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July 15, 1963
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Approved ~*&1geW i7M: "6- "j7i$g000100020003- orm Approved (Pursuant to "Patent Rights" Contract Clause) Budget Bureau No. 22-8160 CONTRACTOR A FINAL report shell be submitted as soon as practicable after the work under the contract is complete and shall in- clude (a) a summary of all inventions required by the contract to be reported, including all inventions previously reported and any inventions since the last INTERIM report; and (b) any required information for subcontracts which has not pre- viously been reported. Subject Inventions required to be reported by the "Patent Rights" clause) 4. INVENTION DATA (check one) ?a. THERE WERE NO INVENTIONS WHICH REASONABLY APPEAR TO BE PATENTABLE Ob. LISTED BELOW ARE INVENTIONS WHICH REASONABLY APPEAR TO BE PATENTABLE. ANY INVENTION DISCLOSURES WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER ARE ATTACHED TO THIS REPORT. INSTRUCTIONS TO This form may be used for INTERIM and FINAL reports, and when used shall be completed and forwarded to the Contracting Officer in triplicate. An INTERIM report shall be submitted at least every twelve months, commencing with the date of the contract, and should Include only those Inventions and subcontracts for which com- plete information has not previously been reported. CONTRACTOR CERTIFIES THAT THIS REPORT OF INVENTIONS AND SUBCONTRACTS INCLUDING ANY ATTACHMENTS, IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF THE CONTRACTOR'S KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF (Iv) v CONFIRMATORY PATENT CONTRACTOR HAS FILED LICENSE OR APPLICATION OR WILL FILE ASSIGNMENT HAS SERIAL NUMBER U.S. PATENT BEEN FORWARD- AND CONTRAC- APPLICATION D TO CONTRAC TOR'S DOCKET NO. TING OFFICER INFORMATION REQUIRED BUT NOT PREVIOUSLY REPORTED FOR SUBCONTRACTS. (It not applicable, write'None'.) Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP66B00728R000100020003-4 FOR LOSE OF CON- AGENCY ONLY Approved For Release 24i/0.7/28: CIA-RDP66B00728R000100 Gear 64 tooth 4"pp PA-4416Y-G Pinion 16 tooth 1"pd PA-44164-P Brake, spring applied SAB-80-3-58-B Transformer 60V-33-1/3A-2100W 1C22 Reactor R-210031 AC Load 1C23 Pulley-Timing 20XL037 Pulley-Timing 12XL050 Bodine Motor NOR-12RC Bodine Motos. ISH-12RG Ball Bearing =M653 IIEIIEIIEH~ No. 9031-1 0140 Olt FROCEtM OF SALE 25X1, OF CON- mRACTING AGENCY Or'Y The widwsywed, iWnid.My sad as an ovNrerized npr.swHatiw of the Conkoctor, certifies that he has examined this Iwr.alo , S., , ,s, p4 ftvwjw s to i dusiire, dstied I IS w sad to Nse bust of his Ivtowle .9s, hosed span id.nsss- and *i.t in the .sere. of his best I tion believed by his I. be n iidus, said SdrsduIs has bum pnpa in otxwdante with app", iwiewdions; that tlse weorMry darcnlwd Nrer.ia is alfoouM. b Nr. dosipaisd cOIMoct and is lacalsd w the plot., specthd; if do pwpwly wporosd is brarisdisa kaarry. Net the 4o.aNN.s s. aM is .:assn of M re.eos, 1t arMfibtie. rNairoresaes of 11. Mrtairsalad pAi.a of Nee .wdredi MAW or 25X1A COST (tor &Wad roduct dww cm*wd price iertead of car) uwa {e) ?alas {ry loose 03 2 ea 9.20 18.40 loose 03 2 ea 2.45 4.90 loose 03 2 ea 68.50 137.00 loose 03 1 . ea 95.00 95.00 loose 03 1 ea 126.00 126.00 loose 03 1 ea 2.92 2.92 loose 03 1 4.74 4.74 loose 03 1 .ea 51.52 51.52 loose 03 1 .ea 51.52 51.52 loose 03 13 8.82 114.66 abler work; that M assts shown on such Sch.dules or. in octordance with do Ccolvaclar's Mbo Nif i th d so sp ou a Scar nt and that *w Priam shown in coluaw 9, r.prtsontarq the fnew.ds home mvwr.d Mrw.ry, we fair and raaswwbla. Tbu Canttaclsr apaw 1. inform the Conliewtia0 O*cer of any sabs .Iiol cimnge in Nre stalls of the ia..Msry show in Nris Sdedale b.iw..a dw dole hw..f and *10 *01 disposition of such invwiswr. S.bject 1. my oVlhorizod prier disposition, title 10 On ia+oala r listed in this Sdr.duM is burby - -- is wwrmftd is be fine and Clow of all liens and wicawbranas. party M resaa or IlIfflltirtfo,, Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA DP66B00728R000100020003-4 July 15, 1963 t o.MswICAT ON (s.. M.erdi. M reveres) Purchased Parts awlger July 15, 1963 DD 543 mmaN Or i mS I, th oflSOt4R. w S U P P L B X E R j4jplpved For Release 20 7/28: CIA-RDP66B00728R00010002(003-4 INVENTORY SCHEDULE B CONTINU TIA ON SHEET U%W MAC (O*w raw AWA) ^ i ? NON-TERiM)NAYION P IROlI.SEO PARTS GOVEW"Da FI NSMW COWON&M POW OONTRAL7 NO. SIRwTRACT OR P. O. NO. El FINISi9ED PROOIx7 rft FROMM ENO. CIASSI'IGATION .. by-vdio. an DD 5.3) Casiisd (S 9Q31-1 F01 USE OF COIE TUCTM A OP(v MA NO 11 Ball Bearing R6K3 12 Capacitor 10M 0600 DC F106K 13 Lens - Switar 25)04 F1.4 14 Lens - Pro Raptor F5.6 6 3/8 15 Alum Tubing 3/4" 16 Misc. Alua Stock Approved For Relea Purchased Parts GO...e.r.M PAW o. DAavsaa Na.... AM Rev. "VMS" (b l ( Tvrr OF,wp (I bba. O.Ax, .A:.) (b2) (c) 103 03 03 03 103 loose 103 loose loose loose loose loose UNIT OF rMEASIRIE ayipre.ed i.