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Approved FAaelease 2005/01/05 7CIA-RDP66BOOMPRO00200150046-2
conStitutionai maze. Peculiar handling of
a 'frequently iinpIeniented power his resulted
In a unique body ot law. The purpose o
this article was nierelY to point out some of
the constitutional ramifications and anom-
alies incident to the utilisation of this
unusual legal device. Answers or attitudes
about particular -problems have - been ing;
gested or hinted at along the Way. No cox&
plete analysis was intended. Even so, selec-
tive consideration Of the major constitutional
problems suggests' that some new and deep-
cutting changes should-be wrought.
Mr. President, one point which de-
serves further ti:eatment and which has
not, been discuSsed to any length So' far
in thisdebate iS the role of the
erninent In the; contempt proceedings
which would arise under this bill.
As ,to the c9ntempt proceeding itself,
It is generally accepted that in the case of
a GMMinal contempt the Government is
the real party in interest, whether it
arises out of ana.ction to which-the 06v-
erriment was originally a party or one
between private litigants. The purpose
of the proceeding is to vindicate the
court's authority; this is true even
though the court may appoint the attor-
ney for the party who sought the relief
to prosecute the case and the proceeding
be styled as if between the original par-
ties. Normally, the Government may
intervene to prosecute the contempt pro-
ceedings in its own name. Michaelson
against United States ex rel Chicago, St,
P., M & o fly., slates that this prosecu-
tion Is a new ,ariFI independent proceed-
ing and no part of the original cause.
It would seem that ordinarily the char-
acter of the original suit, and not that
of the contempt proceeding, is control-
ling on the question of the right to have
a jury trial. Hill against United States
et rel. Weiner 'hold s specifically that
an 'exoeption contained in the Clayton
Act was designed to limit the jury trial
provision to prosecutions for contempt
arising out of cases instituted by pri-
vate litigants. If the original suit isnot
Controlling, a question of the propriety
of allowing the Government to intervene
arises. Normally, it is said that the Gov-
ern/tent should not be allowed to in-
tervene in a caSe in which, the interven-
tion will unduly, delay or prejudice the
adjudication of the rights of the original
parties; the right to a trial by jury is a
substantial right, which might be said
to have accrued to the defendants at
this stage of the proceedings.
The last question Under this aspect of
the problem is whether the Government
should be allowed to become a party to
the original suit, so as to defeat any
future defendant,'s, right to a trial, by
jury. Section 2403 of the civil code per-
mits the Government to intervene in
suits in which the constitutionality of a
statute is drawn into question.- It may
also intervene itit has a "proprietary in-
terest" in the spit. Rule 24(b) of the
Federal Rules of, Civil Procedure grants a
permissive right to any party to inter-
vene whenever there is a statute grant-
ing that right, or when the parties have
a common question of law or fact in
two separate claims Or defenses, While
the United States may prosecute
nal acts which deprive AftPEQ:lieffictiO
civil rights under the Civil Rights Act,
there does not seezp to be any provi-
sion or precedent for enjoining threat-
ened deprivations of the type we are con-
sidering, aside from, specific stat tory
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, in one of
its more insipid editorials on foreign pol-
icy, the Washington Post yesterday en-
dorsed a continuation of the war in Viet-
narn aa a mistaken commitment that
"must be upheld."
What a futile, shaky, and hopeless basis
for the expenditure of more money and
Men in South Vietnam. What makes
the Washington Post editorial writers,
o Washington policymakers, think the
American people are going to support for
long a war effort that is merely an up-
holding of a mistake?
How many Americans are willing to
spend and die for that? Not many. It
is a degrading and shameful basis for
any American policy, much less for a war
This newspaper's endorsement of the
present policy in Vietnam ignores the
most important consideration: The at-
titude of the local population toward per-
petual fighting and unrest. It may be
within the toleration of the American
people to continue supporting the South
Vietnam Government's war against the
rebels. We do not live ther ). We only
send military and aid peopl over there
on a rotation plan.
But the local population has been liv-
ing in the middle of war ever since the
Japanese occupation. How is the Ameri-
can promise of more of the same indefi-
nitely going to build what the Post calls
"confidence in non-Communist rule"?
The only hope we can offer to the peo-
ple of South Vietnam who are not part
of the ruling clique that is living so well
off the war, is eternal conflict and deva-
station. The question is not only how
long the American people will sustain
such a war, but more important, how
long will the common people of Vietnam
put up with it?
A boy from Oregon who had served
over there visited me over the weekend.
He pointed out that the article in the
U.S. News & World Report written by
Mr. Moore that I commented on in one
of my speeches some days ago is abso-
lutely correct. He agreed that the mer-
cenary officers of the South Vietnamese
Army have an allergy as far, as battle
fronts are concerned. They live in 1411
luxury in Saigon. They have no desire
to fight a war. But as he said, it is the
"poor devils" down in the lower echelons
that are being pushed into a war in re-
gard to which they have no heart.
The only worse disaster for the United
States than the continuation of the
status quo in South Vietnam would be
expansion of the war into North Viet-
nam. What a disgusting spectacle the
United States is presenting to the world
and to our own people with the current
meeting in Honolulu which seems to be
little more than a war council.
What is being done there is the plan-
r ASO giMbrtinf iingl4a4100
lowed in South Vietnam It will be in-
teresting to see whether this, too, is going
to be McNamara's war, or whether a dec-
laration of war will be asked of Congress.
An attack on North Vietnam cannot by
any stretch of the imagination be re-
garded as a defensive measure by the
United States. And it no longer can be
considered a defensive measure in the
South Vietnamese civil war. The Gov-
ernment of South Vietnam is being
threatened by its own people, and they
are fighting with weapons and materials
they are capturing from government
forces or making on the spot.
The military jargon about interdiction
of Communist supply lines is essentially
a "cover story." If there is in fact an
attack upon North Vietnam it will not
have a military purpose, but a political
purpose: to induce Ho Chi Minh to stop
giving leadership and advice to the rebels.
What the Honolulu conference is doing
Is making plans, virtually in public, for a
bombardment of North Vietnam. Un-
doubtedly the information being given
out about this planning is designed to in-
timidate the Asian Communists and per-
haps cause them to retreat before the
mere threat of attack.
But if the threat alone fails, the pub-
licity itself will have created heavy pres-
sure on this country. Having discussed
so openly and at such high levels a pos-
sible attack upon North Vietnam, the
American military commanders and their
chief, Secretary McNamara, will feel
even more obliged to carry out the at-
tack than before the Honolulu meeting.
That is the danger of what is going on
But there are many other dangers.
The planning of a unilateral war in South
Vietnam is bad enough, without our
planning a unilateral aggression against
North Vietnam. Bombardment by air
and sea is pure and simple aggression.
Of all the fatuousness that has gone into
American policy in that part of the world,
the most fatuous contention yet made is
that air and sea bombardment, without
the participation of troops, is not an
aggression. That is pure nonsense. It
is worse than that. It is lying to the
American people.
One may as well say that the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor and the Philip-
pines on December 7, 1941, was not ag-
gression against the United States be-
cause no Japanese troops were landed
then, either. Clearly, what the Japa-
nese had in mind was merely to intimi-
date the United States to keep out of her
way as she conducted her unilateral, self-
serving policy in Asia, and perhaps, to
"interdict" by knocking out the Pacific
Fleet of the United States.
- So Pearl Harbor was a nice, neat air
attack, with no messy ground fighting.
How similar to what the American mili-
tary is discussing for North Vietnam.
And the consequences could be similarly
disastrous for American people, too, un-
less they demand that their military and
political leadership come back into the
framework of American moral and legal
standards. One does not have to extend
the parallel with Pearl Harbor very far to
BOASINgolt tgAkiigaws have a
TIYEAd, both for
against China, unless our bidding is fol- themselves and their countries.
Approved For-Release. 2005/01/05 ? CIA-RDF'66B0
? done hi 'Honolulu is out-
inus be-stopped by the Ameri-
e before It Is tab Tate.
:onSL,erritiliteninent of the edi-
the Post,
fin that Walter Lippmann
for the only legal and
le handling of our policy in It is that we legitimatize our
presieneelri southeast Asia.
We mast do that either through the
. United _Nations' or through an interns-
Venal .cionferene,e that will give the
rItnited 'States legal standing in Asia and
:that Will 'give Its people some hope of a
future ,it,ber. than perpetual war.
Mr. Pte,sident, / ask unanimous con-
Mint Zat the Lippman/1 article be
printed in the RECORD at this point in
my rtanitrks:
, Mere beipg no objection, the article
Was mitered to be printed in the RECORD,
ififroni the Washington Post]
iAr BALANCE or Powint
(By Walter Lnipmann)
The death Of ,Nehru has come at a timp.
of great Uncertainty and change in the Asian
.balance.,:at mien It compounds the
certainty. For what happens in India, or
more Exactly in the Indian subcontinent
which induct's INtlatizt, will 'affect the fu-
ture of Isis as a-i401c.
.Lt the WOrrit, Lida will, as so often in the
past. become !revile:fated. 'Nehru was not
only a national herb but also, ae the direct
-heir otlitahaimit _04u4lt. an anointed man.
Lacking such a ruler there could be a great
disorder,. among the many tribes, clans.
Okuda, mid ,iectir "Which comprise Indian
' At the best, which We may dare to think
is possible, India under Nehru's successor
* Will not only consbIldate*Itself but will also
go an With the WI; which Nehru had just
begun before his death, of making peace
With Pakistan, turning. what is hostile co-
ellstence into Bonie,,,kind Of collaboration.
.The inherent "trogth of India-Pakistan
cannot be measure In"germs of army divi-
sions, tanks, and air squadrons. The crucial
fact about the great subcontinent is that
It has shown itselfjiighly immune to the
kind of.pressure and _propaganda and infil-
tration Which' has been causing so much of
southeiat,ssiatoerViinhii. .
II India is to be conquered by China, it
Will have to be by direct and overt military
aggression, by the kind of aggression which
is unrnialtalcahli.siki is indubitably a mins
bell underbiter natinnai law and the Char-
ten of of the rnitect-Hations. This point is
critically important in imy evaluation of our
own foreign pollayln Ash. For it would
justify, it seems to me, a firm commitment
to go to the defense of Ladia-Pakietan if
the Chinese attacked them.
The other strong position in South Asia
Is held by the 'United States, and it consists
of our sea and air -forces. The presence of
these forces in the South Pacific and. in-
creasingly. in the Indian Ocean is our real
contribution ito the ,eventual stabnir.ation of
southern Asia aoci o the islands of the South
Pacific. In the Ioreiecable future China is
quite ineapable of challenging this great
fume, and the central business; of a serious
assessment and planning of U.S. policy is to
come to an understanding of the nature of
OUT own power.
The essential problem arises from the fact
that our forces are infinitely more destruc-
tive than any other forces in the region, in-
cluding the Chinese forces. The American
Pm"' is so ?ini.litillirAlViire4flibtr.tReitiOEIS
not be used at Will: It cannot be used, for
example, as fellow travelers of Senator Goan-
warn have been proposing. to Intimidate
June 2
North Vietnam and China by bombing them
"coolly yet massively," while we "stop our
ears to a fearful worldwide clamor until the
job Is done."
This, is as foolish as it Is immoral. It la
foolish because for the United States to in-
tervene with such savage cruelty in an Asian
country would be to show a wanton disre-
spect for the opinion of mankind. Such dis-
respect does not go unpunished because we
stop our ears. It would be our day of in-
famy if we used our superior power to "de-
stroy the entire military, industrial and eco-
namic infrastructure" of . a country with
which we are not at war. This weiuld be
the way to destroy our influence In Asia. not
to preserve and consolidate the American
presence in the Pacific and in Asia.
The fundamental principle to which we
must subject ourselves Is that American sea
and air power can be used only if and when
the.. United States is acting, as it did in the
Korean war, under an international sanc-
tion. What we do not,tteve and what we
need now In southeast Asia is a treaty guar-
anteeing the independence of the countries
of southeast Aida a treaty which is signed
and ratified by all the great powers that are
onneerned?namely, Chinn, the Soviet Union,
India, and Pakistan, the United States,
Britain, and France.
'The foreboding that wears on the verge
of being expelled from Asia and the western
Pacific is quite unreal. American sea and
air power command the whole Pitcific Ocean.
and there is no serious rival sea and air
power on these waters, as there was when
Japan had a great navy. Our problem in
the Pacific is not how to snake our power
credible. how to maks ourselves feared, per-
haps by coolly yet massively destroying a
WI:miry. Our problem is to legitimatize our
preeence in Asia and in the Pacific as the
possessor of this monopoly of enormous
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I also
ask unanimous consent to have printed
at this point in the RECORD in my remarks
an article published in the Manchester
Guardian of May 28, 1964, entitled "The
20 "Pears' War." written:by David Holden.
. There being no obleotion, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
1Prom the Manchester Guardian Weekly,
May 28. 1984]
? (By David Holden)
In 10 days in South Vietnam I have talked
to dozens of people?Vietnamese. Americans,
British. French, and others?and except in
General Nguyen Khan and a few members of
his government who must needs put the best
1aoe on things I have nowhere met more than
anxious hope or desperate determination
about the outoome of the present struggle
against Communist subversion and the at-
tacks of the Vietcong. Of optimism there is
fatale and of confidence little; of blank Pawl-
ran= a great deal.
In theory, the chance of victory is still
there. BAIL it needs an even bigger effort
than the 'United Skates hag male so fax, and
a far greater and more imaginative effort
from the Vietnamese leaders to turn it into
reality. Any comparison with the Midayan
emergency?which was never very valid any-
way?has long ago been left behind.
There were never more than 10,000 hard-
core Communist guerrillas In Malaya. yet for
the beat part 01 12 years they tied up 60,000 to
80,000 British and other troops and as many
police and special reservists in a ratio of 1
guerrilla to 12 or more of the security forces.
In Vietnam there are 25,000 to 30,000 "hard-
natiVae the Americana call them? and prnia-_
pathizers who are ready to turn out for the
Vietcong. Against them are more than 200.-
000 regular soldiers of the Vietnamese Army,
with 18.000 American "advisers" and another
200,000 men in various auxiliary forces?a
ratio of 1 to less than 4.
In Malaya the Communists were all
Chinese. easily recognizable, and easily di-
vided from the Maiayrua peasant base. In
Vietnam the Communists and their sup-
porters ern Vietnamese and can easily vanish
Into any village. And, of course, in Malaya
there was no open frontier beyond which
the Communists could take refuge or across
which they could receive supplies and rein-
To the Americans and to the present and
previous Vietnamese Governments, the open
borders and the resulting infiltration of
Communist Vietminh from the north, have
always seemed the crucial weakness of the
south's position. It is pretty widely agreed,
for intaance. that from 1959 to 1963 at least
12,000 hard-core fighters and instructors
moved in from the north. The pattern of
subversion and guerrilla warfare suggests
strong central control from north of the
border and the repeated capture of Chinese.
Itheillan, and Czech weapons by the Govern-
ment forces reveals plainly enough the source
of material support for the Vietcong.
But this is only part of the story. The rest
lies with history. With the Inadequate ad-
illinistrative legacy of the French. With the
arbitrary dictatorship of the Ngo Dinh Diem
regime. With the failure of the Vietminh?
in breach of the 1954 Geneva agreements?
to withdraw all their unite from the south,
leaving many behind to organise the new
underground movement. And with the fail-
ure of the Americans and the Vietnamese
Government to realise, until too late, what
sort of a war was being forced upon them.
The Vietnamese Army has been trained to
fight a soldier's war, like the French Army
before it. when its opponents are Sighting a
revolutionary war. The big batallions have
rarely been able to bring the other side to
battle, because the enemy is not concerned
with killing soldiers so much as with paralyz-
ing institutions and undermining popular
This elementary fact does not seem to have
been properly grasped by the Americans until
some 2 years ago, when It led to the strategic
hamlet program, designed to bring security
and administration to a countryside by then
In chaos. But it was not then, and I think
still is not now, fully understood by the
Vietnamese leaders, who still sometimes seem
to think that winning territory is more im-
portant than winning people. In fact, with-
out the latter the former is meaningless.
Nor do the Americans follow through by
withholding support from some of the more
wasteful forms of military operation. Na-
palm and high explosive, for instance, are
still being used by American aircraft in full-
scale assaults on supposed Vietcong strong-
holds. These sometimes flatten whole set-
lernents and kill hundreds of people, whose
bodies may then appear (on the flimsiest evi-
dence) in the published lista of Vietcong
The villagers can scarcely be blamed there-
after if they prefere the Vietcong's usually
selective killing and intimidation to this sort
of wholesale slaughter. Yet the Americans
are in the difficult position of often having
their advice rejected or ignored, while still
being blamed whenever anything goes wrong.
Like the British in the Persian Gulf, they
suffer all the odium of colonialism with little
of Its real authority. Intimately, however,
their biggest difficulty is simply that they are
foreigners, and the North Vietnamese, what-
ever unpleasant things they may bring in
their train, are not. To ask the Americans
to win the confidence of the Vietnamese
peasants where the South Vietnamese lead-
ers themselves have failed, is simply crying
for the moon.
R00?02004600449,28, blamed, reproached,
and frustrated at every turn, and anxious
also to prove to the Chinese that her power
Is no "paper tiger," the temptation to seek
1964 Approved OstRdift*R9MaiettSfelllyiRR 000200150046-2 11977
victory at costs by throwing in fighting
.trPOps and carrying :the war to the north,
,must ireinandousT Siit the dangers are
trenienticais tO6: a clear breach of the
CfeneVa agreeinentS, n aeliatawledginent of
political bankruptcy, a major diplomatic
defeat, and a real risk of war with China.
And in the end this course would surely be
self-defeating, "whether China entered the
= war or not; for even after llanoi had been
bombed and 'the
Bien Phu recaptured the
Vietcong and the Vietminh would still be
there. The military solution would remain
as mythical as ever, and the political solu-
tion would have retreated-into:infinity.
The only alternative short d withdrawal
seems PD bc a slow crawl toward stability
within South Vietnam. A piecemeal re-
covery of people and territory, village by
village, providing security and administra-
tion simultaneously, and dernonatrating
through at least local self-government -that
the Communists :do not _haVe all ;the anSWers.
This implies a resolute (and very un-Amer-
ican) refusal to believe in any quick solution.
Indeed, if the Malayan experience is any
guide, no one should think of success in less
than 10 to 20 years.
But there is the Most savage dilemma of
all, As a wise, old Vietnamese observed
when I put this to him: "If you prolong the
war, you will lose it." -After 20 years of
fighting already, this may well be true; and
it reduces the chance of Victory to no more
than a glint in Washington's eye.
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, Mr. Hol-
den, a leading Eritish correspondent, has
been for some time. in North _Vietnam
and also in Malaysia. lie writes, in this
article on South Vietnam, about the
hopelessness of the situation if we fol-
low the course of action that the United
States is presently following.
Mr. President, at the close ofiny_re7
Marks today I ask Unanimaiii Consent
that certain correiporicleriee have
received in support of the position that
/ have taken for w"Oek4,, 91-1-44:4901 :Of
the Senate against this U.S. illegal war
In Sbuth Vietnam be printed in the
RECORD, Also, I ask that a recent coi-
n= by Jack Anderson dealing with
the basic lack of will on the part Of
the ,South Vietnamese, to fight, be _in-
serted in the 1/pcnim. Ile Points' out hew
our military -pay, and aid is really cor-
rupting men in the SouthVietnam army.
The PRESIDING OrriCEE, Without
objection, it is so ordered.
(See exhibit 1,)
Mr. ivx,913,. Mr, President, / wish to
reiterate something which I believe ip
particularly appropriate, in view of :the
fact that, American warmongers are
meeting in Honolulu planning their
various schemes and programs of indi-
rection for getting around _the, cohAtth-
tion. of the 'United Sfatps, 41:4 PMICIPS.
War without a declaration of war.
It is particularly fitting that once More
on the floor of the Senate I offer again
- the substitute proposal which I have
offered for many weeks in connection
with 1VIeNamara's war inSouth,Vietnam.
I repeat my challenge, to Mr. ,IVIOTa-
niara or Mr. Risk or to anyone else in
the administration to Come forward with
a single principle of international law
which justifies American unilateral mili-
tary action in South Vietnam.
The sad, ugly fact is that the United
States is standing today outside the
framework of internation:al law, Me
sad, shocking fact is tAlIpitivUdiredr
States today stands before the world in
violation of the United Nations Charter.
The sad fact is that the United States
today, with its illegal course of action in
South Vietnam, is becoming an outlaw
nation with respect to international law.
Mr. President, we ought to be big
enough to recognize our mistake. We
ought to seek, as Walter Lippmann points
out in his column this morning, inter-
national approval of a course of action
In Asia by keeping peace in southeast
Asia under the United Nations Charter,
procedures. The rule of law not the
rule of American military might should
be used to meet the crisis in Asia.
