thing, the mission is preoccupied
with the day-to-day, not to say minute-to-
minute, business of supporting the war ef-
The emphasis is on moving goods and
people, arranging appointments, making
telephone calls and other tedious adminis-
trative tasks. That emphasis leaves little,
if any, scope for thinking big. In conse-
quence, the American mission here has
yet to develop.a coherent program for deal-
ing with the elections and their predictable
Precisely because the mission is so much
geared to doing business, it tends to favor
people in power who can get the job done.
That is how such diverse figures as the late
President Ngo Dinh Diem, former Premier
Nguyen Khanh, and, now, Marshal Nguyen
Cao Ky all acquired virtually unconditional
American support.
By the same token, the focus on getting
things done puts a discount on uncertainty.
But a free election is uncertainty writ large-
a leap in the dark. It is thus precisely the
kind of thing the American mission in Saigon
does not like to think about.
Already the unease of the misison here in
the presence of an election prospect has
yielded two exceedingly damaging lmpres-
And in large measure, Washington's work
during the consultations with Ambassador
Lodge should develop a means for dissipat-
ing these had impressions.
First, there is rightly or wrongly, a wide-
spread impression among both Americans
and Vietnamese in Saigon that the United
States is opposed to free elections. This feel-
ing at this time is exceedingly dangerous.
For insofar as they believe that the United
States has misgivings about elections, by so
much the Vietnamese military leaders in
office will be tempted to stage a coup or
phony coup designed to head off the elec-
There is also a widespread impression that
if the United States does accept elections,
It is only in order to provide a fig-leaf of
legitimacy to the present military regime.
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This impression is reinforced by rumors of
covert American efforts to set up some politi-
cal notable from Saigon or the delta region
as a front for the present military leaders.
It is further reinforced by rumors of Amer-
ican efforts to line up a majority of refugee
Catholics, nationalist parties and members
of the Hoa Hao and Cao Dai religious sects to
support the government against the Buddhist
militants under Bonze Tich Tri Quang.
The mere prevalence of these rumors,
whether they are true or not, works against
the American Interest. For the rumors lend
color to the suspicion that the United States
is not in favor of a free choice in South Viet-
nam, that, instead, the United States only
wants a regime that will continue to sponsor
Even if the schemes attributed to the
Americans here could be brought off, they
could not yield lasting results. For the pres-
ent government plus a politicalized front
would fence out not only the Buddhists but
the whole central region of South Vietnam.
And the center, which has been the source
of the present trouble, would react by mak-
ing even more trouble. .
The true American interest, in fact, lies
in the one thing the American mission here
finds it most difficult to contemplate. It
lies in making a leap in the dark-in foster-
ing a process that will give free play to local
political. forces. And the starting point for
that process can be the coming elections.
But that means unrigged elections.
It' means elections which hold out the
possibility of a passage of power to a new
government based on an alliance of the mod-
erate Catholics of the South and the militant
Buddhists of the Center.
It means elections from which there could
at least develop a meaningful political op-
The consultations with Ambassador Lodge
can be a rsuccess only if they advance the
prospect for honest elections, only if they
make clear beyond any doubt the American
commitment to free choice in South Viet-
Imagination Is Paying Off in Federal Edu-
cation Funds-To Georgia School Sys-
Thursday, May 12, 1966
Mr. PERKINS. Mr. Speaker, under
leave to extend my remarks in the R>c-
oaD, I include the following article from
the Atlanta, Ga., Constitution, April 24,
(By Remer Tyson)
WASHINGTON, April 23.-The "dynamite"
in the latest federal aid to education package
is beginning to explode in new plans and
ideas ac" Georgia.
A few years ago, some of the ideas would
have come under attack as unwarranted frills
or as conspiracies to consolidate county
school systems.
Rural areas are competing hardest for U.S.
funds to improve their schools and to involve
community participation in the educational
Eight projects in Georgia crammed with
imagination, have been approved for financ-
ing under Title III of the 1965 Elementary
and Secondary Education Act. Approval is
pending on others.
All but one of the projects call for multi-
county participation. That lone exception,
ironically, is in Atlanta.
Title III of the education act provides
funds for projects considered innovative and
creative for a local school system.
This does not mean a system must embark
on an idea "new under the sun." Federal
officials judge whether a proposal is inno-
vative for a specific system.
As an example, six central Georgia coun-
ties will develop rudimentary plans for school
and community fine arts.
This is new for that section, but not for
the Atlanta area.
Other Georgia projects include a South-
eastern demonstration center to improve ed-
ucation for rural students, a pilot reading
program, an honors program for an entire
congressional district, a learning resources
center'for another district, an intensive learn-
ing center, a supplementary science center
unlike any other in the state and an excep-
tional training program for teachers.
Dave Young. Southeastern representative
for Title III, said, "all of a sudden Georgia
is becoming aware of the cultural assets that
can be applied to these projects. This is
what we want.
"Title III is the dynamite to this thing.
It is making the man in the street aware of
the educational process. They are wonder-
ing where these things are coming from, and
why they haven't had them before. Of all
the educational programs, Title III is giving
the greatest thrust in education."
The Johnson administration has taken
notice of the program's nationwide popu-
larity by asking Congress to increase next
year's appropriation from $75 million to $145
Title III is not the big money section of
the 1965 federal aid to education act. How-
ever, it is anticipated that funds provided
under the section will lead to ideas that can
be financed over a long term by a combina-
tion of other federal and local money.
