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Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240029-5
S. 287: A bill by Senator MCCLELLAN of other jobs are averaging $120 a week-$70 in
Arkansas (for himself, Senators BYRD of union strike benefits and $50 113 State unem-
Virginia, GOLDWATER, BENNETT of Utah, ployment benefits.
EASTLAND, ROBERTSON, THURMOND, CURTIS, It is one thing to provide jobless benefits
STENNIS, and TowER). This bill would put with the idea of tiding a man over until he
transportation unions under the antitrust can get a job. It is quite another to pre-
laws. Your league should go all out for vert that charitable principle by making the
this legislation, especially when a national benefits so high and so protracted that they
railroad strike is threatened. We should reduce or destroy the incentive to find a job,
also strive to extend the scope of these pro- Another effect is to falsely inflate the Gov-
posals in an effort to put all unions under ernment's unemployment statistics.
antitrust. This legislation has been refer- Your league will find the current answer.
red to the Senate Judiciary Committee and We are also preparing a special study on
should get far more consideration than bills labor abuses and recommended legislation
referred to the Labor Committees, to correct them of which we have been
There have also been introduced by Con- promised the widest possible national
gressmen LENNON of North Carolina and distribution.
SCOTT of North Carolina identical bills (H.R. Socialized power
2415 and H.R. 2426) to prohibit strikes by Our N F i
ties, especially our missile manufacturing
All of these legislative proposals will re-
ceive your league's vigorous attention.
On March 13, we had the delightful ex-
perience of listening to the tax testimony
of President George Meany of the AFL-CIO.
It was one of the most amusing and dis-
illusioning spectacles we have ever been
privileged to observe. Mr. Meany's prepared
testimony is on the record. , It constituted a
rejection of President Kennedy's tax pro-
posals as aiding the rich plutocrats.
This prepared "on. the record" testimony
was nothing compared to "after testimony"
questions, which have not yet been made
public, led by Congressman BRUCE ALGER, of
Texas. When asked how much investment
was required to create a job for each worker
in industry, Mr. Meany suggested that it
might take $7,000 or $8,000. Under cross-
questioning, he finally admitted that it
might take an average of $18,000. The truth
is, that in the 20 leading industrial corpora-
tions employing nearly 2,500,000 workers, the
average is over $28,000. The top electrical
manufacturers' figure is $18,000, the top
petroleum companies is $50,000, and the top
steel industry is $90,000.
During the same cross-examination by
Congressman Alger, Meany was asked how
our unemployment statistics were arrived at.
Mr. Meany didn't know. Neither did any of
the Congressmen present know. We've been
fed statistics of unemployment at 4 percent
three months -ago, 6 percent a few weeks
ago-7 percent soon, If the administration's
tax proposals are not approved.
Your president sent a letter to the ways
and Means Committee the next day stating
that 3 years ago the Department of Labor
used the following yardstick for ascertaining
"unemployment" statistics:
"A person is unemployed, according to the
Department of Labor, if during the week of
investigation he is laid.off temporarily be-
cause of bad weather, seasonal changes, ill-
s planning the squan-
dering of billions of your tax dollars on fur-
ther needlessly and squandermaniacally pro-
grams to socialize our energy resource indus-
tries. Your league will fight every one of
these welfare-state proposals.
We have urged enactment of legislation to
tax all federally owned or financed electric
companies at the identical rates that investor
owned power companies are taxed by levying
upon them an excise tax on their gross
equivalent in amount to the corporate in-
come tax imposed on the taxpaying investor-
owned companies bears to their gross reve-
nue. We have also been able to have intro-
duced in Congress a bill to stop "handouts"
in the form of "giveaway" interest rates to
the REA's. The following excerpt we re-
ceived from Congressman CHARLES M. TEAGUE;
of California, is self-explanatory: -
"Once the Federal Government subsidizes
anything, it is difficult to get it to abandon
the practice. Many years ago, Congress pro-
vided that the Rural Electrification Admin-
istration could loan money to local REA
cooperatives throughout the country at an
interest rate of only 2 percent. The purpose
was-to make it easier for these cooperatives
to bring electricity to farmers in remote
areas. That purpose has been substantially
accomplished, inasmuch as 98 percent of all
farms is now electrified. Present-day loans
farms are now electrified (if needed at all)
should be at the same rate of interest the
Government itself"must pay on its own bor-
rowings-which, at the present time, is ap-
proximately 31/,, percent. I have introduced
a bill (H.R.-5065) to accomplish this. How-
ever, I must report frankly that there is no
immediate likelihood that it will be enacted
into law. The REA cooperatives have devel-
oped a terrific pressure organization directed
by the REA bureaucrats here in Washington,
and I am afraid it will be a long process to
persuade a majority of the Members of Con-
gress that the existing subsidy is unfair to
taxpayers as a whole. Nevertheless, I am
encouraged by the public's increasing aware-
ness of this situation and by the support that
has been offered so far."
ness; also, if he is on strike or otherwise INVESTORS MUST ORGANIZE
chooses not to work. Any boy or girl over The one indispensable ally that our Gov-
fourteen, and not in school, is unemployed, ernment has in the war against communism
if so reported, because at that age one auto- is the system of private profit and private
matically becomes a member of the 'labor property. It is against this ally my friends
force', according to the Department; for that that our Government has declared war. it
reason the number of unemployable in- is an established policy of our Government
creases during the summer vacation and today to make war against the institution
diminishes when school opens. The unit of of private property and especially the stock-
computation is derived from the data holder owners of our large corporations. My
brought in by interviewers who visit 35,000, friends, we are going hellbent for socialism
selected households and rooming houses, cov- and no one seems to worry about it.
ering 330 sampling areas, distributed among The people who are responsible for our
636 counties and independent cities. Every gigantic pulsating, life-giving enterprise are
month the sample areas are changed." the savers, the investors, the stockholders in
It is obvious that this technique of American industry. And where are they?
"sampling" is subject to serious political Everywhere and nowhere. They are dis-
intrigue. persed, dissembled, voiceless and, for prac-
Here's what is happening: Before they tical purposes, helpless. And what is the re-
went on strike early last December, New suit of this dissembly, this lack of organiza-
York City's printers averaged about $145 a tion, this voicelessness? These owners are
week. At present, those who didn't take the target of every political move that comes
out of Washington. Every single thing that
is suggested in Congress has about it the
appearance, at least, -and certainly the effect
of clamping and clipping, of cramping and
restricting the interest of these people in
American enterprise. All over in and
throughout.the great structure of American
private enterprise there now crawls an army
of inquisitorial bureaucrats as thick and as
annoying as, the ancient lice of Egypt. Ten
thousand governmental commandments
hedge and hamper the operations of Ameri-
can private business.