I call upon our Ambassador to the
United Nations to start his long march
back into the area of international
statesmanship. Adlai Stevenson, when
he made his sad and shocking speech
before the Security Council a few days
ago, in which, in effect, he beat his breast
and said to the World that we intend to
do what we want to do in South Viet-
nam, turned himself into a humpty-
Adlai Stevenson knows that all the
king's horses and all the king's men can-
not put a fallen egg back together again,
even though it is an egghead.
Mr. President, the fact remains that
the United States is following a course
of action in South Vietnam which vio-
lates the Geneva accordS- of 1954.
My country, the United States, in open
violation of the Geneva accords of 1954,
has the audacity to try to alibi to the
American people and to the people of the
world that we are justified in our action
because North Vietnam and Red China
are Violating the Geneva accords of 1954.
So- they are. I have no doubt about it.
I have no doubt about North Viet-
nam and Laos and Red China violating
the Geneva accords of 1954 which, I
repeat, the United States never signed,
and which, by reason of pressure by John
roster Dulles, South Vietnam did not
sign. We seek to alibi justification for
murdering American= boys in South
Vietnam on the ground that North Viet-
nam and other countries are violating
the Geneva accords of 1954. In the ab-
sence of a declaration of war, the killing
of eyery American boy means, in my
judgment, a murder.. I am opposed to
it. I would rather walk out of the Sen-
ate than give support to this illegal
course of action of the United States in
South Vietnam. Our top warmongers in
lionolulu are trying to find some way of
alibiing a way in which they can present
a Case for escalating the war in south-
east Asia,
What we ought to be calling for is
United Nations consideration of the vio-
lation of the Geneva, accords, before the
Security Council of the United Nations.
I suspect that Red Russia would veto
it. Let us prove to the world who it is
that, in the last analysis, is seeking war,
not peace.
Of course, Red Russia welcomes our
weakening ourselves and our losing world
prestige, which we are rapidly losing be-
cause of this illegal and unconstittitional
course of action in South Vietnam.
I want to ?ut Red Russia on the snot
RagaStel2 ilk ? GcG&ARJWBB
up to its signature under the U.N.
Charter. I have quoted in past speeches,
and incorporate in my speech today by
reference, articles 33, 37, and 51 of the
U.N. Charter, which we are not following
by not bringing our complaint as to the
violation of the Geneva accords of 1954
to the United Nations for determination.
If and when Red Russia?if she does?
and we shall not know until we try to find
out?vetoes the proposal to have the Se-
curity Council take jurisdiction, the next
step for the United States to take would
be to ask for the calling of an extra-
ordinary meeting of the General Assem-
bly of the United Nations. There let the
nations of the world exercise what juris-
diction they have through the proce-
dures of the General Assembly of the
United Nations in trying to bring the
war in southeast Asia under the canopy
of the United Nations, as we support sim-
ilar peacekeeping procedures of the
United Nations, at the moment I speak,
in the Congo, in the Middle East, and
on Cyprus.
I wish to forewarn the American peo-
ple, once more from my desk, that we are
at a crossroads in American foreign pol-
icy. We have run out on our moral and
spiritual obligations that we owe to peace.
We are not trying to keep the peace.
We are making war. We should give
support to a United Nations peacekeep-
ing corps in South Vietnam. As I have
said many times, and repeat today, I
would support a substantial number of
American military personnel to help
make up that peacekeeping corps, but it
would not be a fighting corps; it would
not be a killing corps; it would not be a
warmaking corps; but it would be a
peacekeeping corps. There is quite a dif-
ference between supporting a peacekeep-
ing corps and the course of action we
are following today. The United Nations
Charter calls for such a function on the
part of the members of the United Na-
ask Senators to read again the Lipp-
Mann article of today and to read again
the Lippinann article of the other day,
which I placed in the RECORD. There is
no answer to the principle Lipprnann
- _
lays down. The sad thing is that the
United States is compromising its prin-
ciples in the field of international obli-
, gation as a signatory to the United Na-
tions Charter.
I say to the warmongers meeting in
Honolulu that I know what their posi-
tion is, because they have expressed it
many times in this country, and they do
not make it any better by the coverup
from Honolulu. The responsibility for
following peaceful procedures rests
squarely at the White House.
I continue to pray to my God that the
President will see his responsibility be-
fore it is too late and that an inter-
national conference will be called, and
called quickly, under the aegis and aus-
pices of the United Na ions, to see what
can be done to bring the killing to an end
and to bring stability in Laos, stability
in North Vietnam, stability in South
Vietnam, and stability in Cambodia. We
cannot plan to escalate this war into
Nogutra ,jeAciing to the
0. IAWitolit3-Anflagration.
For Pet9MVA99?181491i: atblitTfi53
it Is Interesting to see the hedging in
st meats that.,Rusk and McNa-
'Mat* to date concerning the
of expanding and escalating
war .acrusStlie)icrders of North Viet-
Mn Into ttiOs end possibly elsewhere.
Crthal "AKA up to one ugly word?aggres-
Sion. Tay voice 'will be raised in a plea,
Up to the last moment, to stop my coun-
try from becoming an aggressor nation
In Asia.
As I said the other day?and I repeat
it?if ow country makes the horrendous
mistake of deciding on a course of war,
and formally declares war, we must all
rally behind our country until that war
Is suceesaully prosecuted?if we can
successfully prosecute it. But as indi-
Tidual Senators, we have a responsibility
to try to prevent our country from going
Into an unnecessary war. We have a
responsibility, under our oaths as indi-
vidual Senators, in accordance with our
sights, to raise our voices in a plea for
peace, not war, because I am satisfied
that nothing can be gained through war,
but that much will be lost.
No one Inowfi at this hour where an
expansion of the war in South Vietnam
Will lead, so far as future events around
the world are concerned. Do we want to
continue what we are doing at this
bour?undermitiing and undercutting
the United Nations? We have a clear
moral obligation to try to make the
United Nations work, and we are not
trying. To the contrary, acting in Asia
outside the framework of the United Na-
tions, without ever having tiled a com-
plaint before the United Nations vis-a-
vis North Vietnam Red China, Laos, and
Cambodia, we are in no position to allege
'that we stand for peace at this hour, for
we do not. At this hoar the United
States is writing a sorry and sad chapter
on warming in southeast Asia.
I close with a prayerful plea on my
lips: It is important that the United
States exhaust every possible procedure
available to it to try to settle the war in
Asia by resorting to the peaceful proce-
dures of the United Nations Charter,
not by continuing to ignore them. So I
ask my President: "When will your Voice
be raised in support of resorting to the
procedures of the tinted Nations as the
most honorable recourse for this Repub-
lic to follow in seeking to end war in
Asia within the framework of interna-
tional law?"
MAT 21, 1964.
Senator WATifs moasr,
Old Senate Offlee
11.5. Senate, Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Let me add this to
the pile of letters you will receive in support
of your position on Vietnam. Please con-
tinue to fight for a sane approach to this
problem. It is hard to believe that some
Americans call for use of tactical nuclear
weapons. The United States has no business
In Vietnam, and what's more, southeast Asia
is not worth fighting for. Your suggestion
to pull out and use the machinery of the
United Nations is the only solution Amer-
icans must accept the fact that the United
States cannot "liberate" ,anyone, much less
people in this part of the world who have no
inkling of democracy. If democracy is to
'Win in southeast Kifa, it must be won by
the people themselves in their hearte
Approved For kelea
I object. however, to your attacks on Sec-
retaries Ruak and McNamara. You know
Who is responsible for our foreign policy.
Your indirect approach is only confusing an
already confused public. The President can-
not pick the middle ground on every tssue
that crosses his desk. Three Presidents have
already tried to half-fight and half-negotiate
In southeast Asia to no avail. Keep pushing
for your solution, but carry It to the White
House. If it fails today, try again after the
November elections. And Senator, ask this
one question of the "hawks": What happens
alter we drive off the Vietcong. Pathet Lao,
etc.. from southeast Asia? Will there be a
saillenium of peace and democracy? Will
democracy be instantaneous? Will America
pull back its troops and money?
Please save some energy, Senator, for de-
feating the omnibus bill for the District
of Columbia. I know you will. I know the
usual course of correspondence to Congress-
men, but in your case and because I am not
a constituent (although a great admirer) of
yours, I hope this will be fuel to add to your
fire. Keep it up.
lioneir A. GIANNASI.
MAY 25, 1964,
Hon. WAYNE Mows.
The Senate,
Washington, D.C.
Mr Demi SENATOR: We had occasion to
watch and listen to the "Meet the Press" last
Sunday and I must commend you for the
tremendous verbal and clear explanation of
our troubles in Asia. You were quite force-
It is literally an undeclared wsr, and only
Congress has that authority to declare it and
not by back door methods.
Furthermore. its a matter for the United
Nations in every conceivable way. We either
make the United Nations a "living force for
peace" or else lets get out of it. I'm begin-
ning to believe that our unilateral action
Users and at times elsewhere in the world, is
a slap at the United Nations and looks like
we're acting like "bullies" because we're
Because of our military strength we should
show more "humility" and cooperation with
- United States: even if we have to take up the
"tab," at least we have the sanction of the
United Nations members.
With beat wishes to your health,
Very truly yours,
Geoace M. Strummer
SAN Drgeo, Qua., May 25, 1964.
U.S. Senator,
Senate Building, Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Let inc express to
you my deep appreciation for the courageous
and enlightened stand you took on the TV
program "Face the Nation" in regard to for-
eign policy and civil rights.
Your righteous views have my enthusiastic
Only recently I wrote a letter to Ambas-
sador Anil Stevenson, expressing my grati-
tude for the peace establishing activities of
the United Nations in various parts of the
world, and urging the United Nations to in-
tervene in and stop the senseless war In
South Vietnam. There is no excuse to de-
laying such action any further.
In these troublesome times, while the civil
rights bill is before the U.S. Senate for de-
liberation. I recommend that the press, the
movie industry, the theater, and the public
media of television and radio contribute to
a growing understanding between the white
man and the Negro by enhancing in their
articles, shows, and programs, the moral and
spiritual qualities of both American citi-
zens, thins fostering friendly feelings, good
swill e 2oregititlie : cirtitip66B00403
June 2
further recommend that the best and
most convincing TV plays, dealing with the
harmonious intercourse of both races, be
transimtted by satellite to other nations in
order to promote peace and moral progress.
If the U.S, Congress succeeds in passing Just
and equitable civil rights laws, this will be
a shining example for South Africa and fur-
ther the improvement of race relations in
that country.
Last but not least. I recommend that
each public school, from kindergarten to uni-
versity, introduce a special course on "The
Moral Duties of the Individual," given by
teachers of highest moral integrity, with a
view to raising law-abiding citizens and wip-
ing out crime. This basic moral school edu-
cation is indispensable in view of the fact
that many parents are neglecting their duty
to give their children a sound moral educa-
tion, and many children are deprived of the
blessings of a church Sunday school.
With my best wishes, I am,
Very sincerely,
MAY 24, 1964.
Hon. WAYNE MORSE: I have just listened
to you being Interviewed on our present pol-
icy in southeast Asia. / am 100 percent in
accord with your thinking. I thank God for
you and men like you who have the guts to
speak up and give the people facts. Honestly
and truth will never be defeated.
Sincerely yours,
Pomona, Calif.
Los ANGELES, CALM., May 25, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I heard your Sunday
telecast in which you questioned the con-
stitutionality of our sending troops to Viet-
Prom what I have read, I have for some
time felt as you do. The question is what
is the most effective step a citizen can take
to express his views where it may do some
good. I am certain that not only the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee is aware of
your point of view, but also the entire Sen-
So far as I know, I have recourse only to
my district's Congressman and Senator
Stream. Have you any other suggestions?
Yours sincerely,
STOCKTON, CALIF., May 24, 1964.
to the program "Face the Nation" when you
were interviewed on Sunday, May 24, 1984,
Mrs. Batt and I agree with you that the
United States has no business in Vietnam
fighting a war by ourselves. We feel the U.N.
ahould send a peacekeeping force there.
Keep up the good work. We also favor your
stand on civil rights, that it is about time
the Negro is given his constitutional rights.
It's about time the American Negro is treated
as a first-class citizen.
May 24, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR Sm: I just heard your talk on "Face
the Nation" and I think you were glorious.
Your view coincides with mine on this mat-
ter perfectly. I think it would be a good
thing if someone like you would stump the
country and wake the people up to what is
going on as there seems to be an apathy on
the part of the people on this whole thing.
'They are spending billions of dollars on this
e I eg se#2095/01 /05': IA-RDP6680041594000200150046-2
cold war Which should be used for the bene-
fit of poor pedple instead of armament. It
to the if communism is good for these
people you ealrt stop it anyway and if it
isn't, it won't succeed. I am glad that at
last someone is coming Out against this
whole prograni. ' ? ?
Tours sincerely,
May25, 1964.
Senator WAYNE B. Moods,
- Senate Office Wing,
Washington, D.C.
-Dr,ga Mg. MORSE: Congratulations front a
Californian who Wishes you Were from this
State, but who conSiders it lucky that you
-are in the Senate no matter what State you
are from. - ?
I wish / could vote for you. I wish I could
be of some help to you. Hoivever,- you seem
to get along fine, and I hope you stay in the
Senate forever. The greatest embarrassment
in my life is that in a country as big and as
rich as this one is, there are only you and a
- couple' of others in the whole Senate who are
, brave enough, smart enough, and humane
enough to speak and ant intelligently.
. Thank you "very Inuch for serving in the
Semite. The next time you are Campaigning,
'my husband and t wish to contribute to
your campaign. Please keep our address and
let us know where your campaign headquar-
ters will be in Oregon. '
PH,OENIX", ARTS., May 19541.
' Washington, D.C.
DEa., SENATOR: Have just watched, DS I
always do, "Face the Nation." Thank you
? for giving voice to the opinions I have long
held, both as to our southeastern policy, and
? the civil rights issue. r firmly believe in
- every ward you tittered. I am glad there is
- one American in public life with the wisdom
to form such opinions, and the strength to
- express them. Keep up the good work. My
son 7aa a casualty of World War II. I be-
lieve the United Nations is the hope of the
world. But how can it function if the
world's most powerful Nation wages war oil
its own initiative? ?
God bless You, Senator.
1)144 24, 1964.
Moo Szica'rOtt I heard your talk on the
radio progra-in, 'trace the Nation." T agree
with you In -What you said Sunday evening,
May 24, 1064. Thank you. The United Na-
tions ig our only hope.
p.S.?May God bless and protect you in a
Special way.
MAY 24, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: Your recent interview on
the CBS television program revealed your
outstanding faith au Ll knowledge' of the
American pnople. I wafit to add my support
to your views regarding the mess in South
Vietnam. I also hope that the United No-
ticing will be able to restore peace. This war
is dirty and will leaErto -the use of atomic
weapong Unless something is done. I hope
that we can avoid this escalation of the
No. 109-6
Once again I am proud of your stand and
hope we can have other Senators with your
courage and ability. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Senator, U.S. Senate,
:Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: Three cheers for your stand
vis-a-vis our insane foreign policy in south-
east Asia. Mr. Stevenson's address before
the U.N., last week, was a national disgrace.
What a flagrant disregard for truth. What
blatant propaganda. Since Caryl Chessman's
execution, since Dallas, I have never been
so ashamed of my country.
? If we cannot count on rationality or pro-
test from the Stevensons, Rusks, and Mc-
Namaras, who must we turn to for sane lead-
ership? I hope the death of President Ken-
nedy isn't going to cost us more than we
are now realizing.
Shades of the Weimar Republic.
Los Angeles, Calif.
P.S.?Your appearance on "Face the Na-
tion" (May 24) was most inspiring.
CHATTANOOGA, TENN., May 25, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: Permit me to congratulate
you having the courage to speak out, and
,-frankly, about the present foreign policy as
it concerns South Vietnam. The question is
- being frequently advanced as to whether the
administration really has any desire to bring
the war in that unhappy country to_a close.
Of course, you should be aware that your
questioning attitude to this situation may
well cost your seat in the Senate. Just how
may-other Senators, other than Senator Fut-
BRIGHT, would have the courage and honesty
to assume the position that you have in open
criticism of this wholly useless war?
We do not have to surrender one iota of
our interest and honor in order to bring
peace in all southeast Asia; we have abso-
lutely no moral right to force any form of
government upon that land or that people
or any other land or any other people, that
the people concerned do not wish to have;
we do not have any moral right either to
force any religion upon the people there or
any other place or country that the people
Of that country do not wish to have. I real-
ize that it is harsh but it is all too true that
America is reflecting the ugly shadow of
Hitler across the whole world. A long de-
layed reaction of disgust and remorse is
slowly taking form here at home.
There is absolutely no indication that a
Change in political control in Washington
would generate a sense of responsibility in
Our dealings with other countries; but it is
entirely possible that the Congress may have
to assert its authority over control of the
"silent government"; that is the CIA, in order
for us to live at peace with any government.
May 24, 1964.
am of your foreign policy views, and I sin-
cerely hope that you will speak many times
on TV to the people.
It has long been my thinking that we
should not be in Asia fighting this useless
war which will never end, but I never knew
until hearing you that there were legal rea.
sons as well as moral reasons we should not
be there.
Hoping that you will continue your fight
in this regard, knowing that all of the peo-
ple are with you, I am
Yours respectfully,
P.8.?You are my choice for Vice President.
MAY 26, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: We applaud the
stand taken by you and Senator GREENING
on Vietnam, also on Cuba and Laos. Our
foreign policy leaves much to be desired.
The more our Government talks peace the
more it prepares for war and sends American
boys off to do the killing and to be killed.
We believe nations must select their own
governments and not have them forced upon
them by outside interests. We believe only
the people can decide their own destiny. We
cannot police the whole world and threaten
the world with extinction if it is composed
of peoples and nations who want a different
way of life than our own. The U.N. exists
to settle differences, to promote peace. Why
is the United States so relnctant to bring
these matters before that body of nations?
Mr. and Mrs. Coact?.
Democrat of Oregon,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: After seeing and hearing you on
TV today in "Face the Nation" I am com-
pelled to let you know how appreciative I
Los ANGELES, CALIF., May 24, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: Thank you, sir, for your out-
spoken opposition to our Government's dan-
gerous foreign policy. Not only is it danger-
ous but so immoral. My heart goes out to
those poor little people who are suffering so
terribly as a result of our policy.
It's like a breath of fresh air to hear you
and Senator FULBRIGHI' and others speak out
against this dangerous and immoral policy.
May I have some copies of your speeches?
Deepest regards.
May 23, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Your recent state-
ment that the newspapers are not telling the
American people the situation in Vietnam is,
unhappily, but too true. Suppression by the
press and other mass media of the discussion
of the policy of the United States in Vietnam
which has gone on in the Senate is a grave
state of things, especially the blackout of
your speeches and those of Senator GREE-
NING. I urge you to take every means to tell
the people the facts and to rouse their oppo-
sition to the present dangerous and irre-
sponsible involvement.
Yours truly,
May 23, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Thank you for your
opposition to the Vietnam war. I hope that
that area can be neutralized with the help
of the United Nations.
Sincerely yours,
pprOved Por Release 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66p00403R000200150046-2
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May 26,1964.
Washington, D.C.
Bravo. I refer to your courageous stand on
the Vietnam situation. Sometimes it may
Seem futile, but you are making a considera-
ble dent on public opinion.
Sometimes I get so disgusted with our for-
eign policy in southeast Asia I honestly want
to leave the country, but when I read your
Words I decide to stay. I could move to
Oregon instead. It must be full of sane, wise
people, to elect the likes of you.
RRONX, N.Y., May 25, 1964.
.Senator WAYNE Mossz,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR Moasz: Despite the irre-
sponsible lack of reporting by the New York
press, some aspects Of your views of the tragic
political and military developments in and
among the states. of Indochina have come
through. The, superficial reporting makes
them Wand wonderful, and when occasion-
ally your ideas are reported in some depth
they are absolutely brilliant. I hope that
you and your several, celleagues in the Sen-
ate will continued to ?present your strongly
seennneci views on the Jallure of American
policy in southeast Asia to achieve a re-
sponsible political settlement there to which
all of our anies can adhere. Certainly, fur-
ther unilateral American actions in that. area
Without the complete and equal participa-
tion of Great Britain and Prance would be
incredibly foolhardy and a threat to world
Recalling that the Democratic Party was
able to revive its political fortunes and re-
verse the public opinion that it was the
dangerous war party which resulted from the
intervention on the continent of Asia in
1950 when in 1954 Sene,tcas Johnson, Ken-
nedy and hianstied strongly opposed the at-
tempts of many Republicans to stampede
Preeldent Eisenhower into an. indochina war.