Georgia's allocation under Title III this
year is $1,663,178. School systems within
the state must compete for U.S. Office of
Education approval of projects.
Many rural counties are pooling their as-
sets in effort to offset larger resources in
urban areas.
Besides the eight approved projects, seven
others from Georgia are being negotiated.
with federal officials.
Young said one of the best aspects of
Georgia's participation in the federal pro-
gram is that projects have good geographi-
cal dispersion. Although the eight projects
are approved, no specific amount of funds
have been allocated to them. However, if
funds requested in, the. application had not
been considered reasonable by federal offi-
cials, the projects would not have gained
A supplementary education center to be
established in Oconee County near the Uni-
versity of Georgia hopefully will develop a
model educational program for rural areas
in the Southeast.
The center will involve more than 1,100
students and 60 school personnel from
Oconee and Oglethorpe Counties.
Proposed expenditure for the project is
$615,518, with the federal share $249,594.
The program calls for adding an introduc-
tory grade for 5-year-olds (or a kindergar-
ten), hiring a "supportive" teacher for every
two classroom instructors, employing class-
room aides to relieve teachers of non-
teaching chores, focus instruction on read-
ing development, art appreciation, and
learning stimulation. Library services will
be strengthened.
Six Middle Georgia systems-Dodge, Wil-
cox, Cochran, Telfair, Bleckley and Wheeler-
have requested $30,551.02 to finance a $33,-
721.02 study of how fine arts can be brought
into the schools and "how the school pro-
gram can serve as a stimulus to and as a
leader of general 'cultural improvement" for
all the communities.
Ten other counties will establish a pilot
reading center in Washington County. The
request is for $67,000 in federal funds.
The counties want to find out how many
"disabled readers" are in their schools, how
to correct deficiencies and to serve as a model
for organizing other such centers.
Coffee County Board 'of Education at Doug-
las submitted an application on behalf of the
25-county 8th District to develop a project
similar to the two-year-old governor's honors
program, which takes talented high school
students to college campuses for specialized
study during the summer.
The application says the 8th District pro-
poses to bring in talented Instructors from
"outside the region to give a more cosmo-
politan climate to the region," which is
largely farm and timber country in southeast
Marion County Board of Education at
Buena Vista submitted a 3rd District appli-
cation for $40,013 to establish a learning re-
sources center.
Educators in the district propose to assess
educational and cultural resources, then, de-
termine priority needs and strive to meet
Glynn County Board of Education asked
for $44,955 in federal funds to plan an inten-
sive learning center for the Brunswick area.
Purpose of the center would be to correct
student educational handicaps through in-
tensive studies and to improve techniques
and skills for teachers.
Most innovative of all projects is the Fern-
bank Science Center to be established in Die
Kalb County. The county board of educa-
tion is seeking less than $200,000 to get the
program started, but expects the cost in fed-
eral and local funds to rise to $648,063 in
Construction in 1966 is to begin on a build-
ing for a planetarium, observatory and
natural history museum on the 50-acre site
of virtually virgin forest in the middle of
metropolitan Atlanta.
The board said $300,000 in local funds al-
ready are available for the initial construc-
tion. A science library and museum for
zoology, paleontology, entomology, geology,
and botany are scheduled for 1967 and 1966.
The De Kalb application says this first
science center of its kind in Georgia would
"help bridge man's gap between his auto-
mated world of technology and his natural
Atlanta's school system will establish a
center to improve teacher training, especially
for newcomers to the system.
Crux of the program would be to make new
teachers aware of resources available to
schools in the Atlanta area-"to make the
community their classroom"-and to con-
tinue the learning process for teachers with
undergraduate degrees until they can begin
study for higher degrees.
Proposed cost of the teacher program
through 1968 would be $1,429,321, with
Atlanta providing $591,166 of the total.
But Mr. Culpepper said he had been ex-
pecting the problem and "we're adaptable to
change. We want to do all we can to help
our children."
Paulding County Supt. J. C. Scoggins said
the schools there do not meet the size re-
quirements at this time, but will by next
fall because the three high schools will be
consolidated into one with a combined en-
rollment of about 800.
Lee County Supt. Robert Clay said neither
of the two high schools there have 300 stu-
dents, but the system does have 12 teachers
in each one by providing some local money
to pay the extra ones. "We've always em-
ployed additional teachers over the state al-
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Approved ForL~??W91tf#bf 9P~.7AP0tQ0400070011-may 12, 1966
immigration. The State of Israel has no We do this with pride and vitality, because
such restrictions. First of all they emptied there is a proud and vital relationship be-
the concentration camps. They took the tween American labor and Israel. The warm
poor, the blind, the maimed, the broken in bond of friendship-which is so evident in
spirit, the homeless. They took those who the Bond program and the labor movement
had been tortured and beaten by the "brave' has become increasingly strong over the
,legions of the Third Reich and brought them years-and for good reason.
to Israel to begin a new life. Organized labor in this country is sincere-
They opened their arms to empty the ly and deeply interested in promoting democ-
ghettos of North Africa when rising Arab racy and the democratic trade union move-
nationalism forced the people to flee. They ment. In turn, Israel has felt a close rela-
welcomed those who were expelled by Nasser, tionship with American workers because of
the Egyptian dictator. Their doors are/ open the significant role that the labor movement
to people leaving Eastern Europe. of Israel has played-and continues to play-
No, there are no limitations! All that is in the affairs of the State of Israel. So it is
required in Israel is the desire to live in free- only natural that this bond of fellowship has
dom, to work productively, and thus to build been built up between the labor movements
a new life. But this kind of immigration of Israel and the United States. In addi-
requires great sacrifice and costs much tion, the labor movement of Israel and the
money. The people living in Israel, par- State of Israel itself are firmly committed to
ticularly in the early days (and that was not the cause of freedom.
