ORR DIARY, 26 MAY 1952

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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 26, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP67-00059A000400290023-1.pdf99.81 KB
Approved For Release 2001,/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040029Q3-1 1*4 SECURITY INFOI "ATIOTX ORI Dom., $Z 1952 25X1A P LA a ATIECILIED a TZ:MJG IN of OF the TAC R EPRE5EI TATI V OTN 26 bra) (23 r) WILL ATIETID a THING on 28 Tom' OF the ACTT" (C(.t1EkiCE) which MILL CONSIDER RECCEf 'IEt1DATIOV REGARDING US EXPORT COI TROL POLICY TOWARD FRIEflDLY COUNTRIES m (N/F) ATM WE) a L=TUBE given BY the Honorable James S Lay, Jr,, E cutive Secretary, NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL, ENTI= 7 "TIC ROTE OF THE NATION SECURITY COUNCIL, at the 2 i*trial College of the A;x ad Forces o (2 Imo) (22 T.tar) (IVRg) OONSULTW ViITI M s eeh, G.2 DI Y, IUGARDING INFORMATION CSI MOLTBT)IM DEPOSITS IN THE SOVIET BLOC m (3 bra) (21. 11W) (S/O) ATTEEO a PANEL DISCUSSION OF EUROPEAN C UCTIVITY PROBLEW held BY the SOCI 7IY FOR TIC: ADVANCE OF M3ANAG&1W v (2 h Ts) (22 May) ,w,,,,~25X1 A PZT3t = WITH the staff of MILITARY FLANNI1 AND INT ILIGENCE DIVISION of the IBM! TRANSPORTATION CORPS TO DISCUSS 25X6 PRODUCTION FRABL ON RAILWAT AND INLAND WATE AI S STUDS OF NIS ? A radar 7 ant I wing weis set up to di,s Cues production problem encowrte d by the Tran pox^ -tion Corps in the preparation: 3WArb1dieS. ? (2 (21 Tray) 25X1A TS' WITH It*, Beira and Nr0 S knee of the tea BOARD ON GEOf .II#IC NA11 and REOIJ7 ) HIS NAME 7I' SG ANT) MIS LMMIARY GA !,T.TEER F="AR .TTON0 Data were also furnish A EO on which to base their estimate of fiscal support for FY 3,954. (2 hrs) (2 may) Ti :T WITH Tres of the midget 25X1 A Division, OOT PTE) T R ?S OF1