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at the saved-pay rate to convert volun-
tarily to the premium rate whether or
not the "computed" saved pay was higher
than the premium rate. The Navy felt
that the purpose of section 208(b) was to
protect the firefighter or to save him com-
pensation under the section only so long
as it was to his advantage. This inten-
tion seems implicit in the mere fact of
enactment of the saved-pay provisions
in section 208(b).
However, the Comptroller General sub-
sequently ruled on September 28, 1959,
that a firefighter could not convert to
the premium rate if his computed saved
pay was more than the premium rate
even though his actual pay was below
the premium rate. The Comptroller'
General further stated that he would not
question "at this time" elections to con-
vert to premium pay made prior to his
decision provided no further elections
were permitted and the Department of
the Navy requested Congress to amend
section 208(b) to authorize such elec-
H.R. 2235 will supply this needed rem-
edy by authorizing voluntary elections by
firefighters to convert from saved pay
to premium pay regardless of which is
higher and by sanctioning those elections
heretofore made. In addition, it will
hasten the conversion of all firefighter
employees to the annual premium rate at
the earliest possible time without reduc-
ing their pay, which was the original pur-
pose of Public Law 763, 83d Congress.
Mr. Speaker, our Committee on Post
Office and Civil Service and the House
of Representatives have favorably con-
sidered similar bills during the 87th and
88th Congresses, but the Senate has yet
to act on this legislation. I believe we
are permitting a serious inequity to con-
tinue unnecessarily in the case of these
firefighters, and I intend to do every-
thing I can during the 89th Congress to
assure that these employees are relieved
of this inequity.
permission to extend-his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. OLSEN of Montana. Mr. Speaker,
today I introduced a bill for the purpose
of providing more stability in the present
world and domestic copper market. The
bill proposes that the Office of Emergency
Planning be given the opportunity to
loan from the national stockpile 100,000
short tons of copper to the primary pro-
ducers to cover a period no longer than
1 year., In the event of an emergency,
these loans could be'recalled within a
30- to 60-day period. The Director of the
Office of Emergency Planning would be
given the responsibility for setting the
necessary rules and regulations.
- Currently there is a shortage'of copper
in the domestic market. It is estimated
that it would take from 6 months to 1
year for distributors to meet current
Current price of copper is 30 to 34
cents a pound. On the other hand, sub-
stantial quantities of refined scrap copper
have been sold at prices as high as 65
cents per pound. If this situation is
allowed to go ? unchecked, it will also
affect other areas of our economy. Plas-
tics and synthetics could be introduced
into the market of current copper areas
taking advantage of a temporary short-
age of copper, and creating catastrophe
in other economic areas.
Relief cannot be given administra-
tiOely so it is hoped that the Congress
will act on this legislation to avert fur-
ther danger to the market. Favorable
action on this proposal would stabilize
the economy and allow the necessary
time for the copper industry to make
up the lag that now exists.
(Mr. PELLY asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, at noon
today in Olympia, Wash., a young man
aged 39 will be inaugurated as Governor
of the great State of Washington. His
name is Daniel J. Evans.
Governor Evans has spent most of his
young life in public service, having
served in two wars plus 8 years in the
Washington State Legislature in 4 of
which he served as Republican house
In taking the reins of the executive
branch of the State of Washington he
is continuing his dedication to public
service. As he takes over his duties and
responsibilities I am sure my colleagues
wish to join in sending a message of
congratulations and best wishes to the
new Governor of the State of Washing-
ton, Daniel J. Evans.
(Mr. I-TALL asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute and to revise and extend, his re-
marks and include extraneous matter.)
Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I have to-
day introduced a bill to amend the In-
ternal Revenue Code so as to provide ad-
ditional deductions and exemptions for
the expenses of medical care of persons
65 years of age and over.
While there are many proposals un-
der consideration dealing with medical
care for the aged, I believe this meas-
ure is worthy of enactment regardless of
the outcome of other measures, that in-
volve direct assistance. The bill I have
introduced involves no direct assistance.
Rather it liberalizes the Internal Rev-
enue Code to permit medical costs which
persons over 65 incur, whether paid for
by themselves, or someone else, to be a
legitimate deduction for income tax
Specifically it would accomplish these
First. It would permit the Internal
Revenue Code to permit the taxpayer to
deduct, in full the amounts paid for med-
ical and hospital care of any person who
has attained the age of 65, irrespective
of whether that person receives the ma-
jority of his support from the taxpayer
as presently required. There is no rea-
sonable basis for restricting the taxpayer
to a smaller deduction merely because
the dependent is not a parent. The
financial hardship to the taxpayer is the
same regardless of the degree of family
relationship, and a brother or sister or
even a friend who undertakes to help
someone in need should not be penalized
for doing so.
Second. Another provision in my bill
would permit a taxpayer who has not
attained the age of 65 to deduct in full
the cost of prepaid medical care insur-
ance which is to be effective when he
reaches this age. I believe such a pro-
vision would encourage the insurance in-
dustry to further develop this type of
insurance coverage. Certainly people
ought not to be penalized for providing
on a voluntary basis, for medical ex-
penses which may occur in their retire-
ment years.
Third. My bill would provide for addi-
tional exemptions for catastrophic med-
ical care expenditures. A taxpayer, aged
65, who pays medical care expenses which
amount to 25 percent or more of his ad-
justed gross income would be given one
additional exemption and a taxpayer who
pays such expenses in an amount equal
to 50 percent or more would be given two
additional exemptions.
Fourth. A final feature of the bill
would permit medical care deductions to
be carried back for as many as 5 years, or
if necessary carried forward for the same
period, so that the taxpayer over 65 can
receive full tax benefit for such expenses
by charging them against years when in-
come was earned, and on which taxes
were or are to be paid. This carryback
and carryover principle already is part of
the system by which corporations are
subject to income tax, and it should be
made available to our senior citizens so
they can take equal advantage.
One reason why we now have the prob-
lem of how to deal with medical costs of
persons, who have reached retirement
age, is that our tax structure has penal-
ized those who have tried to secure their
own future'as well as others who would
like to lend assistance.
I would like to see us take this first step
and remove some of the tax inequities
which exist. On one hand the Federal
Government penalizes, "through the tax
system, those who try to secure their
future, while on the other hand it pro-
poses to install a new tax program under
social security to meet the problem it has
helped to create.
(Mr. TEAGUE of Texas asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute.)
Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I
take this time to inform the House that
there will be issued a news release this
afternoon announcing the closing of 11
VA hospitals, 4 domiciliaries, and 17 re-
gional offices. I want also to inform the
House that there are documents fur-
nished by the Veterans' Administration
in the Veterans' Affairs Committee room,
356, so any Member requesting informa-
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Approved For.Release 2004/01116 CIA-F DP67 004468000100 4O`01
(H. DOC. NO. 52)
The SPEAKER laid before the House
the following message from the President
of the -United States; which was read
and, together with the accompanying
papers, referred to` the Committee On the
Judiciary and ordered to be printed:
To the Congress of the United States:
A change is needed in our laws dealing
with immigration. Pour Presidents have
called attention to serious defects in this
legislation. Action is long overdue.
I am therefore submitting at the out-
set of this Congress, a bill designed to
correct the deficiencies. I urge that it 'be
accorded priority consideration.
The principal reform called for is the
elimination of the national origins quota
system. That system is incompatible
with our basic American tradition.
Over the years the ancestors of all' of
us-s0`nie 42 million human beings-have
migrated to these shores. The funda-
mental, longtime American attitude has
been to ask not where a person comes
from but what are his personal qualities.
On this basis men and women migrated
from every quarter of the globe. By
their hard work and their 'enormously
varied talents they hewed a great nation
out of a wilderness. By their dedication
to liberty and equality, they created a
society reflecting man's most cherished
Long ago the poet Walt Whitman
spoke our pride: "These States are the
amplest poem." We are not merely a
nation but a "nation of nations."
Violation of this tradition by the na-
tional origins quota system does incal-
culable harm. The procedures imply
that men and women from some coun-
tries are, just because of where they come
from, more desirable citizens than
others. We have no right to disparage
the ancestors of millions of our fellow
Americans in this way. Relationships
with a number of countries, and hence
the success of our foreign policy, is
needlessly impeded by this proposition.
The quota system has other grave de-
feces. Too often it arbitrarily denies us
immigrants who have outstanding and
sorely needed talents and skills. I do not
believe this is either good government or
good sense.
Thousands of our citizens are need-
lessly separated from their parents or
other close relatives.
To replace the quota system, the pro-
posed bill relies on a technique of pref-
erential admissions based' upon the ad-
vantage to our 1?ation of the skills of the
immigrant, and the existence of a close
family relationship between the immi-
grant and people who are already citizens
or permanent residents of the United
States. Within this system of prefer-
ences, and within the numerical and
other limitations prescribed by law, the
issuance of visas to prospective immi-
grants would be based on'the order of
their application.
First preference under the bill would
be given to those with the kind of skills
or attainments which make the admis-
sion especially advantageous to our so-
ciety. Other preferences would favor
close relatives of citizens .and permanent
residents, and thus_ serve to, promote the
reuniting of fgmilies-long a primary
goal of American immigration policy.
Parents of U.S. citizens could obtain ad-
mission without waiting for a quota
Transition to the new system would be
gradual, over a 5-year period. Thus the
possibility of abrupt changes in the pat-
tern of immigration from any nation is
eliminated. In addition the bill would
an2{Y? 13
The total number. of immigrants would
not be substantially changed. Under
this bill, authorized quota immigration,
which now amounts to 158,361 per year,
would be increased by less than 7,000.
I urge the Congress to return the
United States to an immigration policy
which both serves the national interest
and continues our traditional ideals.
No move could more effectively reaffirm
our fundamental belief that a man is
to be judged-and judged exclusively-
on his worth as a human being.
THE WHITE HousE, January 13, 1965.
provide that as a general rule no country REDUCTIONS
could be allocated more than 10, percent PROPOSED
of the quota numbers available in any THROUGH
one year. The SPEAKER. Under previous order
In order to insure that the new system of the House, the gentleman from Florida
would not impose undue hardship on [Mr. SixEs] is recognized for 20 minutes.
any of our close allies by suddenly cur- (Mr. SIKES asked and was given perms
tailing their emigration, the bill author- mission to revise and extend his remarks
izes the President, after consultation with and to include certain supporting ma-
an Immigration Board established by the terial.)
legislation, to utilize up to 30 percent of
the quota numbers available in any year Mr.
public comment Mr. nt on Speaker, the this is matter my
for the purpose of restoring cuts made cutbacks o the Reserve program.
by the new system in the quotas estab- Frankly, I have not known enough about
lished existing law. It to comment. I was not one of the very
Similar authority,
ervation of up to 10 ty, permitting pof the the nu m- res- few entrusted with advance information
bers ens available a lablle e in n any percent
year, would by the Department of Defense, although
enable I have some responsibilities in Congress
us to meafleeing
from rop needs refugees in this field. The statements that I have
from catastrophe or r oppression. seen from DOD are vague, and in fact, I
In addition, the bill would- am convinced that DOD does not know
(1) Permit numbers not used by any directive is going to be put
country to be made available to countries how its own
where they are needed; into effect. I think this is a computer
(2) Eliminate the discriminatory productl The DOD owns nearly a bil-
"Asia-Pacific Triangle" provisions of the sort of strange ideas are being devel-
oped from them. Some of these look
(3) Eliminate discrimination against good on paper but they may be impracti
newly independent countries of the cal in application. As of yesterday, DOD
Western Hemisphere by providing non- could not tell me the details of the man-
quota status for natives of Jamaica, ner in which they expect to carry out
Trinidad, and Tobago; the directive on the Reserves which was
(4) Afford nonquota status to parents announced as an accomplished fact some
of citizens, and fourth preference to par- weeks ago.
ents of resident aliens; I am convinced this matter has not
(5) , Eliminate the requirement that been thought through. The proposal for
skilled first preference immigrants the Reserve cutback should not have been
needed in our economy must actually announced without full consultation
find an employer herle before they can with Congress and it should not be im-
come to the United States; plemented until such time as Congress
(6) Afford a preference to workers is furnished with detailed information on
with lesser skills who can fill specific the proposal and is afforded an oppor-
needs in short supply; tunity to make a thorough study and
(7) Eliminate technical restrictions review and has acted on the matter.
that have 'hampered the effective use of I echo the words of Senator STENNIS,
the existing fair-share refugee law; and who holds a prominent place in the de
(8) Authorize the Secretary of State fense committees of the Senate, who
to require reregistration of quota immi- said:
grant visa applicants and to regulate the Any effort to change or alter the provisions
time of payment of visa fees, of the Reserve program without concur-
rence of the Congress would constitute a
This bill would not alter in any way departure from the intent and instruction
the many limitations in existing law of the legislative branch of Government by
which prevent an influx of undesirables the Constitution and should be done only
and, safeguard our people against exces- after full hearings and with the consent
sive or unregulated immigration. Noth- and concurrence of the Congress.
ing in the legislation relieves any im- Certainly the action of the Defense
migrant of the, necessity of satisfying all Department preempted the constitu
hf the
, or the security requirements
designed desiggn ned now to tional rights of Congress and violates the
exclude persons likely to become public spirit of amity between the administra-
charges. No immigrants admitted under tive and legislative branches of Govern-
this bill could contribute to unemploy- ment by not seeking a cooperative solu-
ment in the United States. tion to the problem with Congress.
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
United States
of America
Vol. 111
The Senate was not in session today. , Its next meeting will be held on Friday, January 15, 1965, at 12 o'clock meridian.
House of Representatives
The House met at 12 o'clock noon.
The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp,
D.D., called attention to this verse of
Scripture before leading in prayer: I
John 3:1: Behold, what manner of love
the Father hath bestowed upon us, that
we should be called the sons of God.
Most merciful and gracious God, in-
cline our minds and hearts to recognize
the need of Thy presence and guidance
in all of the deliberations and decisions
of this day.
May we always be sensitive and re-
sponsive to the promptings and persua-
sions of Thy Holy Spirit seeking to for-
tify us against those temptations which
would undermine our character and
cause us to break faith with our better
Show us how the leaders in the affairs
of church and state may strengthen and
enrich the moral and spiritual life of
our Republic.
Inspire them to help the people of
our beloved country to cultivate those
virtues which are the secret of a na-
tion's cohesive and conquering power.
To Thy name we shall ascribe the
praise. Amen.
The Journal of the proceedings of
yesterday was read and approved.
A message in writing from the Presi-
dent of the United States was communi-
cated to the House by Mr. Ratchford, one
of his secretaries.
A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar-
rington, one of its clerks, announced that
the President pro tempore, pursuant to
Public Law 86-1, appointed Mr. TAL-
MADGE to be a member of the Joint Eco-
nomic Committee, vice Mr. PELL, ex-
Mr. LAIRD. Mr. Speaker, as chair-
man of the Republican conference and
by direction of the Republican confer-
ence, it is my privilege to announce the
selection of the minority whip for the
89th Congress, the gentleman from Illi-
nois [Mr. ARENDS].
from another is still with us today. As
President Johnson said yesterday in his
immigration message, "We have no right
to disparage the ancestors of millions
of our fellow Americans in this way."
The President also pointed out with re-
spect to the national origins quota sys-
tem, "Relationships with a number of
countries, and hence the success of our
foreign policy, is needlessly impeded by
this proposition."
The administration's immigration bill
eliminates the invidious national origins
quota system over a 5-year period.
With the passage of this measure, the
results of the 1920 census will no longer
OF THE IMMIGRATION shape our immigration policy. The bill
LAWS also deals with the backlog of applica-
tions accumulated over the years in a
(Mr. RYAN asked and was given number of our consulates abroad by pro-
permission to address the House for 1 viding for the administration of those on
minute and to revise and extend his re- the waiting list during the transitional
marks.) period and by weeding out those who are
Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, today I not serious applicants. This measure
have introduced the administration's will benefit our Nation by providing for
immigration bill. President Johnson's the admission on a preferential basis of
proposal, as did President Kennedy's those whose skills would be advan-
?which I also sponsored, represents a tageous to the economy.
new departure and a giant step forward The bill will also end discrimination
in the direction of a humane and sen- against the newer nations in the West-
sible immigration policy. ern Hemisphere whose citizens are now
Before World War I our Nation, as the bound by minimum quotas, while citi-
land of freedom, was looked upon as a zens of other nations in the same geo-
haven for the oppressed where all were graphic area are entitled to nonquota
welcome to develop their potentialin a admission.
democratic society. And our Nation Mr. Speaker, I join with President
was enriched by those who came from Johnson in urging "the Congress to re-
foreign lands. However, after World turn the United States to an immigra-
War I, the word "foreigner" became tion policy which both serves the na-
an epithet as fear, anxiety, and xeno-
phobia tional interest and continues our tradi-
gripped our land. In this at- tional ideals. No move could more ef-
tion pc,a based highly on the restrictive
1920 20 census was wasas fectively reaffirm our fundamental belief
Lion policy o
born. The national origins quota sys- that a man is to be judged-and judged
tem based on a judgment that people exclusively-on his worth as a human
from one nation are better than people being."
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
(Mr. ROUSH asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
marks.) Mr. ROUSH. Mr. Speaker, article 19
of the Charter of the United Nations pro-
vides that a member nation 2 years in
,arrears in payment of its financial con-
tributions shall lose its vote in the Gen-
eral Assembly. One-fifth of the mem-
bers of the United Nations are in de-
fault of their peacekeeping assessments.
The rule is clear and si is the penalty for
failure to adhere. Today I have. intro-
duced a resolution calling for the United
States to stand firm in its position that
article 19 should be complied with by
all member nations. I do not consider
this a vindictive stand. I do consider it
a stand in support of basic principle. If
the integrity of the United Nations is to
be preserved then that body must follow
the course set out in its charter. This is
not a minor issue. A deviation on this
point establishes a precedent for ignor-
ing other provisions of the charter and
the end result would be the dissolution
of the U.N. into a debating society. If
those nations in default do not pay their
share then the United States world be
justified in not meeting its obligation
which now represents almost one-third
of the total U.N. budget. If this should
happen the result would be a total break
down of the United Nations and its noble
purposes. The United Nations must
maintain fits constitutional integrity if
it is to be effective in dealing with world
(Mr. MONAGAN was granted permis-
sion to .extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. MONAGAN. Mr. Speaker, inhis
state of the Union message on January
4, President Johnson set forth a prescrip-
tion for the Nation to follow in order to
guarantee its future welfare and being.
It is in general form, of course, as these
broad statements must be, but it does
represent his careful appraisal of the
problems which face the nation with his
recommendations for action.
All of the President's recommendations
will not be realized by him. Some may
never come to fruition, but he has fur-
nished us with a broad blueprint that
will be helpful to us as we begin our
work in the 89th Congress.
I note that he gave the first third of
his speech to a discussion of the inter-
national problems in which he expressed
our willingness to move toward better
relations with the European communities
while maintaining our firm resistance to
the spread of communism in Asia.
From the domestic point of view I was
pleased with the emphasis which the
President placed on the fight against
water pollution as well as recommenda-
tions for an excise tax cut. I was pleased
to note his emphasis on the need for
improved public transportation and his
use of the Boston-Washington route as
an example for a possible improvement.
His recommendations for legislation
dealing with presidential disability and
providing for a National Foundation of
the Arts were pleasing to me since I have
filed and sponsored legislation in both
The general reaction to tle President's
message has been favorable. One of the
most cogent comments I have seen was
published in the January 5 edition of the
Ansonia, Conn., Evening Sentinel, with
which I conclude my remarks at this
President Johnson unveiled his Ulan for the
Great Society. It is a many-splendored
In the sense of long-term goals, it is an
architect's sketch of cornucopia, a compre-
hensive enumeration of the needs and wants
and hopes of people everywhere.
But the message was a far more specific
document than the usual state of the Union
message. It requires careful analysis over a
period of time.
The President unveiled a vast package of
domestic programs most of which must await
evaluation when they are finally spelled out
in detailed legislative proposals.
He proposes:
A big new program of Federal aid to edu-
A Federal plan of hospitalization for the
aged financed by social security.
A substantial cut in excise taxes.
A budget designed to move the economy
forward with no hint whether it will pass
his $100 billion limit.
Federal participation in birth prevention
to control population.
Reforms in the electoral college to bind
electors to conform with the expressed will
of the electorate.
A massive attack on disease through re-
gional medical centers.
Enforcement of the Civil Rights Act, espe-
cially of the right to vote.
Repeal of the Taft-Hartley provision per-
mitting States to pass right-to-work laws.
A doubling of the war on poverty.
An expanded open spaces program.
Increased Federal power to prevent pollu-
tion of streams and air.
A possible new department of housing and
urban development to attack the problems
of cities.
A regional approach to planning to meet
the problems of Megalopolis.
Congressional readiness to make swift in-
come tax cuts if there should be signs of
a recession.
These are just the highlights among the
domestic proposals. There are many others.
On the world scene, he invited Soviet
leaders to visit the United States to address
the American people on television and hoped
American leaders might be privileged to ad-
dress the Soviet people on Soviet television-
an exchange whose relative propaganda values
sound dubious and whose elaboration will
be interesting to evaluate.
He pledged to continue U.S. aid to South
Vietnam but made scant reference to the
particulars of a serious situation.
The new Senate Democratic leader, RUSSELL
LONG, observed that some of the suggestions
are new and should be explored by the proper
legislative committees. This should be a
careful, down-to-earth process.
The new House Republican leader, GERALD
FORD, said the ultimate goals set forth in
the message are the goals of all Americans
and have been the goals of America since
its beginning but there are honest questions
of implementation. Indeed there are.
,So enormous a program demands the most
careful inquiry as to how much, as well as
how good. It must be studied in relation
to its full impact on the whole Nation's
economy, as well as the usual pros and cons
of the individual proposals.
(Mr. ROGERS of Florida asked and
was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute and to revise and ex-
tend his remarks.)
Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Speak-
er, I am today introducing legislation
changing the rules of the House to re-
quire a record vote on all appropriations
At present there is no requirement in
the Congress that votes be recorded on
bills appropriating money, for Federal
spending. If each Congressman's vote
on every spending bill before the House
were made a matter of public record I
believe such bills would be considered
more closely and unnecessary spending
would be reduced.
During the 88th Congress 35 percent of
the votes cast on appropriations bills
passing the House were unrecorded,
These bills involved funds totaling over
$22 billion. The taxpayers are certainly
entitled to know how their elected offi-
cials voted on such sums.
In addition, requiring the roll to be
called when votes are taken on appropri-
ations bills would also improve attend-
ance during House consideration of such
The record shows that an average of 13
percent of the House membership was
absent when votes were taken on appro-
priations; bills in the 88th Congress.
There is room for improvement in view
of the seriousness of the appropriations
(Mr. CHAMBERLAIN asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute and to revise and extend
his remarks.)
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Speaker, I
rise to deplore in the strongest terms pos
sible the activities of the U.S. Informa-1
tion Agency in making a "phony propa-
ganda movie" of our red hot war in Viet-
As smoke bombs broke in brilliant
colors and Vietnamese troops supposedly
capttired an enemy village, a U.S. cap
tain said that "if they want to portray
the war, they should try to do it at least
like it really is." I share his views.
The USIA was founded to tell the truth
about America to the entire world. Now,
the Agency has been exposed as conduct-
ing the same sort of misleading opera-
tion with its Vietnamese war film that
the entire administration has been con-
ducting with the American people on the
overall situation in southeast Asia. This
is deceitful.
To me, it is unfortunate enough that
we must ask the American people to
spend close to $2 million a day to finance
a war that we are apparently losing. But
it is even worse to ask our citizens for an
other $100,000 in tax money to finance a
phony, simulated film in an effort to fool
the world about the truth in Vietnam
with a peek through rose-colored glasses.
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not at some future date which will allow We then would be presented with a fait
time for deployment. will seek an adequate civil defense program
Some comfort has been taken in certain and that Congress will press both for this
circles from the belief that Nike X is not and for preproduction funds for Nike X.
really important because missile defense Cal,
Just-completedaNike X threat analysis study
sheds some interesting light on this theory.
The study indicates that missile offense and
defense are much closer to a standoff than
many people believe.
The significance of this is considerable.
For one thing, it means that a U.S. ballistic
missle defense can play an important role
in our strategic posture. More important,
it means that the door is open for the Soviet
Union to undertake an antimissle defense
which can offset our present superiority in
strategic missiles.
The administration belief that the Rus-
sians have not done so is indicated by the
confident cutback by Secretary McNamara
of 200 previously planned Minuteman mis-
siles. But the questions remain of whether
the Soviets could do so, and whether they
could do so without our detecting the
Initiation of such a large-scale program.
An article in the December Issue of Fortune
by the very able Mr. Charles J. V. Murphy
sheds some interesting light on this. Mr.
Murphy details the history of the Soviet
missile effort, as watched by the Turkish
radars and the U-2 aircraft, as well as other
intelligence sources.
Although we have detailed much of the
history in this magazine as it developed, it
is worthwhile noting what Mr. Murphy has
to say about Soviet antimissile defenses:
"Meanwhile, there had emerged, too, ominous
indications that the Russians had begun to
test an anti-missile-missile system, a con-
cept that our scientists then held and still
hold to be wholly impracticable. Indeed, the
R. & D. center of this enterprise was finally
located by a U-2 early in 1960 in Central
Siberia, at $ary Shagan, a large community
on Lake Balkash, about 400 miles east of the
ICBM test establishment at Tyura Tam. It
was established that the interception of
rockets by other rockets had actually been
attempted, with some success, and thereafter
In U.S. Intelligence calculations account had
to be taken of the chance, however, im-
probable, that Soviet technicians might be
close to a defense against the ICBM's."
As Mr. Murphy points out, this was in
1960. Dr, Harold Brown, chief of research
and engineering in the U.S. defense estab-
lishment, acknowledged not long after tak-
ing office that the Soviets had a significant
lead over the United States in this field.
There is no reason to suppose the Russian ef-
fort has slackened,
The question remains: Could the Soviets
conceal plans for deployment of an ef-
fectlev anti-ICBM system? With the Rus-
clans aware that they are being closely scru-
tinized by the Samos reconnaissance satel-
lites, we find nothing surprising in the theory
that a closed society such as the Soviet Un-
ion could hide its antimissile intentions un-
Mr. ROBERTSON. Mr. President, in
the January 18 issue of U.S. News &
World Report, there was published a
thoughtful article on what would be in-
volved in home rule for the District of
Columbia. Students of American his-
tory are well aware of the fact that the
first Congress of the United States met
in Philadelphia, because that was where
sessions of the Continental Congress had
been held and where our Declaration of
Independence had been proclaimed. The
seat of the new nation was moved from
Philadelphia to New York because the
police of the city of Philadelphia failed
to protect the new Congress from pres-
sure groups. New York was not a desir-
able site for a national capital, because
it was too far removed from the Southern
States; so the Congress, meeting in New
York, passed a bill to establish the cap-
ital midway between the New England
States and the Southern States, to be
located on the Potomac River, in an area
to be designated as the District of Co-
lumbia, and it was not to have the priv-
ilege of suffrage and home rule. Over
my protest, the Senate has voted on
several occasions to give home rule to the
District of Columbia. In my opinion, this
would do violence to the fundamental
principle underlying its creation by
I ask unanimous consent to have
printed at this point In the RECORD the
article on this subject, from U.S. News &
World Report.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
A unique experiment is being proposed for
Washington, D.C., The experiment: "home
rule"-self-government for the residents of
the Nation's Capital. It has the backing
of the White House.
Most of Washington's residents are Ne-
groes, and the prospect is that they would
elect a Negro government. This would make
Washington the only major city in the world
governed by Negroes.
For nearly a century, this Nation's capital
has been governed by Congress, acting as
Washington's city council, and the U.S. Presi-
dent, acting as the city's mayor.
Now political pressure is growing to give
Washington, D.C., "home rule"-return the
governing power to the people who live in the
City and let them elect their own officials
accompli which would od'set our vast invest- President Johnson has pledged the power
merit in Minuteman, Polaris, and Titan II, of his administration behind ahome-rule bill
Since it a in the new Congress, in which the President
lso is possible for the Soviets to has a heavy Democratic majority.
?carry out the same tactic in regard to new Chances of passage of such a measure are
offensive missiles, we believe it necessary to considered the best ever.
move forward swiftly with both Nike X and
'A top defense official has sto residents of Washington are given the power
say about that also. He nniota something hi that to rule themselves? Will a self-governing
problems will it face? w- 869
percentage of incoming warheads, but not was a relatively small in
city-only 486,869 in
all of them, In a nation whose population is 9-to-1 1930.
"Therefore, the destabilising g most heavily Negro of any big American city. 808,000 population, ranking ninth in size
just not valid," he says. Missile defense does it is taken for granted that Negro voters, among all U.S. cities.
not upset the mutual deterrence of the two outnumbering whites, would elect Negro Yet Washington today has 146,900 fewer
sides. officials. whites than it had in 1940-and 183,200 fewer
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"It is my expectation that we will have a
Negro for mayor," says Joseph Rauh, chair-
man of Washington's Democratic Central
Committee and a leading advocate of home
Whites also would be expected to give way
to Negroes in other key posts-in the school
system, police, and courts.
This would make Washington the only
major city in the world governed by Negroes.
And the United States would be the only
its white nation with a Negro as
Any new government in Washington would
find itself beset by complex and growing
problems, some of them unique.
Crime, increasing at a rapid rate, makes
Washington's streets among the most dan-
gerous in the Nation.
There is a strong and continuing migra-
tion of white families from Washington to
nearby suburbs in Maryland and Virginia.
Washington is becoming to a large extent a
city of aging white couples with few chil-
dren and Negro families with many children.
Washington schools-From 39 to 88 percent
Negroes in 24 years
1940------ _-_
56, 547
17, 673
125, 016
39. 1
79. 7
Source: District of Columbia Board of Education.
Among those moving out of the city are
many big taxpayers.
Government is Washington's biggest in-
dustry. The Federal Government owns 43
percent of the city's land area. Foreign gov-
ernments, with their embassies and chan-
ceries, also own sizable chunks of valuable
real estate. So do religious, educational, and
charitable organizations.
Altogether 16,642 acres of Washington's
land area are exempt from taxes. This is 54
percent of the city's total.
This raises tax problems such as are faced
these tax h exemptions cost the, city $53 a mil-
lion tthea year in lost taxes. This loss is only
partially made up by Federal contributions
to the city, now running at a rate of $3..5
million a year.
Many thousands of people who work in
Washington don't live in the city. They
commute from outlying suburbs-mostly by
automobile. The Washington area has the
Nation's greatest density of automobiles per
square mile. It has no underground rail sys-
tem. This means heavy spending for streets
and bridges.
Other Washington problems include a big
relief load, rates of illegitimate births, and
venereal disease that are among the highest
in the Nation, and public schools so heavily
Negro that they defy attempts to achieve
a "racial balance" in enrollments.
Most cities, facing problems such as Wash-
ington's, can expand by annexing suburbs,
thus enlarging their tax base and reclaim-
ing some of the taxpayers lost by migration
from the city. .
Washington can't do this. Its bound-
aries-enclosing 69 square miles are fixed by
Federal law. It is not a part of any State,
so it cannot look to any State government
for help.
Until the 1930's, when the r'ederal Go
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 CIA-RbP 7 00446R00 10004.0001-6 ~xringJ1n.the. fu uxeA . I. ask iraCY of Maine.
1- a Secretary of the Senate reported RECORD, as follows: - pagers, the Brunswick Record, and spe-
llat on today, March 18, 1965, he pre- RESOLUTION 27090 cifically the issue of February 18, 1965.
'itlited to the President, of the United Resolution of the Council of the City of San There being no objection, the article
-States the following, enrolled joint reso- Jose requesting the President of the United was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
"lotions. ,
States to enforce Federal laws in Selma, as follows:
S+J R. . Joint reeOlution to alithoriZe a NEW SHRIMP PEELER HELPS KEEP FISHING
the Iresident to designate the week, of May 2 Whereas the citizens of the city of San FLEET Busy
trough May 8, 1965, as "Professional Pho-
.'i~ggraphd Week": and
zees in the city of Selma, Ala.; and delicacy to be savored only in hot sauce,
l~lape cammemaratioa " Whereas were is existing Federal legisla- may be a common product of the sea an
On request, and by unanimous con-
sent, addresses, editorials, articles, etc.,
Were ordered to be printed in the Appen-
dili, as follows:
$y Mr. CASE :
Excerpts from remarks, by Frederick H.
Vroel,. president,'of; ,the New Jersey State
-fiber. of Commerce, dealing with efforts
Of New ' arsey citizens in connection with
their recent visit to Alagoas, Brazil, pursuant
?6o the Partners for the Alliance program.
Article on the financing of commercial
supersonic transport aircraft, published in
Aviation Week & Space Technology for Feb-
ruary 8, 1965.
1`ly Mr. RANDOLPI;:
Article entitled "Weston Man Is State's
Most Dedicated Tourist Promoter," pub-
lished in the_ClarkabuTg (W. Va.) Exponent,
January 29, 1965.
*y Mr ~I
Article entttied "7.?giionstrators Win Big-
gest Victory,'' written by David Lawrence
and published in the Washington Evening
Star of j arch 17, 1965.
Article entitled "the .Great Risk, of the
GreatSociety," written by Dr. Felix Morley
and published in Nation's. Business for
larch 1,965. =Article entitled "The.Phony Peace Drive,"
written by Thurman Sensing, executive vice
president of the Southern States Industrial
Article on participation by clergy in dem-
datrations at Selma, Ala? written by Rev.
Charles 13, Nunn, Jr., and published in The
bight for March 13, 2965.
$yltfi; r'AsiBOROUQH:
Article entitled "The Self-Renewing City,'
published in the-January-March 1965 issue
of the General Electric Forum.
1iy fir. PROVTY:
Letter to hint dated March 1, 1965, from
National Federation of Independent Busi-
ness, reporting result of nationwide poll on
Senate Resolution 30, to provide legislative
authority for ,Senate Select Committee on
Small Business.
1x0. tc JC IEL. Mr. President, the
Cpuncil 4f the City, of San Jose, Calif., by
un&l}ln us yotc,adopted a resolution on
A~arg 8, expressing. its indignation at
the recent convulsions and violence in
Selma, Ala., and calling upon the Presi-
tion which could be enforced, to insure to your table in the near future if plans con-
our fellow countrymen the right of peaceful ceived by Guy Johnson, Jr., of Great Island,
assembly and the right to participate in self- materialize. The knotty problem of separat-
government through the power to vote: Now ing this delicacy from its shell has been
therefore, pe it overcome by automated, machines and no
Jose, That the President of the United States
be requested to take action to stop the out-
rageous mistreatment of American citizens
by misguided local,and State officials in the
State of Alabama, and to assure that the
Constitutional rights of all citizens in all
States are protected at all times.
J. L. PAcE, M.D., Mayor.
City Clerk.
Mr, PROUTY. Mr. President, the daily
RECORD for March 16, 1965, at page 5080,
in announcing the results of vote No. 37,
contains an error which I think should
be corrected. The RECORD now reads "so
the amendments offered by Mr. CLARK
and Mr. MURPHY were rejected en bloc."
It should read "so the amendments of-
fered by Mr. PROUTY and Mr. MURPHY
were rejected en bloc."
I ask unanimous consent that the per-
manent RECORD be changed accordingly.
Bess in the chair). The correction will
be made. -
Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, the daily
RECORD for February 17, 1965, at page
2703 contains an error in the recording
of my remarks. The RECORD reads:
The maximum amount of the credit, how
ever, would not exceed $25,000 plus 13/4 per-
cent of the training expenses in excess of
The RECORD should read:
The maximum amount of the credit, how-
ever, would not exceed $25,000 plus 25 per-
cent of the tax liability in excess of $25,000.
I ask that this correction may be made
in the permanent RECORD when it is
rection will be made.
Mrs. SMITH. Mr. President, an ex-
ample of Maine initiative and ingenuity
at its best is the project of Guy Johnson,
Jr., of Great Island, Maine, a neighbor
of mine. He is developing a Maine
shrimp Industry which promises to give
Louisiana some competition. I., hope
in preparing tnls rood.
The automatic shrimp peeling machine in
operation at Shrimp Lab Inc., at Great
Island, takes an average of 2 minutes plus to
process a shrimp ready for packaging and
shipping to market. More than 25,000
pounds of this seafood has been shipped
from this new sea processing plant with an
estimated 100,000 pounds scheduled for next
This operation has given a shot in the arm
to local area fishermen with seven ;boats
dragging- shrimps for the machine. Other
shrimp dealers are sending their catch over
to the machine for processing, finding it
easier than other , m ethods being used. At
an average 350 pounds per hour, this ma-
chine and process promises good pay and
a market for many boats without work dur-
ing long winter months.
Shrimping is not an easy job. It involves
rising at the cold early morning hour of
2 a.m., steaming 10 to 20 miles offshore to
the shrimp schools and putting in a long
day that can run to 16 hours of labor. Add
winter weather, the uncertain bottom that
tears a net to tatters, and it is easy to see
why shrimping is not considered an easy job.
Markets and shrimp runs will affect the
future of this business; however, at the pres-
ent time there are some 40 boats dragging
in the offshore waters.
This new technique has raised some ques-
tions concerning the potential shrimp popu-
lation. Will continued heavy dragging de-
plete this food supply? This is speculation.
Although this Gulf of Maine shrimp is not
related to the Louisiana shrimp, it has been
many years since the first southern shrimp
was dragged from the bottom for human
consumption and there seems to be no de-
pletion of the southern supply. Gulf of
Maine shrimp are smaller, some gourmets
think tastier, and range from Cape Cod
north. They are also found along the shores
of Norway, Finland, and Denmark. In Nor-
way, as a table delicacy they command $1.20
per pound in the American equivalent
One of the biggest handicaps in selling
this, product. unpeeled has been the eggs on
the shrimps. Shrimps are not male or fe-
male as commonly designated, being both
at some phase of their cycle. At the time
they are caught by the draggers off the Maine
Coast, they are female with eggs to prove it.
These eggs have no eye appeal to the bar-
gain hunting housewife as she peers into
the fish market. In fact, they look dirty
and hardly worth the effort to make them
edible. Peeled shrimp have a ready market.
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
- Ji;i,
.i .~~7ivle ni.
`i pril 22, 196
...His patience, his justice, his honesty, his sleeping under a coverlet of snow; walking
ieincerity conquered everyone who really miles to borrow a book and lying prone on
knew him. Douglas, his rival in love, in the the floor to read it by the light of the blazing
law, and in politics, pronounced him the
honestest man he ever knew. Wendell Phil-
lips, who bitterly assailed him because he
was not an abolitionist, finally declared that
he was "God given, God led, and God sus-
tained." Seward, who at first thought lightly
of him, lived to refer to him as a "man of
destipy with character made and molded by
divine power to save a nation," and Stanton,
whose treatment of him when they first met
was almost contemptuous, truly said, as the
gentle spirit let the body, "Now he belongs
to the ages." The rail splitter, the flatboat
hand, had conquered them all, and the con-
quest was complete and enduring. [Ap-
Our country has been abundantly blest in
the fact that it owes everything to the com-
mon man, nothing to aristocracy or royalty.
,What an array of names-Columbus, Wash-
ington, Franklin, Jefferson, Jackson, Lin-
Coln-all springing from the common people,
but none of them quite so near the common
clay as this child of the frontier, this-
"Kindly-earnest, brave, foreseeing man,
Sagacious, patient, dreading praise, not
New birth of our new soil, this first
Truly does the poet say he was new birth
of our new soil. Generations separated him
from the ways and the amenities of culti-
vated society. He was so close to nature
that, as another poet well says of him:
"The color of the ground was in him-the red
The tang and odor of the primal things;
The rectitude and patience of the rocks;
The gladness of the wind that shakes the
The courage of the bird that dares the sea;
The justice of the rain that loves all leaves;
"The pity of the snow that hides all scars;
The loving kindness of the wayside well-
the tolerance and equity of light that gives
as freely to
The shrinking weed as to the great oak flar-
' 'ing in the wind-
To the_ grave's low mound as to the Matter-
That shoulders out the sky.
"And when the, step of Earthquake shook
the house,
Wrenching the rafters from their ancient
He held the ridgepole up and spiked again
The rafters of the Home, He held his
Held the long purpose like a growing tree-
Held on through blame and faltered not
at praise.
And, when he fell, in whirlwind, he went
. clown
As when,a kingly cedar green with boughs
Goes down with a great shout upon the
And lea s a lonesome _ place against the
Abraham Lincoln was'the very incarnation
of the spirit of democracy, of the rule of
the common people. His thoughts were their
thoughts, their joys were his joys, and their
sorrows were his, too. His sad, deep-fur-'
rowed face was so marked with melancholy
that he seemed to bear all the burdens of
.~, `What a man,, and what a career. Just look
for a moment with the eyes of your iinagina-
tion and behold this awkward, barefoot,
backwoods boy at 10 trying to do a man's
.,part in the woods with his ax; living in a
forest hut entirely open on one side; at
alight dragging his tired frame to his attic
nest of leaves by climbing on pegs driven
into the logs, to find himself ere morning
pine knots; wading waist deep through the
wintry waters of a creek to rescue a worth-
less dog; guiding a flatboat down the Mis-
sissippi; making rails to fence the little farm
on the Sangamon for his father and step-
mother before leaving them to make his own
way in the world, before starting out at
22 on the quest for the road leading to that
figurative ladder on which he was destined
to climb so high. Again see him start from
Springfield on a flatboat trip to New Orleans;
see him find a way to extricate the stranded
boat when older and more experienced men
fail, just as later on, in affairs of greater
moment, he always found a way; see him as
grocer's clerk treating all with rigid, scru-
pulous honesty, walking 3 miles before
breakfast to bring to a customer the modi-
cum of tea which the accidental use of a
wrong weight deprived her of the evening
before; see him postmaster, with the mail
in his. hat, and see him laying away at the
end of his term the very pennies which
belonged to the Government, to be produced
years afterwards when called on for a settle-
ment. Step by step see him progress on the
toilsome way, now, storekeeper, now surveyor,
soldier, politician, and lawyer, but ever and
always faithful student, good citizen, and
honest man. [Applause.]
Then see him arrive in Springfield at the
age of 28, bringing with him little credit,
and less money, and riding a borrowed horse.
See him gradually rise, gaining steadily in
public estimation. See him in the State
legislature and in Congress, and when the
question of slavery extension becomes acute
see him challenge for a joint discussion his
opponent for senatorial honors, the ablest
debater of his day, Stephen A. Douglas, the
little giant of the Prairie State. The whole
civilized world knows the result of that de-
Likea skillful general Lincoln so directed
the course of the contest that he lost a
skirmish in order to win a battle. He was
beaten for the Senatorship only to gain the
On May 18, 1860, he was nominated by the
national convention of his party at Chicago,
and duly elected in November. On the 11th
of the following February he departed from
his Springfield home never to return alive.
I can see in imagination the parting scene.
In a pouring rain he stood bareheaded on
the coach ,platform at the old Wabash depot
and bade goodby to his friends and neigh-
bors. Listen to him:
"My friends, no one not in my situation
can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this
parting. To this place and the kindness of
these people I owe everything. Here I have
lived a quarter of a century, and have passed
from a young man to an old man. Here my
children were born, and one is buried. I
now leave, not knowing when or whether
ever I may return, with a task before me
greater than that which rested upon Wash-
ington. Without the assistance of that
Divine Being who ever attended him I can-
not succeed. With that assistance I cannot
fail. Trusting in Him who can go with me
and remain with you and be everywhere
for good, let us confidently hope that all
will yet be well. To His care commending
you, as I hope in your prayers you will com-
mend me, I bid you an affectionate farewell."
How touching how sincere, how full of
faith'-fn dod. `And the language itseff -how
rhythmic,'' how direct, how simple it is.
Where did this man, who scarcely entered the
schoolhouse and knew not the college or the
university, get this magnificent, this perfect
command of language? How and where and
when did he master that elusive thing called
style so thoroughly that some of his letters
and speeches adorn the walls of great insti-
tutions of learning as specimens of perfect
English? Let me read to you his letter to
Mrs. Bixley, which both graces and adorns
a wall of Oxford University as a specimen of
perfect composition:
"DEAR MADAM: I have been shown in the
files of the War Department a statement of
the adjutant general of Massachusetts that
you are the mother of five sons who have
-died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel
how weak and fruitless must be any words
of mine which should attempt to beguile you
from a loss so everwhelming, but I cannot
refrain from tendering you the consolation
that may be found in the thanks of the Re-
public they died to save. I pray our Heavenly
Father may assuage the anguish of your
bereavement, and leave you only the cher-
ished memory of the loved and lost and the
solemn pride that must be yours to have
laid so costly a sacrifice on the altar of free-
dom." [Applause.]
His Gettysburg address is conceded to be
the best short speech in the language, but
short as it is and excellent as it is, I shall
not now ask you to listen to it. Indeed, were
I to indulge in quoting specimens of his
eloquence, I should find no reasonable stop-
ping place. I cannot, however, resist the
impulse to quote the prophecy which con-
cludes his first inaugural:
"I am loath to close. We are not enemies,
but friends. We must not be enemies.
Though passion may have strained, it must
not break our bonds of affection. The
mystic chords of memory, stretching from
every battlefield and patriot grave to every
living heart and hearthstone all over this
broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the
Union, when again touched, as surely they
will be, by the better angels of our nature."
And may I not also recite the hymn with
which he closes his second inaugural?
"With malice toward none, with charity
for all; with firmness in the right, as God
gives us to see the right, let us strive on to
finish the work we are in; to bind up the
Nation's wounds; to care for him who shall
have borne the battle, and for his widow and
his orphan-to do all things which may
achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace
among ourselves and with all nations."
What rhythm, what
If we did not know that his spare moments
from boyhood up were given to the study of
the Bible and to the companionship of Aesop
and Bunyan and Defoe and Burns and
Shakespeare, we might well exclaim as did
the doctors and the scribes of old concern-
ing Him who spake as man never spake,
"Whence bath this man letters, having never
learned?" But we know that his mastery of
his native tongue, the only one he knew, did
not come unsought. It was acquired by per-
sistent and resolute effort, and was tinged
and tempered by the tenderness of a nature
filled with love for God and man and country.
It reflected his patience, his fortitude, his
fidelity, his absolute fairness and sense of
justice, as well as his courage, sincerity, and
resolution. In short, with him, as with
every master of diction, the style bespoke
the man.
Almost 47 years have come and gone since
the fateful night when the hand of a poor
deluded lunatic, without a moment's notice
or a word of warning, struck him down.
What a shock he,gave the world and what a
cruel wound he thus inflicted on the torn
and bleeding Southland. By that blow he
struck down the only man who had the
strength and the will to stay the ruthless
hands of those greedy and unscrupulous ad-
venturers who, at the close of the war,
promptly proceeded to plunder the stricken
South. I give it as the opinion of his life-
long friends in Springfield that Lincoln never
lost his love and sympathy for his native
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$outhlarld, and that had he lived he would, SENATOR D
never have , permitted the reign of robbery
and ruin' which" that fair land experienced
1. 4. days. The hand, the only
hand, which had the strength to save them
was paralyzed in death by one who vainly
imagined he was aiding their cause.
As for Lincoln, it was far beyond the poor
power of the assassin to rob him. of' one
tittle of his fame. Indeed, he added the one
thing needed, if anything were needed, to
enshrine his memory forever in the hearts
of the American people, and that was the
martyr's crown. And for this he chose, most
opportunely, the moment when his victim
had reached the summit, nay, the very zenith
of his fame.
The war was practically over. The dove
of peace' hovered over the land. The Union
was Saved. Government of the `people, by
the people, and for the people had not`per-
shed.from the earth. The ship of state was
safe at anchor.. The, shackles were stuck
from the, limbs of 4 mill!Qp slaves. Anc' the
people gave 'Lincoln credit for it all. The
World was dlled with the sound of' his
praises.' His feet were on the topmost round
of fame 'q ladder.. Millions of his couz}try-
men would cheerfOily have laid down their
lives to save his life. There was little glory,
left for hin} to gain,. and then, lest he trip
and stumble, fate closed and sealed , the
splendid record.
With what dramatic force Walt Whitman
tells the pathetic story:
"0'Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is
The ship' has weathered every rack,' the
prize we sought is won.
The port is near; the bells I hear, the peo-
ple all exulting.
But Oh heart! heart! heart!
Oh the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
"0 Captain! my Captainl rise up and hear
Rise up-for you the flag is flung-for` you
the bugle thrills,
For. you bouquets and ribboned wreaths-
for you the shore's acrowding,
For, you they call, the swaying mass, their
eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some .dream that on the deck
'You've fallen cold and dead.
"My captain does not answer, his lips' are
pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no
pulse nor will,
The ship is anchored safe and sound, its
voyage closed and done,
From fearful.trip the victor ship comes in
With object won!
Exult, Oh, shores, and ring, Oh, bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies
Fallen cold and dead,"
In the very heyday of his fame he fell at
the post of duty; and so we shall always
think of him as he, was at his best, not a
single shadow, not a single blur, not a single
flaw in the picture.
As the years file slowly past, as we get
further And.further away from his time and
see him in clearer and truer perspective, his
splendid moral and intellectual proportions,
his patience, his fidelity, his sense of justice,
his foresight, his charity, his patriotism-
in a word his greatness-become more and
More apparent.
In a spirit of patriotic devotion, imbued
with a feeling of profound gratitude for the
blessing of a reunited country under the old
flag, let us reverently bless God that He
vouchsafed us such a captain to direct' the
ship of state at such a time. [Prolonged
Mr. rXERKSEN. Mr. President, the
Constitution of the United States pro-
vides for the right of citizens to petition
their Government on any given subject.
Many citizens and organizations literally
flood Congress with petitions and letters
which are seriously considered by Mem-
bers of Congress when they are of merit.
My office receives as much mail as any in
Congress. Recently, there was a serious
abuse of the right of petition when Mr.
Joseph De Serto, secretary, Chicago
chapter, American Committee on Italian
Migration, rather than writing me di-
reCtl.y for comment, inserted an open
letter to me in Fra Noi in the April 1965
issue which.was based on a false premise
and would definitely mislead the readers
who were extended an invitation by the
newspaper to send the open letter to me
with a notation, "These are my senti-
ments too," with the signature and ad-
dress of the sendor.
The open letter by Mr. De Serto was so
written that it created inferences and
innuendos which made it appear that I
and some of my Republican colleagues
in Illinois were against liberalized quotas
and other provisions to amend our immi-
gration laws, where Mr. De Serto knows-
and so do all nationality groups inter-
ested in immigration know-of my rec-
ord for liberalized immigration quotas as
noted in my Senate bill, S. 2178-1959-
which was killed in a Democratic con-
trolled Congress.
It seems unnecessary for me, a son of
immigrant parents, whose strong record
in, helping the passage of civil rights
legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965;
whose continuous efforts to get passage
of Senate resolutions of freeing captives
behind the Iron Curtain as expressed in
Senate Concurrent Resolutions 6 and 10,
and whose strong activity in liberalized
immigration bills, to enumerate my rec-
ord as to favorable liberalized immigra-
tion laws, but I shall do so even though
many nationality groups and religious
faiths have honored me with plaques and
citations for my efforts on immigration.
For example, Mr. De Serto's organization
had this to say on a bronze plaque which
his organization gave me in 1958 which
is prominently displayed in my office:
In recognition of his dedication to the
principles and ideals upon which America
was'founded; for outstanding contributions
to the welfare of his fellow men; for cham-
pioning the liberalization of our immigration
laws and, particularly, for his many labors
and selfless services which have furthered
the migration, reception and resettlement of
Italians in this country.
National Chairman.
National Executive Secretary.
Given under the auspices of the Chicago
ACIM chapter on the 16th day of February in
the year of our Lord 1958.
The record shows that both the Dis-
placed Persons Act-1948--and the Refu-
gee Act-1953-were passed by a Re-
publican-controlled Congress which en-
abled many Italian, Greek, Jewish, and
other immigrants to come to America as
displaced persons and refugees. I stand
on my record an good and liberal imnlli-
gration law amendments just as I stand
on my record by introducing Senate
Concurrent Resolution 6 and Senate
Concurrent Resolution 10, in helping
people all over the world who are cap-
tives behind the Soviet communistic
Iron Curtain, in their efforts to become
freemen and free nations again; and
my record in advancing the cause of civil
rights of all people regardless of their
race, nationality, religion, or creed.
As the ranking Republican on the Sen-
ate Immigration Subcommittee and the
Senate Judiciary Committee which have
jurisdiction over immigration and nat-
uralization and refugee matters, I shall
always support appropriate immigration
I wish to assure all of the 40 groups
who attend meetings of the Committee
for a Fair U.S. Immigration Law, that
my record on immigration is public for
all to see.
I ask unanimous consent that a list of
the immigration bills introduced by me
in the Senate, together with a copy of
the letter to which I have referred, be
printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the list and
letter were ordered to be printed in the
RECORD, as follows:
January 7, 1957: S. 129, a bill to amend the
act of September 3, 1954 (68 Stat. 1145),
and for other purposes.
June 19, 1957: S. 2335, a bill to amend sec-
tion 239 of the Immigration and Nationality
Act, and for other purposes.
June 24, 1957: S. 2369, a bill to amend the
Immigration and Nationality Act, and for
other purposes.
August 14, 1957: S. 2792, a bill to amend
the Immigration and Nationality Act, and
for other purposes. (Supersedes S. 129 and S.
2369.) Became public law.
March 3, 1958: S. 3392, a bill to amend
section 212 of the Immigration and Nation-
ality Act, as amended-adjustment of status
of Hungarian refugees for permanent resi-
January 20, 1959: S. 504, a bill to amend
section 239 of the Immigration and Na-
tionality Act, and for other purposes. (Same
as S. 2335, 85th Cong.)
June 15, 1969: S. 2178, a bill to amend
titles I, II, and III of the Immigration and
Nationality Act, and for other purposes (Ei-
senhower administration bill).
March 18, 1960: S. 3225, a bill to amend
the Immigration and Nationality Act so as to
modernize and liberalize the quota system
and provide for the admission of persecuted
peoples, and for other purposes (Eisenhower
administration's proposal to liberalize na-
tional origins quota system).
May 4, 1961: S. 1809, a bill to amend the
Immigration and Nationality Act.
July 12, 1961: S. 2237, a bill to permit the
entry of certain eligible alien orphans-ex-
tension of the adoption orphan law.
I have introduced also many private im-
migration bills, most of which were enacted
into law, to enumerate. I suppose my of-
flee handles as many individual immigratidn
cases as any of the Senators from the larger
States covering all phases of immigration
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April 22, 1965
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from each of our several States. Here stand
the forms and figures of two giants of by-
gone days who trod this soil, and who live in
history. One is that of Junipero Serra, lowly
Franciscan friar, who brought Christianity
to this land, who built our missions, and
who early undertook to transform great
tracts of semidesert lands into gardens, by
ingenious and successful undertakings to
conserve the precious waters, which, then as
now, too infrequently fell from the sky. The
other is that of Thomas Starr King, a
Unitarian minister who, a century ago, saved
California for the Union in the tormenting
and bloody conflict between the States. In
September 1862, Reverend King spoke before
the San Joaquin Valley agricultural system
in Stockton. He sketched, for those who
gathered, the glories of our State. He spoke
of "an artist's dream" of what California
might look like a hundred years hence. In
his mind's eye, he saw long ribbons of fields
of grapes and grains-of houses grouped and
hamlets booming-of villages with spires and
cities of columns. He described the millions
Who would live here in 1962. But in all the
dreams which Thomas Starr King dreamed
that day in Stockton long ago, he could not
have dreamed by the wildest stretch of his
imagination, all the wonders of our State in
the 1960's, of the fantastic and endless mass
migration to our midst, bringing millions
upon millions of new residents, to achieve
an imposing leadership in agriculture, in
industry, in business, in science, in trans-
portation, in outer space, in education, in
development, and human progress, which, all
together, have made this State first in the
Nation. In all our State's history down to
today, the leaders of our communities have
had a thirst for progress which has remained
unslaked, and whose dreams for our future
reach out to touch the moon and the stars.
As a Californian, as the son of a Cali-
fornian, as a grandson of an immigrant who
came here from across the seas to be a Cali-
fornian, I have the same pride that is yours
in what has been accomplished, and in what
surely will be our constant forward march
in the decades ahead.
From the very beginning a basic problem
facing this and land of ours has been water,
mostly too little, occasionally too much. I
mentioned what really were irrigation proj-
ects of Junipero Serra's time. Parts of them
still remain near the mission in Santa Bar-
bara. In the history of southern California,
our growth has ever been controlled by our
supply of water. There never has been any
abundance. Our artesian wells, which I re-
member as a boy, are long since gone.
Pumps have reached ever deeper in the
ground. Salt water intrusion from the ocean
has been a menacing problem for many of
our coastal cities. Indeed, had it not been,
since the 1870's, for the continuing impor-
tation of water from the great Colorado
River, our growth would have been stunted,
and our future would have been bleak.
There would be no giant, Metropolitan Los
Angeles as we know it, were it not for this
water supply from beyond our State borders.
Men who were leaders in this city in bygone
days, to their infinite credit, planned for
the future and carried their plans into real-
ity. An epoch was reached for California.
in 1928 when that superb leader, the late,
great Senator Hiram Johnson, was finally
able to overcome embittered opposition, and
to obtain passage of the bill authorizing
construction of Hoover Dam. That massive
people's project, with the water and the
power which it supplies to Los Angeles and
to the Southland, represents, I think, the
difference between economic life and death
in our farflung empire south of the
Tehachapi Mountains. This Federal water
and power project and the hundreds of mil-
lions of dollars which the Federal Govern-
ment has invested in it, almost all of which
is being repaid by you and me who reap its
Subject: Immigration; Senate bill, S. 500;
House bill, H.R. 2680.
Senate Office Building;
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR, SENATOR: As an American, de-
scendant of a. people from southeastern
Europe, I must register a protest against the
misinformation and half-truths being circu-
lated by the enemies of any form of immi-
gration to the United States.
Those people who preach a master race
theory that the greatness of my country is
due only to Anglo-Saxon Protestants forget
that I know about such people as Christo-
pher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, Cabot,
Einstein, Fermi, La Salle, Lafayette, Salo-
mon, Mazzei, Dubinsky, Teller, Astor, Cudahy,
and Pupin to mention only a few.
I am ready to give the Anglo-Saxon Prot-
estants their due credit, but I believe the
people mentioned above and the many thou-
sands of others who were not of Anglo-Saxon
Protestant, heritage all contributed to the
greatness of my country.
We fought a terrible and costly war to dis-
prove the "master race" theory. Let's keep
it out of our own boundaries.
"Let's not open the floodptes," scream
others, Let them rave and rant-we know
that the proposed bills will not increase the
number of permitted entry under this law by
more than 7,000 or 8,000-which is about a
51/2 percent increase according to good old
U.S.A. arithmetic.
"Labor is against it-it will create greater
unemployment" is the claim of still others.
Wrong. Labor is not against it as witness
the statement of the AFL-CIO Executive
Council on Immigration at its Bal Harbour,
Fla., meeting on February 25, 1965.
With regard to the creation of more unem-
ployment, we refer you to the article from
the Wall Street Journal-"Severe labor short-
age develops at many firms as the boom rolls
on' which was spread on the CONGRESSIONAL
RECORD (p. A1009, Mar. 8, 1965) at the request
of Congressman THOMAS B. CuRTIS, Of
We 'are sure, Senator, that you know the
true ' facts. Can we count on your support
and the prestige of your minority leadership
to bring about a fair and equitable immigra-
tion law for which Americans can be proud?
Secretary, Chicago Chapter, American
Committee on Italian Migration.
Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, on
Monday, April 12, I spoke before the
annual meeting of the board of directors
of the Southland Water committee in
the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.
Among other subjects I spoke on the
growing problem of water shortage from
the Colorado .River. With great pride I
pointed out that two great American
States, Arizona and California, are work-
ing together for their common good. I
ask unanimous consent that a portion of
the text of my remarks on that occasion
be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the excerpt
was, Q'dered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows
Statuary Hall in our Nation's Capitol in
Washington, D.C., holds the likeness in stone
and bronze of the two most illustrious people
fornia's burgeoning economy. It points the
way to satisfying the future needs not alone
of California but of the entire Pacific South-
west area as well.
I must add that north of the Tehachapi
Mountains vast and vital Federal reclama-
tion works, built and building, have brought
economic viability and growth to the areas
they serve. The Central Valley project has
assured the future of our northern cities
and towns. It has transformed barren lands
into hundreds of thousands of lush agricul-
tural acres and new communities. Water
shortage is not a problem in the north.
Rather it is a problem of water conservation
and water control. All credit to the people
of California, north and south, for the ex-
penditures they have made, and the in-
debtedness they have readily assumed, to
help plan for an expanded tomorrow. And
all credit, too, to the Government of the
United States whose repayable investments
in multipurpose reclamation projects have
opened new horizons for our people.
The story I have to tell today deals in the
main with southern California, and the
questions of an adequate future water sup-
ply to meet the needs. of the additional
millions of citizens who will live here with
us as the years go by. It is the story in great
part of the waters of the Colorado River
which are being used, and will be used in
greater quantity, by Utah, Colorado, Wyo-
ming, and New Mexico, the so-called Upper
Colorado River Basin States, and by Arizona,
Nevada, and California, the so-called Lower
Basin States, as well. They will continue to
be used also by our neighbors in Mexico
with whom we have a treaty obligation to
furnish annually a usable supply.
The American States through which the
river wends its way are tied together by an
agreement, called the Colorado River Com-
pact, which seeks equitably to divide the
supply. The fact is, as the Upper Basin
States develop their own necessary projects,
the supply available to the lower basin
will diminish. But, at the same time, Cali-
fornia will need more water to sustain her
growth. So, indeed, will Arizona, and Ne-
vada, too. I think it a good rule of life that
when you can help your neighbor, you should
seek to do so, and that when you and your
neighbor, working together, can help each
other, without damaging either, there are
two reasons to do so. In a word, that is the
basis on which, at long last, Arizona and
California came into an agreement this year.
I do not wish to burden my comments
with statistics or by a discussion of com-
plex legal questions and formulas. Suffice
to say, that California, long ago, was re-
quired to place a ceiling on the amount of
river water it would use as a prerequisite to
the construction of Hoover Dam. The Cali-
fornia Legislature in 1929 imposed a limita-
tion of 4.4 million acre-feet of river water
per year out of the first 7.5 mililon-acre feet
available in the Lower Basin, plus one-half
of any excess or surplus water over and
above that amount.
In that connection, the U.S. Supreme
Court decree, in Arizona v. California, holds
that if sufficient mainstream water is avail=
able for release to satisfy 7.5 million acre-
feet of annual consumptive use, the waters
shall be apportioned 4.4 million to California,
2.8 million to Arizona, 300,000 to Nevada.
California actually is using, and has been
using, Colorado River water in excess of 5.1
million acre-feet each year and our actual
contracts with the Secretary of the Interior
for Colorado River deliveries total 5,362,000
acre-feet per year.
The day after the Supreme Court decree,
March 10, 1964, the two Arizona Senators
introduced a bill to construct the central
Arizona project and to create a new demand
on the river of 1.2 million acre-feet per year
of Colorado water. I offered an amendment
to that legislation providing that .in times
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C0NGKESS.10NAL, RECORD - SENATE April 22, 196'5
of scarcity the existing uses of Colorado River
water i;i Arizona and in Oalifornia to the, ex-
tent of. 44 Ilion acre-feet would be~ given
priority. Some people in dalifornia urged
that my ,amendment terminate after 2 years,
Their theory was that Congress would provide
California With additional water within such
a period of time, _ut that is a bad theory.
Anyway, if Congress were to do so, no harm
Would result from my amendment. Contra-
Wise, if Congress failed to do so, only one
State would suffer if the waters in the river
diminished. Our water agencies objected to
a 2~5-year guarantee. So did I. I suggested
that it was like selling a man a life insur-
an.Ce policy which provided that the policy
would lapse if the insured individual were
The truth is that it is becoming increas-
Ing difficult to enact giant water projects.
And I must frankly say that there are peo-
ple in Washington, in and out of Congress,
who are somewhat averse to passing any
legislation helpful to our State. They are
Blind to the fact that our State's popula-
tiolk increases 600,000 a year. They pooh-
pooh the fact that tens of thousands of our
school children attend school,or;ly half clays
because of a lack of facilities.
At any rate, there is a growing danger of
shortage in the river. Some day, and not
too far in the future, the Pacific Southwest
is going to require the importation of sup-
plemental water from some surplus northern
source in order to unshackle our otherwise
Inevitable future, growth. And It is going
to take the best exertions of all the States
involved, and not just California, to enact
the necessary Federal statutes, All the Col-
orado River States shaze this problem in
varying degrees. And it will be far better,
and the chances, of legislative success will be
far greater, If the States work together 'ef-
fectively rather than be ready to pounce at
each other's'throats.
Where there is a risk, common to two
Stites or more, should not the risk be
shared? If there is danger to two people,
or to two States, why should one alone face
it. Should they not stand together to repel
it? That is the ?position of your southern
California water agencies, a position which
I wholeheartedly accepted, from, the begin-
Several weeks ago in Washington, Secre-
tary of the Interior Udall called a meeting,
attended by Governor Brown, of California;
Governor Goddard, of Arizona; Senators
HLYDEiv, and FANNIN, of Arizona; and myself.
My California colleague, Senator MURPHY,
was unavoidably . absent but his views and
mine are the same, and I spoke for both of
us. We discussed the obvious need for ad
ditional water supply to both our States. I
am glad to say it was agreed that, at long
last, Arizona and California should join
forces as good comrades and friends, and
that we should together seek the means, by
which to , avoid a, shortage of water In the
river in the. years and generations ahead.
We generally recognized that existing uses
of Colorado River water in both Arizona and
California ought to receive protection over
new uses which would come into existence,
when, for example, the $1 billion central
Arizona project would be built, as we know
it must and should be built.
As a result of that meeting, legal repre-
sentativesof those in attendance and of our
water agencies met to draft a bill.
Here (I wish to pay tribute to a great water
lawyer, Northcutt Ely, whose experience,
Whose skill, and whose Indefatigable energy,
have been Of enormous benefit to our cause.
He has performed valiant service to our
State. He was the leader in drafting the
present bill, and his advice has been of fin-,
measurable assistance to all of us who have
laboreQ to find a fair and equitable answer
to a long and bitter struggle, I must, too,
give thanks to your own Bob Will whose
fidelity to this cause has been constant, and
whose help has been invaluable.
The guarantee to California of 4.4 million
acre-feet of Colorado River water annually
was written into, the draft legislation. This
proposed legislation recognizes the validity
and, the integrity of California's claim. It
provides that if there is insufficient Colo-
rado River water to supply 7.5 million acre-
feet of consumptive use, divergence to the
central Arizona project shall be reduced to
the extent necessary to supply 4.4 million
acre-feet of existing uses and decreased rights
In California and to supply similar existing
uses and rights in Arizona and Nevada as
well. It further provides that this protec-
tion shall remain in force until the Presi-
dent proclaims that additional public works
carry into the river, from an outside source,
2.5 million acre-feet of supplemental water.
Thus, this proposal gives to California a
guarantee against new water demands which
the central Arizona project will create. And
when finally surplus waters in the north are
transported thousands of miles into the
Colorado River main stream, by a new re-
payable multibillion-dollar Federal under-
taking, California's future requirements, far
in excess of 4.4, will be met by the Colorado
River and by the supplemental waters which
will be poured into this selfsame stream.
On February 8, I introduced this legisla-
tion for myself and Senator MURPHY. It
was subsequently Introduced by all 3 Arizona
Representatives and by 33 of California's
38 Representatives. The two Governors have
publicly endorsed it. Senator HAYDEN has
stated that he will, support it, as has Sen-
atorFANNIN as well. They have not, how-
ever, placed their names on the bill as co-
authors, though, as I say, their Governor has
endorsed it, and their Arizona colleagues
have all introduced the same bill.
A few days ago, Senator HAYDEN, Governor
Goddard and I met with President Johnson.
The President indicated an interest in ap-
proving my bill. He instructed his staff to
confer with the Budget Bureau and the Sec-
retary of the Interior to discuss the eco-
nomics of the legislation, relative to the
Bureau's report which must be made. I
venture, to hope that the executive branch
will sanction this undertaking. If that is
done, I think the Representatives in the Con-
gress of all theBasin States may wellgive
their approval. We will need all the help we
can get.
The construction of the central Arizona
project will be the first in a series of author-
izations which finally will bring new water
into the mainstream of the lower basin. Scar-
city would be avoided, and the apprenhen-
sions of the Upper Basin States would be
allayed. Our obligation to Mexico would be
fulfilled, and all the States along the river
could far better plan for their future water
I think the agreement of our two States
is a happy and auspicious development. We
can now work together for the good of both.
All the imprecations and bitterness of bygone
years may how be swept away. As good
neighbors, Arizona and California can work
for the development and progress of both
our people, and a brighter light will shine
upon our future. We may look forward
with considerable assurance to an increas-
ing, rather than a dwindling, water supply.
The magnet which has drawn, and is draw-
ing, millions of people to this corner of the
continent, does not seem to be losing its
power. If we can solve the problem of an
adequate water supply, then the 40 million
Californians, who will call this State their
home in the year 2000, will fulfill the hopes
and dreams we proudly and fondly have for
Mr. AIKEN. Mr. President, few Sena=
tors, and few people of the United States
have as full an understanding of foreign
affairs and how to get along with the peo7
pie of other countries as has the Senator
from Kentucky [Mr. COOPER]. There.,
fore, I believe it is particularly appropri-
ate at this time to have printed in the
RECORD an editorial which was published
in the Gleaner-Journal, of Henderson,
Ky., on Friday, April 9, 1965. I ask
unanimous consent that it be printed.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
On March 25, Kentucky's JOHN SHERMAN
COOPER, in a speech before the Senate, asked
President Johnson to make it clear that our
Government was willing to enter into nego-
tiations to bring about a peaceful, just, and
honorable settlement in Vietnam.
On April 7, a little more than 2 weeks later,
President Johnson has followed up on Sena=
for COOPER'S request. The President said in
a televised speech Wednesday night that the
United States is ready to begin, without prior
conditions, diplomatic discussions to end the
war in Vietnam.
Though the President said that our Gov-
ernment has been willing to conduct such
negotiations before, he has never said this
Previously, as Senator COOPER. pointed out,
the United States has imposed certain con:
ditions before any negotiations could be
started. The Communist Chinese and the
North Vietnamese said that the United States
would have to pull out of Vietnam before
negotiations could begin. Quite naturally,
our Government cannot agree to any such
notion. But the United States imposed its
own condition, namely, that the interven-
tion and aggression of North Vietnam must
cease before negotiations start.
Senator COOPER noted that in this atmos-
phere, both sides were seeking "a kind of
unconditional surrender. I believe it more
reasonable to say that we are prepared to
enter into true negotiations."
Recalling events leading up to the cease.
fire in Korea, COOPER noted that neither side
in that conflict imposed previous conditions
prior to the negotiations.
"Through negotiations, the .effort was
made to attain the objectives that we still
seek today," said COOPER.
Every American ought to realize that the
United States "can never accept the condi-
tions now imposed by the Communists * *
and it is reasonable to say that they will not
accept ours. There is no evidence that the
Communists are willing to negotiate at all
or that they will agree to any settlement
which would end their support of the so-
called war of national liberation which they
have initiated," said COOPER.
But a formal announcement by the Presi4
dent that the United States is willing to
negotiate without prior conditions would
clear the air. President Johnson has now
made such an announcement.
The Gleaner-Journal commends Senator
COOPER for his very timely speech in the Sen
ate. There is no doubt that the speech had
a beneficial effect on U.S. policy.
Kentuckians can be grateful that Senator
COOPER is on the alert in following foreign
relations policy. His remarks triggered wide,
comment. The fact that our Government
has altered its course is indicative of the'
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pproved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
April ,2,2,, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 7979
through them, the entire Orthodox Jewish
Community of Greater Washington, un-
qualifiedly supports S. 370, the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act of 1965, We
share with all Americans of every race and
creed the vital interest all have in improving
the quality of public and private education
and making knowledge fully available to the
future generations of this country's citizens.
There can, indeed, be no more certain insur-
ance for the continued prosperity and well-
being of the United States than a firm com-
mitment of this Nation's resources toward
the goal of superior educational opportunity
for all. We view the proposed legislation as
a sound and necessary step in that direction.
Our religious heritage also gives us a
particular interest in this legislation. The
Jewish people have come to be known as the
"People of the Book," and our traditions
have taught us reverence for learning and
for scholarship, of both secular and religious.
As Orthodox Jews we are concerned not only
with training our children in the sciences
and humanities, but in transmitting to them
an understanding of and appreciation for
the Jewish traditions which have kept our
faith alive for almost the full recorded his-
tory of man. Experience has demonstrated
that the most effective means of achieving
this dual result is through the Jewish Day
Schools, which supply children of the Jew-
ish faith with a comprehensive secular edu-
cation side-by-side with a Jewish religious
program of study. There are now 272 such
schools throughout the United States-two
of which are in Washington, D.C.-and they
operate autonomously as privately spon-
sored institutions supported by tuition-pay-
ing parents and voluntary contributors.
These schools maintain exceedingly high
standards in both their curriculums, and
their graduates have distinguished them-
selves in various professions and community
positions as well as in Jewish religious life.
The proposed legislation would alleviate
the financial burden now borne by the par-
ents of the children attending these schools,
most of whom are of moderate means. It
would do so by providing library and other
books to be used in the secular curriculum
of those schools, and by allowing the day
schools, together with other public and pri-
vate schools, to use the facilities of supple-
mentary educational centers which could
make available laboratories and other facili-
ties, supplies, or services which strain the
modest budgets of these institutions. Since
the day schools provide a secular education
which is equal to that given students in
public or nonsectarian private schools, it is
only fair to allot equal Federal assistance for
these community services. Any exclusion for
schools of this character from a program of
Federal assistance for secular education
merely because these schools offer, in the
same building and as a part of the same
day's course of study, classes aimed at fos-
tering appreciation for and observance of
Jewish traditions, would penalize children
because of their faith. We believe that the
first amendment's guarantee for the free
exercise of religion as surely forbids such
discrimination as does its prohibition against
the establishment of religion proscribe di-
rect support for any single religious cause.
The present legislation, S. 370, insures
equal treatment for all institutions which
mold our country's destiny by educating
future generations in the sciences, humani-
ties, and in the principles of loyal American
citizenship. Since Federal assistance is nec-
essary and since the legislation's standard is,
in our view, one of the few permissible ones
by which such assistance can be distributed,
we unqualifiedly support S. 370 and urge its
Mr. BREWSTER. Mr. President,
some time ago, I introduced S. 1474
which would establish a bipartisan Com-
mission of 12 members, including 2 from
the Senate and 2 from the House, to sug-
gest ways in which the Hatch Act might
be amended to enable Government em-
ployees to participate more fully in civic
and political affairs locally.
I am happy to report that the chair-
man of the Subcommittee on Privileges
and Elections of the Rules Committee,
the Senator from Nevada [Mr. CANNON],
has agreed to hold early hearings on this
I ask unanimous consent to have
printed in the RECORD an editorial pub-
lished in the Washington Evening Star
on April 14, 1965, supporting the measure
which would establish such a Commis-
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
In refusing to authorize Government
workers to participate in purely local poli-
tics on a partisan basis, the Civil Service
Commission did not specifically contest the
good sense of that proposal. But it passed
the buck, with the comment that such a
change should "more appropriately be con-
sidered by Congress."
This is a disappointment. For surely the
spirit of the Hatch Act, and of the safeguards
which that statute provides for the Federal
career service, would not be abused by a
Government employee who takes an active
part in the local political affairs of his com-
munity. The fact is, of course, that some
Government workers already do so. But
they are forced, as the rules now stand, to
circumvent the normal political structure
and to participate only under the label of
nonpartisan organizations. In an area such
as Washington's, where so many citizens are
affiliated with the Government, the effect is
to sharply diminish the base of effective local
The Civil Service Commission position is,
as we understand it, that this issue ought
to be considered as part of a review of the
Hatch Act as a whole. And such a review,
along the lines proposed in a bill by Senator
BREWSTER of Maryland, is no doubt in order
after all these years.
But the trouble is that an extensive review
and overhaul of the act is also an exceed-
ingly complex proposition, on which Con-
gress is not apt to complete any legislative
action soon. Local political leaders, who are
seeking a simple change in the civil service
regulations to deal with the problem of local
political participation, have now asked Com-
mission Chairman John Macy for a hearing
in order to further discuss the proposal. We
think that request, at least, should be
Mrs. SMITH. Mr. President, the 50th
anniversary of the Turkish genocide of
the Armenians brings to mind not only
the great self-sacrifice of this virile
though ancient nation in the interest of
virtuous government and human rights,
but the important contributions made by
the Armenians to the Allied war effort
of 1915-18 as "The Little Ally" of the
The Armenians, although the small-
est of the Allied nations to participate
in the struggle against Germany and
Turkey in World War I, contributed
more to the Allied cause in terms of cas-
ualties than any other single allied state,
large or small.
which-includes the remarks of Dr. James
A. Sensenbaugh, Maryland's distin-
guished superintendent of schools,
printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
It was wholly. In keeping with his rural up-
bringing for President Johnson to go back
to the one-room country schoolhouse in
Texas, where he began the long climb to-
ward learning, to sign the bill authorizing
the vast new program of Federal aid to edu-
cation. The one-room schoolhouse has long
since passed from the lives of most of the
Americans living today, but for men and
women of the President's generation who
were raised on farms the small rural school
will always stand as a symbol of many funda-
mental aspects of education, such as the
skill and devotion of teachers, the long-last-
ing effect that capable instructors exert on
their pupils, and the fact that books and
teachers are more valuable than big, new
The new bill and the boys and girls it is
Intended to help have little more than his-
tory in common with the one-room country
schoolhouse. But history is important, and
the contrast 'between Mr. Johnson's old
school and the complex of modern prob-
lems-centering in the cities-toward which
the Federal bill is directed helps to under-
line the fact that this is a major program
which now challenges the ingenuity of State
and city educators as much, if not more,
than a roomful of_ lively boys and girls,
ranging from the first to the eighth grades,
challenged the country schoolteacher.
The bill is not intended to relieve States
or communities of their present burdens, but
to help them to do more and better work in
areas which need attention. Its emphasis is
on low-income families which may be aided,
by new measures ranging from preschool
education to efforts to reduce early teenage
dropouts, to lift themselves and their chil-
dren from the poverty level. There is a dif-
ference of opinion, of course, abqut the bill's
special provisions under which parochial
school pupils may benefit-and this may not
be settled until the issue has been tested Iii
court-but for the time being the significance
of the bill is that it will make Federal funds
available where outside help seems to be
Dr. James A. Sensenbaugh, Maryland's
superintendent of schools, deserves special
mention for his comment yesterday. He said
that educators have always said In the past
that they couldn't do what they wanted to
do with the money they were given. Now,
he said,. "we have an obligation to use our
best thinking to come up with new Ideas."
That kind of an approach, and emphasis on
the point that initiative should come from
the community rather than from the Federal
Government, will help to justify the bill and
quiet the fears of citizens who feel that today,
as in the time of the one-room schoolhouse,
education should begin as close to home as
Mr. BREWSTER. Mr. President, I
also ask unanimous consent to have the
recently adopted statement of the Coun-
cil of Orthodox Synagogues of Greater
Washington in support of S. 370 printed
In the RECORD.
There being no objection, the State-
ment was. ordered to be printed in the
RECORD, as follows:
13F+ EJ.E>~?,.., A~iD.. SEOQNDARY , EDUCA-
ON Acz ofTrTA{I,Y1965
.The' Council of Orthodox synagogues of
Greater Washington, which represents nine
synagogues in the Washington area, and,
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It is not generally known that when May I conclude by repeating a_ short
the Russian armies withdrew from the statement recently made to me by an
Caucasian front,in $x`17,? the Armenians, Ohio physician, a personal friend of
scarcely 2 years after the terrible blood mine:
bath of 1915 which had been designed Most hospitals have the recovery room in
to destroy their nation` fielded an army the wrong place. It should be next to the
and, in a series ' of brifiiant campaigns, cashier's office.
prevented the Turks from winning the
oil reserves at Baku for use of the Ger-
man war machine. These victories
forced Turkey to recognize the newly
formed independent Armenian state.
Such great sacrifices and devotion' to
the cause of freedom must not be for-
gotten in this year 1965, one-half cen-
tury removed from the tragic events of
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr.
President, the Appalachian Regional
Commission held its first meeting this
week and began the work of this import-
ant program. Since an important as-
pect of the program will be its adminis-
tration, I believe it is essential that we
know the man who will be in charge of
carrying out the day-to-day tasks. He is
Mr. John L. Sweeney who is the Fed-
eral Cochairman of the Commission.
An interview with Mr. Sweeney was re-
ported in the Charleston, W. Va., Ga-
zette on April 19, 1965. It portrays him
as an industrious, resourceful, hard-
working public servant.
I ask unanimous consent to insert the
article in the RECORD at this point.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By Harry Ernst)
Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President,
It 4 heartening to knovi that the Senate
Committee on'Finance is working inten-
sively to draft a report to the Senate on
the administration bill, as amended, pro-
viding medical, hospital, and nursing
home care for` the elderly under social
security coverage, commonly referred to
as medicare.
Of course, the political doctors who
control the House of Delegates of the
American Medical Association oppose
this bill, as they have always opposed
every movement to better the health of
the American people.
Furthermore, under the auspices of the
political doctors heading the American
Medical Association, referendums have
been taken In various Otates of the
Union-including my State of Ohio-and
in every instance the physicians and
surgeons in those States responded, to
the referendums by invariably voting by
a percentage of 67 percent or more' in
favor of including doctors under social
security coverage.
However, despite that, the American
Medical Association's ruling clique con-
tinues to oppose social security coverage
for physicians and surgeons. At the
present time the medical profession is
the only profession not included under
the beneficent provisions of our social
security laws. Of course, our social'se-
curity system should be universal. It
Recently, Dr. W. E. Lockhart, writing
in the Texas Journal of Medicine, stated:
In the decades that will come, historians,
doctors and statesmen may marvel that'the
medical profession almost always took the
conservativestand against progressive meas-
ures. It * * 20 years ago we opposed Blue Cross,
bearing that this would lead to socialized
medicine. * * * We doctors opposed Federal
aid to medical education although we knew
that medical schools had inadequate financ-
ing. * * '* We are now opposing medical care
for the aged under socail security-actually
a conservative measure that will . become' law
and will be accepted by the American people.
Why cannot medical leadership pick a winner
in one race?
Mr. President, that was the statement
of an eminent doctor from Texas, Many
physicians and surgeons oppose the reac-
tionary policies of that small group of
political doctors who control the AMA.
WASHINGTON.-In the life of John L.
Sweeney, theory and practice have frequent-
ly clashed and theory almost always has
Sweeney, a 37-year-old combat veteran of
American politics, recently was appointed by
President Johnson, confirmed by the Senate
and sworn in as Federal Cochairman of the
Appalachian Regional Commission at an an-
nual salary of $27,000.
With a $1.1 billion carrot and veto power
over its spending as an imposing stick,
Sweeney is the man who has to keep aid to
Appalachia from becoming just another pork
His job will be essentially the same as that
of a diplomat. As U.S. Ambassador to 11
States, he has to forge a regional develop-
ment program that transcends State bound-
aries while keeping the natives and his Fed-
eral partners happy.
They include 11 Governors, ranging in poli-
tics from the racism of Alabama to the rela-
tive liberalism of West Virginia; their
sometimes independent department heads;
and a dozen Federal agencies that will be
Involved in the program.
If success emerges from such a melting
pot of bureaucracy, Sweeney will be hailed
as the first architect of President Johnson's
creative federalism. If he fails, the State
Department can always find anew country
in Africa where it can dispatch a used diplo-
A Chicago native, Sweeney clashed with
theory when he enrolled at Michigan State
University and discovered the serene aca-
demic life costs money. So he developed his
character by driving a taxicab and bar-
tending while working, his way through
The State Department couldn't have come
up with a better description of a skilled dip-
lomat-the type of personality needed to
keep aid to Appalachia from degenerating
into an 11-Statefree-for-all.
Practical politics lured him away from the
classroom and shattered some of his favor-
ite theories.
former Gov. Cl. Mennen Williams, of Michi-
gan, for 41/2 years, then became legislative as-
sistant to Senator PAT McNAMAEA, Democrat,
of Michigan, and later staff director of the
Senator's labor subcommittee.
After, moving to Washington, Sweeney was
so used to working and going to school that
he couldn't resist obtaining a law degree from
George Washington University by attending
night classes.
"I have changed every one of my ideas
about politics since coming to Washington,"
he observed. "I have learned the necessity
for compromise in transferring the objectives
of politics into public policy."
He thinks his best teacher has been Presi-
dent Johnson and his practice of consensus.
And he has grown fond of Congress as "an
immensely effective and responsible organiza-
tion," although in his student days he con-
sidered it a historical hangover.
"The Appalachian development program,"
Sweeney thinks, "is a perfect example of how
a useful program can result 'from an enor-
mous amount of compromising'. "
In 1963, he was appointed Executive Direc-
tor of the President's Appalachian Regional
Commission and the following year became
Chairman of its successor, the Federal De-
velopment Planning Committee for Ap-
President Johnson undoubtedly chose
Sweeney, a cool midwesterner who never
could be mistaken for a hillbilly, to serve as
Federal commander of Appalachian devell
opment because of his knowledge of the
delicate compromises that shaped the pro-
Sweeney thinks two key decisions kept the
program from fading away even before it
reached Congress.
One was winning the support of conserva-
tive governors by limiting the program to
financing public facilities and by giving them
veto power over projects in their States.
The other was uniting the dozen Federal
agencies behind the program by giving them
the funds and responsibility for imple-
menting the parts of it that are their tradi-
tional concern. They undoubtedly would
have fought any effort to create a TVA-style
Appalachian authority that would have dis-
placed them.
Will Sweeney be as successful in imple-
menting the Appalachian development pro-
gram as he was in helping to establish it?
"He has one of the best minds I've seen,"
a coworker commented. "He has a terrific
ability to express himself clearly and knows
the best ways to persiWe people to agree
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the Im-
migration and Naturalization Subcom-
mittee of the Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee has pending before it important im-
migration reform legislation in the form
of S. 500, introduced on behalf of a num-
ber of Senators by the Senator from
Michigan [Mr. HART]. Another meas'-
ure pending before the subcommittee is
S. 1093, an immigration reform bill,
which I introduced on February 10 to-
gether with the Senator from Pennsyl-
vania [Mr. CLARK] and the Senator from
Oregon [Mr. MORSE].
Some of the ways in which this meas'
ure differs from S. 500 are: First, prov-
sions to accelerate the 5-year phase.
out of the national origins quota in line
with the prompt elimination by the bill
of similar discrimination in the Asian-
Pacific triangle; second, establishing of
authority for judicial review of claims
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to U5. nationality under the Admin-
istrative Procedure Act or Declaratory
Judgment Act; third, the establish-
ment of the 10-year statute of limitations
for deportation cases; and, fourth, the
creation of a Board of Visa Appeals in
the Department of State to review, upon
the request of the Secretary of State,
any consular officer concerned, or of any
person aggrieved all decisions denying or
revoking visas or extensions thereof or
the application of any State Department
immigration regulations.
The latter two proposals were en-
dorsed by the Association of the Bar of
the State of New York in 1961 during
its consideration of S. 551, immigration
reform legislation which I introduced in
the 87th Congress.
On April 1 of this year, the report of
the Committee on Federal Legislation of
the New York State Bar Association was
published. The report urges the prompt
enactment of S. 500 and favors the in-
elusion In S. 500 or enactment of sepa-
rate legislation containing the provision
of S. 1093 establishing a 10-year statute
of limitations for deportation cases. On
March 29, the New York County Law-
yers' Association's Committee on Ameri-
can Citizenship issued its report also
favoring enactment of S. 500.
I hope that the subcommittee will give
both S. 500-which I have cosponsored-
and S. 1093 its serious consideration,
along with other measures, pending be-
fore fit, and that prompt and favorable
action will be taken by the Senate to en-
act badly needed immigration reform
legislation during this session of Con-
gress. It is time for the patchwork and
piecemeal approach to immigration re-
form to be overhauled and a comprehen-
sive new law codified.
It has been a decade since our immi-
gration wall was perpetuated by the Im-
migration and Nationality Act of 1951,
better known as the McCarran-Walter
Act. Time and experience have more
than dramatized the fact that, as its op-
ponents contended 11 years ago, it is per-
haps as unique a law as we have- on our
statute books. But these 11 years have
also produced an atmosphere of political
helplessness to exasperate even the most
determined immigration reformers, so
that today most are resigned to the now
annual practice of settling for piecemeal
revisions or temporary relief, rather than
an effective overhaul of our entire policy
of immigration. The backdoor methods
Congress has used to cover up deficiencies
in the basic law is the greatest proof of
the law's inadequacies. Since the Mc-
Carran-Walter Act was enacted, Con-
gress has passed special, short-term im-
migration and refugee legislation which.
has had the cumulative effect of admit-
ting into the United States more than
twice as many persons as permitted un-
der the basic McCarran-Walter Act.
I ask unanimous consent to have
printed in the RECORD the report by the
Committee on Federal Legislation of the
New .York State Bar Association.
There being no 'objection, the report
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
No. 71a
(The President's proposals (S. 500, H.R. 2850)
to amend the immigration laws to abolish
the national origins system and to effect
other reforms)
On January 13, 1965, President Johnson
proposed to Congress that the national
origins quota system for admission of im-
migrants be eliminated over a 6-year transi-
tion period and replaced by a system based
upon the merits of each individual applicant
as measured by, e.g. his skills, his relation-
ships to persons living here, or his flight
from political oppression? These recommen-
dations are contained in S. 500, introduced
by Senator HART and 32 other Senators in-
cluding JAVITS and KENNEDY of New York
and in H.R. 2850, introduced by Congressman
More specifically, the principal proposals
of S.500 are:
1. "Phase-out" of the national origins
quota system over a 5-year period by reduc-
ing such quotas 20 percent each year and
transferring the numbers so released to a
quota reserve pool. Thus in the first year,
20 percent (roughly 32,000) would be re-
leased to the pool; in the second year 40
percent (or 64,000) would be in the pool;
until in the fifth year and thereafter, all
quota numbers would be allocated through
the pool. During the transition period the
pool would be made up of the above released
numbers and unused numbers of the pre-
vious year assigned to the old quota areas.
2. Immediate relief to minimum quota
areas by increasing the minimum quota, now
100, to 200, subject to future reduction in
the same manner as in (1) above.
3. Issuance of quota numbers based on the
following preferences, (a) the first 50 per-
cent, to persons with exceptional skills who
will be "especially advantageous" to the
United States, (b) next 30 percent (plus any
part of the first 50 percent not used), to un-
married sons and daughters of' U.S.
citizens not eligible for nonquota status be-
cause they are over 21 years of age, (c) next
20 percent (plus any part of the first 80 per-
cent not used), to spouses and unmarried
sons and daughters of aliens lawfully ad-
mitted for permanent residence in the United
States, and any portion remaining to other
quota applicants, with percentage prefer-
ences to other relatives of U.S. citi-
zens and parents of resident aliens, and then
to certain classes of workers where there is
a shortage of employable persons in the
United States.
4. To prevent a single country from ob-
taining disproportionate benefits, issuance
of more than 10 percent of the total quota
numbers authorized for any year to any
quota area would not be permitted.
H. Doc. No. 62, 89th Cong., 1st sess. (1965).
a Other bills with the same objectives and
substantially similar provisions have been
introduced; viz., S. 436 (SCOTT), H.R. 503
(MATSUNAGA), H.R. 541 (THOMPsoN, N.J.),
HR. 764 (GALLAGHER), H.R. 768 (GILBERT),
H.R. 832 (MINISH), H.R. 1764 (DoNoHuE),
and H.R. 2587 (BuRToN). H.R. 5324 (REID,
N.Y.), having substantially the same objec-
tives as the administration bill, would ac-
complish them by basing annual quotas on
the latest U.S. census instead of the 1920
census as at present, and by redistributing
unused quotas through regional pools; that
is, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. H.R.
1803 (WYDLER) would also abolish the na-
tional origins system but differs in other re-
spects from the administration bill. H.R.
2078 (PHD.IBIN), provides for pooling of
quotas under the present system.
5. To prevent inequities, the President,
after consultation with the Immigration
Board (established by sec. 18 of S. 500),
may reserve for otherwise qualified immi-
grants whose admission would further the
national security interest, up to 30 percent
of the reserve quota pool and for refugees
from oppression because of race, color, re-
ligion, national origin, adherence to demo-
cratic beliefs, or their opposition to totali-
tarianism or dictatorship, or who are
uprooted because of natural calamity or
military operations, up to 10 percent of the
reserve pool. Any numbers so reserved and
not needed revert to the pool.
6. Immediate elimination of the "Asia-
Pacific Triangle" provision of existing law,
discussed below.
S.- Establishment of nonquota status for
parents of U.S. citizens, as well as
to a child (under 21) or spouse as present
law provides.
8. Establishment of an Immigration Board
composed of two Members from the House,
two from the Senate and three members ap-
pointed by the President to study and con-
sult Government departments on immigra-
tion policy, to make recommendations to
the President as to reservation and alloca-
tion of quotas and to recommend to the
Attorney General criteria for admission of
skilled specialists and workers whose services
are needed by reason of labor shortages in
the United States.
In addition, S. 500 contains other provi-
sions of more specialized application and
makes technical changes in existing law
which will not be discussed in this report.
The'committee approves the objectives and
provisions of S. 500 and urges its enactment.
In addition, we recommend that considera-
tion be given to enacting, by inclusion in
S. 500 or by separate bill, a 10-year statute
of limitations for deportation cases, as was
proposed in 1961 in S. 551 of the 87th Con-
gress, which was a bill to amend the immigra-
tion laws by modifying but not abolishing
the national origins system, introduced by
Senator JAVrrs for himself and Senators
Keating, MoasE, CASE, and ScoTT.
(1) The national origins system
The national origins system had its genesis
in the Immigration Act of 1924 (referred to
as the 1924 act) and was carried forward
in the Immigration and Nationality Act of
1952 (referred to as the 1952 act). The
number of persons allowed to enter the
United States from any quota area (i.e., a
particular country as designated under the
act) during any year is limited (subject to
exceptions respecting Asiatic persons herein-
after mentioned) to one-sixth of 1 percent of
the number of inhabitants in the continental
United States in 1920 attributable by na-
tional origin to such country. Each coun-
try, however, has a minimum quota of 1002
Determination of quotas is the joint respon-
sibility of the Secretary of State, the Secre-
tary of Commerce, and the Attorney General'
As most recently determined,6 33 countries
have quotas of more than the 100 minimum
ranging from Great Britain and Northern Ire-
land (65,361) and Germany (25,814) to Es-
tonia (115). Italy has 5,666.
While the national origins systems per se
discriminates respecting country of origin of
the immigrant, the law contains a not easily
apparent discrimination against Negroes on
8 8 U.S.C.A. 1151 (a).
'Id. 1151(b), 1152.
s Pres. Proc. See 8 U.S.C.A. 1151, pocket
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the basis of race" This is accomplished by separate quotas for each country within the are calling for a united free world opposed.
the provision of 8 U.S.C.A. 1151 (a) which re- triangle. to communism, our immigration policies are
quires that "the number of inhabitants in the Complex= rules determine whether an im- based on invidious distinctions among coun-
contin.eiital "United. States in 1920_ * * * migrant is chargeable to a quota area within tries and nationalities, including the very
shall be the same number heretofore deter- the triangle or to the triangle quota.* The countries we wish to ally with us."
mined under the provisions of section 11 of interesting point Is that these rules are based In 1776, our Declaration of Independence
the Immigration Act of 1924 Sec- not on national origin but on race and apply declared all men to be created equal in. re-
tion 11(d) of the 1924 act provided that in to a person born outside the triangle (as well spect of certain inalienable rights. The Dec-
comptiting quotas the term "inhabitant of as to one born, within it) if he, by as much laration was intended to be, and its conse-
the continental United States in 1920" did
not include the descendants of slave ~mmi-
grants. Thus the Negro population of the
United States is excluded in determining
quotas under present law.
Moreover, the method of computing the
national origins of the 1920 population of
the continental United States is designed to
give only a rough approximation of where our
ancestors came from.
As explained in the 1961 report of the
committee on Federal legislation of the As-
soeiation of the Bar of the City of New S'ork+
on legislation then proposed to amend the
immigration laws:
"The method employed in making the na-
tional origins calculations pursuant to that
act was explained in a joint memorandum of
the Secretaries of State, Commerce, and La-
bor dated.10ebruary 25,192d. S. Doe. 65, 70th
Cong., 1st sess. In essence, the method em-
ployed in making the calculation's was as
"The population of the United States in
1'790 was classified by national origin simply
upon' the basis of their surnames. Then
immigration and census records for the
period 1820 to 1920 were used to furnish the
numbers of persons coming from each for-
eign country during those years. (Records
from 1790, to 1820 were unavailable.) Then
1920 census statistics were used to. supply
the numbers of persons In the population
who were either immigrants or the children
of immigrants, and the countries of their na-
tional origin.
"Other persons Included in the 1920 census
were allocated among countries of origin
upon the basis of projections of the 1790
population and the immigration thereafter,
Which, projections were based in part, upon
assumed rates of natural Increase, S, Doc.
65, 70th Cong., 1st secs.
"In other words, if persons of one national
origin multiplied faster than persons of an-
other national origin, the calculations made
under the 1924 act would not reflect. It,"
S. 500 would phase out the national
origins system over a 5-year period and
eventually eliminate It. a'
(2) Asia-Pacific triangle
The Asia-Pacific triangle comprises . all
quota areas situated wholly within an area
bounded by meridian 60* east and, 165'
West longitude and north of the parallel
25? south latitude. It embracer, all
Asiatic countries from India to Japan
and all Pacific' islands north of Aus-
tralia and New Zealand, including (in addi-
tion to India and Japan) for example, China,
Burma, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Pakistan,
Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam,. The
1952 act established a separate quota of 100
for the triangle itself in addition to the
6 In addition to discrimination against
Chinese persons and races indigenous to the
Asia-Pacifip triangle, hereinafter. discussed.
Reports of Committees of the Association
of.the Bar of the City of New York Concerned
With Federal Legislation (1961).
IS. 500, sees. 1 and 3. Bills to abolish
the national origins system, similar to S. 500,
have been proposed in earlier Congresses;
for example, 84th Cong., 1st sees., S. 1206
by Senator Lehman. In 1961, the Committee
of the Association of the Bar of the City of
New York above referred to did not even con-
sider two such pending bills (H.R. 6555 and
H.R. 607, 87th Cong.) because the committee
felt that they did not have enough support
to stand a chance of enactment at that time.
68 U.S.C.A. 1152(b) (1).
as one-half his ancestry, is attributable to a
people indigenous to, or a colony or depend-
ent area or quota, area located within, the
triangle. For exaple, an immigrant born
in Germany of a Malayan father and a Ger-
man mother is chargeable to the Asia-Pacific
triangle' quota and a native of Canada born
of a Japanese mother and a Canadian father,
who otherwise would be a nonquota,immi-
grant,11 since he is a native of an Independent
country in the Western Hemisphere, is
chargeable to the quota for Japan.
Enactment of S. 500 would result in im-
mediate elimination of the Asia-Pacific tri-
(3) Chinese persons
When the Chinese exclusion laws were re-
pealed in 1943, a special racial quota of 105
was established for Chinese persons wherever
born 12 In addition, there is a quota of 100
for non-Chinese persons born in China. This
arrangement was carried over into the 1952
Act 14 The Act of December 17, 1943, defined
a Chinese person as an alien who has as
much as one-half Chinese blood 26 Thus an
adult Canadian born in Canada of a Cana-
dian father and a Chinese mother cannot
enter the United States except under the
special Chinese quota.
Enactment of S. 500 would forthwith ter-
minate this discrimination 16
The Committee believes that amendment
of the Immigration and Nationality Act in
the respects proposed in S. 500 is long over-
due. President Johnson favors, and his three
predecessors, Presidents Kennedy, Eisen-
hower, and Truman favored, immigration law
reform and the, present bill has bipartisan
Our immigration law today reflects a racial
philosophy repugnant to our American tradi-
tion. It assumes that certain people are
inferior to others solely because of where
they were born. It discriminates against
immigrants from Southern and Eastern Eu-
rope. It is particularly offensive to Asiastic
countries. It amounts, as Attorney General
Nicholas de B. Katzenbach recently said, to
selecting immigrants on the basis of "per-
sonal pedigree." 1B It is an insult to the
millions of U.S. citizens whose ancestors
came from the very countries discriminated
against by present archaic and anachronistic
As one writer has commented: 19
"Through our immigration policies, we
have managed to rub salt into the deepest
wounds of two-thirds of the people of the
world. Moreover, as we do not tire of point-
ing out to the Russians, deeds speak louder
than words. It is difficult for the Voice of
American to explain away what we are doing
in these fields. At the moment, when we
16 8 U.S.C.A. 1152(b) (2)-(6) .
"See 8 U.S.C.A. 1101(27).
'2 S. 500, sec. 6.
13 Act of Dec. 17, 1943, 57 Stat. 600.
1'8 U.S.C.A. 1151(a).
11 See. 5(b).
16 S. 500, sec. 1.
1'f Truman (H. Doc. No. 520, 82d Cong., 2d
sess., p. 3 et seq. June 25, 1952) ; Eisenhower
(H. Doc. No. 1, 85th Gong, 1st sess., p. 7; H.
Doc.. No. 329, 84th Cong., 2d sess.; H. Doc. No.
85, 85th Cong., 1st secs.); Kennedy (109
CONGRESSIONAL RECORD No. 116, p. 12995, July
31, 1963).
16 New York Times, Feb. 11, 1965.
v Kingsley, "Immigration and Our Foreign
Policy Objectives," 21 Law and Contemp.
Prob. 299, 306 (1956).
quences have been, worldwide in impact.
Its promise of equal opportunity brooks no
qualification based on what Chief Justice
.Stone has called "* * * obviously irrelevant
and invidious * * * " grounds 20
The onward march of American history has
been in significant part the story of ever-
greater fulfillment of thepromise of "liberty
and justice for all" referred to in our Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag and reflected inthe
Declaration of Independence. The latest
step was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which
outlawed discrimination based on race, color,
religion, or national original in public ac-
commodations and in employment affecting
commerce.-1 That act constituted a solemn
national declaration that henceforth such
arbitrary discrimination was inconsistent
with the deepest purposes of our Nation,
thereby confirming the principles previously
enunciated by the executive and judicial
branches which are supported by increasing
numbers of our people.22
We believe that the selection of immi-
grants on the basis of their race and na-
tional origins is reminiscent of the notion
that "some are more equal than others" 21
and should have no place in our national
We have considered assertions that S.500
would open the floodgates to uncontrolled
immigration and we believe them to be
groundless. Limitations in the bill would
prevent any influx of undesirable imzni-
grants. Indeed the emphasis placed in the
bill on skilled persons should elevate the
quality of those admitted. Safeguards pro-
tect against immigration becoming a con-
tributing cause of unemployment in the
United States. The provision (section; 3)
limiting to 10 percent of the total quota
numbers authorized for any year the num-
ber of immigrants of a single quota area
protects against any one country sending a
disproportionate numlibr of immigrants. to
the United States. Finally it is estimated
that if S...500 is enacted, authorized quota
Immigration would increase from the present
158,361 per year to about 166,000 and that
the number of individual immigrants would
increase by about 63,00024
Another reason for our support of S. 500
is that under judicial rulings to date remedi-
al action for discriminations in existing law
lies solely with our citizens and Congress.
Often when a statute affects interests not
represented in the legislature-which is the
case with aliens-courts have been careful to
protect the unrepresented from undue dis-
crimination26 As to immigration policy,
20 Steele v. Louisville & Nashville R. Co.,
323 U.S. 192, 203 (1944).
21 78 Stat. 24, titles II and VII.
22 See "To Secure These Rights: Report of
the President's Committee on Civil Rights"
(1947); Brown v. Board of Education, 847
U.S. 483 (1954) ; Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118
U.S. 356 (1886).
23 George Orwell, "Animal Form" (1946);.
23 Op. cit., notes 1 and 17 supra. The... ap-
parent contradiction in the above figures is
explained by the fact that some countries-
for example, Britain and Erie-have large
quotas under present law which are never
filled. Under S. 500 unused quotas during
the transition period would be allocated ! to
the reserve pool and used.
x See Southern Pacific Co. v. Arizona, 325
U.S. 761, 767-768, n. 2 (1945); McGoldrick v.
Berwind-White Coal Mining Co., 309 U.S. 33,
45-46, n. 2 (1940) ; Helvering v. Gerhardt, 304
U.S. 405, 412, 416 (1938).; South Carolina
State Highway Dept. v. Barnwell Bros., 303
Approved For Release 2004/01116 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6 '
however, the courts have declined to exer-
cise such review on the ground that the po-
litical branches have plenary power because
immigration is " * * vitally and intricately
interwoven with * * * foreign relations. -0
Judicial rulings which have upheld the na-
tional origins system have been based on such
plenary power of the political branches of
Government? Accordingly, such rulings
cannot be taken as sustaining the reason-
ableness of existing immigration laws. There
is here no "legitimation" of the enactment 18
A. Givens, Judd D. Grey, Constantine
N. Katsoris, Lawrence Keepnews, An-
thony P. Marshall, Thomas R. Mc-
Hugh, Herbert Miller, Peter P. Mul-
len, George W. Myers, Jr., Edward
L. Nadeau, Ellsworth Nichols, Alan K.
Sawyer, Max Schwartz, Horace C.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the coor-
as there might be in other areas. diriated efforts of the States of New York
THE PROPOSAL t'OR A 10-YEAR STATUTE OF and Connecticut in arriving at a solu-
LIMITATIONS IN DEPORTATION PROCEEDINGS tion for continued service of the New
S. 551, introduced in the 87th Congress Haven Railroad is indeed good news.
by Senator JAVITS, proposed adding to the The approach of an agreement on State
1952 act a new section entitled, "Limitation contributions of financial assistance is
of time of commencing deportation proceed-
expected to permit service to continue in
"SEc. 294. No alien shall be deported by rea-
son of any conduct occurring more than 10
years prior to the'institution of deportation
proceedings." 20
Practically all civil remedies and criminal
sanctions in our legal system are subject to
tizpe limitations precluding adverse conse-
quences for conduct more than a certain
number of years in the past. These are not
to encourage unlawful conduct but because
of the harmful social consequences of dis-
rupting human affairs by reason of events
in the far distant past 80 The chief pur-
poses of deportation are similar to two of
the aims of the criminal law, i.e. to deter
specified conduct and to prevent its repeti-
tion (in this country).
The result of the absence of any statute
of limitations at present is shown by Niuk-
kanen v. McAlexander, 362 U.S. 390 (1960),
where a 52-year-old house painter who had
been in the United States since his first
birthday and had served honorably in our
Army was ordered deported on parole evi-
dence of conduct more than 20 years earlier.
We see no benefit to society resulting from
deportations for long-past misconduct suf-
ficient to justify such hardships in
The bistate agency would have the au-
ual cases thority to operate passenger rail and
The committee (1) urges the prompt en- transit systems located within the par-
aotment of S. 600 and H.R. 2580 and (2) fa- ticipating States. It is conceivable that
vors enactment of legislation to amend the such an agency could also consider prob-
Immigration and Nationality Act to add a lems of regional planning for helicopter
10-year statute of limitations for deportation commuter service, interstate highway
cases. construction, and water travel.
Respectfully submitted. We should not permit expectations of
Edwin L. Gasperini, Chairman; Francis a temporary solution of the New Haven
A. Brick, Jr., Max Chopnick, Gerald E.
Dwyer, William G. Fennell, Richard Railroad crisis to impair renewed efforts
to deal immediately with long-term
[From the New York Times, Apr. 20, 1965]
Analyzing the transportation problems
that beset virtually every metropolitan area
across the Nation, the Committee for Eco-
nomic Development concludes that their
root lies in the pattern of population growth.
Over the last half century metropolitan areas
have increased their share of the total popu-
lation from under 40 percent to about 65
percent. The projection for the year 2000,
is that 74 percent-or 235 million people-
will then be living in 300 metropolitan areas.
At a time when major decisions about
transportation are inescapable, governments
in metropolitan areas are so fragmented that
they have not developed agencies to take re-
sponsibility for viewing the area as a whole.
As a result, decisions too often are left to
State and Federal officials. This is certainly
the case in the New York metropolitan area,
spread as it is across three States, and con-
taining 1,467 different political entities.
Now that New Jersey, after years of delay,
has finally ratified the compact granting the
Tri-State Transportation Committee legal
status, the Legislatures of New York and
Connecticut should follow suit without delay.
The aim must be to have the committee
functioning as the legal transportation-plan-
ning body for the metropolitan area by July
1, the date stipulated. in the Federal High-
way Act. The CED wisely emphasizes that
the entire metropolitan area should be the
basis for urban transportation planning. No
one part of the area can go it alone.
The difficulties now being encountered in
trying to work out some way to keep the
bankrupt New Haven Railroad's commuter
services running show the urgent need for
a strong central body. New York and Con-
necticut are following divergent tacks; the
Federal Government is reluctant to become
involved, and there is danger that the rescue
operation will be submerged in recrimina-
tions among the politicians. As we have
repeatedly urged, the only sound solution
is a public authority to operate all the com-
muter railroads in the area and coordinate
them with the city subway system.
[From the New York Times, Apr. 22, 19651
The agreement that the New Haven Rail-
road will continue commuter operations into
New York at their present level for at least
18 months from June 1 is a reprieve for
25,000 daily riders from Connecticut and
Westchester County.
It is, however, only a temporary solution
for the problem; not a permanent one. But
it is an essential first step toward the ulti-
mate goal.
Negotiations for a long-term agreement
under which the New York Central Railroad
would take over the management of the New
Haven commuter operations for a fee are
U.S. 177, 184-185, n. 2 (1938) ; Edwards v. problems affecting the New Haven and
California, 314 U.S. 160, 174 (1941); Nippert problems of mass transportation in the
V. Richmond, 327 U.S. 416, 434 (1946); Northeastern States generally. The re-
Dowling, "The Methods of Mr. Justice Stone newed efforts of the Congress, the execu-
in Constitutional Cases," 41 Colum. L. Rev. tive branch, and the State governments
1160 (1941) Givens, "Chief Justice Stone
and the Developing Functions of Judicial
Review," 47 Va. L. Rev. 1321, 1343-1354
20 Harisiades V. Shaughnessy, 342 U.S. 580,
588-589 (1952).
21 Ibid.
28 See Charles L. Black, Jr., "The People and
the Court" (1960).
2D This proposal was endorsed by the Com-
mittee on Federal Legislation of the Associ-
ation of the Bar of the City of New York in
1961. Note 7 supra.
80 See Wood v. Carpenter, 101 U.S. 135, 193
(1879) ; Holmes, "The Path of the Law," 10
Harv. L. Rev. 457, 477 (1897); Pound, "A
Survey of Social Interests," 57 Harv. L. Rev.
1 f9 (1043); "Developments in the Law-
Statutes of Limitations," 63 Harv. L. Rev.
1177, 1185-1186 (1950); -compare H. Rept. No.
2096, 82d Cong., 2d sess. 192 (1952).
81 Maslow, "Recasting our Deportation Law:
Proposals for Reform," 56 Colum. L. Rev.
309, 314-315 (1956).
its present form for at least 18 months.
This breathing period should be used to
confront the problems of the New Haven
and metropolitan mass transportation
with new and greater vigor. The period
of 18 months should permit sufficient
time for the interested State govern-
ments and the Federal Government to
formulate and act upon new, long-term
solutions, to the control problems, which
have received serious attention in the
past months.
The New Haven commuter crisis has
demonstrated. more strongly than ever
the need for a bistate public authority,
which I have, together with Represent-
ative REID of New York, urged for some-
time to coordinate mass transportation
problems in New York and Connecticut
and the rest of the New England States.
The bistate agency which I have pro-
posed would consist of the States of New
York and Connecticut and could be ex-
panded to include the States of New Jer-
tation problems affecting millions of citi- out. The essential problem here is how the
zens in these States. Inevitable operating deficit will be financed.
On February 13, I introduced legisla- While Federal officials have indicated a will-
tion to create a New York-Connecticut ingness to approve the $3 million demonstra-
tion grant for the initial period, the White
House opposes a continuation of subsidies.
such operation of passenger rail and Will New York and Connecticut then foot
transit systems in the New England the bill?
States. Analysis of the commuter railroad problem
I ask unanimous consent to have as a whole leads to the inescapable conclu-
printed in the RECORD two editorials pub- sion that any piecemeal settlement cannot be
lished in the New York Times of April llaostinn a over and York eState Is now negotiating biggst commuter
p 20 and April ao, supporting g the
principle and an n editorial al published in line of all, the Long Island Rail Road. New
Jersey is trying desperately to shore up the
the New York Herald Tribune of April Erie-Lackawanna, with its 35,000 commuters.
21, recognizing the precedent of the as- The transportation problems of the metro-
sumption of governmental responsibility politan community can only be resolved
in the rail service problem area. properly when the area is viewed as an entity.
There being no objection, the editorials That is why we continue to urge the neces-
were ordered to be printed in the REC- sity for a tristate public authority to inte-
ORD, as follows: grate the commuter railroads with the city
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April 22, 1965
[Prom the New York erald Tribune Apr. 21.
X51 _ ~
New York, Connecticut and the New Haven
Railroad trtees, page hit off an agreement
which insures the preservation., of commuter
service Per the next .1,2 tp.18 months. Fur-
thermore, all parties are confident xhat. "a
periuanent solution" ,will be achieved during
this breRthing spell.
W1 is agreed upon for now is .a "demon-
stration grant" program, which means that
the two States chip in with money and tax
relief, all of it rounded out with Federal help.
The point of first importance, of course,
is that the trains won't stop running. Nego-
tiation and good will triumphed. And for
the long pull it has been established that rail
mass transportation Is absolutely essential,
and that government accepts the responsi-
biiity,of contracting and paying for this in-
dispensable service., a That's an Important
precedent; it makes history.
Mr., JAVITS. Mr, President, I also in-
Vite attention to the fact that there are
a iitiniber of bills pending before the
Committee on Commerce which could be
helpful in giving a firm direction to Gov-
ernment policy on this issue.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, a recent
letter to the editor of the New York
Times by my distinguished colleague on
the Joint tconomic_ Committee, Repre-
sentative TQM Cugris, of Missouri, em-
phasizes the need for new ways of pro-
vidingadequate liquidity to finance
world trade and payments, Representa-
tive CARTLS points out that, while
liquidity has been barely sufficient, the
recent drying up of U.S. capital outflows
has created shortages of capital severe
enough to present, the danger of a
liquidity crisis, and to impel Europeans
as Well as Americans to make innova-
tions in present international monetary
arratigeinents to avoid this possibility.
I, and my fellow Republican mem-
bers of the Joint Economic Committee,
have, introduced concurrent resolutions
in both the Senate and House urging the
'Executive to convoke a well-planned
international conference to find solu-
tions to the weaknesses of the world
lnohetary system. Such a conference
Would consider the correct role for the
IMF! or other, appropriate international
org9,iiiza,tjons in the,management of in-
ternational credit, would consider how
to supply credit to deficit countries in
time to correct, threatening imbalances,
4114, how to increase the availability of
long-term, low-cost credit to developing
I ask unanimous consent that Repre-
sentative Cuxxls' letter may be printed
n t
There being no objection, the letter
was' ordered to_ be printed in the RECORD,
as" follows;
To the Enrroe :
Evidence is accumulating that the admin-
istratipa's voluntary controls on U.S.foreign
loans , and investments have tightened
European capital supplies. A Times cPrre-
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
how to supply credit to deficit countries-in (By the Committee on Federal Legislation,
time to correct threatening imbalances and the Committee on the Bill of Rights, the
how to increase the availability of long-term, Association of the Bar of the City of New
low-cost credit to developing nations. York, N.Y.)
U.B. leadership in creating a suitable world INTRODUCTION
monetary system is long overdue. The Presi- On March 17, 1965, President Johnson sent
dent must provide that leadership now. to Congress a special message on voting
Prime Minister. Harold Wilson's visit to. the Lights and submitted with , it a proposed bll
spondent in Europe recently pointed out that United States provides a unique opportunity
the, program "is working in the litrernti vn + , --~--- _
- - .o.a.ui.aoaa~e coati Ieaaersnip.
nded. It is greatly reducing and perhaps THOMAS B. CURTIS,
temporarily drying up, the flow of dollars ?-- __
Further evidence is the quieting of Euro- eecona uistrict; Missouri.
Pain bankers' demands that the United WASHINGTON. D.C., April 12, 196$-
States raise Its interest rates to curb the Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I ask
dollar outflow. These sentiments had been unanimous consent to have printed in
Informally expressed as recently as March at the RECORD a resolution of the town of
the American Bankers Association intern- Henrietta, N.Y.,
tional monetary conference. protesting the closing
The broad significance of the tightening of a Veterans' Administration hospital
of credit in European capital markets is its at Bath, N.Y.
meaning for the international monetary sys- There being no objection, the resolu-
tem. Europeans have begun to experience tion was ordered to be printed in the
the effects of our balance-of-payments deft- RECORD, as follows:
s, as these deficits cease to supply the new
liquidity that steady growth in world trade
and payments demands.
Therefore, while the administration's con-
trols over capital are clearly harmful to long-
run U.S. interests, they may serve the s?hort-
run purpose of dramatically demonstrating
the need for reform of the world monetary
system, perhaps helping to break the inertia
that has too.long characterized the attitude
both of key European governments and of
our own.
The Republican members of the Joint
Economic Committee unanimously stated in
their recent views on the 1965 Economic
Report of the President and the Council of
Economic Adyisers that . "reform of the
existing international monetary system is
urgently needed." We felt that "because
liquidity for the existing system is largely
supplied by U.S. balance-of-payments defi-
cits, the system could break down when the
United States finally eliminates its chronic
Senator JACOB JAVITS, April 14, 1965.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: At a meeting of the Town Board
of the Town of Henrietta on April .7 1965,
the following resolution was passed:
"In consideration of the many veterans
residing in Monroe County, State of New
York, and taking into account the many
medical needs required by these veterans
because of war inflicted injuries and dis-
abilities: Be it hereby
"Resolved, That the Town Board of Henri-
etta, N.Y., support the Monroe County Vet-
erans' Organizations attempts to secure a
veterans hospital for the county of Monroe;
"Resolved, That this town board wishes to
go on record as being opposed to the closing
of the Veterans Hospital in Bath, N.Y '
Your thorough investigation and con-
sidered favorable action in this matter will
y appreciated and made known to
is now at hand. It should not await the g
final solution to our balance-of-payments all veterans and other interested persons of
our area.
Leadership of the kind required is not to
be gained by mere tinkering with the present
system, however valuable it has proved itself
in the past. The resolution to increase the
Very truly yours,
Town Clerk,
Town of Henrietta.
International Monetary Fund quotas ap- Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I ask
proved in March by the IMF executive direc- unanimous consent that there be in-
tors makes modest innovations in the ways eluded, as a part of the debate on the
gold will be used to back new quotas. One pending bill, S. 1564, the report of the
wonders with the London Economist whether Committee on Federal Legislation and
this will be the last increase in fund resources the Committee on the Bill of Rights of
made under the present largely anachronistic
accounting mechanism, which works reason- the Association of the Bar of the City of
ably enough when the dollar and sterling New York, which in my opinion sustains
happen to be strong but in present circum- the constitutionality of the pending bill.
stances makes the Fund heavily dependent The PRESIDING OFFICER. The
on bilateral credits agreed through the Paris Senator's time has expired.
Club. Mr. JAVITS. I ask unanimous con-
Many international economists will argue sent that I may proceed for an additional
that international liquidity is now great
enough to continue for several years to serve 3 minutes PR.
the requirements of world trade. Others, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without
such as Dr. Walter Salant, of the Brookings objection, it is so ordered.
Institution, feel that recent developments Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the re-
are already bringing the liquidity problem to port relates to news reports on actions: of
a head. the committee up to April 9; hence it is
TO CONVOKE CONFERENCE somewhat dated, but in essential. sub-
Concurrent resolutions introduced in both stance it will give Members of the Senate
the Senate and House, and sponsored by Re- the information which they urgently
publican members of the Joint Ecnnnmir
-- --- the pill before us.
a well-planned international conference-to
find solutions to the weaknesses of the world There being no Objection, the report
monetary system. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
Such a conference would consider the car- as follows:
rect role for the IMF or other appropriate PROPOS n FE ERA r _____ ___ __
Approved For Rees 20e4101116: CIA~RD 67,800;446ROO0100040001-6
' , Mr. STAGGERS. 1 -have to lump -the
gentleman from Iowa with the Congress,
because he is a Member of Congress.
Congress didi and I speak of "we" as
the Congress, .. `Whether we are in oppo-
a tipn or not, it is always the majority
t At rules.
Mr. GROSS. Will the gentleman
Meld further?
Mr. STAGGED. Surely.
- Mr, GROSS. H we could get the kind
13f a setup over there that Would put a
stop to such busine::s as s;,udies of human
behavior at coc'tail parties and a study
d the intrapersonal relationship, of a
ii band and wife and that kind of drivel,
't ht be persuaded to go along 'with
S!o or one assistant secretary. t can-
-not- go along with three. Does not the
gefitlen ' n agree they are able now, with
the staff that they have, in the Depart-
meet of Health, Education, and Welfare,
to get rid of an enormous` amount of
morieY eVery year?
Mr. STAGGERS. In order to answer
now that I would
that question, you know'
have to
Mr. rephrase it.
GROSS. _ The gentleman would
have to agree, would he not?
STAGGERS. Of course, but I
Svb d have to explain why. It is be-
e Sve' Are the ones tha forced those
duties on them and, increased their
`fespoYisibilities almost ninefold without
giving them the tools to do it. Yet we
expect them to do a good job. If we do
that, we must give them the personnel
and the men with responsibility in order
to hold them responsible. Let me read
you what the Secretary said in regard to
I have to keep staff working 12 to 14 hours
a day, 6 to 7 days a week, day in and day
out. I don't think that, that is good man-
agement, particularly during the legislative
sessions, which are long sessions.
That is one reason for it. As the
chairman said a moment ago, we have
set up a special committee in our Com-
mittee on Interstate and Foreign Com- study this Department.
Under th,., able leadership of the
gentleman from Florida a thorough
study will be made and if some of these
things are not right-and since these
matters are all handled by human beings
and, like the gentleman and myself, they
are not perfect-I am sure they will try
to iron out any difficulties. I have been
trying to explain why the Department
needs these, and to ~iy mind they do
need them. That is why I am opposed
to the amendment.
The CHAIRMAN. The question is on
--the amendment offered by the gentle-
man from Iowa.
The amendment was rejected.
The CHIAIRMAN. The question is on
the substitute amendment offered by the
committee as printed in the report of
the bill.
The committee substitute amendment
was'agreed to.
The CHAIRMAN. Under the rule, the
Committee rises.
ccorilfngly, the Committee rose; and
the Speaker having assumed the chair,
Mr. TaoMPsoN of Texas, Chairman of
the Committee of the Whole Louse on
the State of the Union, reported that
that Committee having had under con-
sideration the bill (H.R. 2984) to amend
the Public Health Service Act provisions
for construction of health research facil-
ities by extending the expiration date
thereof and providing increased sup-
port for the program, to authorize addi-
tional Assistant Secretaries in the De-
partment of Health, Education, and
Welfare, and for other purposes, pur-
suant to House Resolution 355, he re-
ported the bill back to the House with
an amendment adopted by the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
The SPEAKER. Under the rule, the
previous question is ordered.
The question is on the amendment.
The amendment was agreed to.
The SPEAKER. The question is on
engrossment and third reading of the
The bill was ordered to be engrossed
and read a third time and was read the
third time.
The SPEAKER. The question is on
passage of the bill.
The question was taken.
Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I object to
the vote on the ground that a quorum
is not present, and make the point of
order that a quorum is not present.
'The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum
is not present.
The Doorkeeper will close the doors,
the Sergeant at Arms will notify absent
Members, and the Clerk will call the roll,
The question was taken; and there
were-yeas 333, nays 4, not voting 96, as
[Roll No. 99]
Don H.
Ford, Gerald R.
William D.
Anderson, Ill.
Fulton, Pa.
Fulton, Tenn.
N. Dak.
Davis, Ga.
de Is Garza
Green, Pa.
Hagan, Ga.
Hagen, Calif.
Brown, Ohio
Hansen, Idaho
Broyhill, Va,
Duncan, Oreg.
Hansen, Iowa
Duncan, Tenn.
Burton, Calif.
Burton, Utah
Harvey, Ind.
Byrne, Pa.
Evans, Colo.
Harvey, Mich.
Byrnes, Wis.
Evins, Tenn.
Murphy, M.
Murphy, N.Y.
Johnson, Calif. Natcher
Johnson, Okla.
Johnson, Pa.
Smith, Calif.
Smith, Iowa
Jones, Ala.
O'Hara, M.
Smith, N.Y.
Jones, Mo.
O'Hara, Mich,
Smith, Va.
Olsen, Mont,
Olson, Minn,
O'Neal, Ga.
King, Calif.
King, N.Y.
King, Utah
Teague, Calif.
Teague, Tex.
Thompson, Tex.
Thomson, Wis.
Long, La.
Long, Md.
Reid, Ill.
Van Deerlin
Rhodes, Ariz.
Walker, N. Mex.
Rhodes, Pa.
Rivers, Alaska
Rivers, S.C.
White, Tex.
Rogers, Colo.
Rogers, Fla.
Rogers, Tex.
Wilson, Bob
Rooney, N.Y.
Charles H.
Martin, Ala.
Rooney, Pa.
Martin, Mass.
Martin, Nebr.
Walker, Miss.
George W.
O'Neill, Mass.
Green, Oreg.
Reid, N.Y.
Bingham .
Hansen, Wash.
Brown, Calif.
St Germain
Broyhill, N.C.
St. Onge
Clawson, Del
Thompson, La.
Thompson, N.J.
Davis, Wis.
White, Idaho
Edwards, Ala.
Edwards, Calif.
So the bill was passed.
The Clerk announced the following
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Mr,Y with Mr: Laird. .. Mr. McCORMACK.. Mr. Speaker, to-
eill of Massachusetts with Mr; Wid- day, May 10, 1965, we commemorate the
anniversary of Rumanian independence.
Mr. Minter with Mr. MinshAll. Americans derive a special pleasure
Mr.,Dent with Mr, Ellsworth.
Mr. Je#anings with Mr. Ayres. In paying tribute to other people in the
Mr.` Lennon with Mr". Broylailt of North world who have succeeded in asserting
Mr. St Onge with Mr. Saylor.
Mr. Shlpley with Mr. Mosher.
Mrs. Sullivan with `Mr. Cahill.
Mr. Toll" with Mr. Lindsay.
Mr. Malmo, with Mr. Mailliard._
Mr. Daniels with Mrs. Dwyer.
Mr. Brooks with Mr. Cramer.
Mr. Rodino with Mr. Halpern. form of congressional debates, of official
Mr. Roosevelt with Mr. Reid of New York. State Department dispatches, or of proc-
Mr. Wright with Mr. Shrlver. lamations and statements by the Presi-
Mr. Annunzio with MT. Watkins. dent, all reflect this profound national
Mr."Landrum with Mr. Berry.
Mr. Celler with Mr. tradition that Is deeply ingrained in our
Mr. Macdonald with Mr, Del Clawson. national attitudes.
Mr. Carey with Mr. Fino. It is not strange, therefore, that we
Mr. "White of Idaho with .Mr.Quillen. In this Chamber should set aside our
Mr. Morgan with Mr. Gubser. legislative duties for a few moments and
Mr. finish with Mr. Battin, pay our respects to this great nation
Mr. I oiaagan with Mr. Morton. and great people, the Rumanians.
Mrs. Green of Oregon with Mr. Talcott.
Mr. Casey with Mr. Whalley. Today It is even more urgent for us
11r. Bri demas with Mr. Reifel. to commemorate,. Rumanian independ-
Mr. Barrett with My. Mathias. ence, because one of the central themes
Mr. Miller with Mr. Edwards of Alabama,
of Communist propaganda, a theme that
Mr. Thompson of New Jersey with Mr. they use unceasingly to attack the Unit-
Davis of Wisconsin. ed States and its allies, is the charge of
Mr. Mr. Nix Thompson withsan Mr. off Louisiana u.ouisiana imperialism. According to the Commu-
with Mr. Buchai . nists,,American democracy is the tyran-
Mr. St, Oxermain w,t.b ~4Ir, Holland. ny of the modern, age. It is we who are
Mr . Andrewsof Alabama with Mr. Ashley. held up to the world as the imperialist
Mr: manna with Mr. Powell. aggressors who seek to destroy the lib-
Mr. McDowell with Mr. Sweeney. ertiesof all people in the world.
Mr, Vanik with Mr.,wdiiams. By commemorating the independence
Mr. M elf with Mr, Edwards of California. Mr. Grelf Grabowski with Mr. Brown of Call- of Rumania and all other countries who
forpla. , have been conquered by the Communists
Mr., Todd, with Mr. McCarthy. we are able to mount a counterattack
Mr. Bingham with Mr. Conyers. against this fallacious charge.
Mr. Boland with "Mr. Mackie. It is communism and not democracy
Mr. batman with Mr Stephens. that is the plague of the modern age.
Mr. Fraser with Mr. Hamilton. Communism is the enslaver of man-
Mr. Purcell with Mrs. Hansen of Washing- kind, and democracy the greatest politi-
ton. cal force for the liberty and well-being
The result of the vote was announced of man.
as above recorded. Rumanians had no free choice in the
The doors were opened. government that was to rule them.
A motion to reconsider, was laid on the Communists came to Rumania in the
table. wake of the conquering Red army. Free
elections were never held. Communist
GENERAL LEAVE political power was imposed by force and
terror. Rumania stands as one of the
Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask classic examples of the destruction of
unanimous consent that all Members human liberty by communism. It is now
who may desire to do so may extend a bitter reminder to us of what can hap-
their remarks in the RECORD at an ap- pen in South,, Vietnam if American re-
propriate place, on the bill just passed. solve is weakened.
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr, AL- Communism has conquered Rumania,
]BERT). Is there objection to the request but the hope of all is in the historic pos-
of the gentleman from Arkansas? sibility that Rumanians may themselves
There was no objection. conquer communism. This may not
Mr. VIGORITO. Mr. Speaker, on
rollcall No. 96 I was absent from the
floor because of urgent business affecting
my district. Had .I been present I would
have voted "aye."
(Mr. McCORMAQK (at the request of
Mr. ALBERT) was given Permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
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their own right of self-determination.
This has always been the case, ever
since we had won our own independence.
-During the 19th century Americans were
the evangels of self-determination and
constitutional democracy. Official docu-
or Europe. But there is a real possibility
that through the erosion of communism,
the reassertion of traditional national
Rumanian values, and the continuing or-
ientation of its political and economic in-
terests toward, the West, the Rumanian
people may consume the tyrant and the
tyranny that have oppressed them since
1945. Great changes have taken place
in Rumania and in Rumania's attitude
toward the West in the past few years.
This development may be but the begin-
ning of a long evolving trend toward a
ments of our Government, either in. the
This is our hope; this is our expecta-
tion. .
Whether it will come to pass is a mat-
ter of future history. But we do know
that the assertion of Rumanian In-
dependence, as we have observed in the
past few years, however limited it is; in
range, nonetheless, detracts from the
total power assets of the Soviet Union
and thus is a development that coincides
with American interests as well as those
of the Rumanian people.
In the final analysis our,great hope is
for a free and Independent Rumania.
Perhaps in the unfolding of future his-
tory we may be able to commemorate
May 10 not only as the day of Rumanian
independence from the Turks but also
con=emorRtf it as a day of independ-
ence trorwto munism.
hoer. FEIGHAN asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute; to revise and extend hic remarks
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. FEIGHAN. Mr. Speaker, hearings
on pending immigration legislation,
which were scheduled to resume on May
12, are now postponed to a later date, to
be announced as soon as circumstances
The postponement results from the
fact the full Judiciary Committee has not
completed action on the voting rights
bill and the likelihood that the balance
of the week and possibly longer will be
required to complete that action.
I include at this point a letter from
Congressman EMANUEL CELLER, chair-
man of the Judiciary Committee, to-
gether with my answer thereto, both of
which are self-explanatory.
MAY 7, 1996.
Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary,
House of Representatives, Rayburn House
Office Building.
DEAR COLLEAGVE: This Will acknowledge
receipt of your letter of today's date suggest-
ing that I postpone the public hearings on
proposed changes in the Immigration and
Nationality Act, scheduled to resume on May
12, until a final vote has been taken by the
full committee on the pending voting rights
I am making arrangements for a postpone-
ment of immigration hearings and will an-
nounce the postponement so that all inter-
ested parties may be advised.
As you know, I have cooperated fully in
meeting the schedule set for full committee
hearings and vote on both the Presidential
inability bill and the voting rights bill, by
postponing prior hearings scheduled by Sub-
committee 1 on pending immigration legis-
lation. There Is no question about the im-
mediate importance of action on that legis-
lation, but I am sure you are aware that
there has been misunderstandings about the
reasons for delay in completing our immi-
gration hearings. As matters now stand,
some 20-odd national organizations in addi-
tion to interested Individuals have made
written requests to be heard on proposed
changes in the immigration law.
It is my desire to conclude our Immigra-
tion hearings as soon as possible by contin-
uous hearings and to that end I will planito
resume our hearings immediately after final
action has been taken by the full committee
on the voting rights bill.
Approvedlor Release 2004/01/16 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Hon. Mici-iAEL A. FEIGBAN,
.Chairman, Subcommittee No. I, Compn,ittee
on the Judiciary, house of Representa-
tives, Washington b O.
DEAR COLLEAGUE; In view of the importance
of the voting rights legislation now before us 11 and which the committee has been con-
sidering in full committee for a number of
days, may I suggest that you postpone your
public hearing on the proposed changes in
the Immigration and Nationality Act until
final vote on the pending Voting Rights Act
of 1965 has been taken by the full committee.
Sincerely yours,
(Mr. HUNGATE asked ,and was given
permission to address the House for 1
-minute; to revise and extend his remarks
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. HUNGATE. Mr. Speaker, I would
like to share with my colleagues an edi-
torial whichappeared in, the, Vandalia
Leader, Vandalia, Mo.,-,under the au-
thorship of Weldon H. Steiner., It re-
lates to. the invasion of the right of pri-
vacy through snooping and wiretapping.
I want to join with Mr. Steiner and
senator LONG and my fellow Represen-
tative from i171ssouri [Mr. HALL] In their
concern about this threat of govern-
mental intrusion into a citizen's right
of privacy.
The editorial referred to follows.:
[From the Vandalia (Mo.) Leader,
,Max. 18, 19651
Missouri's Senator En, LONG opened hear-
ings last month on the controversial subject
of Government-,eavesdropping. One of the
days was devoted to the demonstrations of
electronic devices that are available and cur-
rently in use for Federal agency snooping.
This display of devices was amazing and
seemed to bring out the, fact that nothing is
private any more. Such things as olives
in martini glasses, devices in packs of cig-
arettes, tiny concealed tape recorders, Read-
ing thIllst of devices, being used one came
up with the conclusion that to maintain a
tight lip at all times is the only assurance
of security. This might not even be safe in
the future: It wouldn't surprise the average
U.S. citizen to learn of a device to determine
What one is thinking.
Senator LONG's committee hearings indi-
cated that many of these devices are pur-
chased by the nonsecurity Federal agencies.
The committee stated that it is recognized
that the interest of criminal justice and our
country's safety from foreign enemies must
be maintained, by the Federal officials who
have the responsibilities. But, at the same
time, the right to privacy that Americans
have always guarded and cherished must be
preserved against the threat of increasingly
clever techniques of electronic snooping.
We wouldn't agree more wholeheartedly.
I1 PIt, P, ?.A'T4?1 asc.HQOL,s
(Mr, MARSH asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute and to revise and extend his re-
marks. ),
l ay $, marked the centennial of the
founding of one of America's outstand-
ing preparatory schools. I refer to Au-
gusta Military Academy located at Fort
Defiance in Augusta County near Staun-
ton, Va. This school for young men, that
seeks not only to provide formal pre-
paratory education, but also seeks to
build character and attain physical ex-
cellence, is well known throughout the
Commonwealth of Virginia and America
for its outstanding program of military
AMA, as it is known to the student
body, area citizens, and graduates, has
attained this reputation for excellence
through the achievements of its alumni,
its educational curriculums, the qualifi-
cations of its faculty, and the continuous
leadership by its administration.
The history of Augusta Military Acad-
emy is part and parcel of the post-Civil
War history of the South. It was
founded in 1865 by a young veteran of the
Confederate Army, Charles S. Roller,
who, viewing the devastation of his
native State and the Valley of Virginia
that was his home, saw the need in the
South for the establishment of educa-
tional facilities that had been destroyed
by 4 hard, grinding years of war. The
predecessor institution of Augusta Mili-
tary Academy, a day school founded in
1742 by the Reverend John Craig, was
burned to the ground by General Seigel
of the northern army in this campaign
through the valley.
It is a tribute to the leadership and
ability of Charles S. Roller that Augusta
Military Academy was able not only to
survive but flourish and grow in the Re-
construction era.
The responsibility for the administra-
tion passed on the death of the founder
to his two sons, Col. Thomas J. Roller
and Maj. Charles S. Roller, Jr., who be-
came better known as Major General
Roller. The recent passing of major
General Roller was mourned not only at
Augusta Military Academy, but through-
out the State of Virginia; however, on
his death, the school would remain a
family school, inasmuch as the adminis-
tration was vested in a family trustee-
ship including the widow of General
Roller, Col. M. H. Livick, now principal,
and Mrs. Livick, the form of manage-
ment which continues today.
It is a privilege for me to pay tribute
to the 100 years of public service by
AMA, but the finest testimony to the
contributions of Augusta Military Acad-
emy in the development of character
and scholarship is to be found in the
dedicated service of its alumni in lead-
ership assignments in the Armed Forces
of the United States during our Nation's
wars as well as in countless fields of ci-
vilian endeavor.
(Mr. PELLY asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute and to revise and extend his re-
mar-Ad . _ . -
Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, I am in-
fo ieci that tli,e Oongress of American
Fishermen is organizing a nationwide
boycott of Japanese goods. The date-
line set for picketing of Japanese ships
and U.S. merchants who carry Japanese
goods for sale is June 1, or as soon as
the Japanese fishing fleet begins netting
American runs of Pacific red salmon on
the high seas. This protest campaign is
scheduled to break out, I am told,
throughout the Nation, and signs such as
"No Jap goods sold in this store" are al-
ready being printed, as well as bumper
strips, and so forth, to incite public re-
action against the unwillingness of the
Japanese to cooperate with the United
States in fishery conservation in the
North Pacific Ocean.
Mr. Speaker, ever since World War
II, I have sought the upbuilding of trade
with Japan and have been gratified at
the ever-growing exchange of goods be-
tween our two nations, I have nothing
against Japan and want to see our trade
grow, so it is with deep regret that I find,
like a smoldering volcano, an eruption
of ill will, economic harm, and bad feel-
ing is in the making.
How serious this boycott could be, I
doubt if anyone knows, but it appears
that organized labor may well follow its
tradition and support our fishermen and
their various affiliated unions. This
could tie up every Japanese vessel that
comes into port and all Japanese imports
that cross our docks.
The worst part of the boycott is that
ill will and prejudice generated today
cannot be shut off like an electric switch.
The ill will and hurt will go on long after
any settlement. Unfortunately, too, the
wounds of Pearl Harbor will be opened
anew and our two peoples will renew old
So, as I say, I hope this boycott does
not get started; but at the same time, if
it does start, I intend to support our
fishermen in every way possible. Ten
years ago, Japan agreed by treaty to pro-
tect American red salmon on the high
seas, and I, for one, will not stand quiet-
ly by and see the Japanese abdicate this
position and destroy the runs of fish
made possible by our fishermen through
sacrifice for the sake of conservation.
The time is short, and I hope and pray
that our Government can dissuade the
Japanese from causing a trade war that
will hurt both sides, and which both
sides will regret.
(Mr. BRAY asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 minute
and to revise and extend his remarks.)
Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, the "World's
Greatest College Weekend" again has
been celebrated on the Indiana Univer-
sity campus.
Springtime on Indiana campuses al-
ways is inspiring. The wholesome youth
in our great Indiana colleges give hope
in the future of our country. -
Indiana University's "Little 500" is
based on the great Hoosier 500-Mile
Memorial Day Auto Races. It was com-
menced several years ago by Howdy Wil-
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Approved-For Release 2004/01/16: CIA-RQP67B00446Pt000100040001-6',
e# vv o at that time was director of peace are to hold sway- general John- Preserved or restored. and peace is achieved
le naa tyniver Poundat1on a od son-sums it up or the 3t, present and without destruction of the institutions of
'Whe n w is a pi m ei',of' the boar f 10' referring to our fait} under society which exist under the rule of law,
all the way
trustees O the uifyersity anti general future the fatherhood of ~#od, and the-rights These landpower missions run
from roadbuilding by a battalion of engi-
VAnager of the Arizona republic and
Phgenix Gazette. Tl1s Colorful week-
end not only includes tests of athletic
prowess in the men's bicycle races and
the coed's "tricycle races, but adds color,
pageafitry, ariistry `uTchritude and
the sheer, effervescence of .youth tq an
unforgettable ,weekcnct, . `f'he proceeds
of the'. "Little 500 weekends have pro-
vided for almost 2,000 scholarships.
1. am happy to say that the students on
the campuses of the colleges of Indiana
look quite different from the 17,000 "stu-
dents" who deinonst4rated ~ri,' ashington
recently , car ing- signs ; attacking their am Proud that as yet
students on the ampuses in Indiana have
not elliuia$ed fl o ,students and , faculty
nl.cmbers fn ro}ne eastern ,colleges, who
sent a eab~egram to HP,CIi#i Minh saying,
in part, "You have our respect and s+vm-
pathy' 146r have our students followed
the lead of a group of students in a mid-
western college who sent money to' the
"National 'Liberation Front" (the 'uiet-
Cbiig) . Neither have our students made
a public demonstratin of burning their long as the Communist world pursues its
:bgn#ire, as occurred in
draft Car
s in
avowed, objective of communizing the world,
western university there. are likely to be more trouble spots
I ,still:'am proud of the youth of Amer- where stability must be maintained or re-
lea despite the actions of some. We stored. Hence we may expect more, rather
should not allow the actions of those than than fewer, places where freedom is on the
to cause ns to lose faith in the future oY line, and the speed with which we can move
.America, which OfCOUrse depends upon to the defense of freedom will be of growing
the youth of today. .In a importance. geographic sense, the world is shrink-
Iri every generation there are some mg simply because we now calculate move-
who are misfits. Some are guilty, of ment times in hours rather than days or
treason, there are many more. who are weeks as they once were, of. necessity; and
misguided, and in a frenzy of ideatism the 'Army, as a strategic hitchhiker service
lose perspective in viewing their own continues to rely on air and sealift for the
country. initial deployment of troops and equipment
Despite the extremism of a small fraC- as well as resupply of those troops once we
are in the area where the issue will be de-
tion, the great majority, of our youth are tided.
ready and willing to support their coun-, In a technological sense the world is
try, and todefend freedom. shrinking as the fruits of research and de-
(Mr. HALL asked and was given per-
missionto address the Rouse for 1 min-
We and to revise and extend his, re-
marks and include extraneous matter.)
Mr. HA1;t,. 1Vfr..Speaker, at a multi-
seMce dinxier at the, Sheraton Park
Hotel hi this city, last Friday evening,
the Navy League, the Air Force Associ-
ation, and the Association of the U.S.
Army, "kicked off" our Armed Forces
Week, which this Nation reverently and
pensively celebrates in honor of those
who dedicate their 'the their lives,
and their youth to the freedom of this
Nation, and other responsible nations who
seek our help.
Gen. Harold K. Johnson, Chief, of
Staff of the U.S. Army, led off the three
ma or.,;unitormed military services, as
greetings were sentf to the servicemen
and women` aroinid t ie world.
Predicated upon enhanced comm
cation and, increased else of transporta
tion, the general very wisely sums up the
situation of the reai^ world, while re-
marking that, just as in the case of , In-
dividuals, nations must be "responsible,"
If. deterrence, conference, and eventual-
of Individual peoples to be free. Based seers in the hinterland of Thailand, and
on litigal, geographic, technical and an frontier development in Alaska, through
additional shrinking of the world,, re- support of counterinsurgency efforts in
quirements have never been greater for South Vietnam; to manning the ground de-
dedicated, well-trained talent and for fenses against limited or general attacks in
equipment and unit combat readiness NATO Europe. In accomplishing these mis-
around the world. sions the U.S. Army of over 950,000 men
I commend these remark by one of and women has deployed 41 percent of its
s strength in 101 countries. As the finest
our greatest chiefs to the Careful con- Army in our Nation's history, it provides: a
sderation of my colleagues: sound base on which to build for the future.
REMARKS BY GEN. HAROLD X. JolipsoN, CHIEF On this occasion of the Annual Armed
OF STAFF, II.S. ARMY, AT THE NATIONAL Forces Day Dinner, I salute the sons of an
ARMED FORCES l1AY }DINNER, WASHINGTON, earlier day who wore our uniforms and Pio-
D C., MAY 7, 1965 neered the way, the sons of today who
This Armed Forces Week finds our Nation unflinchingly are defending freedom's ram-
and its Armed Forces team in a world that parts, and the sons of tomorrow who will
Is shrinking: politically, geographically, and inherit our mighty defenses, and our faith
technologically. This world in the rights of peoples to be free.
generates Thank you.
reater risks for our n
y an
greater demands on our Army, Navy, and Air
In a political sense the world is shrinking
because in many parts of the globe once dor-
mant lands are emerging as restless new na-
tions, anxious to come of age quickly, yet
often inadequately equipped to protect them-
selves against covert or overt aggression. As
velopment materialize and _as, ideas and in
formation spread". Our knowledge of physi-
cal science is roughly double that which ex-
isted in 1950, and the price for failure to
stay ahead or at least keep abreast of our
adversaries in the scientific area may be
measured, not in time or dollars, but ulti-
mately In cities and blood.
This shrinking world. means for the United
States more internatinal involvement as
well as more hazards; more military com-
mitments to the defense of freedom, as well
as more demands on our economic and mili-
tary strength. Never before have the re-
quirements been greater for dedicated, high-
caliber, -talent in our Armed Forces, and for
equipment and unit combat readiness which
have no equal.
This represents the backdrop for the basic
purpose of t he Army within the defense
team. Since June 14, 1775, the basic purpose
for the Nation's landpower has not changed.
However, the real world in which we must
carry out that purpose Is changing rapidly.
Areas, of potential and active turbulence are
emerging in different parts of the world to
disrupt, In various ways, the climate of or-
der and stability so important to the peace-
ful adjustment of the changes underway.
Within these conditions of world change,
it remains the role of the Army, with gen-
erous assistance from our Naval and Air
Force comrades in arms, to carry out the
landpower missions of the United States
so that turbulence is reduced, stability Is
(Mr. ICHORD asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. ICHORD. Mr. Speaker, during
the past week the communications media
has utilized the Early Bird communica-
tions satellite in transmitting several
programs of the public information va-
riety across the span of the Atlantic
Ocean. Those who have witnessed this
tremendous innovation in television
broadcasting certainly have seen history
in the making.
