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20344 Approved For Relea?0NW8$2 N - Through resolutions adopted by our Miami Reach national convention in Sep- tember, the American Legion has pledged its support and that of its members to as- sist the law enforcement agencies of the land whenever and wherever they can be of help. Basically, I believe the American people to be patriotic, law-abiding citizens. - Yet, as sometimes happens in our zeal to protect our homes and families from the elements of lawlessness, there is ever the tendency to take the law into our own hands. This is not the type of help I mean when I invite you to call upon Legionnaires to assist you. When I say use them, I mean in the ca- pacity that you would seek the assistance of any good citizen who can be of help to you in your work. The American Legion is not, and dyes not propose to become an investi- gative body. . This is the work of the trained, professional officer, which is as it should be, and as the American Legion views it. , I have mentioned the fact that the Amer- ican Legion believes extremism to be unde- sirable, yet in the. very field in which you men labor there appears to be extremes of opinion as to how we may best cope with the problems of lawlessness. These range from the apparent trend in some communities to be over sympathetic to the cause of the criminal, to the opinion expressed in some circles that the FBI should be converted into a national police force, or that a new agency be created as a national police force. Again, may I say I believe it would be a mistake to go overboard In either direction. As a practicing attorney, I believe the pun- ishment should At the crime, and that jus- tice should be administered fairly and im- partially, I believe that justice should be admin- istered with logic and with reason, and tak- ing note of the alarming increase in major crimes committed by youngsters under the age of 18, I believe there is a pressing need for more effective programs of rehabilitation of youngsters who have .gone astray. To be sure, there are the incorrigibles among' the younger criminal element. On the other hand, there are those who made a mistake and who, with proper guidance, could become useful members of society. I do not propose to excuse a criminal act be- cause of the age of the offender. I do say that every effort should be made to save that which is salvageable. As a Citizen, I concur with Director Hoover's view that a national police force is neither necessary nor desirable. I believe that such an agency could conceivably con- stitute, a dangerous encroachment by the Federal Government. The responsibility for proper law enforce- ment is primarily that of local agencies and of local citizens, and there the responsibility should remain. The FBI certainly has proved its capabilities for enforcing those Federal laws which fall within its jurisdic- tion, and the cooperative effort they provide to local and State enforcement agencies leads me to believe we already have the machinery to do the job. You men of this graduating class from the FBI National Academy have a rare oppor- tunity and a significant challenge facing you as you return to your respective departments across this land in foreign countries. Yours is the opportunity to help raise the stand- ards of performance of your fellow officers by imparting to them the knowledge you have gained here. Yours is the challenge of in- suring that law and order shall prevail in your respective. communities. On behalf of the American Legion I wish you Godspeed in the vital mission you are about to assume. 038$I06E00240068-2 November 7 ADDRESS OF MR. ROBERT E. FausHER, OICLAHOMA HIGHWAY PATROL Mr. Hoover, Mr. McCormack, Mr. Foley, Mr. Clark, Dr. Elson, distinguished guests, fellow classmates, ladies and gentlemen, "It has been said that a man who works with his hands is a laborer, a 'man who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman, a man who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist." This was a quote which one of our class- mates Caine across during the extensive re- search which We performed in the last 12 weeks. It Is, I think, quite appropriate for this occasion. Some of us arrived here as laborers, others as craftsmen. Perhaps a few even ap- proached the status of artist. But none had the knowledge and training necessary to be fully competent as laborer, craftsman or artist in the law enforcement profession. This was one of the first lessons we learned. So we renewed our determination to gain as much knowledge as possible during the 3 months ahead of us. With graduation, we are beginning to re- alize and appreciate what these 3 months have meant to us. We have learned that hands and head are not enough to make us truly professional law enforcement officers- we