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Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 6336 CONGRESS :L RECORD - HOUSE March. 2J, 1966 and the world today is population con- our coed to the gentleman from meats in a recent editorial entitled "Clos- trol. It is now generally recognized New Yorl: .irman. CELLER, the patri- ing Ranks." throughout the world that unless prompt arch of c legation, recognizing fully It notes the unanimous vote given by and effective steps are taken to check that we, will miss her. the 39 Governors who attended a White the galloping rate of population growth, That t;: ,tion shared Mr. CELLER's House conference, and says this "is fur- awesome consequences are inevitable. sorrow we mbolized by the presence ther buttressed by the latest public opin- Unless effective steps are taken to curb of the Pre rat at the funeral services ion poll which showed more than 7 to 1 this growth, the world is faced with the in New Yo The President stood for approving the President's actions." stark reality of another dark age, en- the comm. :.Ly of peoples and faiths I believe a great deal of the recent in- shrouded in hunger, poverty, overcrowd- which this country of our represents. He crease in support approving the Presi- ing, wars and famine, ending in human, stood for the compassion and under- dent's actions comes from the favorable cannibalism or exploding into possible standing of a government which we reaction of the American public to the nuclear war. sometimes think of as too large to be Honolulu Conference and the recent em- That is the view of many, including personal. He stood in a Jewish house of phasis of the administration on the so- some of the world's foremost scientists worship yesterday as a mark of rccogni- cial political and economic reforms to be and statesmen. tion of the magnificent contributions carried on in South Vietnam. President Johnson has sounded the that the gentleman from New York, The recent visits of the Vice Presi- warning repeatedly, and so have many EMANUEL CELLER, has made to the coun- dent, the Secretary of Agriculture and other world speakers. Here in Congress try, contributions to which he was ever the Secretary of HEW all indicate the I have joined with others in the introduc- urged by his now departed wife. importance of the United States support- tion of legislation to set up two sub- Ing the economic and social reforms in Cabinet posts to disseminate birth con- South Vietnam to create a strong gov- trol information upon request, at home HOSPITAL AND EXTENDED-CARE ernment. and abroad. FACILITIES An important part of this was the There is a pressing need for a crash (Mr. DOW asked and was given per- recent establishment of former Major program. Nothing less will suffice. mission to address the House for 1 minute General Lansdale as Minister to South An unequal race is being waged today and to revise and extend his remarks.) Vietnam. This is a great step forward between human production and food pro- Mr. DOW. Mr. Speaker, I have very in recognizing the importance of being duction, with the population growth out- recently addressed a letter to the Presi- successful in all parts of the conflict in stripping food production each year. dent and to Secretary Gardner of the De- southeast Asia. Let us look for a moment at this growth partment of Health, Education, and Wel- The editorial commenting on the sup- rate. It is appalling. In 1930 there fare asking that they set up a national port given the President will be of inter- were only 2 billion people on this earth. commission to deal with the emergency est to my colleagues, and with this in In 1970 it will be 4 billion; and by the that may be created by medicare, if hos- mind I shall ask unanimous consent that year 2000, at the present rate, the figure pital facilities do not prove to be the article be inserted in the Appendix. will reach 7.4 billion, according to the adequate [The matter referred to appears in the Population Reference Services. I have received alarming reports from Appendix.) Any good that results from foreign aid doctors and social workers in my district. in the underdeveloped countries is large- They arc short of nurses to operate avail- ly wiped out by the increase in popula- able equipment, to say nothing of the REDS ADMIT THEIR ROLE IN tion. Any such aid, to be meaningful, shortage of hospital beds. DOMINICAN REVOLT should be tied to education and free dis- On January 1, 1967, we will be com- (Mr. WAGGONNER asked and was semination of birth control information. mencing the benefits provided as post- given permission to address the House Without that, our assistance becomes an hospital extended care, or nursing-home for 1 minute, to revise and extend his exercise in futility. care. We will be assuming this operation remarks, and to include an editorial.) We spend billions on poverty, with its with a national shortage of 500,000 beds Mr. WAGGONNER. Mr. Speaker, I effectiveness offset or negated by exces- in such nursing homes. Many of the take no real pleasure to bringing to the sive births among recipients. In the existing homes are not up to par in meet- attention of this body the frank admis- United States we are told that 9 out of ing proper standards. sion of the heirarchy of international every 10 impoverished women still lack We know that an Advisory Council and communism that they armed and fo- competent birth control information and a National Medical Review Committee mented the revolt last April in the Do- assistance. have been provided under the existing minican Republic. Mr. Speaker, time is running out. medicare legislation. However, neither Anyone whose head is not in a pink There is no time to waste. Every pos- of these groups has emergency author- cloud knew that the revolt was their sible effort should be made to educate ity to take positive steps to cope with doing as the President said, but for the the general public and arouse them to bottlenecks, lack of facilities, personal first time, we have their open admission the seriousness of this problem, along disappointments and public outcries at that they tried it and were blocked only with the free dissemination of the best the critical times and places when mcdi- because of the intervention of the birth control information that can be care benefits will be demanded, and then United States. There is a group in the provided. prove to be unavailable. In some places executive branch and one in the other and critical situations it may be neces- body that will not like this public ad- PRESIDENT JOHNSON ATTENDS THE sary to set up emergency facilities. mission because they have stoutly denied FUNERAL OF MRS. EMANUEL Authority for this should be provided. that Communists had any part in that CELLER Mr. Speaker, I urge that all of us in the upheaval and have bitterly criticized this Federal Government address ourselves to Government for stepping in to protect (Mr. FARBSTEIN asked and was given this problem so that we will not be this hemisphere from additional Corn- permission to address the House for 1 charged with lack of foresight later this munist encroachment. Not only did this minute.) year or next when medicare becomes our / misguided group originally take that po- Mr. FARBSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, it was obligation, sition, but they have continued to hew to pay tribute to a fine American lady ~J to that line in spite of every evidence to and the husband she Inspired to great SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT JOHN- the contrary. It will be interesting, if achievements in the Congress that Presi- SON'S VIETNAM POLICY saddening, to see what this clique has dent Johnson yesterday attended the to say now that the Communist confes- funeral of Mrs. Emanuel Celler. The (Mr. ADAMS asked and was given sion is a matter of public record. death of Stella Celler is a personal loss permission to address the House for 1 Frankly, Mr. Speaker, it would not to each of us in New York. She was a minute.) surprise me too much if they try to ig- wompu who would not be defeated by Mr. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, the sup- nore this confession and stick to their illness or age. She retained her vitality, port given the President fur his policies own little party line to the effect that her dedication and her boy of life to her in Vietnam has been greatly strength- Communists had no part in the Domhri- last moments. We New Tr c v r m S. White ~'ti'~- 6Md6v4~6FC8 `&466(f4w606-8 March 24, A 3gyved For ReleC48&afS5ya&]iI Q8WJ)B004A&4 400040006-8 The proposal contained in the report prompted the announcement a few days ago that Solvay has been prepared to go much further. The company is very interested in the possibililty of joining with the county in the development of a single treatment facility to deal with the industrial waste and the municipal sewage in Nine Mile Creek, the stream into which Solvay's waste water flows. Solvay has offered to pay for the feasi- bility study. A spokesman for the di- vision terms the action "a growth in com- pany policy," but I believe it is much more than this. At the very least it is an example of Solvay's responsible rec- ognition of a problem, its progressive willingness to contribute to a solution, and an expression of leadership that both other industries and units of govern- ment should emulate. I am hopeful that the true spirit of co- operative federalism, resting, as it must, on local initiative and planning, will bring about in the very near future the long awaited restoration of Onondaga Lake. H.R. 13993, HORTON BILL TO ALLOW AN INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR CERTAIN COSTS OF MOVING (Mr. HORTON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. HORTON. Mr. Speaker, my col- leagues will recall the strong support I voiced and voted yesterday in behalf of H.R. 10607, a bill to provide reimburse- ment to Federal employees for many of the costs they incur when they are re- quired to move from one job location to another. I believe we acted wisely in according Government employees a pro- tection that is already practiced widely in private Industry. However, there is another aspect of these moving expenses that deserves our consideration and constructive correc- tion, and this problem involves all em- ployees, public or private, who receive reimbursement for moving costs. I am referring to the tax treatment of such reimbursement. Certain categories of reimbursement for employee moving expenses; namely, travel costs of the employee and his im- mediate family as well as the costs of moving household goods from the old to new place of employment, have not been considered income to the employee and thus have not been taxed. As a logical extension of this tax-free treatment, the 88th Congress provided that these ex- penses, whether reimbursed by a new em- ployer or paid for by the employee chang- ing employers, in his move from one location to another, were similarly deductible. The problem presented and that which my new bill seeks to overcome is that the aforementioned expenses do not embrace the total cost burden to a moving em- ployee. Just as we have legislatively rec- ognized in H.R. 10607, he faces- The expenses of a house-hunting trip for himself and his wife; Temporary living costs at his new lo- cation while he and his family await the arrival of their household effects; The fees and other costs of selling his old house; Expenses attendant on the purchase of a new house, such as attorney fees and other closing costs; and The numerous items commonly con- sidered as a lump sum or miscellaneous figure, including appliance connections, licenses, size adjustments, and other in- cidentals. Repeating, H.R. 10607 recognizes these items as a burden on the moved Federal employee that his Federal Government employer should assume. Similarly, many private concerns already make provision for the reimbursement of these costs. But, the benefit of reimbursement be- comes considerably diminished when the employee must treat it as ordinary in- come. Further, his employer is required to withhold from it and report it in the same manner as the employee's wages. A taxpayer who carried a case through the courts involving his belief that he should be permitted a deduction for re- imbursement received lost out when the Supreme Court denied a review. How- ever, in opposing the review, the Attorney General argued that Congress rather than the Court should decide the issue Involved. Thus, Mr. Speaker, I believe there is this additional reason for a congressional response to the present unfair tax treat- ment of thousands of Americans required to move from one place to another each year because such a move is required by the nature of their employment or the mobility of our economy. For two principal reasons, first, that it Is manifestly inconsistent for the Gov- ernment to recognize the legitimacy of these expenses for reimbursement on the one hand while taxing that reimburse- ment as income on the other, and second, that it is not proper policy for Govern- ment to impose a drag on the necessary mobility of our society and economy. I urge my colleagues to consider closely the need for this legislation with the hope they will join me in working for its prompt passage. CORRECTION OF ROLLCALL Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, on roilcall No. 268, on Septem- ber 8, 1965, a quorum call, I am recorded as absent. I was present and answered to my name. I ask unanimous consent that the permanent RECORD and Journal be corrected accordingly. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Tennessee? There was no objection. demonstrated the fact that most Amer- icans support our present Vietnam policy. The principle of. free speech is deeply ingrained in our American life and it has proven its benefits over the years. The arguments we have heard have served to crystallize the areas of con- troversy, to define the Issues more clearly and, therefore, to give all Americans a better opportunity to understand our course of action. An editorial appearing in the March 11, 1966, issue of Life magazine com- ments on this debate. It suggests that we should now call a truce on such di- visive debate and give the administra- tion an opportunity to demonstrate what it can accomplish in Vietnam. I suggest that such a pause would be wise and would serve our Nation's inter- est well. While we recognize that there is not total unanimity of opinion on all phases of our Vietnam policy, there is substantial agreement by a great ma- jority of Americans in support of it. Let us now get on with the job. Our position has improved, our troops have the initiative. Let us spend the next few months determining how to give them the maximum support rather than engaging in a great debate which will gain no material purpose. The editorial follows: From Life magazine, Max. 11, 19661 TIME FOR A PAUSE IN THE BIG DEBATE The overwhelmingly favorable vote on the President's request for an additional $4.8 billion in funds for Vietnam shows that most Congressmen recognize the need to pay for our commitments. Even so, the action.was not accomplished in a spirit of pure unanim- ity. Senator FULBRIGHT cast an approving vote only because he belatedly decided that a money bill is not the proper place to amend policy. Seventy-five Members of the liberal House Democratic study group thought it necessary to explain their "ayes" did not mean that they favor unrestrained or indis- criminate enlargement of the military effort in Vietnam (as if anyone did). Congress reflects the undercurrent of dis- sent and controversy that continues to flow beneath our Vietnam policy. But for all their qualms and misgivings most Americans seem convinced that the hard course chosen by the administration is the correct one. The conviction of this majority deserves to be honored too. The debate during the last 2 months has been enlightened, and enlightening, in our tradition of free speech. FULBRIGHT'S forum, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings, succeeded in defining the main is- sue as whether or not we can or should con- tain Red China. Answers to this come no easier, but the questions make more sense than they often did before. Now that the hearings are complete, and the money deposited to account, perhaps the G 1 l - time has come to recognize that we are en- TIME TO REPLACE DEBATE WITH SUPPORT (Mr. BROOKS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- marks and include an editorial.) Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Speaker, for many weeks there has been a continuous dia- log concerning the U.S. activities in Viet- nam. While this discussion has dis- closed areas of controversy, it has also gaged in a war in Vietnam which can in fact be won. President Johnson observed a 37- day pause in the bombing at the beginning of this year, to give North Vietnam a chance (which it ignored) to respond with some pacific gesture. How about a 37-day pause in the criticism to let the President's policy go forward unhindered? Or better yet, a 137-day pause, during which time the admin- istration should have a real opportunity to show what can be accomplished militarily and otherwise in Vietnam. After that, crit- icism might be appropriate or even-who knows? unnecessary. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE March 24, 1966 COMMITTEE ON POST OFFICE AND CIVIL SERVICE Mr. 'UDALL. Mr. Speaker, I ask Unanimous consent that the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service may have lentil midnight tonight to file a report on IL.R. 6845. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so ordered. There was no objection. YJONFEr:ENCE REPORT (H. REPT. No. 1347) The committee of conference on the dis- zgreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. Git45), to correct inequities with respect to the basic compensation of teachers and reaching positions under the Defense De- partment Overseas Teachers Pay and Per- ;onnel P:racticess Act, having met, after full ,n.d free conference, have agreed to recom- mend and do recommend to their respective [louses as follows: Amendment numbered (1) : That the douse recede from its disagreement to the a.niendmentof the Senate numbered (1) and ngree to the same with an amendment as fol- lows: On page 2 of the House engrossed bill, strike out line 13 and all that follows down through line 13 on page 3, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "(c) Section 5 of such Act (73 Stat. 214; Public Law 86-91; 5 U.S.C. 2353) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "'(c) On or before the 15th day of Jan- nary in each calendar year beginning after the date of enactment of this subsection, ishe Secretary of Defense shall report to the respective Committees on Post Office and Civil Service of the Senate and the House of Representatives the following informa- 0on.- " ' (1) The number of teachers separated from teaching positions subsequent to the close of the immediately preceding full school year; ' (2) the number of such separated teach- ers who :returned to the United States; "'(3) the number of such separated tech- era placed in positions as teachers in the United States following such separation; "'(4) the number of such separated teach- er; returned to positions as teachers in the United States under voluntary reciprocal in- terchange agreements with school jurisdic- tions In the United States; "'(5) the number of such separated teach- ers placed in positions as teachers in the United States through special placement as- astanee programs of the Department of De- fense and the military department; "'(6) the number of such separated teach- ers who (A) were separated at their own request and (B) were separated involun- tarily; "'(7) the number of such separated teach- ers who had served in teaching positions (A) three years or more and (B) five years or inure; "'(8) the number of new teachers ap- pointed to teaching positions at the begin- ning of the school year current at time of the report; and "'(9) the number of such new teachers obtained through voluntary reciprocal inter- change agreements with school jurisdictions in the United States.' " And the Senate agree to the same. Amendments numbered (2), (3), and (4) That the House recede from. Its disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered (2). (3), and (4) and agree to the same. Tom MURRAY, J. H. MoasisoN, MORRIS UDALL, H. It. GROSS, JAMES T. BROYIiILL, Managers on the Part of the House. MIKE MONRONEY, RALPH W. YARBOROUGH, JS NNINGS RANDOLPH, By M. M. FRANK CARLSON, HIRAM L. FONG, Managers on the Part of the Senate. STATEMENT The managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 6845) to correct in- equities with respect to the basic: compen.. sation of teachers and teaching positions under the Defense Department Overseas Teachers Pay and Personnel Practices Act, submit the following statement in explana?? tion of the effect of the action agreed upon by the conferees and recommended in the accompanying conference :report: Amendment No. (1) : This amendment struck out subsection (c) of the first sect tort of the House bill which contained provisions to the effect that a teacher shall not be eli.? gibie to hold a teaching position or positions overseas for any period exceeding 5 consecu- tive years with the exceptions (1) that any teacher who returns to the United States for not less than 1 year shall be eligible again to hold a teaching position or positions over- seas for an additional period not exceeding 5 consecutive years, and (2) that the Secre- tary of Defense may extend such 5-year pe- riod to not more than 8 years, when neces- sary in the public interest in individual cases. The House recedes from its disagreement to amendment numbered (1) and agrees to the same with an amendment which adds a new subsection (c) to section 5 of the De- fense Department Overseas Teachers Pay and Personnel Practices Act requiring annual re- ports by the Secretary of Defense to the Com- mittees on Post Office and Civil Service of the Senate and House of Representatives with respect to teachers subject to such Act. Specifically, the new subsection. (c) pro- vides that, on or before the 15th day of January of each calendar year beginning after the date of enactment of the confer- ence agreement, the Secretary of Defense shall report to the Committees on :Post Office and Civil Service of the Senate and House of Representatives the following information: (1) The number of teachers separated from teaching positions subsequent to the close of the immediately preceding full school year; (2) The number of such separated teach- ers who returned to the United States; (:3) The number of such separated teach.. era placed in positions as teachers in the United States following such separation; (4) The number of such separated teach- ers returned to positions as teachers in the United States under voluntary reciprocal interchange agreements with school juris- dictions in the United States; (5) The number of such separated teach- ers placed in positions as teachers in the United States through special placement as- sistance programs of the Department of De- fense and the military departments; (6) The number of such separated teach- ers who (A) were separated at their own re- quest and (B) were separated involuntarily; (7) The number of such separated teachers who had served in teaching positions (A) 3 years or more and (B) 5 years or more; (8) The number of new teachers ap- pointed to teaching positions at the begin- ning of the school year current at time of the report; and (9) The number of such new teachers ob- tained through voluntary reciprocal inter- change agreements with school jurisdictions in the United States. In reaching agreement with respect to amendment numbered (1), the committee of conference makes several observations with respect to the intent of such agreement. This conference amendment requires the Secretary of Defense to report annually, to the respective Committees on Post Office and Civil Service of the Senate and the House of Representatives, certain statistical data with respect to the numbers of teachers who are appointed to overseas teaching positions, who are separated from such positions, who are returned to the United States after such separations, and who are placed in positions as teachers in the United States after such separations, as well as with respect to the number of years served by teachers In over- seas teaching positions. This amendment recommended by the committee of conference is intended, and is needed, to provide the Senate and House Committees on Post Office and Civil Service complete, accurate, and timely information each year for the exercise of their legislative oversight responsibilities with respect to the programs for the improvement and revitaliza- tion of the overseas dependents school sys- tem and its corps of teachers which are to be placed in effect by the Secretary of Defense as set forth hereafter. This past of the conference agreement was adopted in the light of strong and persuasive reports from the Department of Defense, the three military departments, and organiza- tions of teachers that the "rotation" system provided by subsection (c) of the first sec- tion of the House bill is unworkable. To operate any plan or program of rotating em- ployees between Federal positions overseas and in the United States, there must be a reasonable number of positions of the kind involved not only in overseas areas but within the 50 States. The military departments have over 6,000 teaching positions that must be filled overseas, whereas the Government operates only a relatively few schools in the United States. It is clear that the number of possible vacancies In federally operated schools within the United States would be completely inadequate to support a rotation program. The managers on the part of the House feel, however-and conferees for the Senate expressed agreement-that the fundamental rotation principle involved in subsection (s) of the first section of the bill, as passed by the House, is sound and desirable and that its purpose should be implemented to the extent possible. An alternative to contribute to the achievement of those purposes, devel- oped in negotiations with representatives of the Department of Defense, was considered Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 March AMeved For RM"&JESPfURI - C1P, 67BO~ffW9f00040006-8 24, L "I think they will liquidate it by them- selves in the course of time." Mr. Kennan was talking exactly 1 month after the Tri-Continental Communist Con- ference in Havana. Representative ARMISTEAD SELDEN, Demo- crat, of Alabama, chairman of the House Inter-American Affairs Subcommittee, called that conference a "Mein Kampf" of interna- tional communism. Seven hundred and eighty-two Communist delegates and observers from 95 countries were present. They produced what was termed by the Organization of American States a "declara- tion of war" against the governments of Latin America. The U.S. representative at the OAS con- ference called the Havana meeting "the latest, in some respects, the most blatant and open effort of the U.S.S.R., Communist China, and Cuba * * * to extend their power and in- fluence in the free world." Not a word of this in Kennan's testimony. Listening to him, the conference never took place, or at least was too unimportant for comment. On the contrary, he assured us that we can now "sit back." "It was just a year ago," wrote the Wash- ington Report of the American Security Council on January 17, "that the Soviet Em- bassy in Havana summoned Communist Party delegates from 22 countries of the Western Hemisphere to a secret conclave. Solidarity plans were mapped for fomenting revolution and guerrilla warfare in six Latin American countries and a fund of $100 mil- lion was set up to finance the objective." Was there any mention of this in Ken- nan's testimony? Not at all. On the contrary, he rejoiced because "someone else pays the bills in Cuba." The fact that the money spent is aimed at de- stroying us doesn't seem to bother Kerman. This kind of testimony from Senator FuL- BRIGHT'S "expert" is frightening. McNamara-Gloom, No Dooitn EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. DONALD RUMSFELD OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. RUMSFELD. Mr. Speaker, if there ever was any evidence that a credi- bility gap does exist today, that evidence can be found in the remarks of various Federal Government officials in recent years. The following article published in 1965 in the New York Herald-Tribune illus- trates the crisis in credibility on the part of one Government official: MCNAMARA-GLOOM, No Doom (Five times before, Secretary McNamara has traveled to Vietnam. Five times he has reported to the President. These are com- ments reported after the conclusion of each trip: "Progress in the last 8 to 10 weeks has been great * * *. The Government has asked only for logistical support." -May 1962. ("The major part of the United States mili- tary task can be completed by the end of 1965, although there may be a continuing re- quirement for a limited number of U.S. train- ing personnel." -October 1963. ("We have every reason to believe that (U.S. military) plans will be successful in 1964." -December 1963. ("We are confident these plans point the way to victory." -March 1964. ("This is a war for the confidence of the people and the security of these people, and that kind of war is a long, hard war.") -May 1964. (By the Associated Press) SAIGON.