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United States of America Approved For Release 2004/06/23: CIA-RDP65B00, (ton rr.,,.ttsional Record Zan~rcisionaL PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 88th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 109 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1963 House of Representatives The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Reverend Harley S. Hill, Wesleyan Methodist Church, Herrickville, Pa., offered the following prayer: Psalm 1:1, 2: Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the un- godly, nor standeth in the way of sin- ners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Our Father which art in heaven hal- lowed be Thy name. We come to Thee in the name of Thy Son, Jesus. The poet wrote: "In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, with a glory in His vision that transfigures you and me. As He died to make men holy so He died to make -men free." 0, God, build this'"Nation. not with second-growth timber, but with virgin growth made strong by the north wind until our tap- root gets down to the solid rock of God's divine grace. The Bible states about a nation which should be the head and not the tail. 0, God, do not allow our eyes to become besmeared so that we cannot see the way Thou bast marked out for us, nor our minds dulled with selfishness and greed, nor our ears. deaf to, Thy voice. The Bible says, "Ye shall hear a voice behind thee, saying `This is the way, walk ye in it.' " There will be such voices heard, but may we listen only to Thy voice. We be- lieve that Thou hast raised us up as a nation to make a safe home for the free and the brave. _ Bless Mr. Kennedy, our President; help us to hold up his hands in all that is right and strong. Bless the Speaker of the House, each officer, "and each Rep- respntative. Give each divine wisdom to know the right and the wrong. Blot out as a thick cloud our.trans- gressions and, as a cloud, our sins. In the name of the triune God. Amen.. 'THE JOURNAL The Journal of the, proceedings of Monday, March 25, 1963, was. read' and approved. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS Mr. KIRWAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Appropriations have until midnight tonight to file a privileged report on the Department of the Interior and related agencies appropriation bill for 1964. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ohio? There was no objection. Mr. HARRISON. Mr. Speaker, I re- serve all points of order on the bill. COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND IN- SULAR AFFAIRS Mr. ASPINALL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs have un- til midnight tonight to file a report on H.R. 3120 and H.R. 3845. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Colo- rado? There was no objection. CORRECTION OF THE RECORD Mr. BURKHALTER. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, March 18, 1963, I asked for and received permission to revise and extend my remarks in regard to the peti- tion of the Hollywood film unions pur- suant to seeking Federal aid in curbing runaway film production. Inadvert- ently three of the unions that partici- pated were omitted from the article. I again ask permission to revise my re- marks by adding the names of these 3 unions which are: Motion Picture Set Painters, Laboratory Technicians, and Motion Picture Crafts Services; in this way, the RECORD will have the names of all 10 participating unions. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from California? There was no. objection. ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES Mr. WILLIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Un-American Activities have permis- sion to file the annual report of the com- mittee for 1962. No. 46 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Louisiana? There was no objection. HOSPITAL INSURANCE ACT OF 1963 (Mr. KING of California asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute, and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. KING of California. Mr. Speaker, on February 21, at the request of Presi- dent Kennedy, I introduced H.R. 3920, the Hospital Insurance Act of 1963. As I am sure all of you are aware, this is the President's proposal for health insurance for the aged under the social security insurance system. I am today proud to state that 21 of my distinguished col- leagues from the State of California have introduced identical bills. I also am very proud to state that a number of my colleagues in the House already have in- troduced identical bills and, I am confi- dent, there will be others who will do so as time goes by. I think it is a significant development that 22 Members of the California dele- gation are now cosponsors of this exceed- ingly important legislative proposal and that, as of the present time, a total of 49 -Members of the House are sponsors of the bill, or bills quite similar in purpose. I am gratified that this is the case. I should like to take this occasion to again state that this legislation in my judgment will solve a problem which becomes more pressing with each passing month, and it deserves early and careful consideration.- This is meritorious and fiscally sound legislation. Its adoption has been far too long delayed. I am urging that it be given executive consid- eration by the Committee on Ways and Means as soon as we complete our cur- rent schedule on the President's 1963 tax message. I am hopeful we will be suc- cessful in this endeavor. I now invite and urge other Members of the House who have not already done so to join with me in sponsoring and working for the early enactment of this legislation. Illness among the aged, and its after- math of financial crises and ruin, wait for no one. We can and should act now on this bill. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 elate &M? R,A} ? .03$ 00220025-1 March 28 TTACKS ON FOREINN SHIPS BY j ILF-c FROM CUBA W. JOELSON asked and was given permission to address the House for I Minute , and to revise and extend his reI1a .) Mr I1.0" SON. Mr. Speaker, I am reading with Increasing concern of at- tacks being made on foreign ships by exiles from Cuba who are presently in the United States. These attacks are directly in contra- vention of U.S. policy and have been made In spite of repeated requests from high Government officials of the United States to desist. The only purpose that can possibly underly these attacks is to create Incidents which will involve the people of the United States in an all-out shooting war. To put it very bluntly, these Cuban exiles have been admitted to the United States in order to give them a place of asylum. We must now make it clear to them that we will Immediately expel from these shores any Cuban exiles who so deliberately flaunt the policy of our Government. We Inthe United States certainly are determined to oppose Castro-Cuba and Communist Intrusion in this hemisphere. However, we work through our duly constituted leaders in the tradition of the democratic self-government. Any Cuban exile who presently finds haven in this country should get out im- mediately if he will not abide by the processes of orderly democratic gov- ernment. A STRANGE POLICY DECISION (Mr. MARSH asked and was given permission revise and House extend for minute and to his remarks.) Mr. MARSH. - Mr. Speaker, our col- league, Mr. WYrw e, performed a public service on Monday last in directing the attention of the House to the attend- ance of a succession of Yugoslav offi- cers at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. As our colleague pointed out, and as I should like to reemphasize, these Com- munist officers -w.,..e not sought as stit- In the rank of colonel, now are major generals, and one is the chief of Mar- shal Tito's military cabinet. Why should the U.S. Army have thrust on it instruction of officers of a cQAunut nation? DEDUCTION FOR PAYMENT OF RE- DEEMABLE GROUND RENTS Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- mous consent to take from the Speaker's desk the bill (H.R. 1597) relating to the tax treatment of redeemable ground rents, with Senate amendments thereto. and concur in the Senate amendments. alter the substance of the House bill or its basic effect. I urge that the House concur in the amendments of the other body. DESIGNATING APRIL 11, 1963, FOR CELEBRATION OF PAN-AMERICAN DAY Mr. SELDEN. Mr. Speaker, on be- half of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, I call up House Resolution 300, designat- ing April 11, 1963, for the celebration of Pan-American Day, and ask for its im- mediate consideration. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- The Clerk read the title of the bill. lows: The Clerk read tha Senate amend- H. Hen. 300 ments, as follows: Resolved, That the House of Representa- Page 3, after line 10, insert: tives hereby designates Thursday, April 11, "(C) REDEEMABLE GROUND RENT DErUeEO- 1963 the celebration the Pan-American an- of the For purposes of this subtitle, the term 're- Day, on. which y. after appropriate to such f the deemable ground rent' means only a ground Journal, remarks rent with respect to which- sion may occur. (1) there is a lease of land which is as- signable Mr. Speaker, will the signable by the lessee without the consent Mr. gentleman ADAIR. of the lessor and which (together with peri- ods for which the lease may be renewed Mr. BELDEN. I yield to the gentle- at the option of the lessee) is for a term in man from Indiana. excess of 15 years, Mr. ADAIR. Mr. Speaker, this matter '?(2) the leaseholder has a present or fu- has been cleared with the minority side ture right to terminate, and to acquire the and there is no objection to it. We think entire Interest of the lessor in the land, by it is excellent idea. payment of a determined or determinable an The SPEAKER. excelThe question is on amount, which right exists by virtue of State the resolution. or local law and not because of any private agreement or privately created condition, A The motion resolution and reconsider was laid on the "(3) the lessor's interest in the land is table. primarily a security interest to protect the rental payments to which the lessor is en- titled under the lease." Page 3, line 11, strike "'(c)" and insert; ,(d)" The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ar- kansas? There was no objection. The Senate amendments were con- curred in. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. (Mr. MILLS asked and was given per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD.) Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, as the Members will recall. H.R. 1597, which was passed by the House under unan- h re e emu,, . t . ......,, .. ^ dents by t quired to accept them by decision of deals with the tax treatment in Mary- higher authority. No criticism should land of both the buyer of a home sub- attach to the Army In regard to this ject to a redeemable ground rent and the policy, which ear has been in effect for more person redeemable ground rent. Under than 10 years. I am sure it will be Incomprehensible the bill, for the home buyer the ground to many citizens, however, that it was rent paid would be treated as a mortgage decided the national interest would be interest payment and, therefore, deduct- served by admitting officers of Commu- able by him for tax purposes. As to the nist Yugoslavia to one of our most im- seller of the real property, the property faces amif sold ount equalc portant il we train for top command mortgage in a treated hand how to the 4V I--+- -romising price of the ile e force which ground rent, and as a result, the redeem America, incorporated, to maintain the bar- ti officers of our ownmArmya may be called on to fight a Communist able ground rent would be taken into berahop quartet style of close harmony sing- aggressor. account in determining his sale price for ing as a traditional form of native American Obviously, the Yugoslav Govern- the property and would be reflected in music, and of their efforts, through their ment, has taken full advantage of this any gain Or loss recognized to him. stimulus to good music and vocal harmony, to keep America singing. The President of opportunity to learn of American mili- An amendment to the bill was adopted the United States is authorized and re- tary doctrine by sending some of Its best by the other body which adds a section quested to issue a proclamation Inviting officers to study under our instructors providing a definition of the term "re- the people of the United States to join in the at Fort Leavenworth. Three of these deemable ground rent." This is in the observance of such week with appropriate - .,.,A A.,,,- ..,,f --Ina and activities- Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 DESIGNATING WEEK OF APRIL 15, 1963, AS "NATIONAL HARMONY WEEK" Mr. FORRESTER. Mr. Speaker, I can up House Joint Resolution 282 and ask for its immediate consideration. The Clerk read the joint resolution, as follows: Whereas April 11, 1963, marks the twenty- fifth anniversary of the founding of the Society for the Preservation and Encourage- ment of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Incorporated; and Whereas the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Incorporated, a non- profit, fraternal organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the uniquely American art form known as the barbershop quartet style of close harmony singing, will celebrate the twenty-fifth an- niversary of its founding during the six-day period