too long ago) eagerly and willingly shared There are as well some practical business
their homes, their land, their meager rations, reasons for what we are doing tonight. Israel
their inadequate water supply, with these sells to the United States some 60 million
newcomers. The Government of Israel and dollars worth of goods. These consist of
the labor movement were taxed and hard- oranges, wines, industrial diamonds, rain-
pressed to train masses of unskilled people, coats, souvenir items, etc. Israel buys from
to provide jobs, to build new communities- the United States some 200 million dollars
civilized democratic- communities with worth of goods. In the main these are heavy
schools, with houses of worship, with thea- Industrial products such as tractors, road-
ters, These people had to, in many cases, building equipment, machinery, etc. And
learn a new language-and thus Hebrew- as you know, to buy these goods in this coun-
the language of the Bible-has been revived try Israel must come up with dollars. Some
and vitalized in the modern period. This of those dollars you are helping to provide
too was no small accomplishment. In the tonight. As an added plus, Israel is paying
days of Moses they didn't need a word for back to American investors in 1966, 61 mil-
airplane, for jet, for railroad, for space ship, lion dollars. This is what purchasers of
for nuclear energy, for electricity, for auto- Israel Bonds that mature this year will re-
mobile, for all of the accessories of modern ceive. They are making an important conliving and all the concepts of modern life tribution to our balance of payments
that we take for granted. problem.
What an inspiring drama of rehabilitation, I believe that it Is especially significant
of reconstruction, of rebirth and renewal during these times that the national AFL-
has taken place in this ancient land. We are CIO is sponsoring a labor institute in Israel
proud to have a small role in this wonder- to train young labor leaders from Africa and
p Asia. This institute has been of tremendous
ful saga of a new nation in an ancient land. service in advancing the principles of demo-
.Much progress has taken place in Israel cracy and free labor and in countering the
under the impact of investment capital de- activities of Communist countries in Asia
rived from the purchase of Israel Bonds. I and Africa. The labor leaders of Israel have
am told industrial production has soared a special message to impart to the young la-
from a total value of $372,000,000 in 1950 to bor leaders from Asia and Africa because Is-
more than two billion dollars in 1965. rael's leaders have gone through the pains
Israel's labor force has increased in that pe- and pangs of development that the Asian
riod from 427,000 to over 900,000 with some and African leaders are now going through.
220,000 employed in Industry. You may wonder why the youthful leaders
Israel is planning to absorb a half-million of those nations attend this institute in Is-
new citizens in the next five years. It has rael. The answer is a very interesting one;
set for itself a tremendous industrialization they like to participate because Israel is a
program to accommodate this anticipated small country, and they prefer a small coun-
growth in population and to build up its try because they fear domination by large
economy. I understand this will involve the countries. So this fear is solved by the pres-
creation of new industries in large urban cen- ence of the institute in tiny Israel. Because
ters and the establishment of new produc- of the success of this institute, Israel has
tion facilities in regions that are now only become a very important bridge between the
sparsely settled. To achieve these objec- United States and the developing nations.
tives, Israel will need more investment capi- So there is this mutual recognition of the
tal than ever before. We of labor must do importance of a free trade union movement
.our part in helping Israel achieve this ob- to the development of a free country that
jective. has helped draw American labor and Israeli
The American labor movement joins Israel labor closer together.
in this endeavor enthusiastically not only The United Steelworkers and the Labor
because trade unionists are anxious to ad- Movement here are interested in freedom in
vance the welfare of the people of Israel but our country and throughout the world. A
also because we have an obligation to strong and effective labor movement is a
strengthen the link between the labor move- constructive force directed toward the good,
nients of our two nations. As you know, not only of its members, but also toward the-
a dynamic role in the development of the good of a country as a whole. Because it
democratic State of Israel has 'been played knows the value of freedom organized labor
It is no accident that the first targets of
dictators always include trade unions.
Trade unions have the habit of defending
by Histadrut. This is the federation of is an effective spokesman and fighter for EXTENSION OF
workers and pioneers in Israel.
The cause of human brotherhood. spans the
continents and we must be ever mindful of
our fraternal ties with free unions through-
out the world. Histadrut, which has per-
formed a vital function in the survival of
Israel, is among those free unions of the
world with which we must cement our ties of
solidarity and friendship. We do this when
we help insure Israel's growth and expan-
sion through the purchase of investment
freedom of all segments of a society and of
speaking out against exploitation and op-
pression. This kind of luxury cannot be
tolerated by dictators, so-as Hitler did-
they seek the crippling or destruction of la-
bor unions.
So, any place that we, as American trade
unionists, can give a boost to freedom and
to free labor, we should do so without any
hesitation. This is why American labor
has supported the International Confedera-
tion of Free Trade Unions. And this is why
it has been so willing to come to the aid of
the State of Ipkael.
There is another similarity between the
labor movements of the United States and
Israel which is inherent in all these points
which I have been discussing. It is some-
thing I am proud to convey to you: The
American Trade Union Movement is inter-
ested in much more than another nickel or
two in the pay envelope. This has been
amply demonstrated by our record from the
very beginning of the labor movement in this
country. You all know that the first legis-
lative objective of labor was a free public
school education for every American child.
