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Document Creation Date: 
December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
September 11, 1951
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Approved For tease 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP67-00059400280076-4 ...o ...... ~ .? (~R Di ,~ ~1 Segt~sber Ig~ (AD/~ infos:~ation u~rs].ess other~r3.se stated) D At Mr. )~ ATTENDED a ~IPTG OF tha I~iC SPECIAL COR'~".ITTEL ON 25X1A9a T"~`~T TRADES Papers wax's presLrsted by the State Depart went representative which I'~AP05En DEE'ERRI`1O ACTIOPi ON DErE'i~:7INATIONS FOR CUAT~iAT,A A'1D ARt3ESYTINA UNDER the provisions of the I~ AMl~VD1,4E11P~'o The papers mare discussed and are to be ' referred to the NSC 5sni.or 5taffo (2 hra~ (10 Sept) 25X1A9a I~tr o ~ ATTk~1DF.O s ' ~ :Its Off' the OPERATIIIG COP~'~.IITTEE ~h3?ch (a) ACI:REE[} UP(:=N TAE EXP(?RT ALIACATIOP3 OF COTTON LIPJTE?~ FOR THE ~.9~1--~~ ~O~' YF~1.RS, (b~ ESTABS~I,SFIED EXPORT ~UOT..~S FOR BI~.iUTFt FOR FOURT!~ ~UARTF~ 1951 APID F]7ttST QUARTII~, 1952 and (c) COISID ~, THE PROPOSAL THAT T:-iE OFFICE; OF I:ITE~?IATIQidAI, TRADE; BL .AUTI~ORTZE~I TC} APF`ROVE EXPORTS TO Ti fi ~,.rTt~IZ EUROPEAN DF~TTi1ATI?'~r . OF SPARE PARTS A:+>7~ CO1~tPONII1TS QF `~UIPI'fE'IT ON THE PI?NAGREF.E} US 25X1A9a L~,T IAa ~,+~, -Called attention too the security risk in- volved in US appra~.sal. of the end usd of spare parts in a. country whose government hags not g].ven assur~a,rsces aCainst their snisuseo Decision regarding the proposal was deferrede (3 hrs~ (].O Sept} 25X1A9a fir,. _ ~SIT~ the Department of C(~~+1k~i.CE, ,AT the RFaQUEST OF 4 Charles Cc~pe].and.~ OCD, TO DE~ERl:ZII1E WI~'T~R T~tE WAS ON FILE AN E3CPORT LICII`ISE APPLICATION OT" PHILIPS CQL;FluTYe YIJ/'GP YORY9 FC}R F~PORT OP' FI1~Y .~O-i'fEATT ~iADIO TR14~15~.iJ~TTERS? Fixadin~, no 25X1A9a record of such en application having been filed during 3.953 ~O- s4 advised ~o~ (l ~') (30 Sept} 25X1A9a 25X1A9a ,,,,~..._, ..____._....~.....~.,r.~..._....~. vISIT~~ ~"? of F~1-@ The fo33ae~irssg sub~a3c-~ relative to ORR Project ,3~.~51 urea DTSCUSS~3a "EXPLOITATION OF FDD FOR I~TF'ORBdATIGN PERTAINING TO P.+IANP~YE-R IN THE SOFIET AIRCRAFT ~tDUSTFd~d" Sov3.et ne~paper grant ads and other periodicals am~~I~3latins ~.re suggested as possib3s sc~urces? (~ h~~1~',~~Sapt} 25X1A9a Dar u D/PA, arse Messrs p ar-d~I~ DfY~ CONF ~ ~ WITH ;6d~.ss Father 0$ l~scal. Po~.icy and Trade Davc~3.a~nt, }3ranch of the EDUNO?tIC CO4~P,~tATION ADbi:IxNISTRA~ TIUN at her request T~O REIVIE~"f API ECA PAP.~'R ON MACfiIili3$Y AND TRAPISPOR- TATTON EQUTPD~IT 3:N >rIAST~iYEST TRADEo This is the third in a aeries of Est-West trades s#:,s~d3.os ~rhich ,FICA Zs pre~par3.nga (~.-Lf2 l~ra~ (7 Sept} I9~et~~c?sa (I/PE) participated, in INTERROGATIOra o~ ~~~~.RER sovrET PLAN ?FFICIALo (~ - Z~ Septa Approved For Release 2001/11/01: , - 7- 0059A000400280076-4 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280076-4 ~ V ~ e F-T . 25X1A9a 25X1A9a ~o ~ ~~l~) Dls~~uss3~ wxTx ~o ~~, c.~T~z~ -DATA REI?ARI#IP1G ~TII3i3 Ev'ROPEQS (~S~~CrAT.TV SPAIN~S) E9ItT~.AL r~Aw 3.'tATEft.L#L x~sos3xcES FoR zxoN AP1D STEM, b'CArIUFACTURI~. tz,/~ rata ~? ~~pt) ~~~s. ca~lc) ~T~ooAT~D ~? ~o ~ IiAU a CordFE~tE`IGE ~rITH Lt@ Col. Lgura of the Estimate$ I3i.4isiany BS AIR FURCE~, RF>C~ARIIYPIG HIGH GCTANE AV~CATIOPI RnQUIR~~+. SITS dF T:il SC?V"I.ET BL~JC. Lt. Cal. Lauro has he~en receiving a ntmnber of questior.~s on requirements dtn~ng th~r past tiro a send map attempt to pa?~duce a revised reporto ~l rr) 410 Sept R`i'o ~ TALKED W~ ~,jOr CSpBr of the AIR ~OFtC:E REGAi~IlII~} T3tE Axe rc~tcE cor~rRZDtrs