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December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
November 26, 1951
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Approved For'ease 2001/1 7-00059A"0400280 SECURITY 0M Di , 26 November 1951 (AD/R:t information unless otherwise stated) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a AD Rs The AD/HR and Messrs. ~ and ~ MET ;PITH Mrs. Sutherland, MUNITIONS BOARD, Mr. Caufield, Department of INTERIOR, and Mr. Fleming, ECONOMIC COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION, TO DISCUSS the ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION RESPONSIBILITY FOR NIE-56, LIKELIHOOD OF LOSS OF IUPORTANT ECONOLiIC RESOURCES IN SELJ]CTED FOR.LIGN AREAS. (1-1/2 hrs) (23 Nov)' D At Mr. John A. Poulin, Department of INTE(tIOR, representative on the operating Comnittee# CALLED Mr. ADAttSON REQUESTING 32701MATION REGARDING the PURPOSES FOR WITCH INDUSTRIAL DIAMONDS AR:: B.,ING 25X6A USED IN SWITZERLAND, SIIYEDE,T, and - Ur' ADVISED 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Mr. (U/NF) of the request. Information developed will be presented at the Operating Committee meeting. (1/4 hr) .(23 Nov) 25X1A9a Mr. C. K. Nichols, Department of DEFENSE, ADVISED Mr. THAT DEFENSE WAS APPEALING TO THE ACED, COIL ERCE DECISION TO 25X1A9a DOWNGRADE (from US IA to US II List) MEDIU14-SIZE BEARINGS AND 25X1A9a OFF-THE-ROAD TRUCKS, WAGO:JS, AND TRAILERS. Mr. CONTACTED Messrs. TO AR:WANGAE; an AP POINT: .EE:IT FOR Lte Col. A. H. Wait, DEFENSE, Y4ITH SPECIALISTS I.I D/I TO DISCUSS THESE ITEMS. (1/2 hr) 25X1A9a T3 It Mr. ~ (i/Ca) CONFERRED WITH Miss Tobin and Mr. Holmes of the Toobnica]L Branch, G-2, CONCERNING TILE FINAL SECTOR REPORT FOR NIE-40. (6 hrs) (20 Nov) P LOS Mr. ATTENDED CONFERENCE IN OCD WITH FDD, OCDs CSI, and 010 REPRESENTATIVES TO INSPECT GERMAN MILITARY DOCUML:NrS SECTION 25X1A9a CARDS ADD TO DISCUSS THE BEST WAY TO TIE THESE RECORDS INTO CIA LIBRARY REFER .,NCE SYSTEM.. Final determination will have to wait until further conferences with other interested offices. (1-1/2 hrs) (26 Nov) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-000 024-1 J-L