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Approved For R e se 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO 00280078-2 S 11' ORR Dina . s 7 September 1951 (AD/RR information unless otherwise st;: tk: 25X1A9a -,r AD/RR: The AD/RR and Mr. ~ FELT WIT'I Captain Kirten, Caa-,r "'"Deane, and Lt. Stock of ONT. TO DISCUSS THE ORGANIZATIOII 00 FUNCTIONS OF ONI. In addition there was a discussion of O'1I COVERAGE ON TL POSITIO'IS OF FOREIGN ?1ERCIIA'1T VES. SELS (1-1/2 hrs) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a The AD/RR and Mr. MET +IT.i Messrs. Dembitz, Ames, and Thorne of the FED4 AL RES RVE BOARD TO DISCUSS the FUNCTIONS OF the ECOIN! IC INITELLIGEI'ICE CO?:A'ITTEE AND the ROLE OF TIIE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD III ITS IyORK. (3/4 hr) (7 Sept) ACTION Both above items to DCI Diary. 2A9 P LA: Mr. ATTEIDED the MI FIND OF the NsG SPECIAL CO'?'ITTEE O'I EAST-711-ST TRADE. Drafts of proposed excep- tions under the Kem Amendment for 1:estern European members 25X6A of NATO, ? and certain Latin American, countries were reviewed and put in final form for consideration by the NSC Senior ,staff. (3 'we) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a Mr.- ATTETIDED the MELTING OF the OPERATING CC'''IT','E; Thich DETMIrLiED THIRD AMID FOURTH QUARTER QUOTAS FOR (a) TUNGSTEN AIF) TERIGSTI.21 CO''POU11DS, (b) TINT CO':'IPOUIIDS, and (c) 25X1A9a SULFURIC ACM, Mr~ INTRODUCED IIITf:LLIGNICi SH(,K.' UIG THAT TUPIGST- 1 SCRAP ..AS USED BY THE SOVIET UNION TO MAT]UF, C`.I5'#,E THE MOST AD TANICED TYPES OF ARi`OR PIERCI.1G SIEELLS, but took no position as to the size of the quotas. (3 hrs) (6 Sep a) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Ir. -. after conferring with Mr.~ (M/FM), ADVISED Mr. Thomas ;'urtis, Department of CQ`MERCE, that CIA WILL "10T PARTICIPATE III the IORKIDIG GROUP called for 7 September TO R VIEW tie OFFICE OF INTER'IATIOIIAL TRADE RF.CO"11E DATI I 25X1A9a FOR FOURTH '?:?UARTER 1951 EXPORT QUOTA FOR MOLYBD121UM. Mrs - ho?.rever, cited two security considerations which W. Curtis will bring to the at-4ention of the working group. (1/2 hr) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a Mr. John Sh)phard, Department of CO*1ME1CE, CALLED Mr. to REQUEST 5'IA ASSISTANCE Deed investigation of the RELI U3ILITY OF the P.I. This 'irm is named as consignee on a US export cease Approved For Release 2001/11/017CrA- 7-00059A000400280078-2 Approved For R Ie se 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AOQ0400280078-2 S E-C-R-E-T D (continued) application, but the US Embassy in the Philippines has indicated the firm is engaged in smuggling, bribery, etc., and has recommended denial of the licen 1 firm, howev *,,denies these allegations and requests an investi- gati be made to clear its naive. Mr, ? =T indicated that-% name check would be made within CIA on this firm; but-tth t.;i1 was .not the responsibility of this Agency to co_~iduct,sueh investigations, this being the function of tha' Invest gatio:v Staffs Deportm t `of Commerce. (1/4-hr) (6 Sept)25X1A9a 25X1A9"a; 25X1JJiW Messrs. COIIFER.RED VI'I'TII Mr. , OCI,, with respect to an item prepared by Mr. for publica- 25X1A9a tion in the OCI Daily Digest on tae subjeUt.of ADEQUACY OF AUSTRIAN EXPORT CONTROLS. It was pointed out to Mr. 01111111111111111 that `the s":atement that controls on exports to the Soviet Bloc are reasonably effective is not accurate and