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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2gp/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040029, 9-8 S E-C-R-E-T SECURITY IIIFORI.IATIOII ORR D Diary, 7 February 19% (AD/RR information unless othervrise stated) 25X1A' OAD R: HET WITH Messrs? Yager, Jones, and Fried of DRF, Depart- ment of STATE, TO DISCUSS the STATE, DEPARTI.U IT CONTRIBUTION TO the PAPER ON EXPORT CONTROLS APPLIED TO COM UI?IST CHINA currently BEING PREPARED FOR use during the FORTHCONIIIG US/UK I.'.ELTII:G. (2 hrs) ((j Feb) D /A: Mr. H. B. Scholar, of A-2, Department of the AIR FORCE, CONSULTED X 1 A yI R RDI TIG th I1A('Pi7TUDE OF SOVIET I'T[ TTARY IT L7G 25X1A 25X1A A e? : .. , H EXPETMITURES AND PERCENTAGE ALLOCATION TO THE AIR FORCE. (1-1/2 hrs ) (6 Feb) - DISCUSSED V ITII OIT, COI1 RCE Department, the FORI.I in Which TRADE DATA FOR NIE 9 will be supplied. (1 hr) (6 Feb) ATTENDED a 1=. T IT;G ON NIE t01, X1 -1/2 hrs) (6 Feb) 25X1 A AT the REQUEST OF the. DEPUTY- ADI'TIIISTR/.TOR OF TIIE T.'UTUAL DEFENSE ASSISTANCE CONTROL ACT (Battle Act)', AD:ISED Kenneth Hanson, ASSISTANT TO TH DEPUTY ADI.LTIISTRATOR, that (A/ E) WILL RI,PRE: t11T CIA OII TILE TITLE II SUI7COi ? ITTEE OF the I.1UT''AL TRADE SECURITY ECH ICAL STMT CO;.rITTEE. (1/4 hr) (6 Feb) Messrs, MET T1ITII the tOII'i:IN;G SECTOR ON I. ALS AIM I'.T TEfl I I.S ON INIE-S6. (2-1/2 hrs) (6 Feb) Messrs. Leon Lowins cnd Irving Schiffr.=, OIR/DRS, Department of25X1A STATE, P.ECI ?IVI D I11FORYATIOI1 ON SOURCES AND USE OF IRON ORE IN the POLISH IRON Alit) STEEL INDUSTRY FROM Messrs. and (i.1/FIN o (1 hr) (6. Feb) Messrs. u/FI.) COTIFERRED WITH Mr. H. J. C. MacDonald, Foreign Minerals ivision, BUREAU OF ISII'iES, REGARDING the MINERAL SI TUATIO!I IN THE USSR." (1 hr) (6 Feb) 21 'Cline Forest Service, Department of AGRICULTURE, DISCUSSED 11,'ITH (?.I/AG) CI?AIIITELS FOR OBTAIIIIIIG IN ELLIGETICE II.'FORI..ATIOII O1I FORESTRY FROM various FOREIGN COUI1TR.IE'S, (1-1/2 hrs) (6 Feb) 25X1A Messrso ~(N/NIF), (Z.i/AG) DISCUSSED INPUT 25R UIRF2.1E'1TS, including- tin and substitutes thereof 2 jAhe US a ce. Information affording a basis or comparative study of the USSR input requirements for these industries wds obtained. (2 hrs) . Approved For Rel~#s?r 1/07/26: CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290099-8 Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A0004002Q 9-8 ,qw 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A I7 Ft : CONFERBID 7-1T11 f OO/C and (S/L) RTLt TIVE TO an 00 INQUIRY 1'EGARDING a PROPOSM EXTERNAL RIB I ;IAR CII PROJECT ON C1. ' 111 YO'.. I i MOVWENTS. She was REFERRED TO CIA reprosontative on the'Joint CIA-State External Research Staff, for exploration of possible interest in State0 t25 mm) (7 Feb) P. T WJI~H L1essrs a Burrill and Delden, I3OAED ON GEO-- C.FA WTC NMFS, Department of Interior, and L'essro Clinton, Tietze, 1gbert,, and Lagondakis,.OIR, Department of STATE, TO RLVILY1 the USE OF GEOGR.APUIC N!',I'I FOR TILE ;IIS OII GREECE, State expressed a desire to use alternate names that were not approved by~ DON, After reviewing the specific names involved, general AGR19.1111T VAS REACITED TO USE TILE DGII DECISIOIIS F0LL0 1 D III PAM ITHESIS BY TIIE ALTERNATE SPI1 INGS. (2 hrs) (5 Feb) 33alance of ORR - nothing to report, Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400290099-8