I Sin sure that the present Democratic lead-
ership will not permit the present Demo-
cratic administration from being frightened
into a war on the continent of Asia by Re-
publican critics. I think that Senator Lyn-
don Johnson's words during the April 1954
crisis are even more applicable today. He
declared that he was "against Bending Amer-
ican GI's into the mud and muck of Indo-
china on a bloodletting spree to perpetuate
colonialism and white man's exploitation in
Considering the poor reporting of your
speeches, / would appreciate it if you could
send me a copy of each of the speeches which
you have me,de this year on the Indochina
Thank you very much, again, for the im-
portant work in which you are engaged in
foreign affairs.
LEONARD P. Licaaa.
BROOKLYN, N.Y., May 26, 1964.
DEAR Se/farce: I wish to congratulate and
thank you for your clear, convincing, and
courageous statements on the war in Viet-
nam. I heard you on TV on Sunday and
was very much impressed. I find myself in
100 percent agreement with what yoat said.
The United States has no right to be taking
unilateral action in VietnaM. This situa-
tion should be handed over to the U.N.
Would you please send me a copy of one
of your speeches on Vietnam? I should like
to use it in a social studies class.
OttovILLit, Came., May 24, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR Moasz: We listened to your
presentation on southeast Asia?Vietnam,
etc.. on the program "Face the Nation!' We
agree with your faith in the ability of the
American people to formulate foreign policy
If given the facts. We appreciate your giving
us such a factual account of this serious
problem. We agree that this serious situa-
tion should be taken to the United Nations
and that we should not take unilateral ac-
tion. We are appalled that our American
troops are again dying by the thousands
in a war we cannot win because it is unde-
clared and unsupported by the U.N. Steven-
son's speech caused us concern.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dubuc
MAY 24. 1964.
DEMI SENATOR WAYNE Molise: I heartily
agree with your position on Vietnam over
the CBS interview this Sunday morning.
Thank you for Making the issue so clear
cut and unequivocal. The peace of the world
Is at stake, and as you say. "might does not
make right," and let us live by international
law, and not risk nuclear war. Let us keep
nuclear war outlawed.
I am a good Democrat. We need your
clear-cut and forceful position on basic
Very sincerely..
Mr. and hire. MAX KAGAN.
OLD Luaus. Comm., May 22, 1964.
Senator WAYNE MOE=
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE; My family and I wish
to thank you for "speaking up" for the Amer-
ican people and not for our military. You
spoke eloquently on the "Pace the Nation"
program and we hope you will continue to be
our rather lonely voice in the Senate.
Eva It. Scalars and PASULY.
CAMBRIDGE, Maas., May 28, 1964.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR Ma. Moasz: We were very disturbed
to read that some Pentagon personnel were
considering the use of atomic weapons in
South Vietnam. We feel that this would be
an incredible folly.
We strongly support, your stand on Viet-
nam and are personally in favor of an imme-
diate negotiated settlement with the Viet--
cong or an immediate and complete with-
drawal of American troops and weapons from
South Vietnam_
Cameamcz. Mess., May 28, 1964.
Data SzNaroa Maass: As an engineer I
am delighted to see that you are against
dropping atom bombs to reduce foliage (and
"peopliage") in Vietnam. Our scrap in Viet-
nam is highly illegal, and unless we can
come to a peaceable agreement shortly we
should get out of Vietnam.
Sunday, I've listened to you on "Pace the
Nation." especially on the subject of the
war in South Vietnam. I think your voice
was an echo of some of our great Americans
of yesteryear. The facts you have revealed,
that the United States is conducting an un-
warranted war in South Vietnam, your
emphasis on informing the people of the
United States of all the facts, that if the
war is extended to the north it will inevitably
escalate to a nuclear war. I think we have
June 2
date as the only authority to administer a
strong military peace force in southeast
Asia to enforce peace instead of war. My
congratulations to you for speaking up so
truthfully on behalf of us?the people.
More power to you.
Yours for a peaceful policy,
Los ANGELES, May 24, 1964.
The Honorable Senator WAYNE MORSE,
Senate Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: Both my sons were in the last
war, and I hope my grandsons will not have
to fight in the jungles of South Vietnam. I
therefore commend you for the stand you
take to neutralize that part of the world, and
I wish you every success.
Respectfully yours,
MAY 24,1964.
Hon. Senator WAYNE MORSE,
Washington, D.C.
Six: I was so happy to hear your remarks
on television this morning, Sunday, May 24,
1984, regarding the situation and the stand
this Government has taken in the war in
Vietnam and the Far East generally. / must
say I was shocked when I heard Mr. Steven-
son's stand the other day. I have been quite
an admirer of Governor Stevenson and usu-
ally can agree with his ideas but after hearing
him the other day I began to think perhaps
I was 'crazy" for I disagree with his ideas
as broadcast this week. After hearing your
remarks this morning I was so happy to know
there are others who take exception to my
Government's stand and intentions.
This is the second letter I have written to
you. The other was when you were still a
registered Republican and I am a Democrat
but I do agree and commend your stand on
so many ideas and thoughts. Please keep up
the good work and God bless and keep you.
DENBEIGH, VA., May 26, 1964.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: Although I live far from the
State which you represent, I want to tell you
haw much I enjoyed the interview you gave
over the radio last Sunday evening.
Your views coincide with mine exactly. I
am glad to know that we have a man of your
calibre and courage representing all of us
In the U.S. Senate.
Wishing you good health and success,
Divers', Timm, May 25,1964.
Senator WAYNE Maass,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SaBtsroa MORSE: I wish to congratu-
late you for speaking out so forthrightly in
the cause of humanity and political decency.
Every American is indebted to you and
the men in our Armed Forms must be great-
ly relieved to have even one man stand up
for minding our own business.
It is almost unbelievable to hear any Amer-
ican having the daring to speak his mind
these dam there have been so many obscene
political lies such as those on Cuba and Bra-
zil and Guatemala that to have anyone show
unflinching courage is a cause for great re-
I wrote to the President myself about pull-
Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours,Approved For Releespzece
reached aeecriuktal
1/ 40
t.Garectigia04010=0 tm?,but my letter was
?Libreate Department to
HELEN V. SCHMITT. mendation that the U.N. be given the man- send me a lot of diplomatic doubletalk.
? Approved Fdietelease 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66B0046814000200150046-2
So hooray for the people of Oregon for
electing a great Senator.
, Very sincerely, ?
4311,3zssnril SERBIAN.
VINELAND, N.J., May 26, 1964.
Senator WAYNE Mpasz,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C. ,
DEAR SENATOR: I listened to your answers
on the program "Face the Nation." I agree
with you that we shouldn't be in South Viet-
? nam with men even if we are Only training
their men, I think this should be A U.N.
program with our support. The way I look
at it we. are noffetting support- of the Com-
munists in 1.41)(3 beeaUke We axe, engaging in
war against them in qouth, Vietnam.
As Oen. Smedley Butler told us here in
Vineland about 35 year's ago, to never try to
fight the Chinese in land fighting as they
could send men through our lines just as
they proved in the Korean war. President
L.B.J. is doing a good job but his advisers
are giving him the wrong tips.
Keep up your good Work.
If I can help in any way please let me
'Yours truly,
May 25,1964.
'U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
' DEAR SIR: I want to thank you for your
speech yesterday on TV, "Face the Nation."
I believe this
speech and answers may have
toyed th Nation and the world_ from_ An
atom War in, sorrth, Asia and., a, th_f_rd ,World
war, Your Speech was a warning in the lith
hour and I hope the Presidential_ advisers?
who in this case look like teenagers in knee-
pants?will be, sent back to school.
Please, sing out again when necessary.
GurnsTna L. BERNTSE.N.
Rio Sr.anvo, TEX.,
May 24, 1964.
Senator Wsyns Maass,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I have just listened
0 you "Pace the Nation" and how much I
did enjoy you. Do wish we had more Repre-
sentatiVes who shared your view in Washing-
ton to represent us. We are _represented by
too many people who can't think for them-
selves and are just? "yes" men. Thank God
for having you, a man who does think, and
who isn't afraid to express an opinion. I
just had to tell you. American people are
entitled to know the, truth, but do they know
it? f don't think ,ao, and I think as tax-
payers, we are entitled to the truth.
bad rather have a wrong opinion, than
have no opinion at all.
Keep up the good fight and I am so glad you
faced the Nation.
Most sincerely,
P.5.?Do you put out a newsletter?if so,
how could I obtain copies?
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENAT(IR: I Wish to applaud your TV
presentation last Sunday. I agree with your
views, especially on Vietnam, and admire
your forthrightness and courage. You speak
for numberlesa Americans who, seek a peace-
ful solution to our international difficulties.
Keep up the good work.
Yours truly,
Los Ailias4,70,.,
May 25, 1964:
May 25,1964.
DEAR SENATOR Wass: We heard your tele-
vision talk against our sending troops to
southeast ASIR, My husband and I have often
talked about this. Why our boys should be
sent over there to die in an undeclared war
(as you said) is a sad mystery to us.
God bless you for speaking out.
This should be done through the United
May 24, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I just came home
from church and turned on NBC and your
interview, Face the Nation, was on.
It is the most intelligent information that
has been given to the American people. The
President should take heed and make this
information his own, as only God could use
you, Mr. MORSE, to deliver this message now.
Mr. Johnson speaks of God so often if he
will just let God direct him in carrying out
such most important intelligent God-directed
information then the American people as
you say will go along.
I am a registered Republican and have been
all my full experience here in the world, but
my God-given intelligence directs my way
when it comes to voting. Now, if Mr. Johnson
will put God first and let Him direct his way,
God also directs the American people.
When it comes to voting, the American peo-
ple as a whole, vote for the lesser of the two
evils. Mr. Mosss, I have been God directed
to write this message, as I am an Austrian
scientist the past 30 years. I know one must
be God directed.
I thank the Father and you for that most
important message and let us see it take roots
by the grace of God, so be it.
? Sincerely,
May 24, 1964.
Senator WAYNE Mons,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Would that we had
more Congressmen with the vision, intel-
ligence and courage which you showed in the
broadcast of "Face the Nation" today. My
name will mean nothing to you but I hope
you receive thousands of letters like mine,
supporting your views on the present U.S.
foreign policy and the United Nations.
Sincerely yours,
Republican voter in Florida but really an
independent as suiting ideas of candidates.
May 22, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: Please stick to the state-
ment you made about not sending American
boys to fight in a war we should not be in.
None of our boys should be subjected to
such miseries.
When we are not at war those boys go
through many hardships and then they are
just peacetime veterans and cannot receive
any of the GI benefits.
Wishing you well and many years in the
Sincerely yours,
May 26, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: You spoke the minds of mil-
? , . GzsTsucs REED. lions of U.S. citizens. dean litres
Approved For Release 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66B00461R000200150046-2
We have no legal excuse for sending our
soldiers to Vietnam to be killed or to kill.
Too much of foreign troubles are in the
interest of some private business or corpora-
We do not have the facts on that, and
_Other things as well.
_was glad to see you stand and be
counted?on Vietnam, and civil rights?
Ilfssrmt, N.Y.,
May 26, 1964.
finished looking at the TV program "Face
the Nation" in which you participated. We
wholeheartedly agree with your views on the
whole Vietnam mess. It is a willful waste
of human life to send our boys over there.
Certainly it is a matter for the United Na-
tions to act upon. We applaud you for
bringing this before the public and I hope
we will be hearing and seeing more of you
on TV. I have just finished writing to Sen-
ator Javits, President Johnson, and Senator
Fulbright in regard to this very important
Mrs. E. Walter Malmberg.
HOLLYWOOD, CALIF., May 24, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: Thank God. Thank God.
Your "Face the Nation" appearance gave us
Americans the first full feeling of listening to
an American of judgment, wisdom, and cour-
age in the area of foreign policy we have had
in years.
You filled us with hope that the truth,
he facts, the peril, and the American alter-
native may yet reach our fellow citizens.
- How absurd you made all the martial airs
of ,McNamara, Rusk, and their satellite
Stevenson sound against the clarion ring of
your clarity and sanity.
Hold fast?you give us our opportunity to
make our desires heard, felt, and followed.
With profound gratitude,
May 24, 1964.
U.S. Senate,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I thought your talk
on "Face the Nation" today was excellent
and I agreed with every word that you said
concerning South Vietnam.
I am from Michigan and have always had a
very high regard for Secretary McNamara
and still do for that matter. However, if he
is to become, the symbol for what we are
doing in South Vietnam, and I guess he is,
then you are absolutely right in your, deci-
sion to oppose him for the vice presidential
Congratulations and please keep up the
good work. I would be very happy to help
in any way that I was able.
May 25, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: Yesterday afternoon I hap-
pened to have on TV and heard your state-
ment in regard to our involvement in the war
in Vietnam and the cost It will take in
I know le what t hear and read in the
AVM and see and hear on TV but Iie-
ing Veteran Of World War / and a member
of the VPW Ir can reach My own opinions.
I say let McNamara fight his own Var. If
the. formai 4otildift win it how can we? The
,natiVes over there do not react fike we AMerl-
bawl do; and you cannot change the spots
on a leopard. ,
What is the purpose of the TIN. nowadays?
never did think much of its ultimate sue-
ceas and today we are the biggest sucker In
the world. / pray that God gives us states-
men who vrill put our country in its right
place; that they have the guts to stand up
and be counted.
I compliment you on your guts to come
out and make your stand on Vietnam. I
hope millions heard your statement and it
should be broadcast from coast to coast.
Maybe the people will wake up. They need
a good jarring.
Approved For Release 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66B004031000200150046-2
Roassr S. LSE.
HzAnum, PA.,
May 24,1964.
MAI BEIsaroit: I sure was glad to hear
a voice that says what he thinks on "Pace
the Nation,'
Trouble as I see it Mr. Senator our news
media have the people educated; it pays
more financially to be for a war program than
for a peace program.
What I Mink our leaders should point out
to the people that after every war we get
more comilliM18111, so war is not the answer
to solve our problems.
It seems as though the owners of industry
think they have nothing to gain with a
democratic plan for all industry.
Row about Sweden?
Nowadays people have no time or / should
say fear to talk politics and economics.
A job is so precious that most people fear
to talk about controversial matters.
My wife and I struggled in a small
grocery store for the last 40 years. Enjoying
good health we were able to educate our
three children. Two teachers and one busi-
With civil rights and unemployment there
sure is plenty for our leaders to light for.
Rope to take a trip to the State of Oregon
Kindly answer.
PAUL E. TticarNsacis.
P.8.?Voters need encouragement, too.
Pomorre, Mixt,
May 25, 1964.
Due Simms WaTIIS Molise: Thank you
for your appearance on television today.
Never miss an opportunity to present your
views to the American people. You can
clarify our thinking.
ElotrrH Noswann, Corm, '
May 24, 1964,
Mv Dna SENATort Moan: Congratulations
on your T7 interview today in "Pace the
Nation." It was wonderful to hear your
point of view on southeast Asia expressed so
forcefully. Thank you.
Very gratefully,
HEW 'Tome, N.Y.,
May 25, 1964.
Senator V7arNE Idoass,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
prAs Sim: Raving heard you express your
views on the program "Pace the Nation,"
am writing you again to express my apprecia-
tion for the courageous fight you are wag-
ing against our disaatrous
Vietnam and Laos. PAP N ruve u
I am in complete accord with your opin-
ion that if we continue taking unilateral ac-
tion in southeiust Asia. It will only result in
a holacaust for all concerned.
Thank you for doing your utmost to influ-
ence our administration to change their pol-
icy, and to work for a peaceful solution.
Respectfully yours,
Ileum Laratesso.
May 24, 1064.
Hon. Warms Molise,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: God bless you for 1;lie con-
tribution to peace that you are making with
your courageous stand in these troubled
times. We need men like you to give leader-
ship to a world gone mad.
Keep up your tight for peace. You have the
millions who want peace behind you. You
are a man of high principles. May you keep
well and lead us to sanity and peace and
Civil rights.
Sincerely yours,
June 2
JERSEY CITY, N.J., May 24, 1964.
Man SENATOR Mosaz: You spoke out real
good on TV today. So when you get to-
gether with L.B.J., it will be a forward step
for the U.S.A.
Sincerely yours.
P.S.?Our President is a brave, courageous
man. He needs your kind of Senator.
CLAREMONT, N.H., May 24, 1964.
The Senate,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: A million "thank you's" for
the magnificent delivery of commonsense
which you so ably gave to the Nation today.
Last night a worried group met to discuss
many of the truths you so courageously ex-
posed today. My fear was that so few Amer-
icana would know about the machinations
in high places. Now, I hope millions have
been enlightened, thanks to a great wise
Awe SIMTMORY. Very truly yours,
May 24, 1064.
Washington, D.C.
Dsas Smarm Moses: I an a 16-year-old
student in high school. Recently, we have
been studying the two World Wars. I have
become rather alarmed, especially after start-
ing to read "The Guns of August," by Bar-
bara Tuctiman, at the striking similarities, if
not In some cases parallels, between the
situations of 1900-1914, 1933-39, and 1941-
64. Actually. I see many reasons to be opti-
mistic now; international, especially Russo-
American, good will seems to be, at least at
times, sincerely meant and well thought out.
At other times, however, our Nation's policies
seem guided by a desire to "conquer nations
for democracy" as immoral as the Commu-
nist desire to bring countries under their
influence which we condemn so strongly in
all our words and actions.
The present Vietnam, or southeast Asian,
situation, is one such case. Tonight, on
CBS radio. I heard you speak in what I found
an Intelligent and sincere manner on this
crisis. I was very encouraged to realize that
there are men who hold such realistic and
nonmilitaristic or Chauvinistic Views sorne-
where in our Government. I find your pro-
posal of a U.N. peacekeeping force in Viet-
tiara sound and necessary, and I certainly
hope that you can use your Influence to
change our country's foreign policy on this
matter, for Vietnam is undoubtedly one of
the most sensitive triggers in the world
today. I am glad you have faith in the
American people, as an American citizen. I
wholeheartedly support you on this issue.
Sincerely yours,
RusseHaity Monis.
MAY 25. 1964.
New York City.
Dram Sas: Congratulations on giving the
American people a chance to hear the views
of Senator WAYNE MORSE. The suppression
of his views by the press is one of the more
disquieting aspects of the whole Vietnamese
If the Russian delegate to the United Na-
tions had not quoted from Senator MORSE'S
speech on the Senate floor, many Americans
would not have known the opposition ex-
ists. if you had not allowed the Senator
to "face the Nation" the American people
would not have been able to hear the Sena-
tor expound his total position. It is absurd
for them to get only that part which the
Nzw Yokx, N.Y.,
May 25, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I Was amazed and
flabbergasted to find that the late city edition
of today's New York Times (May 25, 1964)
didn't carry a single line about your TV
interview that took place yesterday.
I expected It to be page-oned since it
ie the most important contribution I've
heard to sanity on the question of South
Vietnam, etc.
I've written to the New York Times edi-
tor expressing my indignation. I should
think an inquiry by your office may be in
Best wishes,
May 24, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: We heard your wonderful
talk over television on Vietnam and Laos.
We agree with everything you said and hope
you will keep up the good fight.
We think it would be a good idea to show
to President Johnson and Secretary of State
Rusk, the letters you get commending your
stand, so they will know that the people
here want peace and not war in Vietnam.
Very truly yours.
Heard Senator WAYNE MORSE on television
give his views on securing peace in Vietnam
and Laos. Urge that you give most earnest
consideration to his suggestions.
Evanston, Ill., May 24, 1964.
Senate Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I simply want to ex-
press my deep gratitude for your position on
the war in Vietnam.
I saw and heard you today on "Face the
Nation" and felt a burden lifting, knowing
that someone in public office had the courage
. and wisdom to say the things you did.
I sin praying that God will give you
strength to continue bringing this message
with clarity and force. It will be a dark day
ahead for our Nation, I fear, if we continue
Russian delegate thinks suits his case. we both t rd Vietnam
ease 2i105/11g/003c. CIA-RDP66B0040agatkile5b046-2
CLARK roarmAN, Sincerely,
? Director, JOHN MILLER.
- "May 24, 1964.
Aq0B K.knez I heard you this morning
onS?Paes the;klakmi.','aa tesCongratulations.ii
hope President Johnson
The only way to garesults with the 'United
Nations is to Pilo* the rincs
a the na-
tions that do not pay their way?expel them.
G. 1VIoanis.
NEW YonK, N.Y.,
May .2-4, 1964.
Senator WAir#,E 1Vloasz,
Washington, D.C.
?DEAR SENAtOR MORE: 0,021gFatU at ons?
Words cann9t_pxpreo how welcome Were your
cOurag06118 and sensible thoughts expressed
on, the TV program this afternoon.
I nope everyone you 'mentioned on the air
"vievied the program?and I wonder if 'even
you realize how many of the women of the
Nation _agree With you wholeheartedly.
Please conttune to liSe eery opportunity
to so forthrightly and forcefully express your
Ideas?as welt- as whatever else you can to
bring about a change in the present unhappy
course pf eveilts.
lease 2005/01/05 :tC1A-RDP60B00400.000200150046-2
May 24, 1964.
