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Publication Date: 
November 29, 1951
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Approved FoR lease 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-0005900400280021-4 M Dias , N (fD/I information unless othsryr3:se stated) 25X1A5a1 AD&R 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Y The,AD/RR DISCUSSED Pt T FOR the OURRI21T :DIGEST OF TIM SOV7.EET MESS WITH of the support will for this project. (1/2 hr) (29 Nov) ACTION: To DCI Diary, . If the Board of the 25X1A5a1 The AD/RR DISCUSSED ETT1 NAL RESEARCH PROJECTS IN ECONOMIC WARFARE WITH Mr. M of OPC. (1/2 hr) (28 Nov) Messrs. CONE !RED WmI Mr. James V. Wright, 25X1 ..hternational Information and Edou ational Exchange Program' 25X1 Department of STATE, Mr. (D/1)., and Mr. - 051, REGARDING EXPORT OF ELECTRONIC LQUIP'4.' IT USED BY THE SWIM IN JAMING VOICE OF MI MCA Pt3 S. (1 hr) (28, Nov) Office of International Pro,g 9 Department of D EFENSE: CONFERRED WITH D/A and D/I Al-=STS CONCERNING RECOT~.~ENDATIOIN of the Chi of the Operating Committee to DOVI N GRADE L'In7-JIM-SIZE BE RI:dGS AND OFI'.-THE, ROAD }~' U1PMEMT FRC1t THE US -IA TO THE US II EXPORT CONTROL LIST. The CIA analysts wi21 cooperate with in developing intelligence to be presented by the Defenee.Depart- mesh and CIA representatives at the ACEP meeting the second week in December. (2 hrs) (28 Nov) Mr. ATTERDED the MEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP OF THE OPERATING Ca::.:ITT which prepared recommendations with respect to US fourth quarter export quotas for industrial diamonds, diamond products and certain diamond tools. .- ~^^- PRESENTED INTE GENCE' SHOWING (a) THE DEFICIL ICY OF DIAMONDS IN TIM COLNUNIST BLOC and (b) THE EJC EISIVE SMUGGLING OF TIiESE COL .:ODITIES INTO THE CC2. tJMiST BLOC. (2-1/2 hrs) (28 Nov) I/Air (Room 2029 H) WITZ BE VISITED BY Major Orr Y. Poteba, ASSISTANT AIR ATTAG11% i )SCOt'/, since September 191.9, on FridaQr, 30 NOVE 19].. OTH}R ORE DIVISIONS ACID III.I.~ICIJ INTaMTED DAY TAIX WITH MAJOR POTDNYA AF'PR I/AIR BY ADVISING (ext. 27111) OF TH ' INT]ST. A9a A9a Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280021-4 Approved Fo R (ease 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059 00400280021-4 S-E-C-R-E T SECURITY INFCRMA.TION D /I (Continued)25X1A9a Miss= of the CIA LIBRARY GAVE A TALK ON EXTRACTING, ABSTRACTI IG, LIBRARY CODI=IG, AMID THE USE OF TILE LIBRARY in general to approximately 30 DA personnel. (1-1/4 hrs) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Messrs. Jklilkif" and W AM SEARCHED G1 0,1M DOCUME.'T CEUTIR, AGO, FOR MATERIAL ON WEAPONS PRODUCTION WITHIN THE USSR. (8 hrs) (27 and 28 Nov) _l2$ Columbus, Ohig~ C9;;FERRED IWITH Dr. (a AG adr~3 other mnembers oft culture Branch, D/M, IN REGARD TO THE L.JJ' 1 /-Id cl Mrs. Mater Metals Staff, ,'Department of STATE, CONFERRED WITH Mr. an C ON LIECRAIIDA BEING .PREPARED FOR COCOM MEI 2IIIG IN PARIS ON SULFUR AX PYRITES, particularly with respect to ITALIAN