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February 21, 1957
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Approved For Relea;, 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP67-00896Rp00100190035-6
Irproved Machine Control of 31nnfoorroattNon
1. To eliarjnata t g SO aa. aptation of electrcanic dsllcga
the limitations hitbarto 14..posed can intormat,3e~n comhol aid retri, a1.
by conventional metbod3 ae alp ha tised i nd. ng, pidge on-hole o1a&ssS
fication and subJ eet ka.esdi g filing,
2. Ready aoasal to a wide reage of informsti cn i.s a prey quisfte
to the production at int Yen= aooess In any a eaifio i el] igeace
assignment requires r Sal Live oi"~exatioac. to make pertinent do rime tai
and papers, or ext1 act of these, available to the aaW3'V at. ties t7 *a
selecting is perfor.^mad tit L. high dagree of descrimination, the ania 1 l>
wastes much time :i .: i.?ev1 ag matter e? anecxas to his r psi. vtt or
he will be denied
11, ho appoa ty to consider all relevant facts,
3. To parfana this atiticra1 selective operation is no sire
task, Existing r -iti. sire groan ixaadequate, In all fairtccss
howover, because ofi the lisp tations :imposed by the tx ealeanio.
chine whi.ah hav hit t , boon Alable.
4, lazwo, advc m ea i,n 1 a1ectrvatu t lam' A& possible the
Virtual remr of then e S>it+a tic ?aas,, At a small fr xtion of j. ;he
cost of age raal.6 ,utpose Necf roula occpater, it is possible to
conatract a devioe oepab .e of l ert dmg es8eatia11y- tm"mi tad
correlations bates: pa racy :alit es, I.ii natittutea, apecti$ is subject
areas and Irresoribed aoti cateepta', These devices,, of which the
searching-selector of the l macsrd Sys" is an szomplev can by-
unbelievably the doe eo or
be retrieved aagato ct ocm pad
place re1.,at ive1r in diaa
syeciaal. o computer t
no doubt ra l)l a st ib ON
5. Prior reserah By
of 031, and related rear
to elucidate arpandad oune
cation which must be dove
a4va3.nt a e of the pat ttaali
such devices. This rase r
possibilities Of 881W31ishl
latioaus of bits of in:i'orma
in fact, often not penaeiu:
information procesyg olhanae
rpecifia&t with which information can
so ah requirements, lad this *at t
at no t9L expense and effort, latter
s3Iing Ir Orrnatic] in digital forsa ji:1.I.
:s In part, .
or L the Age ns at tte insttgi ticao
aaarri?cI an within the Office bans g:cne far
pt a of processing, inlexl r and olaasifi..
,ad and utilized in order to take fu ll
Ina of the logical electronic circa us i s
ha given iwigbt into Y *e intrig 1ng
:g aid n:oaa1toring by ma.Wie obecurt corre-
osa, the relationship of a hi was not apparan"s
lay why>>,n the information ac pro ;and Into , -s
Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP67-00896R000100190035-6
Approved For Releae2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP67-00898 00100190035-6
a18te m. Finafy4 appli"ttoil U-004 proi4d an adequate and sffativa
Mb egg aoatrol of he Se iet scientific and te:c ni 1 litex?ets, ,uea
which can not be aalzi.eved by my other practical m ?
6. a. A fn ler 1i4tted r ae roh effort ahaa4d uu . e u
at once in the nat. .ate Of :a pilot plant operati u an a 009M A of
intelligence dots usr;t3 t>t v.Ul apply the e90Cpaa~lded concepts of
classifying, coding? and Fade in ; teat modern elect
rmi o s xbing
machines are o Pablo of I 12diing.
b. Such roaeare3
be at hand before Policy
feasibility wid drab,
vould pr-,vide the faetw4 data thtst must
?acit iosms oun possibly be. made as to the
of cpnx t adoption.
a. The o f 'ort M w1d be directed primarily, at t ho } 'aotiea'.
and intellectual prtatale 4 deeter?.?n iin the degree of apeei fie ity-
which should pe Ut in tea proaast # of irtf'oi'matie7ta for sut*;aq t
machine se iM. It w :9.d. line meamn* the irariov not that
would result in the pert oy of i ormatio recav .~ed by mat tine
aearohdng in re na e to ataileed *arch r uiremen , and olc ari r
define the open i inve ;e ed in o sing and reta-le ,,
d. Whe z'ou this ..-eoomuWxM phase of work used not Extend
the specific oodi met hoe~l o r d ra;moped in prior research, .t is
virtually certain that tj desirei sotu .. materiel, c be obtained
more readily and quickly 14so do; k;m
6o Cori xraratdy~ bULto3 zi phio information (possibl)
augmented by selected perr rpta frnw available abstracts) for tree
bulk of Soviet: scieetific nd tes r5 oat literature s t=ad be pz?ofx s c
into a form t nitabl e for 4.ectr,ntc scan of ng and selection as peert&uu t
to search requiravts iaeAolving fiu subjects, authors, Institutes-
of-origin and, jour i es nt ts.
Primed byt
21 February 3.95e'
Intellige uce Production 3taff/SI
Approved For Release 2000/0 000100190035-6