And so it has been down through the years.
We have been concerned about raising the
living standards of all our citizens through
adequate minimum wage laws-the care of
the aged through Medicare-the education
of our children through adequate Federal
and State support of schools-and so on
down the list of many pieces of social legis-
lation designed for the common good.
This kind of concern for the common good
has also been a proud feature of the labor
federation in Israel. So, when you add it
all up, you might say that American workers
and the workers of Israel are brothers, not
only in the cause of trade unionism, but in
the cause of human decency everywhere.
I am deeply proud that the leaders of the
Israel Bond program have selected me as the
recipient of honors. Frankly, I have agreed
to this recognition only because of my be-
lief in the need for increasingly strong ties
between American labor and Israel, and of
course in American labor's continued sup-
port of Israel.
I am very grateful for the singleness of
purpose so impressively displayed at the din-
ner-a Cabinet Member from our Federal
Government-Israel's Minister of Labor-
and Walter Reuther, a leading officer of the
American labor movement.
It pleases me immensely to be the instru-
ment of solidarity in the labor movement
on this occasion, because as of this very mo-
ment 26 international unions sent their key
officers to the dinner. They represent such
diverse groups as the Building and Construc-
tion Trades Department, Building Service
Employees, Bricklayers, Iron Workers, Ma-
chinists, Auto Workers, Operating Engineers,
Furiture Workers, Communications Workers,
Rubber Workers, Potters, Ship Builders, Glass
Bottle Workers and others. We have a cross
section of the labor movement, from the
building trades crafts to the large industrial
unions in the basic industries, in a united
demonstrtaion of labor's widespread support
of Israel.
I anticipated this evening with intense
pride-not for personal reasons-but simply
because it will uphold to all eyes the spirit
of oneness and "helpmanship" which is the
foundation of the relationship between
American labor and the State of Israel.
Ky Talks Too Much
Thursday, May 12, 1966
Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, earlier
this week I criticized Premier Ky of
South Vietnam for intemperate state-.
ments, which he has since repeated.
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May 12, 1966 AporovedLF EWngg 5Z0Wi~6 -1 -RDgpno&R000400070011-9 A2589
Congressman JOHN C. CULVER, who arrived_
late at the banquet (after Mayor Johnson
had left) said the Cardinal's visit to this
country was significant to freedom through-
out the world.
"His presence here tonight is a testimony
to his faith and courage," CULVER said. He
presented the Cardinal with the book "John
F. Kennedy, As We Remember Him," auto-
graphed by the late President's two brothers,
President Kennedy was instrumental in
assisting in Cardinal Beran's release from
Communist Czechoslovakia. He also re-
ceived a personal letter from Sen. ROBERT
KENNEDY thanking him for visiting the late
President's grave in Arlington cemetery.
"I just arrived from Washington, but I
wasn't welcomed at the airport by the
mayor," CULVER jested. Major Johnson an-
nounced Thursday he would oppose CULVER
for the Second district congressional seat.
The Cardinal's human simplicity over-
whelmed one member of the Mt. Mercy
chorus, which sang several religious selec-
tions. His blessing and handshake brought
tears to her eyes:
Dubuque Archbishop James J. Byrne In-
troduced the prelate as a "symbol of love to
church and country. He radiates that same
warm feeling generated by Pope John," the
archbishop said.
"Since he stepped off the plane at Cedar
Rapids," the archbishop continued, "he has
captivated the hearts of those who came in
contact with him. Cedar Rapids has shown
In many ways the joy of his coming."
Speaking through his interpreter, Cardinal
Reran expressed his gratefulness for the re-
ception he has received here. He said he had
received greetings from persons of all faiths.
Members of the Protestant, Jewish and
Catholic.faiths,joined in honoring the Cardi-
nal. The Rev. Francis W. Pritchard of First
Presbyterian church gave the Invocation.
Rabbi Isaac Neuman of Temple Judah de-
livered the benediction.
Other headtable dignitaries included
Bishop George Biskup, head of the Des
Moines Diocese, and a native of Cedar Rap-
ids: The Rt. Rev. Msgrs. Anthony W. Chi-
hak of St. Wenceslaus and Maurice S. Sheehy
of St. Plus; and Harold Wendorf, vice-presi-
dent of the Cedar Rapids Chamber of Com-
The Cardinal is staying at Mt. Mercy dur-
ing his visit. At his Thursday afternoon
press conference, he said he would like to
return to his homeland some day, but ex--
pressed doubt he would.
When exiled by the communist government
in Czechoslovakia, it was made clear that he
would not be allowed to return. He now
makes his home in Rome.
The Cardinal told newsmen that while his
actual movement in Czechoslovakia was lim-
ited and his connection with the outside
church small, he managed to watch on tele-
vision the funeral of Pope John and eleva-
tion of Pope Paul.
Gesturing frequently, he told how he
sensed the freedom of the people in the
United States.
"The people here are more joyful than
those in the homeland."
Asked how much influence a religious
leader should have on the world, he replied:
"The influence is greatest the more he (the
clergyman) follows what he preaches, sets
A reporter Inquired if he had any relatives
in this country. Smiling broadly, he said
there are many Berans, all claiming to be
relatives. "But I have no proof." He said
he welcomed them all as relatives anyway.