must put our hearts into our work also. We realize we are just beginning to learn about our chosen profession. To conclude that we are now totally enlightened with re- spect to law enforcement would be a betrayal of Mr. Hoover and all the people connected with the FBI National Academy. We have learned much, but the most important lesson taught us is that we must continue to study and work to advance ourselves and our pro- fession. I take great pleasure and pride in serving as the spokesman for this class to thank you, Mr. Hoover, for having had the foresight to create this Academy to benefit all law en- forcement officers. Its excellent influence on law enforcement has been tremendous and is growing steadily. I doubt that there is an officer in the United States who has not heard about the FBI National Academy. Many of them hope, as we did, to attend it. A number of us have been closely associated with officers who previously attended the Academy and have benefited from the knowl- edge they obtained here. But not until we became a part of the fellowship we have en- joyed in and out of class and spent the many long nights together in study did we fully appreciate the meaning of this Academy, This is one of the largest classes ever to be graduated. We have had the privilege and honor of having 18 officers from 13 for- eign countries in this class, It has been en- couraging to learn that our fellow officers from other parts of the world are dedicated to the same principles we hold, and that they are striving as we are to improve their status and stature through proper training. We enjoyed working with these men and feel we have established new and valued-friend- ships which will help advance the cause of good law enforcement around the world. We also are proud of the members of our class who shot perfect scores on the practical pistol course. We are deeply indebted to the special agent counselors, to each member of the Academy training staff, to the visiting lec- turers and to all other members of the FBI who have given of their time, knowledge, and years of experience to make this Academy a success. We cannot forget the ones who were left behind during our stay in Washington-our wives and children. Without their love and faith, it would not have been possible to attend or complete this course. We assure you, Mr. Hoover, and the ad- ministrators of our departments, that we will share our knowledge with other officers and will strive to make law enforcement a better profession for ourselves and those who fol- low. We return home knowing that the knowledge obtained here will enable us to better use our hands, our heads, and our hearts, and to teach others to do the same so that we all may become artists in our profession. SUBVERSION, NOT SUGAR, CUBA'S TOP EXPORT (Mr. SELDEN (at the request of Mr. TUTEN) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks. at this' point in the - RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. SELDEN. Mr. Speaker, we ob- served last month the first anniversary of a crisis which brought the world to the threshold of nuclear disaster. A year ago, our people recognized that the risk in Cuba was great, but so were the stakes. Our action was hailed by our friends, and our firm resolve at a time of supreme crisis gained for us new confidence from our hemispheric neighbors. The initia- tive we gained last fall in this area has since slipped from our grasp. Fidel Cas- tro and his Kremlin-supported govern- ment remain the unfinished business of the hemisphere. Today we are again on the defensive in Latin America, where gnawing Castro-Communist subversive activities are increasing. Hearings conducted by the Subcom- mittee on Inter-American Affairs earlier this year indicated the scope of Commu- nist subversive activities emanating from Cuba. A' recent three-part newspaper article by Mr. Charles Keely of the Cop- ley News Service not only substantiates the findings of the subcommittee but reveals that Communist subversion in the Latin American area is being stepped up, Mr. Keely's articles follow: COMMUNISM IN LATIN AMERICA (By Charles Keely) (First of three articles) WASHINGTON. -A year ago Russia took one step backward and withdrew missiles from Cuba. Since then, the Communists have taken a dozen important 'steps forward to- ward their goal of a Red takeover of Latin America. The steps are documented. They reveal that Premier Fidel Castro's Cuba is a launching pad for subversion of the West- ern Hemisphere. Today, 10 schools of guerrilla warfare and subversion are operating at full capacity in Cuba. Last year, according to Central In- telli ence A enc Director John -A 2c, a n Americans received such training in Cuba. More schools are being built. Intelligence sources estimate 20,000 secret Red agents can be trained this year in Cuba's subversion centers. In essence, McCone told Congress last February, "Castro - tells revolutionaries * * * 'Come to Cuba; we will pay your way, we will train you in underground or- ganization techniques, in guerrilla warfare, in sabotage and in terrorism.. We will see that you get back to your homeland.' " Travel bans have not hurt Cuba's subver- sion school attendance, an Organization of American States security committee reports. "Despite limited means of transportation to Cuba today," the OAS said, "Trips to that country have been increasing in number during the current year." Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240068-2 was subjected to the most vitriolic criticism of many of our supposely leading newspapers. Yet, fearlessly, he went forward and carried through to success the necessary legislation that would enable the Government of the United States to curtall and to combat such forces. He likewise has aimed himself very forcefully with the legislation being sought by the various Attorneys General over the re- cent years to combat the underworld activ- ities and, particularly now, the activities of the Cosa Nostra. A man like him is seldom found to have reached so many years and to have accomplished ~spp much and we are Indeed privileged to ou, Mr. Speaker, this morning for having yo with us. ADDRESS BY DANIEL P FOLEY, NATIONAL COMMANDER, THE A ERICAN LEGION It is with great pride aid pleasurethat I come before you on this casion which I know is a most significant ev t In the lives of you officers who are gradua from this 72d session of the FBI National cademy. While none can foretell the to I impact that these past 12 weeks of intensi train- ing may have upon your lives and ca rs, it is safe to assume that each of you will ave benefited substantially from the train' g I am confident also, that your respective departments, your fellow officers, and your communities will reap abundant rewards for your having been here. There is no other place in America where you may acquire the professional skills taught here, and I'm sure there is no place where you will find a staff of more experienced and expert instructors in the various phases of law enforcement. You may take justifiable pride in the fact you were selected to attend this Academy for you were selected on the recommendation of your superiors, and with the endorsement of Director J. Edger Hoover under whose leader- ship this Academy was conceived and de- veloped to its present high state of efficiency. Naturally, the training in law enforcement work will be the greatest single asset you will carry with you from the FBI Academy. There are, however, certain Intangibles asso- ciated with this experience that will serve you well in the years ahead. Important among these Intangibles Is the comradeship established as you worked and studied with men from 37 States and 13 for- eign countries-men whose chosen profes- sion and ultimate objectives are the same as yours. You have cultivated friendships and de- veloped an understanding of personalities and backgrounds entirely different from those which you encounter in your daily work at home. Your associations here have provided you with an understanding and lems are universal. I would urge you /to maintain the friendships and understanc$ng tionship, developed during wartime gillitary service to our Nation, which led to the Another, and equally important tangible Is the espirit de corps which you/must feel None can be closely associated th the FBI without being Inspired by the irit of this every member of the FBI d, as a result, this great organization has n lifted above the norm and into the r lm of excellence. members of the Am&lcan Legion are Imbued with this same spirit and pride in the work which they seek to accomplish. The American Legion is comprised of men and women from all walks of life, of widely Approveid{ T 6gt@iSW4/Effi}RaA4;H 0383R000200240068-2 20343 national security is a natural area of concern for our organization. We have asked, and we continue to ask that our Nation main- tain defensive forces, both in men and ma- terial. superior to those of any potential enemy. We ask that these forces be main- tained in the hope that they need never be employed-but we of the Legion believe that preparedness is the key to the maintenance of freedom, and we believe that our best defense Is a military potential unmatched throughout the world, and strongly backed by the patriotic and moral resources of a freedom-loving citizenry. We believe our Nation should always be prepared to speak from a position of strength to those who understand no other language. The validity of our position has been pain- fully proved. After World War I our Na- tion's military strength was dissipated. We were gravely unprepared to defend