Someone, or some dedicated group, must
spearhead a drive to arrest -this Marxist in-
spired attempt to destroy our capitalist, free
enterprise system based on the political-
economic theory of the right to individual
ownership of property. Someone must en-
list the 17 million scattered owners, the "for-
gotten men," in a battle to preserve what
they own in America. These people do not
yet realize their latent political power,
Basically, this is what the investors league
seeks to accomplish.. In our opinion the
purpose of political-economic education is
political action. This is the field in. which
the investors league effectively operates.
Our thousands of members across the Nation
are dedicated patriots. We need thousands,
yes, millions, of new members. We need
contributions, all we can get, to expand our
new membership, drives through newspaper
advertising, radio, and TV.
You ladies and gentlemen before us today
well know this. We expect you to help carry
this torch. Help get us new members..
Help us raise new funds to further our mem-
bership drives and to engage in the programs
so needed to further our cause.
We have available today some rather emi-
nent panelists who will discuss many of
the issues of the day. You have available
copies of our bulletins and other literature
explaining our views on' taxation, labor, and
other issues for which we will battle.
You members, officers, and directors of the
league's Florida division,. your zeal, your
dedication and your legislative effectiveness
at both the State and national level are set-
ting a pattern for the effectiveness of local
investors league chapters across the Nation.
TTT. Tr2A ))
(Mr. GURNEY'MTthe request of Mr.
MARTIN of Nebraska) was given permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and include extraneous
Mr. GURNEY. Mr. Speaker, no Mem-
ber of the House of Representatives has
been more dilligent in bringing to the at-
tention of the House and the public in
general the grave danger of Russian
communism in Cuba than our, colleague,
the gentleman from Florida, WILLIAM C.
On April 15, 1963, the gentleman from
Florida [Mr. CRAMER] made an address
on the subject of "Communism in Cuba,"
as well as some of the domestic issues
here before the Congress, that is worthy
of the attention of every Member of Con-
This address, which was given before
the annual meeting of the Investors
League of Florida, is printed hereafter:
There's probably no State in the Union in
which more people, because they are on fixed
incomes, have a proportionately greater in-
terest in sound fiscal policies as they affect
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Democrats turn jittery about threatened
Senate losses in 1964's voting. Sizable shifts
could give the GOP a base for recapturing
Senate control In 1966 or 1968. Democratic
victors in the 1958 sweep face serious trouble
in normally Republican States. Party strat-
egists write off Moss, of Utah, YOUNG, of
Ohio; Indiana's HARTKE is in for an uphill
race. The rising Texas GOP could snatch
Senator YARBOROUGH'S seat.
Greatest threats confront liberal Demo-
crats; New Jersey's WILLIAMS, MUSKIE, -Of
Maine, CalifornIR'6 ENGLS all look vulnera-
ble Even veterans MANSFIELD, of Montana,
natal year nun -v---
Figures show, however, that during the first the Heriong-Baker bill that would reduce
8 months of this fiscal year the actual deficit personal and corporate income taxes over a
has already passed $10 billion, and we still cent and period
to enactment aa tmaxt maximum rate a Wilson bill
have 4 more months to go.
Based on the accuracy of this year's esti- (H.R. 257) to reduce the tax on long-term
mates, we can look for a staggering $20 bll- capital gains gradually over a 5-year period
lion deficit in the next fiscal year unless provided such gains were invested in 5-year
some of the wild spending plans of the New 2-percent U.S. Government bonds redeem
Frontier are baited, able at the option of the holder on sliding
scale of from 75 percent of par value during
FOREIGN AID esidenNe the first year and advancing on a sliding
The report of the President's; Clay Com- scale to 100 percent of par value at death or
mlttee, named to study foreign aid spending, maturity. This latter proposal should be
has startled the Nation, The Committee considered apart from the omnibus tax bill.
JACKSON, of Washington aren't shoo-Ins. Po- aid appropriations. Foreign aid funds for
tential effect: Increasing Senate trouble for this fiscal year of 1963 total $3.9 billion. In
liberal legislation. his budget the President requested $4.9 bil-
Republican BEALL, of Maryland, MScNEM. lion for foreign aid In fiscal 1964. starting
of New Mexico, are underdogs for reelection. July 1. Congress seems certain to reduce
But odds favor other GOP Senators facing these appropriations to around $3.4 billion,
voters: Pennsylvania's Scary, WILLIAMS, Of and Chairman PASSMAN of the House Foreign
Delaware, Arizona's GOLDWATER. Aid Appropriations Subcommittee, will fight
TIIE SEC REPORTS to cut them to $2.6 billion. The Clay Com-
SEC's report on stock market problems mittee's findings of foreign aid waste and
evokes undercover resentment in the securi- extravagance fit in with a previous report
ties industry. Some executives privately of a special committee headed by Democratic
charge the Commission grabs credit for all Senate Leader MANSFIELD that some $5 bil-
reforms already made. There's fear that lion of American money has been wasted in
recommendations still to comecould weaken southeast Asia in recent years.
investor confidence. The industry will fight MORE CONGRESSIONAL INTIMIDATION
some SEC ideas for legislation. Two weeks ago, In a surprise economy
THE NEW FRONTIER ADVANCES AGAIN move, the House Appropriations Committee
For the second time in 6 months the New voted 22 to 19 to chop $450 million off the
Frontier has set a record, a record high in administration's request for continuing the
the Consumer Price Index. The only trouble job-creating public works program started
with this kind of progress is that It costs last fall. This was a clear slap In the face
us all as consumers more money to buy our for the proponents of big spending schemes.
necessities. According to the Bureau of La- Last Wednesday this Issue came up for a
bor Statistics, the Index returned In Febru- floor vote. The cut advocated by the com-
rolica to its record high of P
e-llo a have to 184. resfollowtored 3 days lof vote the omoost
fact, in the past year, food pr
gone up 1.8 percent. While the administra- vicious lobbying by the administration we tai and Incomes of owners of private prop
otes of the have ever witnessed. Their tactics bordered erty.