beginning April 15, 1963: Now, there- fore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the six-day period beginning April 15, 1963, and ending April 20, 1963, both dates inclusive, is hereby designated as "National Harmonyt?i- - the successful efforts of the members of the Society for the Preservation and Encourage ment of Barber Shop Quartet Singing It . or,Release 2004/06/23: CIA-RDP65B00383R000 20022 025-1` CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE such resistance to Communist persuasion as currently exists in that area of the world. As mentioned in an earlier report of the Subcommittee on Zurope, it would be fool- ':iardyto expect any major changes to occur within the Soviet bloc in the near future. The national Communist regimes continue to exercise effective control over the peoples of those countries. This control shows no gign of any significant- cracks. The bloc's economic relations with the United States and with other free countries, and such ex- change programs as are currently in effect between the free world and some members f the Soviet bloc, will not alter this situa- on. They will not produce an overflow the national Communist regimes, nor ise them to suffer a change of heart and ab ndon thegoal ofa "Communist world system" _ At best, they constitute an invest- ment in maintaining Western presence be- hind the Iron Clartain and in sustaining the captive peoples' basic Western orientation- an investment which may pay off in the long run when the, interaction of other, more weighty events will make it possible for the peoples behind the Iron Curtain to exert direct influence upon the domestic and ex- ternal policies of their countries. The study group is of the opinion that the Congress and the executive branch should continue to give careful attention to develop. Inents within the captive European nations. The study group further believes that spar- ing and carefully designed use of the in- struments of our foreign policy-including trade and other relations-with respect to these countries is appropriate and, in the long run, niay produce results beneficial to the United. States. Mr. Speaker, I fear that I have im- posed excessively upon the time of the Members here present. I felt, however, that the things I have said needed to be put into the REcoan to keep the Mem- bers of the House fully apprised of the activities of my committee, relating to the captive nations. I can assure the membership of the House that the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs, and the Sub- committee on Europe, under the able chairmanship of Congresswoman EDNA F. KELLY, of New York, will continue to pay careful attention to developments within the captive nations, and to make appropriate legislative recommendations bearing on this subject to the House of Representatives. =THE GREEK SHIPPING RECORD pelmission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mr. FEIGHAN. Mr. Speaker, on March 25 I made a statement on the floor of the House drawing attention to a press release issued by the Royal Greek Embassy Press and Information Service announcing a royal decree had been --promulgated to stop all Greek shipping to captive Cuba, known to all who are literate and many who are not as a Rus- sian beachhead in the Western Hemi- sphere. A careful reading of that Royal Decree, however, revealed an exception to its application which for all practical purposes nullified the decree. That ex- ception applied to all Greek-flag ships under time-charter contract, that is, Greek ships under contract to carry cargo to Russian-occupied Cuba for a period of time set by contract. When I read that press statement I was shocked by the all too obvious at- tempt to create by a mirror of words, a public impression that did violence to the facts. Anyone with a passing knowledge of international commerce and the meaning of time-charter con- tract in the shipping business would have been equally shocked. To right this situation, very likely provoked by the growing public pressure in the United States against all who provide succor to the Russian regime in Cuba, I called upon the Greek Government to move with haste in making a full public disclosure of the facts about Greek-flag ships calling at Cuba. I felt the Ameri- can people were entitled to all the facts, not a carefully tailored press statement, and suggested action within 48 hours was a reasonable expectation. That 48 hours has passed and I am un- aware of any public disclosure of the facts being released by the Royal Greek Embassy Press and Information Service. Consequently, I will provide an assist. The information which I have been able to secure from official U.S. sources is not claimed to be complete. But I do state it to be accurate and very revealing. Since-January 1, 1963, up to March 25, 1963, a total of 43 ships flying the flag of a free-world nation have carried cargo to captive Cuba. Greek-flag ships head the list-a total of 13 with an estimated total cargo in excess of 100,000 tons. This questionable first place honor is shared with British-flag ships, a total of 13 carried cargo to Cuba during the same 3-month period. The British-flag ships won first prize in total tonnage-over 150,000 tons. But the British have made no official gesture to conceal their tar- nished laurels. - A further look at the record reveals that a total of 31 Greek-flag ships carried cargo to captive Cuba during the period September 1, 1962, to December 31, 1962. That was the period of intensive Russian military buildup in Cuba. At that time the danger signals on what the Russians were up to in Cuba were clear for all to see. - Those danger signals reached such a critical point in early October that President Kennedy was required to meet the threat head on, which he did in his address to the Nation, and to the world, on October 22. The record also reveals that a total of 171 Greek-flag ships have carried cargo to captive Cuba since January 1, 1902- a short period of 15 months. That aver- ages over 11 Greek-flag ships per month for the 15-month period. It is estimated that 80 percent of Greek-flag ships were under time-charter contract to the Russians or Russian bloc regimes during 1962. That is the record, at least a large part of it, up to last Monday, March 25, 1963. I preferred and hoped ? that the Royal Greek Embassy Press and Information Service would make this disclosure, but when they did not, I did so in the inter- est of keeping the record straight. One large question remains to be an- swered in the form of a public disclosure by the Royal Greek Embassy Press and Information Service. That question is- How many Greek-flag ships are still un- der time-charter contract to the Rus- sians or any of their stooge Communist regimes and how much time remains on each of those contracts? This is an im- portant question because an answer to it will reveal how many Greek-flag ships will be carrying cargo to captive Cuba during the months if not years ahead. Every ship, regardless of which flag it flies, carrying cargo to captive Cuba, strikes at the cause of human freedom in the Western Hemisphere. That is a reality with which we and our sister re- publics of the hemisphere must live. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 4656 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE PROGRAM FOR WEEK OF APRIL 1 Herbert Lehman's supreme integrity, Mr. HAr LE.CK. Mr. Speaker, I ask great Intellect and deep concern for jus- unanimous consent to proceed for 1 tice, human dignity and freedom an com- minute In order to inquire of the ma- bine to make him one of the most re- jority leader as to the program for next spected and beloved politicians of all week and for the balance of this week. time, Throughout his career he has been The SPEAKER. is there objection to a vigilant defender of civil liberties and the request of the gentleman from his courageous fight against the scourge Indiana? Of McCarthyism long will be remem- There was no objection. bered. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the At the age of 80, when he had already gentleman yield? received the highest honors the people Mr. HALLECK. , I yield. of New York State could bestow. Sena- Mr. ALBERT. There will be some tor Lehman undertook a crusade for i th b d t f he has been a source of great inspira- tion. Mr. Speaker, last night on the eve of his 85th birthday Governor Lehman cele- brated with his family and friends. It was wonderful to see him surrounded by those who love him and to know that he is recovering so well from his recent accident. Mr. Speaker, I am sure all Members will want to join today in extending to Senator Lehman and Mrs. Lehman and their family our best wishes on this hap- py occasion and to wish the Governor many more happy birthdays. e oss sys- aga ns political re orm an tem in New York. As the spiritual fath- er of the reform Democratic movement, WELFARE OF ALL THE PEOPLE (Mr. CANNON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, the Rural Electrification Administration came into being in 1935, 12 years after I came to Congress. The program has proven highly effective. In that year only 6 percent of Missouri's farms, and 11 percent of the Nation's farms, were electrified. Today, 98 percent of our farms are electrified, and every farm and home In rural America that wants this service can have it, There are some who point to the $3 billion REA has outstanding on its elee- trification loans and say the cost is too high. But this is not an item of cost. It is investment, gilt edge and the best investment the Government ever has made in a domestic program. Look at the record. From its begin- ning, REA has advanced just over $4 bil- lion to Its electrification borrowers-$1.1 billion has been repaid on principal, $200 million of this was paid in advance of due date. In addition; $550 million has been paid in interest. Losses total less than $50,000. No bank, no Govern- ment agency, no group of borrowers have ever before built up such a record. The benefits have not stopped at our city and town lines. The rural electrifi- cation program has stimulated expendi- ture of as much as $20 billion of private funds, $5 for each $1 of Federal invest- ment. This has gone for electrical wir- ing, appliances and equipment, all manu- factured in our cities from the raw ma- terials of our mines and farms. It has kept down rates and reduced monthly electric bills In the city as well as in the March 28 country. Labor has benefitted, as have industry and commerce. Rural electrifi- cation has been good for all America. It is truly an all-American program. Time after time, attempts have been made to cut back and cut down on rural electrification. These attacks have been made In the courts, in the Appropria- tions Committee, in other commitees, and on the floor of this House. The guns were always loaded by the power com- pany lobbyists who have never stopped trying. When they could not put through cuts in loan funds, they tried to cripple REA by cutting administrative expenses appropriations. Their main target has always been and still is loans for generating plants. These loans-the main defense of the electric cooperatives against the raiders-have been the life- line of the rural electrics. Only last year, we defeated an attempt to cut down that lifeline. And we can expect them back again this year. Like Khrushchev, they have warned us they will be back. Another line of attack over the years has been to put the electric cooperatives' generating loans under the jurisdiction of the Federal Power Commission. This was tried by a Senate committee rider to the urgent deficient appropriation bill for 1946. It was beaten down by a vote of 52 to 21 after Senate friends of rural electrification warned that adoption of the rider would hamstring the program. Bills to achieve this same result were brought to the floor of the House in 1946 and again in 1948. Even our Appropria- tions Committee in the House urged this in Its May 1947 report on the Agriculture appropriation bill for 1948. We have held the line all these years in the Congress. We have so far saved rural electrification when it was threat- ened. But a new threat from a new di- rection faces the program today. The Federal Power Commission has in recent weeks made the opening moves in the direction of exercising jurisdiction over the rural electric cooperatives. I have heard from systems in my own State who are deeply concerned about the Commission moving in on them. They are concerned with more than the threat to regulate them as public utilities- which they are not. They see the preda- tory power companies seizing upon this as a new opportunity to interfere and delay. And if the companies do not suc- ceed before the Commission, they can take them to court, piling further delay and expense on their nonprofit opera- tions-hoping to break them down. There is nothing In the REA and FPC statutes, absolutely nothing, to warrant FPC's assumption of jurisdiction. Con- gress has never intended that FPC re- view loans made by REA. The Federal Power Act gave the Commission juris- diction over public utility financing to protect private investors. The United States does not need protection as an investor in rural electrification. The Federal Power Act gives the Commission jurisdiction over electric power rates charged to the public by the public utili- ties within its regulatory sphere. The electric cooperatives are self-regulating in this respect. Their member-con- Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 1963 