-Defense Secretary Robert McNa- mara said yesterday the Vietnamese situa- tion has deteriorated in many ways in the last 15 months but "the picture is not all black." Mr. McNamara, ending a 5-day survey of the Vietnam war, spoke at a news conference hours after Vietnamese police had seized four suspects in an apparent attempt to assassi- nate outgoing U.S. Ambassador Maxwell Taylor. The Defense Secretary later flew back to Washington to report to President Johnson on his sixth trip to Vietnam since May 1962. He refused to discuss how many American servicemen may be added to the approxi- mately 75000 now on duty in South Vietnam, saying: "i can only tell you that our recom- mendations will be directed toward fulfilling the commitment of our Nation to support the people of Vietnam in their fight to win their independence." Byelorussian Independence Day EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. J. WILLIAM STANTON OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, March 15, 1966 Mr. STANTON. Mr. Speaker, a most persistent theme of Soviet propaganda has been that in the Soviet Union racial and ethnic groups enjoy perfect freedom to pursue and develop their distinct na- tional cultures within the framework of the Soviet system. This clever move had deceived millions of people, but all well- informed people of the free world know that it is a hoax, a mere sham. We know that what the Soviets do is almost the opposite of what they say in this as in many other respects. Not only are the nationality groups within the Soviet Union denied the freedom to follow their own national cultural, artistic and educational development, but this is also forbidden even in the allegedly sovereign Soviet satellite countries. The leaders in these countries do not even contemplate, for fear of brutal reprisals by their mas- ters in the Kremlin, doing anything that would arouse the wrath of their Commu- nist overlords. The story of the Byelorussians is a case in point. These gifted and genial people, today numbering more than 10 million, have had their ups and downs in their turbulent history. In modern times theirs has been a sad ar}d tragic lot. After enjoying relative peace and prosperity through the Middle Ages and in early modern times, their country was overrun by the Russians in the 17th cen- tury and it became part of the Russian empire. For centuries they strove to maintain their distinct national traits and national traditions . They kept alive their sentiment of nationality, and the spirit of freedom they never allowed to shrivel. And in the First World War, when the Russian empire was crushed in A1705 the Revolutions of 1917, these people saw their chance to free themselves and pro- claimed their independence on March 25, 1918. That memorable event took place 48 years ago. Since then untold numbers of catastrophic events have overtaken the Byelorussians, but these events have no extinguished their long-cherished spirit of national independence and free- dom. Their independence lasted for about 2 years; and soon Communist Rus- sians put an end to that, making Byelo- russia a part of the Communist Soviet Union. There the Soviets imposed their rigid and inflexible tyranny, and turned the country into a large prison house. Amid all the misery and suffering pre- vailing there for more than four decades, it is encouraging to know that the Byelo- russians still cherish their national goal, their freedom and independence. On the 48th anniversary of their independence we ardently hope that some day and soon they will cast off their Communist yoke and regain their freedom. Rescue Service in Space? EXTENSION OF REMARKS of HON. LESTER L. WOLFF OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, March 22, 1966 Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD the following editorial from a recent edition of the New York Times, as I believe the proposal for a space rescue service merits study, as does any suggestion that would increase the safety of those intrepid men who are expanding the limit of man's under- standing of the universe. RESCUE SERVICE IN SPACE? American and Soviet disclosures last week of specific hazards in manned space travel have indicated at least the outlines of needed next steps in space safety. The Gemini 8 astronauts, it has now been made clear, were in extreme peril while their capsule was rolling wildly. A short-circuit of the type that caused their plight can never be totally eliminated as a risk in the complex electronics of space. From Moscow, mean- while, has come word that a malfunction a year ago forced two Russian cosmonauts to land in a snowbound forest far from their target area. They could not be rescued for 2 days. No doubt, engineers will make further progress in building protective and back-up equipment to reduce the danger of break- downs in flight. Yet, the likelihood that mishaps will occur even with the most in- genious safety system makes it desirable that consideration be given now to the practicality of organizing a space rescue service, prefer- ably under cooperative auspices of the United States and the Soviet Union. Its function would be to send space craft, on very short notice, to aid a space vessel marooned in orbit and incapable of returning to earth under its own power. In some cases the need might be for additional rocket fuel or replacement parts; in others the primary function might be to save lives by taking aboard the crew of a disabled capsule. Man has already demonstrated that his basic capabilities in space hold out the po- Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- APPENDIX March 24, 1966 r,>ntiality for such an emergency road service .n the iaeavens. He can "walk" in space; e can make precise calculations for the rendezvous and link up of space ships; with relatively little development, tow trucks of the cosmos may be a regular part of the :safety arrangements for each new step on Ike road to the moon. Mr. Dubinsky's Well-Earned Rest 1iiXTENSION OF REMARKS OF ZION. ROMAN C. PUCINSKI 1)t' ILLINOIS l1V THE HOUSE: OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday. March 2.2, 1966 Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, as were his multitude of admirers and friends, I Loo was saddened to learn that David Dubinsky is retiring as general president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers. The news was unexpected and con- a;til,utes a tremendous loss to the labor movement. I was saddened because of the great contribution David Dubinsky has made not only to the cause of union- ium but to his country, and because it is hard to imagine the international and domestic scene without his active partic- ipation. Although no giant in physical size, he is indeed a giant among labor leaders in our country. Of the many articles, editorials and columns I have read concerning Mr. Dubinsky's retirement, John Herling's recent column in the Washington Daily News seemed to me to express unusually well the essence of the man David nubinsky is and the sense of loss his members and so many of his friends must feel. I would like to bring it to the atten- tion of my colleagues. David Dubinsky has unquestionably earned the privilege of spending his lat- ter years in a less strenuous life, un- doubtedly pursuing interests of special concern to him. It is my hope that he will continue to give to his members and the American people the benefit of his vast experience and wisdom. Fortunately, Mr. Dubinsky's successor, Louis Stulberg, brings a wealth of expe- rience to his new position. Happily, 1-1,G's petite representative on Capitol l:iill, Miss Evelyn Dubrow, will continue to advise us and charm us as we consider legislation of interest to her union and t;o the welfare of the country. In spite of her own sadness about Mr. Dubinskv's retirement, I am sure she will continue to serve well in her dedication to the principles for which he fought for so many years. Tile article follows: DOTns!'.,KY Bows OUT (By John Herling) The announcement of the presumed re- Lirement of David Dubinsky as general presi- dent of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union comes under the head of un- believable news. At the age of 74 D.D. seems to be able to go on forever, with the acquiescence of mern- bera, leaders and the public Itself. He has made remarkable contribution to the life of his city, State and Nation. His effectiveness in his American field of interests was matched by his ready response to interna- tional causes. All of this comes quite naturally to `iim. Pa., in his career there run the stream!i of several lives. First, as the young teenage revolutionary in Russian Poland, he literally fought czarist tyranny all the way to prison and worked. for the unionization of workers. When he finally escaped from the Russian police, he came to the United States in 1911, burning with zeal for carrying on the work of social justice. He did this through the So- cialist Party as well as through the cust.ers local. Local leadership led to larger respon- sibility in his international union. By the middle 1920's, lie was deep n a hand-to-hand conflict with the Communists who nearly destroyed the ;[LGWU. If ever it could be said that history was written --or made-by survivors, it could be said of Dubinsky. When he succeeded to union presidency in 19:32, he was on the eve of yet another career: The reconstruction of his union, Its enlarge- ment of purpose, and identification with public causes. No union. responded more creatively to the stimulus of Roosevelt's New Deal, whether it was through bringing co- herence to a, chaotic industry or by stimulat- ing the cultural life of the country through the fantastic success of "Pins and Nccdle," a musical show of social significance which has become a part of the American theater tradition, or through the aggressive support of the anti-Fascist and anti-Nazi effort;; at home and abroad. Ho became important in and to the Anieri- can labor movement. He brought to ii so- phistication and it sense of maneuver. lie participated in the early stages of the CIO and then withdrew from it. When he and his union rejoined the A.F. of L. he became ac>L,ive in unifying the labor movement. By this time his friendship with F.D.R., Gover- nor Lehman, and Mayor La Guardia moved him into the limelight which he has rover shunned. Over the past three decades, his sharp jibes and shouting, ebullience have brought laughter and light to occupanla of the White House as well as residents of U ally House, his union's summer resort. We are not attempting here :T comprel,en- sivo evaluation of David Dubinsky. As a man he can be generous; as a union official penny-pinching. He is by turns efferves- cently candid or annoyingly secretive. lie lluctuates from a mood of bouncing, cha.s- sidic enthusiasm to the calculating role of a tight-lipped, cold-eyed cardplayer. His pride has often led him to excesses of affection or to ruthlessness in his relations with his col- leagues. With a group of staff employees who took his organization example too literally and organized a union of their awn, he be- came an implacable foe. But he bled a little in the process. .Above all, Mr. Dubinsky has brought Ran to his many environments and his friends. His zest is infectious. If you disagree with hire, he is apt to regard you as one suffr-ing from an illness of some doubtful origin. Even when you agree with him, he expects you to agree absolutely. He won't take a mere "yes" for an answer, as some of the employers in the garment industry have learned. Now the ILGWU will be facing real trou- ble-it will have to learn how to build a life without father. Most of its officials and nearly all of the union's membership have known no other president. What is certain, they will never know another such.. Export Controls on Cattle Hides EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF ZION. MASTON O'NEAL OF GEORGIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. O'NEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speak- er, I would like to join my colleagues who have expressed deep concern over an injustice to our livestock producers resulting from a Department of Com- merce order imposing export Controls over cattle hides. I am no longer shocked when agricul- ture is singled out to take the loss in a back-door attempt to impose Federal price controls. I do wonder, however, just how long the American farmer will be able to exist on a smaller and smaller share of the consumer dollar. In a statement presented to the Sub- committee on Livestock and Feed Grains of the House Agriculture Committee, I attempted to show that the entire live- stock industry has been adversely affect- ed by the export control order. I am taking the liberty of inserting :my testimony in the RECORD to call attention to the need for a careful reconsideration of the matter: STATEMENT PRESENTED TO THE HOUSE AGRICUL- TURE COMMITTEE, SUBCOMMITTEE ON LIVE- STOCK AND FEED GRAINS, BY MASTON O'NE:AL, MEMBER OF CONGRESS, SECOND DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Mr. Chairman, like so many of my col- leagues who are concerned over any develop- ment adversely affecting the American farmer, I was surprised to learn of the deci- sion of Secretary of Commerce Connor to :im- pose export quotas and validated license control over cattle hides. I have been advised by it number of con- stituents that the order has already re- suited in the reduction of prices on live cattle by the equivalent of 25 cents per hundred- weight. I am deeply concerned over the fact that our livestock producers are suffering as the result of a seemingly arbitrary decision by Secretary Connor. And I should add that the decision is totally inconsistent with previously announced departmental policies to promote the exports of livestock by- products. It should be pointed out that the quota does not just affect livestock