e v
tion makes a big play for t
elderly, the pensioners and the like, the on blackmail. Congressmen voting against Labor unions
Kennedy spending and deficit policies have the administration were threatened with The cast coast maritime strike, the Phila-
cost these people, the ones who can least withdrawal of Government spending pro- delphia transit strike, the New York and
afford It, more of the purchasing power of grams within their districts. We will pub- Celeveland newspaper strikes, the various
their available dollars. This is a new kind lish the individual voting records of our strikes at missile bases, and now the ahreas
bad strike ane over hek rules,
of persuasion technique for getting people to Congressmen on this Issue. There is still of ti missile
accept Government handouts and Govern- a chance to defeat the bt)l In the U.s. Sen- bring a na natto slrail focus the necessity of es,
the ex has ate. YOUR LEAGUE'S TARGETS AREAD medial legislative remedies. So far, the
ment oontrols--don't doug leave them
Surpngly enough, while the index has administration recipients of the union labor
climber isid steadily since 1961, prices for due- The legislative Issues pending in this Con- overlords' political aid have been remotely
able goods, upon which our great job-pro- gress which most specifically affect the inter- mute, except to appoint factfinding boards
during industries rely for profits In order to ests of Investors and businessmen seem to to recommend Settlement by nonbinding ar-
invest and expand, have been subject to lie In the general fields of taxation, labor bitration. The administration has appointed
several severe drops and are barely above union abuses, and extension of needless pub- as chairmen of these boards such "impartial"
the 1960 level. As a result, spending for llc works and welfare schemes, especially chairmen as Senator WAYNE Moass and New
plant and equipment is down 2 percent over in the field of extension of Federal socialized Deal Judge Sam Rosenman, This is as near
the last 5 years. Yet the Kennedy tax pro- electric power schemes. The league's efforts to compulsory arbitration as we can possibly
gram ignores the need to Invest, and Instead will be concentrated in these fields. get. There is nothing impartial about their
is dedicated to increasing consumer sped- Federal taxation recommendations. Labor's unholy alliance
ing, which has risen 17 percent in the same The hearings before the Ways and Means with Government should be destroyed. The
period. csu, once the re f are Committee on the administration's tax re- czarist dictators' power over a free people
put into the sug seggested new tax law, m a amost duction and tax reform proposals were con- should be destroyed in the name of human
middle income axnre relief. whl find lierecord eluded 2 weeks ago. This was the President's freedom. There are dedicated statesmen in
any break or tax r rem. The only aprime legislative objective for this session of Congress who are cognizant of the evils In-
is-the New Frontier seems sure of breaking Congress. The proposals were thoroughly volved, not only to free enterprise, but the
formamost promises with the least per blasted by the Nation's press and by bust- rank and file members' right to human free-
ormonce. nessmen and Investors everywhere, Also by dom, who have introduced legislation in
SPEAKING OF BUDGETS AND DEFICITS many Members of the House and Senate In- Congress to nullify the power of the Hltlers
Economic planners of the New Frontier eluding Democratic Senator HARRY F. BYRD, and Khrushchevs in labor to conduct an all-
blame Increased defense spending for the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, powerful Invisible government in defiance of
annual huge deficits they roll up. This Is The final tax bill that will emerge from the public Interest. Here are the proposed
simply not true. In the past 10 years, spend- the Ways and Means Committee, probably in bills:
ing for defense has risen a total of 28 per- late May at the earliest, will not bear the S.87: A bill by Senator GOLDWATER for
cent while at the same time, nondefense slightest resemblance to the administration's himself and Senators CURTIS and TOWER,
spending has risen 104 percent. Inc'uded in proposals. With Senator BYRD's opposition, essentially designed to amend our labor laws
the nondefense portion of our spending such proposals would never clear the Senate to create a national, right-to-work law ex-
hikes have been a myriad of pump-priming. Finance Committee. Whatever bill is passed cept where the separate States can deny it.
socialistic schemes. They all hold out the by the House, it will probably not reach the This would reverse our present procedures
promise of something for nothing but In Senate floor before September and we will whereby any State can create its own right-referred truth, they erode our freedoms as well as have a crack at it before the Senate Finance toe grkel Commit This bill on has LbeeeII and Pub is
our material worth. Committee.
Speaking of budgets and deficits-and In testimony before the Ways and Means WarIn hedmeanttme, however. Soho d
somehow one word demands use of the other Committee, your president specifically urged port. the oifi ial budgetlestim to of the deficit *Treasury's
this proposals and e recto reject the ommendeda hatncons de a- right to-wo kplawssupport to enacting State
it is the only proposal that would Imme
ately increase the Treasury's tax take.
Your league vigorously opposed the pro-
posals to impose a new capital gains tax on
gifts and estates payable at the time a gift
is made, or upon death, on the value of the
property so bequeathed over and above the
original cost. We also opposed the proposal
to repeal the $50 and 4 percent dividend cred-
it and recommended that such credit be In-
creased to $100 and 10 percent. Your league's
basic tax objectives are to gradually get rid
of the progressive feature of the Income tax
and the so-called tax on long-term capital
gains and to get completely rid of the double
taxation of corporate earnings. To hasten
this day we have urged that all Government
owned or financed enterprises, especially
electric projects and co-ops, pay their fair
share of Federal taxes.
Remember, ladies and gentlemen, it was
primarily the organized Investor-owners of
the Nation who, "bunting as a pack," put
the biggest crimp in the administration's tax
proposals-but it Is obvious that we should
remain continuously alert. The advocates
of planned socialism and the welfare State
are well aware that their objectives can mo
readily be attained by taxing away the capi-
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investments, savings, and the value of the based on timidity in solving world crises and Latin American nations still recognizing
dollar than in the Sunshine State. in meeting the clear and present danger to Castro and the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil,
Likewise, there's not any organization with the freedom of this hemisphere posed by Lincoln Gordon, in testimony before the
a larger number of responsible thinking peo- Communist Cuba. House Subcommittee on Inter-American Re-
ple than the Investors League-people who Imagine, if you will, an American policy lations, made the unequivocal statement that
think of the future of their children, the so vacillating that while taking responsi- Brazil's Government, student groups, and
security of their country, and the impera- bility for the failure of a refugee invasion labor groups are heavily infiltrated with
tiveness of winning this cold war with of Cuba 2 years ago, we are today arraying Communists.
atheistic communism. every deterrent at the command of the United On Goulart's Cabinet sit three avowed
For these reasons, and many more, it's a States and British Governments . to stop Marxists, his press secretary is an admitted
privilege and a pleasure to appear before Cuba's freedom fighters--a 360-degree Ken- Communist-and still, we loan that Govern-
the Investors League of Florida. nedy twist. While in October and Novem- ment $640 million of your hard-earned tax
Your convention could be held at no ber we imposed a partial quarantine to keep dollars without commitments that efforts to
greater moment in the history of our coun- certain Russian ships from entering Cuba, oust the Communists will be made.
try; for at no time has our Nation been we have today put into effect a -complete This is not an isolated example. We lavish
faced with-. more serious challenges. The quarantine to prevent Cuban freedom foreign aid on Chedi Jagan in British Guiana
challenge is not only from overseas as has fighters from entering Cuba, to keep Cubans who, for all intents and purposes, is a leftist
traditionally been the case. Rather, the from regaining the freedom of their home- dictator and, until it served his purposes
challenge is merely over the Florida Straits- land. Khrushchev's assertion which he an- to denounce him, a good friend of Castro.