I believe this achievement ranks with
the laying of the transatlantic cable or
the first transatlantic flight for now it is
possible for the peoples of Europe and the
United States to better understand each
other through live television transmis-
sions. Think of the heretofore un-
imaginable scope of events that now can
be seen as they happen. The areas of
politics and world affairs, music and art,
and sporting events are but a few among
the hundreds of subjects which may now
be covered by the television media.
Hopefully, in the near future all na-
tions of the world will be able to enjoy
this advancement. I sincerely hope this
remarkable feat will serve as the mearMs
to making transoceanic broadcasts the
avenue of understanding.
All those who participated in this
project are to be highly commended and
congratulated, for they have made it
possible to take a giant step forward In
the march toward international under-
(Mr. DORN asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute, to revise and extend his remarks,
and to include extraneous matter.)
. Mr. DORN. Mr. Speaker, I am again
today introducing a bill which would
prohibit campaign contributions from
crossing State lines to influence congres-
sional primaries and elections and to
influence election for electors of the
President. I urge the Congress to con-
duct hearings and study the whole area
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
May 3; 196 ' Approved CONGlIESSIO} AL0R CORD- DxP6 ,0 4 8000100040001-6 Ag -0
picture along " with - other industries which
want to sell their materials to Japan.
TIiS. 196$Tfi PACb.1L^" tALia6N rRO9LE'M
low, let. me discuss the salmon problem,
which involves, as far as the international
situation goes, both cos nervation and juris-
Our principal quarrel here is with Japan,
and. , invoivejs_, the principle of f abstention,
where one natfon supports a second nation
in the l tter's. conservation effort. Chiefly
affected, is the Bristol Bay red salmon run,
whose, tar-ranging migrations in the high
seas has made them vulnerable to Japanese
Since the expiration of 'the 10-year mini-
mum?terlll of the North Pacific Salmon Con-
vention,' Japan has sought thie summation
of, the abstention for conservation provi-
sions, to make more o_ f this run of reds ac-
cessible to her high seas operation, which
includes use of the 10-mile small mesh nets
that kill the immature salmon, and relent-
lesslyrender useless the conservation sac'ri-
flees of Amgricau flskferinen.
There have been negotiations; but recently,
when leaders of our industry met in Wash-
ington, it was apparent that our State De-
partment's policy was to defer and delay,
while our, fishery leaders urgently pleaded
for firm and immediate attention, before this
year's fishing season.
I'say it is about time-no, it is time-for
our Government `to assert' its firm intention
to protect our salmon on the high seas. It
is time we shocked the administration into
Very simply, I propose that the fishermen
peacefully petition for redress of grievances.
Instead of a boycott, I suggest that you and
our brothers on the gulf coast, and on the
Atlantic coast, and up and down the Pacific
coast peacefully demonstrate, `until, and if,
future circumstances may call for `extending
such action to picketing imports, or to a
boycott of Japanese goods.
In other words, I would delay the boycott
that has been suggested to such time as the
Japanese fishing- fleet may actually coin-
In'ence taking our Bristol Bay red salmon.
By June 1' it will be known whether or not
the Japanese Intend 'to harvest our Pacific
coast fish as against Asiatic rugs of salmon
on the high seas. In fact, this is the inten-
tion of the Congress of American Fisheries.
Meanwhile, it seems to me that the voice
of the Pacific Northwest fisherman should be
heard, by petition to the President and to
the Department of State. Your indignation
should be registered strongly enough to be
heard ' both in Washington, D.C., and in
There is no other way I know of to let the
Japanese government recognize the serious-
ness of our problem. There is no other way
Iknow of to stir the. President, the State
Department, and the entire Congress, into
taking action to protect your rights.
Let us get the support of organized labor
from the Seafarers' International Union, the
culinary unions, and all others affiliated with
the great brotherhood of fishermen.
Let's demonstrate peaceably, and petition
in English and in Japanese, if necessary.
The time to act is here.
Captive Nations Committee
of itS,itty
Wednesday, April 28, 1965
Mr. O'HARA of Illinois., Mr, Speaker,
I join with my able and distinguished
friend from Pennsylvania [Mr.`FL00DI,
and others, of my colleagues in urging
immediate and' favorable action on the
resolution creating a special House com-
mittee on the captive nations.
Too long have we delayed the authori-
zation for this committee, the very crea-
tion of which would hearten the suffer-
ing peoples of the captive nations and
which in its hearings and its findings
could be expected to bring under the
limelight of the world and to the con-
demnation of all free nations the hor-
rible and intolerable conditions forced
upon the captive nations by a captor
who knows no mercy and has respect for
neither the laws of God nor the rights of
There should be no further delay.
The creation of the special committee
for captive nations should be a must on
the agenda of every Member of this body,
who loves freedom and abhors tyranny.
Student Responsibility
Thursday, April 29, 1965
Mrs. DWYER. Mr.,3peaker, this is the
season of the year when parents, public
officials, prospective commencement
speakers, school officials, and others con-
cerned with the present and future of
our young people are likely to give special
thought to this subject, to reflect on the
alarming increase in juvenile delin-
quency as well as the contrasting record
of youthful interest and participation in
civic and school activities.
It Is also the time of year when, on
Many school and college campuses
around the country, students are demon-
strating their sense of responsibility,
their feeling of obligation to the student
community, their active interest in help-
ing to make campus life more meaning-
ful and fruitful, by seeking election to
class or campus office.
By doing so, these young men and wo-
men are once again refuting the easy
charge that students these. days "could
-not care less." They obviously do care,
and by caring enough to do something
about their own condition, they are also
preparing themselves better to under-
stand and more fully to participate In
public life as adults.
As an example, Mr. Speaker, a young
constitutent of mine, Calvin E. Newman,
g . student at American University here
in Washington, is 'a candidate for presi-
dent of the class of 1968. Mr. Newman
has a platform, and since it seems to me
to be representative of the kind of
thoughtful and constructive programs
which student candidates are advocat-
ing, I include it as a part of may remarks.
I hope
M. I ewinan and his fellow
candidates everywhere this spring" will
find the experience of campus politics to
be -exalting and profitable but most of all
to be an opportunity for useful service
to their fellow students and their schools.
1. To unify the class:
(a) A class forum coordinated with the
class council. Meetings of the council will
be publicized in the Eagle, the university
newspaper, with a summary of what has been
accomplished at previous sessions, and what
the members hope to accomplish at the next
session. The student body en masse will be
afforded the opportunity to take an active
part in the procedure.
(b) Installation of FM radios in all dormi-
tories on all floors. Five-minute programs
will be broadcast each day during the 5-day
week and for a half hour on Saturday,
bringing a daily summation of class activi-
ties to all members of the class. Proctors
on each floor will be responsible for tuning in
the program at the designated time.
(c) Opinion sheets to be distributed to all
members of the class on all important issues.
The results of these sheets will give student
government a definite base with which to
work with the administration.
(d) Suggestion boxes to be installed in
strategic places through which the student
will be afforded the opportunity to address
correspondence to a specific member of stu-
dent government. This will serve two pur-
poses: (1) It will give the student's interest
a chance to be articulated. (2) It will give
the member on student government a feeling
of definite constituency.
2. To give our class and our school the
facilities most other universities have.
(a) The institution of a football team.
S. To establish a system of tenure. At this
time tenure is granted only according to the
administrations will, not according to aca-
demic priority or seniority.
Monday, May 3, 1965
Mr. MORSE. Mr. Speaker, yesterday
in Lowell, Mass., the Matthews Memorial
Church paid tribute to its pastor, the
Reverend Arthur E. Kiley, on the occa-
sion of his voluntary retirement as pastor
after 28 years of devoted' service.
Reverend Hiley has a unique history
with the Matthews Memorial Church.
He attended the church as a boy growing
up in Lowell, he was married in the
church, his children were baptized and
married in the church, and he' was or-
dained there In 1927.
In addition to Reverend Hiley's min-
istry, he paid heed to community needs.
He is a member of the Lowell Board of
Health, and has participated actively in
civic and religious affairs in the Greater
Lowell area.
Prior to his pastorate in Lowell, Rev-
erend Hiley held pastorates sin Pascoag,
R.I.; Methuen, Mass.; and' Full l ,iver,
Mass. Both in Fall River and later in
Lowell he served as president of local
ministers' associations.
The esteem with which Reverend tiiley
is held in Lowell was evident yesterday
as he was tendered a warm reception at-
tended by the mayor of Lowell, the chair-
man of the Lowell Ministers' Association,
the resident of the Greater 'Lowell
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Council of Q4urehgs,, and many more to co=tries other. than the ones in
community, and religious leaders. _,All of Northern Europe which are now favored
Lowell is in his debt for ,his fine example by the national origins systems, but
and dedicated service,, quota immigrants will have to compete
and to qualify to get in, and quota im-
Many Misinformed on' Pending Immigra-
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Wednesday,_April 28, 1965
Mr. CEIILER. Mr. Speaker, as chair-
man of the Committee on the Judiciary,
I have recently .become aware of much
public misinformation about the pend-
ing Immigration, bill. Some of .this mis-
information may come from persons who
oppose the bill but, who have not studied
- It themselves or do not understand it very
I have prepared an outline that is de-
signed to correct mistaken notions which
have been circulated,about the bill .and
to provide accurate information. on its
purposes and anticipated effects.
- CIaim: `The bill would bring in an ex-
cessive number of immigrants and there-
by aggravate. our population problems.
The facts;, The effect of the, bill on our
population would be, quite insignificant.
Our population is now increasing at the
rate of about , 3 million a year. The
total number of quota immigrants now,
authorized is 158,000 a year and under
the bill Would be ,about 166,000, an in-
crease of 8,000 per year. Actually, be-
eause the bill would authorize the use of
quota numbers that now are authorized
but unused, it would result in an increase
in immigration of about 60,000 a year.
This figure is, however, only about 2 per-
cent of the present natural increase in
our population and, obviously can have
little practical eect on population
The old days of large-scale immigra-
tion to this. country are a half-century
past, and no one has suggested any leg-
islation to bring them back. The admin-
istration's bill certainly would not have
that effect; it is designed to deal, pri-
marily with the basis on which immi
11 grants are chosen and leaves their num-
ber little changed. If at some future, time
,the amount of, immigration were to be-
come' a real problem from the standpoint
of our population or anything else, Con-
gress always has the power to curtail im-
migration further, and probably would
do so.
Claim: The bill would let in hordes of
Africans and Asiatics.
The facts: As pointed'out above, the
bill would not let in great, nuinbors of
immigrants from anywhere at all, . Per-
sons from Africa and Asia would con-
tinue ' to' be ta immigrants, as .,they
are fuller present law, but would be
treated like everyone else. With the end-
ing of discrimination by place of birth,
there will be some shift of immigration
migration will not be predominantly
from Asia and Africa. This is because
there are many factors besides quotas
that limit immigration, factors that the
bill will not change. Actually, many
countries in Africa do not use their pres-
ent quotas of 100. The simple fact is
that nations differ greatly in the number
of their people who have the occupa-
tional attainments, or the family ties in
the United States, to obtain a preference.
There are also marked differences in
wealth, earning power, and education
which have a determining effect upon
the numbers of people who could prove
they would not be public charges if they
came here, and who could meet the other
prescribed tests for admission. Indeed,
very few people from some areas can
even pay the cost of tickets to come
here. . Because, of practical and legal
factors such as the above, quota immi-
gration under the bill is likely to be more
than 80 percent European.
Moreover, all countries will be limited
by the bill to a maximum of 10 percent
of the total quota immigration, so that
no country could take , up anexcessive
share of the overall quota. It should
be noted that, in order to relieve hard-
ship and for reasons of foreign policy, it
would be possible under the bill to re-
store present quotas in some cases. This
would, at least theoretically, allow the
10-percent limit to be exceeded in the
cases of Great Britain, Germany, and
Ireland. They happen to be the only
countries whose present quotas exceed
the 10-percent figures. The conclusion
is plain-there would not be any flood of
immigrants from any country, any con-
tinent, or from all of them put together.
Claim: The bill will lead to an in-
crease in unemployment and in welfare
The facts: There is no real evidence to
support this claim, and there is much
evidence to disprove it.
First. Out of the 60,000 additional im-
migrants a year who would enter under
the bill, only 24,000 would be workers.
This number of additional workers is
miscroscopic in relation to the U.S. work
force-24,000 against our present work
force of over 77 million, or about 1 to
each 3,000 workers-hardly a drop in the
bucket as a practical matter.
Second. For each additional worker
admitted, the national economy will
benefit from the admission of other per-
sons who are consumers but not work-
ers-elderly parents, women, children-
in a ratio of workers to consumers that is
as good or better than the ratio in our
country today; these consumers should
strengthen and not weaken the employ-
ment situation.
Third. The bill makes absolutely no
change in the provisions of the present
law, by which the Secretary of Labor
can keep out immigrants who would take
work from Americans or depress wages
or working conditions here. The Secre-
May .3,'1965
tary of Labor has testified that enact-
ment of the bill will not increase unem-
Fourth. Every immigrant under the
bill will have. to. satisfy the public
charge test of present law before he can
get a visa. This test was proven, during
the depression, to be effective in keep-
ing out those likely to become a public
charge, and it will continue to keep. out
persons who will be unable to get jobs
or will be prospects for welfare rolls.
Finally, the improved preference struc-
ture of the bill will help stimulate bkisi-
ness and should thus reduce unemploy-
ment through better selection of immi-
grants with outstanding talents-men
like Steinmetz, the electrical genius;
Giannini, the banker; Sikorski, the in-
ventor; Fermi, the atomic pioneer. Such
immigrants, instead of taking jobs from
Americans, help to create whole newiin-
dustries that make thousands of new
jobs for our people.
Claim: The bill would result in the ad-
mission of Communists, other subver-
sives, or other undesirables.
The facts: The bill makes no change
whatsoever in the safeguards of our pres-
ent immigration laws which prohibit the
admission of Communists, other subver-
sives, security risks, narcotic addicts,
persons with criminal records, illiterates,
and other undesirables. Persons with
mental afflictions also will continue to be
generally excluded, except that if the iaf-
flicted person isan immediate relative of
a family that can guarantee adequate
and safe care here, without public ex-
pense, to the satisfaction of the Public
Health Service and of the Attorney Gfn-
eral, he can be admitted. This is ttue
under present law for an immediate rela-
tive excludable for tuberculosis if ade-
quate safeguards and guarantees are pro-
vided. Admissions of this kind are based
on the humane policy of favoring family
unity, provided the public is fully pro-
Claim: Under the bill an immigrant
would no longer have to prove he has a
job waiting for him.
The facts: This claim shows a misun-
derstanding of both the bill and the ex-
isting law. Under the present law im-
migrants generally do not have to prove
that they have a specific job waiting for
them. The bill makes no changes in this
Under existing law, the only immi-
grant who must prove specifically that
he has a job waiting for him is the immi-
grant who is seeking first preference.
The law now provides for giving first
preference within a quota to immigrants
who can show extraordinary qualifica-
tions. This is a fine idea which in theory
should strengthen and benefit our coun-
try, but in practice the present provision
does not work well for two reasons:,
First. Due to the national origins sys-
tem, the preference is given only within
a quota for a particular country. As a
result, immigrants from undersubscribed
countries can easily enter without having
any special qualifications, while those
from oversubscribed countries may be
kept out for years no mater how mu
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
they could do for-our country. For ex-
aliiple, a housemaid from a favored
country may enter quickly while 'out-11 standing may and scientists from
oversubscribed ' countries -are' kept out.
Since the housemaid does riot `seek a first
preference, she reed not prove a personal
job offer, while the doctor; -even. Af he
proves that 'a particular ' hospital wants
him badly,='must still wait.
Second; 'he lresent` provision does
not work because it tends to favor appli-
cants with personal connections in this
country rather than ust extraordinary
talents. This is true because no matter
how 'outstanding an individual may be,
most employers will rarely promise a job
without, ari interview. Therefore, the
applicant who cannot get here for an in-
terview will usually get a job offer only, if
he is lucky enough to have good connec-
tions with the employer. The bill would
eliminate the need for such connections
and also place of birth as a'factor in
granting a first preference, which would
be granted solely on proof of exceptional
qualifications that would be especially
advantageous to this country. People
with such, high qualifications will have
no. problem in obtaining employment.
Naturally, no matter how high the quali-
'fications of a first. preference applicant,
they could not be found especially ad-
vantageous to .this country if he would
displace an American from a job. And
the applicant would also have to satisfy
all the eligibility tests that other immi-
grants must meet.
Fa'se Cslii4 e f or 1l+efidt Spending that rate'. -At some lower` rates of pay many
new jobs would be opened up. But new
pressure is on for an $80-a-week minimum
OF Since it is only natural for employers to
HON. J. ARTHUR economize on labor when the cost is exces-
YOUNGER, sive,, any rise in minimum wages would
OF CALIFORNIA create still -more unemployment in this
The minimum wage directly affects the
Monday, May 3, 1965 unskilled, the physically handicapped, and
the not-too-competent. Since all these peo-
Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, Mr. plc constitute such a large percentage of
Lawrence , Fertig,- author of the book those unemployed, and since the minimum
"Prosperity through Freedom", had an wage curbs their job opportunities, isn't it
article in the San Francisco Chronicle evident. that we areactually creating unem-
on April 30 which expressed some funda- ployment despite our good intentions?
mental conclusions in, regard to the han- ' As for creating Federal deficits until the
CIling -. of our unemployment figures as trigger-point of a 4-percent unemployment
rate is reached, here is what a leading lib-
well as.the_ unemployment situation as it eral," Senator PAUL DouGLAS, Democrat, of
exists throughout the country. Illinois, his book, "Economy in Na-
Mr. Fertig's column follows;. tional Government,". published some years
FALSE -GvWDE FOR DEFICIT SPENDING ... ago: "In a period when unemployment is less
(Bv Lawrence Fertiel than 6 percent there is no real supply of
Unemployment still hovers slightly under Instead the unemployed are primarily either
5 percent, according to the latest Govern- the hard core of the perennially unemployed,
ment estimate, This estimate is not just such as the handicapped, or the transi-
one among as number of important figures-77 tionally unemployed for whom job oppor-
it is a crucial statistic. For according to the
newest econdinic"theory it?isthe guidepost Senator exist * * ? "
to our entire economy. Until there is full enre s now repudiates the 6-
percent figure and favors the. 4-percent
employment (currently defined as less than figure. When we reach 4
percent might he
4 percent jobless) Federal deficits must be and others advocate 2 percent?
employed as a "stimulant" and the' budget
must under no circumstances be balanced.
If the Federal Government is . to ,pour out NAS Panel Completes Its First Assign-
billions each year in-an effort to reduce the unemployment figure below the accepted 4- ment in Relationship With Congress
questions about this statistic-about the un-
employment OF REMARKS
employment estimate that conditions our en-
tire national life, OF
Year-after year deficits would create a host
of problems-ranging from the 'threat of ris-
Before.Yop Leave this,Woryd`
Monday, May 3, 1965
Mr.-BOB WILSON. Mr: Speaker, one
of my good friends who is active in civic
and community affairs, NIr. Nathan E.
Jacobs, has reduced his philosophy I of
life into, a simple but oeautiful poem,
which I should like t' o sliare,witl} my
colleagues, as follows
BEFORE YOU LgAyE Ti-us, S1Voxi D'v
When God put us on this earth,
He set no price upon its worth,
He asked us for no guarantee,
Nor did He tell us it was free.
He bade us welcome
And then He taught us how to pray,
He told us by our daily deed .
Work would provide for what we need.
We needn't be captain 'of the team,
Although to many it may seem ?
The fastestway to Our Lord's grace,
But to Him every man has his place,
He said: These things I ask'of thee-
Make of this earth., a better place
Than when you came into the human race.
ing prices to a depletion of our dwindling OF CALIFORNIA
gold and an international monetary crisis. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
here are the questions that require an an-
swer. -is our current estimate of unemploy- Wednesday, April 28, 1965
merit scientifically accurate? Is avoidable Mr. MILLER. Mr, Speaker, on April
unemployment actually being created by our 26, the Committee on Science and Astro-
own national policies? Is adherence to an nautics met with a group of distinguished
irrelevant and inaccurate statistic (unem- scientists, eminent in both the physical
ployment) endangering the entire economy
by building up a huge inflationary potential? and social sciences, who had completed
In other words, do we really know what we're a yearlong study for our committee in
doing when we gear Federal deficits to an un- regard to appropriate levels of Federal
Advisers. ur support for basic rneeof h.
employment how e s formerly figure
'One answer was ecentl given by Arthur F. This has been one of the channels, but
Economic. percent?
Burns, y chief en- only one, through which the Science
pointed out in a recent article in Harvard Committee is carrying forward its duties.
might add that the detailed planning
Business Review that there are more jobs I
availglzle today than, there are unemployed for this work was undertaken by Mr.
Jobseekers. In that case, he says, "there is DADDARIO, Of, Connecticut, the able chair-
rio `deficiency of'aggregate demand." tin- man of our Subcommittee on Science,
der these conditions any government which Research, and Development, and Dr.
plans government deficits and easy credit is George B. Kistiakowsky Of Harvard, for-
simply toying with inflation. Unless it is mer Presidential Science Adviser, who
related to jobs available, the unemployment
figure by itself is has been serving as chairman of the
misleading -
Also the official U.S. unem- UOQO ~~~ "" .cast c ttiiu ? UUU(; r-vucy
ployment statistic now taken as an infallible for the National Academy of Sciences.
guide. This is arrived at by a sampling of The attached. article, written by Daniel
26,000 households in the United States-not, S.. Greenberg,, was,_publishedd. in one. of
by any head count of those actually unem- the Nation's most highly respected scien-
ployed. tific journals, Science magazine, April 30,
Also, aren't we guilty of creating unem- 1965. .Z believe it will be, useful and en-
ployment and then complaining that unem- lightening to all Members of the douse.
ployment must be cured with mopetary gim-
nicks? The highest unemployment (23 The article. follows:
percent of the total) is among teenagers. ACADEMY AND CONGRESS: NAS PANEL COM-
The law says that a teenager cannot be hired PLETES ITS FIRST ASSIGNMENT IN NEW RE-
for less than $50 a week plus fringe benefits. LATXONSHII' WITH CONGRESS
This. prevents many teenagers getting jobs For the first 101 years of its existence the
from employers who cannot profltabI7 Pay, National Academy of Sciences generally
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.aria (2) What judgment can be readied on merit; it
Is therefore tactically difficult to MILLER, Democrat, of California, said: "It 1s
the ba1a4ce support now being given by plead poverty when the overall sums are my belief that this report represents not only
400*rel o various fields of ?rjsg substantially. genuine achievement and utility in Itself,
ecietitific endeavor, and on adjustments that The panelist who was most provocative but a significant milestone in congressional
~laould be considered, either within existing ndmost out of step with his colleagues was methods of gathering talented, objective as-
levels .of, aver-all support or under condi- .Harry G. Johnson, Chicago economist. Ad- sistance to its use."
~ilpff6 of increased or decreased over-all aup dressing himself to the contention that set- It appears, however, that the academy,
port? ? *Ape aho3}id bet supported because of its whose panelists labored with great diligence
The vagueness of the questions and their ,cultural value, Johnson stated: to produce their papers, is not so certain that
essential unansWerabillty Inspired a fair de- "The argument that individuals with a a lengthy compilation of individual views is
gree of des air behind the Academ smarble actually the best way to serve the require-
?'facade; 8ut,.there were the uestions. rea- talent for research be supported by ments of busy Congressmen.
q society, for example, differs little from argu- The Introduction to the report disclaimed
^1at31 f,1ne13 from the point of view of leg- ments formerly advanced in support of the
isla$p 6 rho, must appropriate money, and rights of the owners of landed property to a any group responsibility for the views of the
the A cademy accordingly turned to the tasks existence, and is accompanied by a individual authors, stating that "neither the
of an$wering them. The assignment was similar assumption of superior social worth other members of the ad hoc panel, not the
given to the Acade 3m s Committee on Sol- of the committee (on science and public policy),
e.nce.and 'ubl P privileg s individuals over common nor the academy assumes responsibility for
o1i&y, which set up a i6- men. Again, insistence on the obligation of
me or ad hoc coipnitte, which in turn society to support the pursuit of scientific the opinions expressed, except where ex-
decided oat, rather than- seek a consensus, .knowledge for its own sake differs little from plicitly stated." In explaining why it chose
it would,give the House Committee the sep- the historically earlier insistence on the obli- to present 15 papers rather than a committee 11
~t a .pits ti in of leadership trernely significant. When research budgets the support of science."
Through basic research in the advancement are?luniped together, Congress tends to pay The House committee for which the report
9f,. science, a no technology and their eco- attention to overall growth, rather than to was prepared received it with a warm state-
cultural and military applications the,financial problems of any particular seg- went of appreciation. Chairman Osoass P.
$a i;e-a11. of. these, found gefuge
upon our shores and contributed_ to the
making of our mighty Nation. We should
never forget that our huIAhie, origin had
its foundation in the efforts of people
who were, oppressed elsewhere. I hope
that this. quality of our history will guide
us in humility to eliminate invidious di.-.
crlmination in regard to our present citi-
zens and in regard to future immigrants.
I feel this quality of America in a P Ost
personal way. My a
cestors came to set-
tie in Pennsylvania as members of the
Schwenkfelder sect fleeing religious op-
pression In Germany. They yearned for
peace; they yearned fora place .where
they could enjoy religious freedom; they
yearned for an end to their oppression.
If the gates of America. had. ,Apt been
open to them at that time, I would not
be here before you as a Con-
gress today.
We must keep in mind these aspira-
tions of the oppressed. At the same time
we must realize that our pwn population
is growing with great rapidity, that op-
portunities which existed in 1620, in 1840,
or In 1910 are notIthe same as the oppor-
tunities in ;1965. Frankly we no longer
need large numbers of people to populate
frontier wilderness areas. We must
reckon with,a population explosion with-
in our own borders. We must consider
the unemployment of at .least 5 percent
of our working population. Our Nation
Is already populated from coast, to coast.
Today we must seek the skills and tal-
ents wb.ich new immigrants can bring to
our shores, We must seek the .quality of
their contribution to our. NNation, not the
quantity of numbers.
het us fashion a new law,wlll h elimi-
nates all. . discrimination oil. , the, basis of
.national, origin and asks only of a_ man
which is based on skills and talents
rather than upon race and nationality.
The Schweiker bill would also phase out
existing quotas over a 5-year period.
The admission of immigrants on a first
come first served, skill criteria basis
would be a built-in feature. But there
are certa#n,problems which the Schwei-
ker bill would reach which the present
administration bill does not reach. For
example, the Schweiker bill would:
First. Eliminate all national origin
preference of immigrants, including ex-
isting preferences for Western Hemi-
sphere nationals;
Second. Establish an annual ceiling of
311,5,000 to coyer all immigrants, both
quota and nonquota;
Third. Endorse emergency migration
for all political refugees without giving
national Qrigins preference to any par-
ticular geographic area;
Fourth. Avoid possible influx of un-
skilled labor at times of high national
unemployment by using better controls
than H.R. 2580 provides;
Fifth. Establish a Selective Immigra-
tion Board rather than the proposed
mixed. congressional and executive Im-
migration Advisory Board.
The administration bill does not reach
the desired goal of eliminating national
favoritism. The administration bill fa-
vors nations of Latin America and North
America. It favors nations of northern
Europe. It is our task to remove all hypo-
critical aspects of our present immigra-
tion policy. We must fashion a new law
which will be completely nondiscrimina-
tory as written and applied.
All nations want equal treatment; all
nations deserve equal treatment. Na-
tions of the free world should have an
equal chance to send their citizens here.
The administration bill quite clearly does
not place all nations on an equal basis.
Written into H.R. 2580 is the potential
for new preferential treatment.
The administration bill would offer
preferential treatment to nationals from
Western Hemisphere nations by main-
taining for them special nonquota status.
This preference has existed in the past.
It should be abolished. Unless we settle
this problem finally, by eliminating all
national preferences, questions may be
raised in future years as to why a citizen
of Peru or Bolivia is given an open door
for entry while an applicant from France,
.Italy, or the United Kingdom must wait
W, line. under the quota system. This in-
equity can be solved by repealing section
110.1(A) (27) (c) title 8, United States
Code-Immigration and i`Iationlity Agt.
I recommend an annual Immigration
ceiling of 315,000. to cover both quota and
nonquota immigrants. The administra-
tion measure contains no ceiling figure
on immigration. Presently we accept an
average of 273,000 immigrants yearly-
95,000 under quotas and 178,000 non-
quota immigrants. I suggest, with the
administration, full use of quotas to
allow immigration of 158,361 yearly. But
I also recommend holding nonquota im-
migration to 156,639 in order to keep
within the suggested 315,000 ceiling, an
increase of 42,000 over the average total
number of immigrants now entering this
Nation yearly. In this way we shall be
able to advise the American people with
full candor the number of immigrants to
be expected each year. This will help
allay the fears of some opponents of the
administration bill that the new law
would generate a tremendous increase in
Secretary of State Dean Rusk has said,
and I agree with him:
It would not bother me to say to anyone
outside the United States, we are sorry that
we cannot admit you because we have run
out of numbers.
But it does make it difficult from a
moral, political, and psychological point
of view to say: "I am sorry but we have
run out of numbers for Greeks, or Ital-
ians, or Canadians." With the suggested
ceiling of 315,000 there would still be ade-
quate room for political refugees to enter
as nonquota applicants.
.It has been traditional American
policy to offer asylum to the politically
oppressed. The administration bill en-
gages in geographical favoritism by sin-
gling out one area, the Middle East, for
special mention in its provision for poli-
tical refugees. Certainly there will be
persons outside "the general area of the
Middle East" who will qualify in the fu-
ture as politically oppressed. I see no
reason to single out the Middle East for
special mention in the administration
bill. I would point out that our Nation is
already participating magnificently in
efforts to alleviate the plight of refugees
in the Middle East, under the fair share
law, Public Law 86-648, under Public
Law 480, the food-for-peace program,
and by cooperating with the United Na-
tion High Commissioner for Refugees to
settle refugees, many of them from the
Middle East, in the United States.
Section (10) (A) (2) of the administra-
tion bill offers a fourth preference to im-
migrants capable of performing specific
functions for which a shortage of em-
ployable and willing persons exists in the
United States. I believe tighter restric-
tion should be placed on the immigration
of persons who might possibly compete
with the existing U.S. labor force at a'
time when at least 5 percent of ourwark-
ing population is idle. Often the claim
of "shortage of employable and willing
persons" is without foundation.
I recommend strongly that the Con-
gress malke.clear itsintention.that,,bc-
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erso is admitted under the By placing the burden: of choosing le-
ourth-reference- tween nationals of-one country over an-
u"tY Lab bethng undefined criteria such
ee~rea oore r- oer , o vaue o KT a ahoy shortage for as national ' security or 'hardship, we
ecl is "functions wvhlch the immi- would rewrite preferred treatment into
~w Wcl- i orm' does in fact, exist our new fail.
~ fecf b,y T S citizens; There is apparently no reason for the
x e.ttorne enerat be in provision other than 'to increase the
e `" writ eii .evidence of the President's power in afield- whereCon=
in~gss of emoyersto hire im- gress has' traditionally reserved policy
ants -for this specific function; and decisions to itself. The proposed gradual
immigrant applicant reduction of large country quotas over it
rte re o show written proof 5-year period by only 20 - percen
,, qf, , ob offer f6r this specific function avoid the possibility of hardship accru-
d lifsnenion to accept the offer. ing to these large quota countries. When
5 i, a fer these three steps are sat- we look at the small waiting lists for
isfie& 7i u)d`the fourth preference pro- these large quita countries, we realize
~i&1q. i~ecome operative. The Schwei- that each' of the present applicants will
ker bi contains t ese provisions. have a chance to be admitted during the
6,`rsrx ris>r"rnnvrtu~ltATr' so ien WITHIN 5-year phase out period of the national
migration Board consisting of members large quota countries may result is not
#rombo,h'the executive and legislative supported by available statistics. Fur-
this mixed membership thermore, we would do more for the na-
sG i11S;; nadv a' le r recommend that tional security of our Nation, by com-
the Irinlgra?ion Board be part of the pletely eliminating the possibility of
e%e('U 1yq branch without congressional preferential treatment. Otherwise we
mcixibership.z Grongr"essional oversight shall irritate the feelings of friendly na-
-Would; be maintained by requiring pe- tions outside northern Europe who will
ripe reports from the Board'. The be disadvantaged by the 30 percent tech-
SC weaker bill would create' a Selective nique. Such Presidential discretion, and
Iilpii$ration foard" in the executive its prospective use, will undercut the very
branch similar fn composition to the Fed- purpose of this bill. I am convinced
? eraJ Power ddmlliission. The Board that this delegation of power, which has
would promulgate regulations under the been reduced from 50 to 30 percent since
new lacy, continuously study immigration last year, does not deserve a place in this
eOnditi o" all allocation of bill. This section simply reinstates the
d recommend a
the quota immigratio n visas under the possibility of discrimination in favor of
,10 percent allocated_ for the politically northern European nations. I do not
opt re55ed. favor such possibilities.
J4r., Speaker there is' another serious Mr. Speaker, many years ago one of
defect p MO. 2580. -'Statistics indicate our great Presidents, Woodrow Wilson,
that Of the :158,3di quota positions avail- in an address given at Independence Hall
able in 164, northern European nations in Philadelphia on July 4, 1914, gave a
received 81 percent southern European definition of liberty which applies to our
.nations percent, and the rest of the efforts Liberty today. does not Wilson consist in stated:
mere general
world Oniy ly 2 percent. TheUnited King- declarations of the rights of men. It con-
dom never use half Its quota of -65'30' sist in the translation of those declarations
'While the quota of l'OO for the Ph
' iilippines into definite action.
is bac1ed up for 90 years and the quota
of 3O ' for .Greece, S 5 years. ` Other na- We must translate the declaration of
?tions also suffer this hardship of severe liberty into definite action as part of our
ovefstb~criptlon. This hardship de- new immigration laws. Our task is not
prives applicants for an entire lifetime of merely to give a partial response to the
reallzino their dreams of life in the demands for change. Our task is to ere-
United States. ? The proposed adminis- ate a clear, comprehensive, and com-
tration bill, would make ,-it, quite possible pletely fair law. It is time now to offer
for this" hardship now suffered by na- true equality to all applicants who seek
ce and other na membership in the American commu-
f It
?=,tions wi h bilcklog ed, small` quotas to be mty
su twined by future Presidential action.
The administration bill would allow the
President tai take, id'pe'rcent of a reserve
pool, intended to benefit victims of the
deprived small`quota countries, 'and as-
sign this 30-percent reserve instead to
northern European nations which have
enjoyed preferential large-quota' treat-
ment for the past 4 years. Most of the
nations 'which night beso affected-Ger-
of 1965
Wednesday, May 19, 1965
The House in Committee of the Whole
House on theState of the Unionhad under
consideration the bill (H.R. 7303) to provide
assistance to the States of California, Oregon,
Washington, Nevada, and Idaho for the re-
construction of areas damaged by recent
floods and high waters.
many; ' Netherlands" Norway, Sweden,
Denmar%, United. Tingdom, `Belgium,
and France-do not come close to using
their present quotas. There is no reason
,to expect a sudden substantial increase in
the nun ber of their citizens seeking to,
eofne to the United States. This ~0-per-
cent outright grant has no valid statis-
tical or foreign policy basis.
' lam. JON:
man, I yield to the gentleman from Indi-
ana [Mr. Roush] such time as he ,may
Mr. ROUSH. Mr. Chairman, I thank
the gentleman for yielding.
Although I realize that each disaster
brings its own problems, it does seem to
nie'tliat the-Alaska disaster and thedis-
aster in the Northwest and the more re-
cent disaster in the Middle West caused
by floods and tornadoes have pointed out
certain deficiencies which exist in; our
Disaster Act that are pertinent to each
disaster. This was particularly brought
home to me as I examined the Disaster
Act as it related to the Palm Suiliday
tornadoes which swept from one side of
my district to the other, leaving a path
of devastation, destruction, and death
such as we have never seen.
I would like to ask the chairman of the
subcommittee if his committee may not
be considering taking a good look at our
present Disaster Act with the view of up-
dating it and covering some of these
areas which are not covered presently by
Mr. JONES of Alabama. It is the
sense of the committee that we reexam-
ine in detail the Federal policy with
respect to disaster relief. It is our in-
tention to deal with that subject when
we hold hearings on the omnibus flood
control bill this year. As the gentle-
man from Indiana has pointed out, we
will make a homesite study of the upper
reaches of the Mississippi and Missouri
Next week we will go down to the Texas
area for an examination of the dam-
ages as a result of the flood that recently
occurred there. I can assure the gentle-
man we will welcome his suggestion and
at the appropriate time, we will take it
Mr. ROUSH. I direct the gentleman's
attention to certain provisions which I
have included in a disaster act which
I recently introduced, particularly pro-
visions dealing with relief to indivi-
duals who have been adversely affected
and provisions dealing with assistance
to small unincorporated communities
that have been adversely affected. I
think these two areas in particular need
Mr. JONES of Alabama. The commit-
tee will certainly welcome suggestions
made by the gentleman from Indiana
because we know they will be worthwhile
and valuable to the committee.
Mr. ROUSH. I thank the gentleman.
Thursday, May 20, 1965
Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, I have
asked unanimous consent to insert in
the RECORD an editorial from the Ben-
nett County, S. Dak., Booster, which
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June 1, 1965
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In California alone, there are nearly 14,000 The large corporate farms and farmer
more II S. workers on farms this year than cooperatives have been pressuring the Labor
last. The Government estimates that last Department to admit more foreign low-wage
year, Mexican:farmwbrkers'eari ed about $36 workers. Secretary Wirtz has been resisting
million, and 'spent only $6 million in this these pressuYes ' in behalf of the American
state. agricultural workers who would be deprived
As a result of new minimum wages which of even these paltry wages if foreign workers
growers must pay if they want foreign work- take their jobs. In addition, society would
ers, and because of the lack of low-wage im- be injured as displaced U.S. workers were
ported labor, U.S. farmworkers are earning forced onto relief rolls.
up to 50 percent more than last year. Farmers along the U.S.-Mexican border
. As for crop production, L. N. Gardner, head want more Mexican braceros admitted, claim-
of, the Department of Agriculture's market big that available U.S. workers cannot do the
research office here, said: "California pro- job. Farmers in Florida want Jamaicans
duction of frult_ s and vegetables this year is admitted, claiming that there are not enough
slightly" higher overall than at this time last field workers available. Wirtz went to the
year, despite the bitter complaints from scenes to check the facts for himself. .
growers of heavy crop losses," The pictures on this page [not printed in
Prices of some crops are higher, but "in the RECORD] speak three things. They tell
th 11 ht of these unfor-
labor shartages," he said. Lettuce pr6duc-
tion is `higher `than last year, even though
California winter, lettuce from the imperial
Valley was actually held back from the
market by "harvesting holidays" because
growers reached agreement on quotas to try
to stop lettuce from flooding the market,
Gardner said.
As of the last full reporting date of May 13,
e p g
y o
tunates caught on the fringes of misery.
They secondly pay mute tribute to a dedi-
cated, hard-working, industrious . Secretary
of Labor. Finally, they bespeak an object
lesson on what often happens to work-
ers who are gloriously free of any necessity
to pay union dues.
[From the Washington (D.C.) Post, June
1, 1965]
there were 19,138 carlots of lettuce shipped WIRTZ SAYS FARM CHANGE IS BOON
from California compared to 19,096 at this
time last year, he noted. Prices are now
higher than last year for lettuce, but at the
start of the year, were down to about $2 a
carton compared to $5 last year. Supplies of
lettuce are still heavy, Gardner said. He
a4de4._ that the only . explanation he could
give for continued high volume and high
prices 'is that "housewives decide what they
will pay" and "the varagies of the weather."
Tomatoes are also going out in greater
number this year-10,419 carlots so far com-
pared to 10,130 last year. Some growers are
blaming Mexican imports for taking away
U.S. production because of lower labor costs
In, Mexico. But nationally, Mexico has sent
the United States only 5,690 carlots of to-
matoes this year compared to 5,713 carlots
last year at this time.
Asparagus shipments by rail are up to
1,713 carlots compared to 1,452 last year,
while prices for the growers are higher.
Strawberries also are being produced in
larger quantity than last, although more are
going to processors who freeze and can the
Oranges are slightly behind in normal pro-
duction rates, but while the fruit may stay
on .the trees, longer, and so increase in size,
Gardner said the total crop volume of navel
oranges should be about the same this year
as last.
Florida this year had a bumper crop which
cause the price of canned orange juice to
drop sharply.
Lemons are being harvested more slowly
this year than last. This will mean more
going to the processors, which brings a
smaller return to growers than when the
fruit is sold on the fresh market.
[From the International Potter, May 1965]
yesterday that the increased use of Ameri-
cans for seasonal farmwork in California is
having a favorable effect on both employ-
ment opportunities and welfare rolls.
In a report on the California farm situa-
tion, Wirtz said that on May 15 domestic
seasonal farm employment was up 16.1 per-
cent from a year ago and that the number
of families receiving welfare aid in the farm
areas was down sharply.
(Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of
Mr. SWEENEY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. GONZALEZ' remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
Mr. Bourguiba soon became president.
In the struggles for freedom that fol-
lowed he came to be called supreme com-
batant-a title as meaningful to his peo-
ple as "Father of His Country" is to us.
We may be proud since that we have
in several ways-through providing eco-
nomic and technical assistance as well
as surplus agricultural commodities-
aided the new nation in its struggle to as-
sume a proud place among the free na-
tions of the world.
In offering our congratulations to the
people of'Tunisia, and to President Bour-
guiba on this anniversary, we should also
extend our greetings to two other out-
standing individuals. One, of course, is
Bahi Ladgham, a famous Neo-Destour
leader, and the other Mongi Slim, who
before he was called home for even more
important responsibilities was Ambas-
sador to United States and that proud
nation's representative in the United
(Mr. ROSE'1GTHAL (at the. request of
Mr. SWEENEY) was granted permission
to extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, I
want to take this opportunity to reaffirm
my strongest support for the administra-
tion immigration program, which I am
cosponsoring through my bill H.R. 6022.
.This legislation is long overdue. Four
Presidents of the United States have
urged changes in our immigration and
naturalization procedures. They and the
greater body of American citizens have
strongly demanded the elimination of
the national origins system. Yet, for
too long, such action has not been forth-
coming from the Congress. Mr. Speaker,
the idea of altering our immigration reg-
ulations so as to eliminate the national
origins system has been proposed again
and again. We cannot let that idea
escape us once more. The time for action
is now, in this year 1965, by this 89th
For all too long, America's immigra-
tion and naturalization laws have been
in conflict with our national history and
ideals. Before the institution of the na-
tional origins system, this country ac-
cepted new citizens on the basis of their
own personal qualities, and their com-
mitment to our democratic ideals. Yet
now our present policy actually discrim-
inates among applicants for admission
into the United States on the basis of
accident of birth. The national origins
system thus implies that people from one
country are more desirable than people
from another. This is a proposition our
history has rejected from its earliest
Oscar Handlin, perhaps the most au-
thoritative student of American immi-
grant history, had said:
Once I thought to write a history of im-
migrants in America. Then I discovered that
the immigrants were American history.
This is a sentiment which John F.
Kennedy reinforced in his memorable
study, "A Nation of Immigrants."
In one way, we are all immigrants.
None of us can afford to ignore the debt
(Mr. FARNUM (at the request of Mr.
SWEENEY) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. FARNUM. Mr. Speaker, on June
1, 1959, a constitution that in many re-
spects is similar to our own, was pro-
mulgated for Tunisia, which had been
among the free nations of the world
since March 20, 1956.
This ancient land has much in the
past to be proud of, and under President
Habib Bourguiba is following a policy
Secretary of Labor' W. "Willard Wirtz is a also noteworthy.
'working Presidential Cabinet member if 'ever Over 3,000 years ago Phoenicians had
there was one. In order to learn the prob- established various communities, in-
lems. connected with migrant agricultural eluding the famous city of Carthage,
labor, Secretary Wirtz recently made trips to there. In the seventh century A.D., a
the big corporate farms of California and
Florida. new historic chapter opened when the
-He went into the fields and talked with the area became a major center of Western
workers. He talked with their wives and Islamic culture and political power.
their children. He went into the shanties After a later period of Turkish rule, Tu-
which they must call -home. He listened to nisia became a French protectorate in
them tell of their problems and frustrations. 1883 and a stirring for independence be-
He looked at the almost totally 'Inadequate gantomanifest Itself.
sanitary facilities as human beings are forced This was given drive and purpose in
by circumstances to live in structures which
would not be used as chicken houses on many 1934 with the founding of the Neo-Des-
respectable farms. tour-New Constitution-Party, of which
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For-Release 2004/01116: CIA=RDP67BO0446R000100040001-6
tnl GQ owes tnoseXeopie wno came
e feneges~ tale t}p new
plt fp e o ere them a prize by
Sri, f ricitizens
l3 t that grant was
( by their con-
u rg ~.. e..Galot allow
lis 6y eis -fied, Yet many
thro, h"'-
put ?he g*orld --owonly our
]~rest disc, story policy. Sugges-
tions of o
u c7,ce~rte_past t are met
with" skep is sm and dqubt, Anti this
sf epticlsm Is often the existence, of our
natioa Argrls system.
If that system is un.:faithful to our past,
it also corrupts our present. This coun-
try is now involved in 'a great struggle
against the forces of discrimination and
the apostles of bjgotry. Our national
energy'. aiictconscience are committed to
tha fight
p an ',4. ittguest for equality. The
ctramatizQd that Commit-
Ain it passed the Civil Rights Act
Of 1964. Yet the same specter of dis-
crimination, which we so firmly, oppose in
our domestic affairs, still appears beneath
the surface .of qux,,. inunigration and
naturalization, policies. , Such an incon-
idsteney cannot l allowed to remain un-
tOUcliett Wllt iliay_ appear to some as a
techiiicajty, appears to others through-
out the world as a deep injustice.
Tlie national origins system is archaic
a s t~e11'as unethical. It seems clear to me
that the effect of the national origins
has deeply confused our immigration
procedures. 'The- System heavily favors
hOithera, Europeans who rarely fill their
quota, and severely limits immigration
from southern and. eastern Europe,
Africa, and, Asia where there a lengthy
Val I- lists. Over 90 percent of the
,total,,. gration quota is reserved for
.available to countries where they are
deeply needed. We must eliminate the
highly discriminatory provisions dealing
with the newly independent countries of
the Western Hemisphere. We must do
away with the Asia-Pacific.triangle pro-
gram. These proposals have been
reached after the careful and deliberate
consideration of experts in the executive
branch. They have the earnest leader-
ship of a President who well understands
the significance of American immigrant
Our goal, therefore, should be a policy
which is in. the best traditions of our past
and in the best interests of our future, a
policy which is sanctioned by our demo-
cratic code of ethics, a policy which forti-
fies, rather than compromises our foreign
policy, and a policy which, above all,
treats all men.. as human beings to be
judged solely on their qualities as indi-
(Mr. BOLAND (at the request of Mr.
SWEENEY) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point In the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. BOLAND'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. MATSUNAGA (at the request of
Mr. SWEENEY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. MATSUNAGA'S remarks will ap-
pear hereafter in the Appendix.]
European countries. Due to its inflexi-
bility the MoCarrap-Walter, Act actually PROPOSED INVESTIGATION OF THE
gfveins o'rily about one-third of total im- CLAY-LISTON FIGHT
migration to the United States. The (Mr. SWEENEY asked and was given
lilafority of immigrants enter under pri- permission to extend his remarks at this
Vate gration legislation. Surely we point in the RECORD.)
can devise a program which Is more in Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Speaker, Last
touch with present realities. week this Nation recoiled in disgust at
The proposed new immigration- pro- one of the most nauseating sports dem-
gram is based on a technique of pref- onstrations in our history. To say that
erential adpQiasions which seeks to at- the Clay-Liston engagement was a new
tract to o]lr, .gov4try . persons with low for boxing is a masterpiece of
exceptional skills, training or. education. understatement.
It acknowledges the special continuation Mr. Speaker, the U.S. Government for
of that tradition, and replaces the un- some time has been undertaking the re-
etliiCaJsystem of.,ilational origins quotas. sponsibility of proceeding in the protec-
`Yet we ar+e not concerned,Simply with at- tion of the American consuming public.
tracting skilled?foreigners to Our country. President's commissions have been
A newly defined immigration policy will created for this purpose to study and
be huiiilanitalian? -,well.. We should investigate consumer fraud. I would
have provisions which, teke.iiito.special heartily recommend that Mrs. Esther
64e0.ilnt, cases where families are need- Peterson, Special Assistant to the Presi-
7essly separated. fro I, one another by dent for Consumer Affairs, undertake an
out-of-date regulations. We will con- investigation of the Clay-Liston flight.
tinue and fortify provisions which admit It would certainly qualify as a con-
political refugees and refugees, from Sumer fraud from one end of the coun-
catastrophe. try to the other. Sports fans assembled
The central feature of a new immigra- in theaters to view a telecast of a sup-
tion and naturalization program, how- posed legitimate encounter between two
ever, must be the elimination of the na- heavyweight contenders. Millions of
tional origins system, We. must repair dollars were involved in this fight pro-
the damage done to those. who have been motion. Those attending these telecasts
denied entrance to this country on the were victimized by two pretenders who
basis o. outdated procedure and unjust were putting on a sham performance,
Criteria.' In so doing, we must, for ex- the net affect of which can only bring on
ample, be prepared to permit quota num- the demise of boxing as a legitimate
bore not
d b
y any ry
June. 1, 1 ~965
(Mr. VIVIAN (at the request of Mr.
SWEENEY) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. VIVIAN'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. McCORMACK (at the request of
Mr. SWEENEY) was granted permission
to extend his remarks at this point in
the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, un-
der date of May 20, 1965, I received a
letter, with enclosure, a copy of a motion
adopted by the Second Chamber of the
States-General of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands at the Hague, sent to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives
by the President of the Second Chamber
of the States-General of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands, the Honorable
F. J. F. M. van Thiel, which I herewith
include in my extension of remarks:
May 20, 1965.
Washington, D.C.
its meeting on may 18, 1965, the Second
Chamber of the States-General has adopted a
motion with regard to the events in Vietnam.
Pursuant to the wording of the penulti-
mate paragraph of this motion, I have the
honor to enclose herewith the English trans-
lation of it. I should be grateful if the
document could be distributed among the
Members of your House.
Yours sincerely,
President of the Second Chamber of the
[The 1964-85 session, 8083]
MOVED ON MAY 18, 1965
The Chamber-after hearing the debates
on events in Vietnam, holding the view that
Peiping China's attitude is the main cause
of the increased tension and that the United
States is entitled to understanding and sup-
port from her NATO partners In her ultimate
political objective,. viz, to check Communist
China's expansionist policy in Asia-re-
quests the Government to help, in interna-
tional political consultations, to bring about
(1) a truce that will put a stop to any direct
or indirect aggression, thus reducing the risk
of the war spreading and constituting the
basis for unconditional negotiations; (2) a
political settlement of the conflict-based on
the Geneva Conventions of 1964-under ap-
propriate international supervision; and (3)
the active participation, after cessation of
hostilities, by as many European countries! as
possible in the large-scale aid program for
southeast Asia announced by President
The Chamber resolves to bring this motion
to the notice of the U.S. Senate and the V.S.
House of Representatives and to the Parlia-
ments of the European NATO partners; and
basses on to,th,e ,order,,of, the, $iay.
. Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
June 1, 1965
yield o the gentleman from Pennsyl= AE4S g5
,Abbitt Fountain Mills
Mr. SAXLO_ R, I am delighted that the ,Adan1s_ Fraser Minish
gentleman ` from Pennsylvania [Mr. Addabbo Fulton, Pa. Mink
DENT] has Offered this amendment to the Anderson, Ill. Fuqua , Tenn. Mizehall
amendment, because without it a very Anderson, Gallagher Moeller
careful reading of the amendment would Tenn. Giaimo Monagan
indicate that unless an owner or operator Andrews, Gibbons Moore
is actually served and at the meeting, he Glenn Gilbert Moorhead
would not be covered by the provisions Andrews, Gilligan Morgan
N. Dak. Gonzalez Morrison
of this act. I feel certain that was not Annunzio Grabowski Morse
the intent of the author of the original Ashley Gray Mosher
Ayres Green, Oreg. Moss
Baldwin Green, Pa. Multer
Mr.. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Chairman, Baring Greigg Murphy, Ill.
will the gentleman yield? Barrett Grider Murphy, N.Y.
Mr. DENT. I yield to the gentleman Bates Grifths ch Murray
from California. Beckworth Gross Nedzi
Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Chairman, Belcher Grover O'Brien
the committee accepts the amendment to Bennett Gubser O'Hara, Ill.
the amendment which has been offered Betts Gurney Mich.
Bingham ngham Hagen, , O Calif. O'Konski
by the gentleman from Pennsylvania Blatnik Haley Olsen, Mont.
[M D ] Bolling Halleck Olson, Minn.
Teague, Tex. Van Deerlin Whitener
Tenzer Vanik Widnall
Thompson, La. Vigorito Willis
Thompson, N.J. Vivian Wilson, Bob
Thompson, Tex. Waggonner Wolff
Thomson, Wis. Walker, N. Mex. Wright
Todd Watkins Wyatt
Trimble Watts Wydler
Tupper Weltner Yates
Tuten Whalley Young
Udall White, Idaho Younger
Ullman White, Tex. Zablocki
Hagan, Ga.
Davis, Ga. McEwen
Dorn McMillan
Duncan, Tenn. Marsh
Edwards, Ala. Martin, Ala.
Ellsworth Martin, Nebr.
O'Neal, Ga.
Rhodes? Ariz.
Rivers, S.C.
Smith, Va.
Walker, Miss.
Bolton Halpern O'Neill, Mass.
The CHAIRMAN. The question is on Bow Hamilton Ottinger
the amendment offered by the gentleman Brademas Hanley Patman Adair
from Pennsylvania [Mr. DENT], to the Bray Hanna Patten Andrews,
amendment offered by the gentleman Brooks Hansen, Idaho Pelly George W.
Broomfield Hansen, Iowa Pepper Arends
from Virginia [Mr. JENNINGS]. Brown, Calif. Hansen, Wash. Perkins Ashbrook
-, The amendment to the amendment Broyhill, N.C. Hardy Philbin Berry
was agreed to. Broyhill, Va. Harris Pickle Boggs
Burke Harsha Pike Boland
The CHAIRMAN. The question is on Burleson Harvey, Mich. Pirnie Bonner
the amendment offered by the gentleman Burton, Calif. Hathaway Poage Brown, Ohio
from Virginia [Mr. JENNINGS], as Burton, Utah Hawkins Poff Carey
amended. Byrne, Pa. Hays Pool Celler
Byrnes, Wis. Hechler Price Clausen,
The amendment as amended was Cabell Helstoski Pucinski Don H.
agreed to. Cahill Herlong Quie Collier
The CHAIRMAN. Under the rule, the Callan Hicks Quillen Cramer
Cameron Holifleld Race Cunningham
Committee rises. Casey Holland Randall Dickinson
Accordingly, the Committee rose; and Cederberg Horton Redlin Diggs
the Speaker having resumed the chair, Chamberlain Hosmer Reid, ni. Dulski
Chelf Howard Reid, N.Y.
Mr. MADDEN, Chairman of the Commit- Clancy Hull Reifel
tee of the Whole House on the State of Clark Huot Reinecke
the Union, reported that that Committee Clawson, Del Ichord Reuss
having had under consideration the bill Cleveland Irwin Rhodes, Pa.
Clevenger Jacobs Rivers, Alaska
(H.R. 3584) to amend the Federal Coal Cohelan Jarman Roberts
Mine Safety Act so as to provide further Conable Joelson Rodino
for the prevention of accidents in coal Conte Johnson, Calif. . Rogers, FConyers Johnson, Oklaa. Rogers, Fla. ls
mines, pursuant to House Resolution 391, Cooley Johnson, Pa. Rogers, Tex.
he reported the bill back to the House Corbett Jones, Ala. Ronan
with sundry amendments adopted by the Craleyn Karsten Mo Rooney, N.Y.
Committee of the Whole. Culver Kastenmeier Rooney, Pa.
The SPEAKER. Under the rule the Curtin Kee Roosevelt
previous question is ordered. Curtis Keith Rosenthal
Daddario Kelly Rostenkowski
Is a separate vote demanded on any Dague King, Calif. Roudebush
amendment? Daniels King, N.Y. Roush
If not, the Chair will put them en Bros. Davis, Wis. King, Utah Roybal
Dawson Kirwan
The amendments were agreed to. Rumsield
de la Garza Kluczynski Ryan
The SPEAKER. The question is on Delaney Kornegay St. Onge
the engrossment and third reading of the Dent . Krebs Saylor
Denton Kunkel Scheuer
bill. Derwinski Laird Schisler
The bill was ordered to be engrossed Devine Langen Schmidhauser
and read a third time, and was read the Dingell Latta Schneebeli
Dole Leggett Schweiker
third time. Donohue Lennon Secrest
The SPEAKER. The question is on Dow Lipscomb Senner
the passage of the bill. Dowdy Long, Md. Shipley
The question was taken, and the Downing Love Shriver
Duncan, Oreg. McCarthy Sickles
Speaker announced that the ayes had it. Dwyer McCulloch Sikes
Mr. CORBETT. Mr. Speaker, I ob- Dyal McDowell Sisk
sect to the vote on the ground that a Edmondson McFall Skubitz
Erlenborn McGrath Slack
quorum is not present, and make the Farbstein McVicker Smith, Calif.
point of order that a quorum is not Farnsley Macdonald Smith, Iowa
resent. Farnum MacGregor Springer
h Fascell Machen Stafford
"'11fie SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum
Feighan Mackay Staggers
is not present.' Findley Mackie Stalbaum
The Doorkeeper will close the doors, Flno Madden Stanton
Flood Mahon Steed
the Sergeant at Arms will notify absent Flynt Mailliard Stratton
Members, and the Clerk will call the roll. Fogarty Martin, Mass. Stubblefield
The question was taken; and there Fo Matsunaga Sullivan
Foray rd, Gerald R. Matthews ews Sweeney
were-yeas-335, nays 43, not voting 55, as Ford, May Talcott
follows: William D. Meeds Teague, Calif.
No. 98--b
Edwards, Calif. Miller
Evans, Colo. Morton
Evins, Tenn.' Nelsen
Fallon Nix
Fisher' Passman
Friedel Powell
Garmatz Purcell
Hall Resnick
Harvey, Ind. Robison
Hebert St Germain
Hutchinson Smith, N.Y,
Karth Taylor
Keogh Thomas
Landrum Toll
Lindsay Tunney
Long, La. Utt
McClory Wilson,
McDade Charles H.
So the bill was passed.
The Clerk announced
pairs :
Mr. Passman with Mr. Utt.
Mr. Keogh with Mr. Lindsay.
Mr. Edwards of California with Mr.
Mr. Fallon with Mr. Adair.
Mr. Celler with Mr. Arends.
Mr. Boggs with Mr. Brown of Ohio.
Mr. Bonner with Mr. Smith of New York.
Mr. Hebert with Mr. Nelsen.
Mr. Purcell with Mr. Cramer.
Mr. Garmatz with Mr. Collier.
Mr. Long of Louisiana with Mr. Hall.
Mr. Tunney with Mr. McClory.
Mr. Landrum with Mr. Berry.
Mr. Friedel with Mr. Morton.
Mr. Charles H. Wilson with Mr. Don H.
Mr. Taylor with Mr. Hutchinson.
Mr. Dulski with Mr. Michel.
Mr. Thomas with Mr. Robison.
Mr. Carey with Mr. McDade.
Mr. St Germain with Mr. Ashbrook.
Mr. Boland with Mr. Cunningham.
Mr. Powell with Mr. Harvey of Indiana.
Mr. George W. Andrews with Mr. Dickin-
Mr. Nix with Mr. Toll.
Mr. Fisher with Mr. Karth.
Mr. Diggs with Mr. Resnick.
Mr. EDWARDS of Alabama changed
his vote from "yea" to "nay."
The result of the vote was announced
as above recorded.
The doors were opened.
A motion to reconsider was laid on the
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
41630_ C GRESSTO L RECORD - H U une
Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, I
ask unanimous consent that the gentle-
man from New York [Mr. POWELL] may
extend his remarks in the RECORD on the
bill just passed.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from
There was no objection.
Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that all Members
may have 5 legislative days in which to
extend their remarks in the RECORD on
the bill just passed.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from
,~. ~(Mr. FEIGHAN asked and was given
(! pe311nission to address the House for I
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. FEIGHAN. Mr. Speaker, today I
have introduced H.R. 8662, a bill to estab-
lish a selective immigration system.
This bill is a result of a year's hearings
by the House Subcommittee on Immigra-
tion and Nationality of which I am
In addition to the extensive public
examle full range o-f nrohlems in-
volved. I have a voca a simultanetlus
rM%d of the national origins quota sys-
tem and the nonquota status for natives
of the independent countries of the West-
ern Hemisphere. I am advised by'Gov-
ernment spokesmen that repeal of the
nonquota status for natives of the West-
ern Hemisphere would be inopportune at
this time. Accordingly, my bill repeals
immediately the national origins quota
system and the Asia-Pacific triangle con-
cept but leaves intact the privileged im-
migrant status of natives of the West-
ern Hemisphere.
I have a special order for 1 hour later
today at which time I will explain the
major provisions of my bill.
(Mr. PATMAN asked and was given
permission ,to extend his remarks at, this
point. in the RECORD.)
Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, the Hon-
orable Henry H. Fowler, our able new
Secretary of the Treasury, addressed the
prestigious Committee on Economic De-
velopment on May 27 in New York City.
Mr. Fowler's address dealt primarily with
our balance-of-payments situation, and
I am happy to report that the adminis-
tration takes most seriously its respon-
sibility to end the deficit. Mr. Fowler's
statement is very well reasoned, but at
the same time quite understandable for
the layman. It also has a determined
tone which is reassuring to everyone that
we are goi` , this gold problem.
Of special importance i's the Secretary's
warning to those inflamatory voices, lo-
cated around Wall Street, who scream
incessantly for tighter money and higher
interest rates. Mr. Fowler gave a well-
deserved verbal spanking to those who
believe all we have to do to solve the pay-
ments problem is increase our interest
rates. He said:
Unfortunately, such a course not only con-
flicts with our need to maintain our do-
mestic expansion but also important, would
not solve the problem. In view of the tre-
mendous difference in size and efficiency be-
tween the money markets here and abroad,
it is hardly realistic to expect a higher in-
terest rate to provide the necessary reduc-
tion in long-term capital outflow. Further-
more, an interest rate increase large enough
to have a significant effect in this area would
almost certainly bring a recession. A reces-
sion in turn, would severely damage the cli-
mate for foreign investment in the United
States and would also create a strong move-
ment to reduce interest rates immediately.
The entire statement follows:
For the first quarter of 1965, our balance-
of-payments deficit dropped to an annual
rate of slightly more than $3 billion.,
That was half the rate of the final quarter
of 1964.
More important, after a bad start in Jan-
uary, our position improved to show a sur-
plus in March and-on the basis of prelimi-
nary figures-hopefully in April.
While it is still too early to assess the im-
pact of President Johnson's program to re-
duce private capital outflows through the
voluntary cooperation of the banking and
business community, it appears that this
program is already helping to improve our
Let me caution you vigorously against in-
terpreting these results as indicating that the
battle has been won. We must, at all costs,
avoid undue optimism. We cannot afford
any premature relaxation of our determina-
tion or our efforts.
Solving our balance-of-payments problem
will be a long, hard, and difficult task, but it
is a task I believe to be vital to continuing
our political as well as economic leadership
in today's world.
The United States has had 14 balance-of-
payments deficits in the past 15 years.
During those 15 years, our deficits have
totaled $36 billion. One out of every four
of those dollars of deficit has been settled in
The time has come to put a Stop to this
chronic deficit. We can eliminate it, we
must eliminate it, and we will eliminate it.
The elimination of the deficit is at once
the most serious and the most difficult eco-
nomic task facing the United States today.
The task will not be easy. For the last
4 years, our balance of payments has engaged
the best efforts of bold and imaginative men.
Many of the steps taken have been highly
successful in reducing part of the deficit.
But each time the deficit was held down in
one place, it bulged out in another. In fact,
we have been plagued by a series of deficits
arising from a different mix of causes from
year to year.
Putting an end to the deficit will require
strong determination and firm action. A
successful program to achieve equilibrium
must attack the deficit on all fronts,
President Johnson launched just such a
program with his February 10 message to
Congress on the balanee~of payments. My
purpose today is to tell you why that pro-
gram is necessary, why it must work, and
what sort of a situation we will face when
it has worked.
In the early part of the 15-year period
referred to our deficits served to reduce the
so-called dollar shortage. For that reason
these deficits were appropriate, since dollars
were needed to finance expanded world trade
and nourish the redevelopment of Western
Europe and Japan.
For the second part of our deficit period-
1958 through 1960-our deficits reflected in-
adequate trade surpluses combined with ris-
ing expenditures for defense and foreign aid.
Long-term private capital outflow also rose
during this period, as European recovery led
to a substantial increase in U.S. private in-
vestment abroad. Finally, in 1960, the ris-
ing tide of speculation against the dollar
contributed to a sharp increase in short-
term capital outflow.
The first comprehensive program to reduce
the payments deficit-which had averaged
almost $4 billion for the 3 years 1958-60-
was presented in a message to Congress in
February 1961.
This program was designed to minimize
the balance-of-payments impact of neces-
sary Federal spending abroad; to reduce
short-term capital outflow by restoring con-
fidence in the dollar; and to expand our
trade surplus by launching (a) a vigorous
campaign of export promotion and (b) a
program of special tax incentives for in-
vestment to help cut costs combined with
policies, wage-price stability, both designed
to increase our national competitive edge
in markets at home and abroad.
Over a period of 4 years-1961-64-the ef-
forts initiated under this program yielded re-
sults which totaled more than $3.5 billion,
including increased commercial trade sur-
pluses ($900 million) ; reduced oversea dollar
spending for foreign aid ($400 million);
economies in military spending abroad ($200
million); increased military offset sales to
foreign countries by the Defense Department
($450 million); and an increase in profits
and interest on past foreign investments
($1.6 billion).
But the deficit failed to narrow a cor-
responding amount.
The reason it did not was that just as this
vigorous attack on several different areas of
our deficit was gathering momentum and
beginning to show increasing progress, a new
problem appeared. Early in 1963, the outflow
of U.S.' private capital into foreign securi-
ties rose alarmingly because, in part, inade-
quate capital markets in the remainder of
the industrialized world made recourse to
our money market the easy and cheap course
for all who needed capital.
This required the. second program to con-
trol the deficit, which was contained in the
balance-of-payments message of July 1963:
The interest equalization tax proposed in
that message was immediately effective in
stemming capital outflow into foreign se-
curities. Last year, for instance, the total
of such foreign borrowing was cut more than
65 percent below the rate for the first half
of 1963. The program also intensified other
existing programs and utilized monetary
policy by combining an increased rediscoupt
rate with measures which raised short-teem
interest rates substantially.
But the net result of all of these efforts
achieved only a reduction in our overall
deficit of $800 million-from $3.9 billion in
1960 to $3.1 billion in 1964.
Why? Because last year another new
problem appeared-the marked rise in over-
all private capital outflow, including both
short- and long-term bank credits and direct
investment abroad.
It was clear that action was necessary to
meet this new challenge. It was equally
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
makes, reflecting a passion. for thoroughness ond-yourigest head coach inthe NFL. 'Rosen-
which has marked-his'football car`eer`from bloom admitted that he was taking a gamble
Its earliest days. on Shula, but was sufficiently impressed
Those days were spent in Ohio, where Don with his studious approach to the game and
was born in a small town about 30 miles east the job he had been doing for the Lions
of last December's disaster. He went to to take the chance.
Catholic grade school, and in high school, he Don's forthrightness and sincerity helped
and his five brothers and sisters all took part him avoid what might have been a crippling
in sports. Don won 11 letters. "Sports was pitfall. He was coming in to coach a team
all I ever had-whatever was in season." he had once played for. Some of the play-
After high school, he went on to John Carroll ers were former teammates, and some were
University in Cleveland, where he was a older than he was. "I didn't anticipate any
sociology major. He kept up a B average problems, and had none," he says. "I be-
while participating in collegiate sports, and lieve it was mainly because I was always hon-
In his senior year was captain of the football est with them and treated them all the
team. same." Gino Marchetti quipped that he saw
He graduated in 1950 and was offered a no reason to worry: "Shula used to give us
teaching job in a high school in Canton. He hell when he was just a player."
also found himself a ninth draft choice of the Brief though it had been up to that point,
Cleveland Browns. "There was a decision to Don's coaching career had a lot of facets.
make then," he says. "I decided in order to "I've been brought up in the Paul Brown
have peace of mind, I had at least to try pro philosophy of coaching. It started out at
ball and see if I could make it." He played John Carroll where we used to use all Brown
two seasons with the Browns, taking a mas- stuff. Then I started to play with the
ter's degree in physical education at Western Browns. When I came -to Baltimore, I found
Reserve and doing a hitch in the National that Ewbank was a student of Brown also.
Guard at the same time. Then I got into coaching. I was under Blan-
He came to Baltimore first in a trade In ton Collier, and there again it was back to
1953 when the Colts were reactivated. He was the some system: organization, attention to
never a standout as a player, although Weeb detail, eliminate errors. This is what I've
Ewbank did once rate him as his best de- tried to do. Our practices are highly or-
fensive back. Don early established himself ganized, for example. They're not long but
as a perfectionist, spending hours practicing we get a lot done. There's not much stand-
footwork on his own. It was said of him that ing around. You just don't tolerate any
he could run backward almost as fast as he mistakes.. You get a guy who makes repeated
could forward. Assistant coach Charlie errors and sooner or later he's going to beat
Winner said what he lacked in actual ability you, and if you can't depend on him, you
he made up in brains. look for somebody else.
Don was released by the Colts in 1957 as "Detroit Is the only place I've been as a
Ewbank was trying to mount strength for coach that's been different, and I learned a
the first drive toward the championship. It lot there from George Wilson. He was not
was a case of youth versus experience, Don only a fine coach but was a real great handler
says, and one of the toughest things that of men, and this helped me, to see how he
ever happened to him. He was picked up handled the pros. I learned a lot from
.by the Washington Redskins and finished Ewbank, too. He was a fine organization
the season there, but was coming to realize man and did a good job of getting the squad
that, his best playing days were probably be- prepared. And I have my own ideas about
hind him. He turned almost naturally to running a team-I haven't tried to copy any-
coaching. "It had appealed to me for a body. I try to profit by my experience yet be
long time," he says, "Besides my own as- myself, because I think if you pattern your-
signment, I always wanted to know what self after anybody, you're not natural, you're
interest in the whys and hows of the game. along as -you are.,, Partly for this reason,
He accepted an offer as assistant coach at the Don rarely sends a play in from the bench.
University of Virginia, stayed one season, He says he firmly believes that the quarter-
then went. to, the University of Kentucky back on the field is In a better position than
where he worked under Blanton Collier, who the coach on the sidelines to estimate and
is now head coach of the Cleveland Browns. analyze the opponent's defenses.
After a year at Kentucky, he got a call from Don's dedication to the game is such that
George Wilson, coach of the Detroit Lions, football consumes most of his waking hours.
who was looking for a defensive backfield He never developed any outside business even
coach with NFL experience, and Don found as a player. "I've had a few opportunities,
himself back in pro ball. but I've never felt that I was able to do two
He was married, and had a young son by things at one time. I just had to ooncen-
this time, and moved his family to Allen trate on one thing. I feel that football's
Park, a Detroit suburb. On the field he was been good to me and it's given me the op-
what the players called a "holler guy," whose portl4nity to be here and I'm going to give
deep voice could be heard all over the grid- it back everything I have, make the most of
iron when he found occasion to chastize one the opportunity. I'm going to either make
of his charges. He worked in Detroit for 3 it or break it in football."
seasons, in each of which the Lions finished His only regret is that the job consumes so
second. much time that he would like to devote to
One day toward the end of 1962, Don came his family. To the regular off-season duties
home and asked his wife, Dorothy, how she a coach must perform this year was added
would like to move to Baltimore. The Colts the round of banquets and appearances that
were looking for a new head coach, and de- go with being Coach of the Year. There
spite his youth and relative inex_ perience, he were about 60 such functions all told, an
thought he had,a chance at It.' Colt owner, average of 3 a week between January and
Carroll Rosenbloom, considering about a doz- May. There's a danger of putting on weight,
en prospects, is said to have made up his but Don has kept his down to 210, just 5
mind on Shula on the basis of his answer to pounds more than he weighed as a player.
one question: did he think he was ready for And he'll lose those 5 pounds during the sea-
a head coaching job? Don's reply: "it son if this year is like the past, which he
doesn't make any difference what I tell you attributes to being " alittle more nervous."
about -that. I'_d have to prove it. That's by His family now consists of five children,
winning.", two boys and three girls ranging from 6 years
Don was hired in January 1963, becoming to 2 months. They live in Campus Hills, near
the third coach since the team returned a Towson, where they have plenty of room and
decade previously and ending the 9-year a pleasant, fenced-in lawn. Don plays some
regime of Weeb Ewbank.- Don had just golf for recreation when he can get to it, but
turned 33 and, was, by a few weeks, the sec- not during the football season. "He always
shines up his clubs and puts them away be-
fore training camp opens," says Dorothy,
"which is typical of him. Around the house
he picks up after himself. He's particular
about how his clothes look and about what
we call his football room in the basement,
where he has his game pictures and footballs
and other souvenirs. He doesn't like that
room to be upset, unless it's something the
children have just done. With kids, he's
mellowed a little around the house. He ap-
preciates a neat mess."
The Shulas are a religious family-Don
goes to mass in Westminster every morning
during training camp. He's normally even-
tempered, but when things go wrong, he can
explode. "We had some television people up
in camp this year getting some background
for the `Countdown to Kickoff' program.
They had a mike on me and everything I said
during practice was recorded. A lot of times
I don't like everything I say to be recorded,"
he laughs. "They can always use it against
you, especially when you have a tendency to
say just what comes to your mind and not
think too much about it,"
As to the life expectancy of a head football
coach, Don has come to be philosophical. He
now has a 3-year, continuing contract, one
which renews itself from year to year. "This
is a little bit of security in a sense," he says.
"But you've got to say that your job is deter-
mined by winning games. You can be the
greatest talker or con man or what have you,
but when it comes to the end of the year,
they look pretty much at that record. I'm
in a situation with the Colts where there's a
lot of talent and you're expected to win, and
it's pretty hard to explain when you don't.
If hard work and confidence in himself
and the team will do the trick, Don will lead
the Baltimore Colts out onto the field at
Memorial St on Sunday, January 2,
1966, to mee he easter division titleholder
for the champio ship./And if winning that
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr.
President, on Tuesday, September 14, I
spoke on the floor of the Senate in op-
position to the recently enacted legisla-
tion-then under debate-revising our
U.S. immigration laws in the manner
I pointed out that advocates of the
legislation claimed that the increase in
immigration brought about by its pas-
sage would be miniscule and would
amount to only a few additional thou-
sand persons annually, but that I feared
the practical results would be otherwise.
I questioned why our Nation should
be the only advanced Nation in the world
to develop a guilt complex concerning
its immigration policies, when it has al-
ways been far more liberal than other
countries in this respect. I emphasized
the fact that other advanced nations,
realistically and in their own national
interests, are selective in dealing with
immigrants-without apology. I stated
that our first responsibility in matters
of immigration, at this point in our na-
tional history when we are faced with
numerous sociological and economic
problems of mounting severity, is to the
citizens of our Nation.
I called attention to the sure indica-
tions of our changing times and urged
that we take cognizance of the realities
of our present situation and the fore-
casts for our future.
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t71' ?cts er .11, the able newspaper col-
1 t, Mr. Eric Severeid, a widely
trayeled and skilled political analyst,
.gently warned of the difficulties which
!*ur,1?atinla, surely. faces as a result of
tire enactment of our new immigration
T ask unanimous consent to hive the
;tletober 11 article by Mr. , Severeid
printed ' the RECORD.
There being no objection, the' article
`.was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
, EBy Brit Severeid)
Fidel Castro will-be very happy to get rid
ai ,more. Cuba,na who .have relatives; in the
Vhited, states{ and the United States will
take , them. "the American humanitarian
tLIa'tinet outweighs the American sense of
rea1poiitik which tells us that we are hereby
`easing one of Castro's burdens.
Not ail the quarter-million or more Cu-
- 'ban refugees in this country have been eco-
xtomically assimilated, but most, have, even
fn Miami, the; social tone, variety and charm
trf ichich has been improved by their pres-
eriCer not damaged.
'This is not because these people are Cu-
?bans rather than Brazilians or Dominicans
or '1'rin1dadians, It is because, for the most
part, these' Cubans represent the aspiring, 11 hatd-working and responsible elements in
,the Cuban society.
Tt was because of them that pre-Castro
'Cuba enjoyed one of the highest, not one
of the lowest rates of per capita income in
Latin America. It is partly because of their
banishment that Cuba now suffers, one of
the lowest rates.
Simply put, what the Cuban Communists
have done is to gut the Cuban middle class,
not just the small, exploiting upper class.
This is profound, historical tragedy because
the whole drive in. Latin America must be
to build middle classes by training the poor
and illiterate.u well as by reducing the pow-
`er and hiildings of the very rich.
ft seems axiomatic; Without a, strong
Middle class In those countries, that is to
any, without "a balance wheel which permits
tolerance and orderly change, there is no
escape from dictatorial rule, either,by the
right or by the left. In modern times, the
existence of stable democracy is intertwined
with the existence of a middle class.
President Johnson made his afi~rmative
response `to Castro's' "offer" at the same time
he signed the new immigration bill. Many
statisticshave been bandied about as to
the past totals of foreigners admitted here
And. the future expectations under this bill.
The most common. characteristic of these
figures, so easily spouted from political soap-
boxes, is their meaninglessness. American
citizens do not understand what the picture
has been and will be, and the press has not
done very much to enlighten them.
Tba welcome to a new wave of Cubans Is an
example of why the official figures never
stay put. The new bill puts a limit. Of 120,-
000. per year on immigration visas from the
'Western Eemisphere. Many thousands more
enter under different kinds of visas. The
new Cuban wave will drive the total that
much higher.
The bill eliminates the noxious quota sys-
tem of 40 years standing, under which, people
from northern Europe were preferred as im-
migrants, even though those countries do
not 511 their quotas, presently prosperous as
they are.
In recent years, "quota immigration" stood,
on paper, at 158,000 a year, which will now
be increased slightly. Most people seem to
think that is ;, the total of, our annual har-
vest of newcomers to these shores. In fact,
the total of nonquota newcomers-refugees,
reunited families, etc.-has been averaging
far more than the number who actually come
by quota.
The grand total of foreigners admitted has
been running around 275,000 or more each
year. Under the new bill, the grand total,
by some expert estimates, will rise to some-
what near 4Q0,000 a year.
It will now be easier for people of southern
Europe, Asia, and Africa to come here, but
the common notion that they have been
virtually inadmissible is not quite true.
The Italian quota, for example, was only
5,600 a year, but the actual admissions from
Italy, have averaged over 15,000 a year for 10
years. Japan's quota was only 185, but the
Japanese admitted annually have been aver-
aging nearly 5,000 for the last 10 years. -
Very few people will argue that the old
quota system, based on religious and racial
feelings, should have been retained. Few will
argue against reuniting families or in favor
of closing the door against political refugees
in certain circumstances.
But responsible Americans, particularly the
Orthodox liberals, must now face up to cer-
tain hard, unpleasant realities and must
think about them with their heads, not with
their glands.
This is a basically different country from
the time when immigrants were not only
welcomed but required. The economic life
of America in the revolution and the early
19th century was more like the life of ancient
China than like the life of America today.
Farmlands no longer need filling up; they
are, indeed, emptying into the vast urban
centers. Our really terrible problems are
urban problems and at the heart of most of
them is the simple business of overcrowding.
Sanitation, health, transportation, police
services are at the point of breakdown in
many cities. Psychological tensions have
become unbearable in some cities, as we have
seen in our long, hot summers.
The age of mass mess has just begun, for
the population of this country will probably
increase by another 30 million in the next 10
It is in this light that we must now think
about immigration, not in the light of old
theories and emotions. To pile tragedy upon
tragedy is scarcely liberal. Liberalism was an
easy path when help given to one unfortu-
nate did not injure another unfortunate.
The real, and the painful question that
now has to be faced is not whether to be
liberal or illiberal, but whom to be liberal to.
Choices must be made. This is the sad wis-
dom that every older civilized country under-
stands and acts upon because it must. Ms-
tory will not exempt the American civiliza-
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, in just a
matter of months now, medical care for
the aged will no longer be the dream that
it was almost a half-century ago. In-
stead it will be a reality-a reality made
possible in no small part by the historic
struggle of one of this country's most
illustrious citizens, Josephine Roche,
former Assistant Secretary of the
As far back as 1915 Miss Roche has
highlighted, in one way or another, the
health deficiencies of this Nation that
needed correction. In her writings, in
her speeches, and in her everyday work,
she has relentlessly fought for better
health and better medical care for this
Her earlier efforts-were climaxed when
she organized the Interdepartmental
ctober 13, 4,965,
Committee to Coordinate Health and
Welfare Activities in July 1938. As
chairman of this committee she called
the first National Health Conference.;
This conference was attended by mem-
bers of the medical and related profes-
sions, by public health and public welfare
officials, by workers in health and social
agencies, and by representatives of labor
and farm groups, and of other groups
composing the general public. The con-
ference contributed toward a better
understanding of the national needs in
the field of health and medical care and
toward the formulation of policies that
would enable the medical and other
professions, private organizations,
Federal, State, and local agencies and
individual citizens to cooperate in efforts
to meet those needs.
The folllowing is a brief summary of
the work that led to the creation of that
In June 1934, subsequent to a Presiden-
tial Executive order establishing the Cab-
inet Committee on Economic Security
and the Advisory Council on Economic
Security, the "President appointed her as
a member of this Council. In November
1934, she was appointed by the Presi-
dent as Assistant Secretary of the Treas-
ury, and thereupon appointed to? the
Technical Board on Economic Security
composed of specially` qualified Govern-
ment officials. This Board was responsi-
ble for the review and the analysis of the
vast data on national economic and
social needs, the proposals for meeting
these needs, and for the preparation of
the Cabinet Committee's report on eco-
nomic security which was submitted by
this Committee to the President Janu-
ary 15, 1935. The President, on Janu-
ary 17, 1935, transmitted this report to
the Congress with his message recom-
mending legislation along the lines pro-
posed by the Committee. This report
formed the basis for the Social Security
Act passed by the Congress in August
Upon passage of the Social Security
Act with its far-reaching new economic
and social programs involving both Fed-
eral and State administration, the Presi-
dent requested her to act as Chairman
of the Interdepartmental Committee To
Coordinate Health and Welfare Activi-
ties of the Federal Government with par-
ticular reference. to Federal-State rela-
tionships in these new programs. Due
to the success achieved by the Commit-
tee during its first year of functioning
in developing efficient and coordinated
procedures for prompt implementation
of the many new provisions contained in
the Social Security Act, the President
formalized the Committee's status a
year later by Executive order.
As Assistant Secretary of the Treasury,
the U.S. Public Health Service, then a
Treasury agency, was placed under her
administration and she immediately
made plans for a comprehensive inven-
tory of the Nation's health needs under
the immediate direction of this outstand-
ing professional agency. The mass data
and material obtained and documented
throughout every State over a period of
months and subjected to expert analysis
and..comptlation is still considered rxi tjor
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blasted a,crater in the desert?100 feet
deep and 20 fee? in diameter
TIZe ex}iloslon, a forerunner of a
planned nuclear blast the same area,
is a Study in ` digin ' In techniques which
Could be used in digging the proposed
sea level complement to the Panama
The event, Mr. Speaker, is graphically
explained by Mr. O. A. (Gus) Kelker,
feature editor of the Tines-News, pub-
lished in Twin Falls, Idaho, in the Oc-
tober 3 edition of the paper.
The article follows:
(By O. A. (Gus) Kelker)
-MOUNTAIN HorsE.-It, actually sounds too
strange to be true and yet the first shovelful
of dirt -which. will result in construction of a
ne r sea level canal acrossSJential America
was probably moved Thursday afternoon in
the .form of a piece of Idaho's desolate
The experiment, which came about as a
result of 0 years of planning and study, was in
the form of a great explosion, probably the
tllggest manmade blast to ever take place
within the boundaries of the State.
It was the forerunner for a proposed 100-
kilpto)p' nuclear cratering Project which may
rze undertaken ,in the same,. general, area in
sbqut 3 years.' This is the method of dirt and
rook removal.which someday may be used to
dig the big ditch which is now in the plan-
ning stage.
The, awe-inspiring explosion which ripped
the solid rock of the Bruneau.area took place
at a point 2 or 3 hours away from Mountain
Home by car or truck, depending on the
speed you drive. It was more than 70 miles
of bumps and dust which stretched out into
,A joint venture of the Atomic Energy Com-
mission and the Corps of Army Engineers
;iuclear excavation research program, the
project came down to the last day with
scheduled projects ticking off like a well-
Oiled clock.
The last 24 hours, before the explosion was
detona.ted apd ripped a hole 200 feet wide
and 100 feet deep in the desert rock, were a
headache. In fact they almost resulted in
the blast being scrubbed.
After the, liquid explosive called nitro-
methane had been poured into a 36-inch
access hole and filled a mined spherical cavity
approximately 18 feet. In diameter, a leak
The leak was spotted by instruments and
after it was confirmed officials ordered two
trucks in from the atomic site near Las
Vegas, Nev. They were to bring 55 more
drums of the explosive. But 'this scheduled
departure set off a chain of events not ex-
pected. One truck broke down near Las
Vegas. The other gave up before reaching
the test site in Idaho. Two smaller standby
trucks were dispatched and the load of 23
drums of explosive was transferred.
These two trucks arrived at ground zero
and the ` liquid was transferred below the
ground. The countdown' began but a few
seconds before the big blast was to take place
it was halted.
The 15-minute countdown finally was
undertaken once more and this time the end
result was something to behold.
Qn.ttie se ox3d s tl#e end of the count the
desert B9t ,more than,.3,006 feet from where
photographers, newsmen, officials, project
personnel, and others stood, heaved in a
pattern that was both grotesque and beau
tiful at the same time,
So overpowering was the great earth inove-
ment, with heavy dust and 'great pieces of
rock rising more than 3,000 feet into the air,
that it was difficult to comprehend. The
great dust cloud, studded with rock, seemed
for awhile to threaten the area where the
observers, stood, but it was all an optical
illusion. The blast was so mammoth that
the mind was unable to take it into consider-
ation with only one sweep of the imagination.
The long wait, the desert travel and the
dust and heat were forgotten at the instant
of the spectacle. For most of the observers
this thing was a first and it will never be
As one newsman put it:
"The gates of hell itself could not be more
terrifying than the turmoil which we saw
One thing was certain, and as a result
data which will be important in future
tests-even of the atomic variety-was writ-
ten into the book.
. Because of the leak, the explosion took
place with about 12 tons less nitromethane
than was planned, and yet the results were
greater than anticipated.
Checked and rechecked figuring on the
curve had shown that depth of the crater
would be about 41 feet, plus or minus 5 feet,
and radius would be 76 feet, plus or minus 9
When the dust and rocks had settled and
experts and observers trudged up to the
crater's lip they found that it was about 100
feet deep and 200 feet in diameter. The lip
of the newborn crater resembled a mountain
on the level plateau.
The entire project was dubbed Pre-
Schooner II. The big blast was associated
with three other separate 1.2-ton TNT cali-
bration shots.
Above ground, these three detonations a
good distance from ground zero shoved shock
waves through the air which were easily felt
by observers. The big blast did not produce
any appreciable shock wave because of the
underground location of the charge.
But in the case of the big one, the ground
shook like a great earthquake was underway
and was easily noticeable where observers
stood more than 3,000 feet away from ground
The U.S. Army Engineer Nuclear Cratering
Group, Corps of Engineers, is headquartered
at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Liver-
more, Calif. The Atomic Energy Commission
experts were from the Nevada test range.
Actual purpose behind the detonation was
to improve the knowledge of crater dimen-
sions in hard, dry rock as a function of depth
of burst and type of explosive.
As a precaution prior to the blast, a bright
yollovi balloon, anchored to the ground by
cable, was flown at a height of several thou-
sand feet.
It served as a warning to possible flights of
aircraft in the area and also held a set of
instruments aloft to gain pressure measure-
ments above the blast area. It was hoisted
more than an hour before detonation time.
The data obtained from the experiment
will be used in the design of the proposed
Schooner atomic cratering project and in the
general development of a theory of cratering
and techniques for predicting slope stability
and other engineering properties of nuclear
Results of the blast will end in months of
study before final tabulations are made, offi-
cials said.
But to the casual observer the entire proj-
ect could be nothing short of a complete
It was the biggest blast in the State's his-
tory, and the rumble of it will be heard for
The Pope at the U.N.
Tuesday, October 5, 1965
Mr. MATHIAS. Mr. Speaker, many
persons have discussed and sought to
analyze the historical impact of the visit
of His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, to the
United Nations this Monday. In his elo-
quent essay of Thursday, October 7, Mr.
Walter Lippmann captured the central
meaning and full promise of this un-
precedented event. I would like to com-
mend Mr. Lippmann's words to all, as
follows :
(By Walter Lippmann)
On Monday, when the Pope came to the
United Nations, we witnessed an event of
which we shall be able to appreciate the sig-
nifiance only as time goes on. His journey
and his address were a blinding illumination
in which the immediate consequences will
only gradually become visible. "We are the
bearer," said the Pope, "of a message for all
mankind," and, he went on to say, "like a
messenger who, after a long journey, finally
succeeds in delivering the letter which has
been entrusted to him, so we appreciate the
good fortune of this moment, however brief,
which fulfills a desire nourished in the heart
for nearly 20 centuries."
The letter which the Pope was at last able
to deliver said that the church, now at peace
with all mankind, was able to ratify the pur-
poses of the United Nations, which is a hu-
man institution aspiring to be universal.
That has never been possible before. Never
before has there existed an institution in
which there is a place for all the nations of
the world. The moral ratification of the
United Nations, which the Pope declared on
Monday, could be given by him only after the
Roman church had reached a religious
peace-only after the religious wars and
persecutions of the past had been brought
to an end.
This historic act of ratification marks the
progress made under the inspiration of
Pope John XXIII in the rejuvenation of the
church. The modernizing church ' has
brought itself into the mainstream of human
affairs. It has done this by committing it-
self to the religious r5concllfation of man-
kind, and also by making itself no longer the
support of reaction and privilege but, "the
voice of the poor, the disinherited, the suf-
fering, of those who hunger and thirst for
justice, for the dignity of life, for freedom,
for well being and progress."
This Is the Johannine church, of which
Pope Paul is a faithful and convincing apos-
tle, and there is now new hope in the world
because this enormous transformation has
gone so far.
We must realize that the moral ratifica-
tion of the United Nations by the Catholic
church does not mean and cannot mean the
moral ratification of the policies and the be-
havior of all the member states, even of our
own. The Pope spoke with great gentleness.
But what he said so gently cut to the quick.
No one who heard him attentively, or will
read him pow, can fail to realize, that he
was speaking a different language from that
which is current and conventional. In fact,
the Pope, who is without pride and has noth-
ing to fear, was thinking what is unthink-
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- 0004
A"04 b4ed For- MOMM 67B Y NU,W
Bulgarians. President John r,. Kennedy
recalled this "commitment to the coun-;
tries of Easterly Europe when he address-
ed himself to the people of free Europe
at Frankfurt Germany, on June 25, 1963.
He said:
All of, us in the West must be faithful to
our conviction that peace in Europe can
never be complete until everywhere in Eu-
rope * ? ? men can choose in peace and free-
dom how.their countries, shall be:governed.
Let us pay tribute to Nikola Petkov and
to the liberty-loving heroes of other op
pressed nations who have worked, fought,
and died for the basic human right of
self-government. May their example be
an Inspiration to men everywhere when
'the path of 'freedom is difficult, as it is
today in Vietnam. May we also always
remember our traditional, abiding com-
mitment to the principles of liberty and
human dignity and to the peoples who
struggle til achjerve them.
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Mr. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, it is a
pleasure to have the opportunity to join
in commending the distinguished chair-
man of our Immigration and Nationality
Subcommittee, the gentleman from
Ohio [Mr. FEiOHANI, for the fine presen-
tation he has made in summarizing pro-
visions of the newly enacted immigration
reform bill. ,this question and answer
form, our colleague's summary will pro-
vide most useful information for, the
citizens who,are immediately concerned
about effects of the, new law,.. The, gen-
tleman from Ohio certainly deserves our
thanks for making available to us so
expeditiously this practical and concise
guide to our new immigration polices. I
am sure many Members of Congress, as
I, have already received urgent inquiries
from citizens : who have been waiting long
years for reunion with relatives in coun-
tries with heavily oversubscribed quotas.
This summary for the layman, together
with the detailed analysis being prepared
by the Judiciary Committee, will be
valuable to,-all 7VIemllcr in inform}ng
and assisting the many people through-
out the Nation who can now look forward
to having their families united in
Wise Words by Dr. Frederick Browl
Tuesday, October 5, 1965
Mr. MARTIN of Alabama. Mr.
Speaker, under permission to extend my
,remarks in the RECORD, I would like to
include some very inspiring words by Dr.
Frederick Brown Harris, beloved Chap-
lain of the U.S. Senate. The following
article, "Yesterday's Sour Grapes Don't
Explain You," should be carefully read by
every American in these critical days
when so many are eager to shed individ-
ual responsibility by blaming all our
shortcomings on the past.
Dr. Harris' article appeared in the
Washington Sunday Star of October 3,
(By Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, Chaplain,
U.S. Senate)
More than 2,500 years before the date of
this column, the public-spirited prophet,
Ezekiel, was probing for the cause of the
debauchery of the day. The question was:
Why does this wild generation act the way
they do-commit the excesses of which they
are guilty? There was a breakdown of moral
standards, sex perversion was rampant, b"i
ness was honeycombed with dishonesty And,
doubledealing. There was complacent indif-
ference to the welfare of the underprivileged.
Honor, once bright, was now dimmed.
All this is mirrored in the Biblical record
of this day of so long ago, which seems lal
most to match the headlines of the 20th-c n-
tury days. To the prophet's insistence that
there was no excuse for those who were
guilty of betraying the high `ethical ideals
which were a part of the national heritage,
the young generation, running wild, cried out
to this preacher of old-fashioned righteous,
"Don't blame us. The fathers have eaten
sour ' grapes and the children's teeth have
been set on edge." To which sophistry
Ezekiel thundered, "Don't undertake to ex-
plain your lapses by quoting that old cliche,
and claiming that a former generation is to
blame for putting something into your life,
or by withholding something from it.
Yesterday's sour grapes do not explain you.
Heredity and environment are not the chief
factors of your destiny."
Centuries after the prophet's scornful Vie-
jection of the sour grape theory to explain
'today's debauchery, Jesus told the story, of
the good Samaritan. There seems to be a
new version of that matchless story for the
days we now face. To some modern psychi-
atrists the chief thing in that narrative] is
not the victim, wounded, robbed, and left!by
the highwaymen by the roadside to die. It
Approved For Release 2004/01/16: CIA-RDP67B00446F2000100040001-6
f$io ?y, and he was saying it out Opportunities for Increased human
tpiwte dif?erent from ~"ie coWit tion which 111uinist control 111 Soviet, bloc countries
underlies ublic disc ssibn in Peiping have been recognized by my Subcommit-
or in,W'aeiugon'cruclal"difference is tee on the Far East and the Pacific of
that i11 the,lgp s paramount is- the Foreign Affairs Committee,
sae is riot he, fold ,posti e, ideologies. The subcommittee conducted hearings
Although religion in general and the Roman on the Siuo-Soviet conflict and Its impli-
hq Sly lrartlclt7a; h'e f een treated as cations earlier this year. In the report
the. cie eihle&~ omnnunists, the issued, the subcommittee recommended
Pope sal flat the pursui of. peace tran-
SCends al , oche}': duties; and that the pars- providing the countries of Eastern Eu-
ticsunt cr i de of nri _ is the crusade rope with the incentive and leverage they
&gaInsi ,war and for peaces need to remove themselves from com-
This is a tii Brent s ., of 'values than are plete economic dependence on the Soviet
eee0$tea'as riteous In the public life of 'Union - by expanding commercial trade.
the warring nations: . "Tile Pope was, of of nonstrategic items with these coon
eDttrse, Intending to make this ,known, and tries. In addition, the subcommittee
be, ~eachett, the climax of idle message, so it suggested intensifying political and cul-
seemed to me, when he declared, that, the turai relations with those European
reling evil In thin angry hostile and' quay- Communist-controlled states who are
rling world pride, no matter how le-
gitimate, it may seem to be, which provokes achieving a degree of independence from
tension a t41,st~rlt lee for prestige, for pre- Moscow and are showing moderation in
do Ina icp, coio aliszn, egaism; that is, their external affairs.
pride 11 disrupts" brother"hood." We' are committed to help alleviate
we, shall llaxe , heard the Pppe's message the plight of captive peoples such as the
y~hen we ave., qAkthese Words to heart.
I'Tiday, October 8, 1965
Mr. Z BhQGK?. .'Mr, Speaker, _ on
September 23, 1047, a brutal blow was
'dealt to t1ie,cause of human freedoand
self -detexninann.
On that day 18 years ago Nikola Pet-
kov, coura eous leader of the opposition
to,' the,Soviet con1niunit,talover ,9f the
proud ?cotry of Bulgaria, was executed
On the charge of "conspiracy against the
The murder of Niltola Petkov,,shat
tered ,virtually all Bulgarian hopes of
resisting 'Quiet domination, and preserv
ing national independence. It dramat-,
cominunism in Bulgaria.
To commemorate the day on whic".
Nikola Petkov was hanged for his of-,:
forts in beb.alf of Bulgarian independ-
ence,the Bulgarian National Committee
schetlulecl? a }nemorial meeting and re-
ception at the Carnegie Endowment In
ternational Center oxk September 1$ and
a requiem mass at the Russian Orthodox
Chord of St. Nicholas in Washington,
eptember 19. The committee is,
to be co nmef ded for commemorating
the bravery of NikolauPetkov and of the
Bulgarian resistance movement which
he led.
Communist oppression and economic
exploitation of the Bulgarian people, have.,
only intensified their longing for ties
with th,epeople of the Western World.
The B}iigs,riaz regime is gradually ,being
forced,to relay its r}did, control atid.,to
grant, ttl- ecof omic, political, and cul-
ti3ral contacts with the West which,have
been denied to the courageous people of
.this country for so many years.
October 8., --------------
Also, S. 2294, extension of the Wheat
Agreement Act, open rule, i hour of de-
bate; and House Resolution 602, dismiss-
ing the contested election in the Third
Congressional District of Iowa, Peterson
against Gaoss.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we have
H.R. 11135, Sugar Act Amendments of
1965.. This will come to the House under
a closed rule, waiving points of order,
making In order the offering of two
amendments by the gentleman from Illi-
nois[Mr? FINDLEY], with.4 hours of gen-
eral debate,
H.R.- 10065, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Act of 1965, which comes
with an open rule and 2 hours of general
.. On Thursday there are eight unani-
moue-consent bills of the Committee on
Ways and Means, and they are as
follows :
H.R. 327, exempting from taxation
certain nonprofit corporations and asso-
ciations operated to provide reserve
funds for domestic building and loan
H.R. 7723, suspension of duty, certain
tropical hardwoods;
H.R. 8210, amending the International
Organizations Immunities Act;
H.R. 8436, dutiable status of watches,
clocks, and so forth; from insular posses-
sions of the United States;
H.R. 8445, : retired pay, Tax Court
H.R. 11216, tariff treatment of articles
a$seh bled abroad;
H,R. 10625, tax treatment of'certain
amounts paid t9 certain members and
former members of uniformed services
and to their, survivors; and
H.R. 6319, tax treatment of expropria-
tiop loss recoveries,
For Friday and the balance of the
week, the supplemental appropriation
bill for 1966.
1Str,Speak er, I should like to advise the
House that the leadership will request
the ,indulgence of Members that we may
have flexibility in rearranging the pro-
gram during next week, as it is obvious
that we are trying to finish the business than on procedural matters on two of
of the House. We shall try to keep Mem- the days, what those days will be, and
bers advised from day to day of any so forth.
changes in or additions to the program. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, if the dis-
May I advise further that there are tinguished gentleman from Michigan
2 days when we expect not to have any will yield further, I am glad the gentle-
roll call votes except on procedural mat- man from Missouri has brought that
ters. One is Tuesday, when we will have matter up.
only general debate on the sugar bill, and Tuesday is Columbus Day. It is a day
Thursday, when several bills will be
brought up under unanimous consent. in which some Members of the House
This announcement is made, of course, have a particular interest and, of course,
subject to the usual reservation that con- all Members of the House are vitally in-
ference reports maybe brought up at terested in that day.
any time and that any further program Thursday is President Eisenhower's
may be announced later. birthday and I believe there are some
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, Members of the House who will have an
will the gentleman permit me to ask a Interest in that day. I know I for one do.
question at this point? In the spirit of the great bipartisan
Mr. ALBERT. Of course. harmony which was displayed last night,
Mr, CI;ER ,D R, FORJ). If we follow 'we will all want to salute the great for-
this sehedule,.the Sugar Act amendments 'bier President of the United States.
will be brought up and the rule will be 'Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, if the dis-
passed and the debate concluded on tinguished minority leader will yield fur-
Tuesday, and then we shall go over and ther, I would hope that the distinguished
finish that bill on Wednesday; and sub- majority leader's prediction will be closer
sequent to that take up, the Equal Em- to coming true than his very erudite as-
ployment Opportunity Act? sumption when I finally withdrew my
Mr. ALBERT. The gentleman is cor-
rect. Wednesday, of course, is a very
heavy day. We expect to finish the work
on the sugar bill and to handle the Equal
Employment Opportunity Act.
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that the Committee
on the District of Columbia have until
midnight October 9 to file certain re-
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from
There was no objection.
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that when the House
adjourns today it adjourn to meet on
Monday next.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from
There was no objection.
reservation of objection about coming in
yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, wherein
he stated that the intention was to com-
plete the bill on Friday. I had no idea
that there was to be a continuous session,
but in f t that prediction was correct
and we finish it on Friday.
I i'ha thegentleman from Michigan
and wtj given permission to address the
House or 1 minute and to revise and
extend his remarks.)
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, the immigration reform bill the
President signed into law at the base of
the Statue of Liberty is an historic piece
of legislation welding this Nation to its
historic ideals of equality and justice.
The action of the Congress and the
President in bringing this measure into
force is significant for reasons both sym-
bolic and practical. We are moving to
strike away harmful racial and ethnic
boundaries in our society. The new law
is a step toward that goal, for it replaces
a law that for two decades has violated
the principles on which America was
founded and grew strong.
DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR The 40-year-old national origins sys-
WEDNESDAY BUSINESS ON tem we have replaced had little support
WEDNESDAY NEXT either in logic or in principle, and it
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask demeaned our Nation. In allocating
unanimous consent that the business in quotas according to the supposed na-
order under the Calendar Wednesday tional origins of the American popula-
rule may be dispensed with on Wednes- tion of 1920, it favored immigrants from
day next. the countries of northern Europe and
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to discriminated against those from every-
the request of the gentleman from __-where else.
Oklahoma? The quota for Ireland, for example,
There was no objection, was larger than that for all of Asia. The
Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, would the quota for Switzerland was larger than
:distinguished minority leader yield in or- for all the nations of Africa. Because of
der that I may propound a question to discrepancies such as this, quotas as-
the distinguished majority leader? signed northern European countries
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. I yield to the often remained unfilled, while other
gentleman from Missouri. countries had long waiting lists.
Mr. HALL. I wonder what would be The implications of the national
the basis for not having any votes other origins quota system remained undis-
guised-it openly suggested that one
kind of ancestry is better than another,
that a person from England is nine times
more acceptable than one from Poland
or 12 times more acceptable than one
from Italy.
This is an implication which was
rejected by four American Presidents be-
fore Lyndon B. Johnson-from President
Woodrow Wilson who vetoed the first bill
to John Kennedy. It is an Implication
which America has finally put to rest.
In so doing we have asserted anew our
confidence in the strength of our tradi-
tions of equality-traditions that are in-
separable from the very origins of our
country. Indeed, not only did the
Declaration of Independence affirm that
"all men are created equal," some of the
very grievances that caused it to be writ-
ten were the restrictions Imposed on im-
migration to the Colonies by the British
From the very beginning America was
thrown open to all equally. Thomas
Jefferson spoke for his countrymen when
he asked "Shall we refuse to the un-
happy fugitives from distress that hos-
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
25EA Approved For Rele%V%% RV I 66 i b1000
en iffe eiauggle for freedom and against est-
-.davemout, we are convinced that if we In-
tensify our efforts Snal victory will be ours.
We earnestly hope that all freedom-loving
peoples in Asia, Africa, Australia, en other
parts of the world will work together mars
closely for the aims and purposes we have
set fortis in this deeciaration.
Delegates to this 11th ocmlerena of the
Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League are
from ; Australia, Casyton, Republic of China,
Hongkong, India, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Ryu-
kyus, Kenya. Korea, Lesos, Liberia, Macao,
Pakistan, Philippines. SotnaLa. Thailand.
Turkey, Vietnam. and observers from Con-
tinental Research Institute. Congo (lAopold-
vius) , Italy, Lebanon. Malta. Spain, Swedeei,
Ali-Americas Conference to Combat Com-
munism, American Afro-Asian Bducattrmai
Exchange (l7SA), Anti-BWahevik Bloc of
Nations (ANN), Assembly of Captive RurD-
pesn Nations. Committee of One Mlllhea
Against The Admission of Coinmwitst China
to the United Nations (U.N.), Pfee Pacific
Asaocation. International Conference on
Political Warfare Activity (OLU). Interns-
tional Conference on Pelitioal Warfare of the
Soviets (CIOP), Unbin at summaan SoiadsrtAs
(WM), Malagasy Republic, United States,
Saudi Arabia, Korean ?reed .ai Board, Peden-
salon Argentina Ds Bntidades Democracies,
National Captive Nation Committee, and
Finally we wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to the Philippine Government and
people and the Philippine chapter of this
league for their warm reception and hoa-
pitality. Also we wish to ezpreas our sincere
admiration and respect to President Dios-
dedo Macapagal for his leadership of the
Philippine people in their setruggis against
oammunlam and for the cause of democracy
and freedom
[Prase Free 1Reont, July 7, I9e3)
Tga CRT or Trri Casrilra liArvowrs
(By Dr Jose us_ Heenandea)
From hst I d the Iron and Bamboo Cur-
tains cries and whimpers of millions of
pimple bleeding beneath the iron heel of
the Communist hordes come floating in the
very air we breathe.
We enjoy the air of unsullied freedom and
In the free society still untainted by Coio-
munlst doctrine and practice. We are able
to give impetus and encouragment to our
Institutions of earning and to the arts and
sciences of civilized mankind.
Only in the free air of peace and justice
may whope to pry on the road to
But the enslaved under the hammer and
sickle are completely denied the basic
free- guaranteed by the Universal Declare.
flora of Human Rights.
The captive peoples under communism do
not bay either freedom of movement or
even freedom .of .
They cannot have even a square meter of
land which they may call their own.
They are not allowed to possess personal
property. for the communist overlords are
allergic to the institution of private prop-
Everything must be collectivized
They cannot speak their minds for com-
munism enforces thought control and oom-
plete suppression of speech. press. and fret-
They cannot have a decent family life for
the family and the human person are
notbing; the State is everything.
They are oppressed and are complete vic-
tims of hunger and dleaaae.
There are only relatively few dyed-in-the-
wool, hardened Ooaenuniats.
But they control one-third of the popula-
tion of Me world.
Wherever the Communists have aistab-
Iisbed ttcagowlves with the tests at
vblance and bloodshed to sow and butkhdose
he"tplems, millions of
dren, the tight of treedom ~ , love. and
happiness has been snuffed out,
d Iivsey man in a holed to the gifts of
Therefore, we who are sun in the
world must usher our brethren who are
free society.
It is our duty to uplift the down
and break tide chains of communises.
We must meet Ore with Are.
If the Communists claim that they are a
dedicated group. let us show them that we
also are dedicated sues.
But we do not believe in Cdsnmuaht im-
pertatiam. and wee do not subscribe to vb
pence, tyranny. and bloodshed.
We Soo not believe to the corruption of
the youth by arsons of narcotics, sea, and
The youth who will take over the Mae
of government for me must fight to free the
captive peoples.
There are not two ways about It.
Bather you are a freeman or a slave.
To our minds that, is no kegical chosoe
axe" freedom.
Freedom is the essence of true oiviliser
Communism 9a a return to savagery
80 a l freemen must unite to liberate the
captive peoples of communism
tMr. HORTON (at the request of Mr.
Oaovs;a) was granted Perron to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
Rtcoan and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. NORTON'S remarks will appear
hereafter In the Appendix.]
(Mr. PINDI.CY (at the request of Mr.
Ghovza) wed granted permisidofi to ex-
tend his remarks at this point In the
Racoon and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. P I N D I X Y S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
ARMY Gone Q )o
(Mr. CALLAWAY (at the request of
Mr. C3itovzg) .'as granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
Retail, and to Include extrarleoqu matt-
Mr. CALLAWAY. Mr. Speaker, about
a month ago. 15.110 troops of the newly
? formed Iet Air Cavalry Division left Port
Benning. Ga., to take up the fight seaizM
communism In Vietnam. 'T'hese meat left
behind home family. and friends and
followed their orders to their dtfilcult but
necessary task-that is. x31 but one.
Back in Port Banning there reified
one soldier who had gone on a self-ikn-
posed hunger :strike protesting his as-
signment to Vietnam on the grounds
that he disagreed with our policy there.
Now, Mr. Speaker, the troops have
arrived in Vietnam, and perhaps by now
have heard the whole story of what hap-
pened to the boy tlthy left behind. They
perhaps learned that their comrade
began to eat again after they left, and
that a Court niartlal sentenced him to a
$-year Drum term for evading Vietnam
qty, Yet the Army agreed to reduce his
1-October 7, 1065
and for the free world's muse,
Aiesw F O R M O P " M pROVI-
The SPEAK$8 Ureter plots order
of the House, the gentleman from Ohio
[Mr. F>Qauele] is reoogni:ied for Iii
(Mr. PEIQHAN axed and was given
permission to revise and extend his ye-
Mr. F! IOHAN. Mr. Speaker, as
Chairman of the House Suboog close on
nation and Nat, wlsoh
eORWHEft of the
tdfl atgasd i low b
President Johr~ October 3, ISO, I
have prepared 25 questions couched in
the nontechnical language of the man In
the Street who wishes to know more aboig
this law. They are the questons which
are being asked and will be asked par`
tic ularly by those with relatives and
friends abroad whom they wish to help
come to the the United States. main pro-
visions of law and outline the gen-
My 35 answm highlight the erai procedures to be followed In -"'-
U s provisions operative. It is my hope
that this simple guide may save oomald+
enable time and no little edkpenm for the
intSimeated y who have a need for thI
'Tile queetlorss and answers follow:
Queauou 1. Is the immigration hill which
the President sign" an C)elober S. Ise e, a
general overhaul or the lmy[a#o and
cltisenship laws of the United tl sass
Answer. No; as the reports of the commit-
tees of the Bones and Senate mate clear,
the new taw is not Intended to be a general
overhaul of the Ituaufttathoei law
cipai Purpose Is to change the basis for
selection of immigranq.
Question g. What his been the basis for
selection prior to the now law?
aid" Reath OWAMMY of, the merit out-
hen been as-
6 liked
om the ~~ of Im-
born 10 m
tiy who could
migrate to the United !!tats/ annutally. This
System. in effect since Sills, rasps from. a
high of OB,381 Lou' natives at Great Britain
to s minimums at 1:00 which we authoiasd
for each et: about 80 separate arras. The to-
tgl number authoriasd under this "National
Origins Quota Syatsm." is currently l58,661.
th. average annual taw lgratico =war this
07 in the Fast balance of the numbers has - 11 not hajag used
because at the m - partitively Iow demand
from countries with the highest quotas.
Question 3. Haw many immigrants are au-
tharfsed annually under the new system?
Answer. Two new oeilinp are astablahed.
A limit of I70,00Q will be set an Ieamigrants
who are natives of countries outside the
Western Hemisphere, A ceiling of 150,000
will be placed on natives of the Western
imm a".
Question 4. Will theca numbers be allo-
cated by country?
Answer. No. Within each of the respec-
tive cellin s. selection will be made with-
out to
nation ty. Oatsid"the Weatarn 941=14 -
Phan, Allocations will be based on a system
Be -
ntence to a suspended 1-year term TO i~ns
WIM" no oo~uun~ ewirthe ee, ad+ law.
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
eportionate share, a limitation of 20,000 has
bee)3? placed on natives of any, one country.
,71t C4 the Western Hemisphere allocations
*lll'be made on a "first-come first-served"
basis with rip limitations on the number
from any one country.
Question 5. Since more than 170,0.00 per-
sons' will be applying to come to the United
States each year, how will they be selected?
Answer. The new law establishes a system
of preferences; 74 percent (125,800) will be
reserved for relatives of U.S. citizens and
resident aliens, in varying degrees; 20 per-
~cent (34,000) will be assigned to persons
with skills and talents needed in the United
States; 6 percent (10,200) will be made
available to refugees.
Question 6. What are the degrees of re-
lationship and specific percentages author-
ized for each class of relatives?
Answer. The unmarried sons and daugh-
ters of citizens over 21 years of age are allo-
-sated 20 percent.
The spouses and unmarried sons and
daughters of aliens already here as immi-
grants are allocated 20 percent.
Married sons and daughters of citizens are
allocated the next. 10 percent of` the rela-
tive class.
Brothers and sisters of citizens are given
, 24-percent allocation.
Question 7. `How are the preferences for
!`skills and talents" defined in the new law,
Answer. A preference of 10 percent is
given to prospective immigrants who are
members of the professions or who possess
exceptional ability in the sciences or the arts.
An additional 10 percent is allocated to per-
sons who are capable of performing skilled or
unskilled labor of a type found by the Sec-
'retary of Labor to be in short supply in the
United States.
Question 8. Will all immigration to the
United States be within the ceilings men-
tioned or will there be certain immigrants
who are not counted?
Answer. Husbands, wives, unmarried chil-
dren under the age of 21, and parents of U.S.
citizens, are exempted from the numerical
.ceilings. This provision is in line with the
general philosophy of the act that no ob-
stacles be placed in the way of the reunifica-
tion of the immediate families of the U.S.
citizens, who otherwise meet the qualitative
tests of the law.
Question 9. What steps must an alien who
seeks to migrate to the United States do to
Answer.. Ile musf register his intention
with a U.S. consulate In the foreign country
In which he is located and, will thereafter,
when a visa becomes available to him, under
the particular class to which he is entitled
and in accordance with the first-come first-
served principle of the law, be invited by the
consul to make a formal application for a
visa. At that time he will be given a com-
plete medical examination and be required to
establish his mental and moral qualifications
for Immigration.
'Question 10. Is an alien automatically en-
titled to apply for a visa by establishing to
an American consul abroad that he has the
relationship or the skills described I. the
Answer.`No. A petition must be filed with
the Immigration and Naturalization Service
of the Department of Justice by the citizen
or 'resident alien relative whp is sponsoring
the alien applicant or by his prospective em-
ployer. Only after this petition is approved
by the Immigration and l 'aturalizat on l erv-
ice Is the consul empowered to consider a
visa application under the preference'~tus
''which has been authorized. '
;Question 11. What documents must the
-riponbortitg citizen ,or resident alien -submit
tvitlx his petition?
13Yiswer. If thepetitioner is'a native born
citizen be lnust submit a certified copy of
'ills 'ci'vil birth record. 11 he is 'a naturalized
'citizen or is a resident alien, the Immigra-
tion and Naturalization Service will verify
from its records his statements. Addition-
ally the petitioner must submit the various
birth, marriage, death or divorce certificates
described In detail on the reverse of the peti-
tion form to establish the actual relationship
'between him and the alien applicant for
preference classification.
Question 12. What documents must a
prospective employer or other sponsor of
skilled aliens submit with his petition?
Answer. The petition must describe in de-
tail the work to be performed by the pro-
spective immigrant, including the salary,
wage or other remuneration to be received
and must be supported by documents (as
described on the reverse of the petition
issued by the Department of Labor) attesting
to the unavailability of unemployed persons
capable of performing the tasks outlined in
the petition.
Question 13. What are the refugee provi-
sions of the law?
Answer. The law provides that 6 percent
(10,200) of the 170,000 annual limitation
shall be available for aliens defined as fugi-
tives from communism or from the Middle
East or persons displaced by natural ca-
lamities. Such persons will enter the United
States conditionally for a period of 2 years
at the end of which time, if their conduct
and a review of their past history warrants,
they will be given permanent residence
Question 14. Since the refugees are a pref-
erence class in law must a petition be filed
for their admission?
Answer. No. Refugees will be processed
abroad by the Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion Service in the countries where they have
been granted temporary haven. Assurances
for their housing, employment and follow up
services will be provided by American volun-
tary agencies, as in the past.
Question 15. Will aliens who cannot qual-
i#y for one of the preferences be eligible for
admission as immigrants?
Answer. Yes. Such authorized immigrant
visas as are not required to satisfy the de-
mands of the preference classes can be made
available to other applicants for admission,
strictly in the order in which they are regis-
tered on the lists of qualified applicants
maintained by the Department of State.
Question 16. Have the qualitative tests for
admission been relaxed in any way? May
subversives, criminals, drug peddlers and im-
moral persons against whom strict safeguards
have been written into the law in the past,
now be admitted?
Answer. No. None of the provisions of the
law relating to the bars against the admis-
sion of these undesirables have been changed
in any way.
Question 17. Have any new qualitative con-
trols been added to the law?
Answer. Yes. New labor controls have
been added to the law to protect American
workers and their standards of employment.
Question 18. How will these new labor con-
trols be applied?
Answer. The Secretary of labor is required,
in the case of all worker immigrant classes,
'to make an affirmative finding that there are
no willing and able American workers to fill
the particular employment opportunity the
immigrant is scheduled to take upon his ad-
mission to the United States. The Secre-
tary of Labor is also required to certify that
the employment of such alien workers will
not adversely affect the wages and working
conditions of workers similarly employed in
the United States.
Question 19. 'Who are regarded as worker
immigrants under the law?
Answer. All aliens who apply 'for admis-
&ion. as immigrants from countries outside
the western Hemisphere and who do not
qualify under one of the relative preferences
or as a refugee are regarded as worker immi-
grants. Similarly, all aliens who apply for
admission as immigrants from the independ-
ent republics of the Western Hemisphere ex-
cept parents, spouses, and children of U.S.
citizens and permanent resident aliens, are
regarded as worker immigrants.
Question 20. Are there any provisions to
take care of persons who are already in the
United States but do not have the right to
reside here permanently?
Answer. Yes, there are three such provi-
sions in the law, they are called "Registry,"
"Adjustment of Status," and "Suspension of
Question 21. What does "Registry" mean?
Answer. Registry authorizes the Immigra-
tion and Naturalization Service to create a
record of an alien's lawful admission for
permanent residence regardless of the man-
ner of his actual entry or the place of his
birth provided he has resided in the United
States since June 30, 1948, is a person of good
moral character and is not subject to deporta-
tion because of criminality or immorality.
Question 22. What is "Adjustment of
Answer. This provision permits aliens in
the United States, other than natives of the
Western Hemisphere or crewmen, to have
their status adjusted to. that of permanent
resident alien. It benefits only those aliens,
who, if abroad would be eligible for immedi-
ate issuance of an immigrant visa. The pur-
pose of this provision is to save the very
heavy expense which would be involved if
such alien was obliged to return to his home-
land to obtain the visa to which he is other-
wise completely entitled.
Question 23. What is "Suspension of De-
portation" and to whom does it apply?
Answer. Suspension of deportation is
available to an alien who has been ordered
deported from the United States but whose
deportation would result in an extreme
hardship to him or to his spouse or child.
To be eligible the alien must have resided
in the United States for at least 7 years
(in some few cases 10 years). Natives of
Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands
generally are ineligible for this privilege as
are aliens who entered the United States
temporarily under the Mutual Educational
and Cultural Exchange Act. As the term
indicates, the deportation of an alien under
this provision is suspended for a period of
2 years, during which time the Congress has
an opportunity to review the case and if
Congress does not object, the alien is per-
mitted to become a permanent resident.
Question 24. Are the three benefits which
are available to aliens temporarily in the
United States granted as a matter of a right
which they possess?
Answer. No. These three benefits are not
-granted as a "right" but are authorized only
In the discretion of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service acting for the At-
torney General, to deserving persons. The
-law provides that, unless the alien is born in
the Western Hemisphere, persons who ac-
quire the status of aliens lawfully admitted
for permanent residence are counted within
the annual ceilings on immigrants to the
same extent as though he had been issued an
immigrant visa abroad by an American con-
-Question 25. Will the abolition of the na-
tional origins quota system take effect im-
Answer. No. The system provided under
the new law will not become completely ef-
fective until July 1, 1968. However, during
the interval, the new law permits the aver-
age of 50,000 quota visas which now go un-
used each year to be redistributed among
countries which do not currently have
enough quota numbers to satisfy the relative
and skilled classes who were born in such
countries. The purpose'of this 3-year transi-
tion period is to reunite families as soon as
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possible and to start the new system with
All countries on an equal footing.
(Mr,. C (at the request of Mr.
FEIGNZ was given peianission to extend
his remarks at his point in the RECORD.)
Mr. C '. 1VIr. Speaker, I commend
the , distinguished "and hard working
chairman of our subcommittee for his
efforts to get the straight message of our
subcommittee immigration'bill to all the
people. The answers he has' prepared to
meat of the new immigration law. In
down to earth language our chairman
emplains what the bill will do and what
it will not do.
It really takes know-how to reduce
a complicated and technical matter such
as thi toolanguage that everyone can
understand. The gentleman from Ohio
[Mr. FEIGHAN] most, certainly has the
necessary know-how which he demon-
strated as chairman of our subcommit-
tee and as advocate of the immigration
Bill produced by our subcommittee. Peo-
ple want -to know what the new law Is all
compliment our chairman `for his efforts
to keep the people informed about the
new selective system of immigrant ad-
missions and for explaining in simple,
plain, understandable language how the
system will work.
'Our subcommittee held open hearings
on ` this most ,important legislation for
over 31/, years. this year our chairman
[Mr. FEIGHAN] literally worked our sub=
gree." We met day after day-week
after week, and month after month un-
til we had completed our most difficult
asSignment. It is a fair bill, a reason=
ublg one, and T salute our chairman for
his maglii$cent contribution. This
"question and, answer" data is concrete
proof of his knowledge of the subject
(Mr. RODINO (at.the request of W.
FEIGHAN) was given permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECORD.)
[Mr. RODINO addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
(Mr. DONOHUE (at the request of Mr.
FEIGHAN) was given permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECORD.)
Mr. DONOHUE. Mr. Speaker, the
long-desired and imperatively urgent
Immigration bill recently approved by
the Congress has now, by Presidential
signature, become historic Public Law
23" of the 89th Congress.
Its principal features provide for the
abolishment of the discriminatory 41-
year=old national origins quota system of
admission to the United States and pre-
ference classification to applicants with
close family ties to U.S. citizens and those
possessing skills essentially needed In this
This law will have, of course, a tre,-
mendous impact upon the lives of untold
nuMbers of individuals and families, both
here 11i this country and abr. oad.
Althot}g'h the language of the law may
be' clear, to those of us with legislative
exi>erience it will undoubtedly seem
quite complex, and be subject to possible
misinterpretation by a great many
inexperienced but vitally interested and continue to stand for the great princip affected persons and organizations. of human freedom and equality on w=%
.On this score, the dedicated and our Nation was founded
esteemed chairman, the distinguished I haveread the 25 questions prepared
gentleman from Ohio, of the House by Chairman FEIGHAN and his answers,
Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration which explain the provisions of the bill
and Nationality, has most timely and in layman's language. These are ques-
thoughtfully prepared and presented, for tions which would be asked by the man
the enlightenment of all these people and in the street, and his replies are in con-
units, a very clear and comprehensive case and nontechnical language.
explanation, by a question and answer Again, I want to commend the chair-
series, of the meaning and application man of my subcommittee and thank him
of the provisions of the law. Undoubt- for his efforts in providing this informa-
edly, his presentation will be of immeas- tion which will be of interest and value
urable assistance to even Members of to anyone who wishes to be fully informed
Congress in providing answers to ques- on the provisions of the new immigration
tions about the bill that they will surely bill.
receive from constituents. (Mr. MOORE (at the request of Mr.
Mr. Speaker, for the great sacrifice of FEIGHAN) was given permission to extend
time and energy in preparing this docu- his remarks at this point in the REcoRi.)
ment that was made by the distinguished Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rim
chairman of the subcommittee, of which pleased to join with the gentleman from
I am privileged to be a member, and for Ohio [Mr. FEIGHAN] in the construction
his characteristic thoughfulness, both of certain questions and answers with
personal and official, I desire to join with respect to immigration changes and
my colleagues in congratulating him for commend him for inserting them into
this further and most significant con- the RECORD. These are unique questions
tribution to the better understanding of and answers concerning the new lmi ii-
one of the most important legislative gration reform bill. This information
actions of the Congress in modern his- covers only the major aspects of Public
tory. For this particular achievement Law 89-236; however, many of the pub-
and his recognized patriotic dedication lie misunderstandings concerning the
to legislative progress Congressman new law should be cleared up by this
MICHAEL A. FEIGHAN eminently merits the presentation.
sincere appreciation and gratitude of the Some rather wild, unfounded and far-
Congress and the country. fetched statements have been made with
(Mr. BROOKS (at the request of Mr. respect to the probable consequences and
FEIGHAN) was given permission to ex- effects of Public Law 89-236 upon our
tend his remarks at this point in the immigration policy. Careful examina-
RECORD.) tion of the legislation will reveal that it
Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Speaker, as a strengthens our immigration system and
member of the Immigration Subcom- furnishes additional guarantees that the
mittee of the House Judiciary Commit- interests of the United States will have
tee, I want to congratulate our distin- first and foremost consideration.
guished colleague from Ohio, Congress- An analysis and simple explanation 'of
man MICHAEL A. FEIGHAN, who has ren- the new law, providing more detail than
dered this body outstanding service as the questions and answers provided by
chairman of the subcommittee. He has the gentleman from Ohio, is-being pre-
worked long and hard to perfect the re- pared by the Judiciary Committee.
cently passed immigration bill, a monu- Members may well want to obtain copies
mental undertaking, signed into law by of this information.
President Lyndon B. Johnson, in the (Mr. CAHILL (at the request of Mr.
shadow of the Statute of Liberty. With FEIGHAN) was given permission to extend
his leadership Congress was able to write his remarks at this point in the REcoRD.)
into law new and meaningful legislation Mr. CAHILL. Mr. Speaker, the imrAi-
which enables our immigration policies gration bill has been signed by the Presi-
to meet today's needs and those of the dent and is now the law of the land.
foreseeable future. Because this recently passed legislation
The explanation of the new immigra- changes substantially our law on imn i-
tion law that the distinguished gentle- gration, it will naturally pose many qu~s-
man has just Introduced is an example those interested In matters per-
of his thoughtfulness. It will enable all taining to immigration and nationality.
of the Members of this body to better As always there will be some misunder-
understand the law and also enable us standing as to what the law does and does
to explain it more completely to our con- not do. As always, provisions of the bill
stituencies. For this thoughtful service will be susceptible of various interpreta-
we are even further indebted to our re- tions. As always, citizens will want to
spected colleague, MIKE FEIGHAN. know: How do I do it? Where do I do it?
(Mr. CIILBERT (at the request of Mr. To whom do I write for information?
FEIGHAN) was given permission to extend Many questions will be asked of all
his remarks at this point in the RECORD.) Members of this House by interested con-
Mr. GILBERT. Mr. Speaker, I want stituents. I am, .therefore, pleased to
to compliment Chairman FEIGHAN of the commend the chairman of the Subco-
Immigration Subcommittee. As a mem- mittee on Immigration and Nationality
ber of the subcommittee, I know, how for his thoughtfulness in preparing; a
diligently he worked on the immigration series of questions, with accompanying
bill. His vast knowledge in the field of answers, on matters of great importance
immigration contributed immeasurably which are covered by the recently passed
to the drafting of a just and fair bill- legislation. , I am sure the, answers sup-
abill which signifies to the world that we plied to the questions propounded ,will
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lie helpful to all of our citizens-in under-
standing- the important features of the
Immigration bill.
(Mr. MACGREGOR (at the request of
Mr. FEIGHAN), was given permission to
extend his remarks at this the
[Mr. MACGREGOR'S remarks will ap-
pear hereafter in the Appendix.] -
The SPEAKER. Under previous or-
der of the House, the gentleman' from
Ohio [Mr. AsHBROOK] is recognized for
10 minutes.
Mr. ASHBROOI. Mr. Speaker, the
number of mail fraud cases in the United
States in the last few Years has - risen
approximately 43 percent, r4Aking this
subject of interest to every American
citizen. -
To convey some idea of the magnitude
to which this issue has grown, the In-
spection Service of the U.S. Post Office
Department has divided such frauds into
67 major categories, These include ad-
vance fees for - the sale of small busi-
nesses, real estate, - and ' obtaining of
loans; knitting and sewing machine pro-
motions; "work at home" operations
promising victims profitable employ-
ment in the home, addressing envelopes,
and so forth; correspondence schools and
diploma mills; fraudulent interstate land
subdivision sales; medical frauds; matri-
monial - schemes; savings and , loan
swindles, such as occurred in Maryland;
and a host of other merchandising and
confidence swindles. Although this is by
no means a blanket indictment of all
concerns within the above-mentioned
categories, still the abuses of some of the
unscrupulous make a word of warning
Fradulent promotions vary in scope
and variety from the obvious 'quick-
profit gimmicks to complex multi-mil-
lion-dollar schemes not easily recognized
by the average citizen. Because of the
increasing adverse effects on the gen-
eral public, a number of special investi-
gative programs which bear directly on
consuther Interests have been instituted
within the Postal Inspection Service.
Typical of these are the investigations of
the mortgage loan rackets which 'are
preying upon persons in need of ready
cash, Preliminary studies -indicate the
operation of-a nationwide scheme fleecing
consumers by charging exorbitant fees
for loans to reduce their current monthly
payments on outstanding indebtedness.
In one instance such. a loan in the sum
of $3,00 left the victim with a second
mortgage of $6,856.
The October issue of - the' Reader's
Digest contains an instructive article on
the. scourge of mail frauds and the in-
dispensable role played by the Inspection
Service to counteract them. In addi-
tion, the Post Office Appropriations'hear-
ings in the House earlier this year provide
.useful information. on this issue, In the
hope that advance warning will dictate
a prudent course. of action regarding
these vicious schemes; I as that the
Reader's Digest article, "Meet the Men
Who Guard Your Mail," and excerpts
from the Post Office Appropriations
hearings for 1966 be Included at this
point: - -
[From the Reader's Digest, Oct. 19651
(Invisible to the lawabiding, the fabulous-
ly efficient U.S. postal inspectors are
anathema to crooks and racketeers.)
(By Frederic Sondern, Jr.)
Late every afternoon in Washington a
small group of unusual law-enforcement of-
ficers gathers for a conference in the office
of Chief Inspector Henry B. Montague, head
of the inspection Service of the U.S. Post
Office Department. These men are the top
executives of a select, almost anonymous
police force of 1,028 men across the coun-
try-the postal inspectors-who in fiscal
1965 stood guard over more than 70 billion
pieces of. our mail and $20 billion of our
The scope and complexity of the inspec-
tors' formidable job have'increased rapidly
during the last few years. Since 1961, pilfer-
ing of checks and other valuables from
mailboxes has shot up 17 percent. Swindles
promoted through the mails have burgeoned
at the rate of 43 percent, and arrests for
mail-order pornography have increased 01
"We do our best," says Chief Montague.
Their best is good, as was demonstrated
last year by the speed with which the in-
spectors arrested 12,790 crooks' (many of
them prime movers in their rackets), con-
victed 11,129-99 percent of those brought
to trial-suppressed 5,422 swindling opera-
tions and restored some $14 million to
victims of thievery and fraud. "But then,"
the chief says, "we have a formidable com-
bine to help us. Our thousands of post-
masters and their people, who particularly in
smaller places have extraordinary knowledge
of their patrons, are a far flung G-2. Also
we get complete cooperation from several
thousand police forces, Federal, State, and
An important reason for the service's re-
markable connections with the Nation's pol-
ice is the strict rule that the credit for solv-
ing a case goes to the cooperating force or
forces, regardless of how important a role
the inspectors may have played. The in-
spectors are also unusually openhanded
with information to other law-enforcement
bodies, which respond in kind. "We don't
want credit," a service official told me. "We
want, results."
A dramatic case which broke last year
vividly illustrates these results. The Crimi-
nal Intelligence Division of the New York
City Police Department had learned through
its underworld informers that a gang was
planning to rob the post office of the Roman
Catholic Mission at Maryknoll, 30 miles
north of New York City. This large center
and training school sends missionaries all
over the world. Its small post office, run by
nuns, handles substantial sums of money-
contributions to the catholic Foreign Mis-
sion Society of America. Postal inspectors
joined New York City detectives to keep a
watch on the gang-a vigil which lasted 2
months. The inspectors also coordinated
plans with the. Westchester County sheriff,
the State police, and the mission.
The four armed bandits, dressed as semi-
narians, who arrived_ at the little post office
on a Monday morning in March didn't stand
9, chance. The clerk behind the counter in
a nun's habit was a policewoman. The man
in clerical robes supervising a truck outside
was the county sheriff. Ten laborers nearby
were deputies with guns under their jackets.
In a. building nearby was a. command post
directing 40 State troopers and 8 New York
City policemen hidden behind a strategic
ring of bushes. All escape roads were
blocked by police cruisers.
The robbers were allowed to proceed with-
out interference. They ordered the pseudo-
sister into a washroom; stuffed $80,000 worth
of currency, stamps, and negotiable money
orders into a mailbag, and went happily to
their car. At that point a bullhorn roared,
"Come out and surrender"-and the battle
started. It didn't last long. The bandits'
car, riddled with bullets, plunged over an
embakment into a tree. The men are now
in. prison.
The inspectors have a fearsome reputation
in the underworld for just such productions
as the' Maryknoll case. This respect was
demonstrated recently when a gang of skill-
ful professional burglars was plundering
supermarkets through, Virginia and neigh-
boring States, using a big trailer-truck to
transport the loot. They happened to raid
a store which had a sub-post office in a
corner. Realizing the danger they had
encountered, they carefully chalked a circle
around the postal enclosure: and wrote in
big letters: "Inspector, we did not pass this
The, professionals call the inspectors "the
Spooks" because of their many faces and
unconventional methods. Many of them can
play a variety of parts convincingly: a
drunken bum, a bus driver, a janitor, a
Not long ago it was discovered that valua-
ble parcel post was being stolen on the rail
run between Chicago and St. Paul. The
parcels arrived at their destination in locked
mail pouches, but they were empty. Investi-
gation pinpointed the car which was being
pilfered, but not the pilferers. The inspec-
tors were stymied. There was no place inside
the car for a man to hide, yet the thieves
had to be caught opening the bags. Then
one inspector had an idea. "I'll go in a cof-
fin," he said, "as a corpse." And so he did,
in a specially built one with concealed vents.
Placed aboard the suspect car, he lay in the
casket listening. Finally he heard three men
talking and opening bags. Raising the lid
of his coffin, he emerged gun in hand. The
three thieves were so appalled by the ap-
parition that they offered no resistance.
They were two brakemen and an express mes-
senger who had managed to steal a mail-
pouch key. They opened the bags, took any-
thing 'of value from -the parcels, rewrapped
the empties, and put them back into the
The city pilfering gangs who raid mail-
boxes are a problem but they are usually
quickly broken up.. The inspectors are con-
tinually on theprowl in unmarked cars and
on foot in various disguises. The innocent-
looking man who follows the mail carrier
into an apartment building and, acting like
a tenant, watches him deposit the mail is
likely to have another innocent-looking man,
an inspector, 'right behind him. A bigger
problem for the inspectors is the lone pil-
. ferer who has no set pattern, no underworld
connections. Many of these are narcotics
addicts who steal to support the habit.
What worries and taxes the Service most
of all, however, is the appalling rise in mail
frauds. Last year almost' 10,000 cases were
investigated, and more than 900 of the most
dangerous culprits were arrested. Chief
Montague estimates that the public was
bilked of at least $100 million.
This abuse of the mails is now receiving
concentrated attention from the inspectors.
The Service has broken down the rackets into
67 major categories: Key inspectors spe-
cialize in the various fields. For example,
inspectors with'medical training hunt down,
quack "doctors" and salesmen of ? worthless
medicines, therapeutic devices and do-it=
yourself treatments.
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^' Almost as vicious as the quacks who prey
is1i physical worry are the.peddlers of fake
business opportunities who beam their sales
pamphlets mainly at older people-retired,
disabled, and with limited means-with
promises of comfortable incomes from work-
at-home aclieines. Dart-time occupations
are offered in mail addressing, sewing,. clip-
ping newspapers, and in fraudulent "fran-
chises" for, vending machines, food opera-
tions, building` services. The imagination
of the swindlers seems to be limitless . One
promoter made anestimated $3 million in
a few years by first selling a method. of ap-
plying a velvetlike finish to any material,
then switching to miniature trees, tropical
fish, molding machines for making-plastic
novelties ,and, other, fraudulent enterprises.
When convicted, he had become one of the
largest and most complained about pro-
moters in the Nutted States.
A group of promoters in California not
long ago sold nearly $3 million of worthless
building lots in the desert before one 'of'the
victims realized he could go to the postal in-
spectors. ' These promoters went to prison.
--Then there's the "song shark," who poses as
a legitimate music publisher, gets advance
fees from hopeful amateur songwriters for
"rewrite -and publication." One, recently
jailed, collected at least a million dollars be-
fore the inspectors' combine closed t4 on
him. Four bogus correspondence schools
lured more than 4,000 victims into taking
valueless courses. which, it was implied,
would lead to V.S; Civil Service positions.
But, theft.still presents the greatest chal-
lenge to the service's famous ingenuity. Re-
cently valuable mail was disappearing from
the basement of an eastern railroad station.
The inspectors, in shifts, took position in a
crate commanding a view of the entire floor
and labeled: "Water cooler, type F, Item No.
358957." One night the, thieves struck a mail
shipment made purposely attractive by the
Inspectors, and they were so happy over
their loot that one of them, decided to swipe
the water cooler, too. Be aimed his flash-
light beam through'a slot in the crate and
recoiled violently, screaming, "'There's a mur-
dered guy in therel" The pilferers were
a4hen-faced when they were arrested shortly
after. "We didn't kill the guy" they
chanted. They were much relieved to learn
that only a grand larcency charge would be
brought against them.
Sometimes an inspector's ingenuity back-
Ares. One of them, in charge of a substan-
tial pilferage case in a large post office, found
that the 4-foot-wide conveyer belt, near the
ceiling was his best vantage for observing the
suspects. He was getting them redhanded
from his perch when the belt suddenly began
to move, gathering speed.' To shout for help
would have ruined his case so, to avoid being
seat down a ehute_ with the mail sacks, he
began running the treadmill, leaping and
dodging the sacks to remain in position.
Some 30 minutes later, utterly exhausted , he
had his case.
"I guess we're accident prone in a peculiar
kind of way," laughed one supervisor. "We
seem to get into some strange predicaments.
But the boys don't complain." This is true:
the personnel turnover in the inspection serv-
ice is almost nil.
The inspectors are good listeners. If you
think that you might be the victim of a
.mall fraud, write or telephone you nearest
postal inspector. 'hour postmaster will know
how you can reach him.
Some tips from the Postal! Inspection
1. Have a mailbox with a formidable-'lock.
Gather up your mail as soon as possible after
it has been delivered.
2. Report immediately to your postmaster
if you feel that anything has been stolen
from your box.
3.. Check on the validity of any business
offer with your bank,,your lawyer, your local
chamber of comlperce or, Better Business
.Bureau before you sign any contract or
'make any payment.
4. If you receive in the mail an offer that
smell the least bit of fraud, take the docu-
ments-with the envelopes-to your post-
master immediately. It may save you and
many other from being victimized.
[Excerpts From the Post Office Appropria-
tions Hearings for 1966]
A rapidly expanding scheme involving
highly organized sales campaigns in the sale
of everything from automobiles to vacuum
cleaners systems by persuading prospective
customers that they can earn the cost of the
item, as well as extra money in the form of
"sales commissions," by referring salesmen to
friends or relatives was found to be costing
consumers millions of dollars annually. Our
investigations during fiscal year 1964 led to
the return of mail fraud indictments in 3
such cases against 14 persons, but we are
only "scratching the surface."
A. Gordon Boone, member of the Maryland
House of Delegates and self-suspended
speaker of that body, was found guilty of
mail fraud at Baltimore, Md., on March 5,
1964, in the operation of Security Financial
Insurance Corp. of Maryland. He was sen-
tenced to 3 years imprisonment and fined
$1,000. SFIC was organized in Maryland in
1959 to insure the accounts of savings and
loan associations controlled by D. Spencer
Grow, Provo, Utah, and C. Oran Mensik,
Chicago, Ill., whose convictions were reported
last year. Boone is the last of the major
figures to be tried for mail fraud in the
Maryland savings and loan investigations
begun by postal inspectors in 1958.
Our Investigations of fraudulent land
promotions are continuing. These pro-
moters offer unsuitable, undeveloped land
for sale in beautiful advertisements depict-
ing very desirable locations. Among the 17
persons convicted for this offense during
fiscal year 1964 was Calvin J. Van Stratum
sentenced at Atlanta, Ga., to 5 years' im-
prisonment for operating land fraud schemes
in Georgia and Vermont. He had obtained
contracts in Georgia totaling $300,000 and
was starting operations in Vermont when
an alert inspector arrested him. Van Stra-
tum indicated that in another 2 weeks he
would have realized an additional $100,000.
The conviction of Sidney Rosenblum, op-
erator of National Plans Service, New York,
N.Y., a "work at home" scheme Is an example
of such swindles, Rosenblum was sentenced
to serve 18 months and fined $12,000 for
mail fraud. He was given an additional 5
year consecutive sentence, which was sus-
pended with the provision that he not en-
gage in any mail-order business. This
scheme involved primarily promised profits
for clipping newspaper items for which $3
was charged for "instructions." It is esti-
mated that Rosenblum realized more than
$300,000 from this scheme.. These are par-
ticularly vicious swindles since they appeal
to persons who are ill or indigent or who
for various reasons cannot obtain employ-
ment outside the home.
Possibly the most bizarre fraud cases, cur-
rently under investigation are those relating
to dance studios. These "studios" promise
fame, fortune, and highly successful careers
in the theater, television, and such media.
Instances have been noted where victims,
principally elderly widows, have paid in; e
cess of $10,000 for lifetime dancing lessons.
In this category is the case of Dale nce
Studios, St. Paul and Minneapolis, MJnn.,
the promoters of which were convicted of
mail fraud on January 31, 1964. They were
charged with defrauding at least 12 women
of up to $10,000 each, in some instances
most of their life savings.
Medical frauds which induce the sick and
aging to forgo proper diagnosis and treat-
ment while attempting self-medication eon-
tinue to be a source of grave concern: In-
creased attention to these cases resulted in
the indictment during the year of 21 per-
sons, 8 of whom have been convicted to late.
The operations of so-called claim adjusters
who advertise nationally purporting to offer
"distress merchandise" at bargain prices have
long been the cause of numerous complaints
-from postal patrons,
An upsurge in fraudulent bankruptcies has
been noted during the year, and there is'evi-
dence that gangster elements have entered
this lucrative field. A number of such cases
are currently under investigation. The usual
procedure is to acquire control of a reputable
business with a good credit rating and
promptly deluge suppliers with orders; for
large quantities of merchandise of every: de-
scription. This is immediately disposed of at
whatever the market will bring. When the
duped creditors demand payment resort is
had to voluntary bankruptcy.
The SPEAKER. Under previous or-
der of the House, the gentleman from
Illinois [Mr. FINDLEY] is recognized for
30 minutes.
Mr. FINDLEY. Mr. Speaker, amepd-
ments I will offer to the proposed rovi-
sion and 5-year extension of the Sugar
.Act, when it reaches the House floor, will
transfer to the U.S. Treasury 75 percent
of the excess profit in foreign quotas
and, in effect, outlaw nondiplomatic rep-
resentation of foreign governments; in
regard to sugar legislation.
Powerful forces are being brough to
bear in opposition to my amendments.
Almost every hour brings some new in-
dication. Therefore, I seek by tjhis
means to help clarify the facts.
Some of my colleagues have asked why
I propose to single out lobbyists who rep-
resent foreign sugar interests. The an-
swer is simple. In my view, they iaer-
form no beneficial service to the United
States while raising a cloud of doubt s,nd
suspicion over sugar quotas and how
they are fixed.
These lobbyists receive pay which
ranges as high as $50,000 a year. Tiley
have nothing to `peddle but influence.
If they have influence and succeed in
peddling it, to that degree, they harm pur
governmental system, compromise public
officials and thus weaken our Nation.
If they have no influence, they t' ke
their client's money without render ng
expected service in return. This earlies
the probability of disillusionment. and
bitterness on the part of the client toward
the United States.
Either way the interests of the Uni~ed
States are impaired.
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Tuesday, October 1965
leadership, good legislative judgment,
and good public understanding, we have
purged our immigration laws of a long-
standing source of discrimination and ill-
will, and in so doing we have benefited
and strengthened our country and its
The American Indian in Michigan
Mr, ST..ONGE., Mr. Speaker, one of
the great moral victories of 1965-a vic-
tory as well for the strengthening of
our Nation and the benefit of our peo-
ple-was the enactment of a long over-
due reform in our immigration laws, the
abolition of the 40-year=old national
origins quota system. This was the sys-
tem of choosinj immigrants chiefly ac-
cording to,where they had been born.
Pour President had urged action to
end this discriminatory system': Truman,
Eisenhower, tennedy, and Johnson. 'In
January of this year, President Johnson
sent Congress a bill to replace the na-
tional .origins quota system with a sys-
tem for choosing immigrants on the basis
of their family relationships to . people
living in the United States, or those pos-
sessing special skills and talents of real
benefit to our country.
Iii his message, President Johnson
The national origins quota system does in-
calculable harm. The procedures imply that
men and women from some countries are,
S. because oo where they come from, more
desirable citizens than others. We have no
right to disparage the ancestors ofmillions of
our fellow Americans in this way. Relation-
ships with a number of countries, and hence
the success of our foreign policy, is needless-
lyimpeded by this proposition.
The quota system has other grave defects.
Too often it arbitrarily denies us immigrants
who, have outstanding and sorely needed
talents and skills. I do not believe this is
:either good government or good sense.
Thousands of our citizens are needlessly
separated from their parents or other close
For, more than 8 months, the Houses
and committees of Congress held hear-
angs on the bin, studied it, and debated it.