DEAR SIR: W?ave just heard your, speech
Qn teleVisban t ia Morning on southeast Asia
and Oqr Military participation?in that area.
Ircair talk made it very clear, to me that we
should let the United Nations handle this
situation. ,
I think the, ie&al aspects are not made
clear to the American people.
If you have any aterature on this question
- I would appreciate very, much being on your
Mailing list.
Mrs. W. W. BLUME.
May 24 1964.
DEAR SIR: Once again I must warmly ap-
plaud you, on your talk appearing on "Face
the NatiOil," this Sunday (May, 24). It takes
great courage to speak the truth as you have
and particularly point out the mistakes of
some of ,our topmen specifically in reference
to our policy in Vietnam. Please m.ahktain.
your health so- Yon May' continue to speak
out for peace through the lJnited,Yations,
as against an Ultimate war that we, might be
catapulted into with this reckless policy of
a unilateral action by the Armed Forces of
the United States, God speed to you, sir, and
we pray for you every night. I am a veteran
of worliA Wara, I and 1_
, Dm/A Lienipt.
P.S.?Please try to influence Senator CLARK
RS I and others seemingly cannot.
Thank you.
-AniusrrA, GA.,
May 24, 1964.
DEAR SENATdent from In . But allow roe to express
Z am. an nsignificant stu-
my admiration and respect for your wise and
courageous staqd on the ISSLWS you discussed
on the TV program today.
More men 114e you, sir, and we could be
- sure of a world where peace and sanity would
'DEAR SIR: I am a college student and I had
the pleasure of, seeing you on the CBS pro-
gram, "Face the Nation,"
My family and I want to commend you
for your straightforward opinions and an-
swers. It is ap inspiring ht, 'i
see someone speak the f Ved ihee
the unthinkable. There its too much to lose
if the American people believe and practice
the "one side a041" t69.121allY public
officials are* handing their constituents. I
hope that there are many people thinking
as you are talking. Perhaps, now that free
discussion is not only legal but also respect-
able, more and more people will say what
they think.
I agree with your colleague, Senator J.
WuatAivi PULBRIGHT, in his statement that we
are living with "old myths in the face of
new realities." It is a shame that it takes
great courage to speak the words and beliefs
of our Founding Fathers.
Walter Lippmann once wrote, "there has
been a benevolent and patriotic conspiracy
throughout our public life to pretend that
there is only one answer, and that the right
answer can be had any day from the official
spokesman of the State Department." I am
happy to know that there are such coura-
geous leaders as yourself in the U.S. Senate
to give us another answer.
My address: John Hamilton; 271 North
Fifth Avenue, Canton, Ill.
Very respectfully yours,
May 24, 1964.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR 1-1LIDERT: You may or may not have
heard Senator WAYNE MORSE'S indictment of
the current handling of the U.S. conduct
of affairs in southeast Asia on the CBS
television "Face the Nation" program today.
I think, and many others must think, it
urgent that the Congress, the President, and
his Cabinet should consider his criticisms
and proposals very seriously.
This situation might easily become even
more disastrous than the Korean one did.
I know you have your hands full managing
? the civil rights bill?and doing an excellent
job at it?but I hope you will use your potent
_influence, and at once, in this extremely im-
portant Asian affair.
With personal regards.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I knew you slightly
when on the University of Minnesota staff
some years ago, though I would not expect
you to remember me. I hope you will suc-
ceed in securing a better and successful pro-
cedure in Asia.
May 24, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: HOW refreshing and
heartwarming it was to hear the facts on
*Vietnam instead of empty rhetoric which is
Mr. Stevenson's forte. Would that more Sen-
ators would be less arrogant and more
Also if we were above suspicion in Laos,
Why didn't we disapprove of the rightists
and the moderates combining? Wasn't it
reasonable to expect that the Pathet Lao
wouldn't be happy about this? It's supposed
to be a coalition government, isn't it?
Thank you and thank you. Keep up your
good work.
Senator W.axxx MORSE,
Senate Office building,
Washington, D.C.
May 24, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I was delighted to
hear your forthright views on our foreign
policy in southeast Asia on the Face the
Nation program today on TV. We need more DEAR SIR: "WAYNE for President"?wish it
ace3111eSoiviVaiDeMliaectikaMiniOalit pinto) delighted with
,M13091:0=-0`64"ressed on "Face
tion your views. We certainly have bypassed the Nation" today,
the United Nations in this situation. I 'too
was disappointed in Ambassador Stevenson's
speech to the U.N. You are so right that
right actions should not depend on politics
or political expediency.
Your views on the civil rights issue were
equally appealing to me. I do hope we do
not water down the bill, and if it doesn't
have all we want for equal rights for the
Negroes, I hope you do plug away until the
Congress does pass the necessary legislation
to give the Negroes their constitutional
Inpedendent thinking of conviction is a
refreshing breeze; keep up the good work.
Sincerely yours,
WASHINGTON, D.C., may 24, 1964.
Senator from Oregon,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: My wife and I were fortunate
enough to hear you on the program "Face the
Nation" today.
I may say that seldom have we been so
stirred. What you said was what-millions of
Americans want to hear. You ,are absolutely
right, Sir, you can trust the informed Amer-
ican people, who are a little tired of being
At the end of the program, my wife said
"If only we had him for President"?a senti-
ment that I, and I feel certain, millions of
other Americans, echo. Please keep up the
good work, in the secure knowledge that the
people are behind you. Believe me.
Yours very truly,
May 24, 1964.
DEAR SIR: May a far easterner say thanks
to a far westerner for a very enlightening
TV session. I don't even know the name of
the program (tuned in late), but it was good.
Was it "Face the Nation" with Marvin
Kolb, etc.? You spoke of the Vietnam situa-
tion and gave us little folk food for thought.
You said what you thought was wrong and
gave your reasons for it.
The thing I liked most was your obvious
respect for those in whom you disagreed.
No snide remarks, no political hoorah, Just
your own honest opinion. I hope Mr. Ste-
venson weighs your opinion seriously.
I liked your TV visit today and I hope
you will again speak over the networks, and
often. When "we, the people" hear only one
side of any given undertaking, we have very
little to evaluate the situation, place, or
thing. I like your remarks in regards to the
United Nations. We can be a mighty Nation
only as long as we are a Just Nation. That
goes for "at home" as well as abroad.
May-24, 1964.
The senate, Washington.
MY DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I Wish that every
voter in the country were compelled to read,
or have read to him, your comments on
"Face the Nation" today. Never have I
agreed with any position more completely.
Yours truly,
P.8.?Save time and money by not sending
the usual acknowledgement of this note.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
MAY 24, 1964.
Approved For Release 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66600 03 000200150046-2
I also share your disappointment with
Ambassador Stevenson. He has chosen to
articulate the Government's views, rather
than his own deep convictions. I am con-
vinced his views are actually close to your
own as expressed on the air May 24.
My admiration for you dates back to 1252.
I share your hope that Mr. Stevenson re-
turns to his former greatness.
Most sincerely,
May 24,1984.
Senator WAYNE Moase: Your remarks on
"Face the Nation" had logic and adherence
. to our previous commitments and were very
stimulating. I hope We will admit our er-
rors, set a wondeiful example by getting out
of all places where 'we do not belong and
call all nations to guard peace through the
United Nations.
2 haven't yet left the Republicans.
Refired, University of Illinois.
P.15.?No reply please, you have too much
to do.
Washington, to.c.
DEAR Su: I,support your courageous stand
on southeast Asia. HoweVet, in attacking
foreign authoritarianism. cafe- might consider
whether the American citizen has had a
chance to express his Weirs-on foreign policy
at any time 'knee the last war, in view of
our "latimpty-dumpty" two-party system
Your truly,
_ ,? May 24, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
Dasa BENAIOR Your position relative to
our ?Involveniant in South Vietnam is the
Most sensible that ryebeard expounded.
I recently Completed 'a tour of duty in that
country and have retired from active service
in sheer disgust with out asinine efforts to
ailidet a people who will not assist them-
We have not only overequipped and over-
supplied theta, but now seem imbued with
the idea of gc?ing all out in doing their fight-
ing for them.
May God give you the strength to prevail
In getting the U.N. MS* South Vietnam and
the United S tes out.
Yours truly,
Law Orriqvai or Grows C. Voussuts,
t..911instton., D.C., May 25, 1964.
Senate office Building,
Mx Dean SENATOR: I listened to your re-
marks on television yesterday, and?better
read' your -Speech in the Costanza-
MONAL Recd,ne .iagarding the Sante subject
Matter. Of Course, you afe light.
Permit n* hoWever, to state to you that
as long as the r.s.. Governmdzit permits either
gertternmertbil Or Prifate -agencies to poison
the atinoipliere- 24 hours a "day, how do you
expect the ordinary citizen to understand the
implications of your arguments? 'rile Ordi-
nary citizen: Who is supposed to be the ulti-
mate souroq of biltliarity in our Republic,
has been and Is being poisoned every bout
With appeabi by Radio Free Europe and other
agencies, to the extent that he feels thatwe
are at war, /t hasAipprevedhporAREg
fair in love and war. Therefore, whatever
the Government does in South Vietnam is
absolutely proper.
It occurs to me that if the President of
the United States?who desires to build more
bridges between East and West?and the U.S.
Senate want to discharge their ccnstitu-
tional duties and obligations, they must first
eliminate all these governmental and private
busybodies who, like poison Ivy. pollute the
atanosphere. A good start would be with
CIA and all its manifold activities. and then
Radio Free Europe. etc. 'When that is done,
then the voice of those who have constitu-
tional responsibility in promulgating policy
will be beard and evaluated by the crdinary
citizens. 'Unless that Is done, the voice of
the White House and that of the U.S Senate
are voices in the wilderness.
As ever, yours,
New YORK, N.Y.,
May 24, 1964.
Hon, WAYNE Molter,
Senate Office
Washington, D.C.
Dana Sea: Thank you very Much for your
excellent exposition of the foreign policy
that we, as a Nation, must adopt both on
legal and moral grounds. I am happy that
you didn't permit the not-so-friendly re-
porters divert you from the Mein issue, which
was to inform the American public.
I have also written to "Fate the Nation,"
and President Johnson to express my support
of all you said.
Very truly yours.
Mrs. Gsarratrot Erriaa sore.
New YORK, N.Y..
May 24, 1964,
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: As a stanch sup-
porter of Adlai 8tevens-6n when be was run-
ning for President in 1952 and 1956, I must
agree with your adverse criticism of him as
expressed on today's "Pace the Nation" tele-
vision program and I have written him to
tell him so.
Of course he may have his own reasons for
saying what he does in the U.N., Including?
God forbid?that he believes it. But I can't
really think that. Is there anything you
can think of, beyond what you said today,
for prevailing on him to be what I hope is
still himself?the self we all so admired and
respected in 1948. 1952: 1956. and ex en 1960?
If so, will you let me know what It is? And
would it be possible to have a copy a today's
television program? I think you did us a
yeoman service in saying what you did. I'm
all for it. More power to you.
May 24,.964.
To 'U.S. Senator WAYNE MOM of Oregon.
Demi Sts: I heard you today on -Pace the
Nation." I am mighty pleas-0d to learn that
men like you do exist in this ccuntry in
Which I put my last hopes and the only ones
to -save the justice and freedom of this
Because 2 feel like you. I put my whole
life and future at stake and-disregarded all
the advices of friendly people and preferred
self-sacrifice in order to be able to come to
this country and do help the cause of law
and righteousness before the violent people
destroy them completely. It took me 10
years to come here and only 4 years to lose
hope and faith in my ideals and to get almost
completely discouraged and stopped on my
way of search for the law of truth and
Listening to you today a spark of hope lit
In my heart and I want you, sir, to know
June 2
sacrificed for that reputation of sincerity,
truthfulness, peace, and justice in and for
the United States of America and made it a
symbol and a leader of peace, puttee, and
freedom for the rest of the world that lost
most of these great gifts our Father Al-
mighty presented to all of us equally.
I hope, sir, this letter may give you addi-
tional strength in your struggle for defense
of good rules that Jesus Christ. Mohammed,
Buddha. and other great leaders recommend-
ed to mankind for their happiness and their
Very truly yours,
May 25, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
SENATOR: My thanks to you for the ideas
expressed on television today, and for the
fight you are making in the Senate for a
wiser foreign policy.
I am one American who feels that our for-
eign policy has been largely negative, even
stupid, for a long time. By his handling of
the Cuban revolution. President Eisenhower
forced Cuba into the arms of Russia, then
we complain because Cuba embraces com-
We have kept mainland China out of the
United Nations, when it was very impor-
tant for her to be there, so that there would
be a world tribunal to which she was re-
sponsible. It would be a very different story
today if China were a member of the United
Nations and had to answer to that body for
her actions in Laos and Vietnam.
And it looks as if we are preparing the
way to get nuclear weapons into the hands
of West Germany, still largely influenced, if
not dominated by Nazis. How can we ever
hope to get peace with Russia. if we insist
on making Germany the strongest power in
Western Europe? And we talk of the "free
world" and our devotion to democracy, yet
it is our power that keeps the unspeakable
Franco in his positon of dictator over the
tortured Spanish people.
I agree with you?there can never be world
peace unless we build up a world udder law,
we've made a beginning in the United Na-
tions; we should strengthen it by using it,
and not Ignoring it, using our power to go off
on unilateral expeditions just because we
have the power. To me. that is cowardly.
Respectfully yours,
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Just finished watch-
ing and listening to you on TV. I am in
100 percent agreement with you on one main
issue_ The American people are not getting
the facts. This has been a sad 15 years for
the American people. I have been believing
this line for the last 13 years, ever since I
came from Korea. Why is that press don't
not give the people the facts about our in-
ternational situation? As I am stating in
my speech tomorrow, I think if the Ameri-
can people were really told how they have
been swindled the last 15 years. I would go
as for to say there would be the greatest up-
rising this country has ever seen. I have
read "The Ugly American" and "Nation of
Sheep." and I have been in the Orient and
around the world. I know for a fact we are
being led around like a bunch of sheep. The
money we have poured into Asia is beyond
belief. What has it got us, nothing.
We are almost banging in the jungles of
southeast Asia. Latin America, they are not
being told about. I hope in God's name
that you and the President and a few of the
politicians that God some good common-
sense. Will go after the press and make one
that I do support your views on the law, and thing clear. Get the facts to the people.
everything that should xdoonreea to
? 101.4 opt, aloput $19 _bill ion _or
?O.:AO:7014On, js Mia. And
wean'10.11-4-XXV?ere:*10.60: Only we are
nOW_b_eing. readied to get the boot, if we don't
do, leonlethanglia4. I -hope that you get
a bill in .cciAgresi and see that every damn
dollar ef this money IS, accounted. I just
get my income tax return back for audit
and I wrote and told maybe they would like
to keep it so they could buy a few more
rotten B-26'$. Captain Shank's lettere
Which were published in Life and, other
magazines is what really burnt me up. I
- know because I fired duds in?Korea, a good
many of them. Give them ?hell, Senator
MORSE. If we, hacl, a feW More ?people like
you the American people would get up off
their fat cans. If they had the facts.
Thanking you.
Disabled Veteran of Korea, July
- ' 1900 to September 1901.
Senate Office Building,
Washington D.C.
DEAR SENATOE; I first want to congratulate
you on your stand on foreign policy 'ex-
pressed on the CBS television program, "Face
the Nation," on the 24th a May. I want to
say that I completely agree with you and
that I am appalled at the situation in south-
east Asia in general, and in South Vietnam in
particular. Specifically, what I am writing
to you about is this: You stated that the
American people are not being informed of
the true facts abroad. I would like to know,
from you, what I as an individual can do to
help inform our people of the truth. I would
deeply appreciate any advice you can give
me on what I can do.
Yours trillY,
May 26, 1964.
MAY 24, 1964.
Senator from Oregon,
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C..:
Congratulations on your attempt to pre-
vent a global war in Vietnam. ?
May 2, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I was one of your in-
terested listeners on "Face the Nation" to-
day. Thank you for clearly telling us (one
and all) just what's going on in this our
beloved land, which we all love and want to
preserve. How I wish you could have been
on for an hour or two. Hope you are suc-
eesaful in convincing your fellow constitu-
? ents how ieally right you are.
Yours truly,
WS. NORA BossivrAN.
DEAR SENATOR: May I compliment you
proudly on the forthright stand and explana-
tion you gave us on "Face the Nation." If
the United Nations fail, lose their ethical
value, we are lost.
May 24,1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE ? I endorse h 1
heartedly your support of the U.N. and of
the wisdom of taking the issue of South
Vietnam to the Security Council and if nec-
essary of bringing it before the General As-
sembly. I oppose strongly our unilateral
action there (Vietnam).
Approved For
May 22, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Again my thanks
and gratitude for your consistent, courage-
ous, and timely efforts for peace and a more
realistic approach to our very dangerous
foreign policies. It is good to know you now
have help in this noble task from your co-
world now knows we, the common people,
have voices (even) in the U.S. Senate that
want and work for peace.
Respectfully and cordially,
May 24, 1964.
you that the undeclared war we are waging
against the people of Vietnam is unconstitu-
tional, and also illegal under the charter of
the United Nations?as you stated on the
"Face the Nation" program today. We should
cease our unilateral action there at once and
turn the whole southeastern Asia problem
over to the United Nations.
I am very disappointed in Adlai S.
Hon. Senator WAYNE MORSE.
DEAR SIR: After listening to you on "Face
the Nation" on Sunday May 24, I agree that
the United States should take the Vietnam
issue to the United Nations, and withdraw
our troops. I am against the United States
helping militarily.
MAY 24, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I happened to catch
your TV interview by sheer chance. I want
to tell you, I was both delighted and amazed
to hear some straight talk for a change on
the southeastern situation.
I meant to write to you later during the
week. But when I heard the radio announce-
ment that Senator GOLDWATER advocates
using atomic weapons, I was horrified, and
I'm writing to you at once. For God's sake
Senator, for humanity's sake, don't let up a
moment in your fight for a commonsense
aura realistic approach to the southeastern
crisis. I fear to think of what could happen
if the United Nations doesn't act soon.
I am writing to Senators KEATING and
..TA.vms who are the Senators from my State
urging them to support your program.
Sincerely yours,
Lewisburg, W. Va., May 23, 1964.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D .0 .
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: It was my pleasure
to see and hear you on the press conference
TV program just completed. ?
You did a superb job. I enjoyed all of it.
I only wish you had had a chance to com-
ment on Senator GOLDWATER'S candidacy and
a few other matters of importance.
May 25, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. SENATOR: The undersigned wish
to tell you that they heard the opinions you
expressed on the television program on May
24 on our foreign policy, and to congratulate
you on your courageous outspokenness. We
agree with your opinions wholeheartedly.
Yours respectfully,
...May 24, 1964.
Dns SENATOR MORSE: Congratulations on
that excellent interview th-at you had on tele-
vision today. If you see anything I can do
to help make our Vietnam policy more intel-
ligent please let me know.
I wish you would write the President
urging him to have Senator HUIVIPHREY as his
Vice Presidential candidate.
Cordially yours,
May 24, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
about the American people not being in-
formed about what is going on in South Viet-
nam (from your statements on the TV "Face
the Nation" program). To confirm the truth
of your statement and my sincere agreement
with you, I am sending to you a copy of a
letter I have written to the editor of my
union paper the RWDSU Record just a few
days ago.
Sincerely yours,
May 21, 1964.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., Editor of Letters.
May 23, 1964. DEAR EDITOR: To someone who is in the
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I support vigorously
your statements concerning southeast Asia
and Vietnam. Events of the past week have
stirred me to write and urge that you in-
tensify your courageous and straightforward
opposition to recent administration state-
ments concerning this area. The futility of
our present policy is evident to any student
of history, and to increase force is sheer
folly. If the purpose is to demonstrate that
dark (myself) and needs enlightenment,
please explain: Who started the war in
South Vietnam? Who is fighting whom,
and what for? And if our country is not
at war with them, why are our boys there,
and so many of them have given their lives,
for what? I seek a truthful answer and hope
to get it from you. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Stern Local 5.
the American way is best for Asians, then May 24, 1964.
our means better be changed or they will Hon. WAYNE MORSE,
find other ways. U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
Thank you for your attention.
MY DEAR SENATOR: Congratulations on
Very truly yours,
your frank discussion during "Face the Na-
RICHARD J. HUNTER, tion." Please keep us informed. The ma-
Member Los Angeles County jority of Americans want to do what is
Democratic Central Committee.
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As soon as t finish this letter, / am writ-
ing to the President, asking him to bring the
sitliation in Hour's Vietnam before the Unit-
Clod bless you.
Silicertly yours,
Miss Mutt Lvao.
Hay 24-1964.
a very fine showing today on "Face the Na-
tion.' I agree with and fully support every-
thing you said. weep up the good work.
