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July 18, 1950
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Approved For Release 2002/0 - DP67-00059A000200040
lu July 1954
In accordance with the provision of Section 102 of the National
Security Act of 1947, as amended, and for the purpose of coordinatin,,
the intelligence activities of-the Government, the Director of Central
Intelligence is responsible for:
A. Advising the National Security Council
In all matters concerning intelligence activities of the Government
departments and agencies as they relate to national security, the Director
of Central Intelligence shall constantly give advice and counsel to the
National Security Council or to the individual members thereof. This
function does not need departrntal or agency clearance, but shall be
carried on directly between the D.C.I. and the N.S.C. or the Members,
c _the DTI: r tb a J eri rat:"'Intelligence sha ald
be prepared to presont a report on highlights of intelligence activities
throughout the departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and
a synopsis of substantive intelligence matters.
B. Making Recommendations to the National Security Council
When he deems it essential, the Director of Central Intelligence
shall make recommendations to the N.S.C. regarding the coordination of
Approved For Release 2002/01/c - P67-00059A000200040027-6
Approved Fo-Release 2O E R IA-RDP67-0009?AO00200040027-6
intelligence activities throughout the Federal Government. The D.C.I.
shall submit with his recommendations the opinions of the interested
departmental intelligence agencies on his recommendation.
The recommendations of the Director of Central Intelligence shahs
when approved by the National Security Council, form the basis for
advice to the President on actim to, be taken or policy to be formed,
or issue as council Directives to the Director of Central Intelligennce.
The respective departmental heads shall be responsible for insuring.
that such orders or directives, when applicable, are implemented within
their organizations.
In accordance With the provisions of Section 303(a) of the National
Security Act of 1917, the Director ci' Central Intelligence may appoint
ad hoc committees when he deems it advisable and shall appoint on a
continuing basis the heads of the departmental intelligence organizations
as an ADVISORY COT1itt`. TEE. Individuals so designated will render all..
possible aid and assistance to the Director of Central Intelligence in
the performance of his duty to coordinate the intelligence activities
of the Federal Government. They will, however, exercise no control or
supervisory powers over the activities of The Central Intelligence .Agency.
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Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000200040027-6
C. Producing National Intelli j:ez ce .estimates
entral Intelligence shall produce "NATIONAL
That intelligence relating dir-
ectly to the national security &Uch
is required in the formulation a
policy at the national (i.e. supra-
departmental) level, subdivided' into
three categories%
1. Intellig=ence requi re;l by
the President, the National, Secu-
rity Council, the Secretary of
Defense, and such goveramerwt
That intelligence needed at
the highest policy, planning and
operational levels of the govern-
ment, in the formulation, modifi-
cation, appraisal and execution of
national policies, plans, courses
of action, and decisions. It
shall be produced by the Central
Intelligence Agency for the resi-
dent, the National Security Council
agencies and bodies as the+ational and its staff, and for such Govern-
Security Council shall designate.
2. Intelligence cove :?irnthe
broad aspects of national policy
and national sec~ rity, ttranscen-
ding the intelli-
mental departments and agencies
as the N.S.C. shall from time to
time specifically designate. It
shall be produced f all authorized
agencies either separately, in
Bence produced by individual depart- connection with their specific
ments or agencies.
3. Intelligence in fields
concern, common to more than one
Department or Agency, which the
responsibilities, or collectively
in connection with matters of con-
cern to more than one department
or agency. In the production of
National Security Council det mines national intelligence, the C.I.A.
can be more efficiently produced - should draw upon and review the
specialized intelligence ?roduction
of the departmental inter"_ligence
agencies for the purpose of pre-
paring coordinated national intelli-
;ence estimates. neither CIA nor
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Approved Foifkelease 2002/ E IRDP67-00059AO00200040027-6
the departmental intelligence
agencies should be bound by the
concept of collective responsi-
bility in the production of
national intelligence becau:ce this
would inevitably reduce coordinated
national intelligence to the lowest
common denominator among the agen-
cies concerned.