It finally passed both Houses` overwhelm-
ingly. T he bill passed by Congress,
which President Johnson signed 'on
October 3 at the Statue of Liberty, could
be truly called a "statute.of equality," be
cause it brings back into our immigration
laws the traditional American virtues of
fair treatment and equal opportunity.
At the same time, it should be made
plain that the new law does not "let down
the bars" on immigration, either on
quantity or quality. The new law will
not alter the many, legal safeguards
which prevent an influx of undesirables
and protect our people against excessive
or unregulated immigration. Nothing in
the new law relieves any immigrant of
the necessity of satisfying all our se-
to'meco )tiiuilic charges '':''he total
nificantly increased.' 'b7o immigrants will
be adipittea who would contribute to
i2nempioyment in the United States in
fact, the safeguards against, this have
been strengthened.
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Mr. VIVIAN. Mr. Speaker, Doug Ful-
ton, of the Ann Arbor News, has recent-
ly published a thoughtful and articulate
article on the plight of American Indi-
ans living in Michigan. As Mr. Fulton
has so sharply pointed out, we continue
to ignore the problems that plague the
American Indian. No one will deny that
American Indians have, in the past, been
badly treated at the hands of foreigners
to his land; they are being badly treated
to this day, Mr. Speaker, and I, for one,
believe that it is time that we In the
Congress thoroughly review the status,
needs, and opportunities open to the
American Indian in mid-20th-century
U.S. society. I commend Mr. Fulton's
article to the attention of my colleagues
in the Congress:-
(By Doug Fulton)
On the sidelines of the fight for civil rights
a group of Americans stands alone.
They have put on no demonstrations, nor
Bit-ins, nor have they picketed.
Few outside groups have taken up their
cause, and the publicity they have received
in their quest for justice and dignity has
been relegated to the back pages, if it has
appeared at all.
And yet their cause is far older, and their
list of grievances far longer, than that of any
other minority in the United States.
They are the American Indians-the origi-
nal Americans-and they once had possession
of this great country of ours from the At-
lantic to the Pacific. They welcomed and
befriended the first American settlers, and
we paid them back by slaughter, confiscation
of their lands, find.d ostracism.
Tile pattern continues to this day. Only
a Short time ago an entire reservation, which
had been promised in a treaty signed by tale
Father of our Country, George Washington,
,to remain theirs forever, was confiscated by
the Federal Government for a dam and reser-
voir. The Indians were moved from their
ancestral home and crowded onto a strange
place. Congress is still delaying payment for
their lands.
All this in the 20th century, when talk of
He is accustomed also to being ignored by
the strangers who have taken over his land.
Ask a Michiganite, for instance, to tell you
how many reservations we have in the State,
and not one in a thousand has the correct
answer. Most, in fact, will look puzzled
and comment they didn't know there were
any at all.
There are five reservations in the State-
L'nse, Hannahville, Bay Mills, Saginaw, and
Isabella. About 1,200 Indians live on these
reservations. In addition, another thousand
by the Bureau of Indian Affairs as coming
under their jurisdiction to a greater or lesser
There are, of course, n any more who have
left the reservation, and have, as the BIA
puts it, "entered the mainstream of Amer-
ican life." Some of these still maintain
contact with friends and relatives at home,
others do not. There is no accurate count
of these-not even an educated guess.
Michigan has made little real effort to
help the plight of its Indian citizens. True,
there have been token efforts, but most of
the so-called help has been mere lipservice
to the cause.
There have been several commissions
through the years designed to better the
Indian's lot, but most have failed because
they attempted to tell the Indian what he
should do, rather than elicit his cooperation
and help in working out a plan which would
be suitable for him.
This plan of attack is all too familiar to
the Indian, and he is rightly suspicious of it.
He remembers, for instance, the long, en-
forced :.larches of the 19th century and the
grand relocation plans forced upon him. He
remembers how certain tribes were given
land "forever" in Kansas on which to settle,
and then how it was later taken away when
the white men discovered it was fertile and
"too good" for them.
He remembers, too, the attempt of the
Government to force him to become a farmer,
and how the Government gave him land for
this purpose which had no arable soil and
no water.
Now a new Indian commission is to be
formed in the State, and 7 of its 11 members,
by law, must be Indians. But there is no
clause in the law which says these seven
are to be elected by the Indians themselves.
So the Indian wonders if his representatives
are really going to represent him or be mere
puppets of the status quo. Or worse yet,
are they going to try another "solution". as
unrealistic as everything that has been tried
so far.
He cannot hope, for there is nothing on
which to base this hope. The history of
his people tells him not to hope.
It is, perhaps, wrong to generalize, and
yet there are some generalizations which
seem to' be valid when talking about the
One of these is that he does not care to
adapt to an 8-to-5 job 5 days a week. And
irn saying this it must not be assumed he
is lazy. Far from it. For in the culture
in which he grew up a lazy Indian soon
became a dead one, and an improvident one
did not last out.a hard winter.
But, free spirit that he is, he does not
want to be tied clown.
civil rights rolls from the tongues of politi- One of the best examples of a successful
cians and daily echoes in the legislatures business arrangement utilizing this charac-
across the land. teristic of the Indian to its full advantage
Nor is this the last. Other Indian lands, is that of the Old Town canoe' factory in
treaty reservations' are eyed hungrily by Maine. There the owners have constructed,
'Other interests, and ways are being sought within the huge barnlike factory, a num-
to get them from their rightful owners. ber of small cubicles. An Indian wishing
The breaking of treaties is nothing new to to work simply checks out his materials and
the Indian. He has grown accustomed to it. works by himself in one of the small rooms.
He reminds himself, among other things, When he finishes the canoe he is free to take
that he was never given payment, as required his pay and go, or he can check out more
by the treaty he signed, for thousands of materials and start to work on another.
square miles in Michigan (including the land The factory is open day and night, and it
on which the State Capitol stands). matters not to have a fixed time schedule.
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 CIA=RDP6lB00446R09O100040901-6'
'l:'hls, persona choice arrangement has been reached in Michigan the status of some of
working for a' longtime the southwestern arts, and it is still only a
Dh qq' ks who Piave become famous part-time or leisure-time activity. Hand
fc r t e r' h ghl steel work on Tall 'f uildriigs, work of this sort Is difficult to sell it a fair
exame Ifere their work market price, but nevertheless an effort is
efe,b smother tp'l
is at & premium afi so they can change being made to preserve the skills of long ago.
jobs `dr "Tl,ult 'and`coin 'back as they will. But the dancing and the arts will mean
' Hut, inost jobs,' especialIy In this modern nothing in the long run unless the basic lot
society with emphasis on the timeciock and of the Indian is improved. And each day a
oral'` own "CYilt u''I notions of group obliga_- solution is delayed, the harder it will be to
tions, leave `little room -for iiidividualit~. catch up.
Another generalization-which can be`ap- America has never had a bigger blot on
plied to"the Indian is that he hasa great her shield than her treatment of the Indian,
lea of pride and' dignity. -It` Is this part of and it is a blot which will be hard to erase.
K is c1iaraote-r that makes him so unwilling to We have come a long way from the old
ask for 'Help, orto"volunteer, even when frontiersman philosophy that the only good
asked, an opinion about 'how he shall be Indian is a dead Indian, but we have not
helped. He would rather slip Into the direst come far enough.
condition of Poverty and 'neglect than to beg. The Indian is here still, and if his pres-
He wets'wwiat`i' "rightfully his''which is the ence is an embarrassing reminder of our
reaso Te has pressed his claims for pay- treatment of him and his ancestors, we show
men' t oland taken away from him a cen- little desire to admit it.
tufty o"r'rfior6 ago; but he does not want a But admit it weniust.
handout. America has been called the great melting
This latter facet of character makes it dif- got, and- we are proud ?f our treatment of
fietllt to give him the he he so desperately he various ethnic groups which make up the
,deeds, ,It is, the reason'" the previous corn- United States. We are proudwe can assimi
missions gave ,failed to do any real good. late them into our culture and still, if they
Laokinp a directive from the Indian himself, wish, let them retain some measure of their
ails ilavf as members eo le who were not individuality.
tilt bl#ndly.. _ r ,._ - p ..p
at'tu?led tp the Indian character, they struck The people of Holland, Mich., can grow
.for solutions which were not tulips' and do'mp around in wooden shoes,
solutions at all. and build windmills and other remem-
,.In this ra$iter gloomy picture of the plight brances of an Old World heritage. China-
Ai the Miclhligan Indian, there are a few towns appear in every large city, as do clus-
bright spots. tens of other races, each holding to native
fret and foremost is a new desire on the customs, language, and roots.
art 6 some of the younger generation to But the Indian is told to conform-to
eslrrv~tlieir customs and keep their identity "enter the mainstream of American life."
as a people. Perhaps it Is because they are a mute re-
Several new Indian clubs have sprung up minder of what our forefathers did to them
in link the with last the few ears and designed to foster sfr this long ago.
past preservation of their But time is running out, and the other
.1refitage. examples of fights for human and civil rights
Gertrude Prokosch Kurath of Ann Arbor, should have jarred our complacency enough
one of the country's foremost authorities on to cast about for a realistic solution to one
ethnic dance and the author of a number of the oldest problems our country has faced.
of books and monographs on Indian culture,
says the climate for such preservation, es-
pecially of dance, is much better now than at
any time in the east. She is especially en-
thus1astle about the excellent job done by
a new organization, the Grand River Ameri-
can ; Indian-eupciety.
In 5ust -a little more than a year this group,
under the t ir'ection and guidance of Chief
,Jack Neyome and Historian Jim Eagle Shaffer,
h made,a real eltort to'form a cohesive'or-
ization designed to foster a reawakening
of the arts and 'dances of the Indian.
' They ' sponsored a pow-wow in Lansing
short time ago which drew Indians from 11
different tribes, including one from Oklahoma
and anothr;r from New York.
In addition, members of the society have
avelgdrto other gatherings throughout the
trMate to desist In fairs and dancing.
'IT North American Indian Club of
Defrolt is'apothe'r such organization- " It
sponsors at least one fair of arts and dancing
-each "year, 'and this year's powwow is
'scheduled for Ford High-School, on Ever-
'greeh Avenue, September 25-26.
Eli Thomas, Chief Little Elk, of the Isabella
Reservation south of Mount Pleasant, puts on
a weekend powwow each year. This year,
crowds of more than 200 spectators' attended
the afternoon and evening performances.
There probably would be far greater crowds
at these affairs if some way could, be found
to publicize them properly. But the
Indians ,`do not ,have any sort of statewide
organization' and no public relations man.
So word of mouth is' about all the publicity
they get.' It Is too -bafor, if more people
'Could visit the reservations, there might be
?Tess . reluctance on the Part of citizens to
consider the Indian and his -plight.
Another blight spot is"the return of some
of the native crafts, or arts, especially among
the younger generation. True, it has not
Congress Compiles Outstanding Conser-
vation Record
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Mr. O'HARA of Michigan. Mr. Speak-
er, conservation is certainly something
in which we all share an interest. As a
Member of the 89th Congress, I am very
proud of our legislative record in the
area of conservation.
I was pleased to see the summary of
our conservation record which appeared
in the October 1 issue of Conservation
News, an educational service of the Na-
tional Wildlife Federation. As the article
points out, the conservation record of the
89th Congress is being compared to the
remarkable record of the 88th Congress-
the "Conservation Congress."
Under unanimous consent I place the
article, "Congress Compiles Outstanding
Conservation Record," at this point in
Members of the 89th Congress can go
home, when adjournment of the first session
finally comes, secure in the full assurance
that they have done an outstanding job on
October 7, 1965;
the enactment of conservation legislations
Significant accomplishments this year, in
record are of being the 88comre th Congrt~-the remarkable
vation Congress."
Enjoying exceptional cooperation and sup?
port from President Lyndon B. Johnson;
congressional. leaders have tallied major
gains in a surprisingly diverse number of
resource fields-water conservation and pol-
lution control, air pollution control, the
establishment of new public outdoor recrea-!
tional areas, public use of agricultural areas.
and highway beautification.
Here is the scoresheet of accomplishmentd
racked up thus far, with additions a prof'
ability before adjournment comes, likely late
in October:
S. 4, the "Water Quality Act of 1965'1
creates a new Federal Water Pollution Con:
trol Administration,,provideq for the estab
lishment of water quality criteria, and
otherwise strengthens, the Federal Water
Pollution Control. Art.
"Water Resources Planning Act" (Public
Law 89-80), establishes a program for river
basin studies and makes grants to States fol
"Federal Water Project Recreation Act's
(Public Law 89-72), sets up procedures for!
allocating costs for fish and wildlife and rec-'
rational enhancement at Federal reser-
voirs, a process many people view with mixed
The saline water' conversion program of
the Department of. the Interior is to be ex-
panded, extended, and accelerated (Public
Law 89-119).
Establishment of Assateague Island Na-
tional Seashore, Md. and Va. (Public Law
89-195), preserves one of the last important
beaches on the east coast.
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation
Area (Public Law 89-158) provides an 1m4
portant outdoor recreational facility near
major population centers in the East,
Establishment of the Spruce Knob-Seneca
Rocks National Recreation Area sets aside
100,000 acres of scenic. lands in West
Beautiful Upper Priest Lake in Idaho 14
preserved through provision (Public Law
89-39) for the acquisition of land by the
Forest Service.
Six other new units are added to the
National Park System: Golden Spike Na
tional Monument (Public Law 89-102), com=
niemorating the spot in Utah where the first
transcontinental railroad was completeda
Pecos National Monument (Public Law 89=
54), preserving a 17th-century Spanish mis
sion and ancient Indian pueblo in New
Mexico; Agate Fossil Beds National Monu;
ment (Public Law 89-33), preserving unique
paleontological deposits in Nebraska; Ali-
bates Flint Quarries and Texas Panhandle
Pueblo Culture National Monument (Public
Law 89-154), Tex.; Nez Perce National His;
torical Park (Public Law 89-19) preserves
important historical sites in Idaho; and
Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site;
Ariz. (Public Law 89-148).
The Food and Agriculture Act of 1965
contains cropland adjustment features of
benefit to wildlife and providing incentives
for farmers to open their lands to public
hunting, fishing, trapping, and hiking.
Garrison Diversion Unit (Public Law 89-.
108) provides for major wildlife facilities as
part of a huge irrigation project in the Mis=
sourl River Basin of North Dakota.
Amends the Clean Air Act (S. 306) to
broaden authority of. the Department of
Health, Lducation, and Welfare to control
air pollution from motor vehicles and pro=
vide for solid-waste disposal.
Approved, For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
October 7, 1965'`pproved RAPf
!`DE>a SA; It is a pleasure to let you know day, that the Chinese Communists were tr
we appreciate you being our Congressman, ing "to transfer the country of South Viet-
and all the things you are doing for us. I nam into a proving ground for their theories."
art}, ,taking training at Jackson, Ohio, At the Their theories, in effect, are that "people's
manpower training center, It is a wonderful revolutionary wars"-in other words, wars
opportunity for people who aren't qualified that are likely to bring to power Communists
for a job. We have good instructors. We are tributary to Peiping-are just, must be sup-
grateful to all of you that helped get the ported, and will end in victory for the revolu-
training started. tionaries.
"Yours truly, Chinese Defense Minister Lin Piao wrote
OBIE SLVSl ," the, other day: "The spiritual atom bomb that
This,letter, eventuahy reached the desk of the revolutionary people possess is a far more
the President of the United States. Presi- powerful and useful weapon than the physi-
dent Johnson ea t4 the ],titter "gave him a cal atom bomb."
heartwa}'}ning insight into the value of., the This statement of Marshal Lin's appeared
manpower training program." in the manifesto on which Ambassador Gold-
Robie was proud of his letter to the Con- berg commented with such vigor in his United
gressman. fie was proud to be able to write Nations speech. In the manifesto, too, was
to his_ family. He was proud to be able to a sentence which-placed alongside Mr. Gold-
help his smaller children,.
A new World was opening for Roble Slusher.
He continued his studies and .his training
at the manpower training center. But it
ended this past weekend for. Robie. He died
of a heart attack at his home to the shock
of his family and friends and fellow students
and instructors at the manpower training
But we don't think, Rpbie's training was
in vain. And Robie was but one of many
students in the basic.gducation classes at
the . manpower center who are showing tre-
mendous. progress.
Roble's instructor Art Jenkins and the
training center director Clarence Gingerich
report almost unbelievable progress in this
area an other, areas, of the traini lg pro-
gram. It is fantastic in many cases to see
the development and growth of the indi-
viduals," says Director Gingerich.
Roble Blusher, a man coming out of a
shell, will be mourned. But the program he
was part of will go on.
What Is. at Stake in '.Vietnam
.:. OF
OF FENn$Xr,,vltNIA
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Mr. NIX. Mr Speaker, the Christian
Science Monitor recently carried an edi-
torial which I believe is the clearest and
most Compelling argument for President
Johnson's policies in Vietnam that has
been published to date. With typical re-
straint, but with incisive logic-and the
facts to back it up-the Monitor has, in
my opinion, completely demolished all
the arguments that have been used
0 1-6 A5637.
migratio Act-A Milestone in
International Relations
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Mr. TENZER. Mr. Speaker, this Na-
tion passed an historic milestone in its
international relations on October 3
when President Johnson signed the new
immigration bill abolishing the national
origins quota system.
For 40 years we have suffered a stain
to remain on our statute books and on
the beautiful lady on Liberty Island who
watches over our New York gateway and
in whose shadow the President signed
this historic bill.
Beginning in 1924, we proclaimed to
the world that a person's contribution to
our national well-being, and his right to
join our national community, was to be
judged in large part by the place of his
birth or the country of his ancestors.
This theme, so repugnant to our ideas
of the equality of man, has haunted us at
home and abroad for four decades.
By the act of October 3 we shall no
longer be concerned with a man's birth-
place or ancestry but he will be judged
on two factors only: His relationship to
citizens or aliens already here and the
skills and talents he may bring with him,
the better to help us in forging our na-
tional society.
No one should fear these changes.
More importantly, no fears should be en-
tertained that we are substantially in-
creasing our immigration; relaxing our
standards of admission; or prejudicing
the jobs we hold. The bill authorizes a
purely nominal increase in total immi-
gration. It does. not change any of the
grounds of inadmissibility or deportabil-
The new law does not prohibit the
entry of aliens who do not have the rela-
tionship or the skills which result in a
preferential treatment. It does not per-
mit such an immigrant to come here, but
only after preference classes have been
taken care of and only if the Secretary
of Labor has determined that his admis-
sion to this country will not undermine
the wages and working conditions of the
v,.ovo the first signs are _ --------- the criticism of ourpolicy, but concludes: now coming from that troubled and un- No longer, however, will the immigrant
We'belleve the first signs are now coming happy land that the policy was right, even without family ties or outstanding talent
from that troubled and. unhappy land that though the end desired may still be far away. be able to migrate here immediately be-
the policy, was right, even though the end A change in mood is reported from Saigon, cause he was born in northern or be-
may still be far away. A change in And the United States seems to be making ern Europe, while a U.S. citizen waits for
mood is reported from Saigon. And the the point that was so needed-that it simply years before his aged parents from
United States seems to be making the point cannot and will not be ejected from South southern or eastern Europe can obtain
that was so needed-that it simply cannot Vietnam by force.
and. will not be ejected from South Vietnam There is repeated evidence from President a quota number.
by force. Johnson himself-and most recently in Am= No longer will the scientist from
bassador Goldberg's speech-that the U.S. southern Asia be kept from joining the
I hope all of my colleagues will read purpose in Vietnam is indeed not war but staff of an American university because
this excellent editorial: peace and tranquillity for all Asia. We be- only 100 persons may be allowed to en-
[From the,christiap ,Science Monitor
lieve in the sincerity of the administration'
s ter this Country annually from his na-
25,11905] invitation to the United Nations. to help find five land.
WITAT Is AT STAKE TN ,~IIErNn&L? a way to peace. And, generally speaking, the
Ambassador Arthur Goldberg r ,,, the path chosen by the administration this year No longer will the refugee from com-
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.berg's words quoted above-points up the
confrontation and the incompatible posi-
tions in Vietnam. "The United States," the
marshal wrote, "has made South Vietnam a
testing ground for the suppression of peo-
ple's war.
Such phrases of doubletalk have been
made familiar in this age by the Commu-
nists, but the basic situation is age old.
The conflict in Vietnam results from a colli-
sion on the frontier between the legitimate
areas of power of two giants.
The United States-the only one of the
three actual or potential superpowers that
is an air and sea power rather than a land
power-is legitimately concerned with what
happens, not only along its own coastline,
but on the far shores of the two oceans that
bound it. For an air or sea power, the op-
posite shore is always a possible launching
pad for air or sea attacks. (In the old days,
that is why Britain always reacted when it
saw a threat on the far side of the English
Thus the United States has a justifiable in-
terest In what happens along the Pacific
coast of Asia. This explains and validates its
present commitments in Japan, in South Ko-
rea, in the Philippines-and in South Viet-
Looking outward from the Asian heartland,
the Chinese Communists we this same rim
of Asia as the frontier of.. their power. And
so they find themselves in collision with the
United States. Under normally civilized
conditions, a modus vivendi surely could be
found-as the United States and the Soviet
Union eventually found one at a point where
they were in collision in Europe. This was
in Austria. But an Austrian settlement
would never have come about, had the So-
viets committed themselves to ousting the
Americans from the country by force-as the
Chinese, subtly and indirectly, have com-
mitted themselves to ousting the Americans
from Vietnam.,
There has been this year sharp criticism
from some quarters within the free world
Approved For g14aaGJf&gU/11 j6 1 6789 10004000bgtober 7, 19
United .$t es 'a t rth too closely" asso-
elated? wi e status of the released
ci`llnfiia far tale iirs cline in our im-
migrat,ion ex p'erienee, a specific author-
lzation for the orderry entry of 10,700
st1Ch "refugees ann(i fly has been incor-
porated Into our basfc 'law. - . '
The new law, is no`t a, '"eneral' revision
of thg'atchwork 2t,ot sometimes ob-
scure and"sometfines` cantradletory legis-
lation on immigration which occupies
over Z75 pages of our statute books. It
is, however, a clear-cut'repudiation of
the fallacious and' demeaning philoso-
phy which"constituted the national ori-
gins quota system. 'In the best sense of
the term' it is - a 'se'lfish law. While its
provisions give greater 'hope to those
outside our gates, in the elimination of
tills 2Gh;century shibboleth the greatest
beneficiaries of the law are `the Ameri-
dan people:
"I amproudto have been a sponsor of
this legislation and to have been present
at the historic ceremonies on Liberty
Island when our President signed the
imlriigration bill and reaffirmed our na-
? j '\ JOHN A RACE.
FJI w.U4 ..~.., Keppel this week delivered a significant new title, Assistant Secretary of Health,
IN >'iE HOTSE OF REPRESENTATIVES address on the subject of the role of the
and Welfare for Education.
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Federal Government in American educa- Under unanimous consent, I insert
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RPP67B00446R000100040001-6
"care" for art, t include as part of MY re- and eventual doming ion, a resume our con
18i'ilSthe Gazette editorial of October 2, night follows day. new is American eduction.
"1965, "Art in Iowa Besmirched'': Commissioner Keppel does not believe Washington clearly has provided education
ART Iowe BESMrEcHEb - that this is true, nor has to be the case. news in abundance this year. It will doubt-
Neither do I. I think the Commissioner less continue to do so.
'},his mWhen the e appr ppr hoved ou a se bill ll to sub to subssidize dize the he has successfully harpooned this ergo- The President feels strongly about the
urgency of strengthening education. So
arts. and, humanities with grants of $21 mil- ment. In his outstanding talk, he points urgency c Congress. So, it is clear, n. the do:
"lion for each of 3 years, Iowa's Represents- Out that the Federal Government, in re- American people.
tive H. U. GROSS made nationwide news in alley, is a "junior partner," with the And yet I think that all of us heYe in
ills eifare to not beat convininced cedll by that " Federal ridicule. aid to States and local governments, in Ameri- Washington look toward the day when the
artists; We. are performers and scholars will be alto- can education. most dramatic news about American educa-
ether good'for them or for the country, but Mr. Keppel correctly emphasizes that Lion will be developing beyond this capital
IM' 4610'6'i see'i gettable flhws in derision as a the Federal Government has had a vital city-across across the country ithe our State c ns-
weapon o1' attack. 'interest in American education extend- tols n established by our the a totat educational
Representative Gaoss misreads the , atti- ing back virtually to the start of this agencies
tilde of many rowans and does no service to Nation. ister our education structure.
the State In spreading an impression that lean neducation is points not out that controlled in n today Amer- Wash- During the 88th and now the 89th Con-
.IOWans belittle the arts or consider them fngton, but in the State capitals, the cam' we have seen the greatest array of edu-
silly and subject to scorn. His opposition in cation acts in the Nation's history-acts, that
the House had that effect through several local school districts, and the classrooms establish a vigorous and effective relation-
-deadpan Gross amendments, all rejected. Of this country. Support for education ship among local, State, and Federal ativi-
bne proposed that belly-dancing be in- in the United States is predominantly in ties for improving education at all levels.
'coded in the arts` definition. Another the hands of State and local govern- Recognizing that the strength of our schools
would have added to It "baseball, football, -meats. Even with the sharp increase in and colleges and universities has become an
,golf, tennis, squash, pinochle and poker?' Federal contributions to our education overriding national concern, our elected
Another suggested direct arts `aid to Appa- representatives have called for strong na-
iaehta"and the "poverty-stricken areas of processes in the past several years, note- tional participation and national support, in
14ew Yor7k and New Jersey." - bly through outstanding educational partnership with the States and local com-
? -,Wi'th`this approach, Representative GRosd "programs of the 88th Congress, "the edu- munities.
perpetuated tactics used for years by a s,If- cation Congress" and the present session For the Federal Government to participate
styled "boob bloc" of congressional wits in of the 89th Congress, the Federal Gov- in education-to be a partner, a junior
their generally successful move to laugh arts ernment invests less than 8 percent of partner, with the States and local comniuni-
1VIr. RACE. Mr. Speaker, the 'Cedar 'tion. Commissioner Keppel's remarks at this
' apids, 'Iowa, Gazette is deeply con- He appeared before a seminar of the point:
,cerned. that Members of this body, and Educational Writers Association, meet- EDUCATION'S KEYS TO SUCCESS
:AhleticaI p all over this country, may ing at the Mayflower Hotel in Wash- iAn address by Francis Keppel, U.S. cbm-
have gotten the impression that Iowans ington, Tuesday, October 5. mis address of Education, Department of
are (d t concerned about arts and hu- One of the reoccurring themes we Health, Education, and Welfare, befo e a
ipaes hear so often, from some quarters, is that seminar of the Education Writers Assdcia-
? ` 4 , ge5ttire of friendliness to my with the increasing Federal participa- tion, 'Mayflower Hotel, Washington, P.c.,
71e18hbor State of Iowa, and lest some tion in the Nation's educational proc- October 5, 1965)
Members actually believe-Iowans do not esses, there will follow Federal control It is good to be here with you today, to
t' s surely as tinuin discourse on what's
bills off the floor. This time he alone led its gross -funds for all educational
the snicker assault. It fell extremely fiat. purposes, while the States allocate about
The arts-and-humanities subsidy bill won 35 pereei}t of their gross funds to the
overwhelming passage, and more bills like it schools while local governments invest
When it comes to Iowa's involvement in
the arts, a far more fitting theme for na-
tional exposure would stress whatIowa has
done in arts promotion fund-raising efforts
for a million-dollar art gallery project on
the University of Iowa campus are nearing
success. Cedar Rapids is completing a cam-
paign for $250,000 in contributions to re-
model its art center building. Des Moines
has an art center known and respected
throughout the State. So does Davenport.
So does Marshalltown. So do several other
Iowa communities whose interest mirrors
that of countless Iowans in tune with cul-
tural enrichment progress everywhere.
To contradict this with misleading, stale
comedy in Congress paints a picture both
phony and harmful. The oldtime" boob-bloc
image was deserved and apropos, perhaps,
but now it belongs to a bygone day that no
true spokesman for the State should wrongly
Education's Keys to Success
45 percent.
In his talk before the Education Writ-
ers Tuesday, Commissioner Keppel
pointed out that the Governors and edhl-
cators attending the recent Interst4te
Compact for Education conference in
Kansas City, Mo., acknowledged the in-
creasing need for Federal financial help
to the Nation's school systems. On the
other hand, they also urged stronger
leadership in this area on the part of the
States and local governments. In this,
Commissioner Keppel agrees. And so
do I. And, I feel sure, so do the great
majority of the Members of the Congress.
The Elementary and Secondary Edu-
cation Act of 1965 spells this out. As
Commissioner Keppel points out:
Title V of the act is directed to help
strengthen our State departments of educa-
tion, the pivotal agencies on which we must
depend if we mean to keep American educa-
tion both strong and decentralized.
Ifirmly believe that the continued (ef-
fectiveness of the Federal-State-local
partnership in the' field of education; as
well as in many others, will depend to a
great degree upon the kind of leadership
exercised by the States and local, educa-
tion agencies, I believe it will be strong
Thursday, October 7, 1965 and vigorous.
Mr. GIBBONS. Mr.' Speaker', the U.S. .1 would like to take this opportunity
to extend my congratulations to Com-
October 7, 196v"Approved FotB~ Al 1 ~i9 p 68000100040001-6
eighn Relations Committee at the Senate and
that none of the three remaining partners
of, the firm had even known the name of
our firm, and this had been most embarrass-
ing to them, but especially to Mr. Karasik.
They stated that at a future time they would
probably have to appear before the subcom-
Iilittee again. They also stated that they
would let me know if anything developed.
"Some months passed and on Sunday eve-
ning, June 16, 1963, Mr. Surrey called me
and stated it would be necessary for them to
appear before the subcommittee again and
they Were then going to discuss the possible
employment of our firm in open hearings on
,Tune 20, 1993.
"I met with Mr. Surrey, Mr. Karasik, and
Mr. Gould on the morning of June 17, 1963.
For reasons involving the nonlegal activities
of one of my partners, I felt it would be
most unfortunate for any of our firm to be
brought to public interest at the time, since
even though there was certainly no question
of the propriety of the beavior of myself or
any member of his firm, the public might
unfavorably misinterpret the facts.
"I therefore requested Mr. Surrey that I
be peiihitted to testify, so I could set the rec-
ord straight for myself and our firm, but in
executive session.
"In conclusion, neither I nor my law firm,
nor any member of my firm, have done any
work for nor in association with Mr. Efron's
firm, nor have We received any fee, directly
or indirectly from the firm or any partners;
nor have we even referred any case or matter
to the firm or any 'oo the partners, or had
any professional contact with other than my
taking Mr. F:fron to see Mr. Menefee as de-
scribed above."
The CHAIRMAN. Mi. `Fagelson, as I stated
in the beginning, you requested through Mr.
Surrey to appear ? here, ' didn't you?
Mr, FAC,EI,SON. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. You understand that exe-
cutive 'meetings of this committee may be
piade public, don't you, by action of the
Mr. FAGELSON. I understand that, sir.
The CHAIRMAN, About what date did Mr.
Iron offer this retainer to you, and discuss
this matter?
'Mr. PAGELSON. I am not sure of the exact
date, sir...
The CHAIRMAN, It was 1956.
Mr. FAGELSON. My best memory is that it
was probably very early in 1956 after the
Christmas season.
The CHAIRMAN. You state in your affidavit
early 1956.
Mr. F4QELSON. Yes.
The CHA;RMAIS. Did he, tell you at that
time the status of the sugar bill then under
consideration in the Congress?
Mr. FAG LEON. W@ ;discussed it. I under-
Stood that the sugar bill was before the
Senate and the Senate. Finance Committee
would hold hearings on it. I think, I un-
derstand that a bill had passed the House
tir was about to pass the House.
The. CII RIVIAN. Well, did you not under-
stand that the committee, the Senate I'i-
nance Committee, had held hearings on it
and had ' reported it?
Didn't he discuss what you were to do about
the bill?
Mr. FAGELSONV, It is my memory, sir, that
the. Finances Cornmittge was holding hear-
4414 "'ou, so understood It?. AGEI,sO..NI ut I cannot be sure.
'lhe CHAIEMAN. Weli, all right; is that all?
Mr. r,A'9ELSON. I was going to say I am
quite sure I was to discuss his idea; I would
disgus,s, this principally with Senator BYRD
The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Fagelson, I show you a
copy of a memorandum dated January 28,
1956, addressed to Secretary Troncoso, and
signed "Monroe Karasik" and ask if you have
seen this document before?
Mr. FAGELSON. Yes, sir; I saw this once.
The CHAIRMAN. You have seen it?
Mr. FAGELSON. Yes, Sir.
(A copy of the document referred to fol-
Washington, D.C.
To: Secretary Troncoso.
From: Monroe Karasik.
Through channels of personal obligation
we have made contact with a powerful law
firm in the Senator's home State.
The senior member of the firm is the
executive officer of the Senator's political
machine. The second partner is the son of
the Senator's first campaign manager; there
are very close family connections between
this man and the Senator. The third partner
is the private confidential attorney of the
Senator; he handles important confidential
matters for the Senator's machine.
All three propose to call upon the Senator
on Monday, January 30, to engage his sym-
pathy for the position of the Dominican Re-
public with respect to sugar legislation.
They will represent themselves as being in-
terested purely because of their very close
ties of friendship and business with my firm.
Each of the three will adopt a different ap-
proach to arouse the Senator's sympathy.
They ask for a retainer fee of $2,500. In
addition to this, they ask a fee of $5,000 if
the Dominican allocation under the legisla-
tion as finally enacted is no less than that
under the present House version Of H.R.7030.
If the Dominican allocation does turn out
to be less than this, but is of a size which
my firm in its sole judgment considers to be
a satisfactory figure, the contingent fee to be
paid would be only $2,500,
We believe that these lawyers can be effec-
tive in advancing the interests of the Do-
minican Republic, and we accordingly rec-
ommend' that the retainer fee be paid, and
the contingent fee be agreed, all as outlined
CIUDAD TRUJILLO, D.S.D., January 28, 1956.
The 'CHAIRMAN. When did you first see it?
Mr. FAGELSON. I saw this early in the
spring, the one time I met Mr. Surrey and
Mr. Gould and Mr. Karasik.
The CHAIRMAN. What spring?
Mr. FAGELSON. This spring, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. This year?
Mr. FAGELSON. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. About when?
Mr. FAGELSON. I really can't tell you, sir.
It was early in the spring.
The CHAIRMAN. Was it in March?
Mr. FAGELSON. It very possibly or probably
was in March.
The CHAIRMAN. Was it after they appeared
before the committee?
Mr. FAGELSON. It was my understanding it
was right after they had appeared before
this committee that was when Mr. Efron
called me.
The CHAIRMAN. Was it the day after they
appeared here?
Mr. FAGELSON. I don't know whether it
was the day after but it was very shortly
after they appeared because Mr. Efron called
me that night and he was very much con-
=c,.CHAIRMAN. He testified that he called
you on March 14, is that correct'.
Mr. FAGELSON. Well, he would probably
remember the date, Sir. I cannot remember.
I just know it was early in the spring, sir.
But it was right after they had appeared
. The CHAIRMAN. They appeared before this
committee on March 13 and he testified. just
Mr. FAGELSON. I would never question that,
The CHAIRMAN. That he called you on
March 14. I just wondered if that was in
accord with your best recollection.
Mr. FAGELSON. My best memory is it was
in the spring, sir, I am sorry. But he said
they had just appeared before this commit-
tee. It was right after that.
The CHAIRMAN. You have the memoran-
dum before you.
Mr. FAGELSON. Yes, Sir.
The CHAIRMAN. The first paragraph says'-
"Through channels of personal obligation we
have made contact with a powerful law firm
in the Senator's home State."
Is that a good description of your law
Mr. FAGELSON. No, sir; it is not.
The CHAIRMAN. Why not?
Mr. FAGELSON. Well, we are a good Alexan-
dria law firm but by no stretch of the imag-
ination could we be considered a powerful
law firm, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Did you have any personal
obligations to Mr. Efron?
Mr. FAGELSON. No, sir; I have no personal
obligations to Mr. Efron.
The CHAIRMAN. Did you at that time?
Mr. FAGELSON. No, sir; I did not.
The CHAIRMAN. What was your relation to
Mr. Efron?
Mr. FAGELSON. I had met him socially.
[Deleted.] After meeting him at a party or
maybe two, he invited me to his home to
dinner. I. reciprocated. We probably visited
each other's homes several times. We met
in Washington once or twice by accident,
and stopped and talked and on one occasion
I think we had lunch.
The CHAIRMAN. You had no business rela-
tions with him, only social?
Mr. FAGELSON. Never any business relations
with him, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. The next paragraph says,
"The senion member of the firm is the ex-
ecutive officer of the Senator's political ma-
Who does that refer to?
Mr. FAGELSON. Well, the senior member of
my firm, sir, is Leroy Bendheim.
The CHAIRMAN,, Is he the executive officer
of the Senator's, political machine, was he at
that time?
Mr. FAGELSON. I read this letter. Can I say,
sir, this is the most absurd and ridiculous
thing I can say. He has never been an ex-
ecutive in the Senator's organization.
Senator HICKENLOOPER. What organiza-
Mr. FAGELSON. Well, in Virginia, sir, we
call the group of which Senator BYRD is the
titular and respected head, the organization,
Senator HICKENLOOPER. I see.
The CHAIRMAN. lie calls it the political
machine here. That is the same thing?
Mr. FAGELSON. We don't consider the or-
ganization quite a political machine, sir.
We think a political machine is something
like they have in big cities in the East.
The CHAIRMAN. Then that first statement
you say is incorrect?
Mr. FAGELSON. Well, it is absolutely ridicu-
lous, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Did you tell anything like
this to Mr. Efron?
Mr. FAGELSON. I did not. I am absolutely
certain I did not. I couldn't have.
The CHAIRMAN. "The second partner is the
son of the Senator's first campaign manager."
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2 3 -. . SON I ESSIONtTL RIcor--TTotTS -- --- ---October 7, 1965
The CHAIR Arfi. I ir}ea _es6cond partner. Mr. FAGELSON. I couldn't believe at first countries fell short Of their quotas by
intrin#a~wlio t11ns'ol' Senator"`byRD'as a
close persons, irleiid ana ' bud do most
ailythin _foi film 'tufTie?"has never man-
aged the Senator s campalgn
,With all due e'ference t9d iy"father who
is a nod nder 'ul man `he has neither the back-
g nol the' extier~lenc`"e > to" manage a
Senator I{CI9D OOPER. MaP I ask if your
. ...
istlier,is ln,tbe.same go'sYtfon as tTie mother
about at the meeting i
they told the stor-
ivas, t'te other day that said the slogan in
Virginia was "cove 'U"od and trust Harry
$yrd r ,.
lifr ,FAGPLS N... thl k That my father
i light well fit that scription.
Senator tp GNLpgdon't say 'that
Mr. FAG LsoN.',I don't think it is con-
Bid ere' so a roan of ixiy gather's genera-
Senator QRSE Mr Chairman, could t
ask on, that; point one quick question?
Senator of Mr age son, was your
father at any time the campaign manager Of
Sena"tgr"B i o for`: Alexandrl'a or for' northern
M FAGELSON, Y can a14 wer that, sir, by
ran for'Gov-
saying 'tha't when Senator $YRD
ernOf In ON ny father was one of a group
v o woriied for him very hard, sir, and de-
voted a great dear of Cline ` `nut`he was not
anywhere Itiear'the position of being the eam-
paign' nianli'ger.` Ile Th anepers'on, "sir: He
j sn t"llave "the edilcatlonal background
ixst doe
to be a,,ca ppaign manager.
TIIe ~'iIIAIRMAN The third partner" it
reads "is the private confidential attorney of
the Senator."
.Who is the third partner?
,Mr. ?AGELSON, The third partner, sir, is
Mr. Bragg. Mr. Bagg is a good title man.
He and I specialize in the title part of the
firin. But he doesn't do any trial work or
handle any work and as far as I'know has
at that time?
Mr. FAGELSON.-Yes, Sir. Actually we ha
four partners at that time. (Deleted,i
?17,Ie C#IAIRMAN, Giammittorio.
Mr. F"AGEisoN. Giammittorio is the fourth
partner and he is our trial man.
-'f he OS#AIRMAN. Was either one of them
the private confidential attorney to the
Mr. FAGELSON. I can truthfully. say, sir,
that he unquestionably could never have
been Senator BYRD's, private confidential
attorney. (Deleted.]
rMM 'ro MA-. EFRON
The C IAIRivIgl?,Dl you tell, 'make state-
nients'similar to this to Mr. Efron?
Mr. P^,-A,GEri, gi3., No, sir.
::.'The ~/Is4rRMAN."At any time?
Mr. 1 AozLeoN'. I can tell 'you truthfully,
whatever I told Mr. Efron, I couldn't have
told him anything like this because this is
ridiculous.: I unquestionably discussed with
Mr. hfron 'and not in any great detail the
members of"my firm because he said 'they
were interested. [Deleted:]
The CIIAIRNIAN. Is it proper to say this
d6-scribes your law firm? -
Mr. PyrA6~GELaoN. No, Sir.
The liI An;MAN. It doe 'no ?
-Mr. r 'got by-' am ying f am
not tr'ying to be funny. We "axe not even 'a
poor IstalI s description of this Is* firm, sir:
he' HA_Fisalr 'When you saw this letter;
this memorandum, did you. tell Mr `Itarasi'k
cifically stated, I may have used the same
word I have used here, absurd, or ridiculous
or something like that and it is.
The CHAIRMAN. It was not descriptive of
your law firm?
Mr. FAGELSON. No, Sir.
The CHAIRMAN. What did he say when you
told him that? He wrote this memorandum.
Mr. FAGELSON. Well, he was upset that
evening, and he kept saying, "Are you sure
that this is outrageous?" and I said it is, or
words to that effect.
I think he felt, too, that it could not have
been my law firm, I mean that this descrip-
tion could not have fit my law firm.
The CHAIRMAN. The next paragraph reads,
"All three" that is these three partners,
"propose to call upon the Senator on Monday,
January 30."
Is that correct? Was there such a pro-
posal contemplated?
The CHAIRMAN. When you discussed this
with Efron?
-Mr. FAGELSON. No, sir; I want to make it
very plain that I never got beyond discussing,
the possibility of being retained by Mr.
Efron's firm.
The CHAIRMAN. By Mr. Efron's firm?
Mr. FAGELSON. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Did they explain you were
to be retained by the Dominican Sugar
Mr. FAGELSON. Yes, sir; I knew that. I
phrased it badly. But in association with
Mr. Efron's firm.
Mr. FAGELSON. And they explain it and Mr.
Efron was, be was very frank about it. He
said be wanted somebody that could prepare
the case in such 'a way that Senator BYRD
could be convinced, but one Senator BYRD
would be willing to listen to. There was no
question in is mind but some question in
mine a to t er I had any kind of entree
Ilk-; /has t ator BYRD.
(Mr. GILBERT (at the request of Mr.
HOWARD) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. GILBERT. Mr. Speaker, I was
delighted to have been present to witness
the signing of the new immigration bill
by the President on last Sunday, October
3, 1965, at the historic site at the foot of
the Statue of Liberty in New York Har-
Earlier this year, President Johnson
had sent a special message to Congress
urging It to pass the administration's im-
migration reform bill. I was one of the
sponsors of this bill, and as a member
of the Immigration Subcommittee, I took
an active part in the hearings and
worked hard for committee approval, and
for passage in the House.
As the President stated, the new law
"repaid. a deep and painful flaw in the
fabric of American Justice." It has
brought to an end after 40 years a policy
of immigration based on the country
of birth of those desiring to come to the
United States.. This system of quotas
based on national origins allowed a mere
three countries to account for 70 percent
of the total quotas. And, ironically, these
about 50,000 a year-a number that
could not be used by the people of other
countries with long waiting lists. The
system was undemocratic in concept, in-
dicating that we considered people from
certain nations less desirable than
others, and it was often cruel in opera-
tion, keeping families from uniting be-
cause a parent or a son or daughter had
been born in the wrong country.
The new law uses. a standard we can
all respect and one that reflects the true
spirit of America. It says that those
who apply for, immigration to the United
States will be allowed to enter because, of
their skills or their relationship to pet-
sons who are already citizens or residents
of the United States. Selection from the
total of those qualified for admission will
be on a first-come, first-served basis.
No longer will be ask, "Where were you
born?" Today, the question is "What
can you contribute?" or "Whom do you
have in this land?"
The old days of large-scale immigra-
tion to this Nation are long past, and
no one seriously suggests that they be
brought back. The new law is not de-
signed- to do so and will enlarge the im-
migration into this country only by the
amount of the unused quotas-that is,
by about 50,000 a year. As I have said,
the main purpose of the law is simply to
establish a system for choosing among
those who want to come here that is fair
and in the best interests of the Nation.
This legislation is the end product of
20 years of effort. President Truman
pointed out that the national origins
quota. system was opposed to the Ameri-
cantradition and harmful to our foreign
policy. President Eisenhower asked for
a change in the system in 1956, callipg
attention to its discriminatory nature.
President Kennedy, in proposing the bill
that was the forerunner of the one sub-
mitted by President Johnson, called the
system arbitrary. The action of the
Congress this year has thus met the call
of four Presidents, and has brought us
back to an admissions systems that we
can administer with a clear conscience.
. There are always those who are afraid
that any change in immigration law will
lead to a loss of jobs for our workers pr
an increase in our welfare rolls. They
need have no fear on this score. The bill
strengthens the provisions of the law
under which the Secretary of Labor has
the authority to keep out immigrants
who would take work from our citizens
or depress wages or working conditio is
here. And every immigrant under tlpe
bill, just as under. prior law, must of
course show that he will not become a
public charge before he can obtain a
visa to enter the United States.
The new law makes no changes in the
safeguards of our present laws which
prohibit the admission of subversive's,
persons and criminal records, narcot1Ic
addicts and . other undesirables. The
same strict standards that we have been
enforcing in the past will continue as
All in all, the new, act of Congress the
President signed into law is one the
whole Nation can be proud of. It will
end unjust and sometimes cruel dis-
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_Oct pproved FoEB"t~SP~1~ 1 6t~ ' P6 R000100040001-6
c~er 7, 19'65A -
erimination. It will insure that persons
with the best reasons for coming to our
shores will receive first consideration.
And it will produce no disruptions or
dislocations in our Nation.
(Mr. FLOOD (at the request of Mr.
HOWARD) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mx. FLOOD. Mr. Speaker, in the ex-
tensive writings by columnists on inter-
ocganic canal problems since the Presi-
dential announcement on September 24,
1965, concerning the status of three pro-
posed treaties now being negotiated with
the Republic of Panama, I read with
much interest a syndicated column by
James J. Kilpatrick published in the
Sunday Star of October 3, 1965.
The indicated column follows :
[Prom the Washington (D.C.) Star,
Oct. 3, 1965]
(By James J. Kilpatrick)
Lyndon Johnson, a master of political
poker, is playing his cards like a ribbon clerk
in the high-stakes game of Latin American
affairs. He has just lost the pot in Panama-
lost it to a bluffer with a pair of deuces-and
he has wasted his hole cards in Santo Do-
mingo. What began as a good evening at the
table is steadily becoming a nightmare.
On the face of it, the Panama treaty baffles
understanding. Eighteen months ago, when
the negotiations began, the forces of inter-
national communism made three objectives
clear. They wanted the 1903 treaty abro-
gated; they wanted a recognition of Panama's
sovereignty In the Canal Zone; and they
wanted a greater cut of the revenue. Last
week the President announced that he would
send to the Senate a new agreement.
Astoundingly, this new agreement will (1)
abrogate the 1903 treaty, (2) recognize Pan-
ama's sovereignty, and (3) give Panama more
What kind of bargaining is this? What
have our negotiators been doing all this time?
The Canal Zone, up to this moment, has been
a territorial possession of the United States.
By virtue of treaty rights granted in perpetu-
ity, we have rightfully exercised sovereignty
there. The defense and canal installations
represent an investment of billions of dollars
in American tax funds. The record of the
U.S. Governmegt in Panama is a record of
order, accomplishment, humanitarism.
None of these considerations seems to have
mattered at all. Nothing suggests that the
U.S. negotiators made any bargaining use
of the possibility-a devastating possibility
for Panama-that a new sea level canal
could be dug somewhere else. It is not ac-
curate to describe this treaty as a sell-out,
for a sell-out implies some payment in re-
turn for principles yielded. This is sur-
render, abject surrender, to a gang of black-
mailers whose bluff came down to this:
Throw in your hand or we'll riot again.
,Pennsylvania's DAN FLOOD, in an outraged
speech last Monday in the House, gave this
new treaty the ugly word: Appeasement.
And he ventured a prophecy that has the
bell-like ring of truth: "I predict," he said,
--"that the expressed willingness to surrender
control over the Panasrna Canal will be taken
as a signal for accelerated activity among
Communistic revolutionaries all over Latin
America and the Caribbean."
- How could it be otherwise? The capitula-
tion to the Panamanian demagog follows
close upon the heels of an equally dismay-
ing collapse of American policy in the Do-
minican Republic. What, now, does Mr.
Johnson have to show for the 5 months that
have elapsed since the insurrection of April
In the spring, Mr. Johnson was hard and
decisive. He acted partly from good intel-
ligence, partly from sound instinct. What
his eyes did not tell him, his nose did: The
well-organized revolt reeked of Communist
direction. Everyone could smell it-every-
one, that is, but Senator FULBRIGHT, the
Times, the Trib, and the Washington Post.
What has become of that decisiveness now?.
The leading anti-Communist of the Domini-
can Republic, an honest soldier beloved by
his troops, was General Elias Wessin y Wes-
sin. We have deported him. One of the
faint hopes for stability was that complex
and gullible man, Juan Bosch. He has re-
turned to Santo Domingo, breathing fire
and arrogance, and demanding of the Unit-
ed States a billion-dollar reparation. In the
heart of Santo Domingo, Communist train-
ing activities continue undiminished. In
the hills, the armed guerrillas wait.
Elsewhere in Latin America, the picture
is no brighter. The Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee recently released a thin vol-
ume of testimony taken on August 4 in its
investigation of Red Chinese infiltration of
this hemisphere. Among the witnesses was
Stanley Ross, editor of El Tiempo, a hard-
nosed fellow who smelled out the Cuban mis
sale sites ahead of everyone else. Without
the slightest equivocation, he spoke of Red
Chinese infiltration in Bolivia, Venezuela,
Brazil, Guatemala, Colombia, and of course
Few persons would suggest that, Lyndon
Johnson has an easy hand to play, at home
or abroad, in coping with the Communist
subversion of Latin America. Many of the
Rightist leaders are no beauties; the Presi-
dent cannot conjure instant democracy out
of the illiteracy of the canefields; as John
Kennedy once remarked, the most striking
lesson of the Presidency often is to be found
in how little a President can do. Here at
home, a President pathetically eager for a
consensus bleeds inside from the savage
blows of the liberal Left.
But Mr. Johnson can do better than he
has been doing lately. If he will only return
to the hardness of April, and turn those
riverboat eyes on the Reds, he can pull out
of this mess. The draft treaty may yet be
rejected, and the Dominican situation may
yet be salvaged, but the game is running out
of cards and not much time remains.
(Mr. FLOOD (at the request of Mr.
HowARA) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. FLOOD. Mr. Speaker, the Pres-
idential announcement on September 24,
1965, concerning the status of three pro-
posed treaties now being negotiated with
the Republic of Panama has evoked
widespread comments in the press in
many parts of the Nation on various
aspects of the interoceanic canal prob-
Among the most ably prepared of such
writings is one in the October 9, 1965,
issue of Human Events by Dr. Donald
M. Dozer, distinguished historian, now
professor of history in the University of
California at Santa Barbara. As a for-
mer key historian in the Department of
State and distinguished student of Latin
American problems, including the Mon-
roe Doctrine, on which he is the author
of a recent important book published by
Alfred A. Knopf of New York, Dr. Dozer
writes with the authority of well
digested knowledge.
In this general connection, I would
invite attention to my documented ad-
dresses on the "Interoceanic Canal
Problem: Inquiry or Cover Up?" in the
July 29, 1965.
The indicated article by Dr. Dozer and
an accompanying statement by my dis-
tinguished colleague from Ohio [Mr.
HARSHA] follow:
(By Donald Marquand Dozer, professor of
history, University of California at Santa
In a sensational betrayal of U.S. interests
President Lyndon Johnson announced on
September 24 his decision to surrender to
Panama sovereignty over the Canal Zone and
to allow Panama to share with the United
States "responsibility in the administration,
management, and operations of the canal."
The United States is thus yielding to
Panama's Communist-inspired, anti-Yankee
demonstrations and is abandoning its treaty
rights in this vital international waterway.
We in the United States ought to feel a
thrilling sense of pride in the Panama Canal.
It was conceived by U.S. vision, was built by
U.S. money, and is operated by a U.S. com-
pany, the Panama Canal Company, in which
the Secretary of the Army is the sole stock-
The Panama Canal is a national enterprise
of the United States. It is a lifeline of na-
tional defense. It is a main channel of
ocean commerce and one of the greatest
transportation facilities in the world. The
prime function of the canal is the safe and
expeditious transport of vessels from one
ocean to the other. Of all the vessels that
went through the Canal in 1962, over 60
percent were U.S. vessels.
The American people should nurse no
sense of guilt about the canal. Panama
emerged as an independent nation in 1903
only because of the U.S. interest in the con-
struction of an Isthmian Canal.
The fact that the canal was constructed
through Panama rather than through Nica-
ragua was due to the Inducements which
Panama offered in order to get the canal in
her territory. As one of these inducements
she agreed in the treaty of 1903 to give to
the United States "in perpetuity" a zone of
land 10 miles wide running through Panama
from sea to sea and "all the rights, power and
authority within the zone * * * which the
United States would possess and exercise
within the zone if it were the sovereign of
the territory * * * to the entire exclusion
of the exercise by the Republic of Panama
of any such sovereign rights, power or
Among these sovereign rights was the
right to fly the flag of the United States over
the zone "to the entire exclusion of the exer-
cise" of such a right by Panama.
For all these rights the United States
paid $10 million immediately and began 9
years later to pay $250,000 annually to Pan-
ama. Subsequently we purchased all the
lands in the zone from their private owners,
spending almost $35 million for that pur-
pose. We have paid more for the Canal
Zone, both initially and subsequently, than
for any other territory that we have ever
acquired-the Louisiana Purchase, Florida,
the Mexican Cession, the Gadsden Purchase,
Alaska-in fact more than double what we
paid for all those territorial acquisitions
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Approved For R IpNp-aM ?T C~47 A7B0 {I 0010004000'6.,, b M ,,
Rile?total?inpeatnlent qi the United States
10 the q ,a1 and the canal Zone amclunts
to mores > an $ billion. This investment
the ~'ohxiso ad 3ninistr'ation is now giving
Prom the canal Panama's economy has de-
rived enormous tangible benefits. In 1963 it
received directly from U.S. agencies in the
zone $92 million in ssylaries, retirements and
disability payments, and purchases of goods
and 'services besides many Indirect benefits.
As a result of the presence of the United
States in the Canal Zone, Panama enjoys
the highest per capita income in Latin
Beginning in the "Good Neighbor" era of
the 1930's the United $tttes has yielded con-
cessioin_after concession to Panama. Py; new
treaties in .1936 and 1955. it abandonefi Its
treaty right to 'maintain public order and
to supervise sanitation in the terminal cities
o f Panama4 and Colon with the result that
these cities have become,beachheads of vio-
lence against the canal and cesspools of in-
fection. The United States has given to
Panama, without consideration, the terms-
Sal yards and passenger stations of the Pan-,
ama Railroad in Panama City and Colon.
After the Communist-led rioting against
the United, States in the zone In 1959, a
high State Department official on a visit to
Panama recognized that "titular sovereignty
over the Canal Zone'reniains in the Govern-
inent of Panama." Soon afterward Presi-
detit Eisenhower by Executive order gave
Panama the sovereign right to fly her, flag
in the zone.
Other concessions which U.S. policymekers
have made to Panama, often under pressure
from riots ,and other .demonstrations,; in-
clude abaridonmexit of the zone commis-
s$ries, the increase in the annuity to $1,930,-
0d0, the construction pf the $20 million
Thatcher Bridge across the canal for, the
spe6ial use of Panama and the release of real
estate in Panama City and Colon with a mar-
ket value.of,$40 million., ?
But with each .,concession we have, peen
confronted with pew demands from Panama,
including a demand for one-half the gross
revenue from the canal and ultimately sur-
render of the canal and the zone to Panama.
After f urther bloody Communist-led riot-
ing occurred in the zone in 1954, President
Johnson agreed to negotiate a new treaty
with Panama.,, At ,the, same time he, an-
nounced that the, United States Is prepared
to scrap the present lock canal in favor,of a
new ' sea=level canal, which may be con-
structed elsewhere in Panama or in Nica-
ragua or in northwestern Colombia.
The pretext given for this announcement
is that the present canal is becoming obsolete
.and. will not be able to, provide adequate
accommodation for world commerce by the
year 2000, possibly even by 1985..
Biit is a second canal constructed at' sea
level the only logical answer to this prob-
lem? A.second canal, wherever located,, will
require the negotiation of a new treaty, pos-
sibly more than one, under extremely, ad-
verse negotiating conditions.
Such a treaty or treaties can be expected
to involve huge indemnities by the United
States to the, other country, larger annuity
payments by the United States than are
now going to Panama, a limitation of; the
duration of United States control over' the
canal, and recognition of full sovereignty
over the canal by the other signatory, mak-
ing the canal built atU.S. expense a hostage
to that country from the very outset. And
at present , the United States is prevented
from carrying out the excavation of a ,new
canal with atomic power by the terms of the
nuclear test-ban treaty drafted by it,. the
Soviet Union, and Britain in 1963 and
signed by more than 100 nations.
Of the routes proposed for a new canal,
the Nicaragua-Costa Rica route, besides re-
quiring the negotiation of treaties, with two, unities agreed uponby the two nations, has
anti possibly three Central American coun- completely carried out the terms of the
tries, is almost three times as long as the treaty and stands on firm moral and legal
present Panama Canal. A survey of this footing in this dispute, and under no cir-
route' made under 'tl}e , auspices of a con- cumstances should it have conceded to the
gressional 'committee in 1960, reported the Communist-inspired demands of Panama.
cost of a Nicaraguan lock-canal at over How do we expect other nations to have any
$4 billion and a Nicaraguan sea-level canal respect for the United States when we do
completely impracticable. not, even, have enough self-respect to stand
The Atrato-Truando route in northwestern firm when we are on solid, legal and moral
Colombia. traverses perhaps the densest, most footing?"
fetid jungle area in the Western Hemisphere
and even for a high lock-canal would re-
quire the excavation of a vast gash in the
formidable cordillera. A sea-level canal here
would be unthinkable.
If another canal route in Panama is
chosen-perhaps the San Blas Gulf route or
the Caledonia Bay route-we can expect
Panama to give us much less advantageous
terms than In 1903. Then we were the
wooed; now is are the suitor.
But have the possibilities of modernizing
and enlarging the present Panama Canal
been adequately considered? For this canal
and all improvements in it within the pres-
ent zone a full treaty basis exists or at least
existed until President Johnson's announce-
ment of September 24.
Many intelligent plans designed to mod-
ernize the present canal at minimal cost
have been drawn up. The most feasible plan
for enlarging the capacity of the canal within
the present treaty arrangements provides
for the continued maintenance of the lock
principle. It would widen the single locks
at the Caribbean end of the canal and the
channel through the Culebra cut, would
consolidate the dual system of locks at the
Pacific end of the canal into a single set of
locks, thus eliminating the awkward Pedro
Miguel locks, and would provide an artificial
terminal lake at the Pacific side of the
isthmus comparable to the Gatun Lake at
the Caribbean side.
This plan would speed up transit through
the canal, would simplify maintenance, and
would enlarge the service at much lower cost
than under any'of the alternative plans.
President Johnson's surrender of sover-
eignty over the present canal serves the So-
viet objective of gaining control over the
strategic waterways of the world, thus
threatening the lifelines of the free nations,
as illustrated, for example, In the experience
of the Suez Canal, the Danube, the
Dardanelles, and the straits of southeast
Asia. Panama's attacks on the canal have
significantly coincided with the challenges
that Fidel Castro has hurled at the position
of the United States in Guantanamo, guard-
ingthe eastward approach to the Panama
Issues of global importance are involved in
the Panama conflict. It behooves the United
States to understand these issues in their
broadest and most sinister context and to
take appropriate action.
Theodore Roosevelt proudly declared in
1910, speaking of the Panama Canal: "It is
our canal; we built it; we fortified it, and
we will protect it, and we will not permit our
enemies to use it in war. In time of peace,
all nations shall use It alike, but in time of
war our interest at once becomes dominant."
We are living now in such a time, and our
own national interest in the Panama Canal
should be the dominant consideration.
Representative Wrr nLAM HARSHA, Repub-
lican, of Ohio: "The U.S. Government has
completely capitulated to the demands of
Panama concerning the canal and we have
come home from the so-called negotiations
like a whipped pup with its tall between its
legs. The country of Panama owes its en-
tire existence to the United States and we
have continually given friendship and eco-
nomic support to it. * * * This Nation has
paid Panama the full indemnity and an-
H.R. 3140
" (Mr. FARBSTEIN (at the request of
Mr. HOWARD) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. FARBSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, Con-
gress has once again shown the leader-
ship, of which it is so eminently capable,
by passing into law the Heart Disease,
Cancer, and Stroke Amendments of 1965.
Congress has been a ground breaker in
health care in the United States for
many years and this bill confirms its
foresighted outlook. I was glad to lend
my personal support to the measure.
This bill goes a long way toward fa-
cilitating the modernization of that
medical practice which is directed to-
ward heart disease, stroke, cancer, and
related diseases. For some time we have
recognized that in many instances even
when the facilities for the treatment pf
these diseases have been in existence,
they have been so spread out, so diso--
ganized, that best use of them was im-
possible. This measure makes it pos-
sible to establish programs of coopera-
tion between medical schools, clinical re-
search institutions, and hospitals.
These arrangements, made by doctors
and their institutions at the local lev 1,
will permit the interchange of personnel
and patients and provide for a more ef-
fective flow of information about the
latest advances in diagnosis and treat-
ment. The experimental work that has
proceeded this measure has proven be-
yond dispute the value of such coop-
eration, both to patients and to, practi-
tioners. Congress, I believe, is to be
commended for taking such a progres-
sive step to improve the treatment avail-
able to the victims of these dread dis-
- (Mr. FARBSTEIN (at the request of
Mr. HOWARD) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat,-
Mr. FARBSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, I am
pleased to note the overwhelming ap-
proval by the House of the Clean Air and
Solid Waste Disposal Act, a measure of
great importance to the Nation and of
particular Importance to my constituents
in New York City. This bill, which is
soon to become law, represents a giant
step in the direction of full recognition
by Congress that the problems of the city
are the problems of every American. The
quality of life in the United, States h s
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Q obor"7, 1965 Approved F %1 fk4A( 1/*~e6 DP 7gW0 6R000100040001-6
EmWo Naranjo, of New Mexico, to be First. The at does abolish the national
U,y. marshal, district of New Mexico, origins quota system, a fact which I re-
term of 4 years, vice Dave Fresquez, re- gret; but it also does not necessarily
tired. have the effect of changing our historic
On behalf of the Committee on the Ju- population pattern.
diciary, notice is hereby given to all per- Second. The act does not open the
sons interested in these nominations to floodgates. On the contrary, it restricts
file with the committee, in writing, on 'or immigration to those who have families
before Thursday, October 14, 1965, any already in the United States and to those
representations or objections they may who can contribute to the culture and
wish to present concerning the above economy of our country.
nomingtions, with a further statement Third. My amendment will not reduce
whether it is their intention to appear at immigration from the Western Hemi-
any hearing which may be scheduled. sphere. Rather it will stabilize hemi-
Mr. EASTLAND. Mr. President, on
behalf of the Committee on the Judici-
ary, I desire to give notice that a public
hearing has been scheduled for Thurs-
day, October 14, 1965, at 10:30 a.m., in
room 2228, New Senate Office Building,
on the nomination of Frederick Landis,
of Indiana, to be a judge of the U.S. Cus-
toms Court.
At the indicated time and place per-
sons interested in the hearing may make
such representations as may be perti-
The subcommittee consists of the Sen-
ator from North Carolina [Mr. ERVIN],
the Senator. from Nebraska [Mr.
HRV$KAI, and myself, as chairman.
On request, and by unanimous con-
sent, addresses, editorials, articles, etc.,
were ordered to be printed in the Appen-
dix, as follows:
Address delivered ? by him entitled The
Education Decade in America."
Article entitled "Colorado Football's Gal-
loping Disaster-Memoirs of a Big Coach,"
written by Bud Davis and published in Har-
per's magazine.
News article in the October 6, 1965, Mar-
+lnsb,urg (W_ Va._1 Jo rnal. which reports on
Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, now that
the Immigration Act has been signed by
the President and the furor surrounding
it has subsided, I believe it is appropriate.
to attempt to place this historic legisla-
tion in its proper perspective.
In the course of the several months of
hearings and floor debate during which
time the bill was fashioned, many mis-
conceptions and exaggerations of the
probable consequences of enactment
were disseminated by many of the pro-
polfents and opponents. This is true
not only 'of the'bill itself, but also of my
amendment to it which would place a
ceiling on immigration from the Western
The following points should be em-
spheric immigration to a maximum of its
present rate or slightly above.
Fourth. My amendment does not dis-
criminate against our neighbors in this
hemisphere. As a_ matter of fact, they
will receive a maximum quota far out
of proportion to their share of the world's
population. However, it does have the
effect of eliminating, to a large extent,
our historic discrimination which favors
the nations of the Western Hemisphere
as against all the rest of the nations of
the world.
Mr. President, in order to make these
matters clear, I ask unanimous consent
that the following articles and editorials
be printed at this point in the RECORD:
"The End of Quotas," an editorial from
the October 1, 1965, edition of the Wash-
ington Star; "ERVIN Takes Lone Immi-
gration Stand," an article by James K.
Batten from the September 23, 1965, edi-
tion of the Charlotte Observe; "Immigra-
tion Bill Backed by ERVIN," an article by
the Washington bureau of the Winston-
Salem Journal appearing in that news-
paper on September 23,1965; "Immigra-
tion Curbs Indicated," an article by
Richard L. Strout from the Christian
Science Monitor of September 20, 1965;
"ERVIN Makes Constructive Choice," an
editorial from the Durham Morning
Herald of September 27, 1965; and "An
Historic Liberalization," an editorial
from the Greensboro Daily News of Sep-
tember 26, 1965.
There being no objection, the articles
and editorials were ordered to be printed
in the RECORD, as follows:
[From the Washington (D.C.) Evening Star,
Oct. 1, 1965]
There are several things that the new im-
migration bill is not. It, is not a special
kind of civil rights bill, as Senator SPESSARD
HOLLAND seems to believe. Nor is it the
startling liberal innovation that Senator
ROBERT KENNEDY has made it appear.
Commonsense, nothing more or less, im-
pels the Nation to set up an immigration
law based on family relationships and per-
sonal skills rather than national origins.
There is nothing radical about this. Indeed,
the only radicalism attending Senate passage
of the measure was the spectacle of Senators
-HOLLAND -and KENNEDY reaffirming their per-
sonal views on racial equality-something
neither man really had to do.
Aside from this exchange, however, some
pertinent things were said about the bill it-
self-both by Senator SAM ERVIN and the
bill's manager, Senator KENNEDY of Massa-
chusetts-that give it the ' luster of prac-
Immigrant preference would go first to
close relatives of American citizens. Second-
ary preference would be given to skilled indi-
viduals whose talents are needed in the
American labor market. Some unskilled la-
borers and refugees would be admitted un-
der the new system. But the ceiling on all
immigration practically guarantees that the
United States will never become a depot for
a flood of undesirables.
More controversial is the provision im-
posing a special ceiling on immigration from
our own hemisphere. But,,again, the provi-
sion is more equitable than it seems. The
numerical restriction on Latin and Canadian
immigrants is only 50,000 less per year than
restrictions on the rest of the world. The
bill actually favors New World immigrants.
but not so much that Latin America's popu-
lation explosion will bring great waves of
immigrants to our shores. .
This is not a flawless piece of legislation.
Some provisions, particularly those dealing
with the reuniting of families according to
closeness of kin, are confusing. But, as
Senator ERVIN expressed it, the bill does not
open the floodgates. The abolition of im-
personal restrictions (as expressed in the
quota system) is paired with the tightening
of personal restrictions. And the result,
which President Johnson plans to sign into
law on Sunday, is about the best bill obtain-
[From the Charlotte (N.C.) Observer,
Sept. 23, 1965]
(By James K. Batten)
found himself stuck out in the cold with his
principles Wednesday as the Senate approved
a significant new immigration program that
he had helped fashion.
The vote was 76 to 18, but 14 of the nay-
sayers were southerners. His North Carolina
colleague, B. EVERETT JORDAN, was among
them, as were the two South Carolinians,
ERVIN, who has established himself in the
Senate as something of an expert on immi-
gration, admitted after Wednesday's vote
that he felt a little lonely:
"But I was the only southerner who went
to the subcommittee hearings and tried to do
something about the bill while the battle was
on,". he said.
During those hearings and afterward,
ERVIN managed to win acceptance for a
limitation of 120,000 immigrants a year from
the Western Hemisphere-the first such
limitation on immigration from the Americas
in the Nation's history.
Like the southerners who voted against the
bill, ERvIN wanted to retain the old national
origins quota system, which favored immi-
gration from the countries of Western Eu-
rope that helped populate America in the
first place.
But from the beginning, it was clear that
the national origins system was doomed this
The bill would abolish the controversial na-
tional origins system but restrict for the first
time immigration from Latin America and
Canada. A fight is expected in a conference
over the restriction, a move rejected in the
The Senate bill provides an annual quota
of 170,000, an increase of 11,439, for non-
Western Hemisphere immigrants, with no
more than 20,000 from any single nation.
It sets a ceiling of 120,000 a year for West-
ern Hemisphere nations, an overall total with
no country-by-country limitation.
In last Friday's debate, ERVIN explained to
his colleagues that two possible courses of
action had presented themselves:
"The first was that I might concentrate
my efforts in a forlorn fight to preserve the
national origins quota system and suffer de-
feat in such fight without rendering any
service to my country, other than that of
loyalty to an ideal which I cherished.
"The second possible course of action which
confronted me was to join with other mem-
Approved, For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001,6
aApp"ro'ved `For z L qWWf57~BOR~
WNP01 00040001 tlctober "'7..,.19165
the present law, out_-tfie retentfon'of the Congress left him a problem-and "two pos- son eu ports" the "stand. The strength; of
tiati9 al [gins quota"system ell le courses o3"action" Douse- enate opposition to the big loophole
"I eft t c }1 1 sere y country best Ile explained: apparently has surprised the administration.
by aopt g tie secong alternative.'' "The first was that Y might concentrate my The result is still in doubt and could be
tn. Ivor ing for the 'i best possible obtain- efforts in a forlorn fight to preserve the na- decided in conference.
able' law, ERVIN overcame' efforts by the ad- tional origins quota system and suffer defeat In any case immediate restrictions on
ministratipn particularly the State Y)epart- in such fight without rend@ring any service Canada would not be applied: There will
meat, to deeat his limitation on Western to -my country other than that of loyalty to 'be' a 3-year waiting period while Western
Hemisphere immigration. an ideal which I cherished. "Hemisphere immigration Is studied by a com-
464J&, " a pQsst gptaln- j-44 6e laws ' svui said'his reaIfzatlori that 'on Latin America, arguing that the latter
pose such a ceiling would damage U.S. rela-
tions with Latin America, The Senate was
urged to recognize the Nation's "special rela-
tionship" with its Western Hemisphere
But ERyIN's rebuttal helped convince the
Senate to Impose the ceiling anyway.
'I submit that there is no relationship,"
E vn'r Bald, "ivl ich is closer or amore 'special'
than that which our country bears to Eng-
land, our great ally that gave us our lan-
guage, out law, and much of our literature.
"Yet under this bill my friends express no
shock that Britain in the future can send us
10,000 fewer immigrants than she has sent
on an'annual ayerage in the past.
"They are only shocked that British Guiana
cannot send us every single citizen of that
country who wishes to come."
As the debate wound to a close Wednesday,
ECiviw was showered with tributes from the
supporters of immigration reform.
Senator TED ,KENNEDY, of Massachusetts,
the bill's -loot manager, extended his "great
Senate the best possible obtainable fmmi-
gration law, curing the defects of present law
without the retention of the national origins
quota system."
"I felt that I could serve my country best
by adopting the second alternative."
So several months ago EavIN began work-
ing,- within the Senate Judiciary Committee,
tohelp rewrite the immigration proposal of-
fered by the administration.
The result, ERVIN said yesterday, is "a good
measure. ? ? ? It is designed to restrict im-
migration to near relatives of those who are
already in the United States * * ? and to
those persons who have something to con-
tribute to the economic and cultural develop-
ment of the United States."
EiavIN'S foremost victory in the drafting of
the bill was the Insertion of an amendment
limiting the number of immigrants the
United States will accept from other nations
of this hemisphere.
because' o his T he State Department opposed such a
Havxw admitted that tiffs vote Wednesday provision, even though Secretary of State
ght not be popular in North Carolina. Dean Rusk did agree that at some point,
""They probably won't like it," he'said, recall- given a continuation of Latin America's
ing that his mail had run strongly against population explosion, a limitation would
the pending bill. have to be set.
But Critical citizens who responded to his Several days ago, after many private meet-
letters of explanation,'Eavn a added, uniformly Inge involving administration officials,
backed his stand ELWZN and other Senators, it was agreed that
[From the Winston=Salem (N.C.) Journal,
$ept `2911065]
the bill and would stand without challenge
, by the administration on the Senate floor.
y~ ?'?'9tIidIGg$.T .qtr, }SACKED BY ERVIN Senator EDWARD KENNEDY, of Massachu-
WASHINGTON,--Senator SAM ERVIN came setts, the floor manager of the bill, was
?reluctar tly to support of the immigration afhong the last to give in to the agreement.
bill which the Senate passed yesterday, but But yesterday, KENNEDY praised ERVIN for
In the end the Senator from North Carolina his cooperation, and so, too, did Senator
was one of the forembet supporters of the Bill PHILIP HART, of Michigan, original sponsor
0u tl O Senate floor. of the bill. Eavue had been "magnificent"
1"he main purpose of the bill is to 'ellmi- in his work on the bill, HART said.
rite Elie national origgins quota system which [From the Christian Science Monitor,
the many",peals has been the foundation of
the Ration's immigration policy but which Sept. 20, 1966]
four Presidents have condemned as an em- IMMIGRATIoN CURBS INDICATED
berrassment for the' $lation before the world. (Bp Richard L. Strout)
Senator ERvIN called himself yesterday "a WASHINGTON.-peer the opposition of the
great believer in the wisdom of the national Johnson administration, the Senate appar-
nsquota system." ently Is headed toward applying immigration
e has favored continuing the system, he restrictions to the Western Hemisphere, In-
d and "frankly 7 would still oppose its eluding Canada and Mexico.
abolition if I lied any hope of success." The House approved such a provision by a
"sdrisbR3"sic teller vote,'but later narrowly defeated it on
ertheless voted for the bill as a rollcail. The Senate now has the 'house
he n
it.passed, 76 to A. Only five southerne "bill
joined him-Senators FULBRIGEr of Arkan-
sas, SMATHERS of Florida, LONG of Louisiana,
a,nd GORE and BASS, both of Tennessee. All
Are Democrats.
Fourteen other southerners "voted against
the bill. They included Senator EVERE'rr
3oiWAN, Democrat, of North Carolina.
The Presidents who opposed the national
origins quotas, and most of the Senators
'who voted to end the quotas system yester-
'day, object to the way the system teas dis-
'cYiminated' against immigrants from such
e and the Orient' As first written, however, it discriminated
rn Euro
as' a
TWt1 OIfRSi:p' against the rest of the world to the advan-
tage of the Western Hemisphere, for it was
$aviN said he s%W nothing unjust in the only here that no numerical limits ap-
system, but that it fisd become outdated plied
Ultimately, under the plan, a ceiling of
120,000 immigrants would be applied to the
entire Western Hemisphere, exclusive of par-
ents, spouses, and children, to take effect
July 1, 1968. How this total would be di-
vided among Canada, Mexico, and other west-
ern nations is undecided,
Restriction on the Western Hemisphere is
the condition on which Senator SAM J. ERVIN
Jr., Democrat, of North Carolina, bases his
support for the pending measure.
Senator EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Democrat, of
Masachusetts, sponsor of the compromise bill
has reluctantly accepted it.
Mr. ERVIN rejects the argument that Latin
America requires a special relationship. "I
submit that there is no relationship," he
said, "which is closer or more 'special' than
that which our country bears to England,our
great ally that gave us our language, our law,
and much of our literature.
"Yet under this bill my friends express
no shock that Britain in the future can
send us 10,000 fewer immigrants than she
has sent on an annual average in the past.
They are. only shocked that British Guiana
cannot send us every single citizen of that
country who wishes to come."
The old national origins system of quotas
has, in fact, broken down. Only about a
third of present immigration enters under
it. The big loopholes are immigration from
the Western Hemisphere, refugees, and
special "hardship" cases advanced in thou-
sands by Congress.
The population of the United States in-
creases annually, without immigration,
about 3 million a year. Unemployment has
averaged around 5 percent for some years.
The new bill would ultimately allow an esti-
mated 355,000 immigrants a year, though
some place it much higher. This is about
60,000 more than the present immigration.
The new total would break down as fol-
lows: 170,000 given to the world exclusive
of the Western Hemisphere. This would be
allocated at no more than 20,000 to a country
on a first come first served basis.
Thus England, which has been sending
30,000 Immigrants a year, would be cut to
Next, some 60,000 "immediate relatives"
would be admitted to reunite immigr is
with families left behind. Finally, a pro.
posed ceiling of 120,000 would go to the
Western Hemisphere, plus a category ! of
"immediate relatives." Mr. Kennedy thinks
this would add up to around 355,000.
Such figures however are theoretical. Xn-
dividual Congressmen are eager to aid con-
stituents by passing special legislation for
"hardship cases." These amount to thou-
sands anually.
Senator Eavue stresses the need of con-
trolling Latin American immigration which,
he argues, threatens to "double" every year.
It has increased 400 percent in the past" 10
years, he says.
Canada is feeling the drain of highly
trained professional people, he says. `or
every professional person who migrates. to
Canada," he says, "two leave."
Asiatic a elusion was a red-hot Issue! in
the 1870's knd 1882;s. Congress first bar-
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
population on earth. It would be unfair,
some Senators argue, to reduce immigration
from the United Kingdom by one-third, as
-the proposed system requires, while continu-
ing unlimited immigration from Latin Amer-
The proposed bill kills the 41-year-old na-
tional origins system and substitutes a new
formula which its sponsors call nondiscrim-
Approved / 1 1 RAC 6R000100040001-6 25275
.; ctober 7, 1965 1 ~ I ~i~ ~t ~~
red Chinese laborers in 1882. Sponsors of That figure alone reveals the intent of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objee-
the pending bill argue that they are drop- the bill: in 1920 the population of the United tion is heard.
'ping anti-Asiatic discrimination. Actually, States was predominantly northern Euro-
it is likely to be carried forward adminis- pean in origin, and Congress wanted to keep SIX RESERVE
tratively, rather than by the much-criticized it that way. The purpose of the bill was DEACTIVATION OF
quotas. to restrict immigration from southern Eu- DIVISIONS AND OTHER UNITS OF
rope and Asia by basing the quotas for those THE ARMY RESERVE
[From the Durham (N.C.) Morning Herald, areas on their relatively small representation
Sept. 27, 19651 in 1920 census. Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, is the
Thus Italy has had an annual quota of
ERVIN MAKES CONSTRIICTIVE CHOICE approximately 5,600; Greece, 300; Hungary, Senate still transacting routine morning
Senator ERvIN made a choice on the immi- 900. In each of these instances and others, business?
gration bill that southern Senators and thousands of potential immigrants have been The PRESIDING OFFICER. The
Congressmen have traditionally resisted. turned away-many of them seeking to join Senator is correct.
He saw two, alternatives: All-out negative their families in the United States, others Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I have
opposition to a measure he opposed or grudg- possessing valuable skills and talents. At an extraneous matter, not on the subject
ing support given in return for revisions the same time Great Britain has never met pending, and if no other Senator has
reflecting his views and those of his con- its quota; the closest it came was in 1946, anything in the nature of morning busi-
stituents. when 38,552 Britons immigrated to the Hess, I ask unanimous consent, when
Southerners have faced these alternatives United States. other Senators have completed their
for years, especially in civil rights issues. The inequity of this law-and its implied
Repeatedly they have chosen bitter end insult to the low-quota nations-has long morning business, that I be allowed to
opposition. They have wasted their time been apparent' President Kennedy, the proceed for 18 minutes to present this
and talents in a resistance for resistance's grandson of Irish immigrants, recognized matter, and that it not count as one of
sake that has produced nothing except per- the problem and outlined it in a small, my appearances on the motion to take
spnal political advantages among their, own posthumous book, "A Nation of Immigrants." up.
electorates. The bill now on the verge of final passage The PRESIDING OFFICER. It will
There are, of course, important issues that was proposed during his administration, then not count as a speech.
leave a Senator or Representative no choice enc(orsed and introduced by President
.except to go down to total defeat with all Johnson. Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I ask
flags flying. But the number of such issues" In its House version, the bill conforms unanimous consent that it not count as
is small. And the leather lunged cries of closely to the Johnson proposal. It con- one of my appearances and that I be al-
"never" by bitter-enders in the Congress tinues unrestricted immigration from Can- lowed to proceed for 18 minutes.
have more often than not simply made defeat ada and Latin America, and sets a maximum The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there
for the views of their constituents total as of 170,000 a year from the rest of the world.
well as inevitable. No country would be allowed more than objection? The Chair hears none, and
Senator ERvIN's objections to the immi- 20,000 immigrants a year; that is, the sole the Senator from Mississippi is recog-
gi'ation bill were undoubtedly shared by a limitation on nationality. Instead of gain- nized for 18 minutes.
majority of North Carolinians. Some of his ing entry on the basis of the happenstance Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I have
technical objections eventually were shared of his birthplace, a potential immigrant received many inquiries from Senators,
by advocates of the bill from other States. would have to convince U.S. authorities that received
well as Representatives, and many
It would have been easy" for Senator ERVIN he would be a valuable citizen. Close rela-
to do as other southern opponents did, to tives of American citizens would be admitted citizens in the country at large, for in-
shout his undying opposition to the bill and without numerical restriction. formation and comment with reference
store up yet another issue to show the folks The Senate bill Includes all these pro- to the recent announcement of Secretary
back home how he had carried on for them visions and one other; it restricts Western of Defense McNamara with reference to
against unnamed forces of evil. Hemisphere immigration to 120,000 a year. deactivating six Reserve divisions and
Instead; the Senator chose to try to modify That restriction is the creation of Senator other units of the Army Reserve.
what he felt was objectionable. And having SAM ERvIN, one of the few Southern Senators As I was the one who acted as Chalr-
won modification, he recognized his re- to vote for the bill; he argues that there is
sponsibility to show by his vote that the final no "special relationship" between the United man of the Defense Appropriations Sub-
Senate version of the bill reflected views he States and Latin America or Canada that committee and also presented the bill
represents. surpasses the "special relationship" with on the floor of the Senate, which bill
This approach can be hard to explain on Great Britain, and that therefore special then went on to conference, where I
the stump back home. It offers none of the privileges for Latin Americans or Canadians was a conferee, I have a special respon-
stem winding possibilities so long utilized by are unjustified. sibility, I believe, to the Senate on that
the professional veterans of lost causes. Despite the justifiable concern of the State subject, and I propose at this time to give
But there is no question of whether Sen- Department over .the potential political ism- a factual statement with reference to
ator ExvIN or the nay sayers served their pact of this provision, the arguments against
States best in the case of the immigration it are not on balance convincing. If immi- the entire matter which has been before
bill. They added to their personal records. gration should not be determined by national Congress for the entire calendar year.
He added to a law. origins, why should it be determined by for- In a news conference last Thursday,
eign policy or vague assertions of "special September 30, the Secretary of Defense,
relationships"? Complete fairness demands
[From the Greensboro (N.C.) Daily News, Mr. McNamara, announced the disband-
that all be treated alike; whether 120,000 is
Sept. 26, 19651 too low or too high can be debated, but ing of 750 Army Reserve units. After
A HisTORic LIBERALIZATION establishing a maximum does not seem un- stating that Deputy Secretary of Defense
Reform ar m of erica'ssfar arcBoth haic immigration reass loe able. Vance had appeared before a House
la appears ca Western Hemisphere restriction is far Armed Services Subcommittee that
Senate have passed bills that would abolish less important, however, than the broad and morning and discussed the plan-mean-
the 41-year-old national origins quota sys- historic liberalization of American immigra- ing the plan to reduce the Reserves-
teln, replacing it with equitable standards tion law. Whatever compromise is finally Mr. McNamara said:
for the admission of immigrants; the House- approved, if it includes the basic elements I think it is lair to say that they look with
Senate conference'will be under heavy pres- of the Johnson proposal it will be welcome. favor upon it.
sure from. President Johnson to draw up a
compromise measure as quickly as possible. Later in the same news conference, Mr.
The 1924 law is patently discriminatory. COMMITTEE MEETING DURING McNamara was asked questions and gave
Though it places no restrictions on immi- SENATE SESSION answers as follows:
gration from Canada and Latin America, it Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I Question. Mr. Secretary, did you get as
imposes a limit of 150,000 immigrants each ask unanimous consent that the Sub- favorable a response in the Senate to this
year on the rest of the world. Each country
is .assigned a quota, now based on the ratio committee on Small Business of the plan that you apparently got in the Hobert
to 150,000 of the number of persons of that Banking and Currency Committee be committee this morning?
national origin in the 1920 census. Thus, permitted to meet during the session of Secretary McNAMARA. Well, we haven't met
for example, the United Kingdom has regu- the Senate today. with committees of the Senate in quite the
laxly been assigned a quota of about 65,000; same way as we did with the Hebert vom-
it corresponds to the 1920 census, in which Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, with mittee this morning, but those Members of
45 million of the 105 million Americans had great reluctance, I feel that I must the Senate with whom we have discussed it,
British origins. object. I think, have responded as favorably as did
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Members of the House. Cy, that a fair SATE October, 7r `~9 5
secretary SE
appraisal, do you think? Secretary Vance sarprimary emphasis ~t medium, and large there by u been. In
Question.. That presumably includes Sen-
a" "r STE any event, whenever there has real was on the problem of training new men,
posed what I understand. is a real plan,
Secretary NlctTwM uiA. I don't want to speak but he discussed the plan to some degree. I have required that It be put in writing,
for inslt,vitiual m moers of the committee. Mr. Vance had no written explanation with numbers and figures, so we can all
I would rather you talk to him directly. Let of this plan, but he did have a single understand it.
ine simply say we have talked to ?4embers Sheet. of paper with a column of figures Had this new plan or proposal thus
of the Senate, leaders of the Senate, in the thereon which related altogether to been fully set forth, I would have !seen
Armed Services and' Appropriations commit- training loads and did not describe this immediately its full import and vigor-
tees and they have received the plan favor- plan as to the Reserve; this paper is clas- ously objected because it is not in keep-
at. ly. tart one of tthenit to thief f rhanoy sified or I would print it in the RECORD. ing with the spirit of the appropriation
them might put some particular interpreta- Mr. Vance mentioned the fact that they bill and is a long step on the merger
tion, on his own appraisal of it and you should proposed to deactivate some of the low plan which was expressly rejected by the
get it from hint. priority Reserve units. He made refer-_ conferences on the Defense appropria-
do sat int3w dust, whom Secretary enee to several' Reserve divisions. But tions bill.
I M do no ntendefi include a Snead- certainly he did not at all make it clear I refer now to a brief quotation on
in his discussion with me that they that point from the conference report
ers of the delrate, in the Armed,Servleps proposed to deactivate 55,000 men in the itself, as filed with the House of Repre-
and Appropriations Committees," but I Army Reserve, or that six entire divi-
a$sum a refers to the Senate conferees sentatives on this very appropriation; bill,
on the Defense, appropriations bill and lions were to be swept oftt. If he men- with the express wording contained in
the members se the Senate Armed Serv- Honed the figure "55,000," I thought it that appropriation bill and with the
ices Committee who held hearings on this was related in some way to the overall comment on the Army Reserve.
ices Committee xho,el hearings This training program for all new men, in- Page 3 of the conference report refers
would include therger q es Senators; eluding the 240,000 new men for the to what was done and concludes as
EN, RUSSELL, HILL, i, a Army. Had such a proposal to deacti- follows:
OUNG vats 55,000 spaces in present Army Re- It should be clear from this action that
I5~ ~Or~tih Dakota, SMITH, BYRD of Vir- serve units, or to take out six divisions, the realinement or reorganization of; the
6,X tkDakot JACKSON, and THUR- been clearly made I would have vigor- Army Reserve components can be effected
MOND. a, ously challenged him instantly and on only through the enactment of appropriate
To ascertain the. correctness of the the spot as proposing something far out law.
Secretary's statement that the "leaders of line from what is permitted in good I wish to make clear that I am not
faith by the language of the appropri- suggesting that Mr. Vance acted in :bad
of the Senate, m the Armed Services
and Appropriations Committees, have ations bill and far beyond what the con- faith in any way. In our discussion at
eceived the plan favorably," I have per- ference understood.
r my office, I feel he acted in good faith.
receive talked with each of these ,Sen- I did tell Mr. Vance that the Senate He did entirely fail, unintentionally, to
about the matter. conferees had in mind that under the make it clear that they planned a reduc
ators -
As tb about the m tteYDEx, HILL, ELLEN- language used, they would have some tion in the Army Reserve units of any-
fl>; to Senators HAY N North Dakota, discretion to cancel out some of the so- thing like the proportions Mr. McNamara
SMITH, $Yxn of Virgin, rth Da o a, called low priority Army Reserve units announced. My firm position that they, SYMI SAC TH, and of Vie ini I find that because the language did not require the of course, would keep the strength: up
JON, neither Secretary McNamara nor Deputy full number of 270,000 men for the Army should have made my position fully clear
Secretary Vance, nor anyone or Dee y Reserves at all times. However, in the to him.
,has ever mentioned phis, plan announced same breath I told Mr. Vance, with em- Mr. McNamara has a responsibility, of
on September 30 to_any of them in any phasis, that the Senate conferees cer- course, regarding the Army Reserve pro-
form'; that these ,Se aloes have net ap- tainly expected Secretary- McNamara to gram. He was fully within his rights
live up to the full spirit and letter of the
proved the plan, nor received it with language of the appropriations bill which and was discharging his responsibility in
favor; and, in fact, that these Senators urging the Congress to merge the Army
had not heard of the plan until Secretary called for a planned strength of 270,000 Reserve and the Army National Guard.
McNamara apli f ngpd It last Thursday. men in the Army Reserves and that this The Congress heard and fully considered
The remaining Senators of the group number should be there on June 30, his testimony and refused to allow him
are Senators, RUSSEeL, SALTONSTALL, and 1966. I emphasized this requirement and to make the merger. This decision was
STENNIS? Mr. Vance did not dissent. the responsibility of the Congress. Now,
I have, learned from Senator RUSSELL Mr. Vance did not ask me to approve it is clearly the Secretary's responsibility
thathe was.s~en by Secretary Vance and the plan. Nor did he suggest that I do to take the law as enacted by the Cgn-
this plan regarding the Army Reserves so. Nor did he suggest that I "look with gress to apply for fiscal year 1966, and
teas dscusseg, along_with other matters, favor on it." Had he asked for my ap- to operate in good faith within the spirit
but was not dully broken down or fully proval or suggested that I "look with and the letter of that law, the Defense
explained. Senator oken tells me he favor on it," this would have sharply appropriation bill.
-did not approve the plan, nor did he focused my attention and I would have Two sides can argue about the possi-
"`receive the plan favorably" in any way. immediately called for a full explanation bilities of the legal meaning of the ward,
Senator RUSSELL has authorized me to in writing, of just what the proposal but no one can deny the spirit and good
reheat our conver t'on to this effect. was, as I had done prior to the Senate- faith of the entire matter all the way
i'a House conference on the a
on through
SAJToNSTALL was alsiitd
,o vse bill in regard to the so-called 17-State
by Mr. Vance, but be tells me. that he This bill, recently enacted, absolutely
Lieither alsproved the,plan, nor "received plan then proposed before the conferees. forbids the Secretary from transferring
the plan f a4 proved h Instead, Senator I have dealt with this matter. When funds from the Army National Guard to
bALTOlan dyis,ed _,Mr, vanes to, seek there was talk a month ago about a 17- the Army Reserve account, or vice versa.
legislation if Mr, McNamara, were still State plan when this matter was to come This law rec uires him to keep the Army
pursuing the merger idea, and to "put the before the Senate-House conference, I National Guard up to a minimum of
d t
"put the declin
scuss that 17Statl 380000 Thi
at this sessin" St
,.o,enaor-e pan,.s same law gives him, a
STALL a s,as toquote him to until a full outline had been put in writ- small measure of discretion as to the
this effect, ing by the Department of Defense. I Army Reserve in that the language of
hope it will be understood that I was wanted to know exactly what they the law does not require him to keep the
merely interrogating de understood idea whether would do and not do. One reason for total of the Reserves up to 270,000 all the
these Senators had received the plan that is that it is a very complicated mat- time-but it does demand a planned end
Th ter. Itis never easy for me to under- strength in good faith that will bring a
favorably, as Mr, McNamara reported.
stand these complicated tables of or- total of 270,000 Reserves at the end !of
at leaves Senator STENNIS. - ganization. I got lost very readily, and fiscal year 1966.
Mr. Vance came to my office and dis- still do, when they talk about a military Instead of a reasonable, modest move
Cussed this matter about a week before personnel plan that Involves many small, that would live up to this requirement,
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Approved For Release 2004/01/1=6 CIA-RbP67BOO446R000100040001-6
rawer, 'I he answer to this question is, When the full committee acted on the sub- trol of less than 200 miles of interstate
"No 11 !committee's recommendation, the full com- highway. This is less than 1 percent of the
It is not intended. to have a maximum pen- mittee had not only the benefit of the House interstate mileage already completed.
Alty of 20 percent. The only place in the leg- hearings but had the benefit of hearings The highways of this Nation are public
1 t d before the Senate highways. They are public facilities. On a
islative history where this is suggested is which had been comp e e
in the minority views of `the House committee committee and had the benefit of the dis- plain dollar and cents basis, the Federal
report. etission and action by the Senate on similar Government has a very proper and legitimate
.The Secretary of Commerce has confirmed legislation. Interest in the Federal-aid interstate and
,that it is his interpretation and intention The basic principles embodied in this leg- primary systems.
that the maximum penalty which would be islation are not any different from the basic With this great and substantial direct in-
applied against a State would be 10 percent principles which were considered in similar terest of the Federal Government, how can
for any one apportionment, whether th$ legislation in 1958. we expect 50 different State legislatures really
,State in question had failed to achieve colt- Of course, it can be argued that nobody to be concerned about this problem if the
trot on billboards or junkyards or both. can tell at this time the exact impact this U.S. Congress is not concerned enough to
This part ' can be clarified in the furl tier legislation will have in each and every State. enact adequate legislation.
legislative history on this bill. I This is no more than a trite jiruism with This is not simply a job for the States.
Question. Is it correct that this i sla- respect to any proposed legislation. This is a job for both the Federal Govern-
tion will cause a waste of money by end- Of course, no one can say i advance ex- ment and the States following the partner-
ing huge amounts on landscaping or : Genic actly how many billboards me turn out to ship concept which has characterized our
enhancement?, be in controlled areas and .therefore have Federal-aid highway program from the
Answer. The answer to this qu tion is to be removed in 1970, just as'no one can say beginning.
clearly, "No." in advance how many billboards will actually This is not a diabolical centralization of
This legislation provides that thin the be maintained in commercial or industrial Federal authority, any more than such is the
right-of-way the cost of landsc ping and areas. ? case with highway design standards, or the
putting the right-of-way in dec t and at- It would be foolish to ly to take an in- case with the Federal rules and regulations
tractive condition is a part of he cost of ventory of every single billoard in the coun- pertaining to rights-of-way, or the case with
construction. This is not a w law or a try located on the interssa a and primary sys- the Federal rules and regulations pertaining
This is si ly a restate- tems and try to make a guess as to whether to the width of highways, or the required
l i
nient of what has been longe ablished law. those billboards would located in a com- thickness of the concrete pavement.
With respect to scenic `str s adjacent to mercial or industrial area, next year, in 1970,
the right-of-way, this legis anon provides or in 1980.
that the States will be aIlo ted an amount The full impact of tl is legislation is clear. (Mr. EDMONDSON (at the request of
equivalent to 3 percent of t eir highway ap- It is clear that the le slation is designed to Mr. BINGHAM) was granted" permission
portionment, to be used in reserving or en- prevent an unbridlecj proliferation of bill- to extend his remarks at this point in the
.hancing the scenic values of land adjacent boards and junkyards along our interstate RECORD" and to include extraneous mat-
to the rights-of-way, and primary systems. ter.)
This amount is not re red to be matched It is clear that t is legislation is designed
by the States.' to screen junkyar which are within 1,000 [Mr. EDMONDSON'S remarks will
It does us little go to spend literally feet of the right- -way unless they are lo- appear ,hereafter In the Appendix.]
billions of dollars cons rutting magnificent cated in industrial areas.
paved highways and en landscaping the . It is clear that-this legislation is designed
narrow strip of right- -way, if some atten- to provide a reasonable degree of control ( GONZALEZ (at the request of
tion is not given to a land area adjacent of outdoor adve ising in commercial or in- Mr. GINGHAM) was granted permission to
to the rights-of-way. Where there are spe- dustrial areas. extend his remarks at this point in the
cial scenic attracno , such as a wooded It is clear that the details of regulations
tract or a stream o a particularly striking and sign criteria cannot now be spelled out RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
view, appropriate on should be taken to because this 1e a subject which requires ex- ter.)
preserve the natur beauty and attraction tensive consultation with the States and the [Mr. GONZALEZ' remarks will appear
of those areas. thermore, more atten- affected industries and businesses, and in
tion and more em asis is needed in provid- fact the legislation requires that public hear- hereafter in the Appendix.]
ing rest or retreat nal areas along our high- ings be held in each of the 50 States.
it d
ways, and 1.1e J Ited extent to which this This legislation is not prema
oes (Mr. GONZ (at the request of
can be done wi in a narrow right-of-way not need further extended study or pro-
crastinatiop or delay. Mr. BINGHApi) a rz to permission to
ffCie t
is often
This represeii an investment for the fu- To delay action on this kind of legislation extend his re ar a is point in the
tune. This rep esents an economic invest- is simply to make the problem increasingly RECORD and inc ude extraneous mat-
ment for every tate during the present and difficult, analagous to the delay in doing ter.)
immediate fut re. By providing funds to somethirig about a polluted river or stream. rwnt
clean up areas 'djacent to the highways and We know that surely at some point a halt
to put them decent condition, we are pro- must be called and action must be taken.
viding some pportunitfes for employment. To wait until the situation grows from bad
are rovi no the means whereby count- to worse is simply to make final action more
eafter in the Appendix.]
less local ar: s throughout the Nation will expensive for both the Federal and State IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1965
present the elves in a far better -light and Goverximents and for the private business (Mr. JACOBS (at the request of Mr.
will improv their economic situation, their interests involved.
economic s nding by being able to attract Question. Why not let the States do the BINGHHAM) was granted permission to ex-
more tour is and more travelers to their job? Is this unnecessary centralization of tend his remarks at this point in the
areas. power in the Federal Government? RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Questio . Is"this-legislation premature be- Answer. For 7 years, since 1958, we have ter.)
cause the ommittee did not have sufficient had, the voluntary billboard bonus law. Mr. JACOBS. Mr. Speaker, I enjoyed
informati n on which to base sound con- Un er that law, the States which would
elusions? agrte tocontrol billboard advertising on the a thrilling privilege last Sunday.
Anwwe . The answer to this question is interstate System would be entitled to one- I stood near the President of the United
clearly, , o." half of 1 percent bonus on the amounts the States as he signed into law the Im-
The oblem of billboard and junkyard States receive for the Interstate System, migration Act recently passed by Con-
control as called to the attention of the It has been clearly demonstrated that this gress.
CongresL in the President's message on nat- law has been completely ineffective in ob- with other Members of Congress
Ural be uty many months ago in February taming a reasonable degree of control of bill- Along and interested Citizens, I watched this
1965. boards on the Interstate System, and there-
the 5peciflc proposals for billboard and fore it is obvious that this method should historic ceremony which fulfilled, be-
junkyard control were transmitted to the not be continued and there is absolutely neath the shadow of the Statue of Lib-
Cgngreis for consideration last May. no point in trying to apply it to the primary erty, an important part of the American
1 c then, the Subcommittee of the system. dream.
"House Public Works Committee has held During these 7 years, only 25 States have The President's signature marked one
to control
d into a
of the finest accomplishments of the ad-
extensive. hearings and has heard many wit= finally, en
nesses representing all points of view. billboard advertising along the Interstate ministration during this year.
The record of hearings before the Sub- System,
committee on Roads consists of 500 printed . Since 1958, only approximately s500,000 It signaled the reform of our immi-
pages. In bonus payments have been made for con- gration laws by abolishing the discriln-
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
n1atory national ,Qx g ns_systems in favor . The conclusion is plain. The new im- a German-!' merican regiment of body-
of ,a Sys em ,.9f , sele ioz~, designed to re- - migration law is a long overdue reform guards lead by Maj. Bartholomaeus von
unite, 9441111es and ad,- it persons with that will reunite families. It will restore Heer. Behind the valiant German sol-
speCial slcllls_R?whf ,vriil be-, of positive our reputation for judging people on diers fight;ng for our freedom were their
b~ni fit ouaC.cp~}nt personal merit and not by where they wives and sweethearts. Among the more
Under ilia 1}atlQna origins system, the come from. And, it will generally famous were Molly Pitcher and Emily
a x of, a.person _to this country strengthen us as a nation. Guyer. These women carried valuable
a5oa,u}ttrrugrant depended far more American dispatches
qn through British
tkle r~crl nt" of _wh,Ue he kyaS ,born
lines. This type of valor contributed
than poet,ones.. aAii~ty to contribute to our GERMAN AMERICAN DAY greatly toward our independence.
y, or on his relationship to a family (Mr. HANLEY (at the request of Mr. It was the Germans who helped pre-
inA is country. BINGHAM) was granted permission to ex- serve President Abraham Lincoln's ideas
a 'rest
4t, persons with no special tend his remarks at this point in the of unity. One of the more prominent
talents offer and. connec- RECORD and to include extraneous figures was a Wisconsin lawyer, Carl
#ions here, lvel e ofd ?favored for., ad- matter.) Schurz, who attacked the Fugitive Slave
ill sign ?preferencc,to,those with high Mr. HANLEY. Mr. Speaker, after 21/2 Law. Mr. Schurz later was named the
at t % ents ,pr close family ties, months of traversing the Atlantic Ocean, Secretary of the Interior-1877-1881. He
lxistance, an American citizen could the ship Concord arrived near Philadel- was one of the first of the many to try
1mi5ort a 'ho}tsemaid from northern Eu- phia, Pa., on October 6, 1683. Thirteen to enact laws to protect our forests and
Tope more easily than he could bring his German-Quaker families wearily de- woodlands. Among his other accom-
Odt~11 Yflo I er ere, if she had been born barked and looked out over the land plishments was his application of Civil
In southern or eastern Europe. which offered them a new life of freedom. Service reforms in his department.
The salne,giWgtion confronted . an Under the leadership of Franz Daniel Among his principles were: no removals
American hgspital with an urgent need Pastorius, these first German families except for cause; if force should be re-
fm a, pned4cal specialist who was born-in established the primary permanent set- duced, least competent would go first;
a low-quota country. tlement of an entirely German group in no promot'ons were to made except for
esides being discriminatory, morally the New World. Thus, October 6, 1683, merit; if there were no vacancies, no rec-
wrong,, and fiurtfui 0 our own people, marked the beginning of an exciting ommendations for office would be enter-
the nationalwOrigins system was harm- German history in America. tafned. He also established a board: of
ful in our foreign relations and out of Five years after the arrival of the Con- inquiry.
harmony with the best in American tra- cord, the settlers of Germantown, Pa., Another lawyer, William Wirt, became
ditiolls.. drew up the first protest ever voiced the
- Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Ken- against Negro slavery in America. This Aaron Burr. Wirt's spe he has im-
'nedy, and Johnson had all urged that it protest was authored by Franc Pastorius, portant rank in American oratorical lit-
be chan8ed. , , after thorough a noted German scholar and linguist, and
This year, erature.
study and song hearings, Congress finally signed by three townsmen.
did so. As we mark the 282d anniversary of State The Senator political profile of the New York
In place of the national origins system, the arrival of the German sector of our an ortant Otto er Foelker oal his-
..the new law establishes a. system of se- society, it is appropriate to elaborate on imSenato chapter was mem of
lectlon which will be. fairer, more ra- a few of the numerous contributions the the Senator StPoelker ate Senate was a member: e
tional, more humane, and more in the made to America by these first German New York o rs gueat the time
national interest. families and subsequent German settlers when the controversial question of race-
Uncgr the."]dew, .law, selection of quali- and their progeny. track gambling was being discussed. The
'fled applicants will, be based on six pref- German contributions began long be- legislature was equally divided on this
ercli categories which reflect family fore the Concord reached Philadelphia. issue. However, when it was finally
,ties,and personal skills, In 1507, Martin Waldseemuller suggested al ill, demanded ate,that Senator he be Foelker, edit o
For immigrants within the same pref- in his book "Cosmographiae Introductio," tly , carried e-
erenGe pategory, the rule will be first that the New World be called America. the senate floor to vote against race-
come, first served,,, Over 100 years later, America was a word track gambling. He cast his vote and the
'his; system ?of selection will apply to spoken in many countries by persons de- bill pros o Ring gambling, was passed
,a.'Il iinn~,igration that was formerly sub- sirous of an opportunity to begin their by a vote of 26-25.
Sect to natfpnal,quotas, Such immigra- lives in the atmosphere of freedom. Germans were the first nationality
atpn will >#e fixed at 170.000 a year, with These persons had a spirit of adven- group to vote independently of party.
a furtl}er limit .of 20,000 for any one ture-the adventure of liberty. Peter Zetical fnewspa the in first in depend .
country. These contributions began when the Germans tial were newspaper New
ImmigratiorJ . from.,- Western Hemi- first Germans debarked upon our shores temperance. a the . They y per
sonal sphere countries will besp.bject to a sep- and have continued to the present day. also layed and temperance, They hour
Berate limitation of 120,000 a year begin- They have been made in every area Of also played an important role in our
ping in 1968. human endeavor, educational system. Two significant
me new law makes no basic changes Jacob Leisler, an early Governor of New contributions are kindergarten and the
'in the . safeguards of our immigration York, called together the first Congress should, of the idea that subjects
-laws against subversive, criminal, illit- on American soil, He was convinced relate be taught subjects such a way as to
crate, or other undesirable immigrants. that New York and the colonies were relate to other the student is
however, in line with the objective of threatened with an invasion by the learning,
,reuniting families, certain close relatives French and Indians. Thus on May 1,sprinkle rinkled of throughout Germuour orihi his have been
who were absolutely excluded because of 1690, he called the Congress consisting science,
In the
mental 'retardation or. a past history of of the Governors of Massachusetts, Einstein, ofstein, Albert Albert A. names i Michelson, Daon, Daia Albert
mental illness, can be allowed to join Plymouth, East and West Jersey, Penn- n Van
their families if such afflicted persons are sylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. This Braun, H. E. Muhlenberg, Werner Van
11gt dangerous ,and if proper guarantees gathering was the progenitor of the Con- Braun, and John A. include ng. Familiar
are given for their future care, tinental Congress and later the Congress names in the arts include George Ben-ngs include
Woma ; The,new law,will.not open the gates to as it is known today. With LuBlack ks, pCat, "Boy With t the Gui-
unlimited or excessive immigration. It While the colonists in the West were tar," a "The Old Bus er"; the nel
will not change the "public charge" test fighting Indians and the colonists in " The Old Bus Drive""; Emanuel
which excludes immigrants who are can- Pennsylvania were teaching the Indians Crossi pane Deselaware," include are," ' and "Westward
didates for the welfare rolls, the highest ideals of Christianity, Dr. the h e C u she Delaware,"
And the safeguards against immi- Hans Kierstedt opened his practice of pane of Empire Takes its lion's
grants who might diminish the job op- medicine in New York. which panels the staircase of our Nation's
portunities of Amerjcan workers have During the American Revolution, Christl;Child." Gottlr be Graupner is
been considerably strengthened. George Washington depended dorms
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
App.rave"d 1pr'Release 2004/01/16 GIA-RDP67B00446R0001000400:01-6'
October 6, 1965 Approved Fj% ffl9lA( 1/ I DP 468000100040001-6 25M
bflltural development than Pulaski's will be assigned strictly on a system of Governors and -mayors, my fellow country-
Polish kinsmen. For that reason, Mr. Preferences based upon relationship to men, we have called the Congress here this
speaker, America can appropriately use U.S: citizens and lawfully resident aliens, afternoon not only to mark a very historic
- - .,..,,?.- ----, -- ""- is in dispute, That issue is, to what congres-
Casimir Pulaski to _-
pay well 4rv
. - ti of prospective immigrant to perform sional district does Liberty island really i,P_
frihntn fn f'hnen ,.f Uni4 , h:,.+~. .7...
who, generation after gen ? -- . _hinea_ch.. , ,,, ,~category, ..,, ~ man GALLAGHER? - ogressman It will be FARBSTEIN or, at a States: preference settled by whomCongress-
done so much in behalf of u Wit the rule will be first-come, first-served. ever of the two can walk first to the top of
a we s
gn today Is not a rev-
sas in any single year. all ref- --- b? ,,
__ _ - ___ erences to race or national origin are ro_ olutionary bill. It does not affect the lives
_ ..? ...
e effective of our daily lives, or really add importantly
CRIMINATION FROM AMERICAN date of this law, the United States again to either our wealth or our power.
LIFE demonstrates t0 the world its firm con- .. Yet it is still one of the most important
CONYEI (fit the, request of'Mr. Fiction that there shall be no discrimina- acts of this Congress and of this adminis-
BINGHAM) was granted permission to ex- tion or prejudice in this country, that tration.
tend his remarks, at this point in the persons shall be judged upon the basis For it does repair a very deep and painful
of their individual merit, and that flaw in the fabric of American justice. It
RECORn and to; include extraneous mat- liberty, equality, and freedom can be corrects a cruel and enduring wrong in the
ter.) enduring realities in this country. conduct of the American Nation.
Mr. CONYERS. Mr..Speaker, after Speaker MCCORMACx and Congressman
more than 40, year For the first time in the history of the CELLER more than almost 40
r s of discrimination .. years ago first
and hardships, there has ,,hnally been United States, there has been incorpo- pointed that out in their maiden speeches in
erased from the statute books of the rated in the permanent immigration law the Congress. And this measure that we will
U;lited States the notorious-and to a specific provision for assignment of a sign today will really make us truer to our-
some people, the infamous ,national or- number of visas to refugees, on a pref- selves both as a country and as a people.
It will strengthen us in a hundred unseen
igins quota system. During all of that erence basis. This again establishes our ways.
time, admissibility to the United States historic policy of granting refuge to those I have come here to thank personally each
was determined.not merely on a basis of who have been forced to flee from their member of the Congress who labored so long
personal quality and acceptability of the homelands because of persecution or and so valiantly to make this occasion come
prospective immigrant, but, more im- natural calamity. true today, and to make this bill a reality.
portant, upon the basis of the particular The new immigration law provides I cannot mention all their names for it would
courltry where he was born. _ Because of that commencing July 1, 1968, there shall that that much this too long, Nation but belong mg go the tithee and
s t to 899th
the quota system, which made visas be a ceiling of 120,000 annually on West- Congress.
available subject to, a numerical limita- ern Hemisphere Immigration. Of course, We are indebted, too, to the vision of the
tion according to the national origin of that number is exclusive of the immedi- late beloved President John Fitzgerald Ken-
our 1920 population, three countries had ate family members of U.S. citizens- nedy, and to the support given to this meas-
more than two-thirds Of the total num- meaning their spouses, parents, and chil- ure by the then Attorney General, and now
ber of visas, while all the other countries dren, who are not subject to the numeri- Senator, ROBERT F. KENNEDY.
of the world, numbering more than 100, cal limitation. As a precautionary mess- In the final days of consideration, this bill
had no more able champion than the present
shared the balance. ure, the law provides for a Commission Attorney General, Nicholas Katzenbach, who,
Naturally, this led to hardship for to study the entire matter of immigra- with New York's EMANUEL CELLER, and Sen-
many of our own citizens and resident tion from the Western Hemisphere and ator TED KENNEDY of Massachusetts, and
aliens who were deprived of the privilege to submit a report prior to the effective Congressman FEIGHAN Of Ohio, and Senator
of bringing to this country their loved date of the ceiling so that Congress can MANSFIELD and Senator DIRKSEN constituting
ones. Similarly, prospective employers take appropriate steps, if necessary, to the leadership in the Senate, and Senator
in this country were deprived of the op- revise the new system. JAvITS helped to guide this bill to passage
portunity of bringing here specially It should be borne in mind that even along with the help of the Members sitting
in front of me today.
skilled and trained persons whose serv- with this new numerical limitation, the This bill says simply that from this day
-ices were Urgently needed, but who were United States is giving more favorable forth those wishing to immigrate to Amer-
unable to obtain an immigrant visa be- treatment to its traditional friends in ica shall be admitted on the basis of their
cause the quota of their native country the Western Hemisphere than immi- skills and their close relationship to those
was oversubscribed. grants coming from elsewhere in the already here.
The national origins system produced world. The Western Hemisphere is re- This Is a simple test, and it is a fair test-
Those s Those who can contribute most to this coun-
ridiculous situations. For example, a ceiving a total of 120,000 numbers as try-to its growth, to its strength, ' to its
person in the United States was able to compared with 170,000 to the rest of the spirit-will be the first that are admitted to
bring to this country a domestic servant world. The numerical limitation of 20,- this land.
from Great Britain, but was unable to 000 per country does not apply to coun- The fairness of this standard is so self
obtain the entry of his aged mother from tries of the Western Hemisphere. evident that we may well wonder that it has
Greece, because the Greek quota was The new system of assignment of im- not always been applied. Yet the fact is
oversubscribed while the British quota migration visas to the Western Hemis- that for over four decades the immigration
had ample visas available to all who policy the United
States padre nations is basically consistent with and has s been en distorted bby the has been twisted
harsh injustice
sought them. U.S. immigration policy in relation to of the national origins quota system.
Under the new law which was enacted other foreign countries, and is designed Under that system the ability of new im-
October 3, the present quota system will to meet the needs and interests of the migrants to come to America depended upon
be totally abolished effective .July 1, 1968. United States, the country of their birth. Only three coun-
tries were allowed to supply 70 percent of all
Until that time, and thereafter; there Thus, the new immigration law, by the immigrants.
Will be a worldwide limitation of 170,000 abolishing discrimination, preserving our Families were kept apart because a hus-
upon immigration from the Eastern traditional friendship for the Western band or a wife or a child had been born in
Hemisphere. Until then, countries will Hemisphere and our policy toward refu- the wrong place.
continue to be entitled to the number of gees, and continuing the many safe- Men of needed skill and talent were denied
visas authorized under the existing quota guards of present law against unde- entrance because they came from southern
system. But leftover visas, remaining sirable or excessive immigration, will ineastern Europe or from one of the develop-
g continents.
unused because there is no demand in strengthen our Nation. This system violated the basic principle
certain countries, are to be assigned to a Mr. Speaker, I include President John- of American democracy-the principle that
pool to be distributed to immigrants son's remarks when he signed the immi- values and rewards each man on the basis
from those countries whose quotas are gration bill at this point: of his merit as a man.
oversubscribed. It has been un-American in the highest
REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT AT THE sense because it has been untrue to the faith
On July 1, 1968, the new system of dis- SIGNING OF THE IMMIGRATION BILL that brought thousands to these shores even
tribution of immigrant, visas to persons Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Am- before we were a country.
-r from Eastern Hemisphere countries will bassador Goldberg, distinguished members of Today, with my signature, this system is
be completely effective. Immigrant visas the leadership of the Congress, distinguished abolished.
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Approved For Relg N. E S Ai R.ECQ B00 $ l U100040001 c obey 6, 1165
& can n ieiieve at i wil never a n a on an expansion
~~ Sic mate to the 7imerican Nation work. Their help is needed in the reception cated, is ion a in task a demanding unour sel shthoughtful
ew`fn artists o3 prejudice and privi- and settlement of those who choose to leave cooper at
N ?~ Cuba. The Federal Government will work service.
as been said andh
in their tasks of
uT,heautiful America was built by a na- closely with t
dir ly euion?b Ba a hundred different charity and brotherhood.
places or r1t0:`'he E'ave pt7iiiBH forth into I want all the people of this great land rollment in this country. Of course this
but should
ar3 j t ian8 joining slid blending in one ours un to know of which the the really assionateo citizens frighten norbdeter us. Rapid growth isi one
n Irresistible tide. trib alth
4i and
can of pule popmost ulation, rossactationa aproduct,,P heAm neither
be land, flourished because it was fed of Florida have made to humanity and to pop er-
frplti so1n ceg` because-it was pour- decency. And all States in this Union ca
is hF so i a iy ctIltiti` and traditions and join with Florida now in extending the hand scan life-it is reflected in statistics on our
peoples of helpfulness and humanity to our Cuban services, research, and so forth. With this
growth has come an increasing complexity in
Ale from this experience, almost America's brThe le. making our lives and in making our livings.
in. he history of nations, has come Amers The lesson of our times sharp and clear In oe respect, this complexity simply
attiude` toward the rest or the world. We, in this movement of people from one land means that a college education today has the
because of at we are, feel safer and strong- to another. Once again, it stamps the mark sort of value that was attributed to a Thigh
er, in a orld. as 'Varied. as the people who of failure on a regime when many of its citi- generation ago.
ii lie, it up-a. 'W rid where' no country rules tens voluntarily choose to leave the land of school But in education a another, more in ag. sense,
another aiid `all countries can deal with the their birth for a more hopeful home its which perhaps defines the Federal tens -
baslc pro' iems`of human dignity and deal America. The future holds little hope for ment's interests and responsibilities in edu-
those probTema in their own way. any government where the present holds no cation, this complexity reflects the enormous
*''jrpw, under"the monument which has wel- hope for the people.
and accelerating economic and social growth
Cos rded so urns ttothe nest the American And g so we Americans will welcome these o td miatio is ins pro few d ade
Cuban people. For the tides of history run of this Nation in the past few decades -our 1Jatay. returns to the finest of its traditions College education, as a luxury of a privi-
oday to their and in homeland day, they it cle n s ed ux'n g y ppriate n we
The days of unlimited Immigration are homeland to find it cleansed of are dealing, as we must deal, with the funda-
past. terror and free`ironi fear. mental human rights and welfare of ail our
Huh dose who , come will come because my shoulder here you can see Ellis people. At no time In our history has this
I what tf~e are ey not because of the he Island, whose vacant corridors echo today country required more of its people to under-
Teri ixom a lea they settlers the joyous sounds of long-ago voices. stand the democratic process, to comprehend
the earliest settlers poured into -fts a wild continentthey"e And today we can all believe that the lamp the issues on our national agenda, to help
rib Otis to ask
them where they cameProm. The only ques- of this grand old lady is brighter today-and develop reasonable, compassionate laws and
tlgn was Were they sturdy enough to make the golden door that she guards gleams more programs.
"die journey, `were they strong enough to clear brilliantly in the light of an increased lib- In his special message to Congress on edu-
theland, 'wete the y enduring enough to make erty for the people from all the countries of cation, in 1963, President Kennedy said:
the lobe. "For the individual, the doors to the
a home for freedom, and were they brave g schoolhouse, to the library and to the col-
to to die for liberty if it became great metes- Thank you very much. legs lead to the richest treasures of our, open
s Ad to -go flo it has been through all the eat society: to the power of knowledge--o the
arid testing g moments of American history. SPEECH BY REPRESENTATIVE FO- training and skills necessary for prod ctive
ls, and
This year we see in Vietnam men dying- GARTY BEFORE THE WORKSHOP eemm cultureployment-to which the enrich wisdom, t the he. idedea to the
nien`na Mariano and Zajac and Zelinko AT TRINITY COLLEGE, WASHING- creative, self-disciplined understanding of
and Mariano and y fliO iil
':(either the le society needed for good citizenship in to-
en them nor the TON, D.C.
ernj9 VMo killed
people whose independence they have fought day's changing and challenging world.'
(Mr. FOGARTY (at the request of Mr.
"For the Nation, increasing the quality
to saps ever asked them where they or their BINGHAM) was granted permission to ex- and availability of education is vital to both
'Parents came from 'They were- all Ameri-
our national security and domestic well-
" it was for freemen and for America tend his remarks at this point in the
that the+ gave their"atl, they gave their lives RECORD and to include extraneous being."
grid $eves. matter.) Education must be one of our primary na-
$y'ellmtnating that same question as a test Mr. FOGARTY. Mr. Speaker, under tional goals-perhaps I should say the pri-
;O imailggrration the Congress proves our- leave to extend my remarks, I would like mary nationalgoal because nothing matters
#e Vol; shy of those men and worthy of our include a speech Which I delivered more to the future of our country.
Higher education has become a prerequi-
own'traditions as a'fta"tion. the workshop at Trinity College,
So ii is in that spirit that I declare this before dual's
afternot5n to the people of Cuba that those Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, July sitpoe en to the a fulfillsocietym,ent nt of to the the indivndividuing In and
who seek refuge here in America will And it. 14, 1965: strength and leadership of this country. The
The dedication of America to our traditions PROPPING OPEN THE COLLEGE GATES magnitude of this was spelled out by the
as an asylum for the oppressed is going to (By the Honorable JOHN E. FOGASTY) American Council on Education testifying in
be upheld. I am delighted to be here this' morning favor Of the Higher Education Facilities Act
I have directed the Departments of State and I am honored to have been invited to of 1963. By 1980, the Council said.., every
anti uatiice and Iealth; Education, and Wel- participate in this workshop. The scope and existing college and university in this coun-
fare to immedlauely 'make all the necessary breadth of the topics that you have set your- try will have to double its enrollment-and
arrangements to permit those in Cuba who selves for discussion is certainly impressive. 1,000 new institutions will have to be cre-
seek freedom to make an orderly entry into It is most encouraging to those of us who ated with an average enrollment of 2,500
,the United States of America. are called upon to consider what the Federal each.
our first con lerif Will be With those role In support of higher education should This assignment for education is enormous.
Cuban. who have been separated from be-and how this role should properly be in less than 15 years we shall have to more
their children and their parents and their played-to see a group such as this giving than double what it has taken morn than
husbands and their wives that are now in serious and concentrated thought to the role 300 years to build. I, for one, do not doubt
this country. Our net concern is with of women's colleges in broadening the spirit- that we can do this. In fact, we can do what
those who are Imprisoned for political rea- life of the tom- needs to be done in many ways-we can do
ual, intellectual, and civic lsons. munity' " " "' it haphazardly, chaotically, frantically, or
And I will send to the Congress tomorrow Both these roles-that`ofthe Federal Gov- with a good deal of deliberate tho' ght to
a request for supplementary funds of $12,- ernment and that of the smaller colleges- planning and proper organization.
600,000 to carry forth the commitment that are in a period of change. The impact of The expanding demand for college educa-
tion generates a corresponding need i or ax-
s colleges is there-
-I am making today. Politics on Catholic womeI aim asking the Department 'of State to fore not just an interesting topic for a series panded facilities. Most of our educational
seek through the Swiss Dovetliment imme- of discussion; it is a vital issue in which you, institutions are working energetically to
dlatel the agreement of the Cuban Gov- as educators, and I, as a legislator, must be meet this need. Indeed, many of our small-
w tth t In a request to the president of the equally concerned. I am, of course, speak- er colleges welcome this task as a'challenge
"Atonal lied Cross Committee. The ing of politics not in its abstract sense as and as an opportunity for growth. This is
request is for the assistance of the Com- "the science and art of government." nor in natural-and it is healthy, provided the
Snttee in processing the movement of refu- its earthier partisan sense, but in the sense growth is carefully geared to the pattern of
gees from Cuba to Miami. Miami will serve of Webster's second definition: "the practice emerging needs.
as a sort of entry and temporary stopping of managing affairs of public policy." Higher We hear a great deal these days about the
place for refugees as they settle in other education has become a prime problem of need for more centers of excellence. Certain-
parts of this country. public policy. The solution of this problem ly, every educational institution must strive
And to all the voluntary agencies in the in the best interest of the Nation, of the to be a center of excellence-but does this
United States, I appeal for their continu- educational institutions and, above all, in mean that all these institutions should strive
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 :CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
October' 7, 1965, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENbIX A5661,
as a rather more' Important sort of trouble,
especially as the Vietcong fortress areas are
in, the plain only inhabited by the Vietcong,
(By Holmes Alexander)
WASHINGTON, D.-.The 89th Congress last
week earns a footnote in histor by writing
birth control into both gi,r foreign and do-
mestic policies. Then it went itself one bet-'
ter by preventing a poiilation explosion
which could have added another municipality
to the 18,000 which` already' exist as the
brawling, unkept, and `unruly problem chil-
dren of the Nation.. The astonishing 89th
sidetracked the administration bill for home
rule in the District of Columbia. It su1
stituted a bill that called for referendum
and would postpone the evil day for at least
a year and maybe more=provided, of course,
that the old pro in the White' house doesn't
pitch himself out of this defeat"in 'the final
innings of the session.
Listening last week to the house debate on
home rule, the reporter heard every argu-
melit except. the one thatt mattered: for
heaven's sake, leave well enough alone.
The bill's proponents yapped about taxa-
tion without representation. But we all pay
the Federal taxes which support tile' nation's
city, as well as the-Nation's many other in-
stitutions. And we residents ' ofthe Nation's
only city did vote in 1964 for the national
offices of President and Vice President.
The bill's opponents yapped about any-
thing that would postpone the final vote.
They could hardly be blamed. They were
desperate in the teoth 6f a demagogic tor-
nado. . This is a city without industry, ex
cept for Government, and without roots. It
is a city from which crime and undesirable
imliigratign are driving out such private
financial capital as there is. The` new tele-
phone directory shows an exodus of phone
using persons and enterprises. The stock of
the Potomac Electric & Power Co. is on the
The anticipated home rule is'the reason
for the flight. The reality of home rule Is
expected to turn flight into rout. But Con-
gress Insisted upon becoming the legislative
midwife to the most unwanted child of the
As if to document the fatuity of the House
action, th11 ail last week brought materials
from L_os Angeles and New 'ork,'both in the
throes of municipal anguish.
.Poor Sam Yorty. The mayor of Los An-
geles was writing to newsmen and columnists
about. a wolf that had come down on his
fold. The Poverty Corps-the'tT.S. Office of
Economic Opportunity-was turning his
slums. Into a "huge pork barrel," not for the
city's poor but for the poor's. Federal pro-
tectors. A charter of "municipality is no im-
munity from the fix-its of Pederalia. Here
in Washington we -will build a"city hall that
will. become, another province for the czar-
ists of the, welfare state to ,plunder.
,,From Manhattan came a new book, "A City
Destroying Itself" by Richard Whalen, au-
thor of the Ambassador Joe Kennedy biog-
raphy; "A Founding Father Whalen tells
of the built-incapacity for self-destruction
that exists in cities. Washington and New
York?are. much alike. The two towns. hold
enormous concentrations of human skills.
They are filled with monuments and collet-
ttons.of_ knowledge that attest to the great-
ness of , Va' ica, and of Western civilization,
But, alas, are even the best of cities self
governable? Do the power and `magnetism
of :the few civic grandees crush the, more
humble human spirit of themany'+4 tsythere
In a city no neighborly. comradeship .tha at
tempers the wind of the unshorn lambs?
;In Washington this protection has been
supplied by Congress to an extent that no
city hall seems. able to do. In Gotham, as
Whalen writes:
"The New Yorker of humble talents and,
ambitions derives no, benefit from living in
the World's greatest city, but instead pays
more or less each year."
These are the forces which this author
finds to be destroying the cities: the venality
and apathy of local politics; the cold uncon-
cern of the financial and social rulers for the
It's a cruel, unsympathetic world into
which to bring an infant municipality-and
this was almost done by a Congress which
has been preaching birth control.
[From the Chicago (I11.) Tribune, Sept. 30,
Marine Cpl. Edwin J. Falloon, 20, firmly
believed communism must be halted at any
cost. He gave his life at Phu Bai in South
Vietnam fighting for that belief.
"He was very concerned about the situ-
ation over there and he wanted to do any-
thing that could be done about it," his
father, Dr. Edwin L. Falloon, 9543 ' Central
Park Avenue, Evergreen Park, said yesterday.
"He was due to be coming out of Vietnam
and was the next on. the list to leave."
Corporal Falloon was graduated from
Brother Rice High School in 1963 and shortly
thereafter joined the Marine Corps. He was
a member of the 3d Marine Amphibious
Group that was sent to South Vietnam in
"In all his letters he wrote of the plight
of the people of South Vietnam," Dr. Falloon
said. "He tried to pretend that he wasn't
in any danger, but we knew he was."
Dr. and Mrs. Falloon have three other sons
and four daughters. They are Robert, 13;
Tom, 6; Jim, 4; Marilyn, 16; Jeanne, 14;
Marguarite, 10; and Patricia, 9.
The family received notice of Corporal
Falloon's death from the Defense Depart-
ment on Tuesday.
The Defense Department yesterday identi-
fied two other servicemen who were killed in
action in Vietnam. They were Navy Lt.
Comdr. Carl J. Woods of Lemoore, Calif., and
Army Lt; James P. Kelly of Hatboro, Pa.
Listed as missing in action was Air Force
Capt. George R. Hall, whose hometown was
Immigration Bill Confer
-Thursday, September 30, 1965
Mr. PHILBIN. Mr. Speaker, I am in
support of the conference report on the
immigration bill which is now under
Consideration by the House.
I think this bill. is long overdue. Over
a, ng period of time now',"I have-'been
filing and pressing a major immigration
bjJ.Ldesjgned to remedy some of the prob-
lems that this bill deals with.
It is a bill which would allocate and
transfer some unused quota numbers
from some nations to other nations
having, oversubscribed quotas. It had
the support of three Presidents and
many groups and people.
My bill was designed, just as the cur-
rent bill is, to reunite families and ex-
pedite the admission to the United States
of the loved ones of American citizens,
who have served this Nation faithfully
and well, etstablished themselves here
and brought up their children here, and
who have as good loyal citizens contrib-
uted greatly, in war and peace, to the
security, well-being and prosperity of our
Naturally I am gratified that the prin-
ciples of immigration law which I have
striven for so long in this body have
finally been written into this great hu-
man charter of immigration which we
are considering today.
It was back in April 1953 that I first
sponsored legislation to redistribute un-
used immigration quotas, which averaged
about 60,000 yearly then. I did this in
an effort to help correct the inequities in
the immigration, laws which discrimi-
nated against such countries as Italy
and Greece in the allocation of immigra-
tion quotas.
I was ,prompted then, as I am now in
my support of the bill now before the
House, to help unite families here with
their loved ones remaining overseas. I
was convinced then, and I am convinced
now more than ever, that liberalization
of the immigration laws is a matter of
simple justice and I am glad that this
House is finally acting to revise the na-
tional origins clause so as to help thou-
sands of worthy American citizens with
close relatives caught in the web of dis-
criminatory quotas who have been wait-
ing for many years for the chance to
come to this country.
As is the case in the bill now before
the House, my bill was drafted in such
a way that no increase in the overall
quota totals is required. My bill merely
redistributes the unused quotas with the
added provision that those countries
benefiting from the unused quota system
would repay, whenever necessary, over
a 5-year period, the countries from which
additional quota numbers have been re-
ceived. This would help such nations
as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Armenia,
Albania, and other countries behind the
Iron Curtain whenever freedom is re-
stored to these unhappy lands.
However, I want to make it clear that
I oppose the concessions made in the
conference to the other body by writing
into this bill a ceiling on immigration for
our neighbors of the American hemi-
sphere. To my mind, this is a step back-
ward, and I am fearful that it will cause
a great deal of misunderstanding on the
part of our neighbors.
It is true that these neighbors will still
receive 40 percent of the total quotas
provided by the bill, but nevertheless, for
the first time in history quota restric-
tions are imposed upon them, and I think
this is most unfortunate and most
How the formula designed to admit
people on the basis of their skills, talent,
ability, and so forth, will work out is
problematical, and depends upon the
way the law is administered.
While scholarship, talents, and ability
always have their place and, contribute
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l e should is rlQq the .fact
as our own national experience so
ale r veal, l, lowly, from
m e, fro t }e ttnnschoq. lp4, and
sllee anc o ten from those wl}o for
lQ have een cieied, opportunities,
t at of tile,gre,at leaders hip and
most oyal followersip of this Nation
bas emerged.
This Nation needs hewers of wood and
drawers of water who can furnish the
sinews for our economy and for our way
of life, d for theigvetoplnent of our
family ructure, from which so many
leaders have prung, and so many strong,
loyal people" have come to defend the
country in lime of need, to .operate its
fac rigs its transportation systems, its
t - ,4,,'ans d9,, the wgrk, that has to be
done in any great economic system like
hope and urge that the administra-
tors of the immigration bill will have this
factor mind and vjill not close the
ct6dr'5to the wor y.,.the'industrious, to.
the '1ones t eager, it ordinary, citizens
who want to collie t0 lls eguntry as
Mahy'of our forebe rs di to seek the op-
portunities of its irreedori and J y their
devotion, loyalty, and- labor lift them
selves up and-lift their families up to
g .to enact this. bill and I trust. It Will has gone far afield from its copsttutopal
prove Worthy Of Our confidence, role of Interpreting the law. It has demon-
Washington, D.C., August 12, 1965.
Member of Congress, House of Representa-
tives, Washington, D.C.
DEAR COLLEAGUE: I have your letter of July
15, concerning H.R. 2078 to amend section
201 of the Immigration and Nationality Act,
strated its power to make law as well.
Unless this trend Is reversed-and soon-
Congress will become a meaningless debating
society,. It the President will allow it the
privilege of debate, that is,
The present Congress shown no signs of
having either the willingness or the ability
to pull itself and the Nation back from the
brink of presidential dictatorship. Perhaps
the next Congress will, It will only if the
used in any year shall be available to people of the United States_ have the- gpod
immigrants in oversubscribed areas in the sense to elect Individual Cogressmen who
following year, and for other purposes. Your
bill would provide for the redistribution of
unused quota numbers over 5 fiscal years
ending' June 30, 1971.
The new immigration bill, as amended by
my subcommittee and approved by the full
Coingiittee,on the Judiciary provides for the
redistribution of the unused quota numbers
during the next 3 fiscal years and thereafter
eliminates the national origins quota system.
In addition, your billrepeals section207 of
the Immigration and Nationality Act, which
is also repealed by H.R. 2580 as amended.
I am enclosing a copy of the report on that
With kind regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
stren t;hen the filer arid, the leadership Needed:
of the country.
llerg i~sa great place for the geniuses,
the supertalented and the well to do.
But they alone will not suffice. Wemust
also, to the extent we can, be a havefor
'the, worthy poor, the unprivileged', , the
disadvantaged, those of the strength,
will, and determination--,to make their
way, those willing to work their way up,,
those who wi i be loyal to American in-
&titution s, a credit and asset to, the
event, ltlr Speaker, I think the
et~Iflrittg 41- the whole lias done well
f-r o and presen this bill
d, V
k. it wll Ile helpful, to, our
'foreign' relations and hope it will be
Helpful in other ways "as,well: to. our.
#riends' anti neighbors who can be re-.
tmfted qwi their .deer ones, to our econ-
om to meet someof its needs, and tp our
great Government and our local com-
mlinities tcl whom fresh,young vigorous
may, as in the past, bring new,
strength, new ideas of shaping our, free
Institutions along sound free, construc-
tive lilies, designed tocope with and con
goer the problems of the space ale;
I &sk unanimous consent to revise and
extend m remarks and include therein.
as part of my remarks a very fine letter
from the highly dedicated,, able and dis-
tinguished chairman of the subcommit
tee which heard, and ,reported this, leg-
islation, my beloved and esteemed friend,
Chairman MICHAEL A. ,FLIGn4w, which
makes it clear that the new immigration,
bill as amended by the subcommittee
acid apprgved ,by the full committee un-
der the able leadership of the distin-
guished, gentleman from N,ew York lMr.
Cr{LLER1; provides for the redistribution
of, the unused quota numbers and there-
after eliminates the national o;igin
cYll0ta sy
stem and repeals section 207.,of
the Immigration and Natfonality Act, all
Of Which were primary objectives of my
oxriglna bill. It has" been a long strug-
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A U.S. Congress With Ability
To Say "No"
, Or
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Mr. WATSON., Mr. Speaker, the
Greenville Piedmont, in an editorial of
September? 27, 1965, has made some
timely observations on the surrender of
congressional power and authority to
the executive and judicial branches. I
hope that everyone of my colleagues will
read this editorial and take its message
to heart. The editorial follows:
To SAY "No"
The American Enterprise institute has put
its finger on a major threat to liberty in the
United States. In a report on the present
tole of Congress, the institute concludes
that the general public is guilty of creating
"a veritable threat of dictatorship" by plac-
ing both the office and the person of the
President on an exalted pedestal.
This conclusion stems from a basic fact
about human nature: If you give a man a
job and unlimited resources to accomplish
it, he will expand his job into areas of more
-The expansion of the presidency into areas
formerly held by the Congress Is exactly
what has been happening in the United
States for decades. It has been happening
because the general public has failed to
elect Congressmen who would insist upon
maintaining the traditional system of checks
and' balances In the National Government.
As a result the present Congress has be-
come but a puppet of the President-and
the present President has no hesitancy about
pulling the strings.
Seldom if ever has congressional influence
been at such a low ebb. Not only has the
President stolen power from the Congress;
so, too, has the Supreme Court. The Court
possess the brains, stamina and Intestinal
fortitude to say "no" to both President and
Court-and make it stick.
Pope Paul's Appeal for Peace at the
United Nations; and the First Papal
Visit in History to America
Thursday,. October 7, 1965
Mr. GROVER. Mr. Speaker, only God
knows if' Pope Paul's sacrifice at his age
and his unprecedented appeal to the
United Nations today will result in a
serious and successful consideration $or
true peace by the world. I am sure my
colleagues will pray sincerely with His
Holiness for the peace that is so desired
by mankind and, to date, so elusive.
No matter the outcome, however,
there is no doubt that the United States
was blessed by the presence-the first
time in history-of the Vicar of Christ,
Peter's successor, on any American
shore. To those millions of Americaps
of his faith, this visit was indeed a bl0s-
ing. To those of other faiths, to whom
he extended his arms, it was both, a
courtesy and history.
The author of the prize-winning book,
"Love's Stigmata," and also author of
the famous poetical tribute to President
Kennedy called "Ask Not," which was
January 14, 1964, by the beloved friend
of all of us, former Senator Kenneth B.
Keating, of New York-this poet-friend
of mine, Miss Kay Magenheimer of
Babylon, N.Y., has written for her next
book the following poem an the Pope's
visit which she has given me permission
to quote. And I do so now because I be-
lieve it contains for history the essence
of our times and the significance of Pope
Paul's visit to the United Nations.
The author-poet asks that you bear
in mind that the word "devil" as used
in the poem is used not only in the re-
ligious sense but is also symbolic of all
the diabolical strictures and shocking ae-
tions against such a country as ours
which means so well and sacrifices so
many wonderful lives. and so much hard-
earned money to protect freedom here
and around the world.
A beautifully engrossed copy of this
poem was presented as a gift to His Holi-
ness during his visit. It follows:
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
October 5, 1965
their, `too, that discrimination against race
and color are disappearing from the American
scene and that it was the law which initi-
ated this rennaissanee of human rights. Yes,
tell them, if they care to listen, that the
supremacy of law in the affairs of men is
the triumphant climax of man's eternal
quest for human dignity and freedom. Re-
cite the record of those dark and terrible
moments of history when the common man
.could cry, in tragic truth, "right forever on
the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne,"
.but that now, with the law as our arbiter of
justice, we can believe, with reassuring hope,
the last two lines of that couplet:
behind the dim unknown
Standeth God within the shadpws
Mr. TNOU'YE. 'Mi. President, it is
especially fitting to say a few words
about one of this year's most significant
legislative accomplishments, the reform
of our immigration laws. We all have an
interest in this subject if only because,
in the phrase of President Kennedy, we
are all, except for the Indians, a nation
of immigrants or their descendants.
But for 40 years, and despite the urging
of four Presidents, our immigration laws
`contained the discriminatory national
origins formula, emphasizing birthplace
in choosing our immigrants rather than
personal merit or family ties.
The, results were grotesque. A much-
needed scientific or medical research
.specialist would be kept out because he
was born in a disfavored country, while
an unskilled laborer from northern
Europe would be welcomed. The laborer
would also be favored ahead of the
mother of an American citizen born in
the wrong place, who might have to wait
for years before her son could bring her
.. to join him. Such a system, which pre-
sumes that some people are inferior to
others solely because of their birthplace,
was intolerable on principle alone.
-Perhaps the single most discriminatory
'aspect of the law was the so-called
Asian-Pacific triangle provision. This
clause required persons of 50 percent or
more Asian ancestry to be assigned to
national riuotas not by their own place
of birth, but according to that of their
Asian forebears.
There was the case of a young South
American in the Republic of Colombia,
who was eligible and fully qualified to
come here. His wife was also a native
and a citizen of Colombia. But she was
the daughter of a Chinese father. As a
result, this young woman had to be con-
sidered half-Chinese and thus admis-
sible only under the quota for Chinese
persons of 105. This meant that if her
husband chose to come ahead to the
United States, he would have to wait for
his wife until the year 2048 if he did not
"become -a citizen. If he did become a
jtizen' however, he and his wife could
be retf fiiie'd in a mere 5 years.
To end the "injustice and the costs
which the national origins system need-
lessly inflicted, President Johnson last
January called on Congress, in a special
message, to pass the administration's
immigration reform bill and to do so
promptly.' The new law which he signed
on October 3, at the Statue of Liberty,
selects immigrants within an overall
limit of 170,000 on the basis not of birth-
place or ancestry but rather by a system
of preferences based on family relation-
ships to our people and special skills that
will be of real benefit to our country.
The new law means fairer, better selec-
tion of immigrants within the limits we
are willing to accept. The law does not
open the floodgates to an excessive
amount of immigration. Moreover, all
the present safeguards against subver-
sives, criminals, illiterates, potential pub-
retained. The safeguards against immi-
grants who might cause unemployment
are actually strengthened. The overall
result is an immigration law that is far
more just, humane, and beneficial to the
Mr. JACKSON. Mr. President, on
September 14, 1965, President Johnson
submitted to Congress the 14th semian-
nual report of the Office of Minerals Ex-
ploration of the Department of the
Interior for the period ending June 30,
1965. The report is available to the
public on request to the Department. It
shows the achievements and program of
the Office of Minerals Exploration for
that period.
I ask unanimous consent that Presi-
dent Johnson's letter accompanying the
report and an excerpt from the report
explaining the program be printed in the
The letter was addressed to the Presi-
dent of the Senate.
There being no objection, the Presi-
dents' letter was ordered to be printed in
the RECORD, as follows:
To the Congress of the United States:
I transmit herewith the 14th semiannual
report of the Office of Minerals Exploration,
Geological Survey, from the Secretary of the
Interior as prescribed by section 5 of the act
of August 21, 1958, entitled "To provide a
program for the discovery of the mineral
reserves of the United States, Its territories
and possession by encouraging exploration
for minerals, and for other purposes."
The Office of Minerals Exploration in the
Geological Survey conducts a program to en-
courage exploration for domestic mineral
reserves, excluding organic fuels, by provid-
ing financial assistance In exploration to pri-
vate industry under Public Law 85-701, ap-
proved August 21, 1958 (72 Stat: 700: 30
U.B.C. sec. 642). The Office of Minerals Ex-
ploration also administers contracts with
royalty obligations remaining from a similar
program conducted by the former Defense
Minerals Exploration Administration under
setcion 303 (a) of the Defense Production
Act of 1950, as amended. Effective July 1,
1965, the Office of Minerals Exploration was
transferred to the Geological Survey (30
F.R. 2877.30 F.R. 3461).
Mr. MONTOYA. Mr. President, as a
member of the Small Business Commit-
tee for the past 9 months, it has been my
great pleasure to join with the distin-
guished chairman of the committee, the
Senator from Alabama [Mr. SPARKMAN]
in his tireless search for ways and means
by which American beef producers can
increase their exports to Western Eu-
Coming, as I do, from a State where
beef production amounts to 398 million
pounds annually, this question is of vi-
tal interest to me and to my State, and
I have devoted many hours to a study of
the complex factors involved.
There is still much to be done, includ-
ing more hearings later this year which
will, I hope, focus further public atten-
tion on the very serious questions of dis-
criminatory ocean freight rates, the lack
of adequately equipped ships, docks and
facilities, and the need for aggressive
development of our potential European
However, we have already achieved
remarkable export gains. Fresh and fro-
zen beef exports in 1964 were 35,347,000
pounds, four times the 1963 total, and
figures for the first quarter of 1965 in-
dicate that we will do much better this
year. Beef and veal exports increased by
101.2 percent in the first quarter of 1965,
compared to the first quarter of 1964.
Shipment of live cattle has tripled in
the first 9 months of 1965, compared to
the full year last year. The figures are
4,469 for 1964 and 12,247 for 1965
through September 30._
Since World War I, we have not been
an important factor in the world beef
export trade. Discriminatory ocean
freight rates, combined with rapidly in-
creasing consumption at home, caused
American producers and packers to con-
centrate on the domestic market.
There was little incentive to compete
with producers in Australia or Argentina
when shipping rates were as much as 294
percent higher to Americans.
But a rapidly rising standard of liv-
ing in Europe and a reduction, both in
Europe's domestic beef production and
in its normal import supply, made Amer-
ican producers aware about 18 months
ago of a potential new marketing op-
In looking at the broader results of
the Fairbanks conference, we should not
overlook significant steps made toward
saving the polar bear from extinction.
My interest in the polar bear and the
interest of my State in the polar bear
comes from-the fact that Alaska borders
on the Arctic Ocean and counts the polar
bear as one of her native creatures. My
concern comes from the fact that we
know so little about this magnificent
animal. This lack of knowledge was
the principal theme of my address to
the conference where I pointed out that
we do not even know whether there is
one population or several populations of
bears, moving from nation to nation on
the slowly revolving ice pack. The
meeting, I suggested, should be con-
cerned with means of improving world
information on polar bear movements,
reproduction, longevity and population
Mr. President, the meeting was as good
for polar bears as it was for people.
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claimed as, a- l,-,?atter of national policy
that some peo~ples are not as worthy of
consideratign for American citizenship
as others. As all oui presidents begin-
. ring with President 'Truman have
pointed out, the national origins law was
a constant irritant to amicable relations
around the globe.