90 miles from Florida's shores. nounced before the- Supreme Soviet recently But, we refuse to provide meaningful aid
And what's equally as serious as the Com- that he had received assurances from this - to the anti-Communist government of Haiti
munists having a foothold at our doorstep, country- that Cuba wouldn't be invaded which is across the Windward Pass, gateway
is the apparent lack of willingness, desire, or seems to be affirmed more and more by our to the Panama Canal, in order to protecti
just plain ability on the part of this admin- actions and inactions. - - that vital passage. How absurd can we get?
istration to do anything effective about re- Meanwhile, the- Caribbean smolders with And, because of our refusal to strengthen
moving this threat-or even exhibiting a Communist revolt. The Guatamalan anti- anti-Communist Haitians, it is only within
firm intent to implement the Monroe Communist group, was, fortunately, success- months of being taken over by the Com-
Doctrine. ' ful; a similar but unsuccessful coup in Ar- munists. Many Haitians who work the Cu-
The result of accepting and coexisting gentina followed; and, as I mentioned ban sugarcane fields are being trained by
with a Communist Cuba has been an invita- earlier, Venezuela, Haiti, and the Dominican Communists in the arts of sabotage and
tion to the Communists to infiltrate other Republic are within months of turning subversion. These workers return to Haiti
areas of the Western Hemisphere unchecked. Communist unless we are determined to and join forces with Communist trained and
Today, we are faced with the possible Com- prevent it. paid French-speaking Ghanaians who can't
munist takeovers of the governments of . Infiltration and subversion literally flour- be told apart from the natives. A subversive,
Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, ash throughout the Americas with Cuba as well-trained Communist corps practicing
and Guatemala. The Communists are the spawning ground.- The New Frontier sabotage and poised to take over the Haitian
swiftly populating' other lesser known but "rocks" while Latin America burns with sub- Government is presently in existence.
strategically important smaller islands in version and Communist revolution. As further evidence of our lack of purpose
the West Indies, Including Barbados, An- CIA Director McCone, in testimony before in Latin America, President Kennedy before
tigua, Curacao, and others where the ratio the House Subcommittee on Inter-American he went to Costa Rica,- doomed the confer-
in the major cities is already 1 Russian Affairs,- recently admitted that: "At least ence to mediocrity by announcing in advance
to 10 other people. These islands are doing 1,000 to 1,500 persons-came to Cuba in 1962 that discussions of -ways to dissipate the
business with Russia so the door is open from all other Latin American countries - Communist menace through a hard line po-
to move in. with the possible exception of Uruguay, to -licy towards Cuba were not to be topics of
Vacillation, indecision and a lack of the receive ideological indoctrination or guer- discussion. This position was contrary to
determination necessary to rid this hemi- rilla warfare' training or both. More have the expressed wishes of the Central Ameri-
sphere of Castro's Cuba has resulted in a gone in 1963 despite the limited facilities for can countries present, particularly Guate-
threat to our way of life unparalleled in reaching Cuba at present." mala and Nicaragua, two countries that had
the history of our great country. If America What Mr. McCone failed to tell the sub- already felt the -sharp sting of Castro in-
is to be preserved rather than regarded as committee was that -U.S. citizens are ventur- vasions.
a short-lived experiment in individual free- ing to Cuba as well and last month, I turned Despite the laudatory press releases on the
dom and human dignity, a reaffirmation of over to the House Committee on Un-Ameri- success of the conference, less than two
basic U.S. policies, such as the Monroe Doc- can Activities and the Senate Internal Secu- weeks- later, the Communist -threat became
trine, must be stated and fully ample- rity Subcommittee, the names of some 97 so serious that Guatemala was taken over
mented. To abandon the Monroe Doctrine U.S. citizens who made this illegal journey by a military coup and its President deposed.
during this crucial period is to sacrifice within a 6-month- period in 1962. On the It's high time for a thorough house-
America's self-interests and security. We'd list were many notorious Communists. -Go- cleaning in the State Department and for
better start putting America's security first ing and coming through the Cuban Embassy a shakeup of the bureaucratic stagnation
* * * if we want American freedoms to last. in Mexico City, many of these U.S. citizens, that has settled into the minds of Wash-
This is the anniversary of the abortive upon returning to this country, actually ington's policymakers. And it's about
Bay of Pigs invasion, attempted 2 years advertised the fact they've been to Cuba in time for a meaningful statement of purpose
ago. It is, therefore, an apropos time to Communist newspapers published in the based on ridding the Americas of commu-
reflect on the results of the vacillating and United States. They give lectures and show nism and keeping it free from alien systems.
timid policy America has adopted toward films in this country propagandizing Castro's It's time for the announcement of a plan
Communist Cuba, a tiptoeing policy that Communist revolution and at the same time of action for freedom led by the United
has resulted in a fully armed and established raise money for Communist front organiza- States.
Communist war machine located at- the tions such as the Fair Play for Cuba Com- . It 'a time we threw the Khrushchev doc-
solar-plexis of the Western Hemisphere. mittee. Although traveling to Cuba is in trine of "coexistence with Castro and com-
Two years ago, with adequate air support, violation of the law, neither our State De- munism in this hemisphere" into the ash-
the now abortive invasion would have been partment nor our Justice Department have can and retrieved the Monroe Doctrine
a glorious victory for freedom. Instead, we pressed for or prosecuted these known vio- therefrom. Along these lines, I have intro-
withdrew this vital support and in so doing, lators, many of whom are Communist sym- duced a resolution (H.J. Res. 227), calling for
doomed the invasion to failure and disgrace. pathizers. I have introduced a bill, H.R. the restatement and full implementation of -
We've been withdrawing ever since-with 5320, tightening travel restrictions so that Monroe Doctrine.