Insofar as practicable, the Director of Central Intelligence shall
make use of existing intelligence facilities, and shall utilize depart-
mental and agency intelligence for such production of National Intelli-
To (dequat 1 fulfill his overall production responsibility, the
Director of Central Intelligence shall be responsible for the prepara-
tion, coordination, implementa t'ion and maintenance of integrated
national intelligence production. plans to meet the entire needs of
national security and to indicate clearly the departmental support
required for such national intelligence plan.
When the Director of Central Intelligence seeks departmental or
agency comment on a national intelligence estimate prior to its publi-
cation, the proposed paper shall be reviewed by the appropriate depaLrt-
mental intelligence agency or agencies for the purpose of obtainin their
views only on those aspeccl's o: national intelligence which fall within
the field of their respective responsibilities,
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Whenever National Intelligence is reviewed by the Departments
or Agencies it shall be so notA-,d, and shall carry thereon a statement
of agency concurrence or dissent.
D. Disseminati Intelligence
The Director of Central Thielligenee shall disseminate intelli-
gence produced by C.I.Q., or unevaluated information possessed by C.I.A.,
to the President, to members of the National Security Council, and to
the other Executive Departments and Lgencies whenever he deems such
dissemination appropriate to their functions related to National Security,
provided that such dissemination as a general rule conforms to applicable
security regulations of the o
inating agency.
The Director of Central Intelligence may exchange intelligence
with the intelligence organizations of foreign governments in accord-
ance with established policies governing such exchanges.
E. Protecting Intelligence Sources and Methods
Except in internal security matters, the Director of Central Intelli-
gence shall coordinate all policies throughout the Executive Departments
and Agencies concerning adequate guard and safety in shielding the
sources and procedures of intelligence activities. Under his overall
responsibility the Departments and Agencies shall adopt adequate policies
to protect intelligence processes from being detrimentally affected by
unnecessary and inappropriate disclosures.
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UP. ,
Approved Fo
F. Performing Central Services or Existing Intelligence Agencies
Whenever the Director of central Intelligence determines that
greater efficiency would be achieved by having the CIA perform certain
services for the benefit of any or all the existing intelligence agencies,
he shall make pertinent recoandations to the National Security Council
in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in supra.
"Existing intelligence agencies" are those units in the Executive
Departments -which have been heretofore known as "IAC Agencies," and any
other organization within other Executive Departments which by its work
and security clearance may be properly classified as an "intelligence
agency." The National Security Council will make the decision in each
instance of what new unit of the 2ederal structure is to be known as an
"Intelligence Agency."
G. Inspecting Departmental and Agency lntelli eice
To the extent authorized by Section 102(e) of the National Security
Act of 1947, the Director of Central Intelligence, or representatives
designated by him, shall make such surveys and inspections of depart-
mental intelligence organizations and activities of the various Federal
Departments and Agencies as he may deem essential to the national
security. The Director of Central Intelligence shall clear the initiation
of such surveys with the head of the department or Agency concerned.
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Approved For-Release 2002/01 Mul DP67-0005'TA000200040027-6
H. Issuing Directives
The Director of Central Ii, elli ence shall act for the National
Security Council to insure full and proper implementation of Council
directives. To accomplish this and he will issue such supplemental
directives as he determines are required in accordance with the policies
outlined in Section C. supra.
Furthermore, at the behest of the President, or any of the members
of the National Security Council, or on his own initiative, the Direc-
tor of Central Intelligence ma:;r issue such directives to one or more
of the intelligence agencies as he 4eems essential. In formulating_
these directives the Director of Central Intelligence shall have full
discretion for decisions as to the prior referral of these directives
to any or all of the departmental or agency chiefs of intelligence or
to the National Security Council.
I. Existing directives in conflict with this Directive are herebyq
Approved For Release 2002/OM ~DP67-00059AO00200040027-6