Approved EUDM*p?gIM~,/f6ky~&&RDP NEW ENGLAND COUNCIL QUESTIONS LEGALITY OF PRESIDENT'S RESIDUAL OIL DECISION BOSTON -The New England Council has questioned the legality of the recent White House decision to maintain residual oil quotas and said the decision perpetuates a Government protected cartel. In a joint statement, James S. Couzens, chairman of the council's fuel committee and Gardner A. Caverly, executive vice president of the council, condemned the decision as contrary to the administration's own study done by the Office of Emergency Planning and called on the President to either directly regard or disregard the report. The council statement said that section 7, of the Trade Agreements Act of 1958, as amended by the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, gives the President authority to establish residual oil quotas once a national security justification has been established; but in the absence of such a finding or determination he does not have legal authority to maintain it. "In Its February 13 report, the Office of Emergency Planning stated residual oil con- trols were not in the interest of national security, and that they have little to do with unemployrhent- in the coal industry," said Mr. Caverly. "Accordingly there appears no valid economic or security reason for con- trols to continue and this would give rise as to whether the Trade Agreements Act is be- ing violated." "The announced 9.6 percent increase in residual oil imports will do little more than replace the domestic production decline," Mr. Couzens said, "and this still leaves strong enough supply-demand pressures to require New England residual oil consumers to pay 23 cents a barrel more- than- in other coun- tries such as Canada." Residual oil is used as heating fuel for apartment houses and large office buildings and it also affects the cost of many electric utilities. "The residual oil import quotas let only enough oil into the country to meet de- mands and this keeps per barrel costs arti- ficially high," said Mr. Couzens. The statement also said the quota system "locked buyers and sellers together, thus eliminating competition-a situation that the Justice Department condemned in the OEP report." "The only' reason for the President's de- cision to maintain residual oil import restric- tions appears to be pressures put on the White House by' misguided leaders of the coal industry," Caverly concluded. The statement also said the council is not giving up - its battle for removal of residual oil quota restrictions but is considering ex- panding its program to include removal of restrictions for the entire industry and not just residual oils. Mr. ST GERMAIN. - Mr. Speaker, un- doubtedly one of the Most important aims of our foreign policy is economic development in Latin America. This aim is essential to our Nation's security. Cuba has brought home to all of us the importance of close cooperation and understanding among the Americas, if freedom is to be preserved in our hemi- sphere. One of our Latin, American neighbors, Venezuela, has been recognized by Presi- dent Kennedy for its progress in freedom. Speaking to their people, President Ken- nedy said: - Here in Venezuela the meaning of the new Allianza Para El Progresso is being dem- onstrated, for you have made a transition from a repressing dictatorship to a free life for the people of this country, to a progres- sive democratic rule under one of the great democratiq states of the Western Hemi- sphere. * * * The United States and Vene- zuela are bound together and in the 14360's a very difficult time in the face of uncer- I believe we can demonstrate, so that "all the tain markets and the threat of increased world will follow our example, that freedom taxation. and prosperity can move hand in hand and with your distinguished President, who has been working in this field for so many years and who is now showing the people of this country and hemisphere what real progress for the people can mean. Mr. Speaker, our good relationships with Venezuela are in jeopardy if resid- ual oil import restrictions are allowed to continue. This small Latin American country directly or indirectly supplies the United States with 90 percent of its residual oil, and since 1959 when import restrictions were imposed, the economic development of Venezuela has been se- verely hampered. An Office of Emergency Planning re- port says that development of residual oil supplies from Venezuela is essential to our national security. We cannot ex- pect Venezuela to turn her refineries on and off, holding her production at the ready, waiting to serve the United States in the event of war. If we continue to deny Venezuela the natural established outlet for her pro- duction, we undermine her economy in time of peace and weaken her ability to meet extra demands in time of war. The importance of residual oil to the Venezuelan economy can best be c4emorir strated by the following: In U.S. re- fineries less than 10 percent of every bar- rel of crudeoil becomes residual. This byproduct is slowly decreasing because it is more profitable in this country to produce other petroleum products; quite the contrary in Venezuela. Residual oil is a major product for this Latin American ally. Each barrel of crude oil produces 55 percent residual oil as compared to under 10 percent for the United States. In Venezuela 95 percent of foreign trade income is from petroleum products, and the United States is their No. 1 customer. Residual oil restrictions pose a real threat to the Venezuelan economy. They threaten the success of our Latin Amer- ican policies and therefore undermine our national security. The restrictions must be lifted. Mr. BOW. Mr. Speaker, our colleagues from New England have little reason to complain about the administration's policy with regard to import quotas on residual fuel oil. The President's decision to increase imports by some 50,000 barrels in the import year beginning April 1 seems to demonstrate that he: has not changed the views he held when as Senator Ken- nedy, of Massachusetts, he urged the un- restricted. import of this cheap waste product. - The complaints should come from the domestic producers of oil, the coal miners, the railroad workers and many, many others who will suffer unemploy ment and economic loss because domestic welfare has been sacrificed ruthlessly to - international politics. This is of great importance in the State of Ohio where our great coal in- dustry is already depressed and where the independent oil producers are having friends are wise toplace their reliance upon Venezuelan sources of fuel. They may pay dearly for the cheap fuel they enjoy this year if the uncertain political climate in the Caribbean cuts off this foreign source of supply. They are closing- their eyes to the Na- tion's welfare and to their own welfare. The Office of Emergency Planning is equally shortsighted when it says that the Nation need not rely upon its own sources of energy. - I believe it is time for congressional review of this entire problem and con- gressional action to establish a realistic and. effective control on the imports of residual fuel oil. Greatly as we may desire the friendship of Venezuela and wish to enhance its economic position, as much as we would like to assist our New England, friends, and the tremen- dous volume of New England manufac- tured products sold in Ohio is a demon- stration of this desire, it seems to me that the - national security and the wel- fare of domestic industry must have UNAUTHORIZED ATTACKS ON CUBAN SHIPPING The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the previous order of the House, the gentleman from Florida [Mr. CRAMER] is recognized for 30 minutes. - (Mr. CRAMER asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks and include extraneous matter.), Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker; I am be- coming increasingly concerned over the apparent lack of willingness on the part of the Justice and State Departments to prosecute U.S. citizens who over the past -26 months, have been illegally ven- turing to Cuba through the open door of subversion-the Cuban Embassy in Mexico-or to close this door. Over the last 2 weeks, I have dis- cussed this situation at length on the floor of this body and have inserted in- formation pertaining thereto in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. In addition, I have. written letters to the President, Secretary of State and the House Un- American Activities Committee on this subject. From- extremely reliable sources, I have furnished names of U.S. citizens making this trip to Cuba to the House Un-American Activities Com- mittee for investigation-from the mani- fests of the Cubans Airlines in Mexico City. I have, today, given the House Un-American Activities Committee a list of an additional 24 American citizens bringing to 97, the -number of U.S. citi- zens I have turned over to the House Un-American Activities Committee who have made this illegal trip over a 6-month period in 1962. I am doing so in hopes of prodding the Justice and State Departments into taking some ac- tion against these violators who openly and notoriously advertise their visits, many of whom are known Communists, and who are raising funds for Commu- nist front organizations. - I cannot un- Approved For Release 2004/06/23: CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approved For Rele s BO 4686 C 0200220025-1 AZ March 28 derstand why the executive branch has each of these pages, advertisements Mr. Lee, who is known to have ,made been reluctant to turn these names over appear promoting lectures given by various trips to Cuba, one early this year, to the House Un-American Activities t rned citizens b who and have recently re- originad e who are, in turn, of the FairPlay~fora Cuba Committee. Committee. Mr. Speaker, the Cuban Embassy in promoting the Castro-Communist cause. Tampa, incidentally, was in my district Mexico, the open door through which Most of their appearance's are held un- up until this year and now borders my Communist subversives from throughout der the auspices of the Fair Play for district. He has apparently hit the big the Americas gain entrance to Cuba and Cuba Committee. time in Communist circles, for my last then return to their respective home- In the June 9, 1962, issue of the recollection of him was as an unimpres- lands, Including the United States, for Worker on -page 15 the following ad sive individual who, in a Castro-support- purposes of subversion and sabotage, appears: Ing scandal sheet he printed in Tampa, must be closed if the spreading Com- Cuba?today and tomorrow-as viewed by accused President Kennedy and Senator munist cancer in this hemisphere is to Gerald Quinn, executive secretary, Monroe Eastland of "withholding diapers from be arrested. Since January 16, 1961, this Defense Committee who has just returned Cuban babies." In this same issue, the has been illegal. from Cuba. Monday. June 4, 8:30 pm. Senator is labeled a hatchetman and a addition, the violators must be pros- Adeiphi Hall, 74 Fifth Avenue, contr., $1. loudmouth and reference is likewise In and this flow of subversives must Students 50 cents, Ausp. Fair Play for Cuba made to those "jackasses in Wash- ecuted d Committee. ington." be ahalted if we en door ever o hope to subversion. this This individual, Gerald Quinn, was in- Although the trash he printed in his dangerpen that the e State eluded In the list I obtained of U.S. citi- newsletter Is not worth repeating, what it is therefore pas- not shocking demanded th t that this zens who took the route of the Commu- is worth discussing is his present pas-Departmen open door r t to hemispheric has not ic subversion h be nist subversive and traveled to Cuba- time which is apparently speaking for open through the Cuban Embassy in Mexico. the Cuban counterrevolutionaries in closed' He did so in violation of the law, has the United States, a rather dangerous that It I is feel with these compelled obj to make ectives public to- mind openly and notoriously advertised the vocation. And what's further significant day, the names of some of the U.S. citi- fact that he has done so, that he is aid- is that in so doing, he has apparently zens who have not only made this trip, Ing the Communist cause, and still no come up from the ranks to a position but openly and brazenly advertise and willingness on the part of the State Dc- of national leadership in the Fair Play brag about their flagrant violations of ar metnt to ppush this flow of for prosecution ov and no for Cuba Committee. m believe my concern is well the law and their aid and consort to the effort Communists. he has been allowed to go to founded. I have given here, examples . I am doing so, as well, to illustrate Cuba illegally and to return so that he of individuals, many with known Com- how easily these violators could be can trot around the United State spread- munist backgrounds, who not only found and prosecuted if the State Do- ing Communist propaganda and subver- violated the law, by going to and from partment was sufficiently determined in sion. Cuba, but brazenly thumb their noses what should be one of its major efforts- In the September 11, 1962, issue of the at the law by advertising their travels to rid this hemisphere, including the Worker, on page 6, the following ad in the Communist press published in the United States, from the threat of Com- appears: United States, preaching communism, munist subversion. Eyewitness in Cuba: Hear John Read, just and raising funds for the