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Approved For,ReleaseV)1/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A00040V006-0 , P73AST7-T C' . 3CU]I1Y INITRMATTE DiST PAM, .P.24TUTI?,22g2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -Yr * * , 25X1A 25X1A *? 25X1A NOTICES * (1./M) is scheduled to leav taaorrau (24 June) 17.F * on a European trip, Ap roxlmato itin'3!'aryof his tri. * will include ?; o ficr - Intelligence Branch of 0-- * at Salzburg Auetria (SET Section and Industry Section) , 25X1A * the US delegate to COCOM at Pariwill11111111111111. * * In ZMA.,tion to detailed exploitation of electronics sources * at e2pects to review general and spot < * requirements.** local depositories of information, intent,. ? * gence needs of I/EE and potential sources of inforivationt, * with sections concerned and primarily on electro.Aochnics1 * subjects, Where it is feasible and desirable to porform i? ? similar serviosnon behalf of p/1 generally or on behalf * of other branchay will do so. . . 25X1A. ' * In order that all such interests-may be covered, it is * suggested that any general or specific points for diccussion ',:' * including requirements*, be prepared in brief note form 25X1A * turned over to 2102 rqi4 Building, * extension'3696, .It. 1.3 suggested that all such items be * made available to by 2? June * 25X1P, * There will be an ORR Staff Meeting in Room 2101. nMu Building .* at 1430 hours on Wednesday, 25 June, . ? ,,-;,- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 15Ra * *--,* * * it-- * * il' 25X1A 25X1A ?Area.: IIACCOHPARP,AABT Mr ,11111110/I), /11)s and (D, g) ATTENDED the =ECM, (2-1/2 hro) (20 Juno stmwerlaxgrogoaeavalvg -461Etam... .?????12541APPnc...4.-: tz.r.VaAuRaostc.1 .47.110cso4....14,4=a,01.10:3?Maz..0,4ffi=rebnrek rcirceexcianresxm... ma: iv', -?-,-,?????"---.4.e.:Amr14,-.4,4a41, DIA: PARTICIPATED with other membre of tho. drafting comeittee IN REFINING the TEAMS .OF REFM144CE ma the man INTELLIGENCE WORKING GROUP, (2 hro) (20 June) 2oATA MADE AVAILABLE TO .Mr. Edward Dos, ED, STATE Dapartmentz, - INFORMATION ABOUT ACETONE developed in cooperation with D/E, (1/2 h::' (20 June) 25X1A Mr. Dave MCCALL,414 STAN Department:, ?DEFERRED WIN ON questions concernin& Intelligence on EXPORT CONTROLS FOR THE FAR EAST, (1 hr) (20 June) AWITTMITtirnelLgrgr2tRit S-E-C-R-E-T /664 =N. .11 OM. MO 4,4.4v4o. 4 Approved For Release_V1/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A00040W006-0 25X1A to..=,-..asrosamsamos= (I/P3) MET WITH Mr. Franklin M. Johnson* Office of Materials and Services, Departnent of AGRICULTURE, TO DISCUSS INPUTS OF STEEL, COPPER? ETC., FOR US AGRICULTURAL MACHINES. (1 hr) (29 June) (WM) TALKED WITH Mr. Blair, MUNITIONS BOARD PETROLEUM COMMITTEE REGARDING REFINING CAPACITY IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, a/4 hr) (20 June) and other units of CIA ATTENDED A MMILAON MALAYA who wa CHIEF CHEMIST FOR the . Another meeting was held in the .rnoo2Eg....I.to s DISCUSS PROBLEMS OF the NATURAL RUBBER INDUSTRY IN MALAYA. (4 bre) (19 JilnoAX1A 25X1A Messrs. (WP) INTERROGATEDa CIA 2g9WILTANT ON THE IRANIAN SITUATARIA (1/2 hr) (20 June)' 0CI,TM141 11111111111(M/N1) TO DISCUSS muN4.!..1.1BAULITES. (i D/S: eigerrssaiimmmrusom. D Rs (5/Tit) and (D/G) TOOK AIRLINE mkps OF the USSR AND CHINA TO Headquarters, USAF, FOR CHECKING by their Air Facilities Branch and Air Establishments Branch. (2 hrs) (20 June) AstitlarlirMAIMISMOVI.ii* "PARa JOINT PROJECT CONCERNING RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND CONFERRED WITH 1111111111111 OSI? ON establiah3ng PRO. PRODUCTION OF GUIDED MISSILES and on general procedures governing future joint ORR-OSI undertaktngs? pursuant to decisions taken at a joint ORR-OCI conference 6 May 15520 Thieves the second meeting on the oubjgiTA (2.1/2 hrs) (20 June) 25X1A sand Mesers.11111111111111 OSI? MET in CONNECTION WITH the PROPOSED REVIEWan EXTERNAL RESEARCH PROJECT prepared for another office. Details will be reported to AD/RR. (1/2 hr) (20 June) ..gainvImmosewavsrovoMmas.??241,40:1211"-Amm.lsaalaaremaz Pa: 1111111kaT WITH Messrs. Conger and Montenegro, both of the Office of rman Affairs, STATE Department, to DISCUSS a MAP REQUEST. (1 hr) (20 June) M=1.11,4129{=11011113.11191S1204050,46., Balance of ORR . Nothing to report Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67- 290006-0