the 'all too brief and ineffective quarantine prosecutions of persons using this open door I have proposed the following steps to
as the only show of determination. to subversion can be more easily accom- weaken communism's grip in this hemi-
Why did we withdraw this promised air plished. - sphere, none of which have been taken by
support? Because . some in the `U.S. State . As can be seen, even the United States Is this administration:
Department and some of our representatives not free from the direct efforts of - Castro's First, we should recognize a free, non-
at the United Nations feared our participa- and Khrushchev's Insatiable Communist ap- Communist Cuban government-in-exile.
tion would result in adverse worldwide petites.
opinion, in any adverse image. Once a Cuban go -in -exile So devoid of purposeful leadership is the nized, it could legally ally receive receive ve our our is assistance
Ladies and gentlemen, can any nation State Department that we commit ourselves as well as the assistance of other hemispheric
afford to sacrifice its long-range security on to a $640 million loan to Brazil without even nations. It would fall under the provisions
the altar of public opinion? We did-at a commitment from President Goulart that of the treaties of Rio and Caracas. It could
least momentarily. this money will not be used to tool up Brazil's become a member of the Organization of
When the Soviets put down the Hungarian trade with Russia. The fact of the matter American States. It would provide a rally-
revolt with guns and tanks, did they concern is that stepping up trade with Russia is the ing force for all Cuban refugees, give en-
themselves with their image? Not on your stated aim of this money, and the Rio press couragement and help to the Cuban under-
life. It's about time we stopped applying was the first to admit it. ground, give courage and hope to the op-
Madison Avenue image-creating techniques Brazil, incidentally, is one of only five pressed anti-Castro Cubans who are in the
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majority in Cuba. and provide the means And only unincumbered and unlntlmidated Thus. I have discussed briefly what I be-
ige can solve - lieve be the two ajor ng
for the Cubans to win back their own free- free a of unemployment. Why ssin peoba session llof Congress -fiscali sanitya and t to lems dom.
Instead of uniting the Cuban refugees, proven formula of success for egghead ex- Cuban-Communist threat.
however, the administration 1s doing every- perlmentallam and New Deal" economic Actually, they are both Interrelated, be-
thing In its power to divide them and make failures? cause the Communist threat throughout the
them as ineffective a group as possible. In addition, the President's tax reforms world Is a challenge to our freedom ? * ? to
Secondly, we should Impose an effective would penalize the homeowner, by disallow- our very constitutional government. In or-
trade ban and call upon those nations still Ing as daendduc coins tt hse inters t paid on mort- dor to continue home to support the necessarthef-taxes; the f at and road to
>, by a reduction of present tax challenges to our way of life, we must retain
and Gat Bam Brritain, with to sCastroo,p trading including with Italy gages
Castro. exemptions from the present $1,200 to $600; our economic solvency and financial stability.
Thirdly, we should demand that all Latin the working family head, who would lose his Khrushchev has said that he'll bury us and
American nations withdraw recognition of tax-free sick pay; the widow, who would said that he'd do it without a war by first
Castro and stop doing business with him be required to pay a tax on the value the turning America toward socialism and bank-
and we should withhold Alliance for Progress home had appreciated during Its ownership ruptcy, thus making It ripe for _a Commu-
Funds from nations who refuse to comply. In addition to Inheritance tax: and the gen- nist takeover for which the Communists will
Fourth, to halt the spread of subversion erous. by disallowing deductions to churches, be poised and ready.
throughout this hemisphere, we should in- charities and educational Institutions. If communism is permitted to continue its
list that Mexico close its open door of sub- And to compound this planned penalizing expansion In this hemisphere, already only
version through which people from all Latin of the frugal taxlaayer, we've been presented 90 miles from our borders. Khrushchev's
American countries gain entrance to and re- with a $98.9 bi lion budget containing a prophecy can come true.
turn from Cuba. As i mentioned earlier, built-in deficit-a planned deficit-of $12
route. U.S. citizens are taking this subversive penalize the frugal with hcetshrri
Fifth, we should, If It becomes necessary. value, caused by inflation. I personally be- MEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED
and if the Communists refuse to remove lieve that this extravagant and substantial
troops and heavy war materiel and keep deficit is cause for grave concern. Increased (Mr. FLOOD (at the request of Mr.
shooting at Americans on the high seas, im- Federal expenditures without any Indies- P sRCemarks at 5 n permission the extend
pose another quarantine to halt the inship- tion as to where the funds will come from
ment of further defensive weapons and oil. is totally lacking in fiscal responsibility, and include extraneous matter.)
What has happened to the spirit of Amer- This budget can and must be cut and Mr. FFLOOD. Mr. Speaker, since the
of the
lea that bred such patriots as Nathan Hale, this can be accomplished without weakening
a man hardly out of his teens. who prior our programs od re nae,dead services. eAndr It Suez Cainali 19the56p ecedentt-making
but his execution said : "I regret that I have tion t me the place to start is by cutting recognition and support by our Govern-
What's happened d to the Patrick one life give to my cPtrickk " Henrys, out foreign aid dollars that we are presently meat of that action, the Panama Canal
George Washington? Thomas Jefferson? and giving to Communist countries or spending has been the victim of a series of diplo-
Teddy Itooseveits? Patriots sl'who, under lavishly and foolishly without any direction matic aggressions on the part of the to-
day's so-called modern liberalism would be of purpose. We should require other mem-
considered radicals and reactionaries. ber nations to pay their fait share of the public of Panama against the sovereignty
On the home front this Is a tax-cut year. assessments to the United Nations and we and jurisdiction of the United States
It started out as a tax cut and revision year, should cut off Alliance for Progress funds over the Canal Zone. Immeasurably
but most of the revisions were so ill-con- from Latin American countries doing busi- complicated by the ratification in 1955 of
sidered, they were sidetracked temporarily ness with Castro. the secretly contrived Eisenhower-
almost as soon as they were submitted. Domestically, dollars could be cut from Remon Treaty, our Government, both
Shining brightly from the lantern of New the Federal civilian payroll, and millions the Congress and the Executive, has
Frontierism. however, are proposals which more could be cut from the President's lea(- ththe failed oo meet the the Ex with for as
cults . Instead,
would result in stiffing private enterprise, raking programs such as the Domestic Peace right sec meet the of
equalizing income, discouraging individual Corps. the Youth Conservation Corps, the policy ucation pro
n acts of
and investment, emasculating Incentive and $4501m cafor tch porkdbarrel publicposal,orksthe . througattemptsh placation, it has ag-
peAlthoug Investors, On Wednesday of last week, the Democrats gravated the situation in the Canal
Although the withholding of the on last dividends Congress in the Rouse went on record as being against Zone, with conditions there verging on
and interest proposal
se t any sort of fiscal responsibility by voting
met Its prbacr demise, this duck-billed i e
platypu Is year. to estore $450 million to the public works chaos.
