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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 28, 1949
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- Approved For Rele she 2001/07/26,: CIA-RD~67-00059,4000 W70005-8 CONFIDENTIAL COPY NO. 'DCI 3 78 =cober 19) 9 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 3 of NSCID No. 3, and in order to achieve coordination in the production of scientific intelli- gence, now unallocated under NSCID No.. 3,?-a permanent interdepartmental Scientific Intelligence Committee is hereby established to plan,. support and coordinate the production of scientific intelligence as it affects the national security., lo. This Scientific Intelligence Committee shall act under the Chairmanship of a representative of CIA. and shall be composed of designated representatives from CIA (Chairrian), Department of State, Department of the Ares, Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force, and Atomic Energy Commission, and such other ad hoc members as nay be determined necessary by the regular committee members. In order to maintain continuity and stability, each dc- partrient and agencyy, mentioned above will designate a regular rlcr.ber and, if desired, an alternate by transmitting narks and titles to the Director of Central Intelligence, This action tii2ll not preclude the attendance at committee meetings of such additional persons as may be technically and otherwise qualified to discuss a particular subject under consideration by the committee, 2. The Scientific Intelligence Committee will establish its methods of procedure. 3. The Scientific Intelligence Committee will meat on matters pertaining to scientific intelligence; a. to determine the scientific fields in which intelli- gence effort is required; b, to establish, on the basis of need, . ad hoc and pcrr.a- nent intcrdepartF,cntal working committees in specific sub- divisions of scientific intelligence to ensure adequate coverage of the field;, c. to establish appropriate francs of reference for each working committee; d., , to resolve differences. arising between or r.-.thin working connittees regarding priorities for production and other perti- nent matters, . CONFIDENTIAL 3/ 2 October .19L9 Approve or Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00100070005-8 Approved For Refs 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A00& 070005-8 CONFIDENTIAL Eber 1949 L. The working cori.-ittees, established by the Scientific Intelligence Committee and operating under its overall jurisdiction, will have,., in their specific fields of scientific intelligence,, the folloTFing basic responsibilitios,, and such others as may be decreed necessary by the Scientific Intelligence Connittee: a, formulation of national requirements; bo preparation of interdepartmental production plans with fullest coverage of this field, guided by the principle of avoiding, unnecessary duplication and overlap; ce evaluation of the adequacy of collection activities with the object of achieving fullest coordination to r:cet national requirements in accordance with NSCID's Nos. 2 and 10; da allocation, by agreement of the IAC agencies, of re- sponsibilities for production by the various participating agencies; e. informing of the interested agencies of work in progress; f. maintenance of the fullest exchange of available in-. forr:ia tion; g. preparation of coordinated reports, showing IAC con- currence or non-concurrence, which present the best available intelligence. The Chairman of the Scientific Intelligence Committee will ,be-dome the coordinator for Chapter VII of the National Intelligence Survey. 6.. Liaison will be established with the Research and Develop- ment Board to ascertain its requirements and plan appropriate means for their resolution... 7. Any problem which cannot be resolved satisfactorily by the Scientific Intelligence Comr.iitteo will be referred., with appropriate recommendations, to the DCI for consideration by the Intelligence Advisory Committee.,, H. HILLENKOETTER Rear Admiral, USN Director of Central Intelligence CONFIDENTIAL 3/3 2 i a Release 2001/07/26 : CFA-RDP67-00059A000100070005-8