Communist- I am at the same time reiterating my back from Havana. See the latest color front Fair Play for Cuba Committee. demand, first made In a speech on the slides of Cuba. Monday, September 17, 8:30 And, the Attorney General still re- floor on March 15, of last year, that the p m. Adeiphi Hall, 74 Fifth Avenue, Contr., fuses to place the Fair Play for Cuba Fair Play for Cuba Committee be cited 61. Students 50 cents. on the subversive list. This organiza- as a Communist front organization by John Read was also included in the ties, working in concert with these Iel- the Justice Department and be placed list I obtained of U.S. citizens who ven- low travelers, are violating our laws, a and undermining still on the subversive list. tured to Cuba through the Cuban Em- our of willingness d the apparent lack The Attorney General's failure to bassy in Mexico. He too was allowed to an society, h place this group on the subversive list recite what he was taught in Cuba. He part of the State Departmenthist to push becomes increasingly baffling, particular- too has openly and flagrantly violated for prosecution o ly in view of the Annual FBI Report for the law. door Mr. subversion. I find these facts alarm- FBI Year 1961 which states, in part: Dozens of other Quinns and Reads can demand that the proper FBI investigations also have shown that still travel to Cuba because the U.S. ing of again our Government prosrper the Fair Play for Cuba committee has been Government has failed to close this open agencies and agencies of individuals, place the Fair Play heavily infiltrated by the Communist Party door of subversion. for Cuba Committee on the Attorney and the Socialist Workers' Party, and these to have at- parties have actually organized some chap- One woman is known General's list of subversives and close ters of the committee. tended the Women's Congress of the Americas, a Communist meeting in this open door to subversion in the United States. Naturally, the Communist Party and Havana in July 1962. the Socialist Workers' Party are on the Mr. Speaker, these ads, all from dif- Attorney General's subversive lists. ferent individuals, go on In the same In addition, overwhelming evidence vein. In all, the theme is the same- pinpointing this organization as a Com- American citizens recently returned munist front subversive group has been from Cuba and gallivanting around the produced at the several hearings held country spreading newly developed by the Senate Internal Security Com- Communist propaganda, in violation of mittee. the law and, Incidentally, raising funds I summarized this evidence on March thereby for support for a Communist 15, 1962, in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. front organization-the Fair Play for The existing law, as publicly an- Cuba Committee. nounced by the State Department on There is. however, one other entry January 16, 1961, prohibits U.S. citi- which appears in the March 6th. 1962, zens from traveling to Cuba and will- issue of the Worker which I feel war- ful of by violation not this more law than is $5,000 by punishable rants comment. On page 6, the follow- imprisonment fine of no ing advertisement appears: imprisonment for not more than n 5 5 years, rent activities of the Cuban counter- Or both. revolutionaries in the United States of Mr. Speaker, I have here a number of America, a report by V. T. Lee. Monday, pages from the Worker, which is of March 12, at 8:30 p.m. Adeiphi Hall, 74 course the published voice of the Com- Fifth Avenue, Contr., $1. Ausp. Fair Play munistParty in the United States. On for Cuba Committee. TRIBUTE TO ELEANOR ROOSEVELT The SPEAKER pro tempore., Under previous order of the House, the gentle- man from New York [Mr. RYAN} is rec- ognized for 2 hours. Mr. RYAN of New York. Mr. Speak- er, I rise this afternoon to honor the memory of Eleanor Roosevelt, the great and courageous American who was known as the First Lady of the World. When we said farewell to her last No- vember, Congress was not in session. So it seems to me fitting that we pause now to pay tribute to her life and ideals. As the elected representatives of the Amer- ican people, we have the constant op-' portunity through our work and efforts to enact programs which will strive to meet the humanitarian goals to which Eleanor Roosevelt dedicated her life. We Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 1963 AppCONGIt SSIO i RECURIS __Pj$N 3x0383R000200220025^X174 7 Sound and responsible tax reduction is an fiect the President's standard of political issue affecting every citizen. It can be had ethics. The man who said "ask not what if expenditures are cut accordingly. If the your country. will do for you-ask what you public demands and supports sufficient ex- Can do for your country" certainly must judge penditures reduction first, sound tax re- politicians on something other than "what duction will surely follow. can he do for me",(in getting the Presidential I greatly appreciate the opportunity of program through Congress). being on this program., That kind of expediency may have suited Dean MANION. Thank you, Senator HARRY the old boss-ridden politics of, say, Boston BYRD, of Virginia. before our young President's day. But it is I am sure that this convincing appeal for ill-suited to the image of a youthful New popular support in your fight for common- Frontier, sense in the fiscal management of our Fed- eral Government will bring an enthusiastic response from this audience. I and millions, of your fellow Americans are deeply grateful to you, sir,` for your courageous and scholarly leadership in the truly desperate cause of a sound and solvent Government for the United States. Let me assure you that what you have said here today will be reprinted and repeated thou- sands of times throughout this country dur- ing this crucial congressional debate. My friends, passage of Senator BYRD's pend- ing Senate Resolution 12 will frustrate the economic "Pied Pipers of the Washington Wonderland" and nail down the solvency of this country once and for all. Remember what this distinguished and experienced Sen- ator has said; namely, "If you exert your power for sound government the Government will be made sound." Literally, this puts upon you and me and each of us a frightful but inescapable per- sonal responsibility. In substance, Senator BYRD has said that, in the last analysis you are the director of the budget for the United States. You hold. the key to the U.S, Treasury; You can sell this country down the river of debts and deficits or you can save the sol- vency of the United States by making proper use of this great speech by Senator BYRD, now. This is the time for decision; what are you going to do about it? Mr. President EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. CLARK MacGREGOR OF MINNESOTA . IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 28, 1963 Mr. MaCGREGOR. Mr. Speaker, in view of recent events which highlight in- adequacies of operations both in the Congress and in the Executive branch, and in light of serious questions which have been raised regarding expenditures of committee funds, I call the attention of my colleagues to the following edito- rial from the Minneapolis Star of Feb- ruary 25: MR. PRESIDENT Surely one must look on President Ken- nedy's last public statement on Representa- tive ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, Democrat, of New York, as no more than an illustration of the hazards inherent in the off-the-cuff nature of press conferences. Asked to comment pro or con about the notorious Congressman from Harlem, the President demurred, saying, "What I am most interested in is the passage of legis- lation which is of benefit to the people * * *." And, he added, the House Educa- tion and Welfare Committee, of which Pow- ELL is chairman, has processed some good bills. We can hardly believe the inescapable im- plications of such a comment accurately re- Nation Suffers From Errors EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. BOB WILSON OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 28, 1963 Mr. BOB WILSON. Mr. Speaker, un- der unanimous consent I include as a portion of my remarks an editorial from the San Diego Union of March 8, 1963, entitled "State of Stagnation-Nation Suffers From Errors." The editorial follows: STATE OF STAGNATION-NATION SUFFERS FROM ERRORS It was a tired-appearing, rather listless President who stood up to the questions on Cuba and the state of the Nation. It had been a long road back from promise to per- formance. Gone were the exuberance and eloquence of yesterday. He acknowledged that if he were asked if things were going as well this winter as last fall, he would have to say no. The liberals are disappointed, businessmen uneasy, distrusting, and our allies alarmed. The President wryly referred to Shake- speare's "the winter of our discontent." Mr. Kennedy has listened to the false prophets. He has tried to follow the Hellers and Schlesingers toward a Keynesian guided economy, into a half-world between capital- ism and socialism. He believed he could lead the people into the 1960's which Schlesinger wrote "will probably be spirited, articulate, inventive, incoherent, turbulent, with energy shooting off wildly in all directions. Above all, there will be a sense of motion, of lead- ership, and of hope * * *. When this hap- pens, America will be herself again." All that has happened, however, is stagna- tion. Events haven't moved by command as they were expected to. He hasn't found the way to release the American energy and ini- tiative; and has, in fact, restrained them. It all comes, probably, from misreading the past decade, when Americans, true to their nature, wanted an end to crises and regi- mentation, and a freer economy in which they could catch up with themselves, and find their own way. Nothing illustrates the President's dilem- ma more than Cuba. He let slip away a firm leadership of the free world, when he showed the administra- tion would act decisively only when the se- curity of the United States was directly threatened-when missiles were pointed at our heart. The security of Cuba itself was sacrificed. This was not lost on Europe, which now in- sists more than ever on deciding its own se- curity and the right to participate in the control of nuclear power. In his last press conference, Mr. Kennedy said the administration believes "the wisest policy is the isolation of communism in this hemisphere" by trying to confine it to Cuba. Thus was Cuba written off, and thus has communism advanced. Are we always to "confine" it to whatever country succumbs next? In his own retreat from his tax program Mr. Kennedy revealed that he had been guided by politics and liberal dogma. He proved. what he tried to deny, that he be- lieves government spending and government control are the answer to economic growth. For him, a tax cut and more government spending were enough. For Mr. Kennedy the world has not be- haved in a rational way. The genie has not jumped out of the magic bottle to wipe-away the uncertainties and provide the solutions. He has been left with his own strength and his own convictions, and the country is in the winter of its discontent. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. THOMAS B. CURTIS of MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 28, 1963 Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, at a time when our Nation is experiencing both the bright promise and the difficult prob- lems resulting from automation and rapid technological advancement, there is a danger that various groups may at- tempt to -block the way to a more smoothly functioning economy. According to an editorial in the New York Times-Western edition-of Janu- ary 21, this has, indeed, been happening. The Times points out that the longshore- men and railroad brotherhood unions are the "new reactionaries" because of their "stubborn insistence on defending archaic work rules-and-in their bitter resistance to the introduction of labor- saving machinery." The Nation can ill afford impediments' to economic growth such as those represented by resistance to change. Labor leaders- Says'the Times- have an obligation to cooperate with man- agement in retraining, in sharing thebene- fits of increased productivity, (and) in taking positive steps to Improve the country's com- petitive standing. Mr. Speaker, because of the important warning note this editorial sounds, un- der unanimous consent I include it in the RECORD. The editorial follows: THE NEW REACTIONARIES In their stubborn insistence on defending archaic work rules, in their bitter resist- ance to the introduction of laborsaving ma- chinery, such unions as the longshoremeh's and the railroad brotherhoods are the new reactionaries. They. are replacing in this category the employers who, in the not so distant past, fought against the recognition of ` organized labor. Public sympathy was then rightly with the unions. Now it is not. The new reactionaries can create havoc, particularly when unemployment is high. They are hampering growth by their insist- ence on preserving outmoded work practices and unproductive jobs. Management, of course, has a share in the blame, because it acquiesced in featherbedding and other practices whose added costs could be passed on to consumers. But in today's competi- tive situation,. these are luxuries that the Approved For Release 2004/06/23 CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 A.1748 Approved For RelearMftW31b1fF C"383 R f0 economy cannot afford. In many Industries, automation