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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Rase 2001, D 400280028-7 _ ORR D , l l (AD/I information unless otherwise stated) mat 25X1A9a OF STRA'. l r. 1112 WITII Mr. Iionry. Loomis of the PSYCHOLOGICAL S , who is CONDUCTING a SURVIT OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN THE US for his agency. (1 hr) (16 Nor) D A t :.'s. ^ :Went CONFL=, :*;ITII Miss Worthing, of OIR9 STATE Depart- JQ OII?/STATE COVI CAGE ON DEVELOP:. NT OFF SOURCES '"~iTLRIAIS. (1 hr) (15 Nov) Messrs. ATTENDED morning and afternoon sessions of the MUTUAL TRADE SECURITY STAFF COMMITTEE. The follow lists were reviewed for inclusion in the list of items to be declared for embargo under Title I of the Battle Act: the {monitions list; the atomic energy materials list; the US List I; portions of the US List IA. Those items on the US List D. not included on this Title I embargo list at this time were. con- sidered for inclusion in the list of items, the embargo of which is to be negotiated with countries receiving US ai.d, under Title II of the Act. (6 hrs) (16 Nov) 25X1A9a ' 25X land Squadron Leader 5X44-9gA DISCUSSED SOVIET AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY exchanged v ears WITH' and, Mrr. = of. I/Air. (7 hrs) (16 Nov) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Messrs. WITH ands of the ECTION, Office of the Adjutant General, and RECEIVED VALUABLE MATERIAL ON PRO- DUCTION AND INPUT FACTORS FOR RUSSIA11 VZAPONS. (6 hrs) (16 Nov) 25X1A9a Miss - and Messrs. (I/AIR) VISITED the FAIR- DISCUSS TERMS OF REFERENCE OF NIE--56, "LIKELIHOOD OF LOSS OF were accepted with only a few minor modification. The project is now ready for the Economic Intelligence Committee. (1 hr) (16 Nov) IMPORTAfT ECONOMIC RESOURCES IN FOREIGN AREAS". The teens 25X1A9a 11r. _ TALKED WITH Mr, Tiger of STATE Department REGARDING THE ENERGY SECTOR OF NIE-. o. (2 hrs) (16 Nov) 25X1A9a 'fr. ~ (M/P) CONFERRED 1112TH Col. Lauro, AFOIN, AIR FORCE, by telephone REGARDING CURRENT DATA ON OIL PRODUCTION, RESERVES, 25X1A9a AND REFINING CAPACITY IN THE USSR. .(1 hr) (15 Nov) CHILD AIRCRAFT PLANT in Hagerstown, Maryland. The visit was designed for the technical education of the visitors, and the purpose was well served. The major part of the day was given to a scrupulous ex ni nation of each step in the assembly of the C119 Cargo Aircraft. Floorspace, worker density, flow of parts,. etc., were also investigated. A list of specific ques- tions was left at the plant and the answers will be mailed to I/Air. (5 hrs) (16 Nov) D M: Mr,, ~ ATTENDED a MEETING of REPRESENTATIVES OF the .-AC to Mr. (!I P) CONFERRED WITH C L Burrill PETROLEUM ADMdINI.? Approved I?mnw9aidom7 ~`00@ f04900?1 nos) Approved For ease 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AQ0400280028-7 S-1-C T SECURITY ITdFOR &TION 25X1A9a p 4s: Mr. and ISiss WI'l1I 7.1r. Burchfield of A-2 TO- DISCUSS IXCIiAZNGE OF INFORMATION REGARDING CITIDS IN USSR. (3/4 hr) (16 Nov) T.W. BRAUN (S/L) MET again 71121 Clarence -Siegel, OFFICE OF INT NATIONAL TRADE, Department of COLIMEItCE, and DISCUSSED DATA ASSEMBLED FOR N19"40 ON MANFD;:'r R IN WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. (1 hr) (16 Nov) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report S-?E..C-F~..~T Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280028-7