Tuesday, May 10, 1966
Mr. BOW. Mr. Speaker, once again
General O'Brien and his troops have in-
vaded Capitol Hill and successfully cap-
tured sufficient votes to place an addi-
tional burden of several million tax dol-
lars on the American people, this time to
pay for rent subsidies.
Where is the general and where are his
troops when we try to reduce the in-
flationary spending in the Congress?
Perhaps he is not receiving his mail at
the Post Office Department, for mail de-
liveries are slower to patrons than the
general's Cadillac trip to the Hill.
On May 4 in my remarks on the HEW
appropriation bill, I suggested that the
President veto bills that break the budget
barrier. I am delighted that the editor
of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner sup-
ported my views editorially. I ask per-
mission to include that editorial with my
remarks as follows:
It is high time that President Johnson
serve notice that he will use his constitu-
tional power of the veto unless Congress
exercises some self-discipline on non-defense
Half-hearted admonitions won't do the job.
The latest exercise in oratory took place
this week at the convention of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce in Washington.
Gardner Ackley, the President's top eco-
nomic advisor, reminded his businessman-
audience that profits have been increasing
much faster than the take-home pay of the
He expressed fear that such a situation will
lead to massive wage demands, and that the
resulting wage-price spiral will undercut
everybody's prosperity.
The government will be forced to dampen
the speculative boom with a tax increase.
Ackley indicated, unless business restrains
its prices and profits.
Naturally, businessmen should not, in
their own interest as well as the nation's,
fall prey to an inflationary psychology and
raise prices unnecessarily.
But the only way for industry to create
new jobs Is to expand production facilities-
and the necessary Investments can be paid
for only out of profits. This is a point worth
remembering by organized labor as well as by
Furthermore, even with the fullest co-
operation, business and labor cannot hold
the lid on inflation by themselves. The pres-
sures for higher prices stem basically from
increased federal spending in both defense
and non-defense areas.
The federal government must tighten Its
own money faucet, and both Ackley and his
boss in the White House have publicly recog-
nized this fact.
Mr. Johnson complains that Congress is
adding close to $3 billion to his budget for
the next fiscal year, and other officials say
that the largesse of the lawmakers may force
the administration into seeking a tax
So far, however, the President has not
remonstrated with Congress In the same
forceful terms he has used on business. And
there have been no signs that he is con-
templating the use of his major weapon-
the veto, which would force congressional
The unfortunate fact is that, the way
things are going, we will have both infla-
tion and a tax increase. Higher taxes will
not have a deflationary effect if the pro-
ceeds are merely used for more and more
federal spending.
Israel Bond Dinner Honors I. W. Abel
Tuesday, May 10, 1966
Mr. MOORHEAD. Mr. Speaker, in
connection with the recent observance of
the 18th anniversary of Israel's Inde-
pendence, I should like to call the atten-
tion of the House to an address by Mr.
I. W. Abel, the distinguished president of
the United Steelworkers of America, at
the Israel bond labor tribute dinner on
April 24. The unions and it number of
steel companies honored Abel by pur-
chasing Israel bonds, thereby demon-
strating their approval of his interest
in-and warm support of-Israel as a
stronghold of democracy and social jus-
tice. More than a million dollars worth
of bonds were sold in connection with
this dinner.
Under leave to extend my remarks I
include Mr. Abel's address at this point
in the RECORD:
24, 1966
It is good to share in the cause which is
the principal beneficiary of this testimonial
dinner. By our presence, we are renewing a
friendly association of long standing between
our organization and the State of Israel.
This association has its beginning almost
from the day that this tiny nation was
founded some eighteen years ago.
As Steelworkers and as Americans we have
always expressed a profound interest In the
progress of developing countries which em-
brace the principles of democracy. We have
been particularly concerned about the future
of Israel which has given democracy such a
strong foothold in a key area of the world.
We have long realized that this new nation
is vital to the cause of democracy, freedom
and peace which our country, strives to
In recognition of Israel's firm commit-
ment to the cause of freedom and social
progress, American labor unions have pur-
chased in excess of $16,000,000 in Israel
Bonds down through the years. Our union
has been among the major participants in
this program in the past and we will un-
doubtedly continue to be a major supporter
In the future. We welcome the opportunity
to strengthen Israel through this means be-
cause we know it will help stimulate a
healthy social and economic life in this out-
post of freedom in the Middle East.
It is a fact that Israel's population has
grown from 850,000 to 2,600,000 in the past
18 years. The bond aid, such as we of labor
have advanced, has helped this small nation
provide a life of hope and dignity to more
than 1,300,000 Immigrants from many lands.
'Whitt kind of people were these immi-
grants? You know that most countries have
rather rigid qualifications as to health, skills,
financial resources,'and other limitations on
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400070011-9
M,,/ 1 2, 1966 Approved F~-S/~1J/2~EDP6gppp"f*00400070011-9
about the prospects for free elections in
that troubled country, A recent edi-
torial from the Long Island Press states
the ramifications of, Mr. Ky's ill-con-
sidered remarks very well, and I com-
mend it to the reading of my colleagues:
As if the United States didn't have enough
trouble with its enemies, we have to put up
with our friends In Saigon.
No sooner did things quiet down after
last month's feverish political agitation in
South Viet Nam, did Premier Nguyen Cao
Ky start stirring up things again with pro-
vocative statements that seem to serve no
discernible purpose-other than to stir things
up again.
Over the weekend Ky who once put his
foot in his mouth by saying nice things
about Hitler, said he expects to stay in
power at least another year.