is the only real hope of survival; it is absolutely essential In transportation. The specter of man replaced by the ma- chine is an ominous one=but It Is a false threat. Technological improvement, al- though provoking temporary and sometimes painful dislocations, has always brought ris- ing productivity, new products, expanding markets and vastly Increased job opportuni- ties. It will not be easy to find solutions to the human problems posed by automation; yet to play the part of wreckers is the one course calculated to be most harmful to labor itself. A faster rate of economic growth, one that presents new job opportunities, will help curb the power of the new reaction- aries. But this to not the complete solu- tion. The responsible leaders of labor have an obligation to cooperate with manage- ment in retraining, in sharing the benefits of increased productivity, in taking positive steps to Improve the country's competitive standing. This approach cannot be forced on labor by Washington; but the clear and present danger facing labor Is that Congress, incited by public revulsion against some of the senseless strikes that have erupted, will press for onerous restraints on the' power of the unions. It would be far better if labor lead- ership abandoned its reactionaries and pro- moted the real welfare of wage ea*ners through the fostering of)ndustrial growth Intelligence Indicates Rotating, but Not Reducing, Troops in Cuba EXTENSION OF REMARKS Or HON. GLENN CUNNINGHAM OF NEBRASKA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 28, 1963 Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, I believe that a column earlier this week by Robert S, Allen and Paul Scott. con- cerning the question of Russian troops in Cuba, would be of interest to the House. Accordingly, I am including it at this time: INTELLIGENCE INDICATES ROTATING, BUT NOT REDUCING, TROOPS IN CUBA (By Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott) The Kennedy administration Is either kidding Itself, the American people or both on the withdrawal of Russia fighting forces from Cuba. Absolutely no firm evidence exists that any combat elements have been removed. This is particularly true as regards the four mobile (armored) battalions, num- bering approximately 5,000 elite troops, and the numerous antiaircraft and coastal mis- sile batteries that ring Cuba. These power- ful units are still there, with no sign of any reduction in size of weapons: In other words, Russian military strength is the same today as it was last fall, follow- ing the loudly acclaimed removal of the nuclear-armed ballistic missiles and the IL-28 bombers. - On the other hand, there are numerous indications that Khrushchev's ambiguous promise to withdraw "several thousand" by March 15 is a characteristic Communist fraud. Intelligence authorities have Increasing reasons to believe that what the Soviet actu- ally is doing is rotating Its large garrison Instead of cutting it: in effect, playing a covert put=and-take game. Following is the basis of this disquieting intelligence belief: Of the five Red bloc ships that docked In Havana in recent weeks to transport Rus- sians home, three disembarked an estimated 2,000 new arrivals. That is approximately The Baltika, with 1,400-passenger capacity, Thursday, March 28, 1963 is scheduled to reach Cuba this week, It is positively known to be carrying around 500 Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, the "technicians." Naval surveillance planes and Saturday Evening Post dated March 30, other sources that have observed these men 1963, carries an important editorial on the ship's deck report them as having a which I feel deserves the attention and distinct military appearance. consideration of all Members of the Con- All new arrivals are being billeted in the gress. It is entitled "The Secret Caves barracks built for Soviet combat units. it of Cuba" and points up the importance Is not Red army practice to mix military and civilian personnel. of determining beyond, any question Very little Soviet fighting equipment has what weapons the Soviets have stored in been withdrawn. Air photos reveal a few these carefully prepared storage facilities "Frog" missiles on the docks, apparently to In Cuba. I ask unanimous consent that be loaded on the departing ship, as well as this editorial be printed in the Appendix some jeeps and trucks. And that's all. No of the RECORD. tanks, artillery or other heavy weapons. There being no objection, the editorial One highly significant fact so far not dis- closed by the White House or State Depart- as follows; ment is a blunt statement Ambassador Do- brynin made to Secretary Rusk. THE SECRET CAVES Of CUBA In a conversation between them, the Rus- As many geologists have known for years, scan diplomat flatly declared his country and many so-called intelligence experts are proposes to keep a considerable number of beginning to discover, the island of Cuba military "technicians and advisers" in Cuba is honeycombed with thousands of under- as long as the United States does that in ground caves. Many of these caves, as the South Vietnam. geology textbooks point out, open directly Dobrynin blandly contended there is no on the sea. It Is quite possible for a Soviet difference between these two situations, submarine to steam directly into some of The Red envoy admitted some new Soviet these caves. arrivals In Cuba. But he claimed they are Cuban refugees and exiles have warned "agricultural technicians" needed to bolster our Government for 3 years that the caves Castro's steadily worsening economy, of Cuba have been the scene of mysterious According to Dobryaln, no new Russian and possibly sinister activity. Curiously, troops are being sent to Cuba, and all com- when Castro took over, Antonio Nufiez bat forces are being slowly removed. This Jimenez, Cuba's leading spelunker (a per- assertion is flatly denied by the Defense In- son who explores caves), was appointed to telligence Agency and Central Intelligence a top government position. Some. of the Agency. Their evidence wholly contradicts Cuban exiles now in this country actually Dobrynin, worked in these caves, cleaning them and The DIA reports not only large numbers of pouring concrete. Then they were barred Russians being brought to Cuba by ship, but from further work in the caves. Today, if between 100 and 200 flown in weekly. The reports of the refugees can be believed- Soviet now has a weekly giant TU-114 jet- and we should not be quick to doubt them- liner flight between Murmansk and Havana. the entrances to many of these caves are Astonishingly, the United States supplies heavily fortified and no Cubans, not even weather information to the Russians for top-level military personnel, are permitted these nonstop 5,000-mile flights. -near them. Whole villages have been rc- It will be several weeks before Intelligence located away from the caves. The caves are authorities can fully reassess Soviet military guarded by military personnel of the Soviet strength in Cuba. DIA experts believe the Union or satellite soldier, reportedly includ- new compilation will reveal no diminution lag Czechs. in these forces; that is, that the sum total What is inside these caves? The exiles of all the coming and going will add up to and refugees say some of them contain inter- 17,000 combat troops that have been there mediate-range ballistic missiles, complete for months. with guidance and launching systems. Other Secretary Rusk and Defense Secretary Mc- caves, they charge, house Soviet-built and 'Namara don't agree with this opinion. Soviet-manned supersonic jet fighters, any of Privately they are saying they expect Moe- which could be easily converted to carry cow to reduce Its Cuban fighting garrison to nuclear weapons. At least five of the caves, around 10.000. those opening on the sea, are said to be On the basis of the record, such optimistic complete, operational Soviet submarine hopes are wish-thinking. bases. Appearing before a congressional' Troop estimates by high Kennedy admin- committee recently, the Army's Chief of lstration offiicals invariably have been un- Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Alva R. Fitch said, realistic-to put it mildly. Without excep- "From the large volume and frequency of tion, they have been heavily on the cheerio reports concerning the underground storage side, of ammunition, supplies, vehicles, and even Inexplicable crackdown-Federal agents aircraft, it is certain that there is consider- are getting ready to squelch Cuban refugee able activity in connection with underground efforts to train commando and guerrilla Installations through the island. In numer- forces for raids and underground operations ous caves, reports indicate that this activity In Cuba. Is being carried out solely by Soviet person- McGeorge Bundy, hlghpowered special as- nel and that Cubans, Including highly placed Blatant to the President on foreign policy, military officers, are not permitted access. has sent a directive to Attorney General "There are several thousand caves in Robert Kennedy ordering this crackdown. Cuba," General Fitch continued, "and many According to Bundy's backstage edict, all have been used for storage over the years. Cuban refugee anti-Castro activities not ap. With the reported addition of dehumidifi- proved by the Central Intelligence Agency cation and air-conditioning equipment, many are to be barred. would be suited to storage of both large March 28 The Secret Caves of Cuba EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. STROM THURMOND Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 10-f- Approve.d For Release CONGRESSIONAL 4RECORD IA-AAPPE0083R000200220025-1 1749 and delicate electronic items. Aerial photo- graphy has further revealed the extension of roads to known. and suspect cave loca- tions. In view of the shortage of above- ground 'facilities and the requirement for storage of the large amounts of military sup- plies and equipment believed to be in Cuba, and the relatively simple adaptation of caves for this purpose, it is considered highly prob- able that much military equipment and sup- plies are being stored underground." General Fitch does not believe that the Soviets have installed intermediate-range ballistic missiles in the caves, as the exiles insist. He says,.' 'While all such reports re- ceive exhaustive analys'is, it is our belief that the Soviets did, in fact, remove all strategic weapons systems that' were in Cuba at the time the quarantine was imposed." General Fitch, an Army man, did not comment on the possibility of underground Soviet sub- marine bases in Cuba. Thus far, our Navy experts have remained silent on this point: To date the Government's intelligence- gathering activities in 'Cuba have inspired little, confidence. Defense Secretary Mc- Namara's theatrical television briefing raised a good many more questions than, it an- swered. Moreover, McNamara recently ad- mitted that, when the :going got tough, CIA surveillance aircraft were inadequate to cope with Cuba and airplanes of the Strategic Air Command had to be pressed into service. But even those skilled SAC recon experts cannot photograph the inside of a cave. If the Soviets do not even permit the "highly placed military" of Cuba near the caves we would doubt that our CIA men have pene- trated them either. Thus, it seems to us that we really don't know what might be inside the caves. We think it is dangerous to assume that they do not contain IRBM missiles and submarine pens. If, as the exiles contend, the caves are loaded with IRBM's and submarine facili- ties, then Cuba, in fact, has become a Soviet Gibraltar. Only a few Soviet IRBM's in Cuba dangerously tilt the balance of power in Soviet favor. If the Soviets are allowed to operate Polaris-type submarines from Cuban bases, the Reds can attain a serious "third force" threat, with only one-third the num- ber of nuclear submarines required to op- erate from Soviet home bases. This is the grave threat of the caves of Cuba. - .To Americans, the important point is that we do not know what the caves conceal. We think it is vital that our Government find out, beyond doubt, and soon. Having failed once to listen to the warnings of Cuban exiles, it seems to us the Government now has an obligation to disprove their present charge, by whatever means are necessary, including force. The Chicago, case certainly promises no quick decision; it is immensely complicated. Hoffa, furthermore, has not reached his present eminence in a hoodlum-infested union without learning a great deal about the uses of power; and he has a corps of extremely shrewd legal minds ready to jump at a snap of his fingers. Nevertheless, Jus.? tice Department agents have been quietly sifting evidence for more than 18 months. Grand juries have investigated Teamster pension and welfare funds not only in Chicago but in 13 other major cities. This time the Government knows its case, however complex, must be solid. Each past failure to make its charges stick has only lent apparent substance to Hoffa's carefully' wrought self-portrait as the blameless victim of a personal vendetta. "There aren'tmany bites left in the apple," one Government of- ficial explains, "so the next one better be good." It particularly had better be good be- cause of Hofi'a's goal of negotiating a coast- to-coast trucking contract in 1964. The prospect of any one man's holding such ex- traordinary power over the country is a chilling one, and no one who has seen Haifa in action thinks that he would hesitate to use