producers for we do not know with certainty from where the 25 cents per hundredweight on cattle is coming. We are all representatives of con- sumers and should be particularly interested in the answer to such a question. Mr. Chairman, I for one question the wis- dom of imposing export controls on cattle hides when it seriously affects the entire cattle industry. The Department of Commerce says its move was designed to check an inflationary trend in leather prices. However, I deem the move unwise and unnecessary, for we are apparently dealing with a temporary sit- uation that should correct itself within a year or so, or perhaps less. Evidence indicates that the increased de- mand for exports resulted from the serious drought in Argentina. The reduced exports of hides from Argentina are already being reversed. The South American Republic has Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 A1702 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX March 24, 1966 stitutes nothing short of a high-handed shakedown," BYRD said, adding that those who do not honestly believe home rule to be the best solution for Washington's troubles "may get their windows smashed." Not every Senator is willing to lay it on the line like that. That's why our respect for BOB BYRD continues to grow. In a dis- agreeable task that has nothing to do with West Virginia, but one that has to be done nevertheless, he is doing what he always does-a conscientious job without fear of the consequences. Reasonable and whatever political for it. responsible people of persuasion admire him Correct Approach EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ROMAN C. PUCINSKI OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, March 22, 1966 Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the Chicago Daily News comments editori- ally on the thesis that while contain- ment of Red China is essential, it would be desirable to end China's isolation from the family of mankind. The paper believes: The reexamination of American policy is all to the good if it illuminates the difficul- ties standing in the way of a change In American-Chinese relations as well as the desirability of such a change. The editorial on "The Unreachable Dragon" sheds light on a timely matter of great concern to us all, and believing that others will want to peruse its con- tents, I offer the article for inclusion in the RECORD : THE UNREACHABLE DRAGON But to do either would mean abandoning the Nationalist Chinese on Formosa, whose cause we have espoused since the Commu- nist takeover on the mainland. Even if, in the long run, Nationalist China should weaken in its contention that it is the law- ful ruler of all China, there is no sign that Peking will abandon Its claim to Formosa. - It is this issue, more than any other, that has isolated Red China. In the periodic Warsaw talks between representatives of the United States and Red China, nothing of substance is talked about because Peking sets as a precondition our abandonment of the Chiang Kai-shek government on For- mosa. In short, the isolation of Red China is largely of Peiping's own making, and Mao seems to prefer it that way. There is, in fact, much internal benefit to Peking in its hostility toward the United States. As long as the people can be per- suaded that the United States is a mortal enemy, the Government has a lever for mak- ing them work harder to build up the Com- munist state. A show of friendship on the part of the United States clearly calls for fast rebuttal such as that directed at Vice President HUMPHREY. The reexamination of American policy is all to the good if it illuminates the difil- culties standing in the way of a change in American-Chinese relations as well as the desirability of such a change. But it is hard- ly a time for believing that a few kind words or simply wishing for better relations will bring them about. (IN The Question of Vietnam EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. LESTER L. WOLFF OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES . Tuesday, March 22, 1966 Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, I would like to include in the RECORD the follow- ing article on Vietnam which appeared in the February 4, 1966, issue of the Weekly Nation, one of the foremost mag- azines of the Philippines. It presents a view of the Vietnamese conflict from a nation that has long been a stanch friend. The article follows: It is still uncertain whether the reexami- nation of U.S. policy toward Red China fore- shadows a shift in that policy. Some shift of emphasis is evident, however, in the atten- tion paid the hearings last week before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and in the weekend statements. of Vice President HUMPHREY. HUMPHREY appeared at least to adopt the thesis that while containment of Red China is essential, it would be desirable to end China's isolation from the "family of mankind." Peking's answer was prompt and ugly. The Communist Party publication Jenmin Jih Pao said HUMPHREY offered a "kiss of Judas" that "cannot fail to disgust the Chi- nese people." This exchange should dispel any illusions that Red China is ripe for offers of friend- ship, or that dealing with Peking on any rational terms will be easy. The reasons for treating Mao Tse-tung and his crowd as out- laws are still valid, and underlined by every move and statement Peking makes. But an outlaw that already has some nuclear capability and is rapidly expanding In that field cannot be ignored. If it is true that the United States and Red China are on a collision course, a change of course by one or the other or both is imperative. While the experts differ on how to "con- tain" China, there is essential agreement that this phase of our effort is correct. The main drive for a shift of course on our part will come, then, as it applies to isolating Red China. The suggestion Is increasingly heard that we welcome Peiping into the United Na- tions, and perhaps work toward diplomatic recognition of the Communist regime. THE QUESTION OF VIETNAM (By O. S. Villadolid) (NoTE.-We have chosen the path of help- ing an ally fight in a war that is as much to the interest of the Philippines as it is to the free world. The alternative, which is to dis- engage completely from the Vietnam conflict, is unthinkable.) "As far as I am concerned," said President Marcos last week, "the Philippines is already involved in the war in Vietnam." The view of the President represents one side. The other side, shared by exponents of noninvolvement in the "dirty" war next door, maintains the fine distinction that Filipinos are merely engaged in humanitarian efforts and warns that dispatch of combat engineers will automatically Involve the Philippines in the Vietnam war. In a Very real sense, President Marcos up- holds a point of view which commonsense dictates. This can best be illustrated by the case of a Filipino 'aid. official last year in Vietnam who, caught by the Vietcong guer- rillas during a raid, raised his hands in sur- render and asked that his life be spared because he was engaged in humanitarian work. "I am a Filipino," he was reported to have said. But the Vietcong raiders shot him just the same. His body was found riddled with bullets-and his throat slit. NO EXCEPTION This is the grim reality of any war, and Vietnam is not an exception. While many of us would wish to think that our "no- involvement" In Vietnam could save our men, the ugly reality is that men and na- tions on opposite sides of the ideological fence are locked in a bitter, desperate strug- gle in Vietnam for supremacy in Asia. It is a war where the doctrine of Mao Tse-tung's "protracted struggle" through wars of na- tional liberation is meeting its severest test, the outcome of which holds untold conse- quences for the remaining free countries in the Asian rimland and in southeast Asia. It is not difficult to imagine what the stakes are. Vietnam, a chunk of the former French colony of Indochina, forms an indispensable part of the rice bowl of Asia. It has, for centuries, been the gateway to southeast Asia, where conquering armies, the most re- cent being the Japanese, passed to bring Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philip- pines and the Pacific islands near Australia down to their knees. With its archipelagoes, southeast Asia abounds with rich natural resources which any ambitious nation must covet to hold power. Geographically, its strategic importance cannot be overlooked. For it dominates the gateway between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, flanking the In- dian subcontinent on one side and Australia and New Zealand on the other. Indeed, the loss of southeast Asia to communism would upset the balance of power against the free world in this area. And South Vietnam's loss would not only make defense of the rest of southeast Asia very costly but unmanageable. REPERCUSSIONS OF FALL The Importance of South Vietnam to Philippine national security can best be appreciated in the light of the assessment of the recently concluded chiefs of mission conference. The envoys agreed that Philip- pine defenses against communism would be weakened by South Vietnam's fall, that a Communist victory in that area would en- courage the Communists to step up subver- sion of free governments in southeast Asia, including the Philippines, and that the pres- ence of Asian troops would help win support Meeting newsmen at Malacafiang, Mr. Mar- for South Vietnam. No less than President cos said all that has to be decided is what Marcos, in an interview with the Weekly kind of aid to send the South Vietnamese: Nation, said that the Philippine people have Engineers? Combat troops? Engineers a big stake in South Vietnam. "For this guarded by, combat troops? The President, reason, the Philippines should participate who is also commander in chief of the armed more actively in cooperation with the free forces, underscored that the very presence world In stemming the tide of communism of a Filipino contingent in Vietnam reveals in that part of the world," the President said. involvement of the Philippines in the Viet- Obviously to underscore his point beyond namese war. "The Philippine - colors are equivocation, Mr. Marcos said that "at this showing in South Vietnam," he said. stage, I believe that the Philippines Should Indeed, as debate over expanded Philip- take active part in the Vietnam war, and I pine assistance to South Vietnam headed intend to convene the council of leaders to for early consensus, the question may well be resolve dispassionately the pressing need for asked: Are we or are we not involved on the a more active Philippines role in the pro- side of the free world in the war in Vietnam? tracted struggle for supremacy between our Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 A Bicentennial Anniversary of Declaration of Independence EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. CARLTON R. SICKLES OF MARYLAND N THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 ivlr. SICKLES. Mr. Speaker, I would like to call to the attention of my col- leagies a resolution adopted at the 1965 convention of the Communications Workers of America to plan for bicen- tennial observations of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. t feel that the interest of the Com- munications Workers in planning a fit- ting commemoration of this important landmark in our Nation's history de- scrves our attention. The resolution follows: ILESO:.UTION 27A-65-18, BICENTENNIAL ANNI- V':A..ARY OF DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE The signing of the Declaration of Inde- pend(mce on July 4, 1776, not only marked a turning point in the history of the Nation which has since become the United States of America, but it also marked a decisive :and dramatic moment in the history of the autirr:: world. IT.,) ringing words of this famed document signaled the call to areas which led to the t mnding of a new and great nation. It also rounded the death knell for the long era of colonial expansion in the Western Hem- lsphere by the nations of Europe. Even today, the historical process begun on July 4, 1,776, is continuing in other parts of the world where old colonial structures are crum- bling and new and dynamic countries are being born. In :a few years we will have reached the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Dec- lam tion of Independence. It would be fit- ting that the year 1976 be devoted to a year- lime Observation of the bicentennial a.nni- versuiy of this important date in world his- tory. Lik: the Magna Carta, the Declaration of independence is a document revered through- out the world. We would do well to show the world that its words are deeply honored to- lay in the Nation in which it was signed ueariy 2 centuries ago. 'Uiiii Nation recently gave impressive ob- ;ervation to the centennial anniversary of the Civil War. Countless new histories and atudi(s of this period were published. Battles were reenacted. Fitting ceremonies were held at such places as Gettysburg and 'lpporlattox. These observations, which were well )1annad and coordinated, made an important contribution to our awareness and under- :;Landing of that chapter in our Nation's histary. A carefully planned bicentennial observa- iaon of the signing of the Declaration of In- depen2ence could serve a similar and equally important function, reminding the entire world of the Nation's revolutionary heritage .iirough which our freedom was won and our nationhood was established. pend'ix The full-scale observation of this 200th anniversary will. require much study and preparation. Although the anniversary is still 11 years off, It is by no means too early to begin laying the groundwork for its ob- servation: Therefore be it Resolved, That this 1965 convention of the Communications Workers of America urges that plans and study begin as soon as pos- sible to prepare for the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independ- ence. CWA firmly believes a nationwide campaign to win congressional approval for the estab- lishment of a commission to undertake this important project is in order. As loyal, patriotic, and proud Americans, the members of this union pledge themselves to play their part In such a program so that this important historical anniversary will re- ceive the honor it so richly deserves. Senator Robert C. Byrd EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JAMES KEE OF WEST VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 2966 Mr. K:EE. Mr. Speaker, Senator ROB- ERT C. BYRD of West Virginia, distin- guished himself during his service in the U.S. House of Representatives, and fol- lowing his election to the U.S. Senate, he has proved himself to be one of the most effective Senators ever produced by the State of West Virginia. He is one of the most progressive sen- ators ever to honor our home State in the august Chamber of the other body. His performance as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for the District of Columbia has been the most outstanding leadership ever af- forded to the residents of our Nation's Capital. Yet, it blind and unthinking minority has felt complete unrestraint in launching vicious attacks against this outstanding, hardworking, and brilliant man. The People of West Virginia., however, as I am sure is the case with the major- ity of the residents of the ]District of Columbia, recognize the unjustness of these attacks against BOB BYRD as eVf- denced by an editorial which appeared in the March 21, 1966, issue of the Sun- set News-Observer of my home city of Bluefield, W. Va. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I wish to share with the Members of the Congress this editorial, which recognizes the stature of this dedicated statesman: BYRD, SNCC, AND CLERGY We have commented in this space before about the problems West Virginia's Demo- cratio Senator RoeERT C. BYRD has encoun- tered in his position as chairman of the U.S. Senate's Appropriations Subcommittee on the District of Columbia. Recently he has been having new troubles in this thankless job. Because of his long and effective effort to clean up welfare abuses in the Nation's Capital, he is being viciously attacked and vilified by leaders of the "Free D.C. Movement," an activity of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, SNCC for short, which seeks home rule for the Dis- trict. A scurrilous handbill has been distribuaed by this group against Senator BYRD, Con- gressman JOHN W. MCMILLAN, of South Caro- lina, and a figure labeled "D.C. Power Struc- ture." The three are pictured pulling chains tightly about the neck of a Negro figure. "Who keeps D.C. In chains?" the inflamma- tory poster asks. BYRD is accused in its text of "keeping children hungry" and sending welfare investigators into homes "in the mid- dle of the night violating the rights of our women." What the Senator has done among many other things, of course, Is to crack down on the practice of some women of bearing ilie- gitimate children as a means of gaining ad- ditional welfare payments. For this and his other cleanup efforts he has also been bitterly arsailed in so-called liberal newspaper and magazine articles, he has been threatened by pickets and demon- strators, and, we are sorry to say, denounced by some clergymen. He hasn't backed up an inch. Instead he has gone on the offensive against his at- tackers. In a recent statement on the floor of the Senate he said leaders in the Free D.C. Movement indicate that "a campaign of extortion, intimidation, and coercion will be leveled against all businessmen and mer- chants-large and small, Negro and white- who refuse to sign the (mayor-council form of government) petition and place cold cash in the hands of the committee." Leaders of SNCC are seeking $100,000 for their war chest and have threatened a boy- cott of all stores and businesses that won't contribute or go along with their plans. In other words, BYRD said, "while the leaders of this movement speak of the right to vote, they publicly deny the Individual merchant's right to his own opinion about home rule." This threat, he added, "is ominously reminiscent of Los Angeles." Noting that SNCC charges the District has "lousy schools," BYRD said It chooses to say nothing of the 27,689 windowpanes smashed in D.C. schools by rock throwers last year, the replacement of which cost the taxpayers $1:12,868. But what should "cause serious soul searching," the Senator said, "is the sup- port given to such an irresponsible, ques- tionable, and dangerous movement by cer- tain members of the clergy." He referred specifically to a statement in the press which quoted Suffragen Episcopal Bishop Paul Moore, Jr., as saying he was "sorry that this kind of militancy is neces- sary," but that all other means of dealing with the problem had failed. "In other words," BYRD commented, "you Ile what he directs or he will apply militancy tactics. This does not sound like the religious leadership, understanding, and tolerance that give significance to our Chris- tian inheritance." The demand for $100,000 from D.C. stores with the threat of an economic boycott "con- Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 24, n~a oved For ?~j,: 8R"7BW 00040006-8 free way of life and the Communist Ideology in Vietnam." What the Philippines will finally give to South Vietnam as expanded assistance is a big question. The South Vietnamese Gov- ernment has a year-old request for an engi- neer battalion with its own security support involving 2,000 men. But Senator Jovito Salonga, back from a trip to South Vietnam, announced a desire of Saigon's head of state, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, for more medical and civic action teams. In this light, Presi- dent Marcos has correctly decided to send a Philippine survey mission to Vietnam to ascertain what the Saigon government really needs from the Philippines in the anti- Communist struggle. CAMPAIGN DAMPENED Dispatch of the mission has dampened a well-organized campaign here of misinforma- tion against the sending of any form of addi- tional assistance to the beleaguered South Vietnamese. Charging that the administra- tion had a commitment with the United States to send combat troops, outspoken ad- vocates of noninvolvement, most of whom are pressing for neutralism in foreign policy here, said President Marcos was doing the bidding of the "dirty American imperialists" to fight in the "senseless American war." "The Mar- cos administration finds itself locked be- tween the horns of a dilemma," proclaims the propaganda line of the neutralists. They argued that Mr. Marcos' dilemma was "whether to send some 2,000 combat en- gineers to Vietnam and so please the Ameri- cans that they will readily provide this coun- try with a badly needed stabilization loan, or refuse to do so and incur the displeasure of the Americans." This line conveniently obscures the fact that the South Vietnamese themselves have not asked for combat troops from the Philippines, but merely engineers who would help in repairing broken bridges, destroyed schoolhouses and construction of various public works projects vital to the civic-action phase of the anti-Communist campaign. The resort to obscurantism is not without basis. The idea is to secure early polarization on the hazardous Vietnam problem. By in- sisting, through false representations, that Philippine combat troops have been promised on pressure from the United States to with- hold economic assistance, the. neutralists had hoped to draw severe public reaction to their cause of preventing any dispatch of addi- tional help to the South Vietnamese. The maneuver aimed to bring back memories of parity, in which Filipinos, economically pros- trate after World War II, allowed their con- stitution to be amended giving Americans equal share in the exploitation of their na- tional patrimony. To bolster public hatred, the proneutralists went even to the extent of utilizing a top secret document containing the working draft of the chiefs of mission conference 4 weeks ago to mislead the public into believing that even those in the high echelons of government oppose the sending of combat troops to South Vietnam. Mis- labeling the working. draft as a preliminary report to the President, the proneutralists insisted on the existence of a consensus against troop commitments. Actually, the consensus was in favor of expanding Philip- pine assistance to Vietnam and that if con- gress should decide on sending troops, the Philippines must shoulder their keep to up- hold national dignity. CORRECT PERSPECTIVE The report of the survey mission to visit South Vietnam is expected to set in correct perspective the debate raging on the burning question of combat troops. It is not impos- sible that the Saigon Government, as con- tended by Senator Salonga, will now prefer additional medical and civic action teams from the Philippines. If this should happen, there will be little argument even in the Senate where the sentiment is overwhelm- ingly in favor of technical and economic as- sistance. The pro-neutralists will, naturally, complain for it is their goal to prevent the sending of any form of assistance to the South Vietnamese. But a real problem will arise if the Saigon Government should in- sist on troop commitments, even on a token basis. It will arise not so much from a desire to concentrate on noncombatants, but from the lack of funds with which to support an expenditionary force. It is possible that the Philippines will allow the United States to bear the expenses, as she did during the Korean war and in the Congo action. But the inhibiting factor is that both actions were under the auspices of the United Nations. This, then, is the dilemma for the Philip- pines on Vietnam. For we have chosen the path of helping an ally fight a war that is as much to the national interest of the Philip- pines as it is to the free world. The alterna- tive is, of course,'unthinkable. It is to dis- engage completely from the Vietnam con- flict and avoid any involvement whatsoever. This will mean that the government shall have changed one of its basic postulates in foreign policy: commitment to the cause of anti-communism. It is a situation furthest from the thinking of President Marcos. "What threatens humanity in another area," he said during his inaugural, "threatens our society as well," He added: "We cannot, therefore, merely contemplate the risks of our country without coming into any de- cision on our own. Wherever there is a sight for freedom we cannot remain aloof Federal Assistance Spurs Expanded Local Action in Resource Development EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. ROBERT B. DUNCAN OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. DUNCAN of Oregon. Mr. Speaker, our Nation's land and water re- sources offer abundant economic oppor- tunities if properly developed. Recog- nition of this has been reflected in much of the conservation legislation passed by the Congress in this decade. Resource development in my congres- sional district in Oregon is a good exam- ple. The Upper Willamette resource conservation and development project is one of the first 20 such projects to be carried out as a result of legislation in 1962. The Oregon project covers 3 million acres in four counties. It has opened many avenues for communities in the area to develop unexplored potentials of their land and water resources. The products of land-use adjustments, forest land improvement, and changes in cropping patterns will lead to the need for new manufacturing and processing enterprises. Expansion of recreation facilities, development of agricultural and municipal water supply, enhance- ment of wildlife, and protection of the area from crippling and costly floods will improve economic opportunities. I have been close to this project as the local people have planned it. I have A1703 visited the area and talked to the local people. Their interest has been beyond expectation. The project has brought public and private agencies and local people together for a common purpose, and they have each contributed to planning the project. They now look forward to making the plans a reality, with each doing his part. - Stimulated by the enthusiasm of work- ing out the plan, local people have al- ready started many projects that require no Federal cost sharing and some that require only a small amount of technical help. I understand that the other 19 resource conservation and development projects have created this same kind of enthusiasm, with people going ahead on their own before the program actually got underway. Just the act of getting together and bringing out the potentials of the area has given them new life and new hope. The concentration of conservation and development activities of all the public and private agencies and the local peo- ple has promoted closer working rela- tionships among them. It has also served to inform communities of what assist- ance is available and how programs of the various levels of Government fit to- gether. I believe this group approach is an especially effective tool to resource de- velopment. It enables local people, by their own initiative, to make full use of their resources. It gives support to the concept that local people should be the mainstay of such an undertaking. The Upper Willamette project is spon- sored by six of the local soil conserva- tion districts, which are locally formed and managed units of State government. It is an endeavor in which towns and cities and rural people are participating. When completed, the area expects a $15 million a year increase in their economy, with more than 200 new businesses in the area. The door has been opened. These peo- ple are showing what can be done with a little help. They have my support. Closing Ranks EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF 11ON. BROCK ADAMS VN OF WASHINGTON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my remarks in the 'REC- ORD, I include the following article re- ferred to previously today in my 1-min- ute speech: [From the Salt Lake City (Utah) Tribune, Mar. 15, 19661 CLOSING RANKS The unanimous vote of 39 Governors at- tending a White House conference in sup- port of President Johnson's, Vietnam policies is the best indication that the administra- tion has survived the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee's intensive examination of that policy with support strengthened, if anything. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/29: CIA-RDP67B00446R0004000 06 24, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- APPENDIX arc- ? Such a conclusion is further buttressed by the latest public opinion poll which showed more than '( to 1 approving the Presi- dent's actions. At the White House conference, the Gover- uors were briefed on the current Vietnam sit- uation by Mr. Johnson, Secretary of State husk, Defense Secretary McNamara, and mili- tary leaders. Utah's Governor Rampton, who was present, described the briefing as thor- ough and frank, and he said he was heart- ened to learn "the picture in Vietnam is a ant better than when we were here 8 months l,o.., That is heartening news, although it must tie tempered with the knowledge that the lighting continues viciously and costly, with no reason to hope that the end is in sight. But while public debate of American policy rotative to Vietnam is fully justified when the debate ends, it is well to close ranks in the face of any enemy all too ready to inter- pret debate in terms of indecision and weak- nerS. Besides, there is work to be done in Wash- ington--and it is good to have Majority Leader MANSFIELD report that after the weeks of debate. Congress is now "getting into the groove." HON. JAMES H. (JIMMY) QUILLEN RW TENNESSEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, liiarch 24, 1966 Mr. QUILLEN. Mr. Speaker, on March 1.0 of this year, the Department of Agri- culture held a referendum to determine the standards for tobacco allotments for 1966. The tobacco growers in my district and in the State of Tennessee voted over- whelmingly against the acreage-pound- age program, advocated by the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Because of their negative vote, which I wholeheartedly supported, most of the tobacco growers will now receive a 15- vercent reduction in acreage, which they (lid not want.. The tobacco farmers would have preferred that the standards remain the same as they were for 1965. I do not feel that any cut is justified, and the Department of Agriculture should leave the allotments as they are. I ant hopeful that, in the future, we can prevent the Department of Agricul- Lure from blackmailing our tobacco ;;rowers by supposedly giving them a choice, but in actuality, forcing them to Lake a, stand that can do nothing but hurt them. I: insert at this point in the RECORD two editorials, commenting on the meaning of this vote: I From the Knoxville (Teen.) Journal, Mar. he, 19661 BLOW FOR FREEDOM l;urley tobacco growers emphatically re- jected in their vote this week it proposal by ,lie Department of Agriculture that would have substituted acreage-poundage limita- tion for the plan long in use under which f. rowers were free to market all the leaf they were able to raise on a fixed acreage allot- ment. Having rejected the Federal agency's acre- proposal, most growers will now face a 15-percent reduction in acreage. The vote of the burley growers will be in- terpreted by some of us, at least, as striking a blow for freedom to the extent that this Is possible under any federally imposed mar- keting control plan. Individual enterprise, which is to say the quality and skill devoted to the production of it burley crop, will con.- tinue to be the main factors in determining the profitability of each grower's crop. Incidentally, a factor in this election was that a substantial number of growers already have only the minimum acreage allotment so that they will not be affected by the 15- percent cut proclaimed by the Department of Agriculture. I From the Johnson City (Tenn.) Prcus- Chronicle, Mar. 1.3, 1966] QUITE A MESSAGE Tennessee tobacco growers put on a display of independence last Thursday by voting against the acreage-poundage program while growers of L2 other States were voting for it. So overwhelming was the anti sentiment in Tennessee that it swung the balance over- all, and acreage-poundage failed to get the two-thirds majority it had to have. T entucky tobacco leaders are reported stunned, and some are saying grower: In our State have "cut their own throats." 'they may have, at that, since many now face a slash of 15 percent on their acreage allowances. Yet in rebelling against the idea of having poundage as well as acreage con- trolled, Tennessee growers undoubtedly were showing their weariness over controls in general. And in doing that, they have achieved some personal satisfaction if noth- ing else. Acreage-poundage may have been just what the doctor ordered, but the individual farmer in Tennessee is chafing tinder the doctor's continued ordering and prescribing without being requested to do so by the patient. That, we think, is the meaning of the heavy negative vote (6 to 1), and we hope the message gets through. Meanwhile, the efforts of all concerned should be directed toward. making the pres- ent program work. If changes are needed, there will be another day and another vote and another decision. That is the American Way. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. PAUL A. FINO OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIV ES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. FINO. Mr. Speaker, today I in- troduced legislation to require local pub- lic housing agencies to :ignore certain in- come in computing income levels and resultant rent levels for tenants in fed- erally aided public housing projects. This bill would require local public housing agencies to exclude from ten- ants' income such part of any govern- mental pension increase-Federal, State, and local pensions---which the agency shall find to represent a cost-of-living increase, as well as such income as the tenant family spends for medicare cov- erage. One of the greatest difficulties in pub- lie housing today is the continual re- adjustment of tenants' rent levels based on changing income levels. Each time a tenant's income goes up, his rent must go up. This is particularly unfair as regards the many old people in public housing who live on small social security and other pensions. When these people re- ceive a small pension boost, it is often to cover a rise in the cost of living or the expense of a new program like medicare. This type of pension hike should not be gobbled up in increased public housing rents. My bill provides that the contract be- tween the Federal Public Housing Ad- ministration and the local public hous- ing agency must provide that in calcu- lating tenants' income, and rentals based thereon, the public housing agency must omit the amount spent for medicare cov- erage and also that part of any pension increase which the agency shall find as corresponding to a rise in the cost of living. Government pensioners living on small fixed pension incomes have it hard enough in these inflationary days with- out having to see any cost-of-living pen- sion hike they get eaten up by rent boosts. My bill would keep cost-of-living pension hikes and boosts to cover medicare ex- penses from being counted in income so as to cause public housing rent rises. I think that this exclusion is in the true spirit of the public housing program. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. BOB WILSON OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. BOB WILSON. Mr. Speaker, un- der leave to extend my remarks in the RECORD, I include the following: [From the Joliet (Ill.) Herald-News, Mar. 8, 19661 SOME IDEAS ARE UNREAL By Dumitru Danfelopol) WASHINGTON.-When I listen to George F. Kennan and Senators FULDRIGHT, MORSE, CHURCH, and ROBERT KENNEDY, I wonder if they live on the same planet, if they have seen this 20th-century world in which we toil. Let's concentrate on Kennan. His views expressed before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee make me wonder if he has found an island or an ivory tower where facts and events never intrude on his philosophical notions of communism. Here is an example of Kennan's view:; on Cuba, taken from the record of the hearings: "Mr. KENNAN. A great many Americans are concerned, for example, about Castro in Cuba, and at times they have had good rea- sons to be, and I do not for a moment un- derestimate the seriousness of the crisis; we faced there some years ago. "But it does seem to me that we must care- fully stack up our advantages against our disadvantages in these situations. For the first time in a long, long time, someone else pays the bills in Cuba, someone else is get- ting milked, someone else has the problems of dealing with the Cuban regime. For once we can sit back and personally I do not think the Russians are going to have any great satisfaction out of their involvement in Cuba over the long run. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 A1710 Approved F CONG1.19SI RF1& "DP69ff~04000400 ch 24, 1966 that Greece might still be free," lived on to inspire the Greeks to continue their fight for freedom. The years between 1821, when the struggle began, and 1827, toward the close of the war, were marked by a series of both victories and defeats for the Greeks. Finally, on October 20, 1827, the Brit- ish, French, and Russian fleets inter- vened in the Bay of Navarino and dealt a crushing blow to the Ottoman naval power. Sixty out of 89 Turkish-Egyptian vessels were destroyed, the Greeks seized the initiative, and the tide was turned irreversibly in their favor. Although the Battle of Navarino made the independence of Greece a certainty the fighting continued for another 2 years and almost 5 years elapsed before the new state took shape. In 1832 the Treaty of Constantinople was signed, and with the signing of this treaty, the Turks renounced their claims and recog- nized Greek independence. The Greek ideal of democracy, born in ancient Greece over 2,000 years ago, once more prevailed, and Greece took her rightful place among the free nations of the world. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to participate in the 145th observance of this significant event, and wish to express my admiration for the indomitable courage of the Greeks and to pay tribute to them for their enduring and universal contribu- tions to civilization. Informed Attack on Grain Dumping Earlier this year President Johnson had occasion to tell Congress that under present law the Secretary of Agriculture "must dis- pose of all stocks of agricultural commodities as rapidly as possible, consistent with orderly marketing procedures." It is obviously inconsistent with orderly marketing procedure to dump Government- owned grain on the market in quantities so huge as to cause prices to drop. That would seem to indicate the Department of Agricul- ture is guilty of flouting the law. It would also indicate that when supply and demand forces in the marketplace dictate corn prices higher than the Govern- ment thinks they should be, it is just too bad. The real dictation comes from Wash- ington. Y,` N Vietnam: Why We're There EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. GEORGE E. SHIPLEY OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. SHIPLEY. Mr. Speaker, the Springfield, Ill., State Register quotes an American general as saying that if we should abandon our commitment to South Vietnam, we will "face more Viet- nams in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Australia, and New Zealand." The paper adds: "This is not a battle for hills and moun- tains, towns and rivers. The battlefield is the people." And this has imposed a dreadful ordeal on the people of South Vietnam. They are the ones who bear the brunt of the kidnaping, extortion and terror inflicted by the 100,000 guerrillas who supplement the 50,000 hard- core Red troops in South Vietnam. These sorely beset South Vietnamese plead for our protection. We are giving them all we can. They want schools and hospitals. We are responding. And, says Krulak, "little by little we have won their confidence" If the United States now were to pull out of Vietnam, as some insist we should, this painfully won confidence would be shattered. Throughout southeast Asia, if this un- thinkable and unlikely retreat were to take place, it would indicate to friends and foes alike that we cannot be trusted. General Krulak has incisively explained why we must stand and fight. V N EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. WALTER H. MOELLER OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. MOELLER. Mr. Speaker, I think my colleagues will be interested in a Washington Star editorial hailing the value of HEW Secretary Gardner's visit to Vietnam. The mission reflects "an awareness that something more than success on the battlefield is needed," the Star believes, and it quotes one general as having said: We could kill the last Vietcong guerrilla and still lose the war unless the people can see something worth living and striving for. The Star adds: The Gardner mission should be appraised in this spirit, as a token of our good faith in pledging that we will do what we can to make certain that, after the fighting is over, there will be something worth living for in Vietnam. The editorial, on this subject of such vital concern to us all, is offered for pub- lication in the RECORD-where it may be read in its entirety: MR. GARDNER'S MISSION This week's arrival in Saigon of HEW Secretary Gardner with a team of 22 spe- cialists adds more than lipservice to the an- nounced intention of the United States to rehabilitate South Vietnam's war-stricken civilian economy. It suggests that the fine words which followed the President's meeting in Honolulu with Vietnamese officials will be followed by action. The rehabilitation program looks toward the provision of such things as schools, Clinics, hospitals, better sanitation facilities, and the like. Something is being done in these areas now, more perhaps than is gen- erally known. But the big part of the job remains to be done, and the importance of getting it done should not be underestimated. This train of events would put aggressive communism much closer to the Western World. The officer quoted by the paper, Lt. Gen. Victor H. Krulak, replies to the question, "Why are we in Vietnam?" and because his answers seem pertinent, I have permission that the article to which I hate referred be included, in its en- tirety in the RECORD: WHY WE MUST FIGHT: VIETNAM PULLOUT WOULD WRECK CONFIDENCE IN UNITED STATES There are still some people who profess they don't understand why the United States is fighting in Vietnam. They say they don't understand the nature of this strange and undeclared war. Some even maintain we ought to pull out. For all of these doubters, Lt. Gen. Victor H. Krulak, commander of the Fleet Marine Force in the Pacific, recently gave some clear and illuminating answers. EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. PAUL FINDLEY OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. FINDLEY. Mr. Speaker, an edi- torial March 22, 1966, in the Chicago Tribune gave richly deserved recognition to Representative ANCHER NELSEN, of Minnesota, for his able informed attack on