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Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 PREP'D BY: DOCUMENT CONVERSION WORKSHEET rkAlrc SSED: CASE #: h I S -663b7 BATCH 0 1 o ACTION(SCAN TO) ACTION FOLDER: DA DST DO DI DCI TAB: RESCAN? Y (N kcircle one) OCRT N DUP S N ORIGINATING AGENCY: CIA i/ FBI STATE ARMY OTHER MORI DOC # PAGES SCAN CORE INDEX IMAGE INDEX DUP-CHECK QA 2 (CL-19072 I9 3 - y o2 0 4 Lf -7 2L 5 )L c ' 6 (p-(0U'S 7 6 S a L(dO~3 9 0 t I ,~ 10 (c v S3 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL PAGES_J KEYWORDS 1m, f1 r Q sseJ L Rcarc~ 0 EXTENDED INFORMATION?: N D:-,6 (,'-8ooc1?`f'+5 2 )- b ABSTRACT INFOMATION: LOGGING/MARY/KATHY IA SECTION/JEANET(E/HELEN/ CAREN/JOAN CASE OFFICER RETURN TO: ART JOANNE MARLENE CHRIS K. APPEALS/GARY G., LSSD(LITIGATION) FRANK RICHARD G. Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 SECT C OR-1721 Copy _ of 5 Contract so. ffi-450 ,At t Jo. 8 2 AUG 1962 ITX[ Corporation Lexington, 1"sachusetts 1. Me document constitutes Amendment 8'o. 2 to Contract No. BB-1e50 between the parties hereto and said contract, as amended is further emanded as hereinafter set forth. 2. The parties hereto have negotiated and agreed upon additional quantities of the items set forth in Ohibit "A", and also certain chan?ta and/or deletions of item. presently in said Exhibit. Accord- ingly, Exhibit "A" is s asndad as set forth below: a. 1+aragraph A of 201bit "A" is aemnd,ed as follow: (1) Item 2 is deleted in its entirety and in lieu there- of substitute the following new Item 2: "Item 2 - Contractor shall design, develop and fabricate twenty-two (22) coavergaat stereoscopic camera systrs, includ- Ing del ca settes, 1/3.5 lenses and cs11s, in accordance with Contractor's Doaueemt t@ c6l-i214-16$, dated 26 JVses 1961, as revised by 8E63 1214-4i/1, dated 15 Tebruat7 1962, mid door is hereby tn.ourporatsd by reference`, at a unit billing price of $507,595.00 for the first axxteer- (16) grstcros (11-1 thru s-16) and at a unit billing price of X1,4+96.50 and a total billing C1~ price of $l,6$$,979.00 for the last six (6) Systems (11-17 thru (2) Item 4 ,, is smendead by adding the following new subparagraph thereto: "(1) Refurbish 150 mean instrument supply spools (Item 4 h. above) for use with Item 2 above. The spools will be returned from time to time by the Goverssseat to the Contractor. Thu price of this Item 1e ,j. (1) is included within the price of Item 1e J." (3) Item 6 is deleted in its entirety and in lieu there- of substitute the following new item 6: SECRET Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 SECRET c ~c j , d t~ "Items 6 - Contractor aba11 furnish the spare parts to C r l G ~ ~ e ~ , 3 L ' support It r 2, 4 d., and 4 e. In the field in scow f With the list of parts sttaa d to this Amendment No. 2 and identified as lghibit "C". ffie totel billing price for all it... set forth in llhibit "C" is $32,7+.00." (4) By adding the following new new $ thereto: "item $ - Contractor shall design, develop, qualify sad fabricate twelve (12) Stellar/Inch zing Cameseas in,ludi necessary cassette modifications in accordance with Contractor's doousunt No. =62-$2114-133 dated 4 my 1962, a titlaa, "Dssiga >1 0 2 ,2r Control. Specifiaatioel for Double piasre Calera, Specification No. DC0O4.1" said document being incorporated herein by refer- ~~ Lf p 1 ~~ once at a unit bi113ag price of $51,052.25 and at a total S (,tc? ? billing price of *612,62'7.00. Cj (5) By adding the follaving new Item 9 thereto: "Item 9 - Contractor shall furnish fifty (50) 700a and fifty (50) assn supply spools for use with Ites ? above. The price for this Itea 9 is included in the price of Iten $ above." b. Isrsgrapis B l1LVW of t bit "A" is amended as follow e: (1) Item -2 1s revised to read as follows: "Itea 2 - This tw=tty-two (22) Comers $ysteos shall be delivered as follower Systems l[-1, 1-2, 11-3, 1.4 and 11.5 - ?orthvith. staff Deliver on or Before RM 25 MM 1969 11-7 31 *rah 1962 WS 3 April 1962 1.9 20 April 1962 5-10 30 April 1962 1il 9 )Bgr 196E 1-12 20 My 1962 1-13 30 May 1962 111~c 9 June 1962 1-15 19 June 1962 1-16 29 June 1962 X-9 15 Aug. 1962 K-li 29 Aug. 1962 11-19 12 Sept 1962 W20 27 Sept 1962 M-21 10 Oct. 1962 11-22 24 Oct. 1962 SECRET Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 (2) Item 6 is revised to read as follows: "Item 6 - fibs spare parts setforth in Exhibit "C" ahea3.l be delivered fort .Ah upon receipt of this Aasadme t No. 2 (3) By adding the following XWV Item 9: "Item ? - Contractor shall deliver eleven (u) Steller/ Inching Frame Casaeras in sufficient tide to cable iaaor- poratitons in Instruments M-12 throu&t *-22 prior to their sc:3teduled flights. one (1) system shall be retained by the Contractor until suoessful completion of the qualifications test program, at t' cj1 time disposition instructions will be issued btr the contracting Officer." --'7 (4) IV aiding the following new Item 9. Item 9 - The fifty (50) each of both the 7O" and 35m supply spools shall be delivered at the rate of fifteen (15) each per month starting in July 1962. 3. As a result of the foregoing, PART XII - 1111110111M rZ MC S X9VISM of the Schedule is amended as follow: e. Feragreph b. -f PART XII is deleted in its entirety and in lion thereof substitute the following: "b. General. The supplies or services identified in the Schedule as items 1 thtro t 6, $ and 9 are subject to price revision in accordance with the provisions of this clause $ provided, that in no event slya].1 the total adjusted price of such items exceed $13,200,000. Any supplies or nor- vices tdtich are to be ordered separately under, or otherwise added to this conntract, and *ioh are to be subject to price revision in accordance with the provisions of this clause, shall be identified as such in a modification to this con- tract. hha'wever, it being recognized and understood that the work and services called for under Item 7 do' not be subject to price revision in accordance 'with the provisions of this clause and the costs of such work shall be identified and segre?ated from all other 'work hereunder, the Contractor shall be reimbursed only for the actual costs thereof for said item. In the event of failure to agree on said costs, such failure to agree shoe be deemed to be a dispute concerning a quest- ion of fact within the m coming of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes," and the Contracting Officer shall promptly issue a decision thereunder: SECRET Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 4. !rags d.2. of PART XII is waded revising the last tvo sentences thereof to read as follows: "However, in no event shall the allorsaae for profit am*" fourteen yer-cent (140) of the total target cost. For purposes of this contract the total target oast, grofit and price is as follow: Total Tarot cost $U, 412,,535 Total Target Profit 1,198, Total Tarot Price , , 5. the contract is further aeeaded by revising PART IV - IDQtATI0N AMD PA11 to read as f ellms i "PART XV - 001ST RAT'I0 AND PAT a. The total contract tarot price for Items 1 throu# 6, 8 and 9 of >bltibit "A" to the edule is ,610,850 subJeet to the provisions at the clause hereof entitled "PART III - I11ES111 PRICI RlV=I01(" and the provisions of the clause hereof eRMW Cl' 00V S $ GILM PI0N." b. The total estimated cost for Itert 7 to the leheduls is $500,000.00 said assount being allotted hereunder and subject to PAW XVI of the fie. o. 'there is hereby allotted for the perta nrauee of this contract the slat of $13.,500,000 subject to the provisions of PART XVI of the iehedule." 6. PART XVI - ll#t1,T'ATI08 OF vac' a LION of the Schedule is smiended as IRCU-Mis (a) The figures "$9,776,500.00" appearing in the first sentence of paragraph (d) are deleted and in lieu substitute the figures "$ll,500,000.00." (b) The words and figures "30 June 1962" appearing in the first sentence of paragraph (3) are deleted and in lieu thereof sub- stitute the word and figures "30 September 196e." 7. All other tares, conditions and requirements of Contract No. 88-450 resin unchanged. SEC{ Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4 8. Please indicate your receipt of this Agent No. 2 to Contract No. DR-1e50 and your aoeepFtanee thereof by e=cuting the orig- inal and two copies of this asrnirnt. lleturn the fully exsouted original and one cow of this asmudestnt to the undersigwd and retain the resainiag co for your files. Very truly yours, Contrasting officer ACI1i3 AND ACIClIXPIM fly I~ADOa!! A DIPI*In11 07 LAIC atBl'!"Imm BY Approved For Release 2009/01/05: CIA-RDP67B00074R000500230013-4