is inconsis tent with spot intelligence presented by CIA representatives 25X1A9a 'at inter-agency export control meetings. Dir. - indicated that in light of these objections he would withhold publication of the item and would seek D/A assistance later if publication an item on Austrian controls was considered advisable by 1 OCI.' (1/2 hr) (6 Sept) Is 2L 25X1A9a (I/AIR) ATTL14DED DRY RUN OF AFU.LY-NAJY-AIR. BRIEFI11G F -R VIE JOItPT CHIEFS OF STAFF ON SOVIET If'IDUSTRIA.L CAPABILITI t:5. Production figures and estimates offered were in line with current "best agreed estimates", (2 firs) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a Messrs. CALLED ON Mr. Morris. Gldman, BUREAU OF ~ ABCIR STATISTICS, regarding BITS work on industry "input factors". BISa under the acabnsorship of the,. US Air Forces, HAS MADE UP A "LEONTIEF MATRIX" COVERDTO IflPUT-OUTPUT RELATIOITS:t;:PS OF US INDUSTRY. Dissemination of this study, or parts o:,:' it, is controlled by a joint conr:aitteo, under the chairw:za.ship of the Bureau of the Budgets Names of 25X1A9a persons to contact in this regard can be supplied by either Biro or Tyr, W. Goldman discussed sources of more detai?ed statistics better suited to I/EE use, (1 hr) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a 5-E--C R-FrT Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280078-2 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A0QW00280078-2 D S: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Misses (M/P) GAVE Mrs. I.4ary McMasters, DRSy STATE Department, INFOR NATIOIT ON SIIIPI112NTS OF PETROLEUM rODUCr S TO FINLAND BY NETHERLANDS VI EST INDIES DURING WORLD r.AR IT. Assistant to the AD/RR, COVERING A COMPARISON OF ESTI AThS 01 RAW STEEL PRODUCTIO'T IN TIE IESTIRN VORLI) AGAINST THE SOVIET BLOC FOR2TXEA11 ARS 1950 and 19530 (1 hr) (6 Sept) Messrs.. (1.d/P) ATTENDED A REHEARSAL FOR A JCS HIi.IEFI:TG at the Pentagon. (1-1/2 hrs) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a (1/2 hr) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a Mr. ~ (M/FM) FURNISHED INFORI.'ATION TO Mr. ~, Sp Cdr. ~, OPC, CONFERRED with Misses (S/L) CONCZV-'IN TIE SLAVE LABOR PROJECT which is being done for OPC. (1/2 h?) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a On invitation, (S/EP) ATTENDED a RZIEARSAL of a PR.F& NTATION TO BE MADE BY ARMY, NAVY, AND AIR FORCE representatives TO THE JOINT CHI'- OF STAFF, ON SOVIET CAPABILITIES ON CERTAIN CO'.1ODITIES AID SERVICES, INCLUDE :D ELEC2R,$4ADQ1';;R. (2 hrs) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a W. (S/0) DISCUSSED WITH Messrs. - of FDD the NATURE AND EXTENT OF FDDQS CONTRIBUTION TO PROJECT 24-510 (1-1/2 hrs) (6 Sept) 25X1A9a Mr. =, 1 DD, CONTACTED- Mr. (S/TR) TO OBTAIN 5/Try ? s RECU''IEaIDA51IOT1 AS TO T-IIET'li R CERTAIN CIII"SE DOCUMENTS O VINU I11FOR'"ATIO." ON D19TII OF C!IIUI':EL, FLOOD CONTROL CONSTRUCTION AND OTN 1'_IFOHNATION r LATIV, TO A WISER OF C;Ir: E RIVERS IS IORTH TF'A SLATING. Mr0 will review a series of 00 reports giving similar data to ine the potential va~' %le of tl M9 F aect information. (1/4 hr) (5 Sept) Mr. Perkinf, Amt, Air. Targets Division, CONTACTED Mr, (S/TR) TO r ISCUSS IT1VL'1TORIES AI1D PRODUCTION OF TRANSPORTATI;O EQUIPp?4 T 3A TILE SOVIET BLOC. Mr. Perkins. was referred to D/I after srveying information available in S/TR. (1 hr) (5 Sept) Balance of ORR - Not ling to report Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040028007