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Approved For Relea a 2001/07/26 K-MT67-00059AO001JO070008-5 SECRET DCI 2 28 September 1950 COPY- NO. 4 G DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTJMLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. }+/2 PRIORITY LIST OF CRITICAL NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIT-_sS In accordance with DCI }l,/l, paragraph 3, the following list of critical national intelligence objectives, with respect to the USSR, is established; so t'S P -Y USSR, is established; so th.e highest priority shall be given to the collection of information and, to the production of intelli- gence coicerning Soviet capabilities and intentions for: 1. taking direct military action against the Continental United. States; 2. taking direct military action, employing USSR Armed Forces, against vital U. S. possessions, areas peripheral to the Soviet Union, and Western Europe; 3. interfering with. U. C. strategic air attack; 4, interfering with U. S. movement of men and material by water transport; 5. production and stockpiling, including location of installations and facilities, of atomic and related weapons, other critical weapons and. equipment, and critical transporta- tion eq)uipmnent; 6. creating situations anywhere in the world dangerous to U. S. national security, short of commitment of Soviet Armed Forces, including; foreign directed sabotage and espionage objectives; 7. interfering; with U. S. political, psychological, and, economic courses of action for the achievement of critical U. S. aims and objectives. SECRET DCI X72 28 September 1950 R. H. HILLENKOETTER .Rear Admiral, USN Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2001/0 MkrlRDP67-00059AO00100070008-5 Ad F R l O1/07/26 e e 5 February t~fj%ve or eas 7-00059A0001 00Q0008-5 ML I r,- COPY 110 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE 4/1 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES Under the authority of National Security Council Intelligence Directive No. !i., and for the purpose of providing further guidance for the collection of informa- tion, and for production of national intelligence in amplification of NSCID Nos. 2, 3, and 5: 1. By virtue of their relevance to the national security and to the formulation of national policies, National Intelligence Objectives, generally applicable to all foreign areas, shall be the determination of: a. The intentions, current activities and probable future activities of the USSR with regard to the area under consideration. b, The intentions, current activities and probable future activities of the government or governments in the area with regard to domestic affairs, including the basic human freedoms, governmental controls, and domestic propaganda. c. Internal or external forces affecting the stability of the present government or governments in the area, including party strengths and main current political issues, and probable future developments. do The important foreign policies of the area, its current objectives and probable future relations with the UN, the U.S., the USSR, and with other countries. e. The susceptibility of the area to political or economic influence by such other countries, f. The current and anticipated themes and trends in the area's foreign propaganda. g. The present and anticipated military capabilities of the area, particularly as to the distribution and allocation of its manpower, and its industrial and logistic efforts as they relate to its ground, or sea, or air forces, h. Current trends in the developments of new weapons in the area and of new organizations both within and without the armed forces. i, The war potential and grand strategy now and in the foreseeable future in the area, including present and future mobilization capabilities and the morale of its armed forces. Approved For Release 2001 /07/2?ASS,I &TP67-00059A000100070008-5 SECRET rcf-Vi 5 February Approved For Relee 2001/07SE( FP P67-00059AOOO 0070008-5 1948 I. The current and anticipated status of the foreign trade of the area as may be seen particularly in its trade agreements, trade balances, and trade channeling. k. The present and anticipated economic stability of the area and the extent to which it depends on outside economic assistance. 1. The current and anticipated status of the transportation and communication facilities of the area, of its food supply, of its financial situa.tionj, and of its reserves of natural resources. M, Any significant relocations of the labor population or any new industrial methods or techniques in the area which might indicate scientific activities having a bearing on our national security* n. The present status of scientific activities in the area and their probable developments in the foreseeable future. o,, Plans and objectives of the area for carrying out sabotage, espionage and subversion which might-adversely affect the security of the United States, 2, The National Intelligence Objectives stated above are established to preclude the necessity of preparing-and issuing.individual National,.. for each country or area. 3, The Central.Intelligence Agency, in ee17aboration with other agencies -concerned,, shall establish. and maintain -on -a- current basis priority listings of National _Intelligence Objectives, by country-.and/or subject. 4. Approved priority listings prepared in accordance v&th paragraph 3 above,... shall-be appropriately- disseminated by the-Central Intelligence Agency? R. H. HILLENKOETTER Director of Central-intelligence Approved For Release 2001/07/26 Fi4RDPP7-00059A000100070008-5