EXPORTS OF SULFUR TO CZECHOSLOVAKIA. (1 hr) (28 Nov) Messrs. of the 25X1A5a1 EFFECTS OF A Branch would supply dot maps showing estimated acreage, yield9 and production of grain during 1951. (2.1/2 hre) (28 Nov) (?SAG) DISCUSS) FOREST PRODUCTS OUTPUT 'OR THE USSR WITH Mr. Stahelin at the Forest Service, Department of AGRICULTURE. (1 hr) (27 Nov) of Teachers College AND 1 AKJING CXTACTS IN THE 11"I11:LU 25X1A5aOFFIC.E. (1 day) (28 Nov) 25X1 A9a Mr. - (S/TR) DISCUSSED SOVIET-SATELLITE RAIIR OAD TRAIISLOADING POINTS WITH Mr. Raymond and other personnel of ESID,, ARMY MAP SERVICE. The exact nature of current E$ID work on the subject 25X1A9a was explained$ and Mr. ~ OBTAINED INFUIMATIONI WHICH WILL PROVE USEFUL IN THE P~IVPARATION OF ORR PROJECT 1041. (3 hrs) (26 NOV) 25X1A9a 11r. (S/TR) DISCUSSED EASTERN EUROPEAN RAIL CAPACITIES WITH Colonel Cowart, G-2, AND SECURED FROM HIM DATA BEARING DIRECTLY ON ORR PROJECT 10-5l. The specific interests.of ORE and 0-2 in the subject of Satellite rail capacities were defined. (2-1/2 hrs) (27 Nov) Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280021-4 S-B-C R-2-T Approved Fo Release 20gJ4 :LYS (Continued) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a ONE, CONTACTED Mr. - (S/TR) TO DISCUSS TRAFFIC BOTTU,VECKS THE TRANS-SIBJ tIAN RAILROAD in connection with NIE-55. Mr GIFTED SCE ?: MISUNDIRsTA:?IDI NGS CONCIMMG BOTTLENECK LOCATIONS. (1/2 hr) (27 Nov) 25X1A9a Mr. Joyner, A-2, CALLED Mr. ' (S/TR) TO GET S/TR CONF IA- TION OF A-2 FIGURES ON TIE NULMBI33 OF LOCOMOTIVES RECEIVED BY CHINA TROUGH UNRRA. (10 rains) (28 Nov) 25X1A9a Misses S L SURVEYED RUSSIAN MANPOW DATA I~1 AGO, FI:D111G VALUABLE DATA. They plan to return for further study. (6 hra) (28 Nov) 25X1 A9A - - -- 25X1A9a A : Mr.~ DISCUSSED with OPCs the 25 9a REQUEST FOR A STUDY OF TIIE iZROPi:AN RAILROAD SYSTEM. 25X1A9a advised that the project had been delayed pending m the military. It fr t o s receipt of, more specific requiremen is planned to restrict the study to a narrower field than had been indicated in the original request. The project is, there- fore, necessarily held in abeyance for the present. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Messrs. 1il)im COI?ISUt,Tlm BY - OPC, who provided detailed requirements of the Strategic Air command, FOR A SiRILS OF STUDII: BEI.IG P.R PAR.D BY D/G and OPC 25WARe Strategic Air Command. (1 hr) (28 Nov) Mr. - PARTICIPATIM IN A CONE--R,:;'Y ON FINAL S E TIOi1 OF TOWNS FOR CHAPTER II and IX of NIS AREAS 35-oI and 36. The chairman of the meeting was Mr. Minogue, Army. Others present were Mr. Ross, Navy; Major Hession, Air Force; and Messrs. Willenstein and Grunberg, ESID, Army Mbp Service. (2 hrs) (27 Nov) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report Two CRR scouts looking over OCD new quarters in the roller skating rink discovered a large number of rat traps. WELCOME, OCD22 OCD comment: But you don?t know what we're going to21~-kgt .lose traps withHH Approved For Release 2001/11/01 ;RRP T00059AO