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Approved For Release 2003/10/14 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- APPENDIX mon-use areas such as hallways and lobbies, and in placement of plumbing and other utility systems, (d) Ratio of assignable area to interior space area of the building, (e) Relationship between the number of floors in the construction and the cost of land in the immediate vicinity, * (g) Reasonable allowance, where appropri- ate and justified, for harmonious integration of a new facility with architectural charac- teristics of surrounding buildings, for cre- ative application of proved new developments _ in educational media and methods, for planned future expansion of the facility. Regulation 170.15 of the Commissioner of Education also allows a State to in- clude the following standard for deter- mining relative priorities of projects: (d) (6) The relationship of the proposed facilities to an adopted plan for development of the institution or branch campus for which it will be constructed. Yet, I think more is needed. We should amend the law to make clear that campus renewal should be an important part of our long-range program of fi- nancing higher education facilities in every State across the land. It is for this reason, Mr. Speaker, that I have today introduced the College Campus Renewal Act. Under unanimous consent, I include in the Appendix of the RECORD the text of this new bill. It is a simple bill that makes the removal of obsolescence on college campuses part of the national policy of development for higher education. A 10-percent bonus for constructing facilities in accordance with comprehensive planning for the in- stitution should encourage and help fi- nance this important activity. This Congress is voting bold new pro- grams in shaping a partnership between the Federal and local level in meeting the challenge of education. We have a re- sponsibility to do the job well. Campus renewal is a necessary part of the development of higher education fa- cilities in the decade ahead. The text of the bill follows: H.R. 11816 A bill to authorize assistance to public and other nonprofit institutions of higher education in financing the construction, rehabilitation, or improvement of needed academic and related facilities in under- graduate and graduate institutions Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "College Campus Renewal Act". FINDINGS SEC. 2. The growing obsolescence of many buildings on the campuses of institutions of higher education in the Nation presents a problem that demands immediate action. Many buildings are no longer adapted to the academic purposes for which they were originally constructed. Many buildings are unsafe, expensive to maintain, and located In such a way as not to allow the most efficient and best arrangement of buildings on the campus. Functional or structural obsolescence and inefficient utilization of facilities and land area on the camp cause an Unnecessary drain on the budgets of public and private colleges, and can reduce the effectiveness of grants and loans made under Federal programs in support of higher education. The expansion of facili- ties to accommodate' the ever-increasing numbers of youth in need of higher educa- tion must now be accompanied by a care- fully planned program for modernization and replacement of obsolete or inefficient facilities on our college campuses. AMENDMENTS TO HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES ACT OF 1963 SEC. 3. (a) Section 106 of the Higher Edu- cation Facilities Act of 1963 is amended to read as follows: "ELIGIBILITY FOR GRANTS "SEC. 106. An institution of higher edu- cation shall be eligible for a grant for con- struction of an academic facility under this title only if such construction will, either alone or together with other construction to be undertaken within a reasonable time, (1) result in an urgently needed substantial expansion of the institution's student en- rollment capacity or capacity to carry out extension and continuing education pro- grams on the campus of such institution, or (2) in the case of a new institution of higher education, result in creating urgently needed enrollment capacity or capacity to carry out extension and continuing education pro- grams on the campus of such institution, or (3) result in modernization or removal or replacement of a facility that is functionally or structurally obsolete or inefficient." (b) Section 401 (b) (1) of the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963sis amended to read as follows: "(b) (1) The term `construction' means (A) erection of new or expansion of existing structures, and the acquisition and installa- tion of intial equipment therefor; or (B) acquisition of existing structures not owned by the institution involved; or (C) rehabili- tation, alteration, conversion, or improve- ment (including the acquisition and instal- lation of initial equipment, or modernization or replacement of built-in equipment) of existing structures; or (D) removal of an obsolete facility and restoring and land- scaping the land in its place; or (E) a com- bination of any two or more of the fore- going." (c) The third sentence of section 107(a) of the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963 is amended by inserting after the words "utilizing existing facilities", the words "and making progress towards eliminating obsolete and inefficient structures". (d) Section 108(b) (5) of the Higher Edu- cation Facilities Act of 1963 is amended to read as follows: "(5) The commissioner determines that the construction will be undertaken in an economical manner and will not be of elab- orate or extravagant design or materials, and (if applicable) will remove functional or structural obsolescence and increase the efficient utilization of the campus or a facility; and". (e) Section 107(b) of the Higher Educa- tion Facilities Act of 1963 is amended by adding a sentence to read, "The Commis- sioner may increase the amount of a grant by an additional 10 per centum of the amount of the grant for any project which has been certified to him by the appropriate State commission as being in conformity with a comprehensive plan developed for the institution." Protests on Vietnam War Aim at Wrong Target XTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. GLENN R. DAVIS OF WISCONSIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 22, 1965 Mr. DAVIS of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, those who deliberately violate A6059 the law and those who deliberately set out to encourage and incite others to do so, do a disservice to themselves, their families, and their country. There has been too much of the attitude that "boys will be boys" in con- nection with the violent demonstrations across our land, including my own State of Wisconsin. Those misguided people who seek to take the law into their own hands, who seek to "make a point" through violence need to be taught the errors of their ways. They are being used as dupes, and they ought to be smart enough to see that. A recent editorial in the Milwaukee Journal well and thoughtfully brings the latest rash of demonstrations into per- spective. I commend its reading to my colleagues: PROTESTS ON VIETNAM WAR AIM AT WRONG TARGET The basic fault of those who are honestly demonstrating against the war in Vietnam is that they are talking to the wrong people. They are admonishing the administration and the Congress. They should be directing their complaints to Peiping, Hanoi, and that part of the Communist world which gives those forces support. For some months now the Iinited States has made repeated offers to go to the con- ference table to seek an honorable way out of the Vietnamese war. We have offered to meet with everyone concerned, including the Vietcong. The President has invited any members of the United Nations and the United Nations itself to take the lead in mediating. But the only answer is continued war. Some months ago the policy of the Govern- ment seemed uncertain and rigid. Protest then had validity. It has little now. Of course, as some Members of Congress and the Attorney General himself have an- grily charged, the demonstrations have at- tracted Communists, who may even have in- spired some of them. That is to be expected. Our history since World War II has given us plenty of experience with the way in which they seize and instigate opportunities for troublemaking. Those who demonstrate honestly, even if mistakenly, owe it to them- selves and their Nation not to be misled by such anti-American factions. The demonstrators do our country no good. They may even mislead our enemies in Viet- nam as to the determination of this country not to be pushed out of Vietnam and to ac- cept nothing but honorable peace. They obscure the fact that for some time the ad- ministration has had the overwhelming sup- port of the people. The protesters have been a small minority. We also face another danger. In criticiz- ing the demonstrators some officials have come close to denying the right of dissent and equating all who participate with Com- munists and traitors. Senator PROXMIRE, Democrat, of Wiscon- sin, who thinks the demonstrators are woe- fully in error, nevertheless points out that "the right to protest is feeble and empty if it must confine itself to matters that con- cern us little or on which the Nation's vital interests are not touched. It is only when protest offends us and seems to strike at our country's deepest purposes that the meaning of our bill of rights, the right to dissent and protest in this democracy, is really tested." Paralleling the Vietnam protests is an in- creasingly organized movement against the draft. When this is confined to peaceful demonstration and argument, no one has a right to deny it. But when it reaches or- ganized methods of defying the legal draft, of teaching young men how to cheat and mislead authority to escape the draft, of Approved For Release 2003110114: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300140002-2 A6060 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX October 22, 1965 how to become conscientious objectors"?as though conscience could be shaped artifi- cially?then Government has a right to be concerned. Military service and fighting have never been popular in our democracy. But when public policy determines the necessity of the draft and of war, our duty is clear. We need not like it. But physically to interfere with it is to weaken the Nation in time of crisis and can become treason. Protest is one thing. To be meaningful it must be honest. To be effective it must have a proper goal. It is an Arnerican right?but the right is balanced, too, by a duty to act thoughtfully and legally, Utah's Cultural Attractions EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. LAURENCE J. BURTON OF UTAH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 22, 1965 Mr. BURTON of Utah. Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my remarks in the REcoaa, I include the following editorial from the Ogden Standard-Examiner of Monday, October 18, 1965. The editorial takes note of the fact that, in addition to the well-known scenic and recrea- tional attractions to be found in Utah, there are also available some very at- tractive cultural opportunities. These are of interest to many of the workers moving to Utah to take new jobs in busi- ness and industry there, and to their families. I might add, for the interest of my col- leagues, that the editorial lists only a fraction of the many cultural attractions to be found in communities from one end to the other of my great State. The editorial follows: UTAH'S CULTURAL ATTRACT/ON LIST Something unusual came to our atten- tion recently?something we should have thought about before. An Ogden couple was visiting with a man and wife who had just moved here from Pennsylvania as part of the force be- ing redeployed to Hill Air Force Base. The new arrivals were talking about some of the friends they'd left behind in the East. "They're reluctant to move to Utah," it was explained, "because they don't think you folks out here have any real cultural attractions. They know about your skiing, your hunting, your fishing, and your sce- nery. But they're older folks and are more interested in music and the theater." Those of us who have been in Utah a long time know well how this State has long prided itself in its culture. Music and the theater came to our State with the first pioneers?and has been an important part of Utah life since. But for the new arrivals?and those who might hesitate about becoming Utahans? let's take at least a partial inventory. Let's start with music. The Utah Sym- phony Orchestra, which makes frequent ap- pearances in Ogden, is tops among the Na- tion's State orchestras. Maestro Maurice AbravaneI is constantly receiving awards for his talents and showmanship. Music is an important part of the Weber State College lecture and artists series, es- pecially since the new, 1,800 seat Pine Arts Auditorium came into use this year. In the summer, Ogden's proud of its "All Faces West" pageant, featuring Igor Garin. Few musical groups in the world are bet- ter known than the Salt Lake Tabernacle choir and organ. Dance? The Utah Ballet Co., directed by Willem Christensen, attracts a wide fol- lowing for its appearances throughout the area, including in Ogden. The Bertha Eccles Art Center in Ogden now has a permanent collection, plus the unique rental library that just opened. The University of Utah has its famed Hudnut Collection and, nearby, the Art Barn. For theater, Ogdenites have a wide choice. The Weber State College Theater series is improving each year?the Fine Arts Audi- torium helps with this, too. Soon to be placed in service in the WSC Fine Arts Building are the smaller, more intimate cellar theater and Little Theater. Just down the highway from Hill Air Force Base, the Valley Music Hall?opened this past summer?brings top musical stars from all over the country for its frequently changed shows in one of the country's best theaters in the round. University of Utah has a summer theater and in winters has its Pioneer Theater. Typical of world-renown performers who come to Utah is Louis Untermeyer, appear- ing tonight at Weber State College in the lecture and artists series to read a collection of letters by Robert Frost. He'll be followed later in the season by such diverse person- alities as columnist Art Buchwald and essayist Harry Golden. WSC also has a series of Audubon lecturers. The Ogden Knife & Fork Club helps add depth and variety to the area's attractions by inviting speakers of national reputation to appear at its dinner meetings. Museums? The arms collection at the Browning Museum in South Ogden is unique because it has the original inventor's models of most of the Nation's important guns. Utah's pioneers are remembered in the Goodyear Cabin and Museum at Ogden's Tabernacle Park, in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum near the Utah Capitol, at the Lion House in downtown Salt Lake City and the Pioneer Village in Holliday. The list could go on. The Springville Art Museum. The Shakespeare festival each summer in Cedar City. Indian dances at the Intermountain School in Brigham City. But these should answer the new arrival's question. Yea, Utah does believe in culture. And we have the attractions to prove it. Linn County's Economic Action Program EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JOHN C. CULVER OF IOWA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 22, 1965 Mr. CULVER. Mr. Speaker, I am very proud of the efforts being made in the Second District of Iowa to implement the economic opportunity program. On May 12, the United Community Services Agency received the first community action program grant awarded in the district to begin the necessary study of conditions in Linn County and to estab- lish an organization to carry out this program. Perhaps the most significant feature of the poverty program is the require- ment that projects be initiated and ad- ministered by local officials in the com- munity who are understandably most familiar with the problems in their area, and. the resources available to meet these needs. It is a fine example of the proper coordination of the activities of all levels of government and private organizations to deal with problems which are of local, statewide, and national concern. Since May, a most ambitious and com- prehensive program has been developed for Linn County. Officials of the county's economic action program?LEAP?have worked closely and effectively with United Community Services and other community leaders in formulating imagi- native proposals covering a broad range of areas which promise to give meaning to the goal of creating greater oppor- tunity. WMT radio and television stations in Cedar Rapids have recently carried on a commendable study of the efforts of the Linn County economic action pro- gram and brought their findings to the attention of the people of northeast Iowa. I would like to introduce into the RECORD at this point the news analysis of this matter carried by WMT on Octo- ber 11, 1965: WMT NEWS CENTER BROADCAST, 6 P.M., MON- DAY, Odrcoma 11, 1965 Linn County's economic action program? EAP as its initiates?is trying to fight pov- erty by diagnosing it, finding out where it Is and who has it, then treating it by helping the disadvantaged to help themselves on a nighborhood basis. In our last night's report we saw how coun- cils of residents in each of three low-income neighborhoods are doing this locally with the help of LEAP administrator Leslie Num- mela and his staff, through an extension of existing social service programs. On a broader level, LEAP and its parent organization? United Community Services?have held sev- eral meetings with four volunteer task force committees studying what's needed and how to fill the need in urban renewal and hous- ing, education, health, and welfare, and em- ployment. But the most intriguing part of all this is the system of services the LEAP staff is build- ing?a dozen new programs to attack poverty from 12 different angles. Furthest along is the neighborhood in- school youth crops which should be getting a $150,000 Federal grant sometime next week, to help 228 students in 13 Linn County high schools finance their education by finding work in the schools for 10 hours a week. This is being administered by the County Board of Education and should be underway by November 1. For high school dropouts, there's an out- of-school youth corps for 30 to 50 young men, providing up to 32 hours of work with a local sponsoring agency, in this case, the YMCA. It's aimed at getting the dropout back in school, ultimately. USC approval of this is expected shortly. Then there's Operation Head Start, de- signed to prepare disadvantaged children for a formal education, through a 30-week pre- school. A State administered 8-week pro- gram of this type was held last summer, and volunteer teachers had nothing but praise for it. LEAP is now working up an ap- plication to make it year-round. LEAP has worked up an application for about $16,000 for a foster home finding serv- ice to overcome a serious local shortage of such homes in this area. On January 1, the city's local family service agency will administer a broader Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For kelease 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX A6033 lthat when we have passed a law, we have solved a problem. But it is not that easy. You don't win a war just by giving your troops some uniforms and ammunition. This Congress has drafted many charters of na- tional progress this year, but making laws is only the first step in the resolution of national problents. LAWS TO ACCOMPLISHMENTS These laws must be transformed by dedi- cated people at all levels, into solid accom- plishments. A voting rights law must be tested and implemented. A poverty pro- gram will fp without dedicated efforts in communities throughout America. An aid- to-education program stands or falls on the efforts. of our teachers, educators, and ad- ministrators. And all of our legislative achievements must be guarded against those who fought them all the way and are de- termined that they shall fail. And it must be added that most of these programs will require substantially greater appropriations by the Congress in future years. I deeply believe that, in the programs we have enacted this year and in years_ before, we have the beginning of the answer to Selma, or Watts, or Appalachia. But we don't have the answer to Berkeley. We are working as never before to break down un- just racial or economic or social or geographic barriers, but we have not always provided meaningful lives to those who have over- come these barriers, or who never had to face them. This is the problem of Berkeley, the prob- lem of those who seem to have everything but feel they have nothing. Men search for their identity, for a sense of their importance and worth, for work where they can make a personal creative con- tribution to the life of their community, State, Nation, and world. Too often today they do not find it. As Goodwin said, "We went swiftly and hopefully ahead, assuming that if we built and grew rich we would create the conditions ? of a full life. We were wrong. These things were good and necessary. But they were way stations, not the destination, on the road to the Great Society." BUILDING GREAT SOCIETY And the answer to our larger predicament still escapes us. How do we build a Great Society which gives every individual a chance to live a meaningful life, to feel like a par- ticipant in America and not some distant spectator, to do work in which he can take pride? I don't know the answer, and I wonder if anyone does yet. And since we don't know the answer, we don't know yet whether this is something that can be solved by legisla- tion, whether at the Federal or at the State or local level. But we do know we must search for solutions wherever they can be found. We do know that we cannot provide a con- trived answer. You can't do it with some giant advertising campaign, with billboards and TV spot announcements telling people to "feel important." We can't solve the prob- lem with computers, by developing a system of electronic people processing such as some people have proposed. And just as we know what we can't do, I think we also know some of the things we can do. For example, we can ask not just whether our economy is producing enough jobs, but whether they are the kind of jobs that are worthy of a lifetime of human effort. We must seek to develop the kind of national life which provides, above all, opportunities for men to give, to create, to build, to sense In their own lives their ?personal contribution to their society. We can think of men not just as spec- tators, but as participants. And we can, above all, call upon all Amer- ican citizens to rise to a higher plateau of public commitment. John F. Kennedy put this call in memorable form when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you? ask what you can do for your country." YOUNG AIVIERIGA ANSWERS Young America answered that call with enthusiasm beyond all we could have ex- pected, and the Peace Corps is a monu- ment to that response, irrefutable evidence of your thirst for work that is important and meaningful. And, there are hundreds and thousands of opportunities in teaching, in youth coun- seling, and work with the poor, in civil rights, in conservation, in humane law en- forcement, in the clergy, in arts and human- ities and in many other walks of life where young Americans can make a public com- mitment to serve their country and their communities, and in this process bring new State, or Nation. And finally, as so many of you at the con- vention have already discovered, you can find much of your answer, as individuals, by your participation in this political party. Your lives are richer, more meaningful, because of your commitment to a lifetime of liberal involvement, to making America the kind of just, progressive, human society we all know it can be and must be. Some of you can fulfill this commitment by running for political office?as a number of you already have?by seeking the rare privilege of political leadership in your town, State, or Nation. Others of you will do work that is equally imported by active participation at all levels of our political party. MEANING to LIFE By making this commitment, you know that you are sharing in the accomplishments which are and will be our greatest reward. And in working with others who share this commitment, you will build lasting human friendships with the Nation's best citizens. These things, as so many of you have already found in our Democratic Party, can bring deep and permanent meaning to your lives. For those persons who are in politics for money, or ego satisfaction or to pull the strings of political power, our answer is? we'd all be better off if they would quit right now. But the overwhelming majority of dele- gates here tonight would not be here if they had not already made their commitment to a lifetime of meaningful dedication to a better America. You have joined this great political party not for what you hope to receive, but what you can give. You are asking to serve your fellow Americans, and to work to build the Great Society. By making this commitment, you can pro- vide your own personal answer to the search for meaning in modern life. And in finding your own answer, you are helping to find an answer for the Nation as a whole. t's Time To Speak Up EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. WILLIAM J. GREEN OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 22, 1965 Mr. GREEN of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, a lot has been said and written about the war in Vietnam and the reac- tion to our commitments in that country here at home. This week, the commu- nity newspaper chain which publishes four weekly neighborhood papers in Philadelphia, ran an unprecedented front page editorial on the recent demonstra- tions against our policy. This editorial impressed me as a sound and mature ex- pression of opinion which I feel is indica- tive of the feelings of the vast majority of the American people. Under unanimous consent, I insert this editorial in the Appendix of the RECORD: IT'S TIME To SPEAK UP The circus-like demonstrations over the past weekend protesting our Nation's pres- ence in Vietnam was insulting to the in- telligence of most thinking Americans. We uphold the right of any group, no matter how small in numbers and how fuzzy in thinking, to demonstrate for or against any- thing they choose. In this recent nationwide series of demonstrations it is perfectly un- derstandable why so many young people and college students participated. The draft boards are breathing closely down the backs of so many of our youth, and they, as well as the rest of the Nation, have every right to be very concerned about events in Vietnam and other places in the world. But it seems to us that the demonstra- tors have completely missed the whole point of our presence in Vietnam. We are there because of commitments made by our Gov- ernment some time ago. Our President has made it abundantly clear many times that our Government is willing to negotiate a cessation of hostilities any time and any place without any qualifications. No one in the country, certainly not our President nor our chosen leaders, wishes to continue the costly warfare in South Viet- nam for its own sake. We are there to fulfill one of many of our Nation's commitments to free and peaceful nations throughout the world. For our country to renege or back out of any commitment at this juncture in world history would be, in our opinion, fool- hardy and disastrous. It would completely undermine our commitments and relations with all countries of the world. It would cer- tainly weaken our role as one of the leaders of the free world. It is certainly not an easy task our Nation faces. No words here will console the be- reaved families of men who are killed or wounded in Vietnam. But peace and freedom exact a terrible and high price from its champions. And a responsibility, too. Our responsibility is to keep faith with those people with whom we have made commit- ments and alliances. We agree that the price may be high, but we feel that our honor is at stake. Cameron Voting Record EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. RONALD BROOKS CAMERON OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, October 11, 1965 Mr. CAMERON. Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my remarks in the REC- ORD, I include the following: Approved For Release 2003110114: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 A6034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX October 22, 1965 Vote Roll call No. Date Bill No. R.B.C. Yea Nay Not voting Brief description ? . I l. I tO I . 00 ,, . ? ? . . . ? ? t .. 4wWWFWWw wWW WW WWwWWWWwWWWWWWW4HWWWi .:N.WWWWW m.1 ,!.... . ..... .. ..,W... .. .... ... ... .. ...t.2.. ....... ... 2s. v. . .... .... .. ....... .. ........ . ..... .,.. ... ... ,. ............. . aa.813?, . ..... ..... ., ...b..... .. , July 26 July 26 July 26 July 26 July 27 July 27 July 27 July 27 July 28._ July 28 July 28 July 28 July 29 July 29 July 29 Aug. 2 Aug. ii Aug. 2____ . Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 4 Aug. 5 Aug. 5-16 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 19 Aug. 19 Aug. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 25._ Aug. 26 Aug. 26 Aug. 26 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Aug. 31_. Sept. 1_ Sept. 1 Sept. 2-13 Sept. 14_ Sept. 14 Sept. 14_ Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 15_ Sept. 15_ Sept. 15_ Sept. 16_ Sept. 16 Sept. 10------ Sept. 17 Sept. 17_ _ Sept. 17_ _ Sept. 20_ Sept. 20_ Sept. 20_ Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 21_ Sept. 22 Sept. 22_ Sept. 22_ Sept. 22. Sept. 22_ Sept. 23 Sept. 20....,. Sept. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 24. _ .. . Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27_ _ Sept. 27 Sept. 27_.... Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 29_ Sept. 29_ _ _ _ Sent. 29_ _ __ II. Res. 437... H.R. 6675 H.R. 7984 H.R. 2985 H.R. 77 H.R. 77 H.R. 8856 S.J. Res. 81_ H.R. 8027 H.R. 6964 S. 1564 S. 1564 H.R. 84.69.Yea H.R. 8439 S. 1742 H.R. 7750 H.R. 9811 H.R. 9811 H.R. 10986...,Nay H.R. 2580 . H.R. 2580 H.R. 9567 H.R. 9022 H. Res. 551 H.R. 9042 H.R. 3141 H.R. 2091 H.R. 8283 H.R. 9460 H. Res. 574_ S. 2040 H.R. 9221 H. Res. 585 H.R. 10873_ H. Res. 560 S. 4 S. 2007 H.R. 30 11.11. 7371 II. Res. 580.... H.R. 10232_ S. 306 S. 306 II. Res. 515 H. Res. 515 H.R. 4644 H.R. 4644 H.R. 4644 H.R. 4844 Present Yea Present , Present Present Yea Yea -Yea Present Present Nay Yea Present Present Yea Absent Yea Yea Yea Present Nay Yea Yea Yea Present Absent Present Present Yea Yea Nay Present Present Nay Yea Present Present Yea Not voting._ Not voting_ Nay Present Yea Absent Present_ Present_ Nay___ .. _ ., Present_ Present Nay Present Nay Present Yea Yea Present Yea Yea Present1.1.0111111 Yea Nay Present Present Yea Present_ Nay Yea Present. Not voting. Present Nay Yea Nay Present Nay Yea Present Yea Yea Present Yea Present Present Present Present Present_ Nay Nay Nay 248 307 251 414 200 221 275 313 326 323 118 328 394 389 330 244 169 221 139 189 - 518 367 304 364 280 340 73 209 128 186 337 380 228 360 312 379 207 254 89 199 279 325 80 294 213 222 234 179 227 134 171 116 168 0 223 203 125 11 0 0 284 74 0 0 54 150 224 172 263 218 95 22 37 23 113 47 298 180 251 180 30 0 143 0 52 0 185 113 204 178 70 10 220 4 183 179 155 219 174 266 14 11 12 19 10 8 34 110 108 111 32 32 40 45 50 40 39 37 19 19 41 91 46 39 45 61 43 53 66 65 52 51 72 65 53 39 64 139 52 83 97 132 133 36 31 44 32 30 30 Quorum call by Mr. Arends, Republican, of Illinois. (22 Members absent.) To permit Consideration of H.R. 77, repealing sec. 14(b) of the National Labor Relations Act. Quorum call by Mr. Griffin, Republican of Michigan. (27 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Rhodes, Republican of Arizona. (32 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Ashbrook, Republican of Ohio. (17 Mentbers absent.) Acceptance Of conference report on Social Security Amendments of 1965, including liespita I and medical care. Acceptance of conference report on Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965. Acceptance of conference report on Mental Facilities and Centers Construction Act. Quorum call by Mr. Ford, Republican, of Michigan. (20 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Younger, Republican of California. (14 Members absent.) Motion to recommit bill to repeal see. 14(b) of National Labor Relations Act. On passage of bill to repeal see. 14(b) of National Labor Relations Act. Quorum call by Mr. Devine, Republican of Ohio. (24 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Baldwin, Republican of California. (30 Members absent.) To amend Atomic Energy Act to permit construction of overhead transmission lines. Quorum call by Mr. Gross, Republican of Iowa. (95 Members absent; RBC at lunch with constituents.) Apportioning funds for Interstate Highway System and establishing highway safety programs, On passage of Law Enforcement Assistance Act. To facilitate the rehabilitation of Federal prisoners. Quorum call by Mr. Conte, Republican of Massachusetts. (34 Members absent.) Motion to recommit conference report on Voting Rights Act. On acceptance of conference report on Voting Rights Act. To provide increases in annuities paid to Federal civil service retirees. On acceptance of conference report on military construction authorization bill. To permit World Bank to make loan to International Finance Corporation. Quorum call by Mr. Gross, Republican of Iowa. (57 Members absent). During this period there were 7 quorum calls and 9 rollealls. (R.B.C. wasunder ?Okla' leave of absence from the House to attend to legislative and other matters in California.: Quorum call by Mr. Boland, Democrat of Massachusetts. (49 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Griffin, Republican of Michigan, (36 Members absent.) Acceptance of conference report on foreign assistance authorization bill. Motion to recommit farm subsidy bill. On passage of farm subsidy bill. Quorum call by Mr. Albert, Democrat of Oklahoma. (49 Members absent.) Motion to recommit supplemental appropriation bill for Departments of Labor, and health Education, and Welfare. Quorum cal lby Mr. Hays, Democrat of Ohio. (28 Members absent.) To revise amendments to Immigration and Nationality Act by placing quota limits or nations of Western Hemisphere. On passage of amendments to Immigration and Nationality Act. Quorum call by Mr. Collier, Republican of Illinois. (34 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Gross, Republican of Iowa. (39 Members absent,) On passage of Higher Education Act of 1965. To provide financial assistance for construction of public sehools affected by major dis asters. (R.B.C. at dentist; would have voted yea.) . To permit consideration of H.R. 9042, to provide for implementation of agreement con cerning automotive products between United States and Canada. (R.B.C. at luncheon would have voted yea.) On passage of Automotive Trade Act of 1985. Quorum call by Mr. Joelson, Democrat, of New Jersey. (43 Members absent.) On passage of Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments of 1965. During this period there were 16 quorum calls and 21 rollcalls. (R.B.C. was in Californi: to deliver a speech in Glendora and attend to various district matters.) Quorum call by Mr. Roudebush, Republician of Indiana. (54 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Hall, Republican of Missouri. (64 Members absent.) Motion to recommit bill relating to concession policies in areas administered by Nations Park Service. Quorum call by Mr. Gibbons, Democrat, of Florida. (46 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Ball, Republican of Missouri. (68 Members absent.) Motion to recommit conference report on Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1965. Quorum call by Mr. Gross, Republican of Iowa. (47 Members absent.) Motion to recommit bill to establish National Foundation on Arts and Humanities. Quorum call by Mr. Devine, Republican of Ohio. (52 Members absent.) Motion to table directive that Post Office Department furnish the House with names ohs) temporary employees during summer of 1965. To amend indemnity provisions of Atomic Energy Act. Quorum call by Mr. Haley, Democrat of Florida. (65 Members absent.) On acceptance of Department of Defense appropriations conference report. To dismiss election contest against members of Mississippi delegation. call by Mr. Goodell, Republican, of New York. (79 Members absent.) ?o -provide group life insurance to Armed Forces personnel. Declaration relative to U.S. policy in Latin America. Quorum call by Mr. Goodell, Republican, of New York. (68 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Ruinsfeld, Republican, of Illinois. (54 Members absent.) Acceptance of conference report on Water Quality Act of 1965. Quorum call by Mr. Hall, Republican, of Missouri. (50 Members absent.) On amendment to river and harbor bill calling for special survey on project in Maine. To provide for U.S. participation in Inter-American Cultural and Trade Center. Quorum call by Mr. Waggonner, Democrat, of Louisiana. (123 Members absent.) Motion to adjourn (R.B.C. attending to office matters). Quorum call by Mr. Gross, Republican, of Iowa. (51 Members absent.) To greatly expand scope of original proposed amendment to Bank Holding Company Ac To permit consideration of H.R. 10232 regarding rural water and sanitation facilities. To provide Federal aid for rural water and sanitation facilities Quorum call by Mr. Devine, Republican, of Ohio. (104 Members absent.) Motion to recommit amendments to Clean Air Act. On passage of amendments to Clean Air Act regarding antismog devices for certain mots vehicles. Quorum call by Mr. Hays, Democrat of Ohio. (51 Members absent.) Motion to discharge Rules Committee from further consideration of resolution to Demi House to take up District of Columbia home rule bill. To permit consideration of District of Columbia home rule bill. Quorum call by Mr. McMillan, Democrat of South Carolina. (41 Members absent.) Motion that Rouse adopt procedural motion to permit consideration of District of Colton bi home rule bill. Quorum call by Mr. Tfays, Democrat of Ohio. (54 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. us ley, Democrat of Florida. (35 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Waggonner, Democrat of Louisiana. (54 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Abernethy, Democrat of Mississippi. (36 Members absent.) Quorum call by Mr. Hall, Republican of Missouri. (38 Members absent.) Motion to strike enacting clause (kill) home rule bill. On acceptance of Sisk amendment to home rule bill. Motion to recommit home rule bill as amended. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 A596 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300446R000300140002-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX October 22, 1965 Jerry Leopaldi, president of Local 447, ME, AFL-CIO, which represents the employees at ITTFL, Clifton, N.J., has been named chair- man and coordinator of this committee, as the idea for the committee originated at the executive board of Local 447 ICE, AFL-CIO. Gov. Richard J. Hughes has accepted the honorary chairmanship of the committee. The Governor stated that "I and the full resources of my office will be placed squarely behind this fine effort. This type of activity goes a long way in helping to offset the false illusion of nonsupport of our Government's role in Vietnam caused in many instances by what appears to be Communist inspired anti-American activities." Mr. Leopaldi announced that all inter- ested people, regardless of their party affili- ations, and whether or not they are members of the labor movement, are invited to join and support the efforts of the committee. Anyone interested in joining can write or phone Mr. Leopaldi at 25 Washington Ave- nue, Nutley, N.J., 07110. Phone: 667-4107. The committee is presently evaluating several projects to be undertaken for our troops in Vietnam which are designed to help improve their morale and make the coming religious holidays more meaningful. When the final decision on these projects is reached, a fund drive will be immediately undertaken to finance and implement this program which will demonstrate to our sons and relatives in Vietnam that we do care. Toward the Great Society?Appalachia EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ROBERT E. JONES OF ALABAMA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mr. JONES of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, wedged between the rich east coast and the prosperous Middle West is Appal- achia, the Nation's largest economically depressed area. In this 165,000-square- mile area, 16 million people live. One out of every three families lives on an annual income of $3,000 or less. Annual per capita income in Appalachia is 35 percent below that for the rest of the Nation. Unemployment is 50 percent higher than the national rate. The gen- eral low standard of living prevailing means poor educational opportunities, Inadequate food, substandard housing, poor clothing, poor health and sanita- tion facilities. There is one overriding characteristic of the entire 11-State area?the burning desire of the young to get away and the diminishing hope of the older folks who stay behind. At the request of the Governors of the Appalachian States, the Democratic ad- ministration proposed a program of re- vitalization for this economically starved area. The 89th Congress approved the Appalachia Regional Development Act to accelerate the economic development of the area in order to raise the stand- ards of human existence in Appalachia to a level comparable to the rest of the United States. This new program is aimed at overcoming the basic deficien- cies of the region?difficult access, un- controlled water resources, poorly man- aged physical resources, and a general lack of the public facilities which stim- ulate economic growth. The Federal-State-local effort to bring new economic life to this area is coordi- nated by the Appalachian Regional Com- mission composed of the 11 State Gov- ernors. Congress has authorized $1.1 bil- lion to get Appalachia moving again? to open the doors of this economically isolated area to more tourists and to more industry. Lying between two great population centers, the eastern seaboard and the Midwest, Appalachia represents a poten- tial market and source of raw materials, as well as a major recreational area for these enormous concentrations of popu- lation. None of this potential can be realized until the isolation of the region is overcome. Over the next 5 years $840 million will be used to construct 2,350 miles of development highways and 1,000 miles of local access roads. The Federal share will be 70 percent and the State share 30 percent. Another $41 million will go for the con- struction of health facilities, including hospitals, regional diagnostic and treat- ment centers, and $28 million will go for the operation of the health facilities. The Federal Government will pay 80 per- cent of the construction costs and 100 percent of the initial operating cost. After the first 2 years the Federal share of operating costs will be 50 percent. Other millions of dollars will go into construction of vocational education schools, development of water resources, sewerage treatment plants, soil con- servation and land improvement, im- provement of timber production and marketing, and restoration of mine- scarred land. The program is designed only to pro- vide initial Federal assistance, until July 1971. By that time it is hoped that revitalization will be sufficiently under- way, and the States will continue their cooperative effort to develop the full po- tential of the region. This is but part of the overall effort to bring Appalachia out of the poverty straits. It is geared largely to economic needs. Other Federal efforts, such as the antipoverty program and the elemen- tary and secondary education bill, are concentrating on human needs. In the words of President Johnson: Giving a man a chance to work and feed his family and provide for his children does not destroy his initiative. Hunger destroys initiative. Hopelessness destroys initiative. Ignorance destroys initiative. A cold and indifferent government destroys initiative. How the United States Got Involved in Vietnam EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. GEORGE E. BROWN, JR. OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mr. BROWN of California. Mr. Speaker, one of my colleagues was kind enough to insert in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, October 20, 1965, page '26788, a letter from the Honorable RICHARD Icnosn to me on the subject of Robert Scheer's pamphlet entitled "How the United States Got Involved in Vietnam." The letter was accompanied by an en- closure containing information on Mr. 'Scheer's background?taken from the files of the House Committee on Un- American Activities. I am taking the Iliberty, therefore, of inserting in the RECORD my reply to Mr. ICHORD'S letter. The reply follows: CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, D.C., October 21, 1965. Hon. RICHARD ICHORD, Longworth House Office Building. DEAR Dicx: I appreciate the fact that you took the trouble to read the pamphlet, "How the United States Got Involved in Vietnam," by Robert Scheer, and also took the trouble to give me your evaluation of it. I should make it clear that I am not al- leging the authenticity of everything Mr. Scheer says. However, this material is re- ceiving widespread publication, not only through this pamphlet but in other publica- tions, and deserves review and analysis by those concerned with our role in Vietnam. Only by such review and analysis, not just of this but of other pertinent material, can we reach an understanding of history and avoid some of the errors of the past. We all know how difficult it is to get reliable infor- mation on controversial issues such as Viet- nam, sometimes even from Government sources. While I do not share the view of nry Republican colleagues that "The figures that are fed to the press and the public by the administration contradict each other and surpass belief" (Vietnam?Some Ne- glected Aspects of the Historical Record? issued by the Republican Conference of the House of Representatives, Aug. 25, 1965), I do agree that adequate and accurate in- formation is a problem. As to Mr. Scheer's background, as revealed by the files of the Committee on Un-Ameri- can Activities, I can understand how that would trouble you. I do not intend to de- fend his associations and activities, since I presume that he can do that more ably than I, if necessary. However, I am concerned about the two points which you take issue with in his pamphlet. You state first that "the publication is filled with half-tfuths, distortions, implica- tions, innuendos and inferences which lead one to believe that Ho Chi Minh is the George Washington of Vietnam ? ? *." Mr. Scheer is certainly not unique in thus representing Ho Chi Minh. Numerous prior writers have done so, of which I will cite only Robert Trumbull, who refers to him thus on page 204 of his book, "The Scrutable East," and Edgar Snow, on page 695 of his book, "The Other Side of the River." Your own Com- mittee on Un-American Activities, in its bi- ography of Ho Chi Minh published October 25, 1957, which obviously was not trying to be complimentary, said,"* ? ? the legendary figure of 'Uncle Ho' was entrenched in the minds of the Vietnamese people?not as a Communist but as a revered father of inde- pendence. The myth of the national libera- tor was so effectively instilled that not even the French risked a personal attack upon the name of Ho Chi Minh as they endeavored to bare the threat of communism." If it is true that Ho Chi Minh has a public image as a "revered father of independence" or a "national liberator" as your committee states, then attacking Mr. Scheer for saying it may not be very logical. Perhaps we ought to deal with the fact, rather than attack Mr. Scheer. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- APPENDIX ALR AND WATER POLLUTION We urge the State to take steps to avoid the serious problems of air pollution because of industry or automobiles. The time to act is now, not when air pollution has reached a dangerous level. We regret the defeat of Senator Berman's bill calling for antismog devices to be in- stalled in autos. We hope the next session of the State legislature will approve such a measure. We commend the legislature for passing a program designed to alleviate water pol- lution conditions in New York State. We commend Councilman Robert Low, of Manhattan, in his fight against air pollution in this State. FLOURIDATION We support the institution of foundation of the water supply of all communities of New York State. We urge all Democratic Party organizations to support this proven health measure. MENTAL HEALTH We believe that the State of New York should increase its role in the field of men- tal health. The problems of the diseases of the mind and their high degree of in- stances, plagues our whole society. We 'urge the State to increase its center for mental health. We also urge greater State aid to increse and expand facilities of existing mental health centers. Present facilities are simply not enbugh to cope with the large amount of our citizens who are stricken with the tragic problems of mental illness. SPEAKER BAN DECISION We strongly support the decision of the New York State Appellate Court permitting Communists to speak at the State univer- ? We believe that the essence of democracy is to give free reign to ideas and criticism. We are confident that in an atmosphere in which all thoughts can be examined, men have the right to decide for themselves and Will not be misled to accept concepts which would destroy those conditions which permit them the fullest opportunity to develop as individuals. We urge the university of the State of New York to abide by the court's decision and we hope that New York's private institutions of higher education will follow the spirit of the decision. DIVORCE LAWS We urge the State legislature to modify New York's present antiquated divorce laws to include at least mental and physical cruelty as grounds for divorce. MARRIAGE COUNSELORS We urge the legislature to pass legislation to license all marriage counselors. EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM That higher taxes may be needed to sup- port this effort should not provent its pro- motion. Those segments of the community which are well off have a moral responsibility to help those who need assistance. We also urge the board of education to continue its efforts for more State aid to help meet the costs of New York City's educational system. In addition, we believe that the board of education should take steps to provide for a cultural training program for teachers so that all teachers will be familiar with the cultural background of their pupils. We urge the continuance and expansion of the prekindergarten program which has been tried and has proven successful. NEW YORK CITY FINANCES It is clear that the city of New York does not have the revenues it needs to meet the requirements of the people of the city, nor has it always utilized the finances at its Command wisely. In order to correct this situation, we strongly recommend (1) imple- mentation of a city income tax and elimina- tion of the city sales tax; (2) appointment of a committee of outstanding economists, businessmen, and labor leaders to investi- gate and recommend new areas for taxation and elimination of unfair or antiquated taxes in existence today; (3) passage of Mayor Wagner's off-track betting proposals. We regret the inaction of many local legis- lators in behalf of the latter bill. We further recommend that New York City and its suburbs receive a fairer propor- tion of State revenues. It is unfair for New York City to pay 60 percent of the New York State taxes and receive only 40 percent back in terms of services. MOBILIZATION FOR YOUTH We support mobilization for youth and the fine work it has done in combating juvenile delinquency on the Lower East Side. We hope this organization's programs will be continued for many years to come, and we deplore the nature of the attacks that a number of public officials have leveled against mobilization for youth. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES To prevent the human waste that all too often results from deprivation and boredom, we urge the mayor to consider the construc- tion of more and better equipped recreation facilities. We urge Governor Rockefeller to pursue a similar policy with respect to the State as a whole. We applaud the efforts of the committee on parks and playgrounds in this area. We hope the mayor will continue his efforts in this area, as recreational facilities are one remedy for the delinquency problem. We urge the creation of several small vest- pocket parks to make life more bearable in ghetto neighborhoods. Newbold Morris has done much fine work. The mayor, board of estimate, and city plan- ning commission should support his efforts to obtain additional municipal park acreage on Staten Island; at least 2,000 acres should be acquired in the next few years, since by 1976 the island's population will have soared. WOMEN'S HOUSE OF DETENTION The overcrowding and moral transgression in this miserable jail must be relieved, and charges of brutality against prison guards must be thoroughly investigated. The wom- en's house of detention has survived many scandals, but it must not be allowed to sur- vive the latest one. The city has been talk- ing about doing something to improve this jail for more than 10 years; the time for action is now. Ralph Coghlan MCTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. PRANK THOMPSON, JR. OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mr. THOMPSON of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, it is always saddening to re- ceive news of the passing of a friend. It is especially regretful when that death removes from our midst a person who has honored his profession and bright- ened the national scene. Such a man was Ralph Coghlan, a distinguished journalist and a warm and witty human being. I know of no better tribute a man can receive than the honor and esteem of his colleagues. The following editorial from the October 20 edition of the Washington Post sets forth a view ?A5995 of Ralph Coghlan which, I am sure, will find wide favor among those who ad- mired and respected him. It reads as follows!, RALPH COCHLAN Ralph Ooghlan probably was not widely known to the general public, but a great many newspaper readers enjoy more cogent commentaries today because of his stimulus. As editor of the editorial page of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch until his retirement in 1960, he was a foremost practitioner of his belief that editorials should have something to say and should say it crisply and forcefully. Ralph _Coghlan ran a great editorial page. He was not always reasonable, and his cru- sades sometimes led to distortions, but he was always warmhearted, scrappy, provoca- tive and indignant with dithering. Editorials, he felt, should serve a higher purpose than "pants pressing"?a phrase he borrowed from Henry Meneken?and he could be just as scathing in attacking the pomposity of the press as he could be ir- reverent in categorizing the foibles of public officials. His ability to infuse others with his enthusiasm brought formation of the National Conference of Editorial Writers, which has spread his concern with the con- science and the equality of the editorial page. Although he is now dead at 68, his influerce continues to make itself felt. Support of Vietnam Policy by Newark, NJ., International Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JOSEPH G. MINISH OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mr. MINISH. Mr. Speaker, as coun- teraction to the current demonstrations against our Vietnam policy, District 3, International Union of Electrical, Radio, & Machine Workers, AFL-CIO, Newark, N.J., has undertaken a vigorous cam- paign to make clear that the great majority of Americans are opposed to capitulation to Communist aggression. The men and women who comprise dis- trict 3 are most anxious to achieve an honorable settlement of the critical Vietnamese situation. Indeed they have an especial stake since for the most part it is the sons of working people who must bear the brunt of battle. But, never having dwelled in ivory towers, the peo- ple's sturdy commonsense tells them that aggressors are impressed only by strength and determination. As a longtime member of district 3 prior to my service in Congress, I am proud of my fellow members and I salute their efforts. The following statement gives the de- tails of the campaign: PRESS RELEASE BY DLSTRICT No, 3, IUE Milton Weihrauch, president of District 3, IUE AFL-CIO, announced that a committee is now being formed for the purpose of undertaking a campaign designed to let our troops in Vietnam, the South Vietnamese people, and everyone else, know that the overwhelming majority of American citizens support the policy of our Government in Vietnam. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October:12, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD APPENDIX Your other point of difference with the pamphlet was that it "* * * implies that our involvement in Vietnam was the result of a plot carried out by such distinguished Americans as ? * 5" and you name several names. 1 share your belief that such impli- cations have very little foundation. Again, however, it is a position taken by other pre- sumably well-informed people and needs to be dealt with. For example, Mr. Hilaire du Barrier, a former member of the French Re- sistance in Indochina, an employee of the OBS., an "aide" to a Diem delegate to Wash- ington, and a frequest writer for conservative publications, is quoted as being "* * * in agreement with some liberal critics of' our Vietnam policy in regarding the American Friends of Vietnam Committee as having functioned as a pro-Diem `Lobby'." The point I am trying to make, Dick, is that it is better to deal with the realities of whatever Scheer says rather than to at- tack his reputation or associations. Sincerely, GEORGE E. BROWN, JR., Member of Congress. 'Wizardry' on Trial EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. WILLIAM F. RYAN OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, Murray Kempton writing in the New York World Telegram and Sun on October 20, 1965, reported on the current hearings being conducted by the House Committee on Un-American Activities. I am sure all of my colleagues will be interested in reading the following article: [From the New York World Telegram and Sun, Oct. 20, 1965] KEMPTON SEES WIZARDRY ON TR/AL (By Murray Kempton) WASHINGTON, October 20.?In Alabama, Lowndes County gives every sign of moving to acquit Collie Wilkins Jr., a Ku Klux Klansman without visible rank, of murder on the highway. - And up here the House Committee on Un-American Activities is trying, in full passion, to hang Robert Shelton, imperial wizard of all the United mans, for fooling the First National Bank of Tuscaloosa with the forged signature of a fictitious party on his corporation's checking account. There are crimes no nation under law can brook. The Un-American Activities Committee began its trip through the invisible empire the way it begins all its great occasions, with its chairman invisible behind the backs of cameramen. Chairman Enwix E. WILLIS, Democrat, of Louisiana, managed at last to lower that curtain and got over the formal insincerities about how fairly every fair witness could expect to be treated and introduced Chief Investigator Don Appell, to give us a sum- mary of the many books and treaties that exist on the subject. Don Appell responded with a handsome summary of the Klan's history; but he did not read any formal text of what wild sur- mise had hoped might be a freshly discovered treaty between some Alabama wizard and some Alabama Governor, and that was the first disappointment. Chairman WILLIS had meant to say "treatise." Appell then moved to the present tense. He described an invisible empire split rather like our own Democratic Party, among small businessmen. As always the Un-American Activities Committee was dealing with a menace too terrible to distract anyone's at- tention with concrete membership figures; but the largest seemed to be the United Klans of America, Robert Shelton, imperial wizard, with such attendant genii as the im- perial klockard, his propaganda director, and the imperial kludd, his chaplain. We had begun in comedy, and for the moment one forgot that Robert Shelton's koustomers quite often end their hours of recreation with the murder of strangers and could begin to reflect how the country's sense of proportion might be improved if Jack Valenti could be introduced as special klock- ard for the President of the United States and Norman Vincent Peale as resident kludd of the Marble Collegiate Church. There was put in exhibit a list of all the Klanklaverns known to exist: the Paul Re- vere Historical Society of Jacksonville; the Ancient City Gun Club of St. Augustine; the West Orange Sportsmen's Club; the South Pikymarksmen's Association of McComb, Miss.; the Craven County Improvement As- sociation of New Bern, N.C.; the Saddle Club of Bunn, N.C. All these documents seemed harmless enough in the Un-American Activities Com- mittee's tradition, which is to compile lists without ever saying just what it is the peo- ple on them do. But they must have terrified Robert Shelton, perhaps because it is so much an article of the Klan's faith that any list is evidence of a conspiracy; and he seems to have decided that the committee had him. He had promised the committee on Mon- day that he would testify freely and no doubt with patriotic gusto, but then he went off to lunch at the congressional with his counsel and his genii and he came to the stand stooped and sullen under the mantle of the fifth amendment. He began clutching at the only dignity he had left, which was that of the small, free enterpriser. "Are you asking me as an individual or the president of a corporation?" he replied when first requested to produce his books and records. "That question is not relevant and germaine to this inquiry." Then Chairman WI:ma instructed him to reply and he answered that he honestly believed that an answer might incriminate him and that he was availing himself of his rights under "amendments (low voice) 5th, (loud voice) 1st, 4th (lowered voice), and 14th to the Constitution of the (full bellow) United States of America." There followed the unappetizing congres- sional sport of clumsy enticements and clum- sier taunts to see how many different times a hostile witness can be put through the recital of his resort to the fifth amendment. The record is generally accepted as 115 and was set by one of Jimmy Hoffa's bravoes un- der treatment by Senator JoHrr L. MoCLEL- LAN, Democrat, of Arkansas. Chairman Wrims got Robert Shelton up to an unofficial 78 by such ingenious devices as asking him occasionally whether he was taking the fifth amendment to avoid incriminating himself and getting the reply, "I decline to answer, etc." Shelton was to be back today and seems a cinch for the record. After such sport, Don Appell turned to the subject of the Alabama Rescue Fund, a Klan subsidiary organized by Shelton in the early 1960's. Like those of any proper Alabama corporation, its checks required the Signature of a president and treasurer; and Shelton, like any proper president, had filed with the First National Bank of Tuscaloosa as authorized to draw on the Alabama Res- cue Fund's account his signature as presi- dent and those first of T. L. Montgomery and later of James J. Hendrix as treasurer. A5997 Now, Appell asked, weren't T. L. Mont- gomery and James J. Hendrix entirely fic- tional characters and wasn't the signature purporting to be Montgomery's that of Carol Long, Shelton's secretary, and wasn't indeed the signature purporting to be Hendrix' that of Mrs. Robert L. Shelton herself? Shelton continued his litany of refusal to answer, and Carol Long and Mrs. Shelton ap- peared to join him in involving, among other things, that 14th amendment which en- chanted the South. Then they all sat down and the committee produced its handwriting expert whose pointer danced over blown-up photostats of signatures, convincing nobody of his proof quite so much as the Sheltons, who were riveted in the attention every Klansman knows any document deserves as evidence, just for being a piece of paper no matter what it says. The hour is at hand. No southern jury will take this. Mrs. Viola Lee Liuzzo is un- likely ever to be avenged, but the First Na- tional Bank of Tuscaloosa is sure to be. You might be able to get away with murder but Just don't try messing with a bank. Higher Education Act of 1965 SPEECH Or HON. WILLIAM F. RYAN OF NEW YORK IN THE ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 20, 1965 Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, today we are committed to the war against poverty in our country. The different forms poverty takes are sadly familiar. There is hunger and undernourishment. Many schoolchil- dren arrive each day at school without any breakfast and return home to din- ners of peanut butter and jelly. There is chronic ill health. There is unem- ployment and underemployment. For too many Americans there is no home arid no joy. The causes of this devastating poverty are many, surely. But, at the heart of this problem is lack of education. For lack of education and training is what, in most cases, makes it impossible for a person to qualify for available jobs. It is what limits a mother's knowledge of how to budget properly and how best to feed her family. And, it is what inhibits learning and putting into practice bene- ficial health measures. A National Teacher Corps, specially trained and dedicated, can be one of the best instruments for providing disadvan- taged youngsters in our urban and rural slums with the kind of education they need to lift themselves out of poverty. The National Teacher Corps proposed by title V of the Higher Education Act is patterned after the Peace Corps. The National Teacher Corps would give highly motivated individuals who are now teachers, or who want to become teachers, the opportunity to serve their country and their fellow man by teach- ing the children of our poor. Basically, the program would operate in this way. First, members of the National Teach- ers Corps will be specially trained and oriented for teaching service in schools Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 A5998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX with large numbers of underprivileged youth. Equipped with these special teaching skills, and with a broad under- standing of the problems of the under- privileged, they will be ready to go into schools to teach. Once in these schools, the members of the National Teaching Corps will ap- ply specialized training to help give edu- cationally underprivileged youngsters the particular enriched learning experiences they need in order to bridge the heritage of dispair. Understanding the children's handicaps, the teachers will be better able and prepared to teach these stu- dents the academic skills that must be mastered to be successful in school and in life, and to begin to enjoy both. And, they will introduce their pupils to the re- warding world of cultural life around them?a life which heretofore has been remote or unknown. In order to attract a wide variety of dedicated teachers, and also, to train a new supply of teachers, the membership of the National Teacher Corps will com- prise both experienced teachers and col- lege graduates who wish to be teachers. The experienced teachers will work in schools singly or as members or leaders of teaching teams. They will contribute both to the schools in which they will teach and to the young would-be teach- ers at their side. To the classrooms of the disad- vantaged the experienced teachers will bring their many years of teaching. The children and youth they teach will have the opportunity of being instructed by individuals who have had a wide range of educational experience and a deep knowledge of the art of teaching. To the young teacher-interns in the program, these experienced teachers would also serve as instructors through leading in-service training programs carried out in cooperation with institu- tions of, higher education. They would help, to teach these young teacher-in- terns classroom skills while these young Instructors are actually on the job in the schools of the underprivileged. The teacher-interns, for their part, will contribute vigor and enthusiasm to the classrooms of the disadvantaged. Their original and fresh ideas and ap- proaches will stimulate an atmosphere of excitement about learning which can- not help but communicate itself to chil- dren and youth who need to be convinced of the. value, wonder, and pleasure of learning. Teacher interns who will already have BA, degrees would also be continuing their schooling at a nearby institution of higher education while they are actually teaching. At the end of their 2 years of service in the Corps teacher-interns would be able to have earned an advanced degree in education. With this degree, plus their training in the teaching of the disadvantaged and their actual 2 years of practicing this knowledge, members of the National Teacher Corps would be well prepared to teach underprivileged chil- ? dren. As a group, they would also pro- vide a valuable supply of well-prepared future teachers for America's youth. Although the cost of the program would be borne entirely by the Federal Government, the members of the Na- tional Teacher Corps will not be em- ployees of the Federal Government but will be, in effect, a part of the local school system. Federal funds will go to the local education agency which will pay the Teacher Corps members and di- rectly supervise them. The pay of the teacher in the Teacher Corps will be the same as for teachers in the local school system. Members of the Corps who are experienced will be paid the same as a teacher with similar training, experience and duties in the local system plus an extra amount if they are leading a teaching team. Teacher- interns will be paid at the beginning of the scale at the lowest rate paid by the local agency for full-time teachers in a particular school and grade. Mr. Speaker, the National Teacher Corps offers a concrete plan for attempt- ing to raise the quality of education in our schools. It will also stimulate respect for learn- ing on the part not only of disadvantaged youngsters, but also on the part of youths and citizens in all parts of America. I urge support for the Teacher Corps and trust that the Quie motion to re- commit will be defeated. Let's Take a Real Good Look at Plastic Pipe EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ROBERT E. SWEENEY OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 200.1965 Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Speaker, in re- cent years there has arisen a substantial Federal interest in the use of ABS plastic pipe and fittings for DWV plumbing sys- tems in residential and other structures. So profound is the general lack of knowl- edge about this question that even the vocabulary is a stumbling block to one of the uninitiated, like myself. The letters DWV stand for drain, waste and vent, and describe the plumbing system, with its pipe and fittings, which is used for these purposes in a structure. The let- ters ABS stand for "acrylonitrile-buta- diene-styrene." I trust that a layman such as myself may be pardoned if he Is unable to pronounce the name of this complicated chemical compound. The area of legitimate and proper Fed- eral concern with this problem has sev- eral dimensions. A very important one arises from the fact that the Federal Housing Admin- istration?FHA?must lay down condi- tions under which it will approve the in- surability of home loans. I, for one, have become very much alarmed at the increased rate at which homes are being repossessed by the Federal Government under terms of the FHA home loan pro- gram. Certainly our Federal Govern- ment should be deeply and justifiably concerned with the materials that go in- to FHA-insured homes. To my dismay, however, I have learned October 21-, 1965 that in some instances negligence exists in properly safeguarding FHA home loans. For example, homes are being built today in certain sections in this country wherein the builder has failed to provide the homeowner with a 5-year warranty which he is required to give under Use of Materials Bulletin No. UM-33, dated December 15, 1961, of the Architectural Standards Division, FHA. Specifically, the builder must, under pro- visions of this bulletin, furnish a properly executed warranty to the homeowner which provides that the builder will "re- pair or replace any part of ABS plastic vent and drainage system, hereinafter referred to as 'system,' installed during construction in the house built by seller on the aforementioned lot, which, during a period of 5 years from the date of ini- tial occupance of original purchaser, proves to be defective in material or workmanship, provided that the defect shall be material to the intended use of the system and shall have occurred as a result of normal domestic usage for which the system was intended." The sad commentary is that in many instances the builder, the mortgage lender, the purchasing public, and others are totally unaware of this FHA require- ment. Cases have been called to my at- tention in which none of the parties in- volved had ever so much as heard of the PHA requirement of a 5-year warranty for ABS plastic drainage and vent pipe and fittings. This lack of awareness of the 5-year warranty requirement in our building community is not surprising. Already one manufacturer of ABS plastic pipe has been sent a warning letter, as of July 29, 1965, from FHA Commissioner Philip N. Brownstein for circulating mis- leading advertising and statements rela- tive to FHA's acceptance of building ma- terials. The company involved in this case stated in its advertising copy that its plastic pipe was "FHA-accepted." Even more astonishing to me?an item which the Commissioner could not take official notice of?was the preposterous claim by this manufacturer that his plas- tic pipe is "never affected by chemical action of household waste or drain cleaners or by boiling water." For example, in the case of ABS plas- tic pipe carrying a different brand name, I have seen installation Instructions is- sued by the manufacturer describing this pipe as an unsatisfactory conductor at 72 F., for such familiar agents as ace- tic acid, ammonia?both wet and dry? benzene, borax, chloroform, manufac- tured gas, iodine, naphtha, and a long list of other materials including the familiar cleaning compound, carbon tetrachloride. Does ABS plastic pipe mean one thing in the case of this latter pipe and some- thing entirely different in the case of the manufacturer cited in the letter of Com- missioner Brownstein? As recently as September 27 of this year, the independent testing laboratory, Smith-Emery Co., of Los Angeles, de- scribes the results obtained by submerg- ing specimens of ABS plastic pipe in separate containers of 28 different mate- rials for a period of 48 hours. To me, the Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 20 CIA-RDP67B00446R000300140002-2 October 22, 71965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX resources in the way they politically wish. While he offers an interesting argument, it seems to us that he saddles the monetary system with more than its share of the blame. To see why, it is useful to recall how Britain came to its present pass. The exer- cise is particularly pertinent because the United States to some extent seems bent on heading in the same direction. Britains balance-of-payments troubles, and the consequent weakness of the pound, stem in part from the lack of competitive- ness of its domestic economy. The growing political power of unions, together with the complacence of management, has threaded make-work rules and practices throughout Britains industry. Featherbedding, which is hardly unknown in the United States, saps industrys domestic vitality and lessens its ability to sell goods abroad. Its stretching things to blame those conditions on undue obeisance to stable money. As a matter of fact, the behavior of both nations is cause for skepticism about their devotion to such stability. In both, govern- mental budget deficits and artificially easy money long have been almost a way of life. In Britain this proclivity already has led to substantial price inflation, which has helped push up wage costs at home and made Brit- ish goods even harder to market abroad. Britain at least appears to be, trying to come to grips with its twin problems of in- efficiency and inflation, though the outlook for some of its efforts is at best dubious. It is questionable, for example, whether the nation will actually revitalize its industries with its tax on imports, which in effect puts a higher protective tariff wall around its do- mestic factories. Moreover, it's doubtful that the London government will have the political courage to try to curb the insatiable demands of labor unions. If anything, labor unions seem more out of hand under a labor government than they did under the Tory regime. Conceivably matters may by now have de- generated so far in Britain that, as Mr. Hirsch contends, the pound should be at once devalued. No matter how highly any- one values monetary stability, it's only fool- ish to insist that it exists when it patently ? doesn't. It would be even more foolish, Mr. Hirsch also recognizes, to believe that devaluation by itself would solve everything; at best it is only a recognition of past mistakes. With the slate wiped clean, a nation then must manage its monetary affairs sensibly if it is not to sink into one devaluation after an- other. That does not require a government to run budget surpluses every single year and keep money right under all circumstances. But it does mean it cannot forever insist on the opposite. To do so is not to promote sound economic growth but, in the not very long run, to seriously endanger it. A government runs such risks when, as in the United States it seems determined not to dampen the union urge for inefficiency but to enhance it, when it follows inflationary domestic policies, when it applies no more than paliatives at best to its balance-of- payments deficits. It boils down, we think, to a fairly simple equation: If governments could control their political passions, they would not con- front the problem of money becoming a master. It is precisely because they abuse money that it finally forces a choice?tyran- nical thought it may appear to the poli- ticians?between discipline and disaster. Therein lies the essential point about al- tering the world monetary system. Intelli- gent reforms might improve it; they cannot substitute for common monetary sense. The Viet Protesters EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, throughout the country the public has risen in indignation against the Com- munist-infiltrated demonstrations last weekend in which our Vietnam policy was attacked. Chicago's American, in its edition of October 18 contained an impressive editorial on the demonstra- tions of the past weekend: THE VIET PROTESTERS Some of the people demonstrating against the U.S. involvement in Vietnam may be sincere in their beliefs, but they certainly are misguided. Mothers of sons naturally don't want to see young men drafted into military service for action anywhere. Many of the young men object to giving service and risking their lives for a cause that seems distant and incomprehensible. A few of the demonstrators are natural born pacifists and dissenters. And some are Communist fellow travelers and sympathizers who always take a position for communism and against the best interests of the free world. These dissimilar persons are now banded together to cause as much mischief as they can for the American Vietnam policy. In so doing they are aiding the Communist cause, and helping to prolong the Vietnam war. The Vietcong launched a summer offensive against our military forces in Vietnam which has proved to be a failure. What the Com- munists failed to win in Vietnam last sum- mer, however, they may hope to gain by suc- cesses on the domestic front within the United States. Former President Dwight Eisenhower most properly points out that the Vietnam demon- strators don't know what they are talking about. Three U.S. President's, Mr. Eisen- hower, Mr. Kennedy, and Mr. Johnson, have persisted in the prosecution of the war in Vietnam after a thorough examination and review of the facts. And what are the facts? The Government of South Vietnam has been menaced by a Communist invasion from the north. The Geneva International Con- trol Commission has indicted North Vietnam for this invasion, and no objective person doubts that the legally constituted Govern- ment of South Vietnam has indeed been menaced. The United States assured the South Vietnamese that they would have help from us. We are now providing that aid. Is it in our own self-interest to do so now? It is certainly in our own self-interest to stop the advancement of militant communism. China and North Vietnam are now the lead- ing exponents of militant communism. China has repeatedly called on the rest of the Communist world to destroy American "im- perialistic capitalism" by force and violence wherever it appears. North Vietnam and the Vietcong are engaged in the attempted de- struction of a capitalist outpost by bringing down the Government of the Vietnam Republic. Unless we stop this assault, the whole of southeast Asia and ultimately the Pacific will go Communist. If we do not fight now on the Vietnam front, we ultimately will be fighting on a hundred fronts much closer to home. A5975 Our purpose in South Vietnam is to defend a free and independent people, as we have promised to do, and to prove to the Commu- ists that violent aggression does not pay. No one likes the cost of this policy, any more than we wanted to get involved in World War II. But we are involved, and we had better stay involved until there is a just settlement in Vietnam. Otherwise, we ulti- mately will be even more deeply involved in a worldwide catastrophe that will be called world war III, if anyone remains to give it a name. The demonstrators and protesters against Vietnam policy are doing a great disservice to all of us. They are helping to prolong the war. If they succeed in getting their way, they'll help to bring on conflict everywhere with a resurgent communism which will prove once again that violence does pay. This is a course that those of us who love this Natton, and who prize a free world, can- not accept. Trade Expansion Act?A Threat EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ROBERT T. SECREST OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 20, 1965 Mr. SECREST. Mr. Speaker, earlier in this session I reintroduced a bill to amend the Trade Expansion Act, identi- cal to a bill that I had introduced last year. It was designed to remove certain items from the President's list marked for a 50 percent tariff reduction. I am now introducing a bill that has also been introduced by some 15 to 26 other Mem- bers which repeats the earlier bill but goes further in amending the act of 1962 by modifying some of its extreme provi- sions and authorizing the imposition of import quotas under certain conditions. The Trade Expansion Act has been a deep disappointment in what was to be one of its principal features, namely "ad- justment assistance." This provision has become a dead letter. The Tariff Com- mission is now without a single case on its docket after nearly 3 years from the time the act was passed. This is not sur- prising because no case out of the 17 that have come before the Commission has succeeded in gaining any assistance. The turn-down has been unanimous in all cases but one, and that one was nega- tive by a majority vote of the Commis- sion. This record would hardly be con- ducive to further efforts to gain relief. I can only conclude that the law was too strictly drawn. The bill I am intro- ducing now would relax the severe re- quirements of the law so that its avowed intent could be, carried out. This would be accomplished by striking the "major" where it is used to describe the degree of cause necessary to prove serious injury suffered by petitioning industries, firms or labor groups. The law says that a tariff reduction must have been the ma- jor cause of an increase in imports and the higher volume of imports must have been the major cause of the injury suf- fered by the industry or labor group seek- Approved For Release 2003/10/14 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 M976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX October 22, 1965 ing relief. This is a double condition and represents an excessive burden of proof. Today there may be a number of causes of disturbance or disruption of normal operations of a manufacturing enterprise. To be asked to identify one cause and then to establish it as a major cause not only once but twice, the second one de- pendent on the first, is to demand what no applicant to the Commission has been able to satisfy. The requirement must be relaxed if adjustment assistance is to come to life. Mr. Speaker, I do not understand the reasoning of those who believe in the high labor standards of this country and yet lend support to a trade policy that undermines those standards. We call for full employment in this country and seek a good level of prosperity for busi- ness but then turn about and vote for a trade program that works in the oppo- site direction. While I say "we" do this, I am not among those who voted in this. fashion. I mean the 1962 congressional majority. I do not understand how we can ex- pect to maintain our labor standards and achieve full employment by calling for a sharp reduction in the tariff. No one can question the wide margin by which wages in this country exceed those in all other countries except Canada. The day Is past when this discrepancy could be dismissed by simply saying that our in- dustry is much more productive than the foreign. Other industrial countries have escalated their technological develop- ment more rapidly than this country if for no other reason than their lower level as a starting point after the war. We assisted them immeasurably in this escalation. I think it is safe to say that we presented the countries of Europe and Japan with a technological leap that saved them two or three decades of re- search and development. This leap increased the competitive advantage they already enjoyed in many lines of good as a result of their lower wages; for while their wages have risen considerably, wages in this country have also gone up. If their wages have come up faster percentagewise than ours the increases here have exceeded theirs in actual dollars and cents. Yet there are those who generally sup- port the principle of high wages and full employment who seem to believe that growing import competition is economi- cally not only harmless but beneficial. Granted that fair competition is a healthy economic factor and that some Imports do no harm because they are not competitive or do not represent un- fair competition; it is nonetheless true that import competition that owes its advantage to lower wages may retard employment in this country by discour- aging industrial expansion while increas- ing pressure for more mechanization and automation. I am not one who opposes mechani- zation or automation as such. The bene- fits of technological progress are too evident to take such a position. How- ever, we must ask what is the purpose of our feverish modernization. Ideally, the purpose should be to lower the cost of production so that goods may be sold to the consuming public at lower prices. Our very system of mass production in- deed got its inception from such efforts. When the link between mass production and mass consumption came to be ap- preciated we began also to appreciate the function of fair competition, which was to reduce prices and thus allow more production in relation to consumer in- come. More production soon meant more employment. The workers who were displaced initially by radical mech- anization were in time rehired or re- placed in greater numbers throughout the economy as a result of greater pro- duction and greater activity in the sup- porting activities, such as selling, distri- bution, insuring, financing, transporting, and so forth. These benefits, however, do not accrue under all circumstances. For one thing, If the product is one for which the de- mand is inelastic, consumption will not be stimulated perceptibly. The price of salt, flour, or sugar, within reason, has little effect on consumption. The price of some other goods if dropped sharply may lead to a doubling or tripling of consumption, or, in time, even a yet higher multiple. Our industrial history as it moved into mass production, from automobiles to telephones, radio to tele- vision, all sorts of household appliances to a great variety of gadgets?I say, the industrial history of this country during the past two generations has been a suc- cession of invention and innovation, pro- ducing new products under the impetus of efforts to bring the costs within the reach of the mass pocketbook. The re- sult has been what we see before us. It brought us the industrial leadership of the world. Now, however, confront these same in- dustries with the alternative of reducing costs sharply or seeing their domestic market supplied in rising degree by im- ports and the situation is different. The advantage of imports may lie in the very objective that was looked to as opening up a broader market, that is, lower prices. The domestic industry then faces a double problem. First, it may for the time being have gone as far as it can in cost reduction. New de- velopments that increase productivity do not spring up over night. The foreign producers may be technologically abreast of our industry and because of their much lower wages can undersell us. Second, even though the time is in- opportune and the industry must reduce its cost nevertheless it will scour the capital market for means of increasing productivity regardless of the state of unreadiness. It can hope to hold its share of the market only by cutting costs; and the principal source of cost reduction lies in the decreasing the num- ber of workers. Yet, in doing this, sales will not respond as in the days when the market was virgin and free of already low-cost imported goods. Now these skim the cream, and the displaced workers remain displaced. Two negative effects, rather than only one, are produced. The work force is reduced, and plans for ex- pansion that seemed opportune before must now be put on ice. Therefore the impact on unemployment is double. Not only are workers displaced; new workers who would have been hired had the in- dustry expanded are left unhired and are added instead to the unemployment rolls. Thus we add to the retraining and relocation burdens no less than the dis- tress that marks the poverty-stricken areas. Mr. Speaker, it is a common human weakness to wish to eat our cake and yet also have it left over for future corn- sumption. We all know that this does not work. Yet there are economists, doc- trinal free traders and others who are strong suporters, as I have already said, of the high-wage high-income economy that characterizes our national state to- day. They adhere at the same time to a contradictory position that demands an impossible competition with foreign systems that base their competitive posi- tion on low wages. We cannot maintain our system and at the same time adhere to policies that render our position untenable. We can meet the challenge in one of two ways: we can reduce wages or do what I have already described, namely mechanize and automate as relentlessly as possible in order to bring down OUT costs. Either course would undermine the income base that is necessary to sus- tain our high level of production. The day of reducing wages is gone, not only because of the strength of labor organiza- tions but because it would diminish the market by reducing the number of dol- lars in the hands of consumers. Let us examine briefly the extent of the dependence of our economy on per- sonal income, or more truly, disposable, that is, spendable personal income, on the one hand, and the preponderate de- pendence of personal income on em- ployee compensation. In 1964 disposable personal income in this country was $431 billion. In the second quarter of this year it had risen to an annual level of $455 billion. This compares with $384 billion in 1962: Wage and salary disbursements in 1964 were $331 billion, rising to an -annual rate of $352 billion in the second quarter of 1965. In 1962 they were $29'7 billion. These figures are in current dollars and therefore exaggerate the real income and real wages by the amount of price in- creases since 1962. It will be seen that wage and salary disbursements represent a very high proportion of all disposable personal in- come which includes proprietors' in- come, rental income and dividends?see Survey of Current Business, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, July 1965, table 3, page 4?the proportion during the years I have cited was 77 percent. The percentage runs even higher when the comparison is made with personal consumption expenditures. In 1964, for example, wage and salary disbursements of $331 billion represented 82 percent of personal consumption expenditures of $399 billion. It is obvious that our high wages rep- resent the principal underpinning of total consumer purchasing power while the latter is what sustains our high volume of production from farms and mines to ,rnills and factories. This relationship between our wages and consumption is very important. If Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 yr Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX Actually, there are about 34.1 million poor people in the United States. This is about one-fifth of our population. New Hamp- shire has its share of poor people. Accord- ing to Prof. James R. Bowring, of the Uni- versity of New Hampshire, there are some 28,383 families, or' about 85,000 people in our State who are poor. This means that about 15.2 percent of our people in this State are poor, which is 6 percent less than in the country as a whole. In Manchester, there are 3,142 poor people. Now, these figures are based on a level of family income which is less than $3,000 a year. The average family has about 4 people in it; ask yourself, could my family live adequately on less than $3,000 a year? The Federal Government estimates that a family of four ought to have an in- come of $6,317 in order to live adequately but modestly. Think of it: one-fifth of American families try to live on less than $3,000 a year. This one-fifth gets only 4.7 percent of the country's personal wealth, while the upper one-fifth with the largest incomes gets 45.5 of the Nation's income. This one-fifth of the Nation which is poor by this standard really suffer a great deal. Some 2,000 of them die of malnutrition each year. They die sooner than the rest of us because their whole lives are spent from one Illness to another. Because of this, the death rate in America is higher than in Holland, Sweden, Israel, and Great Britain. They suffer three-times the mental illness rate as the rest of us experience. They live in substandard, decaying houses, shacks and slums. In the U.S. as a whole, there are 58 million such houses, and in New Hampshire, there are 38,489 substandard houses in which the poor are forced to live. And I have been In some of them. Our New Hampshire poor suffer more, perhaps, than poor in other parts of the country because the average wage scale for manufacturing is only $2 an hour, while in United States as a whole, the rate is $2.53 an hour. Our wage scale is lower than any other State in New England. To try to compensate for this low wage scale, there is a larger percentage of families in our State where the wife works and an older child works than in any other State in the country. This means neglected children, at least. The poor in the United States, as well as in New Hampshire, include 15 million chil- dren. Forty percent of the poor are non- white, usually Negro, who are usually the last to be hired and the first to be fired. Forty percent of the poor are farmers trying to eke out a living on substandard farms. Fifty percent of poor families are headed by a divorced, widowed, or abandoned woman. The poor generally lack a good education. Two-thirds of the poor families are headed by people with no more than a grade school education. Lack of good education is obvi- ously one of the causes of poverty. Inci- dentally, in Manchester the median school grade that has been achieved is only 9.3, which helps to explain, surely, some of the poverty in our own city. This, then, is something of a description of the one-fifth of our Nation which com- prise the poor. They are a challenge to this great country of ours. What should be our attitude toward these poor? Well, there are always some who have said down through the centuries that we will always have the poor with us and that there is nothing really that needs to be done or even can be done. They often quote, out of centext, a saying of Jesus, "* * * you always have the poor with you." This has undoubtedly been the case, but I am sure Jesus did not consider this as ideal or something that we ought to consider as final. You know, men used to say that people would never fly, but we do indeed fly. Another attitude which many people have is that poverty is one's own fault. They say, one is poor because one is lazy, or crimi- nal; poverty then becomes a kind of divine punishment upon character defects. People who say this are usually those who them- selves have worked hard and have, through their own efforts, achieved some kind of financial security. Now, there is undoubt- edly some truth in this. Undoubtedly, some poor people could rise above poverty by hard effort and industry. However, the bootstrap theory does not take into account the Negro who just can't find a job because of the prejudice of his white brother. After all, the Negro can't help the color of his own skin. This theory does not take into ac- count the mother of three children whose husband deserted her; it does not take into account the children of the poor who are too young to work; it does not take into account the victims of automation or cyber- nation, which is eliminating some 40,000 jobs a week. Poor, slum schools, often with at least de facto segregation, which fail even to teach some children even how to read, cannot be blamed on the children who at- tend them. This bootstrap theory does not take into effect the debilitating effect of poverty and ghettos on people, the despair and numbness and hopelessness which it spawns in people, so that they lose their nerve and sink back into more and more poverty. No, this bootstrap theory which may be true in a few cases, is not a worthy attitude of the modern American when con- fronted with the facts of poverty in our midst. This attitude is especially unworthy of the Christian. And so, may I suggest what ought to be our attitude toward poverty, an atti- tude which is American and Christian. We ought to develop an attitude of genuine sympathy and concern toward the poor. We should look upon them as our brothers and sisters, children of the one God, along with us. And we should be challenged to try to help them in every possible way. This is made very clear in our Scripture passage: "For this is the message * * that we should love one another. * * * If anyone 'has the world's goods and sees his brother In need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word and in speech but in deed and in truth." This loving in word, directed to the poor in our midst, will take, of course, many forms. One, there will always be a need for acts of personal charity, on a person-to- person basis. More often than not, however, this personal charity will be through private Institutions, such as those represented in the community chest, and through all kinds of church institutions such as Church World Service. But such help is really inadequate to meet people's real needs in depth. This is where the government comes in, local, State, and Federal. Government represents you and me, and the taxes we pay for govern- ment help is really Christian charity work- ing through government. We need, certainly, the kind of welfare which is available, and It ought to be made more adequate. We need social security and aid to dependent children. And we need the kind of massive Governmnet programs which have recently been provided by the Congress, especially those programs which aim at job retraining, and helping deprived children get a Head Start, and giving youth Job Corps training, etc. All this is needed, and much more. We have just begun to fight against poverty. Michael Harrington, in "The Other America," has written, "I wanfto tell every well-fed and optimistic American that it is intolerable that so many millions should be maimed in body and in spirit." A5959 EXTENSION OF REMARKS Os, HON. JOHN R. HANSEN OF IOWA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 20, 1965 Mr. HANSEN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, last May in a speech before the Political Action Institute in Des Moines, Iowa, I urged a course in Vietnam that paralleled the one taken by the Johnson adminis- tration. It seemed to me then and it still seems to me that the United States could not ethically shrug off the mantel of world leadership that has been thrust upon us by the free world. The wisdom of that administration policy has been pointed out in a recent column by Joseph Alsop in the Washing- ton Post. I feel this article makes quite clear the need for and purpose of our action in Vietnam. I hope this will add to the understanding of those who were not afforded the opportunity of reading this column. Mr. Alsop's column and my speech follow: SMARTY'S PARTY (By Joseph Alsop) Toxyo.?Both in Hong Kong, and here in Tokyo, the China-watehers are currently playing a game that is both amusing and in- structive. It starts with the fact that the Chinese Communists' great annual celebra- tion of their revolutionary anniversary on October 1 was painfully like Smarty's party, to which nobody came. Maybe that is going too far, for Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia was certainly on hand, there was also a commercial delegation from Pakistan, and there was a very minor member of the preupheaval Indonesian Cabinet. But there were no Japanese or Filipinos or Burmans or Singaporeans. Africa, where Mao Tse-tung and his colleagues have lately been spending millions that China can ill afford, was strikingly poorly represented. The absence of the North Koreans?once the closest of Peiping's allies?and even the North Vietnamese?so widely supposed to be entirely under Peiping's thumb?was rather glaringly conspicuous. In short, this was a party like one of the more ghastly diplomatic receptions in Wash- ington, which are unattended by anyone ex- cept poor duty-State Department officials and old ladies who go to eat free canapes. The game of the China-watchers consists of making up the very different kind of guest list the Chinese Communists would surely have been able to announce, if only the Americans had duly proved to be "paper tigers" in Vietnam this winter and spring, just as Mao Tse-tung always said we would. A minimum hypothetical guest list in- cludes heads of state or foreign ministers from the two other Asian Communist coun- tries and perhaps some Eastern European Communist states as well; plus heads or foreign ministers from all the unalined Asian counties except India and a good many in Africa too; plus discreetly inconspicuous yet highly significant delegations from Japan, the Philippines, and maybe one or two more westward-leaning states in Asia. The China-watchers' game is no light joke. It is expertly played by men with long and intimate Asian experience. Hence it should Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300446R000300140002-2110? A5960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX October 22, 1965 be of interest to those lacking serious Asian experience, who are so constantly warning that the United States is "losing friends in Asia" by refusing to be a paper tiger in Vietnam. The upheaval in Indonesia should also be vividly interesting to these same people. From the vantage point of Tokyo (and very likely in Djakarta itself) the final outcome cannot yet be predicted with confidence. But it is already quite clear that the Com- munist coup was attempted hastily and brutally, in the way people act when they are apprehensive and off balance. It is equally clear that there would have been very little resistance, even to such an outrageous assault on Indonesia's independ- ence, if the Indonesian nationalists had be- come convinced that communism was the wave of the future. A Communist timetable in Vietnam would have implanted just that without conviction. If Indonesia remains a truly independent state, in fact, Mao's error about Americans being paper tigers will have much to do with it. :Finally, there is the not unimportant matter of the vital American bases here in Japan and on Okinawa. Those who want the United States to justify Mao's thesis have told us we can take a catastrophic de- feat in Vietnam, and still stay in business as a Pacific power with the aid of our ocean- wide net of naval and other bases. That view evokes tired grins from the extremely competent official Americans who have to 'concern themselves with the Japanese base- problem on the spot. The United States bases in Japan are a very real problem?no doubt about it. A rising tide of nationalism, deriving from a justified sense of national accomplishment, is making more and more Japanese impatient of the present arrangements. Above all, the quasi- colonial status of Okinawa, where the Japa- nese Government's writ does not run, is daily becoming harder and harder to defend. Sensible adjustments are going to have to be, and ought to be, made in the base- agreements. But in the present circumstances, there is time and room for maneuver to make these adjustments, about which our very able Am- bassador, Edwin 0. Reischauer, is already conducting a dialog with Washington. And in the very different circumstances that would have been created by U.S. acceptance of the paper tiger role in Vietnam, there would have been neither time nor room for maneuver. After such a demonstration of American unreliability, the Japanese would surely have been driven to see to their own defense, without further reliance on 'U.S. strength. The American base agreements, instead of being sensibly adjusted, would soon have been torn up and thrown in our faces. De- feat in Vietnam would in fact have cost us the bases. Such, at any rate, is the unani- mous judgment of those closest to the prob- lem, who are by no means illiberal or hard- nosed men. Maybe that phrase, "losing friends in Asia," requires a little further definition. -- ADDRESS BY CONGRESSMAN HANSEN OF IOWA The problem in Vietnam is a complex one as we all have repeatedly been told. Viet- nam is somewhat like marriage. It was easy to get into, and it is hard to get out of. We have so many emotional arguments going both for a stronger position in Vietnam and for an immediate withdrawal that it is some- times difficult to take a long, hard, look at the situation there. Let us try to do this. First of all, It should be clearly under- stood that part of the problem in the United States in accepting this position has to do with our changing role of leadership over the past 40 years. Our acceptance of responsi- bility in world politics has grown to the place where we now have almost completely replaced Great Britain as the leader of the free world. We are called upon to do what the British did prior to 1900. She was some- what the World police force. Scandinavian seamen could rove the fishing waters in the North Atlantic because they knew the Brit- ish Navy would protect them if any difficulty arose. We, in the 'United States, now fulfill this same role for many small nations. This may not be as we would prefer, but at the moment, we have no real alternative but to accept our obligation as a Nation to main- tain peace and order and to develop a politi- cal and economic climate where people can work and live as they wish under a Demo- cratic system. One criticism has been that the Vietna- mese themselves cannot and do not fight. This is simply not true. This is a tough war, and the Vietnamese are a tough people to have stood up under it and to be holding their heads above water after 20 years of vio- lence and uncertainty. To see the situation in true perspective, take, for example, one fact alone?that in the first 8 months of 1964 the Vietcong as- sassinated more than 400 local officials and kidnaped another '700. Now try to project what an equivalent amount of gangsterism would do to government performance in this country. Then attempt to project that ef- fect, in turn, into the situation in a country such as South Vietnam which is just learn- ing the art of self-government. This procedure has been a continuation of, the policy of the Communists, to weaken the country by reducing the number of trained administrators. The Vietnamese military forces continue to fight well. Our own military men con- sider most of them as tough and brave as any in the world. Though there have been military reverses, there have also been vic- tories?which sometimes do not make head- lines. Living conditions in the south are superior to those in the north. There has been a continued flow, or flight, of people from North Vietnam Since the Communist take- over?to the south. There is no like move- ment to the north. This shows that the Vietnamese people are not voting with their feet or their hearts for communism. The campaign that is going on is some- times referred to as a civil war. But this is a misnomer. If this were a true civil war, let me ask why then have not the majority of the Buddhist and Catholic leaders and their people joined this Communist cause? Discontent, there may have been?and local recruiting by the Vietcong, largely through intimidation, has taken place. This whole campaign, however, would never have been possible without the direction, personnel, key material, and total support coming from the north. Nor would it have been possible either, without the strong moral support and key material, when needed, provided by Peiping and, up to 1962 at least, by the Soviet Union. Thousands of highly trained men coming from the north, along with the crucial items of equipment and munitions, have been from the start the mainspring of the Vietcong insurgency. This has been all along a Communist subversive aggression, in total violation of the Geneva accords as Well as general principles of international behavior. Indeed the true nature of the struggle has been publicly stated many times by Hanoi itself, beginning with a 1960 Communist Party conference in North Vietnam which declared the policy of?as they put it?"lib- erating" the south. In February, President Johnson gave the anti-Communist war in Vietnam a new dimension. The significance of his action is both military and political. By ordering American warplanes to attack targets in North Vietnam, Mr. Johnson de- stroyed any illusion that the Hanoi regime enjoyed a "privileged sanctuary" from which to continue to supply leadership and ma- terial for the Vietcong attacking American and South Vietnemese forces below the 17th parallel. When he acquiesced in the decision to let South Vietnam's own air force join in the retaliatory strikes, he gave a much needed boost in morale to the military forces of that country, which were so long at the mercy of hit-and-run guerrilla tactics difficult to counter. The immediate effect in the United States of the President's decision to retaliate against North Vietnam for the actions of its agents in South Vietnam was to lessen criti- cism from both ends of the spectrum. Those who had been demanding more de- cisive action were pleased, although the limited retaliatory responses did not satisfy those who would like an all-out assault on Hanoi and even Red China. But it appre- ciably diminished the clamor of those critics who had felt the United States was turning the other cheek too often. At the other extreme, Mr. Johnson's de- cision to demonstrate that the United States is not a "paper tiger" halted mounting speculation both in this country and abroad that Washington was inclined toward some sort of international negotiation which would lead to "neutralization of South Viet- nam." This speculative trend had to be stopped before it sapped the will of the Americans and their South Vietnamese al- lies to continue the struggle. Having had one unfortunate experience in negotiating a "neutralization" deal?the 1962 agreement of Laos?the United States wanted nothing like that at this point in the southeast Asian conflict. It might be well at this point to recall what happened after the 1954 agreement when the south fulfilled its commitment to disarm?a circumstance which did not take place in the north. Recently McGeorge Bundy said that all wars eventually end by negotiation. But wiser men than Bundy learned and said long ago that a nation never wins at the conference table anything that it was not prepared to win by force of arms on the battlefield if it had to. We suspect that President Johnson knows this. When we analyze the Vietnamese situation as it prevails, we must not fail to take into account the Communist activities in Thai- land which completely belie the assertion that they are only interested in liberation of peace-loving people from oppressors and are fostering a program of nationalism among the emerging nations. If there is any nation that has become a national state and whose people are peace loving and which has been living in peace with its neighbors, It is that of the Thai. Yet this country must operate almost in a state of war to prevent and halt Communist efforts to in- sidiously subject their land. Thus we see that based on their own rationalization, the Communists have abso- lutely no business in Thailand. As to the basic alternatives, so long as South Vietnam is ready to carry on the fight, withdrawal is unthinkable. A negotiation that produced a return to the essentials of the 1954 accord and thus an independent and secure South Vietnam would of course be an answer, indeed the answer. But nego- tiation would hardly be promising that ad- mitted communism to South Vietnam?that did not control the Hanoi regime?that ex- posed South Vietnam, and perhaps other countries in the area, to renewed Communist aggression at will, with only nebulous or re- mote guarantees?this sort of negotiation is likewise unthinkable. As for enlarging our own actions, we can- not speak surely about the future, for the aggressors themselves share the responsibili- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 ober 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? APPENDIX . for such eventualities. We have shown, our reaction to North Vietnam's attacks against us in the Gulf of Tonkin and else- where, that We can act, and North Vietnam knows this and must know its own weak- nesses. The root of the problem is in South Viet- nam. We must persist in our efforts there, with patience rather than petulance, cool- ness rather than recklessness, and with a continuing ability to separate the real from the merely wished-for. As a great power, we are now and will con- tinue to find ourselves in situations where we simply do not have easy choices, where there simply are not immediate or ideal solutions, available. We cannot then allow ourselves to yield to frustration, but must stick to the job, doing all we can and doing it better. The national Interests that have brought us into the Vietnam struggle are valid, and they do not become less so just because the going gets, and the end is not yet in sight. President Johnson said in his state of the Union message, "Our goal is peace in southeast Asia. That will come only when aggressors leave their neighbors in peace. What is at stake is the cause of freedom, and in that cause, America will never be found wanting." The Book EXTENSION OF REMARKS or HON. HUGH SCOTT OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mr. scow. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that there be print- ed in the Appendix of the RECORD an edi- torial in the Washington Star, of Tues- day, October 19, 1965, entitled "The Book," which is recognition of National Bible Week, the third week of October. This is one of the most beautifully writ- ten summaries of what the Bible means to all of us that it has been my pleasure and privilege to read. There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: THE Boox It isn't a book at all, really; it's a col- lection of books and it tells a rambling, dis- jointed story that begins with Middle East- ern musings on how the world was made and ends in late Greek poetry on how it shall be saved. From the creation and the fall, we whirl through the early generations of man, the famous "begats," to the catastrophes of Lot and Noah and God's bow set in the clouds as a sign of peace. Then Abraham comes out of Ur and all before seems prelude. Pacts with God are made and renewed. Problems of marriage and inheritance are solved in strange ways. The patriarchs consistently show a wry humor in their dealings with God and with them. He often speaks in sublime irony, both sides thus completely different from the slave-master reiigious re- lationship common to the time. Jacob becomes Israel, the people of God, and his son, Joseph, rules in Egypt, a light to the gentiles. Abruptly, darkness falls on Egypt and out of it rises a new leader, Moses, who fashions a new people of God out of slaves and leads them fitfully and rebel- liously toward the Promised Land. Battles follow and civil wars and the rearing of a throne in Israel, whereon finally sits David the King, shepherd, hero, warrior and cor- rupt, ruler, yet a poet of piercing sweet power, whose songs still solace and lift up the heart of man. The corruption of power, which began with Saul, continues through the kings, splits the kingdom, leads the people into captivity be- side the waters of Babylon. Now the jumbled, crowded story begins to shift as if to another key, that of prophecy. From this point on, in good times or bad, and there are more bad than good, the spirit of the people of God is found no more in kings but in the lonely, insistent outraged, mourn- ing voices of God's prophets. The voice is one of increasing ethical precision in a call to the people to return to God's ways. Throughout all this long tale there have been interludes of great human pathos and love: Ruth amid the alien corn, Susannah and the elders, the trials of Job, the song which is Solomon's. For the Christian reader, the New Testa- ment is another change in key, the grand climax of the elaborate story, in which all the major themes of the past?the fashion- ing and preservation of the people of God, the building of His city, the understanding of His law, the human notes of pathos and tragedy?all these are brought to resolution in the birth, teachings, death, and resurrec- tion of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah. At the end, the thousands of people and events reveal their substantial unity and a dynamic, directed movement through time toward God and eternity. Jews or Christians, or vaguely agnostic sur- vivors of those faiths, we are indeed people of the Book. It has formed us, our minds, our ways, our laws, and institutions. This third week of October is National Bible Week. There can be no observance more fitting and more rewarding than to open and read the Holy Book. Veterans Organizations Support Investi- gation of Finance Companies EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. FRANK ANNUNZIO OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 20, 1965 Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, I am heartened by the support that the na- tional veterans organizations are giving to the Honorable WRIGHT PATMAN, the distinguished chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, and chairman also of the Domestic Finance Subcommittee, which has been investi- gating loan-shark finance companies. The Italian American War Veterans of the United States has already passed a resolution supporting the efforts of Chairman PATMAN and the other mem- bers of the Domestic Finance Subcom- mittee. I am now pleased to inform my col- leagues that the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A., at their recent national con- vention, also passed a resolution support- ing the subcommittee's efforts and urging that the Defense Department place off limits these unscrupulous loan com- panies which specialize in loans to serv- icemen_ The news release from the Jewish War Veterans about this resolution follows: A5961 WASHINGTON.?Efforts of Chairman WRIGHT PATMAN of the House Committee on Banking and Currency to expose and combat the ex- ploitation of U.S. military personnel by un- scrupulous loan companies have been com- mended by National Commander Milton A. Waldor of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America. Mr. Waldor, of Newark, N.J., called the at- tention of Chairman PATMAN, Democrat, of Texas, to a resolution on the subject adopted by JWV at its recent national convention. Mr. Waldor said that Representative PAT- MAN'S investigation and hearings comple- mented the objectives sought by his organi- zation. The JWV resolution noted that American soldiers and sailors pay an estimated $50 mil- lion a year in exorbitant interest and excess charges on consumer credit. Aiming at mili- tary patronage, loan companies have hired former high-ranking military officers to serve as officers of the firms, giving enlisted men a false sense of confidence. In the opinion of JWV the exploitation of servicemen "is bound to effect their per- formance in the line of duty." National Commander Waldor hailed new Department of Defense directives aimed at achieving more ethical practices by busi- nesses catering to military personnel. "This response to the disclosures made by Chair- man PATMAN'S committee is in consonance with JWV recommendations as enacted by resolution of our national convention." During last month's national convention the JWV went on record in support of De- partment of Defense cooperation with the Domestic Finance Subcommittee of the House Committee on Banking and Currency in exposing the sharp practices of a number of loan companies specializing in loans to armed services personnel. At that time the JWV convention urged that such companies be placed "off limits." The Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America is the oldest active war veterans organization in the country. The Artist and His Studies EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JACOB K. JAVITS OF NEW YORK IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the dean of the College of Fine Arts at Carnegie Institute of Technology, Dr. Norman 0. Rice, has recently written an illuminat- ing article, "The Artist and His Studies," which appeared in the September 15 is- sue of the Carnegie Tech Tartan. This article is especially pertinent in the light of the recent enactment into law of the National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965. I ask unanimous consent that the article may be printed in the Appendix of the RECORD. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: THE ARTIST AND HIS STUDIES (By Dr. Norman 0. Rice, dean of the College of Fine Arts, Carnegie Institute of Tech- nology, Pittsburgh, Pa) A "fine arts student" is scarcely a type that can be pinned down by generalities. 4 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 A5962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX October 22, 1, The arts themselves differ from each other and attract different kinds of people. In the end we have everything from pragmatists to poets, with a range of characteristics in be- tween that would astonish most people. Some of the arts require tremendous physi- cal control, others do not. Sometimes the control is one of narrow tolerances, as in the fingering of a violin or the delineation of an exact shape; sometimes it is perhaps no less precise but involves the whole body, as in tumbling around the stage. The mental controls have to be there, too. These are built up very systematically in all of the arts, starting with quite simple ideas and de- veloping elaboration to the point at which reaction becomes instinctive. If one has to think about the mechanics of drawing he does not draw, if one is preoccupied with the techniques of acting he doesn't act. Stu- dents are bound to have deep concern for the craft they are learning, but in my judgment the craft is perhaps the least part of their problem. Craft must he mastered and ex- cessible,.but the arts begin by assuming an adequate base in craftsmanship, adequate, that is, for whatever expression has to be made. If the expressive urge is there, the means for turning it into art will generally be found. MORE THAN CRAFT LEARNING The problem of the school then is not to bear down on craft training exclusively for 4 college years. The kind of digital dex- terity that musicians and draftsmen need goes on and on and must be encouraged and practiced and developed to whatever strength the artist needs. The same can be said of voice controls as they are practiced by sing- ers and actors. The projection of a tone is important just as the projection of a word may be. If education in the arts ended at teaching these things, our task ivould be much less complex and much duller. As it is, we begin in each of our programs with the business of mastering adequate tech- niques. The departments approach this problem differently?each in its own way. In general, then, all fine arts programs build on the assumption of adequate techniques with ultimate emphasis on the adequate ex- pression of ideas, stress on expressive capa- bility increasing as a student matures. EDUCATION IN THE SCIENCES The educational process in the arts is one of indirection, suggestion, intimation, stimu- lation, speculation, demonstration, critical evaluation and then usually recapitulation and a new beginning. In my observation, everything that an artist knows he can even- tually use. But learning in the arts is con- siderably more than assembling facts. Of course, artists need to know something about history and about the great ideas of man- kind. Of course, artists should understand the sciences and the political systems of the world, and, of course, an artist should know all of the best literature in his own field and the best that has been written and said in all related fields. The humanities are ex- tremely important to us if they are humanely taught, just as the sciences are important to us if they are taught with some recognition of the artist's particular kind of sensitivity and response. The world has placed, in re- cent years, a high premium on the capacity to deal knowledgeably with verbal and mathematical symbols and it has tended to ignore the fact that ideas can be communi- cated with great force and clarity through other kinds of symbols?through structure, through gesture, through the ordering of sights and sounds among which creative peo- ple of some varities feel most at home. CIRCUMVENTING OBSOLESCENCE There is nothing magical about 4 years as an educational term for anyone and I sup- pose 4 years is never enough time to give an artist to learn his trade. We talk a good deal on this campus about preparing stu- dents to circumvent the pull toward obso- lescence. We do not have, in fine arts, quite the same problems that are found elsewhere, but I think we can say that the College of Fine Arts tries to do precisely this for the people it touches. The obsolescence we face, as I have indicated, is of a different kind. A good new idea in architecture does not make obsolete a good old idea. It is pointless, however, to go on simply reproducing old ideas or forms or encouraging their repro- duction in a school. Artists, that is to say creative and imagi- native people, must learn how to make out of all the impingements in their lives a syn- thesis resulting in an overt statement, one of fresh interpretation or of new import. "Heard melodies are sweet but those un- heard are sweeter" is hardly the analysis of a musician; it is a poetic verbal image based on still another visual image. A musician needs to hear the melody to judge its "sweetness" and unless he can create it according to his standards he has no func- tion. We can proceed through all the arts and find parallels. A design which is de- scribed in words does not exist for the architect, the potter, the painter, the play- wright, the printer?they can imagine all they choose but ultimately they have to produce. It is only by making external whatever ideas have been generated that the artist's ideas can be judged. FINE, ARTS CURRICULUM With all of the preamble, what can I say about the curriculum in the college? I can describe it in fairly succinct terms. Archi- tecture has 5 years and the other depart- ments have 4 years; into these time limits (which as I have suggested are purely arbi- trary and which may not be at all realistic for their purpose) we have developed pro- grams which vary from department to de- partment and even between options in the same department. About 25 percent of the total credit required in the college is in the general area of the humanities. Some years ago the faculties of this college, working with humanities and social sciences, developed two basic courses. The first year we provide a combination writing and read- ing course, which we call thought and ex- pression; in the second year we require a sur- vey of man's cultural history (that is to say history with emphasis on man's cultural achievement rather than on his military, political or economic mutations). This course is called History of Arts and Civiliza- tion. It is passible for scholars to be scorn- ful of both of these courses because they at- tempt far too much in the time we give them. They are intensive, they require a great deal of reading and writing and they are taught with varying levels of success by various members of the faculty who have at- tempted them over the years. In spite of their limitations, they do stimulate a desire in many students to read more widely and they provide a base for intelligent reading. In the 10 years I have been on the campus there have been many changes in both of these courses. The English and history de- partments have worked hard and helpfully with our own faculties in the hope of max- imizing their interest and effectiveness. Al-, though these courses are taken by all fine arts students, I am not sure that they are necessarily ideal for all students in the col- lege. For various reasons It is simpler to mandate these two courses than to give be- ginning students a wide option, as many more complex and diversified universities have done. In general, I believe ours are good courses for our people; if I did not think they were good college level courses for anyone, I would not judge them to be good enough for the College of Fine Arts. It follows that we would be inconsistent were we to deny the privilege of taking tli courses to anyone on campus. CAN OTHERS BENEFIT? Within the college we are integrated to the degree that schedules will permit. We do not exclude architects from sections which are basically for music students, and so on. The long laboratory hours required in the college make scheduling for mixed groups extremely difficult. Because of our own scheduling problem, the pattern of classes designed for fine arts is apt to be unpopu- lar elsewhere on the campus and this is one partical situation, I suppose, which keeps us from enrolling students from other col- leges in these courses. There is nothing mystical in thought and expression or history of arts and civilization, however, that in it- self makes either course more or less valuable than another course in the same field. I happen to agree that cultural history for people in the arts has more meaning and ex- cites more interest and response than does political history. To a historian who is dif- ferently oriented, this may seem incompre- hensible but for many people man's cultural achievements can be as significant as his ex- changes of power. Because man leaves be- hind him artifacts that can be looked at and evaluated, his record in cultural terms is quite clear: it does not depend on a phrase or value judgment seen through an overlay of many years. ELECTIVE TIME Most students in the college take a psy- chology course in the third year and there- after they are free to spend their elective time on anything that presents itself. A year or two ago I made a survey of the kinds of courses that art students get into at jun- ior and senior levels. The range is surpris- ingly wide, and the number of students mov- ing into areas of mathematics, science, lan- guages, humanities and the arts other than their own, surprisingly great. Artists are, after all, people--sometimes, if they are good artists, people with perceptions heightened by experience and possessing a vast curiosity about everything that goes on. We do not, of course, achieve this high state of receptivity with every student. No art school does. We have our full share of good people, however, and in my view we are one of the more highly favored schools in this respect. I have lived among student and faculty artists through all of my days, and I assure you they are as diverse, as sub- ject to period of exaltation and exhaustion, as keenly concerned about the world as it is or as it could be, as anxious to assist others, as full of frailty and nobility, as prone to the ordinary and the exotic as any other group you can imagine. THE OVERPPROJECTORS Art students tend to respond externally to the ideas they are trying to absorb internally. Thus drama students who are learning how to project, sometimes overproject in the pres- ence of others. I suppose this is disturbing to the underprojectors around them. In the interest of international goad will and un- derstanding, however, I suggest that we could practice on this campus a bit of tolerance toward those whose ideas are not like our own, and this applies to the painters who look at the actors, the actors who look at the musicians, the musicians who look at the architects, and all of the engineers, scientists, and humanitarians who regard the College of Fine Arts and its inhabitants. Some of the most luxuriant beards a few years ago were being worn (I think) by electrical engineers, though the College of Fine Arts got the credit for them. College years are expressive years and a time when young artists (and Others) are rapidly growing in their aware- ness of all the possibilities the world holds for them. It neither shocks nor surprises me when the evidence of this phenomenon is Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 217580 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300447311d300140002-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE October 22, 1965 longer; more than 4.5 million Ameri- cans, living today, would be dead if the U.S. death rate had remained at the 1935 level. Additionally, in only the short time of 10 years?by 1975?the average Ameri- can family will be earning $9,525 a year; the average wage earner will be working 37 hours a week, and the chances are good that half of us will be under 26 years of age. Yes, we are making great progress. But, in one particular field, we are barely above the level of the Stone Age. The field of living together?in peace and mutual respect?as free human beings and responsible nations. Today, the world's peoples are becom- ing increasingly more interdependent and less self-sufficient. The bare facts of life tell us we cannot afford to hide behind "fortress America" or be isola- tionists ever again. I believe the late Adlai Stevenson summed up what I am attempting to say rather well when he cautioned: Most of us recognize that a real with- drawal from the affairs of the world is im- possible. We killed isolationism at Los Alamos, for ourselves, and for everybody else. Our planetary society is now one, even If only in the unity of potential destruction. We cannot get off and float outside this particular spaceship. We and the human race are going to survive?or not?together. Today, it is more important than ever before that nations talk over their dif- ferences. For today, as imperfect an organization as it may be, the United Nations, nevertheless, stands as a useful forum for discussion and reason among nations, for the airing of tensions and age-old hatreds and misunderstandings so that peaceful settlements may be order of the day rather than the dis- astrous terror and human misery of re- sort to the habits of the Stone Age. And what is the alternative to this? To peaceful settlements and a policy of remaining strong on the one hand, while maintaining a powerful and ready re- talitory force on the other? To pur- suing peace, while ready to defend it at the same time? Nuclear holocaust. That is the alter- native. The American battle deaths of World War I totaled 53,000. In World War II, 291,000 died. By comparison, a full-scale nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union to- day, lasting less than an hour, could kill almost 100 million Americans and over 100 million Russians. This nuclear toll of Americans alone would be equal to 300 World War II's. Today, the military might of the Unit- ed States is terrifyingly overwhelming. Our forces are so large as to be able to survive a sneak nuclear attack on this country, and survive with such sufficient force to literally blow the society of the attacker off the face of the map. Our adversaries know this full well. And we are confident in our awareness of this, too. General Curtis Lemay put his finger right on the heart of the matter when he said: No one actually wins a modern war. We must learn to live together in our constantly shrinking little terrestrial ball. Ready and alert we are. Willing to negotiate in Vietnam. And I am happy to say we are also anxious and willing to pursue peace in the councils of the United Nations. For, as imperfect as it may be, it is also our only hope for a world body with the majority of respon- sible nations sitting in it, and where the weight of world opinion watches as a silent, but ever-present and ever-import- ant ingredient. Mr. Speaker, I am far from being a one7worlder. But, I believe I am an optimist. The world today is not yet ready for an effective, strong world gov- ernment, but we continue to need the services and the forum presented by the United Nations. Perhaps, someday man will have learned enough in the ways of living together to want to live under one. While today, the world is far from a per- fect place in which to live, I sincerely be- lieve it is a far better place in which to live because of the presence of the Unit- ed Nations. I believe Americans, in all walks of life, should reflect, even for a moment, this Sunday, October 24, United Nations Day. Reflect on what kind of world we live-in now. And, whether we are willing to ac- knowledge it or not, what kind of place it might have been or would be today without this imperfect, yet hopefully struggling world body. As the late beloved President John F. Kennedy pointed out: We seek a relaxation of tensions without relaxing our guard. Today our guard is up and ready. And just as surely as the great American eagle on our national seal holds the ar- rows of war in one claw, he also tightly grips the olive branch of peace in the other. And if you look closely, you will note that he is looking in the direction of the olive branch and away from the former. This symbolizes what this Na- tion has attempted to do, and what I firmly believe we must continue to do. No, the United Nations is not perfect. Neither is man himself. But an important ingredient of man's climb from the cave of the stone age to today's radiant promise has been hope. And I find reassuringly that it is also an important part of the atmosphere at the United Nations. The historic visit of Pope Paul VI dramatized that. All Americans should support their Nation's continued dedication to the pursuit of peace. Let us all hope and pray that the men and women meeting at the United Na- tions will be divinely inspired and guided. The very future of mankind may well hang in the balance of their deliberations. Let us hope and pray that it will be strengthened and improved and thus become an even more potent force for lasting world peace. And finally, let us as Americans, al- ways recall the American eagle and the arrows and the olive branch he clutches. And the balance between the two. GALLANT GI DIES WORRYING ABOUT VIET PROTESTS IN UNITED STATES (Mr. GIBBONS (at the request of Mr. DYAL) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, in the Wednesday, October 20 edition of my hometown newspaper, the Tampa Trib- une, appeared an Associated Press story by Hugh A. Mulligan. It is about Viet- nam, and why a young American U.S. naval officer was willing to risk his life trying to help the people of South Vietnam. Today, protests and counterprotests are much in the news. I would hope all Americans could read Mr. Mulligan'S story about Navy Lt. Ray Ellis and what he died for. - The story speaks for itself: [From the Tampa (Fla.) Tribune, Oct. 20? 1965] GALLANT GI DIES WORRYING ABOUT VIET PROTESTS IN 'UNITED STATES (By Hugh A. Mulligan) SAIGON?The last time I saw Ray Ellis he was sitting on the deck of his RAG (river assault group) boat deep in the mangrove swamps and talking earnestly about col- lege kids tearing up their draft cards and picketing the Army terminals. Dawn was Just breaking over the Mekong Delta, and Vietnamese infantry troops were piling off the little steel river boats and haoking their way into the swamps. It was one of those exquisite delta dawns, with a vast flamingo sky swallowing up the morning star and luminous white clouds already puff- ing up into thunderheads far out over' the South China Sea. Ray loved the beauty of it all as much as he hated the horror of war. "If only these kids could come out to Viet- nam and see for themselves what it's all about," he was saying in the quiet, patient way he had of making a point, without ran- cor, without argument. "If they could see how nothing moves on these rivers once the sun goes down because of the Communists, and what it means for a peasant to give half his rice crop to a roving Vietcong tax collector, and what cal- culated terror and murder can do to disrupt any semblance of government control in even the humblest fishing hamlet. If they could just spend a few hours on my boat talking to these Vietnamese sailors, they might learn why these people still go on fighting after 20 years of it." But, no, that wasn't the last time I saw Ray Ellis. I saw him once again as his coffin passed through Tan Son Nhut airport in Saigon on its way to his home in Cape May Court House, N.J. The delta that Ray Ellis had loved so much, the lovely, lethal delta, had exploded all around him. The recommendation for a posthumous Silver Star, now before the President of the United States, tells how Lt. Ray Ellis, U.S. Navy Reserve, gave his life to save the Viet- namese navy boat and the Vietnamese sailors he had come to aid. It tells how at 5:55 one sunlit afternoon RAG Unit 27 was caught in an ambush in a narrow bend of a stream, and hit from both sides by mortars, recoilless rifles, and .50 cali- ber machineguns. It tells how Ellis made his way across the deck from the pilothouse to the radio through that curtain of fire to call for an air- strike, made his way back again to take corn- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE 27575 .liutional duties in enforcing the laws of the United States. The thrust of this letter obviously is to forgive previously adjudicated antitrust vio- lations committed by a number of large banks. The pressures that have been brought to bear on your office and the Congress by Manufacturers Hanover and other banks hav- ing special interests in this matter represents the most flagrant violation of due I procais that I have witnessed in my 37 years fn Congress. The very suggestion that you as the chief law enforcement officer of the U.S. Govern- ment ask the courts to bow to unwarranted political pressures repudiates the very prin- ciples that govern our country, including the fundamental principles of separation of powers and the independence and integrity of the judiciary. To accede to these demands made by Members of the Senate who have asked you ba their individual capacities to present their views on this matter to the several courts would be tantamount to abdicating on the part of the chief legal officer of this Nation his responsibility to represent the Nation as a whole. It would also have a generally unwholesome effect on respect for law and order among the general public and would amount to an official seal of approval on improper lobbying by parties directly in- terested in the outcome of these cases. Also, it should be pointed out that the Senators signing the letter of October 22 have been misinformed and inadvertently have therefore furnished you erroneous in- formation. Contrary to the statement in their letter, no legislation on bank mergers of any nature has been passed by the House Banking and Currency Committee. Fur- thermore, there can be no assurances that the House of Representatives will act with the degree of haste indicated in the Sena- tors' letters and as desired by Manufactur- ers Hanover and other banks who have vested interests in this matter. In fact a number of members of the House Banking and Currency Committee are insisting upon additional hearings on this issue. /t should also be pointed out that there were no hearings on the bank merger bill (S. 1698) as passed the Senate nor was there any substantive discussion on this bill either. / am assured by several Members of the Sen- ate that if and when a bank merger bill passes the House of Representatives and goes to the Senate for their consideration that a real fight will take place on this matter. There are many Senators who feel that this matter was inadequately considered on the Senate side and they wish to explore such legislation that would remove the effective- ness of the antitrust laws from the banking industry in detail., I draw your attention to the fact that it was 2 years after the Philadelphia decision and 4 years after the Manufacturers Hanover case was originally brought that it was de- cided by this fourth largest bank in the country that they would run to the Con- gress for forgiveness from antitrust prose- cution. Manufacturers Hanover did not even exhaust its legal remedies in this mat- ter?rather they ran to the Congress for spe- cial relief. Finally, I draw your attention to pages 26502 and 26503 of the CONear.ssioNAL RECORD of October 19, page 16754 of the CONGRES- SIONAL RECORD of October 20, and pages 26848 and 26849 of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD of October ill, 1965, wherein you will note a complete refutation of the position taken by all of the Republican members of the House Banking and Curre:acy Committee and a handful of Democrats that a bank merger bill and report was passed by the House Ranking and Currency Committee. It is in- conceivable that either the Rules Commit- No. I98--pt. 2-32 tee or the House leadership will consider this outrageous action by a minority of the Bank- ing and Currency Committee as being a law- ful and proper report of a House bill from the Banking and Currency Committee. There- fore, at this point the Banking and Currency Committee still has before it S. 1698 and re- lated bills for consideration in the next ses- sion of Congress. Sincerely yours, WRIGHT PATMAN, Chairman, U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY, October 22, 1965. HOD. NICHOLAS DEB. KATZENBACH, Attorney General of the United States, Washington, D.C. DEAR MR. ATTORNEY GENERAL: It had been our earnest hope and expectation that by the conclusion of the first session of this Congress action would have been completed on a measure clarifying the existing confu- sion with regard to bank mergers. Such a bill, S. 1698, passed the Senate without dissent last June, and a somewhat differeht but equally effective measure was reported by the House Banking and Currency Com- mitee just this week?but not in time for final floor action by the House and Senate. It is our expectation that we will have enacted such a measure in the early days of the forthcoming session of Congress. This being so, we are deeply concerned that dur- ing this interim period, action might be taken with regard to several of the bank mergers now challenged by your Department which might prejudice the application of the new law. As you know, two such merger cases are now in the final stages of settle- ment by divestiture, and the four others are in various pretrial or trial stages. All of these cases will be basically affected by new legislation which, as we have noted, we expect to be enacted shortly. For example, the bill passed by the Senate would termi- nate all six pending cases; all versions of the bill considered by the House Banking and Currency Committee would terminate three mergers consummated before the decision of the Supreme Court in the Philadelphia case; and the bill reported by the House Banking and Currency Committee would also provide new standards to be applied in the cases in- volving the three mergers consummated after the Philadelphia decision. We take this occasion to express our con- cern lest what seems clearly to be the sense of Congress in the area of bank mergers be frustrated by action taken in any of the six pending cases. Accordingly, we urge that you refrain from any further steps in these cases, par- ticularly the two which are now in the final stages of divestiture, until the Congress has had an opportunity during the coming session to conclude its consideration of the pending bank merger legislation. In addition, in view of the fact that these cases are pending in the judicial branch, we request that on our behalf you respectfully bring our views to the attention of the sev- eral courts having jurisdiction over these six pending cases. Reipectfully submitted, MIKE MANSFIELD, Majority Leader, U.S. Senate. EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN Minority Leader, U.S. Senate. JAMES 0. EASTLAND, Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary. A. WILLIS ROBERTSON, Chairman, Committee on Banking and Currency. WALLACE F. Brusimrrr. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24?UNITED NATIONS DAY (Mr. GIBBONS (at the request of' Mr. DIAL) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, this Congress is about to complete a long and fruitful session. The atmosphere is filled with the packing of bags and saying of goodbyes. But, before we leave this historic Chamber, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the significance of a special day, this Sunday, October 24, which is United Nations Day. As we all know, the United Nations has had a 20-year history marked by some noteworthy successes and some rather dismal failures. We know the names of both. The India-Pakistan dis- pute, Cyprus, Korea, the Congo, and of course, Vietnam. It has been charac- terized by trust and derision. By both hope and fear. The hope is embodied in its great potential for peace and the fear is that of the terrible gnawing of total stalemate which could cause it to watch impotently while the world burns to a crisp in a nuclear. holocaust. We live today in a vastly changing so- ciety, one which sees everything in a constant state of flux. Today, every man, no matter where he may live?in the isolated hamlet in the deepest reaches of darkest Africa, or along a noisy, rushing Manhattan street?is only hours and minutes away from each other. And who really knows what tomorrow may bring? Only seconds away. Neighbors in a crowded space-age neighborhood. Today, in virtually every conceivable field of human endeavor, man surges ahead. It has been predicted that within the relatively short span of 30 years?one generation?we will see 5,000-mile-an-hour commercial aircraft, freight shot across the continent by mis- sile, electronically controlled highways and underground transportation system shrinking the world of Marco Polo to Lil- liputian dimensions. Into one great, big overgrown backyard. Man can conquer space, overcome cancer and other diseases and provide enough food and shelter for all of the world's population before the end of the 20th century, a leading scientist has re- cently pointed out. But, he also is capa- ble of the "complete destruction of civili- zation," he added. He noted that "the conquest of space will be easier than the banishment of war." As an illustration, look at the phenom- enal progress we have made in only one field, medicine. Cancer survival rates have improved from the 1937 rate of 1 in 7 to today's 1 in 3. Early diagnosis, better surgical and radioactive techniques and more than a dozen new therapeutic agents are responsible. Seven out of ten prescriptions today are for drugs not even known in 1950; over 300,000 babies born last year are alive today as a result of the great advances in medical care of the last 45 years; today's babies will live at least 10 years longer than their 30- year-old parents, and be productive Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 4. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 ctober 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE mend of the ship when the entire pilothouse was wiped out, and was venturing across the deck once more to help a wounded Vietnam- ese sailor when a .50 caliber machinegun ripped into his hip, cut in two the hunting knife hanging on his belt and drove the shards into his body so that he died almost before the cry escaped his lips. Two boats were sunk that day, and two more put out of commission. In addition to Ellis, the only American on the operation, 44 Vietnamese soldiers and 13 Vietnamese sailors gave their lives in that crooked bend of a narrow, muddy river. The Vietcong dead numbered 83. The citation will attest to the bravery and competence of Lt. Ray Ellis, but it won't say anything about what, he did for the Viet- namese people and what they thought of him. The citation is no place to tell how Ellis came 40 miles by helicopter twice a week from his base in My Tho to teach English at the Vietnamese school in Saigon. The citation is no place to tell about the nights he spent dining in the homes of his Vietnamese sailors, and about how he orga- nized them into a volleyball team and the hours he put in trying to learn their language. No citation will tell about the flowers the people of My Tho heaped on his coffin, and the delegation they sent to Saigon for his final rites on this side of the world. The citation attests that Ray Ellis was a member of the Naval Reserve. It doesn't say that he had been accepted into the Regular Navy 2 days before he was killed but, because he was out on that delta operation, had not got around to signing the final papers. Maybe people on the picket lines would have a hard time understanding why a for- mer teacher from Gettysburg, Pa., would want to make a career out of the Navy, but if Ray was around he'd explain it to them. He had a teacher's patience with those who couldn't understand. LACK OF ADEQUATE ATTENTION TO EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED CHIL- DREN (Mr. GIBBONS (at the, request of Mr. DYAL) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, it is es- timated tha.t there are over 500,000 emo- tionally disturbed youngsters in the United States today. If this fact were not shocking enough, the sad fact that only about 2 percent of them, or less than 10,000, are today receiving any form of treatment, should be even more shock- ing and disheartening. Lee Harvey Os- wald was once one of these youngsters. And we all know what kind of member of society that name represented. It brings back a sickening memory for most Americans. For some time, I have been greatly concerned with this problem and the pos- sibility of early detection and prevention of these motional problems in the pre- school and first three grades of elemen- tary school early enough to do something about it before it turns into violence typ- lified by Oswald, or the school dropout, the unemployable person, the juvenile delinquent, the maladjusted, the criminal or the psychotic. On September 30, I introduced a bill, H.R. 11322, to provide a program of fed- erally assisted early detection and pre- vention of this type of behavior through child development specialists in the school systems of the country. Just this week, hearings were held by the Sub- committee on General Education of the House Education and Labor Committee. At that time, several experts in the field testified in favor of this legislation. In the Thursday, October 21, edition of the Washington Post, there appeared an outstandingly perceptive article by Mr. George Lardner, Jr. It dramatically portrays the problem we face in the Na- tion from lack of adequate attention to emotionally disturbed children. Mr. Lardner has made a distinct contribution to the ultimate solution of this whole troublesome matter by focusing public attention on it. I commend the article to my col- leagues: [From the Washington (D.C.) Post, Oct. 21, 1965] CITY LAGS IN MEETING PUPIL BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS (By George Lardner, Jr.) It is usually estimated, says city health director Murray Grant, that about 1 of every 10 youngsters of school age is emotionally disturbed. With more than 145,000 students enrolled In Washington's public schools, that can spell a lot of trouble. Their problems may seem small at first. They may be easy to treat, but unless the dis- turbed youngsters are gvien the attention they need, Dr. Grant says, they could even- tually wind up in institutions such as St. El izab eths. "Take a child with a speech defect," he says. "He finds himself ostracized by other children. They won't play with him; instead they make fun of him. The child gets a feeling of insecurity. "And if he already has some inherent per- sonality weakness, the feeling builds up and up. If you don't work with the child, or at least correct his speech, it's going to get worse. These are the kind of things that we believe cause the youngsters to end up in institutions." So far neither the city's schools nor the Health Department has been able to do more than scratch the surface of behavior problems of the young that range from minor to psychotic. "It's a hit or miss proposition now," Dr. Grant says. "We try to consult with the schools, help the teachers, have nurses visit the homes and treat some of the children at our three child guidance clinics." But little more than 400 youngsters are carried on the clinics' rolls as active cases. They range in age from 2 years old to teen- agers. Most are referred to the clinics by the public schools. The public schools, in turn, refer only a small fraction of the emotionally disturbed youngsters in their classrooms. According to the District of Columbia As- sociation for Mental Health, 7282 schoolchil- dren were singled out by their teachers last year for psychological study by the school system's pupil appraisal service. About 1,200 were diagnosed as having severe emotional problems. But, the association says, about 2,000 others suggested for study each year aren't tested at all, because of staff short- ages. And, Dr. Grant says, "psychological testing by itself does not reveal emotional disturbance." "Many teachers do not even bother to refer children unless they are disrupting the class- room," adds Jonas V. Morris, of the Mental Health Association. "They know years can pass before the child is seen. This means there are in our schools many quiet, with- drawn, disturbed children who are being neglected." 27581 In a section of the antipoverty program's Operation Head Start for preschool children this past summer, the association also re- ports, 100 children were found with suspected mental problems, 30 of them severe. One of them, Morris says, as an example, was "a 6-year-old who had beaten a puppy to death with a club `because he felt like it.'" ' Had all Head Start youngsters here been screened, some experts feel, 500 cases would have been found. To get its workers into the schools and the homes instead of concentrating on psycho- logical testing downtotvn, school officials asked for an additional staff of 71 in the 1966-67 budget for the pupil appraisal serv- ice. This, they estimated, would produce four full teams of psychiatrists, psycholo- gists, and social workas?with each team serving 36,000 students. Budget cutters in the District Building chopped the request down to 22 new posi- tions. School officials have asked the District Commissioners to come to the rescue. Dr. Grant seems to be faring somewhat better at his end. Next month he hopes to start a child-care unit at the new Commu- nity Health Center on the grounds of the Dis- riot of Columbia General Hospital. Funds are available, but other health workers have been using the space, with only four child guidance workers squeezed in. When the others move out, a full-fledged day-care program with a staff of 19 will be started almost immediately, Dr. Grant said. A 20-bed residential treatment center pro- viding round-the-clock care for more serious disturbed youngsters should be ready next spring. By then, he hopes, a special school for both day-care patients and those needing full-time attention will be in operation. After that, Dr. Grant has a $50,000 request riding in the new budget to start a program for mentally retarded youngsters. The Cen- ter's staff also will work with families and teachers of youngsters who may need only an occasional visit. But that's just a beginning. Located in an old, refurbished building, the Center is designed to take care only of the central chunk of the city, including some 241,000 rest lents. Dr. Grant hopes to set up three others. "These services we are proposing for the emotionally disturbed are practically non- existent," he says. "You can hardly get them around Washington even if you want them privately." But the Health Department can't do it all. It's likely to wind up concentrating on the most serious cases, such as the 11-year-old boy recently found sleeping with dogs, and the 6-year-old who killed one. The School Board's request for beefing up its own staff at least deserves to get out of the District Building intact. It's bad arithmetic to save money on "little problems" and pretend they won't get bigger. REPORT ON THE 89TH CONGRESS (Mr. GONZALEZ was granted permis- sion to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, a gen- eration from now, the. 89th Congress will be remembered as one of the greatest of all meetings of this legislative body. This Congress has provided measures whose full impact may not be felt for years to come; it has enacted laws that will benefit every segment of society, laws that will ultimately bring the Amer- ican dream closer to full fruition. I have been proud of the achievements of this Congress, and believe that the coun- try will be well pleased with the reports Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 _ 27582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE October 22t16 that Members will take home at the end of the session, for we have responded to the clear mandate given in last No- vember's historic election, when reaction was abandoned for reality by the over- whelming majority of voters. This Nation, as the premier power of the world, is involved in an inextricable manner with the affairs of the world; any major event that takes place in almost any country in the world affects our in- terests in one way or another, and vir- tually every major event in this country affects in one way or another the vital interests of practically every other power in the world, both great and small. The leadership offered by our President in conducting the intricate foreign affairs of the United States has been excellent, and I believe that our people are confi- dent that his wisdom will continue to steer a safe course for the United States in these perilous times. Thanks to his leadership, our world position is safe, and we are safe, and I pray that matters will continue to remain so; I know that under President Johnson's hand they will. If these times are notable for foreign affairs, that is the inevitable concom- itant of world leadership. But for many years, while we have been overwhelm- ingly concerned about foreign affairs, we have paid too little heed and too little attention to our domestic affairs; this session of Congress is historic because in these past months we have enacted do- mestic programs that have been called for and needed and debated for years, but never acted upon until now. The programs of this Congress affect every sphere: DEFENSE AND NATIONAL SECURITY This Congress has been unstinting in Its support of a Defense budget that will continue to strengthen our military power and enable us to meet threats of whatever scale, in any place in the world. We will spend better than $46 billion in this fiscal year for the Armed Forces; and we will spend $21/2 billion for atomic power research, development and con- struction. To care for the veterans of past wars, we are providing new facilities and programs, and these facilities and programs will accrue to the benefit of vet- erans of the twilight wars we are pres- ently engaged in, and for the unknown engagements that we may be called upon to participate in the future. Veterans programs will consume $51/2 billion this fiscal year; and this will include some $800,000 for the planning of a new, ad- vanced veterans hospital to be built in my district. That new hospital will meet the needs of 700 patients, and will pro- vide general medical and surgical care, and psychiatric care for the veterans of south Texas. San Antonio and Bexar County house a gigantic military complex; I am proud that my district plays a vital role in na- tional defense. It has traditionally had a strong military interest and influence, that continues today as it did in 1718. San Antonio contributes mightily to our national defense and security, and I am proud to report that this mighty complex has been maintained in full op- eration by this Congress. The great achievements of this Con- gress lie in the field of new legislation, however, and I am proud to be among the authors of this grand effort to im- prove the quality of life in America. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS Laws enacted this year include exten- sive revision of the Social Security Act; new measures in education, in civil rights, in fiscal policy, in urban affairs, in beautification and conservation, in immigration and in economic oppor- tunity. THE TAX CUT Last year, for the first time, Congress voted to reduce income taxes, even though the Federal budget was running a deficit; the reasoning was that the tax cut would spur the economy to new growth, with the ultimate result that Federal receipts would increase. The policy paid off; Federal receipts in 1965 were $2 billion above what they had been in 1964, although the tax cut had reduced taxation by $11 billion. The gross na- tional product is now expanding at 71/2 percent annually?the best growth rate in years; and 72 million Americans are fully employed. There is still unemploy- ment in the land, but the growth of the economy promises improvements in the days to come. This year, the excise taxes imposed by the Federal Government were cut by $4.6 billion, and the bulk of that tax reduc- tion has been passed on to consumers, and has resulted in the continued ex- pansion and upsurge in our economy. Times are good, and getting better for all of us, doomsayers and gloomers not- withstanding. I have confidence in the strength of the economy, and am proud to have supported the fiscal policy that has helped to make our prosperity pos- sible. THE WAR ON POVERTY Even if times have never been better, there are still those who suffer; and in San Antonio there are about 120,000 per- sons who live in families that have an- nual incomes of less than $3,000 annually. Because there is deprivation in the midst of prosperity, and because human needs must be met, and because we do not believe that poverty is in- evitable, we have instituted great new programs to make economic opportuni- ties available to all. In Bexar County this year, thousands of people, from pre- school youngsters in Project Head Start, to Neighborhood Youth Corps men, to migrant workers?all benefited from the war on poverty. 'Youths earned money to enable them to stay in school, and at the same time learned job skills and the discipline needed to stay on the job; and pre-school-age children got the training that they desperately needed to enable them to have a chance to compete in the classrooms with their more fortunate fel- lows; and migrants began learning how to live better, and perhaps to break out of the cycle of misery in which they are captured. Job Corps men are learning skills and becoming productive citizens. All told, the war on poverty will spend $2,600,000 or more in Bexar County by the end of this fiscal year. The benefi- ciaries include the whole community. Just as we in the sixties are the benefi- ciaries of the depression programs of 30 years ago, so will these people be the beneficiaries tomorrow of what is being done now; and the whole country will be better off for having given them a chance to win in life. EDUCATION The surest way to maintain our na- tional strength is to develop as fully as possible our greatest single resource-- our people. Education is the key to the future, and this Congress has supported education through a wide range of new legislation. The Elementary and Sec- ondary Education Act of 1965 will pour some $2 million into impoverished schools in Bexar County this year, so that every child can get a good educa- tion, even though his parents may live in a poor neighborhood. The schools of my district will benefit through older Pro- grams, as well, like the Federal impact money of Public Laws 815 and 874, which provide millions to our schools every year. College dormitories, classrooms, and laboratories are constructed through loans and grants; research is supported; scholars are helped by grants and loans; and students who are working their way through higher education are helped by the work-study program. The educa- tional programs enacted by this and preceding Congresses have helped to in- sure the future of all our citizens, and I am certain that the quality of schools in San Antonio would be much less than it Is now, were it not for this legislation, and that a great many students are be- ing helped today who might not other- wise have ever had the chance to gain a complete education. I believe that everyone should have a full opportunity to absorb as much knowledge as he can? and I am proud to have supported meas- ures that will help make this possible. MEDICARE If we must see that our youth are pre- pared for tomorrow, we must also see to the needs of your parents, who after all have left us with the heritage that we enjoy; they should not be deprived of a decent life, after what they have done for us. This year, Congress has passed a measure that will prevent our parents from having to fear financial disaster from the diseases that plague us all, but more especially those who are more than 65 years of age. Social security recipients this year were given a 7-percent increase in their benefits; this will aid them in keeping up with the rising cost of living, and help them maintain independence in their postemployment days. But most impor- tant to them, and to their families, is medical care provided under social se- curity. Soon, anyone covered by social secu- rity, who is receiving pension benefits, will be able to enter the hospital for 90 days at a time, or receive 180 days of nursing home care. Hospital bills will be paid in full after the first $40; and certain hospital service will also be coy- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE few days of the new session for considera- tion by the Senate. I strongly urge, on behalf of my colleague [Mr. SMATHERS], and myself, that the majority leader fol- low that course, because rather heavy in- terest rates on the bond issue which are outstanding will continue to accumulate while this matter awaits decision. I trust that it is the intention of the Senator from Montana to call up this bill early in the session. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I have discussed this matter with the dis- tinguished Senators from Florida, [Mr. HOLLAND and Mr. SMATHERS] and also with the distinguished Senator from Delaware [Mr. WILLIAMS] and the dis- tinguished Senator from Ohio [Mr. LAUSCHE] as well as the distinguished Senator from Tennessee [Mr. BASS]. I assure the Senators from Florida that I shall be most happy to see that the meas- ure covering this most worthwhile project In Dade County will be brought up as soon as possible after the Senate con- venes for its second session next January. Mr. HOLLAND. On behalf of my col- league Mr. SMATHERS and myself, I thank the majority leader warmly. I see the minority leader, the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN] concurring, ap- parently, in this intent, and I certainly appreciate the cooperation which we have received today from both leaders. Mr. MANSFIELD. I anticipate with- out question that the Senator from Delaware [Mr. WILLIAMS] and the Sen- ator from Ohio [Mr. LAUSCHE] will not be averse to bringing the bill up at that time. Mr. BASS. Mr. President, will the Senator from Montana yield? Mr. MANSFIELD. I am glad to yield to the Senator from Tennessee. Mr. BASS. I appreciate, on behalf of the majority leader, at 15 minutes after midnight on the eve of adjournment, his making this commitment, because I be- lieve this is a worthy project, and I know that the majority leader can be depended upon to do exactly what he says he will do. Mr. MANSFIELD. The Senator from Tennessee has been in the Chamber for several hours and has been participating in debate and I am therefore delighted to have his support at this time. THE SUGAR PROGRAM Mr. McCARTHY. Mr. President, will the Senator from Montana yield? Mr. MANSFIELD. I yield. Mr. MoCARTHY. Mr. President, I presume that many Senators will not read again the RECORD made tonight. I hope that those who may be concerned about what was accomplished in the con- ference report will go back and read what the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. LONG] had to say when the Senate was considering the sugar program, and what he had to say about what an im- provement the work of the committee was over the other formula proposed, and how wisely and prudently we had examined the problem. Also, I hope that they will read the re- marks made about the House bill?about how it incorporated much of the influ- ence of the sugar lobbyists?and about the special virtue which was claimed for us in the Senate because we had not lis- tened to them. And then I hope that they will look at what the conference agreed to, and judge how close they came to accepting not what was indicated here, but what the lobbyists had wanted. Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, will the Senator from Montana yield? Mr. MANSFIELD. I yield. Mr. SYMINGTON. I should like to associate myself with the remarks of the distinguished Senator from Minnesota. It happens that I come from a State which was assured that if it could pro- duce the proper beet, it would be consid- ered for part of the sugar program of the United States. After spending a great many hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce the proper beet in a country which was in an unfortunate situation because of the present condition of cotton, in one crop area of my State, we were not even given the back of the hand by those who con- trol the sugar industry. ESTABLISHMENT OF DATE OF 2D SESSION OF 89TH CONGRESS' Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask that the Chair lay before the Senate House Joint Resolution 788. The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- fore the Senate the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 788) to establish the date of the sec- ond regular session of the 89th Congress, which was read the first time by its title and the second time at length, as fol- lows: Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the second regu- lar session of the Eighty-ninth Congress shall begin at noon on Monday, January 10, 1966. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent for the immedi- ate consideration of the joint resolution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the joint resolution? There being no objection, the joint res- olution (H.J. Res. 788) was considered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. AUTHORITY FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE TO MAKE AP- POINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Mr. MANSFIELD submitted the fol- lowing resolution (S. Res. 161), which was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to as follows: Resolved, That, notwithstanding the final adjournment of the present session of the Congress, the President of the Senate be, and he is hereby, authorized to make appoint- ments to commissions or committees author- ized by law, by concurrent action of the two Houses, or by order of the Senate. TRIBUTE TO SENATOR ANDERSON Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, the great Southwest has produced many out- standing men, but none of greater stature 27527 than the senior Senator from New Mex- ico [Mr. ANDERSON]. His has been an exemplary record of public service and personal accomplishment. Over the years, he has worked tirelessly in behalf of his State and the Nation. A great many major legislative works have borne the stamp of his intellect and humanity. Not the least of these is the so-called medicare bill enacted earlier this year by the 89th Congress. That monumen- tal work, although one of the greatest of his accomplishments, represents but one milestone in the professional life of the senior Senator from New Mexico. Tomorrow, Senator ANDERSON will mark an important milestone in his per- sonal life. On that occasion, Mr. Presi- dent, he will celebrate his 70th birthday. I regret that I cannot offer him my congratulations personally since he is not in the city at this time. But I did want to affirm on this occasion the high value that I place on his friendship and coun- sel. And I did not want the day to go by without assuring him of the affection of all of the Members of this body. We join with his family and friends in wish- ing him many happy returns of the day. PORT ON SOUTHEAST ASIA BY SUBCOMMITTEE OF SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Illinois is recognized. Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, will the Senator from Illinois yield? ' Mr. DIRKSEN. I am glad to yield to the Senator from Missouri. Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, I should like to refer to a brief report that the Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee, presided over by the distinguished Senator from Nevada [Mr. CANNON], and also accompanied by the distinguished junior Senator from Ohio [Mr. YOUNG] and the distinguished sen- ior Senator from Maryland [Mr. BREW- STER] have filed an interesting and con- structive report as a result of the trip to southeast Asia, primarily to Korea and South Vietnam. ? Unfortunately, this report cannot be made a part of the RECORD, because it is classified; but all those who are privileged to read it, as I have been, I am sure will find it of great interest, because, in my opinion, and I am sure that of the other members of the Armed Services Commit- tee, it is a significant contribution to an understanding of the problems that face us in that part of the world today. AUTHORITY TO SIGN ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I sub- mit a concurrent resolution, and ask for its immediate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The con- current resolution will be read by the clerk. The legislative clerk read the concur- rent resolution (H. Con. Res. 528) as fol- lows: Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That notwithstand- ing the sine die adjournment of the two Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67B06446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 27528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE October 22, 1965 Houses, the Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives and the President of the Senate be, and they are hereby, authorized to sign enrolled bills and joint resolutions duly passed by the two Houses and found truly enrolled. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the concurrent resolution? There being no objection, the concur- rent resolution was considered and agreed to. PERSONAL STATEMENT BY SENATOR MORSE Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I want the RECORD to show that the senior Sena- tor from Oregon votes against the res- olution for a sine die adjournment. As I have said in recent weeks. I think it is inexcusable for Congress to adjourn sine die when our boys are dying in Vietnam. I think we should remain in session as a check. We should remain in session to check this administration while we are engaged in an unconstitu- tional war in southeast Asia. THANKS OF THE SENATE TO THE VICE PRESIDENT Mr, MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I send a resolution to the desk, and ask unanimous consent for its present con- sideration. The PRESIDING OloviCER. The resolution will be read. The resolution (S. Res. 162) was read by the legislative clerk, as follows: Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate are hereby tendered to the Honorable HUBERT H. HUNIPHREY, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, for the courteous, dignified, and impartial manner in which he has presided over its delibera- tions during the first session of the Eighty- ninth Congress. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the resolution? There being no objection, the resolu- tio:n was considered and agreed to. THANKS OF THE SENATE, TO THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I send to the desk another resolution, and ask for its immediate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The resolution will be read. The resolution (S. Res. 163) was read by the legislative clerk, as follows: Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate are hereby tendered to the Honorable CARL HAYDEN, President pro tempore of the Sen- ate, for the courteous, dignified, and impar- tial manner in which he has presided over its deliberations during the 1st session of the 89th Congress. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the resolution? There being no objection, the resolu- tion was considered and agreed to. ' THANKS OF THE SENATE, TO THE ACTING PRESIDENT PRO TEM- PORE Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I sub- mit a resolution, and ask for its imme- diate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The resolution will be stated. The legislative clerk read the resolu- tion (S. Res. 164) as follows: Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate are hereby tendered to the Honorable LEE METCALF, Acting President pro tempore of the Senate, for the courteous, dignified, and impartial manner in which he has presided over its deliberations during the first ses- sion of the Eighty-ninth Congress. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the resolution? There being no objection, the resolu- tion was considered and agreed to. NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, with the permission of the Senate, I suggest the absence of a quorum, so the dis- tinguished minority leader and I may get in touch with the President. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. BASS. Mr. President, I ask unani- mous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING Ovee.CER (Mr. BYRD of West Virginia in the chair) . Without objection, it is so ordered. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate will receive a message from the House of Representatives. A message from the House of Repre- sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House had agreed to the amendment of the Senate to the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 527) providing for ad- journment sine die of the 1st session, 89th Congress. Mr. BASS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. REPORT OF COMMITTEE TO NOTIFY THE PRESIDENT Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, from the committee appointed to notify the President of the United States that the Congress had completed its business and was ready to adjourn unless he had further communications to make to them, I report that the committee has performed that duty, and the President has informed us that he has no further communications to make to the Congress at this session. LETTER OF COMMENDATION FROM THE PRESIDENT Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I would like to read to the Senate a letter received this evening from the President of the United States. It reads as follows: THE WHITE HousE, Washington, D.C., October 22, 1965. Hon. MIKE MANSFIELD, Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. DEAR SENATOR MANSFIELD: As you know, I have stated publicly my firm belief that the 1st session of the 89th Congress will be re- corded as the greatest session of Congress in the history of our Nation. To that state- ment I would now like to add my own per- sonal thanks to you for the major part you played in making that record possible. You have earned the gratitude not only of your President, but what is more important, of the entire Nation as well. This session of the Congress passed 86 ma- jor administration measures, but there were other important items on which the Congress did not complete action. The final record of this Congress is un- usually productive. The big job that remains before us Is to make certain that what Con- gress has passed will be carried forward effi- ciently, with dispatch, and with economy and good judgment. The unfinished work on our agenda will be our first task in the next session of this enlightened and progressive Congress. Again, the gratitude of the Nation and the President goes to each Member who made his contribution to this record. What you have done will find a shining residence in the his- tory books. Sincerely, LYNDON B. JOHNSON. TRIBUTE TO THE MINORITY LEADER, SENATE, AND SENATE STAFFS Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, be- fore I make the motion to adjourn sine die, I would like to express my personal gratitude and thanks to the distin- guished minority leader for the coopera- tion, understanding, and tolerance that he has shown; to all Senators, both Democrats and Republicans, who have performed so well and so effectively; to the staffs, who have supplied us with information and counsel as it was needed; to the pages who have per- formed so efficiently and effectively; and, for that matter, to everyone, because I feel that I owe to all a debt of grati- tude which I find hard to express in words. AUTHORIZATION FOR INSERTIONS IN RECORD FOLLOWING AD- JOUF,NMENT Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that Senators Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE dependents. This, of course, is exactly what the zealous handful wants. But, I am hope- ful that the vast majority of Republicans who oppose these antics will stay and fight. Mr. Gatchell, unless Republicans are will- ing to welcome to their ranks men and women of good will from all walks of life, of all races, and of all religions and creeds, then they will not secure a majority to permit them to assume the responsibilities of gov- ernment and they will not deserve to assume those responsibilities. In enclose some com- ments which I have made on the future of the party, as well as on the antics of the extremists of the left and of the right which I hope you will find of interest. I also en- close an exchange of correspondence with a Republican assembly unit in our State which, similar to other groups in the Re- publican Party in California, seems to spend mire of its time attacking Republican office- holders, in this case Senator DIRKSEN, than in working to promote what the Republican Party has historically stood for. So I hope, Mr. Gatchell, that you will but look around you and I think the answers you seek in your letter to me will become self-evident. With kindest regards. Sincerely yours, THOMAS H. Kucnza, U.S. Senator. ORANGE COUNTY YOUNG REPUBLICANS, Orange, Calif October 4, 1965. Senator THOMAS KUCHEL, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. DEAR SENATOR: The Orange County Young Republicans will support your charge of neo- Fascist influences in the Republican Party as you can see by the enclosed copy of the resolution which was passed at our last meet- ing. Please send us the information you have on this Fascist influence. Resolution passed by Orange County Young Republicans: "Whereas, Senator KUCHEL, on a number of occasions in the past, has made reference to Fascist influences in his party; and "Whereas in Senator KUCHEL'S recent withdrawal speech he again mentioned neo- Fascist influences, and again failed to cite specific instances of such neo-Fascists having sucessfully penetrated the party; and ,"Whereas such charges, unless proven, do great harm to the Republican Party, and play into the hands of the Democrat propagan- dists: Be it "Resolved, That the Orange County Young Republicans share Senator Kuciaza's con- cern, provided that he has information re- garding neo-Fascist influences, and call upon Senator KUCHEL to publicly disclose any in- formation he has in his possession." Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We will appreciate hearing from you. Sincerely, ORANGE COUNTY YOUNG REPUBLICANS, CLAY GATCHELL, County Chairman. JULY 27, 1965. Miss MARTHA WEBER, Secretary, Garden Grove Republican As- sembly, Post Office Box 644, Garden Grove, Calif. DEAR MISS WEBER: I have your resolution of June 7, 1965, requesting the Republican senatorial caucus "to remove Senator EVERETT M. Disitszx from his position as Senate mi- nority leader and replace him with a true Republican who will support the principles and platform of the 1964 Republican National Convention and restore the time-honored two-party system to our Nation." You charge Senator DIRKSEN SS support- ing "Democrat-proposed legislation" and thus robbing the "rank-and-file Republican of the very principles upon which our party was founded." Your charge and your resolution are sheer poppycock. I sometimes wonder about self- styled Republicans who put unnamed prin- ciples ahead of what is good for their country and accuse everybody who disagrees with their unnamed principles of being Socialists, Communists, and everything else. I think the members of the Garden Grove Repub- lican Assembly prior to passing such an ab- surd resolution would do well to spend a little time in studying the history of the Republican Party of the last century from the time of Lincoln through Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower. EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN personifies that history. It is a history dedicated to indi- vidual freedom, to equality of opportunity, to a vigorous Federal system and states re- sponsibilities not merely states rights, to an economic climate in which the private sector of our economy can grow and prosper, and to unselfish patriotism in the conduct of our foreign affairs. On the great issues of our time, all of which were endorsed by the 1960 Republican Plat- form, which I commend to your group for a very careful reading, EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, the Republican leader, BOURKE B. HICKENLOOPER, the chairman of the Repub- lican Policy Committee, LEVERETT SALTON- STALL, the chairman of the Senate Repub- lican Conference, and myself as assistant Republican leader, were united 100 percent with a majority of Republican Senators in our support for that platform and these is- sues. These issues included support for the United Nations, the establishment of the Arms Control Agency whose inception oc- curred during the last Republican adminis- tration, ratification of the nuclear test ban treaty, ratification of the Antarctic Treaty, extension of educational and cultural ex- changes, approval of our foreign aid program, and endorsement of the Economic Coopera- tion Agreement (OECD) concluded by the Eisenhower administration. I think it is time that some self-styled Republicans decided whether they are publicans or not and I would suggest that if they do not agree with a majority of Repub- lican Senators, the elected Republican leader- ship, and the platform, which reflected 8 years of a Republican administration, that they either ought to start studying the his- tory of the Republican Party and what it stands for or find themselves another home. I enclose some comments which I have made on the future of our party which I hope you will find of interest. With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, THOMAS H. KUCHEL, U.S. Senator. 27431 TRIBUTE TO MRS. JOSEPH RAMSAY, III Mr. McCARTHY. Mr. President, I commend the Order of Ahepa for their resolution of appreciation to Mrs. Joseph Ramsay, III, of Minneapolis and Mrs. Ramsay for her generosity in providing the care for these Greek children. I ask unanimous consent that the reso- lution be included in the RECORD. There being no objection, the resolu- tion was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: RESOLUTION OF 43D SUPREME CONVENTION, ORDER OF AHEPA, ATHENS, GREECE, AUGUST 7-13, 1965 APPRECIATION TO MRS. JOSEPH RAMSAY, III Whereas, Mrs. Joseph Gale Ramsay, III, of Minneapolis, Minn., has taken upon herself to bring to the United States 18 Greek chil- dren for open heart surgery at the Univer- sity Hospital in Minneapolis; and Whereas Mrs. Ramsay has provided all the necessary funds, such as transportation, medical, hospital care, and posttherapy care of both child and mother involved; and Whereas Mrs. Ramsay has shown the motherly affection, plus an unusual interest in the welfare of the child and mother and continues her interest in the patient and 'mother after recovery: Be it, therefore, Resolved, That Mrs. Ramsay's humanitar- ian deeds be recognized by this body of the Supreme Convention of the Order of Ahepa and a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mrs. Ramsay with an appropriate letter of thanks from this convention. GARDEN GROVE REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY, Garden Grove, Calif. Whereas Senator EVERETT M. DIRKSEN is the Republican leader in the U.S. Senate, and as such has the responsibility of leading the Republican Members of the Senate in oppo- sition to the socialistic schemes put forth by the Democrat administration; and Whereas Senator DnucsEisi has not led his colleagues in such opposition and has in fact supported and voted for every administra- tion-proposed bill and urged his fellow Re- publican Senators to do likewise; and Whereas Senator DIRKSEN'S support for this Democrat-proposed legislation has robbed the rank-and-file Republican of the very principles upon which our party was founded: Therefore be it Resolved, That the Garden Grove Republi- can Assembly request the Republican sena- torial caucus to remove Senator EVERETT M. DIRKSEN from his position as Senate minority leader and replace him with a true Republi- can who will support the principles and plat- form of the 1964 Republican National Con- vention and restore the time-honored two- party system to our Nation; be it further Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to both U.S. Senators from California, CRA State and county officers and to all lo- cal communication media. MARTHA WEBER Secretary. Ju/sis 7, 1965. STRATIONS AGAINST U.S. POLICY IN VIETNAM Mr. SMATHERS., Mr. President, most thoughtful Americans have been shocked by the activities of peaceniks who have been burning their draft cards, expressing open contempt for our draft laws, and comporting themselves in a manner which indicates their inability to comprehend the meaning of democ- racy and its responsibilities. Two viewpoints have been expressed recently on this subject that I commend to the attention of my colleagues. One was expressed by cartoonist Al Capp on the NBC Monitor show of October 16. Mr. Capp expressed in a few cogent words the sentiments of the majority of thinking Americans. The other view was expressed in an editorial which ap- peared in the Miami Herald of October 20, when writer Bert Collier drew some parallels with the draft riots of 1863. Inasmuch as I think every American must bear the responsibilities of his Na- tion in order to receive its benefits, I commend these statements to the at- tention of my colleagues and ask unan- imous consent that the statement of Al Capp and the article by Bert Collier be inserted in the body of the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the ma- terial was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: [From the NBC's "Monitor," Oct. 16, 1965] EDUCATION (By Al Capp) "Education" is the magic word today. You can get bigger amounts of money faster by using that one word than the old-fash- ioned phrase, "Stick 'em up"?and it means the same thing. 20-year-old who's mastered the art of repairing automobile engines and who's of Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 27432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE October 22, 1965 genuine use to his community?supporting himself and paying taxes?is considered ex- pendable enough to send to a Vietnam rice paddy, but a 20-year-old who's taking a col- lege course in Latvian literature is considered too valuable a national asset to be risked. The noncollege kid, who has learned to do something his community needed to have done?such as repair a carburetor or build a house--is considered uneducated. It's his duty to risk his life to protect the kid who is at college learning something nobody has any interest in but himself and which his community can very well get along without. He's protected by our respect for any non- sense whatever labeled education and our ludicrous failure to understand who are the genuinely, usefully educated young people among us. In the name of education, hundreds of thousands of young frauds, dilettantes, poseurs, and phonys are being excused from military service, the military service that is compulsory for hundreds of thousands of the sort of kids who are the true and irreplace- able greatness of this country. This is Al Capp, speaking to you on NBC's "Monitor." LINCOLN'S ANSWER STILL IS BEST?RETURN OF BURNING ISSUE: THE DRAFT (By Bert Collier) The President's dismay over the growing antidraft movement, part of the protest against the war in Vietnam, is shared by many Americans. Senator Majority Leader MANSFIELD says its promoters show a sense of utter irresponsi- bility. Minority Leader DIRKSEN says it is enough to make any person loyal to his coun- try weep. The FBI has begun an investigation of possible Communist influence behind the campaign whose leaders now say It will be extended to include high school students. it is deplorable but it has happened be- fore. The Civil War draft was also the target of protest, and resulted in one of the bloodiest riots in the history of the country. The New York riots of July 13-15, 1863, were, however, a vastly different matter from the public burning of draft cards today. The draft of that day was full of loopholes that favored the rich and politically influen- tial. Draftees could buy exemption for 8300. They Would hire substitutes to take their place. They could get their names dropped if they knew the right people. Of 294,441 men whose names were drawn from the lottery wheel, only 88,170 survived the original elimination. Of these, 52,288 paid the Government $15,686,400 for exemp- tions. Another 26,002 hired stand-ins. Only 9,680 were left who "either lacked political Pull or seemed to want to join the Army and light" as Abe Lincoln recalled. These inequities were partly responsible for the New York riots. But there was also a driving force that was never fully identi- fied. Carl Sandburg, in his biography of Lincoln, says: "The mobs were not driven in their work by blind wrath. Somebody had done some thinking, somebody had chosen a time when all the State guards the Governor could scrape together had gone to Gettysburg. The only organized force against the first riots was a police department of 1,500 members. With club and revolver they had fought night and day and their dead lay in scores, their wounded by the inendreds." The riots began on the very day Presi- dent Lincoln issued a proclamation of thanksgiving for successes in the war. "It has pleased Almiglaty God to harken to the supplication and prayers of an afflicted peo- ple," said the President, "and to vouchsafe to the Army and Navy victories on land and on the sea so signal and effective as to fur- nish reasonable ground for augmented con- fidence." As if on that signal the mobs gathered in in vacant lots, "with clubs, staves, cart rungs, pieces of iron, and moved as if by agree- ment to a lot near Central Park." They attacked draft offices and police in- stallations, killed and beat casual passers- by. They burned and sacked the home of the mayor and postmaster. They burned ferry houses, drug and clothing stores, fac- tories, saloons, churches, missions and or- phanages. One gang drove police and armed guards from the State arsenal and seized weapons. But, as usually happens, criminals and organized gangs moved in and took over. The draft riots turned to simple looting and senseless destruction. President Lincoln prepared an appeal to the mobs, but withheld it when he realized it was too late to urge reason. Instead he scraped up what troops were available. The first contingents were forced to fire on riot- ers, killing and wounding scores. To fright- ened officials who demanded that Lincoln suspend the draft, the embattled President replied that the foundation of free govern- ment was at stake and must be preserved at all cost. The riots were ended, although at the ter- rific cost in lives estimated between 400 and 2,000. The draft continued, the armies were filled out, and the Union was preserved. Long after, Lincoln's reasoned appeal that was not issued came to light. It is still one of the best explanations of why a nation in peril has to find the manpower it needs for the security of all the people. "There can be no army without men," said Mr. Lincoln. "Men can be had voluntarily or involuntarily. If you declare that men can still be had voluntarily in sufficient num- bers, prove the assertion by yourselves volun- teering in such numbers, and I shall gladly give up the draft. "Or if not a sufficient number, but any one of you will volunteer, and will thereby do only what each one of at least 1 million of his manly brethren have already done. Their toil and blood have been given as much for you as for themselves. Shall it be lost rather than that you, too, will bear your part?" It was written a hundred years ago but it could still apply to those who burn their draft cards before television cameras and publicly declare they will not fulfill their obligations as Americans even if their coun- try is shamed by defeat. TRIBUTE TO GEORGE A. PARKER Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, George A. Parker, a lifelong Washington Repub- lican worker and the only Negro member of the platform committee at last year's Republican Convention in San Francisco, died this past Wednesday of a cerebral hemorrhage. I knew and admired Mr. Parker, and he had my full support when he challenged the then Senator Gold- water in the platform committee, on which I also served, on the issue of civil rights. I ask unanimous consent to have in- serted in the RECORD a portion of a story concerning Mr. Parker which appeared in yesterday's Washington Post. There being no objection, the excerpt from the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: GOLDWATER CHALLENGER GEORGE A. PARKER DIES George A. Parker, lifelong Washington Re- publican worker and founder of the old Robert H. Terrell Law School, died yester- day at Freedmen's Hospital after a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 79. Mr. Parker achieved national prominence at the 1964 Republican National Conven- tion in San Francisco when he openly chal- lenged candidate Barry Goldwater about his New York. Draftees and friends asse_mbled stand on civil rights. The report is as follows: Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300446R000300140002-2 Mr. Parker, the only Negro member of the platform committee, asked Goldwater, "How, if elected, could you use the power and prestige of the office to enforce the civil rights bill?" Goldwater said his honesty was being questioned and Mr. Parker replied, "I am not questioning your integrity. I am ques- tioning your frankness." After the convention, Mr. Parker, who also had been a delegate to the 1944 and 1948 Republican conventions, helped form a splinter movement away from Goldwater. He served as vice chairman of the District of Columbia Committee for Forward Look- ing Republicans. He was also a member of the Republican State Central Committee and a director of the Lincoln Republican Club of the District of Columbia. Edward Burling, Jr., chairman of the Forward Looking Republicans, said last night: "He was always a leader. He was a man with vision and courage--a man of dignity and conviction?and with all, a lov- able, gentle man. I was proud to call him friend. We all will mourn his passing, but we know Washington is a better place for his having lived here." Mr. Parker's son, Barrington D, Parker, who was also his law partner, said his father had remained a Republican at a time when many Negroes had drifted away from the party. His son said that Mr. Parker was proud of the mark that graduates of the Robert H. Terrell Law School had made in Washington life. The school was an evening training ground for Negro lawyers from 1931 to 1951. Among graduates of the school are Gen- eral Sessions Court Judge Austin L. Pickling, District of Columbia Commissioner John B. Duncan, and Recorder of Deeds Peter Ridley. Mn. Parker was a graduate of the old M Street High School, now Dunbar. He re- ceived a bachelor of divinity and a bachelor's degree in law from Howard University. While in school he worked as a mail carrier for the old Georgetown Post Office. He opened his first law office on M Street in Georgetown near Key Bridge. Mr. Parker practiced law until his death. He was for a time the assistant minister of the 19th Street Baptist Church. Mr. Parker was a former national presi- dent of the Howard University Alumni As- sociation, former national president of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, former president of the Washington Bar Assodlation and former president of the Federation of Parent Teachers Associations of District of Colum- bia. He is survived by his wife, Emma A., of the home address at 1504 Varnum Street NW.; two sons, Barrington D. of 4919 16th Street NW. and Sherman E. of Louisville, Ky.; a daughter, Mrs. George Thomas, 4604 Kane place NE., two brothers, William, of Kansas City, Kans., and John C., of 4616 Clay Street NE.; two grandsons and an aunt, Maggie Iverson of 1226 0 Street NE. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINORITY LEADER Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, near the conclusion of each session of the Congress it is customary for each party floor leader to place in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD his observations and comments on the activities of the Congress for the past year, and I ask unanimous consent that this be placed in the body of the RECORD at the conclusion of my remarks and the customary number of copies be printed as a Senate document according to the rules. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 s. October 22, 1965 such as Gen. Mariano Vallejo, last Mexi- can military commandant of northern California; Leland Stanford, Governor, Senator and founder of Stanford Uni- versity; Senator George Hearst, finan- cier, publisher, and father of William Randolph Hearst; Senator James G. Fair and Judge John A. Stanly were proud producers of California wines. With the completion of the first trans- continental railroad in 1869, California wines were shipped throughout the United States, and shortly thereafter were being exported. Before the turn of the century, California wines were winning awards in international compe- titions in this country and Europe. By the beginning of World War I, grapes and wine in California were val- ued at $150 million. There were 330,000 acres of vineyards representing a land value of $66 million. The war, 14 years of prohibition, and World War II first cut back the industry, then limited growth, but wine production now is larger and growing faster than ever. The California grape and wine indus- try represents an investment of more than $700 million. It has a peak em- ployment each year of more than 110,000 persons, and is currently paying more than $75 million in excise taxes at the Federal and State levels. California's half-million acres of vine- yards produce an annual return to farm- ers of approximately $177 million. An average of more than 180 million gal- lons of wine is produced by more than 230 bonded wineries and wine cellars. Approximately 80 percent of American wine is made in California. The wines of California are grown in nine districts, four of which surround San Francisco, wine capital of America. They are the Sonoma-Mendocino, Napa Valley-Solano, Livermore Valley-Ala- meda and Santa Clara-San Benito dis- tricts. These relatively cool parts of the San Francisco Bay area are noted for red and white dinner wines and spark- ling wines. Just south of Santa Clara is the Santa Cruz-Monterey wine district. To the east, the Lodi district is the beginning of the central valley area which pro- duces particularly fine dessert arid ap- petizer wines. Below Lodi are the Modesto-Ripon-Escalon and Fresno-San Joaquin-Kern districts. Farthest south Is the Cucamonga District, in a volley just east of Los Angeles. New grapes and techniques make it possible for vintners In these warmer areas to produce qual- ity dinner wines in addition to their fa- mous sweet wines and brandies. More and more Americans are learn- ing the pleasures of these wines of which California vintners have been so proud for eight generations?wines that have proven their quality in comparative tastings against more expensive foreign counterparts. Win President, the California wine in- dustry can indeed look ahead to a bright future as the citizens across our Nation and our friends in foreign countries more and more discover the quality of wine produced in the Golden State. Califor- nia's wine is unexcelled anywhere. So CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE with these thoughts in mind it is my pleasure to join my senior colleague Sen- ator Korn 1. in saluting National Wine We s' ?ber 23-30, 1965. PRIME MINISTER KY OF VIETNAM Mr. DODD. Mr. President, when Air Vice Marshal Nguyen Can Ky took over as Prime Minister of Vietnam earlier this year, there were many who expressed grave doubts about the ability of this dashing young soldier to convert himself Into the statesman-leader which Vietnam so desperately needs in this hour of crisis. No one doubted his intelligence and dedication or his courage. Their doubts were, rather, founded on his youth, his lack of political experience, and the fact that he was a military man rather than a civilian. I therefore think it important to note that many of those on the spot who were skeptical about Ky as Prime Minister, are now beginning to have second thoughts and that some of them even concede the possibility that Ky may be the revolutionary leader the South Viet- namese people have been looking for. On October 1, 1965, Prime Minister Ky made a remarkable speech, which in my opinion did not receive anything like the attention it merited. I would like to quote a few paragraphs from this speech to my colleagues: After reviewing the situation I now present our policies for waging the revolutionary struggle and for building peace. We must ask ourselves, what the real character of the peace is which we are fight- ing to achieve, what kind of a society we must build. We must have a clear concep- tion of the future of our country and not merely worry about the coming hundred days. We have to think about the thousand days ahead. During the next 1,000 days this land will have to be completely controlled by free men. We want to decide everything ourselves, to have friendly relations with neighboring countries to live peacefully in the country which we have inherited from our fathers, in a nation where there is justice, on a land which is governed by men of integrity whose only ambition is to serve the people honestly and efficiently. The revolution which we are determined to carry out is a social revolution. Therefore in the next 1,000 days we have to create a big change in every field of activity of the peo- ple. We have to create a new life in the countryside, a new life in the cities, a promis- ing new life. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to insert into the RECORD at the con- clusion of my remarks the complete text of Prime Minister Ky's speech of October 1, 1965. There being no objection, the speech was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: SPEECH By ATR VICE MARSHAL NGUYEN CAO KY, PRIME MINISTER OF THE REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM My fellow Vietnamese, my comrades in arms, the June 14, 1965, declaration of the armed forces clearly stated the reasons why the armed forces had to accept once again, the responsibility of leading the nation. "Together," the declaration said, "we will renovate this society and build a new Viet- nam. Together, we will lead the people to- 27367 ward progress in all fields to keep the pace with the progress of mankind. We have the duty of bequeathing to the future genera- tions glorious pages of history and solid constitution, based on freedom, justice, and brotherhood love." Today, Tohnivrr, on the occasion of our 3-month leadership tenure, with the agree- ment of the directory, as the commissioner in charge of the executive, I present to our fellow Vietnamese and comrades in arms a report on the general policy of the govern- ment concerning the current problems fac- ing our nation. My fellow Vietnamese, my comrades in arms, on November 1, 1963, the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam overthrew the Ngo Dinh Diem regime, starting a revolution which the people entire have been longing for. The collapse of the Ngo dinh Diem Re- gime, was the inevitable consequence of the long treason of a regime deeply engaged in the path of dictatorship, corruption and bru- tality. The armed forces could not tolerate the Diem regime the more so because this regime was deliberately using while already on the decline, the armed forces as a tool not to protect national freedom and inde- pendence against foreign invasion but only to suppress the people's Just aspirations. The revolution sparkled on November 1, 1963, was a spontaneous revolution. This revolution was ignited not by any individual or group or representatives of any polit- ical doctrine, social class or economic force, but was a revolution of the people of which the armed forces are the vanguard elements. The whole people rose up to start the revolution, in order to oust a reactionary regime, in the hope of building a new regime capable of preserving and developing the in- nate rights of human being, the rights to live to be free and to enjoy happiness. These rights are the very force that motivated the November 1, 1963, revolution and drove the Vietnamese people to fight against the Com- munist aggressors. Because the November 1, 1963, revolution was a self-sparking one. It had the advan- tage of tolerating no other dictatorial trend to thrive and inherit the Ngo Dinh Diem regime. It neither tolerated the opportunist elements, who were self-styled "revolution- ists" and wanted to usurp high-ranking po- sitions in the government to only enjoy priv- ileges. It is also because the November 1, 1963, revolution was a self-sparking one, that it entailed bad consequence, that was the creation of a state of laxity quickly turned into a state of confusion interfering in ail branches of national activities. Those who were in power in the wake of the revolution could not live up to their responsibilities. What is worse, most of them dared not as- sume responsibilities because of the moral handicap resulting from their "close connec- tions with the ousted regime" instead of guiding the mass towards order to help sta- bilize the situation, they indulged in demagogy and promptly surrendered to pres- sure from the masses. The result was that not only the dictator was overthrown along with the elimina- tion of all of his close assistants, but the entire administrative machinery from the central government down to the regional ad- ministration was shaken and a number of agencies dislocated. Even the armed forces?an organization bound by the strong- est discipline?would have been dislocated had the general officers commanding the different armed services, corps and large units not shown a strong will or made ex- traordinary efforts to preserve its integrity. In the ensuing protracted disorder, the subsequent governments were overthrown by the people although some of these gov- ernments were headed by statesmen with goodwill and who enjoyed the confidence of people from one group or another. Approved For Release 2003/10/1-4: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 27368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE October 22, 1965 In the face of this internal situation of the Republic of Vietnam, how the Red im- perialists and their lackeys in Hanoi re- garded us? What maneuvers did they carry out in an attempt to conquer this free land? My fellow Vietnamese, comrades in arms, be calm while I tell you the assessments made by the lackeys of the Red imperialism In Hanoi on our situation and their maneu- vers to exploit this situation. In his report made early this year of the situation in the south, Nguyen Van Vinh, an honorary brigadier general of the North Viet- namese armed forces, who holds the func- tions of the chairman of a committee in charge of the aggression against the south, assessed our military and political situations as follows; About the military situation, Nguyen Van Vinh reported that our rear "shrunk in proportion with the dislocation of thou- sands of strategic hamlets and outposts"; our military strength became "more and more Insufficient, the morale of our troops but at the same time we had to use about 45 percent of our regular troops to defend Saigon and Chalon"; our strategic reserve forces are "almost insignificant" and for this reason their defensive as well as offensive potentials are hardly used. In his contlu- sion, the chairman of the Aggressive Com- mittee Against the South affirmed that (I quote his words) : "Decidedly unavoidably there will be a wretched collapse of the morale and of the organization of the South Vietnamese armed forces when the striking force of our troops (Communist aggressors) becomes more aggressive." About our political situation, the chair- man of the Aggressive Committee reported that the November 1, 1963 revolution was but a "trick" and, "internal conflicts in the south are spreading fast and developing in a very Intricate way." The report reads' "In the political field, the tricky democratic revolution of the enemy (the North Viet- namese Communists consider our entire armed forces and people as their enemy) after the overthrow of Ngo Dinh Diem had to end briefly after the replacement of Minh by Khanh. Faced with our fighting strength and their own internal conflicts, several coups d'etat succeeded. This situation re- flects Itself in the division of the various groups in the south into indifferent and most extremist groups. The latter group is represented by the young generals. Fur- thermore this situation also showed disac- Cord in questions about personal interests and positions, about parties, religions, -Bud- dhism, Catholicism, about regions of the country, the north, the center and the south and about personal hatred. With such an assessment of our situation it is obvious that the Red imperialists and their lackeys in Hanoi had to order the Viet- cong in the south to strive to exploit this situation. In fact, during the past,2 years and till now, the Red imperialists have been sending troops from the north into the south to help the Vietcong to move from guerrilla warfare to mobile warfare in order to carry out large scale attacks. The Communist im- perialists had been and are striving to make use of all wicked maneuvers to sow dissen- sion among us and to aggravate this dis- sension. Along with military offensive waves, and political upaettings, the Communist im- perialists also conducted severe sabotage against our economy. They ordered their henchmen to destroy bridges, cut off roads, and lay mines to prevent the transport of supplies from the cities to rural areas, and to strive to grab agricultural products from the tillers, arid from farmers and fishermen money derived from the sales of fowl and fish. The ultimate aim of the Communist imperialists was to use every means to lift the price of rice in Saigon in the middle of this year from VN$700 to VN$5,000 a quintal, to make the cost of living in the cities to soar fivefold, even tenfold. They hoped that With the soar of the living cost, the anger of the people, especially of the poor, at the government would increase drastically, thus leading the society to the awful disintegrat- ing state such as they have always longed for. Simultaneously with their offensive waves against the Republic of Vietnam in the mili- tary, political, and economic fields inside our national territory, the Communist imperial- ists also attacked us on the international scene through the propaganda. Propaganda machineries from 81 Communist Parties throughout the world, along with thousands of their agencies, doubled their venomous efforts with the hope of severing the Re- public of Vietnam from its allies, and mis- representing our struggle for the safeguard of freedom and national independence. Their propaganda offensive on the international scene against the Republic of Vietnam has achieved a certain influence in a small num- ber of countries which are :under the pres- sure of Communist imperialists, but this Communist offensive, war indeed also, a pow- erful stimulation for the civilized world, which help us, to be more determined than ever to assist our country. Facing the danger that is the Republic of Vietnam could be engulfed by the Comm-u- tast imperialists' aggressive machinery, all the friendly countries together increased their aid for us, both morally and materially. At the request of the Republic of Vietnam, the Governments of the United States, the Republic of Korea, Australia, and New Zea- land have sent their military units to help us, following a legitimate self-defense plan, and very moderately. Facing the danger that is the Republic of Vietnam could be engulfed by the Commu- nist imperialisms aggressive machinery, all the friendly countries together increased their aid for us, both morally and materially, At the request of the Republic of Vietnam, the Governments of the United States, the Republic of Korea, Australia, and New Zea- land have sent their military units to help us. Following a legitimate self-defense plan, and very moderately, the Vietnam Air Force and the U.S. Air Force have success- fully bombed enemy military bases, staging areas, army barracks and supply depots in North Vietnam. Until the middle of this year, the presence of military units from friendly countries, along with the bombing of a number of mili- tary bases and logistical means of the Com- munists on both sides of the demarcation line, have not helped us to drive off the Red Imperialists' aggression yet. The strikes, however, prevented the Communists?despite the large troops from the north equipped with great firepower?from changing the bal- ance of forces. Since last June, the situation would have been more consolidated if the Republic of Vietnam had not, once again, met with in- ternal difficulties. On June 11, politicians, temporarily in charge of administering na- tional institutions, were unable to find ap- propriate measures to solve their differences. So, they handed their powers to the armed forces. In accepting these responsibilities, the armed forces clearly defined the reasons and objectives of the military government which were the organization of the struggle against the Communist aggression until final victory and the implementation of a social revolution. A provisional convention, establishing basic structures for the national organiza- tion, was promulgated by the national lead- ership committee. Entrusted with the task of organizing the administrative machinery and implementing the policy of the NIC, the Government im- mediately at the setting up of the war cabi- net, announced program including 26 points an urgent tasks covering all fields: War and politics, economy and finance, social welfare, education and culture, foreign affairs. The war and revolutionary policies of the national leadership committee and the pro- gram of the Government are basically cor- rect. That is why they brought forth a great enthusiasm among the entire population. During the past 100 clays, the implementa- tion of the policy and the implementation of the program have progressed and recorded a number of tangible results. In the military domain, we have warded off the Vietcong monsoon offensive; in sim- pler words, we have smashed all offensive at- tempts which the Vietcong had carefully pre- pared long in advance, with the hope of launching them on their commemorative days in August and September. The Vietcong, hidden in their most solid dens from Ba Long in Quang T'ri Province, through the zone "la," to the Duoc Forest in Ca Mau, have throughly been swept out by our forces. Meantime, nearly 2 Communist battalions, mostly infiltrated from the north, and lying near Chu Lai In Quang Tin Prov- ince left behind over GOO bodies following attacks by units of the Vietnamese and U.S. forces. That week, the Communist invasion troops Moqukuri A divisioned force for a new at- tack in Binh Dinh Province with the hope of rebuilding their pressure in the region. However, the Government forces, with the courageous cooperation of local population, launched an operation that killed 1,350 of them With the gallant cooperation of navy, army, air, artillery and engineer units of the United States, Republic of Korea, Australia and New Zealand, not only have we-preserved all important bases along the coast of central Vietnam, extended government-controlled areas, guarded our frontier-defense network within which Duc Co is is an isolated out- post; not only we launch many attacks to destroy the enemy strongholds, and retake initiative in every battlefront, we also cleared many strategic communication axes which were closed for many years. All these de- cisive victories emphasize the outstanding efforts of the armed forces and have turned the tide of the war in a very short time. What is this driving power that has enabled us to score such lightning military feats? My dear fellow countrymen and comrades in arms, it is the new incentive of the revolu- tion spirit which is burning in the hearts of our people and our armed forces, which are backed by the entire free world. In the economic and financial fields, a number of measures have been carried out in the framework of an urgent action program. These measures aimed at laying foundations for real social revolution which includes: The elimination of dishonest businessmen. The stabilization of market prices. The supply of food goods from rural areas to the cities and vice versa, so as to supply the vilagers with first necessity goods in their daily life. The setting up of security stocks to pre- vent shortage of foodstuffs. The establishment of agencies responsible for the purchase, storage and distribution of rice. -- The implementation of the housing policy, to improve the housing situation of the needy. The construction of 1,000 low-cost houses, each house coating $20,000 and to be dis- tributed to the working class. The purchase of vacant plots of land to resell them to the needy people who will themselves build their houses, after providing such basic struc- tures as roads, sewers, water and electricity. The promulgation of the right to stay and priority to purchase house and land. The import of 100 cars, 200 trilarabrettas, other kinds of vehicles and spare parts for taxicabs in order to make owners a number of taxi drivers and at the same time give them ap- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE propriate means for the exercise of their pro- fession. The interruption of export of some products necessary for consumption needs of the population at home. The improve- ment of education, by building more schools, and abolishing noon shifts at primary schools to protect the pupils health. The improve- ment of wage status by increasing the salary of low-income entloyees, including the troops, and reducing that of a number of other government employees, with the view of mitigating somehow the differences among peoples of various social strata. The setting up of military dependent quarters, etc. Concerning the promulgating of a new customs tariff, the government aims at levy- ing heavy taxes on luxury goods to increase the national income, thus enabling the gov- ernment to carry out social welfare pro- grams to help the poor, and at the same time avoiding all shortages of goods for other classes having great consumption abilities. Along with the above-mentioned objective, the life of the rural population also receive particular attention from the government which has decided to: Much forward the improvement of living standards in rural areas. Modify the status of farmers associations. Improve the land policy by amending the agrarian reform decree-law aiming at assist- ing farmers and making tillers owners of their lands. Grant full ownership to the farmers im- mediately after the distribution of land plots Instead of provisional certificates as previ- ously. Besides, farmers are exempted from land taxes during whole period they have to pay for the purchase of their ricefield?within a maximum period of 12 years?and at the same time, authorized to postpone the pay- ment of their first installment for 1 year. More than that, public lands and riceflelds will be from now, on distributed directly to farmers instead of renting them on bid as previously. Eticefields, bought from French proprie- tors according to the September 10, 1958, totaling about 224,647 hectares, and scat- terings in 27 provinces, will be sold to farm- ers on the same basis. Other intellectuals and experts and even some statesmen?either those who had learned bitter experiences in the political arena or those who had long waited for ?c- ams to cooperate with the Government? have given signs of impatience. The atti- tude of these intellectuals, experts, and statesmen has more or less influenced the mass that had, in the past, recourse to pres- sure. I deem it necessary to tell to the entire people and my comrades in arms that the National Leadership Committee, although being busy with many problems, has always paid appropriate attention to all diverging views, either moderate or violent. I also deem It necessary to make it clear once again that state affairs are not the monopoly of any individual or group and that the destiny of the nation needs the moral and material contribution of all people actively engaged in the struggle and constructive works. In brief, the general situation has been greatly improved. Three months ago, while accepting the power we had said we en- visaged a new dawn for the people, we, at that time, only expressed a feeling. Now, In reviewing the obstacles we have sur- mounted, certainly our compatriots and comrades-in-arms agree with us that this brighter dawn for our people is not a mere utopia but a reality awaiting us. All the past difficulties are not liquidated, and more serious new ones may appear because the nearer it is approaching final defeat, the more , dangerous the enemy prove to be. However, we are confident that our com- patriots, military and civilian, have all the necessary energy and determination to over- come these difficulties and, will be able to conduct step by step, our people toward this dawn. In the land reforms policy, the legalization of the ownership rights on the lands put under cultivation and the distribution of ownership certificates to the peasants in ac- cordance with the policy of making the lab- orers the owners of the lands they till, have been achieved. The above certificates have been distributed for the first time in Lac Nghiep (Tuyen Due) on September 18, 1965, to 349 families of lowland and Montagnaxd peasants and in Dau Bong (Tay Nih) to 200 other families. Other certificates will be dis- tributed in the future. It is worth recalling that the land reform policy is being extended to all ethnic minori- ties living on the national territory and there is no discrimination between the low- land people and the tribesmen. To promul- gate many measures and implement a policy based on justice, and reason, and aimed at achieving the objective of national union and collective social progress. All the aforesaid measures and decisions certainly are not routine administrative ones. Furthermore, they will not be demagogy measures. The fact that the war cabinet has decided to take social revolution as the motto of the struggle, and has realized that the people in both urban and rural areas have equal responsibilities and are entitled to equal privileges, proves that the above-mentioned decisions and measures are constant with the overall national policy. Of course, we need time to assess the re- sults of these measures and to see whether they will be useful to the social revolution which constitutes the very objective of our struggle. Nevertheless, if we commonly realize that these are things that should be done, to lay lasting foundations to the social revolution, we must first be animated with confidence and faith. In the political field, the implementation of our action program has yielded clear re- sults in the rural areas. In many western provinces in the southern area, the working _people now can easily move from an area to another even in nighttime. In I corps area provinces, people who, a year ago were forced by the Vietcong terrorism and oppression to abandon all their properties and move else- where for security, are now actively planning a back-home movement to liberate their own villages from the Vietcong and rebuild them. The "return to village" campaign instigated by the anti-Communist refugees in Quang Ngai gathered has about 400 cadres and fighters in the first format/on stage and has begun action since late August, in other areas, especially in the valley of the Mekong, the people are nurturing the same aspiration and are ready to launch similar campaigns. All told, the results in the political field are still of a limited scale because of the too cautious and unbalanced way of imple- menting the program. The major institu- tions planned in the provisional charter such as the economic and social councils, and the high magistrate council, have not been set up yet. This has caused a number of intel- lectuals in the cities to conceive deep con- cern and the suspicion that the Armed Forces wanted to establish a military dicta- torship. Another segment of people may have have been induced to think that the military administration contented itself with trumpeting over revolution without seeking to materialize it or with realizing it only in part. After reviewing the situation I now present our policies for waging the revolutionary struggle and for building peace. We must ask ourselves what the real character of the peace is which we are fight- ing to achieve, what kind of a society we must build. We must have a clear concep- 27369 tion .of the future of our country and not merely worry about the coming 100 days. We have to think about the 1,000 days ahead. During the next 1,000 days this land will have to be completely controlled by freemen. We Want to decide everything ourselves, to have friendly relations with neighboring countries, to live peacefully in the country which we have inherited from our fathers, in a nation where there is justice, on a land which is governed by men of integrity whose only ambition is to serve the people honestly and efficiently. The revolution which we are determined to carry out is a social revolution. Therefore in the next 1,000 days we have to create a big change in every field of activity of the peo- ple. We have to create a new life in the countryside, a new life in the cities, a prom- ising now life. Many multistoried buildings have been built not only in the capital, but also in Can Tho, Nha Trang, Da Nang, and are be- ing built in many other cities. In the capi- tal, Le Loi Boulevard is filled with cars. But not far from the big buildings, there are still many slums, there are still thousands of homes where parents and children are crowded into a dark and damp area of barely 10 square meters. And further away, outside the cities, there are tens of thousands of families who all year long labor in the black mud and yet have as their only shelter a rundown hut to protect them from rain and sun. They do not have enough to eat, they have no decent clothing and neither doctor nor medicines when they are sick. On top of all that, these people are afraid of arrogant officials on our side and also of the Commu- nist enemy. We have the duty not to allow the children who are today without clothes, who are to- day illiterate, to grow up and continue to live for ever a dark life, in misery, in op- pression, in injustice. That is why, within the greater framework of the social revolu- tion, we have to start first with the realiza- tion of the living standard revolution. Unlike the Communists whose policy is to bring all those having unequal living stand- ards down to the lowest level, we are striv- ing to carry out a social revolution which never stops aiming at raising the living standard of all the people, starting with the poorest. Looking at reality, even if we ac- cept as the standard wage the minimum guaranteed salary of the worker recently fixed by the war cabinet at 1,070 piasters per month for areas where the cost of living is lowest, there are still millions of people liv- ing under that standard. These are the peasants who do not have enough land to till and would not have enough to eat if they sold part of their produce to buy clothes or medicine. These are also the ambulant merchants on the pavements of the cities and towns. It was within the framework of the living standard revolution that the war cabinet based the pay and family allowances of the soldiers. We are reviewing the pay scale of all those who are serving in other branches of activities. We have yet to review the price of farm products. We also have to ade- quately provide for the housing, health, and educational needs of all, especially those living in the cities. In short, if we begin to carry out the living standard revolution to- day, with concrete projects and step-by-step preparation, 1,000 days from today, we shall certainly be able to create a big change for the better on this land. That is why I believe that every 100 days we have to make up a list of realizations in which we shall not only enumerate what we have done, but above all we must review our achievements, and even more important, we shall have to review what we have not done and do it at all costs. As of today, I put emphasis on the govern- mental activities aiming at fighting corrup- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 27370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE October 22, 1965 tion and at reviving the good Vietnamese traditions of government based on moral foundations, in respect of the law and jus- tice. First of all, in the coming 100 days I shall personally look for people whose expe- riences and integrity are beyond reproach to for a central corps of inspectors in charge of investigating all complaints on injustices as to help the government take timely correc- tive measures. I solemnly promise that, as of today, those who are responsible for serv- ing the people will have to pay for their crimes if they commit the crime of betraying the confidence of the people. For a long ti:me, on this land, the honest little man has been oppressed by those detaining authority. A Nation cannot exist if there is no justice for everyone. For a long time, no consideration has been given to the aspiration of the peasants who make up the backbone of the country. (Our peasants have always lived in insecurity be- cause they have been exploited, terrorized. Our peasants have to live utter misery be- cause they are the first victims of the utterly unequal distribution of wealth, of profiteer- ing, and of inflation. The peasants lack all the basic necessities of a worthy life. The war has disturbed their peaceful life, and their labor has not been adequately rewarded. The war and-its instigators?the Vietcong? have upset the moral norms, have destroyed the law and justice. Many people in the countryside have lost faith in the Govern- ment and lost faith in themselves. I pre- scribe that this Government has the respon- sibility to regain the people's confidence and support. As I have made clear earlier, at present the armed forces, with the limitless assistance of friendly countries, have realized important changes in the military field. We are de- stroying the aggressive machinery of the Communists on this and the other side of the parallel. Continuing to take advantage of these successes, we shall completely de- stroy the entire apparatus of aggression of the Communists. Victory is on our side. Militarily, we shall certainly have victory in a not distant future. But it is not enough to militarily defeat the Communists. We must do so that on this land the Communists do not have any reason to be among the people, especially among the people of the countryside. This is the task of pacification and rural recon- struction. Emphasizing the importance of this task in a very short sentence; The coun- tryside is the decisive factor in the entire battlefield. Consequently I mobilize all the existing cadres to serve in the pacification and rural reconstruction programs. These cadres will go to the countryside and to- gether with the peasants they will fight to defend the villages, they will help the peas- ants to till the land and increase produc- tion, improve agricultural techniques, raise the living standard of the peasant in every way. They will help the peasants to reor- ganize the village administration, to realize a democratic way of life at the village level and lay the solid foundations for a free and democratic regime in the future, The paci- fication and rural reconstruction not only require many facilities and many cadres, it also demands that those cadres have deter- mination and ability. I truthfully say that in the existing administration there are not yet such cadres in sufficient numbers. That its why I earnestly hope that all the fighters in all the patriotic movements who are rich In experience will actively participate in this big and meaningful task. Pacification and rural reconstruction which bring a new or- ganized life to 80 percent of our people, should in my opinion be the responsibility of all of you, the revolutionary fighters. And now you have the favorable conditions, the facilities that are more abundant than ever before, to successfully carry out this respon- sibility. Meanwhile, the government has in mind another program of another kind, a program aiming to restore the citizenship to those who took the wrong direction, considering their own self more important than the na- tion. I will give them a certain time so they can get aid of the responsibility which they realize is not worthwhile. After self-criti- cism, they will be employed according to their capacity. As before I used to say, we, Vietnamese people, tend to forgive. Let us forgive those who went the wrong way, give them the op- portunity to become new human- beings. On the contrary, to those who do not admit this opportunity, I pity them, because to me, they are mentally deranged by birth, but forming obstacles to the development of the nation. During my visits to rural areas, it was heart rending to see that my compatriots there became victims of the increasing cost of living and were suffering from being in short of the the first necessities. If this situ- ation was created by goods hoarders, the gov- ernment will bring the convicts before the court which surely will punish them severely. Besides, the shortage of goods will undoubt- edly be solved satisfactorily, thanks to the government efforts and the timely assistance of friendly countries. The Government will find out efficient means to stabilize the market prices, the most important of them is the method of uniting producers and consumers into rela- tionships benefiting to both of them. In the transportation field, the Government is al- ways ready to provide necessary means, and if this still cannot meet the needs, it will request assistance from allied countries at the proper time. In brief, all necessary steps for the normalization of supplies so that people throughout the country could buy goods and materials at a reasonable price, have always been a great concern for the Government. Finally, we must affirm once again the struggle of people against the Communist aggressors. My dear compatriots and com- rades-in-arms are certainly aware that if this country falls under the Communist yoke, our nation would be annihilated. The Vietcong,. like any other Communist groups, are acting on the international Communist organiza- tion's orders which, is, in fact, the most fear- ful imperialism of human history. Communist imperialism disseminates a doctrine using hatred as driving power which creates dissension inside a government as well as inside every family. The most im- portant aspect of communism is that it is antinatural and atheist. That is why I appeal to my compatriots from all faiths to unite closely and, along with the whole people and Armed Forces, fight against that foreign sophism which destroy the family and exterminate the na- tion at the same time with the most sacred confidence of our people. The sooner the entire population is united, the sooner we restore peace in this land, and the more closely we unite, the stronger our national force will be. United, We will create a lasting bulwark Insuring justice for the society, freedom for the people, and democracy throughout the country. My best regards to you all my dear com- patriots and comrades-in-arms. SCOUTING AWARD TO JUDGE C. C. CHAMBERS Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. President, an editorial in the Saturday Evening Post in November 1960, com- memorated the golden anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, the organi- zation granted a Federal charter by Con- gress, by pointing out that the Boy Scout movement is one of America's most ef- fective?as well as oldest?forces against juvenile delinquency. The long service with the Boy Scouts of America by Judge C. C. Chambers of Logan, W. Va., is testimony to his belief in their program to strengthen America, and testimony that scouting can make the difference between a Nation with many yQuths of strong character and a Nation indifferent to a constant rise in juvenile delinquency. For this service, he has recently been honored by the award of the Silver Antelope. An account of the ceremonies at which this volun- teer scouting award was presented to Judge Chambers was published in the Friday, October 15, issue of the Logan Banner. I ask unanimous consent to have this newspaper article printed in the RECORD. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: LOCAL JUDGE GIVEN HIGH SCOUT HONOR Judge C. C. Chambers, a veteran Scouter of more than 30 years, was awarded the Sil- ver Antelope at noon today during region four ceremonies in the Netherland Hilton Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Silver Antelope is the highest volun- teer award a Scouter may receive within the region. Judge Chambers is the first Scouter from the Chief Cornstalk Council ever to be presented with the Scouting honor. The region includes West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky. A life member of the region four commit- tee, Judge Chambers has served many years as a national council representative. He has traveled through the entire region inspecting camps and camping facilities and performing other Scouting chores. He rarely has missed a national council meeting, to which he pays his own expenses. Chambers has served as judge of the Sev- enth Judicial Circuit of West Virginia since 1936. He is a member of the Logan County Bar Association, West Virginia Bar Associa- tion, West Virginia Bar, Juvenile Court Judges Association, West Virginia Judicial Association, and is a past president of the latter organization. A trustee and member of the board of stewards at Neighborhood Memorial Meth- odist Church in Logan, Judge Chambers has been a Bible class teacher for 20 years. He is a member of all Masonic bodies and was coronetted an inspector general honorary 33d degree Mason. Chambers has served Scouting in many ways during the past 30 years. Among the positions he has held are merit badge coun- selor, Logan district committee chairman, member of the council executive board, mem- ber of the region four committee, national council representative, served as president of the council for 5 years, holder of the Sil- ver Beaver Award, and is presently finance chairman of the council, a member of the camp development committee, and chairman of the new service center building committee. In addition to Judge Chambers, those at- tending the region four conference are Council President Alfred Newland of Man, and Mrs. Newland; C. B. Kelly, Logan dis- trict commissioner; Council Finance Chair- man J. T. Fish and Mrs. Fish; Scout Execu- tive Robert Justice and Mrs. Justice; and Mrs. C. C. Chambers. STUDENT PAYS TRIBUTE TO SENA- TOR DIRKSEN OF ILLINOIS Mr. HRUSKA. Mr. President, a unique tribute to our capable minority Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 27138 Approved For ReleateoNelaggitikklifipeappil4WRi0140002-2 October 22 1965 DEMOCRATIC Platform PLATFORM LEGISLATIVE GOALS, 1964?Continued Legislation THE NATION'S NATURAL RESOURCES Water Resources Planning Act of 1965. Public Law 89-80. Assateague Island National Seashore. Public Law 89-195. Delaware Water Gap Recreation Area. Public Law 89-158. Spruce*Knob-Seneca Rock Recreation Area. Public Law 89-207. Extended the saline water research and development program for 5 years.. Public Law 89-118. Clean Air Act of 1965. Public Law 89-272. Water Quality Act of 1965. Public Law 89-234. Continue comprehensive development of river basins. Provide the people of this Nation a balanced outdoor recreation program. Intensify our efforts to solve the critical water problems by desalinization. Continue the attack on polluted air. Continue the attack on water pollution. A decent home for every American family. ? Press the fight against narcotics. Turn juvenile delinquents into good citizens. ontinue to assist broad community and regional development. Continue urban renewal. Continue open space program. Provide for a department devoted to urban affairs. THE THE CITY Authorized a $7,800,000,000 housing program for low-income families, including the elderly, the handicapped, and the displaced; and a new program of rent supplements: Public Law 89-117. Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of 1965. House Judiciary completed hearings. Extended the Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Control Act to June 30, 1967, and authorized $6,500,000 for fiscal 1966 and $10,000,000 for fiscal 1967. Public Law 89-69. Authorized an annual $665,000,000 program of public works and economic develop- ment through 1970. Public Law 89-136. Increased the authorization for urban renewal grants by $675,000,000 for fiscal 1966, $725,000,000 for fiscal 1967, $750,000,000 for fiscal 1968 and 1969. Public Law 89-117. Authorized increase for open space grants from $75 to $310,000,000. Public Law 89- 117. Created a Cabinet Department of Housing and Urban Affairs. Public 89-174. GOVERNMENT ,Government's business is the people's business. Revise rules and procedures to assure majority rule after reasonable debate and to guarantee that major legislative proposals of the President can be brought to a vote. Home rule for District of Columbia and a nonvoting delegate pending a constitu- tional amendment for a voting delegate. Support a constitutional amendment giving District of Columbia voting representa- tion in Congress. 'Equal opportunity and equal treatment for all Americans regardless of race, creed, color or national origin. Closed loopholes in the Administrative Procedure Act and established a general philosophy of full agency disclosure. S. 1160 passed Senate, Oct. 13, 1965. Passed both Houses amended. Voting Rights Act of 1965. Public Law 89-110. SANDY KOUFAX?AN EXAMPLE FOR THE YOUTH OF AMERICA ? Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, a friend of the Presiding Officer and my- self, Red Welsh, of Billings, Mont., re- cently made an interesting commentary on radio station KOOK in that city. I was so much impressed by it, I should like to read it to the Senate. It is 'Very short. I ask unanimous consent that I May have 1 additional minute to do so. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MANSFIELD. The title is, "An Example for the Youth of America." The commentary is as follows: The-recently completed world series pro- duced an outstanding example of what com- petitive sports is supposed to represent?un- fortunately the incident seems to have es- caped many of those who profess undying faith in athletics as a character-building program. The hottest man in professional athletics today is Los Angeles Dodger southpaw, Sandy Koufax. He might well be the greatest pitcher who ever lived. Koufax and his teammate, big Don Drys- dale, literally pitched the Dodgers into the National League championship. Along the way, this exceptionally talented young man pitched a perfect game?only the third time this has ever been done in the long history of professional baseball. Heading into the annual classic?the world's series?Koufax admittedly was the greatest of the great. Every boy in America knew who he was. With Sandy scheduled to pitch the opener, Los Angeles was an odds-on favorite. Opening day of this year's classic coin- cided with the most solemn holiday ob- served in Judaism?Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. Sandy Koufax is an American of Jewish faith. When the umpire yelled, "play ball." Koufax wasn't pitching for Los Angeles. Ile Wasn't at the ball park. He wasn't even watching the game on television. Sandy Koufax was where he should have been?at the synagogue, quietly observing Yom Kippur in meditation and prayer. There was an example for the youth of this country. A great athlete, an American idol, putting first things first. In the faith of his fathers?he was a believer. By the standards of his country?he was a real citizen. On the yardstick of genuineness?he measured up all man. RETIREMENT OF RICHARD LANG- HAM RIEDEL?LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, som days ago, we paid tribute to Mr. Rich- ard Langham Riedel, who has so faith- fully served the Senate for a great many years as press liaison. The President of the United States also took occasion to send a letter com- memorating the service of Richard Riedel. I ask unanimous consent that the President's letter be printed in the REC- ORD at this point. There being no objection, the letter was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, October 6, 1965. MY. RICHARD LANGHAM RIEDEL, 14027 Braddock Road, Centreville, Va. DEAR RICHARD: I hear you are about to be- gin a new life. Yet, I can't imagine what the Senate will be like without you. You have served so long and so faith- fully that for me?and for so many of your friends?you seemed as much a part of the Senate as its marbled halls. I well recall the many times when, as ma- jority leader, I could not leave the floor, and you relayed questions and answers for re- porters. You always served honestly and with good commonsense. In a historic setting?that of the U.S. Senate?you wrote a history of your own. I believe that my good friend Gould Lincoln is the only member of the Senate Press Gal- lery who was a member when you came to the Senate in 1918. You can be proud of having served as liai- son between the press and the Senators longer than any other person in the history of the U.S. Senate. Good luck in your new life, and in all your undertakings. When you go camping in the wilderness, don't forget to come back. Meanwhile, your friends will remember you. Sin rely, LYNDON B. JOHNSON. LETTER FROM LINDA SAMPLES TO AMERICAN SERVICEMEN IN VIET- NAM Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, the Cleveland Press received this week a let- ter from Linda Samples, age 16, of Brunswick Center, Ohio; Medina County. Brunswick Center is a rustic com- munity about 25 miles from Cleveland. Enclosed within her letter was another letter addressed to "American Service- men in Vietnam." In the letter was also enclosed 50 cents. Miss Samples requested that her let- ter to the servicemen be sent to them in- asmuch as she did not know how to do this. She explained that the 50 cents was to cover postage costs. Her letter is extraordinary. It comes at a time of disturbing protests by some Americans against U.S. policy in Viet- nam. The Cleveland Press reproduced her letter on page 1 on Thursday, October 21. I read that letter to my colleagues here on the floor of the Senate. It reads: Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 APPr"tralEINMVENIMI0A-R6A7,pRO446R000300140002-2 27137 DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM LEGISLATIVE G0ALS-1964 Platform Continue supremacy of our strategic nuclear forces. Strengthen further forces for discouraging limited wars and fighting subversion. Maintain world's largest research and development effort to insure continued Amer- ican leadership in weapons systems and equipment. Continue civil defense program. Attract to the military services the highest caliber of career men and women and make certain they are adequately paid and adequately housed. NATIONAL DEFENSE BUILDING Help th a people of developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Place increased priority on private enterprise and development loans. Encourage arms reduction. Support the partnership of free American Republics in the Alliance for Progress. Oppose aggression and the use of force or the threat of force against any nation. Expand the Peace Corps. Legi,alation Defense appropriation. Public Law 89-213. Do. Military procurement authorization. Public Law 89-37. Defense appropriation. Public Law 89-213. Defense appropriation. Public Law 89-213. Military pay increase. Public Law 89-132. Military construction authorization. Public Law 89-188. THE PEACE Foreign aid authorization. Public Law 89-171. Foreign aid appropriation. Public Law 89-273. Foreign aid authorization. Public Law 89-171. Foreign aid appropriation. Public Law 89-273, Disarmament Act amendments. Public Law 89-27. Foreign aid authorization. Public Law 89-171. Foreign aid appropriation. Public Law 89-273. Vietnam supplemental. Public Law 89-18. Defense appropriation. Public Law 89-213. Authorizes $115,000,000 for fiscal 1966, Public Law 89-134. CONQUEST OF SPACE Continue development of space technology for peaceful uses; and encourage private industry to increase its efforts in space research. NASA authorization, $5,190,396,200 for fiscal 1966. Public Law 89-53. NASA appropriation, $5,175,000,000 for fiscal 1966. Public Law 89-128. EDUCATION Demands on the inadequate sources of State and local revenues place a serious limits- Authorizes $1,344,000,000 in fiscal 1966 for elementary and secondary school aid. tion on education. New methods of financial aid must be explored, including chess- Public Law 89-10. neling federally collected revenues to all levels of education. Expanded program of public scholarships, guaranteed loans and work-study grants. Higher Education Act of 1965. Public Law 89-. HEALTH Continuo to fight to include hospital care for older Americans in the social security program. Further expand our health facilities, especially medical schools, hospitals, and re- search laboratories. Go forward into the causes and cures for mental illness and mental retardation. Provide hospitalization for persons 65 and over and a voluntary medical care program. Public Law 89-97. Authorized a 3-year $340,000,000 program of grants for etablishing and operating regional medical complexes to combat heart disease, cancer, stroke, and other major diseases. Public Law 89-239. Labor-HEW appropriations for fiscal 1986. Public Law 89-156. Supplemental appropriation for fiscal 1968. H.R. 11588. Public Law 80- VETERANS Reopen national service life insurance program. Reopened by Public Law 88-664. Funds for administrative expenses provided for in Public Law 89-40. Veterans with service-connected injuries and disabilities must be insured an adequate Provided increases averaging about 10 percent. H.R. 168. Public Law 89- standard of living. DEMOCRACY OF OPPORTUNITY Immigration laws must be revised. Carry the war on poverty forward as a total war against the causes of human want. Move forward with programs to restore areas such as Appalachia. Help the physically handicapped and mentally disadvantaged develop to the full limit of their capabilities. Assist our Indian people to improve their standard of living and attain self-sufficiency. Enhance the security of older Americans by offering opportunities like those provided for the young under the Economic Opportunities Act of 1964. Adjust social security benefit levels. Expand decent housing which older citizens can afford. Encourage further supports for the arts. Review all excise taxes and eliminate those that are obsolete. Extend coverage of Fair Labor Standards Act. Increase overtime pay requirements. Revise the unemployment insurance program. Expand manpower training programs. Provide fast, safe, and economic modes of transportation. Repeal of 14(b) of Taft-Hartley Act. Continue, to insist that our drugs and medicines are safe and effective. Assure that merchandise is labeled and packaged honestly. Assure that the true cost of credit is disclosed. Repealed the national origin quota provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act and substituted a new system. Public Law 89-236. Extended all economic opportunity programs to June 30,1968, and authorized $1,785,- 000,000 for fiscal 1066. Public Law 89-253. Authorized $1,092,400,000 Over a 5-year period for aid to the 11-State Appalachian area. Public Law 89-4. Authorized $224,175,000 for fiscal years 1966-72 for staffing grants to community mental health centers and extended for 5 years the program for training teachers of mentally retarded and other handicapped children. Public Law 89-10s. Increased by $3,000,000, to $15,000,000 annually, the authorization for Indian adult vocational education. Public Law 89-14. Created an Administration on Aging within the Department of HEW and a 5-year program of grants to the States and $5,000,000 for fiscal 1966, $8,000000 for fiscal 1967, and such sums as necessary for the 3 succeeding fiscal years. PublicLaw 89-73. Appropriated $7,000,000 for fiscal 1966. Public Law 89-156. Provided a 7 percent across-the-board increase effective Jan. 1, 1966. Public Law 89-97. Authorized an additional $150,000,000 and reduced the maximum interest, rate to 3 percent for the direct loan program for the elderly and handicapped. Public Law 89-117. Established a National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities and authorized $21,000,000 a year over the next 3 fiscal years as an endowment. Public Law 89-209. THE ECONOMY Provided for a $4,700,000,000 excise tax reduction. Public Law 89-44. H.R. 10518: House Calendar Senate labor hearings concluded. S. 1982: Senate labor hearings concluded. House hearings concluded. Provided for a 3-year extension to June 30, 1969, and authorized $454,000,000 for fiscal 1966. Public Law 89-15. Authorized a 3-year, $90000,003 program for pilot demonstations in high-speed intercity ground transportation. Public Law 89-220. Authorized a 28-mile rapid transit system for National Capital area. Public Law 89-173. Passed House; Senate debated motion to consider from Oct. 1-12. Enacted the Drug Abuse Control Act of 1965. Public Law 89-74. Truth in packaging. S. 985: Senate commerce hearings. concluded May 18. Truth in lending. Bills introduced. No action. RURAL AMERICA Strengthen the farm income structure. -- Expand Mod stamp and school lunch programs; accelerate research into new indus- trial uses of farm products. Assure rural America decent housing. Continue support of rural telephone program and Rural Electrification Adminis- tration. Omnibus Agriculture Act of 1965. 11.15. 9811: Public Law 89- Agriculture appropriation for fiscal 1966. 11.15. 8370: Public Law 89- Extended rural housing program to Oct. 1, 1969, and provided a new rural housing insured loan program authorizing $300,000,000 a year. Public Law 89-117. Agriculture appropriation for fiscal 1966. Public Law 89- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Ctober 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE ,ro all Men in Vietnam: Today Is ti beautiful fall day. The trees are ?changing color, the sky is deep blue. Many Americans are enjoying this Sunday, Why? Because you are there in Vietnam, fight- ing; being wounded, and even dying for us-- for our freedom. You have said that you feel the people of the United States do not think you are fighting for a worthwhile cause. I can think of no better cause than freedom. Our God- given freedom is our most precious earthly possession. America could not be what she is without the freedom you are preserving. I know that I am not the only person In the United States who prays for you daily and gives thanks that you are there protect- ing with your lives our freedom, our Na- tion, and our existence. Thank you, every one and may God keep and bless you all. Sincerely yours, LINDA SAMPLES. Mr. President, now finally I should tell that Miss Samples is an outstanding high school student, earns her own money cooking and cleaning, and is active in a number of worthwhile youth groups and as a church member. Linda's letter has already gained na- tional attention; it is in stories being distributed by NEA, a newspaper syndi- cate, to more than 700 newspapers. A copy has been forwarded to Gen. Wil- liam C. Westmoreland, commander of the U.S. Military Assistance Command in Vietnam; also a copy is being sent to the Stars and Stripes, which is a mili- tary newspaper. It brings a ray of restored confidence in the youth of our country. So many protests and demonstrations are being promoted, making it appear that the majority of the people of the United States are indifferent to the preservation of our freedom. I believe that this 16-year-old girl, with her fine character, represents the thinking of the great majority of the citizens of our country. She stands rather conspicuously as a contradistinc- tion from those wan, long-haired, oddly dressed beatniks who are demonstrating in front of the White House, on our school campuses, and other places in the Nation. A lesson should be drawn from what this young girl has had to say. Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. LAUSCHE. I yield. Mr. SIMPSON. Did the Senator see the significant article that appeared in this morning's press with respect to the students gathering their groups about them in protest against the demonstra- tors who seem to have little or no inter- est in our country? It was a heartening thing to see that in one Midwestern uni- versity 2,700 students voted to support the President's stand, as opposed to a much lesser group. I believe that is significant. Does the Senator agree? Mr. LAUSCHE. It is one of the tragedies of the days that those who demonstrate have been getting great at- tention on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and journals. No. 198 Mr. SIMPSON. That is why I would like to point out the fact that this ac- count should be played up. These are the people who say little, the American people who are out there de- fending their country, as opposed to the group of people who have an aversion to soap and water and sit on people's steps. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, it must be said now that the President has tried valiantly and vigorously to bring the Communists to the negotiating table. Some time ago I enumerated 10 steps he has taken, practically begging, and in a measure surrendering the dignity of our country. But his aim has been to bring the Vietnamese difficulty to an end. Yet, in many instances innocent groups frequently with Moscow and Peiping di- rected leaders, provoke demonstrations throughout the country. The President is trying to bring about peace. Some say, "Withdraw from South Vietnam." My question in the past has been, and it is today: To what point shall we withdraw? to Thailand? to Burma? to Malaysia? If we withdraw to those points will that bring the end? Do we withdraw to California or to Hawaii? Do we bring the field of battle from 10,000 miles away to our immediate shores? No one wants to be involved in the South Vietnamese shooting. But neces- sity compels us; the need to preserve freedom, as stated by this young girl, Linda Samples, requires it. Or shall we give up; shall we surrender all that we have sung about in the years past of our great heritage? NORA ISABELLA SAMUELLI Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask that the Chair lay before the Senate a message from the House of Represen- tatives on the bill, S. 619, for the relief of Nora Isabella Samuelli. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. The Chief Clerk will read the mes- sage from the House of Representatives on S. 619. The Chief Clerk read as follows: Ordered, that the Clerk of the House be directed to return to the Senate the bill (S. 619) entitled "An act for the relief of Nora Isabella Samuelli," together with all ac- companying papers, in compliance with the request by the Senate thereon. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate reconsider the vote by which it asked for a conference with the House of Repre- sentatives and appointed conferees on the part of the Senate. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. Without objection, the action of the Senate is reconsidered. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, as passed by the Senate, the bill would have granted the status of permanent resi- dence in the United States to the bene- ficiary, and have deemed her residence and physical presence in the United States since July 31, 1963, to meet the requirements for naturalization. As 27139 amended by the House of Representa- tives, the bill merely grants the status of permanent residence in the United States. Granting the beneficiary permanent residence in the United States as of her prior date of admission on July 31, 1963, would be acceptable, and I move that the Senate concur in the House amend- ment to S. 619, with a further amend- ment to grant permanent residence as of July 31, 1963, rather than as of the date of enactment, and I send to the desk the amendment. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. The amendment will be stated. The CH/EF CLERK. On page 1, line 6, after the word "of", it is proposed to strike out the words "the date of the enactment of this Act", and insert in lieu thereof "July 31, 1963". Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I move that the Senate concur in the House amendment with the amendment. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. The question is on agreeing to the motion of the Senator from Montana. The motion was agreed to. THE CALENDAR Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of Calendar No. 915, H.R. 4421. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN PROP- ERTY TO THE CITY OF CHEYENNE, WYO. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of H.R. 4421, Calendar No. 915. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. The bill will be stated by title for the information of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A bill (H.R. 4421) authorizing the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to convey certain prop- erty to the city of Cheyenne, Wyo. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Is there objection to the present consideration of the bill? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have printed In the RECORD an excerpt from the re- port (No. 929), explaining the purposes of the bill. There being no objection, the excerpt was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: EXPLANATION OF THE BILL This bill proposes to authorize the Ad- ministrator of Veterans' Affairs to transfer to the city of Cheyenne, Wyo., without mon- etary consideration for park and recreational purposes, a tract of land of approximately 27 acres which is now portion of the reserva- tion at the Veterans' Administration Cen- ter. In 1932 the city of Cheyenne donated a tract of 600 acres of land on which was sub- sequently constructed a center which now consists of a regional office and a 133-bed Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 27140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE hospital with a preponderance of general medical and surgical patients. Previously, under the acts of June 29, 1948, and June 15, 1956, approximately 431 acres of the original tract was conveyed without remuneration to the city of Cheyenne. The bill provides that the deed of convey- ance shall contain certain terms and con- ditions to protect the interests of the United States. There will be no appropriation necessary to carry out the provisions of this legisla- tion. The office of Senator WAYNE MORSE has studied this measure and has extended as- surance that neither HR. 4421, nor S. 554 violate the so-called Morse formula for such land transfer. The subject bill calls for the gratuitous transfer of the property in ques- tion since the land was originally part of an entire tract of 600 acres of /and gratui- tously conveyed to the United States by the city of Cheyenne, Wyo. in the first instance. The report of the Veterans' Administration reveals that the Veterans' Administration does not have need of the property de- scribed in the bills and that it will have no objection to the transfer. In cases of this type, a gratuitous convey- ance is not objectionable under the Morse I ormula,. Where land was originally do- nated, a reversion is implied in favor of the donor if the United States is willing to dis- pose of the property. The provisions of these bills are similar to the provisions of R.R. 2414 and S. 4608 which received the approval of the committee. H.R. 2414 re- ceived Senate approval in September 1965. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. The bill is before the Senate and open to amendment. If there be no amendment to be offered, the question is on the third reading and passage of the bill. The bill (H.R. 4421) was ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. Mr. SI1VIPSON. Mr. President, I wish to state to my fellow Senators that I am very grateful for the passage of this leg- islation. Its passage makes it possible to proceed with an important piece of construction in the city of Cheyenne, Wyo., which has been held in abeyance Pending the passage of the bill. Now construction may get underway. The Morse formula does not apply. NOTICE OF INSTALLATION OF HON. EMERY FRAZIE,R AS SECRETARY OF THE SENATE Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, for the information of the Senate?under the rules It will be necessary, and it will be a real privilege?I wish to state that at approximately noon today, the dis- tinguished Chief Clerk of the Senate, Hon. Emery Frazier, of Kentucky, will be sworn in as Secretary of the Senate, to assume his duties on the 1st of Janu- ary, next year. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to consider executive business. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. Is there objection to the request of the Senator from Montana? There being no objection, the Sen- ate proceeded to the consideration of ex- ecutive business. EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore laid before the Senate messages from the President of the United States submitting several nominations, which were referred to the appropriate com- mittees. (For nominations this day received, see the end of Senate proceedings.) EXEC() JIVE REPORTS OF commrrrEEs As in executive session, The following favorable reports of nominations were submitted: 13y Mr. FOLBRIGIIT, from the Committee on Foreign Relations: Philip H. Trezise, of Michigan, to be the representative of the United States of Amer- ica to the Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development. By Mr. MONRONEY, from the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service: Fifty-five postmaster nominations. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. If there be no further reports of committees, the clerk will state the nom- inations on the Executive Calendar. U.S. ARMY The Chief Clerk read the nomination of Lt. Gen. William Henry Sterling Wright, Army of the United States, to be lieutenant general, U.S. Army. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. Without objection, the nomina- tion is confirmed. U.S. NAVY The Chief Clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations to the rank of rear admiral in the U.S. Navy, Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the nomi- nations be considered en bloc. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Without objection, the nomina- tions are considered and confirmed en bloc. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask that the President be immediately notified of the confirmation of these nominations. The ACTING PRPSIDENT pro tern- pore. Without objection, the President will be notified forthwith. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE The Chief Clerk read the nomination of David G. Bress, of the District of Co- lumbia, to be U.S. attorney for the Dis- trict of Columbia for a term of 4 years. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. For the information of the Senate, I ask the attaches to call Senators on both sides of the aisle, because it will be a live quorum. The PRESIDING 010.1010ER (Mr. PROXIVIIRE in the chair). The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators answered to their names: October 22, 196. /No. 297 Ex.] Proxmire Simpson Williams,. Del, Young, Ohio Cotton Hruska Dirkeen Kuchel Eastland Lausche Fulbright Mansfield Hart Metcalf Holland Murphy Vito Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I announce that the Senator from Indiana [Mr. BATH], the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. CLARK], the Senator from Tennes- see [Mr. Gortzl , the Senator from Massa- chusetts [Mr. KENNEDY], the Senator from Missouri [Mr. Lows], and the Sena- tor from Washington [Mr. MAGNUSON] are absent on official business. I also announce that the Senator from New Mexico [Mr. ANDERSON], the Sena- tor from Virginia [Mr. BYRD], the Sena- tor from Idaho [Mr. CHURCH], the Sena- tor from Indiana [Mr. HAarxnl, the Senator from New York [Mr. KENNEDY], the Senator from South Dakota [Mr. Mc- Gomm], the Senator from Oregon [Mr. Mons], the Senator from Utah [Mr. Moss], the Senator from Maine [Mr. Muslaz], the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. NELSON], the Senator from Georgia [Mr. RUSSELL], the Senator from Ala- bama [Mr. SPARKMAN], and the Senator from Georgia [Mr. TAL IVIADGE] are neces- sarily absent. Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator from Delaware [Mr. Bocos], the Senator from Colorado [Mr. Dominrcit], the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MOR- TON], and the Senator from Kansas [Mr. PEARSON] are necessarily absent. The Senator from Kansas [Mr. CARL- SON] and the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. COOPER] are absent on official busi- ness. The Senator from Iowa [Mr. MILLER] is absent by leave of the Senate. The Senator from New York [Mr. JAvrTsl, is detained on official business. The PRESIDING OFFICER. A quo- rum is not present. Mr. MANSriELD. Mr. President, I move that the Sergeant at Arms be di- rected to request the attendance of ab- sent Senators. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the motion of the Senator from Montana. The motion was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sergeant at Arms will execute the order of the Senate. After a little delay, Mr. AIKEN, Mr. ALLOTT, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. BASS, Mr. BENNETT, Mr. BIBLE, Mr. BREWSTER, Mr. BURDICK, Mr. BYRD Of West Virginia, Mr. CANNON, Mr. CASE, Mr. CURTIS, Mr. DODD, Mr. DOUGLAS, Mr. ELLENDER, MI. ERVIN, Mr. FANNIN, Mr. FONG, Mr. OBI/ENING, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. HICKENLOOPER, Mr. TITLE, Mr. INOUYE, Mr. JACKSON, Mr. JORDAN of Idaho, Mr. LONG Of Louisiana, Mr. MCCARTHY, Mr. MCCLELLAN, Mr. MC- GEE, Mr. MCINTYRE, Mr. MONDALE, Mr. MONRONEY, Mr. MONTOYA, Mr. MUNDT, Mrs. NEUBERGER, Mr. PASTORE, Mr. PELL, Mr. PROTJTY, Mr. RANDOLPH, Mr. RTBICOFF, Mr. ROBERTSON, Mr. RUSSELL of South Carolina, Mr. SALTONSTALL, MT. SCOTT, Mr. SMATHERS, Mrs. SMITH, Mr. STENNIS, Mr. SYMINGTON, Mr. THURMOND, Mr. TOWER, Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey, Mr. YARBOROUGH, and Mr. YOUNG Of North Dakota entered the Chamber and answered to their names. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300446R000300140002-2 27300 Approved For Release 2003/10/14 ? CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD ? HOUSE October 22 1965 siring to do so may extend their remarks in the RECORD on the subject just dis- cussed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Wisconsin? There was no objection. COMMUNIST INFILTRATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS AND ANTI-VIETNAM MOVEMENTS The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Moss). Under previous order of the House, the gentleman from Mississippi [Mr. WILLIAMS] is recognized for 25 min- utes. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, a number qf Members of this body have taken the floor in the last few days to ex- press indignation over the current wave of demonstrations being waged in Pro- test against American intervention in Vietnam. I, as much as any other Mem- ber of the Congress, deplore and resent these demonstrations. Surely, Mr. Speaker, at a time when Americans are fighting and dying to stop the enslave- ment of free people by predatory Com- munist forces, they need all the support that we can give them. Whatever mis- takes may have been made in the past by those who formulate our foreign poli- cies, the fact remains that we are in Viet- nam; our boys are dying there, and our national honor and security are at stake. In the conduct of this mission, the Presi- dent needs and deserves the support of every patriotic American citizen, and I, for one, am willing to give him my full support in this effort. The wave of demonstrations and civil disobedience that spread throughout the country last weekend have all the ear- marks of a highly organized Communist plot, designed to embarrass us in the eyes of the world, and to encourage Red China to redouble its efforts to push us out of Vietnam. These demonstrations, intended to serve the Communist cause by conveying a false picture of American disunity to the rest of the world, actu- ally border on the side of treason. These were not spontaneous, spur-of- the-moment manifestations of protest on the part of conscientious American citizens reacting to the danger of a war that might jeopardize the future security of our country. These demonstrations were obviously well planned in advance, well financed and well coordinated so as to gain for the demonstrators a maxi- mum amount of publicity throughout the world. The participants were expert in the technique of civil disobedience through training and experience, as I will attempt to prove later in this dis- sertation. To those of us who represent States and areas which have been subjected to the many massive so-called civil rights demonstrations during the last few years, Attorney General Katzenbach's recent public recognition of the role being played by Communists in these Vietnam demonstrations came as no sur- prise. What amazes many of us is the fact that General Katzenbach ignored this same Communist influence and par- ticipation in the wave of civil disobe- dience that lately has been going on in the name of civil rights. Those who, just a few weeks ago, were demonstrating for civil rights, are now in the forefront in trying to undermine our policies in southeast Asia. General Katzenbach and other leaders in our administration gave the stamp of approval to the numerous civil rights protest marches, sit-ins, wade-ins, He- ins, teach-ins, boycotts, law violations, and other forms of civil disobedience, on the premise that these people were ex- ercising +heir constitutional right of petition. To the extent that they closed their eyes to the fact that much of this was Communist inspired, agitated and promoted, they have given license and encouragement to the same crowd, by and large, that is now creating trouble and dissension over our foreign policy. It will be recalled that the hard-core anti-Vietnam protest groups demon- strated here in the shadow of the Capi- tol on August 9, 1965. They called their rally the Assembly of Unrepresented People. These professionals formed the vanguard of last weekend's demonstra- tions that were held throughout the country. The leaders of the August 9 march on the Capitol were Robert Parish Moses of SNCC?Student Nonviolent Coordi- nating Committee?a militant leftwing pink tinged civil rights agitating outfit, and a man named Staughton Lynd, a member of the faculty at Yale Univer- sity. Both Moses and Lynd have been active in creating racial strife in the State of Mississippi, and are ardent ad- vocates of the use of civil disobedience to carry out their aims. Robert Parish Moses, though not a Mississippian, was one of the organizers of the group that calls itself the Missis- sippi Freedom Democratic Party. The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, a tightly knit but well organized and fi- nanced group of racial agitators, has in- volved itself recently in numerous mass demonstrations in Jackson and Natchez, Miss., as well as participating in other similar disturbances in other communi- ties throughout Mississippi. A large contingent of this organiza- tion spent the night of September 16, 1965, on the 'U.S. Capitol Grounds. In- dividual members made speeches and passed out literature, all in absolute vio- lation of law, but no arrests were made. Is it possible, Mr. Speaker, that this out- law political group has immunity from Federal law, simply because they agitate in the name of civil rights? On the other hand, Mr. Speaker, quite a number of SNCC and FDP members were arrested on August 9, 1965, when they marched onto the Capitol Grounds in a demonstration opposing our Vietnam policy. Staughton Lynd, the Yale professor, organized the so-called freedom schools in Mississippi in 1964, to train the local people in the fine arts of the sit-in, march-in, sit-down and go-limp tech- niques. Staughton Lynd also organized the student Vietnam protest in Wash- ington last March when a sit-in was staged within the walls of the White House. And last May, at the University of California at Berkeley teach-in, this same Lynd advocated wholesale civil dis- orders throughout the country to force President Johnson's resignation. Last weekend, Lynd was scheduled to appear at a Vietnam protest rally with James 0. Williams, chairman of Phila- delphia's Congress of Racial Equality, another civil rights agitating outfit. Mr. Speaker, it is more than mere coincidence that the leaders in the civil rights demonstrations always turn up as leaders of the Vietnam protest demon- strations. I would point out that Dick Gregory, the alleged comedian, whose participation in civil rights demonstra- tions has been widely heralded through- out the country, is active, also, in the anti-Vietnam movement. In fact, this man was scheduled recently to speak at a Chicago Vietnam protest meeting. And then, Mr. Speaker, there is the high mogul of all racial demagogues and racketeers, the recipient of the now tar- nished Nobel Peace Prize, the most suc- cessful money collector of them all, the grand high priest of civil disobedience, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. This high and mighty emperor of dis- cord, at whose feet worship thousands of cringing politicians, has publicly pro- tested our war against Communist China's aggression, and has advocated the admission of Red China to the United Nations. That King should be parroting the party line comes as no shock to per- sons familiar with the background of support for pink-tinged causes and his association with known Communists, in- cluding participation in activities at pro- Communist Myles Horton's Highlander Folk School, the notorious Communist training school at Monteagle, Tenn. It is becoming increasingly evident that those trained in civil rights subver- sion are now turning their attention to the Communist-inspired goal?United States withdrawal from Vietnam. Mr. Speaker, a great number of the professional marchers against Vietnam policy were trained for their present roles at the National Council of Churches' facility at Mount Beulah, near Edwards, Miss, financed partly with Federal funds channeled through the poverty program. This same Mount Beulah was headquarters for a Head Start project financed by 0E0 to the tune of $1,400,000, and under the spon- sorship of a committee composed mainly of members of SNCC and the so-called Freedom Democratic Party. In the past few days, this Mount Beulah project has been the subject of a rather revealing and fruitful investigation in the other body, resulting in a shutdown of Mount Beulah's 0E0 project, and some red faces on the part of Mr. Shriver and his associates. One of those who made the pilgrimage from Mount Beulah to participate in the August 9 anti-Vietnam demonstration in Washington was a woman by the name of Liz Fusco. In an interview at Mount Beulah last June, which appeared in a Memphis newspaper, Liz Fusco con- tended that there were no Communists in Vietnam, adding "That's just Govern- ment propaganda." When she was in- terviewed, Liz Fusco was attending an Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE and political integration. I think what is needed now is for us to apply to our- selves and to our neighbors across the Atlantic the same ideas that we have urged others to apply, particularly our support for the development of the Common Market. But, if we can succeed, I deeply feel that the effect of this would be to strengthen the United Nations. Mr. FTNDLEY. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman will yield further, one of the curious aspects of State Department policy through the years has been to en- courage the merging of national sover- eignty among European nations. But never have they suggested that the United States do any merging. It is always for the other fellow, which seems to me a rather dubious position to take. Mr. FRASER. I think the comment of the gentleman is well taken. I am a great admirer of the work of the State Department, but sometimes It seems that some additional boldness and some more aggressive initiative would be fruitful in developing the kind of world in which we could find western values more likely to survive. In that connection it is my view that the time has arrived when we ought to use the boldness and the imag- ination and the determination which characterizes those who helped to bring together the Original Thirteen Colonies which founded this great nation. Mr. ZABLOCKI. I thank the gentle- man from Minnesota [Mr. FRASER] for his excellent remarks. Mr. Speaker, I had in my own remarks referred to determined men that were fired with the vision of free and open unity of States in a Federal system. What I had in mind with reference to this idea, of course, the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. FRASER] , has covered so well, and who has in the Foreign Affairs Committee contributed much to a better understanding of the important legisla- tion that comes before that committee, and whose contributions in the past have been great and we look forward to the future. Mr. ELLSWORTH. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. ZABLOCKI. I shall be glad to Yield to the gentleman from Kansas. Mr. ELLSWORTH. I thank the gen- tleman for yielding and I certainly want to express my appreciation for and my recognition of the leadership and the courage of the gentleman from Wis- consin [Mr. ZAstocia] , in taking the lead in introducing this resolution and in taking this special order and in setting the tone of the special order with his remarks which have been so much to the Paint and which have been so much aP- predated by all of us who are interested iri-this subject. Mr. Speaker, I want to express appreci- ation also to the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. FINDLEY] for his longtime leader- ship in this important area and partic- ularly since he has been a Member of this body, and most especially since he has served as the chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee Task Force on NATO Unity. Mr. Speaker, as everyone knows, the NO. 198--24 gentleman from Illinois [Mr. FINDLEY] has been a tremendous force not only in the House of Representatives but in the Nation in that capacity and has made many contributions, contributions of great substance, as well as the contribu- tion of his own leadership in that area. I want to express my own appreciation especially to the gentleman from Min- nesota [Mr. FassEa] who preceded me here in the well of the House, for his fine remarks. The gentleman from Minnesota sketched the global repercus- sions, the interests of the various nations of the Atlantic Community in global sit- uations from Vietnam to Africa, to Latin America, and every zone and sector that affects the lives of people not only of those areas of the world but of the At- lantic nations as well, and recognized in his remarks the importance of develop- ing a political structure for the working out of the interests of all of us in these critical areas of the world. Mr. Speaker, I want to focus my own remarks this afternoon on the field of monetary and economic policy, and par- ticularly want to stress the steps that have already been taken, structural steps, within the Atlantic Community to bring the interested nations of the Atlantic Community closer together, because im- portant steps toward Atlantic unity have already been taken in the broad fields of monetary and economic policies. The sharp focus of attention on the U.S. bal- ance-of-payments deficits, and the ef- fects of those deficits on the entire At- lantic Community?including Japan? have already made a compelling virtue out of a cooperation among the nations involved. Three concrete steps have been taken. First, the central bankers of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, and Japan, meet every month in Basle, Switzerland. Second, a "Working Party 3" was set up in 1961 within the Orga- nization for Economic Cooperation and Development?OECD?bringing togeth- er around the same table both treasury and central bank officials from most of the Atlantic nations at 4- to 6-week in- tervals to examine each other's progress toward balance-of-payments equilibrum. And finally, in order to assure confi- dence and stability in all the principal currencies of the developed nations, the Group of Ten was formed. Within this Group have come additional possibilities for frequent interchange and review as well as action, by financial and mone- tary officials of the Atlantic nations. The Group of Ten has now recom- mended the establishment of an even closer watch?it is called multilateral surveillance?over the ways in which nations handle their monetary and eco- nomic policies. Here, then, are the seeds for fruitful union among the free and advanced in- dustrial nations of the world?the At- lantic nations, if you will, and Japan? in the critical and sensitive area of money and economics. In a free and peaceful community, few conditions are more important to human development than high and rising living standards, ample employment opportunities, price 27299 stability, and equitable distribution of Income. We already know that nations require unity among themselves if these goals are to be achieved; and we now have the beginnings of political struc- ture to achieve that unity. In conclusion, may I say to the gen- tleman from Wisconsin once again how much we appreciate his leadership in this area. He is one of the most power- ful and influential members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I hope he will schedule hearings on these resolutions at an early date in 1966. Mr. ZABLOCKI. I commend the gen- tleman from Kansas for his fine remarks, and assure him I will do everything within my power to see that the resolu- tion will be heard as early as possible in the 2d session of the 89th Congress. Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, I wish to take this opportunity to compliment the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. FIND- LEY], the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. FRASER] , the gentleman from Kan- sas [Mr. ELLSWORTH], the gentleman man from Wisconsin [Mr. ZABLOCKI], and many other colleagues who are so enthusiastically and effectively working for a stronger Atlantic Community. I want to fully associate myself with the resolution sponsored in this body, proposing that an 18-man delegation meet with other NATO nations to ex- plore the possibilities and timetable for the construction of Atlantic Union. It is ironic that we must witness at this time the forces of disarray at work, at a time when unity of purpose remains as essential as ever. The United States must take the initiative toward Atlantic solidarity which has so obviously weak- ened in the past few years. It would be tragic to drift back to the narrow nationalism of past years, for- getting the lessons of war and destruc- tion which have too often been caused by petty bickering and false priorities. We should not suppose that Atlantic Union can be brought about overnight, or by wishful thinking. We cannot ig- nore the present-day realities which un- deniably inhibit the proposed creation of Atlantic institutions. But it would be a serious, perhaps drastic, error to forsake this eminent ob- jective now. Our hope for the future does not embody a host of suspicious na- tional entities, all pursuing their diverg- ent national interests without recourse to the interests of the whole. The United States and the West Euro- pean states share a common historical development. Their wealth, power and prestige have increased enormously since the Second World War. It is a natural, and mutually beneficial, wish that the nations that ring the Atlantic combine together, not only for their own benefit but also for the benefit of the newly emerging nations. With this resolution we can perhaps reinvigorate this great endeavor. GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND REMARKS Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members de- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14 ? CIRD_P67B9.04_46R000300140002-2 October 22, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOU st 27301 orientation session of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, also head- , quartered at Mount Beulah?along with the National Council of Churches and the Head Start program. One of the most notorious of these pro- testing our policies in Vietnam-is a young man named Mario Salvo. This man got his training in Mississippi in the civil rights movement before going to Cali- fornia to instigate the student riots at Berkeley as leader of the so-called free speech movement. Salvo has also been active in meetings protesting our Viet- nam policy. Mr. Speaker, of the 200, people arrested at the Capitol on August 9 in the anti- Vietnam demonstration, at least 10 per- cent are easily identifiable as having been civil rights workers in Mississippi. Un- doubtedly there were many more who managed to escape arrest, who had come, also, from the ranks of Mississippi's civil rights agitators. Mr. Speaker, I assert again that there is a direct connection between the civil rights demonstrations and the Vietnam demonstrations. This connection needs exploration and exposure. Mr. Speaker, on October 18, 1965, At- torney General Katzenbach is quoted by the Associated Press as saying that the Justice Department has uncovered "some Communists and some persons very closely associated with Communists" working for the organization known as Students for a Democr9tic Society. The February, 1964, SDS bulletin, pub- lished by the Students for a Democratic Society, 119 Fifth Avenue, New York City, contained the following article, written by Jim Monsonis: SNCC WILL INUNDATE MISSISSIPP/ IN siymmER CRASH PROGRAM Mississippi will be the main focus of at- tention this summer for SNCC. Plans are now being formulated, together with CORE and local movements in Mississippi, to try to force the issue on whether Mississippi will remain a closed society, with the movement chipping away gradually, or whether with Federal help (even if reluctantly) massive changes can occur. The program will be a three-pronged one of voter registration, free- dom schools (for basic political education), and literacy and community center work. All people are invited to participate?SNCC wants as many workers as possible, especial- ly those who can dig up the $200 or so it will cost to support oneself. For applica- tions and further details, contact the Jack- son SNCC office: 1,017 Lynch Street, Jackson, MoNsoms. This same Jim Monsonis has recently been on the Federal payroll, as an em- iployee of the Head Start project at Mount Beulah, near Edwards, Miss. Be- fore going to Mount Beulah he headed SNCC's Washington office. There is a definite link between SNCC and the or- ganization known as Students for a Democratic Society so is it possible, as General Katzenbach charges, that they are infiltrated with Communists? And if so, should he not take a look, also, into the Red influences in SNCC? Mr. Speaker, the notorious old time hard core Communists, Carl and Ann Braden, both of whom are active in the anti-Vietnam movement, have been ac- tive, also, in stirring up trouble in Mis- sissippi under the guise of civil rights. In fact, Carl Braden helped bring the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party into being and has been active in sup- porting it. Carl Braden, also, chauf- feured Robert Parish Moses all over Mis- sissippi 3 years ago organizing civil rights cells, and fomenting racial trouble in general. Mr. Speaker, on July 28, the Freedom. Democratic Party newsletter, circulated generally among Negroes throughout Mississippi in a continuing attempt to generate unrest among our people, con- tained an article exhorting Negroes to refuse to support our Government in its Vietnam effort. For the information of Members of the House, Mr. Speaker, I include the text of this article: Here are five reasons why Negroes should not be in any war fighting for America. 1. No Mississippi Negroes should be fight- ing in Vietnam for the white man's freedom, until all the Negro people are free in Missis- sippi. 2. Negro boys should not honor the draft here in Mississippi. Mothers should en- courage their sons not to go. 3. We will gain respect and dignity as a race only by forcing the U.S. Governmcpt and the Mississippi government to come with guns, dogs and trucks to take our sons away to fight and be killed protecting Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana. 4. No one has a right to ask us to risk our lives and kill other colored people in Santo Domingo and Vietnam, so that the white American can get richer. We will be looked upon as traitors by all the colored people of the world if the Negro people continue to fight and die without a cause. 5. Last week a white soldier from New Jersey was discharged from the Army be- cause he refused to fight in Vietnam. He went on a hunger strike. Negro boys can do the same thing. We can write and ask our sons if they know what they are fighting for. If he answers "freedom," tell him that's what we are fighting for here In Mississippi. And if he says "democracy" tell him the truth? we don't know anything about communism, socialism, and all that, but we do know that Negroes have caught hell here under this American democracy. Mr. Speaker, I think it should be noted that the National Coordinating Com- mittee To End the War in Vietnam pub- lished an appeal on September 13 for funds to aid the defense of Pvt. Winston Belton, noted in the press as a former civil rights worker. This man Belton staged a hunger strike at Fort Benning and refused to accompany his unit to Vietnam. For this act of insubordina- tion and treason, this man was convicted by a court martial, sentenced to 5 years confinement and a dishonorable dis- charge. Before the trial, though, a deal had been made by General Colglazier, 4th Army Commander, who reduced Bel- ton's sentence to a slap on the wrist demotion of one stripe in rank. No valid reasons have been given for this kid glove treatment as a reward for treason. Mr. Speaker, I could go on and on showing examples of duplication in the personnel, aims and tactics of the anti- Vietnam movement, the Mississippi Free- dom Democratic Party, various civil rights agitating groups, and the Com- munist conspiracy, but surely this in- formation is readily available to the At- torney General. The American people are entitled to know the methods used in financing these well-organized demon- strations.? Is it possible, Mr. Speaker, that the American taxpayers are helping sup- port these organizations through tax exemption privileges? To what extent are we subsidizing these demonstrations through such programs as being carried on by the Office of Economic Oppor- tunity? Mr. Speaker, this administration and those which have preceded it have ignored too long the root of the prob- lem that has manifested itself in the Vietnam demonstrations. The time has arrived when the Communist influence in all massive protests and civil disobe- dience campaigns should be thoroughly investigated and exposed to public view. FREIGHT CAR SHORTAGE IN THE UNITED STATES Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, one of the greatest needs in our country, and particularly in the field of transporta- tion, to adequately serve our people, is additional freight cars, particularly in certain types of freight cars. Mr. Speaker, on Wednesday I advised our distinguished majority leader [Mr. ALBERT] that I intended to call up under unanimous consent S. 1098, which would amend section 1(14) (a) of the Interstate Commerce Act to insure the adequacy of the national railroad freight car supply. Mr. ALBERT announced that this bill would be called up today?CONGRES- SIONAL RECORD, October 20, 1965, page 26741. However, yesterday I was advised that an objection would be interposed if unanimous consent were requested, therefore, it will not be practicable to take this legislation up today. I am not surprised, Mr. Speaker, that an objection would be interposed al- though I must say in all candor and frankness, I regret it very sincerely. In view of the situation, Mr. Speaker, I think it would be appropriate to sub- mit for the RECORD, S. 1098, as amended and reported by the Interstate and For- eign Commerce Committee?Report No. 1183, October 20, 1965. It might be helpful if at this time I make a short explanatory statement describing the action which we took in committee. As most if not all of you know, there is quite a history to this proposed legis- lation. Ever since World War II we have had, particularly at the time of the fall harvest, serious shortages of freight cars. Legislative proposals to alleviate these shortages have been coming up be- fore the Interstate and Foreign Com- merce Committee of the House, the Com- merce Committee of the other body, or both, from time to time over the past 17 or 18 years. Almost 20 years ago, the Interstate Commerce Commisson issued an order in an attempt to improve the supply of freight cars which had in it what might be called a penalty provision calling for an increased charge which a railroad using another railroad's car would have to pay for that use if the car was not returned to its owner. A re- viewing court, in Palmer against United States found that the Commission's order was not based on sufficient grounds Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 27302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE October 22, 1965 and stated that the Commission's power to fix compensation for freight car use was not coextensive with the power to regulate the use of cars. This case was decided in 1947 and no appeal was taken from it. The Commission's interpreta- tion over the years since then has been that its present powers under section 1(14) (a) are limited. There is complete agreement in the Commission and throughout the railroad Industry that there is a car shortage and it is also apparent that this chronic shortage is worsening rather than im- proving. I can say to you that today it is worse than it was last week. It is worse than it was a month ago. It is worse than it was a year ago. After the first of the year a rule will be sought for the purpose of calling UP this program and clarifying the present situation giving the Commission author- ity to deal with it where shortages exist. It used to be that the fall harvest sea- son was the only critical period in a given year. More recently serious shortages have been occurring, particularly in the supply of grain and lumber and plywood cars at various times in the year. The railroad industry may be split as to whether or not any legislative change Is desirable, but it is crystal clear in my mind that if we are to get any improve- ment?and certainly an improvement is necessary?we will have to clarify the powers of the Commission. S. 1098, as amended, would do this. It is prospec- tive in nature in the sense that the effec- tive date for Commission action is Sep- tember 1, 1966. This was considered and adopted so that the railroad indus- try through its trade associations will have one more opportunity to come to terms with itself. The legislation is also a discretionary power. It provides that in setting rates of compensation to be paid for the use of any type of freight car, the Commis- sion may include--rather than shall in- clude?an incentive element or elements, when in the Commission's judgment such element or elements can contribute to sound car service practices?includ- ing efficient utilization and distribution of cars. By adding incentive elements to the compensation, the Commission could encourage the acquisition and mainte- nance of a national freight car supply adequate to meet the needs of commerce and the national defense. This amend- ment, if enacted, would become a part of existing section 1(14) (a) of the In- terstate Commerce Act, and thus any action which would be related to incen- tive elements would have to take place after a hearing. The requirement of a hearing is already in the statute. One other point I might mention here, the Commission, under this amendment, would also be empowered to exempt from the compensation to be paid by any group of carriers, any incentive element or ele- ments where such carriers are found en- titled to such exemption by reason of the national interest. I would stress the point that this power would not involve the ICC and the railroad industry in a complete review of every type of car which exists. The Commission would be precluded from making any incentive element applicable to any type of freight car, the supply of which the Commis- sion finds adequate. I want to be completely candid with my colleagues. I do not claim that this amendment would be a panacea. If the railroads would modify their attitudes on this subject they may be able to solve the problem more promptly and more efficiently than could ever be done with additional legislation, but it appears just about certain that we are going to have to encourage the railroads to cooperate in striving to 1111 the car shortage by clarifying and strengthening the ICC's powers. The Commission believes, and a number of the railroads support the Commission in its belief, that S. 1098, as amended, will be of great assistance in relieving the shortage. We can't go on doing nothing; therefore, I hope that we can move forward on this proposed legislation promptly in the next session. I sincerely believe we will then see more positive action throughout the railroad industry. If not, when the effec- tive date of the act arrives, the Commis- sion will be in a much better position to take steps to cure this problem. Mr. Speaker, in order that those who are interested may have advance infor- mation as to what we propose to do, I include at this point the bill, S. 1098, with the amendment as reported by the committee, which is as follows: AMENDMENT TO S. 1098 Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following:, "That section 1(14) (a) of the Interstate Commerce Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "'In fixing such compensation to be paid for the use of any type of freight car, the Commission shall give consideration to the national level of ownership of such type of freight Car and to other factors affecting the adequacy of the national freight car supply, and shall, on the basis of such con- sideration, determine whether compensation should be computed solely on the basis of elements of ownership expense involved in owning and maintaining such type of freight car, including a fair return on value, or whether such compensation should be in- creased by such incentive element or ele- ments of compensation as in the Commis- sion's judgment will provide just and reasonable compensation to freight car owners, contribute to sound car service prac- tices (including efficient utilization and distribution of cars), and encourage the acquisition and maintenance of a car supply adequate to meet the needs of commerce and the national defense. The Commission shall not make any incentive element ap- plicable to any type of freight car the supply of which the Commission finds to be ade- quate and may exempt from the compensa- tion to be paid by any group of carriers such incentive element or elements if the Com- mission finds it to be in the national in- terest.' "Sze. 2. Any compensation fixed pursuant to the amendment made to the Interstate Commerce Act by the first section of this Act shall not take effect befere September 1, 1966." MAIL VOLUME AND PROSPERITY (Mr. OLSEN of Montana to revise and extend his remarks in the body of the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Mr. OLSEN of Montana. Mr. Speak- er, a few days ago I called my colleagues' attention to a press release of the Post Office Department dealing with the re- lationship between mail volume and the economy. Mr. Nicholson, Assistant Postmaster - General for Finance and Administration, wrote me on October 1, 1965, clarifying the Department's position on the mail volume-prosperity relationship and dis- agreeing with my conclusions. My original remarks, the Depart- ment's press release, Mr. Nicholson's let- ter, and my reply to him follow: MAIL VOLUME AND PROSPERITY (Extension of remarks of Hon. ARNOLD OLSEN, of Montana, in the House of Rep- resentatives, Monday, September 27, 1965) Mr. OLSEN of Montana. Mr. Speaker, the Post Office Department for years has at- tempted to minimize the cause-and-effect relationship between mail volume and pros- perity. This has been particularly true when the Department has been attempting to raise the postage rates. It is gratifying, therefore, to read the Post Office Department's press release No. 141, dated September 26, which attributes the unexpected and unprecedented increase in mail volume during the past summer to "the stimulus of a strong national economy." The fact is, the statisticians and prognos- ticators in the Department predicted only a normal volume increase of 2.7 percent over the summer of 1964, instead of which they have been confronted with a 5.1 percent in- crease. Since departmental officials had based their budget and their appropriations requests on the lesser figure, this has caused them considerable inconvenience in operat- ing the service. The point is, Mr. Speaker, the business users of the mails do stimulate and prime the national economy. And when the na- tional economy is thriving, the usage of the mails increases proportionately. This is a fact that has, in the past, been obvious to everyone except Government ac- countants. It is nice to see the Post Office Department finally admitting the validity of the obvious. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT RELEASE No. 141 Mail volume, a traditional barometer of economic strength, surged far beyond expec- tations during the past summer, under the stimulus of a strong national economy, the Post Office Department reported today. Here are highlights, based on expert estimates: 1. For the first two accounting periods this summer, from mid-June to mid-August, mail volume jumped 5.1 percent over a compa- rable period last year. 2. The 5.1-percent increase was almost twice as much as a 2.7-percent increase pre- viously forecast by Department experts. 3. The approximate 5-percent increase was uniform in major mail categories?letters, newspapers, and periodicals, advertising mat- ter, reflecting uniformity of strength in many sectors of the national economy. 4. Mail volume for the two accounting periods of 4 weeks each rose from 9,521,117,- 000 pieces for last year to 10,003,028,000 pieces this summer. 5. Revenue this past summer was $627,- 301,000 for the two periods compered with $594,342,000 last year, an increase of nearly $33 million and $8 million more than antici- pated earlier by expert projections. History has demonstrated the validity of mail volume as a barometer of economic strength. In 1929, before the depression, for example, mail volume was nearly 28 billion pieces. It dropped steadily to 19.8 billion pieces in 1933, setting back the clock on mail volume to pre-World-War-I days. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Z7190 Approved ell\fitIketIgAgifAil kithig#FIRDHYsgQ9#46R0003001;1611Wi2 22, 1965 recognition of the national and international significance of the purchase of Alaska by the United States from Russia in 1867, the Con- gress hereby declares that it is the purpose of this Act to provide for appropriate United States participation in the statewide 1967 ? centennial celebration jointly with the State of Alaska, through industrial, agricultural, educational, research, or commercial projects, or facilities which contribute to the purpose of the celebration and result in an enduring symbol of the significance to the United States of its purchase of Alaska in 1867 and a permanent contribution to the economy of Alaska. SEC. 2. (a) The Secretary of Commerce (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "Secretary") is authorized to make grants to the State of Alaska for use by the State, its political subdivisions, municipalities, or public or private nonprofit corporations to defray no more than one-half the costs of projects planned to support initially the 1967 Alaska Centennial as an event of national interest. Such projects shall be eligible for grants only after they are approved by such department of the State of Alaska as shall be designated for such purpose by the Gov- ernor of the State of Alaska. In accord with the purposes of this Act, the Secretary shall establish additional criteria to be met by such projects and shall promulgate regula- tions governing the submission and approval' of applications. (b) It shall be a condition of the receipt of any grant for a project that any recipient of such grant furnish adequate assurance to the Secretary of Labor that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors or subcontractors on all construction projects financed under this section shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on similar construction in the locality as de- termined by the Secretary of Labor in ac- cordance with the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 276a-5). The Secretary Of Labor shall have, with respect to the labor standards specified in this provision, the au- thority and functions set forth in Reorgani- zation Plan Numbered 14 of 1950 (15 F.R. 3176; 64 Stat. 1267; 5 U.S.C. 133z-.-15), and section 2 of the Act of June 13, 1934, as amended (48 Stat. 948, as amended; 40 U.S.C. 276(c)). (c) There is hereby authorized to be ap- propriated for the purposes of this section not to exceed $3,000,000. Funds appropriated under this subsection shall remain available for expenditure until June 30, 1968. SEC. 3. (a) The Secretary may provide for appropriate participation by the United States in ceremonies and exhibits which are a part of the centennial celebration, when- ever he finds that such participation will be in the national interest. (b) In carrying out the purposes of this section, the Secretary may? (1) provide for the display of Federal ex- hibits at one or more sites in the State of Alaska in buildings or structures furnished to the United States, during the period of the centennial celebration, except that the Sec- retary may utilize United States owned mo- bile geodesic domed exhibition buildings or structures erected on land owned by the State of Alaska or any political subdivi- sion thereof and furnished to the United States, without cost, during the period of the centennial celebration; (2) incur such expenses as may be neces- sary to carry out the purposes of this section, including but not limited to expenditures in- volved in the selection, purchase, rental, cOn- struction, and other acquisition of exhibits and materials and equipment therefor and the actual display thereof, and including but not limited to related expenditures for costs of landscaping, transportation, insurance, in- stallation, safekeeping, maintenance and operation, and dismantling; (3) enter into such contracts as may be necessary to provide for United States par- ticipation in appropriate ceremonies and ex- hibits which are a part of the centennial celebration; (4) appoint such persons as he deems to be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, except that no person appointed under this paragraph shall receive compensa- tion from the United States at a rate in ex- cess of that received by persons under the Classification Act of 1949 for performing com- parable duties; (5) procure services as authorized by sec- tion 15 of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, as amended (5 U.S.C. 55a), but at rates for individuals not to exceed $75 per diem when actually employed; and (6) accept any gifts, donations, or devices, or loans other than of money, to be used in carrying out the purposes of this section. (c) In determining the exhibits to be in- stalled by the United States during the cen- tennial celebration and in selecting the site or sites in the State of Alaska for such ex- hibits, the Secretary shall consult with the Alaska State Centennial Commission. (d) The head of each department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal Govern- ment is authorized? (1) to cooperate with the Secretary with respect to United States participation in the ceremonial aspects of the centennial cele- bration; and (2) to make available to the Secretary from time to time, such personnel as may be necessary to assist the Secretary in carry- ing out his functions under this section. (e) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of this sec- tion not to exceed $600,000. SEC. 4. The Secretary shall report to the Congress within six months after the date of the official close of the centennial celebra- tion concerning the activities of the Federal Government pursuant to this Act, including a detailed statement of expenditures. Upon transmission of such report to the Congress, all appointments made under this Act shall terminate and all authority conferred by the provisions of this Act shall expire. Mr. BARTLE'TT. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed. Mr. SMATHERS. Mr. President, I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from New York [Mr. Javirsl is recognized. Mr. BARTLETT. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. JAVITS. I yield to the Senator from Alaska. Mr. BARTLETT. I merely wanted to say that I concurred in the amendment to the Alaska centennial bill, but with great reluctance. I am convinced that there is a need, which will be demon- strated, for more than $3 million; but there is a need also for at least action at this session of the Congress. It was with that understanding and the recognition of the need that I concurred. I express my thanks once more to the junior Senator from Michigan [Mr. HART], who has done a magnificent job in behalf of Alaska, who has worked many hours upon this measure. I am grateful to him. I also express my thanks to the chair- man of the full Commerce Committee, the Senator from Washington [Mr. MAargusorrl, who cannot be here at this moment, but who has helped in bring- ing this bill before the Senate. Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. JAVITS. I yield to the Senator from Alaska. Mr. GRUENING. I would like to join my colleague in expressing our thanks to the Senator from Michigan. The ability of the junior Senator from Michigan to get this bill through at this late hour of the session required a high degree of parliamentary skill and sympathetic support. It is my hope that when this bill goes to conference in the coming session of Congress, the proper amount, for reasons which have been made clear, will be re- stored. The original purchase price of Alaska, $7.2 million, has already been re- turned to the Treasury a hundredfold or more. That is the original amount, re- quested for matching purposes which should be restored, and it is the appro- priate amount that should be appropri- ated by the Federal Government as matching funds for the celebration of the centen ial?that great historic event. NSTRATIONS ON VIETNAM POLICY Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I wish to say a word during this interim about the demonstrations which have been taking place over the past weekends in opposition to U.S. policy in Vietnam and of the promise for the coming weekend of parades and demonstrations in sup- port of our policy in Vietnam. First, I support our policy in Vietnam, and I disagree thoroughly with the point made by the demonstrators against our Vietnam policy. Second, I point out that the_right to expose Communist influence in these demonstrations, which is compatible with the Bill of Rights and civil liberties, is entirely compatible with the policy of the United States, and I support that. Third, and very important, we should be reminded of the French aphorism, that, "I disagree with every syllable you utter, but I will defend to the end your right to say it." So whatever one may think of the ob- jectives and policies of any of these dem- onstrations against the policy of the President in Vietnam?and I am for those policies?it is crucial that we re- member that political protest is a vital part of American life, and a part of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. Let us remember, too, that it is neces- sary to say this at this moment when so recently many of us defended demon- strations by Negroes for equal oppor- tunity and civil rights, the denial which bothered the consciences of so many of us, and which demonstrations were very effective in righting, at least in law, many of the injustices which had been prac- ticed against Negro citizens. So we must always remember that among the rights guaranteed our citizens is the right of every American to be heard in public on highly controversial subjects, no matter how many may be Irritated, annoyed, or disturbed, or dis- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 2tri'Med For ReleetVeRgginikenyea/B004,H?0A3R00140002-2 27189 Its initial hearing before the Commit- tee on Public Works. In the Committee on Commerce T said these words: It was the conclusion of Senator MCNA- MARA, of Michigan, chairman of the, Senate Public Works Committee, that the centen- nial bill should not be acted upon, by his committee, and it was at the suggestion of Senator MCNAMAR& initially that it was de- cided to dra,w up a new bill incorporating the recommendations of the Department of Commerce and the Bureau of the Budget and introduce a new, clean bill. This was all at the suggestion or with the acquiescence of the chairman of the Public Works Committee. It has not been mentioned, but it is correct to say that the bill is approved by the admin- istration, by the Department of Com- merce, and by the Bureau of the Budget. Mr. LAUSCHE. I believe that itmust be said they have approved it and, Mr. President, they approved it on the basis that it is unique. By unique, I mean in effect that it is said that there is no other situation of a similar nature. However, the Senator from Alaska [Mr. BARTLETT] is correct in his statement that the measure was approved. However, I still do not approve of it. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, as the Senator from Ohio has pointed out, this seems to be almost a weekly occurrence. Bills on Interania, world's fairs, State fairs, one thing and another, are constantly coming up in many areas of the country, and bills are coming into the Chamber two at a time, In the closing days of the session. Even if the bill were meritorious, it could be considered later because there Is nothing urgent about it. I believe it is a proper request that the amount in the bill be cut down. I understand that the bill is very much desired in Alask a, that there are three auttoriums in dif- ferent areas of Alaska which they wish to build. Even this step would allow $1 million each. If there was any merit to the bill and additional money were needed later, it could be provided. The very least that could be done would be to accept a cut at this time. I hope that the sponsors of the bill will be willing to do so and will accept it, in which event I would not press for a yea-and-nay vote. But I believe that perhaps in the inter- ests of getting the proposed legislation enacted into law, if we are interested In it, it might be advisable to accept the cut. I believe that it is a proper suggestion. Mr. LAUSCHE. I wish the U.S. Gov- ernment to participate in this celebra- tion, but I wish to do it on a reasonable basis. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I do, too; and I believe that if it came back later for real justification when we had time to consider the bill and an addi- tional amount was found to be needed, It could be provided. I agree with the Senator from Alaska that he has already made a few cuts in the bill. I realize how he feels about it. Still, by making those cuts, we admit that there is nothing sacred about the bill. Mr. BARTLETT. Will the Senator from Delaware yield at that point? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I yield. Mr. BARTLETT. I fear that the Sec- retary may not be fully informed, which is quite understandable. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I am sure I am not, but let me say to the Senator from Alaska that he does not have to apologize for making his state- ment. He is correct. That is the rea- son I suggest that we make this cut, because during the closing days of a ses- sion Senators cannot possibly be fully informed on the multitude of bills which are rammed through the Senate in its last hours. I believe that it is proper. Mr. BARTLET.e. I could not agree. The bill comes to the Senate after having had exhaustive hearings before the Com- mittee on Public Works, and, thanks largely to the Senator from Ohio, before the Committee on Commerce. But the point I wish to make is that the State Centennial Commission was organized 2 or 3 years ago. It has been working diligentlY. There are not only 3 places which will hold celebrations in connec- tion with the centennial, but there are also 22 communities throughout the State involved. Last week, I was in Fairbanks, and the local group there took me out to its cen- tennial site. The power shovels were already working, and men were engaged on the job anticipating 1967 and prepar- ing for the fine celebrations which will take place. Let me emphasize that the people of Alaska are doing their share. Already, Fairbanks has made available $1 million and they are spending that $1 million right now. The people of the little town of Sitka, which is a small town, have bonded themselves in the amount of $400,000, and they are ready to go even further if the need arises. This cen- tennial is intended to be a cooperative project. It is not a question of three communities engaging in a centennial celebration. Criteria have been established within the bill and, additionally, the Secretary of Commerce will establish others. There will be close scrutiny before either grants or allocations will be made out of Federal appropriations. This is not a gift that will go automatically to the State of Alaska or any community within It. The judgment of the Secretary of Commerce will prevail insofar as the Federal Government is concerned. Mr. 'WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I am hoping, in the interest of more orderly procedure, that the amend- ment will be accepted. However, if not, I believe it is a simple question as to whether we do or do not, and I am will- ing to proceed to a yea and nay vote, and therefore suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll, The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roil. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be re- scinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. Mr. HART. Mr. President, I have discussed this matter, in the brief pe- riod of the quorum call, with the dis- tinguished Senator from Alaska. With his concurrence---and I hope I shall not disappoint the 16 Senators who voted favorably for it, and that they will be patient and understanding of the way in which we proceed at this moment- ?I recommend that the amendment be adopted. The PRESIDING 0/0/0.1.CER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment. The amendment was agreed to. The PRESIDING OloviCER. The bill is open to further amendment. If there be no further amendment to be proposed, the question is on the en- grossment and third reading of the bill. The bill was ordered to be engrossed and to be read a third time. The bill was read the third time. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President? Mr. BARTLETT. Mr. President, will the Senator from New York yield? Mr. JAVITS. I yield for the purpose of passing the bill. Mr. HART. Mr. President, a parlia- mentary inquiry. The PRESIDING OrriCER. The Senator will state it. Mr. HART. What is the status of the Alaska Centennial bill? The PRESIDING OraoiCER. The question is on passage of the Alaska Centennial bill. Mr. SMATHERS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum? Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, will the Senator withhold that request? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator yield? Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I have the floor. I have a few speeches that will take 5 or 6 minutes. If there is any rea- son for not delivering them at this time-- Mr. SMATHERS. I did not under- stand the 4nator had the floor. It was so quiet on that side and it was so quiet on this side that I did not realize the Senator from New York had the floor. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, does the Senator from Alaska desire me to yield or to speak? Mr. HART. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. JAVITS. I yield. Mr. HART. Mr. President, a parlia- mentary inquiry. The PRESIDING OrrICER. The Senator will state it. Mr. HART. Is the pending question the passage of the Alaska centennial bill? The PRESIDING 0.e.rICER. The Senator is correct. That is the question. The third reading has been had. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I yield for that purpose. The PRESIDING Orr.i.C.u.K. The bill having been read the third time, the question is, Shall it pass? The bill (S. 2614) was passed, as fol- lows: S. 2614 An act to provide for United States partici- pation in the 1967 statewide celebration of the centennial of the Alaska Purchase. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Mtober 2,11}P_Pgeged For Re letteinftiogSVOATAPRIEINI9(19-40e9,0Pioo 40002-2 agree. An American citizen still has the right to say his piece lawfully. Let us note also that there are no demonstrations in Peiping or Hanoi in opposition to the policies of those gov- ernments. That is one of the best rea- sons in the world why the vast majority of Americans oppose communism, be- cause of the very high value which Americans place?in many cases beyond life itself?on the right to speak out. That is very important. I do not think it should be inhibited by painting with a Communist brush everybody who may differ with me or any one else on Vietnam. That is a tactic which we spurn, and which I fought against in the late 1940's and early 1950's. If a man or woman is a Communist, he or she should be exposed, and we have means to do that. But it does not nec- essarily follow that because a person who Participates in protest demonstrations against our Vietnamese policy, or par- ticipates unwittingly in demonstrations fomented by Communists, that person is a Communist. Our law and traditions are that a person is innocent until he is proved guilty. I support the President's policy in Vietnam. I also support the right of demonstrators, to protest that policy. That is important. But it is also important for us to point out that a person who wishes to demonstrate must not be put in fear of being called a Communist unless he fits that descrip- tion, Further, let us remember that there are adequate laws on the books to deal with those who wish to interfere with troop trains, burn draft cards, engage in or counsel draft evasion, or participate In various other forms of unlawful pro- test against which our society has a right to protect itself. I am confident that the laws governing conscientious objectors will be found ample for those who have feigned or il- legitimate scruples against military serv- ice; so that anyone who wishes to engage in illegal activities outside the scope of the law must take the consequences of his actions. No orderly society can exist otherwise. Anyone who is a Communist should be unrelentingly exposed so that other Americans who may feel the need to pro- test do not unwittingly join with Com- munists in protest to destroy and mar the very argument they are trying to make to the American people. The fundamental right to protest re- mains. It is our duty to protect it so long as it is carried on in accordance with the laws of the United States, no matter how much we disagree with what is said. I am not squeamish about the strong language said about the demonstrators. They use equally strong language about people who follow the President's policies, including myself. America is accustomed to strong language. The point is twofold. We must en- force the laws in exposing Communists, but we must, at the same time, under- stand that the Bill of Rights assures the right to demonstrate and protest. We must not paint with a Communist brush indiscriminately those who would protest, except in accordance with our laws and ethics which have been devel- oped at such great cost over the years. I wish to finish by expressing my soli- darity with the protests and demonstra- tions which will occur this coming week- end. The fact, which I believe to be the fact, is that the overwhelming major- ity of the American people are solidly with the President in his Vietnam policy. In my judgment, that is the only wise policy for the United States, How we handle that policy in the days ahead in terms of what we insist on in negotiations and other moves which we might make to bring people to the con- ference table is something, of course, about which any of us may have differ- ing views. The fundamental policy is that we must defend freedom in South Vietnam with armed force, and within limitations, the President has very wise- ly imposed, while clearly we show the willingness to negotiate with anyone at any time. This policy deserves the sup- port of the American people, and I shall support it. At the same time that I support it, I defend the right of those who demon- strate lawfully to demonstrate for the other point of view. UNITED NATIONS DAY, 1965 Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, this Sunday, October 24, has been proclaimed United Nations Day in the United States. For over 20 years, the United Na- tions has weathered crisis, insolvency, and criticism. The United Nations has been?and remains?a reflection of the problems and struggles for international peace of the world as it is. In a period of tension and strain, of hopeful groping and rapid change, such as the 20 years behind us, it is not surprising that the world organization should have been sensitive to the times. Had it not been, we should have known it had lost touch with reality. The United Nations has not become actively involved in every international crisis of the last 20 years, but it has dealt with many of the most critical. It has been cautious, but not overly cautious, about its involvement with crises. It has often not drawn back from putting its prestige on the line. And it has sur- vived. The U.N. faces dangers to its continued effectiveness, and to its very life, every time it is severely tested. But it should not therefore shun the tests to avoid the dangers, for this way lies impotence and Paralysis. I-am gratified that, on the contrary, the U.N. has in recent years be- gun to tackle ever more difficult prob- lems of peace?problems which contain within them the distinct possibility of failure. The U.N. has become more bold, and that is good. The U.N. rose up from its lowest point?the long Assembly deadlock over peacekeeping ' assessments?to confront the India-Pakistan conflict. It success- fully defused that explosive situation so that an attempt could be made to fashion a substantive settlement in relative calm. The dispute still simmers dangerously, despite the cease-fire, and the U.N. now t 27191 faces one of the most difficult tests in its history. It may fail?and that would be tragic for the U.N. and for the world. But it cannot avoid the issue?it can- not avoid completely any issue which threatens world peace. For it sharpens and strengthens itself as it takes on ever more delicate tasks. Even when it fails to achieve what it sets out to do, it grows In sophistication and it devises new methods and procedures, and it is gen- erally the nation which refuses to com- ply with a U.N. mandate, which sabo- tages its efforts, or which frustrates its purposes, that suffers most in the opin- ion of mankind. I would rather see a vigorous, cour- ageous, strong, and active U.N. which sometimes fails, but never shuns its unique responsibilities to mankind, than a weak and cautious body, fearful even after 20 years that a single failure may destroy it. The U.N. should be given con- stantly new life and vigor and be encour- aged to act as a more positive and vital force for international peace than ever before. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent that the Presidential proclamation of United Nations Day, 1965, be printed in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the proc- lamation was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: um.= NATIONS DAY, 1965 (A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America) Whereas the year 1965 will mark the 20th anniversary of the signing of the United Na- tions Charter in San Francisco; and Whereas the year 1965 has been designated by the United Nations General Assembly as International Cooperation Year, and I have so proclaimed it for the United States; and Whereas our own peace and prosperity is directly interwoven with the peace, pros- perity, and development of the rest of man- kind; and Whereas our? future is made more secure When we can share with other members of the United Nations the responsibility for keeping the peace and building a better world; and Whereas the United Nations, despite many difficult problems, is the best organization yet devised in which nations can work to- gether for world peace; for promotion of fundamental human rights, justice, and the rule of law among nations; and for social progress and better standards of living; and Whereas it is essential in our democratic society to maintain informed public support for U.S. policies in the United Nations; and Whereas enlightened public opinion in this regard requires accurate and timely infor- mation about the United Nations and its large family of agencies whose activities serve the United States and all other members; and Whereas the General Assembly of the United Nations has resolved that October 24, the date of the coming into force of the United Nations Charter in 1945, should be dedicated each year to making known the purposes, principles, and accomplishments of the United Nations; Now, therefore, I, Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Sunday, October 24, 1965, as United Nations Day, and urge the citizens of this Nation to observe that day by means of community programs which will con- tribute to a realistic understanding of the aims, problems, and achievements of the Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 27192 Approved F.9.0e4ppe.49,91/11004(WAR..pQM11146R000300110a272 zz ?? ? l luoa United Nations and its associated organiza- tions. I also call upon officials of the Federal and State GOvernments and upon local officials to encourage citizen groups and agencies of communication?press, radio, television, and motion pictures?to engage in special and appropriate observance of United Nations Day this year in cooperation with the United Nations Association of the United States of America and other interested organizations. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this ninth day of April in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-five, and of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-ninth. r SEAL LYNDON B. JOHNSON. 1\ DEMONSTRATIONS ON UNITED STATES VIETNAM POLICY Mr. HICKENLOOPER. I wish to say to the Senator from New York that the last few days I believe some rather in- teresting developments have been going on all over the country. I have noticed in the news stories in a number of our colleges, where a lot of people have alleged there was strong dis- ruptive influence of one kind or another, attempting to tear down the American policy, that the students themselves have started to take care of this problem. I am convinced that 99 percent of the students in our colleges are completely in accord with the vigorous promotion of American policy. But unfortunately the people who are satisfied with American policy, the one-tenth, are not the noisy demonstrators. Most of them do not grow beards, or things of that kind. They have their laundry done regularly. But I notice that in colleges the stu- dents are beginning to ban together to put down this irrational activity that occurs. I received today, for instance, from a colleague in my State, which is a semi- nary for training of ministers, a resolu- tion. The resolution was allegedly unanimous opinion of the student body. It was adopted unanimously by the stu- dent body of the seminary. It com- pletely endorsed our policy in Vietnam and suggested that they did not want us to think that the students or the great majority of students were joining in these demonstrations and fanatical per- formances which are going on in some areas of the country. I would not be surprised if these demonstrations get noiser, that is, these erratic demonstrations in opposition to American victory and success in Viet- nam. If the demonstrations continue I would not be surprised if the students did not take care of the matter themselves. At least from what has appeared in the last few days it is going to be a very interest- ing development. 3 have seen this happen before. I re- member after World War I we had a song, "I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be a Soldier" and Peace-at-any-price Troops; and they would not fight, and they would not do this, or that. It is still a minority, hardly big enough to call a minority that were noisy, but it disappeared eventually. I believe our students are really 'very sensible and very objective when they make up their minds. They will prob- ably go a long way to take care of this situation themselves. Mr. JAVITS. The Senator from Iowa is a thoughtful man. I believe one of the proudest things about the American citizen is his feeling for civil liberty. I have heard it ex- pressed in colleges time and time again, and also here. I agree with the Senator that the students will demonstrate overwhelming support for the basic policy of the Nation. I might point out to the Senator, as to the 10,000 or 12,000 that demonstrated in New York City, that when one con- siders the size of our population and the size of the student population, that is not a great number. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. I do not know too much about New York City. But I have seen a lot of student activities in my day. One way or another, it is my guess that the overwhelming number of students that participate in these dem- onstrations are going along for the ride and for the excitement. It is only a hard core that is dedicated to this world- saving purpose which they allege. Mr. JAVITS. The Senator is corrrect. When there is exposure of those with whom they are associated in the purpose they are leading themselves, I do not want them to withdraw in stubbornness because everyone is calling them Com- munists. I believe that as legislators it is our duty to hold clear to the basic policy of our Government, at the same time as we exhibit faith-backing confidence on the floor for the young people them- selves. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. I believe the youngsters will do a lot to take care of this matter. The Senator mentioned something about conservative. I do not know whether these people are conservatives or the fringe elements. I believe we are all down the middle of the road in American policy. I draw a distinction between the fun- damental right to assemble, and even protest, which I believe is a basic right that must be protected and must be maintained, and rabble-rousing mobs that incite people to violate the law. There has been too much of that in this country in the last 2 or 3 years at vari- ous points. It goes clear beyond the ob- jective right to peaceable assembly and to express oneself. Too often 3 has gone over into rabble rousing and mob incite- ment, resulting in injuries and sometimes death. Mr. JAVITS. That is exactly our re- sponsibility?to keep the channels clear and to enforce the law. That was the purpose of my statement today. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. There are laws to take care of those things; but unfortunately, on so many occasions, the officials charged with the responsibility to enforce the law have not enforced it. Mr. JAVITS. That is our job. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. That is an administrative responsibility, because the laws are already on the books. Mr. JAVITS. I understand; nonethe- less, we have legislative oversight. Our views are very important in the country. I spoke for the purpose of putting in focus support for law enforcement and also support for people who legitimately, honestly, and peaceably exercise their rights under the Constitution. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. Do not mis- understand me. The Senator from New York presented his views succinctly and powerfully. I am not taking issue with them at all. Perhaps I am philosophiz- ing a bit beyond the bounds of good judg- ment on the last day of the session. Mr. JAVITS. The Senator from Iowa Is quite within his rights. He always makes an excellent contribution to de- bate. CAIRO ASKS RECORD UNITED STATES Hyr,p Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, this morning's New York Times indicates that President Nasser's United Arab Repub- lic has made a record request for eco- nomic aid from the United States, and that President Johnson may well be waiting for Congress to adjourn before announcing his decision because of the long history of expressed congressional concern regarding Egyptian aid. It would seem that the United States alternates between being the United Arab Republic's chief target for invec- tive and the United Arab Republic's chief object for aid requests. While, on the one hand, none of us wishes to see the Egyptian people reduced to starvation, on the other hand, there must be valid questions raised as to whether our aid will have the ultimate effect of bolstering President Nasser's in- ternational adventuring at the expense of world peace and security, and to the detriment of his own domestic economy, including the arms race in which he is now engaged. We must have assurance that our aid will not strengthen the Nasserite effort to drive our British allies from South Arabia and Aden. In the Interest of keeping peace in the Middle East, all we have now is Nasser's pledge to the Arabs to build up his strength so that he can, as soon as pos- sible, pursue his war of extermination with Israel. Will our aid strengthen this resolve? Will the arms race continue and ac- celerate? Will President Nasser again go back on his word to withdraw the troops which he has maintained at great cost In lives and fortune in the Yemen? Will United Arab Republic agents con- tinue to stir up mischief against free gov- ernments and against the West in both Africa and in the Near East? Will the United States continue to be a major target of the Nasser propaganda ma- chine both in the United Arab Republic Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 United Netione end its asmatated -organise- it ,tg Ant ap tainerity, hardly. big week& .charged with the Dona. enough to call a minority that, were to enforce the law have not state oomiunent:504314PaeignieStrdelintit141$411PP.-eifiteROPOIN004461WOOKKTPP2 I also call upon believe our -StUdents are teeny very Mr. EUmcian sensible and very objeetive when they make Up their minds. They will Prob- ably go a long way to take care of ?this situation theareelves. Mr. JAVITS. The Senator from Iowa, is a thoughtful mon. ' I believe-me of the proudest things about the American citizen is his feeling for civil liberty- I Wive heard tt ex- pressed in colleges time and time again, arid also here. agree with the Senator that the students will demonstrate overwhelming support for the basic policy of the Nation. / might point but to the Senator, as to the 10,000 or 12.000 that dentonstrated in New York City, that wheat one con:, eiders the size of our population and the size of the strident population, at* Is not a great number. Kr. RICSENLOOPER. ?I do not know too much about New. York City. - Bet have seen a lot of student activitlea- in my day. Gine way ot another, it it my guess that the OVerithehning number of students that participate In these dem- onstrations are going along for the ride and for the excitement- It is otile a hard core?that Is dedicated to this *ortd- seeing purpose whfeh they allege. - Mr. JAVreS. The Senator' is =Street. When there is exposure of those with whom they are sesociated he the tentage they are leading theology/ea, 1 dei "not want (bent 40 Inthdritvi in stqbbortnnee because everyone is calling theta Odin- rminbste. I believe that aii legislators It flour duty to held clear to the beaks Paley Of our Government, at the genie thrie we exhibit faith-backing confidence on the floor for the *mg P6016011441- Mr. IIICICENLOOPEtt. I 'be-ASS' a.the youngsters wlUdo a lot to tak.eriare of this matter. , The Senator mentioned somethhig about conservative. I do not know whether these Mtge are Axmeerrativai or the fringe eletheiget. I believe we are all down the middle of the -road in American policy. I draw a distinction between thainne demented right to assemble, and even Protest. which I believe is .a blade 'tent that mast be protected and Must he maintained, and rabble-cousins ? Mobs that incite reorde to violate the ..invr. There has been too muoh of thee In this country in the bet S or 3 years at Made cue points. It goes clear beyond the on- Jeotive right to peaceable assembly and to express oneself. Too often it hasgone over into rabble rousing and Mob incite, ment, resulting in injuries and sometinres death. - - Mr. JAVITS. That is exactly our le,4 SDOthsibility--40 keep the channels dear and to enforee the is,w. That was the purpose of my statement today. . Mr. BICKENLOOPER. There are laws to take cam of those things; We nefortunatelY, on so many 0006310M, the to encetirage eitiren groups and agencies of oommunication--press, radio, television, end motion pictures?to engage special and appropriate ohmereinos of United Nations Day this year in evaporation with the United Nations Association of the United States of America and other interiseted argent:141one. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and ranged the Seal of the United States of Ameriee to be eased. Done at the city of Washington this ninth day of April in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-Ave. and of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-ninth. tow.) Lricuoir 13. JONDISOW. DEPIONSTRATIONS urn.= ormus VININAM POLICY Ur. ILICKENLOOPER. I wish to say to the Senator'from New York that the last few days believe Some rather in- teresting developments have bout going on all over the country. I have notioed in the news storey in a number of our colleges, where a lot of people have alleged there was strong des- ruptive influence of one kind or another, attempting to tear down the American that the students themselves have started to take care of this problem. I am convinced that 09 percent of the students in our colleges ate completely In acoord with the vigorous promotion of American ponce,. But unfortunately the people who are satisfied with American policy, the One-tenth. are not the noisy demonstrators.Most ag them do not grew beards, or things of that kind. They have their laundry done regularly. But I notice that in colleges the Stu- dents are beginning to ban together to put down this 'Irrational activity that occurs.received today, for instance, from a Onnearne in MY State. which Is a semi- nary for training of Ministers, a resolu- tion. The resolution was ? allegeder unanimous opinion, of the student body. It was adopted .unanimously by the stu- dent body of the seminary.. com- pletely endorsed our policy in Vietnam and suggested that they did not want us to think that the students or the great majority of students were jOining hi these derrionstrations and fanatical per- formances which are going on in some areas of the country. I would nitt be surprised U these elensonetratione get noises., that is, them erratic demonstrations in opposition to American victory and success in Viet- . narn. If the demonstrations continue I would not be surprised if the students did nut take care of the matter themeelves., At least from what has appeared In the last few days it is going to be a very interest- ing development. I have seen this happen before. I re- member after World War I we had a song, 'T Didtet,Itatse My By To Be a Soldier and Peace-at-any-price Troops: and they would not fight, and they mead not do-'Wrier that, administrative resoOr41.1411 laws are already eh- trip? - Mr. JAV1113. I itiideiet4154 tea, we have legislalliClivaitre views are very Important Irkt- I spoke for the Wipoeif of .;,. focus !support for bier Of Ore support for people wi horieotlY,, -and Peaceably tights Under the Constietilicke72, Mr. TUCKENLOOPEa be riot i understand me. l'he:Elene,, York Pteittrited his !item feqterfoetar powerfully. r am not taking' isaire_'WIth- them at all. Perhaps / am pliiidebnisit-- ing a bit beyond the bounds of *Odd merit on the bud day of the Mr: sAvrra: *me Senator *Ohl Xonit Is quite within his rights. "IticahrifYIS - maket an excellent "pottribution to dt4: _ . _ Pate. . - ? ? CAIRO ASKS RECORD tIff4'1I1D' STATES HELP , Mr. JAVrra Itr. President, _We morning's New Yost Timm iridioates that President Nasser's United Arab Rep*. 110 has made a record requesttor- 00P- 110MI6 aid from the United' strites, arid that. President Johnson may 'Well be waiting for Congress tit atetittere befitee announcing his decision becouse`Of the long history of expressed , oortenn0,_ extereern regarding EtYPelitiveltt ' would seem that t/le, 'UMW. 13tatist alternates 'between being the Urinal Arab Republic's thief target ferlinefee ttes.and the Unitedarab Rdpublies clAtf object for aid requests. . . While, -on the one nand: Ilene of Ile wishes to see the Egeptian O&M reduced to starvation, on the other hand,. there Must he valid questions raised as' .to Whether our aid win have the dlibliate effect of bolstering President Nitiselotirie ternational, adventuring at the es* Of world peens and security, and to detriment of his own dement? eeteorny, including the arms race in which he is now engaged. .We must have 'assurance that our aid will not strengthen the Ne.seerite effort te drive our British alike from south Arabia tun! Aden. In theintorest of keeping peace in the Middle East, all we have now is Nasserri pledge to the Arabs to build .,up his strength so that he can, as aton es:Des- Able. pursue his war of extermination with Israel. . . . Will onr aid etrengthen this resolve? Will the arms race continue arid ac- celerate?, . Will President Nasser again go back on, hie word to withdraw the, tract* Which he has maintained at great emit In lives and fortune in the Yemen? Will United Arab Republic agents cen- tinue to stir up mischief against free gov- etuneents and against the West in both Africa' and in the Near East? ' Will the United States continue to be a major target of the Nasser propaganda ma- chine both in the United Arab Republic Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 (.1CKtler z, .110) ? ezeasure, they will be able to do a much better job in the rolmseeteamsti Igo costly equipment. GAO, as I wide ? has recommended replacement of pre(e ent automatic data processing manage, ment procedures for some 7 years. I am advised that cost of the present management procedures now stands at some $3 billion annually. I am further advised that the Comptroller General has estimated that through the coordinated management program called for in H.R. 4845. possibly as much as $200 million annually can be saved. I do indeed believe, Mr. President, that this legislation will prove most worth- while, and I certainly support it. I am happy to note that this measure's pas- sage is largely the result of much effort and hard work by the distinguished Con- gressman, JACK BROOKS, of Texas, chair- man of the Government Activities Sub- committee of the Government Opera- tions Committee of the House. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill is open to amendment. If there be no amendment to be pro- posed, the question is on the third read- ing and passage of the bill. The bill (H.R. 4845) was ordered to a third reading, was read the third time, and passed. Mr. JACKSON. Mr. President, I move that the vote by which the bill was passed be reconsidered. Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, I sug- gest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFF14.;Eit. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the ordet for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. l..L.11`i Itt,33.1 AN /IL ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION As in executive session, Mr. MANSFIELD Mr. President, ask unanimous consent that the Senate, as in executive session, proceed to the consideration of the nomination of Philip H. Trezise, of Michigan, to be the respreeentative of the United States of America to the Organization for Eco- nomic Cooperation and Development.. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. The nomination' will be stated. The legislative clerk read the nomina- tion of Philip A. 'Iresise to be the repre- sentative of the United States of Amer- ica to the Organization for Economic Cooperation. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. Without objection, the nomination is confirmed; and the President will be notified forthwith. jr, 'Lki., a. a- AS A SENATE DOCUMENT VAM WIWI:PIM ' -"TEACH-IN MOVEMENT'' Mr. MANSFIELD Mr. President, I ask that the Chair lay before the Renate a message from the House on Senate Concurrent Resolution 65. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore laid before the Senate the amend- ment of the House of Representatives to the concurrent resolution B. Con. Res. 65) to authorize the printing as a Senate document of 10,000 copies of a study en- titled "The Antt-Vietnarn Agitation and the Teach-in Movement," prepared for the use of the Subcommittee on Internal Security of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, which was, in line 7, strike out all after "printed" down through and including "Judiciary." in line 9, and in- sert "22,975 additional copies, of which 10,000 copies shall be for the we of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 10,- 975 copies shall be for the use of the House of Representatives, and 2,000 copies shall be for the House Document Room." Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I move that the Senate concur in the amendment of the House. The motion was agreed to. BENJAMIN A. RAMELB Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I .ask that the Chair lay before the Senate a message from the House of Repre- sentatives on 8.149. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore laid before the Senate the amend- ments of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 149) for the relief of Ben- jamin A. Ramelb, which were, on page 1, line 5, strike out "legal" and insert "court-appointed"; on page 1, line 6, strikt? out. "$68,240" and insei t "$50,000"; on page 2, line 1. strike out 'Act" and Insert "section", and on page 2, after line 8, insert: - Sac, 2. That, additionally, the Secretary of the Treasury la authorised and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Nicholas Rarnelb, father of Benjamin A. Ramelb, the sum of .6,000 in full settlement of all his claims against the United States for est- penses incurred in providing necessities for his son, Benjamin A. Rearielb, since the said Benjamin A. Rarnelb attained his majority. No part of the amount appropriated in this section shall be paid or delivered to or re- ceived by any agent or attorney on account of services rendered in connection with this claim, and the same shall be unlawful, say contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor 'and upon conviction thereof shall be !Mediu 'eny sum not exceeding $1,000. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I move that the Senate concur in the amendments of the House. ,The motion was agreed to. KIM SUNG JIN 4117t egg . n gr. President, I 91111fIkfore the Senate message from the House on S. 1647. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore laid before the Senate the amend- ment of the House of Representatives to the bill (3. 1647) for the relief of Kim Sung :Tin, which was, to strike out all after the enacting clause and insert: That, for the purposes of sections 203(a) (2) and 205 of the Immigration and Na- tionality Act, Elm Sung ,nn shall be held and considered to be the natural-born alien son of Mr. and Mrs Joe Sims Junior, citizens of the United States. Provided. That the nat- ural parents of the beneficiary shall not by Virtue of Such parentage, be accorded any right, privilege, or status under the Inuni- ? gratlon and Nationality Act . Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, on August 12, 1965. the Senate palmed S. 1647, to deem the beneficiary to be an eligible orphan. On August 19, 1965, the Hcnzse of Representatives passed EL 1647, with an amendment to grant the bene- fietary second preference status as the natural-born alien son of U.S. citizens. Mr. President, I move that the Senate concur in the amendment of the House. The motion was agreed to. REPORT OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND STATISTICS FOR 89TH CON- GRESS, 1ST SESSION Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate Democratic policy committee be per- mitted to print as a Senate document the yearend report of accomplishments and statistics for the 89th Congress, 1st see- arlon, together with a statement by me. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. AUTHORIZATION FOR COMMITIEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS . TO FILE REPORTS FOLLOWING THE ADJOURNMENT OF CON- GRESS Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Com- mittee on Government Operations be au- thorized le file reports with the Secre- tary of the Senate during the adjourn- ment sine die of the 89th Congress, let session, and that they be printed: . The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. STATEMENT OF a Ita LEGISLATIVE RECORD OF 'Mk.; 89TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, Congress is about to conclude one of the most productive sessions in the history of this Republic. Historians may find it difficult to apply a one-word label to Identify the Congress. It could be labeled the education Congress, because for the first time in history it was able Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 A6062 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RQP671300446R000300140002-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD?APPENDIX October 22, 1965 Ella Gale tells "How to Stretch Your Food Dollars" in a meaty chapter. She describes in detail how to comparison shop, find the stores with the best buys, and she urges consumers to arm them- selves against becoming impulse buyers. She warns: This kind of buying is a real strain on the Income and must be avoided if you are in. earnest about stretching your dollars. It is easy. Never go shopping unchaperoned. Take a shopping list with you and stick to it. "$$$ and Sense," is bursting with in- formation on how to save money, or, to be more accurate, how to stretch your dollar. Her chapter "Buying on Credit" Illustrates how you can save as much as $57.58 in interest charges when you make a $200 purchase on the installment plan. She also tells in simple, down-to-earth terms how to figure true interest rates. Since trading stamps have become a problem of concerti to the Congress, h chapter On trading stamps is of particu- lar interest to us in the Congress. She says: I found it extremely difficult to compare an item at the trading store with the same thing at one or more discount stores. Checking the prices of a nationally ad- vertised electric iron, it sold for $17.88 in a discount store, and for 6% books of stamps at the trading stamp redemp- tion center. Figuring the stamps are worth $3 per book, the iron cost approxi- mately $20.25 in trading stamps. She concludes with: / checked the large department store in town that claims it cuts prices to meet the discount store prices. It carried the same iron for only $13.98?a $4 saving over the discount store. Obviously, the best place to buy was the department store, not the trad- ing stamp center or the discount store. In the chapter "Your Dream Home," Ella Gale has a 22-point check list for new home purchasers. For those who want to buy older homes, she not only warns of 23 hidden dangers, but lists costs and hazards of renovations and repairs. The book is full of tips--to save dollars. There is specific information on how to buy sheets, towels, blankets, bedspreads. How to select and save on furniture, car- pets, curtains, and mattresses. She carefully describes how to save money on electrical equipment and tells under what conditions it is better to use a self- service laundry than to purchase a wash- ing machine. The food and clothing chapters are loaded with information on how to buy every kind of canned, frozen, ifresh, and packaged food, and every item of clothing for men, women, and children. She warns of deceptive ad- vertising, phoney markups, and phoney markdowns, and, a subject of interest to many of us in the Congress, deceptive packaging and labeling. According to Ella Gale, if a detergent costs, say, $2.15 for 9 pounds, 13 ounces, "it still is almost impossible for the aver- age housewife to determine the best buy unless She has a computer or a cost- weight table." And so, she has included in the book a marvelous hew cost-weight table, developed by Cornell University. Readers of "$$$ and Sense" will be able to tell at a glance, the Cost per pound of everything from toothpaste to dehy- drated potatoes. This is the first time a book has ap- peared under the authorship of Ella Gale. And, I would like to take this oppor- tunity to reveal that she is someone many of you know, for she has been a part of the Washington scene for many years. You know her as Ella G. Roller, and under this name she is known to many of my constituents, since as far back as 1948. I deem it a pleasure to have had the opportunity of bringing to your attention Ella Gale's "$$$ and Sense, Your Com- plete Guide to Wise Buying." It is com- plete in its coverage, easy to read and often 'vely in its style. he Protest Marches on Vietnam Policy EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. E. C. GATHINGS OF ARKANSAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 22, 1965 Mr. GATHINGS. Mr. Speaker, patri- otism is always in style. To honor your country, to believe in its heritage and hard-won freedom and liberty makes for good citizenship. It would be well for America's youth to study more about our stalwart founders of this Nation. All of us could very well do that. Especially should this apply to the misdirected, the easy mark, the misfit type of humanity who oppose the Nation's effort to snuff out Communist aggression in southeast Asia and elsewhere. The marches and demonstrations against our country's Vietnam policies are shocking and despicable. These many demonstrations over a wide area do not just happen of their own accord. There is concerted organization and planning behind them. News media broadsided these protest marches since it was felt that they were newsworthy. The sensational is depicted, whereas when a person goes into the armed serv- ices and does his duty little is said re- garding his love of country and devo- tion to the job he is doing. The Nation is faced with two extrem- ist elements. Organized troublemakers have been known to join either one or both of the movements. I believe firmly in the right of assem- bly and petition. I favor free speech in the exercise of one's expression of opin- ion. I also believe in obedience to the law. The destruction of draft cards, the flouting of local, State, and National laws should result in prosecution and suitable punishment. Our Nation has consistently urged ne- gotiations to stop the fighting in Viet- nam. If these gullible youths want to stop the fighting in Vietnam, they could very well change the wording of their placards and urge that Communist in- filtration and aggression be ended. There should be no doubt about who is responsible for the prolonged fighting in Vietnam. While the press has publicized these most deplorable and shocking marches, the editorial columns of the papers throughout the land rebuke vociferously such demonstrations. Campaigns are underway by the National Jaycees, vet- erans organizations, and college students on many campuses reverberating their support for the Nation's Vietnam policy. Rallies are being held on college cam- puses where previously demonstrations were carried on in the interest of our pulling out of Vietnam. America will not condone the practices being perpetu- ated by these radical elements. Offen- sive action to combat them are in order and being used effectively. The Eisenhower, Kennedy, and John- son administrations have all fully sup- ported our Vietnam policies. The best course to pursue in bringing peace in southeast Asia is the continuation of of- fensive action on the part of the United States, South Vietnamese, and other allies who are fighting the Communist aggressors. Strength and firmness are the only assurances of bringing peace. The Arkansas Gazette of October 19 carried a forceful and timely editorial entitled "The Protest Marches on Viet- nam Policy." I hope my colleagues will read this excellent article. It follows: THE PROTEST MARCHES ON VIETNAM POLICY What is most striking about the weekend protests against U.S. policy in Vietnam is that those who were shouting and moraliz- ing in the streets have neither defined ade- quately what they don't like about American involvement nor offered any alternatives to fighting the Vietcong other than the impli- cation that we should effect a humiliating withdrawal. Exercise of such an alternative would amount to handing southeast Asia to the Communists, something the United States can never do and expect to retain its own and the free world's peace and security. The Vietnam fighting is not, of course, a war following a declared act of Congress, although congressional backing of the Presi- dent has been close to it. U.S. action there Is a military reinforcement of a political policy and in that posture any legal and peaceful demonstrations?as silly or repug- nant as they may be?against the policy, consistent with the democracy for which our men are fighting in Vietnam, must be ac- cepted by the rest of us. And it must be recognized that our engagement in Vietnam raises valid questions of national policy that should be heard and considered even if, in the end, there are still no practicable alter- natives. It was preposterous, on the other hand, for a group at Madison, Wis., to attempt a citi- zens arrest of an Air Force base command- ant; or for a document to be distributed at Berkeley, Calif., saying that draft eligible youths might fake homosexuality, or arrive at selective service examinations drunk or "high" on narcotics or try to bribe doctors for certificates of disability. This kind of draft-dodging is not only contemptible but also might be interpreted as criminal fraud to beat the draft laws. When protests take the form of the Madison and Berkeley ac- tions they won't be condoned and cannot be Justified. In sum, and apart from the possible Com- munist involvement cited by the Justice De- partment, the marches reflect the thinking of only the tiniest minority of the American people. The militant assertion of the anti- involvement viewpoint benefits only those Who wish to prolong the fighting. Commu- Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX homemakers service, with volunteers to do cooking and housework for those families that need it in emergencies, and can't afford it. A Federal grant and income from fees will defray most of the $24,000 cost. LEAP has also prevailed on Iowa State Uni- versity to open up a new homemaking ex- tension service to needy rural areas which will operate through the local antipoverty center in Chain Lakes. LEAP is working with, the State voca- tional rehabilitation office, and local busi- ness groups, on a sheltered workshop, to make the handicapped self-supporting. A private nonprofit corporation will be formed to set up a factory of sorts with the emphasis on people, rather than products. This will cost about $30,000 with the State giving half. LEAP will work with the chamber of conk- merce in hopes of setting up Cedar Rapids' first small business administration center, for loans and other help to small or marginal businesses. For rural areas, there'll be a neighborhood council meeting in the Toddville area this week, to explain what's involved in securing rural family loans for agriculture under ..the poverty bill. County Social Welfare Director James Nisley is working up an eligibility list for a work-experience program, to develop job skills for heads of households on ADC or relief. For college students, LEAP is working to broaden a work-study program, part-time work for needy college students, something already underway at Mount Mercy College. LEAP officials hope to get something simi- lar going at Coe College. Rural library service was discussed by the county supervisors 2 years ago, but dropped for apparent lack of interest. As evidence of the success of these neighborhood councils, leaders in the Chain Lakes area are asking for the council to reconsider. No application has been made yet for vol- unteers in service to America, VISTA, as it is called, the old Peace Corps at home idea Which is the crux of the poverty program in some areas, but Nummela has indicated he may apply for 2 or 3 to help with senior citizens. The neighborhood council has worked so well in the three areas where it as been established, there's interest in getting at least two More councils set up in the future. All of these programs are in the planning or early execution stage. It will take a year, perhaps longer, to see what they can do. But if they can break the eycle of poverty, make more people more productive, it won't be just a social victory. Winning even a few battles in the war on poverty can provide an economic shot in the arm, akin to getting a brand new industry. Gen. Robert E. Wood Warns Against Re- lease of Panama Canal Control EXTENSION OF REMARKS or HON. ROBERT McCLORY Or ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 22, 1965 Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Speaker, Gen. Robert E. Wood, who resides in the 12th Congressional District of Illinois, is one of the most honored Americans of our time. As a young Army engineer, he served for more than 10 years in the Canal Zone between March 1905 and May 1915 as chief quartermaster and director of the Panama Railroad Company in con- nection with the construction of the Panama Canal. General Wood knows something of the hardship, the sacrifice, and the individual effort, genius, and in- vestment of our Nation which led to the successful completion of the Panama Canal. It is common knowledge that others had failed before our Nation succeeded. It is also common knowledge that the en- tire world has benefited from the eco- nomic, defense, and political advantages which have flowed from this great engi- neering accomplishment. Certainly, General Wood knows a great deal about the Canal Zone and the formal treaty and relationships which have existed since the canal was first opened in 1915. As my colleague the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Flow] as well as my colleague, the gentlewoman from Mis- souri [Mrs. SULLIVAN] have declared in such articulate fashion, any decision to abandon our national control of the Pan- ama Canal should be resisted. MY friend, General Wood, has written to me that he "Hopes the President will not do what was stated in the press." He wrote further: It may be all right to make some minor concessions on payments, but we have been more than generous to Panama; and if we allow the Panamanians any share whatever in the operations and administration of the canal itself, it will be a disaster. Mr. Speaker, I call these observations to the attention of my colleagues in the House of Representatives and to the President and others in the executive de- partment as knowledgeable statements emating from one who served our Nation in the Canal Zone during the long years when the Panama Canal was trans- formed from jungle, rock, and water into a gateway joining the Atlantic and the Pacific. I hope that the words and rec- ommendations of General Wood will be considered carefully and heeded faith- fully in any decisions affecting our na- tional interests and the interests of the free world with respect to future owner- ship, management, and control of the Canal Zone and the Panama Canal. "$$$ and Sense"?A Best Seller SPEECH OF HON. JOHN A. BLATNIK Or MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 22, 1965 Mr. BLATNIK. Mr. Speaker, I need hardly mention to my colleagues that despite the remarkable prosperity which Our great Nation is enjoying, many families are , having difficulty making both ends meet. For this reason, I would like to bring to your attention an out- standing book which Fleet Publishing Corp., has just released. It is Ella Gale's "$$$ and Sense, Your Complete Guide to Wise Buying," with a preface by our good friend, Senator PHILIP A. HART, of Michigan. A6061 In my own congressional district, we have many large families, and it is not at all unusual to find homes with five or more children. And although condi- tions are improving because of the new taconite plants, it is not easy to properly feed, house, clothe, and educate a large, or for that matter, a small family. This problem is not peculiar to my district. When the session ends, many of us will be going home to face similar conditions. It is for this reason that I heartily recommend Ella Gale's "$$$ and Sense," and would like to take a few minutes to describe it. This is a book on how to buy wisely. It is not a book on budgeting. Ella Gale believes that strict budgeting is not only difficult in the home, it is the cause of much family friction. The difficulty of budgeting is something all of us in the Congress are well aware of?and?on a grand scale. So, as far as family budg- eting is concerned, Ella Gales says: You don't necessarily have to cut to the bone to get more out of your income. Nor must you set up a budget, a thing most families detest. But you do have to plan your spending and your saving, and "you" means everyone in the family, children in- cluded. Some of the worst money leaks are caused by children whose parents are too soft to admit. It's too expensive. She warns: Mismanaging the family paycheck can bring many problems. Often it means a needlessly lower standard of living. Always, it means doing without some of the things the family would like. "$$$ and Sense" is jampacked with basic information on consumer problems and how to solve them. Senator HART aptly phrased it in his preface when he said: The whole gambit of purchasing decisions Is covered here?and covered well. Whether you absorb one or two new facts?or two hundred--I would rate this book as a sig- nificant contribution to consumer education. When Senator HART speaks of the whole gambit of purchasing decisions, he is not exaggerating. For example, in her chapter "How To Save on Household Equipment," Ella Gale not only tells how to get a good buy, but goes into this kind of detail: When it comes to demonstrators or floor models?stoves are a good buy, electric dish- washers aren't. In the chapter "Cut Your Clothing Costs," she says that the best shoe buys, especially for children, are those with leather tops and synthetic soles. She disagrees with shoe people who think the most expensive shoes are a must for chil- dren. She thinks the middle-priced shoes are a better buy. Speaking of leather uppers, she admits "many syn- thetics wear longer and cost less than leather." But she adds I think it's better to have a leather shoe that's comfortable than a synthetic that re- verts to its original shape. She recommends clothes that actually grow with a child. This new develop- ment permits the mother to merely pull a thread and add inches to coats, trous- ers, dresses, and underwear for growing boys and girls. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP671300446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 October 22, ,1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX nist nations in the past have misread devel- opments in the West and indications from their press and radio reports are that they are misinterpreting the protest marches here as an expression of widespread feeling among the American people that the United States should withdraw its forces from Vietnam. A central point argued by most of the protest groups has been that the United States should negotiate a settlement in Viet- nam. Such an argument ignores the fact that our Government has made extensive efforts since early in the year to get the Communists to the conference table but has been rebuffed at every turn. It is always necessary to reemphasize the validity of protest, within the right of peace- able assembly, but this does not alter the melancholy reality that the demonstrations, as misinterpreted in Hanoi and Peiping, make the objective of a negotiated peace all the more difficult to achieve. Oceanography: A New Industry for Mari- time Exploration and Development EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ALTON LENNON OF isroirrjr CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 22, 1965 Mr. LENNON, Mr. Speaker, on Octo- ber 15, Dr. Edward Wenk, Jr., Chief, Sci- ence Policy Research Division, Legisla- tive Reference Service, Library of Con- gress, presented a splendid address be- fore the American Merchant Marine Conference of the Propeller Club of the United States in Galveston, Tex. Dr. Wenk, with an impressive background in engineering and oceanography, and former assistant to the President's Sci- ence Adviser and Director of the Office of Science and Technology in the Execu- tive Office of the President, is one of the most highly qualified people I know to discuss matters relating to scientific activities under Government aegis, par- ticularly in the fields of oceanography and ocean engineering. In these times when there seems to be so much agitation, even in high Gov- ernment circles, for an auction sale of our national maritime birthright for a mess of potage, it is refreshing to hear and read the words of Dr. Wenk as he places a new perspective on our role in the oceanographic environment. His carefully thought out and eloquent review of the significance of our partici- pation in all activities and studies relat- ing to the oceans should be required reading for every Member of this body. Not limited simply to the purely scien- tific approach, Dr. Wenk points the way In which a broadening in the scope of the "maritime industry's strategic plan- ning?to. engage in engineering funda- mental to both ocean sciences and re- source development?might be as re- warding financially and technologically to revitalization of the U.S. merchant marine as it is necessary for a vigorous ocean science to mature to a productive ocean technology." Mr. Speaker, I include at this point in the RECORD the full text of Dr. Wenk's outstanding address: A NEW INDUSTRY FOR MARITIME EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT (By Edward Wenk, Jr., Chief, Science Policy Research Division, Library of Congress) INTRODUCTION Few logbooks of early seafarers have ever been found if, in fact, they ever existed. And the travels of Leif Eriksen, Marco Polo to China, of Christopher Columbus and Magellan are remembered as much from myth as from recorded history. But to the extent that resords were kept, they were commercial in content as well as motivation. These seafaring explorers were not simply excited by the lure of discovery; in most in- stances, they were extending empires. Spurred by nationalistic desires for terri- torial expansion or the promise of virgin re- sources, they were charting new trade routes, seeking new colonial markets and other sources of wealth. Whatever fame history now accords these swashbuckling adventurers should be under- stood in terms of the practical purposes of their exploration.. It was not until the 19th century that the oceans were explored for reasons of science. To be sure, observations of winds and cur- rents, waves and tides had been collected since man first set sail. But when such scientific data began to be recorded system- atically, they were intended to aid naviga- tion, improve safety and reliability of ship- ping. The United States was a world leader in oceanography in the early 19th century. Benjamin Franklin's discovery of the Gulf Stream and Matthew Fontaine Maury's charts helped our clipper ships outsail all competition, and win world trade long before our Nation became a world power. Oceanography and our maritime industry have thus longstanding ties. But oceanog- raphy has changed; so has our merchant marine and shipbuilding industry. When sail was replaced by steam, the incentive for oceanographic observation persisted only with academicians, and its development waned. In these evolutions, the two fields have split apart. In responding to your chairman's invita- tion to speak. I want to discuss how this ex- citing field of oceanography contributes to the fortunes and goals of this Nation. In deveolping this assignment, I hope both to abstract some of the poetic attractions of marine sciences, and to relate these activities to the hard realities of maintaining this Nation's stature on the seas. Based on a concept of a new industry for maritime ex- exploration and development, I want to pose a question as to whether the shipping indus- try and ocean technology would mutually benefit from restoring an old and valued re- lationship. OCEANOGRAPHY DEFINED Oceanography is almost a household word today. Every layman understands that this field deals with the physical currents and waves of the ocean, the many chemicals dis- solved in or deposited to form the geology of the bottom; the infinite variety of flora and fauna that feed many of the world's peoples, please sportsmen and gourmets. Our imagi- nation is fired by discoveries of fossil fish, of evidence of the drift of continents so that we understand better why the scientists have turned to the sea to find answers to age-old questions about the origin of the earth and of life on the planet itself. The sea, in fact, is a laboratory where research in physics, biology, chemistry, and geology can be con- ducted by observations of waves and atmo- sphere, by cores of bottom sediments, by the A6063 capture of plankton and fish whose behavior, population, growth, and migration can be studied only in relation to the environment in which they live. KNOWLEDGE FOR PRACTICAL BENEFIT Some oceanic exploration is geographic to answer questions of "what" and "where"; some is scientific to answer questions of "why" and "how." But all of these observa- tions have great meaning to us as citizens because they potentially answer practical questions. Because they cover 70 percent of the earth's surface, it is easy to see why the oceans, energized by the sun in a giant heat machine, become elements producing weath- er and climate and a major source of rain- fall on the continents. These same air-sea interaction data are also important when routing ships to avoid rough voyages, assure ontime arrivals, and lower transportation costs. Commercial fishermen bring home a world- wide catch of 60 million tons, yet of 20,000 known species of fish, only a few are sought as food. To restore and expand fisheries and thus to meet hunger of so many of the world's peoples, it becomes vital to determine how the annual catch could be expanded without threatening fishery stocks, and to identify environmental factors which in- fluence the distribution and abundance of fish. The United States has a coastline 13,000 miles long, exceeded only by that of Canada, although much of Canada's coastline is in the Icebound Arctic. This seashore is clearly valuable property, yet despite its length, it is a limited resource that is al- ready reflecting pressures of a growing urban population. Our citizens annually spend over one-half billion dollars for salt-water fishing, but we continue to regard the sea as an infinite pit for the disposal of garbage. Other conflicts are growing in multiple sea- shore use as between sport and commercial fishing, sewage disposal, extracting shellfish from estuaries, surfing, swimming, or simply enjoying a seashore wilderness. All of these activities require more facts as a base for -legal regulation and wise resource use. Off the gulf and Pacific coasts, drilling rigs signal the presence of natural gas and oil. The vast sums and energies in offshore development are well known to the members of the petroleum community but are seldom recognized by others. While we have ex- tracted 1.3 billion barrels of crude oil and 3,700 billion cubic feet of gas offshore, we have scarcely tapped these resources. As our consumption of fossil fuels increases, geo- physical explorations must be pushed into ever deeper water. Some believe that by the year 2,000, 35 percent of the world's oil will come from undersea deposits. To these few examples, we can add nu- merous other objectives of practical interest requiring knowledge of the sea?to improve accuracy of weather forecasting and warning of violent storms?to identify ocean mineral deposits of sands and unlimited quantities of nodules rich in manganese or nickel, lit- tered widely on the ocean bottom, and to de- velop methods for recovery?to diminish hazards of pollution from atomic, industrial or domestic waste?to facilitate discovery of new medical and pharmacological weapons in the war against disease?to protect beaches from erosion, drilling rigs from wave damage. In reviewing this list of practical benefits gained from research, we must not forget that whereas the sea is a road to cultural ex- change and international trade, and con- tains a host of untold resources, it has been and still is a critical strategic component of national defense. Maintaining this Na- ton's security and safeguarding commerce from disruption in a national emergency is a priority national interest. This paper, Approved For Release 2003/10/14 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 A6064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX however, will concentrate on anticipated peaceful uses of the sea for man's benefits. A GLIMPSE AHEAD How about the fueure? A Jules Verne approach might picture the Hudson River humming with GEM commuter buses; the smooth Texas shoreline converted to an undulating series of habitable marinas. Although I have not seen this proposed, por- tions of the suggested super-speed transit system from Boston to Washington might be contained in tubes more easily laid along the coast, in the Chesapeake Bay and Long Island Sound than drilled through solid rock. In estuaries, we might find the artificial culture of clams and lobsters and beds of oysters protected from starfish predators. Heavily used bathing beaches no longer would be threatened by pollution from sew- age outfalls because the effluent had been treated for reuse by coastal industries at low cost. Further at sea, a gridwork of automatic buoys might sense wind and wave informa- tion, and when interrogated by communica- tion satellites feed data into a global metero- logical network that far more reliably pro-. vides warning of hurricanes and typhoons. And also at sea we find large manned buoys holding station above submarine operations with small vehicles serving as elevators for men who, learning from SeaLab II exercises in 1965, for example, have been found able to live and work over long periods of time In hundreds of feet of water. Here and there also one might find massive platforms that pinpoint ocean mining operations thousands of feet beneath in a oontinuous system of mining and extraction, fed by submerged nuclear powerplants whose very efficiency may be improved by their location under pressure of deep water. In the Great Lakes, we note nuclear powered icebreakers, active also in Arctic and Antarctic to make these areas yield further to man's settlement in a hostile environment. And, of course, we see heightened world trade with cargo ships in a world of developing nations, with many more passenger vessels reflecting increased leisure made possible in those nations mak- ing use of industrial automation. Whether this be an accurate sketch of the future or only a dream, is more a question of "when" this becomes a reality rather than "whether" it comes true. The future always overtakes us faster than we expect, and the benefits have nsually gone to those who looked ahead. Just such planning equips the foresighted to exploit the unexpected. An excellent beginning of our study of the seas has been made. Thanks to a 10-year plan published by the National Academy of Sciences in 1958, interest by the Congress immediately thereafter, and accelerated funding by President Kennedy in 1961, the foundation of oceanic sciences necessary to realize some of the benefits just outlined has been strengthened. Research expendi- tures have grown from about $25 million an- nually to over $140 million, half of which are Naoy funds. New research ships and shore facilities have been constructed; the limited base of trained manpower has doubled, and for several years, the field bene- fited from support at the White House level. It turns out that the very availability of new technologies has been a Major spur to oceanographic research: new tools, tech- niques, instruments, deep diving submarines, etc. The opportunity to collect, store and re- trieve vast quantities of data simultaneous- ly, and to make intelligent sense out of oth- erwise subtle relationships was impossible before the days of the computer. Radio corn- raunication now makes possible the collec- tion of data from many points simulta- neously so that a synoptic or snapshot view of one large sector of the ocean may be taken to study currents, the exchange of heat be- tween ocean and atindsphere, etc. Meteoro- logical satellites have made possible photog- raphy of phenomena that may one day per- mit a new automatic ice patrol that is com- pletely unmanned. Ocean engineering to aid the scientists in their quest is itself a new industry. The total capability for scientific explora- tion has been readied. But in fact, have we an oceanographic enterprise that recalls the purposes of Columbus, Franklin, Maury, or has it advanced only to meet the needs and opportunities of science? BARRIERS TO PROGRP.SS Problems characteristic of any growing en- terprise have appeared, but the most start- ling has been a leveling off in Federal fund- ing just as the field seemed ready to mature. Funding during the past 3 years has been so limited that it hardly permits activation of new ships. With science having justifi- ably received a great fraction of the support during early growth years, it now makes a claim for priority support in whatever in- creases appear. With the current plateau in policy level support, very little funding seems destined for civilian engineering?for the steps necessary to transfer scientific dis- covery to practical application. As a conse- quence geographical exploration and resource development continue at current low levels. Is any greater support justified? This de- pends upon assessment by policymakers, the public and special interests as to the poten- tial of such projects to contribute to na- tional goals. The case for military defense is clear, and we continue to develop our scientific-military interests in the oceans as insurance against the Soviet submarine fleet, although many feel even this is re- tarded. But in the nondefense sector, we have made no national decision, and during the last 2 years, this sector has actually declined, despite the cold war geopolitical and economic implications of Soviet and Communist bloc nations to increase their control over the seas by intensified use and occupation; despite the prospects of devel- oping fishing and mineral resources, of im- proving weather forecasts, protecting life and coastal property and enhancing recrea- tional resources. The rate of investment in applied research and development has lost momentum?if, in fact, it ever had much? because here, the potential users of such knowledge have not made a case for strengthening this base of civilian ocean engineering. And the executive branch lacks any overt policy to take initiative. The 89th Congress has been distressed by the gap in our maritime resource activities. Over 25 different bills have been introduced, offering 5 varieties of stimulation to this field?approaches that range from a statu- tory, self-liquidating commission to study the problem and make recommendations for Presidential action to the other extreme of establishing a new superagency. All proposals agree on a statement of con- gressional purpose and policy that this Na- tion develop vigorous marine sciences and technology. Commentaries, however, differ as to the causes and alternative remedies. These have been mentioned: a) Inadequate Federal leadership and ad- vocacy of marine sciences policy; (b) Inadequate policy coordination be- tween 20 Federal agencies engaged in ocean- ographic research; (c) Inadequate incentives for private in- vestment, and cooperation between Federal Government, the States, industry, and uni- versities; (d) Federal programs that are science- rather than technology-oriented and that subordinate private and public benefits; (e) Inadequate Federal staffing. Whatever the problem, the fragmentation of these objectives has been symbolized by a striking lack of industrial interest in a remedy. October 22, 1965 FRAGMENTATION: THE NEED FOR A UNIFyING CONCEPT It must be clear that many scientific dis- ciplines are involved?physics, chemistry, bi- ology, and geology. Many different tech- nologies are involved, as are many institu- tional groups?universities, business, and commerce. Twenty different branches of Government have statutory responsibilities in one sector or another of oceanography. With such numerous and diverse interests, it is no small wonder that oceanographic re- search is debilitated by competition amongst goals, amongst resources, amongst organiza- tions in a field too small to benefit from the stimulation of competition. About 1 year ago. I proposed that we should think of our separate activities in the ocean as related to a coherent program of explora- tion and development. This way, we could provide the strengths of unity in our policies and programs to correct ignorance about the oceans and exploit resources of the sea for man's benefit. Without such a concept and its adoption as a public purpose, the recent acquisition of sovereignty over $00,000 square miles of ocean bed through an Inter- national Convention on the Continental Shelf ratified in 1964 will become academic. But necessary as a unifying concept may be, it is not sufficient. Interestingly enough, there have been no common incentives that would attract this variety of interests to examine implications of the ocean as one body or to move in concert to advance a na- tional program in this area. Much, if not most, of the momentum has come from in- trests by the Navy and the vehicle of this interest has been the scientific rather than the industrial community. The maritime industry represented by shipbuilders and ship operators has skimmed what little information it has needed from the oceans but has not conspicuously advo- cated more intensified research or develop- ment. The immediate problems of this industry must be its first concern, but in viewing its problems an industry inevitable links its des- tiny to certain communities of interest. This industry, for example, may consider it- self only a maritime activity in a limited sense or it may consider itself a significant element of a transportation network. But it could also consider itself the linkage be- tween all of the technological activities in the sea. THE NEED FOR A maarrnvm EXPLORATION INDUSTRY To achieve goals in ocean development, or any other technically based activity, requires a mixture of scientific knowledge, engineer- ing know-how, capital, manpower, and entre- preneurship. Then when thls mixture is mobilized at explosive proportions, we need a spark to ignite it. We have reason to con- sider the threat of Soviet expansionist aims in their trade offensive, and how they are combining oceanographic research and fish- eries interests in a common goal. Yet, this Nation that launched a Lewis and Clark Expedition in the spirit of geographic ex- ploration, followed by land grants to acceler- ate development?mixed with a tradition of seapower?now seems lacking in determina- tion to maintain a position on the seas. The spark seems inadequate, notwithstanding in- tense congressional interest, both in the executive branch and in private industry. Only the scientific community, and then only limited segments, consistently advocate fur- , therlf.S. growth in ocean sciences. To be sure, when economic incentives for exploration are ripe, American entrepreneur- ship has shown no lack of incentive. But when economic benefits are marginal or long deferred, and important goals in the national interest remain, only the Federal Govern- ment can assume leadership. Since, how- ever, any development of resources following Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 0 81 vtg 8 I 2 -134p, 318 IET.hyliiiiii r Irl" 1143s1 lulli ki 101 .64:10sillg sig.s 211111bROFE?gpvita Odlt ;4 cse ,;:41 lEibcgi 311241?J1 ? figihiliti314/11 AE4111g 711:114 0 a, StgA Z c)ir (grit% flu i twiqh, 4p.,..ythip lir k"i 2 1" t i ' "Vie - ii A 300041- Moil] ikilifiv*Paltv 4sPoil.:4 1 ' i' i Will II- iii% :111bIllei ' Yilittlig '1.11MH,111110431 . hill il .11.1 thDpi-st.aElt,iiitori t 1,p,simi , al qi 1 1 li 11:11111IN , 41 32 fill! 151 1; * g 3 / 111111 I ilt ag it lip 43 1 11614 r ? 111 a 01 / ' A higaii Pigsv 411 ti Ai tiroki, is, t41 iSS iniiii,he nal litgt! shiesellif151111:14'11 :111 to liai Wilt 1;1 i'1411 PNI 141 '1 I lig, .stitqj Lgil !if 21 gi, Ilipigi !2 eg.vE?gAlpil ill tailh 1 , 8 ? 0 . 1:1:9 ord - '"1?;="1- " "it r 111" October 1,2 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ----1-10USL like to reiterate a stateikittiomed FnRfillitaidiegOthIlligirlittilalikralaRiiiI80(1446RCtei00031400 02G2TVENTION--- SHAME OF AMERICAN INACTION on the floor of the House on April 14 of this year, when this body was consider- ing House Resolution 310 which author- ised the expenditure of funds for the additional expenses of the Committee on Un-American activities. These funds were, as you will remember, to finance that committee's Investigation of the Ku Klux Klan. At that time, I made the following statement: Let there be no question in anyone's mind where I stand on the subject a un-Ameri- canism. I am opposed to it in any form it takes. I think Cludrman Wrza.ns will bear me out when I say that I have stood beside his committee every time It has been criti- cized by the extremists of the leftvring. I have supported every appropriation request and I intend to keep on supporting the House Committee on Tfn-American Activities as long as they do their job because I am opposed to un-Americanism in any form. Later, I made this statement: I know nothing of their (the Klan's) ac- tivities in Louisiana or any other State and I have no idea what an investigation will unearth. but U un-Americanism is suspected. then it is my position that an investigation should be undertaken. But, It should not stop with an investigation of the Klan. There are a number of organizations that should be put under this same spotlight. / then went on to point out the ob- vious un-Arnericanism of the American Nazi Party and the Black Muslims. In conclusion, I made this point and it is the point I wish to make again today: Let it (an investigation) be a starting point but by no means, the entailing point. Before we are -through let us see what is under the rocks of all these other groups as well. This was the conclusion of my state- ment. I believe the time has now come to undertake that continuing search under the rocks. The newspapers have been filled in the past week or so with stories concerning the anti-Vietnam demonstrations which have been gaining momentum here in this country and abroad in the past weeks. These demonstrations have taken the form of attempts to arrest military commanders, burning of draft cards, picketing of draft boards, and similar publicity stunts. The principal force behind these acts is, apparently, a group calling itself the "Students for a Democratic Society." I am mystified as to where they got that title since they are, principally, beatniks and unbathed delinquents rather than students: they certainly have no belief in democracy and they are a rabble instead of a society. I would like to make it Perfectly clear that it is not my belief nor is it my posi- tion that anyone disagreeing with our Policy in Vietnam is either a Communist or a Communist dupe. Certainly there are many who question our presence in Vietnam and the wisdom of past and Present moves. But these are loyal Americans who hold an honest difference of opinion to which they are entitled. Let it be clear that I am talking about those particular demonstrations of the and the others associated with, it. was encouraged to read the Presi- dent's denunciation of these anti- American activities and also to know that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is Interested in the Communist involvement that undoubtedly exists. I note, too, that, earlier this week, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee declared that these demonstrations have, and I quote, "clearly passed into the hands of Communist and extremist ele- ments." That committee took the same posi- tion I mentioned earlier, that the great majority of persons who differ with our Miler In Vietnam are loyal Americans. But the group I tun talking about has failed to prevent, limit, or control the Communist domination that now exists In this movement. Unfortunately, these young men and women have been encouraged by self- appointed intellectuals both in and out of Government, who, from their lofty Ivory towers have for months now as- sailed the President. the Congress, and the Department of Defense for our strong stand against the proliferation of corn- muniam in Asia and elsewhere. When responsible Federal officials, for Instance, rise to impeach this Nation, to speak from offices of major importance against the military Policy of our Gov- ernment, when professors who are ad- mitted Marxists are kept on the payroll of colleges when civil rights leaders dare the unqualified gall of advising our Am- bassador to the United Nations, is there any wonder that young men and women follow In their misguided steps? These self-proud pacifists are the same leaders, and these bearded beatniks axe the same followers who have dominated the race riots, demonstrations, lawless- ness, and strife that have ripped this Na- tion apart for a number of years. The roll call of one group would find the same members present as would a roll call of the other. Though there are some who are able, In this instance, to see the ,Red hand in these anti-Vietnam demonstra- tions, they were never able and they are still not able to see the same influence and the same leadership infiltrated and controls now the civil rights attack Won the Nation. Perhaps then, this. will provide theln the evidence and give them an opportu- nity to reexamine their thoughts as to who are the promoters, who are the Dress sifters, and who has benefited from the past and present civil rights strife. In the sure conviction that they are one and the same, the Communists, I am today introducing a bill to author- ize the Committee on Un-American AC- tivities to conduct an investigation and study of the organization known as Students for a Democratic Society and' the extent and character of its involve- meat in the current derniOnstmtlons re- lating to official 'MS. policy lnliletnani. It is my hope that those Members Who supported House Resolution 31%. as, did, will now demonstmte that they have an equal concern over the activity ot this anti-American group and its fol- lowers. The !WEAKER pro tempore. Upon previous order of the -House, the gen- tleman- from liew 'rods (Mr. HA5PIN/2n Is recognized for 15 minutes. Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, we are confident that this first session of the 89th Congress will be known for its legis- lative accoMplishments. We have acted upon a great many substantive bssuest which for mant years have undergone sustained debate. And- yet in this year 196% it rattans a source of particular disappointment and irons that the Congress has con- sistently failed to officially reopen con- sideration of the Genocide Convention.' Last February I introduced -a House resolution urging U.S. ratification Of the Genocide Convention, and have rePeat- edly urged its passed as a means of rally- tog official opinion behind this Important document. The Convention Mill rests before the Senate Foreign 'Relatione Committee which, since its first and only consideration in 1950, has subsequently denied further hearing. It is incomprehensible to me that this treaty has stirred so many misgivings, and that because of unfounded fear the Senate has net given Its advice and con- sent. More than 65 nations have an- proved the Convention, including the So- viet Union. We are supposedly a civil- ized state, with a constitutional and in- herent respect for human rights, and yet we have failed . to take this one 'step to generalize certain protections which are recognized in our own national statutes. Briefly, parties to the Genoeide Con- ventlon pledge to wettest and tarnish the crime of genocide, which is defined as an act committed with the-Intent to destroy wholly or partially a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. This- may' take the form of killing members of a group, causing them phytdcal or mental harm, inflicting conditions. cal- culated to bring about destruction of a group, and so forth. Aocused personaare US be prosecuted in the stet. where the offense is comntitteed, and parties to the treaty must enact legislative Implement- ing machinery if nedessary. The Motivation for this document was. - of course; the Nazi -outrage against all-' lion--Jews end 2-million Polish althea, perpetrated before' and tinting World War IT dating the Hitler feginie. Arid histotioaffy 'we can look be& upon' rine minus' acts- Of genocide directed at mi- nority groups. It was the nightmare of these oomurences which prompted the Meaty, ot the GentScide -Convention, which men saw as a mean& Of Prevent- ing such inhuman crime against future generations. . .The United Nations. Gene. rat Assembly unfrialynnusbr approved the-Convention on December% 1948. The United States was-one of the original aignatoriessof the treaty, 'which came into -name on January ; 11. 1961: - May of '1050, a subcommittee of . the :Saute Foreign Behnke:a Comniitteeletwirted the docus ment ialforably, with foes "undersea:I& ings." These were subsequently: drafted -by the -whole comMittees which thereafter took no-conclusive action. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 CONURESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE October 21;.19(15 Thus for 15 years the United States the Senate. Here in the Hotta) we can as failed t? aattoWittcPRii6iPtelettsec2061011Wdsts: R this most impo covenant. purpose, and thereby help to generate Discussion regarding the provisions of the pact ha e bogged down in e hopeless academic quagmire which obscures the essentials. I do not deny that the text raises pertinent questions as regards the effect on our Federal-State relationship. personal rights, the power of Congress, and sovereignty. But these legal consid- erations are not insurmountable, and they should not be made a subterfuge for inaction. The protective intent of the convention is fax too important to per- mit a wholesale retreek from principle. Under the treaty, we would certainly undertake concrete respongbilitles and obligations such as the other nations have agreed to accept. The full import of the convention is, of course, intimate- ly allied with our own legal and consti- tutional framework, guaranteeing the Individual rights and freedoms which are Inviolate. ? It is unquestionable that the protections conferred by the convention are for the most part guaranteed by our domestic law. Hence the complexities and contradictions which opponents pro- fess to discern are not substantive and should not be considered as real obstacles. It is equally true that our failure to act positively on this matter has injured. or at least blurred, the impression of human justice and moral underpinning which we insist upon claiming before the docket of world public opinion. It is not wholly convincing to argue that others have a responsibility to consider human and moral prerogatives when the United States will not undertake international treaty obligations consistent with this Imperative. The official reticence to re- open meaningful debate on this subject is truly appalling, and reflects adversely on the foreign policy goals we have set for ourselves. It was a particular pleasure and in- spiration for us to welcome the Pope to the United Nations during this General Assembly session. He pleaded to the statesmen of the world to devote their energies toward the construction of a stable peace end conditions of human justice. And in this seareh.notbing is more important than the achievement of common agreements between nations, agreenp3nts which seek to prevent the erueltiee of the past that have scarred human history. The Genocide Conven- tion forms a part of this essential task. This covenant is one of the great items of unfinished business in the foreign policy arena, a matter of overriding con- cern to mankind. The United States can no longer af- ford indecision on an issue of such grave consequence. We are all agreed that group persecution at racial and religious minorities Is an outrage of such ter+. rible dimension that constructive steps must be taken to prevent and punish it as an international crime. This 'is the purpose of the Genocide Convention, and our official hypocrisy and apparent in- difference in an affront to human dignity. It should be a matter of priority for the effective public opinion which the is- sue demands. It is imperative that the legislature press vigorously for affirma- tive action when we reconvene next January. Hold= HoovEa SPEAKS cot ? ZIONISM The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under. Previous order of the House, the gentle- man from Ohio tMr. As/inseam.] is rec- ognized for 15 minutes. . ? .? Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Speaker, there' AS many thousands of men throughout ? this country who quietly and effectively.. promote the general welfare through the . work of service clubs. They are usually unheralded in their work and yet their accomplistunents are noteworthy and they should receive the commendation of their fellow man. One of these gentlemen is A good friend of mine, Homer Hoover of WOo- ster, Ohio. 'He has served during the past year as International Director of the Liens Clubs. I myself am a member of the Johnstown Lions Club and have always been proud of this association although I must freely admit that my contribution has been small indeed by comparison with the service club giants such as Homer Hoover. Mr. Hoover re- tired earlier this year as manager of the Sears, Roebuck Sr Co. retail store at Wooster after more than 20 years of service. He is a conununitY leader in his own right in addition to his service club activities and is the chairman of the 1985 United Community Fund for Wayne County. Homer Hoover has traveled through- out the length and breadth of this land spreading the gospel of Lionisre, He has traveled to many foreign countries In this capacity and is a living example of the fine precepts of this organization. He truly epitomizes the service club tra- dition of service to fellow man. and bet . brought great honer to. his home ;bib and to our fine organization. ' He recently Melte eta. Lions Coneett:-. tion in Puerto Rico and delivered a fine address. Mr. Speaker, in the thought' that other Members of this body would like to receive, the, benefit 'Of his worda of wieder*. I am including with thole.: remarks this address. It is a meaning- ful statement of what Liordern Means to. one of our Nation's outstanding Lions and, as the saying goes. -tells *bit "mace NAM tick." ? I comMend it everyone Who sometimes gets g bit eyni-.: cal and feels that this gem, ?Won..iii, floundering and losing track. of basin': values. Lioniam, like many Other fffie civic organizations, quietly' Iinci 'effee-? Lively stresses these basic valued of sem.: Ice to fellow mail in thousands of and villages throughout this Nation ins manner which makes it a important part ' of coirimunity life. How much betor off we would be if these Velum were QM-. pixasized day atter cis; throughout the , world by ?the min of good will such as Lion Homer Hoover. ' RPSLILPICO OP M.P..?0.001111C' J 00020614484)112nan have grouped Mein.- _ selves together for mutual undersiandlog. ?? ? encouragement, and benedt. Thee have .1 formed societies for the betterment of the . world, for *leaner living, WOW., thhtIrrh* and worthwhile accomplishment; We In Lioniam are elneray knitt by intimate bonds of 'club life. Una Is a group of men banded bige42916. hi the spirit of community service, dosierthinoAea ^ team which could not he rionit SukaitAeett7 ? We seek and And onnfort aflit tins in the ',botanist 'panty' low men." We become eironeet- awl better. by having other friends. As p result Or llit,W. of the 'world increases, soid we bee rdmtininder of men that ' God V044" tire,.. ed. more human, end 'Blare. should begonia The Bible tolls us "None of himself atone." 410nisolut association of Lima mon program under a the united pg,pcas of nuance for good, whlehis possibly attain- This of Liontion with and accomplishment through I. an inverted pyramid. Th., Individual Lion expanding upwind, tcidtubil. districts, countries, end &rein:Icing', It the top is a Woad plateau of PrOintee:te.0140 needy, the handicapped. and. the. 'tortoni peoples of the world. The age in which we we living janoriceibi the frothiest in bletorYL etanftrls.,L, Wm* lowered and Mails leak anik., rani_ me the history of the world has there baseillich need for organisations like Ldone.''BevAr has there been snob a need for men-i-eig-men, good men, and men of unselnah We are dna-sated, not because we arehelp. less, but because we have forgobno, the rules men live by. ? We think of our rights, and not of our obligations to each other.- We mat get back to voluntary cooperation which is the mainspring of life.. Our Linnisni. farming( as it does ??14 society over the world. upholds every noble and redeeming ideal of humanity.- Wreaths all communities better by its prealliee. It makes each individual better for having be- longed. Yt - brings out the beet in human nature, the give-end-take. the 'openhearted- nevi and comradeship or Lions, and leaves no pulee in our livid for selfishness; Cheapiiies.' or narrowmindliesie ? Our members we welded together in an unbreekable intim Too have been MAW,: by one of. Our giktue 49 Join ojarlicep ;no because the/ Web You to eqte,Fe tobtti roVuda of Vont= in this ocsionninive. when we come into this room The one thing like about ' iguana ? Milano resolve Wilma* "aka- man remplithy.:nonesitiedlettlitthe speelt.'or brotherhoed; ? We renew- stiteationnige la a' combination, witiveatt.h.- snit We 'take a-bun- dgr grip on ittudAntertte* 1440,feo*Yilato,4), better men. , AU litetebere_ PtOrloilather. mon &nadir,, with?a spirit et stkingthenad lyi,?&-oeniinsft,dietrer to the Golden Etas and liva,a3V.. and Ikeda Angina, on a "high, You are, joining VP largest Refekte ? OM,' t nisation -.1n, the worlii, W. hark wish Dyer ? 750,00e bailie Members in..1.7410kointsc.. 134,0:=, .i.rem 9(4310,0(004d. w. ,ppope as andel Use atee of our"tegindiatkm to whieht we belong. We take pride In being is member offthe- Kann, and the beet.' In Alas riwie.X4Onikinteiniai ; Weal- Tett 4 would like to tell /mar Zinn- bly as ran that dngete its #1211k and ittil worldwide Station. membership ta ant 41i- ternstionin se ,piately a 'personal. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2 Ind General Stall School. Fort Leaven- v.orth. Karts., mvting all q.ualificatittiso ince establishedRAPMVUInt9rM4 Services Coilunittee for granting of Fed- eral recognition to State adjutants general. The record made by General Williams in the 4 years since his name came be- tore the Senate gives ample demonstra- tion of the vigor and vitality, not only of the State-administred National Guard system in West Virginia, but of the National Guard system in the Nation as a whole. I welcome this opportunity to publicly commend General Williams for the dili- gence, initiative and demonstrated ability that has, characterized his ad- ministration as the adjutant general of West Virginia. and for the manner in which he has thereby justified the faith placed 'in him by the Senate. WEST VIRGINIA STATE COLLEGE STUDENTS SUPPORT U.S. ACTION IN VIETNAM Mr. RANDOLPH Mr. President. I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RXCORD a statement that I have made, relating to and commending the action Of. 1,800 students at West Virginia State College at Institute, for endorsing the present Vietnam policy in a letter to President Lyndon B. Johnson. The. PRESII)ING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. Me statement is as follows ? l'tie letter to Prestdent Johnson signed in 1,Ro0 West Virginia college student..., in support of VT b poPry in Vietnam Was a demonstration ol civic responsibility which brings honor LC their achool and our State Thi,, spontaneous and orderly action by the majority Is in sharp contrast to those staged demonstrations by the few students in other schools in other States who were duped and manipulated by what J Edgar Hoover terms, "trained agents and provoca- teurs of the Communist Party." To my knowledge, there have been no such staged anti-Vietnam demonstrations at any West Virginia aehool or college Our State can be proud of that fact, too. t believe in the admintstration's policy in South Vietnam. I have said this over and over again We must tight to contain COM- Inimism on that line in southeast Asia Por it we do not do it there, we will be fighting a war on a broader front and nearer home THE OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Mr WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, despite the enormous public relations efforts of the Office of Economic Opportunity, I feel that much of the press of our Nation has been very help- ful in giving the public an accurate re- port on the questionable success of this program throughout the country_ If one were to only listen to Office of Economic Opportunity Director Sargent Shriver you would think the admin- istration's entire poverty program was one of complete success, totally free of administraWe error or mismanage- ment The public knows only too well this is not the case For example. the Chicago Tribune has shown exceptional diligence. Ia., pa4Yj, a I. ,a? 7---9C.talorlI LICLUOer ""4 tie?' Sn, , 6ROUUAGIS14272 and public service In seeing .to it that t.lve APAAIE CLAYTON Pow ocrat, of ILLI bers of the confer- ence committee," Paisirrs told the Tribune. "aprack a blow on behalf .of. every Democratic ward heeler and political flunky in America when they threw the Istrapay-Paotrry po- ;Motu activity amendment into the ash can." Other Republican conferees said they were shocked by what they called undue inter- ference by Macy. . "The 00=rib:is/on believes," Macy wrote. "that .it would be unwise to extend the gen- eral political activity restrictions of the Hatch Act to such a sizable group of persons In the private sector, of comm unity , life." . -OPENS PANDORA'S so)r Murphy said Macre letter and the con- ferees' action on the amendment "opened a Pandora's box of political chicanery." "On top of the superealaries, supergrades. and supersalearnanship that have Character- ized the poverty program." Murphy .said, "we now see the administration has stepped in to add superptessure. II have always understood the function 'of the Civil Service Commission to be -that of administering the civil service spite= and riot of lobbying or parroting the views of Shriver 10E0 Director Sargent. shrivel-, forces at the 020." alroMATZ41~4 nouncements but also the legitimate and well-founded complaints of mismanage- merit and poor administration. I think the Tribune should be commended for its efforts As an example of its thor- ough reporting on the poverty program, 1 ask unanimous consent to place an article by Mary Pakenharn of the Chicago Tribune of Sunday. September 5, 1985, covering the efforts of Senators MURPHY and Psourv to keep politics out of the poverty program by placing key em- ployees under the political prohibitions provided by the Hatch Act. There being no objection. the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: GOP 1510H T8 POLITICAL ACTIVITY BY POVERTY PRoGRAM WORKERS?WANTS EMPLOYERS TO Br Coveitso By HATCH Act (By Mary Pakennam.) WASHINGTON, September 4.?Senate Re- publicans are massing for a lest-ditch at- tempt to keep politics out of the program covered by the administration's new anti- poverty bill The Chicago Tribune learned today. House-Seriate conferees agreed Thursday night on a $1.785,000,000 final version of the authorization bill. It is expected to come to a vote in both chambers this week, un- less the Senate forces succeed in having it sent back into conference. - The Democratic majority in the conference struck froni the bill an aniendment extend- ing the 1939 Hatch Act to cover federally !raid employees it the Office of Economic Op- portunity's Community tlet1011 and domestic Petite COrpS prograMs LETTERS PIPCOA DA ACT rile Hatch Act, entitled "an act to prevent pernicious political activities," forbids parti- san political activity on the part of anyone an the public payroll Tens of thousands of COMM unity action programs employees and a growing number of domestic Peace Corps voldnteers would have been affected At the time the conference committee was considering the amendment it had before it a letter from John W. Mary, Jr., chief of the Civil Service Commission and President Johnson personal talent scout, urging that Congress allow the antipoverty staff to en- gage in politics Ever since the so-called war on poverty got under way last November. the political potential of workers In these categories has been a key target for critics. DESIGNED POR POLITICS Each such worker is In a position to earn the gratitude of large numbers of the poor and undereducated. dasperaiing aid under the aegis of the party in power. That, politicians agree. is the stuff good precinct workers are made of. In many cases, community action programs have been specifically designed to organize residents oh given poverty areas into po- litical pressure groups. Complaints already have been heard- from Mississippi and from cities including Syra- cuse, N.Y., that antipoverty workers taking part in voter registration drives have failed to distinguish between the democratic process and the Democratic party. HEADED BY PowELL Senators in the forefront of the effort. to combat this situation will include WINSTON L. PROuTy. Republican, of Vermont, and GEORGE MoRPHY. Republican. of California, aoauthors of the stricken amendment Peotrry Was a Member oh the at:inference committee which was headed by Represents- HEADED I3Y Sirouvla Paotrry said he RISC, will try to restore to the bill a Senate amendment which would have strengthened the role of the Rational Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity, The Council. as established last year, has a maximum membership of ? 15 pensions ap- pointed by the .president and is headed by Shriver The itmendraent would have pro- hibited the Director of the 0E0 from serving as Council chairman CAN OUR EARTH FEED ITS PEOPLE? Mr. MONDALE Mr. President, 17 years ago. in 1948. a young member of the Walters, Okla., Future Farmers of America Chapter won his State's FFA oratorical contest with a speech entitled -Can Our Earth Feed Its People?" In that speech, the young man pointed out: The problem of world food production la no temporary crisis, but a permanent world problem. ? * ? The people of the world can no longer afford poor, wasteful, and de- structive agricultural practices if they are to survive What a great experience it must have been for members of the Future Farmers of America attending their national con- vention in Kansas City. Mo., Friday, Oc- tober 15, to hear that same former FFA boy, FRED R. HARRIS, now the distin- guished U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, deliver another speech of great signif- icance for America and American agri- culture. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent that both speeches by the distin- guished Senator from Oklahoma IMr. HARRIS), his FFA speech in 1948, and his most recent address to the national FFA Convention, be inserted in the RECORD at this point In my remarks. There being no objection, the speeches were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: CAN OUR EARTH PEED ITS PEOPLE, (Address by Senator FRED R. HARRIS In 1848) Do you realise that, unless soil erosion and destructive farming methods are overcome, population may outatrip the supply of toed? More than 100 years ago Malthus, an Eng- liso economist and sociologist. predicted that Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67600446R000300140002-2