ourselves as was shown so forcefully at the time of the attack upon Pearl Harbor. Again in Korea America's citizen soldiers responded, and acquitted themselves nobly- under the slogs Child." Since ance ditto diversified backgrounds and Interests. They have a common goal, however. Each Is dedi- cated to keeping this great Nation strong and free. All Legionnaires are personally aware of the rigors of wartime service. Many of our members carry visible reminders of the armed conflict, which America has been forced to fight. Yet, those of us who remain share a common and sacred trust to perpet- uate the high cause of freedom which so many fought and died to preserve. When a small group of veterans of the American Expeditionary Force met in Paris, France, in 1919, to form what is now the American Legion, they Immediately defined the principles and purposes for which this great organization would stand through the years, and which included: 1. The creation of a fraternity based on a firm comradeship born of wartime service, and dedicated to the cause of equal treat- ment for all veterans. particularly the dis- abled, their wld )we, and orphans. 2. A system of national defense for Amer- ica, including a program of universal mili- tary training which would keep this Nation strong and serve as a deterrent to future would-be aggressors. 3. The promotion of patriotism and th shall n Le- rues. for the chil- veterans was Square Deal for Every the Legion and its through the alertness to e and guid- social con- r our child the but were we really ready? America finally adopted a form of universal military train- ing--a program long advocated by the American Legion-and that program was strengthened with the enactment in 1965 of the national security training law. We shall continue to speak up on behalf of adequate and modern weapons and well-trained men as a deterrent to aggression. The greatest military machine In the world cannot prevail if America is permitted to de- cay from within. Crime and delinquency have an adverse influence upon our commu- nities, and must be eliminated. Further- more, there are powerful influences at work In America today intent upon destroying our moral strength and our dedication to the principles of freedom. I speak of the Com- munist Party, U.S.A., and its various front groups. The Legion, is mild always has been, a de- termined foe .df communism. While the struggle witi}.dommuniam has cost many lives as been bloodless but no less treach- in the effort to Influence Americans toward their viewpoint, and strive constantly to dull Americans' sense of appreciation for the freedoms they enjoy and to weaken their will 'to fight to preserve them. Almost daily we read or hear of Commu- nist efforts to infiltrate our Government and steal our defense secrets. The Commu- nists are bent on Imposing their will upon us, and we must be as dedicated In our ef- forts to resist the encroachments of com- munism ' as they are to foster their false ideologies. If our freedoms fall, that of the remainder of the free world will fall with us for this Nation is the last major barrier to the Red goal of world conquest. It is our contention, and again history has proved the accuracy of our stand, that the course of extremism, either to the right or to the left, Is the course of failure. To fol- low such a course has brought about the downfall of many men, of many govern- ments, yes, even of entire civilizations. It is the view of the Legion that a strong program of positive Americanism, strength- ening our basic belief In our principles and ideals, is the best answer to atheistic com- munism. Through Legion-sponsored Amer- icanism programs, more than three-quarters of a million American youngsters each year are exposed to activities designed to give them a greater appreciation of our form of government and our way of life. Our Boys State and Boys Nation programs teach better citizenship to more than 27,000 boys each year. More than 122,000 young- a nsored Boy Scout units. Some 355,000 hl school l students annually learn the me ing of our Constitution and Bill of Rlgh through preparation for the Legion's nation high school oratorical contest, and a qua, of a million youngsters learn the rules oft game of life while playing Amer- ican Legio asebalt each year. Through ese programs we hope to help our young p Is grow to responsible adult cittzenship-to develop strong minds in sound bodies, a d to stem the tide of de- linquency which produces all too many The scope of or nized crime in these United States has n made alarmingly clear to Americans in ent weeks, and Mr. Hoover has wisely warn that law enforce- ment cannot achieve totiq victory over the elements of lawfulness without the cooper- ation and assistance of the honest citizens of each community, individually and col- lectively. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240068-2 1963 Approved F6rC MM?6WN4i'3 A '6 ? 8000200240068-2 Many of the students reach Cuba by slip- ping across the British Honduran border in- to. Mexico, the Cuban Student Directorate (DRE) has revealed. From islands off the Yucatan Peninsula, they are taken in small boats to a sea rendezvous with Castro's "fishing fleet." The Latins are then taken to the port of La Coloma, in Cuba's Pinar del Rio Prov- ince, and transported to the different train- ing camps. Others fly or sail into Cuba from tri i t coun es. Commun s Castro's clumsy and unsuccessful efforts McCone told Representative ARMISTEAO discovered monthly by Panama's customs Carib- SEI,DE~s, Democrat, of Alabama, Foreign Af- authorities, according to Centeral Intelli- hborin t n i b d g g ver e su to invade an bean countries during his first 9 months in fairs Subcommittee on Latin America that Benee Agenav.Director John McCone. An- power have been given professional guid- more than 200 Venezuelans received training other 10 tons comes into Costa Rica. ance by trained "technicians" from the So- in Cuba in 1962. He said the number, is "Castro is strengthening his position" in viet bloc. increasing this year. the wake of last October's missile crisis, says The State Department's Sterling Cottrell The 1,500 Latin Americans who were Costa Rican President Francisco Orlich. says that Reds from satellite nations today trained in Cuba last year, according to Mc- "I expect continuous, increased attempts at outnumber Russians in Cuba. Cottrell, Cone, took courses ranging from 4 weeks to agitation here." Former Guatemalan President Miguel Ydi- a year ti fo L f St t e . n r a a e cretary o Deputy Assistant S America, told Congress August 13 that They include "intensive training in sabo- goras Fuentes charged last February that "Czechs, Rumanians, Bulgarians, and others" tage, espionage, or psychological warfare." since late 1959 Russian submarines have are in Cuba to train.Latin Americans in the No country In the Western Hemisphere is been reaching the Central American Pacific arts of modern guerrilla warfare and sub- immune to the cancer of Castro-inspired ter- and Atlantic coasts to unload men and version. The threat to the United States of rorism. On November' 17, 1962, the Federal arms. Soviet troops in Cuba is secondary to the Bureau of Investigation in New York City Cuba has clearly become an open flood- use of the island as a base to export revolu- smashed a Castro-Communist plot to launch gate for a torrent of terrorists. They flood tion, said Cottrell, a series of terrorist attacks on department a politically parched Latin America, sowing "Today the. Cuban effort is far more so- stores. The FBI reported that members of seeds of subversion. phisticated, more covert, and more deadly," Cuba's United Nations delegation, were When Castro can't finance them, they turn CIA's McCone explained. "In its profes- training "a corps of Cuban Communists in to other sources of income. s ona radecraft it shows guidance and the use of explosives." Peruvian guerrillas, teamed with "ordi- training by experienced Communist advis- The United. States and Its Latin neighbors nary criminals," robbed a Lima bank last ers from the Soviet bloc including veteran have met the Communist challenge with year of $100,000 and split the loot 50-50, Mc- Spanish Communists." limited success. Cone told a congressional subcommittee sev- One Selden subcommittee recommended to eral months ago, One Spanish Communist, Gen. Alberto President Kennedy that the United States Venezuelan pro-Castro terrorists robbed Bayo, created dos for r Latin the America" Revolutionary (CRAL) to Commann "should be prepared to act with military a bank last February of $25,000. dos insurrections against orce" to help any nation in danger of being The principle that guerrillas must be their r governments. inseernmenntsts. . To o strengthen ains CRAL, t overthrown by Communist subversive ag- self-sustaining his obviously been applied to th DRE claims, Soviet Col. Jarslav Valensky in- gression. finances," McCone explained. stituted an International Military Command The Organization of American States But he added at there are also involved to control the widespread net of Commu- (OAS) has passed numerous resolutions bank transfers by which Cuban money even- nist front groups in Latin America. dealing with means to counter the Castro tually reaches Latin American Communist- A "supreme command" for Latin American offensive. front groups. ; guerrillas has been set up in Cuba by the Yet, day by day the Cuban-trained terror- One such example was outlined here sev- Soviet Ministry of Defense, according to ex- fists nibble away at this false front of anti- eral weeks ago by British Guianese Sen. Anne Ile