the dumping policies of the Johnson administration policies which adversely affect the farmer. Here is the text of the editorial:' WHERE FARM PRICES ARE MADE-OR BROKEN Why are we in Vietnam? Those farmers who look to the Johnson "The answer," said Krulak, "in one word administration to advance their economic is 'freedom'-the freedom of others and our interests may find it instructive to consider own freedom; we have a selfish reason; our some statements that have come out of freedom is at issue." Washington relating to the controversy over In the general's view, if the United States Government sales of surplus corn, which should abandon its commitment to South caused corn prices to drop. Vietnam, it will "face more Vietnams in Representative, Aa the Republ - Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Australia and can, of Minnesota, c charrg ged in n the House r el- New Zealand." cently that since last January the Govern- This train of events would put aggressive co m sold rnt had the penrly a k for the express a rof communism much closer to the Western corn the open market t World. The Philippines would be flanked. purpose e of holding down corn n prices. See- Our bases in the Pacific would be imperiled terermms i of EN'gee "a lot responded ot political by and even Hawaii would be in the sights of rman tng NELSLSEN's ce charrge "a lot what Krulak called "creeping, predatory, noise." vicious communism on the march." of the Press stated goal-a free and independent Vietnam. chairman But Gardner Ackley, ident's Council of Economic Advisers, put And that is exactly what the fighting in At the top of the priority list, of course, is the matter in clearer perspective in a recent Vietnam is against. the matter of getting on with the war. Re- televised Interview: This is not a spontaneous uprising, such pair work on the South Vietnamese economy "Increased supplies of pork depend on the as was our Revolutionary War, as some can begin on a major scale only in areas difference between the price of hogs and the contend. which have been freed from Communist con-and inst return price of corn"; ; said Ackley, "and we're trying As to the peculiar nature of the war in of the enemych are secured But this doesanot mean that to hold down the price of corn." Vietnam, Krulak said: Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 proved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 1V1oxch 24, 196VAp CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX culture, and national pride. They are clearly and simply a ward of the Krem- lin. As freemen who do not take our free- doms and liberties for granted, we are a link between the principles of freedom and self-determination and those who aspire to be free and guide their own destiny. On this 48th anniversary of Byelorussian independence, let us re- affirm to the Byelorussian people that their hopes have not been forgotten by the free world.. Cure for Crisis of Credibility HON. DONALD RUMSFELD nr' ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 tlr. RUMSFELD. Mr. Speaker, the only cure for today's crisis in credibility concerning Government information would be a little more candor on the part of Federal Government. officials. The ideal of "truth-in-Government" would be hastened immeasurably by passage of a public records law by the Congress. The presence of such a law would give Government officials an ex- cuse for being less devious in their in- formation policies. Columnist Richard Wilson commented on the cure for the crisis is credibility on January 21, 1966. His column fol- lows: (From the Washington. Evening Star, Jan. 21, 1966 T'Ii.r' CirRF FOR CRTSiS OF CREDIBILITY (By Richard Wilson) "Crisis of credibility" is the kind of phrase Washington gets enamored of from. time to time. What this currently used phrase con- veys in the present context is the suspicion that the Johnson administration isn't level- ing with the public. Flee "oh, yeah?" and "since when?" re- sponses to presidential utterances are pro- liferating in an embarrassing way. So em- barrassing, in tact. that White House staff members are inquiring into the scope of and reasons for this skeptical phenomenon.. ITN. Ambassador Arthur Goldberg is the father of the thought that the credibility or Johnson policies on peace in Vietnam was in question. There was, the Ambassador frank- ly admitted in explaining the vigor of the question. There was, the Ambassador frank- ly admitted in explaining the vigor of the quest for peace, a question about the credi- bility of U.S. eagerness for negotiation which had to be answered- Perhaps the word credibiilty in connec- ti.on with what President Johnson says and, does is not precise. Devious may be a, bet- ter word. or any other word that conveys the impression of artful aims not fully ex- posed, or a constructive coloration on un- pleasant events, or simply the telling of part truths in the pursuit of masked purposes, it is possible to recite at length instances wherein what Johnson says might he con- ;;idered at variance with what he does. There was no visible resemblance between what the White House was saying about aluminum and steel price Increases and what President Johnon was doing about them. Little be- lievahil:ity may have rung through his be- lated statements on the New York transit strike and the inflationary effects of. the wage settlement. A dash of gullibiliry helps in swallowing his budget forecasts. But are the maneuvers and techniques of a President in getting 'what, he wan to be judged by the standards, that his critics wish to impose? By these standards all questions would be answered with complete frankness regardless of the consequences. The simplest among uc could demand from the President the whole truth and nothing but the truth, the exposure of his purposes and methods in the most delicate of negotiations, as well as every t?IOught and act while waking or ;sleeping. These standards demand no floss 'use or diversions from White Reuse Press Secre- tary Bill D. Moyers, such. as not telling exactly what the President did or intends 1? do or not responding in precisely the way his questioner desires. Such. standards are obviously both ilu'eal- istic and undesirable. They are unrealistic because no President has ever operated that way, and undesirable because if he did he would then frustrate justifiable aims and aometim,es the national interest, But, that really is not the question in the present circumstances. The quest on is whether or not the President's methods are so often devious and circuitous that they arouse skepticism that he is headed where he says he is going or reveal where he has been. It must be this that is of cone er:n at the White House, for it is not likel; that confidence in a President can be maittained at the highest level if his credibility ;; con- tinuously in doubt. It is absurd to say that the Pre:;.dent's credibility has created any kind of crisis, or that he is in imminent danger of losing the confidence of the American people. '.. Ius is familiar Washington talk, arising in large part from those who disagree more with what the President :has done, or may dc. than with what has been said. Johnson is not likely at his age to go through a reformation of the method; and techniques that kept him in command of the Senate for so many years, He does depend upon a certain amount of naturally endowed flim-flarmnery that often enough meet,: with dazzling success, and other times falls flat. It would take very little to dispel the Washington talk about a "crisis of credi- bility." Just an ounce or two more of irank- n.ess and openness would help. A return. to the preoperative Johnson when he saw and talked with many more people in various pursuits outside the official family would be good. The 145th Anniversary of Greek Independence EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. F. BRADFORD MORSE OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATI1' Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. MORSE. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow marks the 145th anniversary of the struggle for Greek independence. The concepts of freedom and democracy giv- en birth in ancient Greece were the same goals of those valiant Greeks who, many centuries later, took up the cause of freedom against the hated repression of the Ottoman Empire. Our admiration for the courage and fortitude of the Greeks in response to Communist aggression in the hills after %1709 World War II played a major role in the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Greece is a valu- able and respected member. Even now Greece's geographical promiximity to the Soviet Union serves as a constant re- minder of the struggle for freedom. The free world can never fully repay its debt to the values and ideals than, have come down to us from the Greek heri- tage. Our repayment is made even more difficult because of the many contribu- tions that are being made to our Nation by the million and one-half Greek-Amer.- jeans, They are active in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts in social, civic, cultural, and community enterprises; they are valued citizens and trusted neighbors. On the occasion of the 145th anraver-? sary of Greek independence, let us join in thanking our friends of Greek ances- try for their many contributions to our national life. The 145th Anniversary of Greek Independence EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. FRANK ANNUNZIO OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATI\. ES Thursday, March 24, 1966 M:r. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, tomor- row, March 25, 1966, we commemorate the 145th anniversary of Greek inde- pendence from four centuries of oppres- sive rule under the Ottoman Turks Traditionally, March 25 is regarded as the day when a small band of patriots, under the leadership of Ypsilanti, struck the first blow for Greek liberty. Because the Ottoman Turks greatly outnumbered the Greeks, Ypsilanti suffered an initial defeat, but the struggle continued both on land and on sea for 7 succeeding years. In the meantime, world evelits were gradually changing the balance in favor of the Greeks. Such occurrences as the American and French Revolutions, the decline of the Ottoman Empire, the fall of Napoleon, the outbreak of national- istic revolutions in other countries such as Serbia, and most important of all, the awakening of a strong nationalistic feel- ing among the Greeks themselves served , to give a cohesiveness to the Greek strug- gle and to rouse the sympathy and sup- port of Europeans and Americans alike. Among the Americans who took an ac- tive part in the Greek fight for freedom were Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe, Gen. George Jarvis, Capt. Jonathan r'eckllam Miller, and Lt. William T. Washington, who lost his life in July 1827, Burin;i a factional outbreak. And, of course, it is fitting that, we remember here the contribution of Ens,- land's illustrious poet, Lord Byron, who went to Greece in 1824 to help the Greeks and who did much to popularize their cause. Lord Byron finally lost his life from exposure, but his most important poem about the Greek struggle, in which he wrote the immortal line, "I dreamed Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 r q~~ ved For R I 0 /06/28 CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 March 24, Ty6~ ONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX a significant start cannot be made, and made now. Secretary Gardner's remarks upon arriving in Saigon suggest that he understands the real nature of the problem. "Our presence here," he said, signals "a vital new phase" of the effort to improve Vietnamese health, wel- fare, and education programs. "We are not here to provide overnight answers. We are here to learn, to observe, to try to under- stand * * * There will be many followup missions that will build on our findings." These comments, if one chooses, can be dis- missed as generalities. But we think there is substance In them. They reflect an aware- ness that something more than success on the battlefield is needed. One general has put it this way: "We could kill the last Viet- cong guerrilla and still lose the war unless the people can see something worth living and striving for." The Gardner mission should be appraised in this spirit, as a token of our good faith in pledging that we will do what we can to make certain that, after the fighting is over, there will be something Worth living for in Vietnam. Resolute Washington EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ROBERT B. DUNCAN OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. DUNCAN of Oregon. Mr. Speak- er, the Christian Science Monitor has commented most favorably on the vote Congress gave the President to conduct the difficult yet honorable struggle in which the United States is engaged in Vietnam. The paper states: The size of the vote must have a salutary effect upon those abroad who of late may have been led to believe that there is greater opposition to the President's course than actually exists. It adds its approval to President John- son's renewed and urgent plea to "nego- tiate peace and let war stand aside while the people of Vietnam make their choice." With permission of my colleagues, I make this editorial on a "Resolute Washington" available for the RECORD, where others may read it in its entirety: [From the Christian Science Monitor, Mar. 4, 1986] RESOLUTE WASHINGTON The Senate did the right and sensible thing in resoundingly and overwhelmingly voting the $4.8 billion supplemental Viet- namese war budget (the House voted for it even more strongly) and in keeping the fa- mous Gulf of Tonkin resolution. Although not all those who voted affirmatively support all aspects of America's military policy, the vote gave the President the backing he needs to conduct resolutely the difficult, thankless, yet honorable struggle in which the United States Is engaged. The size of the vote must have a salutary effect upon those abroad who of late may have been led to believe that there is greater opposition to the President's course than actually exists. Things are thus back In somewhat better perspective. At the same time we welcome with equal warmth President Johnson's renewed and urgent plea to "negotiate peace and let war stand aside, while the people of Vietnam make their choice." We also say bravo to the President's reiteration that America would stand by the outcome of any freely held