I ant deeply disturbed?have been for some
time?that we Americans do not seem to be
getting the full truth about what is going
on in such places as southeast Asia. How
can we get the facts? ?
Respectfully yours.
Claarrotr, Mee.,
May 25, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
WaShington, D.C.
Dem SENATOR Mows: Last night my wife
and I beard "Pace the liation"?an inter-
view with you. Pine.
We couldn't agree more with the views you
SO eloquelatfy expressed?regarding Vietnam
especially and foreign policy in general.
' Could we have copy of the interview to
share with friends
Gratefully yours,
. REGINALD Aernsasow.
a position of being the rightest in the world.
rather than the strongest.
Vice President, Young Democrats,
The Ohio State University Law School.
Ittierlfg, Was.,
May US 1964.
May 26, 1964.
ion. WAYNE Mbass,
Senator front Oregon, US. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
Mae Sue: Thank you for your words on
"Face the Nation." Which came over our
local station here at the University of Ill-
nois on May 24.
We must certainly utilize the gift we have
in the 'United Nations. Idealism is thought
highly of us as graduate students. I and my
Colleagues are sometimes criticized in being
"Idealists " but we are at a point in foreign
relations where peace 'Is absolutely necesaary.
We must remain Idealists and use the United
Nations. We must communicate with other
ilations?via the U.N.
Continue to speak. Thank you.
MAY 24, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
Dom Sim: I am writing to you as a father
whose sons are in the armed services and
who is, I hope, a loyal American. I agree
with your stand on sending our boys into a
mess the French, with their LEO:MAIMS,
could not cope with, what business is It of
ours anyway: don't we recognize the United
Nations any more, or are we so smug in our
belief that we should run the whole world?
Our sons are too precious to us to be at
the beck and call of shy politician or small
nation hollering for help, let some of these
people do their own fighting. If I had the
means I would challenge the legality of
sending our men into undeclared wars.
We are a sorry mess as a nation when
we sit back, do nothing, and let our State
Department experts condemn our sons to
death, the last mess like this took a presi-
dential election to get us out of. I sure pray
It doesn't go that far this time. Please
Senator continue your fight in the Senate
and if needed call on the parents of the
servicemen to pitch in and help you con-
vince these nonbelievers of American family
Hon. WAYNE L. Moses,
Senator, State of Oregon,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: My confidence in
the Democratic Party and my faith that our
Nation is in the hands of some responsible
leaders has been renewed tonight after hear-
ing your remarks an CBS' 'Face the Nation."
Your plea that we must strive for inter-
national peace through international law
accepted by all nations under the guidance
of the United Nations is most timely,
though grounded in a timeless philosophy.
Thrasymachus In the "Dialogues" was wrong
when he believed that justice was in the
Interest of the stronger, yet it would seem,
as you pointed out, that our presence in
Vietnam is rooted in such a notion. The
verbal struggle, even over procedure, in the
United Nations is a far more satisfactory
alternative than an ante struggle contin-
' ually threatening O'Ur very existence.
Needles; to say, your desire to "give the
Constitution to the Negro" via a strong (and
sternly enforced) civil rights bill is admi-
rable More power to you and to leadership
had to say. SO hope is that your stand on
this aspect of our foreign policy can be more
widely brought to the attention of the Ameri-
can people.
Is it possible to obtain a transcript of this
interview of which I write? I am participat-
ing on June 12, in Santa Cruz, in a public
discussion of our southeast Asia policy.
Therefore I am anxious to obtain any per-
tinent material including speeches you may
have made recently. The time is short, but
I am hopeful that I may be able to receive
from you before this meeting any printed
matter that can be used at this discussion.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Frank A. Anderson.
West TOPSHAM, Vr..
May 14. 1964.
Senator WAYNE Molise.
Washintgon, D.C.
Dtaet Sm: Heard your television talk today
and we.heartily agree with all you said. As
we have heard before there won't be an end
to fighting in Vietnam in view of what is
going on now. What can be done to make
the President and others in authority change
their views and do what is right instead of
employing might? Hammer at them until
they take notice and end this foolish waste
of money and men. We are just dairy farmers
but this senseless war touches all our lives.
I never believed in the Democrata foreign
policy and the party is too socialistic to suit
me. We hear sonic people say, "I believe in
getting all we can out of the Ooeernment."
Pple Tose their independence and pride
after too many handouts. I love our coun-
try. have always been a Republican, but do
think a lot of President Johnson / believe
be is a goad, honest, and sincere man.
Pardon the long letter.
Yours truly,
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. BATTEN.
May 24,1964.
VS. Senate,
Washington. D.C.
Thus Eirssaroit Molise: I listened to your
"Face the Nation" today and could not agree
with you more. You are right on all points.
May 24, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR lam: Having just listened the
broadcast of "Fake the Nation" this morning,
in which you expressed your views on our
war in Vietnam I wish you to know that I
like yours whichp010 A5106 LIT Pa s WWI% Midg a:TrAlibr6regi63611T2R000200150046-2
May 26, 1964.
Senator From Oregon,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR Sex: Your television apparance of
May 24 was received here yesterday. While
not in complete agreement with your phi-
losophy it was rare and refreshing to hear
one clearly defined. How nice it would be
if more of your colleagues (nationwide)
would put courage behind their convictions
and give the American public a clear picture
and thus a clear choice.
Thank you for your message.
DOROTHY (Mrs. J. L.) MernEws.
May 25, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
the Nation." That's telling 'erp, Senator.
Best I've heard in a long while. More power
to you.
Retired Farmer.
May 24.1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Just heard you on
"Face the Nation" and must tell you how
completely I agree with you?decision by an
honestly informed public. We have alto-
gether too much government by edict from
Washington which bypasses Congress.
More power to you. The things you said
need to be said.
Senator WAYNE
US. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR Sot: Please accept my compliments
for your honesty, courage, and straightfor-
wardness on "Face the Nation" yesterday,
May 23.
It is reassuring to see and hear a U.S. Sen-
ator who speaks his opinions boldly, clearly,
and fearlessly and has a realistic grasp of
foreign affairs.
No doubt the administration and Mr.
Stevenson are dismayed that you cut through
and exposed the entire phony basis of our
activities in the Far East. And many
Americans must have been startled. As you
said; We do not know all that is going on?
and half of what we read and hear is distilled
or "administered." Certainly the nations
of the world know we are not being honest
with them nor with ourselves. Please con-
tinue to speak up. There are still many
Americans who believe in integrity.
W. E. Castaoaa.
May 25, 1964.
lease 2005/01/05 : C1A-RDP66B0040MP00200150046-2
ON6iitssfONAL itEccap--=sENATE
- ? -2:1---16-d4---
'13-AR $0,TAt9r, litos:4; ThiS7ts,:fg; .support
your, poet:flea on: South Vietnam as ei-
pieeSed on "re.0* the Nation" yesterday.
We have had an almost `ebritirinOUS:"brink_
of war" ,atmcsphere since 1946 now, and
there are strong preasures to continue this?
apparently 'Indefinitely. Republicans and
Democrats seem to coMpite "in wai cries.
I am grateful that there are Snell adniliable
exceptions as yourself. _
I qtiestfon the intelligenee'andlntegrity of
the CIA, I -01-i,Eillikk04 te'See"Piettires of
tortures by our Allies in South Vietnam In
the press?almost routine by now.:
With best jwishes for. SUccess,
t. pAcn.
May 25, 1964.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
HoNORAPLE $nt; l sure humblythank God
forhaving you, Senator, in the Senate.
I do fully subscribe to your standing, that
you do not want our young men in military
serviCes to fight and to die in places where
the United Nations Forges should be em-
Honorable Senator, I served in World War
I for 3 years in France and Germany.
My son served in World War II for 6 years
In Pacific rtncl Asiatic war operation with
the 1st Division of Marines. Now thousands
of our young men are fighting and dying
where all free nations men ought to be with
God bless you, dear Senator. Protect you
and yours.
40SSPH SaireArTerc,
May 4,1964.
Washington, D.C.
De.Aa SENATOR MORSE: I have just turned
Off the 'Pace the Nation" program after the
end of your Part in the program. Often I
have wondered why we are in South Vietnam,
and why it was not in the province of the
U.N. instead of the United States, ,
As I understand it our involvement goes
back to the policy of Foster Dulles in the
Eisethower days, and I support a change is
But I agree heartily with your argument
today and what you think should be done.
Why should a civilized world have to light to
make things go right?
From brief reports I gather that Sena-
tor rumnacar and Senator MeNssinte, also
do not agree with what we are doing to
southeast Asia. Let us hope more voices will
be raised for a change?and not to nuclear
means,?but a way of peace.
EDNA R.NincsiasuEs.
4. May 25, 1964.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D
-DEAR SENATOR MORSE; .1 listened to your
Interview on `Pace the Nation" May 24 on
channel 2. Many thanks for your sincerity
and outspokenness with regard to our posi-
tion in southeast Asia. I agree this crucial
matter should be handled by the United Na-
I hope the news media will publicize ,this
interview and also give us the true facts, as
you suggest.
No. 109--6
Senate Building,
DEAR SIR': After hearing You On "Face the
Nation" I can only say that I wish I lived in
Oregon so I could support you. It might be
worth Moving to Oregon just for that privi-
lege. You expressed by own thoughts in
a way I am incapable of,.
Thank you.
Josersnikie McCortsucx.
sumyyn, WASH.,
May _24, 1964.
MAY 25, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Yesterday, Sunday
? . . _
May 24, I saw and heard you on a TV pro-
gram. I would like to thank you for what
you said and for what you are trying to do.
I do not write lOters to Senators very
often but I felt in this case I had to. I'm
sure that your office will be flooded with
mail from all "way out" nuts calling you all
kinds of names and saying you are a sellout,
etc, etc. tet me say this to you now: There
are many hundreds of thousands of our peo-
ple who are with you and for you but they
just don't write. They are like me.
But if you continue to state your case often
enough the people will grasp onto the prob-
lems you spoke of and they will demand that
something be done about them.
Please go on talking and asking and show-
ing the way as you have been doing. Per-
haps you will give some courage to other
Members of the Senate to speak out the
way you have.
May your tribe increase.
Very truly yours,
May 25, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: You may be inter-
ested in seeing the enclosed letter I just ad-
dressed to the President. I hope it may
contribute one mite in support of the val-
iant work you are doing on the issue in-
volved, not merely in representing the con-
science- of millions of concerned Americans,
but in pressing our Government toward a
policy of peace and reason.
Sincerely yours,
'MAY 25, 1904.
The White House,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: Friday morning, May
22, I read the statement of your Ambassador
to the United Nations, Adlal Stevenson, pre-
senting the U.S. position on the current
problems in Indochina. That same Fri-
day, in the evening, I could not overlook the
endlosed AP wirephoto in the New York
Post. You will see that according to the
acconmanying text, it is not the Vietcong
as anyone following Ambassador Stevenson
would unquestionably expect, but the South
Vietnam soldiers, advised, guided, and
paid by us, who are responsible for the
"scene depicted.
How long, Mr. President, can we continue
to rely on the cry of aggression to cover the
crimes of perfidious governments our own
representatives establish and our own Gov-
ernment supports in distant southeast Asia?
How long will our own fate be hopelessly
bound to the endless mistakes initiated by
John Foster Dulles in 1954 and the ensuing
horrors for which we must bear responsi-
bility in that unfortunate land.
I find just one ray of hope in Ambassador
RosErftsmsr. Stevenson's statement; That we are pre- DT. THOR. ERAN
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, .
pared to go back to the 1954 agreement.
This, of course, is the agreement which Mr.
Dulles and ifr.-Nixon tried to avoid even at
the risk of world conflagration; the agree-
ment which Mr. Dulles, with his unmatched
genius for legalisms and mastery of the self-
righteous pose, had us, as Secretary of State,
on the one hand agree to without signing,
and on the other hand circumvent by uni-
lateral intervention; it is the agreement
which otherwise would long ago have termi-
nated all traffic in armaments and military
personnel throughout Indochina and re-
united North and South Vietnam atter dem-
ocratic elections. I hope, Mr. President, you
will direct our policy vigorously toward this
Sincerely yours,
Storrs, Conn., May 25, 1964:
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
Demt SENATOR MORSE: Can I take only a
minute of your time to tell you of my ad-
miration of your continuing criticism of
American foreign policy with respect to
You are apparently one of the few men in
the higher echelons of the Government that
has the integrity to stand up and fearlessly
state extraordinarily simple and elementary
facts. The continuation Of our policy in
Vietnam has no goal in sight?the myth of
establishing freedom there is at best a ques-
tion of freedom for a few and at worst is
simply absurd. Nor do any of the alterna-
tives mentioned, save for U.N. intervention,
offer even the slightest hope of constructive
action. The fact of the matter is that Viet,
nam has a long future of dichotomized, dic-
tatorial politics before it, and the question
of who is going to perform the administra-
tion of these politics is largely an unimpor-
tant and uninteresting one, except insofar
as one answer to the question involves the
senseless killing of Americans and Vietnam-
ese alike and the perpetuation of the ten-
dency toward "the garrison state" here at
All of this is not to advocate a complete
abandonment of American involvement and
interest in southeast Asia. Rather, only our
present, unsuccessful, and senseless policy
must go. And since you are one of the few
who seem to recognize this, perhaps it may
mean something to you if testify that the
support for your position here in the hinter-
lands of Connecticut is not inconsiderable.
In short, keep up the good work. There is
a larger number of people behind you than
you might think.
Sincerely yours,
May 25, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
listened to your comments on "Face the Na-
tion," re our international relations and the
We agree with you 100 percent. We sin-
cerely hope your remarks together with
those of Senator FtTLER/GHT, will bear much
fruit. You gave some constructive sugges-
tions for our foreign policy. Keep it up.
Sincerely yours,
ApprovedF el ease 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66B00VI4R000200150046-2
WzarssoNT. NJ.,
May 24, 1954.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Congratulations on
your speech on Vietnam of May 24. It was a
masterpiece. Please keep it up.
May 24, 1964.
DEAs SENATOR Moms: Your efforts to con-
vince the President that war in Vietnamf
should not be enlarged are appreciated.
Prance learned that Vietnam was a lost cause.
Our country should waste no more men or
materials in that country. Keep on with
your good work.
Sincerely yours,
May 24, 1964.
Senator WAirsis tfoasz,
U.S. Senate Building,
Washington, D.C.
Sm This is to assure you that you
lathe wholehearted and whole-minded sup-
port in your position, concerning U.S. foreign
policy in Vietnam and on the civil rights
question in our domestic policy.
The expression of your position in the
press conference on TV" this morning echoes
the feelings arid thoughts and fears I may
add of many people who regard our present
course as highly unrealistic.
I thank you for giving expression to these
thoughts and I wish you to be assured that
you have wide support.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. COarrinsA M PAusTuin.
Maw, FLA.,
May 27, 1984.
11.011. WAYNE MORSE: / admire the stand
you have taken on Vietnam. Why does the
Milted States take on the responsibility of
this war alone? What is the 'United Nations
tor? Our supposed "silica" don't even offer
to help and we are not informed of the true
situation in Vietnam by our returning rep-
resentatives. We can forget about Commu-
nism in Cuba apparently. but send our men
thousands of miles to fight a losing war.
Do we still have a Congress?
May 24, 1984.
Hon. WAYNE Molise,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
MT DEAR SENATOR MORSE: / wish to express
approval of your vieivii on Vietnam as stated
on "Pace the Nation" on Sunday, May 24.
It is interesting to note that on a news
broadcast immediately following your inter-
view it was stated that Senator GOLDWATER
advocates the use of low yield atomic blasts
along the border between North and South
The need to work incessantly for a legal
Means for keeping order between nations is
Increasingly apparent.
Thank you for your courageous expression
of your views.
Very truly yours.
May 25, 1964.
17.5. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
would be remiss in my duty as a citizen if r Senate Office Building,
didn't write to As many Senators as pOssible, Washington. D.C.
to tio on record as' Vryritte FidPeVelt Battle qacnt=PIPataga
Our Present operatio etnarn. t s 1
We should not become involved in that
part of the world, in any action which would
require the presence of our servicemen, or
any loss of life on their part.
The time to have taken a stand in Asia,
I feel, was during Truman's war in Korea,
when we were already actively committed
there, also bad a very able man, General of
the Army Douglas MacArthur, who could
have won for us a victory over communism
In that' part of the world, bad he not been
prevented from doing so by a less intelligent
and far-seeing man.
Besides, if we didn't have the will, or abil-
ity, to fight communism in Cuba. at the
Bay of Pigs. 90 miles off our shore, why
should we go '7,000 miles around the Earth
looking for a fight which should. in my esti-
mation, be placed under the United Nations,
an institution which was supposedly set up
to handle these so-called limited wars. It's
an institution to which we contribute heavily
Hoping you will use all the power of your
office to prevent another tragic mistake like
Korea, with its wanton waste of the lives of
American youth.
Thanking you.
May 24, 1964.
Hon, WAYNE B. Molise,
U.S. Senator,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR Semeros MORSE: My wife and I were
strongly impressed with your position on
"Pace the Nation" this morning in regard to
our present embroilment in South Vietnam.
We wish to thank you for your courage,
and the clarity with which you stated your
views, which we strongly endorse.
Sincerely yours.
TAMPA, ?LA., May 25, 1964.
Hon. Senator WAYNE Mows,
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
Deus. SENATOR: I was fortunate to have
caught your interview on television, Sunday.
May 24, so that I heard all of your views on
Vienam and civil rights instead of the sparse
words as reported in our Tampa Tribune.
My opinion has changed about you over
the years as I matured in knowledge of our
foreign and domestic affairs. In our history,
many great statesmen have echoed the sim-
ple truths which set the rules for freemen.
They can't be reiterated too often: "Our
foreign policy should be set by the -wishes
of an informed American public who can
well decide what is right." Thomas Jefferson
stated in similar words "When the people
are properly informed, their judgment is
better than that of a few."
Yes, our foreign polio), should reflect what
the average American thinks, who looks for
high ideals in his local and National Gov-
ernment. We shotild be a Nation which re-
' fleets right, not might. I have stated that
litany times in "letters to the editors." etc.
? ?A s
As to the United Nations, it has been the
most successful, in representation and effort,
in really -keeping peace in the world, of any
other entente or organization, previously.
Beet wishes,
Levis PansE.
P.S.?Civil rights?Our country is growing
in attaining government for freemen.
May 25.1964.
June 2
and end our military involvement in Viet-
Your courageous leadership on this most
crucial of issues is an inspiration.
I would appreciate being sent the text of
your speech(ea) bearing on this.
Sincerely yours,
&trim J. KiTrzris.
May 25, 1964.
Re Vietnam and the U.N.
Man SENATOR MORSE: I wish to commend
your statements heard yesterday on TV on
the "Capital Cloakroom" program relative to
the role that the United Nations should be
asked to play in the Vietnam crisis.
I heartily agree with your contention that
this whole matter should be referred to the
United Nations and that our Government
should support a U.N. peacekeeping opera-
tion there.
It seems to me that we cannot win a war on
the mainland of Asia, as we learned during
the Korean war, and that this is a typical
case where the good offices of the U.N. Secre-
tary-General and a U.N. force should be
Too often we do not call in the U.N. or re-
quest the U.N. to act until it is too late or
until matters have deteriorated to such an
extent that the U.N. position is almost un-
Respectfully yours,
May 24,1964.
DEAR Ma. SENATOR: On. "Pace the Nation"
today, you have outfaced the petty and petti-
fogging politicians with the acid bite of prin-
cipled truth.
It was a most statesmanlike performance
and should serve to alert such a fallen idol
as Adiai Stevenson that one can always
escape the wbb of circumstance by an act of
It was sickening to those of us who held
him in high esteem, to watch him read,
schoolboy fashion, a statement of foreign
policy that diminished both himself and the
American people. I like your confidence in
Latterly I have felt like "The Ugly Amer-
ican," "The Unlawful American," and "The
Oppressive American," All this guilt is be-
ing wished on us, and the perpetrators dress
policy up in phony labels which fool only the
gullible and the immature.
It gave me back some faith to hear you
speak out for right against might, for law
against expediency, and for peace above
LOCKPORT, N.Y., May 29, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.:
I notice that you and several other Sen-
ators have been brave enough to oppose
extension of the war in South Vietnam.
It is a war, yet undeclared and unapproved
by either Congress or the American public.
Government officials should take note of
the fact that some of us don't appreciate
half of our tax going to support the military
and their war that appears to be a flagrant
violation of the so-called police powers of
the executive department.