intelligence sources. Its headquarters Castro hemispheric unity. Jardim, who revealed documents showing the are in Santiago de Cuba where guerrilla op- "These wolves in sheep's clothing are the transfer of $1 million from Russia through erations throughout the hemisphere are greatest danger ever to threaten the country," Cuba to Prime Minister Cheddi Jagan, the masterminded and coordinated. explained Colombian President Guillermo Communists' best friend in South America. Enrique Lister, another Spaniard, runs Leon Valencia on September 25. Castro sounded the keynote for Cuban sub- the Minas del Frio subversion school in On October 2 Radio Havana warned the version on July 26, 1960. Oriente Province. Lister, a graduate of the Nicaraguan Government "to take care." "We promise to continue making Cuba Soviet's Fruntze Military Academy, is as- Broadcasting from Cuba, a woman identified the example that can convert the Cordillera sisted by former Guatemalan President Col. as Blanca Sandino, daughter of the late Nic- of the. Andes into the Sierra Maestra of the Jacobo Arbenz. araguan rebel bandit, regularly incites American continent," he said, At the Julio Antonio Melia School near Nicaraguans to rebel and join pro-Castro He has restated this goal on countless Havana, Communists are training Latin la- guerrillas whom she says already are oper- occasions, with the full blessing of Moscow bor leaders. Military personnel receive in- ating in the country, and Peiping. struction at the El Cortijo School In Pinar The Cuban Student Directorate in Exile Intelligence sources say Castro's subver- del Rio, the Citizens Committee for a Free claims that 100 instructors, trained in Cuba, give pipeline to Latin America today is his Cuba reports. , The San Lorenzo School in have organized a Colombian guerrilla force growing "fishing fleet." Oriente specializes in guerrilla training, of more than 1,600, broken into 13 groups in With the help of the Japanese, Castro has Subversion centers are spread across the 5 territorial areas. built an estimated 169 fishing vessels, though island. Tony Varona, former Cuban foreign minis- Hurricane Flora reportedly sunk 39. These ter and leader of the Cuban Revolutionary vessels carry their subversive cargoes be- CoMMuNIsM IN LATIN AMERICA Council, told Congress that the international tween Cuba and Latin America. . (By Charles Keely) Communist movement is enlisting volunteers An Organization of American States (OAS) in all 19 Latin countries. The objective, he (Second of three articles) s security committee has reported that this aid is to build e 1 ' f 40 0 000 WASHINGTON.-Cuban Maj. Maximo Can- ales left San Julien Air Base in Cuba with five Venezuelan terrorists trained in Pre- mier Fidel Castro's guerrilla warfare schools, and flew over the San Andres Islands off the coast of Panama. The men parachuted into the water and were picked up by a small fishing boat which took them to Maracaibo; Venezuela.. Later they joined a guerrilla force of the pro- Castro FALN organization to -wage war against President Romulo Betancourt. Subversion has replaced sugar as Cuba's top export. Many of the thousands of Latin Americans receiving training in Cuba today are being parachuted back into their homelands. Others return to Mexico in "shrimp boats," and then go home. 20345 According to Central Intelligence Agency Ing that this would be, the last financial Director John McCo , Fidel Castro tells support he would get if his terrorists did not ese trained subversives, "We will keep in accomplish a decisive operation against the touch, with you, give you propaganda sup- Government.; port, 'send you propaganda materials * * * Colombian Interior Minister Aurelio Ca- secret communications methods, and per- macho Rueda said Castro is openly interven- haps funds and specialized demolition ing in Colombia by "sending arms and money equipment." from Cuba to the bandits and the offering Venezuela, says McCone, is Castro's "No. 1" of scholarships to. Colombian students to target and FALN's sabotage "is the work of study guerrilla warfare and terrorist tech- " experts (using) advanced types of explo- niques in Havana. sives." Twelve tons of Communist propaganda is , a p op e s army o , Communist advance in the Western Hemi- men, 100,000 women, and 200,000 reserves to sphere is due mainly to the lack of Informa- tion regarding its true aims. COMMUNISM IN LATIN AMERICA Col. Jose Luis Cruz Salazar, Guatemalan (By Charles Keely) politician and soldier, told Congress February 27 that the Communist menace is not specu- him for $250,000 ransom. During the 6.days he spent in the insur- gents,', camp before his rescue by army troops, Mejia said a Cuban plane flew over the area and dropped weapons, propaganda and other material to Premier Fidel Castro's look-alike guerrilla leader Federico Arango Fonnegra. The bearded Arango told Mejia that Castro recently had sent him $20,000 with a warn- THE CASE AGAINST JESSICA MIT- FORD, HER SUPPORTERS AND AD- MIRERS The SPEAKER. Under previous order of the House, the gentleman from Cali- fornia [Mr. UTT] is recognized. for 45 minutes. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240068-2 Approved For FI`':VhQ%P656?2000200240068-2 November 7 (Mr. UTT asked and was given permis- sion to revise and extend his remarks and Include extraneous matter.) Mr. UTT. A few weeks ago I inserted some remarks in the CONGRESSIONAL RLC- ORD with reference to Jessica Mitford- CONGR'ESSIONAL RECORD, October 15. 1963, page A6429. These remarks brought forth a hail of condemnation from the lethal left which quickly sprang to her defense with all kinds of maudlin apolo- gies. I wasnot surprised to see the edi- torial in the New York Times of Octo- ber 21, 1963, which indicated that no one without congressional immunity would dare make such a statement. The statementswhich I made have been pub- lished in many periodicals which do not have congressional Immunity, so that dodge is pure hogwash. In assessing the New York Times, it should be remembered that It was most laudatory in its praises of Communist Castro, and one of its reporters, Herbert Matthews, was most instrumental in working with our State Department en- voys in establishing the Communist Cas- tro government, and even last week Cas- tro praised Herbert Matthews of the New York Times, who is now visiting Cuba with his wife. I am wondering how Matthews got his passport validated to visit Cuba, while the State Depart- ment has been refusing permission to students to visit Cuba. It was not my purpose then, nor is it now, to defend the abuses which un- doubtedly exist in the funeral business. These same abuses can be charged to many American businesses. In fact, ev- ery time I buy a new automobile I am persuaded to include some extras which are very nice, but not absolutely neces- sary. Some of these extras cost more than the average funeral, but I did not have to buy them. My real purpose for my original remarks was that I felt that when CBS In its so-called documentary, "The Great American Funeral," was go- ing to bring an identified Communist into several million American homes, the public was entitled to know the identity of the author in order to evaluate the subject matter. Surely, if I wrote a book on the theory of relativity, the public would be entitled to know that I am neither a physicist nor a mathematician, and that slight credence should be given to me in this field. At this point, Mr. Speaker, I should mention that the rumor was broadcast throughout the Nation that I or my fam- ily owned an interest in the Fair Haven Cemetery at Santa Ana, Calif. I wish to emphatically state that neither I nor any of my family now has nor ever had any financial interest in any cemetery whatsoever. I assume this rumor started because I was a trustee of Orange County Cemetery District No. 1, a public, munici- pal, tax-supported district, organized to take over and restore two abandoned cemeteries in which hundreds of Califor- nia pioneers were buried. I was a trustee, appointed by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, over a period of 20 years, and served without salary or expenses. The apologists for Jessica Mitford, also known as Decca Treuhaft, continue to re- mind the public that she wrote a "smash- ing hit," even though she makes the ex- ception appear to be the rule. May I say, Mr. Speaker, that there was another author who wrote a smashing hit. His name was Karl Marx, whose works today rank second only to the Bible in annual sales. The burden of his book was. an attack on the capitalistic free enterprise system and on religion, but today no one but Communists and Socialists rise to his defense. The burden of "The American Way of Death" Is likewise a two-pronged attack: First, against the free enterprise capitalistic system enjoyed by Ameri- cans; second, against the funeral service which is basically a religious service, for those who have an Immutable belief in the immortality of the soul. As Rev. Dr. Edgar N. Jackson, a Meth- odist minister, of Mamaroneck, N.Y., said : A funeral faces the reality of, death. It does not avoid it. A funeral provides a setting wherein the religious needs of the bereaved may be satisfied. - A funeral provides faith to sustain spirit. A funeral helps free one from guilt or self- condemnation. A funeral helps express one's feelings. A funeral directs one beyond the death of a loved one to the responsibilities of life. A funeral, In a personal way, helps one face a. crisis with dignity and courage. A funeral above all provides an environ- ment where loving friends and relatives can give the