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Approved For ReIeae 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP67-00059A00e1 0280086-3 ORB Dim, 27 u gust 1951 (AD/RR information unless owaez'wise states) AD/RR: The AD/RR ATTENDED a MEETING OF the SENIOR STAF OF the NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL called to DISCUSS the ISSUANCE OF LICENSES FOR THE EXPORT OF. AUTOMOBILE PARTS TO DENMARK FOR TR,AIISSHIPP.TENT TO POLAND IN EXCHANGE FOR POLISH COAL. CIA stressed the strategic importaice of automobile parts. (1 1/2 brs) (24 August) ACTIOIJP To DCI Diary D As Mr.~ ATTENDED MEETING OF the R PROCEDURE SU^C01!MITTEE at the Department of Commerce, ACTION WAS TAKEN ON the follow- 25X1A9a ing export applications: STRAIN GAUGES AIM BALL BEARING MACHINERY TO AUSTRIA, CAPSULE FILLING IIQUIPI i2 TO SPAM, PH METER EQUIPMENT TO ITALY, PIPE WELDING EQUIP l NT FOFt GERMAN! and TOLUE`IE FOR THE NETHERLANDS. (2 hrs) (24 August) Mr0 VISITED Office of International Trade, Department of COMMERCE, TO ' IE EIPORT APPLICATION RECORDS in response to a request from OSI3FOR INFORMATION ON EX- PORTS OF the COMPREHENSIVE TECHNICAL CORPORATION OF NEV' YORK. Mr.~ advised that there was no record of this company having filed q' export applications since July 1950, but that a further check would be made with the appropriate Commerce licensing officer. (1 hr) (24 August) 25X1A9a Mr. OCi, VISITED Mr. = TO OBTAIN INFORMATION, at 25X1A9a OPC request, ON MEXICA21 SHIPIMITS OF STRATEGIC I!A ERIALS TO 25X1A9a THE SOVIET BLOC. Mr. indicated that "spot" informa- tion on this subject was available in A/WAR files, that OPC had made previous inquiries for such information, and that OPC was invited (after appropriate clearance) to glean from A/iAR, files any pertinent information they desired, (12 hr) (24 August) Mr. . ATTENDED a MEETING OF the NSC SPECIAL EAST-4 MST TRADE COI JTTTEE. Papers were APPROVED which recommended making EXCEPTIONS FOR INDONESIA, ISRAEL, IRAN, LIBYA, AIM PAKISTAN UNDER THE KEM AL1EIiDLtIi T. The Conni ttee decided that, for the purpose of considering certifications and exceptions under the Kem Amendment, dependent territories would not be considered apart from those countries exercising the appro- priate administrative controls. The State Department re- pr?esentative estimated that a draft of a paper indicating means of decreasing reliance on Soviet bloc trade would be ready in approximately two weeks. An ECA coal specialist was on hand to answer questions on Polish coal exports to Western Europe. The discussion was for information purposes only. (2 hrs) (24 August) Approved For Release 2001/11/0fi:'Eh4-ftP6`l 00059A000400280086-3 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A0@4000280086-3 (D/A continued)5X1A9a 25X1A9a Mr. 0/0, CONTACTED Mr. FOR INFOI*.'EATION FOR a U.S. MANUFACTURER who is CONCERNED OVER the EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE ORDERS FROM INDIA FOR STONE AND 25X1A9a SHELL ASSEMBLIES FOR HONING 15ACHIl . Mr. V' advised that honing machines are on International st I (embargo) and that the export of excessive quantities of essential components of the machines to areas suspected of transshipment would be contrary to US security interests. It was suggested that the US manufacturer contact E F. Becker, Director, Commerci - Intelligence Divisions Depart- ment of Commerce. (1/2 hr) (24 August) 25X1A.,^1- lies srs VISITED ---- ., ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURING PLANTS, TO OBTAIN DATA ON 11, FIGURES AIM TO REVIEI7 NANUFA.CTUR: 25X1A9a Of general interest: ~ advised that a 25X1A5a1 LNG 2,EE;THODS. 25X1A5a1 number of companies have initiated Russian-language pro" jests, designed for translating technical and trade articles: through 00/C, this may be a source for additional transla- tions in special fields. (23-24 August) Mr.= HAD CONVERSATIONS SMITH representatives of the -L: MILITARY SERVICES REGARDING MP-35. A meeting was arranged for Monday, 27 August,, for the review of charts and plans of interpretive coements. (1/2 hr) (24 August) 25X1A9a Messrs. CONFERRED WITH Mr. H. J. C. MacDonald, Foreign Minerals Division, BUREAU OF MINES, RE- GARDING PRODUCTION OF IRON ORE AND FERRO-ALLAY METALS IN THE USSR. It was agreed to have future meetings to discuss the minerals situation in the USSR. (1 1/2 hrs) (23Aug:at) S-Fr-C-R-E-T ?.9x1 A2a YSt Mr. Rawson, STATE Department, CALLED Mr. TO FIND OUT IF ZT RE WAS A4 Y EVID ! NCE THAT YUGOSLAVIA HAD IN- GAGED IN THE TRANSSHIPMENT OF US SPECIAL STEELS TO RUMANIA DURING 1950. No evidence of such was found. (1/4 hr) (24 August) 25X1A9a Messrs. ffi~l (S/COIF) TALKED WITH Mr. Noel Granger of SIGNAL CORPS " ARDI'IG the MAIN FIELDS OF IN- TEREST OF SIGNAL CORPS, with a view to determining intelli- gence covers by various US agencies in the communications field. ~Viahr) (24 August) 25X1A9a Messrs, (S/0) CONTACTED Messrs. Nmmp 25X1A9a -";"DING FDD'S CONTRIBU- 51. (2 hrs) (22 August) Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280086-3 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280086-3 (D/S continued) 25X1A9a Mr. Aderhold, ONE, CONTACTED Messrs. and (S/TR) TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ON the BERLIN RAIL BY-PASS AND ON THE NEW CANAL THE USSR IS BUILDING IN THE SOVIET ZONE OF GEE.SANY TO FACILITATE SHIPPING BETWEII THE ELBE AND THE ODER. (1 hrj5 ust) 25X1A9a mr, _ (S/TR) CONTACTED Messrs. Liaison, OCD, TO OBTAIN INFORMATION CONCERNING ONI FILES ON SUSPICIOUS MERCHANT MARINE PERSONNEL in connection with a Coast Guard proposal for controlling merchant 25X1A9a ships entering US ports. (1/2 hr) (24 August) 25X1A9a Mx'. ~, OCX, CONTACTED Mr. (S/TR) TO OBTAIN THE NAMES OF MERCHANT VESSELS UNDER CHARTER TO THE USSR OR SATELLITES WHICH ARE ENGAGED IN TRADE WITH COMMUNIST CHINA. (1/2 hr) (24 August) 25X'1A9a 25X1A9a Mr. , OCI,-CONTACTED Mr. (S/Ta) TO DISCUSS THE STATUS OF CERTAIN CHINESE NATIONALIST MERCHANT VESSELS UPON WHICH THE US HOLDS MORTGAGES. (1/2 hr) (24 August) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a YR: Mr.~WIET WITH Mrs. , MUNITIONS BOARD, TO REVIEW the STATUS OF MUNITIONS BOARD PROJECT "B". (3/4 hr) (24 August) Balance of CHR - Nothing to report Approved For Release 2001/11/0k'-00059A000400280086-3