Finally, the national origins system
contradicted our,fulidamental national
ideals and basic values. It denied yecog-
nition to the individual and treated him
as one of a mass. It ' judged a man not
on the basis of his. worth or ability to
contribute to, our society, but on his
place of birth-or, worse yet, in some
cases, on the place of birth of his
We have now rid ourselves of these
distortions of our, true principles' and
have.returiled to our early practice of
viewing all men for admission to our land
without regard 'to their origins, or the
origins of their forebears. The act of
Congress that the President signed
before the "Grand Old Lady" on Liberty
Island does the Naation proud.
Mr. RIBICO". Mr.. President, each
spring thousands of high school seniors
anxiously await admittance to the col-
leges and universities of their choice.
Many are rewarded with success. 'Others
meet disappointment. In ' fact, some
100,000 graduates who want to go on to
college next year will find in April that
they have not been accepted by an in-
stitution of higher learning.
In many cases the heartache and con-
fusion that result could have 'been
avoided by sensible advice and reasonable
planning. A series of articles entitled
"Getting Into College," by John C. Hoy,
dean of admissions at Wesleyan tlniver-
sity in my own great State of 'Connecti-
cut, offers excellent counsel to prospec-
tive college students and their parents as
In these times, when a higher educa-
tion is of the utmost importance and
`competition to get one becomes more in-
tense each year, Dean Hoy's experience
and `concern with the? problem of finding
the right institution for the right stu-
dent is of interest to us all.
Mr. President,f ask: unanimous consent
that this series of articles be printed in
the RECORD at this point.
There being no objection, the articles
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By John C. Hoy)
Unlike baseball, it's the spring batting
average that means everything when apply-
ing to college. Most college admissions of-
fices tell candidates if they have been ac-
cepted about mid-April, 5 months before the
freshman year begins.
And, each year at that time about 100,000
high school graduates learn that they have
.not found their college. Then a mad scram-
ble for an opening-oftentimes anywhere-
is started.
This is the first of a series of articles writ-
ten with hope that you--or your son or
daughter-will not be one of those 100,000.
No. 184-17
The series is intended to offer advice to any-
one who may be thinking of college some-
day. It should be of particular interest to
-parents and their children who are freshmen
and sophomores in high school. For families
with members in the junior or senior years
of high school each article should be of vital
In many cases the scramble for an open-
ing could have been avoided; the candidate,
by planning, should be capable of insuring
a good batting average for himself.
Colleges usually publish a cutoff date for
applications. New Year's Day is a popular
deadline. The best practice is for the stu-
dent to file applications well before the
deadline. And the arrangement for an inter-
view at the college as early as possible in the
student's senior year, certainly prior to Jan-
uary, 1, is wise.
It is important to file more than one ap-
plication. I would recommend that candi-
dates file four applications, each to a college
that offers an interesting challenge to the
student. The following table offers an idea
of the way to go about selecting colleges to
which applications should be sent.
First application: A long shot. Reaching
for the moon. But worth a try.
Second application: This is a tough one.
But there is a 50-50 chance.
Third application: Pretty sure of accept-
ance and it fills the bill.
Fourth application: A clear shot.
One may ask, why four applications?
'After all there is a nonrefundable applica-
tions fee, usually 810 and increasing shortly
to 820 for many institutions.
There are good reasons. Let's discuss
".reaching for the moon."
All colleges take gambles and long shots
each year. Admissions officers pride them-
selves on their judgment. They feel
instincts about certain candidates who don't
on paper seem to have all the qualifications.
And, if the admissions officers are doing a
-good job, their instinctive judgment can pay
.off for the candidate as well as the college.
Therefore, it is worthwhile for the student
to do a little "reaching" too. Students
shouldn't overextend themselves but neither
should they hesitate to stretch up on their
tiptoes when filing an application.
'Since the odds are not with a long shot,
the second and third choices have to be
much more realistic.
Actually, although the student may clas-
eify the second choice as "tough," it should
be within reach. It should be a choice that
can be obtained, say, if the breaks are with
him. In this instance, a bad break would be
for the second school to receive an unusually
high percentage of candidates, all having ex-
'ceptional qualifications. This happens every
This is the reason for the third and fourth
applications. The school the student is
"pretty sure" of, the third application, may
have an unusual year, too.
Thus, the investment of some extra time
? and dollars in filing four instead of one or
two applications, Is worthwhile insurance for
the young individual who wants to go to the
.right college.
(By John C. Hoy)
If anyone in your family plans to go to
college, you should all take an honest look
at the size of the human investment ahead.
In all likelihood parents will be invest-
ing between $10,000 and $16,000 for tuition,
room, board, books, travel, and incidental
expenses during the 4-year period.
And since college-age men and women
have reached the productive age, it is esti-
mated that any one of them would be capa-
ble of earning somewhere between $12,000
and $20,000 had they not gone to college for
4 years.
These material statistics are called to. a
family's attention to point out that the de-
cision before any college candidate is no
small one, even by one of its relatively minor
,yardsticks, the dollar. A college education
is without question the largest single in-
vestment most people ever make in them-
But there are other factors of even greater
Four years carved out of one's youth is a
significant period of time. How these 4 years
are invested can substantially alter the in-
dividual's approach to all the challenges to
be faced in the 5 or 6 decades of life after
college; colleges have the peculiar power of
shaping the aspirations of their graduates.
If this investment of dollars, earning po-
tential, and 4 formative years is made un-
wisely, the price of the mistake can be the
costliest parents or their offspring ever will
have to face.
At the extreme-and too often the extreme
is realized-the child may never have the
opportunity to fulfill his potential. Thus
this person's capacity for making a satis-
factory way in the world may seriously be
damaged. The price for this is often spelled
out in dissatisfaction throughout life and a
probable loss of hundreds of thousands of
dollars in earning potential.
Unfortunately, there are more wrong than
right decisions made about college. During
the last half century more than 50 percent
of students who entered college in this
country became dropouts. Add to this stag-
gering percentage the number of students
who merely "got by" or who finished al-
though they ended up in the wrong school
or majoring in the wrong course. One be-
gins to realize how much thought and effort
is required to turn the odds In the favor of
any student.
But the odds can be turned in one's favor
providing the student is willing to give
enough careful thought to the selection of a
college and to the reasons for deciding to
attend a particular school in the first place.
The student should never be allowed to
back into the choice of a college. Instead,
the choice must be made with eyes wide open.
The candidate must be very much aware of
all the alternatives. Young men and women
must think and plot a campaign designed to
familiarize themselves with the possibilities
open to them in higher education. They
must clarify their own philosophy of higher
education and what they want to accomplish
during these last years of formal preparation
for life.
To plan wisely it must be recognized that
men and women of 17 or 18 are essentially
the persons they will become after youth has
passed. Therefore, if they do the right job
of assessing their potentials, their strengths
and weaknesses, they will have made a good
start toward the right college decision.
And it is extremely important for pzren
to realize that this is the time to allow t:
young adult to make his own decision an
live with it.
Unless young adults can make this decision
on their own, they are not ready for college.
This reality-that their child, ready to
enter college, is already a young adult-is
difficult for many parents to accept.
Once this self-appraisal has been made, the
students themselves must decide which col-
lege can do the best job of recognizing their
potentials and helping them refine these
potentials. The process of a college educa-
tion, after all, is usually more a refinement of
potentials than a process of acquiring new
This refinement process can take place in
a wide variety of settings. Clearly no par-
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jpIla;,fnsttution has a, priority on this kind
91` offering
.$} TTIf7G, N76OLLEGEee~a-44.,'TIMIqqNG-'LHEN , IS
Ad~OIITH tI,FA)Yf " M.
(By John C. Hoy)
If the: aver e slfe? `size in` the United
Mater, is it hits does not mean that every
personaay a'size 0 foot.
3*Teither does the -fact that the average
age of 'a college freshman is 17 or 18 mean
,that every youngster is ready for college
'hrhmedititely following high school"
Actually a gpod number of young people
who take a job fora year or so after high
school do better` beginning college later than
they would have otherwise.
These usualy;are oung people who'need
fffrtller'ez~prience 'will the "real world" be-
fore they can'gafn a better sense of why they
are planning a college education.
Colleges and universities are very- much
-Interested in students who have the kind of
foresight such a move demonstrates.
"There should be no embarrassment to a
parent whose son or daughter takes a
i nrking intermission 'between high school
and . co1J;ege`. -More and more' colleges are
t~hCen aging their enrolled `students to take
a Oak &16r just-this purpose-often with-
00 regard to academic difficulty. '
There are students who attend college
`because they have "nothing better to do:'
Not surprisingly students of this sort often
bog' down in the "sophomore slump"-and
drop out of college altogether.
Ia7oin out experience we believe that many
ybuligsters have the right Instinct about
whether they are ready for college. All too
often It is the parents who force them into
Parents, understandably, have a tendency
tO believe that their child will do well in
college if only given the chance. This, in
spite of a record of poor performance in high
school. -
But logic, no matter how one tries to
-.stretch it, aloes not indicate that the student
who dtd ngt.liles high school and did not do
Well th,ere,w.111 e`njoy college and get what he
should Out of it.
An unix&ually high percentage of parents
who push this kind of a child often discover
the term "late. bloomer."' They claim that
their child, ono Who has "not achieved" in
high school, is really a species of genius who
has not yet shown his bud. Colleges are
colista;itly dealing with young people. They
are particularly well adept at recognizing the
wide variety of "late bloomers" who apply
for admission.
Putting pressure on underachievers to go
rto .college is merely increasing the chance
that those youths will drop out. The ma-
=jority of 'college dropouts in the United
`States, are youngsters who have been under
this. pressure.
Occasionally an applicant appears who
does not present all the proper credentials,
but clearly shows a particular dimension of
independence or` creativity which caused him
to buck tlfe system in high school. As a
result this student did not gain the particu-
lar rewards-u piety grades-given by the
secondary school.
Such a student may, on the other hand, be
a voracious reader. This student may
possess a curiosityand diligence which leads
into worlds o f ,learning, that actually may be
unmeasurable by the standards of tradi-
Parents `would do well to allow their, son's
dr daughter's guidance counselor and admis-
sions officer to determine how truly uii-
ustitl the candidate's case may be. When a
parent says, 'T have a truly unusual son,
but * *' *" the college admissions officer
feels it's time to duck. This kind of infor-
mation is best presented by the candidate
;:personally. He will have ample opportunity
college-applications'to'o often means failure
in -entering college. Those who have not
chosen wisely in applying to colleges often
find that in the warm days `of spring, they
are out in the cold. Then they desperately-
and too often 'hopeIessly-seek opportuii-
ties in institutions at which they wol4ld
have easily qualified if they had only applied
in time.
But regard for proper timing is not to b:
rn'staken as advocacy of overly early collegs
l Inning. As an admissions officer, I urge
ray planning; it pays off in most sltuatiohis
'c. But premature planning is of little
advantage-and tends to be rather neurot c.
C so college president cautions: "Some ruin
Egli rchool worrying aboutgetting intocol-
To be specific, the junior year in sec-
cndary school is soon enough for actual col-
lege planning-assuming, of course, that the
student began a college preparatory course in
his freshman year.
I am dead set against students seeking in-
terviews in the freshman and sophomore
years. This puts too much "college" pressure
on people before it is sensible for them to
worry. And their "worrying" is not practical
for the colleges and universities, either. Be-
fore junior year the student just has rjot
compiled the academic and personal evidence
needed for an admissions officer to be able to
take action.
(By John C. Hoy)
Americans receive a great deal of traiiiing
in buying on the basis of name and size.
Whatever its value in everyday life, this pro-
cedure just does not make sense in selecting
a college.
There are more than 2,200 accredited, 14-
year colleges and universities in this coun-
try. An unparalleled dimension of choice; is
open to prospective students and their
Nevertheless, the thinking of far too many
students and, parents is obscured by the feel-
ing that perhaps 50 of those 2,200 institu-
tions are the "in" places to go.
At Wesleyan University we face this prob-
lem to some degree. My advice to students
who seem to be applying because of Wes-
levan's prestige is to think again and de-
cide what they really seek in a collage
Basking in supposed prestige is no .. I am happy to yield to
sloe genlell-an from Kentucky [Mr.
'Mr, Cl p,. Mr. Speaker, I too would
like to associate myself with the remarks,
lotion and the tributeof the
gent e
frgm Michigan [Mr. GERALD
R. F'oawLAW ,saluteand his justifiable
recdghltign o .,this outstanding West
Virginian,, and great American, Repre-
Eefitative Axcx Moons.
11s>at .$peaker, it has been my privilege
to l1 Xe beers a member of this subcom-
mitte ,for xao.,v~ almost ,19 years. I have
seed, sQmq 41? ,t7 eri come- and some good
inen o in that time. But, believe
me, s , iI have, never seen a more dedi-
catid, sincere, honest intelligent, capa-
ble, hard.,, working member than the
gentleman now occupying the well of the
House, Mr. MOORE.
He, together with the gentleman from
Ohio [Mr. FEIGFIANI, chairman of our
subcommittee,. has done a magnificent
job, Without this great team working
and ufling,tggether-we would not have
an immigration bill. This was a non-
partisan job. I would be derelict in my
duty and to my colleagues and to the
Nation if I did not say today that it has
been a joy and a privilege and a pleasure
yes, a real satisfaction to have been able
to be associated on this fine committee
and to work with you, Mr. MOORE, and
Mr. Fsiumm, on this committee over
these past years.
Mr. Speaker, I believe that we, your
managers on the part of this House, have
come back to the House of Representa-
tives today in a blaze of glory. The Mac-
Gregor amendment that was adopted
here in the House by a teller vote of 196
to 194 has been restored, and what is
more Important-retained in the bill.
It was because this most important
amendment was later deleted that I
voted against the bill. I had to leave
my President, my Speaker, and both of
my chairmen when I spoke up for this
Mr. Speaker, we now have a good bill,
and I urge,-and I beg, and I implore, and
I plead with my colleagues to support it.
It is the best bill with which we could
possibly come to the floor, and it is one
that you can go home and defend. Mr.
Speaker, all of the members of our sub-
committee have done the Nation a great
service by voting for and supporting this
bill. Thank heaven that we have men
of their vision, devotion to duty and their
character at the helm of our Immigra-
tion and Nationality Subcommittee of
this House.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The
time of the gentleman from West Vir-
ginia has expired.
Mr. McCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, I
yield the gentleman 2 additional min-
Mr. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, will the
gentleman yield?
Mr. MOORE. I would be happy to
yield to the gentleman from California.
Mr. BALDWIN. I would like to ask
a question relating to section 15 of the
conference report which deals with men-
tally retarded children.
I have had two specific cases in the
congressional district which it is my
honor to represent, where the rest of the
family were admitted to the United
States but a single retarded child at that
time was barred-if my understanding
is correct section 15 in this bill would
now make it possible when a family is
to be admitted to the United States for
that mentally retarded child to come in
with the rest of the members of the fam-
ily; Is that correct?
Mr. MOORE. The gentleman's inter-
pretation of the legislation is correct.
That child could enter with his parents.
Mr. BALDWIN. And, if the gentleman
will yield further, that would be regard-
less of the age of the child?
Mr. MOORE. That is right. As the
gentleman will recall, we in the House
placed 14-year-olds as an age limitation
on the entry, but the Senate removed the
age limitation. Now it would apply with-
out respect to age with reference to per-
sons in the mental retardation area.
Mr. BALDWIN. And, If the gentleman
will yield further, it would also apply
even if the child is the only member of
the family remaining in the foreign
country-because of having been pre-
viously barred by the old Act-and he
could now be brought in, even though the
rest of his family is now here?
Mr. MOORE. That is correct. That
child presently is excluded under our
law by reason of his mental condition.
What we have done here is this.l That
child will now be permitted to join his
family that may be In residence here in
the United States.
Mr. BALDWIN. I thank the gentle-
man from West Virginia and wish to
congratulate the conferees for making
this change in the law.
Mr. MOORE. I thank the gentleman
from California.
Mr. Speaker, may I say to the Mem-
bers of the House that some question was
raised and discussion was had with re-
spect to the problem of Cuban refugees.
The Senate inserted a suggested status
change for them or an opportunity to
have status in such a way that 'your
House conferees felt that this was; nei-
ther the time nor the opportunity to dis-
cuss the same; that it is a matter which
should be discussed by the Commission
which has been created under this legis-
lation and is directed to do so and that
we should not give any consideration at
this time to any of the problems of, the
situation with reference to the Cuban
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The
time of the gentleman from West Vir-
yield the gentleman 3 additional
Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, there i are
two points I want to make so that I feel
the membership of the House may be
fully informed as to what we are doing
in this immigration field.
I want to reemphasize what we do here
today in great measure strengthens our
immigration laws as they are presently
on the books.
We have for the first time very strict
labor controls in this legislation, and I
believe it will In great measure meet With
the full and complete agreement of every
Member of the House. What we did in
this area was in the best interest of the
country, and in the best interest of those
who labor in this country for a livi 1g.
In addition to that, I think everybody
who goes home from this session of COn-
gress is going to be criticized and be met
with the suggestion that great numbers
have again been added to those who can
come into this country. I have looked
very deeply into the statistical data
available to us from the Department of
State where they tried to anticipate
what might happen after this law bje-
comes operative on June 30, 1968. It! is
my best opinion, based upon their best
estimate, there would not be any matle-
rial change in the numbers that come
into this country, and, as a matter of
fact, it could conceivably happen there
will be less immigration flowing from all
areas of the world into this country after
June 30, 1968, than we are presently
Several gentlemen in the House who
have served on the committee have been
more thankind in their reference to mly
work In this area. I would be totally
remiss, Mr. Speaker, today If I did not
say to each Member of the Congress that
the conferees did what I believe to be
an outstanding job, and In the best in-
terests of the country. j
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The gentleman from New York: [Mr.
CELLERI has always-been at the forefront
in this battle. I may say, however, that
this House should understand that the
gentleman from Ohio [Mr. FEIGHANI has
done a tremendous job in marshaling
the committee together into many, many
executive sessions to consider this mat-
ter and, if I may say so, he has done
this for the sole purpose of bringing
about remedial legislation in the field
of Immigration. I believe the gentle-
man from Ohio (Mr. FEIGHAN] has done
a tremendous job in this area, and I be-
lieve it merits the sincere support of all
It . FEIGHAN addressed the' House.
appear hereafter in the
Himarks will
Mr. McCULLOCH, Mr. Speaker, I
yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from
New Jersey [Mr. CAHILL].
Mr. dAFNILL. Mr. Speaker and Mem-
bers of the House,, I, too, today share the
observations and the pride of the chair-
man of the full committee concerning
the contributions ' that have been made
by all immigrants to the greatness of
our, country, and certainly share the
views concerning the importance and
acceptability of this conference report as
outlined by the gentleman from West
Virginia [Mr. MOORE].
As has been frequently suggested, dur-
ing this session, the minority party is
rarely given the credit it deserves. But I
would say without any hesitation that the
Immigration bill, and the conference re-
port on that subject, is in a large measure
due to the great contribution that was
made by the minority party, and ' par-
ticularly the leadership of the gentle-
man from West. Virginia ,[Mr. _MOORE]
a>:~d the logic which was expressed and
argued persuasively by the gentleman
from Minnesota [Mr. MACGREGOR].
I point out that the sole purpose-or
certainly the principal purpose of the
bill-was. to eliminate discrimination as
it hatj long existed by reason of the na-
tional origins quota system. I remem-
ber the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr.
MACGR1R], pointing out on the floor
of the House that. if we were going to
eliminate discrimination, we ought to do
it completely. It seems to me that it was
his logic and, his persuasiveness that com-
pelled the Senate and all of the con-
ferees, on both sides of the aisle, to ac-
cept, in this conference report a ceiling
of 120,000 from the Western Hemisphere
But I would also add, especially to my
friend from New York, who had some
questions concerning the validity of this
provision, that again, due to the wisdom
of the conferees, I believe, if there is any
doubt or any problem or any interference
with the national policy of our country,
it is safeguarded in this conference re-
port by the presence of the committee
Controlled by the Congress of the United
$tiltes, but having five Kubik members
a pofntec by the President. o that if
there is anyw mistake discovered during
the nett 3 years, it can be brought to
the att'any' nti>i of the Congress and if
there ,is omission or correction that
is needed, we can make it.
So I believe the conference report is
one that can be voted on favorably by
every Member of this House on both
sides of the aisle. 1 enthusiastically sup-
port it and urge its adoption. It repre-
sents a necesary and important change
in the new law regulating immigration.
Mr. MCCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, I
yield to the gentleman from Virginia
[Mr. POFF] 2 minutes.
Mr. POFF. Mr. Speaker, I address the
House as a former member of the Sub-
Committee on Immigration and Nation-
ality. I speak as one who has acquired
perhaps a hard-nosed reputation on the
subject of immigration. But I speak as
one who has followed the course of the
immigration bill in most careful detail
from its inception several years ago when
the late distinguished Member from
Pennsylvania, the Honorable Tad Walter,
began the first hearings which gave gen-
esis to this legislation.
I can say without equivocation that the
conference report as presently construct-
ed represents an improvement over both
the House bill and the bill passed by the
other body. As such, I will vote for the
conference report. I shall do so enthu-
siastically. It will strengthen the present
law in several material particulars.
I would not want the opportunity to
pass without echoing the tributes which
have been paid to those on the subcom-
mittee responsible for this legislation.
I have particular reference to the
chairman of the subcommittee, the dis-
tinguished gentleman from Ohio [Mr.
FEIGHAN] ; to the ranking minority mem-
bers of the subcommittee, the distin-
guished gentleman from West Virginia
[Mr. MooRE] ; and to the able gentleman
from Minnesota, who made such a major
contribution to the final form of this
bill [Mr. MACGREGOR].
During the course of the debate in the
House I was one of those who attempted
to persuade the House to adopt the Mac-
Gregor amendment. The House by a
narrow, vote rejected the MacGregor
amendment, and I am glad to see that
the other body has corrected this error
and taken _a step which I believe should
be taken at this time, a step which I pre-
dict will not have the adverse effects
which have been claimed for it but
rather will have beneficial consequences
in both domestic affairs and foreign
Mr. McCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, I
now yield 5 minutes to the gentleman
from Minnesota [Mr. MACGREGOR].
Mr. MACGREGOR. Mr. Speaker, this
conference report should be supported
by every Member of the House of Repre-
sentatives. The final bill as worked out
by the House and Senate conferees
makes historic progress in emphasizing
America's desire to reunite families. Its
provisions strengthen national security
and protect each American worker.
Mr. Speaker, this legislation will com-
pletely sweep away discrimination on ac-
count of race, national origin, and geo-
graphic location of birth in our immi-
gration laws.
Let Ine address myself to the concern
expressed by the gentleman from Texas
[Mr. GONZAiEZ], and the gentleman from
expressed his reservation about a ceiling
of 120,000 annually on Western Hemi-
sphere immigration, a ceiling which will
exclude immediate family members. Mr.
GILBERT expressed his concern about the
reaction of our friends south of the Rio
Grande and in the Caribbean to this new
development in our immigration policy.
Let me point out to these gentlemen
and to all Members of the House that
this conference report treats immigrants
from the Western Hemisphere more fa-
vorably than immigrants from anywhere
else in the world in three respects: First,
by giving ?120,000 numbers to the West-
ern Hemisphere favoritism is shown in
relationship to the 170,000 numbers
given to the rest of the world; second,
no country of the Western Hemisphere
will be-subject to the 20,000 per country
limit that will apply to our historic
friends and allies across the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans; and, third, the require-
ments of the preference system will not
apply to the countries of the Western
In view of these facts it is important
to point out that the acceptance of the
worldwide ceiling concept, with the in-
clusion of immigrants from all countries
under a numerical limitation, is not a
new idea nor is it original with me. Ten
years ago, in February of 1955, a group
of Congressmen and Senators, whom I
am sure most of us would agree were out-
standing men despite disagreement with
their political philosophies, offered a
comprehensive immigration bill. Mem-
bers will find in the RECORD of February
25, 1955, an address by the then Senator
from New York, Mr. Lehman, describing
that bill. It was cosponsored by Senator
Lehman and by the distinguished chair-
man of the Judiciary Committee of the
House [Mr. CELLER].
That bill would have established a
worldwide ceiling of 250,000 annually.
It would have extended the ceiling to all
immigration from the Western Hemi-
sphere, from whence immigrants would
have been treated on exactly the same
basis as immigrants from across the At-
lantic and Pacific Oceans.
Senator Lehman included this analysis
of the 1955 Celler-Lehman bill:
A major feaure of the proposed act is its
consolidation, within the quota, of all gen-
eral immigration, including immigration
from the Western Hemisphere. This has
been done in order to put all foreign coun-
tries on the same basis consistent with the
best interests and needs of the United States.
Thus the proposed act does not give non-
quota status, as present law does, to aliens
born in the Wetsern Hemisphere, with the
right to immigrate to' the United States with-
out limitation as to number.
In addition-and this is a vital feature-
a nonquota status is given to parents as well
as to children and spouses of American citi-
zens (see. 102(a)(19(A)).
At the same time that nonquota status is
given to parents of American citizens, the
proposed act deprives aliens born in the
Western Hemisphere of their nonquota sta-
tus, as already described.
The effect of these changes is to confine
the nonquota status to very special classes of
immigrants-children, spouses, and parents
of citizens, professors; ministers, and one or
two other technical categories-and to place
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crxaxv ~vl~ul.~ a.7iv.' ILJ. .('t.I /L JJ - f1 JIJ .C ~7~i~1L('FThU "/' 'lu IV-Da
all general immigration, including immigra- Mr. MACGREGOR. I yield to the dis- mend the conference committee report
do solxl tps western, Hemisphere, under tinguished member of the Subcommittee to every Member of the House. I am of
the quota system. on Immigrations the gentleman from the firm opinion that it would serge a
The bill" we are considering today Kentucky [Mr. CSELFI. useful public purpose if It were qver-
treats prospective immigrants from the Mr. CHELP. The gentleman Is so em- whelmingly accepted by the House.
Western Hremisphe're more favorably inently correct when he says that our Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he
than they would have been treated under neighbors to the south of the border, may require to the gentleman from Ills-
the bill cosponsored by'Senator Lehman our Latin American friends-all in the nois [Mr. MCCLORY].
and Congressman CELLER. Western Hemisphere have been really ' (Mr. McCLORY asked and was given
May I add for the RECORD the names treated decently. This is so because permission to revise . and extend his
of these additional cosponsors of this leg- while there is a ceiling of 110,000 for the remarks.)
islation in 1955: The now Vice President entire world we have set an additional Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Speaker, I' am
of the United States, HU$ERT HUMPHREY; ceiling of 120,000 specially for our neigh- pleased to add my support to the a op-
the deceased Senator fauver of Ten- hors and friends in this hemisphere. tion of the conference report on the 1965
nessee, the deceased former President This Is concrete, ample proof to them amendments to the Immigration and
of the tnittf Slates, John F. Kennedy; that we are giving them approximately Nationality Act, H.R. 2580.
Senator C vez, MncxvsoN, MCNAMARA, 40 percent of the total ceiling allowed In this behalf, I take occasion to eom-
?4s9z , anus cosponsors in the House throughout the length and breadth of pliment the members of the conference
with' our distinguished Judiciary Com- the world. committee and particularly my colleagues
mittee chairman, Mr. CELLER, was the Mr. MACGREGOR. I thank the gen- ' from this body. In my opinion, the
gentleman fromNew. Jersey, Mr. RoniNo, tleman from Kentucky for emphasizing House conferees have resolved the dif-
the gentleman from Minnesota, Mr. once again that we are giving favored ferences between the House and Senate
BEATNIK, Mr'. Roosevelt, Mr. DINGELL, treatment to our friends south of the versions of this legislation in a manner
Mr, ''1"xor+wsoie of New Jersey, Mr. YATES, Rio Grande in adopting this conference consistent with the views of the vas t na-
Mr. oWF.I,,, Mr. DIGGS, Mr. O'HARA, Mr. report today. jority of the Members of this body and
MACDON4.D 14 tr. AsHIE ,and Mr. REVSS, Mr. CHELP. If a 40-percent ratio Is that great majority of Americans
amongof throughout the Nation.
-'T`his comprehensive bill introduced by that kind for therMr.stt of my Chairman, natural let life. me lar tribute to the contributions s mado by
these ers. gentlemen 10 years ago would have In bad conclusion, treMrr. . Speaker, I want pay par
been more restrictive on,Western Hemi- salute the gentleman, 'Mr. MACGREGOR the Republican members of the Huse
sphere immigration thap the bill we are for offering his amendment. It is a wise Judiciary Committee in carrying for~wward
about t6 ,000t by what I hope will be and a Just one. Now please'let me thank views consistent with our Republican
a virtu y? unanimous vote in this publicly my two chairmen-Mr. CELLER platform and principles. My collea; ue
amber, ,tto~day. and Mr. PEIGHAN. Along with the en- the gentleman from West Virginia .
3Vifr. ' tZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, will tire subcommittee they are especially de- MOORE], has performed a stellar join
the gentlelilan yield? serving of credit. Why that good chair- this connection. In addition, the gentle-
Mr. M4c(l EGOR, I,yield to gentle- man of ours, Mr. FEIGHAN, almost worked man from Minnesota [Mr. MACGREGOR],
man. fromTexas, the hides off of us on the subcommittee. by persisting in behalf of a numerical
Mr. GQNZALEZ, Is it the gentleman's He kept Calling meetings day after day- ceiling on We-stern Hemisphere immigra-
contention that adopting a ceiling for week after week until we had gotten the tion, has helped produce a result which is
the' Western Hemisphere nations is not Job done. He is justly entitled to all of equitable for the people of all of the
an'unpreeedented action? the praise that one can heap upon him. friendly nations throughout the world.
abIMASZ# C.TO[t. To my knowledge, His leadership was Inspiring to all of us- I am thinking primarily of our friends
wm this very generous ceiling his tenacity to purpose helped to beat across the Atlantic with whom we Have
wh slim
ves favored treatment to the the adjournment deadline. so much in common and whose citizens
Westerrm ,iq ,isphere. is a new step in (Mr. MACGREGOR asked and was by'emigrating to these shores in the cast
ation laws and a ,.step first pro- given permission to revise and extend his have contributed so substantially to our
according to my research, by the remarks) culture, our economy, and our political
dilgusheil gentleman from New York Mr. McCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, I am system.
I117r. CELLER and by Senator Lehman pleased to say to the House that the con- Mr. ,Speaker, the conference commit-
1O years ago. ference committee was in session for tee report results in producing an imlmi-111,
Mx.C1Il,la;Z., Them it is ,a new and more than 4 hours on the differences be- gration bill which should contribute to
novel, nclusion in our immigration leg- tween the House and the other body. in our country's improved foreign relations
isIation?' , all my experience in the Congress I en- and, to an orderly immigration system
Mr. MACGREGOR. No, not at all. -)toyed nothing more than the harmonious, consistent with the natural growth and
The Idea has been pending in various constructive working session of the com- development of our society.
legislative proposals for many years. mittee. I am particularly happy that this leg-
Mr. ONZALEZ. Not the idea. I am I Join in what has been said about all islation will enable the families of Am, er-
lds specifically that if . the g not an Of
again, my that colleagues
able, gentlemanly, who w were ant t members kindly of s ican and citizens p to be have t reunited it more o raphoe
holds qto the thought tthis is is not an the com mmittee, and I want to refer, and nd th hat we will ill have the bene benefit of t f thosse
unprecedented action with reference to who
the Western bur nations with chairman of the Committee on the Ju- prefer our system of government and who
reSpeCt to our immigration laws. diciary and to my good friend ARCH desire the opportunities which are af-
Mr, MACC IZIa;GOI~, May I say it is a MOORE, top Republican member of the forded in our land.
Very wise and thoughtful step which we subcommittee, who carried the burden Mr. Speaker, every Member of this
are taking perhaps 10% years too late. so effectively for so long. That so many body may take justifiable pride in this
The SPEAKER pro ,s tempore. expiredThe members of the House voted for the achievement of the 89th Congress and
time of the gentleman has when it was first before the I am personally proud to have made a
Mr.. MCCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, I House, and who will soon vote to accept small contribution to the final result.
Yield the gentleman 1 additional minute. , the report, is a fine tribute to ARCH Mr. TUPPER. Mr. Speaker, the Im-
Mr. MACGtleman May I say to the MooRE; to MIKE FEIGHAN, whom I have migration Act now before the Congress
y known so long and so favorably. You represents a welcome change in V.S.
gentleman frgm Texas and to all others know, Mr. Speaker, Mxxa FEIGHAN was immigration policy by removing the job-
In the. use that If tie ideas -of the the minority leader of the Ohio House noxious and discriminatory system of ia-
gentlemen whose names. I have listed of Representatives more years ago than tional quotas. I will vote for the bill.
had` any ialldity 30 years ago, then this either of us like to admit, when I was This bill, however, does in my opinion
conference report today should be speaker of the Ohio house. It has been include one serious error of Judgment.
adopted an overwhelming majority. a happy occasion for me. to work with By Imposing a limitation on immigration
Mr, CT3ELii'. Mr. ,Speaker, will the him, on many important matters, includ- from the Western Hemisphere it threat-
gentleman yield? ing the matter before us today. I com ens to end the historic, free flow of Ito-
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
migrants across the U.S. boundaries with gration is scheduled to become effective
Canada and Mexico. in June of 1968. I have every confidence
When the bill '*as' first before the that the President, the President of the
House, I joined with my colleagues to de- Senate, and the Speaker of the House
feat a proposed amendment to place a of Representatives in making their ap-.
limit on immigration into the. United pointments to the Select Commission will
States from the Western ' Hemisphere. assure consideration of U.S. Immigration
I did so for two reasons: First, represen- policy toward Canada and Mexico, and
tatives of the administration had led that thereby we can rectify the short-
many of us to believe that in their judg- comings of this bill so as to preserve the
ment imposition of such a limitation at closest and the most productive relations
this time would seriously impair U.S. possible with our Canadian and Mexi-
relations with Latin America; and sec- can neighbors.
ond, I was concerned that such a limita- Mr. McCULLOCl. Mr. Speaker, I
tion might seriously reduce the free flow yield back the remainder of my time.
of emigration to this country from Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield
Canada and Mexico, back the remainder of my time.
In the Senate an annual limitation of Mr. Speaker, I move the previous ques-
120,000 immigrants from the 'Western tion on the conference report.
Hemisphere was placed in the bill after MOTION TO RECOMMIT OFFERED BY MR. GONZALEZ
assurances from the President that he did Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I offer
not oppose the provision. Those assur-
ances help to satisfy my first area of con-
cern over this provision.
Nonetheless I remain disturbed by the
possibility that the annual limitation on
Western Hemisphere emigration to the
United States may affect our relations
With our only contiguous neighbors, Can-
ands and Mexico. During fiscal year
1964, 139,284 persons] including spouses
and children, emigrated -from Western
Hemisphere countries to' the United
States. Over half of these came from
our immediate neighbors-38,074 from
Canada and 32,967 from Mexico.
if the rate of Western Hemisphere
emigration to the United States remains
at this level, or as is more likely increases,
and if the bill is administered on 'a, first-
come-first-serve basis, there is no assur-
ance whatsoever that Canada and Mex-
ico emigration to the United States will
not be affected.
I am sympathetic to the proposition
that if regional immigration quotas are
assigned to the rest of the world, they
should also be assigned to the Western
Hemisphere, for there is no inherent dif-
-ference between these nations and oth-
ers. There is, however, one vital distinc-
tion between Canada and Mexico and all
the other nations of the world. They are
the only two countries which border di-
rectly on the United States-and in my
opinion fully free and unlimited immi-
gration between the United States and its
immediate neighbors should be main-
Nine of my colleagues joined me in a
statement on United States-Canadian re-
lations last Monday, which proposed that
United States-Canadian immigration re-
main unlimited, except for the reasonable
qualifications of financial responsibility
and good moral character.
Mr. Speaker, because this is a bill from
conference, and the House does not have
the option of amending it, and because in
balance it is.a progressive step in V.8. im-
migration policy, I shall vote for the bill.
But I hope that the Select Commission
on Immigration from the Western Hemi-
sphere, which this bill establishes, will
give every serious consideration to rec-
olnrae,ndgtions to -leave -Canadian and
Mexigan emigration io the United States
:unlimited. 'he Select Commission must
report to the Congress with` its recom-
mendations fully 6 months before the
limitation on Western Hemisphere immi-,
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. AL-
BERT). The Clerk will report the motion.
The Clerk read as follows:
Mr. GONZALEZ moves to recommit the con-
ference report on the bill (H.R. 2580) to the
committee of conference with instructions
to the managers on the part of the House to
reject the Senate amendment placing a ceil-
ing on immigration from the Western Hemi-
sphere in the amount of 120.000 persons per
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker,
a parliamentary inquiry.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The
gentleman will state it.
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker,
I raise the question whether the gentle-
man's motion is in order. The gentle-
man from New York moved the previous
question on the conference report.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. After
the previous question is ordered a motion'
.to recommit is in order if the gentleman
is opposed to the conference report, and
no Member on the minority side seeks to
offer such a motion. The gentleman is
recognized on his motion.
Without objection, the previous ques-
tion is ordered on the motion to
There was no objection.
The motion to recommit was rejected.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The
question is on the conference report.
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker,
on that I ask for the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered.
The question was taken; and there
were-yeas 320, nays 69, not voting 42,
as follows:
[Roll No. 341]
N. Dak.
Bray -- .
Don H.
Brown, Calif.
Clawson, Del
Broyhill, N.C.
Broyhill, Va.
Burton, Calif.
Byrne, Pa.
Byrnes, Wis.
Johnson, Calif. Pucinsid
Johnson, Pa.
Jones, Ale.
Davis, Wis.
Reid, M.
Reid, N.Y.
Rhodes, Ariz.
King, Calif.
Rhodes, Pa.
King, N.Y.
King, Utah
Rogers, Colo.
Rogers, Fla.
Rooney, N.Y.
Rooney, Pa.
Evans, Colo.
Evans, Term.
r egn ley
Long, Md.
St. Onge
Ford, Gerald R. McFall
William D.
Fulton, Pa.
Fulton, Tenn.
Smith, Calif.
Smith, Iowa,
Martin, Mass.
Martin, Nebr.
Green; Oreg.
Green, Pa.
Teague, Calif.
Thomson, Wis.
Hagen, Calif.
Van Deerlin
Hansen, Idaho
Murphy, Ill.
Hansen, Wash.
Harvey, Ind.
Harvey, Mich.
O'Hara, Mich.
Olsen, Mont.
White, Idaho
Olson, Minn.
W idnall
O'Neill, Mass.
Charles H.
Edwards, Ala.
Martin, Ala.
O'Neal, Ga.
Davis, Ga.
de In Garza
Duncan,. Tenn. Jonas, Mo.
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001.6
Review Commission, and for other pur-
The SPEAKER. The question is on
the motion offered by the' gentleman
from Louisiana.
The motion was agreed to.
Accordingly, the House resolved itself
into the Committee of the Whole House
on the State of the Union for the con-
-sideration of the bill H.R. 10281, with
Mr. DENT in the chair.
The Clerk read the title of the bill.
By unanimous consent, the first read-
ing of the bill was dispensed with.
Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Chairman, I
yield myself 5 minutes.
(Mr. MORRISON asked and was given
permission to revise and extend his re-
niarks. )
Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Chairman, I
rise in support of H.R. 10281. This is
an excellent bill that has been carefully
thought out and developed through ex-
tensive hearings and executive consider-
ation in the Post Office and Civil Service
Committee. It was reported from our
committee by a vote of 20 to 3.
Although I personally feel that in-
creases substantially higher than the
41/2-percent initial increase in the bill
are fully justified by the record, the bill
represents the best measure that could
be worked out under the circumstances.
I do want to commend the very fine dili-
gence and spirit of cooperation in which
all members of the Post Office and Civil
Service Committee worked together to
bring out a bill that can become law this
Mr. Chairman, one of the wisest and
most foresi8hted policies ever adopted by
the Congress is the principle of compara-
bility between Federal and private en-
.terprise salaries that was written into
the statutes by Public Law 87-793. I
fully subscribed to that principle, and to
the many affirmations by the Congress
and by the President that it must be im-
'plemented in-order to serve the best in-
'teres'ts-of 'the' Government and 'its em- .
While the 41/2-percent general salary
increase scheduled for October 1, 1965,
under this bill will not achieve full com-
parability, it certainly is a step in the
right direction. Present Federal salary
rates are roughly comparable with those
in private enterprise during the Febru-
ary-March period of 1964, so far as con-
cerns the lower pay grades and levels.
In the middle and upper grades and levels
they compare with private enterprise
rates in 1963 and 1962, respectively.
Private enterprise levels rose approxi-
mately 3 percent more from February
and March of 1964 to the same months
in 1965. Therefore, at this particular
time the lower salary grades and levels
in the Government, as now in effect, lag
at least 7 or more percent behind
,comparability with private enterprise
levels which 'they are supposed to match
according to Public Law 87-793.
I submit that it would be not only an
injustice to the employees-a breach oi'
trust-but also a contradiction of a firm
policy adopted by the Congress were this
legislation not to include at least the 4i/z-
Aside from the matter of the general
salary increases, perhaps the most im-
,portant part of this bill, is,section.107,
dealing with overtime and holiday pay
for postal employees. Section 107 will
revamp and modernize the outmoded and
1 fair treatment of overtime and holiday
work that has been in effect, regrettably,
for many years.
Many thousands of postal substitutes
are called on officially to work heavy
overtime schedules-often as much as 60
or 70 or 80 hours a week-at straight
time pay. The record shows that lit-
erally millions of hours of this kind of
overtime is worked each year. I~ is a
shocking thing when we consider that
the Federal Government-which should
be the leader in enlightened pay; poli-
cies-has permitted this situation to
exist. It is almost unheard of for em-
ployees in private industry to work more
than 8 hours a day or, 40 hours al week
or on Sundays without being paid at
least time and one-half.
This sorry condition will be re edied
by section 107 of our committee bil . All
postal field service employees-including
substitutes-will be guaranteed tine and
one-half pay for work officially ordered
in excess of 8 hours a day or 40 hours a
week. Regular employees will have
Monday through Friday workweeks,
with authority in the Postmaster Gen-
eral to schedule different workweeks
when necessary to provide service, and
any work they are called on to peform
on Sundays will be overtime, for hich
they will be paid time and one-h lf.
This section also updates and clarifies
holiday pay provisions for postal em-
ployees. Any employee officially ordered
to work on one of the eight legal' holi-
days will receive an extra day's pay-
that 'is, double time-except that for
work on Christmas Day a further half
day's pay will be added, equaling double
time and a half.
I should also like to Invite the special
attention of my colleagues to section 116
of the bill, on page 32. The effect Is to
increase from $100 per year to $150 per
year the maximum authorized allowance
to employees who are required to wear
uniforms In the performance of their
duties. The $100 limit was enacted 11
years ago and I do not think there is
any question but that costs of wearing
apparel have skyrocketed, along with
other living costs, in the meantime. I
am confident that my colleague and,
indeed, the general public-take p de In
the clean-cut and well-turned-ou ap-
pearance that is so typical of our postal
letter carriers. This provision of! H.R.
10281 is urgently needed to give these
fine employees, and others who must
wear uniforms, adequate provision for
keeping their uniforms up to tho fine
high standards that are traditional with
postal employees.
The bill extends the general sala~y in-
crease to employees subject to the Clas-
sification Act of 1949; all postal field
'se'rvice employees; medical and nursing
personnel in the Department of lkedi-
cine and Surgery of the Veterans Ad-
ministration; foreign service of item and
employees; Agricultural' Stabilisation
and Conservation County Committee
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
' g9gers Tex.
s_e, Te=,_ White, Tex,
u _ . Whitener.
lltt wi,11.41 a
rimer Willis
a gr, Miss _ . Young
m Fo
Andrew , Freiinghuysen, Rivers,'Alaska
George W. _ Goodell iiivei , S.C.
Aspmall Hagan, Cia. Roblson
Bolton Hansen, Iowa lonea~.16
Surtan, Utah Hardy Iloyba1
Carter Holifejsl St Germain
Conner Rosa,' Scott
Daddario John-on, O a. Thomas
Dawson Lindy Thompson, N.J.
Diggs - Long "a. I hompsan, Tex.
D4r4 Michel . -Toll
Dpw Mize Wileon, Bob
Dune, Oreg. Morris
Edwards Calif. Murphy, N.Y.
So the conference report was agreed
The' Clerk announced the following
On vote,
Mg . with Mr 8aott against.
Mr. with Mr olmer against.
Mr: no f 14ew ?ersey for, with Mr.
ong`ofana against
lids. . Daddario for, with Mr. Born against.
Mr. Fogarty for, with Mr. Hagan of Georgia
Mr. St le "in for, with Mr. Hardy against.
Mr, solifi d for, with Mr. Morris aagga'inst.
Me, y of New Stork for, with ' Mr,
Rivers >th Carolina against.
vers., of Alaska tpr,., with Mr.~ George
Until further notice
Mr. Itoncalio with Mr. Ooodell.
Mr. O'Hara of fllinoig?wfth. Mr, Anderson
of lltx}pis. ,
Mr. Aspinall with Mrs. Bolton.
Mr. iansei , of Iowa with Mr. Robison,
Mr. Tliprns,s with Mr.. Bob Wilson.
Mr, Tlaoiz,"'son of Texas with Mr. Carter.
Mr. l)a~wsou with Mr. 1t'reftnghuysen.
With Mr. Lindsay.
oybal with Roamer.
Mr. warts with Mr. Michel.
1ifr. uac4n of Oregon with Mr. Mize.
Mr. Johnson of Oklahoma with Mr. Burton
of ttah
Mr'E of Idaho changed, his vote
from ' i a ' to "yea." The r"O -
t of the vote was announced
as above recorded.
A motion:to reconsider' was laid on the
Mr. T'EIGHAN. Mr Speaker,' I ask
unanimous, cpnsent that all Members
may have, legislative days 'in which to
extend. they remarks onthe conference
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from Ohio?
move that the House resolve itself into
the Committee of the Whole House on
the State cfthe Union for the considera-
tion of the bill (H.R. 10281) to adjust the
rates of "b lc compensation of certain of-
ficers an employees in the Federal Gov-
eminent, to establish the Federal Salary
~UNCTRESSI~NAL REGQR3 -- HQ~TS September 30, 1965
September' 30, 4 3 oved FoSONIR W 19. C RWS46R00010pQ4091-6, 24797
tend to facilitate achievement of price` ob-
jectives of the act.
The `global quota" arrangement of the
present law would be eliminated. The quota
of any country with which the United States
severs'diplomatic relations would continue to
be suspended, but would be allocated
promptly to specific countries on a temporary
Because present sugarbeet growers will nec-
essarily have to reduce acreage further as a
part of the proposed new program, national
acreage reserve provisions contained in the
1962 act, under which new production areas
were brought In, would not be extended after
Mr. Speaker, the U.S. sugar industry of
course is entitled to change its mind and
perhaps has` done so on the question of
the import fee, but it should be fair-
minded in contacting Members of Con-
gress `and ' explain to them that the in-
dustry position has changed and why.
It may also be that the U.S. industry
was not fully united in its position March
29 of this year on the import fee, and I
daresay it Is not united right now.
In evaluating the attitude of various
interested parties, one should keep in
mind the possibility that some U.S. sugar
Interests may also be heavily involved in
foreign sugar, and-vice versa.
Mr. HARVEY of Indiana. Mr. Speak-
er, will the gentleman yield?
Mr. FINDLEY. I yield to the gentle-
man from Indiana.
Mr, HARVEYof Indiana. Is not that
fee, .the same. as that which prevailed in
prior sugar legislation?
Mr. FINDLEY. It is very similar to
the import fee which was assessed against
the Dominican' Republic during the
Eisenhower administration and was in
effect in the legislation which operated
In 1962, 1963, and 1964.
(Mr. GALLAGHER asked and was
given permission to revise and extend his
Mr. GALLAGHER. Mr. Speaker, I
have just read on the wire that an in-
tructor in history at Drew University,
James Mellen,' has declared himself as
welcoming a Vietcong victory in
This despite over a hundred thousand
American soldiers fighting to prevent
such a victory. This despite American
and Vietnamese being killed to prevent
such a victory. It is just quite possible
that this self-proclaimed Marxist is try-
ing to attract a little attention to him-
self. I am sure the Republic will survive.
It has survived the early "Mellenheaded"
thinking of Benedict Arnold who wished
a victory for the other side when this
country was engaged in another war.
Having once served on the faculty at
Rutgers University I believe completely
in academic freedom, even the free and
full expression of fools in and out of
academic circles and, therefore, I recog-
nize Mr. Mellen's right to full expression.
Axnd,I have A 'right to find his view ap-
palling and disgraceful as well as unen-
lightened. He obviously does not know
what a Vietcong victory entails.
-When I was in_ Vietnam I saw what a
Vietcong victory meant in some villages.
It meant the mayor`s'head on a fence
post. It meants hands chopped off. It
meant young men dragged off for train-
ing against their will. It meant the
stealing of all village food and medical
supplies in the name of liberation. It
meant the displacement of hope with
liberation front, alias the Vietcong, alias
the Communist army of North Vietnam.
Mr. Mellen, in proclaiming himself a
Marxist, would indicate that while he is
an instructor of history, he has not
learned well the lessons of history. Even
the Russian leaders admit that pure
Marxism is unworkable. And everyone
knows that history has never disclosed
one country that has chosen communism
in a free election.
It is common knowledge that the Viet-
cong are having some difficulty with their
recruiting drive. Since Mr. Mellen has
such strong convictions about welcoming
a Vietcong victory, perhaps he should be
given the opportunity to fight with the
Vietcong and thus translate his words
into a more meaningful note. I would
be very happy to intercede in his behalf
in making the necessary arrangements.
Perhaps we could trade him for some of
the American prisoners of war before
they are murdered in cold blood by the
Vietcong as were the two Americans last
In fact, some of our protesting stu-
dents calling for a Vietcong victory could
be included in such a trade and thus the
Vietcong would have new recruits and we
would save the lives of courageous Amer-
icans who are fighting to save the free-
dom Mr. Mellen and his ilk would have
us abandon.
(Mr. ARENDS asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
Mr. ARENDS. Mr. Speaker, I take
this time to ask the majority leader if
he will kindly advise us as to the pro-
gram for tomorrow and of any other
information he cares to state.
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the
distinguished gentleman from Illinois
Mr. ARENDS. I yield to the gentle-
man from Oklahoma.
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, in addi-
tion to the program previously an-
nounced we will have up tomorrow the
conference report on the foreign aid ap-
propriation bill. This is, of course, a
very important matter. Members might
expect a vote on that conference report.
In addition, we will take up, as pre-
viously announced, House Joint Resolu-
tion 642, which is the James Madison
Memorial Library; H.R. 3142, the Medi-
cal Library Assistance Act; and H.R.
6519, the Jefferson National Expansion
Memorial Act.
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that when the House
adjourns today it adjourn to meet at
10 o'clock tomorrow.
The SPEAKEhere objection to
the request o entleman from Okla-
(Mr. GONZALEZ asked and was given
permission to address the House for i
minute and to revise and extend his
Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I have
long supported reform of our outdated
immigration law and abolition of the, in-
famous national origin system. When
the Immigration and Nationality Act of
1965 was before the House in August, I
voted for it and against all crippling
amendments. One of the crippling
amendments that I, along with the lead-
ership, opposed then was a proposal to
place a quota on immigration from the
Western Hemisphere. The House wisely
rejected this proposal. But the Senate
version of the bill contained an almost
identical provision, establishing a quota
of 120,000 persons a year on immigration
from the Western Hemisphere. This
was one of the most important differ-
ences between the two bills. In my
opinion, it was the most important dif-
ference. The bills went to conference
and, as we all know, the conference re-
port recommended adoption of the Sen-
ate provision. I offered a motion to
recommit the report back to the confer-
ence with instruction to reject the Sen-
ate amendment establishing a quota for
the Western Hemisphere. After my mo-
tion failed I voted against adoption of
the conference report. I could not in
good conscience vote for a so-called re-
form measure which merely transfers a
bad practice from one part of the world
to another.. -
We who have justly criticised the Iron
Curtain, Bamboo Curtain, and the Berlin
wall have reason to ponder about what
we have done to our own hemisphere
today. We have, in my judgment,
lowered a paper curtain and raised a wall
of redtape around our borders. What is
worse, these devices are aimed against
the peoples of this hemisphere with
whom we claim to be partners, neighbors,
and even brothers.
The Western Hemisphere quota is ill-
advised and unnecessary. Secretary
Rusk expressed his strong opposition to
it when he said that the amendment
would, in effect, place obstacles in the
path leading to cordial and harmonious
relations with Latin America. It is no
secret, for example, that under the lan-
guage of the amendment, any one coun-
try such as Canada could entirely pre-
empt the quota for any year by sending
into the United States 120,000 immi-
grants. Who is to say that the persons
administering the new law would not
permit this? And what would be the
effects on the Latin nations?
It is an unnecessary provision because
under the present law immigration from
the countries of the Western Hemisphere
over the past 10 years has averaged only
110,000. With this new law we are thus
creating a problem where there has been
no problem in the past.
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24798 Approved For RQ 12584J 3 L (3A $7B0 )001000 b r 1965
The favored treatment of the nations
of this hemisphere whereby no quota is
placed on immigration was granted in
the act of 1924 for reasons which are
still valid today. Our feelings of hemi-
spheric solidarity go back to the Monroe
Doctrine. Our faith in the good neigh-
bor policy and pan-American friendship
was reaffirmed with the Alliance for
Progress. The quota on immigration
from the Western Hemisphere approved
by the House today is shattering to this
I am therefore asking President John-
son to veto the Immigration and Nation-
ality Act. The pledges we have made to
all the peoples of the Americas of friend-
ship and brotherhood must be upheld, or
like bad checks, they will come back one
day to haunt us.
(Mr. MORSE (at the request of Mr.
HORTON) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. MORSE'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. MORSE (at the request of Mr.
HORTON) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. MORSE'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. DERWINSKI (at the request of
Mr. HORTON) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker,
there arenumerous dedicated groups in
the country effectively representing their
unique membership and maintaining a
legitimate interest in subject matter
within their jurisdiction. An organiza-
tion which fits the description I have just
given is the Ukrainian Congress Commit-
tee of America.
Its president, Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky,
of Georgetown University, is a noted
economist and authority on the Soviet
Dr. Dobriansky produced a very timely
article for the Ukrainian Quarterly's
Autumn 1965 edition which I insert in
the RECORD at this point as part of my re-
[From the Ukrainian Quarterly, Autumn,
(By Lev E. Dobriansky)
In the past 15 years many changes have
taken place In every part of this world. The
changes have been of every conceivable char-
acter--economic, technological, political, so-
cial, religious, cultural, and so forth. Any
organization that has attracted International
as well as domestic interest would necessarily
have to take account of such changes if this
rich interest is to be intensified and broad-
ened. The policy position of the organization
must be periodically interpreted in terms of
the changed conditions, its programs must
be prudently adapted to the new circum-
stances, and Its publications and literary
contributions must reflect a steady awareness
of the currents and cross-currents abroad in
the world.
Significantly, as shifting conditions have
warranted it, the Ukrainian Congress Com-
mittee of America has at intervals defined
and elaborated in the simplest and most pre-
cise terms possible the nature and objectives
of its general policy. It has forthrightly
stated and restated its position to innumera-
ble inquirers who have raised the usual
questions: "What are you for and against?",
"Are you supported by foreign sources?",
"Are you an emigre organization?", and
"What are your purposes and aims?" Some,
like the Washington Post in 1963, have mis-
characterized the organization as one of the
most powerful lobbies on Capitol Hill; others,
like our recent Presidents, have properly
viewed it as a citizens group contributing to
the welfare of this Nation; while still others,
like the organs of colonialist Moscow and
puppet Kiev, have furnished a series of hallu-
cinations about the organization. The an-
swers and replies have always been, so to
speak, on open record and in the books, even
for those with short memories or those suf-
fering pains of uncertainty or changed al-
As far back as 1951, for example, the com-
mittee offered its concrete responses to the
problems that were then pressing and out-
standing? Taking full cognizance of numer-
ous developments at home and in the world,
it again stated its policy clearly and distinctly
6 years later? In March 19&5, UCCA expressed
itself once more as to the nature and struc-
ture of its policy in the light of changes over
the past 8 years. As in the preceding years,
this action was necessary because of the
never-ending inquiries, the forgetfulness of
same, the healthiness of a periodic reexamina-
tion, and the doubts of a few who have been
misguided by superficial developments in the
Red empire and elsewhere.
The remarkable aspect of all these policy
statements is the basic continuity of what
are essentially principles and guidelines to a
completely educational policy of UCCA. The
1957 statement, for instance, did not waver
in this fundamental respect from the pre-
vious one, despite notable changes in the
world such as the death of Stalin, the Pereya-
slav Treaty concessions, the abortive Hun-
garian revolution, the sputnik, and a host of
other developments. Some individuals read
too much into several of these changes and
went hopelessly astray. As is often the case,
changes in degree are mistaken for changes
in kind, transformed appearances are misin-
terpreted for substantive modifications. In
addition, mistakes of this sort usually reveal
frail convictions, not to say tenuous knowl-
Since 1967 to the very present who can
deny the sweeping changes that have marked
contemporary history? The tremendous eco-
nomic strides of the United States, Western
Europe, and other parts of the free world,
the space explorations of this period, captive
Cuba, the weakening of NATO, the Sino-
Soviet Russian rift, the economic troubles
of the Red Empire, Sino-Russian infiltration
of Latin America, Africa, and southeast Asia,
Vietnam and numerous other significant
developments can be cited. Each of these
has to be rationally considered when one
speaks of a policy that is fixedIn principle
but not static in content, flexible for opera-
tion but not naive in pragmatism, founded
on-certitude but not sterile in action. Each
of these changes and more were carefully
1 "The Political Policy of the Ukrainian
Congress Committee of America," the Ukrain
Ian Quarterly, vol, VII, No. 1, pp. 52-64.
3 "UCCA Policy Today," the Ukrainian
Quarterly, vol, XIII, No. 4, pp. 297-304.
taken account t . 96.5__ educational
policy of UCC 1 Ar,,d xelpped and accepted
by its executiv 3?li.every instance,
the policy ca4 Q rAUy revised at
the UCCA co bj?J?-view of the
firm and tests li-,ty of this policy, the
likelihood of SubsLa t -rays;qn is
The educatIQ ,pollgy of UCCA. rests on
10 fundamen Tbese, really con-
stitute the primp 1`1114= _guidelines of UCCA
action. Dealiri -with norW , purposes, ob-
jectives, and plples, the 10 points pat-
urally cannot 6 v3 answers to all
problem situat Ql - pest this ig to
demand omnis ,]e Yain and. actually
absurd preterit. .gnigience _ran best
be left with th tptaliieaians _ However,
in the neces -ffiter lay, of theory and
practice, idea at i~e points do provide
a base for a rA"eatment. of pertinent
problems, regar t,1 ;,4?? Q ? complex they
may be. The rA plan 9f .complexity
is no excuse fo&_ QARP.,Fx, ,iltlildlcct, per-
Preceding all Q th fia'st cardinal point
of UCCA's educ,,,tioAlai Policy is work and
effort aimed at pre ivy aict,stleggthening
the national se the, United States.
This has been . ' Jt fundamental
objective of UC and its_accoulplishment
is being pro, red vy regitzcd through the
many unique c ppen, to it, In, one
of his messages CFi pnyention Presi-
dent and Harry stated S. Tr that nderedthes point
at uaYaj s}e~~re of -All peoples for a free o?f Tile,. y 9ll ,i a strength-
ened as the true of de pcracy .is made
known in lands l ig r .Slletdtxtion has, become
an art of goverliit includes the
United States as e rape.-al?d all the
We cannot repeat tVJt_famos
declaration of ouj te..JPs .sj t .John -F.
Kennedy, "Ask rig ? atgur country can
do for you, but ouv cam, cio. loryouur
country." For us t Riuiitoed the spirit
and action of UCU befprc it g[as utter4d
and appeared in ~,.y__ group has
hammered away e? t iYlt+hOat
a strong and coin eons ca, to_ which
every citizen musi `r _ tS itutg. the-cause of
freedom would b hout the world,
it is certainly t 1g_Qr:ganization.
Freedom for Ukr alLti captive
nations would bey a grand- -illuslop.
Dedicated to our "of de-
mocracy and independgnceeas gxpressed by
the Declaration ofpendence, the Bill of
Rights, and the C o ti lp _ UCCA is a com-
pletely American tSTtd, a national
organization, that s_lapon a wealth.of
Ukrainian resource .,a, id ,experience to
do what it can fQo,n Vroi,ntry and thus,
in the world contest l ufii liherar
tion and freedom ptive nations.
including the la} es o i1L Eastern
Europe, Ukraine Its
Contrary to ill by some, UCCA
is not, nor has ev an eratii TI>p*aina,.
Ian parliament, a over xtle, or,
an agent for overnment n-exile;
Where these fanci1' ve?arisen, it
is difficult to say. yar(ous- rea-.
sons inspiring and_,promotfhg such notions,
are not difficult t e ,4dy, attempt,
to compromise the( agt&I 91... t1i,ia,-essen
tially educational inst1Xutlpn wJUchis one;
of Americans of 13 ound In
fused with a free =Spirit-grid to
Message of the of the United,
States, the Ukraini iT~u;ly 15-Au-
gust 1, 1952, p. 1.
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Mr. HARTKE. Let ie help the Sen- Mr., SMATHERS. If I may finish that
ator out in that regard. sentence.
. Mr. ,Ql f o , I~ulsiana. We will I am certain It .is the desire of all Sea-
manufacture our_shat.of the steel. ators to get a vote on this bill In a short
-Mr. HA.T.I, , The average U.S. auto- time.
mobile talcs over 3,000 pounds of steel Now, I yield to the distinguished ma-
and iron, jority leader.
We are .going to lose 200,000_ auto- Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, will
mobile. phatt,maJces 300,000 tons that the Senator from Florida yield without
ordinarily would be produced in the. losing his right to the floor?
United States. Mr. SMATHERS, I yield with that
Each automobile takes about 45 pounds understanding.
of copper, which means that 9 million Mr. MANSFIELD. It r. President, I
pounds of copper will not be sold from ask unanimous consent that the vote on
the United. States, 15 million pounds of the Gore motion to postpone action on
aluminum, 25 million pounds of zinc, and the pending bill until the second Mon-
8 million pounds of lead and other, prod- day in January occur at 4 o'clock this
ucts, mined in the United yStates, afternoon.
It means. a loss of about, $400 million The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there
in the, United States In sakes alone, objection?
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Will the Sen- Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, reserv-
ator suspend for one moment? ing the right to object, I want to be cer-
Mr. HART". All I can say is- tain that I may have 5 minutes.
Mr, , LONG Louisiaua, If.ibe Sen Mr. MANSFIELD. The Senator from
8tor wants, tbe.floor, I will be glad to Kansas requires so little time that he
yield the floor, but if the,Senator.isask- has assurance that_he will have 5 min-
ing a question I would,Me to respond. utes.
1y2r. HARTKE. I know If the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there
Senator has taken all jobs into consid- objection? The Chair hears none, and it
e3 ation In ' his estimate of what is, going is so ordered.
to happen to. business, in the. United Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
States. should like to have the attention of Sen-
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I will state ators, especially those who are opposing
what I have taken into,account, the pending, business, the Senator from
What the Senator .is-taking about is Indiana [Mr. HARTKE], the Senator from
future growth of the Canadian automo- Connecticut [Mr. RisICorr], and the
bile market. He said we are losing that. Senator from Tennessee [Mr. GORE]. If
I say that it is a doubtful assumption it is agreeable, I should like to have the
that we ever owned that market. So Senate take up the conference report on
far as what we are sending there is con- the immigration bill at this time. The
cerned, we are keeping it. time taken on the conference report
Mr. HARTKE. In response to that, I would be added to the period after 4
They are pretty good. I wish to read an
article by John Fell from the Canadian
The plan is designed to cut the iml>alanc
Of, trade. with tbe-United States, increase Ca
production ratio as in 1964, anti increase the
Canadian content of autos by stipulated
Mr. 'LONG of Louisiana. I have taken
all .of that into account.
I -arrived at_.tbeconclusion, which was
testited to. by every responsible official
of our,aQverxuxiellt and those who repre-
sent labor and management as well, that
this means an increase in jobs in the
U.S. industry; that it ins we will pre-
serve 25,000 jobs that we-are in danger
of losing if we doAot ratify this agree-
fnent iii 'the automobile Industry alone,
and,another .25.,000 jobs in supporting
industries; and that, this agreement
means more proffts for business, it
means expansion, of business and lower
prices for the consumer, ,
14i. II RTEE. Mr. President-
Mr. SMATHERS, Mr. President, I
have a very, brief statement I would like
to, m,~,~e supporting this agreement, and
supportfnL the
ition taken by the
$eriator fropn I,-posquislana.
is nay, ,hope - and expectation that I
4 .1 xjo exceed more than 10 minutes.
I. MANSFIELD. Then, en, Mr.Presi-
dent, will the Sexiator yield without los-
ing his right to,the floor?,
No, $1- 11
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, I submit a report of the com-
mittee of conference on the disagreeing
votes of the two Houses on the amend-
ment of the Senate to the bill (H.R.
2580) to amend the Immigration and Na-
tionality Act, and for other purposes. I
ask unanimous consent for the present
consideration of the report.
in the chair). The report will be read
for the information of the Senate.
The legislative clerk read the report.
(For conference report, see House pro-
ceedings of September 29, 1965, pp.
objection to the present consideration of
the report?
There being no objection, the Senate
proceeded to consider the report.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, H.R. 2580 passed the Senate
on Wednesday, September 22, by a vote
of 76 to 18. The measure considered by
the Senate was an amendment in the
nature of a substitute to the House-
passed bill. The House asked for a con-
ference to consider and resolve the, nine
areas of substantive difference between
the two bills that resulted from the work
of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The Senate amendment enlarging the
definition of refugees in section 203 (a) (7)
to include those persons uprooted from
their usual place of abode by catastrophic
natural calamity, as defined by the Presi-
dent, was accepted by the House.
The conferees agreed to provide in
section 4of the bill that immigration of-
ficers, as well as consular officials, may
administer oaths executed outside of the
United States.
The Senate amendment removing the
exclusion of alien seamen from section
244; thus allowing such aliens to seek a
suspension of deportation from the At-
torney General, was accepted by the
The conferees agreed, however, to al-
low for such suspension proceedings only
for seamen who entered prior to June
30, 1964.
The Senate amendment liberalizing
the House amendment to permit aliens
afflicted by mental retardation or past
attacks of mental illness to seek en-
trance as immigrants under the proce-
dures described in section 212(f) was
accepted by the House.
The Senate amendment to extend the
benefits of section 249, to permit the
creation of a record of lawful admission
to aliens who entered the United States,
was agreed to in principle by the House.
The Senate would have raised the per-
tinent date from June 28, 1940, to June
28, 1958. The conferees agreed on a
compromise date of June 30, 1948.
The Senate amendment establishing
a conditional limitation of 120,000 upon
the nations of the Western Hemisphere
and the creation of a Select Commission
on Western Hemisphere Immigration
was accepted by the House. The con-
ferees agreed to change the composition
of the Commission from three members
from the House and Senate each, and
nine members appointed by the Presi-
dent to five members from the House and
Senate each, and five appointed by the
It was agreed that no more than three
members from the House and three from
the Senate would be from the same po-
litical party.
The Senate amendment to section 245
allowing the adjustment of status of na-
tives from the Western Hemisphere who
have fled persecution on account of race,
religion or political opinion was not ac-
cepted by the House. The conferees did
agree, however, to the specific inclusion
of this problem in the mandate to the
Select Commission.
Finally, a minor Senate amendment
providing that an alien student must
show evidence that he has been accepted
by an approved educational institution
was deleted. Such a requirement sub-
stantially eyists under current law.
Mr. President, the Senate conferees
believe that this conference was most
successful in preserving the amendments
introduced by the Senate. The House
conferees were most accommodating and
generous to us in this matter. I take
this opportunity to express my apprecia-
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24704 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE September 30, 1965
th Carolina [Mr. Exvtxl I hank my colleague for his in-
S of th
n to
Judiciary leagues. I did not agree with him in this matter dulgence.
to "iligence he did agree in the final analysis that of the conference report.
My own colleagues for p their
and patience throughout this extended, there should f be a bill, rand he with und hunt Ilshuld like to say thatea though the
but harnio ous, cofifer ence meeting. self able, in good conscience, to accept distinguished Senators from Massachu-
argued most eloquently and sanJAViTS the totality of this package without which setts and New York differ with me on the
Senators ER , MART, P63i and cessfully a bill would not have been possible. I desirability of placing a limitation upon
ters, as did .the distinguished minority The proudest words in any language
leader, Senator DIRKSEN. that can be offered to a man of intellect,
Mr. President, I move . the adoption of whether one agrees with him or not, are,
the conference report. "I am persuaded." This is my tribute to
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I agree the Senator from North Carolina.
with much of what the distinguished I am deeply disappointed about one
Senator from Massachusetts has said. I aspect of the bill, as to which we ran into
wish to pay him a tribute for the taste a brick wall, an absolute rock, so far as
and fine lea4ership hf displayed in the the House conferees were concerned, and
conference. that is the adjustment of the status of
There are two matters upon which I' Cuban refugees in the United States, of
wish to comment. The first is the ques- whom there are some 225,000, in tem-
tion of, the ceiling on Western Hemi- porary status in the United States, many
sphere immigration to the United States. of whom find their progress materially
I do not favor such a ceiling. I was interfered with in. terms of' getting
strongly opposed to it in the subcommit- licenses to practice professions and in
tee, in the full committee, and on the terms, even, of getting licenses to engage
Senate floor. We a'll r understand that in certain kinds of business, because their
the bill is a a,ckage deal and includes a status is still that of parolees. In the
Select Comrnission on Western Hemi- last 2 years, 15,335 and 11,899 Cubans
the imposition of a ceiling, after an ex- What has been done by denying them
haustive study of 'the situation in the the opportunity to readjust their situa-
future, is the right policy. Without such Lion without leaving the country is, in
d psekage, we would not have had a bill my judgment, to prefer those who can
in the Senate. e House conferees, afford to go, to Canada or to Mexico and
reeogriizfng this situation, nonetheless remain the requisite time to become
went along with,thisnproposition. normal immigrants, instead of per
I am convinced, and t think those who mitting these people, many of whom
feel strongly -against the imposition of were heroes who preferred freedom to
the ceiling on Western hemisphere 'im- continued residence under communism
migration should also feel convinced, that in their own homes to enjoy normal lives.
this important legislation would not be We should at least give them the same
here, and the Senator from Massachu- treatment that we have given, for ex-
setts would have been unable to be in this ample, ship-jumpers and others who are
posture of final action on a bill, were not in this country in an irregular status
the whole package accepted. and whose status we permit to be regu-
It isTfa r to say, and t believe it is most larized under the bill.
"important to say, that a determined' ef- Mr. President, I am bitterly disap-
fort was made by some in conference to pointed by that. I believe that we are
strike out the Commission. It required making a great mistake. However, I am
much effort and persuasion on the part convinced, as are my colleagues, that
of the Senate conferees, together with a we would have had no bill and we would
conviction on the part of a number of have shattered the whole vessel of im-
House conferees, to cause the acceptance migration reform upon that rock.
of the Commission. That was critically The bill has been amended to require
important, because it is really the only the Select Commission on Western Hemi-
ameliorating factor and, based upon the sphere Immigration to look into this ex-
factual advice the Commission may give ' press question. I expect that the Com-
us, a better policy may be provided to mission will have a preliminary report
substitute for the ceiling which we placed within about a year. There was an ex-
on Western $emisphere immigration. It pression of sympathy with the idea of
should be made absolutely clear that perhaps preparing a separate bill for
none of us who-feel as I do have altered the Cuban refugees based upon the find-
otir views upon that subject. Our Latin ings of the Commission. This action
American riends should understand would answer the deep complaint which
that, otherwise we would have had no bill I feel that thousands of people will prop-
at all; all; also that that the the cellpresen g maintains ap- erly have as a result of the impasse
gration; m addition that of immi- which developed from this provision of
at the Commis- the Senate bill.
sion is under a duty to submit a prelimi- Mr. President, it is for the reason that I
nary report on or before July 1, 1967, want to cooperate in this great reform
which. Is before the ceiling on Latin that I signed the conference report. I
American Immigration will take effect on pledge myself to continue to work in-
July 1, 1968. This will give Congress an defatigably for the future well-being of
opportunity, in the light of an authorita- Cuban refugees. I feel that they are
tive set 6t, findings, to reconsider the pol- entitled to the same rights as are the
icy if it wishes to do so. many other categories of immigrants
In the some. connection, I wish to pay covered in the immigration law. rIn-
tribute, as I have before, to the states- tend to prepare legislation in this re-
manship of the distinguished` senior Sen- Bard.
immigration from the Western Hemi-
sphere, they did an exceedingly fine job
and merit the thanks of the Senate for
their work on this legislation which now
nears fruition,.
I believe that one of the most meritori-
ous features of the bill is the limita-
tion on immigration from the Western
Hemisphere. The provision for this lim,-
itation removes one of the serious defects
in our existing immigration law in that
it removes the discrimination in favor of
the nations of the Western Hemisphere
as against the nations of the Eastern
Although there may be no great hemi-
spheric immigration problem at present,
it is better to lock the stable door before
the horse is stolen.
The countries of the Western Hemi-
sphere, outside the United States, had a
population of approximately 67 million
people at the beginning of this century.
At the end of this century it Is estimated
that the same countries will have a pop-
ulation of approximately 604 million peo-
ple. The United States simply cannot
absorb unrestricted immigration from
the Western Hemisphere.
I believe that the bill Is the best ob-
tainable at this time in our Nation's his-
tory. I believe that we will offend our
Latin American neighbors less by placing
a limitation upon immigration from
South America and the West Indies, as
well as the independent countries of
North America, outside the United
States, now, before a great many of the
600 million people demand entrance to
this country.
Mr. JORDAN of North Carolina. Mr.
President, I wish to make a statement re-
garding the conference report on H.R.
2580, the Immigration and Nationality
Mr. President, when H.R. 2580, the Im-
migration and Nationality Act, passed
the Senate on September 22, I voted
against it because of two aspects of it
which disturbed me.
One was a provision relating to, the
thousands of Cubans already in this
country who fled that unhappy island
because of Castro. The Senate bill would
have had the effect of conferring U.S.
citizenship on these unfortunate people
without the normal waiting period, and
therefore without any adequate screen-
ing process. While I deeply sympathize
with these refugees from Communist
tyranny, I think it would be extremely
unwise to confer' citizenship upon them
on a wholesale basis without the tradi-
tional`screening and waiting period. In
addition, such action by our Congress
would suggest that we expect these good
people never to return to their native
land ' and this would imply that we feel
Castro's Communist regime is a perma-
merit thing in Cuba. Of course, this is
notthe case at all.
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'The conferees have removed this at this particular time. 1 would like to ufacturers after the commitments ex-
Cuban provision from'the bill, and that thank Fred M. Mesmer and Drury H. pire,
removes one of the objections I had to it. Blair, staff members of the Subcommit- Under the agreement as implemented
MY other objection to the bill grew out tee on immigration and Naturalization, by this bill, Canadian manufacturers
of part of the debate on it on the day of and George B. Autry, Chief Counsel of will be able to concentrate their produe-
its passage. During that debate Senator the Subcommittee on Revision and Codi- tion in such a way that fewer models
EDWARD M. KENNEDY, who was managing fication of the Laws, for invaluable as- will be produced at greater efficiency. d in the bill for its proponents, admitted sistance which they gave to me in con- Models npoolonnggeer by educe exports from Canada
under questioing that under it 60,000 notion with my work upon this legis-will be vi the
more "immigrants per year would enter lation, and to bear testimony that they United States. Of course, we will be re-
this country than the total annual num- merit the thanks of the Senate for the ceiving some Canadian cars in return.
ber currently omitted under existing contributions which they made to the This exchange was not possible before
law. I was disturbed by this figure in preparation and enactment of this leg- the President entered into Cagree-
tariff on automobiles of thvery high because Canadian
the light of the present unemployment islation. ment because
situation. Since that day I have given own tariff. It will be possible now. An
further study to the matter and have AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS TRADE exchange of this sort which increases
rm Senators who are ACT OF 1965 the exports of both countries will, of
discussed it with
thoroughly informed is an and am overestimate. The Senate resumed the consideration course, help both countries.
cpnvin its this figurer an . of the bill (H.R. 9042) to provide for the On the basis of testimony presented
In laon add more important, the implementation of the Agreement Con- to the committee, I believe, and I know
new law would place a much greater cerning Automotive Products Between that other members of the committee
profes mphasis on a techni al skills persons so that with the Government of the United States of agree, that our favorable balance of
a very large and technical i ol America and the Government of Canada, trade and payments with Canada will
immigrants large would tion the additional cats- - and for other purposes. not be harmed because of the agreement
mmigrants w woutall into these tale Mr. SMATHERS. Mr. President, the or the company commitments. The
gorses and would not aduntr the unskilled Senator from Louisiana has very excel- Canadian market for automobiles is
labor or acc in tf country, eartt of h the lently described the features of the bill growing so rapidly-even more rapidly unts of emplo menu problem. a Thus, the new the and of the Canadian agreement. I favor than the U.S. demand-that it will be
law wo Would met Thus, the agreement and I urge enactment of possible for the companies to satisfy
n' would help us meet existing shortages this bill to implement it. their commitments to Canada without
led p pees. a our n tccnnica work- This bill has been explored about as any net exports to this country.
cekilleare d professional and technfinally, ical wb thoroughly as any legislation to come Thus, the Treasury Department ad-
a of the needed. And, on total im- before the Committee on Finance. We vised the committee that at the end of
- had 41/2 days of hearings on it and took the transition period-model year 1968-
migration onfr from the Westn on tos e
mgration from the r'este the the , nearly 500 pages of testimony. On the our balance of trade and our balance of
of rail e ff e t of t he new law o over basis of these hearings and the subse- payments in automotive products with
of, years erall effect of too hold-down a will period quent discussions in executive session, Canada will be the same as it is today.
inf into nto our of only three members of the committee If we do not approve the agreement by
Influx into our tu country, , particularly the tot of q
unskilled labor. were able to find fault with it. passing this enabling legislation, our bal-
Mr. President, I want to join with The objective of the agreement and ance of payments could be seriously hurt,
many others in paying tribute to my col- of this bill is to expand trade with Can- because we will lose the large export mar-
league, the senior Senator from North ada through mutual elimination of du- ket we now have.
Carolina, for the magnificent contribu- ties. Canada has acted to eliminate her Canada has demonstrated that she is
tion lie has made during many- hours of duties and this bill carries out our ob- going to have an automobile industry.
hard work on the perfecting of what I ligation to eliminate ours. In entering In 1963, she began steps to expand her
believe is now an immigration plan con- into this agreement, Canada probably auto industry. This involved remission
siderabl + superior to that provided un- fears she gave up more than she got. of duties on imported auto parts. The
der the present immigration laws. Canadian duties are 17.5 percent on au- U.S. parts industry objected to this re-
I therefore want to go on record as tomobiles, and up to 25 percent on parts. mission plan, called it a subsidy and
favoring, adoption of the conference re- Our duties are only a fraction of that. moved for a countervailing duty under
port and enactment of this bill into law. On automobiles it is 6.5 percent and on our law. Others saw the plan for what
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The parts it is only 8.5 percent. In addition, it really was-an attempt by Canada to scra
automo reporion is on agreeing to the conference ebate p anS u compe derlwhih Cap dustry withinautonomous
her own bou daries. in If
e ports of parts to this country had soared. we had not resorted to this agreement,
The report was agreed to. other methods Canada might have em-
ting Canada felt she was not get-
ting a quid pro quo, commitments were ployed to achieve her objective could
COMMENDATION OF FRED M? obtained from Canadian subsidiaries of have cut off U.S. automotive exports to
MESMER, DRURY H. BLAIR, AND American automobile companies that Canada. This is exactly what happened
GEORGE B. AUTRY their Canadian production will be ex- in Brazil when she went to a 100-percent
Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, it would panded over a 4-year period despite elim- local content requirement in 1958. This
be impossible for Members of the Senate ination of the duties. Without this as- is exactly what is happening today in
to perform the tasks devolving upon surance, the greater efficiency of Amer. Argentina and Australia. We lost ex-
them intheir character as Federal legis- loan automobile and part manufacturers ports to all these countries.
lators if it were not for the dedicated de- would have overwhelmed Canadian com- By this agreement with Canada, I be-
votion and untiring 'zeal of members of petitiors. lieve we have protected the American
their staffs and members of the staffs of By the company undertakings, Cana- automobile industry from loss of the Ca-
various committees and subcommittees dian production is to be expanded by 60 nadian market. I believe we have pro-
upon which they serve. Since last Feb- percent of growth in Canadian auto tected America from loss of a half-bil-
;'l have devoted a major part of sales plus an absolute amount of $241 lion-dollar favorable balance of trade
my enex and time to the study of the million. This latter commitment by the with Canada. That is a real achieve-
laws and problems relating to immigra- terms of undertakings is to be achieved ment.
tion in connection with the revision of by the end of model year 1968. An ob- Mr. President, whenever we find labor
our immigration laws covered by the con- vious purpose of these undertakings is to and industry and the administration all
ferenee report which has just been ap- provide time for the less efficient Cana- supporting the same legislation, it must
proved by the Senate. than manufacturers to become more ef- be good. That is the happy state of af-
In' my judgment, these revised laws ficient through longer production runs fairs with respect to H.R. 9042. The
constitute the best immigration regula- of fewer models so that they will be bet- Government sponsored it-the industry
tions which can be devised and enacted ter able to compete with American man- urges it-labor supports it.
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CONGRESSIONAL RECQRD - S N~TE September 30, 19,65
The legislation before us is clearly his- The agreement does not accomplish all duction, more trade, and more employ-
torie, which has, seeking that the Canadian Government might ment.
to ecta is Separate automotive in- have hoped. It does not accomplish all The basic question confronting us in
dustry 0 ,116 own. has now committed it- that we in the United States were seek- implementing the automotive products
self to an integration of its. automotive ing. But it does represent a fair and trade agreement is not whether this is
market with tllat$ neighbor, the reasonable compromise which serves the best of all possible solutions-I;for
United 8tate?,. Tle,integration Is, some- the interests of both countries. one would prefer to see completely free
what "cox?~ditlplled- it Is true. ., But such I believe the agreement has many ad- automotive trade between ourselves and
dohcilti _is quite understandable as vantages to the United States over the Canada-but whether it is the best solu-
both nations move -through the transi- Canadian duty remissions plan the agree- tion available in the light of both the
Notional period toward a rationalized ment replaces. I believe, for that mat- mutual and conflicting objectives of two
rth , American automotive. market. ter, that the agreement will leave us sovereign governments. I submit that
And the'deveaopment of this market will ahead of where we were before Canada it is.
standin marked contrast to the restric- embarked upon the unilateral course of The net effects of the agreement, I am
the trade practices wjiich characterized action which she may well resume if convinced, are all to the good. Never-
attQmpts by other countries to establish this agreement is rejected.
their own automotive Industry. Bless, a prime concern must be the
l~? cCART1iY. Will the Senator Where, under her duty remissions adequate adequate protection of those U.S. com-
yield?' Canada sought to solve her automotive panies and their employees who may, be
Mr.SMATHERS_ T chn?1ri Ulro +? fi?_ trade problems solely by stimulating her adversely affected by the realinement of
exports. she now r,rnnnenc
t t
me to o
y ylela. ^he answer I am pleased to see that the legisla-
With respect to the balance-of-trade through increased Canadian automotive tion before us contains provisions which,
and balance-of-payments deficits, rode production. This is an approach which In my estimation, will provide effective
lyn N. Trued, Assistant Secretary of tMer-
he leaves the way open for the United relief for such dislocations. These ape
States to maintain its highly favorable cial provisions involve eligibility for as-
Treasury, had this- to, say: automotive trade surplus, but at a higher sistance and administrative procedures.
Mr. bb,ainn,'n and members of the com- trade level which would make the pro- They are full
tfzfttee, I' appreciate the opportunity to ap- portions of 'her deficit acceptable to y justified because this
pear before you to comment on the balance- agreement calls for immediate elimina-
ofpayments implications of the proposed Canada. tion of tariffs instead of their
leg station to implement the United States- The agreement puts U.S. producers of gradual
reduction as would be the case in the
Canadian Autopaotlye Products Agreement. replacement auto parts on a more equal Trade Expansion Act of 1962. There-
As this committee . knows, the United footing with their Canadian competitors, fore, any adverse effects may be expe-
on' , trade, ates has had, a substantial overall surplus who could generate exports that could rienced more rapidly. These special
Cu With, Ca e t e with over the be used to obtain duty remission under provisions are necessary to provide aid
has contributed substantially to thda
sur the old plan. And the agreement rede- to firms and workers who are affected by
plus. fines "Canadian content" requirements loss of export markets as well as by in-
$e then in a mariner that gives U.S. original creased imports of particular products.
quoted Secretary of Com- equipment parts manufacturers a freer
hand to sell in Canada than they had
With the automotive products agreement under the remission plan or, for that
in force, Secretary Connor testified before matter, even before the plan was put
the committee that; "It is reasonable to pro- into effect. They are no loner restricted
ject it continuing growth in the. Canadian to duty-free treatment of only those
automotive ,iiaa let , sufficient to absorb the
projected increase, ia..Canadian production parts of a class or kind not made in
without rgducing our net favorable balance Canada. The agreement pertains to all
of trade wits Canada,." , original equipment parts.
The TFegs
'If ury supports this conclusion. Viewed from the perspective of overall
To continue with.the. statement of Mr. automotive trade, I find nothing in this
Trued- m a bala-payments -pa agreement to c use us alarm, The short-
range trade effects will be to reduce very
en the
alOWAotlve_ agreement simply
W644. Nble nder it.,We.stand to maintain
our, present aiXble gurplus with Canada in
awtvnlotfve trade. Without the agreement,
we stand to ,lose a part of our present sur-
plus. There is no-doubt in the administra-
tion's mind of this outcome, and I believe
other Oovernmept witnesses have.indicated
their firm judgment that, in the absence of
thereement, Canada, would undertake
nr5asures to lirpit imports from the United
St tea and,I might add, Mr. _Chairman, your
comments at the conclusion of secretary
Wirtz' testimony are perfectly fitted to that
There is another balance-of-payments con-
sideration that I would like to mention
briefly 1n this context. It relates to invest-
merit in Canada. The means of financing
investments in the automotive industry in
Canada in recent years have been reinvest-
ment of local earnings and borrowing in the
Canadian market, As secretary Connor has
stated this pattern will probably continue.
That probability Is heightened by the
fact that under the agreement the
companies will have substantial savings
from the waiver of Canadian duties
they would otherwise have had to pay. This
means that any additional investment re-
sulting from the companies' undertakings
Should involve little, if any, cash transfers
from the United States,
Specifically, as I have said, the auto- Canada. Whether we speak in terms of
motive manufacturers have agreed to dollars or jobs, clearly we stand to lose
increase Canadian content by $241 mil- more than we could possibly gain by any
lion more than normal growth by 1968. action that disrupts Canada-United
In the context of the Canadian market, States auto trade relations. Conversely,
that is a substantial sum-about half of we stand to gain more than we lose
Canada's automotive trade deficit in 1963. through any agreement which, like the
In the huge bucket of the U.S. auto one we are considering today, will pro-
market, this business lost to Canada will mote the flow of trade. Implementation
be little more than a drop-less than 1 of this agreement may displace some
percent of the total North American workers. Failure to Implement the agree-
market which must be compared with the ment runs the high risk of displacing
8.5 percent industry growth rate of 1965 many more, very soon. It would also de-
over the previous year. prive us in the longer run of the addi-
In the longer range, the agreement will tional United States jobs that will be re-
stimulate the growth of the North Amer- quired to meet the needs of a more
scan market. It will permit the Cana- rapidly expanding Canadian auto market.
dian industry to work toward the pro- Mr. President, nothing could be more
duction of fewer models and component unfortunate than to consider H.R. 9042
parts, while American plants supply the as legislation which helps only the major
Canadian market with other models and automobile producers and concerns only
other parts. The end result will be a the automotive industry.
more logical, more efficient North Amer- That the major automobile manufaci-
ican automotive Industry to better serve tuners will benefit is undeniably true.
the market. What we will have, in other But the important point is that the rest
words, is a slightly smaller share of a of the automotive industry and the na-
much larger pie-netting us more pro- tional economy will also be helped b'
on American companies and workers,. it
is Important that we consider not only
the consequences of not implementing
the agreement as well.
As the Secretary of Labor pointed out
in committee hearings, at least 25,000
U.S. jobs are involved directly in the pro-
duction of autos and auto parts for ex-
port to Canada, and at least as malty
more workers are indirectly involved. In
1964, we exported about $660 million in
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Zon~rissionaL `record
Vol. "111
*AS141' 44OWENESEAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1965 NO. 180
Ouse o;
The House met at 12 o'clock noon.
The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp,
D.D? used this verse of Scripture:, Luke
21: 19: In your patience ye shal win
your souls.
0 eternal God in whose divine con-
trol are all ,our days, we beseech Thee
to draw us now near to Thyself that we
may not be far from one another.
May we offer our noonday prayer with
one' heart and mind and with simple
faith and sincere love.
`Atiild all the Chang es"of each passing
day may " we' find in~ ee t1iat peace aria
that patience and perseverance which
the world can neither give nor take
Whatever Thy will may be for us this
day grant that we may serve Thee faith-
fully and with firm obedience to what
Thou dolt command.
'lihou has't, mercifully drawn a cloud
ovet the' future but may this not be a
weariness "` or` a vex'atfon of spirit but a
eolltfort and a joy that_the best is yet
to be..
May each new day with its troubles
anti difficulties be part of the curriculum
fox the dey'ela meet of our character an d
the culture of theliiner life.
Tqq Thy name "we `shall give all the
praise. Amen.
The Journal of the proceedings of yes=
terday was read and approved.
A message from the Senate by Mr.
Arrington, one of Its clerks, announced
that the Senate had passed without
amendment a bill of the House of the
following title:
13.R. 1274. An act for the relief of Mrs.
Michiko Miyazaki Williams.
The message also announced that the
Senate had passed, with amendments in
which the concurrence`of the House is
requested, bills of the mouse of the fol-
lowing titles:
11 ,R. 7743. An act'to establish a system, of'
loan insurance and a supplementary system
of diregt loans, to assist students to attend
Approved ForRelease 2004/01/16 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
H.R. 9M47. An act to provide for participa-
tion of the United States in the HemisFair
1968 Exposition to be held in San Antonio.
Tex., in 1968, and for other purposes.
_ The message also announced that the
Senate agrees to the amendments of the
House to bills of the Senate of the fol-
lowing titles:
S. 1065. An act to authorize the Secretary
of the Interior to acquire through exchange
the Great Falls property in the State of Vir-
ginia for administration in connection with
the George Washington Memorial Parkway,
and for other purposes; and
S. 1620. An act to consolidate the two ju-
dicial districts of the State of South Caro-
lina into a single judicial district and to
make suitable transitional provisions with
respect thereto.
The message also announced that the
Senate agrees to the report of the com-
mittee of conference on the disagreeing
votes of the two Houses on the amend-
ments of the Senate to the bill (H.R.
728) entitled "An act to amend section
510 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936."
The message also announced that the
Senate recedes from its amendments
Nos. 1, 2, and 3 to the bill (H,R. 205) to
amend chapter 35 of title 38 of the
United States Code in order to increase
the educational assistance allowances
payablg u;ider the war orphans' educa-
Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent to take from the
Speaker's table the bill (H.R. 2580) to
amend the Immigration and Nationality
Act, and for other purposes, with Senate
amendment thereto, disagree to the Sen-
ate amendment and agree to the confer-
ence asked by the Senate.
The Clerk read the title of the bill.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from New
York? [After a pause.] The Chair
hears none, and appoints the following
conferees: Messrs. CELLER, FEIGHAN,
Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that the conferees
may have until midnight tonight and to-
morrow night to file a conference report.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from New
There was no objection.
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that all Members
who may speak today in Committee of
the Whole may have permission to re-
vise and extend their remarks and to
include extraneous matter.
The SPEAKER. Without objection,
it is so ordered.
. There was no objection.
Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I make the
point of order that a quorum is not
The SPEAKER. The gentleman from
Missouri makes the point of order that
a quorum is not present. Evidently, a
quorum is not present.
Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move
a call of the House.
A call of the House was ordered.
The Clerk called the roll, and the fol-
lowing Members failed to answer to their
names :
[Roll No. 335]
Anderson, Ill.
George W.
O'Hara, Mich.
Hansen, Wash.
Powell "
Rivers, S.C.
Brown, Calif.
Johnson, Okla.
Thompson, N.J.
Davis, Wis.
Long, La.
The SPEAKER. On this rollcall 393
Members have answered to their names,
a quorum.
By unanimous consent,- further pro-
ceedings under the call were dispensed
Mr. BENNETT of Florida. Mr.
Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the
AoOroved 1*or Release 2004/01/16: C1A-RD061960446 00Q100040001-6
e er r ,ecl # Wr v g8W- 8ubstitl te_o ieyed yesterday by the gen- "four horsemen" for home rule is here,
tllcrc.Rblection to tleman from California [Mr. Sisx]. the gentleman from New York [Mr.
the resent ctxsier}oxof thebili? The substitute which the gentleman NORTON] . In the last Congress when our
im 4Silate cgnslderatioiaof,tl~e,bill (H.R. , The Clerk read the title of the bill. about the retrocession proposition. I
"2 7 provide for the cg veya ice of Mr. BROYHILL of Virgonia. Mr. note that some of those who now propose
e gal, ptopertyin the United States Chairman, I move to strike the last word. the new approach are recent converts to
tO y of San i o Calif. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of the it. I do not know whether one of the
er o
of Representatives of the United States of stitute, which was then pending before which proposal advocated retrocession.
America in Congressr assembled, That the the, committee in the form of a bill, for We had another proposal which recom-
Administrator of Qeneal,$ervices shall con- one full morning, and then came back mended the same thing that the gentle-
vey, without monetary consideration there- the following day and subjected himself
for man from Maryland [Mr. MATHIAS] and
for, to,the city" o h biego, California, all to further questioning. the gentleman from New York [Mr.
right, title and interest` of the United, States This substitute, or bill, has obtained MuLTER] and others are proposing now,
in aiid:lR the real property comprising_a por- the approval of a duly constituted com- But I think it is interesting to note that
Lton .(approximately , sixty-seven one-hun-
dredt@, of an acre) of the Navy Capehart mittee of the House of Representatives, in the 88th Congress the gentleman from
quarters at the Admiral Hartman site in San not a clandestine group or a clandestine New York [Mr. HORTON], on page 220 of
Diego, California, the exact legal description meeting made up of a group of "yes" the hearings, said about the Kyl retro-
of which property shall be determined by the men, cession bill that the bill has "Possibility
Administrator. Incidentally, lly, while I was in the Army of giving the people in the District true
'Wth tl}e followm committee amend- during the war, we had another name for home rule."
men `(yTheICOmmittee, in approving the Sisk On page 265 of the hearings, the
monetary gentleman from New York [Mr. NORTON]
co derati4,on th strike out erefore", 'and ins without insert in lieu substitute, approved it with a.committee had this to say:
thereof "at,the esti na } Rsir rnarket ~aiue", amendment; however, the committee As between the Kyl proposal and the Mul-
The eo committee ametidlnent wasi}greed amendment to the original Sisk bill did ter, personally I would support the Kyl pro-
not lessen the committee support of the posal over the Mutter proposal.
The bill was ordered to be engrossed basic principle of the Sisk bill. Actually, The CHAIRMAN. The time of the
and reads third Lim , was read the. third what the committee did was to put two
e bills together, gentleman has expired.
time, and passed and a motion to recon- The committee put two bills together. Mr. WHITENER. Mr. Chairman, I
Slifer was laid on the table. ask unanimous consent that the gentie-
The bill I had originally introduced would man may proceed for 5 additional min-
" provide for 85 percent of the land-area of utes inasmuch as I took up his time.
CORI CTION OF VOTE the District of Columbia to be retroceded The CHAIRMAN. Without objection,
to the State of Maryland. I believe, of
Mr. BURTON of . California. Mr. course, this would be the only way in it is so ordered.
Speaker, on rollcall 313 I am recorded as which we could provide the msacimum There was no objection.
not voting. I was present and voted amount of self-government to any of the Mr. WHITENER. Mr. Chairman, will
"aye." I ask unanimous consent, that people who live within the Nation's Capi- the gentleman yield?
the permanent RECORD and Journal be tat at this time. This is no question about Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. I yield
correctec' accordingty to the gentleman.
the constitutionality of this proposal.
Tie. Is_there objection to Actually, a large portion of the district I Mr. WHITENER. The Mutter bill at
the rrguest of.the gentleman from Call- now represent, Arlington County and the that time was the administration bill,
forni~? city of Alexandria, used to be a part of which is almost identical to H.R. 4644.
Where leas no objection. the original Bistrict QV Columbia., Columbia... Be Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. That is
that as it may, I have been advised unof- correct. . Actually there may be a lot of
ficialiy that the committee amendment other things in the proposal offered by
Would not be germane to this bill, and the gentleman from California [Mr.
that we might want to change or
Mr. MULTVR. , Ir. Speaker, I ask therefore I do not intend to offer it. Of Sisx]
unanimous consent .tht all Members course, the main thrust of the committee amend. But basically, it is a good bill.
have 5 legislative days in which to ex amendment was to retain 15 percent of It is a sound proposal which as I said
tend them x ictarks.on the bill H.R. 4644 this land area as the Nation's Capital un- before has the full approval of the duly
and to. iiolud extraneous. matter. der full control of the Congress. I believe constituted Committee on the District
T'hp S EAER. is there objection to we will have an opportunity later on to of Columbia. After all, there is noth-
the request of the gentleman from, New consider any improvements or perfec- ing wrong in compromising or agreeing
York? Lions in the proposal that the gentleman to act in a spirit of compromise, par-
There was no objection, from California has offered at this time. ticularly when it is a true bipartisan
One part of the bill.or. substitute of- 'compromise.
feted by the gentleman from California that Now this there may may cause be a some delay In charges
giving a
flP e4e. T.r1`n rtlT A T [Mr. Sbsx], and the part that I think is _
----- ,LL,,, viiuluwe ii:+a nearmgs on nomerule,
`e Clerk read t ` e bill,1as follows: anon and full committee hearings, we had a retrocession proposal by the
It " 2 ' ` In fact, the gentleman from.. California .. gentleman from Iowa [Mr. KYi,], who at
Be it enacted by the senate and House [Mr. SISK] testified on behalf of his sub- that time was a Me 1, th
-- o- . .... .... .... .aa.vp ., w u.+u ~aa waacoaict vt ---~' --? .. '"-?"
Committee of the Whole House on the not we approve or reject the charter the hurry? Have we not done enough
State of the Union for the further .con- which will be drawn up by the people of damage so far in this session that We
sideration of the bill (H,R, 4644) to pro- the District of Columbia. I had planned legislation had to bnng and up any confusion cbnforversial
vide an elected Mayor, City Council, and to offer an amendment requiring con- Congress adjourns? This ever this
nonvoting Delegate to the House of Rep- gressional approval, but some Members a very iat-
resentatives for the District of Columbia, asked me not to offer the amendment ter. hy should and ot hf hesitated male
and for other purposes. because it was felt that 90 days would bi we not a lust
The motion was agreed to. give the Congress ample time to act. bit and proceed a little more cautiously
IN xiiE COMMITTEE or THE WHOLE Mr. WHITENER. Mr. Chairman, will before we act on this very serious and
Fie gentleman important matter? What is wrong with
Accordingly, the House resolved itself yield? letting the people of the Nation's Capi-
into the Committee of the Whole House Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. I yield to tal determine for -themselves what type
on the State of the Union for the further the gentleman, of so-called home rule they would like
consideration of the bill H.R. 4644, with Mr. WHITENER. I am very inter- to have? This is what most cities and
Mr. KEOGH in the chair. ested in what thA Opnila- is en-;,,.
Approved For Release 2004/01/16': CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040'001-6
district supervisors may now- look to the tionality Act, and for other purposes, having tion 201(b), and section 2Q3: Provided, That
futuxe with more confidence than ever before met, after full and free conference, have the total number of immigrant visas and the of con in seeking new tools in resource development. agreed to recommend and do recommend to nn u a nftiv ndit onal en ries (made vail-
There are and will be increasing opportun- their respective Houses as follows: to of any' e
ities for you to initiate projects on your own That the House recede from its disagree- under paragraphs (1) through (8) of section
and join other groups in cooperative ven- ment to the amendment of the Senate and 203 (a) shall not exceed 20,000 in any fiscal with an
amendment as year:
for togas. I know StsIin Hurley, your associa- agree to e
follows: In lieu ofethe matter proposed to be proviso shall not operate to reduce theenum-
dis- inserted by the Senate amendment insert the ber of immigrants who may be admitted un-
reco prendatio has for soil sent Governor
trcommendpatio proposed conservation following: der the quota of any quota area before June
regi regional in the pOzark area dier"That ection 201 of the immigration and 30, 1968.
Economic i program under Act of 1965. Public Works and n Nationality Act (66 Stat. 175; 8 U.S.C. 1151) "'(b) Each independent country, self-
Development Act by the De- be amended to read as followp: governing dominion, mandated territory, and
Under this act, administere
partment of Commerce, grants and loans may "'SEC. 201. (a) Exclusive of special im- territory under the international trusteeship
be available to districts for acquisition and/ migrants defined in section 101(a) (27), and system of the United Nations, other than
or conservation and development of land, of the immediate relatives of United States the United States and its outlying posses-
water, and related resources for public works, citizens specified in subsection (b) of this sions shall be treated as a separate foreign
section, the number of aliens who may be state for the purposes of the numerical
h 1 th roviso to sub-
Also supplementary grants may be eting wise acquire the status of an alien lawfully
theiis aretof c to an watershed in ote protection n tio admitted to the United States for permanent
jects. share of costs in w residence, or who may, pursuant to section
prU der 203 (a) (7) enter conditionally, (i) shall not
Under the the opportunity t accelerate designated areas the in any of the first three quarters of any
watershed p11 surveys, fiscal year exceed a total of 45,000 and (ii)
watershed program, vsoil technical cal t as- shall not in any fiscal year exceed a total of
other areas. 0 (b) The "immediate relatives" referred
new that you avenues to in subsection (a) of this section shall mean
is of It n e tos seek nwt seek tools and Importance
continue eek new e the children, spouses, and parents of a citi-
to carry out resource development work. ten of the United States: Provided, That in
We are making definite progress. The ad- the case of parents, such citizen must be at
vanes in resource development during the least twenty-one years of age. The im-few oacurre years a
d in notable because they Butt mediate relatives specified in this subsection
so much a short a space of time. But are otherwise qualified for admission as
so much remains to be done. immigrants shall be admitted as such, with-
You andIment that resource conservation out regard to the numerical limitations in
and development giiaTiflflex ea as a top priority this Act.
job under the most rigid set of standards
11 (c) During the period from July 1, 1965,
that can be applied. through June 30, 1968, the annual quota of us to ther for t be know this is not enough. any quota area shall be the same as that
Others must be made to know-and to un- which existed for that area on June 30, 1965.
derstand-and -and to act. The Secretary of State shall, not later than
One way to accomplish this is by bringing on the sixtieth day immediately following
all conservation interests together. Only the date of enactment of this subsection and
then will the term "conservation" have full again on or before September 1, 1966, and
meaning. September 1, 1967, determine and proclaim
You can do much to bring this about. the amount of quota numbers which remain
For 30 years now your voice has been heard- unused at the end of the fiscal year ending
con it has had impact. Your challenge is to on June 30, 1965, June 30, 1966, and June 30,
continue to make your voice heard-and 1967, respectively, and are available for dis-
your leadership felt. tribution pursuant to subsection (d) of this
I will do my part to help. Let us push section.
built a firm
ed or other-
t i
. '
gether until
(d) Quota numbers no
forward tofoundation for permanent prosperity in all wise used during the previous fiscal year, as ject, or if he is not a citizen or subject of
America. determined in accordance with subsection any country then in the last foreign country
(o) hereof, shall be transferred to an im- in which he had his residence as determined
(Mr. LEGGETT (at the request of Mr. migration pool. Allocation of numbers from by the consular officer; (4) an alien born
JENNINGS) was granted permission to the pool and from national quotas shall not within any foreign state in which neither of
extend his remarks at this point in the together exceed in any fiscal year the numeri- his parents was born and in which neither
RECORD and to include extraneous mat- cal limitations in subsection (al of this sec- of his parents had a residence at the time of
tion. The immigration pool shall be made such alien's birth may be charged to the
ter.) available to immigrants otherwise admissi- foreign state of either parent.
[Mr.. LEGGETT'S remarks will ap- ble under the provisions of this Act who are "'(c) Any immigrant born in a colony or
pear hereafter in the Appendix.] unable to obtain prompt issuance of a pref- other component or dependent area of a
erence visa due to oversubscription of their foreign state unless a special immigrant as
quotas, or subquotas as determined by the provided in section 101(a)(27) or an imme-
(Mr. SMITH of Virginia (at the re- Secretary of State. Visas and conditional diate relative of a United States citizen as
quest of Mr. JENNINGS) was granted per- entries shall be allocated from the immigra- specified in section 201(b), shall be charge-
q tion pool within the percentage limitations able, for the purpose of limitation set forth
mission to extend his remarks at,this and in the order of priority specified in sec- in section 202(a), to the foreign state, except
point in the RECORD and to include ex- tion 203 without regard to the quota to which that the number of persons born in any
traneous matier.) the alien is chargeable. such colony or other component or depend-
ent area overseas from the foreign state
of Virginia's remarks 11 I(e) char eable to the foreign state in any one
after in the Appendix.] quotas of quota areas shall terminate June g
Th reafter immigrants admissible fiscal year shall not exceed 1 per centum of
Mr. CELLER submitted the following
conference report and statement on the
bill (H.R. 2580) to amend the Immigra-
tion and Nationality Act, and for other
The coma Ittee of conference on the die
agreeing votes of the two Houses on the
amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R.
2580) to ' amend the Immigration and Na-
the maximum number of immigrant vis
under the provisions of this Act who are sub- available to such foreign state.
ject to the numerical limitations of subsec-
tion (a) of this section shall be admitted in "'(d) In the case of any change in the
accordance with the percentage limitations territorial limits of foreign states, the Sec-
and in the order of priority specified in sec- retary of State shall, upon recognition of
Lion 203.' such change, issue appropriate instructions
"SEC. 2. Section 202 of the immigration to all diplomatic and consular cfiices.`
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 175; 8 U.S.C. "SEC. 3. Section 203 of the Immigration
1152) is amended to read as follows: and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 175; 8 U.S.C.
"'(a) No person shall receive any prefer- 1153 is amended to read as follows:
ence or priority or be discriminated against "'SEC. 203. (a) Aliens who are subject to
in 'the issuance of an immigrant visa be- the numerical specified
visas sec-
cause of his race, sex, nationality, place of tion 201(a) shall
birth, or place of residence, except as specif- conditional entry authorized, as the case may
ically provided in section 101 (a) (27), sec- be, as follows:
limitation set
section (a) of this section when approved by
the Secretary of State. All other inhabited
lands shall be attributed to a foreign state
specified by the Secretary of State. For the
purposes of this Act the foreign state to
which an immigrant is chargeable shall be
determined by birth within such foreign state
except that (1) an alien child, when accom-
panied by his alien parent or parents, may
be charged to the same foreign state as the
accompanying parent or of either accom-
panying parent if such parent has received
or would be qualified for an immigrant visa,
if necessary to prevent the separation of the
child from the accompanying parent or par-
ents, and if the foreign state to which such
parent has been or would be chargeable has
not exceeded the numerical limitation set
forth in the proviso to subsection (a) of
this section for that fiscal year; (2) if an
alien is chargeable to a different foreign state
from that of his accompanying spouse, the
foreign state to which such alien is charge-
able may, if necessary to prevent the separa-
tion of husband and wife, be determined by
the foreign state of the accompanying spouse,
if such spouse has received or would be qual-
ified for an immigrant visa and if the foreign
state to which such spouse has been or would
be chargeable has not exceeded the numeri-
cal limitation set forth in the proviso to sub-
section (a) of this section for that fiscal
year; (3) an alien born in the United States
shall be considered as having been born in
No.18D-7 Approved For Release 2004/01/16 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Attorney General as provided in section 204.
"'(d) Every immigrant shall be presumed
to be a nonpreference immigrant until he
establishes to the satisfaction of the consular
officer and the immigration officer that he is
entitled to a preference status under para-
graphs (1) through (7) of subsection (a),
or to a special Immigrant status under section
101(a) (27), or that he is an immediate rela-
tive of a United States citizen as specified
in section 201(b). In the case of any alien
claiming In his application for an immigrant
visa to be an immediate relative of a United
States citizen as specified In section 201(b)
or to be entitled to preference immigrant
status under paragraphs (1) through (6)
of subsection (a), the consular officer shall
not grant such status until he has been
authorized to do so as provided by section
"(e) For the purposes of carrying out
his responsibilities in the orderly adminis-
tration of this section, the Secretary of State
tinued intention to apply for a visa in such
manner as may be by regulation prescribed,
"'(f) The Attorney General shall submit
to the Congress a report containing com-
plete and detailed statement of facts in the
case of each alien who conditionally entered
the United States pursuant to subsection
(a) (7} of this section. Such reports shall
be submitted on or before January 15 and
June 15 of each year.
"'(g) Any alien who conditionally en-
tered the United States as a refugee, pur-
suant to subsection (a) (7) of this section,
whose conditional entry has not been ter-
minated by the Attorney General pursuant
to such regulations as he may prescribe,
who has been in the United States for at
least two years, and who has not acquired
permanent residence, shall forthwith return
or be returned to the custody of the Im-
migration and Naturalization Service and
shall thereupon be inspected and examined
for admission into the United States, and
his case dealt with in accordance with the
provisions of sections 235, 236, and 237 of
this Act.
(h) Any alien who, pursuant to subsec-
tion (g) of this section, is found, upon
inspection by the immigration officer or after
alien lawfully admitted for permanent resi-
dence claiming that an alien is entitled to a
preference status by reason of the relation-
ship described in section 203(a) (2), or any
alien desiring to be classified as a preference
immigrant under section 203(a) (3) (or any
person on behalf of such an alien), or any
person desiring and intending to employ
within the United States an alien entitled to
classification as a preference immigrant un-
der section 203(a) (6), may file a petition
with the Attorney General for such classifi-
cation. The petition shall be In such form as
the Attorney General may by regulations pre-
scribe and shall contain such information
and be supported by such documentary evi-
dence as the Attorney General may require.
The petition
be ade
oat ministered bysanylIndividual having authoor-
ity to administer oaths, if executed in the
United States, but, if executed outside the
United States, administered by a consular
officer or an immigration officer.
"'(b) After an Investigation of the facts
in each case, and after consultation with the
Secretary of Labor with respect to petitions
to accord a status under section 203(a)j (3)
or (6), the Attorney General shall, if he de-
termines that the facts stated in the peti-
tion are true and that the alien in behalf of
whom the petition is made is an immediate
relative specified in section 201(b) or is eli-
gible for a preference status under section
203(a), approve the petition and forward
one copy thereof to the Department of State.
The Secretary of State shall then authorize
the consular officer concerned to grant the
preference status.
"'(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of
subsection (b) no more than two petitions
may be approved for one petitioner in behalf
of a child as defined in section 101(b), (1)
(E) or (F) unless necessary to prevent the
separation of brothers and sisters and no!pe-
tition shall be approved if the alien has pre-
viously been accorded a nonquota or prefer-
ence status as the spouse of a citizen of the
United States or the spouse of. an alien law-
fully admitted for permanent residence,. by
reason of a marriage determined by the At-
torney General to have been entered into for
the purpose of evading the immigration laws.
'"(d) The Attorney General shall forward
to the Congress a report on each approved pe-
tition for immigrant status under sections
203(a) (3) or 203(a) (6) stating the basis for
his approval and such facts as were by him
deemed to be pertinent in establishing the
beneficiary's qualifications for the prefer-
ential status. Such reports shall be sub-
mitted to the Congress on the first and fif-
teenth day of each calendar month in which
the Congress is in session.
"'(e) Nothing in this section shall be con-
strued to entitle an immigrant, in behalf of
whom a petition under this section is ap-.
proved, to enter the United States as a prefer-
ence immigrant under section 203(a) or as
an immediate relative under section 201(b) if
upon his arrival at a port of entry in the
United. States he is found not to be entitled
--- '
to such class
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
HOUSE Septe7n6er 29, 1965
1 Visas shall be Srst made availabl
e, order in which they
112 Abel' not tp.exceed 20 qualify. Waiting lists of hearing before nd
a special inquiry officer, to
per centum of applicants shall be maintained in accordance be admissible as an immigrant an
e,.g be
er this
u r,specified insection 201 (a) (ii), to with regulations prescribed by the Secretary Act at the time of his inspection an
ttalffied immigrants who are the unman- of State. No immigrant visa shall be issued nation, except for the fact that he was not
nett s9ns or daughters of citizens of the to a nonpreference immigrant under, this
tb1( states and is not in possession of the documents ph, or to an
t with
a ?' ! 2 Visas shall next be made available, arageraunder paragraph immig3) nor (6) ofpthref- is required by section 212 (a) (20), shall be re-
la a muJjer.not .ta exceed 20 per centum of subsection, until the consular officer is in permanent residence
garded as lawfully admitted to the United for the nt lbex,~,specifed in section 201 (a) (ii), receipt of a determination made by the Sec- date o of his s arrival.' for
retary paragraphq(1), to q alifieda m- sects on 212Labor (14). to the provisions of "SEC. Section 204 of the Immigration
fnigrants who are the. spouses, unmarried a'(0) A ) and Nationality Act t ( (66 Stat. 176; 8U.S.C.
sons or unmarried daughters of an alien law- tion 101(b) p(o1) (A) or child Bd (C), (D), in sec- 1154) is a4. (a) Any read as follhe
fully admitted for. permanent residence, shall, if not otherwise entitled (D), entitled immi) States c 204. claiming that a tai en is the United
`"'(3) Visas shall. next be made available, grant status and the immediate issuance of a refs nce tt treason n f the relation-
in a
a number not to exceed 10 per centum of visa or to conditional entry under paragraphs preference status by of the the number specified in section 201(a) (fi) (1) through (8), be entitled to the same ships sestone2 in paragraphs me (4), l-
to quaiified,i_mmigrants who are members of status, and the same order of consideration (5) of section 203(a), or to an immediate re-
the professions. or who h--- ,...w,.,.. -- .. . .
V111-0 gate?}.&ial1y benefit prospectively the " v'u(b) In Considering to join, considering his spouse or applications for i parent.
Adtiotl- economy, cultural Interests, or wel- migrant visas. under subsection (a) consid-
fare of the United States. eration shall be given to applicants in the
(4) Visas shall next be made available, order in which the classes of which they are
number,not to.exceed 10 per centum of members are listed in subsection (a).
the number 'specified in section 201(a) (ii), "'(C) Immigrant visas Issued
plus any visas not pursuant to
required for c classes paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection
in paragraphs (1) through (a) shall be issued to eligible immigrants
qualifled imgrants .who are the married in the order in which a petition in behalf
s0 r e. married .daughters of citizens of of each such immigrant is filed with th
Elie tfilited Ste,tes.
"'(5) "Visas shall next be made available,
in a numbor.pot. to exceed 24 per centum of
the number specified in section 201(a) (ii),
plus any visas not required for the classes
specified in paragraphs (1) through (4), to
qualified ,trn.ii 'grants who are the brothers
or sisters of ee,tizens -pf the United States.
"'.(8) Visas, shall next be made available,
in a number, not to exceed 10 per centum of
the number specified in section 201 (a) (ii),
to qualified immigrants who are capable of
Performing specified skilled or unskilled
labor, not of a temporary or seasonal nature,
for which a shortage of employable and will-
ing persons exists in the United States.
"'(7) Conditional entries shall next be
made available, by the Attorney General, pur-
suant to such regulations as he may pre-
scribe and in, a number not to exceed 6 per
centum of the number specified in section
201(a)'(Ii), to aliens who satisfy an Immigra-
tion, and Naturalization Service officer at an
examination any non-Communist
r non- Co;nmunietominated country, (A) that (I) is "C anticipated numbers of visas to be
because of persecution, or.fear.of persecution issued during any quarter of any fiscal year
oi( account of race, religion, or political opin- within each of the categories of subsection
ion they have fled (I) from any Communist (u) and to rely upon such estimates authorizing The
or-Co. ran nist-dominated country or area, or Secretary the issuance of such etion Tay
(II) from any country within the general cretary of State, in his discretion, may
area'oftlie Middle East, and (ii) are unable terminate the registration on a waiting list
or unwilling to return to such country or
area on account of race, religion; or political
opinion, and, (iii) are not nationals of the
countries or areas in Which their application
for conditional, entry is made; or (B) that
they are persons uprooted by catastrophic
natural Calamity as defined by the President
Who are unable to return to their usual place
of abode. For the purpose of the foregoing
the term '.`general area of the Middle East"
means the area between and including (1)
Libya on the west, (2) Turkey on the north,
(3) Pakistan on the east, and (4) Saudi
Arabia and Ethiopia on the south: Provided,
That immigrant visas in a number not ex-
ceeding one-half the number specified in this
paragraph may be made available, in lieu of
conditional entries of a like number, to such
aliens who have been continuously physi-
cally present in the United States for a pe-
riod of ,et least two years prior to application
for adjustment of status.
"'(8) Visas authorized in any fiscal year,
less those required for Issuance to the classes
specified in,paragraphs (1) through (6) and
less the number of conditi
o al
pawag aph
shall be made available to other quali-
fied Immigrants strictly in the chronological
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Approved For Release 2004/01116: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
_"Sec. 5. Section 205 of the Immigration
ar?d Nationality Act (66 Stat. 176; 8 U.S.C,.
1155) is amended to read as follows:
"Mc. 205. The Attorney General may,.at
ally time, for what he deems to be good and
sufficient cause, revoke the approval of any
petition approved by him under section 204.
Such revocation. shall be,effective as of the
date of approval of any such petition. In
no case, however, shall such revocation have
effect unless there is mailed to the peti-
tioner's last known address a notice of the
revocation and unless notice of the revoca-
tion is communicated through the Secretary
of State to the beneficiary of the petition
before such beneS, iary commences his jour-
ney to the United States. If notice of revo-
cation is not so given, and the beneficiary
applies for admission to the United States,
his admissibility shall be determined in the
manner provided for by sections 235 and
"SEc. 6. Section 206 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 181; 8 U.S.C.
1.156) is amended to read as follows:
'Sze, 206, If an immigrant having an
immigrant visa is excluded from admission to
the United States and deported, or does not
apply for admission before the expiration of
the validity of his visa, or if an alien having
an immigrant visa issued to him as a pref-
erence Immigrant is found not to be a
preference immigrant, an immigrant visa or
a preference immigrant visa, as the case may
be, may be issued in lieu. thereof to another
qualified alien.'
"SEc. _ 7, Section 207 of thq Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 181; 8 U.S.C.
1157) is stricken.
"'SEc. 5. Section 101 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 166; 8 U.S.C.
1101) is, amended, as follows:
"(a) Paragraph (27) of subsection (a) is
amended. to read as follows:
,"(27) The term "special Immigrant"
"' (A) an immigrant who was born in any
Independent foreign country of the Western
Hemisphere qr in thie Canal Zone and the
spouse and. children of any such immigrant,
if accompanying, or following to join him:
Provided, That no immigrant visa shall be
Issued pursuant, to this clause until the
consular officer is, in receipt of a determi-
nation made by the Secretary of Labor
pursuant to the provisions of section
"'(B) an immigrant, lawfully admitted for
permanent residence, who is returning from
a temporary visit abroad;
""(C) an immigrant who was a citizen of
'the United States and may, . under section
824(a) or 327 of title III, apply for reacquisi-
tion of citizenship;
" '(ti) (1) an immigrant who continuously
for at least two years immediately preceding
the time of his application for admission
to the United States has been, and who
seeks to enter the United States solely for
th-, purpose of carrying on the vocation of
minister of a religious denomination, and
whose services are needed by such religious
denominat_on having a bona fide organization
in the.1Tnited States; and (ii) the spouse or
the child of any such immigrant, If accom-
panying or ,.following to join him; or
",' (E) an immigrant who is an employee,
or an honorably retired former employee, of
the United States Government abroad, and
who, has performed faithful service for a
`total pf fifteen years, or more, and his ac-
companying spouse and children: Provided,
That the, principal officer of a Foreign Serv-
ice establishment, in his discretion, shall
have recommended the granting of special
Immigrant status to such alien in excep-
tionai circumstances and the Secretary of
'State approves such recommendation and
Ends that it is in the national interest to
grant such status.'
"(b) Paragraph (32) of subsection (a) is
amended to read as follows:
"' (32) The term "profession" shall include
but not be limited to architects, engineers,
lawyers, physicians, surgeons, and teachers
in elementary or secondary schools, colleges,
academies, or seminaries.'
"(c) Subparagraph (1) (F) of subsection
(b) is amended to read as follows:
"(F) a child, under the age of fourteen at
the time a petition is filed in his behalf to
accord a classification as an immediate rela-
tive under section 201(b), who is an orphan
because of the death or disappearance of,
abandonment or desertion by, or separation
or loss from, both parents, or for whom the
sole or surviving parent Is incapable of pro-
viding the proper care which will be provided
the child if admitted to the United States
and who has in writing irrevocably released
the child for emigration and adoption; who
has been adopted abroad by a United States
citizen and, his spouse who personally saw
and observed the child prior to or during
the adoption proceedings; or who is coming
to the United States for adoption by a United
States citizen and spouse who have complied
with the preadoption requirements, if any,
of the child's proposed residence: Provided,
That no natural parent or prior adoptive
parent of any such child shall thereafter, by
virtue of such parentage, be accorded any
right, privilege, or status under this Act.'
"SEc. 9. Section 211 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act (66 Stat. 181; 8 U.S.C. 1181)
is amended to read as follows :
"'SEc. 211. (a) Except as provided in sub-
section (b) no immigrant shall be admitted
into the United States unless at the time
of application for admission he (1) has a
valid unexpired immigrant visa or was born
subsequent to the issuance of such visa of the
accompanying parent, and (2) presents a
valid unexpired passport or other suitable
travel document, or document of identity and
nationality, if such document is required
under the regulations issued by the Attorney
General. With respect to immigrants to be
admitted under quotas of quota areas prior
to June 30, 1988, no immigrant visa shall be
deemed valid unless the immigrant is prop-
erly chargeable to the quota area under the
quota of which the visa is issued.
"'(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of
section 212(a) (20). of this Act in such cases
or in such-classes of cases and under such
conditions as may be by regulations pre-
scribed, returning resident immigrants, de-
fined in section 101(a) (27) (B), who are
otherwise admissable may be readmitted to
the United States by the Attorney General
in his discretion without being required to
obtain a passport, Immigrant visa, reentry
permit or other documentation.'
a'SEc. 10. Section 212 (a) of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 182; 8 U.S.C.
1182) is amended as follows:.
"(a) Paragraph (14) is amended to read as
"'Aliens seeking to enter the United States,
for the purpose of performing skilled or un-
skilled labor, unless the Secretary of Labor
has determined and certified to the Secre-
tary of State and to the Attorney General
that (A) there are not sufficient workers in
the United States who are able, willing,
qualified, and available at the time of ap-
plication for a visa and admission to the
United States and at the place to which the
alien is destined to perform such skilled or
unskilled labor, and (B) the employment of
such aliens will not adversely affect the wages
and working conditions of the workers in the
United States similarly employed. The ex-
clusion of aliens under this paragraph shall
apply to special immigrants defined in sec-
tion 101(a) (27) (A) (other than the parents,
spouses, or children of United States citizens
or of aliens lawfully admitted to the United
States for permanent residence), to pre-
lerence immigrant aliens described in section
203(a) (3) and (6), and to nonpreference
immigrant aliens described in section 203(a)
"(b) Paragraph (20) is amended by delet-
ing the letter '(e)' and substituting therefor
the letter ' (a) '.
"(c) Paragraph (21) is amended by delet-
ing the word 'quota'.
"(d) Paragraph (24) is amended by de-
leting the language within the parentheses
and substituting therefor the following:
'other than aliens described in section
101(a)(27) (A) and (B):
"SEc. 11. The Immigration and Nationality
Act (66 Stat.175; 8 U.S.C. 1151) Is amended
as follows:
"(a) Section 221 (a) is amended by de-
leting the words 'the particular nonquota
category in which the immigrant is classified,
If a nonquota Immigrant,' and substituting
in lieu thereof the words 'the preference, non-
preference, immediate relative, or special im-
migration classification to which the alien
is charged.'
"(b) The fourth sentence of subsection
221(c) is amended by deleting the word
'quota' preceding the word `number;' the
word 'quota' preceding the word 'year;' and
the words 'a quota' preceding the word 'im-
migrant,' and substituting in lieu thereof
the word 'an'.
"(c) Section 222(a) Is amended by de-
leting the words 'preference quota or a
nonquota immigrant' and substituting in
lieu thereof the words 'an immediate rela-
tive within the meaning of section 201(b)
or a preference or special immigrant'.
"(d) Section 224 is amended to read as
follows: 'A consular officer may, subject to
the limitations provided in section 221, issue
an immigrant visa to a special Immigrant or
immediate relative as such upon satisfac-
tory proof, under regulations prescribed
under this Act, that the applicant is entitled
to special immigrant or immediate relative
"(e) Section 241(a) (10) is amended by
substituting for the words 'Section 101(a)
(27) (C)' the words 'Section 101(a) (27) (A)'.
"(f) Section 243(h) is amended by strik-
ing out 'physical persecution' and inserting
in lieu thereof 'persecution on account of
race, religion, or political opinion'.
"SEC. 12. Section 244 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 214; 8 U.S.C.
1254) is amended as follows:
"(a) Subsection (d) is amended to read:
"'(d) Upon the cancellation of deporta-
tion in the case of any alien under this sec-
tion, the Attorney General shall record the
alien's lawful admission for permanent resi-
dence as of the date the cancellation of de-
portation of such alien is made, and unless
the alien is entitled to a special immigrant
classification under section 101 (a) (27) (A),
or is an immediate relative within the mean-
ing of section 201(b) the Secretary of State
shall reduce by one the number of nonprefer-
ence immigrant visas authorized to be issued
under section 203 (a) (8) for the fiscal year
then current.'
"(b) Subsection (f) is amended by in-
serting after the language 'entered the United
States as a crewman' the language 'subse-
quent to June 30, 1964;'.
"SEc. 13. Section 245 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 217; 8 U.S.C.
1255) is, amended as follows:
"(a) Subsection (b) is amended to read:
"'(b) Upon the approval of an applica-
tion for adjustment made under subsection
(a), the Attorney General shall record the
alien's lawful admission for permanent resi-
dence as of the date the order of the Attorney
General approving the application for the
adjustment of status is made, and the Secre-
tary of State shall reduce by one the number
of the preference or nonpreference visas au-
thorized to be issued under section 203(a)
within the class to which the alien is charge-
able, for the fiscal year then current.'
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16: CIA-RDP67B00446R060100040001-6
"'(b) Subsection (c) is amended to read:
'(c) The provisions of this section shall
not be applicable to any alien who is a native
of any country Of the Western Hemisphere
or of any adjacent island named in section
"SEC. 14. Section 281 of the Immigration
and Nationality-Act (66 Stat, 230; 8 U.S.C.
1851) is amended as follows:
"(a) Immediately after 'SEC. 291: insert
' (a)'
(b)_ Paragraph (6) is amended to read as
"' (6) For filing with the Attorney General
of each petition under section 204 and sec-
tion 214(c), $10; and';
"(c) The following is inserted after para-
graph (7), and Is designated subsection (b) :
11-1 (b) The time and manner of payment
of the fees specified in paragraphs (1) and
(2) of subsection (a) of this section, includ-
Ing but not limited to partial deposit or pre-
payment at the time of registration, shall be
prescribed by the Secretary of State.'; and
"(d) The paragraph beginning with the
words 'The fees ? * *' is designated sub-
section (c).
"SEC. 15. (a) Paragraph (1) of section
212 (a) of the 'Immigration and Nationality
Act 6 Stat. 182; 8 U.S.C. 1182(a) (1)) is
rme edby deleting the language 'feeble-
minded' `and inserting the language 'men-
tally retarded' in its place.
"(b) Paragraph (4) of section 212(a) of
the Immigration and Nationality Act (66
Stat. 182; g U.S.C. 1182(a) (4)) is amended
by deleting the word 'epilepsy' and substi-
tutin the words 'or sexual deviation'.
Y`(c Sections 212 (f), (g), and (h) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act, as added
by the Act of September 26, 1961 (75 St.. 654,
655; 8 U.S.C. 1182), are hereby redesignated
sections 212 (g), (h), and (t), respectively,
and section 212 (g) as so redesignated is
amended by inserting before the words
'afflicted with tuberculosis in any form' the
following 'who is excludable from the
United States under paragraph (1) of sub-
section (a) of this section, or any alien' and
by adding at the end of such subsection the
following sentence: 'Any alien excludable
under ara.graph (3) of subsection (a) of
this section because of past history of men-
tal illness who has one of the same family
relationships as are prescribed in this sub-
section`for aliens afflicted with tuberculosis
and whom the Surgeon General of the
United States Public Health Service finds to
have been free of such mental illness for a
period _of time sufficient in the light of such
,history to demonstrate recovery shall be eli-
gible for a visa in accordance with the terms
of this subsection.'
"Sac Id. Sections 1, 2, and 11 of the Act
of 'Ju?y` 14; 19611 (74 Stat. 504-505), as
amended by section 6 of the Act of June 28,
1562 (76 Stat. 124), are repealed.
"SEC. 17. Section 221(g) of the Immigra.
t1al} ahd_ nationality Act (66 Stat. 192; 8
U.S.C. 1"201(g)) 'is amended by deleting the
period' at' the end thereof and adding the
following: Provided further, That a visa
may be issued to an alien defined In section
101 (a) (15) (B) or (F), if such alien is other-
wise entitled to receive a visa, upon receipt
of a notice by the- consular officer from the
Attorney General of the giving of a bond
with sufficient surety in such sum and con-
taining such conditions as the consular of-
ficer shall prescribe, to insure that at the
expiration of the time for which such alien
has been admitted by the Attorney General,
as provided in section 214(a), or upon failure
to maintain the status under which he was
admitted, or to maintain any status subse-
quently acquired under section 248 of the
Act, such alien will depart from the United
"sac: 18. So much of section 272(a) of the
Immigration 'and Nationality Act (66 Stat.
226; 8 U.S.C. 1322(a)) as precedes the words
shall pay to the collector of customs' is
amended to read as follows:
"'SEC. 272. (a) Any person who shall bring
to the United States an alien (other than an
alien crewman) who is (1) mentally re-
tarded, (2) insane, (3) afflicted with psycho-
pathic personality, or with sexual deviation,
(4) a chronic alcoholic, (5) afflicted with any
dangerous contagious disease, or (6) a nar-
cotic drug addict,'.
"SEC. 19. Section 249 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 219; 8 U.S.C.
1259) is amended by striking out 'June 28,
1940' in clause (a) of such section and in-
serting in lieu thereof 'June 30, 1948.'
"SEC. 20. This Act shall become effective
on the first clay of the first month after the
expiration of thirty days following the date
of its enactment except as provided herein.
"SEC. 21. (a) There is hereby established
a Select Commission on Western Hemisphere
Immigration (hereinafter referred to as the
'Commission') to be composed of fifteen
members. The President shall appoint the
Chairman of the Commission and four other
members thereof. The President of the Sen-
ate, with the approval of the majority and
minority leaders of the Senate, shall appoint
five members from the membership of the
Senate. The Speaker of the House of Rep-
resentatives, with the approval of the ma-
jority and minority leaders of the House,
shall appoint five members from the mem-
bership of the House. Not more than three
members appointed by the President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House of Rep-
resentatives, respectively, shall be members
of the same political party. A vacancy in
the membership of the Commission shall be
filled in the same manner as the original
designation and appointment.
"(b) The Commission shall study the to,
lowing matters:
"(1) Prevailing and projected demographic,
technological, and economic trends, particu-
larly as they pertain to Western Hemisphere
"(2) Present and projected unemployment
in the United States, by occupations, indus-
tries, geographic areas and other factors,
in relation to immigration from the Western
"(3) The interrelationships between immi-
gration, present and future, and existing and
contemplated national and international
programs and projects of Western Hemi-
sphere nations, including programs and proj-
ects.for economic and social development;
"(4) The operation of the immigration
laws of the United States as they pertain to
Western Hemisphere nations, including the
adjustment of status for Cuban refugees,
with emphasis on the adequacy of such laws
from the standpoint of fairness and from
the standpoint of the Impact of such laws on
employment and working conditions within
the United States;
"(5) The implications of the foregoing
with respect to the security and international
relations of Western Hemisphere nations;
"(6) Any other matters which the Com-
mission believes to be germane to the pur-
poses for which it was established.
"(c) On or before July 1, 1967, the Com-
mission shall make a first report to the
President and the Congress, and on or before
January 15, 1968, the Commission shall make
a final report to the President and the Con-
gress. Such reports shall include the recom-
mendations of the Commission as to what
changes, if any, are needed in the immigra-
tion laws in the light of its study. The
Commission's recommendations shall In-
clude, but shall not be limited to, recom-
mendations as to whether, and if so how,
numerical limitations should be imposed
upon immigration to the United States from
the nations of the Western Hemisphere. In
formulating its recommendations on the
latter subject, the Commission shall give
particular attention to the impact of sucih
immigration on employment and working
conditions within the United States and to
the necessity of preserving the special re-
lationship of the United States with its
sister Republics of the Western Hemisphere.
"(d) The life of the Commission shall ex-
pire upon the filing of its final report, except
that the Commission may continue to func-
tion for up to sixty days thereafter for the
purpose of winding up its affairs.
"(e) Unless legislation inconsistent here-
with is enacted on or before June 30, 1968,
in response to recommendations of the Com-
mission or otherwise, the number of special
immigrants within the meaning of section
101(a) (27) (A) of the Immigration and Na-
tionality Act, as amended, exclusive of
special immigrants who are immediate rela-
tives of United States citizens as described
in section 201(b) of that Act, shall not, in
the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1968, or., In
any fiscal year thereafter, exceed a total of
"(f) All Federal agencies shall cooperate
fully with the Commission to the end that
it may effectively carry out its duties.
" (g) Each member of the Commission who
is not otherwise in the service of the Govern-
ment of the United States shall receive. the
sum of $100 for each day spent in the work
of the Commission, shall be paid actual
travel expenses, and per diem in lieu of sub-
sistence expenses, when away from his usual
place of residence, in accordance with section
5 of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946,
as amended. 'Each member of the Commis-
slon who is otherwise in the service of the
Government of the United States shall serve
without compensation in addition to ithat
received for such other service, but while en-
gaged in the work of the Commission shall
be paid actual travel expenses, when away
from his usual place of residence, in accord-
ance with the Administrative Expenses Act
of 1946, as amended.
"(h) There is authorized to be appgopri-
ated, out of any money in the Treasury not
otherwise appropriated, so much as may be
necessary to carry out the provisions of this
"SEC. 22 (a). The designation of chapter 1,
title II, is amended to read as follows:
"(b) The title preceding section 201 is
amended to read as follows: 'NUMERICAL
"(c) The title preceding section 202 Is
amended to read as follows: 'NUMERICAL
"(d) The title preceding section. f 03 is
amended to read as follows: 'ALLOCATION OF
"(e) The title preceding section 204 is
amended to read as fbllows: 'PROCEDURE FOR
"(f) The title preceding section 205 is
amended to read as follows: 'REVOCATION of
"(g) The title preceding section :206 is
amended as follows: 'UNUSED IMMI-
"(h) The title preceding section 207 is
"(1) The title preceding section 224 of
chapter 3, title II, is amended to read as
11(j) The title preceding section 249 is
amended to read as follows: 'ascoRn OF AD-
30, 1948,'
"Svc. 23. (a) The table of contents (Title
II-Immigration, chapter 1) of the Ilmnigra-
tion and Nationality Act, Is amended to read
as follows:
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
"'Sec. 201. Numerical limitations.
" `Sec 202. Numerical limitation to any
single foreign state.
Sec. 203. Allocation of immigrant visas.
"'See, 204. Procedure for granting immi-
grant status.
"'See. 205. Revocation of approval of peti-
. tions.
"'Sec. 206, Unused immigrant visas.'
"(b) The table of contents (Title 11-Im-
migration, chapter 3) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act, is amended by changing the
designation of section 224 to read as follows:
"'Sec. 224. Immediate relative and special
Immigrant visas'.
"(c) The table of contents (Title II-Im-
migration, chapter 5) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act is amended by changing the
designation of section 249 to read as follows:
".'sec. 249. Record of admission for perma-
nent residence in the case of
certain aliens who entered the
United States prior to July 1;
1924, or June 30, 1948.'
"SEC..24.,Paragraph (6) of section 101(b)
is repealed."
And the Senate agree to the same.
JACIc B. BRoows,
Acs A. MOORE, Jr.
Managers on the Part of the House.
JACOB K. JAvrr's,
Managers on the Part of the Senate.
The managers on the part of the' House at
the conference on the disagreeing votes of
the two Houses on the amendment of the
Senate to the bill H.R.2580 to amend the,
Immigration and Nationality Act, and for'
other purposes, submit the following state-
ment in explanation of the effect of the ac-
tion agreed upon by the conferees and rec-
ommended in the accompanying conference
The House passed H.R. 2580 and the Sen-
ate then substituted the provisions it had
adopted by striking out all after the enact-
ing clause and inserting its own provision.
The Senate insisted upon its version and
requested a conference; the House then
agreed to the conference. The conference
report recommends that the Senate "recede
from its disagreement to the House version
and agree to the same with an ainenclment,
the amendment being to insert in lieu of the
matter Inserted by the Senate amendment
the matter agreed to by the conferees, and
that the Senate agree thereto. The confer-
ence report contains substantially the lan-
guage of the House version with certain ex-
ceptions which are explained below.
(1) As passed by the House the bill pro-
vided in section 203(a) (7) that not more
than 10,200 refugees from communism and
from the general area of the Middle East
may be granted conditional entries each year.
As amended by the Senate, the definition of
refugees was enlarged to include aliens who
have been uprooted from their usual place
of abode by a catastrophic natural calamity.
The conferees agreed to adopt the Senate
-(2) The conferees have agreed to provide
in section 4 of the bill that immigration
officers as well as consular officers may ad-
minister oaths executed outside of the United
States. This section conforms with existing
(3) The House bill contained in section 11
a provision requiring the President to report
to the Congress in the event the number of
immigrants admitted from the Western
Hemisphere exceeded in any one fiscal year
by 10 per centum or more the average num-
ber admitted in the previous 5 fiscal years.
The Senate amendment contained no such
provision. In order to conform to a new
section 21 which provides for the establish-
ment of a Select Commission on Western
Hemisphere Immigration the conferees
agreed to the deletion of the-House provision.'
(4) The Senate amendment provided that
the Attorney General, in his discretion, could
suspend deportation of alien crewmen and
adjust their status to that of lawful per-
manent residents under the procedure pro--
vided in section 244 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act. The House bill contained
no such provision. The conferees agreed
to the Senate version with an amendment
precluding such suspension of deportation
for those alien crewmen who entered sub-
sequent to June 30, 1964.
(5) The House bill provided in section 13
that natives of any countries of the Western
Hemisphere or of an adjacent island shall be
ineligible for adjustment of status under
the provisions of section 245. The Senate
amendment exempted from this provision
aliens born in an independent country of
the Western Hemisphere who, because of per-
secution or fear of persecution on account
of race, religion or political opinion, is out
of his usual place of abode and unable to
return thereto. The conferees agreed to ac-
cept the House provision. -
(6) Section 15 of the House bill provided
for a discretionary waiver of exclusion based
upon mental retardation for children un-
der the age of 14 when accompanying their
United States citizen or permanent resident
alien parents into the United States. The
Senate version provides a discretionary waiv-
er for any person excludable because of
mental retardation who is a relative as de-
fined in the redesignated section 212(g).
The 'conference report adopts the Senate
(7) The conferees agreed to adopt the
House version of section 17 and agreed to
delete the Senate amendment thereto which
provided that an alien student must submit
evidence that he will be admitted and regu-
larly enrolled as a student at an approved
educational institution. Such requirement
is substantially in existing law.
(8) Section 19 of the Senate amendment
has no equivalent in the House bill. The
Senate amendment extended the benefits of
section 249 to permit the creation of a record
of lawful admission to aliens who entered
the United States prior to June 28, 1958.
The conferees agreed to adjust the date pro-
vided in the Senate amendment to June 30,
9. Section 21 of the Senate amendment
has no equivalent in the House bill. The
conferees have adopted this provision which
establishes a conditional limitation of 120,000
upon the Western Hemisphere and estab-
lishes a Select Commission on Western Hemi-
sphere Immigration composed of fifteen
members with an amendment to provide that
five members thereto. be appointed respec-
tively by the President of the United States,
the President of the Senate, and the Speaker
of the House of Representatives with the
stipulation that not more than three of the
members appointed by the President of the
Senate andthe Speaker of the House, respec-
tively, shall be members of the same politi-
cal party. The conferees added to the mat-
ters to be studied by the Select Commission
specific reference to the matter of adjust-
ment of status of Cuban refugees in the
United States.
ARCH A. MooRE, Jr.,
Managers on the Part of the House.
By unanimous consent, leave of ab-
sence was granted to:
Mr. MORRIS (at the request of Mr. AL-
BERT), for September 29 and 30, on ac-
count of official business.
Mr. SMITH of Iowa, for October 1, on
account of official business.
Mr. REDLIN, for October 1, on account
of official business.
Mr. HANSEN of Iowa, for September 30
and October 1, on account of official busi-
Mr. RIVERS of Alaska, for September 29
through October 5, 1965, on account of
National Parks Subcommittee field hear-
By unanimous consent, permission to
address the House, following the legisla-
tive program and any special orders
heretofore entered, was granted to Mr.
KASTENMEIER (at the request of Mr. JEN-
NINGS), for 60 minutes, on September 30,
1965; and to revise and extend his re-
marks and include extraneous matter.
By unanimous consent, permission to
extend remarks in the Appendix of the
RECORD, or to revise and extend remarks
was granted to :
Mr. EVERETT in three instances and to
include extraneous matter.
Mr. EDMONDSON in two instances and
to include extraneous matter.
Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN in four instances,
and to include extraneous matter.
(The following Members (at the re-
quest of Mr. DEL CLAWSON), and to in-
clude extraneous matter:)
Mr. HANSEN of Idaho in five instances.
Mr. MICHEL in two instances.
Mr. HARVEY of Michigan.
Mr. BOB WILSON in two instances.
Mr. WALKER Of Mississippi.
Mr. EDWARDS of Alabama.
Mr. RUMSFELD in two instances.
Mr. FULTON of Pennsylvania in five in-
Mr. ROUDEBUSH in two instances.
(The following Members (at the re-
quest of Mr. JENNINGS), and to include
extraneous matter:)
Mr. CAREY in eight instances.
Mr. Dow in two instances.
Mrs. SULLIVAN in two instances.
Mr. RYAN in two instances.
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 :.CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
rr.`vy~4f Or
Mr. $ IYN?R.
Mr. TODD ifl two tnat ce ..
Mr. Duie iii twQQ Lances,
Mr.` Pucigs Cx in sixs7{1~$ances
Mr. H, l_,44N ~p3 lavv n two instan ces.
The SPEAKER aounped his signa-
ture to enrolled bills of the ,senate of the
following titles:
S.106t. Ap act to ailtttlrize the Secretary
of o r . of tq acquire through exchange
tfie Great, bs property in the State of Vir-
fnTa for minfstratiop?in connection with
the G`eofge Washington Memorial Parkway,
11 and for other purposes;
8.1766. An act to amend the,.Coiisoiidated
Farmers Home Adminiatcation,Act, Pf 196,1.,to
authorize the secretary, of Agriculture to
make or;.insure .1Qan?,tqpublic and gxasi-
public agencies and corporations not oper-
ated for profit with respect to water supply,
water systems, and waste disposal systems ~VW s grural areas andmt9 make grants to aid
Tri.ritral, cc a ,1ty development, planning
as}d in ,cvlix}ectlgli with; tie construction of
such community facilities, to increase the
annual aggregate of insured loans there-
under, and for other purposes; and
S. 1620.. A xi act to con lisiate the two judi-
cial diatrbt in tie Statg_ of is~utkt Carolina
into a sfiig e jud cial d strict and to make
sitftal$e transitional, provisions with respect
Mr.BURLESON, from the Committee
'on House Admir 1strat3on, reported that
that coirx tee. fad ermined and found
truly enrolled bills and a joint resoluon
Oct the Ii ttse of the, followin& tithes,
were thereupon signed
antes payable under the,. war orphans' edu-
catlonal ,assistance progam, and for other
H l? 728. An act to aIpenU section 610 of
the Merchant Marine Acp,1936;
H,R. 12'14 An act for?the, relief of Mrs.
Michiko Miyazaki williamms; and
1 .J. ties. 673. Joint rgsqlution making con-
tinuing appropriations for the fiscal year
1g66, and for other purposes.
.. JOLT N E1uT
Mr J N IIN 1Vlr.,Speaker, I move
that the Mouse,, do now adjourn.
The motfon was agreed to; accordingly
(at 5 o'clock and 37 minutes p.m.) the
House adjourned until. tomorrow, Thurs-
day, September 30, 1965, at 12 o'clock
1628, Unfler clause 2 of rule XXIV, a
cbmnlunicaition from the President, of
the United,tates, transmitting proposed
supplemental appropriations for the fis-
cal year 1966 (>T. Doe. 295) was taken
from the Speaker's table, referred to ,the
Committee on Appropriations, and or-
dered to be printed.
Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports H.R.11326. A bill to amend the Internal
for printing and reference to the proper limitations on the amount of the deduction
calendar, as follows: for contributions to the pension and profit-
Mr. GARMATZ: Committee on Merchant sharing plans made on behalf of self-
Marine and Fisheries. H.R. R1582. A bill to employed individuals and to change the
provide for the a conveyance of certain real w with respect of "earned income" applicable
property to the State of California; with with to such plans; to the Committee
on Ways and Means.
amendment (Rept. No. 1098). Referred to By Mr. JONES of Missouri:
the Committee . of the Whole House on the H.R. 11327. A bill to amend section 503 of
State of the Union. title 38 of the United States Code so as to
Mr. KING of California: Committee on provide that certain social security benefits
Ways and Means. H.R. 8210- A bill to amend may be waived and not counted as income
the International Organizations Immunities
. to the Committee on
Act; with amendment (Rept. No. 1099). Re- Vetererans' that section; Affairsrs.
ferred to the Committee of the Whole House Vet
By Mr. LONG of Maryland :
on the State of the Union. H.R. 11328. A bill to establish a Federal
Mr. KEOGH: Committee on Ways and Commission on Alcoholism, and for other
Means. HR. 11029. A bill relating to the purposes; to the Committee on Interstate
tariff treatment of certain woven fabrics of and Foreign Commerce.
vegetable fibers (except cotton) ; with amend- HR. 11329. A bill to provide for the
ment (Rept. No. 1100). Referred to the Com- designation ofthe ship Constellation as a na-
mittee of the Whole House on the State of tional historic shrine and as the first ship
the Union. of the Navy; and to provide further that the
Mr. CELLER: Committee of Conference. flag of the United States of America may lie
H.R. 2580. An act to amend the Immigration flown for 24 hours of each day over the
and Nationality Act, and for other purposes Constellation; to the Committee on Interior
(Rept. No. 1101). Ordered to be printed. and Insular Affairs,
Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public
bills and resolutions were introduced and
severally referred as follows:
H.R. 11319. A bill to provide for the estab-
lishment of the Hudson Highlands National
Scenic Riverway in the State of New York,
and for other purposes; to the Committee
on Interior and Insular Affairs. _ 11
H.R. 11320. A bill to amend the internal
Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a credit
against income tax to employers for the
expenses of providing training programs for
employees and prospective employees; to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
of the Revised Statutes with respect to the
authority of Federal officers and agencies to
withhold information and limit the avail-
ability of records; to the Committee on
Government Operations.