Although there were immediate rumbles
in South Viet Nam about "betrayal," the
first reaction on all sides was to minimize
the premier's remarks. State Secretary
Rusk said he saw nothing in Ky's statement
to indicate any change in the election sched-
ule. And a soft line was even taken by
Thich Thien Minh, protege of the powerful
Buddhist leader Thich Tri Quang, principal
figure behind the recent unrest that brought
the Ky regime to pledge the elections in the
first place.
The most dramatic attempt to take the
heat out of Ky's statement was taken by the
Vietnamese language papers in Saigon.
They blotted it out. Everyone from Wash-
ington to Danang looks to the elections with
mixed feelings of fear and hope. The fear
is that they will only make worse the politi-
cal muddle in Viet Nam. And the hope Is
that stable workable regime with real pop-
ular backing might just emerge out of them.
Those blank spots in the Saigon papers
may have helped to "cool" things off. But
the best way to "cool it" is for Premier Hy
to put some blank spots where his mouth is.
"Alexander von Humboldt: Geographer,
Oceanographer, and Genius-One of
the Great Explorers of All Time,"
by Circumnavigator-Explorer Wendell
Phillips Dodge, Fellow, Royal Geo-
graphical Society
Thursday, May 12, 1966
Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, the
March-April 1966 issue of the Compass,
a publication of the Socony Mobil Oil
Co., Inc., of New York, publishes an ar-
ticle pertinent to the present step-up in
carrying forth a continuing study of the
science of oceanography by the U.S.-Gov-
ernment. It is written by Comdr. Wen-
dell Phillips, Dodge, F.R.G.S., lifelong
explorer - circumnavigator ethnologist,
who has made an extensive study of the
ocean currents of the earth, entitled
"Alexander von Humboldt: Geographer,
Oceangrapher and Genius-One of. the
Great Explorers of All Time."
A scientific explorer himself, Com-
mander Dodge considers Alexander von
Humboldt to be the greatest scientific
explorer the world has ever known.' Un-
like most explorers in history he, himself,
financed his own extensive explorations.
He influenced the course of Charles
Darwin's life, throughout which this
other great scientist regarded Von
Humboldt as "the greatest scientific ex-
plorer who ever lived."
Commander Dodge, longtime member
of the Explorers Club, New York, and for
many years editor of its quarterly publi-
cation, the Explorers Journal, feels that
hardly a handful of its membership even
know who Alexander von Humboldt was,
nor of his numerous contributions to
scientific explorations. Who else then
today may be expected to know about the
man of whom a celebrated American
journalist, in 1857, remarked:
I came to Berlin not to visit its museums,
galleries or operas, but for the sake of seeing
the world's greatest living man-Alexander
von Humboldt.
This well-known journalist had
shaken the hands of, and knew Goethe,
Schiller, Frederick the Great, Benjamin
Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Charles
Darwin, Simon Bolivar, Napoleon Bona-
parte, Beethoven-every great man,
every famous scientist, every great artist,
musician and author, statesman and
ruler, in Europe and the Americas.
Humboldt advanced the theory of geog-
raphy mainly through insistence on the
great principle of the unity of nature.
The article follows:
(By Circumnavigator-Explorer Wendell Phil-
lips Dodge, fellow, Royal Geographical
Most everyone has heard of the Peru or
Humboldt Current. But few people know
who discovered it, what it is and how it
benefits mankind. This is its story and the
story of the man who discovered it.
Few mariners knew much about the East-
ern Pacific during the 18th and early 19th
centuries. The Spaniards made sure of this
by discouraging visitors and by keeping what
they knew to themselves. As a result, charts
were rudimentary and sailing directions non-
Plagued by a scientist's curiosity, Alex-
ander von Humboldt spent five years in the
area (1799-1804) trying to learn something
about it. Using his personally devised
methods, he literally dissected the ocean
closely, keenly studying everything he found.
From these studies he subsequently published
a great deal of information regarding the
territory in a "Personal Narrative of Travels
to the Equinoctial Regions of America During
the Years 1799-1804." In it he gives the de-
tails of one of his major discoveries, the cur-
rent that now bears his name.
The Humboldt Current, as the narrative
points out, is a branch of a trans-Pacific cur-
rent known as the West Wind Drift (see
chart) (not printed in the RECORD). This
Drift, an eastward moving current pushed
along by the prevailing Westerlies, is a cold
one that extends from 40' S. to 60' S. lati-
tude. As it nears the west coast of South
America, a part of it bends northward form-
ing the Humboldt Current. This flows (aver-
age speed 2 knots) all the way up the coast-
line to about 4' S. There it turns westward
once again pushed along by the Southeast
Trades to eventually lose its identity in the
warm tropical waters of the equatorial region.
That unbelievable maelstrom, Cape Horn,
must also have an effect on the Humboldt
Current's formation. What this might be
was to both Humboldt and succeeding gen-
Ili. ~i9
erations of ocean scientists mainly a matter
of conjecture. But the "Cape Homers", that
rapidly diminishing group of mariners who
weathered old Cape Stiff in, square sail, will
tell you it must have some influence, for
there is no place in the World where winds,
currents. and weather are so continually
mixed up.
Humboldt found the West Wind Drift cold
where it bends northward to form his cur-
rent. Following it up along the coastline, he
learned that upwellings from the deep keep
it could even as it moves into hotter cli-
mates. This continuously maintained cold-
ness is responsible for producing one of the
world's outstanding dry zones that he called
a "Desert in the Sea." But it also has a most
interesting effect on the land clo=e by.
