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Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 8, 1952
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Approved For Release 2(Q?J7/26 : CIA O9 f 9%W-2 ORR Dia , 3 Janusrr 19 2 (AD/4.RR information unless otherwise stated) 25X1A At Rs The AD/RR and ATTENDED a MEETING OF the MUTUAL TRADE SECUR31Y ADVISQRY COI1MITTEE. (1-1/2 hrs) (3 Jan) Wp RR: PRESIDED AT a MEETING of REPRESENTATIVES from the IAC AGENCIES TO DISCUSS the detailed terms of reference and allocation of production responsibility for SIE-3 'EMBARGO AND BLOCKADE AGAINST COI;?'aUNIST CHINA' (1-1/2 hrs~ (7 Jan) ATTENDED a VYING of an AD HOC group of the OPERATING COMMITTEE which CONSIDERED the OIT proposal for ADVAIICE LICENSING OF 111ATERIALS FOR FOREIGN. OPERATIONS OF US PETROLEUM COMPANIES. (3 hrs) (7 Jan) P211: CONFERRED .,ITH Mrs. June Greenberg, and Messrs, Strauss and Weidemann of OIR, STATE Department ON 1TWIS_IOM 25A1I -40. (1-1/2 4 1A(4 Jan) WS: D/S: , D/1.1, D/I, ::ET r'; ITH representatives of I:IUNITI01NS LQARD, COMMERCE and INTUAL SE-. CURITY AGENCY in the Pentagon TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES ON NM-56 - Industrial Resources. (2 hrs) (3 Jan) TALKED WITH ,, A-2, who was seeking as- sistance ON CONSUMPTION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS IN THE USSR. Arrangements were made to provide him with the latest data available in the Petroleum Branch. (1/Li hr) (7 Jan) 25X1A (:,4/AG) FURNISHED CROP PRODI I AND ANIMAL DRUT O 3 .t hr) (7 Jann MAIM STATISTICS FOR EASTERN EUROPE TO ?25X t (S/TF") GAVEL, 1)/Q., PRICES OF some SELECTED PHILIPPINE FOODSTUFFS. (~ 1I~r) (C Jan) 25X1A , D/S, and (S/COII) DISCUSSED CONSTRUCTION 1 EQUfl :. I1TS under Project 110--51 V .-IM - of D/A0 2~1X1Ahr) (7 Jan) 25X1A 25X1A EMNEW1,4)/A., DID :tITH (S/EP) (S/TR: (S/L) and - (S/COi1) various aspects of I?IIE--59 with a view to determining -whether the pro- gram as it now stands requires any revisions. (1 hr) (7 Jan) PERATIONS RESEARCH OFFICE. (ORO) Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RD Y '0400290121-2 Approved For Release 20W7126 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400290,121-2 S-zi -.C-R-E-T 25X1A 25X1A ? 25X1A PLR: 2 J / IMT Z,ITH I.fessrs. EMW OCD, -, ORR, and NOW OIC, TO DISCUSS PROBLEI.IS CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE OF PAPERS WITH ORO AND SI2AR ORGANIZATIONS. (1J2 hr) (7 Jan) D Gt WAS CONSULTED BY Os 0., C0N- CERNING availability of information on the RELATIONSHIP OF MILITIA PRECINCTS TO URBAN DISTRICTS IN CERTAIN SOVIET CITIES. Information was provided and an indication was given of the lack of research activity on the problem in the US government. 2 hrs) (2 Jan) 5X1A CONFERRED WITH Miss Rhea BlueOIR, STATE Department, 2~C~ER.IIPSJ CENTRAL ASIAN REGIONS. (1 hr)'. (5 Jan) ACCOMPANIED BY Mr. Masten (GEOGRAPHIC ATTACHE FROM HICOG) CONFERRED WITH Colonel Hail and Lt. Colonel Benson,., G-2, REGARDING PLANS for sending Mr. Masten to Belgrade in order TO NEGOTIATE NAPPING QUESTIONS WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE OF THE YUGOSLAV AlUff. (3/4 hr) 25'XT) 25X1A SPOKE WITH , Office of TRAINING. RE- GARDING a special high priority REQUEST of that Office and subsequently MADE FINAL ARRAI?ICENENTS WITH that Office of the Corps of ENGINEERS ID AFFECT its FULFILLMENT. (1 hr) 25X1A ) CONFERRED WITH Mr. Richard Tires, STATE Department, (DRS), ON a MATTER INVOLVING the POLAND-USSR BOUNDARY. (3/4 hr) (7 Jan) Balance of ORR -- Nothing to report S-E-C. R-F.,a' Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400290121-2