Federal assistance to elementary schools
throughout the Nation to improve educa-
tional opportunities through provisions for
the services of child development specialists
and to provide a
program of Federal assist-
ance for the, training of such elementary
school personnel in the institutions of higher
education, and for other educational pur-
poses; to the Committee on Education and
H.R. 11323. A bill to provide salary incen-
tives for teachers who choose to teach chil-
dren in elementary and secondary schools in
school districts having high concentration
of low-income families; to the Committee
on Education and Labor.
By Mr: GItAY:
HR. 11324. A bill to amend the act. en-
titled "An act to promote the safety of
employees and travelers upon railroads by
limiting the hours of service of employees
thereon," approved March 4, 1907; to the
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com-
By Mr. HARVEY of Michigan:
H.R. 11325. A bill to suspend for a tempo-
rary period the import duty on certain un-
By Mr. MURPHY of New York:
H.R. 11330. A bill to prohibit the trans-
portation or shipment in interstate commerce
of master keys to persons prohibited by State
law from receiving.or possessing them; to the
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com-
H.R. 11331. A bill to amend the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a deduction
for income tax purposes of certain expenses
incurred by the taxpayer for the education of
a dependent; to the Committee on Ways and
H.R. 11332. A bill to amend the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a deduction
for certain expenses of higher education; to
the Committee on Ways and Means.
H.R. 11333. A bill to amend the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a credit
against income tax to employers for the ex-
penses of providing training programs for em-
ployees and prospective employees; to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
H.R. 11334. A bill to provide for the issu
ance of a special postage stamp in honor of
the memory of the late general of the Army,
Douglas MacArthur; to the Committee on
Post Office and Civil Service.
H.R. 11335. A bill creating a commission to
be known as the Commission on Noxious and
Obscene Matters and Materials; to the Com-
mittee on Education and Labor.
H.R. 11336. A bill to strengthen the crim-
inal penalties for the mailing, importing, or
transporting of obscene matter, and for other
purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
H.R. 11337. A bill to amend the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954 to remove certain Iimi-
tations on the amount of the deduction for
contributions to pension and profit-sharing
plans made on behalf of self-employed in-
dividuals and to change the definition of
"earned income" applicable with respect to
such plans; to the Committee on Ways and
H.R.11338. A bill to amend the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a credit
against income tax to employers for the ex-
penses of providing training programs for
employees and prospective, employees; to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
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September. 20 19b5CO IffiggI Iff WC, 6 SENATE 23557
1.588. I congratulate President Johnson
for taking up the matter with such imag-
ination and vigor.
Now that final enactment appears -im-
minent, I only wish to express the hope
that the appropriations committees will
see the wisdom of funding the authorized
programs fully, and that the Department
of C mmerce then will proceed as swiftly
as possible to implement them. Espe-
cially in New England, where we are
faced with some hard decisions about
public support for the continuance of rail
passenger 'service, the demonstration
projects provided in S. 1588 will be most
helpful in guiding future policy.
'Finally, I would like to express my deep
appreciation to the Senator from Wash-
ing [Mr. MAGNUSON] 'who as chairman
of the Commerce Committee introduced
5. 1588, and to the Senator from Ohio
[Mr. LAUSCHE] who as chairman of the
Transportation Subcommittee guided
the measure with a sure hand. I extend
my fullest thanks to my senior colleague
from Rhode Island [Mr. PASTORE] who
joined me in cosponsoring the legislation
and then worked hard for its passage,
and finally, thanks are due to Members
of the-House, particularly Congressman
HARRIS and Congressman STAGGERS who
did much to insure approval of the bill.
question is on agreeing to the conference
The report was agreed to.
Subsequently the Presiding. Offi-
cer laid before the Senate the amend-
ment of the House of Representatives to
the bill (S. 1588) to authorize the Sec-
retary of Commerce to undertake re-
search, development, and demonstra-
tions in high-speed ground transporta-
tion, and for other purposes, which was,
to amend the title, so as to read: "An Act
to authorize the Secretary of Commerce
to undertake research and development
in high-speed ground transportation,
and for other purposes. 7
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, I move that the Senate con-
cur in the amendment of the House to
the title of the bill.
Declaration of Independence, proclaims the' racial curbs in our immigration
that all men are created equal. But in statutes. It wiped out total exclusion
many areas of American life we have not against Japan and other Asian nations
practiced this principal tenet of our de- and for the first time allowed many na-
mocracy. tions a long-denied quota of immigrants.
Less than a year ago, Congress enacted Progressive as that 1952 law was, to-
United States have been charged against
it; the quota for Okinawa, which does
not fall under Japan's but under a special
Asia-Pacific quota of 100 shared by 18
other Pacific dependencies, is backlogged
for 48 years,. until the year 2011; the
Philippines quota is 89 years behind, and
ay '"s very obsolete. More than 10 'only the quotas of Afghanistan, Cam-
the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964, de- day'
signed to eliminate some of the more years have now passed since its enact- bodia, Malaya, Laos, and Nepal are open,
e m,Qtio was agreed to.
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (H.R. 2580) to amend the Im-
migration and Nationality Act, and for
blatant forms of racial discrimination ment. Since then, our Nation and the
against our own citizens. Again, in this world have witnessed revolutionary
1st session of the 89th Congress, legisla- changes in almost every phase of life.
tion has been enacted to extend, once Many areas emerged from colonial status
and for all, the franchise of all eligible to full nationhood. Many nations have
American citizens. changed their form of government.
As we reappraise the relationship of There is greater clamor for freedom,
citizen to citizen under these measures, liberty, and justice, and, worldwide,
it is well for us to reexamine this same peoples are on the march seeking equal-
relationship-man's equality to man- ity. Economic, interdependence has
with respect to peoples of the world. shaken traditional economic, social, and
Elimination of racial barriers against political patterns.
citizens of other lands is a logical exten- At home, we have wiped out racial bar-
sion of eliminating discrimination riers in our Armed Forces, in interstate
against American citizens. transportation, in our institutions of
Madam President, repeatedly and for higher learning, and in many areas of
many years, I have spoken in the Sell- our economy. We are making significant
ate to urge consideration of legislation progress in desegregating our public
to reform our immigration laws in this schools, housing, business, and public
way. Again and again I have urged that accommodations, and protecting the vot-
the Congress enact an immigration meas- ing rights of all citizens. It is impera-
ure to eliminate the last vestiges of racial tive that we, as a Nation, recognize this
discrimination from our immigration great upheaval in our Nation and
laws. throughout the world for equal status.
Now, at last, we have before us an im- Repeatedly America has been accused
migration proposal, H.R. 2580, which re- that it has been unfair in its immigra-
fleets in every detail the principles of tion laws. We have erected racial bar-
equality and human dignity to which our riers that deny equal dignity and respect
Nation subscribes, and which, at the same to more than one-half of the world's
time, serves the national interest, population. These racial barriers are
NECESSITY FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM bad for America. They hurt America's
This is an issue of fundamental na- image as the leader of the free world.
tional policy, because the racial restric- For example, do Senators know that
tions inherent in our present immigra- under present American immigration
tion laws disparage our democratic herit- quotas for Asia and the Pacific areas
age. They directly contradict the spirit more than 50 percent of the people who
and principles of the Declaration of In- populate our newest State could be al-
dependefice, the Constitution of the most totally excluded from the United
United States, and our traditional stand- States?
ards of fairness and justice. That Ireland, with a population of
Racial immigration restrictions began 2,815,000 has a larger quota than all
in 1875 and reached their peak in 1924. Asia, with a population of nearly one
Public sentiment in 1924 was summarized and a half billion?
by Senator David A. Reed, who said: That the quota for tiny Switzerland
I think most of us are reconciled to the is greater than the quotas for the entire
idea of discrimination. I think the Amer- African continent?
ican people want us to discriminate; and I Rumania-a Communist na-
do not think discrimination in itself is un- lionThat -has a quota of 289, which is small
fair. We have got to discriminate. The only
question that I think worries the committee enough, but this is nearly a third more
is (which method) is the more plausible than our quota for non-Communist India
method of attaining that discrimination. and the non-Communist Philippines
Practically all of us are agreed that (racial combined?
discrimination) is an end that should be
attained. Do Senators know that the immigra-
tion quotas of nearly every nation in the
That is what Senator David A. Reed Asia-Pacific area are so small that they
said. are heavily oversubscribed, according to
However, since 1924, we have made latest State Department figures?
tremendous Progress, toward removing Japan's waiting list stretches all the
racial restrictions in our immigration way to 1989 or beyond; the quota for
policies and practices. An outstanding Chinese persons is for all practical pur-
milestone was the Immigration and Na- poses exhausted in perpetuity, because
tionality Act of 1952. It was a far-reach- immigrants already admitted into the
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11ce t lese a,ie eouiltries whic#1 gene ally
have not sought immigration bgyond
their borders.
The racial strictures of the present im-
migration laws lye their, genesis in the
19th, century, when more than 19 million
immigrants arrived fn this country. The
first restrictive law passed by Congress
was the act `of March 3, 1875, which em-
powered consular officials to investigate
Chinese and Japanese immigrant, labor
contracts for evidences of any lewd or
immoral purposes. It establishes penal-
ties for t1.S.citizens who transported sub-
jects of China or Japan without free con-
sent for a, teiiii of service and rendered
,such contracts void, Immigration offi-
cers were required to inspect alliessels
and certify their compliance.
Because of the' tremendo,i s infilux v
Chinese immigrants-200,000 from 1850
to,. 1880-following the discovery of gold
in California, Congress enacted the first
of. the Chinesei 4xcluslon Acts of 1882.
The. act suspended immigration of
ClUriesejabor~rs. to the p'nited States for
10 years, although Chinese, already in the
,country on November 17, 1880, were al-
lowed to leave and reenter.
Two years' later, the Chinese Exclu-
Sion Act of 1882 was tightened even fur-
ther. Not only was the period of sus-
pension 'of Chinese immigration ex-
tended another 10 years in the act of
1884; the stricture was made applicable
to all Chinese, wherever their birth or
whatever their national allegiance;
While the Chinese Exclusion Act of
March 12, 1888, allowed entry of Chinese
officials, teachers, students, merchants,
and travelers for pleasure or curiosity,
the legislation at . October 1, 1888, took
away from Chinese laborers the right of
reentry `into "the 'United States, unless
they had reentered before the date of the
These exclusion laws were extended
again in 189$ and in 1902, in 1904 they
were, extiszldea without limitation.
Partly because immigrants continued
to pour into the United States-sonne
fourteen and a half million between 1900'
and 1920-and,partly, because of a sharp
rise ink ,Japanese immigration during
that period, there arose in Congress in-
sistent demands for Japanese restriction.
The Japanese Government protested
vigorously. President Theodore Roose-
velt, who was not in sympathy with Jap-
anese restriction, pressed for passage of
an act allowI ng Japanese to become nat-
uralized citizens. Nevertheless, Con-
gress in 1907 passed an immigration act
authorizing the President to negotiate
international agreements regulating
Immigration. As required by law, Presi-
dent Roosevelt signed a gentlemen's
agreement with Japan In 1907, limiting
the volume of Japanese immigration to
the United States.
Then, based on the 1907 law, the Pres- Hemisphere that they were considered . ev-
ident later that year issued a proelama- perior, desirable, welcome to immigrate to
tiop.. excly from the United States the United States, while condemning the
Ja~panese ororean laborers, skilled or inferior, unfit iundesirable, not good enough.
uiisilled, who have received passports
to go to Mexico, Canada, or Hawaii and
come therefrom.
Seventeen years later, the House Com-
mittee on Immigration, reporting on the
quota law of 1924, pointed' out that the
real Intent of the gentlemen's agreement
was. to restrict Japanese immigration
and thus check any further*growth of
U.S. Japanese population, which was
considered unassimilable and ineligible
for citizenship.
Under the gentlemen's agreement, be-
tween 1907 and 1924 more than 53,000
Japanese immigrants were brought to
Hawaii to work on the pineapple and
sugar plantations. Total immigration
of Japanese to Hawaii up to that time
was 180,000.
With passage of the Immigration Act_
of 1924, all Japanese immigrants as well
as other persons of Oriental descent'were
barred. In desperate need of cheap
labor, Hawaiian planters turned to
the Philippines, until 1946 an American
possession, as an alternative source of
labor supply. Between 1910 and 1932,
more than. 100,000 Filipinos arrived in
Hawaii. This represented the last large
wave of Oriental migration to the United
Opposition to free immigration gained
momentum during World War I, and on
February 5, 1917, Congress passed the
progenitor of our present immigration
law, codifying all previous exclusionary
acts and going the rest of the way in
laying the bases for our present Asia-
Pacific triangle; it declared.#nadmissi-
ble all natives of China, India, Burma,
Siam, the 'Malay States; the eastern part
of lussia; part of Arabia and Persia;
Afghanistan; most of the Polynesian is-
lands; and the East, Indies. Instead of
calling it a triangle, the act labeled the
area a barred zone.
Seven years later, Congress passed the
1924 Immigration Act, which not only
continued exclusion of the barred zone
peoples but also brought to an end the
gentlemen's agreement, thereby exclud-
ing Japanese immigration to the United
This exclusionary law of 1924 elicited
vehement protests, especially from the
Japanese Government, and many have
said that this was one of the circum-
stances that brought on World War H.
Mike M. Masaoka, national legislative
director of the Japanese-American Citi-
zens League, testified. in the 1951 joint
hearings on the Immigration Act as
follows :
To the oriental, Congress divided the world
into two parts in 1924 when it approved an
immigration law prohibiting the entry of
Asiatics into this country for permanent
residence. In effect, Congress informed the
peoples of Europe, Africa, and the Western
Included in this act was the concept
of the national origins system in Amer-
ican immigration policy, which was first
proposed for legislative enactment! by
Representative John Jacob Rogers as an
amendment to the immigration bill then
being considered by the House. Mr.
Rogers, defining the system, made the
following stat_ment on the floor of the
We should * * * proportion our admission
of Immigrants, not to the numbers of racial
or national representatives composing the
alien colonies or foreign groups now in the
country but to the quantities of the various
racial and national elements which have
passed the refining test of the melting pot
and have become amalgamated in the struc-
ture of the American Nation. (65 CONGRES-
Madam President, you will remember
that Senator Reed made the very same
observation, which I quoted earlier.
The national origins system, according
to Oscar Handlin, "ranked all the nations
of the earth according to the order of
precedence and assigned the largest
numberof admissions to those that were
presumed to be closest in racial heritage
to the original settlers of the United
States." Its avowed purpose was con-
cerned not with the immigrant's individ-
ual worth, but with his place of birth.
Our policies since the passage of the
1924 law to the present time have not
been basically altered. While Chinese
exclusion was repealed in 1943, and Fili-
pinos and natives of India were declared
admissible and eligible for naturalization
In 1946, natives of the Asia-Pacific tri-
angle area continue to be singled out un-
der present immigration policies as de-
serving of very meager consideration for
Secretary of State Dean Acheson, tes-
tifying before the President's Commis-
sion on Immigration and Naturalization
shortly after the passage of the 1952 act,
advised the Commission that:
The lifting of the bar of exclusion caused
deep gratification in Asia when the (1952)
act was passed, but the racial discrimination
apparent in the triangle provision can beex-
pected to keep alive some feelings of resent-
ment. * * * The combination of very small
quotas for Asia and the Asia-Pacific triangle
provisions still furnish ground for Asian
suspicion of U.S. motives.
While the Immigration and National-
ity Act of 1952 did eliminate the last of
the absolute bars against the admission
of persons from the Asiatic barred zone
and permitted their naturalization, spe-
cial provisionswere written into the law
to carefully hold thetotal number of m-
migrants coming from the barred zone to
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`eptembe `2O, 1965
an infinitely small fraction of total al-
lowable , annual immigration: _2,890 of
158,561, or .1.82 percent.
In, our present immigration laws, we
may count at least eight racially.discrim-
tem was conceived and anniia quotas
were allotted only to, white nations.
Polynesians, Orientals, and Negroes were
totally excluded. In the 1952 act the na-
tional origins system was continued for
white nations, while Oriental and Poly-
nesian countries and the newly emerging,
nations of Africa were given minimal
quotas of about 100 each.
Because nonwhite nations were ex
eluded from the system,' annual quota
calculations were based only on the white
population in the United States in 1920.
As axi, example of how this annual quota
was located to white nations, based on
the 1920 census, there were about 39 mil-
lion persons who derived their ancestry
from the Uiiitcd.I'ingdom; one-'sixth of 1
percent of 39 million is equal to about
66,000 persons, which Is, then, the annual
British quota.
One reason advanced during the de-
bates over the 1952 act for excluding the
African Negroes from the national orig-
ins computation was that the geographi-
cal origins of American Negroes could
not be determined, This assumption
was. sharply challenged, however, by
State Department geographers, who were
able substantially to pinpoint their orig-
ins by tracing the original African rail-
road routes and, the port of embarkation
from which the Africans were trans-
shipped to the United States.
While the natives of Africa were not
enclosed in a triangle, there do exist
special provisions, discussed below, that
are designed to prevent Negro immigra-
tion to the United States-even from
areas in the Western Hemisphere.
Second. Under the 1952. act only 1.82
percent of the total annual. immigration
quotas was attached to the Asia-Pacific
triangle, where more than one-half of
the world's population live. In addition,
involved regulations based on race have
been issued by the administering agen-
cies to carry out the requirements of the
complicated triangle provisions.
The Asia-Pacific triangle, created by
the 1,952 law, comprises that area bound-
ed by the meridians 60? east and 165?
west, longitude and by the parallel 25?
south latitude. When traced on a map,
the area actually appears as a triangle
embracing all the Far East, southeast
Asia, and all Pacific islands north of Aus-
tralia and New Zealand-almost all of
Polynesia and small portions of Micro-
nesia and Melanesia.
The 21 quota areas of the Asia-Pacific
triangle, largely independent nations,
are as follows: Asia-Pacific-which I will
No. 173-17
explain later-Afghanistan, Bhutan,
Cambodia, Ceylon, China, Chinese per-
sons-which I will explain later-India,
Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia,
Singapore, Nauru, Nepal, New Guinea,
Pacific Islands-trust territories-Paki-
stan, Philippine Islands, Thailand, Viet-
nam, and Western Samoa.
Also included in the triangle are the
following subquota areas, largely colonies
and dependencies: Christmas Island;
Cocos-Keeling-Island; and the terri-
tory of Papua, Australian dependencies;
New Caledonia and the New Hebrides,
French dependencies; the British Solo-
mons, Brunei, Fiji, Gilbert and Ellice
Islands, Hong Kong, Maldive Islands,
and Tonga, all British dependencies;
the Ryukyus, presently under American
administration; the Cook Islands, a New
Zealand dependency; Macao, Portuguese
India, and Timor, dependencies of
Both the Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion Service of the Department of Justice
and the State Department administer
the 1952 law.
By Issuing special regulations on
the triangle, for example, the State De-
partment sought to delineate the races
indigenous to the area within the triangle
as well as those not Indigenous. Those
considered indigenous were the Dyaks of
North Borneo, Sarawak, and Brunei; the
Melanesians of the Fijis, New Caledonia,
New Hebrides, Solomon Islands, and
Nauru; the Micronesians of the Carolines,
Marshalls, Marianas, Guam, and Gilbert
Islands; the Negritos of Netherlands,
New Guinea, Papua and New Zealand;
the Parsees of India, the Pathans of
Afghanistan and Pakistan; and the Sindi
of Pakistan.
According to the same regulations, the
Turkic race is not considered to be indig-
enous, while the Polynesian race In it-
self-including the Maoris-is not re-
garded as being either indigenous or not
Indigenous to the Asia-Pacific triangle.
This depends entirely on the place of
birth, the regulations explain:
A Polynesian born in Papua, which lies
wholly within the Asia-Pacific triangle, is
chargeable to the Asia-Pacific quota, but an
alien of Polynesian ancestry born in French
Oceania (which is outside the triangle) is
chargeable to the subquota for French set-
tlements in Oceania within the immigration
quota established for France.
This regulation illustrates how in-
volved and complex our present immi-
gration policies really are.
Since all quota areas, except for Indo-
nesia (with a quota of 200), Malaysia
(400), Japan (185), and that for Chinese
persons (105), are limited to the mini-
mum quota of 100 guaranteed by the act,
the total allowable annual Immigration
from the Asia-Pacific triangle is only
2,890, only 1.82 percent of the total yearly
Immigration to the United States of
But that figure of . 2,890 was only
recently established.
Until September 26, 1961, when Con-
gress passed Public Law 87-301, the Asia-
Pacific triangle had been limited to a
ceiling quota of 2,000. Had there been
any more than 20 quota areas in the
triangle, any newly established quota
would have reduced the quota of other
nations and, dependencies proportion-
ately. Section 9 of Public Law 87-301
repealed this inequitable ceiling.
Still, the fact that more than one-half
of the world's population live in the
triangle area does not square with an
annual allotment of only 2,890 immi-
grants. The effect of these provisions is
to permit the great majority of quota
immigrants-over 81 percent-to come
from northern and western Europe, and
to allow more than 98 percent from
Europe alone.
The unfairness of this system is no-
where more evident than in the previ-
ously stated facts that, for example, Ire-
land, with a population of 2,815,000, has
a larger quota than all Asia; that we take
more people from Switzerland than we do
from the entire African Continent; that
Rumania, a captive nation of the Iron
Curtain, has a quota of 289, which is
small enough, but is nearly a third more
than our quota for India and the Phil-
ippines combined.
Because of the very small quotas as-
signed the triangle nations, according to
the quota report of the State Department
dated August 1, 1965, the quotas of nearly
every area within the triangle are heavily
oversubscribed. For example, short of
an extraordinary act of Congress, or the
passage of immigration reforms, the non-
preference quota for Chinese persons is
so heavily mortgaged into the future-
by immigrants already admitted into the
United States-that State Department
officials say that for all practical pur-
poses, it has already been exhausted in
perpetuity. Japan's quota is filled up at
least until the year 1989; the quota for
Okinawa, which does not fall under
Japan's but under a special Asia-Pacific
quota of 100 shared by 20 other de-
pendencies, is backlogged for 48 years,
until the year 2011; the Philippines quota
Is 89 years behind. Only the quotas of
Afghanistan, Cambodia, Malaya, Laos,
and Nepal are open-since these are
countries which generally have not
sought immigration beyond their borders.
Third. While place of birth deter-
mines the quota under which a white
person would fall, race or ancestry is
determinative for Polynesian and orien-
tal persons.
Normally, each nation's quota may be
used only by persons born there. Present
or past residence or citizenship is irrele-
vant. A person born in Italy, for exam-
ple, will be eligible for only the Italian
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quota eve~} If lie has become an English
citizen and lraa worked'andlived in 1;ng-
lid for,.l3lany years
but the 1962__1mmipra?ion Act's pro-
visos spell out special rather complicated
stipulations epolicalile to oriental per-
sons Wherever born Orientals born out-
side of 1ta are rendered- ineligible for
the, quota of their birt rptaee. Instead,
anyone deriving as much as half his
ancestry from persons who were born in
or whose race Is indigenous to the Asiatic
area is eligible only, for one of the tiny
Asiatic quotas.
If the country of hers oriental ancestors
can.be_de m;Ined hems e'ii ible for only
its quota.' or example, a person born in
London to an ,nglish father and an ' In
than ,n}other would have to wait, his turn
under India's -annual quota, of 100, even
If he had lived all his life'in London;
under present oversubscribed quota con-
-ditions, he would have to wait for at least
1159 years
Yet, ff'a ersons ancestry is mixed or canny t22'. , he is, eligible for, only
tine special qa or iod affotted to "Asia
Pitcifle," more comonly called the tri-
angle This was a quota created
for such people and to ' cover the 19
colonies and ' deppendencies--called dub
quota areas by the Immigration and la-
tjonatit;or- Act of 1$5.2-in the triangle
area. example, a person born, say,
in Brazil of a Korean mother and a
Japanese father wishing to enter the
United States, 'would 'be assigned to the
st)-called triangle quota; an immigrant
born,'i i Germany of. ,a, Malayan father
and a German charged to the
triangle quota.
Fourth, $ection 20 ,(b) (1) of the act
thus established a special triangle quota
of 100 to_ which thousands of oriental
and I:',o lynesfaq? peoples living all over
the world. }d Ip over 18 dependencies in
the triangle area must be assigned. The
triangle quota is, geographically . speak-
ing, a general quota, not tied down to
any specific area.
Who, then, must be assigned to this
quotas of 100 per" sons?
Not immigrants born within a sep-
arate quota area situated wholly within
the triangle, for such' person; must be
charged to the quota of the separate
quota area in which he was born, For
example, a Japanese born in Japan must
come under the Japanese quota.
Not immigrants born outside the
triangle whose' ancestry is, attributable
by one-half to` an ethnic group indig-
enous to r}qt }ioxe. than one, separate
quota area in tthe , triangle, since these
persons would fall under the quota of
that quota area. For example, an In-
donesian born in Germany of an Indo-
nesian mother and a German father
would be attributed to the Indonesian
Persons chargeable to the triangle
quota fall into three categories:
First. Immigrants whose ancestry is
50 percent or more Asian, ei:cept Chinese,
and who were born in a cc long or other
dependent area located In the triangle,
are allocated to the triangle quota:
They are specifically excepted from the
provisions of section 202(c) (1), which
allows persons born in colonial areas to
draw from the quota of the governing
nation to the extent of 100 persons.
This provision is available only to white
persons born in those dependencies. For
instance,' the New Hebrides, an archi-
pelago in the south-centre I Pacific and
a French protectorate, may not have a
separate quota for native islanders or
Asians born in the New Hebrides. Its
subquota of 100, taken from the' under--
subscribed French quota, is available
only to white persons born there. Only
by a determination of the Secretary of
State that it-is an independent country
may the New Hebrides have its own
quota. As the law presently stands, the
native of New Hebrides and Asians born
in those islands share the triangle quota
of 100 with 17 other subqu )ta areas and
an indeterminate numbe:? of persons
born outside the triangle.
The Ryukyus, however, provide, a
rather complex problem in this regard.
Those islands are now as;>igired to the
triangle quota by administrative deter-
mination of the State Department and
are under U.S. administra,ion and jur-
isdiction assigned by the United Nations
Trusteeship Council. While Japan now
has residual sovereignty, should the
United States relinquish its administra-
tive rights and full sovereignty revert to
Japan, would the Ryukyus still fall under
the triangle quota, or would it be as-
signed to that of Japan? Presumably, if
they are deemed a colony or dependency,
the Ryukyus would remain under the
triangle quota. But if they are con-
sidered wholly a part of the sovereign
nation of Japan, of course, they would be
a part of that quota area. I will have,
more to say on the Ryukyus later in my
Second. Immigrants born outside the
triangle whose ancestry is one-half at-
tributable to a people indigenous to one
or more colonies or other dependent area
located in the triangle must be charged
to the triangle quota. Pc ,r example, a
person born in Spain who Is one-half
Spanish and one-half Tongan must be
charged to the triangle quota.
Third. Immigrants born outside the
triangle whose ancestry may be traced
to peoples indigenous to two or more
separate quota areas in the triangle,
except Chinese persons, must be attrib-
uted to the triangle quota:. That is, a
person born in France who is one-half
Filipino and one-half Japanese would
be charged to the triangle quota.
Fifth. There are two quotas for
China-100 for the few white persons
born in China and only 105 for the mil-
lions of Chinese persons, wherever born.
One quota, designated the China quota,
is reserved .for persons born in Man-
churia, Inner and Outer Mongolia, Sink-
iang, Tibet, Taiwan, and the area of the
Chinese mainland bounded by the 1938
boundaries. A second quota of 105 was
established for Chinese persons.
The reason for thislies in the history
of the exclusion of Chinese from Ameri-
can shores. Prior to the repeal of
Chinese exclusion in 1943, since Chinese
persons were ineligible for entry into the
United States, the quota for China was
used for white persons born on the.China
mainland. The 1952 immigration law
specifically provided in section 201(a)
that: "the quota existing for Chinese
persons prior to the date of enactment
of this act shall be continued." Thus,
the practice of allotting the China quota
to whites was continued and necessitated
the creation of a second quota-for
Chinese persons.
To assign a quota of 100 to the few
thousand, at most, white persons born in
China and only 5 more quota numbers
to the entire Chinese world population
speaks loudly as to the extremes to
which our law has gone in discriminat-
ing against a people.
To the quota of Chinese persons were
allocated all persons with as much as
one-half Chinese blood, wherever born.
This would be true, according to the
State Department, even if the Chinese
person were born in a subquota area
located in the triangle. It matters not
one, whit whether his family had lived
in the United Kingdom, Brazil, or in the
New Hebrides for generations; if he is
one-half Chinese, he ismandatorily al-
located to the Chinese persons quota.
Sixth. Although present immigration
law grants nonquota status to persons
born in the Western Hemisphere, this is
greatly diminished by two racial pro-
First. The special restrictions on ori-
entals apply with equal measure to ori-
entals born in hemispheric nations. For
example, a native of Canada born of a
Japanese mother and a Canadian father
is not a nonquota immigrant, although a native of an independent country
located in the Western Hemisphere. He
must be charged to the quota for Japan.
Second. Nonquota status is denied
persons born in colonies of the Western
Hemisphere. The immigration law pro-
vides that each colony or other depend-
ent area is limited to a quota of 100 a
year to be taken from its parent coun-
try's quota. As several witnesses to the
1951 joint hearings pointed out, plainly,
this provision is aimed squarely against
the Negroes of Jamaica, Trinidad, other
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Septembef 20, 1965 CONGRESSIONA ._:.RRCQ1.D, ~
West Indian and Latin American areas,
who mate. up most of the immigrants
from those areas. These immigrants
formerly could take advantage of the
consistently unfilled quotas, of their
mother countries. , .Titus was true par
ticularly of the British quota, which had
been utilized rilore_by West Indians. than
by other British subjects. The Imntigra-
tion Act of, 1952 has effectively restricted
such immigration.
Seventh. Our present law clearly dis-
criminates, not only, against orientals
and I4egroes,'butalso against persons of
eastern l;uropean, Middle Eastern, and
Mediterranean origins, The combined
quotas. for Greece Turkey, and Spain,
for example, come to 783, which is rough-
ly one-third of the quota we allot to
Moreover, oversubscription plagues the
quotas of 'nations from these areas as it
does 'nation and dependencies in the tri-
angle. Italy's ?quota is subscribed for
some 47 years; Yugoslavia's for 35 years;
Iran's for 86 years; Israel's for 157 years;
Lebanon's for 31 years. Were it not for
the fact that, by special legislation in
1957, Congress forgave the mortgages
charged against nations from which Im-
migrants entered the United States un-
der the Displaced Persons Act of 1948,
Latvian and Greek quotas, for example,
would have been mortgaged until the
years 2274 and 2.014, respectively.
Eighth, Under the 1952 act, an Asian
family of mixed . blood may be separated
in migration, if the wife is accountable to.
an oversubscribed quota, although her
husband is chargeable to an open quota.
On the other gland, a non-Asian wife ac-
countable to an oversubscribed quota
may be given the quota of her immigrant
husband, -if he is fortunate enough to
have access to an openquota.
The bill,.H.R. 2580, , now before the Sen-
ate eliminates all racial discrimination
from American immigration laws by do-
ing away wlth,thg_ national. origins quota
system o ver .a 3-year period endingJuly
1, 1968. The Asia-Pacific triangle is en-
tirely abolished,
in its place, a ceiling of 170,000 regular
immigrants a year is, made applicable on
a first-come,. first qualified basis for all
nations . outside the Western Hemisphere,
with. a limtatlpn of 20,000 from any one
country in a single year.
In addition ,to the numerical ceilings,
the bill sets up a series ofpreference cate-
gories that give priority to minor chil-
dren, the spouses, and parents of persons
who .have. beeome..citizens or permanent
Below the family priorities, other pri-
orities , are . set for members of the arts
and professions; for skilled and unskilled
workers for whom jobs are assured that
do not displace American workers; and
for refugees driven from their homes by
political, racial, or religious persecution.
The bill also provides for the establish-
ment of a $elect Commission on Western
Hemisphere Immigration, and the impo-
sition of a. ceiling of 120,000 quota immi-
grants from. the Western Hemisphere,
beginning July 1, 196$; this ceiling be-
comes effective.on that date, unless the
Commission recommends another course
of action.
During Judiciary Committee delibera-
tions on the Western Hemisphere ceil-
ing, I had suggested additional language
providing that these immigrant visas
be allocated in accordance with the same
preference categories as those which ap-
ply to the Eastern Hemisphere, as pro-
vided in section 3 of the bill. I felt that
this amendment. was necessary, because
under sections .3 and 10 of the bill, the
Secretary of Labor is required to make an
affirmative finding that each intending
immigrant has a job assured, that he
would not displace any American worker
and would not adversely affect the wages
and working conditions of American
workers similarly employed.
This would mean that immigrants who
are relatives of American citizens and
resident aliens, who normally would fall
under one of three preference cate-
gories provided for in section 3 of the bill,
would be subject to the Secretary's re-
quired affirmative finding, and would not
be accorded preferential, status. Thus,
Western Hemisphere relatives of citizens
and permanent residents would be dis-
criminated against in the following cate-
gories: First, unmarried children of U.S.
citizens-first preference under section 3
of the bill-second, spouses and unmar-
ried children of, alien. permanent resi-
dents-second preference-and, third,
brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens-
fifth preference.
At my suggestion, the committee de-
cided to include in the report the con-
census of the committee that this matter
would be considered by the Select Com-
mission on Western Hemisphere Immi-
gration In the course of its study.
I ask the distinguished Senator from
Massachusetts, who has so ably con-
ducted hearings on this legislation and
is now floor managing it-am I not cor-
rect in this matter?
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts.
The Senator from Hawaii is correct. He
brought this matter to the attention of
the committee. In response to the Sen-
ator, let me say that the language in-
cluded in the report on page 27, reads as
There was also discussed a proposal to
amend section. 21 of the bill relating to the
establishment of a numerical limitation on
Western Hemisphere immigration on July 1,
1968. Additional language was suggested to
be added to section 21(e) to provide that
immigrant visas be allocated to any immi-
grant who becomes subject to the numerical
limitation under the same system of prefer-
ences applicable to other immigrants as
specified in section 203 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act. It was the consensus
of the committee that this is a matter that
will be considered by the Select Commission
on Western Hemisphere Immigration in the
course of its study.
Mr. F.ONG. ` I thank the distinguished
Senator for his answer. .
Mr. President, two other matters of
statutory interpretation were adopted by
the Judiciary Committee and included in
its report,
The first refers to the Ryukyu Islands
situation, which I described earlier. I
did not press for statutory language to
correct a long-standing inequity regard-
ing the Ryukyus-resulting from the
fact that those islands are presently in-
cluded in the triangle quota.
I have a letter which was sent to me
from the Department of State containing
the following commitment:
Intending Immigrants from the Ryukyu
Islands will undoubtedly benefit from the
abolition of the Asia-Pacific triangle provi-
sions of existnig law. When this occurs, it is
contemplated that the Secretary of State will
invoke the authority granted him by * * *
Section 202(b) of H:R. 2580, and attribute the
Ryukyu Islands to the quota area of the
Pacific Islands. Native Ryukyuans will then
share the quota numbers allotted from the
Pacific Islands quota (during the transition
period) and In addition, will have access to
the numbers assigned to the quota pool
under H.R. 2580.
Thus, native Ryukyuans will share the
quota numbers allotted from the Pacific
Islands quota and, in addition, will have
access to the numbers assigned to the
quota pool under the bill. The Ryukyu
Islands and the Pacific Islands together
will constitute one quota area which will
be restricted, like any other quota area,
to not more than 20,000 quota numbers
The Judiciary Committee included
this commitment of the Department of
State in its report as an understanding
of the committee. I ask the distin-
guished Senator from Massachusetts, is
this not correct?
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts.
The Senator is again correct. In re-
sponse to the Senator's raising of this
point the committee stated, on page 27
of the report:
The attention of the committee was also
directed to an immigration problem of the
natives of the Ryukyu Islands resulting from
the fact that those islands are presently
included within the areas assigned to the
Asia-Pacific triangle quota. It is the corn-
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+C 1 t'ESSf(NAT: 'RE Mil -"SENA" E September ~20, 1965
p+v.~r+..? - u... -_-
mit(e'e s understanaing snai lu 411c Crcuo V11C a-1 ........ es
11,R'.' 2561 hecomes`labv, 'it is contemplated aliens who have lived in the United erene other than fifth preference (brothers
at tIe Sgcr ta States for 7 years and who entered the and sisters) will, however, be lower than
thr bf State will attribute
flyuyu is"rands` to the quota area of the first-year issuances because most of the
the ? li
current oversubscriptions in those cafe -
the`"Pacificl'alands"and that during the 3- country before June 28, 1958; may have
year .i'nterii peiiod'natives' of the Ryukyu their statuses adjusted-so thfit they may gories will have been satisfied during the
islands will have" access to the Pacific Is- eventually become U.S. citizens. first year. In the fifth preference there will
w ? A second amendment allows the iSSU- be a substantial carryover of unsatisfied
lands quota. ante of visas to students-previously de- demand which will cause full usage of the
Mr. FONG. I thank the distinguished nied admission-upon posting bond and Pool in the second year. The carryover of
Senator for his reply. showing proof of acceptance at a recog- unused numbers to the third year, how-
will be
smal so that the pool
Mr. President, the second matter of nized educational institution. ever,
statutory interpretation refers to the will not t b be fuullyutilized in that year.
A third amendment allows refugees The preference categories under present
status of refugees from the Dominican from nations of the Western Hemisphere law have been translated into the new six
Republic. At my suggestion, the com- who are now living in the United States, classes (plus refugees) of H.R. 2580. This
mittee in its report expressed its opin- and who have fled persecution or fear necessitated a division of the percentage of
ion that the refugees who fled the coun- of persecution because of race, religion, usage of three of the preference categories
try as a result of the recent rebellion or political belief from Communist or in the present law. The present second pref-
may be considered withinthe provisions Communist-dominated countries, to ad- erence (parents and unmarried sons and
of sections 203 (a) (7) and 245 of the just their statuses without having to daughters of -U.S. citizens) has been di-
Immigration and Nationality Act as return to those countries. vided into two groups: (1) Parents, who will
fall outside of the quota system as "im-
amended by H.R. 2580. Mr. President, I have three tables of mediate relatives," and (2) unmarried sons,
Again, I ask the Senator from Massa- estimated quota area and immigration and daughters, who will be granted first pref-
chusetts, is this not correct? pool issuances under H.R. 2580 during erence status. Since parents have hereto
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. fiscal years 1966, 1967, and L968, which fore consistently accounted for approximate-
The Senator is correct. In response to were issued by the Bureau of Security ly 90 percent of the total issuances to this
the Senator's suggestion, the committee and Consular Affairs of the Department preference group and under H.R. 2580, will.
added this language to its report, on of State; these tables were accompanied not be subject to any numerical ceiling, the;
projection of new first preference usage is
page 27, as follows: by an explanatory memorandum. the remaining 10 percent of such past is-
The committee discussed the status of I ask unanimous consent that these suances.
refugees from the Dominican Republic and tables, together with the memorandum, The present fourth preference (married
is of the opinion the refugees who fled the be printed in the RECORD at this point. sons and daughters and brothers and sisters)
country as a result of the recent rebellion The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. HAR- is another category which was divided to fit
may be considered within the provisions RIS in the chair). Is there Objection? the new preference categories. Under the;
o_' section 203(a) (7) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act, as added by H.R. 2580, as There being no objection, the memo- present law brothers and sisters have utilized well as under section 245 of the Immigration random and tables were ordered to be approximately 90 percent of the numbers.,
available to these applicants. Usage in the
and Nationality Act, as amended. printed in the RECORD, as f0:]ows: new fourth preference (married sons and.
Those are the provisions in section ESTIMATED QUOTA AREA AND IMMIGRATION POOL daughters) is, therefore, predicated on 10,
ISSUANCES UNDER H.R. 2580, As AMENDED percent of the usage of the present fourth.
203(a) (7) of the Immigration and Na- AUGUST 6, 1965, DURING FISClL YEAR 1966, preference.
tionality Act, the adjustments and 1967, AND 1968 The new fifth preference (brothers and
changes which were made in the pro- The attached tables outline the estimated sisters) is based on the remaining 90 per-
posed legislation. issuances of national quota and immigration cent of issuance under the present fourth
Mr. FONG. Mr. President, I should pool numbers during the first, second, and preference. This category is so heavily over
like to add at this time my highest com- third years (transition period) under H.R. subscribed that there will be substantial de-'
mendation of the excellent work of the 2580, as reported out by the House Judiciary mand from the pool for numbers for this
distinguished Senator from Massachu- Committee August 6, 1965. The estimated class of applicants.
issuances are within the percentage limits.- Persons of exceptional skill who have pre-:
setts [Mr. KENNEDY1. Ile was the acting tions for the seven preference,., within the viously entered the UnitedStates under the
chairman of the Subcommittee on Im- overall numerical limitation, and within the present first preference will be attributable;
migration and Naturalization, and he 20,000 per foreign state limitation where ap- under the new system toone of the two new'
guided the proceedings throughout the plicable. categories: members of the professions,
many lengthy hearings. He was always One hundred and two thousand eight hun- (third preference) or skilled and unskilled
most fair and very patient. dred and ninty-three quota numbers were short-supply labor (sixth preference). The
He gave to everyone concerned every actually issued in fiscal year if,85 under the bases for the estimates in these categories.
present authorized total quota of 158,561. was provided by the Immigration and,
opporttlnity to speak on the bill. It is Thus, 55,668 unused numbers will constitute Naturalization Service which reviewed past
through his very great leadership and the immigration pool which under section admissions of such persons to determine the'
guidance that we have this very excellent 201(d) of HE. 2580 will be available only number who were members of,the professions
bill before us today. I congratulate the for issuance in fiscal year 1966 to applicants (new third preference) and the number who
distinguished junior Senator from Mas- in the oversubscribed preference categories would more appropriately fall within the:
sachusetts for his diligence, his dediCa- and to refugees. definition of the new sixth preference (short
tion, and his most conscientious efforts As the pattern and volume o.' immigration supply labor).
under the national quota system has been The determination of estimates of visa
in bringing about a consensus of opinion relatively constant for the past several years,
in the U.S. Senate that immigration re- the first year estimates are based on fiscal issuances within preference breakdowns in
form legislation is long overdue. year 1965 actual issuance figures on the as- countries that are now undersubscribed
sumption that this pattern and volume will (such asGreat Britain and Germany) neces
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. I remain essentially the same In fiscal year sarily differed, since applicants issued visas
thank the Senator from fi&Waii. I r1966 under those quotas have nct had to prove
wanted to express my views, at the end The second- and third-year estimates are preference status in order to receive quota
of his very splendid address, on his necessarily based more upon global expert- numbers and, therefore, most entered as
contributions. ence of operation under the present lawfor nonpreference immigrants. The basis for
the last 13 and the esti mates for the these estimates, therefore, is an evaluation of
Mr. FONG. I thank the Senator.' years
The bill also contains three amend - the percentages of issuances in the quotas of
no first-year firm figure can operations be under H derived H.R. for 2580, the un- since three countries (France, Netherlands, and
ments which I had proposed during the used quota numbers which vrill constitute Switzerland) which are presently slightly
executive sessions of the Judiciary Sub- the immigration pool in fiscal year 1967 and oversubscribed in the nonpreference cater
committee on Immigration and Natural- 1968 until after June 30, 1966 and 1967. gory and, therefore, required that persons
ization, and which the subcommittee To arrive at estimates, we have assumed eligible for preference status use preference
adopted. a continuing demand within each of the numbers. The average of the percentage of
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Se-ptember 20, 1965 CO B.ESS1ONAL RECQR :S N `r$
issuance in each preference class for these
three "countries was applied to the. Issuance
levels of countries now with ,current quotas,
(Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Great
.Britain, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden).
Spouses and, children of U.S. citizens are
entitled to nonquota status under the. pres-
ent law. However, many have entered from
undersubscribed quota countries (partic-
ularly Great Britain and Germany) as non-
preference quota immigrants. Under H.R.
2680 they, as well as parents, will be re-
quired to obtain visas as immediate rela-
tives not chargeable to any numerical ceil-
It is anticipated that the use of national
quota numbers will drop by approximately
10,000 per year due to the "immediate rela-
tive" classification. Therefore, the. world-
wide national quota area estimated usage
has been reduced by 10,000 in the second-
and third- year, tabulations. It has been
reduced by 6,687 In the first year as. visa
issuance under present quotas will continue
until the effective date of H.R. 2580.
The attached tables do not set forth in
a separate category estimated numbers of
the total, authorized issuances which will, be
used for adjustment of status of , persons
already in the United States. They are in-
cluded . In the individual country national
quota estimates against which such adjust-
ment are required to be charged.
During fiscal year 1966, 1967, and 1968,
10,200 numbers (6 percent of 170,000 ceiling)
are allotted to refugees for conditional entry
(seventh preference) from the pool of
55, 1966;, 62,335 in 1967, and 65,668 in
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
September 20, 1965
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
882q MIZ M roM "".~ ~c3 "~o,Mn,m.nn?On a,?y?$SZ q'.d- ;~m~c~ ran g oM 'n o :I No
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.MrwP1F September'-20, 1,965
TASL4' IV.-iraemployment rates and percent distribution of the unemployed, by major occupation group-Annual averages,' 1947-64
(Persons 1,4,years ofage atd over]
1947 --------------- ----------------
----- -1~y
961-.. -- --
---------- -------- ----
19 a-
1954------------- ------- -- ------
1056 4-------------------------------
1957 --
X9~~ -
----------- --------------
1949 - :.-_
----------------- --------------
19OE3 ----- ----------
----------------- --_
1960 3-----------------------------
1N8 ------------------------------
1964-- 7-r-?--------
tives a-d
farm and
2. 7
3. 4
4. 0
2, 5
2; 1
2. 4
3: 7
3 7
3. 4
f. 2
3. 1
4 2
12. 2
11. 1
I See feetnoto table A-10.
Q I7noulployed persons who never held a full-time civilian job.
a See footnote 1, table A-1.
4 Data through 1956 have not been adjusted to reflect changes in the definitions of em-
ployment acid upelnployment adopted in January 1957. See footnote 2, table A-1.
Mr. POE+. 'Mr. President, table IV
shows that higher unemployment rates
continued to be found among blue-collar
workers and among the less skilled in
:1964. While the total unemployment
rate was 5.2 percent of the work force,
unemployed unskilled nonfarm laborers'`
to those employed in that group was 10.6
percent; blue-collar operatives 6.5 per-
cent; and service workers, 6.1 percent.
The un'employed rate for professional
and technicall occupations was only 1.7'
The source of this data is is the 1965
President's Manpower Report.
,Since only an extremely small number
of. immigrants who are unskilled workers
are admitted annually, immigration has
only a minimal effect, if i.t all, on un-
Although our knowledge of the causes
underlying the rising trend of unemploy-
ment is as yet imperfect, it has been in-
creasingly clear that labor has been
displaced largely by advances in tech-
nology and the striking gains in man-
hour productivity.
It has been estimated that about 1.8
million jobs are affected each year by
technological change, and that approxi-
mately 18 million jobs will be affected in
the decade 1960-70-see population bul-
letin, November 1962, page 144. ,
with no
work ex-
Output per man-hour in private in-
dustry -since 1947 has increased at an
annual average rate of 3.2 percent, and
these gains, rather than increases in
man-hours of work, account for more
than 80 percent of the growth of total
output since 1947-see table V below. See
also the Manpower Reports, March 196bi,
page 256, and March 1963, pages 67 to 72.
I ask unanimous consent that table V
showing "Indexes of Output Per Man-
Hour and Related Data: Annual Aver-
ages, 1947-64" may be printed in the
There being no objection, the table
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
, Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
'September 20, 1965 `CC+ RESSIOIVAL= RECORD SENATE
TALE V; Indexes of output 1 per man-hour and related data: Annual averages; 1947=e4
ployment,. and
Output, e an
Total private _____-
Nonagricultural industries__________
Total private -___________
Agriculture ----- -- -
Nonagricultural industries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._
Total private----------
Total private--
Agriculture __ _ _ -
Nonagricultural industries
Manufacturin _______ ---
Nonmanufacturin ------
Total private-- _ _ _ ___ _ _ -
Nonagricultural industries
Total private_______________________
Nonagricultu alrtndustries_
Total private_______________
Total private.-----.----
Nonagricultural industries.- ___.
Total private ----------
Agrioulture _ - ~
Nonagricultural industries--
84. 9
Agriculture ___________________----- 108.2 108.7
Nonagricultural industries--------- _ 126.6. 120.4
Manufacturing______.___.__________ 126.3 119.2
Nonmanufacturing.-j. ____ 126.8 121.1
Total private________________________ 106.5 103.6
Agriculture- -------------- 80.9 84.0
Nonagricultural industries____-__ 108.1 105.6
Manufac----- 104.2 102.6
Nonntanutscturing____ 109.8 107.0
116. 1
86. 9
112. 5
103. 7
98: 2
107. 5
106. 1
1960 I 1959 I 1958 I 1957 I 1956 I 1965 I 1954 '1 1953] I 1952 1951
Man-hour estimates based primarily on establishment data 3
107. 9
103. 2
101. 1
101. 4
98. 0
98._ 7
97. 4
' 97.0
101. 2
100. 5
101. 3
106. 2
106. 2
102. 6
105. 2
101. 3 101. 5 98. 9
104.5 110.5 113.2
101.0 1(51.5 97.4
103.5 103.9 101.8
99.9. 99.0 95.5
101.7 i 103.3 101.3
94. 17
Man-hour estimates based primarily on labor force data 8
94.1 89.7
85.9 83.0
95.8 91.6
106.3 111.5
116.4- 120.6
104,3 1o9.?,
95.0 87.2
102.9 97.6
94.5 86,16
98.1 94.9
113.2 109,6
96.3 93.3
101.0 97.2
119.8 117., 6
98.8 94.6
91'. 6
93, 7
96. .
100.5 ':99.6
120.5 529.4
98.1 96, 0
107.4 102.3
04.0 03.2
116. 2
98. 9
94. 6
91. 7
143, 9
Approved For Release 2004/01/16: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
56. 4
1949 1948 1947
167. 7
140, 4
59. 6
9 Preliminary. yrouum to mb4 dollars, monthly labor force survey of households. Data for years prior to 1964 have been re-
p The estimates based on establishment data are derived principally from employ- vised for several series, particularly for manufacturing and nonmanufacturing,
ment and hours obtained from monthly payroll reports submitted by establishments. Source: "President's 1965 Manpower Report."
The estimates based on labor force data use primarily employment and hours from the
75. 1
145. 0
85. 2
93, a
50. 2
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6 4
t 6NGRESSIO 3"AL RECORD _ SP A"t'V September 20, 1965'
tween ' productiVity increases and ex-
panding output; as output per man-hour
showed impressive gains, output--as
measured` by gross private product in
1947 dollars-rose at about the same im-
pressive' fate. At the same time while
output rose by about 59 percent, employ-
ment rose only by 11 percent. Total
man-hours worked rose by even less-
only about 3 percent.
So that well over 80 percent of the In-
crease in aggregate output from 1947 on-
ward can be' explained by increases in
output per man-hour.
These data came from the President's
j V,65 and, 19633 Manpower Reports.
The technological innovations of the
past 15 years have also created employ-
-+ opportunities but the jobs which
they have produced demand skills and a
degree of sphistication that cannot be
.supplied by' the traditional blue-collar
limited educat
X1.5 million out "of the 26 million young
o le entering'the labor force between
and 1970-=or some 29 percent-will
lack high school 'diplomas-see Man-
Vower ResearchBulletin, Department of
2Abor, March -1963, pages 9 and 10.
ier& S no doubt that one of the major
apses 'af tiIisloyment is the rapid
technological changes in our economy.
lien; does not always
" ''t uemployment, t
dean that there is a job shortage. It
aiay also indicate a shortage of persons
Flo have the .kinds of skills, knowledge
and abilities required by the economy.
Labor economists in the United States
are discovering that it is possible for
large numbers of unemployed to exist,
ern while innurrierable job openings go
unfilled'.: To quote from the Labor De-
er.tmentt's 1.C'3 Manpower -Report:
Department officials, have not increased
the number of persons on out unemploy-
ment rolls, because they pcssessed the
skills and training our econoray required.
Even if it were possible immediately to
retrain and reeducate 150,OOD to 200,000
unemployed persons-a relatively small
proportion-to give them skills needed
by the economy, there can be no doubt
that the economy would be signiiicantly
Precisely the same thing nay be said
about the entry of skilled and highly
trained immigrants into the economy.
Of all immigrant workers arriving since
1947, about one of every three reported
a professional, technical, or skilled oc-
cupation. Approximately half of the
three and a half million immigrants who
entered the United States between 1947
and 1961 were reported as having occu-
pational attachments-see table VI-the
remainder were primarily housewives,
and young and retired persons.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that tables VI and VII be received.
and made a part of the RECORD. Table:
VI shows the number and percentage
distribution of immigrants by broad oc-
cupational groups for 1947-64 and for
selected years. Table VII shows the
number of immigrants in selected critical
occupations admitted each year, 1952-
There being no objection, the tables
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD;
as follows:
TABLE VI.-Number and percent distribution of immigrants, by broad occupational groups;
Total 1947
through 3964
Total admitted ------------------------------- 424,460
2, MT, 594
131, 098
on ----------------
With occupat
ation ----------------- 2,346
151, 076
No occupation reported-__-__-___-_-------
_________________- _-__---2,077,594
With occupation ------------------------ 2,077,5
Professional, technical, and emdred
workers__--------------------- 3
Farmers and farm managers -------------- 92,180
Managers, officials, andproprieton, except 101
farm --------------------
Clerical, sales, and kindred work'ers___-__ 367,8
Craftsmen, foremen and kindred workers- 32
Operatives and kindred workers. ________ 279,6
private household workers_________ 157, 300
Service workers, except private household-
Laborers, except farm and mine-- ______ 216,
I "No occupation" includes "No ex cupation reported
2 Includes immigrants 14 years of a-e and over.
upply of unused man-
Despite le larges
pOwer,'`serious''shartages exist in essential
escaitgationg ' Sobs remain unfilled be-
cause-tI ey re"gtlire different skills from those
}i*he relibf continues-
fsDnai progr Atilt have not overcome the im-
balance of uirexrienf8 and resources.
Shortages otqua Iled workers are par-
ticylarly acute in the scientific, engineer
teaching, technical, health, and other
'professorial' fields-see the President's
manpower Report, March 1963, pages 30
to 12; and, as' the Manpower Report
points out, these ordinarily are not occu-
patioiis toward which unemployed work-
e'i?s can "be' directed. To meet these
ishortages, extensive education and train-
ing are required; retraining and reedu-
cation of our existing manpower re-
sources ca'rmot be accomplished except
over a prolonged period of time.
Where, then, are these highly trained
and skilled workers to come from? One
important source has been immigration.
NOTE.-Detail may not add to totals due to rounding.
Source: Annual Reports of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. Department of Justice.
TABLE VII.--Number of immigrants in selected lcriiti cal occupations admitted each year
Biological scientists --------------
Chemists -------- ------------------ -
Engineers ---__ - -- -
Geologists and geophysicists
Nurses --------
2 6, 461
4, 355
3, 826
1, 934
2, 794
1, 046
Physicians and surgeons.--------
Professors and instructors __--
1, 610
2, 670
2, 471
2 372
, 304
1, 549
Teachers not specified ---
1, 838
1, 635
1, 632
1, 821
, 553
Machinists--- ___--------------
[9, 252
Toolmakers, diemakers and
7, 334
I The occupational mtegories listed in this table are those which rmmigarnts reported on their airival is the aMetent United States. It was not possibi ), in a few is an E because of lack -Lfgtof currently of critical P tional as detail to determined by
precise match with the occupations which app of the V.5. rtment of Labor. For this reason, totals are not
the Technical Committee on Critical Occupations
Source: 1959 through 1964: Annual reports of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. Department of
Justice; 1954 through 1958: Data famished by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. Department of
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
. Mr. TONG. Mr. President,. some
14,000 immigrant physicians and sur-
geons, and about 28,000 nurses helped
alleviate the shortage o_ f trained persons
in the critical n ediical flpld in the 195,2-
61 periods; about 4,900 chemists, 1,100
physicists, and over 12,000 technicians-
vitally needed workers who support sci-
entists and engineers-were admitted in
that same period.
This data was gathered from the
annual reports of the immigration and
Naturalization, Service for the, years
Between 1953 and 1961, over 166,000
immigrants entering this country pos-
sessed skills in such critical job areas
as physics, nursing, medicine, teaching,
engineering, and other kindred fields.
These were occupations declared to be in
short supply by the Technical Commit-
tee on Critical Occupations of the Labor
Department, occupations which are used
by the Selective Service in determining
deferments in the national interest.
Some. 12,680 immigrant physicians and
surgeons, and about 25,376 nurses helped
alleviate the shortage of trained persons
in the critical medical field in the'
he 1952-
61 period; about 4,448 chemists, 4,036
natural scientists, and 19,804 techni-
clans-vitally needed workers who sup-
port scientists and engineers-were ad-
mitted in that same period.
Typical nonagricultural occupations
now certified to be. in short supply by
the Labor Department are librarians, di-
etitians, laboratory technicians, physical
therapists, systems engineers, cabinet-
makers, machinists, draftsmen, and
I ask unanimous. consent to submit
and have printed in the RECORD table
VIII, showing the selected professional,
technical, and kindred workers admitted
to the_UnitedStates,1959-61, and total,
January 1, 1953, to June 30, 1961.
There being no objection, the table was
ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as
TABLE VIII.-Selected professional, technical, and kindred workers admitted to the United
States, 1959-61, and total Jan. 1, 1963, to June 30, 1961
Jan. 1, 1953, to
June 30, 1961
Percent of
Percent of
Percent of
Percent of
PTK's 1
PTK's i
10D. 0
Natural scientists____________
Other natural scientists_________
Chemists ---------------------------
Physicians and surgeons ___________
1, 574
1, 630
7. s
Dentists__ _ _______________________
College professors and instructors---
- 500
Teachers (not specified)____________
Technicans2--------------- ___ _
12. o
Other professional, technicl, and
kindred workers__________________
I Professional, technical, and kindred workers.
I Includes draftsmen.
B Includes designers, draftsmen, radio operators, surveyors, medical and dental technicians, testing technicians,
and technicians not specified.
Source: Annual reports of the immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. Department of Justice.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, will the Senator yield?
Mr. FONG.. I yield to the distinguished
Senator from, Massachusetts.
Mr. KENNED'2 of assachusetts. Is it
the impression of the- Senator from Ha-
wall that specific shortages in our labor
market could be readily filled today by.
those who have the skills described by
the Senator from Hawaii, and that they
would not displace American workers or
affect the.wages and working conditions
of Americans in those particular fields?
Is it not true, that immigrants who would
serve in those capacities would fill posi-
tions .. In our economy which need
Mr. FONG. Yes; the Senator is en-
tirely correct.
Mr,. KENNEDY of Massachusetts.
Would not such immigration provide
additional employment and benefits for
quiring high levels of skill, training and
education; While unskilled jobs are not
expected to expand at all in terms of
absolute numbers, professional and tech-
nical positions will be the fastest grow-
ing occupations. This simply reflects the
continuatlon of scientific And tecbriologi-
cal advances and of trends which were
becoming increasingly evident as early
as 1947.
I submit and ask unanimous consent
to have printed in the RECORD table IX
which shows employed persons by major
occupation group, annual averages, 1947-
There being no objection, the table was
ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
others who might be dependent upon
such positions being filled?
Mr._ FONG. If, positions which require
technical skills are not filleO,, the many
jobs which support such technically
skilled positions. Would-- also not be filled,
and many new jobs would not be created.
By bringing in technically equipped .per-
sons, jobs would be created for our own
people. This is the point I am trying to
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. A
real benefit would accrue to our own
economy, as the Senator has., suggested,
by providing job oportunitiesfor Ameri-
cans, because the vacancies which de-
mand particular skills would be filled.
Mr. ?FONG. Yes... A report has been
made which states tat every person who
obtains a -Ph'. D. degree supports at least
200'persons; that because of such a per-
son's brainpower, skill, and know-how,
t 200 persons would be able to ob-
tain work under him because of his
'Mr. K "l?1NEl5Y of t agsaciiusetts.' I
thank the Senator from Hawaii.
Mr. FONG. Mr,,lr'resident, it is impor-
taut to note here that the proportion of
immigrants with a high degree' of skill
has increased significantly in the past
decade-see tables VI and VII. For in-
stance, there were 20 percent more engi-
neers entering in 1961 than in 1952, and
84 percent more technicians. It should
was passed during the 87th Congress to
permit nonquota admission of several
thousand highly trained and skilled im-
Virtually every study projecting the
occupational structure of our economy
in the decade of the sixties shows a shift
of employment toward occupations re-
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
i1; 1X.-Rveployed persona by major occupalion group; Annual averages, 1947-6~, persons 14 years of age and over
for oNfgbattth gi-odp clad 361
Private, iouge`holdworkers_.
'Service workers, except private
boupchold ---------------------
Form workers
er, d farm managers
Farm labFers 'Pt foremen
bi to 4o1ar worker6-- -------- 44.1 43,11 43,1
teria I and kindred workers. 1 14 9 14 8 I 14 7 6
~aieswarkers___ _ &4 &6 6.6
Profeaiiclnai, teohnieall, and lilndred workers _-___--
Managers, officials, and proprietors except farm -------------
C Br4ma and kindred workers------------------ - ---- ----
Sales workers---------------------------------------_
Craftsmen, foremen and kindred workers -------------------
Operative s and kindred workers-----------------------------
Service workers--------------------------------------------
*Laborers, except farm and mine-----------------------------
Farmers, farm managers, laborers, and foremen-------------
dred workers 12.8 129 12.8 13.1
Operatives and kindred workers. 17.7 17.6 18.0 18.1
Labnrezs, except farm and mine- 6.2 5.2 5.5 5.7
ervico workers ------ ----- 13.0 129 12.5 12.2
Number (in thousands)
10.1 10.2
13.6 13.3
6.3 6.3
13, 4 13.2
19.7 20.2
5.7 5.8
5.6 6.0
4.5 4.5
10. 7
5. 4
11, 1
3, 934
10, 7
13. 4
1, 860
2, 382
10, 4
14. 2
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Sourco: Monthly Labor Review, March 1963; President's 1963 Manpower Report.
3, 737
7, 438
3, 641
3, 795
25, 009
11, 780
3, 5$6
1, 869
1, 883
1, 757
4, 509
1, 754
8, 1?0
3; 963
12. 5
6. 1
20. 9
OP, except .
CJ r1c~~ and krndred workers..
7, 408
7, 067
9, 783
18s workers
4, 346
Blue coil Yr workers H
24, 211
~dr Arkers~ -_- _-__--
Ap roved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
1Vlr. FONG. Mr. President, table VIII, ticipated immigrant workers annually
which I have already introduced, shows entering the country under H.R. 2580 is
selected professional, technical, and that the professional, technical, craft
kindred workers admitted to the United and kindred workers will continue at
States from 1959 to 1961 and the total relatively high levels, and that unskilled
number of such workers -admitted be- workers entering will continue at rela-
tween January 1, 1953, and June 30, tively low levels.
The total admitted in that 8-year pe- The fourth point is tied to the third-
riod was 16,6,413, of which.21,455 were the fact that many American economists
admitted in 1961, 21,940 in 1960, and and social scientists are beginning to rec-
23,287 in 1959. ognize the tremendous economic value of
Table VIII relates directly to table educated people. They see that much of
IX, which shows employment by type the wealth attributable to resources and
of occupation between 1947 and 1962, capital equipment really has its roots in
and the percent change in employment education.
projected to 1970. For example, a person born in 1956
Table .IX shows that the demand for who subsequently completes high school
professional, technical, and other skilled would earn a lifetime income of $253,631,
Workers is expected to continue to rise computed on the basis of the average in-
in- the future. But unskilled occupa- come of male high school graduates in
tion groups are not expected to grow 1956. A substantial increase each addi-
at all; in fact, they may decline. tional year of schooling completed, so
These materials are drawn from the that, for instance, on the basis of 1958
Monthly Labor Review, March 1963, and data, a college graduate could expect to
the President's 1963 Manpower Report. earn about $435,000 during his lifetime.
The large unfilled need for personnel compared with $258,000 for the high
in the professional, technical, and other school graduate.
skilled occupations is expected to con- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
tinue into the foreseeable future. This sent to have printed at this point in the
fact was underscored particularly in the RECORD table X, which shows estimated
President's 1965 Manpower Report. Im- lifetime income for males, by years of
migration will therefore continue to be school completed, selected years.
our best source of supply of highly There being no objection, the tabula-
trained people. tion was ordered to be printed in the
Best estimates of the number of an- RECORD, as follows:
,TABLE X.-Estimated lifetime income for males, by years of school_complete'd, selected years
Less than 8 years---------
8 years ---------_-------
high school:
1 to 3 years_______________
4 years-------------------
1 to 3 years---------------
4 years or more -----------
132, 683
148, 033
152, 068
216, 487
209, 282
315, 504
435, 242
' Not available.
Source: Occupational Outlook Quarterly, 1961.
Mr. KENNEDY Of Massachusetts.. Mr.
President, will the Senator yield?
Mr. FONG. I.yield.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts.
The Senator has been referring to the
quality of recent immigration to the
United States. The Senator has.had
printed in the RECORD a number of,tabu-
lations. Which indicate the skills pos-
sessed'by those immigrants.
It is my understanding that, from 1947
--to 1964, of all the immigrants who have
entered the United States, 16 percent or
350,000 were professional or technical
people, while only, 1- out of 1Q of . the
American force was professional or tech-
Mr. FQNG. That is my understand-
Mr. ' KENNNEDY of Massachusetts.
One out of every six immigrants since
1947 have been skilled workers compared
with one out of eight of the U.S. labor
No: 173-19
Mr. FONG. The Senator is correct.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts.
The provisions of the pending bill, which
the Senator from Hawaii supports, as
they relate to those who have skilis and
attempt to come to the united States are
even more stringent.
Mr. FONG. As I will show subse-
quently in my statement, several provi-
sions of the pending bill are very strin-
gent in protecting the American econ-
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. I
believe that the Senator has been very
ably directing his remarks in this part
of his extremely exhaustive analysis of
the present legislation to demonstrating
that many of those who will come to
our country will be coming under pref-
ence Nos. 3 and 6 of the pending legis-
lation, and that those who come within
these categories will really be highly
skilled and that many of them will fill
critical shortages which presently exist
in our country.
Mr. FONG. The Senator is correct.
I will also point out subsequently in my
statement that we have not contributed
anything-to the education of those peo-
ple. When one considers that it costs
a great deal of money to educate a stu-
dent so that he will become a skilled
technician or a professional person, it
will be realized that we are gaining vast
resources which are worth billions of
dollars to our country.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, during the hearings it was
suggested that, by setting high stand-
ards for those who attempt to gain entry
into the United States, we would be at-
tracting skilled people from other parts
of the world.
Does the Senator agree with me that
all we are trying to assure by means of
the immigration policy suggested by this
legislation is that if an individual wants
to come to the United States, he ought
to be considered fairly and equitably on
the basis of individual merit and worth,
and also because of his familial rela-
tionship, and that we are safeguarding
the work force in the United States by
establishing high standards that we feel
are fair to all people? Does the Senator
agree that, if an individual possesses a
particular skill, he should be permitted
to come to this country regardless of his
place. of birth or any other such irrele-
vant consideration?
Mr. FONG. The Senator is correct.
Our first consideration in an immigra-
tion reform bill should be the individual
worth of each immigrant... Having made
this judgment, another primary consid-
eration is the protection of the American
economy and the wages and working
conditions of American labor. Immigra-
tion reform legislation should safeguard
the employment opportunities, wage
levels, and high standards of working
.conditions of American labor.
We have written very specific language
into this bill to achieve these ends, as I
will specify later in my statement.
-When we set up qualifications for peo-
ple to come to our country, we say to
them; "If you wish to come, you may
come. These are the qualifications that
we have established for your entry into
the United States."
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, the Senator from Hawaii has
made a very useful contribution on this
particular point.
One of the great misunderstandings
in the consideration of the entire immi-
gration legislation is the belief that not
only have recent immigrants been un-
skilled and thereby contributed to the un-
employment problem, but also that this
pending legislation will contribute to un-
I believe that the Senator has dis-
cussed exhaustively and completely what
we shall be doing namely, stimulating
further job opportunities for the Ameri-
can workers.
I believe that this is an extremely im-
portant point.
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23576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE September 20, 1965
I Commend the Senator for the way in education, $435,242 from 18 to death, to 12.5 for clerical employees, and 8.5 to
which he has addressed himself to the and $366,990 from 25 to 64. Data is 10.1 for unskilled persons-see table XI.
problem. taken from the Occupational Outlook Mr. President, I ask unanimous can-
Mr. TONG. Mr. President, I thank Quarterly, 1961. sent to have printed in the RECORD table
the distinguishec'tSenator for his re- Since most higher paying jobs require XI, which shows median years of school
marks. a'high degree of training and education, completed by employed persons 18 years
Mr: President;?to cite one set of figures it is not surprising that persons having old and over, by major occupation group
from table 9, in"1658 a person with ele- more education are employed in better and sex, 1952-62.
mentary school education can expect to jobs. As of March 1962, the median There being no objection, the tabula-
earn` $1b4,114 from age 18 to death, and years of schooling for profer>sional and tion was ordered to be printed in the
$127,286 from 25 to 64; with a college technical workers was 10.2, as compared RECORD, as follows:
TABLE XL-Median years of school completed by employed persons 18 years old and over, by major occupation group and sex, 1952-62
Both sexes
Major occupation groups
_____ _______ _____
ation groups--- ___
All occu
Professional and managerial workers ------------------------------
nd kindred workers
Professional tec
Managers, ol6cials, and propietors, crept farm______________
Farmers and farm managers, laborers and foremen------ --------------
rers and foremen ____ _--
Clerical and sales workers ---------------------------------------
- .12.4
12. 4
Clerlealandkmdredworkers -------------------- -----------
Craftsman, operatives; and laborers, except farm and mine _-_
dred workers
d ki
10 4
11 2
raftslnen, foremen an
except farm and mine
8 9
8: 5
Service workers, including private household--------------------
8 7
Private household workers :___ ------------------------
Oth~iserviceworkers __ -
___ _ _-- --------------
I Not available.
2 2gdian not shown where base is less than 150,000 In 1957 or less than 100,000 in
other years:-
Source U.S. Department of Labor, t#ureau of Labor Statistics.
Mr. FONG. Mr. President, table XI sidered functional illiterates by the Gov-
shows that workers with more education ernment. See Manpower Report, March
ark `en`tl Ioyed 'in better jobs. As of 1963, pages 12 and 13. By contrast, less
March 1J62 the'nedian years' of school- than 1 percent of the immi?;rants to the
ing for professWnal and `technical work- United States are illiterate.
ers Ada 1$ as compared to 12.5 for Although the rate of ur..employment
clerical em llo ees and .5 to 10:1 for un is high among all young people, it is far
skill gt, FP_ er~oons. data 'were drawn from higher for youngsters who dropped out
the e i ?meht of Labor flureaii of La- of school before graduating. For exam-
bDr Statistics pie, 27 percent of the dropouts in 1961
i97hile hg ?roportlori"of `workers with were unemployed, as compared with 18
less than` years,of schooling fell during percent of the high-school graduates.
the past decade'from`7 3'to 4.6 percent of The high dropout rate in previous years
the labor force; this-4.6 percent repre is expected to continue into the 1970's,
cants 3 million` workers who are con- so that at least 7.5 million or 30 percent
of all youngpeople entering` the labor
force in this decade will lack a high
school education.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con
sent that table XII showing employment
status of June high school graduates not
enrolled in college and of school dropouts
by year of graduation or droyout, sex,
and color, and by marital status of wom-
en, October of 1959-61, be received and
made a part of the RECORD at this point
in my remarks.
There being no objection, the tabula-
tion was ordered to be printed in the
RECORD, as follows:
TAB 5:E' Il. -Employment status of June high school graduates not enrolled in college and of school dropouts, by
dropout, sex, and color, and by marital status of women, October 1959-61
year of graduation o.r
June high school graduates
School dropouts
Civilian labor force
Not in
Not in
of civil-
of popu-
ian labor
ian la
Female---- -----------------------
,d Marriand other marital status'-._
pootn9tes at end of table.
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
September 20, 1965 CO TOI2.ESSIONXT, " 1 CO1f = SENA' E 23577
TABLE XII: Employrnent status of June high school graduates not enrolled in college and of school dropouts, by year of graduation or
dropouts, sex, and color, and by marital status of women, October 1959-61-Continued
[Thousands of persons 16 to 24 years of age]
Not In
Not in
of popu-
of civil-
ian labor
of popu-
of civil-
ian labor
-------------------------------------Female------------------------- ------
69. 5
Married and other marital status a_
39. o
Male ---------------------
75. 8
Married and other marital status S_ _ _
White------ - ------------------------
80. 0
Nonwhite-------- ----------------------
77. 4
11) ata not available by color. 4-Percent not shown whero'baso is less than 100,000.
Not available. I Data include Alaska and Hawaii beginning with 1960 and are therefore not strictly
a other marital status includes widowed and divorced persons, and married persons comparable with data for 1959.
Mr. FONG. Mr. President, table XII
shows that dropouts have significantly
higher rates of unemployment than
high school graduates.
While the unemployment rate for
high school graduates in 1961 was a high
17.9 percent, the comparable rate for
youth who had dropped out of school was
a very high 26.8 percent.
Data was taken from the President's
1963 Manpower Report.
In addition to the monetary value of
an education, the underlying philosophy
of the Peace Corps well illustrates the
point: the United States sends skilled,
professional and technically proficient
persons to developing nations whose eco-
nomic and cultural levels may thereby
be lifted and improved. The great suc-
cess of this Peace Corps Idea abroad may
be said to operate with equal success in
the reverse-that skilled technicians and
knowledgeable persons from other coun-
tries can and have helped improve the
American economic and cultural levels.
There is'no 'doubt that every educated
Immigrant admitted into the country
adds immeasurably to our economic and
social wealth. The training of profes-
sional and technical workers is a costly
undertaking and represents a substan-
tial national economic investment.
It has been estimated that it costs $35,-
000 to raise a child and send him through
college. If this estimate is correct, then
the immigrant scientists and engineers
who came here since 1952 represented
an investment in human capital of ap-
proximately $1.25 billion. Together with
other highly trained and educated immi-
grants, the United States has received
about $3.5 billion in human capital since
1952 because of immigration.
Thus, because a large number of im-
migrants to this country are fully trained
when they arrive, the United States, as
the receiving country, benefits greatly
from the education and training acquired
in the nation of the Immigrant's origin.
Not only do they bring with them a wide
diversity of knowledge, education, and
training which is badly needed through-
out our economy, but they also bring
with them a willingness to work.
The fifth point regarding the impact
of immigration on the economy is that,
particularly during the coming decade.
immigrants can help make up for a
shortage of people in the central age
ranges, from 25 through 44. We are
indeed in critically short supply of work-
ers in this age bracket, because during
the depression years of the 1930's the
number of children born in the United
States fell off sharply. The 1930 babies
are now in the 25-to-44 age bracket, a
group which normally supplies many of
the skilled workers, technicians, and
middle management personnel and a
group relied on heavily by employers..
In 1960 only about 26 percent of the U.S.
population was in that age range-con-
sidered by economists the prime years of
a person's working life.
Census Bureau figures show that an
increasingly high proportion of immi-
grants admitted to the United States in
recent years has been In the 25-to-44
age range.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that table XIII, ;entitled "Immi-
grants Admitted, by Sex and Age: Years
Ended June 30, 1953-62," be received and
printed in the RECORD at this point.
There being no objection, the table
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
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Approved. For Release 2004/01/16 _ CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Niz VONG.. ,Mr. President, table XIII
$1Q*S ,that .a: large proportion of immi-
prllls, Both. male and female, in that
period were In. the 25-to-44 age
1 million, of, abou 2.5, million.
Source of thig data is the Immigration
n Service
and'I aturaliza l
Labor. Department projections for the
1.1960'$, shown in the following table, indi-
cate how significantly immigration could
C rider 5 years
b t0 9 years _ _ _ . _ _
------- ------
10 to 14 years. _ _ _ _
----- - ------
15 years________________________
16 to 17 years_________________
18 to 19 years__________________
20 to 24 years__________________
25 to 29 years___________ ______
35 to 39 years__________________
40 to 44 years- ---------
5to49years_ _______
50 to 54 Years .
55to5 years__ _____________ _
60 to years__ _______________
65 to 69 ye&rs__________________
0 to 74 years ------------------
75 to 79 years --- --------------
80 years and over ____ ___ _______
Not reported ___________________
ales _____________ _____
Under 5.years _ _ _. _ _ _ _
O to 14 years.
fib years ._,__ .
24 years______________________
80 to
29 years______________________
2.5 to
34 years______________________
18 0 to
80 to 85 to
39 years_ _____________________
NoteatsaDd over ______ 16 to 17: years -------------------
44 years_____________---------
48 49 years _ _ __________ _ _________
54 years______________________
BO to
59 years _ _ _ __________ ___ _____
55 to
84 years______________________
60 to
69 years______________________
65 ,to
74 years ---------------------
79 years ____________
reported ._
s8timated changes in the number of workers
` v JInmillionsj -
ifiatal, allages,______
', ndei`25
Zto34-_ _-_ ---
i~G to 44-. - -
4 ,si}d - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 . 2
}.tSSLQt A:..E! GQ. SAT.E
,September 20, 1965
T,nill,>: XI L Xnzmigrants,. adrniiled, by sex eind. age, years ended June .30; 1958-62
Eexilnd.age _ 1953-62,
fiber adnlitt Si.
X99, 349
1111, 625
271, 344
s_ _ _ _ _
117, 489
95, 053
8, 960
75, 817
5, 513
6, 730
7, 731
8, 295
9, Q69
;1, 306
- 1
' 243,
!l12, 368
11 958
8; 173
1, 961
4, 187
4, 947
- 5,303
. 19
contribute to alleviate the worker short-
age in the central age range:
Estird.ated changes in the number of workers
in each age group from 1960 to 1970, with
ant without immigration
!In millions]
'Total, allages -_-___.
Under :5-- ---
25 to 34--_---------------
15to44---- _ ---------
45andcver__.__.____ _-__
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent t hat table XIV, entitled "Changes in
Total Labor Force, by Age and Sex, 1950-
75," be received and made a part of the
RECORD at this point.
There being no objection, the table was
ordere d to be printed in the RECORD, as
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
September , 20, 1965 C NGRESSIONAL RECORD--
TABLE XIV.-Changes in total labor force, by age and sex, 1950-75
[Numbers in thousands]
Change, 1950-60
Change, 1960-70
Change, 1970-75
Age and sex
Both sexes:
14-years and over ----------------------------
7 328
14 to 24 years___________________________
19, 861
' - 6,164
25 to 44 ---------------------------------
- 29,263
25 to 34 years ____ _______
16, 145
15 099
20, 806
35 to 44 years -----------------------
16, 217
45 years and over. _
27, 506
32, 607 I
- 34, 221
5, 350
I 24.1
- 4.9
45 to 64 years ___ __
29, 128
30, 510
5, 001
1,382 I
65 years and over_____ __ _ __-
14 years andover ---------------------- _____
14 to 24 years ---------------------------
25 to 44 years___________________________
25 to 34 years :___ -_--___
35to44years _____ ________
45 years and over -----------------------
20, 698
21,463 I
46 to 64 years -----------------------
16, 013
19, 083
- 2,401
65 years and over ___ -.______
? 14 years andover ----------------------------
r 5,800
14 to 24years ------------------- ____
25 to 44years ------- ----------- __-------
25 to 34 years -___ _______
36 to 44 years -------------------- a_____
- 5,513
45 years and over ______ _.__-___
. 57.7
45 to 64 years ------------------------
8, 114
11, 427
2, 947
years and over ------------ -_ _
1, 195
1, 331
labor force differ slightly from those derived from the monthly labor force survey
because they were adjusted to be consistent with the revised 1960 population estimates
published by the Bureau of the Census in Current Population Reports, Series P-25
No. 241.
Mr. FONG. Mr. President, figures must be taken to insure that the migrants
drawn from table XIV show that the are well qualified and will not enter Into
1 1
d C
shortage of workers in the critical 25-to-
44 age bracket is expected to continue to
There would be 700,000 fewer workers
in the 35-to-44 age group in 1970 than
in 1960 if there were no immigra-
tion. But with immigration contin-
uing at present levels, this key age
group would be only 300,000 fewer by
The sixth point about the economic
implications of immigration is that, by
and large, adjustments in the timing of
admissions of immigrants with different
skills to U.S. employment levels and
needs may perhaps best be handled ad-
ministratively; When we are in short
supply of medical technicians, for ex-
ample, at a particular time and have an
adequate supply of machinists, then we
should adjust our immigration priorities
to admit more medical technicians and
temporarily suspend admission of ma-
chinists. Australia and Canada, nations
which have embarked on ambitious pro-
grams of immigration, so administer
their immigration, and with remarkable
J. L. Marion, of the Canadian Immi-
gration Office, said,.
I should emphasize that immigration is for
Canada an economically stimulating factor
and hence we feel that some immigration is
desirable even in periods of economic
recession although at such time extra care
h unemp eye
competition w
Figures provided by Canadian Labour
Congress show that when immigration
was high in relation to the labor force,
unemployment was low; on the other
hand, when immigration was low in re-
lation to the labor force, unemployment
was high.
Exclusions based on economic as well
as social factors, administered flexibly
and pragmatically, are justified. But
to arbitrarily exclude skilled or gifted
persons needed In this Nation merely be-
cause he is a Polynesian, a Negro, or an
oriental, or because the country of his
birth has a small quota-our experience
under the. 1952 Immigration Act has
been precisely this-is to effectuate un-
democratic as well as economically
wasteful policies.
As the New York Times editorialized
on July 25, 1963, "each immigrant's
worth is best judged by personal qual-
ities and skills, not by group stereotypes."
Incorporated in the bill now pending
before the Senate are three provisions
to protect American workers and the
eco only:.:..... ..
First, Third preference immigrants,
provided for under section 3 of the bill,
must be "qualified immigrants who are
members of the professions, or who be-
cause of their exceptional ability in the
sciences or the arts will substantially
benefit prospectively the national econ-
omy, cultural interests, or welfare of the
United States."
Second, Sixth preference immi-
grants--provided for in the same sec-
tion 3-must be "qualified immigrants
who are capable of performing specified
skilled or unskilled labor, not of a tem-
porary or seasonal nature, for which a
shortage of employable and willing per-
sons exists in the United States."
Third. Sections 3 and 10 of the bill
require the Secretary of Labor to make
an affirmative finding that "first, there
are not sufficient workers in the United
States and at the place to which the
alien is destined to perform such skilled
or unskilled labor; and, second, the em-
ployment of such aliens will not ad-
versely affect the wages and working
conditions of the workers in the United
States similarly -employed."
What H.R. 2580 proposes for America
is fundamentally sound. It rests on the
very principles in which we profess belief.
It is an integral part of mankind's strug-
gle to achieve equality, justice, dignity,
and brotherhood.
Now, Mr. President, I come to the sec-
ond argument immigration reform
One of the oldest and most emotional
arguments against changing our immi-
gration laws is the fear that an increase
in the number of Asian immigrants
would upset the historical and cultural
pattern of American life. An objective
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
CONGRESSIONAL RECORD .,Si NOTE September .20, 1965=
examiiion, of -We facts dispels this this land, over 40 miIlicn people have movement; the German physicist, Albert
fear as' groundless, migrated to America. There is no part Einstein; Ireland's Father Flanagan,
According to tlae, 1960 census, the of our society which has not been refined founder of Boys' Town; the great Span-
1 of the United States included by the contributions of aliens who have ish philosopher, George Santayana;
464,332 persons of Japanese ancestry, come to make their home: in the United Hungary's Journalist Joseph Pulitzer;
twenty-six one-hundredths of .1 percent States. This is the esser.ce of our Un- Austrian-born Associate Justice of the
of the_tQtal population; 237,292 persons ion. It is its strength. The unequaled Supreme Court Felix Frankfurter; Polish
of Chinese ancestry, thirteen one-hun- economic prosperity and vigorous cul- Pianist Artur Rubinstein; the brilliant
dredths of 1 percent; 176,310 persons of ture of the Nation are due to the in- Italian atomic physicist, Enrico Fermi;
Filipino ancestry, nine one-hundredths genuity, resourcefulness, lard labor, and the great maestro of the Philadelphia
of 1 percent; and 218,089 in a category ideals of people of several score of na- Orchestra, Hungarian Eugene Ormandy,
designated "All others," including per- tionalities-but all American.
sons of Korean, Indian of the Far East,
Oscar to name a few who Nava made notable
Polynesian, Indonesian, and other non- Handlin
abl writes: in American culture and
white, ancestries except Negroes and testifies rtothele wisdom 4l ofd our development
a n
de- ty abou
American y As ation immigrants, we s society
twelve one- and hundredths of of percent oft the total pop- growth nasn ain nation has been igachi ved,in in veloped n which racially of hete mrogene cultures ulation. large measure, through the genius and In- ethnic niccitizens of and work r side ey side
`There were, then, In the United States dustry of immigrants of every race and from ethnic origins live acid wside re
on 1960 only 1,093,023 persons of oriental every quarter of the world. The story of to make the American dream a reality.
and Polynesian extraction, or sixty-one America. Their brains anc, their brawn one-hundredths of 1 percent of a total of helped to settle our land, to advance our We l
it, in brotherhood; we believe in
180 million people-an extraordinarily agriculture, to build our industries, to devel- su cos wn know It has real prospect for
small mingrity-not even 1 percent of op our commerce, to produce new inven- success nationally and internationally,
our population. And as envisaged under tions, and, in general, to make us the lead- and it has the force of logic,
our proposed immigration bill, the total ing nation that we now are. Believing in this ideal and constantly
allotment for nations of Asia and the In 1959, President Eisenhower said in write to ar bookit. the d d canniscriminot out
Pacific would be 26,990, or only 10.8 per- a message to Congress: quota from provisions our books of,the atory
cent of the total immigration annually- The strength of this Nation may be meas- Nationality Act whichIm givegoffense to
surely a small enough proportion, since ured in many ways-military might, indus- the Asia Pacific area contains over half trial productivity, scientific contributions, many peoples tour the of of the world's population, its system, of justice, its freedcm from
autoc- racy, the fertility of its land and prowess southeast Asia, I was asked manly clues -
;i of its people. Yet, no analytical study can tions about our immigration policies. I
so"dramatically demonstrate Its position in was pressed again and again to explain
oxl ributions of our American citizens the world as the simple truth that here,
the small quotas we allot inhabitants of
Of Japanese, C.ilinese,.,Filipino, Korean, more than any other place, hundreds of those nations. These people feel greatly
arid" Fioiynesitin ancestry, and others thousands of people each year seek to enter
WFiose antecedents are native to the tri- and establish their homes a:-id raise their the eric's ir
angle area in ?he building of our country children.
America's role o of leadership in in the the free
have been ?significant. They have To the extent possible, without dislocat world is one of great sensitivity,and our
have ed,distinct pn in nearly every field Ing flow of the lives of those already living here, this position is hardly enhanced by an immi-
of endeavor: a_ istlc, scientific, olftic ld Immigration to this country must be gation policy which implies that some na-
. p encouraged. These persons who seek entry
add oetpl oI ie{ rehgiopS, military, flnan- to this country seek more than a share in less desirable and some ethnic groups are
c a , ticlu triali,iand Qiherwise, our material prosperity. The contributions less desirable members of the American
d Q ci o g~?P tS!.,b unassimflable, to- of successive waves of immigrants show that family.
is ey area Lich part asany other they do not bring their families to a strange Many countries of Asia and the Pacific
ethlll r4 p tine mainstream of land and learn a new language and a new have traditionally sought more than a
Alllerane way of life simply to indulge themselves token of immigration to the United
with comforts, Their real concern Is with
i ttadt p, iy st ch__scholars as Prof. their children, and as a result those who States. These are the countries that will
Kai r H. I, liar Q of UCLA, "Final Re- have struggled for the right of American play a large and vital role in determining
1t atjQiii 1, Il?Stitute of Mental citizenship have, in countless ways, shown the future course of world events. Their
Ilealth, Project rant, Japanese Crime a deep appreciation of Its responsibilities, friendship is crucial to all those who are
and4a Deltnquez}cy i11,_xi}e United States, The names of those who make important fighting to preserve freedom. osb ever
other D , 19~$rof, Tamato.Ichihashi, geldrof etions in ndeavor?Indicatesmthat there has The problem of immigration is hn e
heS al ord ..t niversitY, "Japanese in been no period in which the immigrants to longer merely a domestic issue; on the:
tilted ,States," Stanford University this country have not richly rewarded it for contrary, it has great international
I:srerss, 1952; ,Rose Buell Lee. "The Chi- its liberality in receiving them. significance.
nose bi ,iheljUnited States of America," While Secretary of State in 1956, John:
Kong Kong University Press,. 1960; and To understand the message of to other works by such scholars as E. G. paragraphs, we need only to point to the Foster Dulles said:
Mears. Bradford.Smith, and those works 15 U.S. Nobel Prizewinners in physics My primary concern as Secretary of State
is overall .
published by P. Lippincott in one works and chemistry who were immigrants to b
y the that Congress whatever be a app o quota is adopted
this country; we need only to think of Our s should not equitably.
pies of America" series all show that Y; oquota restrictions should nd basis of?
Americans of oriental ancestry have a few immigrants-Noguchi, a poor Jthe hate among persons merely on the bases c-
merbuted Of oriental
ally and culturally anese peasant who became one of the their national origin, nor should the restric
our Nation and. arc great assets in the world's greatest scientists in the United tions discriminate unfairly against any of
to o rican ociypolare States; Japanese Artist Yasuo Kumiyo- the friendly nations which, have an interest
ie addition, they serve well as bridges shi; Lin Yu Tang, Chinese philosopher in common with us in the defense of the free
and author' Dr. Chen Ning Yang and world. The present system of determining
of understanding between our people Dr. Tsung Dao Lee, who jointly won the quotas is offensive on both counts.
and the, peoples of Asia and the Pacific, Nobel Prize for while engaged in' America's st
for in sharing common ethnic origins, physics rvndi ate emocracy's be-
they are able to reach much better the research in the Princeton Institute of is a struggle to vindicate democracy's be-
peoples of the triangle area with theie Advanced Studies; D. S. Saund, an In- lief in the individual worth of human be-
eosse o of good will, area freer dian who was elected Congressman from ings, as opposed to the totalitarian con-
dons and individual dignity, California; Jiddu Krishnamirrti, Hindu cept that individuals have no identity
A d,iviar of dignianxTS poet and philosopher; Wernher von except as components in the political and
Braun and the entire team of scientists economic structure of society.
Historically, the United States is an whom Dr. von Braun brought with him Until the racial incongruities of our
immigrantas country, The world came to from Germany to work for th ; U.S. Gov- present basic immigration laws which
regard us a haven where freedom was ernment at the Redstone Arsenal; Eng- discriminate against certain national
to be found. Since the first settling of land's Samuel Gompers, of the labor and ethnic groups are eliminated, our
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laws needlessly impede our struggle for
global peace.
Our forebearers, coming to America
from all corners of the world, have
worked together to transform a vast
continent of wilderness and desert into
a powerful bastion of freedom and op-
Mr. President, our Nation is the great
pilot demonstration of the most influen-
tial principles and ideals in history. Our
tenets of equality irrespective of race,
creed, or color have inspired freedom-
loving people everywhere to look to
America as a beacon in their struggle to
win freedom and independence. Our op-
portunity Is to live up to these ideals,
Since 1924 we have come a long way in
our immigration laws. Let us go the
final mile in writing a fair and Just law.
We will then be demonstrating to the
world that we practice what we preach,
and that all men are equal under law.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, 'will the Senator from Hawaii
Mr. FONG., I am happy to yield to
the Senator from Massachusetts.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. I
commend the Senator from Hawaii for.
what I believe to be one of the finest
presentations I have ever heard on the
question of our immigration policy.
Senators owe the Senator from Hawaii
a great debt of gratitude for his extraor-
dinary contribution in tracing the his-
torical background by which this country
arrived at one of the most prejudicial
and distasteful parts of U.S. law; namely,
the Asian-Pacific triangle.
I have had an opportunity to chair
the committee hearings that we held on
the immigration bill since February of
this last year. The senior Senator from
Hawaii has been in constant attendance
on those hearings. His questions were
pertinent, important, and revealing. He
brought to the members of the subcom-
mittee a better understanding and com-
prehension of this whole matter and how
our present immigration law, to a very
important e,Etent, affects our relations
with the Far East.
I think every Member of the Senate
would recognize, and should recognize,
the extraordinary contribution the Sen-
ator from Hawaii has made to the whole
pending legislation. I speak for myself,
but I know I speak for many other Mem-
bers of the Senate, when I commend the
Senator from Hawaii for his interest, his
participation, and his understanding of
this whole issue.
The speech itself which he delivered
was most complete and thoughtful. I
know it is a question in which he has
been interested for many years, in this
body and elsewhere. I know that he
Joins with" the other members of the
committee in looking forward to speedy
and successful passage of this bill.
$o?I want to extend my cohgratula-
tions to the Senator from Hawaii for his
speech, for his exhaustive participation,
his interest, +and his constant counseling
during the hearings in the subcommittee
and in the' consideration of the bill by
the full committee. 1 -think the product
of his work is 'seen in the contribution
which he has made to the RECORD today.
I commend the Senator from Hawaii for
his efforts.
Mr. FONG. I thank the distinguished
Senator from Massachusetts for his very
kind and laudatory remarks. I hope they
are deserved., I have worked very hard
with the distinguished Senator from
Massachusetts, during the course of
hearings, deliberations of the subcom-
mittee, and the full committee, and at
other times.
The distinguished junior Senator from
Massachusetts has been in the forefront
of efforts to write and enact a just and
fair immigration reform bill. He has
worked very diligently and tirelessly in
championing this cause. As acting sub-
committee chairman, he has called meet-
ing after meeting. He has listened with
great fairness to all sides presenting their
views. Without the Senator from Mas-
sachusetts having been so indefatigably
dedicated to the passage of this bill, we
would not have a reform immigration bill
on the Senate floor today. I commend
him in the highest term for the very
fine and excellent leadership in draft-
ing and guiding this bill to the Senate
Mr. President, it is quite an event when
the descendant of an immigrant fro3n
Ireland [Mr. KENNEDY] stands on the
floor of the Senate with the descendant
of an old family from Boston, as repre-
sented by the senior Senator from Mass-
achusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALLI, and the
Senator from Ohio [Mr. LAUSCHE], who
a while ago said his ancestors came from
Yugoslavia, and the descendant of an im-
migrant who came from China, stand on
the floor of the Senate today and to-
gether agree that we have at last a bill
which is fair, just, and equitable, which
does justice to all the people of the world,
and which we think should be enacted.
It is a great credit to the U.S. Congress
that we have arrived at this day. A great
share of the credit belongs to the dis-
tinguished Senator from Massachusetts.
I would again like to express my thanks
and appreciation to the Senator from
Massachusetts for making this effort pos-
Mr. JAVITS obtained the floor.
Mr. HARRIS. Mr. President, will the
Senator from New York yield to me with-
out losing his right to the floor?
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I will not
yield for the offering of an amendment
to the bill.
Mr. HARRIS. It is not for that pur-
Mr. JAVITS. With that understand-
ing, I ask unanimous consent that I may
yield to the Senator frcm Oklahoma
without losing my- right to the floor.
KENNEDY of New York in the chair). Is
there objection? The Chair hears none;
and it is so ordered.
Mr. HARRIS. Mr. President, it was
with deep sorrow and regret that my
distinguished colleague [Mr. MONRONEY]
and I learned of the death yesterday of
former U.S. Senator Elmer Thomas, of
Oklahoma. My colleague is prevented
by ill health from being present at this
time, but he joins with me in this state-
Born on a farm near Greencastle, Ind.,
September 8, 1876, Senator Thomas at-
tended the common schools there and
graduated from Central Normal College
at Danville, Ind., in 1897, and from De
Pauw,University in Greencastle, Ind., in
He studied law and was admitted to
the Indiana bar in 1897 and to the Okla-
homa bar in 1900, commencing the prac-
tice of law in Oklahoma City, Okla.
With the opening of the Kiowa, Co-
manche, and Apache Reservation to
settlement in 1901, he moved his home
and law practice to Lawton, Okla. At
statehood, he was elected as a member
of the first Oklahoma State Senate in
1907, where he served with distinction
until 1920. He served continuously dur-
ing that period as chairman of the Sen-
ate Appropriation Committee and was
president pro tempore of that body from
1910 to 1913.
In 1920, Senator Thomas resigned
from the Oklahoma State Senate to be-
come a candidate for Congress, being.
unsuccessful in the first campaign, but
to which office he was elected in 1923.
He served in the U.S. House of Repre-
sentatives until 1927, when he was
elected as a Member of the U.S. Senate
from Oklahoma, and remained a Mem-
ber of that body until January 3, 1951.
He was distinguished in the U.S. Senate
as a leader in the field of finance, was
chairman of the Agriculture Committee,
and was an authority on Indian affairs.
A lifelong Democrat, Senator Thomas
was a delegate to all Democratic State
conventions in Oklahoma from state-
hood in 1907 until 1950, He was a dele-
gate from Oklahoma to all of the Demo-'
cratic National Conventions from 1924 to
1950, and was chairman of the Oklahoma
Democratic State convention in 1910.
He engaged in the practice of law in
Washington, following his service in the
U.S. Senate, and returned to Lawton in
August, 1957, where he resided until his
Senator Thomas was a faithful public
servant, and his good works will long
survive him. My visits with him from
time to time revealed to me the depth of
his wisdom and the keenness of his sense
of service. All of us will miss him.
Mr. President, on behalf of myself and
my colleague [Mr. MONRONEY], I send
to the desk a resolution and ask for its
immediate consideration.
olution will'be stated.
The legislative clerk read the resolu-
tion (S. Res. 148), as follows:
Resolved, That the Senate has heard with
profound sorrow and extreme regret the an-
nouncement of the death of Elmer Thomas,
who served in the U.S. Senate from the State
of Oklahoma from 1927 until 1951.
Resolved, That the Secretary communicate
these resolutions to the House of Represen-
tatives and transmit a copy thereof to the
family of the deceased, together with a
transcript of remarks made in the Senate
in praise of his distinguished service to the
objection to the present consideration
of the resolution?
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CQ T,G ..ESSION,1, , , ECQ .D,-.,SENATE September .20, 1965
tion . iy8 Considered, and unanimously
agreed to.
M'r. HARRIS. I thank the distin-
guished ;,Senator from New York for
yielSling; tame.
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (H.R. 2580) to amend the
Immigration and Nationality Act, and
for other, purposes..
Mr. JAVIT5.. Mr. President, first I
should like too. express my support of the
pending ,bill,, H.R. 2580. I have some
problems. jn.respect to it, which I share
with other. Members of this body and
other Members of Congress, but the im-
portant point I wish to emphasize first
is that, in substance, I very much want
to see this bill become law.
Leaving aside for, the moment the
problems, which I. shall., discuss in a
moment, the bill represents a major
achievement for Congress in the effort to
wipe out immigration. policies which for
more than 40 years have discriminated
against certain people coming into this
country on the basis of their place of
birth rather than their ability and quali-
fication to, enter the United States.
I take pride, together with the Sena-
tor from Hawaii [Ma. FONG], who just
spoke-and he has a very deep place
in our hearts-In the origins which are
represented by some .of us who are sup-
porting these fundamental reforms. My
own parents are immigrants, one was
from what was known as the Austro-
Hungarian Empire, and the other from
what Is now Israel and what was then
known as Palestine.
`Amazing divergencies are brought to-
gether, in. this, wonderful country under
the authority of our Constitution, with
all the strengths of differing origins con-
tributing to and building America's total
strength rather than in any way de-
tracting from it.
Mr.. President, the areas in which I
find myself In considerable concern
about the bill are essentially two: First,
the. absence of a statute of limitations,
which has, ,been one of the problems
presented by the McCarran-Walter Act,
with relation especially to the deporta-
tion of those who have been here in many
cases for years, and frequently involving
tragic instances in which people have
had to be deported after spending 20,
30 or more years in this country and
having established residence here.
. The other problem which gives me
great cause for concern, and which was
also great cause for concern before the
Judiciary Committee-and I have the
honor to be a member of that commit
tee-is the problem of the new-and I
emphasize. the word "new"-ceilings on
Western Hemisphere immigration. This
is a ceiling which we have never had be-
fore, a ceiling of 120,000 Imposed by the
bill upon Western Hemisphere immigra-
tion, with grave differences over what it
will mean in terms of our relations with
the rest of the nations of the Americas.
'First, as to the fundamental bill. Our
Nation has has been made great by im-
migrants. Men and women from allover
the world have contributed to the growth
of our country, the prosperity of our
economy, the diversity of our cultural
heritage and the buildim, of the United
states, as.a nation.
Booth the dictates of our consciences,
as well as precepts of modern sociologists,
tell us that immigration, as it exists in
the national origins quota system, is
wrong, and without any hasis in reason
or in fact, for we know better than to say
that one man is better than another be-
cause of color of his skin or the country
in which he was born.
I opposed the so-called McCarran-
Walter Act, which I said compounded the
inequities, injustices, and the discrimina-
tion of the national origins quota sys-
tem, which we will now eliminate at long
last. I voted to sustain the veto of that
bill. The veto was to the credit of Presi-
dent Truman.
I come to this issue not as a Johnny-
come-lately, but as the culmination of a
long struggle in which I joined with
many Senators in the Cong:ess.
I fought for many years to bring about
this immigration reform, and on many
occasions protested bitterly and vigor-
ously toefforts to satisfy the Congress by
giving the country fixed quotas to allevi-
ate some situation, with the only end re-
sult that the basic discrimination of the
McCarran-Walter immigra Ion law con-
tinued while Congress allowed itself to
be satisfied with additional national
quotas for one purpose or another.
It Is, therefore, with deep gratifica-
tion, after this struggle which began
about 15 years ago, we are finally at a
point where from all app=arances we
shall be embarking on a totally new path
from the 1924 immigration law. Many
words have been said on the! floor of the
Senate about all men being equal and
about how all men should be given equal
opportunity without regard ;;o their race
or color.
How then can we tolerate : eaving such
blatant and unfounded discrimination
on our statute books as exists in the
national origins quota syste:~n in which
nearly 70 percent of the visas go to less
than 5 countries and the remaining 30
percent for the rest of the world.
I believe most of us agree that it is
high time. that this be done away with.
It has been 13 years since immigration
injustice was perpetrated in the Immi-
gration and Nationality Act of 1952, the
McCarran-Walter Act. It is time to
replace it.
Time and experience have more than
dramatized the fact that, a:; its oppo-
nents contended 13 years ago, it is per-
haps as unique a law as we have on our
statute books. But these 11 years have
also produced an atmosphere of politi-
cal helplessness to exasperate even the
most determined immigration reformers,
so that today most as resigned to the
now annual practice of settling- for piece-
meal revisions or temporary relief rather
than an effective overhaul of our entire
policy of Immigration. The backdoor
methods Congress has used to cover up
deficiencies in the basic law is the great-
est proof of the law's Inadequacies. Since
the McCarran-Walter Act we; enacted,
Congress has passed special, short-term
immigration and refugee legislation
which has had the cumulative effect of
admitting into the United States more
than twice as many persons as permit-
ted under the basic McCarran-Walter
But even this piecemeal legislation has
represented no relief to the thousands
of American families with relatives in
countries with heavily mortgaged and
oversubscribed immigration quotas.
This tragic situation is. the result of that
section of the McCarran-Walter Act
which is admittedly based on national
and racial discrimination-the national
origins quota system, which remains to-
day a target for Communist propaganda
and making our effort to win over the
uncommitted nations more difficult. It
is based on the rejected racist assump-
tion that people of one ethnic origin are
superior, socially and culturally, to those
of another. It was designed and is ad-
ministered not to admit as many immi-
grants as we can readily absorb, but to,
exclude as many as possible.
The time has come to end this pro-
duction on national image with meaning-
ful reform of our immigration policy.
First and foremost, before I get into
details to which I might take .exception,
I urge prompt passage of this legislation
so that we can fashion an Immigration
policy of which this country can be proud
instead of ashamed, as it has every right
to be up to now.
This bill establishes a national quota
outside the Western Hemisphere of 170,=
000, including 6 preference groups that
may use. up to 94 percent of the quota,
and with 6 percent-10,200 visas set
aside-for the. conditional entry of ref-
ugees from anywhere in the world. Of
this 6 percent, 3 percent may be used to
adjust the status of refugees after 2 years
residence in the United States.
The bill provides that, for the first ,3
years after enactment, the area quotas
now authorized-158,361--shall not be
changed but that quota numbers not
used in the prior year shall make up an
immigration pool from which visas may
be issued within the preferences estab-
lished in H.R. 2580, as amended, and in,
chronological order of registration of
oversubscriptions. The use of the pool is
limited to the extent that the maximum
number of visas issued from the area
quota plus the pool for any country shall
not exceed 20,000.
After the first 3 years there will be no
area, quotas, and all visas will be issued
on a first-come, first-served basis within
the preferences established in H.R. 2580,,
as amended.
We should be quick to realize that the
additional immigrants who are being ad-
mitted are, for the most part, either fam-
ily relations of people who are already
here or professional and skilled people
who will help our economy. Familial re-
lationships have been given high priority
in the preference system set up in H.R.
2580, receiving the first 40 percent.
This will permit the reunification of
families which have been kept apart.
There have been some very tragic
cases in this regard. They have
been kept apart because of many of
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September 20, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RE' COR13-- SENATE
the inhuman restrictions contained
in the present law: Indeed, I have
had called 'to my attention many
cases which have not been adjusted by
special legislation-of parents separated
from children because the children hap-
pen to be born in some other nation,
where the quota was heavily against
them, as contrasted with that of their
parents. It has taken years and years,
and sometimes has not happened at all,
to reunite those families.
The reuniting of families is further en-
hanced by the provisions of H.R. 2580
which put parents of U.S. citizens out-
side the numerical limitation '>f 170,OOO
immigrants. This provision was also in
the immigration reform bill (S. 1093)
which I introduced last February. I have
introduced many such reform bills cur-
ing my service in the Congress. -
In many countries which have had
small quotas, many qualified people have
either not been able to obtain visas or
have not even tried because of the length
of the waiting lists. It has sometimes
taken 10 or more years before they could
even remotely have 'hope' of being
The abolition of the national origins
quota system and the new preference
system will allow competent and needed
people to enter the United States, to fill
positions and Jobs for which there is a
shortage of qualified people in this coun-
try. For example, thousands of doctors
and scientists, nurses and technicians
will come to the United States in .the
next 15 years. For those who are wor-
ried. about increasing the unemployment
rolls, let me point out that no one-not
a preference immigrant, a nonprefere'nce
immigrant, or a special immigrant from
the Western Hemisphere=may enter
without prior certification by the Secre-
tary of Labor that he will not be taking
the Job of another American. This strict
control and supervision should enable us
to bring in those who can contribute to
our Nation without the clanger of adding
people to the relief rolls.
'Foreign nations"Have often critcized
the United States for, the national origin
quota system, and it has been without
doubt a hindrance t ' the conduct of our
foreign relations. Communist nations
have used it in their propaganda as an
example of the bigotry of Americans-
to our detriment in many parts, of the
world, especially the underdeveloped
countries which have small immigration
quotas, but where we need to win
We are trying to wage a successful
fight for freedom and democracy in
Vietnam, ' We have no better way of
demonstrating our faith in the people of
Asia than by today's action in eliminat-
ing the Asia-Pacific- triangle, the most
discriminatory section of an unfair sys-
tem. Such action should demonstrate
that we consider the peoples .of Asia to
be Rl? A fully, equal basis with those of
the rest of the world. No longer will we
,single out men and women of Asiatic
ancestry and tell them that, they are dif-
ferent from others, no matter where they
were born. This provision brings to an
NO. '173-20'
end a series of measures which laid aside
the earlier. Chinese exclusion laws, but
which themselves were so iniquitous.
Now, at long last, these peoples have been
put on their rightful basis, of equality.
In this regard, the bill, S. 1093, which I
introduced last February, contained pro-
visions for the immediate elimination of
the national origins quota system, in-
eluding the Asia-Pacific triangle.
I would like to address myself to the
,provision of the bill containing the West-
ern Hemisphere limitation of 120,000,
which constitutes the most controversial
part of the bill before us. I believe in
the bill's authority for creating a com-
mission to study the various aspects of
immigration and population growth in
the Western Hemisphere. To establish
such a commission is reasonable enough.
But I see no reason why, together with
that commission must be Joined a nu-
merical limitation on immigration from
.the Western Hemisphere.
I disagree with the principle of stating-.
a numerical limitation on immigration
from that part of the world, and so voted
in the subcommittee and in the full com-
mittee against the imposition of the
120,000 limitation. I say that because
our special relationship with our sister
Republics in the Americas was estab-
lished at least 100 years ago, before the
present immigration system was estab-
lished. At that time the number.of peo-
ple we admitted from this hemisphere
was 190,000, when our. total population
was half, what, it is, today.
The average. comparable immigration
.from the Western Hemisphere over the
past 10, years has been about 110,000.
Last year, the number of, nonguota status
immigrants from the.Western Hemi-
spherewas somewhat in excess,of 130,004.
I think the limitation of 120,000 will con-
tribute to an impairment_ of better. West-
ern Hemisphere relations, in which we
have been so intensely interested. I re-
fer my colleagues to the testimony of the
Secretary of State at pages 98 to 100 of
the house Immigration Subcommittee
,hearings and at page 49 of the Senate
,subcommittee hearings.
I,point out in this respect, because I
think It is extremely important, that
.many people say we have not heard from
,the people in Latin America; that there
does not seem to be an outcry about this
situation in Latin America. But, Mr.
President, this is rarely the case. We
rarely hear such an outcry when a bill
is pending in Congress. Sometimes it
.happens, but most often it does not. It
is only when a bill becomes law and the
_people begin to feel the ,pressure of the
bill upon them that they begin to react
and protest.
I am deeply concerned about the
strong propaganda tool which the lima-
tation of 120,000 would give to dema-
.gogues, especially Communist dema
..gogues, in Latin America, who may play
this theme to a fare-thee-well. They
may say that the United States is fol-
lowing the Dominican episode, which
hurt us materially in Latin America;
that the United States is imposing a liai-
station upon immigration from the other
American republics, a limitation which
has never been imposed before; thereby
'confirming the historic exclusionist pol-
icy of the United States.
Nothing could be further from the
truth. Even this limitation accommo-
dates the number of nonquota immi-
grants the United States has had, on the
average, in the last decade, and the num
ber we had last year, because added to
the 120,000 would be the unmarried
children and spouses who would be free
of the 120,000 limitation, making an esti-
mated 20,000 to 30,000 in addition. So
the level of availability of immigration
into the United States from the "Nestern
Hemisphere would be approximately the
same as the level reached last year.
However, we shall never break through
the barrage of calumny which will be
hurled against us. It will be used and
-reused to a fair-thee-well. The restric-
tion will harvest another problem for
us-a problem relating to our relations
with Latin America, which area is ex-
tremely sensitive on this point in terms
of both personal dignity and national
dignity of the respective countries con-
cerned. It would also impose a useless
limitation upon the other American
states concerned. To impose a useless
limitation on the other American states
is most unwise and improvident in my
'Judgment. As Attorney General Katzen-
%ach testified, approximately 70,000 of
the Western Hemisphere immigrants
come from Mexico and Canada.
I point out that the House did set this
limitation, but that we are proposing
to do it. The House, in fact, voted down
by 218 to 189 on August 25 an amend-
ment to impose a ceiling of 115,000 for
the Western Hemisphere. I know that
this limitation is discussed as a part of
a package by which the entire bill would
be accepted in the Senate, and that it
might otherwise be blocked by an ex-
tended debate or a filibuster, or that it
might not have gotten out of the com-
mittee if that point had not successfully
I make no criticism of those who
would go along with that policy. Per-
haps a nose count which I and others
are making may very well indicate that
there is nothing to be done about it in
the Senate at this time. However, this
does not in any way prevent me from
protesting it, not so much on an emo-
tional ground as upon the ground that
it is most unwise and improvident in
terms of the relationships of the United
States with the other countries of the
Americas. %
The question of whether specific efforts
will be undertaken about the matter on
the floor, or even be attempted, still re-
mains to be decided. However, I raise
my voice, as I did in subcommittee and
in committee, against it as an action
which, in my judgment, is most unwise,
unnecessary, and very sad indeed in this
very sensitive area.
I am pleased that with respect to an-
other issue the Committee on the Ju-
diciary has accepted an amendment
which I proposed, along with some of
my colleagues on the committee, the
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gg;X_k4 charge of the bill, the Sen
massacusettisfllfr.I ENNEDYI
Senator from 10lichi an "C101r.
ARx, and' fie Sena r from Hawaii
''QNGI$?to permit estern Hemi-
sphere refugees to ad Wjust their `status
to that trio ayrfu7, permanent residents
p Cg ,thv have arrived in the tTnited
States, and withoutTeaving The country,
s,S e urged for other Western I~emi-
6 here immigrants "under the provisions
o e.pending bill.
At the, time, such a provision would
apply to those who escape from C uba.
Because the1;7nited Mates does not have
fliplomatfc re atlons with Cuba, it is im-
poss61e for `uVans to obtain immigrant
vtsas hrpug1i normal- channels a s is the
Case.,for, people in other'Western Itemi-
sphere countries.
-Suite the takeover in Cuba b' Fidel
Castro on January 1, 1959, some 280`,1158
people of Cuban birth entered the
United States, of; which number 55,535
were aImmigrants and 100,284 were pa-
rol,ed refugees
die- year 1962' was the peak year for
the admission of parolees, with the num-
ber reaching almost 65,000. Since the
break in diplomatic relations with Cuba,
the peak year for entering immigrants
was.:r8G4, with,, 12,554. Though it is im-
pagtible to state exactly how many, it is assume that a reasonable propor-
tion of ,these immigrants were parolees
who first entered theunited States and
then journeyed to Canada ,or Mexico in
.9 tq, , enter as immigrants. My
e dmentxwouid make that very heavy
~fll' ante burcterl unnecessary ' for
thosevyho had left'9uba
1. asl t}nai in us consent to have
printed at this faint in the 1 ECORD a
tabulation supp"lieif "by the Inirriigration
and Naturalization Service of Cubans
tvhb liaye enter ed't '1e'United States year
by year. This tabulation` is headed,
ns Who Have Entered the United
t te$,1959 to 1965: '
oi t e chair) Without objection, it
issor~ d.,
'}er ee g no objection, the tabula-
tion,,was,, odered to lie printed in the
IEOgRn, as ollows:
Cubans echo have entered the United States,
xQSQ '.{_ ~_
----- -----
1982 ----------
1Q98Q43 ---- _
. ' 62,800
.... 6, 7Q0
12, 554
86 (7anu
,any to
Immigration and Naturalization Service. -
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I think
that is_ra very desirable aspect of the bill.
l ppe very much that it will be retained
without change.
-Mr. President, during the discussions
,of this bill in the subcommittee'I, raised
the ; prgposaf, included in the bills which
`I Introduced in the last, Congress old in
this, of the establishment in the Depart-
ment of State of a'Board `of `Visa Appeals
to review visa determinations made by and Naturalization Service may institute
our consuls and vice consuls overseas. deportation proceedings. This 10-year
The present state of the law puts the period would appear to provide sufficient
consul in the position of being the final time to conduct a full investigation ; and
authority on the Issuance or denial of institute proceedings.
the visas. A system of advisory opinions Under this amendment the statute of
by reviewing 'authorities; exists, but the limitations would apply only to aliens
review Is-limited to questions of law, and who had entered the United States law-
an alien who may have been wrongfully fully. Further, it would apply only to
denied a visa has no recourse of appeal those aliens who remained continuously
on'the substantive decision of issuance in the United States for the 10-year
or denial of the visa. period following the acts for which they
At the present time the decision relat- are deportable. Thus, for example; an
ing to the issuance of a visa to an alien alien could not engage in deportable ac-
is made by a consular officer. If a consul tivities and then leave the United States
wishes to refuse a"visa, he may ask for to evade the Immigration and Naturali-
an advisory opinion from the Bureau of zation Service and have the 10-year stat-
Security and Consular Affairs of the ute of limitations running at the same
State Department. Th,>se opinions are time.
considering binding on officer as to ques- Mr. President, as I have said there are
tions of law but not as to questions of two matters in the bill which give me spe-
fact. Still the consular officer makes the cial concern. The numerical limitation
final decision, and the disadvantaged on immigration the e n Hemi-
alien has no recourse. sphere, and the time commence
P'resident's Commission on Im- tation proceedings against those who
migration and Naturalization in 1953 have been admitted for lawful residence
urged that visa matters be subject to into the United States.
review by such a Board. I believe these two matters, at least,
The Board which I proposed would should be before us should we think it ad-
consist of three members who would be visable to deal with them. Therefore, I
appointed by the Secretary of State. submit for printing in the RECORD amend-
They` would have no other duties, even ments which would deal with these sub-
though employees of the State Depart- jects to establish a clear legislative record
merit. The Board would have jurisdic- on these issues. One, to establish a 10-
Lion to review any determinations deny- year statute of limitations on 'deporta-
inf, withdrawing, ' or. revoking a visa or tion proceedings for lawfully admitted
an extension-of a 'visa vfhose issuance is aliens, and the other, to eliminate; the
subject to the direction.of the Secretary Western Hemisphere limitation, of
of- Sta as diell as any determination as 120,000.
to the application of any rule or regula- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without
tion "of the Department relating to im objection, the amendments will, be
ip1 ratioir. ' Tlie `Board may' accept or printed in the RECORD.
decline any cases' referred to It. The The amendments are as follows:
Secretary could direct the Board to refer On page 58, between lines 3 and 4, insert
certain cases to him or the Board could the following new section:
refer cases On its 'own- initiative to the "SEC. 22. Title II of the Immigration and
Secretary for review. Nationality Act is amended by adding at the
end of such title the following section:
The Attorney Generf has given his "'LIMITATION ON TIME OF COMMENCING
assurances' that her will investigate what xocEEDINGB
Means there are within his Department SEc. DEPORTATION 293. No alien rROCEE I admitted to
and the Departiilent of State to provide the United States for plawfully,
ermanent residence
some relief anc`t that this matter will be shall be deported by reason of any conduct
again Considered next year with respect occurring more than ten years prior to the
to further legislation to correct certain institution of deportation proceedings
procedural aspects of the Immigration against him, if such alien has resided, con-
kid Nationality Act. The report on H.R. tinuously, and has been physically present,
2580 at page 26 makes clear the intent within the United States for at least ten
of 'the Attorney Gene! al to study the years immediately after such conduct oc-
creation of a Board of Visa Appeals. On page 59, line 5, strike out "SEC. 23." and
Another proposal which the Attorney insert .Sc. E24.".
On page 59, after the matter between; lines
General has indicated 'will receive con-
sideration is the establishment of a 10- 14 and 15, insert the following:
year statute of limitations on deportation "(d) Te chapter of contents (Title IIproceedings. The proposal, it has been migration, 9 of the by adding Immigration
end Nationality aon thereof itthe Act is amended a
agreed, will, because of ,.his further con- and
sideration by the Attorney General, not following:
n time of com
on o
.be raised on the floor.
that the At- ing deportation proceedings. "
y prov
The act alrea
torney General may, at his discretion, ' ' On page.59, line 15, strike out "SEc: 24."
--suspend deportation proceedings in the on insert "S56, Ec. beginning with line 24, strike
case of aliens who have been physically line 7 o
out all l through l line 7, on page 57.
present in the United states for 7 years On page 57, line 8, strike out "(f) " and
or, in the case of certain serious offenses, insert "(e) ".
10 years. An amendment which I of- On page 57, line 11,,strike'out "(g)'~ and
fered in the subcommittee and am asking insert "(f) .
be printed today would not change this On page 57, line 25, strike out "(h)" and
provision, but rather establish a limit to insert "(g)
10 years after'the occurrence of conduct Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I Would
which makes a lawfully admitted alien like to conclude by saying that the bill
deportable during which the Immigration marks a historic departure, a historic
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turn In ilnlnigration legislation and pot-
icy, and places our qoi~ ntry in the, fore-
front qf. tlie, nations of the .world, which
ash to do justice in, terms of an open
world extending not, only to goods, but
to people. That, I feel, is the ultimate
objective of freedom and the ultimate
objective of the kind of world, in which
we 1xi the Uziited States wish to live and
wish everybody else to live.
The bill has some, imperfections, and
I think'. it could be very materially im-
proved if these imperfections were dealt
with. Those. which I feel are the most
outstanding are the absence of any stat-
ute of limitations as to: deportation of
:lawfully admitted aliens, and the West-
ern Hemisphere numerical limitation.. ,
As to the former, as the Attorney Gen-
eral has told us, and as our report states,
he will give that matter careful study
and will, report to us about .t, and the
rrommittee wJ,li_ he free to do something
about jt next year.
This is a bill .to deal with the national
origins quota system, Many of us on
the committee feel that, at long last, we
ought to ket , rid of, it; and if inherent
internal improvements in the procedure
under the law . are. deemgd . to be, re-
gtiired-and they certainly are re-
quired-we ought to peal .with tJi ose next
year and hold hearings on them. I hope
this will be possible.
Secondly, the, new Western Hemi-
sphere numerical limitation isof great
'concern, not only as to what it does,
as a matter of immediate concern, to
our relations with our neighbors in .the
Americas both, to the, north and. to the
south, but for what it may do if used as
a propaganda tool after it has ,become
law, as undoubtedly it will.
There is no doubt that whatever. we
do with this measure in the Senate, it
will be in conference between the, Senate
and the House of Representatives and
these views may be reflected there.
For those reasons, Mr. President, I
think both of the matters I have stated
retiuire full consideration before bring-
ing the measure to,a vote, and I hope the
conferees will study the Western Hemi-
-sphere limii;ation most seriously.
- Under the heading "Other matters," in
the committee report, Senators will find
reference to other matters raised by
members of the committee in regard to
section 214(c) which will. be. looked into
between now and next year.
The bill, In its general thrust, is.long
overdue, It. corrects one of . the most
glaring injustices on the statute books.
It eliminates, at long last, a statute
which, seeks to bar people from this
country because of ethnic origin to the
bill's passage which appears imminent,
will be a blessing to the Nation and Its
honor and conscience.
I ` join with the, Senator from Hawaii
,[Mr.,FoNo], a_ member of the committee
who preceded me in his kind sentiments
for those who have so long fought this
Issue of ,immigration reform, and have
been so .influential in bringing it out
gf of ttce ,erican.Civil Liberties Union
a 'memorandum on this subject. It is
headed "Proposed Statute of Limitations
on Deportation," It begins with a pro-
posed amendment to. the pending bill.
Uowevex,,the language I am offering now
ishot, t.e language suggested in the
memorandum of the. American Civil
Liberties Union, but is the text of my bill
S. 1500, of the 88th Congress. Neverthe-
less, the impact of the language is the
The remainder of the memorandum is
an excellent exposition of the background
of limitations on deportation proceed-
ings. I ask unanimous consent that it
be printed at the conclusion of my
out objection, it is so ordered.
(See exhibit I.)
Mr. MORSE.. Mr. President, the bar
associations, and the President's Com-
mission on Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion which reported in 1953, have been
highly critical of the absence of this
We just heard a statement by the for-
mer attorney general of the State of
New York, but large numbers of leaders
of the bar across this country share
the view of the senior Senator from Ore-
gon. They have written to me in the
last several years in support of a statute
of limitations to be added to our body
of immigration law.
Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, will the
distinguished Senator from Oregon
Mr. MORSE. I am delighted to yield.
Mr. ERVIN. The committee sat from
February until a few weeks ago con-
ducting hearings on the bill, and this
problem was never investigated. Does
not the Senator from Oregon agree with
the Senator from North Carolina that it
would be a more proper procedure for
the Senator from Oregon to submit his
amendment for reference to the com-
mittee, and to let hearings be conducted
on both sides of the question before Con-
gress takes action? The Senator's
amendment was not offered during the
Mr. MORSE. The Senator from
North Carolina is quite correct. That
would be preferable. But I do not know
why the delightful senior Senator from
North Carolina, one of the most dis-
tinguished Members of this body and
a former justice of the North Carolina
Supreme Court, recognizing the hole in
the bill, did not offer the amendment
himself, or apprise the senior Senator
from Oregon of the fact that this prob-
lem was before the committee. .
I say to the Senator quite frankly that,
considering the multitude of things that
my complex life causes me to deal with
in the Senate, this is one of the things
which has slipped by me. I am very
sorry that it has. However, now that I
see the problem, that would not relieve
me of my responsibility of offering the
This is nothing new. The Committee
on the Judiciary is rather well aware
of the views of the senior Senator from
Oregon. I have offered amendments
and bills before which have been before
the Committee on the Judiciary, and
so have many other Senators. I offered
a private bill in the Mackie case. The
bill was before the Committee on the
I say to my good friend, the Senator
from North Carolina, that I am exceed-
ingly disappointed that the members on
the Committee on the Judiciary have
not heretofore reported the Mackie bill
from the committee. However, I believe
it is important that the senior Senator
from Oregon raise the question this af-
I am not naive. I am not blind as to
what my parliamentary situation is.
However, I hope that we can get some
understanding or agreement now.
I was directing my remarks to the
Senator in charge of the bill, the junior
Senator from Massachusetts. I hope
that we can get some understanding
from the committee. I know that the
policy is to add no amendments to the
bill, I hope that we can have an under-
standing that the amendment will be
taken to conference, or that we can have
some hearings on the problem come
Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, I tell the
senior' Senator from Oregon, as a mem-
ber of the Subcommittee on Immigra-
tion and Naturalization, and as a mem-
ber of the Committee on the Judiciary
itself, that I shall try to obtain speedy
hearings on an amendment of this
Several years ago I attended a hear-
ing of the Committee on the Judiciary
which caused me to believe that perhaps
there may be something to be said in
opposition to a statute of limitations.
We had a hearing on an amendment
providing a rule of estoppel and a rule
of res adjudicata in immigration mat-
ters. We found that the king of the
underworld-the boss of the underworld
in New Orleans-had successfully fought
deportatiop for something like 14 or 15
years. Every time the authorities were
about to deport him, he would obtain an-
other writ of habeas corpus from a dif-
ferent Federal judge,
The United States was powerless to de-
port from the country. a man who, in
large measure, was corrupting the city
of New Orleans and its environs.
Mr. MORSE. They were not power-
less to place him in prison.
Mr. ERVIN. They could not have him
deported. He had a multitude of habeas
corpus writs issued, and, under the rule,
neither res adjudicata nor deportation
was applicable.
If my recollection serves me correctly,
I believe that the present occupant of
the chair, the junior Senator from New
York IMr. KENNEDY] was serving as At-
torney General of the United States at
that time and has some familiarity with
the problem.
I say to the senior Senator from Ore-
gon that I believe a good case can be.
made for the proposition that, if a man
comes to America illegally and engages in
underworld activities, he ought not to
have the benefit of a simple statute of
I agree that if a man comes here il-
legally and becomes a useful member of
society and can show that fact, he ought
not to be deported. Under the bill as
amended at the instance of the able and
distinguished senior Senator from
Hawaii and I, a man who comes here il-
legally and becomes a useful and good
citizen can acquire permanent residence
here and eventual citizenship. However,
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?0NGRESSIONAL Fmcap - SENATE` September. 20, 196
I, i sure the senior Senator from Oregon
to shall-do all I can do to obtain a
speedy consideration of the bill by the
subcommittee and by the committee.
Mr. 'JAVTTS. Mr. President, will the
Senator vied?
Mr MbftM.' `I yield.
I wish to inform the
Senator'o what occurred. I think it has
very great bearing on the assurance
which. is most gratifyingly given by the
Senator from North Carolina, I offered
the statute of limitation as a part of the
bill (S. 1093) I introduced last February
and again ? In the subcommittee as an
amendment and proposed to submit this
very limitation to which the Senator has
referred as an amendment on the floor.
In our informal discussions in the com-
mittee, as is quite understandable in view
of the tact that any amendment of this
character, if agreed to, would very mate-
rially delay the passage of the legisla-
t3gn, I refrained from actually pressing
it to a vote in the interest of getting
prompt and favorable action on the bill.
That was the reason for the assurance
which we had from the Attorney Gen-
eral and which is specifically referred to
at page 26 of the report.
I should like to join my distinguished
colleague who, I think on the whole, in
view -of his views concerning this type of
legislatlon,has really strained to try to
join with us in an effort to secure pas-
sage of this legislation.
=I assure the senior Senator from Ore-
gon that,' whatever he may do on this
matter-and I shall vote with him, as I
said-he has one ? indefatigable fighter
trying to get this done as a lawyer, with-
out any regard to what one thinks of
the immigration law.
I believe that the Senator from Oregon
was correct In saying what he did to
the Senator from North Carolina. We
may veiyy'weii find a great ally by virtue
of?'this very thing, because it is the kind
of thing that is very offensive to a law-
yer. I believe that the Senator from
North Carolina, whatever may be our dif-
!erence of view, In some areas is a law-
LJ~ join the Senator and assure him that
I shall move heaven and earth to obtain
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, the Sen-
ator from North Carolina knows my
reooyd of handling legislation and facing
up to the parliamentary realities in the
Senate and cooperating to work out the
best adjustment possible.
'I have had cooperation from the Sena-
tor from -North Carolina in connection
with some education amendments. The
Senator will recall that when we had a
so-Called judicial review amendment, he
urged a vote on the judicial review
amendment. I was hoping that he would
not, but he had a perfect right to do
that, and the amendment did go to a
vote, the opposition prevailed, not be-
cause tre Were opposed to a judicial re-
view,`but because we felt that, under the
parliamentary situation which existed on
the floor of the Senate, it was a mistake
to jeopardize the interest of the educa-
tion bill itself by adding to it the judicial
review amendment of the Senator from
North Carolina and the Senator from
Kentucky [Mr. COOPERI "gut after his
amendment was defeated, to the great
credit of the Senator from North Caro-
lina and the Senator from Kentucky,
they cooperated completel;v with me as
chairman of that committee, and as the
Senator in charge of that bill, In the
handling of the judicial review amend-
I deeply regret-and it I!; not the fault
of the Senator from North Carolina-
that the Morse judicial review bill, co-
sponsored subsequently by the Senator
from North Carolina and the Senator
from Kentucky and others, hasnot yet
come to a hearing.
Arguing by analogy, I believe that the
amendment which I of'er now, and
which I shall subsequently offer as a bill
this afternoon if it is not accepted,
should come to an early hearing before
the Committee on the Judiciary next
January. However, I rage again, as
chairman of the Subcommittee on Edu-
cation, that the Morse.-Ervin-Cooper-
Clark judicial review measure should
come to a hearing before the Committee
on the Judiciary this coming January.
These vital matters should not be post-
poned. We ought to get on to a hearing.
Of course, I am fully aware of the par-
liamentary situation tha'; confronts me.
The senior Senator from Oregon will not
be a party this afternoon to jeopardizing
the passage of this immigration bill. The
heart of the immigration bill, as far as
I am concerned, is, of i;ourse, the na-
tional origins feature of it. I believe
that it is important that we get the
measure passed.
As I say, if I am una )le to have this
amendment agreed to ar..d taken to con-
ference by voluntary agreement, then I
shall withdraw the ame adment and in-
troduce it this afternoon as a bill and
send it to the desk as a separate bill, and
leave it at the desk until Friday of this
week at 5 p.m. for any who want to co-
sponsor the measure with me. We can
then let it go to the Committee on the
Judiciary In the hope that there will be
hearings on it early in the next session of
I would not want the RECORD to stand
on the argument of the Senator from
North' Carolina without any comment
by the senior Senator from Oregon on
what I think is not a Sound argument,
which has been made by the Senator
from North Carolina by way of opposition
to the statute of limitations.
I have been impressed by the argu-
ment of the Justice Department and the
immigration authorities, in particular,
that there should not '?e any statute of
limitations available in the cases of the
underworld characters who may be of
alien birth, who have gotten into this
What we ought to do is convict them
and put them in prison, like any other
criminals. Even these unsavory char-
acters are in no small measure the pro-
duct of our own conditioning. I do not
wish to believe, and I refuse to believe,
that the only way we can handle crim-
inals who did not happen to be born in
this country is to deport them. I do
not believe we should deport such people
to any other country. I think we should
convict them and put them in prison,
where they belong. That is my answer.
But even those unsavory characters,
in my judgment, from the point of view
of fair dealing with human beings, are
entitled toa statute of limitations. They
are entitled to have the Government
proceed against them within the period
of time called for by my proposed statute
of limitations. If they are not proved
guilty within that period of time, then
we should deal with their guilt, if any
subsequently develops after the running
of the statute of limitations, convict
them, and put them in prison.
Be that as it may. I would point Out
to the Senator from North Carolina that
my amendment affects only aliens who
were lawfully admitted, not those who
entered illegally.
Before I last yielded to the Senator
from North Carolina [Mr. ERVINI, I was
making the point that bar associations,
leading lawyers, lawyers on various law
enforcement councils, and even repre-
sentatives of judicial councils, have de-
plored the very weakness in the admin-
istration of the Immigration laws about
which I have been speaking this after-
I agree with the Senator from North
Carolina. In an appropriate hearing in
the early part of next year, I shall mar-
shal that opinion evidence. I shall also
marshal whatever documentations Is
available in support of my bill. The
Senator from North Carolina may be
sure I shall be in the front row the morn-
ing he opens his hearings, asking to be
recognized as witness. -
I repeat, as I close these remarks, that
I believe the amendment I intended to
offer is a sound and desirable one. It
would not relate to anyone who entered
the country In violation of the immigra
tion laws. It would safeguard illegally
admitted persons from being deported,
and from having loss of citizenship pro-
ceedings brought for acts said to have
been committed but which may have oc-
curred 15, 20 or 30 years ago. I do not
believe longtime residents of the United
States should be subjected to what I con-
sider to be this grossly unfair treatment,
and therefore I plead with the Senate to
give favorable consideration to such
amendment, although I would not deny
my friend, the Senator from Massachu-
setts [Mr. KENNEDY] an opportunity
either to accept or reject the amend-
ment and take it to conference. I am
merely asking him to tell me what he
would do should I offer it. I should not
press for a vote, if the Senator felt in
good faith he could not take it to con-
ference. It may very well be that the
Senator may see some advantage in
taking it to conference, to get the con-
ference reaction to it, and, if rejected
there, it could be considered as a bill
On the other hand, if the Senator tells
me he thinks it would be a mistake to
take It to conference, I shall not even
offer it as an amendment to the bill, but
send It to the desk and ask to have it
appropriately referred. In such event I
shall ask that it remain at the desk until
5 p.m. this coming Friday, for cosigners.
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September_ 20, j~46p~proved F~o ~~ fft(~1//%~6 PS6~71gJ 6R000100040001-6 23591
1. For 65 years prior to the 1952 law there
had been a statute of limitations on deporta-
tion proceedings. From 1917 there was a-
general 5-year period of limitations for bring-
ing deportation proceedings after improper
entry, except for: -
(a) deportable offenses committed in the
United States;
(b) subversive aliens; and
(c) entry in violation of quota require-
ments or with improper visa.
2. Under the 1952 act, all statutes of limi-
tations are eliminated, and deportation pro-
ceedings can be brought at any time, no mat-
ter how remote from the improper entry (sec.
(a) Although there is no period of limi-
tations whatsoever for bringing deportation
proceedings, in three instances the statute
specifies that the ground of deportation must
have occurred "within 5 years after entry":
institutionalization at public expense for
mental disease (sec. 241(a) (3) ), public
charge (sec. 241(a) (8) ), conviction of viola-
tions of the provisions of title I of the Alien
Registration Act of 1940 (sec. 241(a)(15)).
(b) The 1952 act retroactively eliminated
previous statutes' of limitations (sec. 241(d) ).
1. Statutes of limitations have a twofold
purpose, to protect innocent persons from
prosecution of - claims at a time when evi-
dence in defense is not available, and to
spare the courts from litigation of stale
claims "after memories have faded, witnesses
died or disappeared, and evidence lost" Chase
Securities Corp. v: Donaldson, 325 U.S. 304,
314 (1944).
2. Under the Federal criminal law, a gen-
eral 5-year statute of limitations is applica-
ble to crimes not punishable by death, 18
U,S.C. 3282. Arson, robbery, burglary, for-
gery, white slave traffic, assault with a deadly
weapon, and larceny are punishable only if
proceedings are instituted within 5 years.
3. Likewise, civil actions are subject to
statutes of limitations of varying periods.
4. The internal Security Act of 1950, ?4(e),
provided a 10-year statute of limitations for
conspiracy to establish a totalitarian dicta-
torship- in the United States under foreign
domination or control.
5 Under the Federal criminal law fraud-
ulent procurement of citizenship or natural-
ization is subject to a 10-year statute of
limitations 18 U.S.C. 3291.
B. In some countries an aliens admission
be subject to deportation at any time" (S. 2. But the absence of a statute of limita-
Rept. No. 1515, 81st Cong., 2d sess., pp. tions covering deportation is an undesirable
389-390). departure from basic principles of law. There
(D)- CONGRESSIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS is no valid reason for denying to such persons
The House Committee on Immigration What is basic to, our jurisprudence, protec-
(79th Conga, ist sess., It. Rcpt. No. 1312, p, tion from raking up old and dead issues after
16) recommended a 10-year statute of lim- a reasonable period of time, after which
itations on deportation under the 1924 Im- memories of witnesses have faded, contem-
poraneous sources of information are no
migration Act.
longer available, and the general peace of
the community would be unduly upset. Un-
der present law an alien can be deported for
The President's Commission on Immigra- something that took place 50 years ago, even
tion and Naturalization in its 1953 report if it were only of a purely minor technical
had the following to say as to periods of character. This means that people who have
limitations on deportation: lived substantially their entire lives in the
"That it is wrong to keep the threat of United States can be torn away from their
punishment indefinitely over the head of families and sent to lands which are utterly
one who breaks the law is a principle deeply foreign to them;
rooted in the ancient traditions of our legal 3. There is no showing whatsoever of a
system. The law requires that criminal need for a change in the 65 year old practice
prosecutions, except for capital offenses, such of a statute of limitations for deportation;
as murder and treason, be brought within a 4. The failure to provide for a reasonable
fixed period of time or not at all. A period of limitations, after which deporta-
similar dispensation governs the enforcement tion procedings are based, is unjust, unwar-
of civil liabilities. ranted, and. contrary to the fundamental
"Indeed, the 1952 statute retroactively re- pattern of American law; and
scind the limited statute of limitations fixed 5. In view of the present pattern of sta-
by previous law. An alien who entered the tutes of limitations in Federal law, a strong
United States 25 years ago and whose entry argument could be advanced for a 5 year
involved a purely technical violation en- statute of limitations for deportation. How-
joyed immunity from deportation for the ever, in view of the recommendations by a
last 20 years. Under the 1952 act he is now congressional committee and a Presidential
again subject to deportation. The act Commission for a 10-year period, a 10-year
threatens the security of many aliens and statute of limitations for instituting deporta-
their families. Their immunities have been tion should be enacted.
removed, and they may be torn out of their Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
accustomed places in the communities in President, will the Senator yield? - - -
which they live, no matter how exemplary Mr. MORSE. I am happy to yield to
their conduct over a long period of years
* * * the new act actually restores the threat the Senator from Massachusetts.
of cruel and inhuman punishment for of- Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. I
fenses long since forgiven. should be happy to cosponsor the bill the
"This undue severity is underscored by the Senator says he will send to the desk.
fact that although prosecutions for aggra- Mr. MORSE. The Senator is already
vated criminal violations of- the immigra- a cosponsor. - -
tion laws are subject to a 3-year statute of Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts.
limitations, deportation proceedings for such But I feel that the record on the matter
violations-as well as for infractions which
offend no criminal law-are governed by no. deportation has been established in the
statute of limitations and may be brought- committee and it has been quite clear
more than say 20 or 40 years after an alien since the very earliest date when the At-
entered the United States. No one has - torney General of the United States tes-
suggested any sound reason why the purpose tified - before the committee, that this
of limitations-recognition of the unfairness matter merited further, real, considera-
involved in requiring a person to make a de- tion.
fense long after the event when it is diffi-
cult or Impossible to assemble witnesses and
evidence-does not. apply to immigration - considerable examination and question-,
matters at least with equal force as to prose- - ing by the Senator from New York [Mr.
cutions for serious crimes. - JAVITSI, who has demonstrated great
"It Is said that the existence of a statute concern, not only on this matter, but on
of limitations would encourage aliens to en- the establishment of a board of visa ap-
ter the United States inviolation of the im- peals, as well as by other members of the
married to citizens aria wno are responsible the immigration laws should be subject to about the question of deportations and
for the support of citizens may not be de- deportation from the United States, but the other matters affecting the -basic rights
ported. The most common statute of lim- consequences of such a violation should be of citizens, both naturalized and alien.
itations in foreign countries is a 5-year pe- enforced against him within a reasonable . The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr.
rtod. Canada grants this limitation to most time. Their is a fundamental public purpose PELL7 has followed the hearings closely
offenses excepting subversives. Australia has which is served by statutes of limitations and has been deeply concerned about the
a 5-year period with limited exceptions. for crimes and in civil actions. This is just
(C) RATIONALE FOR PRESENT LAW as important an objective of law enforce- question of deportation. He has spoken
The major report of the - Senate Judiciary 'merit as the avoidance of violation of - law" to me, and I know to other members of
Committee leading to the enactment of the (pp. 197-19a). the committee. Many other Members of
1952 law justffied the present provisions as The -Commission recommended "that the the Senate have likewise expressed their -
fnttn.?- - - - - - . immigration statute should provide that a concern. -
-` - ' = -
"It is the recommendation of the subcom- -deportation proceeding may not be com- So I thank the Senator from Oregon
ainst an
alien more than 10
menced a
for once more, as the senior Senator
mittee, that the time limitafion on their
after the violation occurred" (pp. 197-198).
deportation after - lntiy should-be eliminated.
from New York has done earlier in the
the cause for exclusion existed at the (F) ANALYSIS OF SITUATION
time of entry, it is believed that such aliens 1. Persons who have entered the United day, doing great service on the whole
are, just as undesirable at any subsequent States illegally or who have improperly ob- question suggesting the need for ac-
are, as they are within the 5 years after tamed naturalization should be subject to tive consideration in this area.
entry * * * all aliens who become public ' removal of the status so improperly at.. During the discussions and the mark-
che 'ges at any time after entry * * * should tamed; up in the subcommittee, we had assur-
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4AC94 f ixl the At~rnc 'Ggneral that
fRiAb A .axicer to his
aicI asi ahoukl a mater of ngern
to tkfc members of, t e,j ,Qm ttee. More,'
ever, in the comet tee .report, on page
26, under the title of"Other Matters, it
is stated:
CONGRESSIONAL, RFCORV - SENATE $'epterber, ,20, 1965
at this time. I oan assure you, however,
that we ass very much interested in pursu-
ing reforms in areas outside that covered by
the present bill and will endeavor to have
our studies completed and recommendations
prepared in time for consideration at the
next session of. the Congress.
As prev#otisiy indicated; the instant bill To me this letter indicates, as it did to
dies note embody a comprehensive revision other members of the committee who
Qt the Xi irnlq'ration and Nationality Act. had been concerned abou t such questions,
Certainly, Mr. president, if it did, the that an effort will be made by the ad-
ministration to look to these various nat-
matters raised by the senior Senator uralization and deportation problems.
from Oregon nunquestionably would have Certainly we should not relinquish our
to .be considered and perhaps included. responsibility on the matter, but the
Thexeport~goes on to State: record has.been establisl.ied in the hear-
tlowever the Subcommittee on immigra- ings held on the immigration bill, and
Lion aid, ituialization diet give considers- I think the record has been made this
tion to many proposal's contained in other
bills Ipending, before the subcommittee which afternoon, that this is a matter of con-
wotlld have amended the bmpn.,igration and cern to members of the committee, not
Included only in general as presented by the Sen-
Nationality Act in other respects.
in the, suggested changes' were proposals to ator from Oregon, but also as deportation
establish a Board pf Visa,,Appeals and to applies to those who came to this coun'-
estabiish'a statuteof u in ations in deporta- try as young children. :1 think perhaps
tion cases. In'the , course of the,subcommit- that consideration is even more appeal-
tee s consideration of those two proposals, it ing.
vCa$ 1 dioated'ty the Attorney General that But I say that it was the feeling of the
time tp tp fci ute t7uch it.ager Changes opriate without at this
fur- committee that at this time we should
time institute such
e . d P i g . his word,
underakg a complete studyoftheiproposals, and anticipate the enrecommendations
to disguss ,the esirability of the establish- a5 .matters to be Cansidi red during the
merit of a Board of Visa Appeals' with the next session of Congress.
Secretary of State and`to report seasonably Mr. MORSE. I say to the Senator
on the above matters. from Massachusetts [Mr. KENNEDY that,
t, e Attorney
the t
to the nand I s es"hlike to read of as knows, I shall l with the him
tale ~ni a States had ritten his. views completely, as I shall with the Senator
~r, ad into the from North, Carolina ERVIN]. I
ikEC,OIID at_this point the body of his letter shall not offer the, amendment. , ,I shall
to me;under date, of September 16, 1965: now send to the desk a kill on behalf of
IIo vv K0rrs.4p myself and the Senator from Massachu-
V' ens setts [Mr. KENNEDY], and anyone else
Washington, D.C.
who wishes to join as cosponsor between
-' YEAR ? ENATOR I'tENNEDY: This is in re- now and Friday night at 5 o'clock. I ask
spouse to your request for a"statement sum- unanimous consent that the bill may be
marizing`my views on certain proposals for
changes in the Immigration and Nationality printed in the RECORD.
