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Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
August 22, 1951
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Approved For Re,le 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP67-00059A00280089-0 N%W ORR Dom, 22 August 1951 (AD/RR information unless otherwise stated) 25'1 Rya D/A t ATTEIDM u MEETING OF the. DRAFTING SUBC LTITTEE OF TIIE NSC SPECIAL EAST' VEST TRADE COMMIT TEE. PAPERS were DRAFTED RECOWIE DING EXEMPTIONS FCE LIBYA AND ISRAEL UNDER THE 4 41 '1)MENT. (5 hra) (21 Aug)25X1A9a W o CONFERRED WITH Mr. S ONES REGARDING the present PROCEDURE IN DRAFTING DISC DETER INATIONS AS TO EXCEPTIONS TO THE KEM AMENDMENT, AND THE RISK OF COMPROMISE OF SECURITY by including supporting reasons in the unclassified report. (l hr) (21 Aug) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Mr. ~ CONFER WITH Mx. of the2 R,4 T IC 25X1A9a MATERIALS DIVISION ECONO?-.4IC COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION REGARDING ECA PROJECTS ON AFRICA. mr. provided Mr. with information on the status and nature of the various projects in which this division is involved. (1 hr) (21 Aug) 25X1A9a Mr. = (M/P) CONTICTED Lt. Col. F. G. Lauro, AFOIN, USAF, IN REGARD TO AVAILABILITY OF AVIATION FUELS IN THE USSR. (1 hr) (21 At C1A9a 25X1A9a miss (M/S) VISITED Mr of the Coal Branch of the I ,GONO IC COOPERATION AE* INISTRATION TO OBTAIN COAL IMPORT., EXPCRT AND STOCK FIGURES OF WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES for selected years. (2.1/14 hrs) (20 Aug) 25X1A9a Mr. = HAD a CONFERENCE WITH Mr. Pollitte, A-2, REGARDI11G the plans for the first meeting of the PETROLEUM SUBCOT21ITTEE OF THE ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE and arrived at informal conc4".,R% as to generel plan of procedure. (l hr) (21 Aug) D/Gs Mr. (a/A) ACCOMPANIED BY Mrs. Mackensen, Map Intelligence Branch, ARMY MAP S1 VICE, spent the day at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, INTERVIEWING W. F. Albright, ARCHEOLOGIST OF THE AMERICAN FOUNDATION F THE STUDY OF ARAN EXPEDITION INTO SOUTH ARABIA. The DISCUSSION CONCERNED MAPPING AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ACTIVITIES OF THE EXPEDITION as well as general conditions encountered on the trip into a little known area. The interview was arranged through 00. (i day) x t1 A g) 25X1A9a CONFERRE ?VITH Mr. OPPCs,rRRMARDING ADDITIONAL MAPS FOR CHINA. (1/2 hr) (21 Aug) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP 9A0004002