It seemss the back i In and another f Schlesingers rs are ol in acceleration bill-the same $450 million Underlying the present sovereignty
sistent seem wanting 9eahe 5-year ad which was removed from the bill In the Ap- agitation, and related to it in many ways,
$credit and 4 and e percent deduction repeal dt the ppolroof- pro riations Committee. Is the transcendant question of increased
$50 cr This money-your tax dollars-is now transit capacity, a subject that has been
sing. Although it's dead for his year, you being spent for 70-percent Federal cost shar- under congressional consideration since
botto one bet your then, th at It -will you still have ing on constructing swimming pools, rodent the advent in 1945 of the atomic bomb.
one left year then, hat it will will back again control, exotic plants, beautifying the TVA,
next year and the battle will of rose who and building fishponds, as examples. Talk In that year, the Congress, on recom-
Idon't follow the reasoning of those who about boondoggles. Here are some specific mendations of administrative authorities,
want Americans repeal to this tfIn a entre r ris . In- examples of how your tax dollars are being enacted Public Law 280, 79th Congress,
vestment Invest free s spent under the guise of aiding unemploy- authorizing the Governor of the Panama
vestmt in private e enterprise e creates more e ment: Canal-now Canal Zone-to study the
jobs, tools up industry, keeps us in a con- A recreational facility at Lexington City, means for increasing the capacity and
p position with foreign imparts and Mo , will cost $881,000 and employ 9 people. Security of the Panama Canal to meet
provides self-respecting people with needed This Is $90.000 per man per year. the future needs of interoeeanle com-
self-earned incomes. Of course. I can under- A municipal stadium In Bridgeport, Conn., merce and national defense, including
stand why this existing incentive program $475 000
is repulsive to the "concentration of power A lagoon in Choctaw. Ale., $292.000. consideration of canals at other loca-
to think thhat at kin tha e boys, of pr pro ofit m t motiv ve Is whom somehow seem Fish ponds in Oklahoma. $121,000. tions, and a restudy of the Third Locks
to A recreational facility to San Juan, P.R.. project authorized by act approved
outmoded, a "cliche," and maybe a little &00.00o. August 11, 1939.
"Immoral." This list goes on and on, but what's sig- This construction phurriedly
They would much rather resort to the bu- niflcant is that the entire $460 million will
started in 1940 without adequate study,
reaucrat's dream world of the thirties and employ only 50,000 people, less than 2 per-
to the alphabetical agencies such as the cent of the present unemployed. if make- was suspended in May 1942 by the Sec-
Y ex-
Of course, none of these programs were swer to they unemployment s prto be oblem, ethen penditure of some $75 million of the tax-
able to solve the Nation's No. 1 problem of the cost of employing 1 million of the nearly payers' money, mainly on lock-site ex-
the thirties-unemployment: and even So- 5 million unemployed would be $10 billion Cavations for parallel acts of larger locks
cialist Henry Wallace finally admitted this or $10,000 per man employed per year. at Gatun and Miraflores, most of which
fact on a television broadcast 2 weeks ago. It's obvious that this is not the answer to
Only private enterprise. with its profit meeting this pressing problem. Encourage- can the be used in suspension of the that future. project Fortunaunattely,
motive, has made the United States first ry couragementls the way to bring a perma- before excavation was started at Pedro
production, In standard of living. In military
preparedness, and in the eyes of the world. nent end to serious unemployment. Miguel.
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hrough the Eyes of L.B.J. and
direction. Top ranking officials of the De-
partment have recently appeared to suggest
that the United States must purchase Arab
support, almost unconditionally, as the only
means of immunizing that area. from Soviet
This is the core of the present American
position, a position which we believe to be'
shortsighted and counterproductive. The
blackmailer is never satisfied with his last
payment. And the compliant disposition of
the State Department invites further exploi-
tation and ever more stringent demands.
Moreover this acquiescence carries no assur-
ance, even no likelihood, that our country
thereby will gain steadfast allies. On the
contrary, the Arab States have freely pro-
claimed their decision' to play both sides of
the cold war against the middle and to turn
to any source whenever expedient.
The one nation in the Near East that has
shown an overriding and steady attachment
both to the principles of freedom and to the
positions of the free world has been the
Government of Israel. Yet it is conceivable,
unless clear limits are drawn, that the UAR,
as a condition for rejecting Soviet assistance,
might well demand that the United States
remain aloof and- detached while the new
unified Arab military machine seeks to over-
run the State of Israel.
We cannot accept the consoling assurances
of those officials, in the United States who
dismiss the inflammatory, warmongering
statements of President Nasser as political
pablum intended only for internal demagogic
purposes. It will be too late to rectify this
error of judgment once Nasser's rockets be-
gin to fly across sovereign borders. There
will then be time only for regrets, not for
As we meet, the UAR is seeking to over-
throw more Middle East governments not
now included in the new federation of Arab
states. These attempts proceed initially by
way of infiltration and subversion. This pat-
tern, we may expect, will be followed by the
kind of military assault which had its prec-
edent in the Egyptian expedition in Yemen.
Unless those governments that can yet be
influential in'the Middle East, such as our
own, express themselves with greater vigor
than they have yet demonstrated, we fear
these developments are imminent and al-
most certain.
We are gratified that the Secretary of State
and the President have found occasion in
recent days to express "interest in the in-
dependence and security" of those Middle
East governments who are not within the
UAR. But these assurances have been casual
and intermittent. There is still no clearcut
pronouncement of our governmental policy.
Above all else, such a declaration is called
for now.
The United Arab Republic poses an urgent
threat to the security of all of its neighbors,
Arab and non-Arab alike. It is therefore
vital that our Government reaffirm unequiv-
ocally its policy of friendly and peaceful rela-
tions with all presently existing countries in
the area and serve clear and unmistakable
notice that it will respond promptly and de-
cisively to any threat to the peace, or to any
provocative military buildup that is intended
to precipitate a war.
Our hope is that our Government can
thus help procure a long and extended inter-
val of peaceful development for all coun-
tries in that much harassed region. We
urge the constructive adaptation of Amer-
ican policies in the Middle East to replace
regional arms competition with regional eco-
nomic cooperation. In this way the national
interests of the United States can be realized
and promoted, the security of the small na-
tions of the 4rea can be protected and the
redemption of the masses of underprivileged
and deprived peoples of the Middle East can
begin in earnest.
rough the Eyes of Latin America
Wednesday, May 8, 1963
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker,
I found two articles in the papers over
the weekend most interesting in their ob-
viously different assessment of Cuba.