Ast., hgge proposals were, as you know, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill
hdggd.b3, tIleSenate Judiciary commit- will be received and appropriately re-
tee but were not, acted upon by it, partly, ferred; and, without objection, the bill
I bebgve at my request will be printed in the R:ICORD and held
Fong q the,Wproposais in question relates at the desk, as requested by the Senator
to or VOuld' affect substantially either the from Oregon.
riu 1beis r; th'e'qualifications of persons to The bill (S. 2546) to amend theImmi-
be admitted as immigrants. They deal,
father? with such subjects as procedure, re- gration and Nationality Act to impose a
view, deportation, citizenship, expatriation limitation upon the time for the insti-
andthe,like.tution of deportation proceedings-, and
As I'the committee, it is my a limitation upon the time for the loss
view and that of the administration that of U.S. nationality introduced by Mr.
consideration of these proposals should be MORSE (for himself and other Senators),
deferred until the next session of Congress. was received, read twice by its title, re-
We therefore oppose them at this time, ferred to the Committee, on the Judi-
It oul be emphasized, however, that we ciary, and ordered to be printed in the
do not necessarily oppose these proposals on RECORD, as follows:
the merits. We have always recognized that
there area number ofareas within the gen- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
eral area of, immigration and nationality law Representatives of the U sited States of
Which, are. in need of review and reform. America in Congress assem bled, That (a)
However, in view of the overriding impor_ title II of the Immigration' and Nationality
tance of the reforms needed in our system Act is amended by adding at the end of such
of choosing prospective immigrants, the ad- title the following section:
ministration has believed that that problem "LIMITATION ON TIME OF COMMENCING
should be dealt with first. The other areas DEPORTATION PROCEEDINGS
in need of reform are in nlany respects dif- "SEC. 293. Notwithstanding any other pro-
ficult and complex, and we are still in the vision of this Act, any alien lawfully ad-
process of making the review and study witted to the United State; for permanent
needed to develop appropriate recommends- residence shall not, on or after the date
tions. of the enactment of this seci,lon, be deported
Since neither the executive branch nor the by reason of any conduct occurring more
committees 'Of the congress have yet had than ten years prior to the institution of de-
an opportunity to formulate careful recom- portation proceedings against him."
nrendations with respect to these matters, I (b) Section 340 of the Immigration and
am hopeful that the proposals to which you Nationality Act (66 Stat. 260; 8 U.S.C. 1451)
refer will.not be pressed on'the floor of the is amended by adding at the end thereof the
Senate, or, if pressed, will not be enacted following new subsection:
"(k). No proceeding shall be instituted; un-
der subsection (a) of this section more than
ten years after a naturalized citizen has been
admitted to citizenship."
SEC. 2. The table of contents of the Immi-
gration and Nationality Act is amended by
adding the following new item at the `end
of title II thereof:
"Sec. 293, Limitation on time of commenc-
ing deportation proceedings."
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, between
now and next January, I shall be open to
persuasion for any further modification
of the bill which, in its present form, I
believe to be desirable. If it can be im-
proved, I shall go along with the im-
provements, but I urge that there be
early hearings on the bill at the next
session of Congress.
I thank the Senator from New York,
the Senator from Massachusetts, andthe
Senator from North Carolina for their
cooperation in this discussion, and for
giving me their assurances that theyare
willing to have the issue raised and testi-
mony taken.
Mr. JAVITS. Let me say to the Sena-
tor from Rhode Island [Mr. PELL], who
has shown a profound interest in this
matter, that it is included in the omnibus
bill, S. 1093, which the Senator from
Oregon [Mr. MORSE] was gracious
enough to cosponsor with me.
I believe, with the assurances written
into the bill by the distinguished me'm-
bers"of the.comrnittee, that the Senator
need have no doubt with
us,this after loon has had an excellent
effect, and,we,are coming to grips with
the problem.
Mr. MORSE. I thank the Senator
from New York. The Senator from
Rhode Island [Mr. PELL) is about to offer
another proposal, in which I shall be
happy to join as a cosponsor, because he
has a proposal which in some respects is
broader than. mine. Therefore, I believe
that between the two proposals, we focus
the light of attention on practically
every facet of the problem of what I con-
sider to be gross injustice in the admin-
istrationof our immigration laws.
Mr. ERVIN. As the Senator from Ore-
gon undoubtedly knows, legislation per-
taining to immigration always arouses
a great deal of controversy on the part
of organizations and individuals. There-
fore, under the chairmanship of the
junior Senator from Massachusetts, the
subcommittee conducted many weeks of
hearings and heard many individuals
and organizations speak both for and
against abolition of the national origins
quota system.
We had to make decisions relative' to
changes in the immigration laws and
matters of procedure; and the subcom-
mittee reached the conclusion that it
would be best, in order to get effective
action, to have a bill which would be
confined entirely to admission to the
United States of immigrants for permia-
nent residence and ultimate citizenship.
Therefore, the bill has been confined
to that one field.
The Senator from New York, who has
done much studying in this field, made a
valuable contribution to the work of the
Judiciary Committee, both in the degree
in which he advocated certain sugges-
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--- ---- ---- ---- - -
tions and 'hi T 1orbearanQe ;i}R, advocat- Mr. PELL. I thank the Senator from I would not want to press this as an
ing, otners. lie a eed with the commit-, Oregon and the Senator from New York amendment. I had it redrafted as an
tee that it would be,?better not to go for their kind words,, . amendment to the present bill but, re-
beyond the field of admission of _in ,t- Print, upon the question of deporta- alizing the importance of having support
grants for permanent residence into the tion and then one or two. general com- for the bill, behind which we all seem to
United States, and to leave for later mat- ments on the bill before us. Last Au- be pretty well grouped, I would not want
ters "dealing with procedure, deporta- gust I offered a. bill cosponsored by the to jeoparize its passage by offering this
tion, and naturalization. By his for- Senator from , Michigan [Mr. HART] measure as an amendment. But I hope
bearance, he contributed greatly to the which provided for, the-basic provisions my bill will be considered by 'the Judi-
success of the ,committee in. reporting the in the bill as submitted. by the Senator ciary Committee early in the next
present bill.' from Oregon [Mr. MORSE], but in addi- session.
.Let me .assure the Senator from ,Ore- tJ. n to providing a 10-year statute of Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, if the
gon that, not only will I do all I can limitations on deportation proceedings, Senator will yield, I will say to my good
to schedule speedy hearings on the de it also made two additional points. friend from Rhode Island that I share
portation bill at the next session of Con- . First, it would put an end to the Ares- the opinion of the Senator from Mas-
I ha
lready not
the organizations interested in the judi-
cial review bill that we ire going to hold
hearings speedily in the early part of the
next session. I hope that the Senator
from Oregon will be 'there as 'a witness
at the hearings.
Mr. MQRS34, I ,assure the Senator
from North Carolin that I will be there
as a witness. This is not the. ,first time
I have found the Senator from. North
Carolina to be persuasively convincing.
When I heard him 'a'. moments ago,
and w4cia X ,heard the Senator from
Massachusetts making the remarks he
did as to the committee problem which
faced the Senator frojn North Carolina,
in handling this imm}gration bill, vis-a-
vis the national origins problem, I would
have to agree that what we.,should, do
from a parliamentary . standpoint is, to
.delimit the bill, primarily to considera-
tion of the problem of national origins.
lE would have to agree with that.. How-
ever, it does not mean that I do not
believe the statute of limitations should
not be remedied. It is, an injustice, and
should be remedied early.
I thank both the Senator from Massa-
chusetts and the Senator from North
Carolina.' At least, we have pinpointed
the problem, and we can go on with con-
sideration of my bill, "and the bill which
I believe the Senator from Rhode Island
[Mr. PELL] is about to introduce.
The last comment I wish to make is by
way of a deserved compliment to the
Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. PEt ].
He, too, has been very much concerned
over the general problem of injustice
which we have been discussing in respect
to the administration.; of the immigra-
tion laws of this country.
The proposal of the Senator from
Rhode Island is one which. Ihighly en-
dorse. I assure him that I appreciate
the support he has given me on my pro-
posal in the past, and I intend to recipro-
cate by sincerely supporting his proposal
when he oifera it.
Mr. President, I should like to make
certain that my bill has been received
at the desk under the request I have
previously made.
BREWSTER in the chair), The Senator's
bill will beheld until Friday. The Sena-
Mr,,MORSE..1 thank the Chair.
ent practice whereby naturalized citizens sachusetts that the proposal of the Sen-
who refuse to testify before congressional ator from Rhode Island merits serious
committees could have their citizenship study. A very good case could be made
revoked, which would again seem to in- for the doctrine that a naturalized citi-
dicate that naturalized citizens are a zen should stand on the same footing as
different kind of citizens from those a native-born citizen. the United States. To my mind, Mr. PELL. I thank the Senator, and
it, seems unfair that citizens by choice appreciate his courtesy, as a senior mem-
rather than citizens by the accident of ber of the committee, and that of the
birth should be given the favored spot Senator from Massachusetts.
and not the unfavored spot. Mr. President, at this point I wish to
. Second, my bill would seek to rectify make some general comments on the bill.
what has been already cleared up by the Mr. President, the bill before us pre-
Supreme Court in .the Schneider case. sents Congress with the opportunity to
This was the case which decided that adopt an equitable and enlightened im-
individuals born in a foreign country migration policy-a clear departure from
and naturalized in the United States, the discriminatory national origins
and then, through no fault of their own, policy that is our present law. It pre-
spent more than 3 years' residence in sents us with the opportunity to prove to
the country of their birth, would lose the rest of the world that the faith of our
their citizenship. This is on the statute Founding Fathers has not been lost. 'And
books but declared by the Supreme it grants a greater measure of hope to
Court to be unconstitutional. It should those in other lands who have long held
be repealed. the dream of becoming active partici-
Thus, the third portion of my bill pants in the oldest, active democracy the
would provide for cleaning up the stat- world knows.
ute by removing those points which have The passage of this reform bill getting
already been rendered inoperative be- rid of quotas based on national origins
cause .of the Supreme Court's decision- gives me particular delight since my
MY hope is that at the same time the father, then a Member of Congress, op-
bill of the Senator from Oregon is con- posed the basic restrictive nationalities
sidered by the Judiciary Committee, my immigration law when it came up some
bill, S. 2364, might also be considered, 45 years ago.
covering these other two points, I Contrary to the opinions of some of the
would ask the Senator in charge of the misinformed, this legislation does not
bill whether that will be agreeable to open the floodgates. It increase our
him. I thank both him and the Senator total quota of immigrants from approxi-
from North Carolina for their willing- mately 158,000 to 170,000 per year. It
nets to consider the basic problem of still prefers those who have needed skills
this question on deportation, and i am and who can contribute in a positive
wondering whether these other points in fashion to this Nation's progress. It con-
my bill might be considered at that time. tains that long-lacking element of hu-
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. maneness which allows the reuniting of
The points which the Senator from families. And it does away with the dis-
Rhode Island has raised are worthy of crimination of a national origins system
consideration. The bill of the Senator which states, in effect as well as in prac-
from Oregon [Mr. MORSE] has been in- tice, that Southern and Eastern Eu-
troduced and will be appropriately re- ropeans do not make as good citizens as
ferred. It would probably be up to the Western and Northern Europeans-the
members of the committee to make the Orwellian "All animals are equal, but
determination whether the bills will be some are more equal than others."
considered together or whether there is When we go back to the question of
overlapping of the legislation. But cer- why this original concept was put into
tainly, as a member of the committee, effect, we realize how correct we are in
I would hope that there would be expe- urging the adoption of the present legis-
ditious hearings. lation before us.
In view of the fact that the Senator In 3 years, the question "Where were
from North Carolina has indicated his you born?" as a condition of entrance,
interest in this whol
ill b
e genera
area I w
ecame academic and this count
Mr, President I yield the floor,. would hope the subcommittee itself would will look instead to the relationship to
Mr. PEL,L.. Mr. President, first, I ask consider .the points which have been U.S. citizens and resident aliens, to the
to be made a cosponsor of the bill intro- raised and we will have recommends- professional and other high skills which
duced by the Senator, frgm.Oxegan [Mr, tions from the Attorney General in this are offered, and to the assistance of ref-
1VJ ogsFS]' area, ?as he has indicated in his letter. ugees from strife-torn lands.
34T,, MORSE. I welcome the Senator's Mr. PELL. I thank the Senator from This bill represents the progressive
sponsorship. Massachusetts. As I indicated earlier, thinking of a country which has assumed
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the leadership of the free world. It is while we have a commission' to pro-
`really a statement of faith that we mean tect thearchitectural beaut i of the dis-
to continue that leadership, and all the trict so that the Capital City will always
z?osponsibilities and obligations which it be a place of enduring lovel: Hess for the
entails. American people, there is no way in
I -intend to vote for this bill because I which we can protect the city from the
have seen firsthand, through my work as political ugliness of our rightwing and
a Vice Consul in our Foreign Service and leftwing extremists. We must tolerate
on the International Rescue Committee, them, as much as it affronts our sense
the difficulties and untold hardships of decency, because the Constitution
which .confront refugees and those who must be kept inviolate.
wish to emigrate to the United States. As my colleagues know, I have been
Since my election as U.S. Senator from a constistent critic of the John Birch
-Rhode Island, I have received hundreds Society.
of pleas for assistance in getting a broth- By its extremist antics-its wild
er, a daughter, a mother into this coun- charges of communism leveled against
try. everyone with whom it disagrees, from
The enactment of H.R. 2580 will elimi- President Eisenhower dow:.z; its cam-
nate, in great part, most of the hardships paign to impeach Chief Jus;ice Warren;
written into existing law. I urge my col- its thesis that the Communists have vir-
leagues to join in its passage. tually taken control of the U.S. Govern-
ADDITIONAL COSPONSOR ment, its conspiratorial activities at com-
Mr. President, I ask unanimous munity level-by these and many other
consent that the name of the sen- irresponsible activities, the Birch Society
for Senator from Oregon be added as a has gravely complicated the task of re-
cosponsor of my bill (S. 2364). sponsible anti-Communists.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Indeed, the John Birch Society has
objection, it is so ordered, been a real windfall to the Communist
conspiracy because it provides them with
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives, by Mr. Bartlett, one of its
reading clerks, informed the Senate that,
pursuant to the provisions of Public Law
89-187, the Speaker had appointed Mr.
ZABLOCKI, of Wisconsin, Mr. GRAY, Of Illi-
nois, Mr. BYRNES of Wisconsin, and Mr.
HUTCHINSON, of Michigan as members
of the Father Marquette Tercentenary
Commission on the part of the House.
The message also informed the Senate
that, pursuant to the provisions of House
Resolution 13, 89th Congress, the Speaker
had. appointed 'Mr. CORMAN, of Califor-
nia, as a member of the Select Committee
To Conduct Studies and Investigations
of the lr',roblems of Small Business, to
fill an existing vacancy thereon.
The message announced that the
House had disagreed to the amendment
of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 9811) to
maintain farm income, to stabilize prices
and assure adequate supplies of agricul-
tural commodities, to reduce surpluses,
lower Government costs and promote
foreign trade, to afford greater economic
opportunity in rural areas, and for other
purposes; agreed to the conference
asked by the Senate on the disagreeing
votes of the two Houses' thereon, and
that Mr. CoQLEY, Mr. POAGE, Mr. ABBITT,
Mr, HAGEN of California, Mr. STUBBLE-
CH> R, and Mr. TEAGUE of California were
appointed managers on the part of'the
House at the conference.
Mr. DODD, Mr. President last week
the John Birch Society opened a head-
quarters in Washington, thus adding to
a local menagerie of extremists which
already includes the American Nazi Party
and-on a visiting basis for demonstra-
tion purposes -a substantial portion of
the beatnik population of, the Nation.,
a convenient caricature of i.nticommun-
ism which they skillfully exploit to en-
.courage the spread of anti-anti-com-
While I know it is in bad taste to
speak about one's own honors, I have
recently received an accolade from the
John Birch Society which I cannot re-
sist mentioning to my colleagues.
In their August bulletin I was assailed
as-and I quote their words directly "by
far the most persistent, continuous, ag-
gressive-and damaging-enemy the so-
ciety has had in the U.S. Senate."
I am profoundly flattered by this desig-
nation, and I promise to do my best to
merit it.
Let me take the time to read to Sen-
ators a few of the pertinent paragraphs
from the recent bulletin of the John
Birch Society, for the purpose of illus-
trating the berserk quality of the so-
ciety's anticommunism, and its sweep-
ing rejection of all those, no matter how
anti-Communist, who do rot share the
society's lunatic beliefs:
Nor has the American put-lie had much
opportunity to see behind the smooth and
brilliant facade of Senator DoDD. Our own
chief interest in him should some, perhaps,
from -the fact that he actually boasts of
having himself physically participated in
the civil rights mob march on Washington,
led by Bayard Rustin in August 1963. Or
his other extreme support of ':he civil rights
fraud. But L is worth noting that he prac-
tically began his career in 1935 by establish-
ing the Connecticut division of the National
Youth Administration, with all of its left-
wing impact and affiliation. Also, that later
he was chief trial counsel at the infamous
Nuremberg trials, correctly described by Sen-
ator Taft as a blot forever on the honor of
the United States. And perhaps more sig-
nificant than any of these things is the fact-
that he is such a close friend and protege of
Dean Acheson. In fact Acheson's name
headed the list of members of the National
Nonpartisan Committee for DonD's reelec-
tion to the Senate in, 1964.
Among other members of this committee
were Steve Allen, Adolph Berle, Victor Borge,
Irving Brown, Leo Cherne, Sidney Hook,
Brig. Gen. S. L. A. Marshall, Harry and Bo-
naro Overstreet, Elmo Roper, and Dean
Eugene Rostow.
Now it so happens that several people on
that list-Steve Allen, S. L. A. Marshall, and
Harry Overstreet for instance-have for years
been among the most vicious, outspoken, and
mendacious enemies of the John Birch So-
ciety. It further so happens that Senator
DODD, although many of his attacks on us
have been more subtle than those, let us
say, of his good friend Harry Overstreet, has
for years been by far the most persistent,
continuous, aggressive-and damaging-
enemy the society has had in the U.S. Senate.
But we have been able to take bitter and re-
peated attacks on ourselves-as from William
F. Buckley, Jr., for instance-without ever
striking back, and in fact while continuing
to give our full support to the anti-Socialist
efforts of the attackers.
So let's make it plain that these comments
are in no way prompted by Senator DODD'S
insidious and not so insidious thrusts at the
John Birch Society. But since the Senator
now has nearly 6 years tenure ahead of him
before another senatorial election, and since
he is now becoming so much bolder in sup=
porting the brazen nfovement ever farther
to the left of this administration-of whose
most inner circle he is an inner part-we
reluctantly concluded, that it was our duty
to warn our members not to be misled by
the vaunted and highly publicized anti-
communism of THOMAS JosEPH DODD. For
as our excellent research department ad-
vised us fully 5 years ago-it is as shallow
and opportunistic as the anticommunism of
HuRERT HUMPHREY or Henry Cabot Lodge,
and a misunderstanding on this point can
mislead with regard to many others.
Thus spoke the bulletin of the John
Birch Society.
Coming from a man of Robert Welch's
genius for fantasy and obfuscation,
these paragraphs are not at all sur-
After all, this is the man who has
described President Eisenhower and his
brother Milton Eisenhower as members
of the Red network :
In my opinion-
He said-
the chances are very strong that Milton
Eisenhower is actually Dwight Eisenhower's
superior and boss within the whole leftwing
This is also the man who said of John
Foster Dulles:
For many reasons, and after a lot of study,
I personally believe Dulles to be a Commu-
nist agent' who has one clearly defined role
to play; namely, always to say the right
things and always to do the wrong ones,
And this is the man who said of Gen.
Lucius Clay that it was his function "to
mess up the Berlin situation so favorably
According to Mr. Welch's peculiar
brand of lunacy, any form of social prog-
ress, whether it is civil rights or unem-
ployment insurance or medicare, is
equated with communism. Thus, in the
running scoreboard he keeps of the de-
gree of control exercised by the Commu-
nists in carious countries, Mr. Welch
says that in the United States the Com-
munists have a 60-80 percent control.
Great Britain, Italy, and Norway are
supposed to be 50-70 percent controlled
by the Communists, while India was 0-
80 percent and Iceland 80-100 percent.
Mr. Welch has an elixir, compounded
of a few fundamentalist ingredients, for
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solving all of .our problems. All we have
to do is abolish the income tax; impeach
Earl Warren; reestablish States rights;
get' the United States out of the United
Nations, and the United Nations out of
the United States; "put an end to the
Alliance for Progress and foreign aid,
and abolish,. Radio Free Europe, the
Voice of America, the U.S. Information
Service, the Peace Corps, and all similar
What is- distressing is that despite the
patent lunacy of his charges and his
program, Robert Welch has been able to
attract the support of many thousands
of people who are groping for answers
about communism and who might have
followed other leadership if it had estab-
lished contact,with them first.
Although it is.proper to hope that the
majority of those who today follow
Robert Welch will some day come to un-
derstand the folly and danger of the
course he has charted for their organiza-
tion, the-membership cannot altogether
be exonerated,
. Mr. William Buckley, the editor of Na-
tional Review, in a recent series of ar-
ticles assailing the John Birch Society
from the standpoint of responsible con-
servatism, had this to say on the subject
of.the responsibility of the membership :
One continues to wonder how it is that the
membership of the John Birch Society toler-
ates such drivel., Until the members rise up
and demand leadership whose programs and
analyses are based on other than the premise
that practically every liberal politician, every
confused professor, every civil rights demon-
strator, everyo1 a who wants free medicine
and civil rights legislation, and Government
control of the economy, is an agent of the
Communist conspiracy-until then, at.least,
they ought not to go about the country com-
plaining that the society is misrepresented.
Their voices are undoubtedly misrepresented.
But their own voices are not the voices of the
John Birch Society.
The John Birch Society is not listed as
.A subversive organization by the Attorney
General, and, in the legal sense of the
term, it was specifically found not to be a
subversive organization by the California
Subcommittee on Un-American Activities
Which looked into the activities of the
Birch Society in 1963. The California
subcommittee, however, noted the strik-
ing sin ilarity_ between the organization
and techniques of the Communist Party
and the John Birch Society.
Each has a monolithic structure-
Said the report-
in which authority gravitates from the top
down through the various echelons to the
rank and file membership. Each employs
front organizations which it controls from
behind the scenes * * *. Each operates
bookstores and reading rooms through which
It spreads its ideology * * *. Each move-
ment operates through small units scattered
throughout the country. The Communists
call them clubs, the Birchers call them chap-
ters, Each publishes a monthly list of di-
rectives that establish the current line of
activity. The Communists call theirs politi-
cal affairs. The Birchers call theirs the John
Birch Society bulletin. Each 3s geared- to
-unleash a barrage of invective and attack
against the,othgr, and to bring to bear every
pressure, and device available.
An,e7 eeedingly interesting note on how
the John Birch Society and other ex-
tremist groups have been operating in the
Midwest appeared in a recent column by
Mr. Charles Bartlett.
Said Mr. Bartlett:
Rural communities are occasionally riled
by strange invasions. Four families came
to Pinedale from California 3 years ago.
They had bank accounts of about the some
size; their children cheered the assassina-
tion of President Kennedy; they preached
hatred against all minority groups; and they
argued that Jesus Christ was an Anglo-
Saxon Instead of a Jew. Some local conserv-
atives were attracted by their zeal but a
storm of resentment broke around them last
winter and they moved away.
I came back to the point I made in my
opening remarks-that the extremist
antics of the John Birch Society serve
the purpose of the Communist conspir-
acy. They do so not merely because
they provide the Communists with a con-
venient caricature, but also because the
organization sows hatred and division
and suspicion among our people.
Despite the anti-Communist inten-
tions of these who have joined the so-
ciety, the society, in terms of its objec-
tive impact, must be put down as an un-
witting abettor of the ? Communist
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (H.R."2580) to amend the Im-
migration and Nationality Act, and for
other purposes.
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. Mr.
President, it gives me great pleasure to
voice today my support of the immigra-
tion bill, H.R. 2580.
The central principle of this bill-
the repeal of the national origins sys-
tem-was first incorporated in a bill
drafted in the Department of Justice
while I was Attorney General. The bill
distills the accumulated experience and
wisdom of 40 years-the years since the
institution of the discriminatory national
origins system. That system was im-
posed during the postwar crisis in Eu-
rope, when many in the United States
feared that a continuance of unlimited
immigration would lead to the coming
here of tens of millions of unlettered,
poverty-stricken refugees-and of hun-
dred of thousands of revolutionaries.
Those fears proved unfounded. . And
ever since 1924, we have regretted the
excesses of that day. Presidents of both
parties-including every President for
the last quarter century-have deplored
the presence in American law of dis-
criminations directly opposed to the as-
sumptions of our Constitution. Both
political parties, for many years, have
called for the repeal of this system.
All have seen how absurd the system
is. Thaddeus Kosciuszko and Casimir
Pulaski built liberty for all Americans-
and America says to their descendants,
"You are less desirable than Englishmen
or Irishmen." Arturo Toscanini built a
symphonic and operatic tradition on
these shores, and Enrico Fermi built
weapons to save our sons' lives-and
America says to their countrymen, "You
are less welcome here than Swedes or
Germans." But we know, all America
knows, that our immigrants have built
this Nation-the last as well as the first.
And the follies and the random cruel-
ties the national origins system imposes
have become too clear to be ignored.
Last year, I urged passage of this im-
migration bill before the Subcommittee
on Immigration of the House of Rep-
resentatives. I told them about a widely
known Turkish physician and scientist
who sought to come to this country to
pursue important research in treatment
of heart attacks. An American medical
school was anxious for his services; he
was anxious to come. But because our
immigration law considers Turks as less
worthy than Englishmen, or Irishmen,
or Germans, this doctors could not come.
The United States had then been wait-
ing a year and a half for the valuable
services of this man. We waited until
this summer-a total of 21/2 years.
I spoke then of others equally qualified;
equally likely to make major contribu-
tions to the welfare and culture of this
country-a Korean radiation specialist;
a Japanese microbiologist; a Greek
chemist. We are still waiting for them.
Last year I noted that a maid, or an
unskilled laborer from a northern Euro-
pean country can enter this country
within a matter of weeks, while scientists
or doctors or other highly skilled per-
sons from less-favored countries wait for
months and years.
Since I spoke then, about 5,000 more
housemaids and unskilled laborers from
northern Europe have come here. And
the doctors and chemists and biologists
are still waiting.
And others are waiting as well-Amer-
ican citizens, waiting for their parents
and brothers and children. An Ameri-
can citizen whose mother is Greek
must wait more than 5 years before she
can get a visa. An American citizen
whose brother, or sister, or married son
or daughter is Italian or Australian,
Spanish or Portuguese, Japanese or Ko-
rean, Indian or Filipino, cannot expect
a visa for them until Congress passes
a special bill. The last such bill, passed
in 1962, admitted all such relatives who
'had first applied more than 8 years
A system which allows an American
citizen to bring to this country a maid
or a gardner overnight-but forces him
to wait 8 years for his sister-makes no
sense at all.
It makes even less sense when we
realize that every year, tens of thousands
of authorized quota visas go unused-
because the principal beneficiaries of our
discriminatory system neither want nor
need the numbers alloted to them.
England and Ireland are assigned 83,-
000 numbers--over half our total-but
only 32,000 come from these countries
each year. The other 51,000 numbers
are lost.
All this the bill will change. It will
eliminate from the statute books a form
of discrimination totally alien to the
spirit of the Constitution. Distinctions
based on race or national origin assume
what our law, our traditions, and our
commonsense deny: that the worth of
men can be judged on a group basis.
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Our ancient struggle for due process
of law, for equal protection and individ-
ual rights, is the story of the struggle
for individual treatment-for the propo-
sition that no disability may be imposed
on men as members of a class.
Such distinctions will now be abolished.
The children of Pulaski will have the
same chance to come to these shores as
the children of Lafayette; the descend-
ants of Verrazanno and Columbus will
have a fair chance to see the shores that
their ancestors first explored. They will
compete for admission to this country
on the basis of their family ties here, and
on their potential contllbution to the
welfare and culture of the United States.
No longer will the place of a man's birth
determine whether he has a place in
There is one provision of this bill,
however, that is in my judgment a
serious mistake. The bill would put a
ceiling on Immigration from the Western
Hemisphere, roughly equivalent to the
present rate.
Three -years from now, the question of
Immigration from the Western Hemi-
sphere would be reexamined.
This provision would impose a statu-
tory limit on immigration from Latin
America and Canada for the first time in
our history. Even in 1920 and 1924,
when the national origins system sharply
limited immigration from the rest of the
world, the Congress recognized the spe-
cial relationship between the United
States and our neighbors to the i rth
and south, and refused to place a flat
numerical limitation on immigration
from the Western Hemisphere. This
provision ignores that history, and that
special relationship. In a world which is
searching for increased cooperation and
closeness between nations, the relation-
ship of the United States with Canada
and Latin America could serve as a goal
and a model for others. We should not
go backward now.
cing a statutory limit on immigra-
ttoplan ll the Western Hemisphere, is, more-
over, without any affirmative benefit.
,Tlie strict requirements of our law with
rogar l to literacy, health, and ability to
support oneself without displacing Amer-
ican workers, insure that no more immi-
grants will come here from the Western
hemisphere than can be reasonably ab-
Congress did not at that time regard
this far greater volume of immigration
a$ anything but a benefit to the United
Nou; with 'a population twice as great,
grid a onational product more than
Sven'tines as great, we are saying by
this provision that we are fearful of im-
migration from the Western Hemisphere.
Our relationship' with Canada and
Latin America Is unique in the world. In
our relationship with Latin America in
particular, we are engaged in a great
experiment to see whether the societies
which are rich and free can help those
who are less free and poor, and to live in
a world society In peace and harmony.
It is not in our Interest to turn away
from this 'experiment.
Mr,` eEN.1 l3 ' of Massachusetts.
Mr.'President, will the Senator yield?
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. I yield.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. It
is my understanding that in 1924 we had
an immigration from Western Hemis-
phere countries of 190,000 immigrants.
As the Senator pointed out, ass timing the
fact we had 190,000 coming at that par-
ticular time, there was no effort to place
a restriction on the Western Hemisphere
I believe that in light of the history of
our relationship with the Western Hemis-
phere countries, it is important to indi-
cate to our Latin American and Canad-
ian friends that there are many of us
deeply concerned about this particular
provision in the legislation.
I wanted to ask the Senator whether
it was his feeling given the history of
our relationships within the Western
Hemisphere, that the provisions of this
bill are of a restrictive nature''
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. Let me
say to the Senator from Massachusetts
that I do. The 1924 population was only
100 million, about 190,000 immigrants
came from Latin American countries;
and the gross national product of the
United States was only $86 trillion. To-
day the population of the U:..iited States
is 190 million, and the gross national
product is more than $600 billion.
Certainly, if we could afford no limita-
tion at that time, it would seem un-
reasonable to propose a limitation at this
time. We have a special relationship
with the countries of Latin America.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. As
I understand, the bill as it passed the
House provided for a moving or sliding
formula; that is, if hemispheric immi-
gration exceeded by more than 10 per-
cent the mean of the previous 5 years, it
would be the responsibility of the Presi-
dent to report to Congress with recom-
mendations, If any. Does the Senator
from New York feel that this kind of pro-
vision along with the other provisions
in the proposed legislation, such as the
tightening of the labor restrictions and
the health and the public charge pro-
visions, would have served us well in see-
ing that there would not be a wave cf
individuals who would come to the
United States from the Western Hemis-
phere countries?
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. That is
correct. Therefore immigration from
the Western Hemisphere Is, I believe, a
gratuitious issue at this time. And this
is particularly true when we consider
our relationship with Latin America and
Canada, which is so close.
It is an example to other countries
all over the world wher-3~ people have
trouble getting along wit:a their neigh-
All we have to da is look around at
Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cambodia,
Pakistan, and India, the problems in
the Middle East and Arab countries, and
even Jordan and Egypt.
Here we have this close relationship
that exists between our 21 nations to
the south-20 close, intimate friends of
ours-and Canada to the north. I be-
lieve it should be continued.
I do not think this adds to it and I
am opposed to it.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. As
a final point, I believe there have Been
many who suggested if we had not
adopted the ceiling of 120,000 we would
be opening the floodgates, so to speak,
to the tremendous population growth
and development in Central America
and South America.
But I hasten to add, as the Senator
from New York pointed out, in our col-
loquy, that this bill still provides strong
safeguards with regard to the Secretary
of Labor and the Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare, so far as the
health provisions, the public charge pro-
visions, and so forth. Therefore, we are
making a generalization that without
this kind of firm ceiling we would be
opening up our floodgates. It is un-
Does the Senator agree?
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. I agree.
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent
to place in the RECORD at this point the
separate views filed by myself and Sen-
ators HART and JAVITS on this matter.
There being no objection, the separate
views were ordered to be printed in the
RECORD, as follows:
The 1965 amendments to the Immigration:
and Nationality Act, as reported by the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee, contain a numeri-
cal ceiling of 120,000 quota numbers for the
Western Hemisphere, effective July 1, 1968,
This restriction was placed in the bill, over
our opposition, during the Senate Immlgra-
tion Subcommittee's consideration of H.R
2580. Tho amendment to the bill also calls
for the establishment of a Select Commis-
sion on Western Hemisphere Immigration to
study and report to the Congress on the
demographic, economic, and social trends in
this hemisphere and their implications for
U.S. immigration policy.
At no other time in the history of our im-
migration policy have we disturbed or altered
the unique relationship that exists among
the nations of the New World. The direc-
tion of the many treaties and formal agree-
ments between the nations of this hemi-
sphere has been one of bringing greater unity
among friends-not the Imposition of re-
strictions. Evenwith enactment of our most
restrictive general Immigration law in 1924,
special recognition was given to Western
Hemisphere countries, at a time when total
immigration from the hemisphere to the
United States was almost double our present
average experience. Yet today, in an un-
precedented period of U.S. power and afflu-
ence, we are faced with the possibility of
placing a quota for the first time on immi-
gration from this hemisphere.
The existence of a nonquota status for
nationals of the Western Hemisphere has
never been considered a form of discrimina-
tion against the other nations of the world,
for the distinction was not based on race,
religion, or ethnic origin. It was a firm In-
dication of our esteem for our good neighbors
and our pride in the special solidarity that
exists among the people of this hemisphere.
Now, despite the absence of any real immi-
gration problem, and the presence of more
stringent qualitative controls on entry to
this country, it Is proposed that we take this
historic step backward in our otherwise
progressive Western Hemisphere policies.
We consider this decision by the Senate
Immigration Subcommittee to be most re-
grettable. The majority of the hemisphere
immigrants come to us from our closest
neighbors-Canada and Mexico. We have
long welcomed especially the contributions
of these nations to our culture and society.
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It'is our hope, should this provision remain
in..the bill, that the Select,Commission on
Western Hemisphere Immigration, having
time, to "give proper consideration to this -is-
sue, will see . the benefits that would result
from a. continuatioii of bur present immigra-
tion policy within the Americas and recom-
mend the elimination of the quota limitation
in this bill prior to Its effective date.
JA009 E. JAVIT$. ..., .
Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, would the
Senator yield so that f may make some
observations, without losing his right to
the door?
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. I would
be happy to yield.
Mr. ERVIN. The colloquy between
the Senator from New York and the
Senator from Massachusetts regarding
a Western Hemisphere ceiling remfrids
me that on February 25, 1955, the then
Senator Lehman of New York, on behalf
of himself, Senator Green from Rhode
Island, Senator HUMPHREY from Min-
nesota, Senator Kefauver from Tennes-
see, the late President Kennedy, while he
was serving as a Member of this body,
Senator Langer of North Dakota, Senator
.Chavez of New Mexico, Senator MAG-
NUSON of Washington, Senator Mc-
NAMnRA of Michigan, Senator MORSE of
Oregon, Senator Murray, of, Montana,
Senator PASTORS of Rhode lisland,_ and
the late , Senator Richard Neuberger of
Oregon, introduced a bill to replace the
so-called Mccgrran-Walter Act.
In stating the principal purposes of
this bill, Senator Lehman said that the
bill was to establish an annual world
Immigration ceiling of approximately
250,000 a year. Then, he stated that
one of the, major purposes would be to
require all ordinary immigration from
the Western Hemisphere to be included
within the annual quota limits.
In other words, the .,bill which _ was
introduced by?Senator Lehman and his
c0$ponsors On February 25,195'5, estab-
lisped a worldwide immigration quota of
250,000 persons and covered the Western
Hemisphere along with the Eastern
On February 25, 1955, the same day;
Senator l:,ehrx an,, in a speech in the Sen-
ate, said:
A major feature of the proposed act is its
consolidation, within the quota, of all, gen-
eral immigration, including immigration
from, the Western Hemisphere. This has been
done in order ;to. put all foreign countries
on the seme.basis consistent with the best
interest and.,needs, of the.. United States.
Thus, the proposed act does not. give non-
quota status, as present law does, to aliens
born in the Western Hemisphere, with the
right to immigrate to the United States with-
,out limitation number.
Senator Lehman then testified in
favor of the bill, before the Committee
on the Judiciary on November 22, 1955.
In the course of his testimony, he said:
11 I say to thos "who critize_placing Western
Hemisphere nations under the quota sys-
tem-let's be fair to all. The same criteria
should apply to all peoples, regardless of the
place of their birth. I believe our Latin
American neighbors, will respect us for such
Two years prior to that time, on Au-
gust 3, 1953, Senator Lehman, who was
the, first person to introduced a bill to
abolish the national origins, quota sys-
tem of the McCarran-Walter Act, said
this on the same subject:
In the place of the national origins quota
system a new unified quota system has been
substituted. This new system, for the first
time, places all general immigration for per-
manent residence, including immigration
from the Western 'Hemisphere, within the
framework of the liberalized quota system,
and makes that system equitable and non-
discriminatory in all respects while at the
same time maintaining a regulated and close-
ly supervised flow of immigration to these
I cite these statements because I believe
they have a direct bearing on the subject
the Senator from New York is discussing.
I recognize that there is a difference of
opinion on this point. Some take the po-
sition that it would bo wiser not to im-
pose a limitation on immigration from
the. Western Hemisphere; others take
Senator Lehman's position. This is my
position for two reasons: In the first
place, such a limitation would abolish
discrimination in favor of the Western
Hemisphere as against the Eastern Hemi-
sphere; and, in the second place, it would
be. wiser at this time to impose a limita-
tion, because, at a future date, when we
receive pressure for Immigration from
those countries, it will be more difficult
to impose restrictions.
I think all of us agree that we do not
want unrestricted, immigration; that the
country is no longer in a position to ac-
cept unrestricted immigration. I feel we
should be consistent in applying our
As the Senator from Massachusetts
[Mr, KENNEDY] said a moment ago, the
bill contains a safeguard in that it post-
pones the effective date of the limitation
on immigration from the Western Hemi-
sphere until July 1, 1968, and establishes
a, commission. to study this problem, in
the meantime..
I thank the Senator from New York.for
yielding and giving me the opportunity
to call attention to the statements made
by the late Senator Lehman in 1953 and
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. I ap-
preciate the courtesy of the Senator from
North Carolina.,,., I appreciate also the
force of his argument and the position
that was taken a decade ago by Senator
Lehman and others, including, as I be-
lieve the Senator from North Carolina
mentioned, Senator Kennedy bf Massa-
Mr. ERVIN. Yes. The late Senator
from New York, Mr. Lehman, advocated,
in prior sessions of Congress, many of
the features of the bill now before the
Senate. It is rather significant that this
bill should be the culmination of the
many recommendations made by the late
Senator from New York, and also that
they should have been approved and ad-
vocated by the late former Senator John
F. Kennedy, brother of the distinguished
junior Senator from New York, who him-
self has had much .to do with bringing
this legislation to fruition, and whose
brother, the distinguished Senator from
Massachusetts, who is managing the bill
so well.
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. I thank
the Senator from North Carolina. But
I repeat my belief that our relationship
with Canada and Latin America is unique
in the world. Our relationship with
Latin America, in particular, is of special
importance at this time. We are en-
gaged in a great experiment, to see
whether societies which are rich and free
can help those which are less free and
poor, in a feeling of partnership, to live
in a world society in peace and harmony.
I believe it is not in our interest to turn
away from this experiment at the present
time; I think we would be in error in
doing so.
The hardships and the inequities that
will be righted by this bill can be seen
from the files of any Senator.
Mrs. Berta Alfassa is an elderly widow,
whose one sister is an American citizen.
She would like to spend her last years
with her sister and brother-in-law here
in New York State; but the Greek fourth-
preference quota is filled for longer than
Mrs. Alfassa can expect to live. When
this bill is passed, she will be able to
come to this country within 2 years time.
Salvatore and Terresa Alanzone and
their three daughters want to join their
family here. Because the Italian
fourth-preference quota does not exist,
they have been waiting since September
of 1954. Mr. Alanzone is 61 and his wife
is 55; under the present system, no visa
would be available for them for an in-
definite time. But under the bill we are
now passing, the Alanzones will join
their loved ones here before the year is
Wong Chik Chi has been waiting to
join her daughter. Yuet Woo Hom, a
citizen of the United States. Under
present law, it is difficult to tell how much
longer their mother and daughter will
have to wait to be reunited, but under the
new bill, which gives rlonquota status to
parents of American citizens, they would
be reunited as fast as papers could be
Mrs. Ruth Alony was born in Israel,
She came here as a student, and last
year married a native Israeli now resident
in the United States awaiting his citizen-
ship. because the Israeli quota is so
small, she cannot remain here. She and
her husband are faced.,with, a cruel
choice; either'she must return to Israel
and leave him here to await his citizen-
ship, or her visa; yr he must return to
Israel with her and forfeit his chance
for citizenship. But the bill we are now
enacting into law would give her a visa
almost immediately.
But to my mind most important, we
need immigration. The history of
America, as Oscar Handlin has said, is
the history of immigrants.
Our strength is in variety, not same-
ness._ Our unity is that of.the living,
not the graveyard. Our greatness we
owe not to the bayonet, or to the atomic
bomb, but to our capacity to attract and
absorb the richness of diversity-be-
cause to all men we attempt 'to secure
the same measure of freedom and op-
Yet our immigration policy has
lagged behind the promises of our tra-
dition and the progress of the world.
Trade crosses borders ever more freely;
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- -r?r?-----.:. _. CONGRESSIONAL RECOItD(,_--- ~ ?-~ ---- ?--- ?--.- ? _
SENATE September-20, 1965
Senator will state it.
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. Who has
the floor?
Presiding Officer is under the impression
that the Senator from New York has
yielded the floor and the Chair then
recognized the senior Senator from
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, if the
Senator did not yield the floc r, I apologize
and yield the floor back to the Senator
from New York.
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. Mr.
President, I only have E, few more
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, I commend the Senator from
New York for his presentation here this
afternoon and state that we were
fortunate in the early part of the hear-
ings to have the testimony of the Sena-
tor from New York on S. 500, which was
-the original Senate bill this year and
which lead to the bill that; the Senate
is considering today.
Senate bill 500 was introduced in this
body by the Senator from Michigan [Mr.
HART]. This bill was the :-esult of the
constant work and deliberation of the
Senator from Michigan [Mr. HART], and
the Justice Department under the then
Attorney General Kennedy.
I know that it was the basis of many
of the ideas which are incl aded in H.R.
2580. Many of those ideas have been
worked over, developed and considered
over a considerable period of time. The
members of the committee appreciated
the testimony that was given by the
Senator from New York and appreciated
the work of the Justice Department in
placing before us the rim piece of
marble that has now became H.R. 2580.
Much of this groundwork was done
when the junior Senator from New York
was Attorney General.
I believe that this is :3, matter of
record and should be noted by the Senate.
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. Mr.
President, the Senator from North Caro-
lina was kind enough to mention my
involvement in this matter several years
ago and also the work done by the jun-
ior Senator from Massachusetts, my
younger brother, who is the Senator in
charge of the bill at the present time.
I should like to mention also that
President Kennedy was interested in this
matter before either of us, when he was
in the House of Representatives, when
he was a Senator, and finally when he
became the President of the United
States in 1961.
President Kennedy wrote a book en-
titled, "A Nation of Immigrants." The
work on that book was not completed
in November 1963. The work on that
book continued after November of 1963
under my general supervision, together
with Mr. Mike Feldman at the White
House. We contributed ideas to the book,
as did my brother, the junior Senator
from Massachusetts.
The book traces the immigration prog-
ress here in the United States and also
the role that President Kennedy played
in that progress and how :se felt about
capital flows by the mere entering ` of
figures ofd leagers; ideas spirit from one
country to another as fast' as the print-
trig press and the airplane can carry
them; news, protests, "approvals, anger
and gratitude travel with the _speed of
light. But people-tlie people who make
the goods, create the capital, think ' and
live the 'ideas-move"almost as slowly
as if the airplane or even the railroad
had never been invented.
Robert Young, in his campaign for
A hog can go coast to coast without chang-
ing trains-but you can't.
And so it is now; Olivetti typewriters
and Fellini movies come here more
smoothly and easily than the gifted peo-
pie who make them.
This is the central problem of im-
migration today; that the law has not
kept pace with the development of this
Nation and of the world. It has not
reedgriized that one people is not intrin-
sieally superior or inferior to another
people.'t hahot recognized that irdi-
vidues have rights irrespective of their
citizenship. It has not recognized that
the relevant community is not merely
the nation but all men of good will. It
has not recognized that no human insti-
tution can cease to change and grow-
without dying.
It is time that the law catch up to the
world. And it is time that we help it
to do so.
This legislation would accomplish this
end. I am therefore pleased to have
-played a part in its creation. I am
proud to work for it now. I think: we
will all be proud of its passage.
ior Senator from Oregon is recognized.
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I sug-
gest that a page ask the Senator from
Mississippi (Mr. STENNIS] to step into the
Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr.
President, with the permission, of the
senior Senator from Oregon, r should
like to commend the junior Senator from
New York.
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, first, I
commend the junior Senator from New
York for his speech. I join him in com-
mending the committee for their report
on this bill.
Some of us have worked many years
for this particular hour in trying to bring
about the passage of a bill that would
bring to an end what is considered to be
gross discrimination and injustice in re-
gard to the national origins aspect of our
immigration policy.
I commend both the Senator from New
York and the Senator from Massachu-
The Senator from Mississippi is
present in the Chamber. I wish to state
that shortly he and I propose to give a
brief legislative history of the Defense
appropriations bill.
The Senator from Mississippi has an-
other engagement and must leave at an
early hour. However, I am sure that he
can stay long enough for the chairman
of. the .subcommittee to make such com-
ment as he cares to make. '
Mr. KENNEDY of New- York. Mr.
President, a parliamentary inqiury.
the matter.
Mr. President,. I ask unanimous con-
sent that this book, which is relatively
small, be printed at this point in the
There being na,abjection, the book was
ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as
follows :
(By John F. Kennedy)
I know of no cause which President Ken-
nedy championed more warmly than the im-
provement of our immigration policies. Our
attitude toward the immigrant has gradually
matured to a full appreciation of the contri-
bution he can make and has made to Ameri-
can life. Much of the story of that develop-
ment is set forth in this book. But recent
years have witnessed a legislative lag.
Every forward step in immigration legisla-
tion since World War II bore the John F.
Kennedy Imprint: the Displaced Persons Act
and the Refugee Relief Act, which he spon-
sored while in Congress; the 1957 bill to bring
families together, which he led to passage in
the Senate; and the comprehensive reform
of our law which he recommended to Con-
gress as President.
In 1958, while the fight for the 1957 amend-
ments was still fresh, he published his first
edition of this book. It was deliberately de-
signed to provide those who were unfamiliar
with this aspect of our history with an ap-
preciation of the enormous contributions to
American life made by Immigrants. He felt
that this understanding was essential to any
future effort toeliminate the discrimination
and cruelty of our immigration laws.
When President Kennedy sent his historic
message to Congress caning for a complete
revision of the law, he decided it was also
time to revise the book for use as a weapon
of enlightenment in the coming legislative
He was working on the book at the time
of the assassination. It was decided that It
should be published posthumously. This
legacy should not be denied those committed
to the battle for immigration reform.
President Kennedy's interest in the immi-
grant and In the law governing his admission
to the United States sprang from many
sources. He was himself only two generations
removed from an immigrant. On his senti-
mental visit to Ireland in June of 1963, he
stood at the spot from which Patrick Ken-
nedy embarked, and said:
"When my great-grandfather left here to
become a cooper in East Boston, he carried
nothing with him except a strong religious
faith and a strong desire for liberty. If he
hadn't left, I would be working at the Alba-
tross Co. across the road."
For 14 years, in the House and in the Sen-
ate, he represented Massachusetts, which has
the highest percentage of foreign nationality
groups of any State In our country. Presi-
dent Kennedy met with them, in their homes
and factories, at their picnics and cultural
events. He admired their heritage and their
determination to succeed. A student of his-
tory, President Kennedy understood the
fruitful interplay between the Immigrants
and the Nation they adopted. They moat be
given full credit for changing America from
a colony to a leader of the free world, from
a predominantly agricultural economy to a
highly diversified, highly skilled industrial
Our attitude toward immigration reflects
our faith in the American ideal. We have
always believed it possible for men and
women who start at the bottom to rise as far
as their talent and energy allow. Neither
race nor creed nor place of birth should
As I stated before the House Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration and Nation-
ality in July 1964, it is my conviction that
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there' are few areas In our law which more
urgently demand. than our present unfair
system of choosing the immigrants we will
allow to enter the United States. It is a
source of embarrassment to us around the
world. At is a source of anguish to many
of our .owl} citizens with relatives abroad.
It is a source of loss to the economic and
creative strength of our Nation as a whole.
There is no reason to believe that any-
thing has happened to change the relation
between America and its immigrants. The
number of people who wish to come here
today is much smaller than it was in the
19th century. Pirt_their .aspirations are the
same. Their need is as great. The contri-
bution they can make is, if anything, even
In this book, President Kennedy tells us
what. immigrants have done for America,
and what Ameriica has done for its lmmi-
grants. It is one of the dramatic success
stories' of world. history. I am very happy
that tl}ia,boolc Ia being reissued now, so It
can stand as a testament to a cause Presi-
dent Kennedy cherished, and which we
should, carry on...
On May 11, 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville, a
young French aristocrat, disembarked in the
bustling harbor of New York City. He had
crossed, the ocean to try to understand the
implications for European civilization of the
new experiment in democracy on the far side
of the Atlantic. In the next 9 months, Toc-
queville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont
traveled the length and breadth of the east-
ern half of the continent-from Boston to
Green Bay and from New Orleans to Quebec-
in search of the essence of American life.
'Tocqueville was, fascinated by what he
saw. He marveled at the energy of the peo-
ple who were building the new Nation. He
admired many of the new political insti-
tutions .a1~d ideals. And he was impressed
most of~ all by the spirit of equality that
pervaded the life and customs of the people.
Though he had reservations about some of
the expressions, of. this spirit, he could dis-
cern Its workings in every aspect of Ameri-
can society-in politics, business, personal
relations, culture, thought. This commit-
meet to equality was in striking contrast
to the class-ridden society of Europe. Yet
Tocqueville believed "the democratic revolu-
tion" to be irresistible.
"Balanced .between the past and the fu-
ture," as he wrote of himself, "with no nat-
ural instinctive attraction toward either, I
could without effort quietly contemplate each
side of the question." On his return to
France, Tocqueville delivered his dispas-
sionate and penetrating judgment of the
American, experiment in his great work "De-
mocracy in America." No one, before or
since has written about the United States
with such insight. And, in discussing the
succesive waves of immigration from Eng-
land, France, Spain, and other European
countries, Tocqueville identified a central
factor in the. American, democratic faith:
"All,these European colonies contained the
elements, if not the development, of a com-
plete democracy. Two causes led to this re-
sult, It may be said that on leaving the
mother country the emigrants had, in gen-
ei'al,, no ,potion, of superiority one over an-
other. The happy and powerful do not go
into exile, and there are no surer guarantees
of equality among men than poverty and
To,, a ow tlie_power of the equalitarian spirit
iii, A erica, Tocqueville added: "It happened,
however, on several occasions, that persons
rM/ of rank were driven to America by political
and religious quarrels. Laws Were made to
establish a gradation of ranks; but it was
soon found that the soil of America was
opposed to a territorial aristocracy."
What Alexis de Tocqueville saw in America
was a society of immigrants, each of whom
had begun life anew, on an equal footing.
This was the secret of America: a nation Of
people with the fresh memory of old tradi-
tions who dared to explore new frontiers,
people eager to build lives for themselves in
a spacious society that did not restrict their
freedom of choice and action.
Since 1607, when the first English settlers
reached the New World, over 42 million people
have migrated to the United States. This
represents the largest migration of people
in all recorded history. It is two and a half
times the total number of people now living
in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware,
Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Montana, Nevada,
New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota,
Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota; Utah,
Vermont, and Wyoming.
Another way of indicating the importance
of immigration to America is to point out
that every American who ever lived, with the
exception of one group, was either an Im-
migrant himself or a descendant of immi-
The exception? Will Rogers, part Cherokee
Indian, said that his ancestors were at the
dock to meet the Mayflower. And some an-
thropologists believe that the Indians them-
selves were immigrants from another conti-
nent who displaced the original Americans-
the aborigines.
In just over 350 years, a nation of nearly
200 million people has grown up, populated
almost entirely by persons who either came
from other lands or whose forefathers came
from other lands. As President Franklin D.
Roosevelt reminded a convention of the
Daughters of the American Revolution, "Re-
member, remember always, that all of us,
and you and I especially, are descended from
immigrants and revolutionists."
Any great social movement leaves its mark,
and the massive migration of peoples to the
New World was no exception to this rule.
The interaction of disparate cultures, the
vehemence of the ideals that led the immi-
grants here, the opportunity offered by a new
life, all gave America a flavor and a character that make it as unmistakable and as
remrkable to people today as it was to Alexis
de Tocqueville in the earlypart of the 19th
century. The contribution of immigrants
can be seen in every aspect of our national
life. We see It in religion, in politics, in bus-
iness, in the arts, in education, even in
athletics and in entertainment. There is no
part of our Nation that has not been touched
by our immigrant background. Everywhere
Immigrants have enriched and strengthened
the fabric of American life. As Walt Whit-
man said:
These States are the amplest poem,
Here Is not merely a nation but a
teeming Nation of nations.
To know America, then, it is necessary to
understand this peculiarly American social
revolution. It is necessary to know why over
42 million people gave up their settled lives
to start anew in a strange land. We must
know how they met the new land and how it
met them, and, most important, we must
know what these things mean for our present
and for our future.
Little is more extraordinary than the deci-
sion to migrate, little more extraordinary
than the accumulation of emotions and
thoughts which finally leads a family to say
farewell to a community where it has lived
for centuries, to abandon old ties and famil-
iar landmarks, and to sail across dark seas
to a strange land. Today, when mass com-
munications tell one part of the world all
about another, it relatively easy to under-
stand how poverty or tyrany might compel
people to exchange an old nation for a new
one. But centuries ago migration was a leap
into the unknown. It was an enormous in-
tellectual and emotional commitment. The
forces that moved our forebears to their great
decision-the decision to leave their homes
and begin an adventure filled with incal-
culable uncertainty, risk and hardship-must
have been of overpowering proportions.
Oscar I3andlin, in his book "The Uprooted,"
describes the experience of the immigrants:
"The crossing immediately subjected the
emigrant to a sucession of shattering shocks
and decisively conditioned the life of every
man that survived it. This was the initial
contact with life as it was to be. For many
peasants it was the first time away from
home, away from the safety of the circum-
scribed little villages in which they had
passed all their years. Now they would learn
to have dealings with people essentially dif-
ferent from themselves. Now they would
collide with unaccustomed problems, learn
to understand alien ways and alien lan-
guages, manage to survive in a grossly foreign
Initially, they had to save up money for
passage, Then they had to say goodby. to
cherished relatives and friends, whom they
could expect never to see again. They started
their journey by traveling from their villages
to the ports of embarkation. Some walked;
the luckier trundled their few possessions
into carts which they sold before boarding
ship. Some paused along the road to work
in the fields in order to eat. Before they
even reached the ports of embarkation, they
were subject to illness, accidents, storm and
snow, even to attacks by outlaws.
After. arriving at the ports, they often had
to wait days, weeks, sometimes months, while
they bargained with captains or agents for
passage. Meanwhile, they crowded into
cheap,lodginghouses near the quays, sleeping
on straw in small, dark rooms, sometimes as
many as 40 in a room 12 by 15 feet.
Until the middle of the 19th century the
Immigrants traveled in sailing vessels. The
average trip from Liverpool to New York took
40 days; but any estimate of time was
hazardous, for the ship was subject to winds,
tides, primitive navigation, unskilled sea-
manship and the whim of the captain, A
good size for the tiny craft of those days was
300 tons, and each one was crowded with
anywhere from 400 to a thousand passengers.
For the immigrants, their shipboard. world
was the steerage, that confined space below
deck, usually about 75 feet long and 25 feet
wide. In many vessels no one over 5',
feet tall could stand upright. Here they
lived their days and nights, receiving their
daily ration of vinegar-flavored water and
trying to eke out sustenance from whatever
provisions they had brought along, When
their food ran out, they were often at, the
mercy of extortionate captains.
They huddled In their hard, cramped
bunks, freezing when the hatches were open,
stifling when they were closed. The only
light came from a dim, swaying lantern.
Night and day were indistinguishable. But
they were ever aware of the treacherous
winds and waves, the scampering of rats and
the splash Of burials. Diseases--cholera, yel-
low fever, smallpox and dysentery-took
their toll, One in ten failed to survive the
Eventually the journey came to an end.
The travelers saw the coast of America with
mixed feelings of relief,. excitement, trepida-
tion and anxiety. For now, uprooted from
old patterns of life, they found themselves
in Handlin's phrase, "in a prolonged state
of crisis-crisis in the sense that they were,
and remained, unsettled." They reached the
new land exhausted by lack of rest, bad food,
confinement and the strain of adjustment
to new conditions. But they could not pause
to recover their strength. They had no re-
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23600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE September 20, 1965
serves of food or money; they had to keep
moving until they found work. This meant
new strains at a time when their capacity
to cope with new problems had already been
There were probably as many reasons for
coming to America as there were people who
came. It was a highly individual decision.
Yet it can 'be "said that three large forces-
religious persecution, political oppression
and 'economic hardship-provided the chief
motives for the mass migrations to our
shores. They were responding, in their own
way, to the pledge of the Declaration of
Independence: the promise of "life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness."
The search for freedom of worship has
brought people to America from the days of
the, Pilgrims to modern times. In our own
day, for example, anti-Semitic and anti-
Christian persecution in Hitler's Germany
and the Communist empire have driven peo-
pie from their homes to seek refuge in
America. Not all found what they sought
immediately. The Puritans of the Massa-
ohusetts Bay Colony, who drove Roger
Williams and Anne Hutchinson into the
wilderness, Showed as little tolerance for dis-
senting beliefs as the Anglicans of England
had shown to them. Minority religious sects,
frgm the -Quakers and Shakers through the
Catholics and Jews to the Mormons and Je-
hovah's Witnesses, have at various times
suffered both discrimination and hostility in
the United States.
But the very diversity of religious belief
lies made for religious toleration. in de-
in"' freedom for itself, each sect had
irreas n$ly "to permit freedom for others.
The ins'stteence of each successive wave of
iiilYngrants'upon its right to practice its re-
iigion helped make freedom of worship a
central part of the American creed. Peo-
ple who gambled their lives on the right to
believe in their own God would not lightly
s qfider that right in a new society.
e~sedond great force behind immigration
ha es `been political oppression. America has
always Veen 'a refuge from tyranny. As a na-
tion conceived in liberty, it has held out to
the world' the promise of respect for the
;rights of man'. Every time a revolution has
tiled in Europe, every time a nation has suc-
cinnb"to tyranny, men and women who
lgve free ani have assembled their families
sect t ieir ielongings and set sail across the
Seat." or has this process come to an end
In our" own day. The Russian Revolution,
the terrors"Of Hitler's Germany and Musso-
Iini's Itaf the Communist suppression of
the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, and the
-crue'l' m uresof the Castro regime in
Cuba-all have brought new thousands seek-
ingsanctuary in the United States.
-The economic factor 'has been more com-
plex'than the religious and political factors.
From the very beginning, some have come to
Atlietica it, search of riches, some in flight
from poverty, and some because they were
bouglit andsold and had no choice.
And the various reasons have intertwined.
Thus sotY1S early arrivals were lured to these
shores by dreams Of amassing great wealth,
like the Spanish conquistadors in Mexico and
Peru. These 'adventurers, expecting quick
profits in gold, soon found that real wealth
lay in such crops as tobacco and cotton. As
they built up the plantation economy in
States like Virginia and the Carolinas, they
needed "cheap labor. So they began to im-
port indentured servants from England, men
and Wotrieii 'who agreed to labor a term of
ytal''S 1u'exchange for eventual freedom, and
slaves ftodl Africa.
The process of industrialization in America
Increased the demand for cheap labor, and
chaotic economic conditions in Europe in-
creased'the supply. If some Immigrants con-
'tinned to believe that the streets of New
York were paved with gold, more were driven
by the hunger and hardship of their native
lands. The Irish potato farr.ine of 1845
brought almost a million people to America
in 5 years. American manufacturers adver-
tised in European newspapers, offering to pay
the passage of any man willing to come to
America to work for them.
The immigrants who came ror economic
reasons contributed to the strength of the
new society in several ways. Those who
came from countries with advanced political
and economic institutions brought with
them faith in those institutions and experi-
ence in making them work. They also
brought technical and managerial skills
which contributed greatly to economic
growth in the new land. Above all, they
helped give America the extraordinary social
mobility which is the essence of an open
In the community he had loft, the immi-
grant usually had a fixed place. He would
carry on his father's craft or trade; he would
farm his father's land, or that small portion
of it that was left to him after it was divided
with his brothers. Only with the most ex-
ceptional talent and enterprise could he
break out of the mold in which life had cast
him. There was no such mold for him in
the New World. Once having broken with
the past, except for sentim;ntal ties and
cultural inheritance, he had to rely on his
own abilities. It was the future and not the
past to which he was compelled to address
himself. Except for the Negro slave, he
could go anywhere and do ar.ything his tal-
ents permitted. A sprawlin?; continent lay
before him, and he had only to weld it to-
gether by canals, by railroads and by roads.
If he failed to achieve the dream for himself,
he could still retain it for hie, children.
This has been the founde.tion of Ameri-
can inventiveness and ingenuity, of the mul-
tiplicity of new enterprises, and of the suc-
cess in achieving the highest standard of
living anywhere In the world.
These were the major forces that triggered
this massive migration. Every immigrant
served to reinforce and strengthen those ele-
ments in American society that had at-
tracted him in the first place. The motives
of some were commonplace. The motives of
others were noble. Taken together they
add up to the strengths ar. d weaknesses of
The wisest Americans ha?ie always under-
stood the significance of the immigrant.
Among the "long train of at uses and usurpa-
tions" that impelled the framers of the
Declaration of Independence to the fateful
step of separation was the charge that the
British monarch had restricted immigration:
"He has endeavored to prevent the popula-
tion of these States; for thi,t reason obstruc-
ing the laws for the naturalization of for-
eigners; refusing to pass others to encour-
age their migrations hithe ^, and raising the
conditions of new appropriations of lands."
Immigration flowed toward America in a
series of continuous waver. Every new mi-
gration gathered force, built momentum,
reached a crest and then merged imper-
ceptibly into the great tide of people already
on our shores.
The name "America" was given to this
continent by a German :napmaker, Martin
Waldseemilller, to honor an Italian explorer,
Amerigo Vespuci. The throe ships which dis-
covered America sailed under a Spanish flag,
were commanded by an Italian sea captain,
and included in their crews an Englishman,
an Irishman, a Jew and a Negro.
Long before the coloniEz were settled, the
Spanish and French explorers left evidences
of their visits on great; expanses of the
American wilderness: the Spanish in a wide
arc across the southern Fart of the country,
from Florida, where they founded St. Augus-
tine, our oldest city, in 1565, through Texas
and New Mexico, to California; the French,;
up and down the Mississippi and Ohio River,
valleys. Spanish influence can be seen to-
day in our architecture, in the old missions,
in family names and place names such as
Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento;
the French influence is apparent in many
towns and cities still bearing the names of
the original settlements, such as Cadillac;.
Champlain and La Salle.
The first wave of settlement came with the
colonists at Jamestown in 1607 and at Ply
Mouth in 1620. It was predominantly Eng-
lish in origin. The urge for greater eco-
nomic opportunity, together with the desire
for religious freedom, impelled these people
to leave their homes. Of all the groups
that have come to America, these settlers had
the most difficult physical environment to
master, but the easiest social adjustment to
make. They fought a rugged land, and that
was hard. But they built a society in their
own image, and never knew the hostility of
the old toward the new that succeeding
groups would meet.
The English, the numerical majority of the
first settlers, gave America the basic founda-
tion of its institutions: our form of govern-
ment, our common law, our language, our
tradition of freedom of religious worship.
Some of these concepts have been modified
as the Nation has grown, but the basic ele-
ments remain. Those who came later built
upon these foundations. But America was
settled by immigrants from many countries,
with diverse national ethnic and social back-
There were both indentured servants and
profit-seeking aristocrats from England.
There were farmers, both propertied and
bankrupt, from Ireland. There were dis-
charged soldiers, soldiers of fortune, scholars,
and intellectuals from Germany. The col-
onies welcomed all men, regardless of their
origin or birth, so long as they could con-
tribute to the building of the country. The
Dutch settled Nieuw Amsterdam and ex-
plored the Hudson River. The Swedes came
to Delaware. Polish, German, and Italian
craftsmen were eagerly solicited to join the
struggling Virginia colonists in Jamestown.
The Germans and Swiss opened up the back
country in Pennsylvania, New York, Vir-
ginia, and the Carolinas. French Huguenots
took root in New England, New York, South
Carolina, and Georgia. The Scots and the
Irish were in the vanguard that advanced the
frontier beyond the Alleghenies. When
Britain conquered Nieuw Amsterdam in 1664,
it offered citizenship to Immigrants of 18
different nationalities.
At one time it seemed the continent might
ultimately divide into three language sec-
tions: English, Spanish and French. But the
English victories over the French and the
purchase of territories held by the French
and Spanish resulted in the creation of an
indivisible country, with the same language,
customs and government. Yet each ethnic
strain left Its own imprint on the new land.
Thus the very name of our country, '"The
United. States of America," was borrowed
from "The United States of the Netherlands."
Many "typical American" activities are Dutch
in origin. The immigrants from Holland
brought to this country ice-skating, bowling,
many forms of boating and golf (which they
called kolf); they gave us waffles, cookies and
that staple of the American menu, the dough-
nut (originally kruller). To our folklore
they contributed the figure of Santa Claus
and his reindeer, and the many tales of the
Hudson Valley. Examples of their architec-
ture can still be seen on the banks of the
Hudson today.
French colonial immigration had two main
sources. The Protestant Huguenots came
here in- considerable numbers after persecu-
tion resumed as the result of the revocation
of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. The Cath-
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olic "Acadl@ns came here after their exile
from Nova Scotia in 1,755 when that land
fell iuider British rule.
The H'u ilenots settled in the larger trad-
ing towns of New England, later spreading
down through Pennsylvania and Virginia,
arid in South Carolina. A Huguenot family
presented Faneuil Hall, a shrine of Ameri-
cai liberty, to the city of Boston. Many of
the beautiful houses which make Charleston
so picture`sque'today were built originally by
The Acadians, relatively few in numbers,
scattered mostly along the eastern seaboard.
But a colony of them settled in Louisiana,
along the bayous to the west and north of
New Orleans. They were relatively isolated,
and as they grew in number, they kept their
language, their customs, their faith and
folklore, even abiding by the Napoleonic
Code rather than English law. Today, some-
times known as "Cajuns," they provide one
of the most distinctive ethnic elements on
the American scene.
During and after the French Revolution
of 1789, French musicans dancing master,
tutors, and wigmakers, once employed by the
now deposed aristocrats, added a touch of
grace to the 'homespun life of the new na-
tion. They Introduced the French art of
cooking, as well as the cotillion; the waltz,
and the quadrille. French-Spanish emigres
from the West Indies made New Orleans into
a great cultural and social center. The first
opera to be given in America was produced
in that city. The only major American city
built according to a systematic plan, Wash-
ington, D.C., was designed by the French
Army Engineer Maj. Pierre Charles L'Enfant.
The early Swedes, too, made their con-
tribution to American culture-In particular,
the knowledge of how to build houses from
squared-off timbers. This structure was
later to become the mark of the frontier,
where it was known as the log cabin.
Over 2,000 Jews came to this country in
pre-Revolutionary days. Most were from
Spain or Portugal. Some established them-
selves in the Dutch colony of Nieuw Amster-
dam, after winning recognition of their
right to trade, travel, and live in the colony
from Peter Stuyvesant. Others settled in
Newport, R.I., then a thriving center of the
maritime trade. Many prospered as mer-
chants in the West India trade, which in-
cluded sugar, rum, and molasses. The oldest
synagogue in the United States, built in
1763, is located in Newport, R.I.
Among the earliest settlers in Pennslyvania
were Welsh farmers who came here for eco-
nomic reasons and out of a desire to revive
Welsh nationalism. In years 1683-99, they
were augmented by Welsh Quakers who came
to escape religious persecution. Their pres-
ence is reflected by such place names as
Bryn Mawr and Radnor, and in the sturdy
farm houses of the area, still standing after
almost 300 years.
The pre-Revolutionary Irish immigration
is usually referred to as Scotch-Irish, since it
consisted largely of Scots who had settled
in Ireland during the 17th century.
These. were the frontiersmen, ideally suited
by their previous environment and experi-
once-to spearhead the drive against the
colonial frontiers, They pushed out almost
at once, to the edge of the wilderness in
Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Maine, and
down the great valley to the Carolina Pied-
mont. Through them, Presbyterianism be-
came a powerful force on the frontier. The
Scotch Presbyterians founded many institu-
tions of higher learning, beginning with
Frincetoi n 1745.
In1683, 18 German families arrived in Phil-
adelphia. They were the forerunners of, with
substantial migration from Germany. With
them there also came Swiss, Alsatians, Dutch
and Bohemians. By the eve of the Revolution
there were over 100,000 German immigrants
and descendants of German immigrants liv-
Ing in the United States. They constituted
the first numerical challenge to the hitherto
predominantly English population.
Some were Pietists, Moravians and Men-
nonites, sects in some ways similar to the
Quakers. They found in William Penn's
colony a sympathetic climate in which they
could practice their beliefs without inter-
Those of their descendants who live today
in and- around Lancaster County, Pa., are
known as the "Pennsylvania Dutch." They
have made of their land a model of conser-
vationist farming. Nearly 300 years after
they first broke ground, their land is as fer-
tile and productive as they found it. They
built the first Conestoga wagon, a vehicle
which was to prove immensely useful to the
settlement of the West.
Other German immigrants were members
of other religious groups, such as the Amish
and the Dunkards, who like to be known as
"the plain people." They have changed little
in their folkways and religious practices.
They still wear their traditional clothing and
follow traditional customs, providing, like the
Cajuns, a picturesque addition to the Ameri-
can scene.
Although there was no large-scale Italian
immigration before the Revolution, there
were many Italians prominent in American
life. As early as 1610, craftsmen were
brought from Italy by the colony of Virginia
to start a glass trade. Later, others came
and planted vineyards. Georgia invited them
to organize a silk industry.
In all the large cities there were Italian
doctors, merchants, innkeepers and teachers.
They wandered everywhere as traveling
musicians; held concerts and established
music schools. Our first sculptors and our
first interior decorators were Italian.
Although predominantly Catholic, the Ital-
tans had their- own counterpart of the Puri-
tans, the Waldensians. They were an inde-
pendent sect from the Piedmont, in the
north of Italy, who were invited by the
Dutch colonial government to form settle-
ments here. Some 187 of them accepted, and
In 1057 they were brought to the New World
to settle a tract of land set aside for them
by the Nieuw Amsterdam government.
Poles, too, were present in pre-Revolution-
ary America. Originally, they, too, came at
the invitation of the Dutch. Most of them
were farmers, but some settled in what is now
New York City, where one of them, Dr. Alex-
ander Kurcyusz (Curtius), a prominent phy-
sician, founded the first Latin school. Pre-
Revolutionary America also included Greeks,
Russians and other Slavs, immigrants from
southeastern and eastern Europe.
During the Revolutionary War itself, men
came from many other lands to help the new
Nation. Two Poles helped turn the tide to-
ward victory. Thaddeus Kosciusko, a young
engineer, offered his services early. He be-
came an aide to General Washington and a
major general in the engineers. His plans
are credited with winning the Battle of Sara-
toga, a turning point in the war. Count
Casimir Pulaski rose to the rank of general,
fought heroically at Brandywine, Trenton,
and in other decisive engagements. He orga-
nized his own Polish Legion, ultimately giv-
ing his life to the new Nation when he died
as a result of a wound received at the Battle
of Savannah. A German, Baron Friedrich
Wilhelm von Steuben, did more than anyone
else to shape the raw recruits into a disci-
plined army. A Frenchman, Marquis de Laf-
ayette, has become something of an Ameri-
ican folk hero for his part in the Revolution.
He took a leading part in the campaign that
led to. the defeat of Cornwallis, at Yorktown.
The service of another Frenchman, Count de
Rochambeau, who recruited over 4,000 French
volunteers was almost as great. _
Between a third and a half of the fighting
men of the Revolutionary Army were of
Scottish or Scotch-Irish descent. Many of
those at Valley Forge were German.
A Pole of Portuguese-Jewish origin, Haym
Salomon. risked his life to gain vital in-
telligence for the American cause. A
Scotch-Irish immigrant, Robert Morris,
helped finance the war.
Four signers of the Declaration of Inde-
pendence were immigrants of Irish birth:
Matthew Thornton, James Smith, George
Taylor, and Edward Rutledge. The great
doctrine "All men are created equal," incor-
porated in the Declaration by Thomas Jeffer-
son, was paraphrased from the writing of
Philip Mazzei, an Italian-born patriot and
pamphleteer, who was a close friend of Jeffer-
son. Mazzei compiled the first accurate his-
tary of the colonies, which he wrote in French
so that the European nations would be able
to appreciate the political, social, and eco-
nomic conditions that characterized the New
A gravestone in the Shenandoah Valley of
Virginia reads: "Here lies the remains of John
Lewis, who slew the Irish lord, settled in
Augusta County, located the town of Staun-
ton, and furnished five sons to fight the
battles of the American Revolution." State-
ments like this not only speak eloquently of
the contribution of one Irish family, but rep-
resent the sacrifices of many immigrants to
this country even before it had won its in-
American independence, the spreading
westward of the new nations, the beginnings
of economic diversification and industrializa-
tion, all these factors gave immigration In
the 19th century a new context and a new
role. The gates were now flung open, and
men and women in search of a new life came
to these shores in ever-increasing numbers-
150,000 in the 1820's, 1.7 million in the 1840's,
2.8 million in the 1870's, 5.2 million in the
1880's, 8.8 million in the first decade of the
20th century. And, as the numbers in-
creased, the sources changed. As the English
had predominated in the 17th and 18th cen-
turies, so the Irish and Germans predomi-
nated in the first half of the 19th and the
Italians and east Europeans in the last part -
of the 19th and the early part of the 20th
centuries. Each new wave of immigration
helped meet the needs of American develop-
ment and made Its distinctive contribution
to the American character.
The Irish
The Irish were in the vanguard of the
great waves of immigration to arrive during
the 19th century. By 1850, after the potato
famine, they had replaced England as the
chief source of new settlers, making up 44
percent of the foreign born in the United
States. In the century between 1820 and
1920, some 41/4 million_ people left Ireland to
come to the United States.
They were mostly country folk, small
farmers, cottagers, and farm laborers. Yet
they congregated mainly in cities along the
eastern seaboard, for they did not have the
money to travel after reaching shore. Few
could read or write; some spoke only Gaelic.
The Irish were the first to endure the scorn
and discrimination later to be inflicted, to
some, degree at least, on each successive
wave of immigrants by already settled
"Americans." In speech and dress they
seemed foreign; they were poor and unskilled;
and they were arriving in overwhelming
numbers. The Irish are perhaps the only
people in our history with the distinction of
having a political party, the Know-Nothings,
formed against them. Their religion was
later also the target of the American Protec-
tive Association and, in this century, the Ku
Klu Klan.
The Irish found many doors closed to
them, both socially and economically. Ad-
vertisements f'r jobs specified: "No Irish
need apply." But there was manual labor
to be done, and the Irish were ready to do
it. They went tr work as longshoremen, as
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CONGRESSIONAL 1 ECOkD -'SENATE September 20, 1965
fah 111 ers or' as construction workers.
m t eit earnings were not enough to sup-
pbrt their families 'their wives and daugh-
tea`s "b"btained`eniployment as servants.
Contractors usually met them at the dock.
The Brie Canal, linkin,g'New York with the
`Great Lakes in 1825; and other canals' in
Massachusetts, t~Yew.jersey, Pennsylvania;
and Maryland' were ' largely built by" Irish
4. 'r',' tit the canals soon became ob,-
eglefe, and the frenzied building of railroads
follgwed. In the three' decades from' 1830
to 1860, a network of 30,000 miles of
falls was laid across the middle part of the
of uptry. Again Irish labor furnished the
'R en construction was
pushed westward in'sthe latter part of the
century, the Irish again figured prominently,
They also provided, at the same time, a sup-
ply of cheap labor for the mills of Rhode
Island and Massachusetts dnd the coal mines
,di iennsylvania.
8'?t, as the years passed and new genera-
tons, were born, things began to change.
Gradually, rung by rung, the Irish climbed
liii the economic and social ladder. Some
,settled on farms espbelally along the canals
they had, dug'. But It was in the cities that
they, 'found' their principal outlet, in areas
in wlile 'they could demonstrate their abili-
'ties, of seif-expression, of administration and
organization: They gravitated first into law
and from that into politics and government.
Having experienced for themselves the Nandi-
caps of illiteracy, they were determined that
thejg children would have the advantages of
e,0u4ation To- `that' end, they not only
stasteti parochial schools, but founded such
f `stItutions of higher learning as Notre
arile, `Fordham, Holy Cross, Villanova, St.
Louis University, Catholic University, and
Georgetown. They became teachers, writers,
Jour nalisjs or drgariizers, orators, and
priests. As' an expanding society offered
in$i'e.'oop'brtunities, they swelled not only
the civil "service rosters, but the ranks of
clerical and administrative workers in
The'Yris eased the way for other immi-
gra'tit gr'oiztts Ad speeded their assimilation
Cattiollo Church, originally French on this
egiitinerit, as ah Ehgllsh-speaking institu-
ttion. ' ?Mre schools they founded offered edu-
tramigrants or other tongues. The irisn had
, hejt own press; their own fraternal orders,
their own charitable organizations.
j#1Sf1 labor leaders fought for the rights
p otilex~~, ggr.oups'as well as their own.
-Work-s gf.'Ii3sii clesceiit helped organize the
nights df Labor, ` the first big national
union, ' 'hich' was a forerunner of the Ameri-
can federation of Labor.
The Germans
Between 1830 and 1930, the period of the
'greatest migration from Europe to the United
Mates, `Germany sent 6 million people to
the United States-more than any other na-
.bers after 1850, overlapped the irisn, whose
immigration declined.
The Germans were unique among immi-
grant groups in their wide dispersal, both
geographically and occupationally. This
was due, at least in' part, to the fact that
'mostof`them came with some resources, and
:,were not forced to cluster along the East
'by cheap public and railroad icnas, and raver
by ,free homesteads, the German farmer
.het ed to farm the new West and to cul-
mans became propagators of scientific farm-
ing, crop rotation, soil cons:rvation. They
share with the Scandinavians the credit for
turning millions of acres of wilderness Into
productive farmland.
The urban settlers lent a distinctive Ger-
man flavor to many of our cities. Cincinnati,
then known as "Queen Cit.,," of the West,
Baltimore, St. Louis, Minneapolis and Mil-
waukee, all had substantial c3erman popula-
tions. Milwaukee has perhaps retained its
distinctive German character longer than
any of the others.
In these urban centers Germans entered
the fields of education, science, engineering
and the arts. German immigrants founded
and developed industrial enterprises in the
fields of lumbering, food-pa:ocessing, brew-
ing, steelmaking, electrical engineering,
pianomaking, railroading and printing.
A small but significant part of the Ger-
man immigration consisted of political ref-
ugees. Reaction in Germany against the
reform ideas of the French Revolution had
caused heavy suppression of liberal thought.
There was strict censorship of the press, of
public meetings and of the schools and uni-
versities. Nevertheless, a liberal movement
had emerged, nurtured in the universities by
young intellectuals. This movement led to
unsuccessful revolutions in 1830 and 1848.
The United States welcomed a large number
of veterans of 1848-men of education, sub-
stance, and social standing, like Carl Schurz,
the statesman and reformer, and General
Franz Sigel. In addition, some of the Ger-
man religious groups established utopian
communities in parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Indiana, Texas and Oregon.
German immigration reflected all the
chaotic conditions of Cent:'al Europe after
Napoleon: The population growth, the wide-
spread hunger, the religion; dissension and
oppression. The Germans included Luth-
erans, Jews and Catholics, as well as free-
thinkers. Their talents, tre?iniiig and back-
ground greatly enriched the burgeoning na-
To the Influence of the German immigrants
in particular-although all minority groups
contributed-we owe the r.iellowing of the
austere Puritan imprint on our daily lives:
The Puritans observed the ;labbath as a day
of silence and solemnity The Germans
clung to their concept of the "continental
Sunday" as a day, not only of churchgoing,
but also of relaxation, of picnics, of visiting,
of quiet drinking in bee:: gardens while
listening to the music of a ':)and.
The Christmas ritual of religious services
combined with exchanging gifts around the
Christmas tree is of German origin. So, too
is the celebration of the New Year.
The fact that, today almost every large
American city has its symphony orchestra
can be traced to the infiuen;e of the German
migration.' Leopold Damro'sch and his son,
Walter, helped build the famous New York
Philharmonic. Originally composed mainly
of German immigrant musicians and called
the Germania Orchestra, it became the seed
bed of similar organizations all over the
country. This tradition was carried to the
Midwest by Frederick Stock and to Boston
by Carl Zerrahn. Others spread this form
of cultural expression to additional urban
centers throughout the land.
Comrhunity singing and glee clubs owe
much to the German immigrant, who re-
membered his singing societies. The first
Mannerchor was founded is Philadelphia in
1835: the first Liederkranz was organized in
Baltimore in 1836. Their counterparts have
sity of Michigan, founded in 1837, was the
first such school to add to the philosophy
of general liberal arts education an emphasis
upon vocational training. The colonial con-
cept of a university as a place to prepare
gentlemen for a life of leisured culture was
modified to include training in specialized
The program of physical education in the
schools had its roots in the Turnverein, or
German gymnastic society. It was adopted
and introduced to the American public by
the YMCA.
German immigrant influence has been per;
vasive, in our language, in our mores, in our
customs, and in our basic philosophy. Even
the hamburger, the frankfurter, and the deli-
catessen, that omnipresent neighborhood In-
stitution, came to us via the German im-
Although they were mostly Democrats
prior to 1850, the Germans broke party lines
in the decade before the Civil War and played
a prominent part in the formation of the
Republican Party. They were most united
on two issues. They opposed the Blue Laws,
and they vigorously fought the extension of
slavery into new territories. Indeed, the first
protest against Negro slavery came from
Germantown settlers, led by Franz Pastorius,
in 1688.
During the Civil War they fought on both
sides. Following the Civil War, Germans ;in-
fused the faltering American labor move-
ment with new strength by organizilng craft
unions for printers, watchmakers, carpen-
ters, ironworkers, locksmiths, butchers, and
Adjusting with relative ease, they did not
feel the sting of ethnic discrimination until
the outbreak of the First World War, when
they became targets of wartime hysteria.
This `hysteria even caused overardent `pa-
triots" to call sauerkraut "Liberty cabbage"
and hamburger "Salisbury 'steak." Nonethe-
less, when the United States entered the war
in 1917, men of German ancestry entered lithe
Armed Forces of the United States and
served with distinction.
As the Second World War drew near, Amer-
icans of German descent faced another test.
Only a few joined the pro-Nazi German-
American Bund, and many of those left as
soon as they discovered its real nature.
More "older Americans" than those of Ger-
man descent could be counted in the ranks
of America-Firsters. Again, after the United
States was attacked, descendants of German
immigrants fought with valor in our armed
The Scandinavians
Scandinavian immigrants left their home-
lands for economic rather than political or
religious reasons. In America they found
a political and social climate wholly com-
patible with their prior experience. Demo-
cratic institutions and a homogeneous society
were already developing in Scandinavia, in
an atmosphere of comparative tranquillity.
The seemingly limitless availability: of
farmland in America was an attractive
prospect to land-hungry people.
The tide of Scandinavian immigration
overlapped the tide of German immigration
just as the Germans overlapped the Irish.
The Swedes came first. They started coming
about 1840, reaching their crest after 1860.
Between 1840 and 1930, about 1.3 million
Swedes came to the United States. In the
1880's migrations of other Scandinavians-
Danes, Finns, Icelanders and principally the
Norwegians-also reached their peak.
Following the Erie Canal and the Great
tivate the Mississippi Valley. German been a feature of the German-American com- Lakes, the Swedes.pushed westward until
ill 1 ds i th
a a ar a
artisans, much sought after because of their munity everywhere. t
skills, became-an important actor in Indus- The ideas of German immigrants helped to Prairie States of the upper Mississippi Val-
trial expansion. shape our educational system. They intro- ley. There they settled.
Alrriost every state in the Union profited duced the kindergarten, of "children's play The first colony of these Swedes settled
from their intellectual and material con- school." They also promoted the concept of at a place they named Pine Lakes (now New
tributions. hard working and knowledge- the state-endowed university, patterned Upsala), in Wisconsin, in 1841. Later
able about agricultural methods, the Ger- after the German universe ty. The Univer- colonists showed a preference for a broad
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belt of land extending westward from Mich-
igan, through Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas,
Other Scandinavian migrations followed
more or less the same geographical pattern,
except for the Norwegians. Although not
so large numerically as other immigrant
groups, Norwegian immigration in proportion
to their population at home was second only
to the Irish. Some of the Norwegians drove
far west to the Dakotas, Oregon and Wash-
ington. Norwegian immigration to the
United States is estimated at $40,000; Danes
at 350,000. Most Scandinavians settled in
rural areas, except for the Finns, some of
whom went to work in the copper mines of
Michigan or the iron mines of Minnesota.
Physically hardy, conditioned by the rigors
of life at home to, withstand the hardships of
the frontier, the Scandinavians made ideal
pioneers. Ole RSlvaag, the Norwegian-
American novelist, movingly chronicled their
sturggles in "Giants in the Earth."
Often they started their homesteading in
sod huts, some of which were no more than
holes in a hillside shored up with logs, with
greased-paper windows. They look for-
ward to the day they could live in a log
cabin or in a house. Then began the
struggle with the unrelenting forces of na-
ture: hailstorms, droughts, blizzards, plagues
of grasshoppers and locusts. But they en-
America was an expanding continent. in
urgent need of housing. It was the Swedes,
familiar with, the ax and the saw-called
"the Swedish fiddle"-who went into the
forests across the northern United States,
felled the logs, slid them into the .streams
and sent thelxl on their way to the mills,
where they were cut into boards to provide
shelter for. ,millions of other immigrants.
Norwegians and Finns were also among the
loggers. On the west coast the Norwegians
tended to become fishermen.
The Swedes did many other things too.
in the long nights of the Swedish winter,
they had learned things with
their hands and had become skilled crafts-
men and artisans. The "do-it-yourself"
hobbyist of today is an avocational descend-
ant of the Swedds. Mangal training in our
own public school system is derived from a
basic course in the. Swedish. schools.
The Scandinavians were avid supporters
of the public school system. And they con-
tributed to the school system and to educa-
tion generally in a variety of ways. The
home economics courses of, our public schools
were introduced by Scandinavians. They
also helped launch adult education programs.
The 4-H clubs, now an international as
well as a national institution,, were origi-
nated at a farm school in Minnesota by
Americans of Scandinavian descent. A num-
ber of colleges today stand as monuments
to the early efforts of Norwegians and Swedes
to make higher learning available. Among
these are Augustana College in Illinois, Gus-
tavus Adolphus in Minnesota, Bethany Col-
lege in Kansas, and Luther College in Ne-
braska. All were founded by Swedish immi-
grants. Luther College in Iowa and St. Olaf
College in Minnesota were founded by the
Norwe ians. They have added to our cultural
life. with their choral, groups and singing
With their background, it was inevitable
that the Swedes , would develop many engi-
neers scientists, and inventors. One of the
most tagious . was, Jp14 F. icapen, who not
only designed the Monitor-one of the first
armor-clad ships, but also perfected the
screw, propeller.
The Vanes- who who had an intimate knowl-
edge of animal husbandry, laid the founda-
tions of our dairy industry and early cream-
ery cooperatives. Together with the Ger-
ttiaz]e, ndt g Swiss, they developed cheese-
Making into an American industry.
Since the Danes. were primarily agricul-
turists, it is curious that the one who made
the most distinctive individual contribution
was a city boy, Jacob Rits,, As a crusading
journalist and documentary photographer,
he exposed the conditions under which other
Immigrants lived and worked in New York,
and was instrumental in bringing about
major social reforms.
Politically, Scandinavians cannot be clas-
sified into a single mold. At times they have
been conservative. At times they have pro-
vided support for such liberal movements
as .the Farmer-Labor party, Senator Robert
M. LaFollette's Progressive Party and the
Non-Partisan League. Both major parties
have benefited from Scandinavian political
thought, and both parties have had Scandi-
navians in both State and Federal office.
Other immigrant groups
Toward the end of the 19th century, emi-
gration to America underwent a significant
change. . Large numbers of Italians, Rus-
sians, Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Ruman-
ians, Bulgarians, Austrians, and Greeks be-
gan to arrive. Their coming created new
problems and gave rise to new tensions.
For these people the language barrier was
even greater than it had been for earlier
groups, and the gap between the world they
had left behind and the one to which they
came was wider. For the most part, these
were people of the land and, for the most
part, too, they were forced to settle in the
cities when they reached America. Most
large cities had well-defined "Little Italys"
or "Little Polands" by 1910. In the 1960
census New York City had more people of
Italian birth or parentage than did Rome.
'fife history of cities shows that when con-
ditions become overcrowded, when people are
poor, and when living conditions are bad,
tensions run high. This is a situation that
feeds on itself; poverty and crime In one
group breed fear and hostility in others.
This, in turn, impedes the acceptance and
progress of the first group, thus prolonging
its depressed condition. This was the dis-
mas situation that faced many of the south-
ern and eastern European immigrants just
as it had faced some of the earlier waves of
immigrants. One New York newspaper had
these intemperate words for the newly ar-
rived. Italians: "The floodgates are open.
The bars are down. The sally-ports are un-
guarded. The dam is washed away. The
sewer is choked * * * the scum of immi-
gration is viscerating upon our shores. The
horde of $9.60 steerage slime is being si-
phoned upon us from Continental mud
Italy has contributed more immigrants to
the United States than any country except
Germany. Over 5 million Italians came to
this country between 1820 and 1963. Large-
scale immigration began in 1880, and almost
4 million Italian immigrants arrived in the
present century.
The first Italians were farmers and artisans
from northern Italy. Some planted vineyards
in Vineland, N.J., in the Finger Lakes region
of New York State and in California, where
they inaugurated our domestic wine industry.
Others settled on the periphery of cities,
where they started truck gardens.
But most Italians were peasants from the
south. They came because of neither reli-
gious persecution nor political repression, but
simply in search of a brighter future. Popu-
lation in Italy was straining the limits of the
country's resources and more and more people
had to eke out a living from small plots of
land, held In many instances by oppressive
In many ways the experience of the later
Italian Immigrants parallels the story of the
Irish. Mostly farmers, their lack. of financial
resotirces,.kept them from. reaching the rural
areas of the United States. Instead, they
crowded into cities along the eastern sea-
board, often segregating themselves by prov-
ince, even by village, in a density as high as
4,000 to the city block.
Untrained in special skills and unfamiliar
with the language, they had to rely on un-
skilled labor jobs to earn a living. Italians
thus filled the gap left by earlier immigrant
groups who had now moved up the economic
ladder. As bricklayers, masons, stonecutters,
ditchdiggers, and hod carriers, they helped
build our cities, subways and skyscrapers.
They worked on the railroads and the dams,
went into the coal mines, iron mines, and fac-
tories. Some found a place In urban life as
small storekeepers, peddlers, shoemakers, bar-
bers, and tailors. Wages were small and fam-
ilies were large. In the old country everyone
worked. Here everyone worked, too. Wives
went into the needle trades. Boys picked up
what pennies they could as news vendors,
bootblacks, and errandrunners. Through
these difficult years of poverty, toil, and be-
wilderment, the Italians were bolstered by
their adherence to the church, the strength
of their family ties, Italian-language newspa-
pers, and their fraternal orders. But they
overcame obstacles of prejudice and misun-
derstanding quickly, and they have found
places of importance in almost every phase
of American life. Citizens of Italian descent
are among our leading bankers, contractors,
food importers, educators, labor leaders, and
Government officials. Italians have made
special contributions to the emergence of
American culture, enriching our music, art,
and architecture.
An Italian, Filippo Traetta (Philip Tra-
jetta), founded the American Conservatory
in Boston in 1800, and another in Philadel-
phia shortly thereafter. Another Italian,
Lorenzo da Ponte, brought the first Italian
opera troupe to New York in 1832, where
it developed into a permanent institution.
Italians have founded and supported the
opera as an institution in New York, Chi-
cago, San Francisco and other large cities,
providing from their ranks many impresarios
and singers. Italian-born music teachers and
bandmasters are numerous. Arturo Tosca-
nini, for many years leader of the New York
Philharmonic, and our most distinguished
conductor of recent years, was Italian-born.
Italians have also been among our most
prominent sculptors, architects and artists.
A West Indian and a Frenchman designed
our Nation's Capital. An Italian beautified
it. Constantino Brumidi painted the his-
torical frieze in the rotunda of the Capitol
Building. Other Italian painters and sculp-
tors depicted our history In paintings, murals,
friezes and statues. Historical monuments
and statues up and down the country have
been wrought by Italian-American sculptors.
On a humbler scale, the taste and skill of
Italian-American landscape gardeners and
architects have placed our homes and com-
munities in beautiful settings.
About the time the Italians began com-
Ing, other great tides of Immigration from
the countries of Eastern and Southeastern
Europe also began arriving In the United
States. In the years between 1820 and 1963
these areas, Italy included, sent over 15 mil-
lion Immigrants to our shores.
They came for all manner of reasons: pol-
itical upheavals, religious persecution, hopes
for economic betterment. They comprised a
wide ethnic variety, from Lithuanians and
Latvians on the Baltic to Greeks, Turks and
Armenians on the eastern Mediterranean.
They brought with them a bewildering vari-
ety of language, dress, custom, ideology and
religious belief. To many Americans already
here who had grown accustomed to a com-
mon way of life, they presented a dismay-
ing bedlam, difficult to understand and more
difficult to respond to. Indeed, because of
the many char,?es in national boundaries
and prior migrations of races within that
area of Europe, there is no way of accurately
reporting on them statistically.
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2:3604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE September .,20, 196
wne largest nuu1unr uu.u u..y .,. -,.u,. i.....,.,.
countries of Eastern Europe were Poles, who form, in 1900, the International Ladies' wave of immigration left its own imprint
for 125 years had been under the domination Garment Workers Union. In time, they de- on American society; each made its distinc-
of Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. veloped the clothing industry an we know it tive "contribution" to the building of the I
Some followed the pattern of the Germans today, centered in New York but reaching Nation and the evolution of American life.
and Scandinavians, settling on individual into every small town and rural area. The ex- Indeed, if, as some of the older immigrants
farms or forming small rural communities perience and tradition of these pioneers pro- like to do, we were to restrict the definition
which still bear Polish place names. But duced many effective leaders In the labor of immigrants to the 42 million people who
most gravitated to the cities. Four-fifths movement, such as Morris Hillquit, Sidney came to the United States after the Declara-
were Roman Catholic. Longer than most Hillman, Jacob Potofsky, and David Du- tion of Independence, we would have to
? .,, ~e rv ~+ . r 1hictnrv arm mir society
-- - -
like other Immigrants, they lived under sub-
standard conditions. Gradually they, too,
improved their status. They aspired to own
.their own homes and their own plots of land.
In Hamtramck, Mich., an almost wholly
Polish community, three-quarters of the res-
idents own their own homes.
By 1963, almost 130,000 Czechs had mi-
grated to this country. They tended to
gravitate to the farming communities. It is
one of these homesteads that is portrayed by
Novelist Willa Cather in "My Antonid."
They also formed enclaves in cities, princi-
pally in Chicago, Cleveland, and New York.
A potent force in the development of Czech
life in this country has been the Sokol, a
traditional cultural, social, and gymnastic
society. These societies stressed high stand-
ards `of physical fitness and an interest in
sinng, music, and literature.
,The immigrants from Old Russia are esti-
mated at almost 31/2 million. Most of this
wave of- immigration went into the mines
and factories. However, there were also
many Russian intellectuals, scientists, schol-
at's, musicians, writers, and artists, who came
here usually during periods of political op-
Most students of the history of immigra-
tion to America make special mention of the
Jews. Although they appeared as part of
several of the waves of immigration, they
warrant separate discussion because of their
religion, culture, and historical background.
In colonial times most Jews in Amer-
ica Were of' Spanish-Portuguese origin.
Throughout the 19th century most came
from Germany. Beginning at the end of the
ieth century they began to come in large
numbers from Russia, Poland, Austria-
Hungary, Rumania, and, in smaller numbers,
from almost every European nation. The
American-Jewish population today numbers
approz;imafelly million.
The Jews who came during the early 19th 11 century were often peddlers, wandering
throughout the land with their packs and
their carts or settling down to open small
stores. They prospered in this era of oppor-
tunity' and expansion, for from these humble
beginnings have grown many of our large
department stores and mercantile establish-
The exodus from Germany after 1848
brought Jewish Intellectuals, philosophers,
educators, political leaders, and social re-
formers. These shared much the same ex-
periences as the other immigrants. "Like
the Scandinavian Lutherans and the Irish
Cathollbs," says Oscal Handlin, "they ap-
peared merely to maintain their distinctive
heritage while sharing the rights and obli-
gations of other Americans within a free
At the turn of the century the Jews flee-
ing persecution in Russia came in such num-
bers that they could not be so readily ab-
abrbed Into the mainstream of life as the
earlier comers. They clustered in Jewish
communities within the large cities, like
New York. '
Like the l;rish and the Italians before them,
they had to work at whatever they could
And. Most found an outlet for their skills
in the needle trades, as garment workers,
liatmakers and furriers. Often they worked
In 'sweatshops. In an effort to improve
working conditions (which Involved child
labor.and other forms of exploitation), they
-- - --
aewisn 1iiunigru- ..
mense contributions to thought: as scholars, had stayed at home.
as educators, as scientists, as judges and As we have seen, people migrated to the
lawyers, as journalists, as literary figures. United States for a variety of reasons. But
Refugee scientists such as Albert Einstein nearly all shared two great hopes: the hope.
and Edward Teller brought great scientific for personal freedom and the hope for eco-
knowledge to this country. nomic opportunity. In consequence, the
Immigration from the Orient in the latter impact of immigration has been broadly to
part of the 19th century was confined chiefly confirm the impulses in American life de-
to California and the west coast. Our be- manding more political liberty and more
havior toward these groups of newcomers economic growth.
represented a shameful episode in our rela- So, of the 56 signers of the Declaration of.
tionships to those seeking the hospitality of Independence, 18 were of non-English stock
our shores. They were often mobbed and and 8 were first-generation immigrants. Two
stoned by native Americans. The Chinese immigrants-the West Indian Alexander
suffered and were barred from our shores as Hamilton, who was Washington's Secretary
far back as the Chinese Exclusion Act of of the Treasury, and the Swiss, Albert Gal
1882. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Latin, who held the same office under Jeffer-
Harbor, many Japanese-Americans were vic- son-established the financial policies of the'
timized by prejudice and unreasoning dis- young Republic. A German farmer wrote
crimination. They were arbitrarily shipped home from Missouri in 1834:
to relocation camps. It took the extraordi- "If you wish to see our whole family living
nary battlefield accomplishments of the in * ? * a country where freedom of speech
Americans of Japanese descent, fight- obtains, where no spies are eavesdropping,
ing in the U.S. Army In Europe, to help re- where no simpletons criticize your every word
store our perspective. While our attitude and seek to detect therein a venom that
toward these citizens has been greatly im- might, endanger the life of the state, the!
provedover the years, many inequities in the church, and the home, in short, if you wish.
law regarding oriental immigration must to be really happy and Independent, then
still be redressed. come here."
Today many of our newcorr..ers are from Every ethnic minority, in seeking its own
Mexico and Puerto Rico. We sometimes for- freedom, helped strengthen the fabric of
get that Puerto Ricans are UJi. citizens by liberty in American life.
birth, and, therefore, cannot be considered Similarly, every aspect of the American
immigrants. Nonetheless, they often receive economy has profited from the contributions
the same discriminatory treatraent and op- of immigrants. We all know, of course, about
probrium that were faced by other waves of the spectacular immigrant successes: the
newcomers. The same things [re said today men who came from foreign lands, sought
of Puerto Ricans and Mexicans that were their fortunes in the United States and made
once said of Irish, Italians, Germans, and striking contributions, industrial and scien=
Jews: "They'll never adjust; they can't learn tiAc, not only to their chosen country but to
the language; they won't be absorbed." the entire world. In 1953 the President's
Perhaps our brightest hope for the future Commission on Immigration and Naturaliza-
lies in the lessons of the past. The people tion mentioned the following:
who have come to this country have made Industrialists: Andrew Carnegie (Scot), in
America, in the words of one perceptive the steel industry; John Jacob Astor (Ger-
writer, "a heterogeneous race but a homo- man), in the fur trade; Michael Cudahy
geneous nation." (Irish), of the meatpacking industry; the
In sum, then, wecan see that as each new Du Ponts (French), of the munitions and
wave of immigration has reached America chemical industry; Charles L. Fleisehmann
it has been faced with problems, not only (Hungarian), of the yeast business; David
the problems that come with making new Sarnoff (Russian), of the radio industry;
homes and learning new jobs,'rut, more im- and William S. Knudsen (Danish), of the
portant, the problems of getting along with automobile industry.
people of different backgrounc.s and habits. Scientists and inventors: Among those
Each new group was met by he groups al- whose genius has benefited the United States
ready in America, and adjustment was often are Albert Einstein (German), in physics;
difficult and painful. The early English set- Michael Pupin (Serbian), in electricity;
tlers had to find ways to get along with the Enrico Fermi (Italian), in atomic research;
Indians; the Irish who followed were met John Ericsson (Swedish), who invented the
by these "Yankees"; German immigrants ironclad ship and the screw propeller; Gui
faced both Yankee and Irish; and so it has seppe Bellanca (Italian) and Igor Sikorsky
gone down to the latest group of Hungarian (Russian), who made outstanding contribu-
refugees. Somehow, the difficult adjust- tions to airplane development; John A.
merits are made and people get down to the Udden (Swedish), who was responsible for
tasks of earning a living, raloing a family, opening the Texas oil fields; Lucas P. Kyrides
living with their new neighbors, and, in the (Greek), industrial chemistry; David Thomas
process, building a nation. (Welsh), who invented the hot blast fur,
CHAPTER 5-THE IMMIGRANT coNTaIBOTION nace; Alexander Graham Bell (Scot), who
Oscar Handlin has said, "O'ace I thought invented the telephone; Conrad Hubert (Ens-
to write a history of the immigrants in sian), who invented the flashlight; and Ott-
America. Then I discovered that the im- mar Mergenthaler (German), who invented
migrants were American history." In the the linotype machine.
same sense, we cannot really speak of a But the anonymous immigrant played his
particular "immigrant contribution" to indispensable role, too. Between 1880 and
America because all Americans have been 1920 America became the industrial and
immigrants or the descendants of immi- agricultural giant of the world as well as the
grants; even the Indians, as mentioned world's leading creditor nation. This could
before, migrated to the American Continent. not have been done without the hard labor,
We can only speak of people whose roots the technical skills and the entrepreneurial
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ability of the 23.5 million people who came
to America in this period.
Significant as the immigrant role was in
politics and'in the economy, the immigrant
contribution to the professions and the arts
was perhaps even greater. Charles '0.
Paullin's analysis of the "Dictionary of Amer-
ican Biography" shows that, of the 18th- and
19th-cen%ury figures, 20 percent of the busi-
nessmen, 20 percent of the scholars and
scientists, 28 percent of the painters, 24 per-
cent of the engineers, 28 percent of the
architects, 29 percent of the clergymen, 46
percent of the musicians, and 61 percent of
the actors were of foreign birth-a remark-
able measure of the impact of immigration
on American culture. And not only have
many American writers and artists them-
selves been Immigrants or the children of
immigrants, but Immigration has provided
American literature with one of its major
Perhaps the most pervasive influence of
immigration is to be found in the innumer-
able "details of life and the customs and habits
brought by millions of people who never
became fatuous: This impact was felt from
the bottom up, and these contributions to
American institutions may be the ones which
most intimately affect the lives of all Amer-
In the area of religion, all the major
American faiths were brought to this coun-
try from abroad.' The multiplicity of sects
established the American tradition of re,
liglous pluralism and 'assured to all the free-
dom of worship and separation of church and
state pledged in the Bill of Rights.
So, too, In the very way we speak, immi-
gration has altered American life. In greatly
enriching the American vocabulary, it has
been a major force in establishing "the
American language," which, as- H. L. Mend-
ken demonstrated thirty years ago, had
diverged materially from the mother tongue
as spoken in Britain. Even the American
dinner table has felt the Impact. One writer
has suggested that "typical American
menus" might include some of the follow-
ing dishes: "Irish stew, chop suey, goulash,
chili con carne, ravioli, - knockwurst- mit
sauerkraut, Yorkshire pudding, Welsh rare-
bit, borscht, gefilte fish, Spanish omelet,
caviar, mayonnaise, antipasto, baumkuchen,
English muffins, Gruyere cheese, Danish
pastry, Canadian bacon, hot tamales, wiener
schnitzel, petits fours, spumone, bouilla-
baisse, mate, scones, Turkish coffee, mine-
strone, filet mignon."
Immigration plainly was not always a
happy experience. It was hard on thelnew-
comers, and hard as well on the commu-
nities to which they came. When poor, 111-
educated and frightened people disembarked
in a strange land, they often fell prey to na-
tive racketeers, unscrupulous businessmen
and cynical politicians. Boss Tweed said,
characteristically, in defense of his own dep-
redations in New York in the. 1870's, "This
population is too hopelessly split into races
and factions to govern it under universal
suffrage, except by bribery of patronage, or
But the very problems of adjustment and
assimilation presented a challenge to the
American idea-a challenge which subjected
that idea to stern testing and eventually
brought out the best qualities in American
society. Thus the public school became a
powerful means of preparing the newcomers
for American life. The,ideal of the. "melt-
ing pot" symbolized the process of blending
many strains into a single nationality, and
we have come to realize in modern times
that, top ','melting pot" need not mean the
end of, particular ethnic Identities or tra-
c]itions. Only in the case of the Negro has
the melting pot failed to bring -a minority
Into the full atXeam of Amerlcan life. To-
day we are belatedly, but resolutely, engaged
In epoing this condition of rational exclu-
sion and shame and abolishing forever the
concept of second-class citizenship in the
United States.
Sociologists call the process of the melting
pot social mobility. One of America's char-
acteristics has always been the lack of a rigid
class structure. It has traditionally been
possible for people to move up the social and
economic scale. Even if one did not succeed
in moving up oneself, there was always the
hope that one's children would. Immigra-
tion is by definition a gesture of faith in
social mobility. It is the expression in ac-
tion of a positive belief in the possibility of a
better life. It has thus contributed greatly
to developing the spirit of personal better-
ment in American society and to strengthen-
ing the national confidence in change and
the future. Such confidence, when widely
shared, sets the national tone. The oppor-
tunities that America offered made the dream
real, at least for a good many; but the dream
itself was in large part the product of mil-
lions of plain people beginning a new life in
the conviction that life could indeed be bet-
ter, and each new wave of Immigration re-
kindled the dream.
This Is the spirit which so impressed Alexis
de Tocqueville, and which he called the spirit
of equality. Equality in America has never
meant literal equality of condition or ca-
pacity; there will always be inequalities in
character and ability in any society.
Equality has meant rather that, In the words
of the Declaration of Independence, "all men
are created equal * * * [and] are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights"; it has meant that in a democratic
society there should be no inequalities in
opportunities or in freedoms. The American
philsophy of equality has released the energy
of the people, built the economy, subdued
the continent, shaped and reshaped the
structure of government, and animated the
American attitude toward the world. outside.
The continuous Immigration of the 19th
and early 20th centuries was thus central to
the whole American faith. It gave every old
American a standard by which to judge how
far he had come and every new American a
realization of how far he might go. It- re-
minded every American, old and new, that
change is the essence of life, and that Ameri-
can society is a process, not a conclusion.
The abundant resources of this land pro-
vided the foundation for a great nation. But
only people could make the opportunity a
reality. Immigration provided the human
resources. More than that, it, infused the
Nation with a commitment to far horizons
and new frontiers, and thereby kept the pio-
neer spirit of American life, the spirit of
equality and of hope, always alive and strong.
"We are the heirs of all time," wrote Herman
Melville, "and with all nations we divide our
From the start, immigration policy has
been a prominent subject of discussion in
America. This is as it must be in a democ-
racy, where every Issue should be freely con-
sidered and debated.
Immigration, or rather the British policy
of clamping down on imimgration, was one
of the factors behind the colonial desire for
independence. Restrictive imimgration poll-
dies constituted one of the charges against
King George III expressed in the Declaration
of Independence. And in the Constitu-
tional Convention James Madison noted,
"That part of America which has encouraged
them [the immigrants] has advanced most
rapidly in population, agriculture and the
arts." So, too, Washington in his Thanks-
giving Day Proclamation of 1795 asked all
'Americans "humbly and fervently to beseech
the kind, Author of these blessings * * * to
render this country more and more a safe
and propitious asylum for the unfortunate
of other countries."
Yet there was the basic ambiguity which
older Americans have often shown toward
newcommers. In 1797 a Member of Congress
argued that, while a liberal imimgration
policy was fine when the country was new
and unsettled, now that America had
reached its maturity and was. fully popu-
lated, immigration should stop-an argu-
ment which has been repeated at regular
intervals throughout American history.
The fear of embroilment in the wars be-
tween Britian and France helped the cause
of the restrictionists. In 1798 a Federalist
Congress passed the Alien Act, authorizing
the expulsion of foreigners "dangerous to the
peace and safety of the United States" and
extending the residence requirement for
naturalization from 5 to 14 years. But the
Alien Act, and its accompanying Sedition
Act, went too far. Both acts were allowed
to expire in 1801; the naturalization period
went back to 5 years; and President Thomas
Jefferson expressed the predominant Ameri-
can sentiment when he asked: "Shall we re-
fuse to the unhappy fugitives from distress
that hospitality which the savages of the
wilderness extended to our fathers arriving
in this land? Shall oppressed humanity.
find no asylum on this globe?"
But emotions of xenophobia-hatred of
foreigners-and of nativism-the policy of
keeping America pure (that Is, of preferring
old immigrants to new)-continued to thrive.
The increase in the rate of immigration in
the 1820's and 1830's set off new waves of
hostility, directed especially against the
Irish, who, as Catholics. were regarded
as members of an alien conspiracy. Even
Ralph Waldo Emerson could write to
Thomas Carlyle about "the wild Irish ele-
ment * * * led by Romanish Priests, who
sympathize, of course, with despotism."
Samuel F. B. Morse, the painter and Inventor
of the telegraph, wrote an anti-Catholic
book entitled "A Foreign Conspiracy
Against the Liberties of the United States."
Some alarmed Americans believed that every
Catholic was a foreign agent dispatched by
the Pope to subvert American society. In
1834 a mob burned down the Ursuiine Con-
vent school in Charlestown, Mass. Though
the leading citizens of Boston promptly de-
nounced this act, anti-Catholic feeling
persisted. -
In the 1850's nativism became an open
political movement. A secret patriotic
society, the Order of the Star-Spangled
Banner, founded about 1850, grew into the
American Party, whose members were pledged
to vote only for native Americans, to demand
a 21-year naturalization period and to
fight Roman Catholicism. When asked about
their program, they were instructed to
answer, "I know nothing about it," so peo-
ple called them the Know-Nothings. Com-
ing into existence at a time when the slav-
ery issue was dissolving the older party al-
legiances, the Know-Nothings for a moment
attracted considerable support. They elected
6 State Governors and 75 Congressmen in
1854 and got almost 25 percent of the vote
for their candidate, former President Mil-
lard Fillmore, in 1856. But soon they, too,
were split by the slavery issue, and the party
vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
The legacy of the Know-Nothings lived
beyond its life as an organization. The seeds
of bigotry, fear, and hatred bore fruit again
in the years after the Civil War. The Ku
Klux Klan launched a campaign of terrorism
against Negroes, and In the 1890's the Ameri-
can Protective Association tried to revive
popular feeling against Catholics. Other
nativists began to turn their attention to
the Jews. In the meantime, agitators on the
west coast denounced the "yellow peril," and
Congress in 1882 passed the first of a number
of laws, banning Oriental immigration. Yet,
except for Oriental exclusion,- Congress Ig-
nored the nativist clamor, and most Ameri-
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ari8 'ed 'nativism` with abhorrence.
Caen a r` ofggst?;nt cI" ' yrrian supporting
la3no in denotunced the
Deingorats i t tie party of rum, Romainisrn
^bltit rebellion," he provoked a reaction which
y. Well have lost the election for Blaine,
who himself had a mother of Irish Catholic
The P'lrst World War led to another,out-
break ot, rragivlsm. A new group, adopting
denouncing everything its members dis-
liked-Negroes, Catholics, Jews, evolutionists,
religious liberals, internationalists, pacifists-
inn the name of true Americanism and of
"Nordic superiority." Ivor a season, the new
PHKK prospered, claiming 5 million mem-
other, n&ti-v1st movements, the fall of the
Elan was as dramatic as its rise. It died
sue of racism to the real problems facing
the Nation., In later years, the Jew succeeded
the Catholic as the chief target of nativist
hysteria, and some Catholics, themselves so
recently persecuted, now regrettably joined
ii the.aktack,on..tlie newer i iinorities., lad no cause to be smug about
the failure of these movements to take deep
root. l a,l visnr failed, not because the seeds
were not there to be cultivated, but because
tation,so narrowly and viciously conceived
tube politically successful. That the nativ-
mgvuiruts ti uil4 any response. at all
at cause tie, to look searchingly at our
vialves; . hat the response was at times so
great offers cause for alarm.
.except for 'the Oriental Exclusion Act, there
was no go"verlimbrital response till after the
First World War.
tot Drily were newcomers allowed to enter
f7el1 but in some perio'ds they were actively
edple'presefrted problems which the ted-
erfil Coycr ;16p ,
was . 9Fsc jo recognize.
1$t}2, ,recog,nli ng the need for a national
immigration policy, Congress 'enacted' the
first general legislation on the subject. The
mostlpipor an. asped of. this law. was that,
for the ffffrst tl$%e, the _ovexmx e.nt undertook
. to exol i(fe certajn classes of undeslrables,
such, as iunafics convicts, idiots, and persons
likely to become public charges:' in 1891
certain tigaltla stand rds were added as well
a8 a pro Ision excluding polygamists.
idiom 'tllie to`time, additional laws were
added, ?'The. only deviation -from' the basic
policy of free, nondiscriminatory immigra-
tion was he Oriental Eicciueion Act.
Under a special treaty 'arrangement with
China nationals of that country had been
guaranteed free , and unrestricted lnumigra-
,tIori. to, the United States. As the peak of
that immigration, in 1882, there were only
40,006 arrivals; even _in 1890 there were but
107,000 Chinese in America, Most of them
lived in California and had proved, good and
useful workers and citizens,. ,Although they
had originally been welcomed to America for
their services in building railroads and re. -
claiming the land, the conviction began to
grow that Chinese labor was undermining
the standards of, American labor. This be-
came virtually an obsession with many
people. In the early 1870's anti-Chinese agi-
tation in California became organized and
focused under the leadership of Denis Kear-
ney, who was, ironicaIly,. an immigrant from
Ireland. A campaign of organized violence
against Chinese communities took form,' and
the hysteria, led to political pressure too vio-
lent to, resisted., President Hayes vetoed
an act of Congress restricting Chinese Immi-
gration, but he did force renegotiation of the
Burlingame Treaty under which the Govern-
ment of China agr eed to restrict emigration The use of the year 1920 is arbitrary. It
voluntarily. Not satisfied wi':h this remedy, rests upon the fact that this system was
Congress then enacted and the President introduced in 1924 and the last prior census
signed into law a series of measures shutting was in 1920. The use of a national origins
off almost completely imndgration from system is without basis in either logic or
China, reason. It neither satisfies a national need
Shameful as these episoctes were, they for accomplishes an international purpose.
were, however, only an exception warning pre- to an age of interdependence among nations
valling policy. A more serious g of such a system is an anachronism, for it dis-
things to come was sounded in 1897 when criminates among applicants for admission
Congress, for the first time, provided a lit- into the United States on the basis of acci-
eracy test for adult immigrants. President dent of birth.
Cleveland vetoed the measure. Presidents 'Becwuse of the composition of our popula-
Taft and Wilson vetoed simi ar bills on the ton in 1920, the system is heavily weightad
ground that literacy was r, test only of in favor of immigration from Northern
educational opportunity and not of a per- Europe and severely limits immigration from
son's ability or his potential worth as a southern and eastern Europe and from other
citizen. In 1917, with tension high because parts of tho world.
e s President
the veto and Congress literacy overrode
became law. Britain has an annual quota op16es: 5,361 Great
son's 20-year fight over tt a literacy test migration visas and used 28,291 'of them.
can now, be seen as a sigificant turning Germany has a quota of 25,814, and used 26,-
point in immigration policy.' Indeed, many 533 (of this number, about one-third are
saw it as such at that time. Finley Peter wives of servicemen who could enter on' a
Dunne, creator of the immortal Mr. Dooley, nonquota basis). Ireland's quota is 17,756
devoted one of Mr. Dooley's dissertations in and only 6.054 Irish availed themselves of It.
1902 to the subject of the test and immigra- On the other hand, Poland is permitted 6,488,
tion. With magnificent irony the Irish and there is a backlog of 61,293 Poles wish-
bartender says, "As a pilgrim father that ing to enter the United States. Italy is per-
missed the first boat, I must raise me claryon mitted 5,666 and has a backlog of 132,435.
voice 'again' the invasion iv this fair land Greece's quota is 308; her backlog is 96,538.
be th' paupers an' arnychists in Europe. Thus a Greek citizen desiring to emigrate to
Ye bet I must-because I'm Here first * * ", this country has little chance of coming here.
In thim days America was tie' refuge iv th' And an American citizen with a Greek father
oppressed in all th' wurruld * * * But as or mother must wait at least 18 months to
I tell ye, 'tis diff'rent now. 'Tis time we bring his parents here to join him. A citi-
put our back again' th' open dure an' keep zen whose married son or daughter, or
out th' savage horde." brother or sister, is Italian cannot obtain' a
But there is no denying the fact that by quota number for them for 2 years or more.
the turn of the century the opinion was Meanwhile, many thousands of quota nurra-
becoming widespread that tie numbers of bers are wasted because they are not wanted
new immigrants should be limited. Those or needed by nationals of the countries to
who were opposed to all immigration and all which they are assigned.
"foreigners" were now joined by those who In short, a qualified person born in Eng-
believed sincerely, and with some basis in land or Ireland who wants to emigrate to
fact, that America's capacity to absorb im- the United States can. do so at any time. A
migration was limited. This movement to- person born in Italy, Hungary, Poland, or
ward restricting immigration represented a the Baltic States may have to wait many and economic reaction, not only to years before his turn is reached. This system
the tremendous .increase ire immigration is based upon the assumption that there is
after 1880. but also to the shift in its main some reason for keeping the origins of our
sources, to Southern, Eastern and South- population in exactly the same proportions
eastern Europe. as they existed In 1920. Such an idea is at
-Anti-immigration sentiment was height- complete variance with the American tra-
ened by World War I, and the disillusion- ditions and principles that the qualifications
ment and strong wave of isolationism that of an immigrant do not depend upon his
marked its aftermath. It was in this climate, country of birth, and violates the spirit ex-
in 1921, that Congress passed and the Presi- pressed in the Declaration of Independence
dent signed the first major law in our noun= that all men are created equal.
try's history severely limiting new immigra-
tion by establishing an emergency quota
system. An era in American history had
ended; we were committed to a radically new
policy toward the peopling o:' the Nation.
The act of 1921 was an early version of the
so-called national origins system.. Its pro-
visions limited immigration of numbers of
each nationality to a certain percentage of
the number of foreign-born individuals of
that nationality resident in the United States
according to the 1910 census. Nationality
meant country of birth. Thi> total number
of immigrants permitted to eater under this
system each year was 357,000.
In 1924, the act was revir.ed, creating a
temporary arrangement for the year 1924
to 1929, under which the national quotas
for 1924 were equal to 2 percent of the num-
ber of foreign-born persons of a given na-
tionality living in the United States in 1890,
or about 164,000 people. The permanent sys-
tem, which went into force Ir. 1929, includes
essentially all the elements of immigration
policy that are in our law today. The immi-
gration statutes now establii h a system of
annual quotas to govern immigration from
each country. Under this system 156,987
quota immigrants are permitted to enter the
United States each year. Tt.e quotas from
each country are based upoi the national
origins of the population of the United States
in 1920.
One writer has listed six motives behind
-the act of 1924. They were: (1) postwar
-isolationism; (2) the doctrine of the alleged
superiority of Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic
"races"; (3) the fear that "pauper labor"
would lower wage levels; (4) the belief that
people of certain nations were less law
abiding than others; (5) the fear of foreign
ideologies and subversion; (6) the fear that
entrance of too many people with different
customs and habits would undermine our
national and social unity and order. All of
these arguments can be found in congres-
sional debates on the subject and may be
heard today in discussions over a new na-
tional policy toward immigration. Thus far,
they have prevailed. The policy of 1924 was
continued in all its essentials by the Immi-
gration and Nationality Act of 1952.
There have been some minor amendments
to that act. In 1957 legislation was passed
to reunite families being separated by re-
strictive provisions of the immigration legis-
lation. Under it approximately 80,000 per-
sons have been admitted. Among them are
the wives, husbands, parents, or children of
American citizens, or escapees and refugees
from Communist persecution. In 1958 the
immigrationlaws were amended to give the
Attorney General added discretionary powers
to adjust the status of people admitted as
aliens. A 1959 amendment further facili-
tated the reunion of families, and a 190
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September, 20, :965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 23607
amendment, provided for U.S. participation of Dutch origin in The Netherlands who admission on the immigrant's possession of
in the resettlement of certain refugee-escap- were displaced from Indonesia were also in- skills our country needs and on the humani-
ess. In 1961 a special status was granted eligible to enter the United States as quota tarian ground of reuniting families. Such
ophans"coming to this country for adoption immigrants. Both needs were met by the legislation does not seek to make over the
by American parents. Pastore-Kennedy-Walter Act of 1958 admit- face of America. Immigrants would still be
CHAPTER 7-w13ESE WE STAND ting a number of them on a nonquota basis given tests for health, intelligence, morality,
The Immigration and .Nationality Act of into the United States. In 1962 a special law and security.
1962 undertook to codify all our national had to be passed to permit the immigration The force of this argument is recognized
1952 on l??nmigratlon. This was a proper and of several thousand Chinese. refugees who by the special measures enacted since 1952
laws overdue task, but was pro past a
had escaped from Communist China to Hong which have ignored the established pattern
housekeepine chore. In the course of the Kong. The same legislative procedure was of favoring Northern and Western Europe
ho1isekeep n over the act, many basic the used as in the 1957 Hungarian program. immigration over Southern and Eastern Eu-
delib r tiout our the act,
policy were Each world crisis is met by a new exception ropean countries. These statutes have re-
madn The total racial baraoninst the were to the Immigration and Nationality Act of suited in the admission of a great many more
made, The. of Jar acial ar a a in t h not- 1952. Each exception reflects the natural persons from Southern European countries
East Asians was removed, and a minimum humanitarian impulses of the American peo. than would have been possible under the
East quota of 100 was provided minimum ple, which is in keeping with our traditions McCarran-Walter Act.
each of uota f 100ies. Provision of shelter to the homeless and refuge for the But more than a decade has elapsed since
also glo. to these countries.
it tri reunite boas oppressed. the last substantial amendment to these
also- and wives. Mt eaes. ier to toare n all was ` While none of these measures are, of them- laws. There is a compelling need for Con-
the decision to do nothing about the national selves, especially generous responses to the gress to reexamine and make changes in
origins system. tremendous problems to which they are ad- them.
The famous wordy of Emma Lazarus on the dressed, they all have a great impact on our Religious and civic organizations, ethnic
pedestal of the Statue of Liberty read: foreign policy. They demonstrate that there associations, and newspaper editorials, tits
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled is still a place in America for people fleeing izens from every walk of life and groups of
glasses yearning to breathe free." huddled from tyranny or natural calamity. Never- every description have expressed their sup-
mas this was yearning aolxr&te.theture free."
our Until theless, the effect of these actions is diluted port for a more rational and less prejudiced
defy. under- present law It would of our so- by the very fact that they are viewed as ex- immigration law. Congressional leaders of
ciety. captions to our national policy rather than both parties have urged the adoption of new
priate Rortheto des Europe Ill,, are long not as too they tired come from from too a part of that policy, legislation that would eliminate the most
poor or nightly ill, never stole a loaf of bread, Another measure of the inadequecy of the objectionable features of the McCarron-Wal-
poor o jgined any questionable. organization, immigration and Nationality Act has been ter Act and the nationalities quota system.
and can document their onablies for the past the huge volume of private immigration bills It is not only the initial assignment of
introduced in Congress. These are bills to quota numbers which is arbitrary and un-
rthermore, the- national origins quota deal with individual hardship cases for which just; additional inequity results from the
system has strop. overtones of an indefen- the general law sails to provide. In the 87th failure of the law to permit full utilization
nible racial . pIt is strongly Congress over 3,500 such bills were Intro- of the authorized quota numbers. The tiny
weighted toward preference,
tailed Anglo-Saxons, a duced. Private immigration bills make up principality of Andorra in the Pyrenees
weighted whow on 5o-eaile calls Anglo-Saxons,
term of about half of our legislation today. Mountains, with 6,600 Spanish-speaking in-
ph" encompassing almost anyant from It is not hard to see why. A poor European habitants, has an American immigration
Northern ins, ;vng almost Sinclair college girl was convicted three times for quota of 100, while S
Lewis described his hero, Martin Arrow- putting slugs in a pay telephone, and 16 people, has a quota of onpain, ly While Amer-
smith, des way; "a typical purebred Anglo- years later, married to an American teach- ican citizens wait for years for their relatives
Saxon Arne;scan: "a tyh.means that he was a er abroad, she was denied entrance to our to receive a quota, approximately ,000
union of German, French, Scotch-Irish, per- cos atry because seof three separate convictions numbers are wasted each year becuse the
baps a - little Spanish, conceivably of the g moral turpitude. Or countries to which thy are assigned have
strains lumped together as 'Jewish,' and the another case. An Italian immigrant living far more numbers allocated to them than
great deal,of English, which is itself a corn- in Massachusetts with his small children they have emigrants seeking to move to the
binatide of,prlmilive Britain, Celtic, Phoeni- could not bring his. wife to the United States United States. There is no way at present
clan, Roman, German, Daue, and Swede. " because she had been convicted on two in which these numbers can be reassigned
Yet, however our present policy may counts Involving moral turpitude. Her to nations where immense backlogs of appli-
be a dd, loreev it much rPrs our national crimes? . In 1913 and 1939 she had stolen cants for admission to the United states
elicy re Pretide still, Truman msaid when he bundles of sticks to build a fire. It took acts
deficiency in the
vetoed the .Immid migration m of Congress to reunite both these families, have accumulated, corrected.
(only to ham that veto overridden) on) : "The Act These are examples of the Inadequacies law should be corrected. discri ofthe present law. The are im t ant edeto a immig atio formula so is whonow
idea behind- this discriminatory policy was, themselves because people's They lives Portent of are attributable by their e ancestry to put it boldly, that Americans with English by them. more ]e are important tote for r called the Asia-cif ro
e r iangl eto is area
he But they are more Pts from This bitize ns s thaneAme Series with Italia or Greek what tt they represent of the way America looks embraces all countries from Pakistan to Ja-
at the world and the way America looks at
or. Polish names, ? * * Such a concept is itself. and and the Zealand. islands north , h of quota un-
utterly unworthy of our traditions and our There is, of course, a legitimate argument der and New which Zeprosp Usually, the quota un
ideals." a prospective immigrant must en-
Partly as a result of the inflexibility of the n
for some limitation uon o longer need settlers for vi ginrlands, and r and eve is
if a determined rmined by hone- place half of of birann. How-s
imml national origins quota system,. the Govern- our economy is expanding more slowly than gn s n a o n In the
merit has had to resort to temporary expedi- in the 19th and early 20th centuries. A D ant's ancestors came from nations in the
ents to meet emergency situations. The 1957 superficial analysis of tine heated arg small u-
quota assigned triangle, to r must country upon his
Kennedy amendment, which permitted alien meats over immigration ancestry, rregardless t where y of his
spouses, parents, and children with incense- taken place since 1952 might give ithehim- Thiprovision on of of wshoe should was born.
quential disqualifications to enter the United pression that there was an irreconcilable This provision t the law should be repealed,
States, was responsive to this need. In 1948 conflict, as if one side wanted to go back to The Presidential message to Congress a-
Congress passed the Displaced Persons Act the policy of our founding fathers, of unre- July 2o, 1963, recommended that the na-
more than 400,000 people made stricted immigration, and the other side mula o vern g Immigration r eon to by a United
homeless by the war to come to this country, wanted to stop all further immigration. In mute governing ifs inotio u the United
In 1953 Congress passed the Refugee Relief fact, there are only a few basic differences skills SStates which takes into account: (la the to admit about 200,000 people, most of between the most liberal bill offered in recent ships to the immigrant and their relation-
whom had, fled from behind the Iron Cur- years, sponsored by former Senator Herbert s a our needs; gr the family persons al-
tain. Under this act and under a clause of H. Lehman, and the supporters of the status ship between immigrants and
the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, quo. The persons al-
the Immigration
intnde for use in such o 1952, immigrants present law admits
law the reuniting
man 156,700 quota ready rEra, Present d that
priority fomrag.
not o igin ly ins n freedom for use ins from Hun- a bill rants annually. The Leh
e L hman bill HAk is encouraged; and w the grants a preference re to
immi a w th ucatio , or
gary were adapted,in 1957, As a result it and cosponsored by over one-third of the training. It ntl also o rants skills, fete edtucation, or
became necessary to pass a special 1-w in Members of the Senate) would admit 250,000. ous relatives of the pre States citizens
1958 to regularize the, status of many of these The clash of opinion arises not over the and lawfully resident a liens. Bute it doeso
i;nmigrants, number of immigrants to be admitted, but only with a national origins
`I!9llgWiI~g the 1958 earthquakes in the over the test for admission-the national should be modified so that those with the
ores quota. It
. which left-so. many Portuguese home- origins quota system. Instead of using the greatest ability to add to the national wel-
less, none of these people could enter the discriminatory test of where the immigrant fare, no matter where they are born, are
Vnited,States as quota immigrants.. Persons was born; the reform proposals would base granted the highest priority. The next
2 'o, .173-28 -
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ptiority should go to' those who -seek
to be reunited with their relatives. For
applicants" With equal claims, the earliest
registrant should 'be the first admitted.
In order to remove other existing barriers
to the reuniting of families, two additional
improvements in the law are needed.
First, parents of American citizens, who
now have a'preferred quota status, should be
accorded nonquota status.
Second, parents of aliens resident in the
United States, who 'now have no preference,
should be accorded a preference, after skilled
specialists and other relatives of citizens and
alien residents.
These changes will have little effect on the
number of immigrants admitted. They will
have a major effect insofar as they relieve
the hardship many of our citizens and resi-
dents now face in being separated from their
These changes will not solve all the prob-
lems of immigration. But they will insure
that progress will continue to be made to-
ward.our Ideals and toward the realization of
humanitarian objectives.
We must avoid, what the Irish Poet John
Boyle O'Reilly once called:
"Organized charity, scrimped and iced,
In the name of a cautious, statistical
Immigration policy `should be generous; it
should be fair; it should be flexible. With
such a policy we can turn to.the world, and
to our own past, with clean hands and a clear
gpnscience. Such a policy would be but a
reaffirmation of old principles. It would be
an expression of our agreement with George
Washington that "The bosom of America is
open to, receive not only the opulent and
respectable stranger, but the oppressed and
persecuted' of all nations and religions;
whom we shall welcome to a participation
of all our rights'and privileges, if by decency
and propriety of 'conduct they appear to
merit the enloyrnent."
The map on the following pages (not
printed in the tscoan)' indicates the general
distr}butipn of., immigrant groups in the
United States. `All told, more than 42 million
fimnrigrants'Iiave` come to oiir'shores since the
The Japanese and Chinese brought their
gentle dreams to the West coast. To date,
estimated immigration from Japan: 338,087.
Peak year: 1907. Estimated immigration
from China: 411,585.. Peak year: 1882.
The Greeks found soil wher: vineyards
might flourish., To date, estimated immigra-
tion from Greece: 499,465. Peak year: 1907.
In Poland they heard of the land where
freedom is. To date, estimated immigra-
tion from Poland: 451,010. Peal. year: 1921.
From Austria-Hungary and Rumania whole
villages banded together to find a new life.
To date, estimated immigration from Austria
and Hungary: 4,280,863. Peak year: 1907.
To date, estimated immigration from Ru-
mania: 159,497. Peak year: 1921.
Italians settled in the cities of the East
and the valleys of the West. To date, esti-
mated immigration from Italy : 5,017,625.
Peak year: 1907.
To the Midwest the Scandinav!ans brought
their knowledge of agricultur u. To date,
estimated immigration from Denmark:
354,331. Peak year: 1882. From Finland:
28,358. Peak year: 1902. From Norway:
843,867. Peak year: 1882. From Sweden:
1,255,296. Peak year: 1882.
These are some of yesterday'E. Immigrants
who have supplied a continuous flow of cre-
ative abilities and ideas that have enriched
our Nation.
The immigrants we welcome today and to-
morrow will carry on this tradition and help
us to retain, reinvigorate and strengthen the
American spirit.
September 20, 19
In 1707: Act of Union between England
and Scotland begins a new era of Scottish
migration. Scots settle as merchants and
factors in colonial seaports; lowland artisans
and laborers leave Glasgow to become in-
dentured servants in tobacco colonies and
New York.
In 1709: Exodus from German Palatinate
in wake of devastation wreaked by wars of
Louis XIV. Palatinessettle in Hudson Val-,
ley and Pennsylvania.
In 1717: Act of English Parliament legal-
izes transportation to American colonies as
punishment; contractors begin regular ship-
ments from jails, most (of some 30,000) to
Virginia and Maryland.
In 1718: Large-scale Scotch-Irish immigra-
tion begins, sparked by discontent with old
country land system: absentee landlords,
high rents, short leases. Most settle first
in New England, then in Maryland and Penn-
In 1730: Colonization of Virginia valley
and Carolina back country by Germans (Pi- -
etist and pacifist sectarians) and Scotch-
Irish from Pennsylvania.
In 1732: Georgia founded by James Ogle- p
thorpe, as a buffer against Spanish and :
French attack, as a producer of raw silk and ?
as a haven for imprisoned debtors. (Silk.
scheme fails; only a handful of debtors'.
In 1740: Parliament enacts Naturalization.
Act conferring British citizenship on alien;
immigrants to colonies in hope of encour_
aging Jewish immigration. Jews enjoy a,
greater degree of political and religious free
APPENDIx B dom in the American colonies than anywhere
in the world.
CHRONOLOGY OF IMMIGakTION In 1745: Jacobite rebellion in Scotland to
In 1607: Founding of Virgin A by English put Stuarts back on throne fails. Some reb-
colonists, to "fetch treasure" sod enjoy reli- els transported to American colonies as pun
gious and happy government." ishment.
In 1619: First shipload of 2C Negro slaves In 1755: Expulsion of French Acadians
arrives at Jamestown. from Nova Scotia on suspicion of disloyalty,,
In 1620: Voyage of the Mayflower, carrying Survivors settle in Louisiana.
Pilgrims who welcome opportunity of "ad- In 1771-73: Depression in Ulster linen
vancing the gospel of * * * Christ in those trade and acute agrarian crises bring new in
remote parts of the world." flux of Scotch-Irish, around 10,000 annually,
In 1623: Settlement of New Netherland as In 1775: British Government suspends
a trading post by Dutch West India Company. emigration on outbreak of hostilities In
In 1630-40: Puritans migrate to New Eng- America.
land to establish a form of government that In 1783: Treaty of Paris ends Revolution-
will allow them to worship as ,:hey desire. ary War. Revival of immigration; most nu+
In 1634: Lord Baltimore fornds Maryland merous group: Scotch-Irish.
as a refuge for English Catholics. In 1789: Outbreak,of French Revolution.
in 1642: Outbreak of English Civil War Emigration to the United States of aristor
and decrease in Puritan migration. crats and royalist sympathizers.
In 1649: Passage of Maryland Toleration In 1791: Negro revolt in Santo Domingo;
Act, extending toleration to all bodies pro- 10,000-20,000 French exiles take refuge in the
fessing trinitarian Christianity. United States, principally in towns on the
In 1654: First Jewish immi@rants to reach Atlantic seaboard.
North America arrive at New Amsterdam flee- In 1793: Wars of the French Revolution
ing Portuguese persecution in Brazil. send Girondists and Jacobins threatened by
In 1660: Emigration from England offs- guillotine to the United States.
cially discouraged by government of Charles In 1798: Unsuccessful Irish rebellion; reb-
Ii, acting on mercantilist doctrine that the els emigrate to the United States, as do di6-
wealth of a country depends on number of tressed artisans and yeoman farmers and
its inhabitants. agricultural laborers depressed by bad hat-
In 1670: Settlement of the Carolinas by a vests and low prices.
group of English courtiers, anxious to pro- Alien and Sedition Acts give President at-
mote national self-sufficiency- and their own b1t~rax~y~pow tpr] oo f seize
eneaging sin esubversive
beginning of our history as a nation. Why
they came here and what they did after they
arrived make up the story of America. They
came' foi a''varfety of reasons from every
quarter of the world, representing almost
every race; almost every religion, and almost
every creed. Through their ingenuity, their
industry, and their imagination, they were
able to create out of a wilderness a thriving
said. prosperous nation-and through their
dedication to liberty and freedom, they
helped to , build it government reflecting
man's most cherished ideals.
From Great Britain came Pilgrims, who
sought freedom; Quakers, who loved their
brothers but who were not allowed to love
sturdy Scots and Welsh. To
Britain: 4,642,096. Peak year: 1888. Quakers, as William Penn's "holy expen- turn to France and Santo ,Domingo.
The bold, imaginative Irish left their land ment" in universal philanthropy and broth- In to F Resumption and S to war between Eng-
during the years of famine for the land of op- erhood.
Irelan t Estimated ,009. Peak ode- In 1683: First German settlers, Menno- land and France. Disrupting of transatlan-
185and to date: 4,693,009. Peak decade: rotes, to reach New World arrive in Penn- tic trade; emigration from continental EtI-
851om. s lvania,'ina desire to withdraw from the rope practically impossible.
From Germany came the liberals and those y
who fled persecution. Estimated imrnigra- world and live peaceably according to the British Passenger Act limits numbers to
tenets of their faith. be carried by emigrant ships, effectively
dec from Germany to date: 6,798,313. Peak In 1685: Revocation of Edict of Nantes by checks Irish emigration.
decade: 18Czaris
Fleeing Czarist and Communist suppres- Louis XIV, culmination of growth of tell- In 1807: Congress prohibits importing of
slon, came an estimated 3,344,998 Russians, gious intolerance in France, leads to arrival Negro slaves into the UnitedStates (prohib-
cuti . 40 percent cthem Jews fleeing gets- Mot set le in South Carolina. of Huguenots. ited and, 1783; South Ca olina, 1787; North
French cution rirPeen Peak ak decade: , "Let us r Carolina, 1794; Georgia, 1798; reopened by
cried, "Let us rule ourselves; In 1697: Royal African Company's mess of South Carolina in 1803) .
of slave trade ends and the business of
s immigration
12 brin
- o
To date, est
our kings are not divine.
mated' immigration from France, 698,188. sslaveyryPxexpa ds apidly. New Englander to In co1812: War haltol 18
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September, 20, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 23609
In. 1814:. Treaty of Ghent ends. War of In 1893: Economic depression brings a tion to escape poverty on island. Many settle
1812. Beginning of first great wave of immi- vast accession of strength to anti-Catholic in New York.
gration: 5 million immigrants between 1815 American Protective Association. In 1946: War Brides Act provides for ad-
and 1860. In 1894: Immigration Restriction League mission of foreign-born wives of American
.In 1818: Black Ball Line of sailing packets organized, to be the spearhead of restric- servicemen.
begins regular Liverpool-New York service; tionist movement for next 25 years. Empha- In 1948: Displaced Persons Act (amended
Liverpool becomes main port of departure sizes distinction between "old" (Northern in 1950) provides for admission of 400,000
for Irish and British, as well as consider- and Western European) and "new" (South- refugees during a 4-year period: three-quar-
able numbers of Germans and Norwegians. ern and Eastern European) immigrants. ters regular displaced persons from countries
In 1825: Great Britain repeals laws pro- In 1894-96: Massacres of Armenian Chris- with low quotas, one-quarter Volksdeutsche
hibiting emigration as ineffective; official en- tians by Moslems set emigration to United (ethnic Germans), special groups of Greek,
dorsement of view that England is overpopu- States in motion. Polish, and Italian refugees, orphans and
lated. In 1897: Literacy test for immigrants ve- European refugees stranded in the Far East.
Arrival in United States of first group of toed by President Cleveland. In 1952: Immigration and Naturalization
Norwegian immigrants in sloop Restaura- In 1903: Immigration law denies entry, Act, codifying existing legislation, makes the
tionen, consisting of freeholders leaving an inter alia, to anarchists or persons believing quota system even more rigid and repressive,
overpopulated country and shrunken farms, in the overthrow by force or violence of the except for a token quota granted those in the
They are followed by cotters, laborers and Government of the United States, or any Asia-Pacific triangle.
servants. government, or in the assassination of pub- In 1953-56: Refugee Relief Act grants
In 1830: Polish revolution. Thirty-six sec- lie officials (as a result of President McKin- visas to some 5,000 Hungarians after 1956
tions of public land in Illinois allotted by ley's assassination by the American-born revolution; President Eisenhower invites 30,-
Congress to Polish revolutionary refugees. anarchist, Leon Czlogosz). 000 more to come in on parole.
In 1837: Financial panic. Nativists com- In 1905: Japanese and Korean Exclusion In 1954: Ellis Island closed. Symbol of
plain that immigration lowers wage levels, League. formed by organized labor in protest ending of mass migration.
contributes to the decline of the apprentice- against influx of coolie labor and in fear of In 1957: Special legislation to admit Hun-
ship system and generally depresses the threat to the living standards of American garian refugees.
condition of labor. workingmen.
In 1840 Cunard Line founded. Beginning In 1907-08: Gentleman's agreement, In 1959: Castro revolution successful in
of era of steamship lines especially designed whereby Japanese Government undertakes Cuba.
for, passenger transportation between Europe to deny passports to laborers going directly In 1960: Cuban refugees paroled into
and the United States. from Japan to United States, fails to satisfy United States.
In 1845:_ Native American Party founded, west coast exclusionists. In 1962: Special permission for admission
with minimal support in 14 States; pre- In 1913: California Legislature passes alien of refugees from Hong Kong.
cursor of nativist, anti-immigrant Know- land law, effectively barring Japanese, as In 1963: Congress urged by President Ken-
Nothing Party which reached its peak in 1855, "aliens ineligible for citizenship," from own- nedy to pass new legislation eliminating na-
when it elected six Governors, dominated ing agricultural land in the State. tional origins quota system.
several State legislatures and sent a sizable In 1914-18: World War I. End of period (Appendix C "Suggested Reading" has
delegation to Congress. of mass migration to the United States. been omitted.)
In 1846: Crop failures in Germany and Hol- In 1916: Madison Grant's "The Passing of
land. Mortgage foreclosures and forced sales the Great Race" calls for exclusion, on racist APPENDIX D
send tens of thousands of dispossessed to grounds, of "inferior" Alpine, Mediterranean,
United States, and Jewish breeds. TEXT OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY'S PRO-
In 1846-47: Irish potato famine. Large In 1917: Literacy test for immigrants POSALS To LIBERALIZE IMMIGRATION STATUTES
scale emigration to the United 'States of all finally adopted after being defeated in Con- (JULY 23, 1963)
Classes of Irish population, not only laborers gress in 1896, 1898, 1902, 1906, vetoed in 1897 I am transmitting herewith, for the con-
and cotters, but even substantial farmers. by President Cleveland, in 1913 by President sideration of the Congress, legislation revis-
In 1848: Revolution in Germany. Failure Taft, and in 1915 and 1917 by President Wil- ing and modernizing our immigration laws.
of revolution results in emigration of political -son. It was passed by overriding the second More than a decade has elapsed since the
refugees to America. veto by President Wilson. last substantial amendment to these laws.
In 1855: Opening of Castle Garden immi- In 1919: Big Red scare: antiforeign fears I believe there exists a compelling need for
grant depot in New York. City to process and hatreds transferred from German-Amer- the Congress to reexamine and make certain
mass immigration. _ icans to alien revolutionaries and radicals. changes in these laws.
In 1856: Collapse of Know=Nothing move- Thousands of alien radicals seized in Palmer The most urgent and fundamental reform
went in presidential election; candidate raids, hundreds deported. I am recommending relates to the national
Millard Fillmore carries only one State. In 1921: Emergency immigration restric- origins system of selecting immigrants.
Irish Catholic Colonization Convention at tion law introduces quota system, heavily Since 1924 it has been used to determine the
Buffalo, N.Y., to promote Irish rural coloni- -weighted in favor of natives of Northern and number of quota immigrants permitted to
zation in the United States. Strongly op- Western Europe, all but slamming the door enter the United States each year. Accord-
posed by eastern bishops, movement proves on Southern and Eastern Europeans. Im- ingly, although the legislation I am trans-
unsuccessful. mediate slump in immigration. mitting deals with many problems which re-
In 1861-65: Large numbers of immigrants In 1923: Ku Klu Klan, at heart a virulent- quire remedial action, it concentrates atten-
serve on both sides during American Civil ly anti-immigrant movement, reaches its tion primarily upon revision of our quota
War. peak strength. immigration system. The enactment of this
In 1882'. First Federal immigration law In 1924: National Origins Act adopted, legislation will not resolve all of our im-
bars lunatics, idiots, convicts and those likely settling ceiling on number of immigrants, portant problems in the fief l of immigration
to become public charges. and establishing discriminatory national- law. It will, however, provide a sound basis
"Chinese Exclusion Act denies entry to Chi- racial quotas. upon which we can build in developing an
.nose laborers for a period of 10 years (re- In 1929: National Origins Act becomes immigration law that serves the national in-
newed in 1892; Chinese immigration sus- operative. Stock market crash. Demands terest and reflects in every detail the prin-
pended indefinitely in 1902; many return that immigration be further reduced during ciples of equality and human dignity to
home). - economic crisis lead Hoover administration which our Nation subscribes.
Outbreak of. anti-Semitism In Russia; to order rigorous enforcement of prohibition Elimination of discrimination based on
sharp rise in Jewish -mfgration'to United against admission of persons liable to be national origins
States. public charges.
