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5 March 194 8 roved For RJ ase 2001/07/26: CIA-RDP6 0059AQA01 W~tQ+ 2 CONFIDENTI~ c DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. 1/1 PROCEDUR::S FOR THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COQ ?IITTEE V/ serve as Chairman of the Intelligence Advisory Committee. The Central Intel- ligence Agency will furnish the Secretariat therefor. 2. The Intelligence Advisory Committee shall meet on the call of the Director of Central Intelligence, either upon his own initiative or upon the request of an Intelligence Advisory Committee member. 3. The Intelligence Advisory Committee secretariat shall prepare and circulate in duplicate all proposals appropriate for IAC consideration. Such papers, whether initiated by IAC members 'or the Director of Central Intelligence, shall bear an appropriate series number and all subsequent papers related thereto shall carry a sub-number. 4. Agenda will be prepared.and circulated to IAC members so as to reach them at least three -working days in advance of each IAC meeting. Only those matters will be brought up for discussion which members of the IAC have had the opportunity to study and where appropriate have had the opportunity to obtain the opinion of other members of their Departments. After each meeting, copies of the minutes will be circulatedQ, Pursuant to the provisions of NSCID No. 1, and for the purpose of providing a guide and facilities for the activities of the Intelligence Advisory Committee, the following procedures are hereby established: 1. The Director of Central intelligence, or his representative., shall To assist the IAC in the performance of its functions, there is L hereby tablished a Standing Committee composed of desi ed representatives of the IA embers and of the Director of Central Inte l Bence. A representa- t tive of the 'rector of Central Intelligence shallthe chairman. St ao In der to provide continuity and'-stability to the Standing Committee, eal IAC member will desig ate by transmitti desired, an alte of Central Intellig at committee meetings Standing Committee. ce. This e a regular member and, if names and titles to the Director ion will not preclude the attendance f such ditional persons as may be technically qualified to discuss a icular subject under consideration by the b. As a mat of practice 4 he Chairman of the Standing Committee willlschedule meeting approximat6ly seven days after circulation of proposals s been effected. Informal.discussions among agency repre- sentat' sand the. Interdepartmental Co mating and Planning Staff of t1at Central Intelligence Agency are enc raged. CONFIDEN IT" roved For Release 2001/07/26:CID , Qf1A_OO59AOOOl 00070010 -2 (ON (5255) proved For- Release 2001/07/26: CIA-RD 6 0005900100070010-2 . CO DOI 171 NF'IDENT1k CONFIDENT 1) L ----' c. The Standing Committee will establish such_ational working procedures as may be necessary. 6. To avoid unessehtial IAC meetings and telay in the implementation of important projects, when unanimous agree nt is reached by the Standing Committee, on any subject under diacussis! by its the agreed draft of the subject paper will be referred to th,AC Secretariat for circulation to IAC members with voting slips to b-rettxned within seven working days. Papers receiving unanimous concence of "tie IAC members in this manner, will have the same effect as' dose agreed to` -ii formal IAC meetings, Should any IAC member non-concur, e paper will eithe be referred back to the Standing Committee for conciliation or to the ngxt formal meeting of the ti t e ac . Intelligence Advisor .-Committee for appropria 7. If agra ment'is not reached within the Standing ommittee, the proposal wil x'6e submitted to the IAC in such a form as to `ajearly set forth the ~UAure of the disagreement. $. Membership does not preclude established having access s departmental channels. R. H. HILLENKOETTER Director of Central Intelligence CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/07/26: CIA- 7- 0059A000100070010-2, CONFID PTIAt