%.r 1.r... Na. 22-1075. PAGE July 15. 1963 COST (For prede~d d~,? Comkod ?ea 4.72 1 ? ea 9.11 1 ea 168.00 1 ?ea 94.50 3'711 lea 7.461 03-4. 18.8 9.1 168.0 94.5 7.4 CONTRACTOI's ofm s1 Maim OF ULE No. OF fAr DD l r 7 5430 ucssorows.>-I. 1 ,. a, ws Approved For Release 200 Oct : C6- DP6D07WOMU 3-4 SHC65-9031-306 Copy No. FINAL CLOSE-OUT Approved For Relea$f t OE L AILRDP6Hok1Db(WdB-4 SPECIAL Approved For Release 2001/07/28: CIA-RDP66 0 93-4 Release Assignment of Refunds, Rebates and Credits .Certification for Percentage of Completion Cost - Analysis at Recoverable Overhead and G & A Rates Approved For Relea-5 E3t AC6-RDPW&7WFQL&hb i-4 _ :'n tee Y+C'~ ~. .,. : .... .,~ .. .. ..... .... , a.:. PE C A rc3v~d for Fe(ease 4f11/t1i28 ;;CIA- IDP& D AR 6 J 2 -4 h Pursuant to the terms of Contract No. BB-425 Task 2 2 and in considti f h t e era on o t e sum of thirt -two thousand, six hundred forty-nine dollars and eighty-three cents which has been or is to be paid under the said contract to cal he na - d th ?ei f- 4 le e 4vnEracLor) or its assignees; n y. the ontrar~hnr_ tfnnn na.r..e.,- .?F .h.. -ice _ t__ - --- r -j ---?- - -?-?- vw,a,-. ouR, LPy L.LIe uniLeu states of America (hereinafter called the Government) does remise, release and discharge the Government, their officers, agents and employees of and from all liabilities, obligations, claims and demands whatsoever under or arising from the said contract, except: 1. Specified claims in stated amounts or in estimated amounts where the amounts are not susceptible of exact statement by the Contractor, as follows: 2. Claims, together with reasonable expenses incidental thereto, based upon the liabilities'of"the Government to third`p$Yties arising 'out of the per- formance of the said contract which are not known to the Contractor on the date of the execution of this release and of which the Contractor gives notice in. writing to the Government within the period specified in the said contract. 3. Claims for reimbursement of costs (other than expenses of the Contractor by reason of its indemnification of the Government against patent liability), including reasonable e xpenses incidental thereto, incurred by the Contractor under;th eprovisions of the said.contract relating to patents. The Contractor agrees, in connection' with patent matters mid with .'claims which areV not .released as set.forth above that, it_ will _cpmply with `all of the .provisions of the said contract,includingwithout.limitat ion those 'provisions relating to notification to the'Government and. relatingIto the defens eor prosecution yo? litigation.:, eta 4z. - IN WITNESS WI~REOF th release has been executed `this eighth rda Y 65" d 25X1A 25X1,A Title _ Corporation Controller (Official Title 25X1A of the corporation named as Contractor in the foregoing release; that who signed said release on behalf of the Contractor, was then Secretary Official Title _ of said corporation; that said release was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body and is within the scope of its corporate powers. (Corporate Approved For Rele ci/.8`1A-RDPkd N I N 3-4 Appr- ue~d For Rele~s ~l. 7~ ~_ Q-RDPB" M(P'LOOp -4 ASSIGNMENT OF REFUNDS, REBATES AND CREDITS 25X1A Pursuant to the terms of Contract No., of the reimbursement of costs and payment W&M ment thereunder, (hereinafter ca A tract 1. Assign, transfer, set over and release to the'United States of America (hereinafter, called the Government) all right, title and interest to all refunds, rebates, credits or other amounts (including any interest thereon) .arising out of the performance of the said contract, together with all the rights of-action accrued or which may hereafter accrue thereunder.' 2. Agree to take whatever action may be necessary to effect prompt collection of all refunds, rebates, credits or other amounts (including any interest thereon) due, or which may become due, and to promptly forward to the Govern- ment checks (made payable to the Treasurer of the United States) for any proceeds so collected. The reasonable costs of any such action to effect collection shall constitute allowable costs when approved by the Contracting Officer as stated in the said contract and may be applied to reduce any amounts otherwise payable to the Government under the terms hereof. 3. Agree to cooperate fully with the Government as to any claim or $uit in connection with refund b s, re ates, credits, or other amounts due (including any iritPrP~r rf,.,~?~,,,1. - - any caring, trig , or other proceeding arising out of.. such"claim then o ati n Controller of said corporation; that said release was duly Official Title signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body who signed said rP9 naaa n- i. i-:., c -Z ~t- certify that I am'the Secretary. and is within the scope of its corporate powers. - 25X1A and in consideration (Corporate Seal) Approved For Rele e0ftj/~WJ80CIA-RDPP _TAO 7~9 FAOp1Q0ki 0~1Q3-4 Contract No. BB-425, Task 2