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Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
11. OFFICE OF THE DEM-74Y D.IREC OR (Science azd Tec..r.c :ngy)
a. The Deputy Direcdor (Science and 'ecb ology) ie
responsible for conducting basic and applied research
and developiier.t in, the scientific and technical fields
in support of the Central Intelligence Agency. This
includes responsibility for liaison and contact with
the sciettific community as well as all Government
Agencies an satters of science and technology in
intelligence as appropriate, and responsibility for
furnishing technical planning, progrwing guidAu.ce
and sulport to other Agency coaponents u';1lizi:.g science
a..*id technology in support of their .fayactions. The DD/S&T
is respcr i ble for the operation of certain ter. ..i cal
co iect1 project - and for the repearcb ar4 de%el.'rvpment
of th.e seanm used by !,hen for technical c+.l Iec ; ? for
the yreduct.ion of ociei'?ific and technical irte:11getce;
and is further res or.eible for research, deve .o r; eT: t. and,
where appropriate, *te operation of autaaatic data pro-
cessing a uipaeat 3R eu por'1 of Vbe Central ... t i.igence
Agency and i?;e isa~i^na The DD/S&;` shal.1 o .r.:a''e a
scier-4-itic career service to provide for tl.e e.7 *_.resent
of career oppor?t .:-_Lties is the CIA, and sb.al.l d.ir?ec>- and
coord.izat.e the Off-cea of Researc: and ..e wein,Pa4-c`
Siec.ial Activit.ie> , Scientific Ir"e111g-? c' and
Cossp;uter Services, and serve as Chair. as of the CIA
Re.earct. and Deve:.opsen *? Review Board. (see orga-...ization.
char t
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
OFFICE OF TUE DEPUTY DIRECTOR (Science and Technology)
(Science and Technology)
Off ice of
i Services
Office of
Office of
Research and
Office of
Office of
Approved For Release $QB R4.E -RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R0 0100080207-8
(1) MISSION. The Assistant Director for ELINT is
charged.. with establishing-and managing the Agency"
ELINT Program, with providing technical support-
and guidance required for? d.,analyzing andk
reporting the product of ncy FLINT projects,'
CIA SIGINT Officer in matters of ELINT policy and
to maintain liaison on technical matters with NSA
and other Government agencies.
the Assistant Director `for ` ELINT to advise the
COMINT activities. It is,-the responsibility of
and with supervising or aCtpg all research.,
and development required for?.Agency ELINT and
(2) FUNCTIONS. The Assistant Director for ELINT shall:
(a) Prepare the annual.Agency ELI NT Program.
(b) Justify the budget requirements for Agency
ELINT Projects.
(c) Provide headquarters management and support
including tasking and technical guidance for
field ELINT activities in coordination with
the DD/P and the DD/S as required.
(d) Provide for optimum analysis of ELINT product
of Agency operated and supported activities
for the purposes of reporting of intelligence
information, redirection of collection, and
provision of operational information to Agency
field activities.
(e) Make recommendations to the CIA SIGINT Officer
concerning CIA position on ELINT policy matters.
Maintain liaison regarding technical ELINT
and COMINT matters, as appropriate, with NSA
and other Government agencies.
(g) Serve as the CIA member of the ELINT Advisory
Group to the Director, NSA, on matters per-
taining to the National ELINT Plan (Program).
(h) Provide suitably qualified ELINT personnel
for tours of duty in designated FLINT positions
in other CIA offices and outside organizations,
as agreed.
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
(i)) Originate, develop and control special ELINT
projects in support of DD/S&T needs and
(j) Assure the timely availability of,the most
suitable collection and an lys 8-equipment,
through a program of research and development,
with due regard to the contents of similar
-programs in other Agencies.
(k) Provide for a quick reaction capability for
the rapid development and limited production
of high priority equipment.
(1) Provide operational units with guidance on
electronic countermeasure matters pertinent to
CIA operations and, as appropriate, provide
ECM equipment and maintenance for such units.