Ocean currents, he found, dominate the
climate in the area. In the case of a cold
one, it produces a very cool dry climate
ashore. This is the case with the Humboldt
Current from Valparaiso to Paita, Peru.
Though dry ashore, low overcast and fogs
frequently make it rather gloomy, and the
coastal hills are enveloped in clouds much
of the time. Beyond, however, it's clear and
A cold current such as the Humboldt, kept
cold by upwellings as it travels toward warm-
er climates, has an even more important
function. It provides food. The upwellings
bring unused sub-surface plant nutrients,
such as phosphates and nitrates, toward the
surface. This makes the near-surface area
exceedingly rich in all kinds of sea life, a
sort of "sea pasture", as Humboldt called
it. He actually found this particular current
houses one of the world's richest fishing
grounds. Today, it's the primary reason why
Peru is the largest sea-food and fish-meal
producing country in the world.
He also discovered that where near-sur-
face fish abound, the great sea birds flock.
They fly over the water, dive, capture, eat
and then dive again during every moment of
their waking hours. Their droppings known
as guano, are one of nature's richest fer-
tilizers. Small off-shore islands and the
near shoreside along the coastline were and
still are coated with it. Historically, it has
always been much in demand the world
over, having appeared on the cargo manifests
of innumerable squareriggers and steam-
Humboldt also learned a great deal about
the winds blowing seaward over his current.
Cooled and dried as they pass over it, they
wing their way westward to affect climate
virtually to the Gilbert Islands. Recently,
oceanographers found that these dry winds
go even farther than Humboldt suspected.
They have been found as far west as Nauru
Island, located about 26 miles south of the
equator in roughly 167' east longitude.
The Humboldt responsible for all we are
talking about was Baron Friedrich Alexander
von Humboldt, born in Berlin-on September
14, 1769. His father, a major in the Prussian
Army, came from a prominent Pomeranlan
family. For the elder von Humbolt's serv-
ices during the Seven Years War, he re-
ceived the post of Royal Chamberlain. After
the war, 1766, he married Maria Elisabeth
von Colomb, widow of Baron von Hollwede.
They had two children, first Wilhelm, then
Alexander's childhood was far from prom-
ising. His health was poor, and he showed
little talent for school work. But he did be-
gin to show some of the traits that later
were to become so keenly developed. For ex-
ample, he had a consuming interest for col-
leeting and labeling plants, shells and in-
sects. For this he received the playful title
of "the little apothecary".
1789 he matriculated at Gottingen, a school
famous at the time for the stimulating lec-
tures of C. C. Heyne and J. F. Blumenbach.
By now his vast and varied powers were
fully developed. He amply demonstrated
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how fully during the following summer on a
scientific expedition up the Rhine River.
At Its conclusion he issued a treatise, "Min-
eralogische Beobachtungen fiber enige Ba-
salt am Rhein," published at Brunswick in
1790. The calibre of this work was so high
it gained him an entree to the famous Wei-
mar coterie.
Following a long and active period during
which he traveled all over the world, he fi-
nally settled in France, growing to regard
Paris as his home. There he found both the
scientific sympathy and the sort of social
stimulus his vigorous, healthy mind craved.
He was equally in his element as the lion of
the salmon and as the savant of both the
institute and the observatory. He was, In-
deed, a great figure who was greeted by ap-
plause wherever he went. He loved France,
adored Paris, so much that when he was
summoned by the King to join the court in
Berlin, he did so but with a deep and lasting
The years 1830 to 1848 were monumental
in Humboldt's life. For one thing he was
frequently employed by his sovereign in
diplomatic misisons to Louis Philippe's
court. This was a most welcomed assign-
ment, since he always maintained the most
cordial personal relations with the French
Between 1836 and 1839, though saddened
by his brother's death, he turned out the
first of two monumental works. This was a
critical study of all historical sources deal-
ing with the early voyages and discoveries of
America. In it he referred to the develop-
ment of nautical astronomy in the 15th and
18th centuries. In this work that has a
most impressive title, "Examen Critique de
1'Histoire de la Geographie du Nouveau Con-
tinent et des Progres de l'Astronomle Nau-
tique au 15 et 16 Stecles," he established the
origin of the name America. "I believe to
have earned a modest merit", wrote Hum-
boldt, "by having proved that Amerigo Ves-
pucci had no part In the naming of the New
Continent, but that the name originated in
a hidden spot in the Vosages Mountains.
There a certain map-maker by the name of
Martin Waldsemtiller boldly put it on a map
that illustrated Vespucci's wonderful voy-
The second and, without doubt, his most
important work of all was his "Cosmos."
This he completed and had published by I. G.
Cotta in 1847. Scientists and the general
reading public soon made it a best seller,
continuing to do so for many years after-
wards. The demand was so great that Cotta,
who also published Gbethe's and Schiller's
works, wrote: "In the history of book pub-
lishing, the demand is epoch-making. For
a good time Its sales began to rival those of
the Bible, the world's best seller."
Humboldt's work impressed the curious
and speculative minds of his age. Charles
Darwin, for example, regarded him as the
greatest scientific explorer who ever lived".
As a matter of fact, his 1799-1804 "Narrative
of the American Travels" affected the entire
course of Darwin's life. For in this work
Humboldt clearly described the new animals
he found in the South American area. These
included the electric eel, alligator and mon-
hey. His descriptions even included facts
about their natural habitats. And with
Guy-Lussac he made the Initial studies re-
garding the respiration of fish. Imagine how
this sort of information appeal to the mind
destined to change so much through his
"Origin of Species."