help needed to face the future with strength and courage, The above-referred-to editorial in the New York Times indicated that Jessica Mitford's association with Communist activities was in the dim and distant past. Let us look at the record. Jessica Mitford, also known as Decca Treuhaft, was identified as a member of the Com- munist Party in hearings before the Committee on Un-American Activities, as follows: By Dickson P. Hill, an undercover agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during his membership in the Communist Party (1944-49), 'Investigation of Communist Ac- tivities In the San Francisco Area, part 2," December 2, 1953, page 3227. By Dr. Jack (Beverly Mikeli) Patten, a former member of the Communist Party (1938-40 and 1946-48), "Hearings Held in San Francisco, Calif., June 18-21, 1957, part 1," June 10, 1957, page 1 168. By Dorothy M. Jeffers, an undercover agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during her membership in the Communist Party (1943-52), "Bearings Held in San Francisco, Calif., June 18-21, 1957, part II." June 21, 1957, page 1295. Her stint before the California Senate Fact-Finding Committee on -Un-Ameri- can Activities was related in my previous remarks, and appears on pages 260-262 of that committee's report to the 1953 regular California Legislature. We are told that leading clergymen of all faiths endorse the so-called exposd. That may be true, but do not forget that many of our leaders of all faiths are collectivists and most of them oppose the House Committee on Un-American Ac- tivities, so they are running true to form. It is interesting to note, Mr. Speaker, that one of these leaders who appeared on the CBS program, "The Great Ameri- can Funeral," Rev. Stephen Fritchman, has been cited by the Committee on Un- American Activities for his Communist- front affiliations and, of course, he took the fifth amendment. Again, I say, "strange bedfellows." Reverend Fritch- man was also a contributor to the Com- munist People's World of September 7, 1963. The commercial sponsor for the CBS colossal, "The Great American Funeral," was the Travelers' Insurance Co. of America, which is engaged in selling in- surance for all contingencies, including death. It must have grated the Travel- ers' agents to watch the door-to-door salesmen castigated. There Is no busi- ness in America that engages more heavily in telephone solicitation and door-to-door selling than do the various Insurance companies of America. If the capitalistic free enterprise system is de- stroyed in America, Its demise is being gratuitously aided by the American busi- ness community which sponsors such programs. It might be well, Mr. Speaker, at this time, to examine another book of Jessi- ca Mitford, "Daughters and Rebels," which is an autobiography, in which she refers to her father, who was an out- standing British citizen, as the missing link between ape and homo sapiens. She also admits that she was a shop- lifter, a "bill jumper," and that she bought volumes of Communist literature and "rigged up some homemade hammer and sickle flags." This book was written In 1960. As late as 1963, she was invited to be a special guest at the 25th anni- versary celebration of the Communist People's World in San Francisco. This is according to People's World-the January 19, 1963, issue. Whether she attended or not, I do not know. In her book, "Daughters and Rebels," on page 12 in referring to her govern- esses, she says: She was soon followed by Miss Bunting, whose main contribution to our education was to teach a little mild shoplifting . ^ s Miss Bunting In her governessy beige coat and gloves, Boud (Jessica's sister) and I In matching panama straw hats, would strut haughtily past the deferential salespeople to seek the safety of Fuller's Tea Room, where we would gleefully take stock of the day's haul over cups of steaming hot choc- olate. In referring to her father on page 29, she writes: I developed the theory that he was a throwback to an earlier state of mankind, a missing link between the apes and homo sapiens (man). On page 68 she speaks of her enthu- siasm for communism: In fact, this declaration was something more than a mere automatic taking of op- posite sides to Boud: the little I knew about the Fascists repelled me-their racism, super- militarism, brutality. I took out a sub- scription to the Daily Worker, bought vol- umes of Communist literature and litera- ture that I supposed to be Communist, rigged up some homemade hammer and sickle -flags. She refers to her first husband, Es- mond Romilly, on page 98 as follows: Esmond's abrupt conversion to Communist ideas had come about In a way very similar to my own. On page 190 she expresses her lack of knowledge of economics by stating: Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240068-2