In 1885: Foran Act prohibits importing of In 1933: Hitler becomes German Chancel- Present legislation establishes a system of
contract labor, but not of skilled labor for -lor; anti-Semitic campaign begins. Jewish annual quotas to govern immigration from
new Industries, artists, actors, lecturers, do- refugees from Nazi Germany come to United each country. Under this system, 156,700
mestic servants; individuals in United States States, though harriers imposed by the quota quota immigrants are permitted to enter the
not to be. revented from assisting immigra- system are not lifted. United States each year. The system is
P In 1934: Philippine Independence Act re- based upon the national origins of the popu-
tion of relatives : Stst o ue f Liberty personal fedfcat. stricts Filipino immigration to an annual lation of the United States in 1920. The use
who the 1886: r Statue to unrestricted imm just of the year 1920 is arbitrary. It rests upon
whnn the resistance d immigra- " quota of 50.
sloe begins to mount. In 1939: World War II begins. the fact that this system was introduced in
1924 and
TIn- 2890: Superintendent of the Census an- In 1941: United States enters war. All lm- the last prior census was in 1920.
The use of a national origins system is with-
nounbes' isappearanee of the frontier. migrant groups support united war effort. out basis in either logic or reason. It neither
In 1891: Congress adds -health qualifica- In 1942: Evacuation of Japanese-Amer- satisfies a national need nor accomplishes an
tions to immigration restrictions. scans. from Pacific Coast to detention camps, international _ purpose. In an age of inter-
Pogroms in Russia. Large Jewish immi- victims of deep-seated suspicion and animos- dependence among nations, such a system is
-gration to United States. ity, and unjustified fear of espionage and an anachronism, for it discriminates among
In 1882: Ellis Island replaces Castle Gar- sabotage. - applicants for admission into the United
den as a reception center for immigrants. In-.1945: Large-scale Puerto Rican migra- States on the basis of accident. of birth,
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Because, oj'?thecomposition, of our popu-
latlon fig,1.920, the system is heavily weighted
311 favor of immigration from northern Eu-
-rope an id `severely limits immigration from
southern and eastern Europe and from other
parts of the world. An American citizens
with a Greek father, or,zother mq?twait at
least, ,i$; months to, bring his parents here
to join him; A citizen whose married son or
daughter, or brother or sister, is Italian can-
rig obtain a quota number for an even
longer time. Meanwhile, many thousands
.,,of quotas numbers are wasted because they
are not, wanted or neededby nationals of the
countries to which, they are assigned.
I recommend that there be subttituted for
the national origins system a formula, gov-
erning immigration to the United States
which takes into account (1) the skills of
the immigrant and their relationship to our
need; (2) the family relationship between
immigrants and persons already here, so that
the reuniting of families is encouraged;, and
(3) the priority of registration. Present law
grants a preference to immigrants with spe-
cial skills, education, or training. It also
grants a preference to various relatives of
U.S. citizens and lawfully resident aliens.
But it does?so ory within a national origins
quota. tt, ahoul , be modified so that those
with the greatest ability, to add to the na-
tional welfarei , ? no matter where they were
'born, are granted the highest priority. The
'Beat priority should go to those who seek
to be reunited with their relatives. As be-
,.tween applicants with equal claims the
earliest registrant should be, the first , ad-
lvlany ;problems of fairness and foreign
`policy are involved in replacing a system so
long entrenched. The national origins sys-
tem has, produced large backlogs of appli-
.cations in some countries, and too rapid a
change might, in a system of limited immi-
gration, 'so drastically curtail immigration
in some countries the only effect might be to
shift the unfairness from one group of na-
tions to another. A reasonable time to ad-
ust to any new system must be provided if
individual. hardships, upon persons who were
relying on the present system are to be
avoided, , In addition, any new system must
nave suc},gri ffextbility to allow adjust-
ments to i } i t u l e w en it appears that im
tigrantt, from nations closely allied to the
United Stiaies'Will The -unduly restricted. In
their freedom to furnish the new seed popu-
lation that has so long been' a source of
,strength to our Nation.
Accordingly, I recommend :
First, that existing_ quotas be reduced, grad-
ually, at file rate of 20 percent a year. The
uota numbers released each year, would be
,P aced in a quota reserve pool, to be dis-
tributed on the new basis.
Second:, that natives, of no one country re-
0 over I(i percent of the total quota num-
bers ' authored in any one year. This will
insure that the pattern of immigration is
not distorted by excessive demand from any
one country.
Third, that the President be authorized,
after receiving recommendations from a
seven-man immigration Board, to reserve up
to 50 percent of the unallocated quota num-
bers for Issuance to persons disadvantaged
:by the change in the quota system, and up
to 20 percent to refugees whose sudden dis-
location requires special treatment. The
Immigration Board will be composed of two
members appointed by the Speaker of the
house of Representatives,_ two members ap-
pointed by the President pro tempore of the
Senate, and three members. appointed by the
President. 'In addition to its responsibility
for formulating recommendations regarding
the use of the quota reserve pool, the Board
will make a continuous. study of our immi-
gration policy.,
But it is not alone the initial assignment
of quota numbers which is arbitrary and un-
just; additional inequity results from the
.failure of the law to permit full utilization
of the authorized quota ntunbers. While
American citizens wait for years for their
relatives to receive a quota, approximately
60,000 quota numbers are wasted each year
because the countries to which they are as-
signed have far more numbers allocated to
them than they have emigrants seeking to
move to the United States. There is no way
at present in which these numbers can be
reassigned to Nations where immense back-
logs of applicants for admission to the Unit-
ed States have accumulated. I recommend
that this deficiency in the law be corrected.
A special discriminatory, f armula is now
used to regulate the immigrs,ion of persons
who are attributable by their ancestry to an
area called the Asia-Pacific triangle. This
area embraces all, countries from Pakistan to
Japan and the Pacific islands north of Aus-
tralia and New Zealand. Usti ally, the quota
under which a prospective immigrant must
enter is determined by his place of birth.
However, if as much as one-half of an immi-
grant's ancestors came from nations in the
Asia-Pacific triangle, he must rely upon the
small quota assigned to the country of his
ancestry, regardless of where he was born.
This provision of our law should be repealed.
In order to remove other existing barriers
to the reuniting of families, I recommend
two additional improvements in the law.
First, parents of American citizens, who
now have a preferred quota status should be
accorded nonquota status.
Second, parents of aliens resident in the
United States, who now have no preference,
should be accorded a preference, after skilled
specialists and other relatives of citizens and
alien residents.
These changes will have little effect on the
number of immigrants admitted. They will
have a major effect upon ";he individual
hardships many of our citizens; and residents
now face in being separated from their
In addition, I recommend the following
changes in the law in order to correct cer-
tain deficiencies and improve its general ap-
1. Changes in the preference structure.
At present, the procedure under which spe-
cially skilled or trained workers are per-
mitted to enter this country too often pre-
vents talented people from applying for visas
to enter the United States. It often de-
prives us of immigrants who would be helpful
to our economy and our culture. This pro-
cedure should be liberalized 3o that highly
trained or skilled persons may obtain a pre-
ference without requiring that they secure
employment here before er'Iigrating. In
addition, I recommend that a special pref-
erence be Accorded workers with lesser skills
who can fill specific needs in short supply in
this country.
2. Nonquota status for nati,"es of Jamaica,
Trinidad and Tobago should be granted.
Under existing law, no numerical limitation
is imposed upon the number of immigrants
coming from Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti,
the Dominican Republic, the anal Zone, or
any independent country in Central or South
America. But the language of the statute
restricts this privilege, to persons born in
countries in the Caribbear area which
gained their independence prior to the date
of the last major amendment to the immi-
gration and nationality statutes, in 1952.
This accidental discrimination against the
newly independent nations of the Western
Hemisphere should be corrected.
3. Persons afflicted with mental health
problems should be admitted provided cer-
tain standards are met. Today, any person
afflicted with a mental disease or mental de-
fect, psychotic personality, or epilepsy, and
any person who has suffered an attack of
mental illness, can enter this country only, if
a private bill is enacted for his health. Fam-
ilies which are able and willing to care for
a mentally ill child or parent are often forced
to choose between living in the United States
and leaving their loved ones behind and not
living in the United States but being able to
see and care for their loved ones. Merit a]
illness is not incurable. It should be treated
like other illnesses. I recommend that the
Attorney General, at his discretion and under
proper safeguards, be authorized to waive
those provisions of the law which prohibit
the admission to the United States of per-
sons with mental problems when they are
close relatives of United States citizens and
lawfully resident aliens.
4. The Secretary of State should be au-
thorized, in his discretion, to require re-
registration of certain quota immigrant vita
applicants and to regulate the time of pay-
ment of visa fees. This authority would
bring registration lists up to date, terminate
the priority -of applicants who have refused
to accept a visa, and end the problem of
"insurance" registrations by persons who
have no present intention to emigrate. Reg-
istration figures for oversubscribed quota
areas are now inaccurate because there exists
no way of determining whether registrants
have died, have emigrated to other coun-
tries, or for some other reason no longer
want to emigrate to the United States.
These problems are particularly acute in
heavily oversubscribed areas.
As I have already indicated the measures
I have outlined will not solve all the prob-
lems of immigration. Many of them will re-
quire additional legislation; some cannot be
solved by any one country. But the legisla-
tion I am submitting will insure that prog-
ress will continue to be made toward our
ideals and toward the realization of humani-
tarian objectives. The measures I have rec-
ommended will help eliminate discrimina-
tion between peoples and nations on a basis
that is unrelated to any contribution that
immigrants can make and is inconsistent
with our traditions of welcome. Our invest-
ment in new citizens has always been a val-
uable source of our strength.
Senator PHILIP A. HART, Democrat, of Mich-
igan, speaking of the message on revision of
the immigration laws sent to the Congress in
1963, said: "It is fitting that this proposal
should come at a time when the Nation and
the Congress are deeply committed to a full
review of our practices and laws affecting our
fellow citizens of different races. * * * Let
us get on with this job."-
From the other side of the Chamber,
Republican Senator Kenneth B. Keating, Of
New York, declared: "I am very pleased that
the executive branch has now made these
proposals and I am sympathetic to the ap-
proach in this bill. * * * I shall certainly
exert every possible effort to have such legis-
lation enacted at this session * * * and hope
that there will be prompt hearings on this
important subject."
Strong support for a thoroughgoing revi-
sion of our present immigration policy came
from Senator HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, the
Minnesota Democrat.. He said: "Although
Congress faces many urgent matters of na-
tional importance at this session and the
next, I fervently hope we can nevertheless
push ahead with the long-postponed long-
overdue task of bringing our immigration
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laws up to the civilized standard which the
world has reason to expect of the United
States. The present system is cruel, unwork-
able, discriminatory, and illogical."
Republican Senator HIRAM L. FoNG, of Ha-
wait, said: "I shall strongly support efforts
to basically revise our immigration laws and
policies," and added that he was "heartened"
by the administration's recognition of the
need for a basic change in American immi-
gration policies.
Congressman EMANUEL CELLER, of New
York, chairman of the House Judiciary Com-
mittee, said: "It is my considered opinion
that the President's bill offers a broad and
firm basis for a long overdue revision of our
policies 'and practices in this most important
area of domestic and foreign human rela-
Congressman JAMES RoosEvEt.T, bf Califor-
nia, stated: "The President of the United
States has urgently called upon the Congress
.to implement long overdue and sorely needed
changes in our immigration laws.
"I would like to strongly urge my col-
leagues to join with me in supporting this
new and far-reaching immigration proposal
of the President's."
Congressman WILLIAM F. RYAN, of New
York, said: "I believe that President Ken-
nedy's proposals represent a giant step for-
ward in the creation of a sensible and hu-
mane immigration policy."
: Newspaper editorials reflected a similar,
nonpartisan approach to the projected revi-
sions. The Chicago Tribune commented:
"The idea of shifting the basis of immi-
grants' admission from the arbitrary one of
country of origin to the rational and humane
ones of occupational skills and reuniting
families deserves approval.
"The policy of action without regard to
race, -religion, or country of origin has in-
creasing appeal and scope in the United
States, esliecially in the processes of govern-
ment, Thp immigration quotas have been
the principal exception in Federal practice to
equality before the law for people whatever
the circumstances of their birth. It is an
exception that it is well to reconsider."
The Denver Post approvingly said of the
proposed'changes: "It would replace a sys-
te1n based, on racial and national discrimina-
tion with one having two worthwhile and
humane objectives: to assure the United
States oof a continuing flow of usefully skilled
new citizens, and to reunite the families of
U.S. citizens: '
The Washington Post, July 24, 1963, called
President Kennedy's proposal "the best im-
migration law within living memory to bear
adapted it to meet their own desires to lim
the number who could come to this country
from southern Europe.
"We are a big nation with room-and a
continuing need-to grow stronger. We can
do this with the skill and ability of our native
born and of those from other lands who
wish to be a part of this great Nation and
to work with us in trying to fulfill its ideals.
"The time to worry about immigration is
when people stop wanting to come to this
"Seventy-two leading religious, civic, labor,
and social service agencies, members of the
American Immigration and Citizenship Con-
ference, jointly commended the President
as follows:
"We wish to endorse strongly the historic
step you have taken in your message of July
23 in calling for the elimination of the na-
tional origins quota system.
"We have long urged the removal of this
discriminatory aspect of our American immi-
gration policy.
"We are greatly encouraged and wish to
express our appreciation for the outstanding
leadership you are giving in this major field
of human rights."
Mr. KENNEDY of New York. Mr.
President, I should like to read a short
paragraph contained in the introduc-
tion to this book. It reads as follows:
On his sentimental visit to Ireland in
June of 1963, he stood at the spot from
which Patrick Kennedy embarked, and said:
"When my great-grandfather left here to
become a cooper in East Boston, he carried
nothing with him except a strong religious
faith and a strong desire for liberty. If he
hadn't left, I would be working at the
Albatross Co. across the road."
I believe that that is an inspiration
for all the immigrants who will come to
the United States in the future. It will
enable them to stop working at the
Albatross Co. and perhaps become Presi-
dent of the United States.
I should also like to express my ap-
preciation for the role played in this
legislation by Attorney General Katzen-
bach, Assistant Attorney General Nor-
bert Schlei, Mr. Leon Ulman, and Mr.
Robert Saloschin, all of the Department
of Justice; by Commissioner Raymond
Farrell, Mr. James Hennessy, and Mrs.
Helen Eckerson of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service; by Secretary of
State Rusk and Mr. Abba Schwartz of
the Department of State; and by Mr.
Adam Walinsky, formerly of the Depart-
ment of Justice.
I yield the floor.
that tomorrow the conference report on
the Department of Defense appropria-
tion bill, H.R. 9221, will be considered
in the Senate.
I thank the Senator from Mississippi
[Mr. STENNIS] for his fine cooperation
and excellent assistance in. bringing
about passage in the Appropriations
Committee, and in the Senate, of amend-
ment No. 61 to H.R. 9221 which would
have restored the language of limitation
protecting the so-called 35-65 formula
applicable to ship conversion, alteration
and repair projects. I am also apprecia-
tive of the fine help rendered on this
matter by other members of the Senate
Appropriations Committee.
Not only am I grateful for the stanch
support of this program on the Senate
side but I am sure I reflect the views of
businessmen and citizens of the State of
Oregon when I say they were indeed
pleased by the inclusion in the Senate
version of H.R. 9221 of this most im-
portant public-interest provision.
I was very much concerned, therefore,
when I observed that the conferees re-
ceded from amendment No. 61, thereby
dropping the 35-65 provision from the
bill which amendment was important to
the shipbuilding and ship repair interest
of Oregon and Washington, and, there-
fore, to the economy of those two great
By way of preface, I should indicate
that I agree completely with the Senator
from Mississippi when he pointed out in
the Senate on August 25 that the 35-65
amendment would foster surveillance by
the Congress over the allocation of funds
to be used for this particular type of
Navy work. After all, this item involves
more than $840 million in Federal spend-
ing for fiscal 1966. Expenditures of that
magnitude should be protected by con-
gressional oversight procedures; they
should not be relegated to discretionary
action on the part of the executive
branch. This is a matter which, as. the
Senator from Mississippi pointed out,
should be of special interest to the Con-
As the Senator from Mississippi also
pointed out on August 25, the United
States has an excess of shipyard capac-
ity; it is in our national interest to main-
tain as much of this capacity as possible
The New York Times, July 25, 1963, in its
lead editorial stated: "Adoption of the Pres-
ident's wise recommendations would be an
act of justice and wisdom, as v1ell'as evidence
that we fully understand the true nature
of the changed world-now grown so small-
in which all humanity lives."
, The St. Paul Pioneer Press editorialized on
July 26, 1963: "Possibly the only negative
feature of the administration's new immigra-
tion plan is the 5 years it proposes to take
In implementing it. The present system is
so archaic and Inflexible as to deserve speed-
ier abandonment."
"It is time to lay aside the thinking of the
twenties in favor of the realities of the
sixties with regard to our unreasonable quota
system on immigration," wrote the Chatta-
11Qp Times It continued:
s"steni' of national quotas has long
been recognized as a paradox, In a nation
proud of its pattern of growth and develop-
ment based in large part on the openness of
its shores to people seeking an opportunity
in the `land of opportunity.'
'The quota system wars set up in the im-
nl,igration l'aw of 1924. Many of its sup-
'pdrteis Saw'this'as'a means of checking an
Asian immigration invasio-. But others
and it is' a fact that during the past, 3
years, the 35-65 provision has resulted in
no serious defense problems for the
According to the Navy's preliminary
plan, the private shipyards will be al-
located only 26.3 percent of the more
than $840 million to be devoted to con-
version, alteration and repair work dur-
ing fiscal 1966. This causes me deep
concern, because I feel that such a per-
centage reduction in this work to our
private shipyards will jeopardize the eco-
nomic status of such yards as well as
their readiness to meet any national
emergency that might occur in the ship
conversion, alteration or repair field.
It is my hope that tomorrow, during
the course of the Senate discussion of
the Conference Report, the Senator from
Mississippi will supply his observations,
as a matter of legislative history on this
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I thank
the senator from Mississippi from the
bottom of my heart for the great cour-
tesy that he has paid to me in coming
to the Senate floor tonight to participate
with me in making a brief legislative
record in the Senate on the Defense
Department appropriation bill which
originally was planned to be presented
today, but which will be presented
. This cooperation of the Senator from
Mississippi with the senior. Senator from
Oregon, and, for that matter, all Sena-
tors, is very typical of the Senator from
Mississippi. I want the Senator to know
that I appreciate it.
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001.6
CONGR1 SSIONAL RECORD - S.JNA' E September 20 1P65
ereliS rgport. As I pointed out in trict. I must necessarily warn the Listed below are the figures you requested
~.subini ted, to the Senate business interests and labor interests of for the total dollar volume of repair and
tee on Defense Appropria- my State that the Johnson administra- alteration work during fiscal years 1963 to
1n$.Qxi July 26' Lion permitting the Navy to strike 1965 on which Oregon yards were invited to
. Is Ti e 1~Tavy is given complete discretion to this serious blow to the free enterprise bid, as reported by the industrial manager,
13th Naval District:
+tJ or not to -sisal With th0 private ship economy of Oregon. If necessary to
: fair yards` in this field of c nvernment check the military attack on our free Year: -
? fly
Y'itaj s t
ree. enterprise enterprise economy, I mist urge the 1963_________________________ $9,332,618
- itoior~y will pear from tae-- segi2e_ or pimple Of my State and the Nation to 1964__________________ 6, 370, 525
hE_ iously dams ed We,. as a nation, 1965_______________ 6, 989,355
afford to lose this segment of our resort to the ballot box. I'; is their only It is currently estimated that. during 13
2re; ec no uy, nor can we afford to have, it effective answer to ecouo:nic,dictator- ~-
CeQ ship by the, ericag Inklitaly. cal year 1966 Oregon yards will be invited to
bid on repair and alteration work having an
'fir fact, I thinkhe,.dropping of the In view of this potential and probable aggregate dollar value of $1,600,000. In ad-
25'66 percent amen Went is anther step adverse effect on the economy of my dition, you will be interested to know that
X the direction tlf .a military takeover of State, I would like to have the Senator on June 23, 1965, modification and repair of
f> aPi from Mississippi make a record tumor- the U.S.S. General H. Arnold (T-ACM-B)
g our o(r ree y More and, more, we row on whether or not the Subcommit- was awarded to Northwest Marine Iron
ur# 2e - -rconomy changed into Works, Portland, Ore
it We , e,ratioecono ee controlled b military tee on Defense Department Appropria- g?, at a contract price of
by $595,311. This work is expected to begin
tlnstt~ens. Such a trend. will lead tions plans to undertake surveillance later this month.
bYe afid more to our economy being activities with respect to the allocation It Is the Navy's policy, to the extent prat-
3Ttrplled by the Pentagon Building. of ship repair, conversion and alteration ticable, to have active fleet ships overhauled
1 Est month, I received a very interest- work by the private and public ship- at or near their homeports, in order to fa-
yards during the current f.scal year. cilitate reunions of members of the ships'
Aug report, dated August 5, addressed to
'ire by the Acting Chie ,o# the,Bureau of I am sure the senator from Mississippi forces with their families, after extended
'i jps. _ Tha;ireport supplied, figures con- understands why I am raising this ques- tours of sea duty. Portland is not a the Navy
Lion, for his comment. for Pacific Fleet ships. However, the Navy
Cerning file total .vQ1=g.. Qf . repair and will keep in mind the need and capabllitiea
Ad.tem =o lYork., ?o;, Si3G.Ai I9 3, through It is my hope that the subcommittee of Portland area yards for Navy shipwork.
5g uslve, which iiad been assigned will undertake close continuing review of it is possible that these yards may be invited . Vv - 13th Naval District. which includes the allocation, of this type of work tothe to bid on additional Navy shlpwark during
Oregon, Here Are:, the figures:.. Private yards within, the 13th Naval Dis- fiscal 1966 because of changing operational
- ,, g 37x, 525 of defense in time of national emer gency yo `" desir ?` for your zieeas. r~owever, should
you desire additional data, please do not
S.a89, 355 and it is extremely i--4- ..,.
that these
However, the August 5 .report continued: ' yards,, which can perform outstanding sincerely yours,
and at costs less than those of the CHARLES A. CuRTzE,
ia curreiatly estimated that during fiscal For
sat T9do, Oregon will be invited to bid on Government yards, be given an adequate Rear Admiral, USN, Acting Chief of
repair and alteration wor,k having an aggre- share of work comparable to the 35-per- Bureau.
Sty rin}1ar value of $i,p9^,o00. cent allocation,.. that has prevailed for Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I serve
rip lpa7l@d"witli the iigtlxe of $,0,989,- the past 3 years. Unless this allocation clear notice tonight that I shall be in the
does one in theF Senate have qny is maintained, at least in substance, we Pacific Northwest in 1966, urging the vot-
isltrprise that the; l i from Oregon are in great danger of losing managerial ers to strike back against an adminis-
lp, S111 bls. fr .in tl4s 1104y tonight, rais- and employee skills in our private ship- tration which is guilty of doing this
flag serlotlixquestionsabout. this terrific yards of the Pacific Northwest. These great damage to our private economy;
i It
P~p k. . J raund figures, $7 mil- skills are of great importance to our Na- unl
e administration takes neces-
y1t fl ? c tt3 X89 .OQo in 1966? tion ill the era of -defense alert in which sary steps to right the wrong that Ad-
say a
lflectfuily that the burl- we now live
, aniral Curtze seems bent on doing to the
e g4.jny State, not only the Mr. President
I ask unanimou
omy o
s co
my section of the country.
MIDI> ing and repair interests, but sent that the report dated August 5 ad- I hope the Senator from Mississippi
.?Ss.lnteresi s Pf MY State in all dressed to me by Rear Admiral Curtze, will fully understand that, as the senior
ts.,of,Auw. gconotpy,,are greatly con- Acting Chief of the Bureau of Ships, be Senator from Oregon, with my trust and
T11t3i ab ut~.this r port.fromthe Navy, included in the RECORD at this point in responsibilities to represent the people
:As- ,the, Senator IrQm Mississippi can my remarks.- It contains the proof of in my area, I raise these questions to
ppreclate thisjnvp1ves . a serious drop the Navy's plan to do irreparable dam- night. I do not ask him to agree with
in, tale amount of, work .which we can age to the private shipyards of the any of my political views-I never do-
ea t iri , the Pacific Northwest, in the Pacific Northwest and to the private en- but I would appreciate any assistance.
s repair,, conversion, and alteration terprise economy of the States of Oregon that he can give to my State by way of,
3imgr ni for fiscal 1966. The Bureau of and Washington. The people of Oregon making legislative history tonight or :
M. sof; eiled be, blow, by stating: , and Washington should not forget this tomorrow as to whether his commit-.
It !s possible that these yards may be Navy attack on their economy and they tee intends to maintain careful sus
drt?it to
esi .bid u, ditioiiai Navy ship work should strike back with their political veillance over the Navy Department and
during fiscal 1966 cause of changing op- power, its Bureau of Shi,
erat,,na1 requlremenfs, or other ,factors, ps, to see to it that the
There being no objection, the letter do not resort to what I fear will be very
I am, notinterested in carrots on a was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, arbitrary discretion which will be ap-
stick. I dislike to think that the right as follows:, plied by them, as indicated by Admiral
Qf?private enterprise in my State will DEPARTMENT OF THE NASY, Curtze in his letter to me.
dependent, for example, upon such BuaEAu of Snws, Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, if the
Jan sage as or other factors," which Washington, D.C., AugaSt 5, 1965.
The Honorable Senator will yield to me for a brief re -
may involve acceleration and escalation WAYNE MORSE, sponse at this time, I believe that the
Of military combat in Asia- As the Sen_ U.S. Senate,
ENAlOE MORSE: '1'nis is in further Ulu statement, a very fair one-and
plain, his. program and retain his work reply to your letter of July 17, 11165, concern- Penetrating, as is always true in his re
force onthe.,basis of a vague promise ing the amount of Navy ship repair, conver- marks, going to the very substance of
of this type. lion, and alteration work scheduled for the the grave problem we have in the bill
If the Senator from Mississippi were State of Oregon for fiscal years 1966, 1965, and the Senate version of the bill.
in my position I am sure that he, too, 1964, and 1963. You will recall that in my
would be ton, cam sus d hats he, t pro- letter of July 23, 1965, I promised to advise I was the author of the amendment
posed drop in estimated repair and al- aalteraat on wo total dollar on which volume of yards repair were Naval aval mo and providing in a 6 the e y bill ll for for percent ship alp alte of
teration work for the 13th Naval leis- invited to. bid during the years under review. tion and repair-the division between
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6 . t, T,
September 17, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 23327
The Senate proceeded to consider the
bill (S. 1924) to amend section 39(b) of
the Bankruptcy Act so as to prohibit a
part-time referee from acting as trustee
or receiver in any proceeding under the
Bankruptcy Act which had been re-
ported from the Committee on the Ju-
diciary, with an amendment, at the be-
ginning of line 6, to strike out "b"; so as
to make, the bill read:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That the last
sentence of paragraph b of section 39 of the
Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 67b) is amended
to read as follows:
"Active part-time referees, and referees re-
ceiving benefits under paragraph (1) of sub-
division d of section 40 of this Act, shall not
practice as counsel or attorney or act as
trustee or receiver in any proceeding under
this Act."
The amendment was agreed to.
The bill was ordered to be engrossed
for a third reading, was read the third
time, and passed.
The purpose of the bill, as amended, is to
amend section 39b of the Bankruptcy Act so
as to prohibit a part-time referee from act-
ing as trustee or receiver in any proceeding
under the Bankruptcy Act.
The bill was introduced at the request of
the Judicial Conference of the United States.
The bill is recommended by the Depart-
ment of Justice.
In its favorable report on the bill the De-
partment of Justice pointed out:
"A referee in bankruptcy has the respon-
sibility of determining the disposition to be
made of property whereas a trustee or re-
ceiver acts in a fiduciary capacity to receive,
collect, and preserve property and funds.
The bill would prevent referees from acting
as trustees or receivers In bankruptcy pro-
ceedings. As. a matter of ethics, policy, and
good practice, and to avoid a conflict of in-
terest a referee should not be appointed a
trustee or receiver."
The committee believes that the bill is
meritorious and recommends it favorably.
The Senate proceeded to consider the
bill (S. 405) for the relief of Gabriel A.
Nahas, Vera Nahas, Albert Gabriel Na-
has, and Frederika-Maria Nehas, which
had been reported from the Committee
on the Judiciary, with an amendment, to
strike out all after the enacting clause
and insert:
That the periods of time Gabriel A. Nahas
and Vera Nahas have resided in the United
States since their lawful admission for per-
manent residence on March 2, 1960, shall be
held and considered to meet the residence
and physical presence requirements of sec-
tion 316 of the Immigration and Nationality
The amendment was agreed to.
The bill was ordered to be engrossed
for a third reading, was read the third
time, and passed.
The title was amended, so as to read:
"A bill for the relief of Gabriel A. Nahas
and Vera Nahas. "
The purpose of the bill, as amended, is to
enable the beneficiaries, who were lawfully
admitted to the United States for permanent
residence on March 2, 1960, to file petitions
for- naturalization. The bill has been
amended in accordance with established
precedents. The names of the minor chil-
dren were deleted in accordance with the
suggestion of the Commissioner of Immigra-
tion and Naturalization, inasmuch as they
will derive U.S. citizenship after their parents
are naturalized.
The Senate proceeded to consider the
bill (S. 2039) for the relief of Yasuo
Tsukikawa which had been reported
from the Committee on- the Judiciary
with an amendment in line 7, after the
word "of", to strike out "Yasuo Tsuki-
kawa" and insert "Ken Allen Keene
(Yasuo Tsukikawa) "; so as to make the
bill read :
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That, in the
administration of the Immigration and Na-
tionality Act, section 205(c), relating to the
number of petitions which may be approved
in behalf of eligible orphans, shall be inap-
plicable in the case of a petition filed in
behalf of Ken Allen Keene (Yasuo Tsuki-
kawa) by Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Keene, citizens
of the United States.
The amendment was agreed to.
The bill was ordered to be engrossed
for a third reading, read the third time,
and passed.
The title was amended, so as to read:
"A bill for the relief of Ken Allen Keene
(Yasuo Tsukikawa)."
The purpose of the bill, as amended, is to
facilitate the entry into the United States
in a nonquota status of an eligible orphan
adopted by citizens of the United States, by
waiving the limitation of two orphan peti-
The bill (S. 2273) to render immune
from seizure under judicial process cer-
tain objects of cultural significance im-
ported into the United States for tem-
porary display or exhibition, and for
other purposes was considered, ordered to
be engrossed for a third reading, read
the third time, and passed, as follows:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That (a)
whenever any work of art or other object of
cultural significance is imported into the
United States from any foreign country, pur-
suant to an agreement entered into between
the foreign owner or custodian thereof and
the United States or one or more cultural or
educational institutions within the United
States providing for the temporary exhibi-
tion or display thereof within the United
States at any cultural exhibition, assembly,
activity, or festival administered, operated,
or sponsored, without profit, by any such
cultural or educational institution, no court
of the United States; any State, the District
of Columbia, or any territory or possession of
the United States may issue or enforce any
judicial process, or enter any judgment,
decree, or order, for the purpose or having
the effect of depriving such institution, or
any carrier engaged in transporting such
work or object within the United States, of
custody or control of such object if before the
importation of such object the President or
his designee has determined that such ob-
ject is of cultural significance and that the
temporary exhibition or display thereof with-
in the United States is in the national in-
terest, and a notice to that effect has been
published in the Federal Register.
(b) If in any judicial proceeding in any
,such court any such process, judgment,
decree, or order is sought, issued, or entered,
the United States attorney for the judicial
district within which such proceeding is
pending shall be entitled as of right to inter-
vene as a party to that proceeding, and upon
request made by either the institution ad-
versely affected, or upon direction by the At-
torney General if the United States is ad-
versely affected, shall apply to such court for
the denial, quashing, or vacating thereof.
(c) Nothing contained in this Act shall
preclude (1) any judicial action for or in
aid of the enforcement of the terms of any
such agreement or the enforcement of the
obligation of any carrier under any contract
for the transportation of any such object of
cultural significance; or (2) the institution
or prosecution by or on behalf of any such
institution or the United States of any action
for or in aid of the fulfillment of any obliga-
tion assumed by such institution or the
United States pursuant to any such agree-
The purpose of the bill is to provide a
process to render immune from seizure
under judicial process certain objects of
cultural significance imported into the
United States for temporary display or ex-
hibition, and to provide machinery to
achieve this objective.
This proposed legislation will permit or-
ganizations and institutions engaged in non-
profit activities to import, on a temporary
basis, works of art and objects of cultural
significance from foreign countries for ex-
hibit and display, without the risk of the
seizure or attachment of the said objects by
judicial process.
Both the Departments of State and Justice
urge favorable consideration of the bill.
As pointed out in the report of the De-
partment of State in its report on S. 2273-
"The bill is consistent with the Depart-
ment's policy to assist and encourage educa-
tional and cultural interchange. Its enact-
ment would be a significant step in inter-
national cooperation in this year which has
been proclaimed by the President as In-
ternational Cooperation Year.
The Department of State is informed that
both the Smithsonian Institution and the
American Association of Museums support
this legislation."
The Department of Justice, in its com-
munication, states:
"The commendable objective of this legis-
lation is to encourage the exhibition in the
United States of objects of cultural signifi-
cance which, in the absence of assurances
such as are contained in the legislation,
would not be made available." -
,The bill requires that the President of the
United States or his designee, make a deter-
mination that the objects sought to be im-
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16: CIA-RDP67BO0446R000100040001-6
ported for exhibition or display are of such proper immigration policy. It is a fact
cultural significance as to be in the national that misehiefinakers did to some small
interest, and publish notice to this effect in degree change the original adminlstra-
the Federal Register. Then, in the ' event tion
that any judicial proceeding is instituted isY proposal but they failed in their
any dourt of the United States, any 'State, devious purpose to destroy the spirit and
the D.istriot of Columbia, or any territory intent of this bill. Of, course, today
or possession of the United States, the U.S. those very same obstructionists claim
attorney for the judicial district shall be credit for this beneficent legislation.
entitled, as a matter of right, to intervene We are the Nation which chiseled on
as a party, and upon request made by either our beautiful Statue of Liberty:
the institution adversely affected, or upon
direction by the Attorney General that the Give me your tired, your poor,
United States is adversely affected, ' shall Your huddled masses yearning to breathe
apply to such court for the denial, quashing,
or yachting of such proceeding. Judicial
action for or in aid of the enforcement of
the terms of any agreement or the enforce-
ment of the obligation of any carrier under
any contract for the transportation of any
such object of cultural significance is ex-
cepted from the immunity and the institu-
tion bringing in the objects of art or the
'United States is authorized to maintain a
court action for or in the aid of the ful-
fillment of any obligation assumed by such
institution or the United States pursuant
to any such agreement.
The committee is of the opinion that the
purposes of this proposed legislation are
salutary and will contribute to the educa-
tional and cultural development of the peo-
ple of the United States. It is, therefore,
recommended that S. 2273 be favorably con-
The wretched refuse of your teeming shores,
Send them, the homeless, t;mpest-tossed to
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
The only justification that can be
made for the national origins quota sys-
tem is the claim that P?.mericans with
English or German or Irish names make
better citizens than Americans of Ital-
ian, Greek, Polish or Hungarian descent.
This concept is utterly false. It con-
tradicts all our traditions and ideals,
and makes a mockery of the spirit ex-
pressed in the Declaration of Independ-
ence that all men are created equal.
This }dill will make lam, the fact that
each immigrant has a special worth by
reason of his potential contribution to
our country and he should be judged on
BILLS PASSED OVER his individual ability and worth. Under
During the, call of the Calendar the
following bills were passed over at the
request of Mr. MANSFIELD:
S. 1407, for the relief of Frank E. Lipp.
S. 1898, for the relief of certain aliens.
The following bill was passed over at
the request of Mr. DIRKSEN:
H.R. 6726, for the relief of William S.
Mr, MANSFIELD. That concludes
Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President,
the enactment of the Immigration bill
now before the Senate will be a great
landmark in the development of the
American dream of the freedom and
equality of all men. No provision of any
national law is more distasteful to mil-
lions of Americans than the concept of
judging the worth of men and women
for immigration on the basis of their
place of birth or the nationality of their
I am proud to be a cosponsor in the
Senate of the administration immigra-
tion bill. This historic legislation should
be termed the "Celler immigration, bill"
-,in honor of the chairman of the Com-
mittee on the Judiciary of the House of
Representatives, EMANUEL CELLER, who
more than any other Member of the
Congress is responsible for the fact . that
this legislative proposal is now before the
U.S. Senate for debate and vote and will
be enacted into law, in the near future.
Chairman CELLER deserves the gratitude
of all Americans .for his outstanding
leadership in successfully guiding this
important legislative proposal through
his committee in the face of powerful
opposition from those who sought to de-
lay, to undermine and to render ineffec-
tive and useless the effort to build a
the proposed bill, people would be ad-
mitted on the basis of their skills, edu-
cation, and training. Another prime
governing factor will be the reunification
of families now separated by our out-
moded immigration laws. It would put
an end to painful case histories such as
that of the naturalized Greek who is able
to bring a maid from Ireland in short
order, but who must wait many years to
bring his mother or siste from Greece.
As President Franklin D. Roosevelt
said in Boston in one of the closing
speeches of his final campaign in 1944:
All of our people all over the country-
except the pure-blooded Indians-are immi-
grants or descendants of !.mmigrants, in-
cluding even those who came over here on
the Mayflower.
It was through the open door of its
immigration policy that the vast empty
space of the United States was peoples
during the 19th century. That door was
narrowed to a slot when Congress im-
1losed national quotas under the Quota
Act of 1921, which stacked the cards in
favor of the people of Northern and
Western Europe, and to the prejudice of
nationals of other areas cf the world.
The Celler immigration bill will right
the wrong that stains our national con-
science and blurs our image as the great-
est and best democracy in the entire
world. It does not ask of a prospective
immigrant, "What country are you
from?", but rather, "What can you do for
the United States of Amen f Ia?"
This legislative proposal recognizes
that each immigrant has s, special worth
because of his potential contribution to
the total manpower of our country. It
will eliminate all quotas based on na-
tional origin. The total amount of immi-
grants admitted each year will not be
greatly increased.
Mr. President, the enactment of this
bill will at long last commit us to a
national policy which will make real the
simple truth of the words of St. Paul:
"God hath made of one blood all nations
of men for to dwell on. the face of the
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that there be a
morning hour, with a time limitation of
3 minutes.
pore. Without objection, it is so ordered.
pore laid before the Senate a letter from
the President, Board of Commissioners,
District of Columbia, transmitting a draft
of proposed legislation to require that
contracts for construction, alteration,: or
repair of any public building or public
work of the District of Columbia be ac-
companied by a performance bond pro-
tecting the District of Columbia and by
an additional bond for the protection of
persons furnishing material and labor
which, with an accompanying paper, was
referred to the Committee on the District
of Columbia.
The following reports of a committee
were submitted:
By Mr. YARBOROUGH, from the Commit-
tee on Labor and Public Welfare, without
H.R. 2414. An act to authorize the Admin-
istrator of Veterans' Affairs to convey cert~in
lands situated in the State of Oregon to the
city of Roseburg, Oreg.; (Rept. No. 754).
By Mr. EASTLAND (for Mr. LONG of Mis-
souri), from the Committee on the Judi-
ciary, with amendments:
S. 1758. A bill to provide for the right of
persons to be represented by attorneys in
matters before Federal agencies; (Rept. No.
Bills were introduced, read the first
time, and, by unanimous consent, the
second time, and referred as follows:
S. 2543. A bill for the relief of Dr. Maria
Yolanda Rafaela Miranda y Monteagudo; to
the Committee on the Judiciary.
S. 2544. A bill for the relief of Kumari
Hellen and Kumari Sonamani; to the Com-
mittee on the Judiciary.
S. 2545. A bill for the relief of Jose E:leu-
terio Bra
nrto Dias; to, the Committee on the
Mr. ALLOTT submitted an amend-
ment,, intended to be proposed by him,
to the bill (H.R. 2580) to amend the Im-
migration and Nationality Act, and for
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Other, purposes, which was ordered to
lie on the table and to be,printed.
Mr. THURMOND submitted an
amendment, intended to be proposed by
him to House bill 2580, supra, which was
ordered to lie on the table and to be
YOUNG of Ohio in the chair). The Chair
announces that on today, September 17,
1965, the Vice President signed the en-
rolled bill (H.R. 8469) to provide certain
increases in annuities payable from' the
civil service retirement and disability
fund, and for other purposes, which had
previously been signed by the Speaker of
the House of Representatives.
Mr. EASTLAND. Mr. President, on
behalf of the Committee on the Judi-
ciary,' I desire to give notice that a pub-
lic hearing has been scheduled for Tues-
day, September 21, 1965, at 10:30 a.m.,
in Room 2228 New Senate Office Build-
ing, on the nomination of David G.
Bress, of the District of Columbia,, to be
U.S. attorney, for the District of Colum-
bia, for a term of 4 years, vice David C.
At the indicated time and place per-
sons interested in the hearing may make
such representations as may be perti-
The subcommittee consists of the
Senator from Arkansas [Mr. MCCLEL-
LAN], the Senator from Illinois [Mr.
DIRKSSNI, and myself, as chairman.
Mr. EASTLAND. Mr. President, on
behalf of the Committee on the Judi-
ciary, I desire to give notice that a pub-
lic hearing has been scheduled for Fri-
day, September 24, 1965, at 10:30 a.m.,
in Room 2228 New Senate Office Build-
ing, on the nomination of Frank Morey
Coffin, of Maine, to be U.S. circuit judge,
First Circuit, vice John P. Hartigan,
At the indicated time and place per-
sons interested in the hearing may make
ssuch representations as may be per-
The subcommittee consists of the Sen-
ator from North Carolina [Mr. ERvnNI,
the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. HRUS-
NA], and myself, as chairman.
Mr. EASTLAND. Mr. President, the
following nominations have been referred
to and are now pending before the Com-
mittee on the Judiciary:
Edward C. Sweeney, of Illinois, to be a
member of the Subversive Activities Control
Board, for a term of 5 years expiring August
9, 1970.
John W. Mahan, of Montana, to be a mem-
ber of the Subversive Activities Control
Board, for a term expiring March 4, 1970,
vice Francis Adams Cherry.
On behalf of the Committee on the Ju-
diciary, notice ? is hereby given to all
persons interested in these nominations
to file with the committee, in writing,
on or before Friday, September 24, 1965,
any representations or objections they
may wish to present concerning the above
nominations, with a further statement
whether it is their intention to appear
at any hearing which may be scheduled.
On request, and by unanimous con-
sent, addresses, editorials, articles, etc.,
were ordered to be printed in the Ap-
pendix, as follows:
Editorial entitled "Watch on the Poto-
mac," published In the Richmond, Va., News
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I
suppose there are a few former Members
of Congress who have had a happier,
more constructive and positive relation-
ship with Congress than the present Vice
President, HUBERT HUMPHREY. He re-
cently addressed the class of 1965 at Syr-
acuse University. I have a copy of the
speech which he delivered at that time.
At a time when Congress is suffering
the brickbats of criticism as it rarely has
in the past, in, spite of its constructive
achievements, I believe that this address
of the Vice President should be called to
the attention of all Senators and the
Vice President HUMPHREY points out a
series of constructive contributions which
Congress makes.
First, he says-and this is something
which is overlooked:
Few persons can deal directly with either
the President or the Supreme Court. But-
any person, personally or by mail or phone,
can communicate with his elected Repre-
sentatives in Washington. The Members of
the Congress, the people's Representatives,
provide a direct link between the National
Government, this huge structure that shows
no signs of becoming smaller or less com-
Mr. President, the Vice President
points out further the enormous educa-
tional value of serving in Congress. He
My teachers have been Presidents and de-
partment heads, constituents, press, radio
and television, and above all a group of wise
and distinguished colleagues in both Houses.
Then he points to the constructive
achievement of compromise and of
achieving a consensus on the basis of a
constructive dialog, and he invites at-
tention to the role of Congress for re-
sponsible surveillance of the.many de-
partments of Government, what he calls
a continuing critical review, construc-
tively critical by the committees and the
Houses of Congress.
The Vice President then invites atten-
tion to the joy of politics. I do not know
of anyone who has participated in the
joy of politics to the obvious extent that
our distinguished Vice President has.
The Vice President concludes with a
fine quotation from Emerson:
It was Emerson who once wrote that
Congress is a "standing insurrection." You
don't need a revolution here; you have one
built in. It is a standing insurrection
against the ancient enemies of mankind:
war, and poverty, and Ignorance, and in-
justice, and sickness, environmental ugli-
ness, and economic and personal insecurity.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent to have this address printed in the
There being no objection, the address
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
honored today to have so distinguished a
guest. Because students are important at
Syracuse University we consult each year
with the officers of the senior class and ask
them their choice of a commencement
speaker. And this morning, ladies and
gentlemen, by the unanimous action of the
senior class, the Vice President of the United
Vice President HUMPHREY. Thank you,
thank you, Chancellor Tolley. My thanks to
you, Chancellor Tolley, deans of the many
schools, colleges of this great university,
members of the board of trustees, my col-
leagues in Government who share this plat-
form with me today, Secretary Connor, a
graduate of this splendid university, and
Secretary Harlan Cleveland, a former profes-
sor and head of the Maxwell School of this
great university, Congressman HANLEY, the
graduates of this class of 1965, the parents
who are here in pride and honor, and my
fellow Americans, and guests; this is, as I've
been reminded once again, as you have, the
-111th commencement ceremony, not for me
but for this great university. I was saying
to Chancellor Tolley how difficult it is these
days to be the commencement speaker and
try to find a topic that is worthy of the
attention and the thoughtful consideration
of the graduates. I suppose I should be con-
cerned about the faculty, but in this in-
stance I address myself primarily to the
The honor that you have done to me today
Is. one that is deeply appreciated, particu-
larly in light of the announcement that has
just been made as to how I was selected.
I'm especially delighted that the chancellor
and the board of trustees extended their in-
vitation to me as a result of the vote of the
senior class. You see, I've always been
friendly to votes. And I'm particularly
pleased when the votes and the voters are
friendly to me. And what a refreshing ex-
perience, and what a way to renew the
spirit of a public official, to be selected once
again by votes. I might say to my friends
of the graduating class, I have been on both
ends of the voting spectrum, and the best
end is the winning one. Now I, of course,
have no way of knowing against whom I
was running in this contest. But I trust
that it 'was some worthy Republican, of
which this State has all too many. I hope
that I didn't inspire any fear or trepidation
In the heart of the Congressman.
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7 do want to.,take just for this moment .'cheap subsitutes for hard thought and
the opportunity to express, a little bit pre- 'analysis. I prefer, therefore, to take my stand
maturely, but this is one way of assuring on the proposition that the American people
that the ceremony comes off, my thanks for working through democratic institutions,
the honor that will be bestowed upon several changing Institutions, have met, are meeting,
of us here today, the honorary degrees. Now and will continue to meet the most complex
having made the announcement, there is no problems of our age. If we t,till have a long
way that anything can go wrong. way to go, and we have in achieving human
My presence here today is particularly equality, in securing international and do-
satisfying to me because this year marks the mestic tranquillity, in extending the benefits
40th anniverraxy of the founding of the of our technical genius to at. citizens in the
Maxwell School. Syracuse University has American Republic and to all of mankind, let
made many contributions to scholarship us at least glory in and be Inspired by the
and to professional excellence in a wide magnitude of the unfinished agenda. Let us
variety of fields. I know that this great glory in the fact that we still possess the
university encompasses most all of the dis- wit and the wisdom to continue making our
ciplines of intellectual life. - I'm wenaware American democratic system responsive to
of the achievements and the high standards the terribly difficult and complex problems
of your college of engineering, and I 'well of this turbulent and rapidly changing age.
recall that only last year the President, of
the united, States was with you on the c-
casion of the dedication of your new commu-
nications building. I know the outstanding
endeavors of this university in the field of
social work and social welfare. These are
but a few of your achievements in the field
of scholarship and professional excellence.
But as one who has by purpose and design
devoted. his life to the public service, I want
to express my personal thanks and gratitude
of the U.S. Government for the work of the
Maxwell School. Yea, I've mentioned al-
Winston Churchill once was reported to
have said that democracy is the worst form
of government, except all others. And I sup-
pose there is more truth than humor in that
analysis of the social structure. But it is
our democracy that we mold and design to
our purpose. And the glory of the democracy
and of the democratic faith i3 the courage of
it, the experimentation of it, and the willing-
ness to try to begin anew, if we should fail,
to rise once again, if we shot.ld falter, to try
once again, remembering with the prophet
that the longest journey Is tl
e at ste
ready the Assistant Secretary of State for
International Organization Affairs, a dis- the first steps toward freedom we have taken,
and further ste we will take
tinguished former dean of the Maxwell
School, Harlan Cleveland, who serves his
country well and faithfully and with brilli-
ance, and the graduateof thisgreat univer-
sity. the Secretary of Commerce, who has
brought new life to that Department and a
new sense of purpose and direction. In
addition to the outstanding contributions of
the Maxwell School to social science scholar-
ship and the upgrading of public service, its
undergraduate course in public affairs and
citizenship is world famous. And I would
recommend it to every great university in
otfr land. Your chancellor has told me, that
more than 20,000 Syracuse undergraduates
have taken this course.over the past genera-
tion. Think of it, 20,000 citizens who have
been educated in their continuing personal
responsibilities for the preservation and the
extension of human freedom-and if ever
there was a time that this Nation needed
men and women, who understand tiieir per-
sonal responsibilities to the cause of free-
dom and social justice, it is now.
Our Nation, as never before, bears the
mantle of leadership, and that mantle is not
a luxury, but rather a responsibility, a bur-
den and a duty. All the more reason then
that citizens, not just the leaders, but citi-
zens all be educated in their continuing. per-
sonal responsibilities for the stewardship
of human freedom. It is difficult to think
of a more fundamental contribution which
a university can make to free society. So
my congratulations to this school. I know
that it will continue to flourish and accom-
plish much in the years ahead.
Now, I am also a refugee from the class-
room, a former university teacher. Because
of the precarious nature of elective life, I like
to mention this in the presence of trustees
and deans of faculty. And I would care not
to be judged entirely on the singular per-
formance of today, but rather on a longer ex-
position by the applicant at a later time.
I am well aware, as a former teacher, of
the pitfalls of commencement speeches. It's
so easy to follow the timeworn formula, the
world is in a mess (when wasn't it, by the
way?), the older generation has failed (it
generally has), and it's up to you of the
graduating class to put things right, at least
for a day or two. And then someday you'll
be the older generation anc. you too can have
the dubious honors that other commence-
ment speakers would heap upon you. But
platitudes rarely change attitudes And
baneful criticism and vapid exhortations are
I want to discuss with this graduating class
the importance of one of the great constitu-
tional Instruments at the disposal of the
American people in the business of making
this democracy work. I want to discuss with
you an institution that Is frequently referred
to with cynicism, all too often, may I say,
by the media, and all too of en held in dis-
repute by people who know all too little
about it. I refer to the institution of the
Congress of the United States. What I have
to say I think needs saying, because too many
of our citizens take an ind.fferent, cynical
and even hostile view toward the legislative
branch. No one branch has a monopoly on
wisdom or virture, but surely each can make
a contribution to the common good. This is
not, when I speak of the Congress, to under-
estimate the need for strong and able presi-
dential leadership, or for wise and humane
judicial decisions. It is, however, once again
to reaffirm the vital role of representative
government, the vital role of the Congress In
our constitutional system. Few persons can
deal directly with either the President or
the Supreme Court. But any person, per-
sonally or by mail or phone, can communicate
with his elected representatives in Washing-
ton. The Members of the Congress, the
people's representatives, provide a direct link
between the National Government, this huge
structure that shows no of becoming
smaller or less complicated, this huge struc-
ture and the almost 195 million persons who
comprise this Republic, and a. growing popu-
lation it is. Surely, this contact, this con-
nection, is vital in keeping our National Gov-
ernment responsive to the needs and opinions
of the American people.
I have found congressional service to be a
remarkable form of higher education. It's a
super graduate school In e'.ery discipline.
My teachers have been Presidents and de-
partment heads, constituents, press, radio,
and television, and above all a group of wise
and distinguished colleagues ::n both Houses.
I cannot In the few minutes that I have
convey to you all that I have learned from
these teachers, but it is a riot.. and rewarding
Perhaps I can suggest some lessons in
democratic theory and practice which I've
gained from my collegial experiences in the
Congress. The first lesson has, to do with the
creative and constructive dimension to the
process of compromise-compromise without
the loss of principle or honor. There are
100 Members of the U.S. Senate and 435 M,em-
hers of the House. They come from States
and districts as diverse as Nevada and New
York, Alaska and Alabama. No two States
or regions of the United States have identical
needs, backgrounds, interests, or even preju-
dices. And one of the jobs of the Congress
is to reconcile such differences through the
process of compromise and accommodation.
What sometimes seem to the naive and
untutored eye to be legislative obstruction-
isms, often are no more than the honest
expressions of dedicated representatives try-
ing to make clear the attitudes and the inter-
ests of their States and regions, sometimes
trying to gain time for public understanding
of vital issues. As Sir Richard Grenfell once
observed: "Mankind Is slowly learning that
because two men differ neither need be
From the earliest days of this Republic)__
at the Constitutional Convention-the lead-
era of this Nation have maintained an un-
swerving commitment to moderation. Now,
if our Founding Fathers had not understood
the need to overcome extremes in drafting
our Constitution, this noble experiment of
ours in the art of self-government would
surely have foundered years ago on the rocks
of dissension and discord.
As in the deliberations of the Constitu-
tional Convention, the heart of congressional
activity are skills of negotiation, of honest
bargaining among equals. My willingness
to compromise, and I have done so more
times than I can count, is the respect that
I pay to the dignity of those with whom I
disagree. Yes, I have come to the conclu-
sion that possibly all of my original sug-
gestions may not have been right. There
may be others, you know, who have solid
and constructive views. Dogma and doc-
trine have little place in a society in which
there is respect for the attitude and the
opinion of others.
Through reasonable discussion, through
taking into account the view of many,Con-
gress amends and refines the legislative pro-
posals so that once a law is passed it reflects
the collective judgment of a diverse people.
This is consensus, the word that is used so
much in these days. Consensus is nothing
but agreement, obtained by a constructive
dialog between persons of different points
of view, based upon mutual respect and un-
derstanding. Surely this is a remarkable
service for a people that aspire to orderly
progress. Surely the habits of accommoda-
tion and compromise are of universal conse-
quence. These are the very skills and atti-
tudes so desperately needed on the larger
stage of world conflict, and possibly our dif-
ficulties on that world stage can be better
understood when we recognize that where
there are despotic forms of government or
dictatorships, the art of negotiation and
compromise has been sacrificed to power, to
arrogance, and to the strong will of the man
who knows he is right. We possibly have
some teaching to do before the processes of
peace may reach a maturity and an achieve-
World order and the rule of law will be
secure on this earth only when men have
learned to cope with the continuing conflicts
of peoples and nations through the peace-
ful processes of bargaining and negotiation.
And might I admonish my fellow Americans
that we too need to be cognizant of the dif-
ferences in other lands, that we seek no pax
Americana, we seek no trademark "Made in
the U.S.A." we seek above all to negotiate', to
accommodate, to adjust so that peoples
realize their hopes in their way.
A second lesson that I have learned from
my congressional teachers is the importance
of the congressional role of responsible sur-
venlance. There are roughly 70 separate
departments and agenices in the Federal
Government. Now if you should notice two
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September 16, 1965ONSSIONAL ~t$CORD -SENATE 2h69
Mr.,MtYSKIE. Mr. President, I move
that the motion to reconsider be laid on
the table.
The, motion to lay on the table was
agreed to.
Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to authorize the
Secretary of the Senate, in the engross-
ment of the bill, to make any necessary
technical corrections.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, the
legislation which has just been enacted,
will enhance the recreational and scenic
values of the highways of America. This
legislation was not only desired but was
necessary. Senators responded with a
vote of 63 to 14 for the bill, which in-
dicates. the overwhelming support of
membership of the Senate for the Presi-
dent's beautification program. The
Committee, on Public Works and the
Senate-have worked effectively to pre-
serve and develop the esthetic values of
the American scene, while also protect-
ing the rights of, private property and
keeping damage to individual businesses
I express my personal and official ap-
preciation to Richard Royce, profes-.
sional staff member of the Public Works
Committee who has given such diligent
and dedicated attention to this legisla-
tion from its inception. I could not have
had amore capable member of any com-
mittee staff standing at my side than
Dick Royce.
I also wish to thank Ron Linton, who
is the Chief Clerk of.the Committee on
Public Works.
I also wish to add my thanks for the
great work which was done by Bob Per-
rin, the administrative assistant to the
distinguished chairman of the Commit-
tee on Public Works, the Senator from
Michigan [Mr.McNAMARA].
Also, let me thank, my executive as-
sistant, Jim Harris, for his capable and
diligent, ,labors in connection with the
I thank all members of the staff of the
Committee on Public Works, who con-
tributed their valuable services during
consideration and preparation of the
I also express my appreciation to all
members of the Subcommittee on Public
Works.. It is difficult to name Senators
individually, because members of this
subcommittee gave earnest attention to
the subject, even though they were con-
cerned with other committees dealing
with education, labor, and agriculture,
which made it very difficult at times to
give the painstaking effort which was
required in the preparation of this
In connection with all the members of
the subcommittee who assisted me, it is
entirely appropriate that I speak espe-
cially of the efforts of the distinguished
Senator from.Maine[Mr, MusKIE], who,
in committee and on the floor of the
Senate has been of constant and valued
support. Other Senators who joined in
presenting the points which they felt
were most important to be stressed in the
passage of this measure have ' been of
great assistance.
I also thank the distinguished ranking
member of the subcommittee and the
full committee, the Senator from Ken-
tucky [Mr. COOPER]. Even though we
were in disagreement on many issues in
connection with this legislation, it was a
privilege to work with him, as always,
because he is very careful in his atten-
tion to the details of any bill, and he is
uniformly courteous. I am grateful for
the cooperation he gave to the consider-
ation of this legislation, including the
administration's amendments which I
have offered.
I also thank the majority leader, the
Senator from Montana [Mr. MANS-
FIELD], and the minority leader, the Sen-
ator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN], for
their unfailing courtesies and assistance
to me during the consideration of this
Mr. President, it is my hope that the
House of Representatives will promptly
consider this legislation. I believe that
any differences between the House ver-
sion, which I hope will pass very soon,
and the Senate version, which has now
passed, can be resolved, and that an ef-
fective instrumentality, which I believe
we have drafted, can be sent to the
President of the United States, who will,
we know, quickly sign the measure into
Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, will the
Senator from West Virginia yield?
Mr. RANDOLPH. I am glad to yield
to the Senator from Maine.
Mr. MUSKIE. Without desiring to
prolong unduly the session this evening,
I believe it should be stated that as one
member of the subcommittee,, in my
judgment-and I am sure in the judg-
ment of the rest of the subcommittee-
the distinguished Senator from West
Virginia [Mr. RANDOLPH], in handling
this bill on the floor of the Senate, has
accepted and survived with great credit
one of the more difficult and frustrat-
ing assignments which I have seen as-
sumed by any Senator in that capacity
in some time. So he has to add to his
credit not only the outstanding work
which he performed in the committee,
but also the great patience and wisdom
which he has shown on the floor of the
Senate, to say nothing of his fortitude
in handling this difficult assignment.
I should like to add my personal com-
mendation to the Senator from West
Mr. RANDOLPH. I am grateful to
the Senator from Maine for his kind
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, the
Federal aid highway system has been a
boon to individual States and to the
Nation as a whole. Indeed, few gov-
ernmental programs have been more
successful. Today, after long, hard
work, we have crowned that success with
a vital new dimension, a bill to provide
for scenic development and road beau-
tification of the Federal aid highway
It is evident that passage of the bill
would not have been accomplished with-
out the devoted effort and the coopera-
tion of a number of Members of this
body. Special congratulations must be
extended to the distinguished senior
Senator from West Virginia [Mr. RAN-
DOLPH], who so skillfully managed this
bill. No one has doubted his expertise
on matters involving this country's high-
way system. But, in addition, he has,
by the capable management of this bill,
demonstrated not only his appreciation
for the existent as well as the potential
beauty surrounding our highways but
also his legislative management abilities.
I commend the Senator from West Vir-
ginia for this demonstration of his par-
liamentary skill in the management of
this bill.
It is abundantly clear that provision
for scenic development and road beau-
tification has not been a partisan affair.
I can think of no one who has worked
more assiduously and purposefully to-
ward these goals than the distinguished
ranking Republican member of the Sen-
ate Committee on Public Works, the able
senior Senator from Kentucky [Mr.
COOPER]. Time and time again on this
bill he made notable contributions and
suggestions. When he proposed amend-
ments, both in committee and on the
floor, other Senators quite appropriately
took notice. I extend my personal
thanks to him for lending his great talent
and expertise to this measure and for
his great constructive assistance and
cooperation in facilitating the expedi-
tious passage of this bill; my thanks are
extended also to the Senate as a whole
for the cooperation displayed in con-
sidering this bill.
I would be remiss if I did not mention
other individuals who have consistently
worked toward the goal of passage of a
highway beautification bill. I refer
especially to the very helpful and capable
senior Senator from Michigan [Mr. Mc-
NAMARA], the able chairman of the Sen-
ate Committee on Public Works, the
junior Senator from Oregon [Mrs. NEU-
BERGER] who has often sponsored bills
concerning road beautification, and to
my' distinguished colleague, the able
junior Senator from Montana [Mr. MET-
CALF], the distinguished junior Senator
from Utah [Mr. Moss], the distinguished
Senators from Illinois [Mr. DOUGLAS and
Mr. DIRKSEN], the distinguished junior
Senator from Maine [Mr. MusKIE], the
distinguished junior Senator from Cali-
fornia [Mr. MURPHY], the distinguished
Senators from Hawaii [Mr. FONG and
Mr. INOUYE], the distinguished junior
Senator from Connecticut [Mr. RIBI-
coFF], the distinguished Senators from
Colorado [Mr. ALLOTT and Mr. DoM-
INICK], the distinguished senior Senator
from New Hampshire [Mr. COTTON], the
distinguished senior Senator from Dela-
ware [Mr. WILLIAMS], and other Mem-
bers of this body on both sides of the
aisle, members and nonmembers of the
Committee on Public Works, who . have
submitted and carefully argued for
amendments or otherwise worked pur-
posefully and diligently toward passage
of a highway beautification bill.
I certainly feel that. Senate passage of
this bill is a significant landmark in this
Nation's program of highway beautifica-
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ONGRESSI(~NAY.;RECQ)RI~ - S"ENATt September 16, 1965
Mr. Presider}t, let me take tnls time
to express cfee lent thanks to the
distinuishgdenator from Connecticut
[Mr. Iio R;f pa ~nce he i as shown
Coda 'iii ng up a very important
speed _W4 P- h6 Ilac 3n endei to 'give
ether, i_n oxd to alloiiswbiloss.
Mr, MArrSlfit>JI,n Mr: President, I
ask tili24iiIn o,us consent that tiie Senate
in'oceec to consider dalendar No.'', 733,
The PR S,TI3I,N6, OF'F'ICER.' The bill
will be stated day title for the informa-
tion, of the Senate
The X?EGiSII) ;Y `LERK. A bill (fT_R.
2580) to amend ,the Immigration and
' Nationality Act, and for other purposes.
objection to the ,present consideration
of the bill?
s`hel . Jio objection, the Senate
proceeded to consider the bill, which' had
been reported from the Committee on
the Judiciary, with an amendment, to
strike, out all after the enacting clause
s kid insert :
That section 201 of the Immigration. and
Nationality Act (66'Stat. 175; 8 U.S.C.:1151)
be amended to read as follows:
j a: `Exclusive of special immi-
grants efihed in section' 101(a) (27), and of
,the immediate relatives of United States
Citizens specified in subsection (b) of this
section, the number of aliens who may be
issued immigrant visas or who may other-
wise acquire the status of an alien lawfully
admiittt to the United States for perma-
nent dente, or who may, pursuant to sec- `
Ily, (1)
lion 203 (a) (7) e`nters"onditfona
not in any of the first three quarters of any
fi ,cal year exceed a total of 45,000 and (ii)
shall not in any fiscal year exceed a total of
"(b) the 'immediate relatives' referred to
to, subsection (a) of this section shall mean
the children, spouses, and parents of a' citi-
zen of the United States: Provided, That in
the case of-parents, such citizen must be at
least twenty-one years of age. The Immedi-
ate relatives specified in this subsection who
are otherwise qualified for admission as im-
migrants shall be admitted as such, without
regard to the numerical limitations in this
"(c) During the period from July 1,'1965,
through June 30, 1968, the annual quota
pf any, quota area shall be the same as that
Which existed for that area on June 30,1965.
The Secretary of State shall, not later'than
on the sixtieth day immediately following
the date of enactment of this subsection and
again on or before September 1, 1966, and
September 1, 1907, determine and proclaim
the amount of quota numbers which re-
main unused at the end of the fiscal year
ending on June 30,' 1965, June 30, i966", and
June 30, 1967, respectively, and are avail-
able for distribution pu_rsuant to subsection
(d) of this section:
(d) Quota numbers not issued or other-
Wise used during the previous fiscal 'year,
as determined in accordance with subsection
(c) hereof, she'll be transferred' to ani im-
migration pool. Allocation of numbers'from
the poor and from national quotas shall not
together exceed in any fiscal year the nu-
merical limitations in subsection (a) of this
section. The immigration pool shall be
made available to immmgrants otherwise ad-
missible under the provisions of this Act
Who are'uhable to obtain prompt issuance
of a preference visa due to oversubscription
of their quotas, 'or subquotae as determined
by the Secretary of State. 'Visas and con-
ditional entries shall be allomted from the
immigration pool within the percentage
limitations and in the order of priority
specified in section 203 witliout regard to
the quota to which the alien is chargable.
"(e) The immigration pool and the quotas
of quota areas shall terminato June 30, 1968.
Thereafter immigrants admissible under the
provisions of this Act who are subject to the
numerical limitations of subsection (a) of
this, section shall be admitted in accordance
with the percentage limitations and In the
order of priority specified in section 203."
SEC. 2. Section 202 of theImmigration and
Nationality Act (66 Stat. 175; 8 U.S.C. 1152)
is amended to read as follows:
"(a) No person shall any prefer-
ence or priority or be discriminated against
in the issuance of an immigrant visa because
of his race, -sex,nationality, place of birth,
or place of residence, except as specifically
provided in section 101(a)(27), section
201(b), and section 203: Provided, That the
total number of immigrant visas and the
number of conditional entries made avail-
able to natives of any single foreign state
under, paragraphs (1) through (8) of section
203(a) shall not exceed 20,000 in any fiscal
year: Provided further, Tha; the foregoing
proviso shall not operate to induce the num-
ber of immigrants who may be admitted
under the quota of any quota area before
June 30, 1968.
"(b) Each independent country, self-
governing dominion, mandated territory,
.and territory under the International trus-
teeship system of the United Nations, other
than the United States and i:s outlying pos-
sessions shall be treated as a separate foreign
state for the purposes of the numerical limi-
.tatlon set forth in the proviso to subsection
(a) of this section when approved by the
Secretary of State,, All other inhabited
lands shall be attributed, to a foreign state
specified by the Secretary of State. or the
purposes of this Act the foreign state to
which an immigrant is changeable shall be
determined by birth within such foreign
state except that (1) an alien child, when
accompanied by his alien parent or parents,
may be charged to the salve foreign state
as the accompanying parent or of either
accompanying parent if such parent has
received or would, be ?qualified for an im-
migrant visa, if necessary to prevent the
separation of the child from the accompany-
ing parent or parents, and if the foreign
state to which such parent has been or
would be chargeable has not exceeded the
numerical limitation set forth in the pro-
viso to subsection (a) of ibis section for
that fiscal year; (2) if an align is chargeable
to a different foreign state from that of his
accompanying spouse, the foreign state to
which such alien is chargeable may, if neces-
sary to prevent the separation of husband
and wife, be determined by the foreign state
of the accompanying spouse. If such spouse
has received or would be qualified for an Im-
migrant visa and if the f ),reign state to
which such spouse has been or would be
chargeable has not exceeded the numerical
limitation set forth in the proviso to sub-
section (a) of this section for that fiscal
year; (3) an alien born in the United States
shall be considered as having been born in
the country of which he is a citizen or
subject, or if he is not a ci';izen or subject
of any country then in the last foreign
country in "which he had his residence as
determined by the consular officer; (4) an
alien born within any foreign state in which
neither of his parents was born and in which
neither of his parents had a residence at the
time of such alien's birth may be charged
to the foreign state of either parent.
"(c) Any immigrant bore. in a colony or
other component or dependent area of a for-
eign state unless a specia:. immigrant, as
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
1rovided'in section 101(a) (27) or an imme-
diate relative of a United States citizen as
specified in section 201(b), shall be charge-
able, for the purpose of limitation set forth
in section 202(a), to the foreign state, ex-
cept that the number of persons born in any
such colony or other component or depend-
ent area overseas from the foreign state
chargeable to the foreign state in any one
fiscal year shall not exceed 1 per centum
of the maximum number of immigrant visas
available to such foreign state.
"(d) In the case of any change in the
territorial limits of foreign states, the Sec-
retary of State shall, upon recognition of
such change, issue appropriate instructions
to all diplomatic and consular offices."
SEC. 3. Section 203 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 175; 8 U.S.C.
1153) is amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 203. (a) Aliens who are subject to
the numerical limitations specified in sec-
tion 201(a) shall be allotted visas or their
conditional entry authorized, as the case
may be, as follows:
"(1) Visas shall be first made available,
in a number not to exceed 20 per centum of
the number specified in section 201(a) (it),
to qualified immigrants who are the un-
married sons or daughters of citizens of the
United States.
"(2) Visas shall next be made availble, in
a number not to exceed 20 per centum of
the number specified in section 201(a) (ii),
plus any visas not required for the classes
specified in paragraph (1), to qualified irr1-
migrants who are the spouses, unmarried
sons or unmarried daughters of an alien
lawfully admitted for permanent residence.
"(3) Visas shall next be made available,
in a number not to exceed 10 per centum
of the number specified In section 201(a)
(ii), to qualified immigrants who are mem-
bers of the professions, or who because of
their exceptional ability in the sciences or
the arts will substantially benefit prospec-
tively the national economy, cultural in-
terests, or welfare of the United States.
"(4) Visas shall next be made available,
in a number not to exceed 10 per centum; of
the number specified in,section 201(a) (Ii),
plus any visas not required for the classes
specified in paragraphs (1) through (3), to
qualified immigrants who are the married
sons or the married daughters of citizens
of the United States.
"(5) Visas shall next be made available,
in a number not to exceed 24 per centum
of the number specified in section 201('a)
(11), plus any visas not required for the
classes specified in paragraphs (1) through
(4), to qualified immigrants who are the
brothers or sisters of citizens of the United
?(6) Visas shall next be made available,
in a number not to exceed 10 per centum. of
the number specified in section 201(a) (ii),
to qualified immigrants wno are capable of
performing specified skilled or unskilled
labor, not of a temporary or seasonal nature,
for which a shortage of employable and
willing persons exists in the United States..
"(7) Conditional entries shall next be
made available by the Attorney General,
pursuant to such regulations as he may pre-
scribe and in a number not to exceed 6 per
centum of the number specified in section
201(a) (it), to aliens who satisfy an Immigra-
tion and Naturalization Service officer at
an examinaiton in any non-Communist or
non-Communist-dominated country, (A)
that (i) because of persecution or fear of
persecution on account of race, religion, or
political opinion they have fled (I) from any
Communist or Communist-dominated coun-
try or area, or (II) from any country within
the general area of the Middle East, and (it)
are unable or unwilling to return to such
country or area on account of race, religion,
or political opinion, and (Iii) are not nation-
S`epternber 16;?il- ed For V /1 67B00446R000100040001-6
als of 23271
the countntrries or areas s in which teir ~~ARed SENATE
application o ie or e I is made; it tinned intention to apply for a visa in such separation of brothers and sisters and no entry or manner as may be, by regulation prescribed. petition shall be approved if the alien has
(B) that. they are persons uprooted by cata- (f) The Attorney General shall submit previously been accorded a nonquota or
strophic natural calamity as defined by the to the Congress a ,report containing complete preference. status as the spouse of a citizen
President who are unable to return to their and detailed statement of facts in the case of the United States or the spouse of an
usual place of abode. For the purpose of the of each alien who conditionally entered the alien lawfully admited for permanent resi-
,foregoing the term `general ai ea of the Middle United States pursuant to subsection (a) (7) dente, by reason of a marriage determined
East' means the area between and including of this section. Such reports shall be sub- by the Attorney General to have been en-
(1) Libya on the west, (2) Turkey on the mitted on or before January 15 and June 15 tered into for the purpose of evading the
north,, (3) Pakistan on the -east, and (4) of each year.
Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia on the south: immigration laws.
Provided, That immigrant visas in a number (U Any aliee who u entered (d) The Asso o aor
the United States as a r refefuggeeee, , pur pursu ant ant to to the Congress a Attorney
a report rt on n each h approved
not exceeding one-half the number specified subsection (a) (7) of this section, whose con- petition for immigrant status under sections
in this paragraph may be made available, ditional entry has not been terminated by 203(a) (3) or 203(a) (6) stating the basis for
in lieu of conditional entries of a like num- the Attorney General pursuant to such regu- his approval and such facts as were by him
ber, to such aliens who have been continu- latior_s as he may prescribe, who has been deemed to be pertinent in establishing the
ously physically present in the United States in the United States for at least two years, beneficiary's qualifications for the preferen-
for a period of at least two years prior to and who has not acquired permanent resi- tial status. Such reports shall be submitted
application for adjustment of status, dence, shall forthwith return or be returned to the Congress on the first and fifteenth day
"(8) Visas authorized in any fiscal year, to the custody of the Immigration and Natu- of each calendar month in which the Con-
less those required for issuance to the classes ralization Service and shall thereupon be in- gress is in session.
specified in paragraphs (1) through (6) and spected and examined for admission into the "(e) Nothing in this section shall be con-
less Vie-number-of conditional entries and United States, and his case dealt with in ac- strued to entitle an immigrant, in behalf of
visas,made available pursuant to paragraph cordance with the provisions of sections 235, whom a petition under this section is ap-
(7) shall be made available to other qualified 236, and 237 of this Act.
Immigrants strictly in the chronol cal order proved, to enter the United States a pri r
gi "(h) Any alien who, pursuant to subset- erence immigrant grant under section 203(a) or
in which they qualify. Waiting lists of ap- tion (g) of this section, is found, upon in- as an immediate relative under section 201
plicants., maintained in accordance spection by the immigration officer or after (b) if upon his arrival at a port of entry in
With regulations prescribed by the Secretary hearing before a special inquiry officer, to be the United States he is found not to be en-
of State. No immigrant visa shall be issued admissible as an immigrant under this Act titled to such classification."
to a nonpreference immigrant under this at the time of his inspection and examina- SEC. 5. Section 205 of the Immigration and
paragraph, or to an Immigrant with a pref- tion, except for the fact that he was not and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 176; 8 U.S.C. 1155)
erence under paragraph (3) or (6) of this is not in possession of the documents re- is amended to read as follows:
subsectiof, until the consular officer is in quired by section 212(a) (20), shall be re- "SEc. 205. The Attorney General may, at
receipt of a determination made by the Sec- garded as lawfully admitted to the United any time, for what he deems to be good and
retary of Labor pursuant to the provisions States for permanent residence as of the sufficient cause, revoke the approval of any
of section 212(a) (14). date of his arrival."
.` (9) A spouse or child as defined in sec- Sech re acaton a him under section
as o the
elan 101 b 1 SEc. 4. Section 204 of the Immigration and Such revocation shall be effective as of the
l, if tion 0 (b) (1) A), B)), (C), t D), or (F) Nationality Act (66 Stat. 176; 8 U.S.C. 1154) date of approval of any such petition. In
grant sfan not otherwise
the entitled a is amended to read as follows: no case, however, shall such revocation have
visa st to condthe Immediate eissuance under of era- "SEc. 204. (a) Any citizen of the United effect unless there is mailed to the peti-
graphs (1) .through (8), entry ynun a to the States claiming that an alien is entitled to a tioner's last known address a notice of the
grape status, and the sarne order of con- preference status by reason of the relation- revocation and unless notice of the revocation
sam eation provided in sue order b If ships described in paragraphs (1), (4), or (5) is communicated through the Secretary of
ertlo or following c subsection Join,) his of section 203(a), or to an immediate relative State to the beneficiary of the petition be-
accompanying, ent. status under section 201 (b), or any alien fore such beneficiary commences his journey
c"(be Io n considering applications for im- lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States, If notice of r ocation
migrant visas under subsection a cantle- claiming that an alien is entitled to a pref- is not so given, and the beneficiary applies
( ) erence status by reason of the relationship for admission to the United States, his ad-
eration shall be given to applicants in the described In section 203 (a) (2), or any alien missibility shall be determined in the man-
order In whichthe classes of which they are desiring to be classified as a preference im- ner provided for by sections 235 and 236."
members are listed in subsection (a). migrant under section 203(a) (3) (or any S. 6. Section 206 of the Immigration and
"(c) Immigrant visas issued pursuant to person on behalf of such an alien) * or any Nationality Act (66 Stat. 181; 8 U.S.C. 1156)
paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection person desiring and intending to employ Is amended to read as follows:
(a) shall, be issued to eligible immigrants in within the United States an alien entitled to "SEc. 206. If an immigrant having an im-
the order in which a petition in behalf of classification as a preference immigrant migrant visa is excluded from admission to
each such immigrant is filed with the Attor- under section 203(a) (6), may file a petition the United States and deported, or does not
ney General as provided in section 204. with the Attorney General for such classifi- apply for admission before the expiration
of Every immigrant shall be presumed cation. The petition shall be in such form of the validity of his visa, or if an alien
to be a nonpreference immigrant until he as the Attorney General may by regulations having an immigrant visa issued to him as
establishes to the satisfaction of the consular prescribe and shall contain such information a preference immigrant is found not to be
officer and the immigration officer that he is and be supported by such documentary evi- a preference immigrant, an immigrant visa
or , as entitled to a preference status under pars- dance as the Attorney General may require. m a preference immigrant vise t ere ca to
graphs (1) through (7) of subsection (a), The petition shall be made under oath ad- may be, may be issued in lieu thereof to
or to a special Immigrant status under see- ministered by any individual having author- another qualified alien."
tion 101(a) (27), or that he is an immediate sty to administer oaths, if executed in the do al Section 207 t the I; 8 U.S. U.S.C. 1 and
SEc. 7. of relative of a United States citizen as sped- United States, but, if executed outside the Nationality Act (66 Sat. 181; 8 .SC 1157)
fled in section 201(b). In the case of any United States, administered by a consular stricken.
alien claiming in his application for an im- officer. National l Sectct 661 t the 6; 8 U1 and
migrant visa to be an immediate relative of "(b) After an investigation of the facts In is amended Act follows:
166; 8 U.S.C. S.C 1101)
a United States citizen as specified in section each case, and after consultation with the mePard as follows:
201(b) or to be entitled to preference im- Secretary of Labor with respect to petitions (e amended to read (27) of subsection (a) is
migrant status under paragraphs (1) through to accord a status under section 203 (a) (3) ended h read as follows:
(6) of subsection (a), the consular officer or (6), the Attorney General shall, if he de- (27) The term special immigrant'
shall not grant such status until he has been termines that the facts stated in the petition means "(A) authorized to do so as provided by section are true and that the alien in behalf of independent an Immigrant mmig foreign cano unt
r was the a any
204. whom the petition is made is an immediate nny of the Western
"(e) For the purposes of carrying out relative specified in section 201(b) or is Hemisphere or in the Canal Zone and the
his, responsibilities in the orderly administea- eligible for a preference status under section if spouse and
accompanying, or or of any following ng t join him:
tion of this section, the Secretary of State 203(a), approve the petition and forward one visa him:
is authorized to make reasonable estimates copy thereof to the Department of State. Provided, That no immigrant vta shall con-
of. the apticlpated numbers of visas to be is- The Secretary of State shall then authorize issued pursuant to this t of a until perthe ination
su 4i, during any quarter of any fiscal year the consular officer 'concerned to grant the made officer is Secretary receipt of o Labor a r scant to
within each -9f the categories of subsection preference status. the made provisions the
of section 212(a) pursuant to
(a), and to rely upon such estimates in au- "(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of (Bmigrantlawfulldmitted for
thorizing the Issuance of such visas. The subsection (b) no more than two petitions permanent residence, who is returning from
Secretary of State, in his discretion; may may be approved for one petitioner in behalf a temporary visit abroad;
terminate the registration on a waiting list of a child as defined in section 101b1
of any alien who fails to evidence hi con- ( ) ( ) e ( immigrant who was a citizen of
s , (E) or (F) unless necessary to prevent the the United States and may, under section
No. 171-15
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824(x) or 327 of title Ill, apply Mr reacquisi-
tion of citizenship;
"(D) (i) an 'immigrant who continuously
for at least two years Immediately preceding
the time o? hfs application for admission to
the United-States has been, and who seeks
to enter the United-States solely for the pur-
pose of carrying on the vocation of minister
of a religious denomination, and whose serv-
ices are needed by such religious denomina-
tion having a bona fide organization in the
United States; and (ii) the spouse or the
child of any such immigrant, if accompany-
14 or following to join him; or
"(B) an immigrant who Is is an employee,
or an honorably retired former employee, of
the United States Government abroad, and
who has performed faithful service for a
total of fifteen years, Or more, and his ac-
companying spouse And children: Provided,
That the principal officer of a Foreign Serv-
iee, es ablishinent I. his discretion, shall
have` reconiniended the granting of special
Immigrant status to such alien in exception-
al circumstances and the Secretary of State
approves such recommendation and finds
that it is In the national interest to grant
such status."
(b) Paragraph (32) of subsection (a) is
amended to read as follows:
"(32) The term 'profession' shall include
but not be limited to architects, engineers,
lawyers, physicians,' surgeons, and teachers
in elementary or secondary schools, colleges,
academies, or seminaries."
(c) Subparagraph (1) (F) of subsection
(b) is amended to read as follows:
"(F) a child, under the age of fourteen
at the time a petition is filed in his behalf
to accord a classification as an immediate
relative under section 201(b), who is an
orphan because of the death or disappear-
ance of, abandonment or desertion by, or
separation or loss from, both parents, or for
Whom the sole or surviving parent is in-
capable of providing the proper care which
will be provided the child if admitted to
the l niStates and who has -in writing
irrevocably released the child for emigration
and adoption; who has been adopted abroad
by a United States citizen and his spouse
who personally saw and observed the child
prior to or during the adoption proceedings;
or who is coining to the United States for
adoption by a United States citizen and
spouse who have complied with the preadop-
tion requirements, if any, of the child's pro-
posed residence: Provided, That no natural
parent or prior adoptive parent of any such
child shall thereafter, by virtue of such par-
entage, be accorded any right, privilege, or
status under this Act."
SEC. 9. Section 211 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act (68 Stat. 181; 8 U.S.C. 1181)
is amended to read as follows;
"SEC. 211. (a) Except as provided in sub-
section (b) no immigrant shall be admitted
into the United States unless at the time of
application for admission he (1) has a valid
Unexpired immigrant visa or was born sub-
Sequent to the issuance of such visa of the
accompanying parent, and (2) presents a
valid unexpired passport or other suitable
travel document, or document of Identity
and nationality, if-such document is required
under the regulations issued by the Attorney
General. With respect to immigrants to be
admitted under quotas of quota areas prior
to June 30, 1968, no immigrant visa shall
be deemed valid unless the immigrant is
properly chargeable to the quota area under
the quota of which the visa is issued.
"(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of
section 212(a)(20) of this Act in such cases
or Irt such classes of cases and under such
condition" as`)nay be'by regulations pre-
scribed, returning resident immigrants, de-
fined in section 101(a) (27) (B), who are
otherwise admissible may be readmitted to
the United States by-the "Attorney General
in his discretion without being required to
obtain a passport, Immigrant visa, reentry
permit or other documentation.
SEC. 10. Section 212(a) of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 182; 8 U.S.C.
1182) Is amended as follows:
(a) Paragraph (14) is amended to read as
follows :
"Aliens seeking to enter the United States,
for the purpose of performing skilled or un-
skilled labor, unless the Secret iry of Labor
has determined and certified to the Secre-
tary of State and to the Attorney General
that (A) there are not sufficient workers In
the United States who are able, willing,
qualified, and available at the timeof appli-
cation for a visa and admission to the United
States and at the place to whic]i the alien is
destined to perform such skilled or unskilled
labor, and (B) the employment of such aliens
will not adversely affect the wages and work-
ing conditions of the workers in the United
States similarly employed. The exclusion of
aliens under this paragraph shall apply to
special immigrants defined ix. section 101
(a) (27) (A) (other than the parents, spouses,
or children of United States citizens or of
aliens lawfully admitted to the United States
for permanent residence), to Freference Im-
migrant aliens described in section 203(a)
(3) and (6), and to nonpreference Immigrant
aliens described in section 213(a) (8);".
(b) Paragraph (20) is amended by delet-
ing the letter "(e)" and substituting there-
for the letter "(a) ".
(c) Paragraph (21) is amended by deleting
the word "quota".
(d) Paragraph (24) is amended by delet-
ing the language within the parentheses and
substituting therefor the following: "other
than aliens described in section 101(a)(27)
(A) and (B)."
SEC. 11. The Immigration and Nationality
Act (66 Stat. 175; 8 U.S.C. 1151) is amended
as follows:
(a) Section 221(a) is amended by deleting
the words "the particular nonquota cate-
gory in which the immigrant is classified,
if a nonquota immigrant," ar,d substituting
in lieu thereof the words " l;he preference,
nonpreference, Immediate relative, or spe-
cial immigration classification to which the
alien is charged."
(b) The fourth sentence of subsection 221
(c) Is amended by deleting the word "quota"
preceding the word "number;" the word
"quota" preceding the word "year;" and the
words "a quota" preceding the word "immi-
grant," and substituting in lieu thereof the
word "an".
(c) Section 222(a) is amended by deleting
the words "preference quota or a nonquota
immigrant" and substituting in lieu thereof
the words "an Immediate relative within the
meaning of section 201(b) or a preference or
speci_.l immigrant".
(d) Section 224 is amended to read as
follows: "A consular officer may, subject to
the limitations provided in aection 221, issue
an immigrant visa to a special immigrant or
immediate relative as such upon satisfac-
tory proof, under regulations prescribed
under this Act, that the applicant is entitled
to special immigrant or immediate relative
(e) Section 241(a) (10) is amended by
substituting for the words "Section 101(a)
(27) (C) " the words "Section 101(a) (27) (A) ".
(f) Section 243(h) is amended. by striking
out "physical persecution" and inserting in
lieu thereof "persecution on account of race,
religion, or political opinio:l".
SEC. 12. Section 244 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat.214; 8 U.S.C.
1254) is amended as follows:
(a) Subsection (d) is amended to read:
"(d) Upon the canceIIalion of deporta-
tion In the case of any alien under this sec-
tion, the Attorney General shall record the
alien's lawful admission for permanent resi-
dence as of the date the cancellation of de-
portation of such alien is made, and unless
Y 6 96.5
the alien is entitled to a special immigrant
classification under section 101(a) (27) (A).
or is an immediate relative within the mean-
ing of section 201(b) the Secretary of State
shall reduce by one the number of nonpre-
ference immigrant visas authorized to be
issued under-section 203(a) (8) for the fiscal
year then current."
(b) Subsection (f) is amended by delet-
ing "entered the United States as a crew-
man; or (2)" and by changing "(3)" wher-
ever it appears in said subsection to "(2)".
SEC. 13. Section 245 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 217; 8 U.S.C.
1255) is amended as follows:
(a) Subsection (b) Is amended to read:
"(b) Upon the approval of an application.
for adjustment made under subsection (a),
the Atorney General shall record the alien's
lawful admission for permanent residence as
of the date the order of the Attorney General
approving the application for the adjust-
ment of status is made, and the Secretary of
State shall reduce by one the number of the
preference or nonpreference visas authorized
to be issued under section 203 (a) within the
class to which the alien is,chargeable, for the
fiscal year then current."
(b) Subsection (c) is amended to read:
"(c) The provisions of this section shall
not be applicable to any alien who is a native
of any country of the Western Hemisphere
or of any adjacent island named in section
101(b) (5), other than any such alien born
in an independent foreign country of the
Western Hemisphere, who, because of perse-
cution or fear of persecution on account of
race, religion, or political opinion, is out of
his usual place of abode and unable to re-
turn thereto."
SEC. 14. Section 281 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 230; 8 U.S.C.
1351) is amended as follows:
- (a) Immediately after "Sac. 281," Insert
(b) Paragraph (6) Is amended to read as
"(6) For filing with the Attorney General
of each petition under section 204 and see-
tion 214(c), $10; and";
(c) The following is inserted after para-
graph (7), and is designated subsection
"(b) The time and manner of payment
of the fees specified in paragraphs (1) and
(2) of subsection (a) of this section, includ-
ing but not limited to partial deposit or
prepayment at the time of registration, shall
be prescribed by the Secretary of State."; and
(d) The paragraph beginning with the
words "The fees * * *" is designated sub-
section (c).
SEC. 15. (a) Paragraph (1) of section 212
(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act
(66 Stat. 182; 8 U.S.C. 1182(a) (1)) is
amended by deleting the language "feeble-
minded" and inserting the language "men-
tally retarded" in its place.
(b) Paragraph (4) of section 212(a) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (66 Stat.
182; 8 U.S.C. 1182(a) (4)) is amended by
deleting the word "epilepsy" and substitut-
ing the words "or sexual deviation".
(c) Sections 212 (f), (g), and (h) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act, as added
by the Act of September 26, 1961 (75 Stat.
654, 855; 8 U.S.C. 1182), are hereby redesig-
nated sections 212 (g), (h), and (I), 're-
spectively, and section 212(g) as so re-
designated is amended by inserting before
the words "afflicted with tuberculosis in any
form" the following: "who is excludable from
the United States under paragraph (1) of
subsection (a) of this section, or-any alien"
and by adding at the end of such subsection
the following sentence: "Any alien exclud-
able under paragraph (3) of subsection ;(a)
of this section because of past history of
mental illness who has one of the same fam-
fly relationships as are prescribed in this
subsection for aliens afflicted with tuber-
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culosis and whom the Surgeon General of the
United States Public Health Service finds to
have been free of such mental illness for a
period of time sufficient In the light of such
history to demonstrate recovery shall be
eligible for a visa in accordance with the
terms of this subsection
SEC. 16. Sections 1, 2, and 11 of the Act of
July 14, 1960 (74 Stat. 504-505), as amended
by section 6 of the Act of June 28, 1962 (76
Stat.,124) , are repealed.
SEC. 17. Section 221(g) of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 192; 8 U.S.C.
1201(g)) is amended by deleting the period
at the end thereof and adding the following:
Provided further, That a visa may be
issued to an alien defined in section 101(a)
(15) (B) or an alien defined in section 101
(a) (15) (F), in whose behalf evidence has
been submitted that he will be admitted and
regularly enrolled as a student at an educa-
tional institution within the United States
approved by the Attorney General, if such
alien is, otherwise entitled to receive a 11 visa,
upon receipt of a notice by the consular
officer from the Attorney General of the giv-
ing of a bond with sufficient surety in such
sum and containing such conditions as the
consular officer shall prescribe, to insure that
at tho expiration of the time for which such
alien has been admitted by the Attorney
General, as provided in section 214(a), or
upon failure to maintain the status under
which he was admitted, or to maintain any
status subsequently acquired under section
248 of the Act, such alien will depart from
the United States."
SEC. 18. So much of section 272(a) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (66 Stat.
226; 8 U.S.C. 1322(a)) as precedes the words
"shall pay to the collector of customs" is
amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 272. (a) Any person who shall bring
to the United States an alien (other than
an alien crewman) who is (1) mentally re-
tarded, (2) insane, (3) afflicted with psy-
chopathic personality, or with sexual devia-
tion, (4) a chronic alcoholic, (5) afflicted
with any dangerous contagious disease, or
(6) a narcotic drug addict,".
SEC. 19.. Section 249 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 219; 8 U.S.C.
1259) is amended by striking. out "June 28,
1940" in clause (a) of such section and in-
serting in lieu thereof "June 28, 1958".
SEC. 20. This Act shall become effective on
the first day of the first month after the ex-
piration of thirty days following the date
of its enactment except as'provided herein.
SEC. 21. (a) There is hereby established a
Select Commission on Western Hemisphere
Immigration (hereinafter referred to as the
"Commission") to be composed of fifteen
members. The President shall appoint the
Chairman of the Commission and eight other
members thereof. The President of the Sen-
ate, with the approval of the majority and
minority leaders of the Senate, shall appoint
three mem' Irs from the membership of the
Senate. The Speaker of the House of Repre-
sentatives, with the approval of the majority
and minority leaders of the House, shall ap-
point three members from the membership
of the House. A vacancy in the membership
of the Commission shall be filled in the same
manner as the original designation and
(b) The Commission shall study the fol-
lowing matters:
(1) Prevailing and projected demographic,
technological, and economic trends, particu-
larly as they pertain to Western Hemisphere
(2) Present and projected unemployment
in the United States, by occupations, indus-
tries, geographic areas and other factors, in
relation to immigration from the Western
(3) The interrelationships between immi-
gration, present and future, and existing and
contemplated national and international
programs and projects of Western Hemis-
phere nations, including programs and proj-
ects for economic and social development;
(4) The operation of the immigration laws
of the United States as they pertain to West-
ern Hemisphere nations, with emphasis on
the adequacy of such laws from the stand-
point of fairness and from the standpoint of
the impact of such laws on employment and
working conditions within the United
(5) The implications of the foregoing with
respect to the security and international re-
lations of Western Hemisphere nations; and
(6) Any other matters which the Commis-
sion believes to be germane to the purposes
for which it was established.
(c) On or before July 1, 1967, the Com-
mission shall make a first report to the Presi-
dent and the Congress, and on or before
January 15, 1968, the Commission shall make
a final report to the President and the Con-
gress. Such reports shall include the recom-
mendations of the Commission as to what
changes, if any, are needed in the immi-
gration laws in the light of its study. The
Commission's recommendations shall. in-
clude, but shall not be limited to, recom-
mendations as to whether, and if so
how, numerical limitations should be
imposed upon immigration to the United
States from the nations of the Western Hem-
isphere. In formulating its recommenda-
tions on the latter subject, the Commission
shall give particular attention to the impact
of such immigration on employment and
working conditions within the United States
and to the'necessity of preserving the special
relationship of the United States with its
sister Republics of the Western Hemisphere.
(d) The life of the Commission shall ex-
pire upon the filing of its final report, ex-
cept that the Commission may continue to
function for up to sixty days thereafter for
the purpose of winding up its affairs.
(e) Unless legislation inconsistent here-
with is enacted on or before June 30, 1968;
in response to recommendations of the Com-
mission or otherwise, the number of special
immigrants within the meaning of section
101(a) (27) (A) of the Immigration and Na-
tionality Act, as amended, exclusive of spe-
cial immigrants who- are immediate relatives
of United States citizens as described in sec-
tion 201(b) of that Act, shall not, in the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 1968, or in any
fiscal year thereafter, exceed a total of
(f) All Federal agencies shall cooperate
fully with the Commission to the end that
it may effectively carry out its duties.
(g) Each member of the Commission who
is not otherwise in the service of the Gover-
ernmert of the United States shall receive
the sum of $100 for each day spent in the
work of the Commission, shall be paid actual
travel expenses, and per diem in lieu of sub-
sistence expenses, when away from his usual
place of residence, in accordance with sec-
tion 5 of the Administrative Expenses Act
of 1946, as amended. Each member of the
Commission who is otherwise in the serv-
ice of the Government of the United States
shall serve without compensation in addi-
tion to that roc--ived for such other service,
but while engaged in the work of the Com-
mission shall be paid actual travel expenses,
when away from his usual place of residence,
in accordance with the Administrative Ex-
penses Act of 1946, as amended.
(h) There is authorized to be appro-
priated, out of any money in the Treasury
not otherwise appropriated, so much as may
be necessary to carry out the provisions of
this section.
SEC. 22. (a) The designation of chapter 1,
title II, is amended to read as follows:
(b) The title preceding section 201 is
amended to read as follows: "NUMERICAL LIM-
(c) The title preceding section 202 is
amended to read as follows: "NUMERICAL
(d) The title preceding section 203 is
amended to read as follows: "ALLOCATION OF
(e) The title preceding section 204 is
amended to read as follows: "PROCEDURE FOR
(f) The title preceding section 205 is
amended to read as follows: "REVOCATION OF
(g) The title preceding section 206 is
amended to read as follows: "UNUSED IMMI-
(h) The title preceding section 207 is re-
(i) The title preceding section 224 of chap-
ter 3, title II, is amended to read as follows:
(j) The title preceding section 249 is
amended to read as follows: "RECORD OF AD-
28, 1958".
SEc. 23. (a) The table of contents (Title
II-Immigration, chapter 1) of the Immigra-
tion and Nationality Act, is amended to read
as follows:
"Sec. 201. Numerical limitations.
"Sec. 202. Numerical limitation to any single
foreign state.
"Sec. 203. Allocation of immigrant visas.
"Sec. 204. Procedure for granting immigrant
"See. 205. Revocation of approval of peti-
"See. 206. Unused immigrant visas."
(b) The table of contents (Title II-Im-
migration, chapter 3) of the Immigration
and Nationality Act, is amended by changing
the designation of section 224 to read as
"Sec. 224. Immediate relative and special
immigrant visas."
(c) The table of contents (Title II-Im-
migration, chapter 5) of the Immigration
and Nationality Act is amended by changing
the designation of section 249 to read as
"Sec. 249. Record of admission for perma-
nent residence in the case of
certain aliens who entered the
United States prior to July 1,
1924, or June 28, 1958."
SEC. 24. Paragraph (6) of section 101(b) is
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that when the
Senate concludes its business for the day,
it adjourn until 12 o'clock neon
out objection, it is so ordered.
By unanimous consent, the followna
routine business was transacted:
pore laid before the Senate the following
letters, which were referred as indicated:
Approved For Release 2004/01/16.: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
A letter from the Secretary of the Army,
transmitting, pursuant to law, reports on
the number of officers on duty with Head-
quarters, Department of the Army, and the
Army General Staff, as of June 30, 1965 (with
A letter from the Assistant Executive 'Sec-
retary, Department of the Army, trans-
witting, pursuant to law, a report on Depart-
merit of the Army research and development
contracts, for the 6-month period ended
June 30, 1965 (with an accompanying re-
port) ; to the Committee on Armed Services.
a statistical supplement, stockpile report,
for the 6-month period ended June 30, 1965
(with an accompanying report) ; to the
Committee on Armed Services.
A letter f;om the Director of Civil Defense,
Office of the Secretary of the Army, trans-
mitting, pursuant to law, a report on Fed-
eral contributions-personnel and admin-
istration, for the fiscal year ended June 30,
1965 (with an accompanying report) ; to the
Committee on Armed Services.
A letter from the Executive Administra-
tor Small Business Administration, Wash-
ington, D.C., transmitting a draft of proposed
legislation to amend the Small Business Act
(with accompanying papers); to the Com-
mittee on Banking and -Currency.
A letter from the Secretary of the Interior,
transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on
Federal aid in fish and wildlife restoration,
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964 (with
an accompanying report) ; to the Committee
on Commerce,,
A letter from the Assistant Secretary of
Commerce reporting, pursuant to law,' that
Department conducted no commissary ac-
tivities outside the continental United States,
during the fiscal year 1965; to the Committee
on Commerce,
A letter from the Secretary of Commerce,
transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on
tort claims paid by that Department, during
.fiscal year 1965 (with an accompanying re-
port); to the Committee on the Judiciary.
A letter from the Assistant Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, a
report on tort claims paid by that Depart-
ment, during fiscal year 1964 (with an ac-
companying report); to the Committee on
the Judiciary.
Petitions, etc., were laid before the
Senate, and referred as indicated:
By the
A resolution adopted by the Tucson-Pima
County Central Trades, favoring the enact-
ment of Senate bill 1781, to prohibit inter-
state trafficking in strikebreakers; to the
Committee on Labor and Pub:.ic Welfare.
A resolution adopted by the House of Dele-
gates of the AmeHcan Bar AssMciation, favor-
Ing the enactment of Senate bill 1668, for
the creation of additional judgeships in the
U.S. courts of appeals; ordered to lie on the
The following reports cf committees
were submitted:
By Mr. TYDINGS, from the Committee on
the Judiciary, without ame:.zdment:
S. 2070. A bill to provide fo:: holding terms
of the U.S. District Court for the District of
South Dakota at Rapid City (Rept. No. 749).
By Mr. ERVIN, from the Committee on
the Judiciary, with an amendment:
S. 1357. A bill to revise existing bail prac-
tices in courts of the United States, and for
other purposes (Rept. No. 750).
By Mr. DIRKSEN, from the Committee on
the Judiciary, without amendment:
S.J. Res. 98. Joint resolution authorizing
and requesting the President to extend
through 1966 his proclamatio:a of a period to
"See the United States", and for Other, pur-
poses (Rept. No. '752).
By Mrs. NEUBERGER, from the Committee
on Commerce, with amendments:
S. 774. A bill to provide that the Depart-
ment of Commerce shall conduct a program
of investigation, research, ant survey to de-
termine the practicability of the adoption
by the United States of the metric system of
weights and measures (Rept. No. 751).
NO. 753)
Mr. MAGNUSON, from the Commit-
tee on Commerce, reported an original
resolution (S. Res. 147) providing for the
settlement of disputes involving ama-
teur athletics, and submitted a report
thereon; which report was ordered to be
printed, and the resolution to be placed
on the calendar, as follows:
S. RES. 147
Whereas disputes have existed for many
years between the Amateur Athletic Union
of the United States, the ~Taiional Collegiate
Athletic Association, other amateur athletic
organizations, and their affiliates or asso-
ciates; and
Whereas these disputes have discouraged
the full development of amateur athletics in
the United States and the maximum perfor-
mance by athletes representing the United
States in international competition; and
Whereas the parties have not been able
to resolve their differences through their own
efforts or through previous arbitration ef-
forts; and
Whereas It is necessary and desirable for
the United States to maintain a vigorous
amateur athletic program that will field
the best possible tearrm in d lmestic and in-
ternational competition, w:.ll protect and
provide for the welfare of the individual
amateur athlete, will achie'"e the broadest
possible participation by aHnateur athletes
in competitive sports, and will maintain
a harmonious and cooperative relationship
among all amateur athletic organizations;
Whereas it is essential that means be pro-
vided whereby such disputes can be equita-
bly and finally resolved: Now, therefore, be
Resolved, That the Presid;nt of the Sen-
ate is hereby authorized to appoint an i n -
: fi b e r 16, X65
dependent board of arbitration composed
of five members, one of whom he shall de-
signate as Chairman, for the purpose of con-
sidering disputes relating to the conduct,
development, and protection of amateur
athletics, which are submitted to it by the
parties to such disputes, and rendering deci-
sions determining such disputes which shall
be consistent with the purposes of this res-
olution and shall be final and binding on
such parties.
SEC. 2. In the consideration of disputes
submitted to the Board appointed under
this resolution the members of such Board
should consider and determine all relevant
facts and issues necessary to the attainment
of the goals set out in the preamble to this
SEC. 3. Until such time as the Board ap-
pointed pursuant to this resolution renders
its decision in the current dispute between
the Amateur Athletic Union of the Unitod
States and the National Collegiate Athletic
Association, the interested and affected par-
ties should be governed by the following
(a) An immediate and general amnesty
shall be granted to all individuals, institu-
tions, and organizations affected by this dis-
pute in any amateur sport.
(b) Any disciplinary action proposed or
pending against individuals, institutions, and
organizations for reasons related to such dis-
pute shall be vacated.
(c) Any discrimination against the full
use of all available facilities for scheduled
meets and tournaments shall be discon-
(d) Any restraints against participation by
any athlete in scheduled meets and tourna-
ments shall be discontinued.
SEC. 4. The Board appointed pursuant to
this resolution shall report to the Senate not
later than February 15, 1966, and from time
to time thereafter as it may deem neces-
sary, with respect to its activities under this
Bills were introduced, read the first
time, and, by unanimous consent, the
second time, and referred as follows:
S. 2539. A bill to authorize the Secretary
of the Interior to construct, operate and
maintain the San Felipe division, Central
Valley project, California, and for other pur-
poses; to the Committee on Interior and In-
sular Affairs,
(See the remarks of Mr. KUCHEL when he
introduced the above bill, which appear un-
der a separate heading.)
By Mr. KUCHEL (for himself and Mr.
S. 2540: A bill to authorize the conclusion
of an agreement for the joint construction
by the United States and Mexico of an
international flood control project for the
Tijuana River in accordance with the pro-
visions of the treaty of February 3, 1944, with
Mexico, and for other purposes; to the Com-
mittee on Foreign Relations.
(See the remarks of Mr. KUCHEL when he
introduced the above bill, which appear un-
der a separate heading.)
S. 2541. A bill to revise the Federal elec-
tion laws, to prevent corrupt practices in Fed-
eral elections, and for other purposes; to the
Committee on Rules and Administration.
(See the remarks of Mr. CANNON when,he
introduced the above bill, which appear un-
der a separate heading.)
S. 2542. A bill to amend the Small Business
Act; to the Committee on Banking and Cur-
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
September 16, 1Y$' '"" r"'dWMgSIO9AL RECORD r V HOUSE r'-
the majority. Perhaps the views of the ployees of the House of Representatives. "(1)
I ho a you will join with me in eliminat- which any Member or Resident Commis-
archaic, cumbersome feature in our sioner is receiving immediately prior to the
dent of gentleman thefrom Indiana of first-term -term ing an p y
anization of
disbursing methods and gain greater flexi- effective limit date or of such otherwise amendaffectment;
any author
rats,. will or g receive a more t 6m a , bility and simplicity in the operation of our ity "(2) for the making thetic hearing. I say to the gentleman, individual offices. st any appointment to,
"Welcome aboard." While I hope that or for fixing or adjusting the compensation
Sincerely, for, any position for which the compen-
my endorsement of his position does not JOEL T. BROYHILL. sation is paid from the clerk hire of a
weaken his case with the powers that be, Member or Resident Commissioner;
I must say that I think he was absolutely AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. BROYHILL OF "(3) affect the continuity 'of employment
right when he wrote the President that: VIRGINIA To H.R. 10281 of, or reduce the compensation of, any
It is time to, pause., We must take time to (Amendment fixing on an aggregate (gross) employee paid from such clerk hire; or
work out the most efficient 'administration rate basis the clerk hire allowance of House "(4) affect the authority provided by H.
(of these programs). Budgetary limitations members and the compensation rates of Res. 294, Eighty-eighth Congress, as contin-
must be kept in mind, especially with the employees in House Members' offices; and ued by H. Res. 7, Eighty-ninth Congress, for
uncertain costs of continuing our effort in providing that' salaries of employees of the employment of an additional clerk by any
Member or Resident Commissioner."
Vietnam. House Members be fixed in all eases
17 action of ,the individual Member rather
FEDERAL SALARY ADJUSTMENT than by law and paid from clerk hire)
Page 29, immediately following line 4, in-
k9T OF 1965 seat: "'].'his subsection shall not apply to any
(Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia (at the employee paid from the clerk hire of a Mem-
request of Mr. HUTOHINSON) was granted ber or Resident Commissioner of the House
permission to extend his remarks at this of Representatives"
point in h6'REcoRv and to include ex- On page 29, immediately following the pe-
neous x) riod at the - end of line 14, insert: "This
subsection shall not apply to the compensa-
RbYHILL of Virginia. Mr. tion of any employee paid from the clerk
Speaker, on September 13 t sent aletter hire of a Member or Resident Commissioner
notifying all Members that I proposed of the House of Representatives."
No. 169-8
On page 30, immediately following line 14,
Insert the following:
"(f) Beginning with the effective date of
this section-
"(1) the annual rate of compensation of
each employee paid on such effective date
from the clerk hire of a Member or Resident
Commissioner of the House of Representa-
tives shall be a single per annum rate in an
amount which is equal to the sum of the
annual basic compensation of such employee
in effect immediately prior to such effective
date and the rate of his additional compen-
sation in effect immediately prior to such
effective date; and
"(2) the annual rate of compensation of
any employee paid from the clerk hire -of a
(Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia (at the
request of Mr. HUTCHINSON) was granted
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. Mr.
Speaker, unfortunately, as the result of
a petition discharging the Committee
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cl ~ ri of Columbia fro, fur and nonsequltures is a scare document and means he ultimate destruction of that force
might be illegal or unconstitutional once tors, bleeding hearts, and do-gooders about
All 9k?ILlpt it is placed before the courts, but in an- the country.
There weremany witnesses other place, and apparently to save face, he If the crime situation is bad now, what
awaiting fife opportunity to testify on tells the Committee that the Department of are we to expect under the new government?
thisi font subject who were unable Justice is not passing on the constitution- Although proponents of the Senate bill
to 11e,?he benefit of oral testimony ality of the bill since such must be left to claim that employees of the new government
the courts.
slid CI'oSS ex. , nation. will be protected by the Hatch Act, such
One argument these illdlyitlllals and orga- rgument against the Kyl bill was that simply isn't the case. These employees will,
niza?ions did submit,tlleir statements for larger city than B~a.ltimo e. This was thrown the po itical machine iii hey are to survive.
the record ,which I hope the Members in, no doubt, for Baltimore's consumption; As the bill is drawnthis is inescapable.
will take the tithe to read. However, but how does the Attorney General know The city government payrolls will be
there, is one particular statement, sub- that Maryland would not fragment the ceded doubled in less than 2 years. There is no
lTiitted, John M? Kyle II, executive territory by constituting one or more new limitation so that the city council can create
vice w ent of the alorama Citizens counties and by chartering new cities and as many new positions as it sees fit.
towns in the ceded territory? Certainly There can be no question about it, the
4tiara, he District of Columbia, Georgetown would ask for the restoration of new government will institute and enlarge
I would. like t0 read here and_urge its 1764 charter. The repo^t'is as silent as welfare and poverty programs that will piac-
that ah who read this RECORD note care- death on the fact that retrocession would tically make every District resident eligible
folly. give Maryland two or poseibly three addi- for some form of relief or handout. The
Colonel Kyle's statement reads as tional seats in the House o;' Representatives man in the house will be here to stay.
follows: a
nd many more seats in th, Maryland Gen- Prostitutes, homosexual., and dope pushers
6TpT1 T,ol' Jouj(,,M,Xy r II, ExEpuTivs Assembly not to mention that the tax could ride the relief roles without detection.
lSto t& or revenues paid by an additional half million There will be no sincere effort to promote
fits lDENT TH&6_ os KpLORAMA fi Cp11VMaIp 1TrzENs
people. training programs looking T IE ST5 C' In the report the Attorney General at- tation of the unskilled and placing them in
Mr hai ' ' I am John, M. Kyle II, tempts to throw out another scare by pre- self-respecting and gainful employment.
ezectrtive. vice president of the Kalorama tending' that the status of wills and title The outright dole will be the order of the
Citizens, Association, The association was deeds would be legally a Yected. But he day.
organized in 1919 and there are about 25,000 doesn't say how? Does he not know that The National Capital Planning Commis-
people in the area served by the organize- these have never presented ,wily trouble with sion will not have veto power over the new
tiou. By profession I am a legislative re- the transference of other jurisdictions during zoning commission; the Federal Government
search ,co tllf t. ,I have been a citizen our long history?
of which owns one-half of the District land
thus. alga for,._more .than. 39 years. From As another scare he pretends that the area will have no representation on the city
1916-0 _our associ tipn, has supported
transference of public utili,;iee corporations council nor the zoning commission. This is
the I eese t form of District of Columbia might bring on fatal conseluences. absolutely preposterous. To
Although Mr. Bro hill's bill would make protect ary
1, ave een a student of retrocession all Y Federal interest it will rv vitally necessary
dt rhig my residence here. I supported the that question moot the Attorney General for the Congress to intervene from time to
Kyle essIgn bill the the 88 Broyhill hbfl E.R. the
ints Dist icttt aobtainoalpexmit from Mary- oft time. city council ber epesentat veeofthe
and.po su land to
102$4 _X navy also say, that for the, past put on an inaugural parade- as if Federal Government, at least two members
ses4rai years I have been preparing a source such parades hold status in law. The indi- of the zoning commission should also be
book of ctof Columbia history. cation is, I suppose, that Maryland might not Federal officials. Under this impossible
Mr. Chairman, I support retrocession of issue the permit so that we couldn't inaugu- situation but little imagination is required
the Dirtrict, to Maryland because it 1s the rate a President. to envision the numerous conflicts that are
oa4 lawful way under the Constitution to In justification of the report the Attorney certain to arise.
provide self-government for the people of General claims that with its three electoral Spokesmen for the Senate bill have indi-
the Distrisyi.of Goluxnbia, Any other means votes the District of Columbia holds a life sated that the new government will emerge
W47tt1de hire a constitutional. amendment. or death stranglehold over the election of a on a public housing program that staggers
Oli intomled,, however,, I seriously President. He cites the thee instances of the imagination. Apparently such housing
eioli t tlzq ,people of this country, or the presidential elections being thrown into the and rent subsidies are to be provided for
eeyeral, Mates, ,would ever consent to plat- Houseof Representatives. How stupid does all applicants regardless of means. The "flrn-
inq'tlie vast complex of the National Capital he believe you gentlemen to be? Since when Poverished" have been led to expect this
under a local government, regardless of has the most arduous partisan ever claimed utopia and thus we are to have a welfare
form, to rule over it. that the District has a tie-breaking status? city on a scale beyond the wildest dreams of
There can been question, however, about And if the same three electoral votes should the most dedicated Socialist.
the legality of Mr. BROYHILL'Splan. We have be transferred to Maryland Gould the result What about the elected school board pro-
the unshakable Precedent of 1846 when the not be the same in any close election? How vided for by the Senate bill? What have
Virginia portion of the original District was can any Attorney Generalfcresee the result the potential leaders in the new government
retroceded to Virginia. That was 120 years of any election when the most noted poll- led us to expect?
W. In the 88th Congress there was. con- stets have often been wrong? Perhaps the This board will scrap the present progres- for the Kyl bill in this Attorney General has been r wading some old sive building program and will launch its
coinmittee,and even. the. present president Preelection copies of the Literary Digest. own program that would break the treasury
of tl}e,BQ_1 of .?Commissioners of the. Dis- Actually the most energetic opponents of of a Croesus or of any ancient Persian prince.
trict, o Columbia placed the entire Coin- retrocession have- not scored a single point The people who would make up this new
ifilseion. 04 record as. having a favorable against Mr. Broyhill's bill, for the simple fact board are pledged to abolish the track sys-
attitude,towar'd the bill, that law, precedent, and his;ory are against teem so that gifted pupils will be compelled
As was to be .expected, however, the Com- them. Do the opponents really want com- to waste their time and talents while grouped
missioner's favorable remarks touched off plete self-government plus real voting rep- with those of less brilliance. There is noth-
violent newspaper opposition, and one paper resentation in the Senate ax .d the House of lug new or revolutionary about this system.
editorialized that every public official in Representatives or do they :,other not seek It just makes for commonsense.
Maryland was against the bill. But when to set up an illegal single party government Those who will control the new board
the editor was asked to furnish the names in the District of Columbia with an uncon- would eliminate discipline in the schools
of such officials the request was not granted. stitutional method of financing it as contem- by pulverizing corporal punishment for which
The facts are that the people of Maryland plated by the Senate-passed bill, S. 1118? Do there is no known substitute.
nor 'the general assembly thereof have never they not intend to establish a political ma- They will immediately gerrymander the
had an opportunity to pass upon the ques- chine with all the evils of a spoils system? children school districts and start bussing school-
tion and the recent curbstone remarks of If the Senate-passed bill should become from one side of the city to the
the Governor of that State, while a bit witty, law what may we expect? other to promote school integration which
have no meaning. The bill does not provicc employment no law or court decision now requires.
Then the Attorney General of the United security for the thousands of present Dis- doubt required Superintendent put a chef's will on
stepped in and. furnished the tom- tract employees. It authorizes the new goy- and operate a chain n of restaurants to feed
mattes a voluminous adverse report on the ernment to institute its owr. merit system. every "hungry" pupil in the city, including
Kyl bill and upon which the opponents of It is generally known that those who would breakfast as it I. to be presumed that there
the Broyhill bill now rely. That biased and control the new government are bitter is no food for them in their homes. More
colored report filled throughout with trivia enemies of our police department and this than that, the city welfare program is cer-
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4 ,-Aaproved For d;~qq #, 1~'~,6 ; 67"# 000100040001=6
#,ion ,reverses decisions ane procedures there are times when an iteni appears in doubtless there is truth in this. But the
of long-standing made by the Commis-
sion An, autho] zing particular refuges,
and in providingfor disposal of refuges
purchased with duck stamp moneys in
ace rdanc6. with Commission actions of
the past. ,.
It should be remembered that there
are many refuges and lands within ref-
uges that were brought into the national
wildlife refuge system by means other
than specific action on the part of the
Migratory Bird Commission. Many
vildliferefuge areas-game and wildlife
ranges, for example=were created by 11
Executive order or by transfer of lands
from other Government-, agencies and
many, of these areas have broader na-
tional wildlife conservation purposes
than that of facilit_atingtheaconservation
of migratory birds.
it may well be that there are units in
our wilcli !e refuge 'system which, hav-
ing outlived their usefulness "'wildlife
and waterfowl habitats, should be elimi-
nated. or refluced-despite the fact that
the basic statute, the Migratory Bird
Commission Act provides in its title for
the acquisition of these areas of land
and water "in perpetuity." Nevertheless,
the$eoretkry's action, or determination
as the ' oase may be raises questions of
public policy.
I think it should be remembered, Mr.
Speaker, that this is a program set up by
the Congress and' administered by a
Commission created by the Congress, as
trustees for the funds of American duck
hunters and other contributing conser
vationists who _ came to us and asked that
we provide a duck stamp and use the
proceeds to acquire' necessary land for
migratory bird refuges.
In addition, we are trustees' of the
funds of organizations and private indi-
dividuals, who have contributed millions
of dollars for acquisition, and in some
cases development, of these refuges.
As trustees of the funds of duck hunt-
ers, private Individuals, and conserva-
tioh groups, it follows that there is a very
definite Congressional responsibility
when it comes,.to removing these lands
from our- national wildlife refuge system.
For this reason the proposed authority
of the Commission to oversee the disposal
of refuge land has been broadened, in my
bill, to include all lands in the refuge
system, rather than merely those lands
which were brought _ in through specific
Commission action.
It is my hope, Mr. Speaker, that intro=
duction of this legislation will serve to
d4eck this move to eliminate needed
existing refuges, and will lead to a better
and a more systematic method of over-
seeing the operation of all refuges., It is,
time that the proper role of the Migra-
tory Bird Conservation Commission be
fully recognized.
lax Q L ;yya ranted permission
'the BEcbRb .and to include extraneous
Mr, WAGGQNNIR. Mr. speaker,
print that so perfectly reflects your own
views that you can only say, "I wish 'I
had said that." Such an article was
James J. Kilpatrick's column in the
I would like to make it a part of the
RECORD against the day when the flood
of crocodile tears has ebbed and the true
culprits are searched for. The answer
is right here for any who seek it:
All week long, the leading bleeding hearts
of the Great Society have been wetting down
the ashes of Los Angeles with tears for the
poor oppressed. We have been fairly awash
in tales of Watts, the palm-lined ghetto,
with its unemployment, its crime, its in-
comes below $4,000.
"The guilt lies on us all," said one lugubri-
ous professor, gazing sadly into the camera.
And he began to talk of frustrations that
just had to find catharsis.
Twaddle. The guilt for this criminal an-
archy in Los Angeles is direct, immediate,
and personal, as guilt must always be if the
first essentials of our law still count for any-
thing. And if guilt is to be extended in
some sort of metaphysical conjecture, then
let the guilt lie squarely upon such philoso-
phers as the Reverend Martin Luther King
and President Johnson.
What did the Negro apologists of our time
expect? How could they have been surprised
by these events? Have they never heard of
the harvest that is reaped by men who sow
the wind?
For the last 5 years or more, Dr. King
has been going up and down the country,
preaching his own brand of ever-loving an-
archy. His is the gospel that tells his sim-
ple-minded people to violate the laws they
feel in their hearts to be wrong. What is
the guilt that lies today on Dr. King?
Dr. King is not alone. Over this same
period, we have seen the White House itself
and our Central Government as a whole con-
tribute to a cynical disrespect for old insti-
tutions. The Constitution, once regarded as
the supreme law of the land, has been pro-
gressively reduced to the merest scrap of
paper. This Republic was founded in part,
at least, upon respect for the ancient rights
of private property; this was the oldest hu-
man right of them all, but Congress and the
courts have let it erode away. Is it any
wonder that the Los Angeles insurrectionists
put private property to the torch?
Over the last 10 years, the American Negro
has been singled out for a fulsome solicitude
that , has done him a terrible disservice,
Through every conceivable device of law and
politics, the Negro has been artificially puffed
up, protected, pampered, wrapped in swad-
dling clothes, and excessively admired. He
has been the particular object of public hous-
ing, poverty programs, job preferment, and
aid for his illegitimate offspring. In the
sanctified name of "civil rights," he has been
excused for criminal conduct that in any
other set of facts would have drawn 30 days
on the roads. The Supreme Court of the
United States, casting precedent to the winds,
pardons hundreds of trespassers, disturbers
of the peace, and violators of the rights of
other men-pardons them with a wave of
judicial wands. What guilt lies on the Su-
preme Court of the United States?
It is high time in this country to out
through the fatty sentimentality, the phony
guilt. the couch-ridden recriminations. if
rhetorical questions are to be asked, should
Wenot inquire if the status of the Negro, a
century after emancipation, is entirely the
fault of white society? Entirely? Or is a
large part of this squarely the fault of the
Negro people themselves?
It is paid that the Negro has been kept
down by the devices of segregation, and
whole of the proposition never is examined.
Were all Negroes kept down? Or were many
Negroes too lazy to get up? Say what you
will about the South (it is not the South
where whole cities go up in the flames of in-
surrection), the American Negro has had two
generations of reasonable opportunity in the
unsegregated North and West. How has he
developed'the opportunities put before him?
In squalor, in apathy, in crime, in cadging
off the welfare, in dropping out of integrated
schools, in breeding swarms of children out
of wedlock. This is the sorry record. And
now, in Los Angeles, we witness barbarian
What is the remedy? It is to treat the
Negro like a white man. God knows his race
has done little enough to deserve a fate so
difficult and demanding. This is to expect
of the Negro, first of all, work; and then
self-restraint; obedience to law; respect for
authority; creative imagination, right con-
duct. It is to expect of him some capacity
for leadership,- some positive contribution
to the communities he lives in, some sense
of common decency in the maintenance of
neighborhoods. This is the white man's
world-a world that earns its way, accepts
responsibilities, knows failure, knows success,
and does not search for somewhere else to
lay a personal blame.
Plenty of Negroes have shown they under-
stand these elementary obligations. Especi-
ally in the South, a Negro middle class is
rising, buying property, entering public life,
setting a fine example of civic responsibility.
Elsewhere in the country, examples multiply
of individual excellence. If only the do-
gooders will stop expecting too much of the
Negro too soon. If only they will learn
that pampering and special privilege and
legislative crutches cannot do the job. If
only they will understand that the character
of a backward people cannot be tempered in
Molotov cocktails.
Respect for law, respect for property, re-
spect for the rights of others-these have
to come first. And these must be enforced
by the courts and by the suddenly stiffened
demands of a fed-up society. The guilt for
these outrages lies upon individual arsonists,
hoodlums, vandals, thieves. Try them. And
then turn to the political and intellectual
leaders who need forgiveness more: they
know not what they do.
(Mr. BRADEMUS (at the request of
Mr. RoosEVELT) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
- Mr. BRADEMAS. Mr. Speaker, a suc-
cessful Project Head Start program con-
ducted this summer in South Bend, Ind.,
is graphically described in the following
account that appeared in the South
Bend, Ind., Tribune on August 15, 1965.
Mr. Birdsell, author of the article,
makes two telling points that I draw to
the attention of my colleagues. First, he
There was agreement that the Head Start
graduates have a better chance for success in
kindergarten and subsequent progress.
Second, he writes:
However, staff members did agree they were
given rather complete freedom by Federal
officials. There was no interference in the
classroom as such or in many other program
The article follows:
.Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
Approved For Q 1~ 6 67 JJR0001000400%y#st 2J,, 1965
SouTH 13END EDUCATORS C r r 90 UNDEaPRrvi energies are concentrated on bf Sely making
LECED CHn.DsxN A. (ENs tNS n START a living can: be motivated not only to toler-
,Bringing order out of chaos`''has" been a"
unique privilege for a email band of South
fiend edycatore and their assistants this
to-8 weeks, they have given 90 underprivi_
leged children a genuine'head start when
.they enter kindergarten this fan.
'flow, they can follow directions. They
can listen. What more could you want?"
Mrs, ewe 0eaks from experience. She Is
a veter kindergarten teacher at Navarre
Eighty nweetcs ago In a `asrison School
classroom she ~tYiet 15 yours ters, whom
rfoild have dismissed `as Impossible to-
5 r C piers ly from scratch, she and her
Colleagues are e6nvinced tune, patience, and
alohey, a4lsely expended can reclaim children
almost" Automatically rejected by American
Qd#cation practices of the past,
Tb,Le 4Ag5 in tiffs case; i3,2fi5, came from
the F'ederil, overnmentunder the Economic
C1Pportuxiity Act o X964.
Tlie d patience came from the en-
ir~e q as pro de, stAN headed by Mrs. Sylvia
inner, an rather unexpectedly, the pa-
r'ente Of the children themselves.
733. an informal' discussion Test week, the
final one, of the program i9veial of 'the pro=
fessional, staff members a~ggrreed the success-
ful Involvement o parents" was their key'to
paxentai,coop~ration cou and did reduce
itself to the stark necessity of getting the
child ou4 of `bed and to the bus which car-
ried him to the school. fee classes each
at garrison and Studebaker School. )
It coud nd did expand to introduction
of the' whole idea of education as a good
thing to families with 'a'whole inheritance
of econonlip'cultural and emotional depriva-% t1on.
'There is A fear in simpl , going to school,
of meeting the teacher and the whole pros-
ess of education" Mra. Carol Davis, who
YtaAdled ,One tie Studebaker classes, re-
8ta$.Iliembers, said the importance of get-
ting the parents concerned. Interested and
active in the child's eduetalon cannot be
"With possibly one exception, we found
that when the parents were interested the
child was more successful in the program,"
.icliardd. Matthews, staff psychologist, re-
ation but assisting in the education o
They agreed that the sense or self-discip-
line, the increased "attention span," so
vital to the more formal education of later
years can be developed in a prekindergarten
age group of reasonable native intelligence
whatever the social background.
Mrs. Whitmer spoke of an approach delib-
erately "unstructured to work toward the
structured program" which the child will
enter in the kindergarten.
Staff members agreed that the first 2 weeks
were quite chaotic in the classroom, but
gradually a sense of order developed. A visi-
tor to several rooms in the flna:. week found
an atmosphere of order, purpose and activity
typical of the normal kindergarten.
Frankly, as Matthews said, the program at-
tempted to "send these children into kinder-
garten with the middle-class background
they do not receive in their homes"
Staff observations and formal testing re-
sults "show a definite move: towards a
middle-class norm In these students," Mat-
thews reported.
Head Start here was part of a national
effort this summer and was one aspect of
President Johnson's war ,on p,>verty under
the Economic Opportunity Act.
Nationally, there has been criticism of the
crash aspects of the program. Critics say it
attempted to take in too many youngsters,
about 660,00O;ran too short a time, and was
not thought out sufficiently.
These pitfalls appear to have been avoided
locally to a certain extent by deliberate re-
striction of the intial enrollment to 90 stu-
dents and in selection of staff.
Mrs. Whitmer operates her own private
nursery school during the regular school
term. The six classroom teachers were drawn
from the experienced kindergarten and pri-
maryfaculty of the public schcols.
Nevertheless, and despite the considerable
successes, staff members said there is definite
room for improvement in the future on the
basis of the experience of the last 8 weeks.
More time is the basic need from the staff
viewpoint. Staff members felt keenly the
termination of the program just at the
point when, they felt, the children were
ready foreven greater strides.
The children will be entering kindergarten
in the fall, but staff members were worried
they might be lost and regress In a situation
Afra. Whltaier -aid persistent but highly of about 35 students and one teacher.
In staff discussions, the need for starting
informal Colitactswith the home were very the program earlier, perhaps running it
successful and became standard practice Al- through the regular school year in whole or
most from the start. in part was urged, though the resulting prob-
Teachers and other staff members would lems of finance and housing were recognized.
visit iji gidyal homes during the after- Despite these concerns, there was agree-
noona`t$jid?evenings. During the mornings, ment that the Head Start graduates have a
when classes were in session parents were
invited Xn for extended visits, one or two
at a time, not or. large groups.
to assist in-cl`assroom activities, to stay for
the luncll which was part of the program
and to go on "field trips* outside the class-
Staff members found the developing in-
teraction between?the child, the'schOOl and
llie ,hox ~a where parents became concerned
one of ~$le most fruitful consequences `of
the program.
Richard Brocker, a' case worker for the
at. Joseph County Department of 'Public
Welfare Who Worked closely 'with the pro-
grain; mid there were instances of "young-
sters alx pat attacking their parents" to be-
come interested.
Staff members agreed that economically
depressed, undereducated parents whose
z iW"+s
better chance for success in kindergarten and
subsequent progress.
"If we have saved only five of these chil-
dren from educational failure :in the future,
then we have justified the spending of nearly
$14,000," Matthews declared.
Staff members also felt they were now
ready for a program taking in more students
than the 90 in the initial prefect. No one
doubted that more than 90 prekindergarten
youngsters could qualify.
There was also a feeling th:I.t enrollment
should be based not just on an economic
standard- that that educational deprivation can
result from other factors. The'Federal act
restricts enrollment to children from families
with an annual income of $2,010' or less.
,If there was Initial chaos in I he classroom,
there was a feeling of rather persistent chaos
in Washington. Materials, particularly
standardized tests, sent out from Washing-
ton were frequently late.
The staff said the 1-week training ses-
sion at Purdue University, Lafayette, dictated
by Washington, suffered from lack of plan-
ning. They felt Head Start succeeded here
because of local knowledge and experience.
rather than as a result of direction from
However, staff members did agree they
were given rather complete freedom by Fed-
eral officials. There was no interference in
the classroom as such or in many other pro-
gram aspects.
Mrs. Whitener said one of the major lessons
of the initial program was the importance
of an earlier effort to start immunization'
against communicable disease and health im-
provement generally.
(On the other hand, Mrs. Whitmer said,
left to the parents, immunization would not,
have started in most cases and the child could
not have entered kindergarten this fall as
a result. All but six children were started;
on immunization by last week.)
The real importance of the three assistants
assigned to each classroom teacher was rather,
a revelation to the professional staff. Indeed,
they thought even more assistance would be:
desirable in the future.
Mrs. Whitmer said one of the pleasantest
surprises of the program was the success in
the classroom assistant role of several teen-
agers enrolled in the Step program.
Step gives teenagers who have dropped out'
of school or are potential dropouts part-time:
employment, intensive counseling and the
chance to resume schooling in some form. It
is also supported by the Economic Opportu
nity Act.
Step enrollees are from low income families
like the Head Start youngsters, and Mrs.
Whitmer said the older youths appeared to
be learning as much from their experience as:
the youngsters they were helping educate.
Another key to success, Mrs. Whitmer said,
was the close cooperation of the two welfare,
case workers. Broecker and Dean Burket,
particularly in contacts with the parents.
Initially, they helped select the students
for the program, but then were assigned to
follow-up work on a part-time basis. Mrs.
Whitmer said the decision to continue their
services was one of the most important made
(Mr. BINGHAM (at the request of Mr
ROOSEVELT) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. BINGHAM'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the AppP wdix.]
(Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of Mr.
ROOSEVELT) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point In the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, tomor-
row, or at the earliest appropriate time,
I intend to introduce an amendment to
H.R. 2580, the Immigration and Na-
tionality Act of 1965. My amendment
would permit the naturalization. as
citizens of persons over 50 years of age
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
who have been living in the United Mates entered the United Mates prior to 1932
for at least 20 years. in order to come under the exemption.
@ amendment would relieve the per- EFZ Errs OF THE PRESENT LAW
-4z "affected from certain herds lps fin- The pertinent portions of the present
posed upon them because 6f Uie present law follows:
wording of section 312(1) of the Immi- SEC. 312. No person except as otherwise
gration and Nationality Act. The Ian -
provided in this title shall hereafter be nat-
guage of the amendment is the same as uralized as a citizen of the United States upon
the bill which I first Introduced last year his own petition who cannot demonstrate
and which I have reintroduced this year, (1) an understanding of the English lan-
H.l. 3932. Last year, The bill won wide guage, including an ability to read, write, and
support, in fact, bipartisan support. I speak words in ordinary usage in the Eng-
am hopeful that those 'who received it lish language: Provided, That this require-
well last year will give it the same amount ment shall not apply to any person physi-
of consideration during the present de- wiscally unable to comply
qualified to be nature ized, or to any per-
bate. son who on the effective date of this Act, Is
Section 312 now provides fora literacy over 50 years of age and has been living In
test for all persons wishing to become the United States for periods totaling 20
naturalized as American citizens. Sub- years.
section (1) of section 312 contains a pro- As I have previously indicated the only
vino excepting any person who on the change in the existing law that my
effective date of the at is over 50 years amendment would make would be to take
of age and has been living in the United out the phrase "on the effective date of
States for periods totaling 20 years. The this act" and to substitute the words "at
crucial words in the proviso are "on the the time of his petition for naturaliza-
effective date of this act." These words tion." My amendment would not elimi-
create a closed end classification bene- nate the literacy requirement. All that
fitting only those persons who came to' it does is to eliminate the arbitrary date
the United States prior, to December 24, of 1932 as the year in which persons must
1932, that is, 20 years preceding "the have come into the United States in
effective date of this act." My amend order to come within the proviso ex-
ment would simply change the language empting persons over 50 years of age
of 312(1) to read "at the time of his who have been here for at least 20 years.
petition for naturalization." The The effect of the present law is this:
change in language would create an open if a man emigrated from Mexico to the
end classification, allowing persons to United States in 1932 and is now over
fall within the exception when they have 50 years old, he may be naturalized as
lived in the United States for at _ least a citizen even though he cannot read and
20 years, ' even though they may have write English. This is because he has
come in after 1932. resided in this country at least 20 years
SACKGROVND OF SECTION 312(1) preceding the 1952 act. In fact such'a
Prior to 1950 the immigration and na- man 'would have resided in this country
tionality law did not contain a literacy for 32 years. But if this same man came
requirement. There `was ' a requirement into the country from Mexico in 1933, or
under the 1940 act that persons "who 1934, or 1940, or any time after 1932, he
wished to become naturalized must speak can never qualify for naturalization if
the English language. But there was no he cannot read and-write English. He
requirement that he be able to read and may live in the United States for 2A
write in English. Section 304 of the 1940 years, or 25 years, or 30 years. He may
act contained the following. language; be 50 years old, or 60 years old, or 70
SEC. 3Q4. No person except as otherwise years old. He may have had children
provided in this act shall hereafter be natu- born to him in the United States. He
ralized as a citizen of the United States upon may have raised his family and seen his
his own petition who 'cannot speak the Eng- Children, who are citizens. because they
lisp language. were born here, go off to fight and maybe
But let me emphasize again that this die for America. He may have grand-
requirement meant only that the person children and even great grandchildren
know how to `speak English, and not Who are citizens of the United States,
that he read and write in English. yet, he will never come within the
The literacy requirement for natrali- exemption set out in section 312(1) sim-
zation was first introduced in to the_ law ply because he entered the United States
with the Subversive Activities Control after 1932..
Act of 1950. Section 30 of the 1950 act Of course, this applies to persons who
contained a proviso stating: came to the United States from other
SEC. 30. * * * this requirement shall `not countries. I have used Mexico as an
apply'to * * * any person who, on the date example because in my hometown of
of approval of this amendment, is over 50 San Antonio and throughout my dis-
years of age and has been legally residing trict, and in south Texas and other
in the United States for 20, years.
,.. places along the Mexican border there
The Immigration and Nationality Act are a number of persons who 'fall into
dot 1952 reelacted this literacy require- the category I have outlined. There are
ment with a similar proviso in section people in these areas from Mexico who
3i, Thus, in effect, in 1952 the exempi are ' more than 50 years old and who
Lion v0s? updated by 2' ears. Under the have lived here for more than 20 years.
1950 act only persons who came into this I received one letter from a man who
country-prior to 1930 Could benefit from is 71 years old. He has children who
the exemption. Under the 1952 act, as were born In this country and who are
I have pointed out, persons must have therefore citizens. But he himself can
never become a citizen because he came
here after 1932 and he cannot read and
write English..
Some of these people have lived here
25 and 30 years. They have worked hard
most of their adult lives. They have
paid taxes to the State and Federal Gov=
ernments. They have raised children
here. Yet these people can never be-
come citizens under the present law.
Many of the people affected, by the way,
are women who because of the demands
of raising families were never able to
take advantage of opportunities for
learning English, and because of their
advanced years have little or no chance
of ever becoming proficient in our Ian-
The 1952 act updated by 2 years the
exemption set out in section 312(1) .
Congress by that action established a
precedent of updating this exemption,
and the 89th Congress would be perfectly
consistent in once again updating it.
But in so doing we would be merely post-
poning for some future Congress the task
of correcting the inequity which I be-
lieve the present wording of 312(l)
creates. For this reason I will offer my
amendment tomorrow.
(Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of
Mr. ROOSEVELT) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. GONZALEZ' remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. FOUNTAIN (at the request of Mr.
ROOSEVELT) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. FOUNTAIN. Mr. Speaker; one of
the key safeguards of the constitutional
democracy we enjoy in the United States
is an intricate network of checks and bal-
ances, both between and within the vari-
ous levels of government. The mainte-
nance of a genuine separation and bal-
ance of powers between the legislative
and executive branches of our National
Government is an essential element in
this structure.
There is widespread agreement among
students of government that there has
been in recent years a serious diminution
of the position of Congress in relation
to the burgeoning bureaucracy of the
executive branch. In my opinion, one
of the factors most responsible for this
imbalance is the increasing involvement
of the executive agencies in scientific and
technical programs. Neither the Mem-
bers nor the relatively limited staffs of
the Congress, few of whom are scientists,
are trained to deal with the technical
details Of these activities. Nor is this
necesary for proper legislative oversight.
which, after all, is concerned principally
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
;ft1&32 CO RIMML7NAx 'RECZ}}R'D"' `f1 Sr.,.,., ,.,-.,'4#Just 24, 1965
_ 44 II) tiers of ,policy and adm inistra-
wiKvgr, there appears to be_ a great
rxe sentznemtand gven resistance, on
e part of some Government scientists
to'legislative branch, a .minatfon of the
administration of their, programs on the
grounds that we are not scientists and;
therefoye, cannot' understand the pr'ob-
le i This attitude, nyoly de, unfortu-
nately, often leads to a head-on colfis-
sion, between an. executive agency, and a
congressional committee, and all too of-
ten, I am afraid, scientific groups out-
side of the Government instinctively rally
to the support of the executive agency
without bothgring to examine the merits
of the matter.
F Perb ps This is a manifestation of the
o, 11 cuttures, ' the scientific and the
mkii cieffic, about which the noted
British scientist and author C. P. Snow
has written at some length. As chair-
man of the Integovernmental Relations
Subcommittee, which has responsibility
for the oversight of several executive
agencies engaged in scientific activities,
I have witnessed several such happen-
One notable example was the subcom-
mittee's, study several years ago of the
management of the health research
grant programs of the National Insti-
tutes of Health. A recent instance in-
volves. the $ubcoimlx}lttee's current study
e drug safety activities of the Food
anti > )rug Acllninistration.
Prior to and during several of the sub-
committee's hearings on drug safety, the
FDA Medical ,Director took offense at our
probing into the manner in which the
agency fulfills, Its responsibilities in this
area-an area, > might add, which is
vital to the health and. very lives of the
American people. As a result, he at-
tempted to withhold from the subcom-
mittee information necessary to the suc-
cessful fulfillment of its responsibilities
to the Congress. This information con-
sisted principally of reports received by
PDA concerning patients who were ad-
versely affected in the course of using
specific drugs. Such reports are of great
importance to the FDA in deciding
whether ? to withdraw a harmful. drug
from the market or otherwise restrict its
use. And such reports are also impor-
tant to a congressional committee when
it undertakes to review FDA's use of the
available information in. reaching regu-
latory decisions.
' r am pleased to say that the medical
director failed in this ill-advised attempt
towithhold information, just as the FDA
itself had failed in 1962 when the House
Interstate and Foreign Commerce Com-
mittee rejected the agency's legislative
proposal to seal off from the Congress
certain records which are readily avail-
able to the executive and judicial
branches of the Government.
Subsequently, the medical director
sought to muster support for his actions
and objectives among certain scientific
groups, some of which are rather closely
-tied to the regulated industry. I think
it is significant, however, that few, if any,
of these groups bothered to study the
transcripts of the hearings or to other-
wise obtain the subcommittee's evidence
and views.before expressing themselves.
It,is also significant that the, subcommit-
tee has received a_considerak le volume. of
correspondence from physicians and
private citizens who read about, our
hearings in the press and wrote to com-
mend the subcommittee for Its .diligence
in protecting the Interests of the medi-
cal profession and the consuming public.
I find it disappointing and alarming
when groupsfrom the scientific commu-
nity throw scientific method to the winds
by adopting resolutions or expressing
opinions concerning govermnental mat-
ters about which they are not adequately
informed. This has been the case in a
number of instances where the FDA
Medical Director, whose administrative
actions have been closely examined by
the subcommittee, has met with non-
governmental scientists who have then
passed resolutions on the 'oasis of his
statements. In one such instance, the
FDA Medical Director actually called a
special meeting of the FDA Medical Ad-
visory Board for the purpose of obtain-
ing support for his actions and his per-
sonal views. The Board passed a num-
ber of resolutions, including; one which
reads In part:
We are deeply concerned, therefore, at the
recent insistence of a congressional commit-
tee that confidential record,; containing
specific names of doctors, patients, and hos-
pitals, be released.
We therefore recommend that steps be
taken through appropriate cha nnels so that
in the future the confidentiality of these
records will be preserved.
I can assure the House, as the FDA
well knowns, that the Intergovernmen-
tal Relations Subcommittee as never in
any way violated or compromised the
doctor-patient relationship. Since the
FDA is aware that statements and im-
plications of this kind are u:itrue, I can
only conclude that this and imilar reso-
lutions are intended to distract scientific
and public attention from the facts dis-
closed by the subcommittee's drug safety
Even more important, however, is the
very serious implication thfst the Con-
gress is less prudent or trustworthy than
the executive branch when dealing with
information that, merits special care.
I am sure that my colleagues resent, as
I do, the argument that records in a
Government agency's files are released
or their confidentiality violated because
a congressional committee examines
them In the course of carrying out its
The general press and some of the
trade press have, in my opinion, pro-
vided balanced and objectha reporting
of the subcommittee's hearings and the
subsequent controversy, for which I am
appreciative. I was especially pleased
to see a very thoughtful art:.cle by Miss
Elinor Langer in the August 13 issue of
Science, the distinguished jo arnal of the
American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science, which places this mat-
ter in a proper perspective and makes
clear that the subcommittee has been
operating with reasonableness in seeking
to discharge its responsibiities. Miss
Langer also offers some interesting ob-
servations on the tendency of some ele-
ments within the scientific community
to rally automatically to the support of
their colleagues In the, executive branch
whenever the latter comes into conflict
with the Congress.
Mr. Speaker, I strongly commend the
article to the attention of my colleagues
in the Congress.
[From Science magazine, Aug. 13, 1965]
(By Elinor Langer)
A congressional investigation of the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) that began
over a year ago in low-keyed fashion has re-;
cently become the focus of an argument over
the rightful limits of legislative inquiry into
scientific and medical affairs. The argument
finds Representative L. H. FOUNTAIN, Demo-
crat, of North Carolina, in a familiar but not
altogether comfortable spot-at odds with
a substantial portion of the medical and set-;
entific communities.
FOUNTAIN'S dispute with the FDA began
when the House Government Operations Sub-
committee on Intergovernmental Relations,
of which he is chairman, moved from the:
general considerations which had occupied'
it for nearly a year to concrete studies of
FDA's handling of particular drugs. FDA's:
policy on giving information to Congress has;
only one formal limit: FDA may not disclose
pharmaceutical industry secrets, such as
formulas. For the rest, however, the policy:
is more or less dependent on political winds.,
When congressional-executive relations are
poor (as, for example, when the Eisenhower,
administration faced a Democratic Congress)
the rule book for executive agencies calls
for a certain amount of closeness with agency!
information. When they are good, as they,
are at the moment, the word goes out that`
executive agencies are expected to be open,
and helpful. Few civil servants enjoy having,
their official actions prominently displayed
before the public, and this openness may go
against the bureaucratic grain. (A few years
ago, for example, the Food and Drug Ad-'
ministration attempted to have the laws
changed to enable it to cover a wider range:
of. documents with a blanket of confiden-
tiality-and one of the opponents of this,
move, which was unsuccessful, was L. H.I
FOUNTAIN, who was beginning to develop and
interest in the agency's operations.)
In general, however, agencies have very
little choice about supplying information. i
But in the present case, what seemed to the
agency to be "cooperation" seemed to the,
Fountain committee and staff to be bureau-
cratic foot dragging or, worse, deliberate ob-
fuscation. Committee investigators did have
access to the files they requested, but often;
the files would have inexplicable gaps, and
the investigators had to make five or six trips
before they felt their grasp of the situation
was adequate, In addition, the staff was
troubled by an agency ruling (later relaxed)
that required a representative from the Com-
missioner's office to be present whenever the !
staff interviewed a lower ranking official of
At several points in the hearing it was';
made clear that FOUNTAIN felt cooperation to
be more mythical than real. But the sim-
mering antagonisms did not burst open until ;
the agency attempted discourage'
FOUNTAIN from obtaining certain documenta-
tion he felt he needed. There were two
Items `at- issue. One was a tape recording
of 'a meeting of scientific consultants called'
to advise the agency on a particular group:
of antihistaminic drugs. The second was a '
list of names of patients for whom adverse
reactions to an antidepressant drug (Par-
nate) had.recently been reported, together;
with the name of the reporting physician.
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.- August 24, 1965
Caller Ilolifleld Philbin Mr. Kee with Mr. George W. Andrews. a bill to amend the Immigration and Na-
Qilelf Horton Pickle Mr. Landrum with Mr. Clark. tionality Act, and for other purposes.
Clausen, Hosmer Pike Mr. Bonner with Mr. Thompson of New The resolution provides an open rule with
Don H. Howard Pirate Jersey. 5 hours of debate, making it in order to
Cleveland Hull Poage Mrs. Green of Oregon with Mr. Ryan. Consider the committee substitute as an
Clevenger Hungate Powell Mr. Flynt with Mr. Resnick.