that power to enforce his will, on the Nation. Hoffa himself scoffs at fears that he might call a nationwide strike. He maintains that it wouldn't be necessary, that the mere threat to strike one or two major lines would be enough to break employers' resistance to his demands. He may well be right. Even now most of the trucking industry is at, his mercy. Against Hoffa's "`sinister power no bargain- ing is possible. Contract terms.are dictated. The employer can either accept them or be struck. "How do you bargain if you can't say no?" asks Joseph M. Adelizzi, managing director of the Empire State Highway Trans- portation Association. "How do you bargain .if the other fellow holds a strike gun pointed at your belly? Saying no to Hoffa would be like committing suicide. Eleanor Roosevelt-The World Orphaned by Her Passing SPEECH HON. WILLIAM S. MOORHEAD Or PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 28, 1963 Mr. MOORHEAD. Mr. Speaker, the wife and widow of the 32d President of the United States died at 6:15 'p.m. on November 7, 1962. The time of passing was such that it might well have been obscured by the other diurnal events in the world. The floodwaters of the Cuban crisis had receded only slightly from their high-water mark of tensions as that same night Khrushchev had an- nounced formally,, "we have taken our rockets out and they probably are on the way." That day too was one of reaction to the national election, a readjustment. in the body politic. The Democrats had and energy but by her warmth, sincerity, zeal, patience; and intellect. To these qualities our present United Nations Ambassador addressed himself when he said: Like so many others, I have lost more than a beloved friend. I have lost an inspiration. She would rather light a candle than curse the darkness,.'' and her glow warmed the world. San Francisco's Registered Voters Ex- press Opinions in Congressman Mail-. Bard's Survey on Controversial Legis- lative Matters EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. WILLIAM S. MAILLIARD OF CALIFORNIA = - - IN THE HOUSE OF I1 PRESENTATTVE`S Thursday, March 28,1963 Mr. MAI,LIARD. Mr. Speaker, some 18,000 of my San Francisco constituents have responded to my annual question- naire mailed last month to every house- hold containing one or more persons who registered for last November's election in California's Sixth Congressional Dis- trict. The following tabulation of. the replies 1. TAX REDUCTION AND THE NATIONAL DEBT With an estimated budget deficit of $8.8 billion, the President has recommended tax reduction and reform" programs estimated to create. a budget deficit of $11.9 billion next year. These measures are intended to stim- ulate the economy to produce greater reve- nues in future years: Some of the most important questions to : be decided follow. Do you want to: success, opined the New York Times. In India, a not-so-passive caucus cheered at Nehru's announcement that Mr. Menon had "resigned." Thus, the passing of an ex-President's wife might have been lost in the shifting sands of the world, but for the fact that she was an international figure in her own right-a noted humanitarian, sym- bol of woman's new role, author and columnist, delegate to the United Na- tions . General Assembly and chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, and an active force in political life. "In the death of Eleanor Roosevelt," said the Reverend Dr. Gordon L. Kidd, "the world has suffered an irreparable loss. The entire world becomes one family- orphaned by her passing." And so it is. For the woman who lived by the inspiration of the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi and who observed: "One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life," will be remem- bered not so much for the early con- troversies stirred by her ceaseless activity A. Maintain existing tax rates and expenditure patterns?----_-___ B. Maintain existing. expenditure patterns but enact tax re- duction and reform mea- suresincluding- 1. Reduction ofindividualin- come tax rates from the present 20 to 91-percent range to 14 to 65 percent, decreasing revenues by $11,000,000,000?___________ 2. Limiting itemized deduc- tions, including chari- table contributions, to those in excess of 5 percent of adjusted gross income?- 3. Reduction of corporation tax,rates from 52 percent to 47 percent, decreasinrevenues by $2,600,000,00015- 4. limination of $50 exclu- sion and 4 percent credit on dividends? ____________ C. Reduce the budget deficit by cutting expenditures for- 1. Foreign aid to America's allies and underdeveloped countries? -_______________ 2, American farm price sup- ports and surplus stor- age?---------------------- 3. Other domestic programs i.e., welfare benefits ant low-income housing? _ _ - _ _ No opin- ion Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 A1750 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX II.ILEDICAL CARE FOR THE AGED Two basic plans will probably be con- sidered by the 88th Congress. Do you favor a plan- A. Managed by privately owned insurance companies with the Government paying the pro miurns of those who could not afford to pay themselves?----- 13, Managed by the Government and financed by greater social security taxes'---------------- No opin- ion Recent strikes in the defense, maritime, and publishing industries have cast doubt on the effectiveness of present labor laws- Would you favor new laws to- Percent A. Compel Government arbitration withadecisionbinding to both parties in disputes declared by the President to endanger na- tional welfare'---------------- B. Subject labor unions to antitrust legislation on the same basis as corporations?----------------- IV. FEDERAL AID TO EDUCATION Do you favor Federal aid to- No opin- ion No. Yes No opinn!~- io A. College and postgraduate o'iuca- Lion'-------------- B. Oradeand high schooleducation: 1. For general operations in- cluding teachers' salaries?. 2. For classrooms and equip- ment only? -_____________ Essays on the Three Greatest American Presidents EXTENSION OF REMARKS 07 HON. KENNETH B. KEATING Or NEW YORE: IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Thursday, March 28,1963 Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, who were the three greatest American presi- dents? This was the subject chosen by Newsday for the American history con- test which started last September. Newsday sponsors one contest every month and selects one boy and one girl as winners. In October, Susan Berggren, a junior at Locust Valley High School and Larry Grobel, a junior at Jerico High School received the first prizes. Their essays, which are very thoughtful and imaginative in content, reflect a genuine interest in knowledge of Ameri- can history. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent that the two winning essays of Newsday's October contest be printed in the Appendix to the RECORD following my remarks. There being no objection, the essays were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: PRIZE-WINNING EssAYB IN NEWSDAY CONTEST ON "Asr*ICA's THREE GREATEST PRESI- DENTS" (By Susan Berggren) Who were the three greatest American Presidents? The Presidency of the United States has been held by some of the greatest men of all time. To me, the one who stands above them all Is Abraham Lincoln. He was one of the few men In history that I know of who was greater than his own legend. And, of course, no list of great American Presidents is complete without the "father of our country." George Washington, whose death was mourned by friend and foe alike. But what of the third great President? So many have contributed their greatness to the realization of the American dream. Their influence can be felt every day, in the courts, the schools, and In the American per- "He was first in war, first in peace, and first to the hearts of his countrymen." Thus did Henry Lee describe our first President. It has often been thought sophisticated by cynics to ridicule Washington and belittle his achievements. Unfortunately, they forget that be was the chief reason we won our independence. Although lacking In true mil- itary genius, he had an unswerving faith in our country and her ideals: a faith which was much more urgently needed than military prowess. This faith made him a symbol of inspiration to his troops at a time when in- spiration was all that kept them from de- feat. He was foremost in an era of great statesmen, respected by even his bitterest enemies. Never was a leader more desper- ately needed; and never did a man more nobly rise to his destiny. A GIANT AMONG MEN "Now he belongs to the ages." As Stanton stated at the President's deathbed. Abraham Lincoln does In truth belong to the ages. His ideals are timeless, for they deal with the basic rights of mankind. In his writings he left a legacy of beauty and truth.that Is un- excelled anywhere. He was a giant among men, both physically and spiritually. He had a humility and a sensitivity that enabled him to reach both rich and poor alike, but his humility did not stop him from doing his duty as he saw St. He had a great respect for his office and for the Constitution, and sharply answered anyone who questioned their inviolability. But to personal criticism he was silent. As Is too often the case with greatness, men used him, belittled him, and learned too late how much they needed him. And for the third President, there is no one with the universal acclaim of Washington and Lincoln, no one who was as vital to his time as they were to theirs. Therefore I have taken the liberty of choosing a man whom many would be appalled to hear de- scribed as great. His name was Andrew Johnson. It was his fate to always be on the minority side; and in a time of national chaos, he was called upon to take the lead. He was doomed to failure before he even started. Although shy, tactless, overshadowed by the many brilliant minds of his time, he stubbornly fought for his program and be- liefs in the face of relentless opposition. He was a small, unimportant man, unexpectedly thrust into a position of great importance, where he found himself fighting for the life of the South against such towering giants as Sumner and Stanton, who wanted Its blood. His achievements are unappreciated even today, for they came on the heels of the achievements of one of the greatest men the world has ever known. But where would we Mann 28 be today if he had not assumed leadership then? The career of Andrew Johnson is a tragic one, but to me it embodies the most impor- tant characteristic of greatness: the spirit of a man who knows he can never be as great as he must be, but tries to his utmost to be as great as he is able to be in the face of the undying opposition of the country he so faithfully serves. PRIZE-WINNING ESSAYS IN NEWSDAY CONTEST ON "AMERICA'S THREE GREATEST PRESI- DENTS" (By Larry Grobel) The three Presidents that I selected for this essay-Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lin- coln, Woodrow Wilson-each held the stage at a critical moment in American history and by timely action attained timeless results. I chose Jefferson because he was such a devout believer in democracy and a cham- pion of human rights. He was the chief author of the Declaration of Independence which affirmed the "inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as well as the right of self-government, the basic ideals of American democracy. In the Vir- ginia legislature, he fought for religious freedom and the separation of church and State, free public schools, 'abolition of the slave trade, and the gradual emancipation of the slaves. He also advocated the need for Federal taxes, realizing that without a strong government, all that had been achieved by the American Revolution would be lost. Jefferson expanded the original area of the United States to include the huge region stretching westward from the Mississippi to the Rockies. He widened the concept of popular rule by word and example, and In acquiring the vast trans-Mississippi domain, he sought, among other things, to check the growing power of the eastern business in- terests with an expanding agrarian west. Jefferson perfected what Washington insti- tuted-the policy of isolationism or neutral- ism toward the chronic power struggles em- broiling Europe. I chose Abraham Lincoln because he was the Nation's Great Emancipator. His claim to that honor, if it rests uncertainly upon his famous proclamation, has a sound basis In the support he gave to the antislavery amendment. It Is well founded also in his greatness as the war leader who carried the Nation safely through the 4-year struggle that brought freedom In its wake. And, finally, it Is strengthened by the practical demonstrations he gave of respect for human worth and dignity, regardless of color. Lincoln, given no choice in the matter, settled on the battlefield the question of whether the minority has the right to break up the government whenever it chooses in a free government, and while doing so he ad- vanced the cause of human rights by out- lawing the anachronism of slavery. Lincoln even suspended the writ of habeas corpus and assumed dictatorial powers when he thought this necessary for the war effort, his primary objective being to "save the Union." WILSON THE IDEALIST I chose Woodrow Wilson because of his sincere and eloquent Idealism. Wilson had a powerful faith in the American com- mon man. As an historian, he could easily document his thesis that the government had been used too long "for private and selfish purposes." He was a liberal in