First there was the AP report of Vice
President LYNDON JoHNsoN's political
speech to a $100-a-plate Democratic
fund-raising rally in Milwaukee Satur-
day night.
Then there was Bob Considine's re-
port on an article in Vision, described
by Considine as "probably Latin Amer-
ica's best informed periodical."
The subject, in both cases, was Cuba.
According to the AP report, the Vice
President "insisted the administration
policy on Cuba `is to get rid of commu-
nism and Castro.'" Citing economic
ills in Cuba, L.B.J. said this is "a record
of proud American responsibility. We
are determined that communism in Cuba.
must go-and shall go."
According to Considine, Vision states,
"The Kennedy administration has
launched a propaganda campaign to
prove its 'isolation' policy renders Castro
harmless; that Cuba is just a small pawn
in the overall global struggle, and that
no decisive action is possible without
risking nuclear war," but the Latin
American periodical adds that the argu-
ment is "demonstrably false."
I now include that portion of the AP
story and that portion of the Considine
article which deal with this subject:
MILWAUKEE, May 4.-Vice President JOHN-
SON pictured Cuba tonight as "a showcase
of Communist failure that is costing the
Soviet Union more than $1 million a day to
prevent complete and final collapse."
In a speech prepared for a $100-a-plate
Democratic. fundraising dinner, the Texan
attacked the Republican Party and its
spokesmen and insisted the administration
policy on Cuba "is to got rid of communism
and Castro." -.
Calling President Kennedy "the strong
young man in the White House," Mr. JOHN-
SON said the President "stood up to the ag-
gressor and drew the fangs of aggression."
He listed these as results of Fidel Castro's
Cuban Communist regime:
"Cuba's gross national product has fallen
25 percent:
"Agriculture is failing under communism
there as everywhere else.
"Food consumption is down. 15 percent.
The 1963 sugar crop is the smallest since
World War II.
"A quarter million Cubans have left
Cuba-and we have received 300,000 individ-
ual Cuba requests for visa waivers to come to
this country.
"Free world trade with Cuba last year was
one-tenth what it was before Castro-and it
will be only a trickle this year. Trade be-
tween Cuba and Latin America will virtually
disappear in 1963."
Apparently answering critics of United
States policies toward Cuba, Mr. JOHNSON
called this "a record of proud American re-
sponsibility," adding:
"We are determined that communism in
Cuba must go-and shall go."
(By Bob Considine)
"Vision," probably Latin America's best in-
formed periodical, dourly concludes in the
wake of Castro's triumphant reception in the
Soviet Union.:
"Years of fumbling U.S. efforts to free
Cuba have ended in utter failure. This con-
stitutes the biggest setback to U.S. foreign
policy since the fall of China.. In Washing-
ton, this defeat is recognized but never ad-
mitted. The. Kennedy administration has
launched a propaganda campaign to prove
that its 'isolation' policy renders Castro
harmless; that Cuba is just a small pawn in
the overall global struggle, and that no de-
cisive action is possible without risking nu-
clear war. All three arguments are demon-
strably false.
"In the first instance, Cuba is not isolated
at all. Various hemispheric states still main-
tain diplomatic, trade, and travel connec-
tions with the island. A steady flow of
young Latin American leftists arrives in
Cuba every day, destined for Che Guevara's
revolutionary schools * * * nations outside
the hemisphere scoff at U.S. pleas to halt
Cuban Shipping.
"The second point is still more unrealis-
tic-that Cuba is merely a cold war pawn,
something like Laos but closer to home.
Castro's position atop the Lenin mausoleum
last Sunday proves that the Kremlin takes
a much different view. The Cuban take-
over is a hugely successful Communist pene-
tration right into the zone of prime U.S. in-
terest, the first step along the road to Latin
American conquest.
"The final argument-that there is noth-
ing we can do about Castro-is just plain
I'Vision's" recommendations:
J.F.K. should again declare unequivocally
that getting rid of Castro is a cardinal goal
of U.S. policy. Create a big Caribbean task
force to restore morale inside Cuba. J.F.K.
"should publicly warn that the United States
will not be responsible for Russian lives nor
be deterred by their presence from taking
any course of action it deems necessary. A
strong promise of aid to post-Castro Cuba
should be made, along with a pledge of non-
interference in the country's internal affairs."
'Indiana Boy Proves Youth Are Not
Wednesday, May 8, 1963
Mr. HARTIE.. Mr. President there
appeared a recent editorial in the Rich-
mond, Ind., Palladium-Item, in which
an Indiana youth, Larry Williams, 14-
year-old of Centerville, was cited as a
responsible boy and a hero.
As a matter of fact, Mr. President,
Larry is responsible for saving the lives
of several of his schoolmates when a
careening automobile suddenly lunged
toward them when he was on school
patrol. Larry is one of several young-
sters soon to be given a medal by Presi-
dent Kennedy for his act of heroism.
The editorial also points out that not
all boys are juvenile delinquents. Be-
cause the editorial is worthy of consider-
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ation by my distinguished colleagues I
ask unanimous consent that it be printed
in the Appendix of the RECORD.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
The weighty evidence of juvenile delin-
quency is proof of one of the Nation's most
serious problems. But It is unjust to put
the tag of Irresponsibility on all youngsters.
Larry Williams, 14-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. James V. Williams, of Centerville, is a
case In point, He was on the job as a school
safety patrol member last November when
an automobile suddenly lunged toward a line
of children. With his arms outstretched
Larry jumped in front of the children and
pushed them out of the auto's path.
After an investigation of the Incident, the
American Automobile Association awarded
Larry its medal for "a lifesaving act involving
heroism." President Kennedy will present
the medal in ceremonies at the White House
next month.
Larry obviously has learned the lessons of
responsibility. He took seriously the duties
of his safety patrol assignment and his quick
thinking may have saved the lives of one or
more of the children.