Actually, Alexander von Humboldt was the
first modern geographer to become a great
explorer. In his travels he acquired an ex-
tensive stock of first-hand information. But
more important, he divorced his thinking
from traditional paths and pioneered new
methods of collecting information. His
methods were destined to have far-reaching
effects. For example, he was the first to
secure Information by means of simultaneous
observations at distant points. This took
some doing, as communications were rudi-
mentary in his time. He simply induced
various nations to join him in his scientific
efforts. They carefully kept records of nat-
ural phenomena, sending them on to Hum-
boldt at regular intervals. These records
enabled him to determine the nature and
la.w of "natural storms" (a term he invented
for abnormal disturbances of the Earth's
magnetism). Here was the beginning of
what in very recent years became the Inter-
national Geophysical Year-IGY!
This is only one of numerous cases illus-
trating his scientific approach to solving
almost any problem. He actually brought
together all the facts or, as he called them,
"observable beings" that eager collectors of
the previous century had gathered. But he
went a step further. He systematically cata-
loged them. And where there were gaps in
the findings, he either searched for the an-
swer with field expeditions on his own, or
enlisted the assistance of other scientists
in an attempt to fill them.
Today's scientists, equipped with gadgets
Humboldt never dreamed of, are continually
influenced by his findings. For he was the
one to clearly demonstrate and document
that land and sea formations influence cli-
mate, plant life, animal life, and man him-
self. The concept, mind you, was not a new
one. It simply took a genius like Humboldt
to illustrate it in a way most everyone would
His superb scientific work rightfully clas-
sifies Alexander von Humboldt as the father
of modern physical geography and meteorol-
ogy. He introduced the isotherm (a line
connecting points of equal temperature). It
subsequently became the means of compar-
ing climatic conditions of various countries.
He was the first to investigate the drop in
mean temperature its altitude increases.
Through his inquiries into the origin of trop-
ical storms, he found one of man's earliest
clues to the laws governing atmospheric dis-
turbances at higher altitudes. His essay on
the geography of plants, based upon the
then novel idea of examining the distribu-
tion of organic life, has affected subsequent
thinking among botanists. His magnetic
studies revealed the decrease in intensity
of the Earth's magnetic forces as they ap-
proach the equator, giving rise to the term
"variation," a factor every navigator compen-
sates for in laying out a course. His baro-
metric and astronomic observations were
so keen, they formed the basis for charting
Central and South America. And lie intro-
duced the now widely used method of draw-
ing profiles to illustrates various geographic
His services to the science of geology were
mainly based on his Andean work. He
searchingly studied South America's vol-
canoes during his 1'799-1804 work, finding
that they fall into a sort of linear group.
These were found to correspond with the
subsequently discovered subterranean. fissure
that runs around the Earth from Pole to
Pole. This is the fissure referred to by this
author in "The Lost Continent of Mu" in
The Compass for March-April 1962. It has
caused much havoc in both Alaska and Chile
recently. Perhaps the currently planned
"Mohole" project will finally learn the rea-
sons for these phenomena that Humboldt
discovered over 150 years ago.
Toward the end of his long lifetime, Hum-
boldt remarked, "It has been my fate to sur-
vive everybody, my family and kings. I have
lived so long that I have almost lost the
consciousness of time. I belong to the age
of Jefferson, Madison, Galatin and Bee-
thoven." The scientific world didn't think
so when he died in Berlin May 6. 1859. It
went into mourning for what one writer
called "the greatest man since Aristotle."
Louis Agassiz summed up the scientific
world's opinion of this great man in a few,
but extremely well chosen, words. In 1860,
when commemorating the centennial of
Humboldt's birth, he said, "His mode of
treating his subjects- emphatically his
own-has led many specialists to underrate
Humboldt's farpiliarity with different
branches of science-as if knowledge could
only be rendered in pedantic forms and set
phraseology. To what degree we Americans
are indebted to him, no one knows who is
not familiar with the history of learning and
education in the last century. All the fun-
damental facts of popular education in
physical science, beyond the merest elemen-
tary instruction, we owe to him. The first
geologic cross sections, the first sections
across an entire continent, the first average
climates illustrated by lines were his. Every
schoolboy is familiar with his methods, but
he does not know that Humboldt is his
teacher. How few remember that the tidal
lines, the.present mode of registering mag-
netic phenomena and ocean currents are.
but applications of Humboldt's researches
and of his graphic mode of recording them."
The world of letters also recognized his
accomplishments. Ralph Waldo Emerson
in 1869 had this to say: "Humboldt was one
of those wonders of the world, like Aristotle,
like Julius Caesar, like Admirable Crichton
(James Crichton, a 16th century Scottish
scholar), who appear from time to time,
as if to show us the possibilities of the hu-
man mind, the force and range of the fac-
ulties---a universal man."
And around the world the places bearing
his name are legion. What more fitting trib-
ute a grateful mankind give in honoring a
man who is still generally conceded to be
one of the greatest scientists that ever lived.
They include:
HUMBOLDT CURRENT/off the Pacific Coast
of South America
HUMBOLDT MOUNTAINS; range of Nanshen
system, China
HUMBOLDT BAY/Northern New-Guinea
HUMBOLDT/Saskatchewan, Canada
HUMBOLDT/South Dakota
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