election. As we discuss in the editorial immediately following, we hope that there is a growing realization on the Communists' part that they cannot now hope to win the war in Vietnam. Negotiations must someday come. And, frankly, we do not we how they are likely to come on better terms or at a more favorable moment for the Communists than today. Moscow knows this. Peking may be realizing it. Why not Hanoi? If such a Communist change is possible, might this not eventually lead to a serious study of the latest proposal from Senator FULBRIGHT, who suggests an agreement with Communist China for the neutralization of all southeast Asia? It is hard to think of any achievement which would draw wider and deeper sighs of relief, from the world than this. Yet it would be naive to underestimate the difficulties In the path of such an ac- cord. Neutralization would have to be un- derwritten by foolfast guarantees. It would require that both Communist China and the local Communist Parties end all armed at- tempts to change the status quo. It would necessitate that the Communists also end all subversion, placing their future hopes on free elections and peaceful politicking. On the other side, it would require adherence to democratic principles. The American people and Government yearn for such a solution. The Communists can have a neutralized southeast Asia tomor- row if they are prepared to make the reason- able adjustments required. Triumph Out of Defeat-Courage Praised EXTENSION OF REMARKS of HON. JOSEPH E. KARTH OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. KARTH. Mr. Speaker, I know we are all proud of America's latest pioneers, the Gemini 8's astronauts and their thousands of skilled and dedicated assist- ants on land and sea. The Chicago Sun-Times carried a re- cent editorial praising the men for their courage and self-sufficiency. The article was written shortly before it was learned what caused the vehicles to gyrate, but the writer points out: Faced with trouble they could not possibly diagnose (the astronauts), reacted with the highest sort of courage. The editorial is typical of many which I have seen, and I make it a part of the RECORD: [From the Chicago (Ill.) Sun-Times, Mar. 18, 1966] TRIUMPH OUT OF DEFEAT Despite the failure to accomplish all that had been planned, Gemini 8's astronauts and their thousands of skilled and dedicated as- sistants on land and sea enjoyed great tri- umphs. The precisely scheduled launching of two giant rockets, one following the other into orbit through a tiny keyhole in the sky, was unprecedented. The chase through space at speeds approaching 20,000 miles an hour, the delicate maneuver of joining the space capsule to the target rocket, was a tremendous achievement and a most ina- A1711 portant one. In the years ahead, when man continues in his effort to explore space, the docking maneuver will be essential in the joining together of structures in space that will form the bases for further explorations into the unknown. Whatever caused the two joined space vehi- cles to gyrate and thus bring an end to the mission is not known. The two astronauts, faced with trouble they could not possibly diagnose, reacted with the highest sort of courage. They extricated their capsule from the target vessel and effected an emergency landing in the far reaches of the Pacific Ocean that came off so smoothly that it al- most seemed routine. That, too, was a great triumph for the detailed planning against emergency, the long and patient training to meet every fore- seeable hazard in space or after reentry. Astronauts Armstrong and Scott are safe aboard a naval vessel with their space cap- sule. The causes of their trouble in space will be explored and solved, as other dif- ficulties have been solved, and new triumphs can be expected in succeeding Gemini and Apollo flights. By his very nature, man is a pioneer. In days gone by he pushed his frontiers across dread and unknown oceans and into strange lands. His 20th century frontier is the un- charted realm of space. Man brings to that effort the same high level of courage and self-sufficiency possessed by earlier pioneers, as the flight of Gemini 8 so dramatically proved. 1 A Good Word for LB.J. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JOHN D. DINGELL OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, March 22, 1966 Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, pursu- ant to permission granted, I insert into the Appendix of the CONGRESSIONAL REC- ORD an editorial recently appearing in the Washington, D.C., Post entitled "A Good Word for L.B.J." It is comforting to see that a calm, measured, and careful handling of the crisis in Vietnam by President Johnson achieves the approval and respect of an outstanding commentator like Mr. Ros- coe Drummond. This excellent editorial merits careful reading: A GooD WORD FOR L.B.J. (By Roscoe Drummond) I would like to say a good word about President Johnson's management of the Viet- nam war. Obviously, there is a great risk of timidly doing too little to arrest the aggres- sion and a great danger of recklessly doing so much that Red China enters the fighting. With these two opposite perils in mind, I cannot escape the feeling that many more Americans will come to see that the Presi- dent is bringing wisdom, caution and deter- mination to bear on the conduct of the war. Surely the touchstone Of wisdom in our role in Vietnam is to do whatever is needed to secure South Vietnam from conquest and to use our massive military power in such a prudent and measured manner that Peking Is given no legitimate reason to enter the war. Such a course will not get the easy plaudits of those who want to win quickly at any cost by bombing North Vietnam to bits; will not get the praise of those who want to quit at any cost by pulling out; and will not get a high Gallup rating from those who suggest Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8 " CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- APPENDI Ir March 24, 1966 < we haven't the resources to defend South tremendous debt to the great political Vietnam and that, anyway, a little aggres- thinkers of ancient Greece whose philos- sion In southeast Asia is no concern to the ophy has become part of our heritage. United States. As these conflicting views find their level in public opinion, I believe that the Nation, on reflection, will feel even more reassured that Gen. Curtis Lemay is not deciding the Future Homemakers of America bombing over North Vietnam, that Senator WAYNE MORSE is not managing the defense of South Vietnam and that Senator FULBRIGHT Is not deciding where aggression concerns the United States and where it doesn't. . During the period when he was determin- ing how the mounting attacks directed from of OHIO Hanoi should be met, President Johnson-as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reported by Charles Roberts in his book, Thursday, March. 24, 1966 11,.B.J.'s Inner Circle"-remarked to his in- timates: "I'm not going north with Curtis Mrs. BOLTON. Mr. Speaker, the L,emay, and I'm not going south with WAYNE week of March 27 through April 2, 19613, liefs; promote appreciation of all family members and their abilities and prob- lems; teach selective spending; inculcate citizenship responsibilities; and encour- age using leisure time for activities bene- ficial to the individual and society. In these times when so much publicity is given to juvenile delinquents, beatniks and draft-card burners, all of whom are really a small minority of today's youth, it is good to pay tribute to the Future Homemakers of America who are seri- ously preparing themselves to be good citizens. Southern Africa: Target of Blockade )VIoRSE." has been designated National PHA Week Fortunately, the President is not easily as a tribute to the Future Horrlemal Cis pressured either by events or by extremist advice. of America. This is a national youth He did not act hastily, but deliberately; not organization of more than 600,000 high recklessly, but with great care; not timidly- school students enrolled in home eco- tie committed the United States to do what- nomics courses with local chapters in ever is necessary to defend South Vietnam every State, Puerto Ricci, and the Vi:'gin Successfully, but no more. Islands. liber- d e the President's course in Vietnam: ateness, prudence, and determination. They have produced a clear and properly limited objective: to keep south Vietnam from being taken over by force. And to make it least likely that Red China will enter the war, lie is not using U.S. air- power to bomb cities in the north; not send- ing U.S. ground troops to occupy North Viet- nam; not seeking the downfall of the Hanoi regime; not asking for the "unconditional surrender" of Hanoi. He is asking only for an unconditional end to aggression against its neighbor. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF FRANCES P. BOLTON HON was founded in 1945 as an incorporated, nonprofit organization, supported by membership dues. It was the outgrowth of various State and local clubs of high school economics students which were known by different names and had no unified program. By the end of that first year the national organization had a membership of just under 100,000 in some 2,500 chapters. By the end of the second year, membership had almost doubled, and now as the Future Home- makers of America begin their 21st year they count well over 600,000 members in 000 chapters. It is spon- more than 11 , The 145th Anniversary of Greek sored by the U.S. Office of Education Independence Day and the American Home Economics As- ,ociation. EXTENSION OF REMARKS In this age of constant change and OF challenge, in this era of too much dis- regard for tradition and precedent, in HON. KEN W. DYAL this environment of population explo- OP CALIFORNIA sion and increased pressures, the need IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for new patterns in home life is widely accepted. These young people who are Thursday. March 24, 1966 in the Future Homemakers of America Mr. DYAL. Mr. Speaker, March 25 are serious-minded, community-spirited, marks the 145th anniversary of Greek fun-loving youngsters who are concerned Independence Day. On this date in about the responsibilities of the future 1821, Archbishop Germanos of Patras and are conscientiously doing something raised a new national flag over his men- about it. These are the future mothers, asters at Kalavryta. This started the wives, teachers, jobholders, voters, and bitter climax to the struggle which the opinion molders of this great land of Greek people had been carrying on for ours. 400 years against rule by the Ottoman National FHA Week. finds the 11,000 Plnrpire. local chapters spotlighting activities and The final Greek revolt, against over- projects concerned with a 4-year ria- whelniing odds, lasted 8 years-longer tilonal program of work. Its objectives than the American War for Independ- are to help each member recognize her once. But the indomitable spirit of the abilities, strive for their full develop- brave Greek people prevailed. ment, and participate actively in family, On this anniversary we celebrate a community, and world improvement triumph of the human spirit over all the projects. obstacles of history. The Greek people To further these objectives the elected have proved their valor repeatedly for youth officers of FHA developed nine thousands of years. projects which stress individual detelop- I wish the Greek people peace and reent: emphasize mental and physical prosperity, and I wish all Americans, health; encourage serious consideration whatever their national origin, would in choosing and training for useful study and appreciate the reasons for the Careers; develop codes of ethics, morals, celebration of this holiday. Our con- and mariners; further understanding of stitutional form of government owes a people of all heritages, customs, and be- EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. L. MENDEL RIVERS OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 24, 1966 Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, the following article recently appeared in the News and Courier-one of South Carolina's leading newspapers. In view of the touchy situation in Rhodesia, I found the article to be very interesting. Mr. Thomas R. Waring, the editor, assures me the author's source of information is excellent. Under unani- mous consent, I insert the article in the Appendix of the RECORD- for the informa- tion of the Congress: SOUTHERN AFRICA: TARGET OF BLOCKADE (EDITOR'S NOTE.-The author of this article about a projected blockade and invasion of southern Africa, a foreign military observer who resides abroad, has excellent sources of information in England, Europe, and Africa. He is known to the News and Courier, but prefers not to be identified by name or na- tionality. His report confirms a recent ar- ticle by Russell Warren Howe in the New Leader magazine entitled "Showdown in Southern Africa." Mr. Howe, who is travel- ing in Africa on a Ford Foundation press fellowship, reported February 28 that the Soviet Union is prepared to put its navy at the service of the U.N. for a blockade of southern Africa.) The British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, seems to be determined to escalate his ven- detta against Ian Smith, the Prime Minister of Rhodesia, who 5 months ago declared uni- lateral independence from Britain. Wilson promised the assembled Afro-Asians at the British Commonwealth Conference in Lagos last year that he would destroy Ian Smith and his government by March. He then imposed sanctions against Rhodesia, and per- suaded the United States to join in. The result has been utter failure, and it is even likely that Wilson knew all along that it would be. It is, in fact, probable that Mr. Wilson's ultimate target is the destruc- tion of civilization in the whole of southern Africa, and that action against Rhodesia provides just the excuse which he wanted. Wilson insists that there should be ma- jority rule in Rhodesia, irrespective of whether the voters are savages straight out of the jungle, whether they are entirely il- literate or not, and whether they know what they are voting about. There must be universal franchise, which in practice means handing Rhodesia over to a government of black leftwing extremists. It is hardly surprising that the whites are not enthusiastic. Everything other than a Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400040006-8