(m) Study and make recommendations as directed on
suitability of other passive or active technical
intelligence collection schemes.
(3) ORGANIZATION. (see organization chart.)
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
(1) NISSIOK. The Assistant Director for Special Activi~iea
ie ch
th the development and operation of certain:
highly sensitive technical collection programs.,,
A -0
PU CTICIIB. The Assistant Director for S
shall : pedal tjo
(s) Develop and operate special. projects for the collection
of intelli
gence by advanced technical means.
(b) Stimulate the exploitation by the y Agency of advanced
technology to further the Office's mission.
(c) Conduct research and development in methods for
conveying advanced technical collection devices.
(d) Establish and maintain liaison with appropriate
civilian and Government agencies in order to keep.
abreast of developments which might enhance or
inhibit the Office's activities, capabilities, or
(3) ORGANIZATION. (See organization chart.)
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
(I) MISSION. The Assistant Director for Scientific: Intelligp3 cep Js
charged with establishing and maintaining the Agency eC a is
and technical intelligence production program; with Orodt
scientific and technical .intelligenca in accord n e with
responsibilities of the Agency. with suppt r Age - ` ~
agency scientific and technical intelligences i OdU"' ctio i
implementing the Director's coordinating. esponsibilities
scientific and technical intelligence; and with provi+dittg ,._ce
and making recommendations on scientific iii technic'at`i eIl.i-
gence matters to the Director of Central Intalliget-ce": Mir
officers and Offices of the Agency. The responsibility of the
Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence extends to intelli-
gence on scientific and engineering research and on the design,
development, characteristics, and performance capabilities of
foreign devices, products, equipments, and systems. It does
not, in general, extend to intelligence on production, volume,
economic capabilities and technological methods of production,
except that the Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence is
responsible for all aspects of intelligence on atomic energy,
biological and chemical warfare, and space activities.
(2) FUNCTIONS. The Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence
(a) Establish and maintain, on the basis of the Priority National
Intelligence Objectives (PNIO) and other national securityr
requirements, a coordinated program of collection support,
research, analysis, and production in the following scientific
and technical intelligence fields;
(1) Foreign atomic energy and biological and chemical
warfare activities.
(2) Foreign offensive weapons ;d weapons system research`
and development, including, the identification of. ground
support equipment and basic site configurations.
(3) Foreign defensive weapons and weapons systems research
and development, including the identification of.grouuzd
support equipment and basic site configurations.
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
(4) Foreign space activities.
(5) Foreign research and development in the life
sciences, including the control sciences.
(6) Foreign research and development in the physical
and engineering sciences, and in scientific resources,
including scientific manpower, facilities, organization,
administration, and planning.
(b) Produce intelligence in the above fields in the form of
contributions to National Intelligence Estimates and
Surveys; contributions to current intelligence and USIB-
committee publications; scientific intelligence reports,
periodicals, and collection support studies of various
types; and other reports, critiques, briefing, working
papers, and studies as required.
(c) Recommend collection priorities consistent with the PNIO's
and the scientific and technical intelligence program,
recommend new and improved techniques and systems for
the collection and collation of such intelligence, and provide
written and other support to the collecting components of
the Agency and other organizations.
(d) Correlate, evaluate, supplement and help to coordinate
the scientific and technical intelligence activities of other
U. S. and friendly foreign agencies to meet the needs of the
Director and other officers and Offices of the Agency in the
fulfillment of their assigned responsibilities, and provAde
advice to them on methods for improving such interagency
(e) Provide the chairman, secretariat, Agency representative,
and/or support for the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence
Committee, the Scientific Intelligence Committee, the Guided
Missile and Astronautics Intelligence Committee, and other
USIB organizations as required.
(3) ORGANIZATION. (See organization chart.)
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8
Approved For Release 2002/07/31 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000100080207-8