Some of us are also opposed to it because
it obviously violates the 1954 Geneva agree-
Then there is the consideration that our
support of Diem and now Khanh is hardly
popular with the South Vietnam people?in
view of the number of deserters, the con-
advisers needed to
Approved Foite? 2005/01/05 : CIALRDP66B0049
Idealists are also equeamish about the ose organized to secure funds for such endeavor, to you and to Senator MAsrsivrELD for your
1:)f experimental techniques of warfare, such It is a must if we want to save humanity efforts to halt it.
as chemical, sprays in forests and rice paddles from nuclear holocaust.
that often maim innocents. Keep on this great effort of yours and all
With over $3' billion spent (according to of America will be grateful to you. BERKELEY, CALIF.,
Mum MArseFisLe), with more than $1.5 mil- Respectfully, may 24,1964.
lion a day needed to continue the war, with SIDNEY Esortsco. Senator WAYNE Mos,
all the majesty and might of the 'U.S. mill- Washington, D.C.
tory, which prides itself as, the most power- MOUNT VERNON, N.Y. DEAR SENATOR Moose: We listened to you
ful forge in the world, the var has still con- Dsart SENATOR MORSE: Both my wife and I this morning on "Face the Nation" and as a
tinned to swing to the side of the Vietcong. heard your interview with newsmen about family we commend you highly.
, We are entitled to fiak_ Why. And the the war in South Vietnam. We would like I do believe the people are very much con-
answer ranst ioe that the effort is not popu- you to know that we approve completely of fused and curious as to what Is going on in
lar; that victo,r9 can only come with massive what you said. We thank you for having the south Vietnam. At least all who are inter-
onslaught, in open declaration of war, mill- courage to speak out for reason and good ested in anything. There are those who
tory occupation, the threat of a frightful sense. Both here and in the city I have yet amble on through life following the leader--
engagement with North Vietnam, and China, to meet anyone who has wanted us to con- fair or foul, sad to say.
Because of the latter's numerical sure- tinue our involvement in I-1,e Vietnamese We believe in the U.N. and you.
tiority, that kind of total war ,wollid ilave to massacre. People here are shocked at the Congratulations.
boomerang into a nuclear conflagration of suggestion of expanding the war. But our ELLA KITTREDGE.
East and West that would make Armageddon Representatives in Congress do not repre-
look like kid stuff. , sent us. God knows whom they do repre-
The rightwing coup in Laos, probably sent. We count on you to make our lost May 26, 1964.
abetted by CIA agents, and formation of a voices heard in the sea of congressional Hon. WAYNE MORSE,
?neutralist government with heavy rightwing irresponsiblity and Pentagon warmonger- U.S. Senator, Oregon,
support, and the subsequent struggle there ing. Keep up the good work. Washington, D.C.
accompanied by overtones of U.S. promises WILLIAM DUELL. Honorable DEAR Sm: I listened to your re-
to aid the people poses a further threat to
marks last Sunday, May 24, on television
the peace of Asia.
TUJUNGA, CALIF., program "Face the Nation."
I think if Americans were honestly pre- May 25, 1964. I heartily agree with your remarks and
sented the facts, they would not support a
WAYNE MORSE, your opinions.
war that cannot possibly be won short of U.S. Senate, Four of my sons have served their tours
horrifying casualties. Washington, D.C. of duty as commissioned officers in the Army
Presented the facts of the Geneva agree- DEAR MR. MORSE: Your remarks on the TV Reserve. Three of them served in Korea in
ment, American Citizens would question the interview this Sunday afternoon in regard a so-called police action. My fifth and last
legality of the American role in South Viet- to the war in Vietnam were wonderful to son will be commissioned a Second Lieuten-
nana?certainly as flagrant an act of aggres- hear, ant in the Army Reserve upon his graduation
eion as the oviet repression of the, Hun- We agree with you that we are violating from college next month, and I certainly do
gallon revolt. international law in southeast Asia and that not want him sent to Vietnam, Laos, etc.
We must chU fpr immediate withdrawal of the problem is one for the U.N. If the people of these nations are not in-
American forces from the area, and recon- Keep up the fight for a peaceful world. terested in defending their freedoms I am
Terre the Geneva Conference with all inter- IVER AXELSON. certainly opposed to sending American
sa,ted parties, including representatives of
the Vietcong. The "solution in these ?coup- troops, some of them sacrificing their lives,
LINCOLN PARK, MICH., defending it for them.
-Wes is up to the people there, and all foreign
May 24, 1964. Yours respectfully,
intervention must be arrested. Consider tire DEAR SENATOR Moose: We heartily agree DANIEL A. IVIcCARTHy.
tate of the American Revolution if France and with you about our role in Vietnam and P.S. I served 6 months as an enlisted man
Spain had joined Britain against the tiny about what should be the role of the U.N. In World War I.
band of men,led by George Washington. We appreciate your forthright remarks
AT-Fsen $? OPeixils? about the civil rights bill. BELLEVUE, WASH.,
P.S. Ira= ngt a CommUnikt and the Views We wish we had more Senators like you. May 27, 1964.
here expressed are strictly my own, as guar-
Most sincerely yours, Senator WAYNE MORSE,
anteed by our donstitutioo that, inciden-
tally, was born in blood end aweat, , D. SPEER. Senate Office Building,
'ashington, D.C.
. r.P.S.,Pleaesv send a cppy of your recent
SENATOR MORSE: Please be advised that I DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I am a former red.-
talk on ,this subject and bill me if there is agree with you wholeheartedly on your stand dent of Oregon. While there I voted for you
on the whole Far Eastern mess. _ several times, for I was proud of the stand
MEDS'ORD.MASS may Why can't we put this in the United Na- you took on important issues. Although I
24 1964
tions lap before another Korea developes, cannot vote for you now I am very much
A. L. FLacx.
DEAR SBN45'M1 MORSE; After listening to Sincerely, impressed by your courage and good sense.
your vieWp as expressed on "Face the Nation"
today, I sort of felt oblfged to write you IVAN F. WARD. In my opinion you are definitely correct
and let you know Just how I and I know in regard to the position you have taken
hundreds of thousa,nds of Americans feel LARKSPUR, CALIF., about the war in Vietnam.
May 25, 1964. Thank you and good wishes.
about your commonsense logic.
We certainly have some queer thinking Hon. WAYNE MORSE, Sincerely,
Senator from Oregon.
going on in our Government. It Is Weed
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: My respect and grati-
refreshing to hear common horsesense as
tude for your statements before the "Face
you made things clear today.
the Nation" broadcast Sunday, May 24. Your
. I trust that,you will give some thought DEAR SENATOR: I think you ought to know
to accepting the Vice Presideocy if Presi- courageous statements were a sane voice in
that a great many of us here in Wisconsin
our unfortunate situations in southeast Asia.
dent Johnsen ,should offer it to you. I am thoroughly agree with your stand on south-
You gave me hope and confidence again.
Writing him tonight, suggesting that he do east Asia. ? * " Somewhere along the line
so. I shall get as many others as I possibly someone had to tell the truth and keep TTFABETH BRA1r
can to do the same. You are needed In a .'lug the truth. I am glad and grateful that
higher position in Government it was you.
Sincerely yours,
May 24, 1964. You owe it to the American people to per-
Hon. Senator W. MORSE, sist until all the facts are known. I, too,
Washington, D.C. think, as you, that once the public has facts,
4,-. it can act with great wisdom.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Just a brief note ,,,,
Senator WAYNE MORSE, say I support your efforts to seek a political Sincerely,
Senate Office Building, solution to the war in Vietnam. SOL BENSMAN.
Washington, D.C.
_ Diego A photograph published May 23 in the San P.S.?Would appreciate a copy of your
DEAR SENATOR: Bravo. Bravo, Bravo. 1 Senate speech on southeast Asia.
Union shows preparation of a Vietcong
heard your remarks on CBS radio Sunday, prisoner for torture to secure intelligence.
May 24. It was like a breath of fresh air I am fearful if this war continues we will find HARRISBURG, PA.,
breaking through the dense foul fog that ourselves justifying such torture, and the May 27, 1964.
has enveloped all of our country's airwaves.
If only we had a few more voi like. American character will be seriously cor- alsgi .. W_Axa..Mparsz : It did us
Might I suggest a .... a
...,, illaRgeicalt Relptate ?005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66B0
? !,e 1 &E1 Angling out against
canno see how this war in Vietnam can our terrible actions in Asia when the whole
I feel confident that some such group can be be regarded as a just war?again, my thanks world is against us especially in Vietnam.
Approved FINelease 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66B00MR000200150046-2
Hoping that you can get your friends to
keep us out Of furthe losses.
May 26, 1964.
Hon. Wart?re MORSE.
DEAR SENATOR!' I have not always agreed
with you on the stand you took in the past.
As is .often the case it is easier to throw
rodks than roses and often we agree with a
penson but fail to let them know of our sup-
port. Both myself and a number of friends
are taking this opportunity to thank and
congratulating you for your talk on "Face
the Nation" Sunday, May 24. What a pity
we do not have more stalwarts who express
themselves so forcefully.
May 30, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: We Plat wrote Pres-
ident Johnson supporting your courageous
stand against our South Vietnam policy of
continuing and escalating this "dirty" war.
We are against military solution to all world
problems, instead of the use of more diplo-
We are indeed grateful to have a few dis-
senting voices in the Senate such as
yourself, who represent the popular feeling
of the United States. The U.S. public we
feel has not really been well informed on the
matter. If the fact were brought out more
perhaps there would be greater pressure by
the people toward stopping this useless war.
We are glad that you are doing your ut-
Meet to stop this unnecessary taking of life.
We again support your policies toward a
peaceful world. It is with regret that we
do not live in your State so that we could
vote for you.
LONG ISLAND, N.Y., May 30, 1984.
Hon. WaviaZ /loess,
U.S. Senate,'
Washington, D.C.
DWI Sea: This is to express my strongest
Support for your courageous and realistic
stand against continued U.S. involvement in
the CiI41 War nOw taking place is South Viet-
1:11M1, and against 17.S:intervention in other
parts of southeast Asia, such as Laos and
Cambodia, not to speak of invasion of North
If sanity prevails in our Government's
policies and a third world war is avoided, it
Will be due to men like yourself who have
the visionand courage to protest against
the prevailing militaristic hysteria which
grips our Nation. If men like yourself sat in
the White House this would be a better
country to live in.
Your very sincerely, ?
, Gimes W. ROSE,
May 30, 1964.
Non. Senator WAYNE MORSE,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
Man SENATOR Moffat: I am one of the mil-
lions of people In the United States who ad-
mire your vision and moral standards in re-
gard to the most shameful war waged for
10 years on small nations which want to get
rid of colonial and imperial domination, in
order to build up a dignified human exist-
Deep-felt thanks for your consistency and we are in South Vietnam illegally and un- have just listened to a program on Pacifica
ence, as they see fit.
courage. Like th:jygyetititcrage cortutimiga:Zongress has been too
the rulers of this Radio. KM, concerning Vietnam. The pro-
predation still left for America the Beauti-
If your advice is snubbed and disrigarded,
then woe to the United States of America.
I would be very grateful if you could send
me, if possible. five copies of more of your
most outspoken speeches, and including the
one T heard over the radio "Fate the Nation"
on Sunday, May 24.
/ will do my best to make your message
known to as many people as possible.
Gratefully yours,
May 28, 1964.
The White House.
Dzaa Sac I have just heard Senator
Moasx's speeches in the Senate on the crisis
In southeast Asia, and particularly Vietnam.
humbly believe that his appraisal of the
situation should be given careful considera-
I believe that if the American pecple were
to have these facts the majority would be in
The alternative, as Senator MORSE and
many other able statesmen and scholars have
warned may lead to an escalation of the
war to uncontrollable limits.
May 27, 1964.
Senator WAYNE Mows,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR Molise: I was privileged this
evening to hear, on KPFA, Pacifica Radio in
Berkeley. Calif., a program of excerpts from
your various Senate speeches since March on
the subject of our country's activities in
I agree with your position on the illegality
and immorality of our efforts in Vietnam,
and I can only hope that your voice will
be beard more. Finding, among my ac-
quaintances, very little regard for the Gov-
ernment's position in Vietnam. and a general
feeling that we are wasting time, lives, and
money on corruption, it is a relief to find a
voice in the Senate speaking on this sub-
ject, and speaking in such a manner.
I am not one of your constitutents, but
you do, in a sense, represent the entire coun-
try as well as your State. I am writing my
Senator, THOHAS Kucast.., to commend your
stand to him.
Incidentally, although I am not aware of
your position concerning our actions toward
Cuba, I trust you have thought about the
legality and morality of these actions.
Thomas Les.
MODESTO, CALIF., May 26, 1964.
Drifts SENATOR: I agree with you that the
war in Vietnam is a costly and illegal war
and one in which we cannot expect to win.
If any action is to be taken in Vietnam it
should be a force sent by the U.N..
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF., May 38, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR Moak's: May I take this op-
portunity to applaud your stand on the sit-
uation in southeast Asia and particularly
In South Vietnam.
/ wholeheartedly agree with the various
points you have made regarding the fact that
tions. We are not only, as you state, a
colonial power in this situation; but our use
of airplanes, napalm bombing, and chemi-
cal spraying is actually terroristic since they
are often directed against the civilian popu-
Thank you again for your unique effort
on behalf of ending our military participa-
tion in southeast Asia.
Sincerely yours,
May 30, 1964.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Keep up the fight
to move our troops out of Vietnam. I lis-
tened with admiration and thankfulness
to your talk in "Face the Nation" last week.
I agree that we must repudiate the policy
enunciated by Adlai Stevenson in the Se-
curity Council. I could feel him crawl.
I ern writing to my own Senators, telling
them how much I admired your stand, and
urging them and the President of the United
States to negotiate on the Vietnam question.
Cordially yours,
May 25, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR Sm: Listening to the television pro-
gram 'Pace the Nation" last Sunday. I was
delighted to hear you giVing your views about
the war in South Vietnam, and I share these
views with you.
Yes, we should make an end with this
fighting war and give it over entirely to the
United Nations for the purpose of the estab-
lishment of peace.
It was good to hear you in this program
speaking up for what is the right thing
to do, the real right thing and the only right
thing; that, what God would want us to do
too, even if it does not always mean a vic-
tory for us.
I hope you will continue to speak up and
defend the truth in the world and keep your
wonderful courage and your high ideals in
the ultimate righteousness of all things.
May God bless you and guide you in your
work as a Senator and in the part you have
as a leader in our Government.
FOREST Huss, N.Y.,
May 25,1694.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I was greatly im-
pressed and horrified by your description of
the Vietnam and Laos situation, and wish to
commend you on your forthrightness.
I too would like to see the U.N. handling the
situation there as I fear this talk of escalat-
ing the war. Your mention of our possible
use of atomic weapons worried me and when
Senator GOLDWATER later in the afternoon
mentioned it also, I felt panicky.
I am writing to my two New York Senators
to ask them to support you in solving the
Vietnam and Laos situation by putting it
In the bands of the United Nations.
Thank you for your courage.
Sincerely yours.
May 27, 1964.
U.S. Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: My husband and I
a al* lvie-s by you and others
therewith save the rest of esteem and ap- problem should be given to theUnited Na- 3rtql70Pat5PPMErican involvement in
Approved FoI?005/01/05 : CIA-RDP6613004
Bouth VietnAM, in these slays of cliches and
? meaningless statements of patriotism, your
Candid analYals-of this situation is both. re-
freshing and trightening.
To our knowledge, unfortunately, your
comments, have not , gone fir beyond The
CoNcRESsI07AI. RECORD. gueli A critical
analysis of American foreign policy deserves
wider audience.
Would you consider forwarding to us any
future statements you may make on this
_ _
Issue? ,
We encourage' you to continue your efforts
in insisting ,that American 'foreign policy be
stripped of its myths and analyzed within
the framework of the rule of law.
We are most anxious to help you in your
valiant efforts in any way we can.
? Lois rATSEY.
DETROIT, Minis.,
May 30, 1964.
Senator -PNaw A, Jima, .
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
t)#.4 SENATpli. HAAT: I wish to ComMuni-;
cats to you the fact that my feelings regard-
? ing U.S. military intervention in South Viet-
nam coincide with those of your colleague
from Oregon, Senator MORSE.
agree with him when he said on the floor
of the Senate, "* * * this illegal and uni-
lateral course of action of the United StAtes
in South Vietnam could lead to,A third world
agree with him the war should not
be extended to the North, _I agree with him
that the United States shoulcl pull its troops
&It of South Vietnam and a neutral Vietnam
be established.
Proposals contrary to the above would
seem to conatitute grave dangers to world
peace And I Would be unable to support an
advocate o them.
Tours for peace,
TER Wzaag.
Nay 28 1964
Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C.
DEAR_SENATOR: .Aa American, I wish
to compliment you on your daring exposure
??-the MellA3ParA war, in '64 lukitioll o V_1Vt-
nein. Indeed, sonaeone must make such,
and want to thank you for doing so. Com-
monsense tells ?unericans the war tieing
waged there On our part has no semblance
of constitutionality. May I ask, How long
will dirty politicians seek to abridge and
diminish our constitution and nsurp power
unto themselves?under the disguise of exec-
'nave authority?
I can tell you, Senator, there are some in
our land who, seem, bent on bringing about
another revolntion,in America by reason of
their insistence on assuming personal power.
A people finally tire of such?and the case in
point here abounds with Just that type of
? May I say thanks again.
Senator WAY Ns MpAss,
Senate Office Building,
Washin,gton, D.C. ,
1:4AR SENATOR MORSE: I COM,Merld you for
telling the American people the truth about
the war in Vietnam.
I have just written to Senator GoLowATER
concerning his policy of using atomic weap-
ons in Asia and iun going to get others to
write 'him our opposition. to his foreign
po cy. A
giriCerely, !Approved For R
Wm. T. ynx.KEB,
May 28, 1964.
May 26, 1964.
U.S. Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: If a fellow does
wrong, give him hell. Likewise, if he does
right, give him a pat on tl. e back.
I listened with great interest to your "Face
the Nation" program last Sunday and just
wish to say "Bravo." I agree with every
word you said. God help our country when
there are not a few men in Congress who
are not afraid to speak out the truth.
There are very few. ?
MAY 25, 1964.
DEAR MR. MORSE: I should have written to
you sooner, but have bee a so busy writing
other authorities in and out of government
about yours and Senator GRUENING incredibly
patriotic stand for the prevention of nuclear
war and getting our boys out of that mess
in South Vietnam.
I say "incredible," because "the Establish-
ment" and all the rest of the people making
these military decisions for our country seem
not to give a damn about our lives or whether
we all get blown up in a nuclear war.
It looks like the "pretensions of the Pen-
tagon," as you so well put it, have everyone
being pulled around by the nose.
Thank goodness?not you and the dozen
or so others?who have had the courage to
stand up to the maniacal militarists; not
all the military people?but too many of
McNamara was on CBS-TV last Thursday
in that report to the press. lie was very
emotional about this South Vietnam involve-
ment, his eyes blazing_ as he expounded his
desires for escalating this war.
It,was horrifying to see this lack of sobriety
and responsibility in the Secretary of De-
fense. lie positively looked unstable?re-
minding one of Forrestal.
Well, Rockefeller and Goldwater have
toned down their bluster for nuclear bombs
and going into North Vietnam. But we'd
like some assurance from President Johnson.
The American people will ever be grateful
to you for your wisdom and true faithful-
ness to the welfare of our country.
P.5.?Your explanation on "Face the Na-
tion" Sunday, will? encourage millions of
Americans to stand up for their lives.
Stupendous, Mr. MORSE.
May 26, 1964.
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I applaud your cou-
rageous and patriotic efforts to get us out
of the South Vietnam mass. Po we. hug to
make the same mistakes?and worse?of the
French who used ex-Nazi soldiers and crimi-
nals to stamp out independence in South
Vietnam? Why can't the South Vitenamese
have their day in court?the U.N. with all
foreign troops pulled out of their country
and allowed to vote their own officials into
4s you know, the, present situation is a
disgrace. We can "save face" and show the
World we still believe in democracy by acting
like democrats (small "d") instead of "world
conquerors." (Shades of Hitler.)
Thanks again for your noble efforts.
only hope you can get our Government to
act sensibly before we get involved into
May 27, 1964.
Senate- Office Building,
Wash7ington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: Allow me to express my appre-
ciation for the remarks which you have made
from time to time in criticism of the policy
which we have been following in Vietnam
and now in Laos. I would urge that you
continue this pressure up the State De-
partment and the President to the end that
we shall withdraw our forces and extricate
ourselves from this war for which there is
neither moral nor political justification. -
Very truly yours,
May 27,1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: We are in complete
agreement with your statement on U.S. in-
volvement in the South Vietnam civil war
as expounded on "Face the Nation."
We have allowed ourselves, little by little,
to be drawn into an untenable position
where we have no support from SEATO, Aus-
tralia, or our Western allies. We do not be-
lieve military victory is possible in this guer-
rilla war or that we can in the long run
maintain pro-Western Governments on
China's border. Therefore we favor seeking
a negotiated settlement of the conflict now.
May 28, 1964.