Cohelan Huot Price Mr. Baring with Mr. Conyers. original bill for the purpose of amend-
Cooley Ichord Pucinski Corm an Irwin Purcell Mr. Kornegay with Mr. Hanna. ment.
Craley Jacobs Race Mr. Yates with Mr. Todd. The purpose of H.R. 2580 is the elimi-
Culver Jennings Randall nation of the national origins quota sys-
Cunningham Joelson Redlin The result of the vote was announced tam as a basis for selection of immigrants
Daddario Johnson, Calif. Reid, N.Y. above recorded. Into the United States. This is a sub-
Daniels Johnson, Okla. Reuss SPEAKER. The question is on
Davis, Jones, Ala. Rhodes, hodes, Pa. stantial change in the present law.
Dawson Janes, Mo. Rivers, Alaska the passage of the bill. H.R. 2580 establishes a new system of
de la Garza, Karsten Roberts The question was taken and the Speak-
Delaney Karth ~h1O er announced that the "ayes" appeared selection for immigrants which is de-
Dent Kestenmeier Rogers, Colo. signed to be fair, rational, humane, and
Denton Kelly Rogers, Fla. to have it. in the national interests. Under this,
Diggs Keogh Rogers, Tex. Mr. CONTE. Mr. Speaker, on that I system primary preference is based upon
Dingell King, Calif. Ronan demand the yeas and nays.
Donohue King, Utah Roncalio the existence of a close family relation-
ow Kirwan Rooney, N.Y. The yeas and nays were refused. ship to U.S. citizens or _ permanent rest-
Downing Ktuezynski Rooney, Pa. So the bill was passed. dent aliens, and not on the existing basis
Dulski Krebs Roosevelt A motion to reconsider was laid on the
Duncan, Oreg. Leggett Rosenthal table. of birthplace or ancestry. Preference is
Dwyer Long, Md. Rostenkowski also provided for those professional peo-
Dyal Roush
Edmondson McCaRoybal rthy whose services are urgently needed in
Edwards, Cwmain GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND the United States. Lesser preference is
Calif. McDowell S St t Germain
Evans, Colo. McFall St. Onge Mr. FOGARTY. Mr. Speaker, I ask given to aliens capable of filling labor
Everett McGrath Schauer
Evans, Tenn, McVicker Schiller unanimous consent that all Members needs. The annual numerical ceiling for
Fallon Macdonald Schmidliauser have 5 legislative days in which to extend all immigrants is 170,000 with a limita-
Farbstein Machen Schweiker their remarks and to include extraneous tion of 20,000 to any 1 country, on a
Parn Key Mackay Secrest first come, first served basis.
Farnum 'Mackie Kenner matter on the bill just passed. There was no objection to this bill
Fasceu Madden Shipley The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
Feighan Mahon Sickles the request of the gentleman from Rhode during hearings before the Committee on
Fino Mailliard Sikes Rules, although there are differing views
Marsh Slack Island? on how to accomplish the purposes of the
Fogarty Mathias atauuru ^ w WrKK or +.
F41ey Matsunaga Staggers '{ Jt h Mr. Speaker, I urge the adoption of
Ford, Matthews Stalbaum House Resolution 533.
"William D. Meeds Steed AMENDING GRATION AND
Miller Stephens N NALITY ACT Mr. SMITH of California. Mr. Speak-
I yield myself such time as I may use.
[ae1 Mills Stratton er
Fulton, Tenn. Minish Stubblefield Mr. DELANEY Mr. Speaker, by di- (Mr. SMITH of California asked and
Gallagher Mink Sullivan of the Committee on Rules I call
Giaimo Mize Sweeney eney was given permission to revise and ex-
Giaim Moeller Teague, Tex. UP House Resolution 533 and ask for its tend his remarks.)
Gibbons Monagan Tenzer immediate consideration.
Gilbert Moorhead Thompson, Tex, Mr. SMITH of California. Mr. Speak-
Gilligan -Morgan Trimble The Clerk read the resolution, as er, as explained by the able gentleman
Gonzalez Morris Tunney follows: from New York [Mr. DELANEY], House
Grabowski Morrison Tupper H. RES. 533 Resolution 533 will make in order the
y ~ Mosss Udall n Resolved, That upon the adoption of this
Gree en, Pa. Ms consideration of H.R. 2580, an act
Minter Ullman resolution it shall be in order to move that
Grader Murphy, nl. Van Deerlin the House resolve itself into the Committee amending the Immigration and Nation-
Grider Murphy, N.Y. Vanik of the Whole House on the State of the ality Act under an open rule, with 5 hours
Griffin Murray Vigorito
Griffiths Union for the consideration of the bill (H.R. Of debate. The committee substitute will
Hagen, Calif. Natcher Vivian 2580) to amend the Immigration and Na- be considered as an original bill for the
Halpern Niedzi Watts Walker, N. Mex. tionality Act, and for other purposes. After purpose of amendment under the 5-
Hanleyon O'Brien Weltner general debate, which shall be confined to minute rule.
Haley Iowa- O'Hara, Ill. White, Idaho the bill and shall Continue not to exceed
Hansen, Wash. Mich. White, Tex. five hours, to be equaly divided and con- To replace the quota system, a ceiling
Hansen, ansn, was. O'Konski Whitten trolled by the chairman and ranking minor- of 170,000 immigrants per year from non-
ity member of the Committee on the Judi- Western Hemisphere nations is estab-
Harris Olsen, Mont. Widnall
Harvey, Mich. Olson, Minn, Willis ciary, the bill shall be read for amendment lished. Of this total, no nation may have
Hathaway O'Neill, Mass, Wilson under the five-minute rule. It shall be in more than 20,000 places. Exempted
Hawkins Ottinger Charles, H. order to consider the substitute amendment from the need to qualify under the re
Hays ate n n Wolff
Hebstos Patten r Wright recommended the Committee and such the Jue quirements placed on these immigrants
Hicks ki Pepper Young rit now w Is the bill h substitute and unmarried
Hicks Perkins Zablocki for the purpose of amendment and shall ll be e con- are parents, spouses,
NOT VOTING-32 - sidered under the five-minute rule as an minor children of citizens. All others will
Dole Rumsfeld original bill. At the conclusion of such con- be accepted on a preference basis which
George W. Flynt Ryan sideration the Committee shall rise and stresses the reuniting of families and the
Baring Green, Oreg. Sisk report the bill to the House with such desire to accept professionally qualified
Bolling Hagan, Ga. Thomas amendments as may have been adopted, and individuals such as doctors, scientists,
Bonner , Hanna Thompson, N.J. any Member may demand a separate vote
Burton,Utah Holland Todd lawyers, artists, and so forth, and other
in the House on any of the amendments workers skilled and unskilled, whose
Cahill Kee Toll adopted in the Committee of the Whole to woabirlities are needed.
Cahill ?Kornegay' Watkins the bill or committee substitute. The pre-
Clark Landrum Yates vious question shall be considered as or- This selection system takes effect on
Conyers Resnickesnick dered on the bill and amendments thereto to July 1, 1968, when the national origins
Cramer Resnick passage without intervening motion system Is abolished.
j the motion to recommit was re-' except one motion to recommit with or with Between the enactment of this bill and
jetted, out instructions. July 1, 1968, all unused visas will be
Vie' Clerk announced the following Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield placed In a pool to allow immigration
pairs: 30 minutes of my time to the gentleman from countries with oversubscribed
Mr. Thomas with Mr. Rumsfeld. from California [Mr. SMITH] and pond- quotas. These pool immigrants will be
Mr. 1`611 with Mr. Burton of Utah. ills that I now yield myself such time as selected under the new preference rules
Mr. Cabell with Mr. Cramer.
Mr, Holland with Mr. Dole. may consume. and on July 1, 1968, with the end of the
Mr,, Hagan of Georgia with W. Watkins. Mr Speaker, House Resolution 533 national origins system, the pool will be
Mr. Sisk with Mr. Lindsay. provides for consideration of H.R. 2580, abolished and all immigrants will then
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enter under the preference lists of this Members will notice that the rule pro- stands; yet it is urged that we put the; lid
bill. vides for_ substituting t.,us bill as an on immigration from our allies such as
Mr. Speaker, there is no ceiling on_im- amendment for the other bill. I believe, the United Kingdom and the Federal
-migration from free Western _ ,Henri- as the distinguished gentleman from Vir- Republic of Germany and other coin-
Sphere nations and two new. countries ginia [Mr. Porp], said to me the other tries of Western Europe.
are added to that dotal-Jamaic& and day, this' is somewhat like having an I should like to call the attention of
Trxnlld .bgo~.A... automobile and then jacking it up and the House to the fact that the bill as it
at an amendment. will be taking the motor and eve:-ything else off now stands not only gives a highly pref-
tiiltered placing a reasonable , ceiling, it, simply leaving the body or the name of erential treatment to countries in the
based upon immigration figures on such the original, when we compare the dif- Caribbean which have recently acquired
11ninlgration. ference between the administration bill their independence but, if it is adopted,
Testimony before the Committee on and this, bill, it would grant highly preferential treat-
Rules indicated how rapidly this immi- In fact, I will have to say to the die- ment to all Caribbean countries which
g1'ation is growing,. One witness stated tinguished gentlemen. that I am amazed subsequently acquire their independence.
that he expected to see in the near future they were able to get together and agree I call the gentleman's attention to the
as Taffy aU0 . per year if some Tea- and to be so happy when they came be- fact that the country of British Guiana
soriiih " ar fair ceiling is not, added. fore the Rules Committee, is certain to obtain independence in the
Gneave. placed such a ceiling on our Particularly I wish to commend the near future. Negotiations with the
friends in the rest of the world, gentleman from Ohio [Mr. FEIGHAN] and United Kingdom to accomplish this end
N6* w labor controls are enacted which the gentleman from West Virginia [Mr. are nearly complete.
dory to all immigrants except relative MOORE] who I know have worked ex- Second, the country of Barbados is
preference and refugees. tremely hard in trying to bring about expected by the United Kingdom to ac-
The Secretary of Labor under the Ian- this bill and present it to 1;he House. quire independence soon.
gua 'e in the bill will be required to make So far as I am concerned, I would be Third, British Honduras wants to be-
it" , in the case individually that more than happy to have this. bill go come independent and at the present
iizm r nts will not take a job for which over until January, after the recess, so time is initiating efforts to accomplish
there is _ a wiping American worker nor that I personally could go home to ex- that status.
i1jset `the ,wage scales in the area, plain to my constituents, why this bill, Further, I state to the House that each
lnally, the bill provides that of the in my opinion,, is a reasonably good bill; of these three countries has a heavily
t'70,0db immigrants, up to 10,200 may be and, if the MacGregor amendment is oversubscribed present list of those de-
f adopted
Thus continuin
with restriction
n th
cy o
s o
ern s
ng to enter the Uitd Stt
acb0ptifig" fleeing oDDression bv o- Hemisphere, I anticiDate that T will vnf~- T thank 1-h. -+1-_
My understanding is that the gentle- This is a bill they wish to get through. Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, will the
man from Minnesota [Mr. MACGREGOR] They have asked for the rule. The rule gentleman yield? I should like to pro-
will offer the amendment I have referred is before the House today. I know of no pound a question which the gentleman
to in 'connection with the Western objection to the rule. from Minnesota might well answer.
Hemisphere to place a maximum ceiling I Personally will support the Mac- Mr. SMITH of California. I yield to
of 115,000 immigrants from these partic- Gregor amendment, with regard to re- the gentleman from New York.
'ular Western Hemisphere countries, strictions on the Western Hemisphere. Mr. CELLER. I ask the gentleman
such ceiling to be exclusive of immediate I do not see any reason why we should from Minnesota if it is not true that de-
family members of citizens as is the cell- not have restrictions. There has been spite what the gentleman says with refer-
ing for the Eastern Hemisphere. some indication that we sl. ould not hurt ence to what happened in the subcom-
Before the Rules Committee the testi- the feelings of our friends, but America mittee, in the full committee his amend-
mony 'was rather joint at that time, the comes first. We ought i;o know how ment was decisively beaten?
three distingulshedl gentlemen on the many people are coming in, if we are Mr. MACGREGOR. May I say to the
Committee; on the Judiciary, the gentle- to change our immigratio: I laws at the distinguished gentleman from New York,
man frgm Ohio ,[Mr.. FExouAN], the gen- present time. the chairman of the Committee on the
tleman fro West ~Iirg [Mr. MOORE], Mr. MACGREGOR. Mr. Speaker, will Judiciary, it was obvious that the execu-
and the gentleman from New York [Mr. the gentleman yield? tive branch had done its work effectively
CELLER] more or less testified jointly. Mr. SMITH of California. I yield to in the full committee, and the members.
Mr. PEIGHAN read a 7-page statement the gentleman from Minnesota. toed the line as they were requested to do
to us which I, personally think was excel- Mr. MACGREGOR. I commend the by the executive branch of the Govern-
lelat, I will, not, try to take the time to gentleman from California for a very ment.
review It, but I would, commend it to excellent and precise staterent covering Mr. CELLER. I am sure the gentle-
every Member or at least to listen to the the present content of the kill, H.R. 2580. man knows that the members of the Ju-
gentleman's testimony as they present I also thank the gentleman for his diciary Committee, of which he is one,
this particular bill. references, which were enti:.^ely accurate, and an honored one, usually vote accord-
Some of , us, Mr. Speaker, like myself to the amendment which I will propose ing to their conscience and the dictates
a an example, find ourselves in a rather during the course of the de)ate. of their judgment.
peculiar position here today. Two years This is an amendment which was pro- That is invariably a rule in our com-
ago in the 88th Congress an immigration posed in the subcommitte, and which mittee. I do not think we bow down
bill was offered which I read and studied was adopted in the subcommittee when to any so-called superior power.
and which I thought was very bad legis- the subcommittee members were register- Mr. MACGREGOR. May I say to the
lation. I so informed my organizations, ing their own independent judgments on charming gentleman from New York
and people and constituency and i op- the matter. But at the 11th hour and that I would not impugn either his mo
posed that legislation. The bill intro- 59th minute before the subcommittee ap- tives or those of the very distinguished
duced originally in this particular Con- Proved the bill, my amendment was de- gentleman who is the chairman of the
gress, the administration bill as it is so feated on a motion to reco:asider. Subcommittee on Immigration [Mr
called, was in my opinion likewise as bad The gentleman is entirely correct FEIGHAN], nor those of anyone else;
as the bill which was introduced in the whenhe refers to the fact that without However, I simply recite the facts as
last Congress. I mentioned my opposi- my amendment the bill would continue they appear from the RECORD; namely;
tion at that time in the news releases substantially as is the ilnm;.gration pat- that when my motion was considered
and statements before chambers of com- terns from the Western Herr isphere with on its merits, it was adopted. Then sub,
merce and other organizations. i now the exception of the Caribbean area. sequently, although the merits remained
find in reading this particular bill some- The gentleman did refer to Jamaica unchanged, some of the votes were
how or other this seems to be a reversal. and to Trinidad-Tobago as being coun- switched.
This bill is not much like the originally tries who will be placed in a. highly fav- The Immigration Act, H.R. 2580, makes
introduced bad bill I referred to, ored position under the bill as it now significant progress in emphasizing our
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
August 24, I6"" , , ~ Q ~v K r-v VS vv , vvv.~vvv , -v 20775
desire to reunite families. It would also [From the Washington (D.C.) Evening Star, MACGREGoR argues that it will be wiser and
sw&ep away any discrimination on ac- , Aug. 24, 1965) more realistic to meet the problem during
count of race.. Unfortunately, the bill REVOLT BREWING ON IMMIGRATION this reform Of immigration policy than to
would continue and even increase un- (By Charles Bartlett) Wait until the crisis develops. Communists
.equal treatment based upon national There are signs of revolt by the House of will maintain that the limitation is new
origin and geographic location. This Representatives against the intermingling Of evidence of Washington's detachment from
the hemisphere's problem, but their charges
anomaly is highlighted in the -following immigration collet and short-term di
-- ivr rrogress.
-- - -__~~ bill.
PROGRESS ON IMMIGRATION Rusk is urging Congress to abolish the Since most Latin Governments do not cur-ion Secretary Rusk urges that Latin Amer- individual country quotas that have Done th the e iiympecogoosition n of a their o quota ta will l problems ,
lean nations remain outside any ceiling, as trolled migration to the United states since provoke less
they are now outside of the quota system. 1924. He echoes the widespread sentiment whe diplomatic tension now than it will later Oer~ Con-
But this well-intentioned position could lead that these quotas are discriminatory and n enactment becomes acute. Con-
to trouble and Si will in the not so distant damaging to the Nation's reputatiol~ for gress' enactment of the quota may actually
future if immigration from Latin America fairness. But Rusk also urges that the jolt the Latins into more realistic attitudes.
and ere hors signs atnha tofu uld wiII- grow
and pressure Latin Aa ri they republics ince ontinue be ex-
the now a e argu ssomco peling and the diplomaatic
have s consequences are so nebulous that
of were then to limit a sudden flood overall limitation that the new bill will place some Con-
gressmen suspect that Rusk and Mann are
immigrants which the country was upon migration to this country. resisting it
unprepared. While the entire law is being Representative MICHAEL FEIGHAN, Demo- cep n ypurely stand of diplomatic
overhauled, it would be better to place all crat, of Ohio, leading the move to revamp certainly . ensit Their stand rhn their heir refusal io
the nations of the world, including those immigration policy, has doggedly questioned endorse inconsistent
prefn rfereerential al trade arrangements
into the south of the United Mates, on exactly the special access of Latin hnmierants.
- [From the Christian Science Monitor,
Aug. 17, 1965)
Applying intense pressure, the administra-
tion struck from the immigration reform bill
a measure which many experts believe will
have ts,be faced in the near future, This
ware a -provision which would have placed a
limit on migration into the United States
from the rest of the New World.
Administration Opposition centered on the
claim that to impose such a limit would en-
danger diplomatic relations with several
Latin American States. This seams like an
inadequate excuse for several reasons. We
find it hard to believe that any government
believes Its citizens have a right per se to
migrate to any other country. In the second
place, certain of the New World lands them-
selves place high hurdles before many U.S.
Citizens where immigration is concerned.
Thus Mexico virtually demands that a new-
comer, including one from the United States,
be financially independent before going to
Mexico to live, and there are signs that Can-
ada unofficially discourages immigration of
nonwhites, among them American Negroes.
But all such considerations aside, Wash-
ington must surely realize that, at any
moment, it could face a deluge of would-be
Latin American immigrants. The flood of
Puerto Ricans which has poured into New
York, and the wave of Jamaicans which has
flowed into Britain during the last 15 years
are but tokens of the vast numbers who
might someday wish to leave underdeveloped
For two crucial facts must be faced. The
first is that the population of Latin America
is growing more rapidly than that of any
other large area in the world. The second is
numbers while South Americans enter-the u stn4 is "as assn drafted in a practical and
United States simply by showing that they Anations
. The p p spiritreferent is al f areatme t of South
are Unlikely to become public charges? if the outh
Y ? America cannot be maintained if ted e United
Feighan hoped to end this special status States is to boast truthfully that its new
in the new immigration law but he met ob- policy does not put one nation or region
jections from the State Department after ahead of another.
the crisis erupted in the Dominican Repub-
lic. Rusk and Under Secretary of State The Committee on the Judiciary Is
Thomas Mann argued earnestly that this asking the House to place a numerical
move would weaken the U.S. standing in ceiling on immigrants from all countries
Latin America at a critical moment. Fur- outside the Western Hemisphere. Would
ther persuasions by President Johnson in- it not also be fair and just to place Latin
duced FEIGHAN to agree to a compromise. American and Caribbean area immigra-
The Feighan bill now before the House re- tion under a reasonable ceiling?
quires the President to notify Congress In our foreign relations, does America
when immigrations from the Western Hem- want to convey the impression that the
isphere start to rise sharply. Latin immi-
grants will be subject, like all others, to the Scandinavians, the Germans, the Irish,
Labor Department's certification that they the Italians, are less welcome here than
possess needed skills not already available in someone else?
the pool of unemployed, Mr. MCCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, will
But this compromise has not allayed the the gentleman yield?
alarm of some members at demographers' Mr. SMITH of California. I yield to
projections that the population of South the gentleman from Ohio.
America will multiply in this century from Mr. MCCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, I
69 million to 600 million. The growth of was pleased to hear the remarks of that
Latin migrations to the United States in this
decade from 95,701 in 1960 to 139,282 In 1964, able chairman of the Committee on the
has added substance to warnings that the Judiciary [Mr. CELLER], with whom I
time is ripe to erect a dam against a possible agree so much of the time. I agree with
flood of immigrants. what he said, that is, that the members of
The Latin political leaders, with a few the Committee on the Judiciary, as a
exceptions, are so hesitant to acknowledge whole, and almost without exception, vote
their population problems that a strong In accordance with the dictates of their
initiative by the Ecumenical Council will be conscience. You know the members of
necessary to prod them into a population
control campaign. Most observers doubt this very hard working subcommittee
that the council will produce a fulsome en- voted in accordance with the dictates of
dorsement of birth control this fall. Mean- their conscience and approved the Mac-
while, about 700,000 Salvadorans have quiet- Gregor amendment In the subcommittee.
ly overflowed into neighboring Honduras, and Then, 10 and behnid there n
oycu workers to Europe. ??s ~. a crud the a in
problems. Thus the pressure on resources Representative CLARK MACGREGOR, Re ub_ order to change the result and the out-
leansgrowsfromand lands mau aecide ati d
n o Amer- - lican, of Minnesota, who p seenein Of th
the many years that hat I been
many y lish an annual limit of 115,000 immigrants n3' years thI have been
Puerto Ricans and Mexicans have done in from the 24 nations of the Western Hemi- On the Committee an the Judiciary.
such large numbers: go to the United, States, sphere, points out that the State Depart- The gentleman from Minnesota has cor-
It would seem that a reasonable, legal ment merely wants to postpone the action. rectly explained the chronology of the
limit on migration from Latin America, if Rusk said during the hearings, "I am suggest- events and the effect and the purport of
adopted today, could prevent the need to ing that Congress wait until there is a need his amendment which was adopted in
adopt more stringent legislation tomorrow, to do it."
the subcommittee.
No. 158-19.
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Mr. SM.'ZTI of California. Mr. Speak- TABLE l.-Populations, densities, percent males engaged in agriculture, gross domestic
er, I now yield to the gentleman from product per head, and vital rates for areas in the Caribbean region
is CMr Popp].
(Mr. PC~F'Fl asked and was given per- Density, Percent Gross 1959-61 population
pula. persons males domestic
mission to revise and extend his remarks PO
Area tIon,1960 per square engaged product
include extraneous matter and
milo in agri- per head Birth Death Rate of
1960 culture rate rate natural
Mr. POPP Mr. Speaker, as a former
member of the Subcommittee on Immi-
gration and Nationality, I was privileged Republics:
Cuba6,797,000 150 47.1 US$400 31
to participate in a 2-year course of com- Haiti ___ __________________________ 3, 5
_05,, 000 330 __
_______ _____ _ _____________
mittee hearings devoted to population Dominican Republic ______________ 2, 994 000 160 78.88.4 88.7 ________-_- 230 - 35 42 -40 __ --------
changes and other demographic phe-
nomena In every geographic area of
Other islands: -_________________
world. I was particularly impressed with Jamaica --------------------------- 1, 609, 800 370 ------------ 41.2 93 32:2
Total, Republics--------------- 13, 296,000 - - _____Barbados ________________________ 88232,,3700 00 1, 670 400 2 48.6.0 4 160 44 280 31.1 4 11 9..5 2 33: 21:6
the dramatic population growth cur- Trinidad ahd Tobago ______________ 828,000 420 22500 38.4 8.5 29. 9
rently in progres and forecast for the
$he Worldld. In Vital rates per 1,000,
Grenada-_________________________ -
foreseeable future In the Western HemiSt. Lucia __________________________ 86,100 370 59.4 160 47..8 14,7 33.1.
sphere and particularly in the nations St. Vincent ______________________ 79. 900 530 44.4 170 50.1 14.1 36.0
Dominiea.________________________ 59,900 200 58.5 180 45.0 13.9 31.1
of Central and South America. St. Kitts-Nevis - -_-_______________ 58,700 370 ____________ 180 41.0 12.6 28.4
Population pressures Constitute the o
Mntserrat________________________ 12 i
,200 380 30.7 13.2 17
principal justification for an amendment British Virgin Islands -___________ 7,900 120 37.0 9.6 27.4
Netherlands Antilles______________ 190,000 510 _
to H.R.2580 which, will beoffered by the
Martinique_______________________ 277,000 050 51.8 ____ .38.1 9.5 28.6
gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. MAC- Guadeloupe _______________________ 270,000 390 54. 1 --- 38.7 9.8 28.9
Not classified ------- ---------- 11,
GREGOR] placing a numerical ceiling on
immigration from the Western Hemi- Total, Islands -----------------_ 3:863,600 -
sphere. Accordingly, I have extracted
Maipland areas:
British Honduras ----------------- 90,500 10 _ 44.8 8. 0 36.8
from our subcommittee hearings a number of tablesand other data bearing on British Guiana ______ __________ 560,400 6 _ __________ 270 43.7 10.7 33.0
the subject which I submit herewith for French Guiana ____________________ 31,000 1 ------------ ---_ 31.5 13.8 17.7
DutchGuiana____________________ 308,000 4 _8.2 37.`6
the RECORD in order that they may be available for study before the MaeGregor iieridm6lit is offered.
Total, mainland areas ----------- 989,900 -Caribbean region--------- 18,149, 500 ___________ _ ____________ ____ ___ _I j,
Cenral and ouerca ave e NOTE.-Demographic material for the British areas is based on the 1960 census and on 1959-61 vital events. Cop.
responding material for other territories is the latest available in the United Nations Yearbooks.
ehworate . n 11960 960 ation about 1 Out Of increase of TABLE II.-Absolute and relctive increases of population in the countries of Central and
population of 3 billion people lived in
Number of inhabitants Increase, 1940-50 Increase, I950-60
this area, including Panama. In 1900
only about 1 out of every 50 persons of Country
1940 1950 1960 Number Per- Number Per-
the world was an inhabitant of Central
cent cent
or Sounth America. It is predicted that
1 out of every 15 persons of the world's
Central America__________________ 7,318,071 8,678,573 11,768,541 1,360,502 19 3,089,968 38
inhabitants will be either a Central
_ 1619,000 800,875 11,171,000 181,875 29 370,125
American or South American within Costa Rica _____ ______________ 222,917 14 579,083
El Salvador___________________ ' 1,633,000 1,855,917 22.435, 000 000 290,868 12 974,132
____________________ 2 2,500,000 2,790,868 '3,765,
the next few years, Guatemala
Honduras_____________________ 1,107,859 1,368,605 21,845, 000 000 221 260,, 387 746 27 24 476 419, 977
rzil hasreceived the most immi- Nicaragua ________ _ ___________ 835,636 1, 057, 023 1, 477,
grants; thelargest number have come Panama _____________________ 622,576 805,285 1,075,541 182,709 29 270,256
from Italy, second largest from Portugal,
Spanish South America___________ 46,381,508 55,964,093 70,947,491 9,582,587 21 14,983,398 .27
third from Spain and fourth from Japan.
'14,160, 20,, 19
In fact, in the 1930's approximately 200,- Argentina _____________________
Bolivia_______________________ 22,600 0000 00 2162,,776104,,000 186 3, 008, , 945 000 2,104592, , 000 165 18 4 3,247 757, 945 835 :(28
000 . Japanese people, mostly farmers, Chile _________________________ 5,023,539 5,750,000 7 339,546 726,481 15 1, 589, 546 28
Colombia_____________________ 29,090,000 300,000 14,132,000 2,210,000 24 2,832,000 25
emigrated to 11, '
razil. 35
Ecuador______________________ 22,600,000 3,202,757 '4,317,000 602,757 23 1,114,213
The descendants of those various na- Paraguay _____________________ '1,111,000 1, 341, 333 '1,768,000 230,333 21 426,667 32
tionality groups who are now natives of Peru __________________________ 6, 207, 967 2 7,820,000 210,120,000 1,612,033 26 2,300,000 29
Uruguay______________________ 2 1,870,000 12 , 050, 090 2 2, 600, 000 180, 000 10 550, 000 27
162 43
the Western Hemisphere are entitled to Venezuela _________ 13,710,000 5,034,838 7, 200, 000 1,708, 321,082 838 26 36 192,,022105,,788 37
nonquotastatus. It, therefore, becomes Brazil _________________ 11,236,315 51,944,397 70,967,185 10
very obvious that the conceivable
emigration from the Western Hemis- Acre 2 79,768 114,755 160,208 34,987 44 45 453 40
! 22 218,,489 41
phere 1ll flaunt the purpose of HR. Amazonas + ____ __________ 438,008 532,215 750,704 94,207
ParAs____________________ -- 944,644 1,160,760 1,619,824 216,106 23 469,074 40
2580, as atrieided, by allowing a dis- Northeast:
proportionate number of some ethnic Maranhilo ________________ 1,235,169 1583,248 2,492,139 348,079 28 908,891 57
Piaui--------------------- 817,601 1,045,696 1,263,368 228,095 28 217,672 21
groups to'enter the United States un- CearS _____________________ 2,091,032 2,895,450 3,337,856 604,418 29 642,406 24
? , - ?
limited. Rio Grande do Nort768,018 987 921 1,157,268 199,903 26 189,337 20
Paraiba______________ ____ 1,422,282 1,713,269 2,018,023 290,977 20 304,764 : 18
In 1920 the world population having Pernambuco___
___ ________ 2,688,240 3,396,186 4,136,900 706,945 26 741,715 22
increased to 1.8 billion the inhabitants of Alagoas ____ __ _____ __ _ 951, 300 1, 093,137 1,271,062 141,837 15 177,925 16
Fernando do Noronha 2 0 581 1,389 581 ________ 808 139
South American numbered only 61 mil-
Sergipe____ ______________ 542,328 644,361 760,273 102,035 19 115,912 18
lion or about 3.4 percent of the total, and
Bahia___ __ ______________ 3,918,112 4,834,576 5,990,605 916,463 23 1,166,030 24
the combined population of Central Mines Gerals _____________ 6,736,416 7,717,792 9,798 880 981, 376 15 2,081,088 27
,297 93,078 166 224,226 140
Americancountries and Panama came Serra dos Aimores e ------_ 68,994 180,072 384,
Espiritoaneiro Santo----------------------- 1,847,857 1,847750,,857 750,107 2,297,194 861,562 31,,402188,,728 665 111,456 449,337 24 15 1,105327,,103534 48
to 46 million or 0.3 percent of the people Rio de J
on the face of the earth. By 1950, how- Guanabara _______________ _ 1,764,141 2,377,451 2,307,163 613,310 35 929,712 39
ever, when the earth's population had South:
550 Paulo_________________ 7,180,316 9,134,423 12,974,699 1,954,107 27 3,840,276 42
arisen to 2.5 billion, there were 311 mil- ParOna__ __________________ 1,236,276 2,115,547 4,277,763 879,271 71 2,162,216 ..102
2,182 32 586,407 38
lion people in South America-4.4 per- Santa Catarina. ________ __- 1,178,340 1,560
Rio Grande do Sul________ 3,320,689 4,164, 821502 25,,146, 448; 909 823 38844,132. 25 1,284,002 . 21
cent of the world population-and west central:
MatoGrosso7_____________ 432,205 558,979 981,045 126,714 29 422,060 i 76
another 8.7 million In the five Central Goits 2 826,414 I,214,921 2,096,604 388, 507 47 881
, 683 73
American countries and Panama taken
together. Footnotes on following p age.
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August 24, 19 5 ` ES A ; R COI ' `HO SE
I Uuited Nations estimate.
1 Author's estimate.
Data for Amazonas include those for the territory of Rio Branco which was separated from it subsequent to the
1940 census.
i Data for Para include those for the territory of Amap6 which was separated from it subsequent to the 1940 census.
6 Area in dispute between the States of Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais.
7 Data for Mato Grosso include those for the territory of Rondonia which was separated from it subsequent to the
1940 he 1960 data for Golds include the 141,742 residents of the New Federal District (Brasilia) created after 1950 from
territory formerly constituting a part of Goias.
On the basis of the data presented in
tables I and II, one is forced to the con-
clusion that present rates of population
Increase In Central and South America
must average at least 3 percent per an-
num, and that they may even run as
high as 3.3 or 3.4 percent per year. A
rate of growth of 3 percent per annum
is extremely high. Prior to this recent
development in South America never
throughout human history has the pop-
ulation of an entire continent increased
at such a pace. As a matter of fact, it
is probable that the United States be-
tween 1790 and 1860, when the rate of
growth was running about 3.2 percent
per year, is the only large nation that
-previously has experienced such rapid
increases of population.
First. The Central American ', and
South American countries taken to-
gether make up the great world subdi-
vision in which the population Is increas-
ing most rapidly. This was true during
the second quarter of the 20th century,
it was also true for the decade 1950-1960,
and it remains true during the 1960's.
Second. As yet there is no tendency
for the rates of growth of these popu-
lations to exhibit any tendency to de-
cline. Instead, the rates for the decade
1950-1960 actually were considerably
higher than the phenomenally high ones
that prevailed between 1940 and 1950.
Third. No other large nation in the
.world, except the United States during
the period between 1790 and 1860, has
ever experienced rates of population
growth equal to the 3.0 percent per an-
num or more currently prevailing in
Brazil and in most of the Spanish Amer-
ican countries under consideration.
Fourth. Between 1920 and 1960 the
.proportion of. Central and South Ameri-
cans in the total population of the earth
mounted from about 3.7 percent to ap-
proximately 5.1 percent.
Fifth. Although the South American
.-Continent contains a major portion of
the earth's lands which remain largely
unsettled and unused even though they
are capable of maintaining large popula-
tions, very little of the phenomenal in-
creases of population on that continent
is taking place In newly opened agricul-
tural areas. In South America, and in
Central America as well, the conquest
of the tropics still remains a task for the
Sixth. The recent large and signifi-
cant _ increases of population in Central
Wand South America are occurring for the
most part in and immediately about the
major cities of those areas. This, in turn
we may add is due largely to migrations
from the rural areas to the urban centers
and to the broad bands of misery, or
slums, which surround most of them.
The 1960 census reported that Mexico
had 35 million inhabitants. The popula-
tion of Mexico increased by 35.4 percent
during the decade 1950 to 1960 or an
average annual rate of 3.5 percent. Dur-
ing the 20-year period from 1940 to
1960, the population of Mexico increased
by 78 percent. More than 15 million in-
habitants were added to 19.7 million who
were recorded in 1940.
According to the 1960 census only six-
tenths of 1 percent of the population of
Mexico were foreign born the rest were
all native born. The birth rate is main-
tained at a high level and in contrast the
death rate has been rapidly declining
from 19.1 percent in 1946 to 11.6 percent
in 1962. This accounts for the large nat-
ural increase. In 1960 alone the natural
increase was approximately 33.9 percent.
Whether Mexico can absorb this rapid
increase will depend upon the economic
production and ways of making a living.
At the present time the gross national
product of Mexico is increasing at a level
with the population increase. Whether
this will continue is a very serious ques-
By and large the emigration from Mex-
ico to the United States was prompted by
socioeconomic reasons.
Over the years, there has been a rather
continuous immigration of Mexicans to
the United States. According to the U.S.
Immigration and Naturalization Serv-
ice, there were 400,263 alien immigrants
admitted from Mexico during the 10-
year period 1953-62. This gives an aver-
age of about 40,000 persons per year.
The largest number admitted during any
one year was 65,047 in 1956; the smallest
was 18,454 in 1953.
(By Dr. Nathan L. Whetten, University of
Mexico has about 35 million Inhabitants.
This is more than is found In any other
nation in the Western Hemisphere with the
exceptions of the United States and Brazil.
Argentina has only 20 million, Canada 18,
Colombia 14, Peru 11, Venezuela 7.5, and
Chile 7.3 million Inhabitants. Brazil has 71
million people but no other Latin American
country, except those mentioned above, has
as many as 7 million. Thus, from the stand-
point of both proximity to the United States
and the size of her population, Mexico de-
serves attention as one of the most important
countries in the Western Hemisphere.
Mexico is surpassed In the size of its land
area by the United States, Canada, Brazil, and
Argentina; but its density of population, 17.8
persons per square kilometer, is greater than
that found in any of these larger countries
except the United States which is only
slightly more dense with 19. Many of the
smaller countries in Central America and the
Caribbean Islands, however, are much more
densely populated than any of these largest
Over the years there has been a rather con-
tinuous Immigration of Mexicans to the
United States. According to the U.S. Immi-
gration and Naturalization Service, there were
400,263 alien immigrants admitted from Mex-
ico during the 10-year period 1953-62. This
gives an average of about 40,000 persons per
year. The largest number admitted during
any one year was 85,047 in 1956; the smallest
was 18,454 in 1953. In 1962, 58,291 were ad-
mitted. During the 8-year period from 1950
to 1957, there were 7,454 aliens (former immi-
grants) who emigrated to Mexico from the
United States, or an average of 932 persons
per year. Statistics on former immigrants
returning to Mexico (emigrating) from the
United States have not been collected since
1957. Ever since the beginning of the century
Mexico has been a country of emigration
rather than One of immigration partly be-
cause of the scarcity of good farmland, wide-
spread poverty, and limited opportunities for
Some indication of the impact of Mexican
Immigration on the United States may be de-
rived from the U.S. census data, which indi-
cate that there were 675,902 persons living in
the United States in 1960 who were born in
Mexico. These constituted 5.9 percent of the
total foreign born. The Inhabitants of Mex-
ican birth are concentrated in a few States
mostly in the Southwest along the Mexican
border. The largest numbers, by far, are
found in California with 248,542, and Texas
with 202,315. These two States combined ac-
count for 78.3 percent of all persons of Mex-
ican birth In the United States. It is inter.
esting to note that only 7.3 percent of all
persons born in Mexico were living in States
outside of the seven listed in table 8. Al-
though comparatively few persons of Mexican
birth are living in Arizona and New Mexico,
they constitute half of the total foreign born
of these two States. In Texas more than two-
thirds of all the foreign born were born in
TADLE 12.-Crude birth rates, death rates,
and natural increase in Mexico, 1946-601
23. 8
1948 --------------------
46, 4
32. 7
Briefly summarizing, then, the following
conclusions seem to be warranted:
1. Mexico's population has been increas-
ing at an exceptionally rapid rate in recent
2. The birth rate has remained fairly stable
at a high rate for a long time. The death
rate has been rapidly declining. There have
been no large waves of Immigration into Mex-
ico in the recent past: hence It seems valid
to assume that the population increase is
due primarily to natural increases or the in-
creasingly growing surplus of births over
3. There are signs that differential fertility
is developing among the inhabitants of the
larger cities compared with the rural areas.
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plus,`?Q~`txes with over 50,000 inhabitants
Will decline as industrialization proceeds is
4. It seems unlikely that the death rate
will, continue, to decline as rapidly as in the
recent past without drastic improvement in
the leyeIs of living of the lower classes.
b. If both the birth rate and the death rate
,remain at somewhere near their present
levels, Mexico can look toward continued
rapid increase of her population.
6. Internal migration and shifting of popu-
lation is?likely to become accelerated in the
future. Most Mexicans are born in the vil-
lages and small towns of the nation. There
Simply is not, enough farmland to support
'theme in, the,,, rural districts. Most of the
agrnrian,.communities (ejidos) have insuffl-
cieAt land to provide an adequate living for
the present population. Therefore, the sur-
TABLE 8.-Population movements in Briiish Caribbean Islands, 1921-1960
plus of population resul :ing from high birth
rates has no alternative but to migrate else-
7. Massive migration to the cities will fur-
ther complicate the housing and living con-
ditions of the city slums into which many
of the migrants finally settle down. Only
through gigantic housing projects can this
situation be alleviated.
8. Immigration to the United States and
the bracero movement have served In the
past as safety valves for thousands of Mex-
icans determined to improve their socio-
economic positions. These movements have
probably served also to establish and
strengthen bonds of friendly feeling toward
the United States on the part of relatives,
friends, and neighbors o. the international
9. Assuming that the population will con-
tinue to increase rapidly in the near future,
the seriousness of the pr;blems engendered
Rates of i I-
crease (percni)
will depend greatly on two major considera-
tions :
(a) The extent to which economic develop-
ment can keep pace with the expanding pop-
ulation. The increase in economic produc-
tivity during the past 20 years has been
little short of spectacular. Whether or not
this can be expected to continue indefinitely
is an open question.
There is a very real shortage of skilled
workers in this area in spite of the fact
the area is overpopulated; this shortage
of skilled workers has been aggravated
by migration to the United Kingdom.
By virtue of the Commonwealth Immi-
gration Act of 1962, immigration outlets
which existed for the West Indies .have
been removed and thus the population
growth is now becoming explosive.
Annual rate
of increase
Annual average
Movement as per-
cent of natural
Barbados------------ ---
156, 800
1, 550
1 56
29, 800
1 88
4rrat __---_
t. its-Nevis ---------
1. 47
,Trinidad and Tobago-_
18, 700
Dominica -_-
59, 900
ist,Yowl% -
51, 500
St. Vincent _________
79, 900
All island
Annual net
Annual net
r Period-
(-) or ilmni-
Col. (A) as
(-) or immi-
Col. (A) as
gratton (-}-)
to col. (B)
gration (-F)
to Vol. (8)
1881-91. - - -
1841-91----------- ------------------
1891 )911 --------------------
1011-21, ------------
1911-21---------------------- --------
1921-43 _. __ -----____
__. __------
1943-M -------------------------------
-3Y 7
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
If the growth continues at the rate of
1.3 percent per annum, this island of
166 square miles will, within the span of
Noll -Where estimates of movements during 1946-60 are based on provisional tabulations of births and deaths they are subject to slight revision.
TABLE 9.-Annual net migration and annual natural increase for Jamaica and Barbados, 1881-1960
Norl:.-These estimates are taken from George W. Roberts, "The Population of
Tamales," Cambridge, 1957, and "Emigration from the Island of Barbados," Social
and Economic Studies, vol. 4, No. 3, September 1955.
190 years-less than six generations-at-
tain a level of standing room only. This
means literally 3 square yards per per-
son. Over the entire region the annual
rate of natural increase, that is, birth
rate less the death rate, stands at 2.5
percent which signifies a doubling with
in a period of 28 years.
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
TABLE 1.-Populations, densities, percent males engaged in agriculture, gross domestic product per head, and vital rates for areas in the
Caribbean region -
Percent males
Vital rates per 1,000, 1959-61 population
persons per
square mile,
I. agrieul-
per head
Birth rate
Death rate
Rate of nat-
ural increase
Cuba-- - -------------
Haiti - -----------? - ---- --- - --- ----- .-----
Total, Republics----------------- . --- = ??
13, 296, 000
other island's
Jamaica-- ----------- -- ---------- - - - ------- --------------
Trinidad and Tobago____________________________________-__________
Barbados------------------------ ----------------------------------
'Grenada------------------ -----------------------------------------
,at, Rlioia __-_. _-?_----- .------------------------------
St. Vincent ------------------------- ----.---------------------------
Dominica----------- ----------------------------------------------
St.Kitts-Nevis -----------------------------------------------------
l,~"y~ua --------------------------------------------------------
British Virgin Islands ----------------------------------------------
Netherlands Antilles-----------------------------------------------
270, 000
Not classified-------------------------------------------------------
Total,islands ---
- ----------
Mainland areas: British Honduras---------------------------------------------------
British Guiana ---------------------------------- ----.---?---------
French Guiana ------ -----`------`-?-------??----------
Dutch Guiana ---------------------------------^---------
Total, mainland areas- ?-------- '--??-----
fiotat Caribbeau`regton--------------
i4.-Demographic material for the British areas is based on the 1960"census an0 on 115159-61 vital events. Corresponding material for other territories is the latest avail-
able in the United Nations Yearbooks.
TABLE 10- Estimated future pep ulation
1970 for some Caribbean areas
Cuba------------------ ===
Dominican Republic---_
All British islands-------
French Islands --_-___--__
Netherlands Antillos_____
Total Islands----_
British Guiana and Brit-
lab. Honduras -------___
NOTE. -Estimates for Cuba, the Dominican Republic,
Haiti, and the Netherlands Antilles are the medium as-
sumption estimates of the United Nations ("The Future
.Growth of the World Population," United Nations, 1958,
ST/90A/Series A28). Those for the British islands,
British Guiana, and British Honduras are from "The
Demographic Problems of the Area Served by the Carib-
bean Commission," 1957. Those for the French islands
do based on the fertility of these islands and on the
-mortality of the British areas.
Canada, with territory slightly larger
than continental United States, in the
1961 census had over 18 million people.
Thus, Canada had one-tenth of the pop-
ulation of the United States and the
greatest part thereof along the U.S.
The. most important early movement
across the border to the United States
was that of European immigrants who
had come to Canada as a kind of step-
ping (point on 'their way to the United
States when-the United States had an
open immigration policy. When the
U,S,,border became more difficult to cross
for people born In Europe, they tended
to stay In Canada. -
.Between 1951 and 1961 there was a
total `of 482,600 eiriigrants from Canada
to the United States.
?The affect of a generous U.S. immigra-
tion policy is not wholly advantageous
to the countries from which immigrants
come. It does not really solve the pop-
ulation problem or the employment prob-
on such problems, that it tends to select
the better educated citizens, which sort
of immigration may even accentuate
Canadian unemployment. Canada's
population Is increasing at approximate-
ly 21/2 percent a year which is a little
faster than the U.S. rate of increase.
During the last three decades (1931
to 1961) the Canadian labor force In-
creased by 58 percent, while the total
population of Canada increased by 76
Unemployment is the most serious and
challenging problem Canada has had to
face in the last few years. One of the
most critical aspects of unemployment
in Canada is the persistent disequilib-
-rium between the technical qualifications
of the young men.entering the labor force
on the one hand and the requirements
of the industrializing society on the
Immigrants who have come to the
United States from Europe have tended
to stay and emigration has been propor-
tionately small. The Canadian picture
is more complex. At the same time that
people were entering Canada from across
the Atlantic, others were leaving for the
United States; statistics show that about
the same number entered Canada as were
leaving. In 1961 recorded figures were
11,516 American residents coming to set-
tle in Canada and 47,470 Canadian resi-
dents moving into the United States. To
complicate matters, approximately 6,250
Canadian born persons who had come to
the United States to settle returned to
The movement from Europe to the
'United States through Canada has been
a source of considerable complaint in
Mr. SMITH of California. Mr.
Speaker, I do not have any further re-
quests for time, but I will reserve the
balance of my time.
Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield
such time as he may require to the gen-
tleman from New York [Mr. Rosms-
(Mr. ROSETMAL asked and was
given permission to revise and extend his
Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, four
Presidents of the United States have
urged changes in our immigration and
naturalization procedures. They and
the greater number of American citizens
have demanded the elimination of the
discriminatory national origins system.
Many have pointed out the irrationalities
of the preference priorities within the
existing system. Still others have
brought attention to the need for an
immigration policy which seizes the op-
portunity of finding new skills from
foreign-born citizens.
All these Issues, and many more, can
be resolved by our swift passage of H.R,
2580, legislation which has been on the
national agenda for many years. in so
acting, we will be eliminating archaic
and unethical procedures which have
done much to discredit this country in
the eyes of the world, and particularly
in the eyes of those abroad whose wish
is to take up American citizenship.
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Approved F6r Release 2004/01/1.6:CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
WWW' SwV4 , 4 %GQ R, -' HQUSE August 2!y, 1965
rants to Canada, 1957-el, by former - country of residence in order of numerical
Italy-- -------------- --------?--------?-
Bri .5 .__.------------------ -?_----------
108, 989
19, 586
CptO 2ates -_-________________________________
il8rtoaDY ____--'_ ____ ________________________
ot1lei onunonwealth_-----------------------------
6, 460
4, 856
'Portugal ----------- -----
Netherlands ----------------------------------------
' 934
South Americari____________________________________
Belgium ___________________________________
Yug oslavia
Au ..__.--?. ?-__-_---_?_-_-_-__--?-_?_-_
of orEurope _____?_-__-^_-____-__-_^--_--_-___
Switzerland ----------------------------------------
Imo, 1.- _-__--^ --------------------------- ---
---------------------------- ___
7el~ mnaarrk__-_?________?___-__--___________________
Finland ---------- ----------------------------------
Other Scandinavian________________________________
Asia t_ ---------- ----------------------------------
other North America I ------------------------
Other -----------
11 3
124, 851
108, 928
I Excluding Commonwealth countries.
9lnclyd?ag Republic of South Africa.
? CKe will, for example, do away with a
system which implies that people from
able to_leplace such procedures with a
3'orXn ila which allows the transfer of
unfilled quotas to oversubscribed coun-
trl We will be able to establish a
preference priority system which Is re-
boisive to the many difficult cases
Where families. are separated on' account
irclexible statutes and administration.
rAkewise will a revised immigration pol-
icy allow us to make naturalization pro-
cedures directly responsive to labor
needs and requirements.
- TWO real purposes are being served by
stirh legislation. On the. one hand, we
acre `,taking direct steps to eliminate in-
Justices, to set right unethical practices,
Treplace insensitivity and discrimina-
n witli,concern- and equity. This is
symbolized by the abolition of the na-
tional origins system and the Asia-
:Pacific triangle provisions.
On the other hand, we are injecting
,reason and convenience into procedures
-Which have been the victims of disordered
formulas and reactioning administra-
tion. Thus, for example, we will be set-
ting a limitation of 170,000 on the number
f ? i nigrants. to be admitted to the
nited States in any 1 year, and will be
'pl&cing ceilings of 20,000 on immigration
from any one foreign country in any 1
year, Thus also will we construct a sys-
tem of priorities which will be respon-
'sive to the claims of family, by giving
'first preference to unmarried adult chil-
ren of American citizens and spouses
and unmarried children of alien resi-
dents. This new selection system will be
based upon a principle of first come, first
Up to now, our immigration policy has
been inconsistent with our, own demo-
cratic past, and destructive of future in-
terests and obligations. It has compro-
mised our foreign policy by its discrimi-
natory provisions. The new program,
which has had the careful and deliberate
attention of experts in the executive
branch and in the Cong; ess, will return
to naturalization procedures the sense of
fairness, opportunity, and national pride
which lies at the root of this Nation of
Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield
5 minutes to the gentleman from Indiana
(Mr. MADDEN asked and was given
permission to revise and extend his re-
Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Speaker, I wish to
commend the Judiciary Committee for
reporting to the Congress, this long de-
layed legislation on modernizing our im-
migration laws. The sub(sommittee un-
der Chairman FEIGHAN hell i hearings and
also devoted long hours in executive ses-
sion to submit a satisfact,ry bill to the
full Judiciary Committee. This legisla-
tion was reported out by the Judiciary
Committee by a nonpartisan vote of 27
to 4.
Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Ken-
nedy, and now President :Tohnson, have
urged the Congress on several occasions
to enact reform legislation and abolish
the national origins provision.
The No. 1 feature In the pending leg-
islation has been the prevision which
will abolish the national origins section
and give all nations an equal and pro
rata status before our Fec.eral laws on
immigration. The great message that
this bill will send to other nations is that
our immigration laws will not, in the
future, be contingent upon the question
"In what country were you born?"
Our Nation became the leader of the
world by reason of the ama:.gamation of
immigrants from all nations and races
throughout the globe. This legislation
will not in any way let the bars down in-
discriminately to people of every nation
to successfully knock at our door de-
manding admission and citizenry. The
bill would place all nations outside the
Western Hemisphere on a po;?ulation pro
rata, equal footing with added provision
that immigration from a single country
could not exceed 20,000 per year. West-
ern Hemisphere nations would be exempt
from the 20,000 and so would the spouses,
children, and parents of 'US. citizens
living in many countries.
The bill sets up a system of provisions
in broad categories:
First. Close relatives of U.S. citizens.
Second, Scientists, artists, and other
Third. Workers needed who fall into
specific labor shortages.
Fourth. Refugees from communism.
Many people have been led to believe
that the present existing national origins
quota system has been a rockbound,
foolproof mechanism to regulate im-
migration into the United States. It has
not worked out that way in practical ap-
plication concerning immigration in the
Fifteen years ago, nonquota immigra-
tion had equaled quota immigration.
The quota system had been in actual
practice for 25 years. During the past
15 years, nonquota immigration in-
creased to the point that it has now dou-
bled quota immigration. This trend will
be curtailed by the passage of this legisla-
tion. Immigration into the United
States has indeed been generous since
World War II and the system has not
been working for the best interest of;the
United States, We have been admitting
300,000 Immigrants for the past 10 years
and this situation has been brought
about, indirectly, by enacting over 10
separate pieces of immigration legisla-
tion during the past 12 years.
The quota system has been indeed
outmoded and this bill will permit se-
lective immigration admissions. This
bill will allow 170,000 immigrants per
year exclusive of spouses, children, and
parents of U.S. citizens from countries
outside the Western Hemisphere and in-
cludes 10,200 refugees a year.
In abolishing the national quota sys-
tem, this legislation used as its guidepost
family unification. Spouses, children,
and parents of U.S. citizens come first
and there is no numerical limit placed
on their admissions. The other pref-
erences flow in this order-20 percent
to unmarried children over 21 years of
age of U.S. citizens; 20 percent to spouses
and unmarried sons and daughters of
permanent resident aliens; 10 percent to
persons who are members of the profes-
sions and who because of their excep-
tional ability in the sciences and the
arts will substantially benefit the na-
tional economy, cultural interests, or wel-
fare of the United States; 10 percent to
married sons or married daughters of
U.S. citizens; 24 percent to brothers and
sisters of U.S. citizens; 10 percent to per-
sons who are capable of . performing
specified skilled or unskilled labor, not
of temporary or seasonal nature, for
which there is a demonstrated shortage
of employable and willing workers in
the United States; 6 percent to refugees
who are victims of Communist or other
totalitarian persecution, under proce-
dures wherein U.S, officials are in exclu-'
sive control from start to finish.
The latter provision means that an.
applicant does not have to prove that he
will be subjected to physical torture or to
the death chamber if forced to return to
his native land.
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Approved- For Release 2004/0.1/16: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
August ~94, 19 5 T dRES9ffi9 `f R' 4XW:= 078
The present law is a mixture of laws the geographical boundaries of his place heated, emotional immigration debate.
and regulations that renders the enforce- of birth. I quote from my remarks:
ment complex and cumbersome. The The bill cures the evil of judging a man They [the Members of the House] listened,
'department is fortunate to have a career by his place of birth rather than his but did not hear. "The southern Europeans
commissioner, Raymond Farrell, 25 years inherent worth. are Bolshevists," Members repeated over and
service-who has "made a' great record over over again. They were talking
I ask this question: Are decency, integ- about out and the Slavs and the Poles and the Ital-
as head of the Immigration Department. rity, talent, and genius confined within cans-the people I knew. I had lived with
New labor controls are established on geographical boundaries? Of course the them, gone to school with them, worked with
the admission of all immigrant worker answer is "No." Otherwise how then do them. They were the people of courage who
classes., These new controls require the you account for a Fermi, a Leonardo da had left the security of the past and took
Secretary of Labor to make an afflrma- Vinci, a Rembrandt, a Paderewski, an the brave journey to America with hope for
themselves and their children; who had
tive finding on an individual case basis. Einstein, a Kossuth, a Masaryk, a Sibe- worked to make America richer, creating new
The job the immigrant. worker will fill lius, a Freud, a Lope de Vega, or an El industries and new jobs. They were the
in the locality to which he is destined Greco? people who brought their diverse cultures so
,must where there is no willing, i repeat, decency, integrity, talent, and that the bloodstream of America coursed
giialifled, and available American worker. genius are not the exclusive product of with greater vigor in the arts, in the sciences,
The, Secretary of Labor must also find any one country or any one race. and in the skills of mankind.
.that the admission of such immigrant Mr. Speaker, I remember the debates As I reread in 1952 the words I spoke in
1924, I grew heartsick to know that there
? .workers will not adversely affect the over the years, and those who argued for are passages in the 1924 Immigration debate
.wages and working conditions of workers the principle of national origins and who I had only to lift out to apply them to the
similarly employed in the United States. spoke of the better talent and the better immigration debate of 1952:
The new labor ..controls are mandatory blood of certain races. I say to them, "The war and the present postwar period,
for' all immigrants except the relative and I say to you if you Prater to me of both redolent with hysteria, offer the worst
-preference classes and=the limited num- your own blood, I say take your blood to possible background for reasoning out the
ber of refugees. These new labor con- the marketplace and see what it will buy immigration problem. Asa result of the
trols were recommended by the AFL- you. One man's blood is as good as ordeal a the war we are still hysterical about
immigration. The ultrarestrictionist and
,CIO and have the strong support Of mother's. those behind the Johnson bill claim we are a
labor. Mr. Speaker, I did not know my grand- disunited people. "l4othing is further from
I do think this legislation, if enacted father too well. He came from Ger- the truth. The war proved that of all na-
into law, sets -out major changes which many. I am not so much interested in tions in the combat we were the most united.
will be the answer to our troublesome We were successful in welding our many
my grandfather. I am more interested peoples without the use of force or coercion.
immigration problems and discrimina- in my grandfather's grandson and what The methods embodied in the Johnson bill
bons in past years against friendly na- he has accomplished and what he in- are the forceful methods used by Germany
'tions and friendly people. Testimony tends to do, to assimilate her people. We know what ill
given by our Secretary of State and two Mr. Speaker, as far as ancestors are success attended upon Germany's efforts. It
Attorney Generals' revealed that the out- concerned, I will say they are like tur- is almost inconceivable that we should be
moded - quota system has done untold nips-like turnips-nothing good of adopting the futile German method.
.,damages in our foreign relations with them but what is in the ground. We are "As year followed year I came to realize
certain friendly countries because of im- not interested so much in what is in the that the Immigration Act was not the work
plied favoritism for the nations of some of a group of men apart from the people.
countries as against the citizens of other ground. We are interested in what is It was a product of the temper of the times.
countries seeking entrance to our great above the ground. We are interested in It was the same temper which had rejected
those people who are alive today and Wilson and the League of Nations. We, gen-
and free land. who can contribute so much to the weal erally, were tired-tired of foreign entangle-
I hope the Congress enacts this immi- and the welfare of their Nation. ments. Like children who had been asked to
gration legislation without any major Mr. Speaker, I inveighed against this do something for which they were not ready,
amendments, we wanted to.pick up our marbles and go
national origins theory a way back in home. The angry quarrels of Europe, the
Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1924. I made a speech then against this division among its peoples, the never-ending
5 minutes to the distinguished chairman theory. I am glad I am living today and Balkan jealousies, the diplomatic game to
of the Committee on the Judiciary [Mr. have lived to see that my theories have make and keep balances of power, repre-
CELLER.I been vindicated, that we are now to sented to the United States a quarrelsome,
Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, the main obliterate and nullify and cancel out this dangerous, ill-bred family that we did not
thrust of this bill is the nullifying of the admonition called the national theory of want join. We were asking b chil-
thrust just a little while longer. We e expressed
so-called national-origins theory of im- immigration. this wish in isolationism, in irritability, in
migration. That theory has been in our I then said, Mr. Speaker, and I should the high tariff, in the immigration law of
statutes commencing in 1921. It is an like to read to the Members of the House 1917, and in uncurbed credits and real estate
antiquated immigration system proven precisely what I said in 1924: booms. It takes a long time to grow up."
to be unworkable and unscientific. It Let us at least be truthful. In fact, de- These words are as fresh and appro-
was devised right after World War I as ception is futile. It is as clear as the sun priate today as when they were first
a result of the. atmosphere of fear and that the majority of the Immigration Com- uttered.
trepidation bordering on hysteria, a di- mittee and most proponents of this measure Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask
rect result of the unsettled domestic and like the gentleman from Kansas [Mr? unanimous consent that the Speaker of
foreign affairs -conditions following that Tincherl., who blurted out his true feelings the House of Representatives, the Hon-
holocaust of World War I. while talking on the bill, do not want the
"wops," "dagoes," "Hebrews," "hunkies," orable JOHN McCoRMAcl, be permitted to
It was based upon the belief that the "bulls," and others known by similar epi- . extend his remarks at this point in the
place of birth or racial origin of a human thets. Just so, in 1840, 1850, and 1860, you RECORD and to include the first speech
being determines the quality or the level did not want the "beery Germans" and he made in the House of Representatives
of a man's intellect, his moral character "dirty Irish." The Germans and Irish were nearly 38 years ago as a new Member,
or his suitability for assimilation in our mongrels, self-seekers, disreputable, and against the national-origins clause.
Nation or in our society. Criticisms would not assimilate. We know now how The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
against the national-origins theory have good a citizenry they have become. the request of the gentleman from New
been wide and deep ever since it was Then, Mr. Speaker, I went on to say York?
adopted. Historians, social gists, o- all that those against whom you are now There was no objection.
phers, demographers; anthropologists, speaking will become just as good as the Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, the
have pointed but its fallacies. In my
book, and I am sure in your book, you Irish, just as good as the Englishman, speech follows:
judge a man by his worth and not by his and just as good as the German. 14, 1929.
birth. In my book called "You Never Leave Mr. SANDLIN. Mr. Chairman, I yield 25
We honor the uniqueness of a man, the Brooklyn" I repeated the scene in the minutes to the gentleman from Massachu-
boundaries of" his mind 'and his soul, not House way back in' 1924 during the setts [Mr. McCORMACK].
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confront is today, particularly in view of if not insulting, in their character. Acare-
the fact that we have oniya few weeks left ful examination of testimony presented to
in this session of Congress, and during which different committees, also books written by
period it 1s essential that some affirmative some. of the proponents, and addresses made
action be taken in order to prevent the op- on different occasions by some of them justify
eration of this particular clause. To prevent the assertion that the underlying motive is
its operation affirmative actiou must be taken un-American.
by Congress. There are, two ways in which If we are going to establish an immigra-
we qan tare a fdrmative,action, and when I tion -policy, let it be definite. Let it, be
say_ we, of course I refer to both branches certain. The expression of the principle
of Congress. One is by jotat resolution de- should be definite and certain, whether it
'Ierring its"operation and the other is by.en- be a closed immigration policy, a restrictive
acting necessary legislation to repeal its pro- immigration policy, or a partially restrictive
visions. The other procedure thatwe may policy as set forth in the 1925 act,
employ is the passive, inactive negative, do- Let it be definite and certain, but not left
nothing method, as a result of which, in ac- to uncertainty; and let both branches of
cordance with the ruling l:iven by the At- Congress determine with certainty not only
torney General, as I understand it, the Presi- the expression of the principle we believe in,
dent of the gnited States is compelled on or but with certainty as to the quotas the
before' April 1' of this year to proclaim the different quota countries shall be entitled to.
provisions of this clause to, be in operation. Not only does Congress, by permitting the
This means that, the quotas established national-origins clause to go into operation,
thereunder by, the President's Commission evade the duty of making the quotas them-
will become operative July 1, 1929. selves, but it passes the responsibility to the
lie, President's corpinissicn to which I re- President's commission, composed of three
fer was made up of the Secretary of State, Secretaries, and they in turn pass it on to
the Secretary of Labor, and the Secretary of Doctor Hill and his associates.
Commerce (now President-e: ect Hoover), and I might say at this time that I Intend
they in turn each appointed two members of to follow the suggestion made by Goverrwr
their respective departments as a joint com- Smith in his statement after the last elec-
mittee to make a more thcrough investiga- tion, in which he urged the Democratic Mem-
tion of the matter, bers of Congress to suport President-elect
I realize that men have different opinions Hoover during his term of office on all legis-
and different views on this question. I ap- lation that relates to the general welfare and
predate the fact they have the right to en- progress of the people.
tertain their views if. they are honestly arrived Mr. DExxsox. Mr. Chairman, will the gen-
at, and naturally every Mem3er of this House tieman yield there?
arrives at. honest views, so faxas my opinion Mr. McCORM+cx. Yes,
is concerned. I -do not use the above language Mr. DENISON. I hope at some not distant
with the intent that you might infer that i time the gentleman will inform the House
have any feeling to the contrary, because you, what the fundamental principles of the
like,myself, are actuated by a desire to render Democratic Party are.
that degree of public service in this body Mr. MCCOan2ACK. I think those funga-
which you feel the best interests of the coun- mental principles are so well known that the
try demand and which is in accordance with average man knows them, but I shall be
your conscience. [Applause.] glad to enlighten the gentleman out in the
I also considered it my duty to vote as my lobby some time.
conscience dictated on any matters which The first indication of the unreliability and
came before any legislative body of which uncertainty of the basis of determination as
I was a member, and the question of party provided in the national-origins clause was
affiliation never influenced me unless a party the Postponement of its operation until July
principle or responsibility vas involved. In 1, 1927, in order that the quotas might be
that case I followed, and will follow, the established. In order to regulate immigjra-
principles enunciated by the Democratic tion up to the going into effect of the na-
Party, because the incorporation of them into tional-origins clause it was provided in the
law will be for the best :.nterests of the 1924 act "that the annual quota of any na-
people. tionality shall be 2 percent of the number
It is my belief that a public servant should of foreign-born individuals of such nation-
represent all elements and political creeds in ality resident in continental United States
his district. So, in approaching this question, as determined by the United States census
let me say that I recognize gnat men in both of 1890, but the minimum quota of any
political parties differ and differ honestly. nationality shall be 100."
I am going to, try to impress upon you the This, like the national-originsclause, only
fact that the basis of the dtermination, as governed quota countries. The practical
provided in the national-or.,gins clause, so- operation of the present law meant that
called, is almost impossible of ascertainment. of o 1f4,0ur 00 iforeignborn mmigrants gonconstituted 2 percent
It is left to the field of conjecture. were allotted g the as of 11r[O-
Mr. DlcxsTEIN. Will the gentleman yield? pean n wcountires in ac ordane with the terr
Mr, I?ICKSTEIN,.. Is it not a fact you have of this provision. Whether one believes in
i ntl
the policy to go back $00 years to determine the statis- a is no of question restrictive immigration ror ,
tics as to national origin? thereis is least definite what the orgi nal
Mr. McCoasracx.. Yes. Its provision r theory and operation. . and While the cete n na-
Mr. DICxsT&IN. And is it nest a fact we have
Mr. MCCORMACK. Exactly. That is in part Europe, which is 153,000, every other proven
correct. The basis prescribed by this clause _ sion thereof is unreliable, uncertain, and
for the establishing of quotas of countries `therefore inequitable.
affected has as its object a definite purpose This would be particularly so in its oper-
which is unfair and discriminatory, and a ation; if it ever goes into effect. I want to
reflection upon elements of Fast immigrants, call to the attention of the Members that
now Americans, some for many generations, in accordance with the provisions of the na-
that have contributed so mach toward the tional-origins clause the Secretaries of State,
building u
ess o
our country The Commd Lb
.erce, anaor, as a joint board, each
or the amendment, which notion was taken. basis for computation is also uncertain and appointed two representatives to try and per-
Whether or not It is correct, I am informed leaves the calculation, whichever it may be, form the impossible task therein provided.
this amendment was reluctantly accepted by to the field of conjecture. the clause pro- It is fair to infer from all correspondence
the House in order that the, whole bill might vided a method of calculation which is in- made by them that they approached this
not fail of passage. capable of ascertainment without resort to task with the realization of its difficulty of
As I have said before, this is to my mind guesswork. Any such basis :.s bound to re- approximate ascertainment, and the fact
one of the, most important questions that sult in quotas which will bedicriminatory, that, in the main, they would have to rely
1VtC M4cx. Mr. Chairman and niem-
of the committee, the subject that I am
t discuss is quite different from the
full and able speech which has just been
re~1'idered by the distinguished Member [Mr.
tlsftssa] who has `just preceded me, and.
which I found very interesting. I might say
in passim that I have listened to
the, gentle-
tflt'`two different occasions and is pro-
fburld knowledge of the subject that he has
iscussed hag made a marked impression
slpcm lie.
One of the most important questions re-
maining to be determined before this,.ses-
elon of Congress is over is what action will
be taken fromthe repeal, deference, or go-
ing into operation of the national-origins
clause. of the immigration law of 1924; The
Inters t t}a,this question is not confined to
s 07 e secI on of our country; neither is it
'o1Yfned to any one of the so-called na-
tionala that constitute our.inliabitants. The
aetion,:of Congress on this question is being
watched closely.
At the outset, it must be borne in' mind
that the controversy over the national-ori-
gins clause of the immigration act has been
misrepresented so as to- lie made to appear
e Doll ?g lCe [ 'en over increasing or decreasing
cai)y umber of immigrants that
Can Cbf nq i t is country. rt This misrepre-
8e s ygry unfortunate because it
dives a' a statement of facts. The repeal
the, national-origins clause has nothing
'do with the question of the number of
people that shall be permitted to come here
eat j'eed The effort torepeal the national-
cause has been characterized as an
ttaclt upon the immigration law of 1924. nr3ing of the kind, It is, in fact, an
*Hoit , Jo prevent , the law from being
The national-origins clause isa
part of the
inlpllgratlon law of 1924. Nobody seems to
.know isreal,parentliood, although one John
It _ B. of New York City, who was a
o,aptain in the Intelligence Department of
the Army, detailed in New York City during
the war, appears to claim the credit for it.
Ihave heard that. he u-$1t Slav Claims
the credit iS?r conceiving it and securing its
adbpton as an amendment to the immigra-
tfCci isv,,tam satissAeci, hgwever, that their
"only 1[nowwedge of "it was miter its adoption
in We-8 to in 19 ?4,as an amendment to
e bit Ifft passed the House, and that
~ereafter the Zu-Klus, l Ian used ll as a
means drying to carry out its purposesby
attracting , additional members to its ranks.
,It seems rather hard forr me to believe that
m'. thin that such an organization might
ecelve e f acorns le consider-
atloii of ei?lier or both branches of Congress.
It appears from the records of the hear-
inns of the House Committee on. Immigra-
tlon and Naturalization which reported the
1924 immigration law that the national-ori-
gins clause received little, if any, considera- .
ice frg, to ,pommittee. It Is quite :prob-
ahle-su sQ .f as I can And it is a fact.-
that 1$~wa? 1lot presented to the committee
f4 con I tlph, I event, when the
bill was ,reported to the House, it -Was not a
pact thereof, and during debate an amend-
offered in the House which
Included in substance the provisions. of the
pY'fsen't law. The amendment was rejected.
The , House later passed the bill, and while
iinaer, consideration in the Senate Senator
of Perxnsylval?ia moved the amendment
which inserted the present national-origins
clause to the bill. Upon its return to the
House Ct was sent to conference, and the
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August 24, 1965,
upon conjecture. The results have clearly
showa that to be.the,fact. Their WQrk_ha8
been tirelessly and unselfishly rendered and
yet their reports and findings are the strong-
est evidlence _of the human Impossibility of
performing such a task, In their report on
December 16, 1926, will be found the follow-
We .have found our task by no means
simple, but we are carrying it out by methods
which we believe to be r. statistically correct,
utilizing the data that are available in ac-
cordance with what seems to ?yq, tg, be the
intent and meaning of the law. We have not
completed our work, but the figures whcli
we are submitting for your information,
though provisional and subject to revision,
indicate approximately what the final results
will bp."-
What stronger evidence of uncertainty?
Accompanying this report were the quotas
which they had determined in accordance
with the law, and which, while not complete
and subject to revision, indicate approxi-
mately what the final results will be. These
are not my words, but the words of Doctor
Hill and his associates.
Thereafter, the operation of the law was
deferred until July 1, 1928, and on February
27, 1928, other quotas were recommended by
Doctor Hill and his associates. Having in
mind the statement above quoted from re-
port of 1927, that the 1927 quotas "indicated
approximately what the final results will
be," a comparison of these two quotas is very
Interesting and convincing as showing fur-
ther the grave uncertainty of the basis of
Country or area
ob. 27,
Jan. 7,
based on
1890 for-
Armenia --------
Australia, ine
Papua, etc__:_________
1, 639
Belgium ----------------
Danzig, Free City of_-.
Denmark._------ _______
n, ~
emIreland ------ ----
Greece........ _------ -_
Irish Free State ........
28, 567
Italyy, including
es, e
Netherlands ------------
1? Torwpy________________
Poland -----------------
4, 978
5, 982
Russia, European and
Spain --------------
Syria and the Lebanon
Turk. --------------
1153, 685
1 163,641
1164, 647
As a further indication of the uncertainty
that existed In the minds of the President's
commission, I quote a letter to the Presi-
dent under date of January 3, 1927:
JANUARY 3, 1927.
The White House. R,
MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: Pursuant to the
provisions of sections 11 and 12 of the im-
migration act of 1924, we have the honor to
transmit herewith the report of the subcom-
mittee appointed by us for the purpose of
determining the quota of each nationality in
accordance with the provisions of said sec-
tions. -
The report of the subcommittee is self-
explanatory, and, while it is stated to be a
preliminary report, yet it is believed that
further investigation will not substantially
alter the conclusions arrived at.
Although this is the best information we
have been able to secure, we wish to call at-
tention to the reservations made by the com-
mittee and to state that in our opinion the
statistical and historical information avail-
able raises grave doubts as to the whole
value of these computations as a basis for
the purposes intended. We therefore can
not assume responsibility for such conclu-
sions under these circumstances.
Yours faithfully,
Secretary of State,
Department of State.
Secretary of Commerce,
Department of Commerce.
Secretary of Labor,
Department of Labor.
Furthermore, on February 25, 1928, the
President's commission in transmitting the
1928 quotas above referred to said:
"We wish it clear that neither we indi-
vidually nor collectively are expressing any
opinion on the merits or demerits of this
system of arriving at the quotas. We are
simply transmitting the calculations made
by the departmental committee in accord-
ance with the act."
An analysis of the report of Doctor Hill
and his associates, dated December 16, 1926,
showing the manner upon which calcula-
tions were determined is further evidence of
the impossibility of a fair determination,
particularly in determining what portion of
our white population of 1920 is derived from
the "old native stock" of 1790. The records
of immigration giving the number of im-
migrants arriving annually from each for-
eign country from 1820 to 1920 was in part
relied upon. It is a well-known fact that
a good portion of those who came from
southern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Uls-
ter came on vessels that started from an
English port,and were listed as emigrating
from England. This was particularly true
prior to 1870. In the case of Scotland,
Wales, and Ulster it makes no difference, be-
cause their quotas under this law will be
combined into one, but this situation seri-
ously affects the quota that southern Ire-
land would be entitled to. Such a situa-
tion is further evidence of the grave uncer-
tainty of a determination that will not be
The above immigration quotas were
printed for the House Committee on Immi-
gration and Naturalization, and column NO._
1 is the report for 1928, column 2 the report
for 1927, both made by Doctor Hill and his
associates, and column 3 is the quotas under
the present law.
Columns 1 and 2 relate to the national
origins clause and the marked difference be-
tween them in the short period of one year
seems to me to be inescapable evidence of the
uncertainty of ascertainment.
A comparison will show that under the
quotas that will be established if the national
origins clause goes into effect that Germany
will be reduced from 51,227 to 24,908; Irish
Free State from 28,567 to 17,427; Norway from
6,453 to 2,403; Sweden from 9,561 to 3,399;
Switzerland from 2,081 to 1,614; Denmark
from 2,789 to 1,234; France from 3,954 to
3,308; while Great Britain and northern Ire-
land will be increased from 34,007 to 65,894;
Austria from 785 to 1,639; Belgium from 512
to 1,328; Hungary from 473 to 1,181; Italy
from 3,845 to 5,989; Netherlands from 1,648
to 3,083; Russia from 2,248 to 3,540. These
are the most important changes that will
occur. As I have said before the strongest
evidence of uncertainty is the difference be-
tween the report of 1927 and 1928.
Another year has gone by since the last
computation was submitted and which will
be the quotas if the national origins clause
goes into effect. It is fair to assume that if
a report had been made this year by Doctor
Hill and his associates that further changes
would have been noted.
In passing, I want it clearly understood
that I have the greatest of admiration for
Doctor Hill and his associates. They are
performing what must be to them an un-
pleasant task, because of its impossibility of
performance. They have performed their
work unselfishly and tirelessly. They are
simply trying to carry out the law. It is clear
from their reports, so far as I am concerned,
that they realize that the records are so lack-
ing that they had to rely upon conjecture.
It is significant that the only census taken
in the United States prior to 1850 was that
of 1790. In the 1790 census only the heads
of families were reported, and there was
no indication of the land of their nativity
or of their ancestors.
Doctor Hill and his associates deemed that
they would have to depend in the main upon
the sounding of names to determine nativity,
and he frankly admitted in the House hear-
ings held in 1927 that names may indicate
origin from any one of two or more countries.
He further said that in the event of the
names having an origin from England or
Scotland or Ireland the probabilities were
that because of the predominance of the
English of foreign birth and descent at that
time the census takers designated them as
being of English descent.
The census of 1790 showed the white pop-
ulation of the then 17 States was 3,172,444.
The following figures show in detail the pop-
ulation of the several States, with an esti-
mate of the strength of the various nationals
therein, which, so far as I can ascertain, is
based upon guesswork:
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Approved For Release 2004/01/16: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
1= 5` ugust 2
(7 SIC A ti 66i 19,65
M te,population in 1790 as classi ed by nationality in chapter 1"X o A &eatury o o elation Growth ublis ed by the Bureau o,
i? _?
United States
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
Nationality as indicate3 by name
?1 .,. 4a
sli TtatiOnalities ~_ ______
3,172, 444
64, 670
]5p~ __: _:_
2,669, 699
354, 528
82, 079
--- __
--- -------
Dutch ____ ---- ---- ----
------------------- -----
17 ,.2407
0) 5 -
- -
All other -------- ,_----- --------------------
4d lifesh,17'7$6 a total of 109,931 num-
33e epx ei'cen or these three 'Nordic,,
many of these numbers go
iiitland cannot 'be trafislerred tp Greece
afide other small quota countries, Two-
thirds of the huge British and Irish quotas
are wasted each' year and the Ge"rmgn quota
has long been current.
Underlying this most discriminatory legis-
lation of our country is the assumption that
the Greek people are inferior to the British,
ermsn, and Irish. ISoes anyone in this
country believe this any, more, if they ever
e41ct'?'_ ..
While comwuriing with Greece this coming
week let us all think of this legislation which
:runt 2 965
c~~lq`?t Wr to ,to .ournSena qrs eb 'd sing R the which is so singuTarTy ours: "'
Ha We have failed to move forward because
enciorsing : Ce17er` blll ll.l~: ~L6ff6 'Th ese ese we
are ing l the stiao s ille. b8i 'ew who heeding the eos conscious cautloners
1' o say nuclear power?`ls not economically
would provide a di erent plan for handling feasible. is form of pen iJwlse~ poiind-
immigratlon without greytly increasing the foolish reasoning may be of some comfort
number of immigrants 'Ihe national` origins to "comptrollers and accountants, but it is
ill d
selected first o7 country o: pirtn would gray a
ually be eliminated At the time of their inception, neither the
__ Ec2zesEr3_ Wii ox. looomotive nor the automobile nor the air-
The Enemy .1s Apathy
Wednesday, June 2, 1965
Mr. BOB WILSON. Mr. Speaker, in
a hard-hitting speech entitled, "The En-
emy Is Apathy," Adm. John M. Will-
retired-has taken a long look at what
first locomotive tore along at 10 miles an
hour, the first automobile coughed and sput-
tered to achieve 4 miles an hour, and Orville
Wright's first biplane hung precariously off
the ground for 12 second's to make good 'a for
ward speed of about 7 miles an hour. By
what rules of economics were these, proto-
types feasible?
Yet, contrast the progress of these vehicles,
none of them suitable for massive over-ocean
commerce, with the progress of the steam-
ship, Today's most efficient freighter moves
fully loaded at a maximum of 21 knots, a
scant four times faster than Mr. Fulton's
The nuclear ship Savannah is capable of
23 knots and the nuclear-powered aircraft
carrier U.S.S. Enterprise is rated at more
is- happening to the American maritime than 30 knots. We can apply the same pro-
Industry and came up with some sugges- pulsion principles which have been proven
lions which should be of immediate con- in these two ships to a fleet of 90-knot
tern to all of us. - freighters which would place us immediately
The admiral is 'the chairman of the
board of the American Export Isbrandt-
sen Lines, Inc. 'tn the best tradition of,
straight-spoken naval' officers, he _ out-
lines the problem facii1 1 this - country's
nierdhant fleet-a problem we ourselves
are responsible f or.
This matter' is of vital importance to
the welfare of our Nation, for we have
sat idly by while other iiations developed
modern "merchant fieei s The admiral
'points to past examplec of American in-
dustrial and commercial genius and asks,
in effect, "What is happ ning?"
The text of his ~r"1~'Hem~arks follow:
EXCERPTS FROM E EJPEsrY Is AFATssY'(An address by Adm. Join M. Will, chair-
.man of the board, American Export Is-
brandtsen Lines, Inc., at the Maritime Week
luncheon of the Ocean Freight Agents As-
sociation of Chicago, May 17, 1965)
"It is not economically, ffeasible."
If we wait for further developments from
the drawing boards, or If we defer our nu-
clear building program while we "prove out"
on shorebased prototypes an already proven
propulsion system, we may as well file and
forget our hopes for a nuclear merchant fleet.
Then, perhaps, we can send our engineers
and technicians to West Germany where they,
can observe and report while the Germans
install an American-built reactor directly
into a new hull. Then, perhaps, we can
wait yet another year or so until the Japa-
nese are ready to demonstrate this same
In the meanwhile, we can conveniently
ignore the 68 marine reactors now in actual
operation in naval vessels at sea-we can
brush aside the fact that 54 more are being
readied for seagoing operations-and we can
assure the Bureau of the Budget that it is
not important that only one of these reac-
Since those splendid days when proud tad's, the one already in the Savannah, is
Yankee clipper ships dominated the seas available for use in the American merchant
and gained for themselves a near monopoly marine..
of the world's ocean cargoes, the American Even further, perhaps we should hold to
merchant marine has been shipping water the narcotic notion that maritime reactors
badly. Except for the frenetic activities of are, indeed, not economically feasible and
wartime, U.S. merchant ships have been sail- surrender by default our chance to reestab-
ing on an ever-ebbing tide, lish the American merchant marine as an
Today, far from the lion of yesterday, the integral and important part ofour national
mouse of American ached fled freighter sere- economy.
ices carries only about one-quarter of the If this is the answer, then we must also
foreign trade tonnage entering or leaving be prepared to retire the American eagle in
U.S. ports. In nonliner bulk commercial favor of the ostrich and wait,- with our
commerce, the appalling figure is less than 5 heads complacently in the sands, until we
percent, can safely and "feasibly" buy nuclear-pro-
The picture grows more dismal each year, pelled merchant ships from the Germans or
yet the means are at hand right now to the Japanese-or the Russians.
reverse this ebbing tide and to catapult the
American merchant marine back onto the
cresting tide of world commerce.
The means for this dramatic reversal lie
in high speed ships pcwered by nuclear
energy. This is neither a fuzzy concept nor EXTENSION OF REMARKS
a "maybe someday" proi)osition. The nu- of
clear ship Savannah has proved beyond all
doubt that the power of the atom is a prat- HON. DOMINICK V. DANIELS
tical, viable power source for the merchant OF NEW JERSEY
Yet, despite our preeminence in the field of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
nuclear propulsion-despi ;e the incontestable Wednesday, June 2, 1965
fact that nuclear power offers the only im-
mediately available opportunity for a major Mr. DANIELS. Mr. Speaker, a special
breakthrough in marine engineering-we Mass will be celebrated tomorrow!at the
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wristwatches and other essential articles and on the Federal Qover}lment instead of letting
use ,their roommates books or. books fromn, it subsidize the Federal Treasury as at pres-
institutional libraries as.was-dox}e under the ent. Housing in public-supported institu-
could lead to subterfuge for getting a Gov-
ernment handout; (5) tax credits for higher
education would be a mealis of getting tax
money into Institutions without their being
subject to the provision of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 regarding racial discrimination.
This is opening up another form of subterfuge
of getting tax money illegally; (6) a number
of advocates of the tax credit scheme have
publicly stated that a substantial portion of
the tax credit moneys would be recaptured
by institutions by tuition increases. If this
were so, and I think it would be, it would be
of little or no help to the taxpayer, but would
be an indirect route for helping institutions
of higher learning with Federal funds, but
without. Federal control; (7) the Senate bill
12 would provide for greater benefits to per-
sons choosing to send their children to ex-
pensive schools than to persons sending their
children to inexpensive schools. This is an-
other form of discrimination against those in
the lower income bracket.
In,.1962, 72 percent of tie 5.8 million fam-
ilies with adjusted gross income of less than
$3,000 paid no Federal income, taxes. Some
5.5 million of the 12.8 million families with
adjusted gross incomes of less than $5,000,
or 42 percent, paid no income taxes. The
tax credit proposal would be of no assistance
to these people. It might, in fact, be harm-
ful in that the loss of moneys to the Federal
Treasury might cift down the amount of
scholarships and other aids which the Federal
Government is presently providing for the
lower income family;
(8) The first year cost of Senate bill 12
to the Treasury is estimated at $1 billion.
This is 4 times the administration's "higher
education package" as proposed for the cur-
rent year and also 4 times the annual Federal
contribution to the academic facilities pro-
gram on an annual basis. The cost of Sen-
ate bill 12 would rise to $1.3 billion by the
third year of its operation. The amount of
money required by Senate bill 12 could be
much better applied through other means
outlined below.
In summary, I believe that tax credits for
higher education expenses would be of little
or no help to the lower Income families who
most need assistance, Such legislation would
discriminate in favor of the families with
better than average incomes which, in my
view, is antisocial legislation.
You quite properly ask for alternative pro-
posals if I do not favor the tax credit plan.
I am convinced that public-operated com-
munity colleges must be established, where
as in Connecticut they do not exist, and ex-
panded in States where such institutions
have already been established. I would sug-
gest that much more Federal funds be made
available for community and junior colleges.
There is, I understand, presently before
Congress, a new series of higher education
proposals, for aiding students to meet college
costs, I urge your support of these worthy
proposals. I refer to the:
, (a) Opportunity grants of up to $800 to
help needy and worthy students of college
ability get through college;
(b) Expansion of the work-study program;
(c) Expansion of the Federal loan pro-
I would also urge passage of the cold war
GI bill of rights.
The college academic facilities grant pro-
gram should be continued, but revised to
provide for raising the Federal share from 33
percept for degree granting institutions to
75 percent. This would enable the private
institutions toy expand _ to accommodate a
larger percentage of the burden,
I, strongly urge that Federal legislation be
passed which would put part of the burden
duction"of 2 percent in the college housing
loan rate would cut the carrying charge by
$120 a year or $13 a month based on 9 months
occupancy.' This is one way of reducing room
charge for thousands of students at modest
cost to the Government. I favor such gov-
ernmental assistance.
Pressure on tuition raises could, and I be-
lieve would, be eased by a reduction of
matching provisions on ongoing programs. I
urge such reductions.
Administrative machinery is already avail-
able for these ,alternatives. I have proposed
none which would discriminate against any
group in our society. All would reduce, or
slow down rising college costs.
I urge that your task force think long and
hard before supporting the tax credits pro-
I have endeavored to suggest alternatives.
I appeal for your support for these and simi-
lar kinds of legislations.
Thank you kindly for inviting me to ex-
press'Iny views.
Sincerely yours,
Subregional Director.
Cleveland, Ohio, May 20, 1965.
Mr. ALBERT H. Qum,
Chairman, House Republican Task Force on
Education, U.S. House of Representa-
tives, Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. QUIE: I appreciate your letter of
May 17, with its announcement of your in-
quiry into the question of tax credits as a
means of helping offset the increasing costs
of higher education. It is an incontroverti-
ble fact that the numbers of college students
will be greatly Increasing in the coming
decades. It is equally beyond question that
the costs of higher education will be rapidly
increasing. A third equally obvious fact is
that the best interest of our Nation requires
that every qualified student have the oppor-
tunity to develop his talents to their greatest
potential. Any failure in this regard will
deprive our Nation of a significant contribu-
tion to its economical, social, and cultural
In order to meet the growing challenge in
higher 'education, every possible resource
must be used to its fullest potential. There
is no other way that the task can be satis-
factorily completed. The cost is great but
the price of any significant failure In this
regard is far greater.
It is my conviction that the tax credit plan
does not begin to level up to the massive
proportions of the job ahead. The critical
quires action in a much wider dimension.
Sincerely yours,
Boston, Mass., May 20, 1965.
Chairman, House Republican Task Force on
Education, U.S. House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
congratulate you and your task force on the
manner and thoroughness of your study of
the ways and means of meeting the rising
costs of higher education. This is already
a very serious problem and one for which
I see no relief In sight based on my service
and experience as a trustee and treasurer of
Wheaton College in Norton, Mass., and as a
trustee of Brown University. Projecting the
trends of recent years, I anticipate that these
costs of advanced education will continue to
Wlbt h ti]iIIDM 4 to 5 percent,
with the result that by 1970 the total cost
per student for tuition, room and board at
our leading private Institutions will be ap-
proaching $4,000 per two-semester terms.
Clearly if we are to maintain our national
preeminence in education that is essential
for our survival, we need more bold and
imaginative approaches to the financing of
these costs than have so far been developed.
Having stated this broad endorsement of
your studies, however, I cannot support the
proposal to provide tax credits as a means of
helping to offset these increasing costs. My
criticism is the same as that of the U.S.
Treasury; namely, that such a proposal would
be a significant step in reducing the base of
taxable income, whereas the objective should
be to maintain or increase the base while
reducing the ratio of taxation on personal
income. The proposal is also an indiscrimi-
nate method of financial assistance even
when the amount of tax relief is graduated
according to various income levels. Finally,
it is one more step that makes taxation an
instrument of national policy rather than
fulfilling its main purpose of raising revenue.
As you know, our colleges and universities
are well equipped to evaluate the needs for
assistance to students and their parents
in financing the costs of higher education.
What they lack are the resources to fill those
needs. Even though great efforts are being
made to raise funds by private contributions
and the like to increase these resources,
these efforts are almost certain to be inade-
quate without Federal Government support.
The need is for greatly increased grants for
loans, scholarship, student self-help, and
the like. Thus the step take by the House
Education and Labor Committee earlier this
week to double the funding of the aid to edu-
cation program by providing a variety of help
to institutions and students is a good step
in this direction.
In this type of program of providing re-
sources to meet the needs, I wish it were pos-
sible to provide extra incentive to those who
would help themselves, perhaps along the
lines of the matching grant programs of the
large foundations and the growing number
of corporate gift matching plans. These are
sound, they stimulate incentive, and they
are increasingly effective, but it is doubtful if
private funds can do the job that needs to
be done. Thus if the Federal Government
could offer to match efforts of a college to
increase scholarship and other financial aid
in the same manner that it now can offer
a grant toward a new science building, the
college would have tremendous incentive to
raise such funds from private sources and its
effectiveness in doing this would be greatly
Witl3 all best wishes for your success in
developing a sound and far-reaching pro-
The SPEAKER. Under a previous or-
der of the House, the gentleman from
Ohio [Mr. FEIGHANI is recognized for 60
Mr. FEIGHAN. Mr. Speaker, earlier
today I introduced a bill H.R. 8662 to
establish a new selective immigration
system, with qualitative and quantita-
tive controls consistent with our domestic
needs and our international commit-
As is known, the House Subcommittee
on Immigration and Nationality has con-
ducted extensive and searching inquiries
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on ' oposed that this t ird
n in gration Ie islation' dur- mit each year rom any country titside "It'h R
ibg the past i months. Testimony was the Western Hemisphere, based upon a system of refugee admissions, be ex-
{tken from the Secretary of State, two percentage of the number of people in panded. Where this would lead is a mat-
Q. ??eY .generals, the Secretary of the United States whoue origin was ter of speculation as well as concern be-
Labor, and he'I7.S:Public Health Service traceable to such foreign country ac- cause testimony on this proposal has
expres?ing'`the position of the admin- cording to the 1920 national census. been both confusing and inconclusive.
istratioi on the basic Issues Involved. The nonquota system had no numerical For these reasons I am advocating im-
Members of CCongress have appearea per-
s017: ly or submitted statements express-
Inoheir views on the issues.
We have heard witnesses speaking in
behalf of the major religious faiths, the
AFL-CIO, the American Legion, the Vet-
erans of PoreignJ Wars, the American
Veterans Committee, the American Co-
alition of Patriotic Societies, the Steuben
Society, Ahepa,' the Polish-American
Congress, the 'Ukrainian Congress Com-
mitteeof",America, American Committee
for Italian Migration, Fatonian 'Aid So-
ciety, American Committee for Croatian
Migration, the National Committee for
Refugees, the Civil Liberties Union, the
Order of the Sons of Italy, the Green-
wich Women's Republican Club, the Na-
tional Economic Council, the Liberty
League, the Republican Club of 100, Inc.,
and mar others, asmay be-seen from
the list of such witnesses which I will in-
elude in my remarks.
It is fair to say that our subcommittee
has heard every color and shade of opin-
ion-both pro and con-on every major
issue involvedln this legislation.
It has been my privilege to Chair these
hearings and to have the benefit of the
probative ' questioning by the members
of the subcommittee. I can state with-
out qualilication that these hearings
have been completely objective and non-
partisan so far as the members of the
subcommittee are cooncerned. We sought
nothing more than the facts but all the
facts with respect to every Issue involved.
These hearings have established one
central fact beyond any doubt; that our
present method of immigrant admis-
'ions, involving several systems, is in-
adequate, xnitsleading, and in need of im-
inediaterevision. We`have_reached a
point in our national development where
a selective system of immigrant admis-
Slons with qualitative _ and quantitative
controls, fxed- by law cannot be avoided.
The bill which I introduced today calls
for such a selective immigration system.
The national origins quota system has
been made the major issue in thehear-
ings before our' subcommittee. The
claim has been made ' that the national
origins `quota system regulates imini-
gration into the United States. That
clan cannot be supported with facts.
't'he 9flicial record sl'iows that over the
past 10 years quota immigration ac-
counts for no more than one-third of
our aftTM immigrant admissions. The
remaining two-thirds are admitted as
nonquota immigrants. ,
When the national origins quota sys-
tem was enacted into law more than 40
years ago, provision was also made for
nonquota status for natives of the in-
dependent countries of the Western
Hemisphere. This provided two sys-
tems of immigrant admissions, one the
quota system and the other the non-
Quota system.
The quota system fixed a ceiling on
the number of immigrants we would ad-
What results have these systems pro-
duced? By 1949, 25 years after these
two systems were enacted into law, we
find that nonquota immigration had
equalled quota immigration. In the
course of 15 years, between 1949 and
1964, nonquota immigration has doubled
quota immigration.
What the ratio will be in 5 or 10 years
hence is a matter of speculation, but I
am certain that nonquoia immigration
will continue to increase over quota im-
migration unless Congress takes correc-
tive action. This trend 1; inevitable be-
cause of the introduction of the non-
quota concepts to the quota countries
external to the Western Hemisphere.
Special public legislation granting non-
quota status to calsses of aliens in the
quota countries has made a myth of the
national origins quota sy>tem.
Since enactment of the Immigration
and Nationality Act in 1952, there have
been no less than 10 amendments to the
law authorizing immigrant admissions
outside the quota system. As a conse-
quence the mathematical quota set for
many countries has little relation to the
number of immigrants we actually ad-
mit from those countries. Here are a
few comparisons between the annual
quota set by law and the annual average
number of immigrants admitted over
the past 10 years:
Greece: Quota is 308 per year; actually
admitted, 2,666 per year.
Italy: Quota is 5,666 per year; actually
admitted, 15,685 per year.
Spain: Quota is 250 per year; actually
admitted, 1,264 per year.
Portugal: Quota is 4313 per year; ac-
tually admitted, 2,736 per year.
Japan: Quota is 185 per year; actually
admitted, 4,887 per year.
Philippines: Quota is 1D0 per year; ac-
tually admitted, 2,281 per year.
Korea: Quota is 100 per year; actually
admitted 1,250 per' year.
Indonesia: Quota is 1(10 per year; ac-
tually admitted 1,657 per year.
It is evident, therefore, that the na-
tional origins quota system no longer
controls the number of immigrants we
admit each year from countries external
to the Western Hemisphere.
Another popular misunderstanding is
that the annual quota ceiling set by law
determines the total number of immi-
grants authorized for admission each
year. The quota limit is 158,361 per
year. Over the past 10 years we have
admitted approximately 300,000 immi-
grants each year., quota im-
migrants have averaged no more than
95,000 a year during that period.
In more rcent years we have added a
third system of immigrant admissions
which applies only to refugees and is
called the parole system That system
has two major phases, the so-called fair
share refugee program and the Hong
Kong refugee program.
e na-
and outright repeal oY t
tional origins quota system together with
repeal of nonquota status for natives of
countries external to the Western Hemi-
sphere and repeal of the system of parol-
ing refugees into the United States.
To replace those systems I propose a
fixed ceiling of 225,000 immigrant admis-
sions per year from all former quota
countries and for all purposes. A n xi-
mum ceiling of 20,000 a year for any one
country is proposed, exempting from that
country ceiling only the husbands, wives,
children, fathers, and mothers of F.S.
Natives of the independent countries
of the Western -lemisphere would ',con-
tinue in their present status, that is, no
numerical limitations or restrictions are
proposed on the number of Immigrants
we will admit from those countries.
I have advocated simultaneous repeal
of both the national origins quota sys-
tem and all nonquota provisions of law.
I have done so because accident of coun-
try of birth is the common denominator
of judgment for both the quota system
and nonquota system as. it applies to
natives of the Western Hemisphere. It
remains my belief that if we are t re-
move accident of country of birth as a
penalty for some, we should.remove it
where it serves as a privilege for others.
This is necessary, in my judgment, if
we are to forge a new immigration sys-
tem which extends equal treatment to all
the nations of the world. However, I am
advised by appropriate Government
spokesmen that repeal of the -special
nonquota status for natives of the Inde-
pendent countries of the Western I$emi-
sphere is unacceptable at this time. .
The selective immigration program I
propose, within the total ceiling and' the
single country ceiling, would be governed
by seven preference classes of immi-
grants. First preference. Is given, with-
out any limit on the numbers, to sp uses,
children, and parents of U.S. citizens.
The immediate members of families of
U.S. citizens would not have to wait 1_day
to be admitted to the United States under
this provision. The numbers which will
remain after the first preference is
satisfied will be available to the following
six classes, in the percentages indicated:
Second preference, 10 percent to mem-
bers of the professions and scientists and
persons with skill and talent in the visual
and performing arts. i i
Third preference, 20 percent to
spouses, children, and parents of aliens
who have previously been admitted; for
permanent residence but who have. not
yet become citizens. i i
Fourth preference, 20 percent; to
married sons and daughters of U.S.
Fifth preference, 20 percent to broth-
ers and sisters of U.S. citizens.
Sixth preference, 20 percent to per-
sons with skills which are found by the
Approved For Release 2004/01/16;: CIA-RDP67B0Q446R000100040001-6
Secretary of Labor to ba4>p< 3Ai1aAdiFor Rdkai ?1 1 em-BOO j~~i kleohn.
Yt sties Service:
in short supply in this country. countries behind the Iron aln Miss Edith Lowenstein.
Seventh preference, 10 percent to ref- onstrate fear of "physical" persecution Industrial Union Division (AFL-CIO) : Mr.
ugees from Communist tyranny and op- in order to stay deportation is removed. James Carey.
pression with a proviso that up to one- Removal of the term "physical" recog- Daughters of the American Revolution:
half of this number may be used by per- nizes that the more subtle, mental, moral, Mrs. Robert V. H. Duncan.
sons who have been offered a temporary and emotional sanctions imposed upon National Jewish organizations listed in
refuge in this country upon a finding the captive citizens by totalitarian re- statement: Mr. Murray I. Gurfein and Mr.
that they are unable or unwilling to re- gimes are no less a basis for our refusal James P. Rice.
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United
turn to their homelands because of per- to return these people to their native States: Mr. Francis W. Stover.
secution or fear thereof, and only after lands and to such oppressions. Lutheran Immigration Service: Mr. Don-
2 years residence in this country. Alien crewmen are accorded the same ald E, Anderson.
As an additional precaution to guar- treatment as all other aliens under sus- Danube-Swabian Association of America,
antee the inviolability of family unity pension of deportation proceedings, and Inc.: Mr. Anton K. Rumpf.
and to prevent harmful interpretations under certain conditions adjustment of Council for individual Freedom: Mr.
Charles A. McCarthy.
of law by overzealous bureaucrats, I pro- status procedure. New Jersey Coalition: Mrs. Ralph D.
pose that any immigrant authorized to Any alien who entered the United Hacker.
come to the United States has an ab- States prior to December 24, 1952, who Church World Service, National Council of
solute right to bring his wife and chil- has resided here since and is of good the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.: Mr.
Aren, otherwise qualified, with him. character may be granted the status of John Schauer.
Only after the above preferences have a permanent resident. This has the ef- Friends Committee on National Legisla-
been satisfied will visa numbers which fect of a limited statute of limitation tion: Mr. Richard Smith.
Bible Baptist Church: Rev. Cecil A.
remain be made available on a first- against deportation. Hodges.
come, first-served order of registration To summarize, these would be the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies:
to nonpreference applicants on a world- major outcomes of the selective immi- Mr. John B. Trevor, Jr.
wide basis. gration program I have proposed: American Council of Voluntary Agencies
Within this nonpreference class there First. All present first, second, third, for Foreign Service: Bishop Edward Swan-
is created a reserve, under the direct and fourth preference waiting lists would strom.
control of the President, by which he may be wiped out during the first year of American Committee for Croatian Migra-
reallocate up to one-half the available operations. The only exception is the tion, Inc.: Mr. Joseph V. Bosilievic, presi-
numbers to nationals of countries who fourth preference waiting list in Italy dent
Greenwich Women's Republican Club:
may be adversely affected by the im- which is now in excess of 100,000 and Mrs. Alice Alesandroni, Mrs. Eleanor Gon-
mediate termination of the national that will take more time to satisfy. zalez.
origins quota system. Second. Immediate family members of Order Sons of Italy in America: Mr. John
For example, in Germany, and the U.S. citizens will not have to wait 1 day Ottaviano, Jr., Mr. Joseph A. L. Errigo, Mr.
United Kingdom where the largest quota after the effective date of the bill to enter Samuel A. Culotta, and Dr. Nicholas M. Pe-
allocations are available, there has been the United States. truzzelli.
National Chinese Welfare Council: Mr.
no occasion or opportunity for desiring Third. Future immigration to the Jack Wong Sing.
immigrants to register on a consular United States will no longer tolerate Liberty Lobby: Mr. W. B. Hicks, Jr.
waiting list as was necessary for thou- split families because of peculiarities of Northern New Jersey Immigration Confer-
sands of nationals of countries with the law. ence: Mrs. Arthur Hawkins.
heavily oversubscribed quotas. Fourth. Refugees will not carry the Association of Immigration & Nationality
Consequently, in a worldwide competi- stigma of parole as a condition of their Lawyers; canward Dc ubrHealth off. Association,
tion for nonpreference numbers, such entry and there would be only one refugee The
Inc.: DA Paul an Per.
nationals may be unfairly disadvantaged program under control of U.S. officials Women's International League for Peace
particularly in the years immediately from start to finish. and Freedom: Mrs. Selma Samole.
following the passage of the bill. Fifth. Professional persons and per- Japanese American Citizens League: Mr.
The President's reserve would also be sons with skills and talents for which Mike Masaoka.
available to increase the number of refu- there is a demonstrated need in the Organization for Preservation of Samoan
gees who could be admitted should a United States will be able without delay Democracy: Mr. Galumalemana Vaiinupo
sudden, abnormal refugee situation oc- to enter as immigrants. Alailima.
John E. McCarthy, National Catholic Wel-
cur,, such as arose in Austria after the Sixth. The authority given directly to fare Conference.
1956 unsuccessful revolt of the Hun- the President to meet emergencies, Dr. James Read, President, Wilmington
garian freedom fighters, or to take care within the available number of non- College, Friends Committee on National Leg-
of disaster situations such as occurred in preference immigrant visas, will make islation.
the Azores in 1957 which necessitated unnecessary emergency or special immi- Mr. Karl Speiss, Sr., Homeowners Federa-
special legislation to authorize admis- gration legislation in the future. tion of Arlington.
sion of a number of its victims. Seventh. The number of private immi- Dr. Filindo B, Masino, American Institute
Other proposed revisions of the law for Italian Culture and Philadelphia Bar
gration bills before Congress should Association.
are: shrink to manageable proportions and Frank Weill, American Veterans Commit-
. Added protection for American work- should consist of only very unusual cases. tee.
ers by strengthening authority of the Eighth. Congress will have taken a Jeanne. E. Kerbs, Republican Committee of
Secretary of Labor to make determina- very large step in the direction of regain- One Hundred, Inc.
tions on the specific skills, crafts, and ing and maintaining its authority for Andrew Biemiller, AFL-CIO legislative di-
special occupational talents in short sup- rector, legislation department.
regulating immigration into the United Walter T. Darmopray, Esq., Ukrainian Con-
ply, and for which there are no able or States. gress Committee of America, Inc.
.willing workers in the United States. The list of witnesses is as follows: Nicholas S. Limperis, national chairman,
these sixth added safeguards would apply to LIST OF WITNESSES AHEPA immigration legislation committee,
all sixth preference and all nonprefer- Order of AHEPA.
ence immigrants. American Legion: Dr. Daniel J. O'Connor James H. Sheldon, United Church of
Id b and Mr. Clarence Olsen. Christ, Council for Christian Social Action.
p,l_l Y National Association of Evangelicals:
e s woue removed from the George A. Maxwell, M.D.
Medical science has demon- Order of AHEPA: Mr. Gregory Lagakos. Civil Miss L Association Lorna o San Francisco.
Strated' that epilepsy is not contagious American Committee on Italian Migration:
and that it is controllable by medication Hon. Juvenal Marchisio. Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. Speaker, will
and medical treatment. Doorstep Savannah, Inc.: Mrs. Rosalind the gentleman yield?
An "eligible orphan" is redefined by National Economic Council, Inc.: Mr. Mark happy to yield to my distinguished and
Consolidating three sections of the Ares- M. Jones.
ent law which have caused confusion in Nationalities Service Center of Cleveland: able colleague from the great State of
determining eligibility. Mr. John Papandreas. Hawaii.
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
7[~vUi'J?V: F~lese 2/(M t~f`-Pe7C446200400~1-
ac 4+ , p e e a spec fica y provided in section
the, gep llelrian knows,, the, people of Labor must make an affirmative finding 101 (a) (27) and in section 203: Provided, That
aw,&i1 ire very much interested in this that the, jobs that nonpreference immi- the total number of immigrant visas avail-
area'Qf ll tln> ration and I have from time grants will. take in the United States able to citizens or nationals of any foreign
to timeMyoiced that interest on behalf of will not deprive any American worker state under paragraphs (2) through (s) of
ehairm The Ce:.ler bill provides section 203(a) shall not exceed 20,000.
the...pgople of Hawaii to the distinguished of those jobs.
Ste. 203. (a) Immigrant visas shall be
an Q t e $ubepmmittee on Im- no such safeguards for American work- allotted In each fiscal year as follows:
migration. I have been very much in- ers. "(1) Without numerical or percentum
terested,ip the: explanation of the bill My bill also would wine out in the first limitation, Immigrant visas shall be first
wichthe gentleman has introduced, but year all waiting lists in the four prefer- made available to qualified immigrants who
thhere is one question which I would like ence classes of, the present law. The are the husbands, wives, children, unmarried
to put to the gentleman in the well: only exception would be the fourth pref- sons or unmarried daughters of a citizen of
What is the major difference between the erence waiting list in h;aly, which is in the United States, or who are the fathers or
gentleman's bill and the Celler ,bill? excess of 100,000. The Celler bill can- mothers
citizen being overftwenty one years of
Mr.* t'EIGHAg. Well, first, my bill not make this claim. age.
calls ti
l for
cent um.
of f
ns quo
a sys
i red
as not
m. The, Celler Mr.MATSUNAGA. 1: thank the gen- the Issuance oirimmigrant vi
bill stretches repeal out over a,51-year tleman for his exhaustive explanation, grant visas to the classes
period. and I assure the genteman, although specified ifor the paragraph (1) immigrant shall be made
Second, my bill calls for an annual I am a conintroducer o,P the Celler bill, to qualified immigrants who are members of
ceiling of 225,000 Immigrant admissions I will make a very careful study of the the professions, or who because of their ex-
from countries external to the Western bill which the gentleman has Introduced. ceptional ability in the sciences or the arts
Hemisphere. The Celler bill has no cell- Will.the gentleman yield for a further will substantially benefit prospectively the
ing set by law. question? national economy, cultural interests, or wel-
?Third, my bill calls for a ceiling of Mr. FEIGHAN. Yes, I am happy to fare of the United States.
20,000 'a year from any one country, yield. "(3) The next twenty per centum of the
exits of tY.S. citizens f rom, that country's dsicationits toward the gentleman's
to haattitd Tudethe ~admiaistration given
eats xg a
'The Celler bill would set an annual bill?
ceiling of 16,600 on any one country at Mr. FEIGHAN. There is no disagree-
the end of 5 years. meet between the President and me on
Also, my bill changes the order of and the principles of the bill which I have
enlarges ` the number of preference introduced.
classes. Immediate family members ' of I have had several 1>ng conferences
U.S. citizens are given first preference with the President in which we ex-
without numerical ,limitation. ermined at length the full-range prob-
A new preference class, is created for lems involved in immigration.
professional persons and persons with Mr. MATSUNAGA. I. thank the gen-
unusual, skills and talents in the visual tleman. I hope that we can take the
and performing arts. A new preference fact the gentleman has introduced a bill
class is created f,oo_r, victims, of Communist , as an indication of, speedy action on
persecution, Which repeals the practice
of paroling refugees into the United
The present fourth preference Is di-
-vided Into two new preference classes.
The Celler bill perpetuates the present
four preferences in the law, keeping
skilled. workers ;as first preference and
allotting toFthat preference a 50-percent
first call on all authorized visas. Under
niy bill direct authority is given to the
President to use up to 50 percent of the
visa nuznbers not .used by the preference
'classes to remedy any hardships which
'may fall,upon countrf es as a consequence
of immediate repeal of the national ori-
gins quota system, and in order to meet
refugee emergencies ,or natural calami-
ties, should they occur, and the President
determines _aftl6fi_ should be tlken to
assist,so[ne g, the victims.
"I lie Celex bilk.cfs fora 7-member
immigration board to advise the Presi-
dent 011use of -percent reserve
the _4:10
of the total immigrant visas authorized
to remedy hardships as a consequence
of the gradual repeal of the national
origins quota system over,a 5-year period.
Also, it provides for the use of a 10-per-
cent reserve to meet refugee emergencies
aril iiatliral calamities.
Further, my bill calls for new safe-
guards for American workers by
strengthening control of the ,,Secretary
of Labor on nonpreference immigration,
That appears in, section 203, subsection
8, of the bill which I introduced, H.R.
the image of America throughout the
Mr. FEIGHAN. I agree with the
gentleman. I believe this is a very
sound, fair bill, the most practical bill
that has been introduced, even though I
am the author, and I hope and will work
for speedy enactment.
Mr. MATSUNAGA. I thank the
gentleman again.
Mr. FEIGHAN. I appreciate the keen
Interest expressed by my colleague and
good friend, the gentleman from Hawaii.
Mr. Speaker, the text of my bill H.R.
8662, and a section-by-;3ection analysis
H.R. 8662
A bill to establish a selective immigration
system and for othcr purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and the House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assemt led, That chapter
I of title II of the Immigration and Nation-
ality Act (66' Stat. 175; 8 U.S.C. 1151.) be
amended as follows:
"SEC. 201. Exclusive of special immigrants
defined in section 101(a) (T'), the number of
aliens who may be issued immigrant visas or
who may otherwise acquire the status of an
alien lawfully admitted to he United States
for permanent residence shall not in any
fiscal year exceed 225,000 of which not more
than 60,000 may be authorised in each of the
first three quarters of such fiscal year.
"SEC. 202. No person shall receive any
preference or priority in tl:e issuance of an
immigrant visa because of his race, sex, na-
tionality, place of birth, or place of residence,
number of immigrant visas not required for
the issuance of immigrant visas to the classes
specified in paragraph (1) shall be made
available for the issuance of immigrant visas
to qualified immigrants who are the hus-
bands, wives, unmarried sons or unmarried
daughters of an alien lawfully admitted for
permanent resident, or who are the fathers
or mothers of an alien lawfully admitted for
permanent residence, such alien being over
twenty-one years of age.
"(4) The next twenty per centum of the
number of immigrant visas not required for
the issuance of immigrant visas to the classes
specified in paragraph (1) shall be made
available to qualified immigrants who are
the married sons or the married daughters of
citizens of the United States.
"(5) The next twenty per centum of the
number of Immigrant visas not required for
the issuance of immigrant visas to the classes
specified in paragraph (1) shall be made
available to qualified immigrants wlo. are
the brothers or sisters of citizens of the
United States.
"(6) The next twenty per centum of the
number of immigrant visas not required for
the issuance of immigrant visas to the classes
specified in paragraph (1) shall be made
available to qualified immigrants who are
capable of performing specified skilled or
unskilled labor, not of a temporary or sea-
sonal nature, for which a shortage of employ-
able and willing persons exists in the United
"(7) The next 10 per centum of the num-
ber of immigrant visas not required for
the issuance of immigrant visas to the classes
specified in paragraph (1) shall be :made
available to a qualified immigrant who is
or was last a national or resident of any
Communist or Communist-dominated coun-
try, and is out of his usual place of abode,
and who satisfies an Immigration and Na-
turalization Service officer at an examination
in any non-Communist or non-Communist
dominated country, prior to visa issuance,
that he has fled from his usual place of
abode, or is unable or unwilling to return
to such usual place of abode, because of
persecution or fear of persecution on account
of race, religion, or political opinion: Pro-
vided, That not more than one-half the
number of immigrant visas specified in this
paragraph may be made available to aliens
who have been continuously physicallypres-
ent in the United States for a period of two
years prior to application.
"(8) Any immigrant visas not required for
the issuance of immigrant visas to the classes
specified in paragraphs (1) through (7) shall
be made available to qualified immigrants
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
June 1, 'X,965
strictly in the chronoI' al order in ich cl ifie f e i ` t n d e y io dmission to the I7nitecl
i4lch Immigrants are re' ~ oarSd l Re~e2 "I~o an : rib 0(~efkliEtQ~ Q~l pOi~~n6of the validity
lists yihich_shab_t maintained in accoid- citizen, or permanent resident alien desir- of the immigrant visa, or if an alien having
ante with, Iegulations prescribed by the Sec-
retary of state. go immigrant visa shall
be issued tp'a nonpreference immigrant
ulider this subsection until the consular offi-
cer is in receipt of a'determinat on made"by
the Secretary of Labor, in -accordance"with
regulations prescribed by the Secretary of
State and the Secretary of Labor,.thaT the
provisions of section 212(a) (14) will not W
(9) A spouse or child as defined in sec-
tion 101(b)(1)(A),_ (B), (C), (D), or (E)
shall, if not otherwise entitled to an immi-
grant status and the immediate issuance
(?;,a visa under paragraphs (1) through (8),
be entitled to the same preference or non
preference status, and the same order of con-
sideration provided in subsection (b), of his
accompanying spouse or parent.
"(10) During the fourth quarter of any
fiscal year, immigrant visas not required for
the issuance of visas"to qualified immigrants
specified in paragraphs- (2) thiough (5) may,
without regard to per centum limitations, be
made available cumulatively, to qualified
immigrants, in each of the next succeeding
classes in paragraphs (3) through (6).
"(11) Not exceeding 50 per eentum of
the numbers allocated to nonpreferen_ ce iin-
migrants under paragraph (8), may, on the
advice of the Secretary of State, be reserved
by the President, without 'regard to the 20,-
000 limitation contained in section 202, for
allocation to (A) otherwise qualified 'immi-
grants whose admission is determined by hint
to be required to avoid undue hardship, re-
sulting from the abolition of annual quotas
and nonquota classes, or to (B) otherwise
qualified preference immigrants described in
paragraph (7) whose admission is deter-
mined-by him to be required to further the
traditional policy of the United States of of-
fering refuge to persons oppressed or perse-
cuted or (b) otherwise qualified immigrants
uprooted by natural I calamity or military
operations who are unable to return to their
usual place of abode.
?! (b) Immigrant visas issued pursuant to
paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection
(a) shall be issued to eligible immigrants in
the order in which a petition in behalf of
each such immigrant Is filed with the Attor-
ney General as provided in section 204.
"(c) .In considering applications for'imini-
gratlon visas' under subsection (a) consid-
eration shall be ?given first to applicants
tinder. paragraph (1) and consideration
shall be given to other applicants In the order
in which the classes of which they are mein=
bees are listed in subsection (a).
"(, d) ];very immigrant shall be presumed
to 'he a non'prefavdT1c' immigrant until he
(A) an immigrant who was born in any
independent foreign country of the Western
Hemisphere or in the Canal Zone, and the
spouse and children of any such immigrant,
if accompanying or following to join him;
"(B) an immigrant lawfully admitted for
permanent residence, who is returning from
a temporary visit abroad."
(b) Paragraph (32) of subsection (a) is
amended to read as follows:
"(32) The term 'profession' shall include
but not be limited to architects, engineers,
lawyers, ordained ministers of religion, phy-
sicians, surgeons, and teachers in elementary
or secondary schools, colleges, academies, or
(c) Subparagraph (1) (F) of subsection (b)
is amended to read as follows:
"(F) a child, under the age of fourteen at
the time a petition is filed in his behalf to
accord a preference classification under sec-
tion 203 (a) (1), who is an orphan because of
the death or disappearance of, abandonment
or desertion by, or separation or loss from,
both parents, or for whom the sole or surviv-
ing parent is incapable of providing the
proper care which will be provided the child
if admitted to the United States and who has
in writing irrevocably released the child for
emigration and adoption; who has been
adopted abroad by a United States citizen
and his spouse who personally saw and ob-
served the child prior to or during the
adoption proceedings; or who is coming to
the United States for adoption by a United
States citizen and spouse who have complied
with the preadoption requirements, if any,
of the child's proposed residence; provided
that no natural parent or prior adoptive
parent of any such child shall thereafter, by
virtue of such parentage, be accorded any
right, privilege, or status under this Act."
(d) Paragraph (6) of subsection (b) is
SEC. 3. Section 211 of the Immigration
and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 181; 8 U.S.C.
1181) is amended to read as follows:
"Section 211. (a) Except as provided in
subsection (b) no immigrant shall be ad-
mitted into the United States unless at the
time of application for admission he (1) has
solar officer V and the imin gration officer titled to such classification. subsequent to the issuance of such visa of
that 'he is entitled to a preference "status SEc. 205. The Attorney General may, at the accompanying parent and (2) presents
under paragraphs (1) through ('i){ of sub- any time, for what he deems to be good a valid unexpired passport or other suitable
section 203 (a) (2) , or any United Staten and sufficient cause, revoke the approval of travel document, or document of identity
la4nder, r(e~tion 101(a) (0). In the case of any petition approved by him under sec- and nationality, if such document is required
. anq,alien claiming in his application for an tion 204. Such revocation shall be effective under the regulations issued by the Attorney
inpnigra.nt visa to be entitled to preference as of the date of approval of any such General.
immigrant status, the consular officer shall petition. In no case, however, shall such "(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of
not grant such status until he- has been revocation have effect unless there is mailed section 212(a) (20) of this Act in such cases
authorized to do so as provided in section to the petitioner's last known address a no- or in such classes of eases and under such
204. tice`of the revocation and unless notice of conditions as may be by regulations pre-
" 204. (a) Any citizen of the'nited the revocation is' communicated thiough the scribed, returning resident immigrants, de-
States claimin that an alien is entitled to a Secretary of State to the beneficiary of the fined in section 101 (a) (27) (B), who are
preference' stn us by reason of the relation- petition before such beneficiary commences otherwise admissible may be readmitted to
ships described in paragraphs (1), (4), or his journey to the United States. If notice the United States by the Attorney General
(5) of subsection 203(a), or any alien law- of revocation is not so given, and the bene- in his discretion without being required to
fully admitted for permanent residence ficfary applies for admission to the United obtain a passport, immigrant visa, reentry
claiming that an alien is entitled to a pref- States, his admissibility shall be determined permit, or other documentation."
erence.status by reason of the relationship in the manner provided for by sections 235 SEC. 4. Subsection 212(a) of the Immigra-
deacribed in section 203(a) (3), or any per- and 236. tion and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 182; 8
son, institution, firm, organization, or gov- "SEc. 206. If an immigrant having an im- U.S.C. 1182) is amended as follows:
erninental agency desiring to have an alien migrant visa is excluded from admission or (a) (1) is amended to read as follows:
No. 98-(1
Approved For. Release 2004/01/16 :' CIA-RDP67B00446R00010'0040001-6
titled to a preference immigrant status un- erence immigrant, an immigrant visa may be
der section 203(a) (6), may file a petition issued in lieu thereof to any other Im-
with the Attorney General for such clan- migrant." '
sification of the alien. The petition shall SEc. 2. Section 101 of the Immigration and
be in such form as the Attorney General may Nationality Act (66 Stat. 166; 8 U.S.C. 1101)
be regulations prescribe and shall contain is amended as follows:
such information and be supported by such (a) Paragraph (27) of subsection (a) is
documentary evidence as the Attorney Gen- amended to read as follows:
eral may require. The petition shall be "(27) The term 'special immigrant'
made under oath administered by any in-
dividual having authority to administer
oaths, if executed in the United States, but,
if executed outside the United States, ad-
ministered by a consular officer.
"(b) After an investigation of the facts in
each case, and after consultation with the
Secretary of Labor in accordance with regu-
lations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor
and the Attorney General with respect to
petitions to accord a status under sections
203(a)(2) or 203(a)(6), the Attorney Gen-
eral shall, if he determines that the facts
stated in the petition are true and that the
alien in behalf of whom the petition is made
is eligible for a preference status under sec-
tion 203 (a), approve the petition and forward
one copy thereof to the Department of State.
The Secretary of State shall then authorize
the consular officer concerned to grant the
preference status.
"(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of
subsection (b) no more than two petitions
may be approved for one petitioner in behalf
of a child as defined in section 101(b) (1)
(E) or (F) unless necessary to prevent the
separation of brothers and sisters and no
petition shall be approved if the alien has
previously been accorded a nonquota or pref-
erence status as the spouse of a citizen of the
United States or the spouse of an alien law-
fully admitted for permanent residence, by
reason of a marriage determined by the At-
torney General to have been entered into for
the purpose of evading the immigration laws.
- "(d) The Attorney General shall forward
to the Congress a report on each approved
petition for immigrant status under sec-
tions 203(a) (2) or 203(a) (6) stating the basis
for his approval and such facts as were by
him deemed to be pertinent in establishing
the beneficiary's qualifications for the pref-
erential status. Such reports shall be sub-
mitted to the Congress on the first and fif-
teenth day of each calendar month in which
the Congress is in session.
"(e) Nothing in this section shall be con-
strued to entitle an immigrant in behalf of
whom a petition under this section is ap-
proved, to enter the United States as a
preference immigrant under section 203(a)
if upon his arrival at a port of entry in the
f!(i) aliens who,~re mentall tar Gc1,3yl:ceetba c~,1s amadR,.&'tftt~.~~feacer^2p-^~
d~,1` ?tisa;.AO,.;. 1, b?YAt~I"Q,~l6fl~A?:C" @~S~1iLi1~4#U I' 1 fH UV4 lAlbll LU 41i D percent to brpthers
MIX T - , , ~c) ? ?1?ne provisions or 1 nib section snail 3 t11 _pref , ence, 20 percent to persons
ii.--(4) aliens atflioted witlia mental defect, not be ap iicale to any alien who is of the with s1ti11r Wh ch are found by (ihe Secretary
wi lt sexual devia{ onR gr with psychopaithic class described in section 01 (a) (27) (A)." of l umavallable or i oT# altpply
personality." Sic. 8. Section l49 of the Immigration and in ,this. opy ry.
c) TheIast sentence of par e a h 1 Nait' , na li ty Act
( a-graph-
l p ( e ( $eyentli preference, 10 percent to refu
88 stag. 2' 9 857 SC 1259) and oppression
is amended to read as iolTows: `T$ excl Sion is endb than in th words, 'June 28, frp C,o1 3LAist tyranny
tf a" fens under th paragraph shall a ply 1$40, to read ember .,4, 1952,'
by with a. proviso that up to one-half of this
only to special imm grans de$ned in sec ion adding at the end tlierecf the following. rlunY ier May be used by persons who have
?101(a) (2)`(A) (other than the parents, _"t7 n approval of the creation of a record bse~ ptlezeiL_a temporary refuge in this
oukes or 'chlIdren oY the 57nited Sta s citi of
a tot awful admission fl 1 per
mane-11 nt residence, country upon a finding that they are unable
Bono or of liens l w ii ly adifi tted- to the unless the alien is entitled to a special im- or unwilling to return to their homelands
1Jlaitec Mtaes for permanent residence), and mi rant cTassiilcation undo r section 101 (a) because of persecution or fear thereof, and .1, 1
toy non,-preference immigrant aliens described ? 27 (A) theecreta of tate shall reduce only after 2 years residence in. this country. I _y } fill
one 'the nun be of g ( t npreference immi- Only after the above preferences
d have been
( (2b) is amended by of deleting grant visas autliorized tobe issued under satisfied will.Jtisa numbers which remainto
in Snpnl e) ( p h and8 substitutin therefor the section 03 a 3 rYor the fiscal year then be made available on a first-come, first-served
Bette (a current '
order of registration to nonpreference e.ppli
r arcr a amended by deleting SEC 9. Section 281_6f the Immigration and cants on a worldwide basis. 1;t
the wpr quota t`
ua a withinthe Na tion aTit Act (68 Stat. 23t0 8 U.S C 1351) Within this. nonpreferenc e class there is
(e) ph (21) is O.."., asf o )_ ,
f aragrap"Ti (~l4} is amended by deleting is amend as follows created a reserve, under the control of the
anSarenthesea and sub a par a p4 2 is amended to read as President, b which he may reallocate up
erefor the foliowin other than foITows
$titu'Lin t
P to one-half the available numbers to na-
aliexui esc l ed 1a ?eec of ).O'1 a (27)'." "(2) yor the issuance of each
immigrant tionals of countries who may be advarsely
ar e ion and ltlatlonality visa $EO exc that such fee shall be$10 _, affected by the immediate termination of the
Act (6 6 Stat." 175 $ tl ;C 1151) is amended in the case of any alien who is the beneficiary national origins quota system. For example,
as- follows o3 a petition required undei section 204, Pro-
In Germany and the United Kingdom where
vii tha b
ed b
s amen
a) act onh
y r
gulation mthe_Secretary of - the. largest quota allocations are available,
e words "t a quota, if any. which ?the ~u`tate map prescribe the rartiaf deposit or , there has been no occasion or opportunity
is charged, the immigrants par- pprepa.yment of such fee at he time of regis- for desiring Immigrants to register status under a~}ch quotas the partic- tratfon 'm egister on a Q
sular waiting list as was ne -
tilar xton acts sate o in which the immi- b aragi a h 8 is amended to read as ng 1ries with for thou
% g ( p ( ) sands of nationals of countries heavily
graht'is classii`ied, if a nonquota immigrant,, ' follows:`
a?ld si bstfttyting in lieu thereof the words "(8) For filing with the Attorney General ? oversubscribed quotas. Consequently, in a
'the preference, nonpreference, or special of each petition under section 204,$10; and" numbers, competition for nonpreference
' ant' 11 of the Act of numbers, such at o ma unfairly
igratian classification to which the alien Sse It. Sections l 2
ri particularly in the years
~h rged July 14 it) (74 Stat. 606-50 5) ; as amended disadvantaged imm immediately following the passage of the
'(b 'the fourth 'sentence of subsection lip section 6 of the Act of dune-. 28 1962 -bill.
1g(c) is amended 'by deleting t h e word 78 Stat. 124) is repealed.
' quota' preceding the word `"number; it the The President's reserve would also be
wit "quota` preceding t'he word "ear; and SE CT Wii-sr-Saarror AN wY6 8 available to increase the number of refugees
the word 5quota" preceding the word "im- Section l of the bill xervitea completely who could be admitted should a sudden, ab-I 11 niigrant," and substituting in lieu ? "thereof ' title. II, chapter I (secs. 201-206) of the Iarabnormal ose in Austria eafter the 1956 occur,
the wo d migration and Nationality Act and substi- revolt of the Hungarian freedom fighters,
(c) isogon 224 is amended to read`as`fol- xtitce a.aelective
,Y. immigration system for the or to take care of disaster situations such as
1ppp{{lls A c(~nsuia; pffices zilay, subject' to the present national origins quota system. occurred in the Azores in 1957 which neces-
li>nltatpns, provided in section 221, issue an Section 201_ fixes the total number of aliens sitated special legislation to authorize ad-
immigrant visa` to "a - special immigrant as lrozu.the former quota countries and areas
stieh u on satisfactor roof, finder re Ta- mission of a number of its victims.
p y p, gu who.may acquire permanent residence itnmi- Section 203(b) amends the present act to
Liana prescribed under the Act, that the ap- gration status in any fiscal :rear at 225,000-a provide that the priority date for all prefer=
icant+ is entitled to a special immigran
t slight increase over annual ';otal immigration ence immigrants shall be the date on which
tat per year during the last decade. To provide a petition to accord such a preference has
(d Subsection 243 (h')) is amended by de'- for orderly administrative procedures, not been filed
letfn the word' physical ' nacre than 80,000 visas may be issued in each Sections 203h(c) andt(d)esubatantially re-
6 $4ct 244 of the Immigration and of the ant three quarters of any fiscal year. iterate provisions contained in the present
Nationality Act (do Stat 214; 8 U.S.C. 1254)
Sectipxi 202, expresses in statutory language act on the priority of consideration of visa
is.axnended as follows: a national policy that within the ceiling fixed applicants and the prohibition against a
ca) Subsection (d) i$ amended to read as by section 201, no preference or priority will consul issuing a preference visa unless and
col own be given to any person in acquiring
"?(d) Upon the cancellation of deporta- neat residence in the United tates because until a petition has been approved. ',Tethe nical tipn p,the case of any alien under ttiia sec- of his or her race, sex, nationality, P elim lace of slimchanges in language caused by the
Lion, the Attorney General shall recoil'the birth, or lace of foreign residence. made.
=liens Iawatul admissiou for permanent real- This section also sets a maximum ceiling Section 204 rewrites the present sections
`dance IitSrtationas, of of $hc such date' of
can made, dIe,- and ion? uY unless of. 20,000 on the number of nationals of any 204 and 205 to combine a single procedure
.less one country who may obtain permanent real- for the filing of visa petitions with the At-
the atien .l ,entitiecl to,a special Immigrant ,annually, exempting :Prom that ceiling torney General to accord the seven prefer -
Class A cation wider se tipn 101(a) (2u7) (A), only the husbands, wives, children, fathers, ence classifications described in section-203.
the p retary of State shall reduce by one and mothers of U.S. citizeru;. This section also continues a limitation on
the. number of nonpreference immigrant Section 203(a) lists the order of preference the number of orphans who may be adopted
Visas authgriZed tQ, b@,isa?ed antler ~ecfign .which is to be given in the allocation of the by a single family to two. It also prohibits
(a) (8) or the fiscal year then current."
annual 225,000 immigrant visas.
(b) Subsection (f) is repealed. the approval of a petition for an alien who
First preference Is given, without any limit has been found to have married a citizen or
SEC, 7. ectiOn Z45 of the I,rU'n and -on the numbers, to spouses, children, and permanent resident alien for the purpose of
Nationality Act (66 Stat. 217; ; 9 8,1T,S.S.C.C. 1255) parents of U.S. citizens. gaining a preference under the immigration
fs a e{}detl a follows; -I%e numbers which will remain after the laws.
(a) Subsection (a) is amended bx islet- .first preference is satisfied will be available Section 205 repeats the present section
fng the words t'other than an alien crewman." ion
_ to the 206 of the act
(b) Subsection (b) is amended to read: following six classes, in the percent- providing for the revocat of
for the ill
., -. ...:to the via
etitio a
memers change of status.
Second p10 percent to b
for adjustment made under subsection (a), of the professions preference, re and scientists and persons Section 206 changes present section a07 of
the Atto ey General shall record the e.,ierl'q the act to permit the reissue to"`another'ap-
. not . cant under 1aw#ul a sc
B Of the or{i poi the Attorney (ten- forming art9 p visual and per- same ion for , permanent residence with skill and talent in the used by the initial holder of the visa.
era_V l roving the application for the ad-
Third preference, 20 ercent to spouses,
e amends three d
jus meat of status is made, an d_ the, rsI ,, re- ,children, and parents of F liens, Who hav Section 2 of the bill
Lions contained in the resent act: eilni-
Lary df S ate shall reduce by one the number previously been admitted for permanent It repeals the present but n n q provisions
to cota as the ,preference or nonpreference visas au- residence but who have not yet become of the act, im_
thorized to be issued under section 203(a) citizens. migrants, and continues to exempt from the
within the class to which the alien Is charge- Fourth preference, 20 percent to married numerical ceiling, aliens already admitted as
fisca ear then current." so :,.
able, for the y sons and daughters of U.S. .itizens. immigrants who are returning to the Un#ted
Approved For Release 2004/01116: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
June,Y, 165 CONGRESSIONAL 1ttl,viw
States after atemporary abr ~i i?g i~B~~ygl0pment in
aliens who are natives of inen en coon- coup ry and-o l~t to ttseP thba fe south sA ia.
tries of the Western Hemisphere. provisions of the act (sec. 212 (d) (5)) to the This money will serve many purposes:
It repeals the definition and concept of a purposes originally intended-the temporary First. Approximately $19 million will
quota immigrant and defines the professional reception of persons arriving in the United
classes of preference immigrants to- include States without documentation and under provide the first installment of our eon-
doctors, lawyers; teachers, professors, clergy- emergent circumstances, e.g., shipwrecked tribution to the accelerated development
men, and engineers. crewmen, and so forth. of the Mekong River Basin. This is an
It defines in one place an "eliggible orphan," important part of the general program
the confusing definition of which exists cur- (Mr. FEIGHAN asked and was given of regional development which I out-
rently in three separate sections of the law. Permission to revise and extend his re- lined at Johns Hopkins University on
Section 3 of the bill essentially repeats the marks and to include extraneous ma- April 7. This money will enable us to
language of the present act which requires teriai.) meet a request for half the cost of build-
a"Visa and a passport for every arriving im-
migrant. It broadens the authority of the ing the Nam Ngum Dam, which the in- .
Attorney General to waive these documents EXPANDED PROGRAMS OF ECO- ternational Mekong Committee has
for returning residents. NOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOP- marked "top priority" if the Mekong
,:,Section -4 of the bill makes technical MENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA-MES- River is to be put to work for the people
changes in the language of the excluding SAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF of the region. This will be the first
,provisions contained in section 212 of the Mekong power project to serve two coun-
act. The material changes are: THE UNITED STATES (H. DOC. tries, promising power to small industry
The words "mentally retarded" are sub- NO. 196) and lights for thousands of homes in
stituted for the language feebleminded."
4'Epilepsy" is deleted as a mandatory ex- The SPEAKER laid before the House northeast Thailand and Laos. The
elusion ground. the following message from the President funds will provide also for:
'Both of the above changes were based on of the United States; which was read, Powerlines across the Mekong link-
the testimony of 'the Surgeon General's referred to the Committee of the Whole ing Laos and Thailand.
office. `"' , ` ' House on the State of the Union, and or- Extensive studies of further hydro-
-Other changes are required to .. delete lac- dered to be printed: electric, irrigation, and flood control
guage which would become obsolete with projects on the Mekong main stream
the elimination of the quota system. To the Congress of the United States: and its tributaries;
Section 5 of the bill removes the word The American people want their Gov- Expansion of distribution lines in
"physical" from- the language of section
243(h) of the act which permits the Attor- ernment to be not only strong but com- Laos.
ney General to stay the deportation of an passionate. They know that a society is Second. Five million dollars will be
alien whom he believes would be subjected secure only where social justice is secure used to support electrification coopera-
to (physical) persecution on his return to for all its citizens. When there is tor- tives near three provincial towns-
lais homeland. This provision recognizes moil anywhere In our own country, our Long Xuyen, Dalat, and Nha Thang-in
that the` more 'subtle, mental, moral, and instinct Is to inquire if there is injustice. South Vietnam. Co-ops, which have
ernotioiial sanctions Imposed on their cap- That instinct is sound. And these prin- been so important to the lives of our
tire, citizens these totaan to return regimes
-are no less a basis for for our refusal efus urn ciples of compassion and Justice do not rural people, will bring the benefits of
these people to their native lands and to stop at the water's edge. We do not low priced electricity to more than 200,-
such oppression. This, sanction also makes have one policy for our own people and 000 Vietnamese. We hope this pattern
other.oonforming changes, another for our friends abroad. can be duplicated in towns and villages
Section . 6 of the bill amends section 244 A vast revolution is sweeping the throughout the region. I will ask that
of the act, the suspension of deportation southern half of this globe. We do not we provide further support if the pat-
procedures, to make eligible for that -privi- intend that the Communists shall be- tern meets the success we believe pos-
Iege citizens of Western Hemisphere coup-
tries and aliens who entered the United come the beneficiaries of this revolt Bible.
States as'ereatmen,presently ineligible un- against injustice and privation. We In- Third. Seven million dollars will help
d@r,the terms of the current act. tend to lead vigorously in that struggle. provide improved medical and surgical
:Section 7 of the bill amends section 245 We will continue to back that intention services, especially in the more remote
of the. act, the adjustment of status prose- with practical and concrete help. areas of Vietnam, Laos and Thailand.
dure,, to make eligible for adjustment to In southeast Asia today, we are offer- South Vietnam is tragically short of
permanent residence within this country, ing our hand and our abundance to those doctors; some 200 civilian physicians
alien in the United states (other than who seek to build a brighter future. The must care for a population of 15 million.
a dative of the Western Hemisphere) who, effort to create more progressive societies
i~f abroad, would be eligible for the immedi- In Laos the system of AID-supported
ate issuance` of a visa. It removes the cur- cannot wait for an ideal moment. It village clinics and rural hospitals now
,gent ineligibility of, crewmen for the privi- cannot wait until peace has been finally reaches more than a million people. But
loge. secured. We must move ahead now.
Section 8 of the bill amends section 249, that is not enough. We propose to ex-
Section know of no more urgent task ahead. tend the program in Laos, assist the
the "registry" provisions, by advancing the date of entry of eligibles from June 28, 1940, it requires more of us, more of other Thailand Government to expand its pub-
t4? Deceiriber 24, 1952. Under the amend- prosperous nations, and more of the peo- lic health services to thousands of rural
scent, any alien - who entered the United ple of southeast Asia. villages, and to organize additional
States prior to the latter date and has resided For our part, I propose that we expand medical and surgical teams for sick and
here since, and is of good character, may our own economic assistance to the peo- injured civilians in South Vietnam.
be, granted the status of a permanent resi- ple of South Vietnam, Thailand, and Better health is the first fruit of
dent. The section is, in effect, a limited Laos. modern science. For the people of these
statute of limitation against deportation.
All cases which result in the grant of per- I propose we start now to make avail- countries it has far too long been an
manent'., residence status by application able our share of the money needed to empty promise. I hope that when peace
within the United States under sections 244, harness the resources of the entire south- comes our medical assistance can be ex-
245, and 249 will also result in the deduction east Asia region for the benefit of all its panded and made available to the sick
of 1 number in the overall ceiling of 225, people. This must be an international and wounded of the area without regard
boo immigrants a year. venture. That is why I have asked Mr. to political commitment.
i t for ' imm 9._ofigthe bill prescribes a uniform
COSt for Eugene Black to consult with the United Fourth. Approximately $6 million will
rant visa issuance of $20, and
authorizes the partial deposit or prepayment Nations Secretary General and the lead- be used to train people for the construe-
act of July i 1860) rendered unnecessary ing the Soviet Union, will participate. of the villager for markets, education,
by the provisions for visa issuance to re- To support our own effort, I ask the and access to public services depends on
fugees under the preference classification of
section 203 (a) (7) of the bill. Congress to authorize and appropriate his getting a road. A nearby water well
The repeal of this provision should re- for fiscal year 1966 an additional $89 dramatically lightens the burdens of the
ult in the use of the more appropriate visa- million for the Agency for International farmer's wife. With these tools and
Approved For Release 2004/01/16: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
~,~r~~ vxc ~~ c ~l 1 L I.tEC.QR,. 77. JOB 1ST Jul--1!, ,..1965
has run into many conflicts and diffi-
One of these conflicts is centered on
the question of who is going to give the
required medical examination. The
Government pays a fee for e&bh exami-
I realize this is not really funny.
It is not even sad.
It is inexcusable---especially in a city
where a million people suffer destitution,
where 500,000 are on welfare, where
narcotics has out the hope from countless
lives, where poverty breeds poverty and
thousands of youngsters find no way out ;
where frustrations and desperation
The Job Corps was created by Con-
gress to reach young people between the
ages of 16 and 21 who are largely unem-
ployable because they lack education and
skills. It is aimed at young people who
have not completed high school and who
have not found work. At the eonserva-.
tion camps and training centers, basic
education and job training are 'being
provided for some 2,500 youths, and by
June 30, 10,000 will be enrolled.
This program is being ignored by a city
government which should be pein.fully
aware of the social dynamite. !
Two weeks ago the Office of=Economic
Opportunity had to ask the New York
State Employment Service to step into
New York City and screen 200 applicants.
New York City lags behind every major
city in the country. Until the New York
Times reported on the situation on May
15, not a single New York City youth
was Mr. actually
Speaker, at a since Job the city Corps an center.
operations board is apparently incapable
of doing the screening, I call upon Sar-
gent Shriver, the Director, and the Of-
fice of Economic Opportunity to set up
special emergency screening centers in
New York City to process applications
Congress provided this resource almost
a year ago-and we must put it to use-
now, before another troubled 'aummer-
to help deprived youth break the chains
of poverty.
(Mr. MULTER (at the request'ot i12r.
SWEENEY) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous ' neat-
ter. )
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker,' I h. ye
today introduced a bill to - amend -
tion 5 of the Home Owners' Loan Aet of
1933 to bring under the supervision of
the Federal Home Loan Bank Board
those building and loan associations and
similar institutions in the District of
Columbia which are not now subject
to such regulation.
At the present time, the District "of!
Columbia statutes neither regulate these
institutions directly? nor do they col er
Approved For Release 2004/01/16 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000100040001-6
psi and Abptmv*"=sRe4ebrse MUMMY Cs1lAAE)P671OO448R0001iOOO OI1-6iat the problem of
ztied of before, Fifth Avenue-ticker tape and all. They screening applicants in New York City
be used to, mince increasing imports of
iron .and steel, cement, chemicals and
pesticides, drugs, trucks, and other es-
S ft tial goods necessary for a growing
Civilian economy. This money will allow
ctories -not only to continue but,
through investment, to expand produc-
tioxl of both capital and consumer goods.
I will provide, materials for urgently
06ded low-cost housing. And it will
t1Calnialn production , incentives and
aoitl iation, It is not easy for a small
cotitry, with ,a low income, to fight a
wal oil its own soil and at the same time
persist .inthe business of nation build-
xtg The .additional import support
bbliich.1 propose will help Vietnam to
Persevere In this difficult task.
sixth, An , additional . $7 million will
sil$plexment the present program of agri-
111.tural development and support
Idltional Oovernnnent services in all
e countries, and will help in the
ffiazjnipg of further industrial expansion
in the secure, areas, of Vietnam.
nc ot, the additional assistance I
x'equest"is ,for Vietnam. This is not a
poor andunfavored land. There is wa-
te and rich. soil and ample natural re-
01 ees" The people are patient, hard-
(l. , the cnotodians of a proud and
civilization, ..They have been
l3resseel? not by nature but by man.
That is the purpose of the aid for which
X now ask additional authorization.
i?We aredefending the right of the peo-
Ie o South Vietnam to decide their own
l Y. Where. this right is attacked by
orce, we have no alternative but to reply
with strength. But military action is not
?#i7ii&l,solution, In this area; it is only a
partialp? ttzeans to a. much larger goal.
l+`ree4pxp.,ati progress will be possible in
0ietnai. only as the people are assured
that histq'y is on their side-that it will
lye them a ,Ch&1?cc to make a living in
'tetra ages of seasedand, above
to be, free of the oppressors who for
r long have fed on their labors.
holtheast. Asia should unite, not divide,
the people of that region. Our policy is
1p to spread conflict but to heal conflict.
t o Oongress, as part of our con--
tiuil} rmation of America's faith in
the cause, of. man, to respond promptly
and f wily to this request.,
' lie Sl'FAxi?R pro tempore (Mr. GIL-
z4(1sR) . Under previous order of the
Douse, ,the gentleman from New York
C11?1. RYex] is recognized for 10 minutes.
"( RYAN asked and was given per-
1111100q4 to revise and extend his remarks
& d it}Cludc-extraneous matter.)
i4r. RYAN. Mr. Speaker. I rise to
York City who have become the unsung tration filled out 7 of the simple forms
heroes of the antipoverty wax. incorrectly. They had to be returned.
certainly deserve to be remembered in
the history of the antipoverty war.
The administration of the city of New
York is the second largest in the Nation.
It has proclaimed its own war on poverty.
Over the last year, the city administra-
tion has set up an ant:'.poverty operations
board, hired employees, moved and
moved again into new and better offices.
It has spent, or seen .pent, several hun-
dred thousand dollars in antipoverty
The city administration has insisted it
understands the vastness of poverty in
New York City. Mo:?e than a million
residents have incomes of less than
$1,600. Some 75,000 youths are out of
school and out of work
And presumably the city administra-
tion saw the importance of the Job Corps.
Recruiting out of school and out of work
youth, the corps would get youths off the
streets, give them work, inspiration, and
And so in March, the Office of Eco-
nomic Opportunity asked New York City
to recommend 830 youths for the Job
Corps initial enrollmer..t.
Plenty of youths wanted to get in the
Job Corps. Although New York has had
no substantive publicity for the Corps,
some 1,597 youths have written to the
Corps from New York City. Across the
Nation, some 300,000 have written in,
They are applying at the rate of 15,000
every week.
Presumably, on the cull of the Office of
Economic Opportunity, New York's anti-
poverty organization shifted into high
Each youth had to be interviewed. A
form had to be made out, a physical
taken. Eight hundred e,nd thirty had to
be selected from some 1,600 known vol-
unteers, from some 75,000 out-of-school
and out-of-work youngsters.
Presumably, the New York antipoverty
organization would send forms to Wash-
ington. Waiting computers would cor-
relate each applicant's needs with vari-
ous Corps center programs, and would
assign him to the appropriate center.
Presumably, this activity went on for
more than 2 months. And thensome-
one asked what had been done? Were
all the youths in camps using up the
quota for New York? Could not the city,
with summer here, get the Office of Eco-
nomic Opportunity to allocate more
places for its thousands of needy youths?
But in more than 2 months-by the
endrof >?'Iay -tbe.New York City anti-
pbvgrty organization had gotten not 830,
not 300, not 200, not 100, not even 10
youths in a Job Corps camp.
The organization had gotten just two-
exactly two-New York youths in job
Corps camps.
But am I being sarcastic, unfair?
True, only two got into camps. But
the New York organization actually did
screen 26 applicants, and gent the forms
to Washington.
Yet the figures deceive. For of the