Economy Buying
Wednesday, May 8, 1963
Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker,
in view of the fact I was the originator
and author of the legislation which
created the two Commissions on the Re-
organization of the Executive Branch of
the Government, better known as the
two Hoover Commissions, and was the
member of the Commission who devoted
the most attention to correction of pro-
curement practices in the Federal Gov-
ernment, especially In the Department
of National Defense, I take great pleasure
in calling attention of the Congress and
the country to the following editorial
which appeared in the Washington Star
on April 30, which points out the savings
being made, and destined to be made in
the future, from the implementation of
recommendations made by the Hoover
Commission on procurement matters:
One of the major and, as events have
turned out, most fruitful recommendations
of the old Hoover Commission advocated the
consolidation of purchasing activities in the
Defense Department. Several days ago, the
Joint Economic Committee headed by Sena-
tor Douglas concluded a series of hearings to
review the effects of the single Defense Sup-
ply Agency and other steps Initiated along
these lines by Secretary McNamara.
The results are impressive. While these
programs have been underway for only a
little more than a year. savings actually
reflected in the defense budget for the fiscal
year 1964 amount to about $750 million. In
addition, Mr. McNamara expressed confidence
that additional actions now under study will
increase the rate of savings to over $3.4
billion annually by the end of 1985--savings
considerably in excess of the $2 to $3 billion
which the Hoover Commission had antici-
pated might be realized from such action.
In discussing the wider ramifications of the
subject, the Secretary also had this to say:
"The basic principle that there should be
a single agency to procure and manage com-
mon items of supply or services for all users
is, as this committee has repeatedly pointed
out, as valid for the Government as a whole
as it Is for the Department of Defense.
Therefore, In our own efforts to obtain
greater efficiency through the consolidation
of common logistics support activities, we
should not restrict ourselves to Defense
agencies alone. Whenever we find that it is
more economical to use the capabilities or
facilities of other Government agencies, with
no loss in military effectiv?ness, and at the
same or less coat, we should not and have
not hesitated to do so."
These are encouraging words-and they
mark progress. Mr. McNamara Is to be com-
mended for taking actions now which should
have been taken long ago to avoid waste.
These efforts deserve encouragement, and
the Joint Economic Committee and other
groups should see to it that they receive
every assistance.
Former Oklahoma Congressman Cele-
brates 90th Birthday
Wednesday, May 8,1963
Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker, on
April 28, an Oklahoman who throughout
his life has served his fellow man with
distinguished honor celebrated his 90th
birthday. I am speaking of our distin-
guished former colleague, the Honorable
Charles Edward Creager, of my home-
town of Muskogee, Okla.
It is a privilege for me to Join his legion
of friends and admirers in congratulat-
ing C. E. Creager on his birthday and
wishing him many more happy returns
in the years ahead.
Charles Creager Is one of the pioneer
builders and developers of eastern Okla-
homa. He was the second Member of
Congress after Oklahoma's statehood to
serve many of the counties in the dis-
trict which I now represent.
C. E. Creager has led a rich and full
life for which he can take great personal
satisfaction. He was a journalist who
reported some of the significant events
in the history of our Nation, an author
who recorded histories of the Ohio Na-
tional Guard Masonry in Oklahoma, a
public servant who served In Congress
and in Indian Service, and a civic
leader who authored Muskogee's form of
city government under which our com-
munity now lives.
Such a distinguished life Is enjoyed by
few persons. Charles Creager's contri-
butions to society are Indeed manifold.
It is a life to which every Oklahoma owes
a great debt of gratitude.
At this time, I ask permission to insert
into the RECORD the text of a story about
former Congressman Creager which ap-
peared in the Muskogee (Okla.) Phoenix.
This story written by a Phoenix staff
writer, Mort Glassner, is a colorful re-
view of the career of this distinguished
American :
(By Mort Glasener)
Congressman, Army sergeant, war corre-
spondent, oilman, supervisor of field clerks
in the Indian Service, author, schoolteacher,
cub reporter, police reporter, political re-
porter, city editor, oil editor, publisher,
Office of Price Administration Chief Clerk,
and U.S. oil inspector.
Blend all of the above-mentioned occupa-
tions and vocations Into one person and
you'll come up with one person-Charles Ed-
ward Creager, of 6404 West Okmulgee.
Creager, Oklahoma's first Republican Con-
gressman and the State's second Congress-
man, observes his 90th birthday anniversary
Sunday. The tall, slender Muskogeean
doesn't plan anything special for the observ-
ance. "I and my wife Elizabeth plan to
spend a quiet day and I doubt if we have
many visitors," Creager said Saturday.
The native Ohioan has one son, one grand-
son, and four great-grandchildren. Baron
Creager, the son, lives in Dallas, Tex., and is
Southwest editor for an automobile trade
journal. Baron's son is Mack Creager of
Tulsa who Is a sportscaster. The Mack Creag-
era have four children.
To say that Creager has been versatile dur-
ing his 90 years would be understating the
case. Creager authored the charter under
which Muskogee's managerial form of govern-
ment operates. As a Congressman, he ob-
tained the necessary $500,000 appropriation
to build Muskogee's Federal Building at
North Fifth and West Broadway.
It was Creager who persuaded Suma Rose-
man, a Creek Indian woman from Sapulpa,
to sell the old General Hospital building here
to the city for practically nothing. At the
same time, he talked her into donating $5,000
to the hospital to be used for indigent Indi-
ana who might need hospitalization. Creager
is an honorary member of the Creek Tribal
Creager served in Congress from 1909 to
1910 after defeating Democrat James Dav-
enport of Vinita who is deceased. However,
Davenport turned the tables on Creager in
1910 and won a House seat.
The former Buckeye Stater still keeps ac-
tive In politics. He was a delegate to the
recent State GOP convention but gave his
proxy to someone else.
Creager was born near Dayton, Ohio, on
April 28, 1873. In high school, he was the
top student scholastically in his senior class.
"There were only three students in the
class." he quipped Saturday.
"I was thrown out bodily from a private
military school, flunked out of a normal
school and because of boredom I dropped out
of the University of Indiana," Creager dis-
Somewhere along the way, Creaker says, he
migrated "rather innocently" into the Day-
ton News and went to work as a cub re-
porter. Seeking more action, he later moved
into a pollee reporter's job on the Columbus,
Ohio, Press-Post, working his way up to city
editor. He also worked as a political reporter
for the Columbus Dispatch but it was during
his tenure with the Press-Post that he be-
came a widely read war correspondent.
While with the Press-Post, Creager joined
the Ohio National Guard. In 1898, he found
himself in Puerto Rico playing a dual role
in the Spanish-American War. He was
forced to split his time in the service be-
tween being a sergeant major (and later cap-
tain) and reporting the war to his newspaper
back home.
Following the war, Creager returned to his
newspaper job In Dayton only to discover he
was dissatisfied with his $16 a week salary
which he relates, was "hiked two bucks be-
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