_Senatpr WAYNE Moses,
Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: The administration
is obviously planning to compound the folly
Of its Asian policy by extending the unde-
clared war in South Vietnam to Laos and
North Vietnam. The American people and
their Congress are being disregarded, as
usual, by the hotheads who are willing to
risk war with China.
Would it be possible to suspend the busi-
ness now before Congress in order to clear
the way for unlimited debate concerning the
southeast Asia crisis? Certainly there is no
issue more important than this one, as it
brings us face to face with the question of
human survival. Civil rights, unemploy-
ment, eduaction, and other issues are ex-
tremely important, but an international
crisis which carries with it the danger of
war with China?and the terrible threat of
nuclear holocaust?should be first on the
agenda for the time being.
May 27, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
? DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I was much im-
pressed by your television talk Sunday, May
24. Keep up the good work by letting people
know that our boys are fighting an illegal
'war in the Far East.
The people of America are not aggressive.
They desire peace. It is certain influential
people with money invested in Asia that want
urs involved. American boys should not be
asked to fight for them.
May 28, 1964.
Hon. Senator WAYNE MORSE,
U.S. Senate Building,
Washington, D.C.
jAmtesilatnt me U.S.
d sup-
eosaintionSouth Vietnam and neighboring areas I
Approved "loil:"Release 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDI;66BOOnR03 000200150046-2
am ever more deeply worried and I notice
ane same among the students, and people
of all walks of We who are not articulate
enough to express their profound anxieties
and who have neither newspapers nor public
relations offices on their side. All of us
thus rely on the courageous man like you
who may still be able to prevent even graver
mistakes from being committed and even
worse horrors being, perpetrated; and who,
instead, will veer the course toward construc-
tive solutions which are in the true interest
Of the United States of America.
If I can be of any assistance to you in my
geld, which is international law, r shall be
honored and glad to do so.
Visiting professor of political science,
City College of the City University of
New York; formerly, expert, Judge
Advocate Oenerara Office, US. Depart-
ment of the Army; special legal con-
Erultant, U.S. military tribunals, Nuern-
berg; Member of the Secretariat of the
United Nations.
DEAR Sim Today when seemingly there Is
little hope for the world, may I say, sir, that
people like yourself offer a promise of hope.
It is too bad there? are not more like you.
It certainly would make your job easier.
This last Sunday / saw you on "Face the
Nation". Although I am a Negro I was not*
only impressed with your statements on civil
rights but also on your comments of the
U.N. Getting the facts to the people can-
not be overemphasized.
/ plan to travel through the State of
Oregon on my vacation. And I shall cer-
tainly tell my children abmit you.
Thanks so very much.
Weirrittrisn BAY, Wis.,
May 27, 1964.
MY DEAR SENATOR: I WAS so pleased to hear
your opinion on the Vietnam situation. The
neutralization policy seems the most intel-
ligent projected thus far, if It can be done.
My friends and I would be most willing to
make a supreme effort for supporting any
move in this direction.
-Sincerely yours.
, GLADYS Sollozwritz BOHR.
DEAR SENATOR IVIORSE! / applaud your fine
speech on the South Vietnam situation. It
was wonderful to hear you?and you are a
brave and courageous Senator?as you al-
ways have been.
You are not my Senator. I am visiting
here from Chicago, where I five.
I was fortunate to hear you, and I noticed
those in the gallery were enraptured too.
This I know?we must join with that lone
voice. Yours is like a voice crying in the
wilderness. But it will catch hold and others
will stand up and be counted.
I just could not leave Washington with-
out telling you how wonderful you were to-
day, and I am a good Democrat, usually.
Sincerely yours,
New Toni, N.Y.,
May 28, 1964.
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I just want to tell
you how Much r appreciate your recent Sen-
ate speeches, opposing the war in Vietnam.
Every mottling when my husband and I read
the Times we get quite depressed, until we
are lucky enough to find an excerpt from
one of your speeches, which gives us a little
So thank you very much, both for think-
ing and for speaking your thoughts.I know
that many people support you in your ef-
forts?probably the majority Of the people in
the whole world. I hope that your con-
stituents appreciate you as much as we do.
Sincerely yours,
P.S --It was particularly your May 24
speech which prompted this letter. It was
excellent, and quite frightening.
May 28 1964.
Senator WAYNE Monsr,
Washington, District of Corruption.
DEAR SENATOR Moasz: How long will Con-
gress allow our boys to be murdered in
Vietnam without modern weapons? We have
no business there in the first place. Why
didn't the mid we have given these countries
make them want to help themselves?
Under McNamara the no-win-kill-our-boys
policy will wreck this Nation. but Congress
has sold out to the State Department, the
Justice Department, and the President.
Yours very truly,
Jrso C. Berne
May 26, 1964.
Senator WAYNE Moasz,
Washington, D.C.
Dna Sm: We as parents, of a young ma-
rine stationed in Vietnam, wish to express
our thanks, for your honesttstncere, and up-
hill stand on our position in Vietnam. May
your faithful work and enduring wisdom,
be rewarded by our Creator. Your views
are shared by me and my wife. Yes, we are
Democrats, but have voted twice for a Repub-
lican when we thought he was the best
choice for our President. As small, humble
Americana and parents of a marine in Viet-
nam. we want you to know, that there are
many who share your views on the above
Sincerely yours,
May 23, 1964.
Washington. D.C.
DEAR Smarms: You made me proud to be
an American. History will *vindicate your
stand on this aggression of ours in southeast
Asia. There should be a world court of jus-
tice similar to the one after World War H.
The Nazis were no more guilty than are
these scoundrels of ours in South Vietnam
with napalm bombe and all the other crimes
we commit.
Congratulations on your courageous, forth-
right vocal stand on our shameful and
shameless crimes, You have lots of friends
who agree with you.
MAY 28, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR MORE: I WAS in the visitor's
gallery of the Senate yesterday May 27, 1964,
when you attacked the administration's pol-
icy in Vietnam. I was very much impressed
by your attack on this senseless slaughter of
U.S. force. The one question I have been
left with, is what can the average man on the
street do to alert his fellow citizens?, Would
your office send me a copy of your speech on
the Senate floor May 2'7. 1964, and any other
material exposing "McNamara's War." '
Respectfully yours, '
Wimaast BARN.
carefully the process of military intervention
(based on military modes of thinking) in the
process of foreign policy making.' To my dis-
tress. I find the same patterns operating to
some extent here.' At a conference some
years ago heard a speech by a colonel who
had just come back from Vietnam where he
had recommended military assistance as the
remedy to be applied. As you say, it was a
mistake. But we keep throwing in good
money after bad, in an effort to "save face"
just as the Japanese did during the thirties.
And when we get in just a little too deep
then the Chinese will come along and finish
us off?as they did the Japanese eventually,
and as they practically did to us In Korea.
I think you are absolutely right to go back
to first principles; our treaty commitments
'and moral commitments under the U.N.
Charter. I am attempting to get the tapes
of the dramatization of your Senate re-
marks (and those of Senators PULBRIGHT,
Javms, at al), and intend to play them for
my classes.
If you have extra copies. I would be de-
lighted to have them.
Sincerely yours,
Oakland, Calif., May 26, 1964.
DEAR Mn. PRESIDENT: The writer is a Naval
Reserve officer (retired) with 5 year's resi-
dence in the Far East and a Ph. D. in Inter-
national relations?Far East. I have been
listening to Senator Mosse's recent speeches
In the Senate on our involvement in Viet-
nam. I urge you to heed his advice.
I was in Japan in the late thirties and
saw the Japanese get sucked into, and then
bogged down in, illegal war with China.
Casualties mounted, and the mirage of "vic-
tory" retreated into the indefinite future, but
the Japanese "had a tiger by the tail and
could not let go."
The Japanese were an obedient and docile
people compared to the Americans. The lat-
ter will not support a full-scale war in Viet-
nam. They are profoundly uneasy over even
our present degree of involvement.
If we follow Mr. McNamara's advice and
get any more committed than we already are,
sooner or later It will be proposed that we
employ nuclear weapons to "win." It will
be argued that "American prestige" is at
stake. Yet the use of nuclear weapons is
clearly genocide, against which the civilized
world recoils. If we were to use them we
would be branded (and rightly) as the
world's worst murderers?if, indeed, we did
not in the process bring on Armageddon.
We must not blunder into this fatal sequence
of events.
We must realize that Asia cannot be "pro-
tected from communism" or "made demo-
cratic" by illegal military support of tyran-
nical regimes carried out in direct viola-
tion of our obligations under the U.N.
We would be far better off in the long run
to try to get the U.N. to handle this?or
even to accept the good offices of the French
to neutralize the area?than to follow the
McNamara policy of expanding the war. This
is a time for cool judgment and honest facing
of facts.aI urge you to reject the McNamara
advice which, in an effort to "save face," can
only make things a great deaf worse than
they already are.
aThe Japanese?who are Orientals and share
a common culture with the Chinese could
not subdue China although they mounted a
total effort over a period of many years.
How much less can the Americans?babes in
the wood, comparatively speaking, with a
Addendu to SENATOR MOILSZ: Thank you,
sir, for your timely warning to the American '"Control of Japanese Foreign Policy: A
people. I only hope they trill heed the v-oice Study of Civil-Military Rivalry, 1930-1945,"
hope that somebody ifs11215Mtbile6WM?liP 111.415.4egilaiRPRAWW?MtVeNg4044ta
r Arms,
to you and stait thi
Approved Rit?ite!ease 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66B004040000200150046-2
different culture, and vastly further sepa- - "DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: If, in our policy of REDWOOD CITY, CALIF.,
ret,ed ppace from China?hope to dominate containment, we march our troops up to the May 28, 1964.
soiitheaSt Asia: by means Of either half- border of China, we march ourselves up to Senator WAYNE MORSE,
hearted effOrts or full-scale efforts. This the edge of nuclear war. For God's sake, Washington, D.C.
thing can-becoine if quicksand?let us avoid Mr. President, never lose sight of the fact DEAR SENATOR MORSE: I would like to ex-
it while there is time. that we live in a nuclear age. If we must press my thanks for your continuing fight
If we interyene, why shouldn't China? not 'lose face' there must, I repeat, must regarding southeast Asia,. I have kept my-
This is what haPperied in Korea, and I be- be other alternatives to nuclear holocaust, self fully informed about the problem, and
lieve it would happen here. New York newspapers print the news that am convinced that we must withdraw im-
Sinceyely, ' you are ready to embark on a 'hard sell' to .mediately; our presence there is intolerable.
; 'YALE1)/fAxoN, the American people of the need of sending It is equally amazing tome that the State
Instructor, Asian Civilization. our troops. Must the Democratic Party al- Department can print such drivel and pass
ways he the war party?" it off as "fact sheets" and/or blue books.
MILWAUKEE, Was., Very truly yours, They must have a very low opinion of the
, May '28, 1964. Mrs. BETTY TRAUN. American intelligence, which. I must say,
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Thank you for your ---- seems to be continually verified, since we
speech on Vietnam. I am not proud of the BERKELEY, CALIF., May 27, 1964. continue to send money, and more money,
-, way our Government has interfered there. DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Thank you for your and more murder to South Vietnam.
- I realize this administration inherited an statements on U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Can you tell me who else to write (besides
unfortunate policy from previous ones, but You represent completely my feelings on L.B.J., Kuchel, Engel, Gruening) to regarding
when a method fails, more of the same is that subject. this issue?
not the answer. Since Laos has also erupted Sincerely, Most sincerely yours,
we should -go ' to the conference table and LILLIAN ELLIOTT. EDWARD APPLEBAUM.
seek a solution to southeast Asia by neu-
tralizatiqn or U.N. supervised elections. Do BAysreE, N.Y., May 29, 1964. YORK, PA., May 27, 1964.
we want to confront militarily China's vast DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Congratulations on Senator WAYNE MORSE.
hordes? I'm glad my Senator NELSON also your speech of May 21 commenting on Mr. DEAR SIR: Last Sunday I heard you on TV
- spoke up. Stevenson's U.N. speech, which, at best, was and I do agree; and hope something can be
Sincerely, a disgrace. done to keep our boys from going to Viet-
. . Could I please have a copy of your speech? nam.
,, Thanks, I am sure there are a lot of people who do
OLD tORGE, PA., BARBARA A. ZELUCK. not think it necessary for us to get mixed up
, ,
May 29, 1964. over there, to the extent of sacrificing our
Senator WAYNE MORSE, SAN DIEGO, CALIF., May 27, 1964. young men. Hope you can convince others
U.S. Senate, Senator WAYNE MORSE, in Washington to keep our young men out of
Washington, 11".C. Capitol Building, that war.
DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Just a brief note to? Washington, D.C. Please do what you can, and I will be
compliment you on your splendid perform- DEAR SIR: We commend you on your idea grateful.
ance on "Face the Nation' on May 24, 1964 that the United Nations keep the peace in Thank you,
I agree with' all of your views, ' Vietnam. It takes courage to speak out like Mrs. STEIN.
this. We are glad that you have the corn-
Keep up the good work.' MAY 24, 1964.
Very truly yours, bination of this courage and clear thinking.
NICK EEmoLovicx Keep it up. DEAR SENATOR WAYNE MORSE: I seen and
- ' Sincerely, heard you on "Face the Nation" program this
LEOWNSTER, MASS., May 26, 1964. ROBERTA BEYER. -morning.
'PEAR SENATOR MORSE: We listened to you WARREN BEYER. So herewith wish to compliment you on
, . ,
on radio Sunday and think you we're great: ' your Christian attitude 0,nd convictions as
- We agr'ee with "every word you said. We MODESTO, CALIF., May 27, 1964. to foreign policy through League of Nations.
, May God bless you.
were' Wondering for a long time already why Hon. WAYNE MORSE,
America is doing everything and not the U.S. Senate, Gratefully yours,
United Nations. , ' Washington, D.C. Wm. R. MORITZ.
It is too bad that there are not More' men DEAR SENATOR: I Wish to comment on your
like you in WaShing ton. - ' - appearance on "Face the Nation" last Sun- CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF., May 27, 1964.
day. It was, in my mind, the greatest state- DEAR SENATOR MORSE t We got in on your
y -
- ? .
ma??,.rs. ..., ...-usyA - .,..,radc.E. ment made of oth foreign policy since Sena- TV session last Sunday and have to congratu-
v I-
_ WALTEJAINDEREIC tor PULBRIGHT'S Senate speech, on the floor late you on the ideas which you set forth on
....,?..... If the Senate. the Vietnam picture. In our estimation both
' MEDIA, PA May 28-1964. It is now clear that Ambassador Stevenson you and Senator PULBRIGHT are on the right
is no longer a man with ideas of his own, side of the fence. We have the utmost 're-
Senate Office Buifding - - - but rather a "tool of the State Department." spect for the President and Mr. McNamara
Washington, D.C. If he came up with something new it would but it seems to us that they are fearful to let
DEAR SENATOR MbEsE: Last Sunday eve-
be a novelty indeed, go of the tiger's tail right now due to the
ing I heard you speak on the, radio as you
What kind of war is it where the higher conditions existing in the political arena.
ranks have ter Eves an children with
were being interviewed by members of the ' hi ri dhild
If a few more Democrats would get behind
? - - - them and it takes a large number of troops you fellows we believe that there would be
I. was most favorably impressed by your just to guard them.
If it is to be a military operation, let it be quite a change in the Vietnam picture.
point of view that the 'United States should Yours very truly,
un for
f g
out. an or man, a
deal with the Far East through the United one, or getWARREN S. LOUD.
gun, we could never hope to win.
Nations, and that we should not take mat- P.S.---Your work on civil rights is also ap-
I can only say that if there should be
ters in our own hands claiming (since it predated.
suits t.% here) that might is right. more Senators like yourself and Senator FuL-
BRIGHT perhaps something would be forth-
Your arguments were well thought out,
_ , , PALO ALTO, CALIF., May 24, 1964.
based on a good fund of facts and relying coming.
yours, The Honorable WAYNE MORSE,
always on the- fun arnental principle of e ?
rightneSs of international law. DELMER MORRIS. Senate Office Building,
I agree with you that this is absolutely ? Washington, D.C.
the only course of action that the United LAKESIDE, CALIF., DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Thank you for say-
States should-take I thank you for taking May 24, 1964. ing officially what I as a pri'vate citizen was
--- ' ..- , - - - Senator WAYNE MORSE thinking. I cannot understand why a coun-
this stand and wish you well in your crusade, . , try with our democratic, tradition must con-
and sincerely -hope that you can fn over Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: I appreciate the great ef- tinue to support the military adventure go-
many, in Washington to your point of View.
Sincere:1Y, ,' fort you are making to stop the criminal ing on in former Indochina, caring nothing
for the poor nameless peasants who bear
? MARY-P. ENGLE, war in Asia.
-I hope a great many Americans heard the brunt of the napalm and lesser hurts.
your message this month on "Face the Na- Now that a United Nations organization
Baocampsr, N.Y., May 28, 1964 tion." exists, I believe it should be respected.
,DEAR SENAype: My hope for the future of
I should like to receive some of your -Further, I think we should support the
my country rests in men like you, and those speeches you have delivered in Congress French proposal for a reconvention of the
of your Senate colleagues whq ?share your concerning the U.S. participation in this guaranteeing powers of southeast Asia.
I,kPprQcyed t 0 F tRe lea sietizoor1/05 : CIA-RDP66B004MigpS75A0
uo to reduce and
humane viewpoint; , ^
_ , g-operations there,
I have today sent 'the red ent t e o - ours ruly,
low message: LILLIAN ALLEN. despite this being an election year.
- ApproNred For Release 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP66B004631600200150046-2
Although / am a California voter, I strong-
ly support your position as stated this past
Very truly yours,
Mrs. Jaara TAYI.Da
New Tom, N.Y., May 29, 1964.
Senate Office Chambers,
Washington, D.C.
Dies SENATOR Moms: teat night on the
television news program, the announcer
spoke of a speech you had made on the Viet-
nam soutl4east Asian crisis, critical of the
Government stand. However, a thorough
Ch of today's New York Times fails to
disclose any mention of it.
/ am very seriously concerned with the
growing crisis in southeast Asia, and dirndls-
bed with the position taken by Rusk and
Adlai Stevenson. It seems to me we are
throwing good money after bad, trying to
prop up the military dictatorship in South
Vietnam; and even More seriously, we are los-
ing American lives, and are in grave danger
cd losing many mora? Today's announce-
ment that Premier Khania wants to reunify
Vietnam under a non-Communist govern-
rdent soUnda very dangerous?a man who
can't control the major part of his own
country wants to undertake to conquer an-
other. Actually, the original Geneva agree-
ments called for cud reunification on the
beide of elections, but that was never carried
Out, and I'm afraid "elections" is a dirty
word toKliaz.
What I wanted to say was, that I am very
thankful that there Is a voice in the Senate
opposing further involvement in this war,
calling for negotiation not escalation, but I
Would like to know just what you are say-
ing. When even the New York Times, whose
Wett news reports of the war are what made
me so dubious, prints only one side of the
Matter, it seems as if the American people
may be pushed into a very dangerous situa-
tion, possibly even a world war, while only
hearing one side Of the question.
So could you possibly send me a copy of
your speech yesterday, as well as those made
last week, and also just mentioned in Sun-
day's Times editorial summary, and any
other pertinent material you may have?
'Thank you very much.
Mar 25, 1964.
U.S. Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
Dm; Sea: Congretulations on your honest
and forthright stand on U.S. policy in Viet-
as expressed on "Pace the Nation." We
hope you will be able to convince our Cali-
fornia Senators. Plesce continue to bring
your arguments to the American public.
Mr. and Mrs. Dews LANDY.
May 24, 1964.
DEAR SENATOR Waal: We just finished
listening to "Issues and Answers" as we do
every Sunday at this time. You were superb.
It is such a refreshing experience to listen
to a man with such a realistic (and yet
idealistic) outlook on our world problems.
I only hope you are right in your faith in
the American people. No doubt you can see
the broader pieture, but from this end of our
*Wintry, the "kooks" (extremists from either
right or left) seem to be the most vocal?
snake the most noise?one almost can believe
the whole country is truly "way out."
My husband and I had the pleasure of a
fleeting introduction to you some years back.
/ didn't want this to turn into a "fan
letter" (although we are all your most ardent
fact that the ex
admirers), but for somekn
war I
take to pen more often, and these communi-
cations are constantly being referred to as
the "voice of the people." that I decided to
adA my little letter to your PU "bou-
quets." (God knows our "public servants"
receive enough uncleeerved "prickbsts.")
With all good wishes to you and yours and
may God give you many long years of good
? health and a long, long life. We need more
Men like you.
? Sincerely,
Mrs. (Pam.) As M. Ii.SaZoG.
DEAR SENATOR Mous: I Want you to know
that I support you in your stand against the
administrator's policies on Vietnam, To
face and speak the truth can be painful and
it takes courage; I respect you for this. En-
closed is a letter / have sent to a number of
our representatives concerning my attitude
toward our policies in Vietnam. I thought
you would appreciate a copy at this time.