politics, author of the idea called "The New Freedom." He tightened the restraints on big business and finance and carried the Nation successfully through World War I. He sponsored reform measures such as popular election of Sena- tors, income taxes and woman suffage. He Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65 000200220025-1 March 28 A1746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - AP ND . Now Is the Time To Outlaw All Deficit testimony is backed up by the immeasur- totaling 80-odd billion dollars are at their able force and pervasive pressures of the alltime peak, But Federal expenditures, Spending by the Federal Government presidential administration which has dem- which will exceed $100 billion next year, are onstrated its ability to bring congressional higher. that we are going fur- EXTENSION OF REMARKS votes into the administration lineup-com- This simpy means monsense and simple arithmetic to the con- ther into debt each year by the amount that OF trary notwithstanding. expenditures exceed tax reduction. We now + e I,, 17,wq-1 debt. alone more than $300 HON. STROM THURMOND OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Thursday, March 28, 1963 Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, the Senate's highly respected and distin- guished Senator from Virginia [Mr. BYRD] has recently made a very eloquent and sound radio address over the "Man- ion Forum" which is broadcast over hundreds of radio stations across' this country. I have just.received a trans- cript of the Senator's address, which is entitled "Now Is the Time to Outlaw All Deficit Spending by the Federal Gov- ernment." I ask unanimous consent that his remarks be printed in the Ap- pendix of the RECORD. There being no objection, the address was ordered to be the RECORD, as follows: NOW IS THE TIME To OUTLAW ALL DEFICIT SPENDING BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ing d this debt co s- up and be counted against the full power of billion, an ires moral and lion a year in interest. the Presidential Office requ political courage of the very highest order. By simple arithmetic we know that 4 per- Measure therefore if you can the character cent interest on debt, compounded semn- and integrity of a senator who is a dis- nually, doubles the principal in 171/2 years. tinguished leader of the President's political For the sake of our children, responsible party but who, nevertheless, takes the lead- people must begin to think of reducing this ership against administration policy when burden of debt we are leaving to them. that policy violates that Senator's solid con- ONLY YOU-THROUGH CONGRESS-CAN CUT ception of fiscal responsibility and the best EXPENDITURES interests of this country. But, the administration in Washington When you have of a that eat American cae proposes to out taxes and raise expenditures taken the measure F. a truly great while we are already running a deficit. This statesman, welt F. BYRD, bac of to the Sena- simply means that we would go another For BYRD, welcome back to the "Manion dollar deeper in debt for every dollar we take Sumt in tax reduction. Short of grave national ena BYRD. Thank you, Dean Manion, emergency, this would be sheer fiscal irre- for the kind personal remarks in your sponsibility and most of us, deep down in our gracious introduction. hearts, know it. You have asked me to discuss briefly ex- Yet, a sound and responsible tax cut could anddtax reduction. tand know a control r be made possible by, first cutting out unnec- and expenditure pla to I don't o the know of the Federal expenditures. Admittedly, place to start than with the attitude t this is made more difficult by the fact that new Federal Budget Director, Mr. Kermit , the President says that Federal expenditures Gordon, who has been testifying at the must and will rise. Capitol. This leaves It up to Congress to cut expen- In effect, Mr. Gordon told a congressional ditures without' assistance from the execu- committee that a balanced budget would tive branch, if not against its opposition. If lead'to increased unemployment and general Congress is to cut expenditures under these economic decline. said this would hap- circumstances, it will need both the demand pen whether meet tax red uto Federal ase axes and active support of everyone in this audi- tures t meet tax collections or increase taxes ence and more effective procedures in its to meet met expenditures. I submit that a man who thinks a bal- actions on appropriation measures, anced budget would be a catastrophe does I shall conclude with some remarks con- not have the frame of mind to direct the cerning public demand and support for re- budget of the United States. He should be duction in expenditures. But, first let me removed from his office. report that I have introduced what is known A budget director's function is to balance as the Senate Concurrent Resolution 12 to our fiscal affairs in the Federal budget-and limit expenditures. defend it-not destroy it. It seems that Mr. Congress now acts on appropriations but it Gordon has fallen for the fallacies of too does not limit annual expenditures where many of the so-called economists who are money is available for more than 1 year, counseling Government officials. They say Under the resolution an annual expenditure that balancing the budget is still a goal, limit would be fixed on every expenditure in- but to balance it any time -soon would make cluding "back door" items. us poor because there would be no Federal Congress now acts on appropriations in a deficit to make us rich. And, to make us dozen or more bills over a period of months, richer faster, they think the Government never seeing the whole at any one time. should create bigger deficits by spending Under the resolution every expenditure would more and cutting taxes at the same time. be brought under one cover and limited. Such ideas as these, which are being ex- Under this procedure the expenditures al- pressed by Mr. Gordon and other Govern- lowed could be added up at the end of the ment economists, sound like John Maynard bill and checked against estimated revenues. Keynes and Gunnar Myrdal rolled into one. By this direct expenditure control Congress They don't sound like men looking for new can make deficit financing illegal or unlaw- frontiers-they sound like Rip van Winkle. ful. They must have been taking a long nap. With or without tax reduction, direct ex- We all know the Federal Government has penditure control has become an obvious run a deficit in 26 of the last 32 years. If and urgent need. I hope the resolution will Federal deficits would provide work and be adopted, or that the objective of the reso- make us rich, everyone should have been lution will be accomplished otherwise. employed and rich before now. Instead, we Public demand can bring this about. - And, still have unemployed and we have a $305 public demand and support for expenditure billion debt-and the administration says it reduction can bring that about, too. must go higher. If we don't get crackpot CONGRESS WILL ACCEDE TO YOUR DEMANDS economists out of Federal fiscal positions and get sound men in them, the American The principles and fundamentals which system will be lost. - have made this a great Nation have been So much for the academic theories and dangerously undermined in the past 30 prognostications of the self-styled econo- years. But, great power still resides in the mists-I'll just talk in terms of simple facts, people. If you exert that power for sound Federal taxes axe high-too high-as every government, the government will be made taxpayer knows, and, they should be reduced. sound. If the people in this audience want As chairman of the Senate Finance Com- sound and responsible tax reduction, you mittee, nothing would give me more pleasure must use your power for expenditure reduc- than to report a bill for responsible tax re- tion first. duction, But, as we all know, the basic rea- As a Member of the Senate for 30 years, I son for Federal taxes Is to meet Federal ex- can tell you that your Representatives and penditures. If Federal taxes are too high- Senators will respond to your demand. Most and they are-it is basically because Federal . Members of Congress want to vote for sound expenditures are too high. government. What is lacking too often is It is true that Federal tax collections your support. DEAN MANION. Did you ever see a dream walking=or a- nightmare galloping around your bedroom? For your health's sake I hope not. But to simulate this experience, you need only to listen to some officials of the Kennedyadministration who have been testifying before congressional committees in favor of the President's tax and spending proposals. - If you elect your eyes while you are listen- ing you may well believe that you have been lifted into the fantastic "Ministry of Truth" which is used to make fact out of fiction in George Orwell's horrible fantasy "1984." You may remember that the book "1984" is Orwell's grim and ghastly picture of our world when all of it has been reduced to the complete control of Communist dictator- ship. - A basic ingredient of this Red establish- meet is the official reversal of every ele- mental concept of fact and truth that civil- ized people have accepted since the beginning of recorded time. In "1984," this reversal is enforced by the promulgation of a com- plete new Red vocabulary in which "war" is called "peace." "Truth" is regarded as "falsehood" an 1 "slavery" is translated as "freedom." In "1984," the end result of this transfor- mation of language and ideas is called "newspeak" and this dictionary of the dia- bolical dictatorship is a horrible thing to behold. Nevertheless, the recent testimony of administration officials is definitely sug- gestive of- a "newspeak" arithmetic which Congress is now being asked to buy, believe, and adopt. For instance, these witnesses have testi- fled that it is a good thing for the Federal Government to spend more than it takes in. They predict that the resultive debts and deficits will be a blessing to our economy in the form of full and profitable employ- ment for the American people. Their solu- tion .for our -business troubles is sweet and simple; namely, reduce Federal taxes and increase Federal spending. In the light of all that we have previously learned about addition, subtraction, profit and loss, this testimony presents a deeply moving picture of Alice in Orwell's bueraucratic Wonder- land of 1984. - - - - But these witnesses hold high and im- portant positions in our Government. They are serious, dedicated, and determined. Their Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 1963 Approved For 19069tl65l3AT2 grade class of Miss Uretsky In the Win- throp School In Melrose, Mass. The children were interested in my comments on a proposal that all church bells, bells in government buildings, and in colleges and universities be rung simultaneously for 4 minutes each Fourth of July. They received the idea from an article which appeared in This Week magazine on February 17. It is always a pleasure to find a group of young Americans turn- ing their energies in such a constructive direction. Under unanimous consent, I include the article in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: MAKE FREEDOM RALLY RING This is the story of two This Week read- ers and an idea which we believe can sweep the country, stir a new wave of patriotic feeling, and turn this Fourth of July into the most Inspiring celebration in our Na- tion's history. We are sure all This Week readers will be Interested in It. Here Is the Idea: On July 4, 1983, and each year thereafter, all church bells, all bells in government buildings, and all carillon bells In colleges and universities will ring for 4 minutes in every part of the country. Every radio sta- tion will broadcast the sound of bells for 2 minutes, followed by a reading from the Declaration of Independence. The idea's proponents are a pair of Con- necticut Yankees with a lifelong interest in the American heritage-Eric Hatch, a dis- tinguished writer, many of whose stories have appeared in This Week, and Eric Sloane, a meteorologist, artist, and writer who is an expert on early American barns, covered bridges, and tools. 