How is the mail running toward Vietnam?
Sincerely yours,
May 25, 1964.
U.S. Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
Data SENATOR Moiler: While my letter may
have little effect upon our precarious and de-
plorable policies in Vietnam I find that my
conscience and beliefs as an American force
me to write this letter at this time, realiz-
ing that this statement is long overdue.
Not only are we losing a war in Vietnam, but
more important, we are losing American lives
In a war that can only be detrimental to
whatever is left of our image as a Nation
founded on. and believing in. the rights of
MR popular majority to govern itself.
In the past we have supported such men
-as Batista, Chiang Kai-shek. Spew:ran Rhee,
Diem, and presently Franco and the mili-
tary leaders in Vietnam under Geberal
Khanh. Our support of these men has been
based upon their statements that they were
against communism. But what were they
for? None of them have been for political,
educational, social, and reforms of freedom
upon which our Nation has been estab-
lished. Time and truth have exposed these
men and their regimes for what they were.
The same will certainly be true in Spain
and Vietnam. Instead of aiding and sup-
porting the people, we have allowed injus-
tices to continue as long as the countries
remained anti-Communist.
What has happened? Without any hope
from the United States of pressuring these
governments into beginning social reforms.
the people have instead turned to the Com-
muniste for aid in their plight. Surely we
can learn .this lesson before It is too late in
Vietnam. The Diem regime has been ex-
posed for what it was. The strategic ham-
lets have been more Mee concentration
camps and have fallen one after another to
the national liberation front. The Saigon
government lacks the popular support of
the people, and can hardly maintain itself
outside of that city while the Vietcong roams
unmolested with aid from many villages.
Raiding Cambodian villages (at the rate of
263 incursions in I years) and killing their
women and children is unpardonable. As is
bombing Vietnamese villages of no military
importance such as Ben Cau and than under
the personal supervision of Ambassador
Cabot Lodge and Gen. Paul Harkins offering
the villagers a few thousand piastres for their
dead is reminiscent of the senseless, sadistic,
bombing raids of the Nazi Germans on help-
less Spanish towns during the Spanish Civil
Increasing aid to the Saigon government
would not only magnify our defeat when the
dig CZO011tta5=00111MAOM4
China enters the war, which she will certainly
do if we further OUT participation. Our U.S.
Army military advisers admit that the morale
of the Vietnamese is very low and that they
are terrified of the Vietcong. In other words,
our soldiers cannot rely upon the Vietnamese
to stand up to the national liberation front
and fight their own war. The result has been
increased Wes of Vietnamese and American
lives and victories for the Vietcong. How can
we carry the war to North Vietnam if we
cannot control Saigon, never mind South
Vietnam? Bombing North Vietnam would
not kill the rebels, but helpless denims, re-
sulting in further world opinion, including
that of our allies, being lodged against us.
Committing American troops to this coun-
try has been another proposal offered as a
solution to this crisis. This would be folly.
The national liberation front is well trained
in guerrilla and jungle warfare, while only a
very small contingent of American troops,
those in special forces, are. In order ,to win
this war our troops would have to dccupy
every bit of soil in Vietnam since conceal-
ment is very easy in the jungles. This of
course, would be an impossibility.
Neutralization of Vietnam with a United
Nations peace-keeping force is the only solu-
tion to the problem with the eventual hold-
ing of free elections. Since we have be-
come deeply involved in this country, this
move wbuld allow us to withdraw while los-
ing as little prestige as is possible at this
late date. Perhaps more important, we
would be strengthening the United Nations
by showing the world that we have faith in
its potential for handling a difficult situation.
I have attempted to be realistic and objec-
tive as is possible in my evaluation of Viet-
Further, we can learn a lesson from our
policies in Vietnam, which we should have
learned a long time ago throughout South
America, Cuba, China, Laos, and Korea. We
have given billions to dictators, but not a
thought to the people. Man has always
lived in hope of something better, and as
we have moved to the present period of
history, man the world over has become
more critical of his situation. If we do not
begin having faith in the will of the people
to overcome all adversities, both natural and
human, which attempt to stifle his right to
better his life we might just as well plunge
into a grave and cover ourselves over with
our shame.
/ look back on our revolutionary heritage
with pride and hope for the future, but our
present policies in places like Spain and
Vietnam fill me with anger and disillusion.
We must develop a humanitarian foreign
policy rather than feeding a money and life
consuming military-industrial complex for
no other reason than" that of Machiavellian
self-preservation even if we remain devoid
of human responsibility. Certainly the
Peace Corps and the United Nations are a be-
ginning and not the end.
If we took all the money we gave and are
still giving to these dictators and started aid-
ing the people we would have nothing to fear
from the Communists. You may say that
this is not "as easy as all that, to give money
and other aid to the people while bypassing
the leaders," well, all I can say is that these
people will then turn to the Communist
world for aid in overthrowing their leaders,
which has been continually done in the past,
leaving us with the dictators without coun-
tries to dictate.
I await your reply.
Sincerely yours,
May 24, 1964.
The Honorable WAYNE MORSE,
U.S. Senator from Oregon,
61Witatigrag-ry:*wife and I ap-
plaud your stand on foreign issues as re-
fleeted in your discussion with reporters on
"Face the Nation" today.
I sincerelY hope that ways will soon be
made available to implement your recom-
InendatiOns, 'esPecially as these take good
advantage of the Presence of the United
We know that it requires a great deal of
courage to speak as you do.
Sincerely yours,
? Dzikaarsimr os Soofottiat siea
Claron.ont, Calif May 24,1'964.
Washington, D.C.
MAR SENATOR MORSE: This is to convey my
heartfelt thanks for your fine performance
on "race the Nation" today.
It is time that we had some forthright
speaking on the mess in Vietnam, and it
was both heartening and inspiring to hear
you talk as you did. Everything you said
was absolutely true.
With all good wishes,
Yours sincerely,
May 31, 1964.
To Senators DUMPHREY and MORSE.
Mr DEAREST FRIENDS: After a long meeting .
and discussion with the members of my
union here, we all agree in one position in
Common, "we do not want any further in-
volvement in-southeast Asia."
Our members here agree with the position
taken by Mr. WAvisiz MonsE that we spill no
more American blood over there.
Some of out members took the position
(and I partially agreed) that many of our
reasons for fighting on foreign soil are the
same reasoning used by the Germans under
Personally -I think that softie of our lead-
ers are just stupid enough to think that the
rift between Russia and China is so great
that neither, would come to the aid of the
other if we ffet an immoral hot war going
With China.
We as a nation have no right to allow a
band full of warmongers to decide our destiny
and Possibly the destiny of the World. I'm
sure there is a hanaful of leaders in the
Pentagon who would prefer to burn up' the
earth rather"than give it to the people.
Gentlemen, I am very frightened by our
Immoral attacks on other countries, includ-
ing Cuba. I'm convinced that history will
'prove that "while we were denazifying Ger-
many, We caught the disease."
Gentlemen. I beg you to face up to this
plot going on in the meeting in Hawaii. Ex-
pose the warmongers. I have a lot of living
I want to enjoy. .
With best personal regard's to both of you,
-/ remain
Your dear friend
Internaiional 'Representative, 1ZWD SU,
[Vrom the iVashington Post, May 99, 1964]
.(By Jack Anderson)
Though it isn't mentioned in the appeals
to Congress for more aid one Cadge of our
setbacks in, southeast Asift, has been ,the
distressing fact that American aid has often
corrupted and weakened the men it was
enpposed t?uild up.
/rhe 'United States has poured rofflions'into
the jungle kingdbms of South Vietnam, Laos,
and ?Thailand. This was .si..q,i,Rosed to make
thent; against the`Red
which : threatenst* peeve dap& Re
'7 ? Ito4,i443!V_,Pc-ei' out of the rice paddles
put into American-made uniforms, and ele-
vated to sudden affluence. With their U.S.-
guaranteed paychecks, they were able to buy
luxuries they had never known existed:
wrist watches, transistor radios, fun in town.
Now there often seems -to be more fun
than fight in them. They dislike giving up
their new living standards for the dangers
and discomforts of jungle combat.
The taste of luxury has also corrupted
many of their officers. They like to have
orderlies serve them tea in bed in the morn-
ings.' They prefer to ride in jeeps on their
patrol missions; they disdain the thought of
slogging through the jungle in pursuit of
A few have found they can increase their
comforts merely by accumulating more of
those wonderful dollars. By failing to re-
port casualties and deserters, for example,
officers discovered they could pocket the
missing men's pay. Others sell 'U.S. sup-
plies on the black market in the happy con-
viction that there's more where those came
The generals and politicians who have
handled AtTleriCSTI aid have also had a dis-
maying habit of growing rich in their jobs.
The new South Vietnamese leader, Gen.
Nguyen Khanh, has found it necessary to
shoot embezzlers.
Yet he has been remarkably fortunate
in his own finances; indeed, he has boasted
that he is worth $10 million.
In Laos, the Central Intelligence Agency's
protege, Gen. Phoumi Nosavan, has been un-
surpassed in his opposition to communism.
But he has also partaken generously of the
fruits of the capitalism he upholds.
When the United States withdrew military
assistance, he found it hard to break old
habits. He was appointed minister of finance
in the new coalition government. Imme-
diately, he founded a private bank which has
benefited from his financial policies.
His former U.S.-paid army has fared
worse. Deprived of dollars, Phoumi resorted
to the printing press to produce the salaries
for his soldiers. Result: An outbreak of
Now he is leading the cry for renewed mili-
tary aid for Laos. ,
Though U.S. arms are needed to fight off
the Reds, those who bear them somehow
must be taught to put principles ahead of
Mr. METCALF. Mr. President, there
is competition in the electric power in-
dustry. IOU's?investor-owned util-
ities?in Montana and Texas vigorously
compete for several titles. They are the
top contenders for the "light overcharge"
championship of the United States.
They vie for preeminence in use and
abuse of the restricted stock option, by
which company insiders dilute the equity
of ordinary investors and obtain millions
of dollars worth of tax-free profit from
stock purchased at a small fraction of
its cost to the ordinary stockholders.
'They provide cash contributions and
leadership for organizations which would
maim, if not kill, the income tax, the
United Nations, civil rights legislation,
and the companies' competitors, and
which view UNICEF as a sinister Com-
munist plot.
Power companies in Texas and Mon-
tana represent the industry's leadership
identi20411ralsiner%Arigralt.. Erro
000200150046-2 11995
Corette, president of Montana Power,
each served recently as president of Edi-
son Electric Institute, the trade associa-
tion of the electric power companies,
which constitute the largest industry in
the Nation.
This giant industry spends millions of
dollars each year questioning the mo-
tives of its critics, attacking its competi-
tors?the rural electric and municipal
power systems?and berating the Federal
Government, which has nevertheless
favored the industry with nine tax cuts
since World War II. These tax reduc-
tions, in many instances, have not been
passed on to the consumers who paid
those taxes for and to the company.
Mr. President, I am all for President
Johnson's exemplary attitude toward
economy, in the matter of turning off
lights. But more meaningful reduction
of costs to the electrical consumer re-
quires illumination of some of the dark
recesses of power company operations.
We need to turn the spotlight of pub-
licity on these companies.
I shall first report on the extent of
overcharges by Texas IOU's. The Janu-
ary 3, 1963, issue of Public Utilities Fort-
nightly, an industry publication, carries
an analysis of rate of return of electric
utilities in 1960. The analysis was pre-
sented to the New York Society of Secu-
rity Analysts by Frank D. Chutter, utility
analyst for Massachusetts Investors
Trust. It is the biggest mutual fund in
the country, with more than a quarter
of a billion dollars invested in electric
Mr. Chutter reported that Montana
provided the highest rate of return of
any of the 48 continental States-8.7
percent; Texas was next, with 7.4 per-
Arnold H. Hirsch, a Washington, D.C.,
utility consultant, analyzed the rate of
return for the 3-year period, 1958-60, for
the major electric utility in each State.
He computed the rates of return by two
methods. First, he based the rate of re-
turn on Federal income taxes actually
paid. Montana was again the highest
in the Nation, with 9.3 percent; Texas
was second, with 9.1 percent.
Then he computed rate of return based
on normalization of Federal income
taxes. Montana was again highest in
the Nation, with 8.9 percent; Texas was
again second, with 2.5 percent. Tables
showing rate of return in all States ap-
pear on-Pages 9626-9627 of the CONGRES-
SIONAL RECORD for May 4, 1964.
During the 5-year period 1956-60, the
annual rate of return for Texas electric
utilities rose as high as:
Per- Amount
Texas Electric Service
El Paso Electric Co
Texas Power & Light
West Texas Utility Co_
Community Public Service
Central Power & Light
Dallas Power & Light _
Southwestern Electric Power__
Gulf State Utility
ern Pu S e
? i4bdti?241?46oiive.:2
letme w
10. 1 ($80, 667, 000)
9. 6 (16, 975, 000)
9. 5 (60, 594, 000)
8.9 (20, 810, 000)
8. 5 ? (6, 993, 000)
8.3 (38, 513, 000)
8.2 (33, 221, 000)
8. 1 (27, 448, 000)
7.8 (26, 287, 000)
7.6 (26, 486, 000)
7.4 (1, 133, 000)
? 11996
Approved Fordrftagfclis5M5i4pA-
In parentheses, in the above tabulation
I have placed the overcharges to consum-
ers during the 5-year period. By over-
charge, I mean profit to the company
over and above a 6-percent rate of re-
turn, which is considered reasonable by
most regulatory commissions and utility
experts. -
The average rate of return for Houston
Lighting & Power, during the 5-year
riod, was 8.4 percent, which permitted
the company to collect $80,160,000 in
The average rate of return for Mon-
tana Power?still the light overcharge
champion, although hard pressed by
Texas companies?was 9.4 percent over
the 5,year period, which resulted in an
' overcharge of $39,391,000.. The total
overcharge, over the 5-year Period, by
the 12 Texas companies, was $419,287,-
000; from analyses of company reports
compiled by National Rural Electric Co-
operative Assocfation, based on taxes ac-
tually paid, using data and accounting
procedures of the Federal Power Com-
Mr. President, to realize the magnitude
of these overcharges, to put them in per-
eneetive, it is useful to recall that one of
- the, reasons for congressional concern
over the Dixon-Yates contract, 10 years
ago, was its provision of a 9-percent rate
of return for .the utility combine. But
in Montana, in Texas, and hi some other
States, the permitted rate of return Is
frequently or regularly, over a period of
years, greater than that which was prop-
erly denied the Dixon-Yates gratin.
The question arises; Why does not the
Texas regulatory commission do some-
thing about these overcharges? The an-
swer is, there is not any. Texas is one
of the few States without a State agency
with jurisdiction over electric power
rates. Some major Texas electric com-
panies also deny that they come under
the jurisdiction of the Federal Power
Commission. In ,its 1963 report to the
-Securities and Exchange Commission,
Texas Utilities, a holding company whose
subsidiaries are Texas Electric Service,
Texas Power & Light, and Dallas Power
& Light, reported:
Each (subsidiary) utility believes that It
is not a public utility as defined in the Power
Act sag has been advised by its counsel that
it isnot subject to regulation by the (Fed-
eral Power) Commission under such act.
Nevertheless, Texas Power & Light
blandly tell,' the, public, through its ad-
vertisements, that it is "regulated." I
may add that this denial of Federal juris-
diction is made despite the fact that
Texas Utilities receives power via high
voltage interconnections with the South-
western Power Authority and Lower
Colorado River Authority, which are not
Texas intrastate institutions. The elec-
tric power companies of this Nation?as
the maps in their national advertise-
ments show?are well along on the way
toward interconnections that extend far
beyond one State's borders. The cur-
rent president of Edisan Electric Insti-
tute, Walter Bouldin, said this year that
by 1966 all the major operating groups
-in the industry will be
ing interconnected a- ? 466111:63
terregional grid."
k, Jierke 2
C. A. Tatum, Jr., president of Dallas
Power & Light, another subsidiary of
Texas Utilities, has received approxi-
mately $100,000 in windfall profits,
through the use of restricted stock op-
tions, during this period. This is in ad-
dition to his annual remuneration of
$70,950. His annual retirement benefits
amount to $30,282.
Through the restricted stock option
device, many utility executives pay less
than a quarter for stock which costs or-
dinary stockholders a dollar. For exam-
ple, on July 12, 1962, Beeman Fisher,
president of Texas Electric, bought 204
shares of stock. The market price that
day was $43.50 a share. He paid $9,72 a
share. His annual remuneration is
$70,800 a year; his annual retirement
benefits, $12,123.
The IOU's mentioned above, which
comprise Texas Utilities, serve 75,000
.iquare miles in northern, eastern, and
western parts of Texas, including Dallas,
Fort Worth, Wichita Falls, Waco,
Odessa, Midland, and. Tyler. But rate-
payers in the Texas and Oklahoma Pan-
handle and in New Mexico also help sub-
sidize utility officials who gouge custom-
ers and ordinary stockholders, through
use of the restricted stock option. This
Is accomplished by Southwestern Public
Service, which has .its headquarters in
The chairman of the board of South--
western Public Service?H. L. Nichols?
has made a windfall profit of approxi-
mately $200,000, through use of the re-
stricted stock option since 1957. This in
addition to his $60,000 annual salary and
$12,900 in annual retirement benefits.
A. R. Watson, president of the South-
western Public Service, has received ap-
proximately $180,000 in windfall profits
from exercise of restricted stock options
since 1957. This is in addition to his
$55,000 annual remuneration, and
$23,180 in annual retirement benefits.
Mr, President, there are at least five
principal adverse effects of utility execu-
tive use of the restricted stock option.
First. Little is known, even by regu-
lators and utility consultants, about the
profit afforded IOU insiders through the
device. It follows that the income from
options, in at least some if not all cases,
Is not considered in rate cases. Hidden
Income?just as a padded rate base?
adds to the consumer overcharge.
Second. Issuance of this cheap stock
to company insiders dilutes the equity of
ordinary stockholders.
Third. It reduces the company's cap-
ital, in that a share of stock sold on the
regular market would bring in two, three,
four, and sometimes five or six times as
much capital.
Fourth. Prospective investors?includ-
ing the mutual funds and insurance
companies which invest heavily in elec-
tric utilities?are unable to determine
the' extent to which stock in a company
has been watered, or inflation encour-
aged, by the restricted stock option. I
But as part of the hokum that attends
the electric power industry, the compa-
nies tell the regulators one thing, and the
Public another, .
Key officials of several Texas power
companies profit handsomely?and se-
cretly?from use of the restricted stock
option. It works this way:
The board of directors grants to
selected company insiders options to
purchase stock. The option price is
slightly below the market price at the
time of the option. The market price of
Texas utility stocks, as those in many
other electric companies, has been sky-
rocketing for several years. For ex-
ample, the market value of stock in
Texas Utilities has increased more 'than
eightfold since 1950, Southwestern Pub-
lic Service more than fivefold. Both have
had two 2-for-1 stock splits during this
The utility executive with options to
buy stocks at a previous, much lower
price, is going to encourage the inflation
in the market value of the stock, so that
he can reap an even greater windfall
profit, at the expense of the ordinary
stockholder and the ratepayer. This, Mr.
President, is exactly what is happening
In Texas, in Montana. and in other
Unlike depletion allowances, no risk
whatsoever is involved in the restricted
stock option. It is pure gravy. For ex-
ample, brother officers of the company
granted executive A an option on 5,000
shares of stock back in the fifties, when
it was worth $10 per share. He exercises
his option now, when the stock is worth
$50 per share. Bingo, he has made a pa-
per profit of $40 per share, or $200,000.
He can convert that to hard cash, and
can pay capital gains?a maximum of 25
percent, but frequently much less?on
the $200,000. But if he is smart, as most
utility officials are, he gives the stock
away, to his wife, his sons?in one Texas
case, to a "prospective daughter-in-law,"
to a family foundation, or to his favorite
- In these cases he does not pay any tax
at all. Furthermore, in many cases the
full, inflated market value of the stock
can be deducted from his own personal
Income tax.
His family is happy; his favorite char-
ity is happy; he becomes known as a
great philanthropist, viewed with rever-
ence and respect even by the ordinary
stockholders and ratepayers, who are
unaware that it was their money which
he gave away, tax free.
Since 1957, the president of Texas Uti-
lities, G. L. MacGregor, of Dallas, has re-
ceived approximately $350,000 in wind-
fall profits under the stock option gim-
mick. This is in addition .to his annual
remuneration of $92,150. Hi ? retirement
benefits will amount to $42,438 annually.
W. W. Lynch, president of Texas Power
& Light, a subsidiary of Texas Utilities,
has received approximately $200,000 in
windfall profits via the stock option dur-
ing the same period. This is in addition
e tlenefiSitsigal.M?41Miratillielled opntiaotns
$33,397 annually.
approximately 10 percent of the stock?