'HEARTBEAT OF THE NATION Since It Is fitting that the Nation's birth- day be celebrated where it began, Hatch and Sloane suggest that a special ceremony be televised from Philadelphia, in front of the Liberty Bell In Independence Hall, and that across the Nation the bells ring out at this same moment. As the great chorus of bells swells across the land, it will be heard by families at home, on the lakeshore, In the mountains, wherever Americans gather on the Fourth, The sound will come as a thrilling reminder of what the Fourth of July stands for, chal- lenging each of us to remember the heroic resolve formed by the men who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor 187 years ago. July of 1776 saw the Declaration of Inde- pendence, democracy's greatest manifesto, approved by the Continental Congress. Dele- gate John Adams went to his Philadelphia boardinghouse and penned a leter to his wife Abigail, in Massachusetts: "I am apt to believe," he wrote of the great event In which he had taken part. "that It will be celebrated by succeeding gen- erations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore." Perhaps a little of the noble grandeur that John Adams felt has been dulled in our hearts by the passage of time. The Fourth of July has evolved into more of a summer holiday than a patriotic festival and games and sports have taken over perhaps a little too much of the stage. The Illuminations? or fireworks, were a dominant Fourth of July sound fir decades, but have largely disap- peared, 'fhe bells, which John Adams also mentions, Sloane and Hatch now propose reviving as a uniting feature of the whole day-much like the national observance of 2 minutes of silence at 11 a.m. on veterans Day. SFnHT OF THE FIRST FOURTH Adams wrote of an Independence celebra- tion "from one end of this continent to the other," at a time when the newborn Republic scarcely penetrated beyond the Appalachian Mountains, when the whole West was a wilderness whose title was in the hands of Britain and Spain. Alaska belonged to Rus- alia, and Hawaii had not even been discovered. Today, the grandeur of the Independence Day he envisioned should certainly be re- membered. What can you do to help bring about a truly reverent and patriotic Fourth? Writers Sloane and Hatch appointed them- selves a committee. They obtained the en- dorsement of Governor John N. Dempsey and Senator ABRAHAM Rrsicorr of Connecticut. Here's how you can get the project started In your community: 1. Write to or call on your State and city officials. Show them this article-ask them to sponsor the observance. Then organize a. committee of volunteers who share your en- thusiasm, and go out after community sup- port. Contact groups that would be espe- cially Interested. 2. Make a survey of the bells in your town-the church bell, the bell on the county courthouse, the college chapel bell, the fire- house bell-how many more are there? Find out who rings them and who gives the order to ring them-and sign them up for July 4. against beilringing? It can surely be waived for a special observance like this one, but be sure your town officials have handled the necessary technicalities well In advance of Independence Day. 3. Write letters-and get friends to write- to your local newspapers, radio, and TV sta- tions. Ask editors to give their support on the editorial pages. Give them all the In- formation they need, both to take part In a national ceremony and to publicize the pro- gram in advance. LET Us HEAR YOUR IDEAS If you need assistance in organizing your committee, Mr. Sloane and Mr. Hatch are anxious to help. Write Let Freedom Ring, Box 4140, Grand Central Station, New York 17, N.Y. We'll share your questions and ideas In future progress reports. In the pealing of the bejle across the land, we will have, every year, on our Nation's birthday, a fitting reminder of the exalted OF REMARKS OF HON. EDITH GREEN or OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, March 25, 1963 A1745 speech by a distinguished colleague and friend and former Member of this House, Senator GEORGE S. MCGOVERN, of South Dakota, I hope by obtaining unanimous consent to have this editorial placed in the RECORD's Appendix to have Senator McGovERe's commendable position re- ceive wide circulation: THE CUBA FIXATION "I am constrained to speak out against what seems to me to be a dangerous Castro fixation that Is not worthy of this great Na- tion,'%Senator MCGovERN remarked the other day on the Senate floor. "I submit that we have become so involved in charges and Countercharges about our Cuba policy that we have come close to losing sight of the real interest of the Nation in the hemisphere, We have ignored the Biblical warning against straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.- How right the Senator is. Every day's newspaper brings stories that suggest that the only topic worth discussing is Mr. Cas. tro's beard. What Walter,Lippmann aptly calls the war whoop party releases daily communiques steeped in defeatism and des- pair, calling on the country to do "some- thing"-though all the whooping obscuras the martial Section's lack of any real pre- scription for responsible measures. In a speech on Wednesday before the Inter- American D:f:nra College here, Vice Presi- dent Johnson ably set forth the facts about Cuba. The first fact is that the island is a sorry showcase for communism. These are the figures that the Vice President ticked off: (1) Under communism, the gross na- tional product has fallen by 25 percent; (2) food consumption has declined 15 percent; (3) this year's sugar crop will be Cuba's smallest since the end of the Second War; (4) Cuba has cost Russia $1 billion and Moscow is now spending more than $1 million a day simply to keep the economy afloat; (8) finally, nearly 250,000 have fled Castro's utopia and "other 600,000 have requested visas to leave. Moreover, short of an all-out war or a blockade that would be an act of war, the United States and its neighbors have taken virtually every available meaningful step to contain Castroism. As the Vice President notes, total trade between Cuba and Latin America sank to $12 million last year and is expected to reach the vanishing point this year. Free-world shipping in Cuban ports is now one tenth of what it was before last October. Castro's'popularity has plummet- ed in Latin America and his diplomatic isola- amerlca were set forth by ator McGovERN. These conditions, he note were the "real bombshells" in the hemisphere:- (1) 2 per- cent of the people of Latin America own more than half the wealth; (2) 80 percent dwell in squalid huts; (3) over half the re- gion's population is illiterate; (4) one-crop economies plague development hopes as commodity prices decline; (5) many regimes are weakened by archaic tax structures, top- heavy military budgets and feudal patterns of land-tenure; (6) and finally, the rate of population growth in the fastest in the world. - Mrs. GREEN of Oregon. Mr. Speaker, These are the facts that explain President recently I expressed myself on the sub- Kennedy's reference to Latin America as the jeCt of Cuba in terms of objecting to *'meet critical area" of the world. To his the wildcatting, unproved round of credit, the the President conditions as repeatedly sought as trued-ae ad ithat his newsco He rumors falsehoods and prowling half-truths and that have been distributed ference on Thursday to place the problem within and without Congress on the of Castro within the context of a hemisphere matter, caught in the swift tides of change. More In the March 23, 1963, edition of the voices like those of Vice President Johnson Washington Post there appeared and Senator McGovEaN are surely needed. an edi- While Castro may not beat us, the Castro tonal based on the maiden Senate fixation could. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approvtrtftft Wfi4RPfR]SlA-F gRSIVRO383R000200220025-1 The sincerity of the purpose of 4-H and its progress in building character and citi- zenship points very definitely to the In- fluence of 4-H training and its contribution to good community living. To help lift the burden, Point the better way, Give vision to toil And the hope of a better day. To teach the larger life, Encourage a soul To still greater tasks, A still higher goal; To look beyond the plow, Teach a man's full part In community and town, In assembly and mart, Club work is training Of greatest value, when its goal of achievement Is the inspiration-The making of men. who have lived in your home communities for many years know the value of all these qualities I have Just mentioned. A new menace to the development of good community living is the fact that many of our prospective farm leaders of tomorrow are being lured away from a career in agricul- ture. This has been brought about by the glamorous role that has been developed around the field of science. We feel that this movement can be carried to such land- slide proportions that the loss in this lead- ership may result in a serious setback for agriculture. I cannot help but wonder what kind of world will I be living in 10 years from now? What will my home, farm, and community be, my job and my family? Will I have a place in this world of spaceships and mis- siles.? We, the Future Farmers of America, have been given a great challenge. We must meet MY ORGANIZATION, THE FUTURE FARMERS OF this challenge if we are to preserve good AMERICA, AND How IT PROMOTES Goon COM- community living and the security and hap- MuNITY LIVING - piness it stands for. In conclusion, my friends, let us never (By Myron L. Semrad, Waukomis, Okla.) forget that we, the Future Farmers of Amer- "I believe in the fut f ure o farming with ica areoidd thb ,, cnseree breadasket of the a faith born not-of words but of deeds; in world. Nations will look to us for leadership the promise of better days through better and food. Let us never forget the value of ways, even as the better things we now enjoy community life in this scientific age. Trips have come up to us through the struggle to the moon may be commonplace in a few of former years." years. Satellites will continue to circle our I have Just quoted to you from our FFA globe. But, community life must be pre- creed; a creed that each member subscribes served. to when he starts his FPA work. As you can Yes, I am very proud, and feel that I have see, we are not a group of young men living high standards to uphold when I don the in the past, but with our eyes to the future blue and gold jacket of the FFA. as indicated by our FFA motto, and I quote: Let us seek divine guidance and knowl- "Learning To Do, Doing To Learn, Earning To Live, Living To Serve. edge, as we join hands with the Farmers Union to promote and preserve our Ameri- can way of community living. 4811 or grinders-Just to mention a few. Prac- tically every phase of farming Is affected by electricity. It works in a thousand and one different ways to make your life easier and more enjoyable. Electricity is beginning to cut farm labor costs. But the surface is barely scratched. New processes, equipment, and techniques need to be developed to reduce labor require- ments and improve the quality of farm products. When this is done, consumers as well as farmers will benefit. Modern agriculture will then be able to hold or reduce consumer costs of food and fiber and give extra quality as a bonus. The Farmers Union organization has been one of the strongest supporters of the rural electrification program, and it is through their political help as well as their work with the farmers that the REC has made such tremendous progress during the last 28 years. First a candle, then a lamp, now a light bulb. But look again. That light has become a torch. A torch of liberty. THE TFX CONTROVERSY Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, I month ago, last Tuesday, the Permanent Sub- committee on Investigations of the Sen- ate Committee on Government Opera- tions, opened its hearing on the contro- versial TFX plane contract award. For a time the legitimate aims of this in- quiry were in danger of being lost in a sea of mutual recriminations. This week, however, there has been a healthy change in attitude on the Dart of all con'- e i i1 n- These four short lines express the desire MOTE GOOD COMMUNITY LIVING quiry will move ahead with dispatch un- of each FFA members to learn more about (By Dan Butler, Drummond, Okla.) der able leadership of the distinguished his vocation, responsibility, and citizenship. Let us go back 100 years ago. A candle is chairman of the Committee, Senator We, as young leaders of tomorrow, realize burning. That candle grows brighter and I M call AN. that all these are essential in this day of brighter. Look again. You see that this call to my colleagues' attention the sputniks and intercontinental missiles. candle is a kerosene lamp. A lamp like many excellent article in this issue by the re Just how, you might ask, does the FFA of our parents and grandparents grew up spected columnist Max Freedman, which promote good community living? There are with, and that light grows brighter. And, appeared in the February 27 issue of the many ways that my organization promotes as you look once more into time you see Washington Post. I ask unanimous Con- good community- living. Franklin D. Roosevelt. It is 1933. Roosevelt First, let me show you the close relation- is creating the Rural Electrification Admin- sent that Mr. Freedman's article be ship between the efforts of the FFA and the istration to serve the farmers of this Nation. printed in the RECORD at this point. Farmers Union. Our organization was Now that lamp changes into a socket, a There being no. objection, the article formed in the year 1928 to fill the need of socket with a light bulb. But that light is was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, a group of young farm boys. Let me repeat, dim for you see only 10 percent of the as follows: to fill the need of a group of young farm Nation's farmers have electricity. The cost boys, just as the Farmers Union was orga- is prohibitive. THE TFX CONTROVERSY nized to promote good community livin Th g us withthe signif th ., .ng oat executive So from the very beginning we feel that we order, the Rural Electrification Cooperatives, have something in common with your orga- one of the greatest do-it-yourself programs nization. In the history of the world, Is started. Now, I would like to discuss with you the Our farmers help stretch those electric -efforts of the FFA in promoting good corn- lines across our Nation. And today that anunity living. light bulb glows brighter for now 95 percent Last year I was fortunate enough to be a of our farmers have electricity. member of the first place FFA stubble-mulch Who own these electric cooperatives? Is judging team which represented my school it a Government agency? These and many in Waukomis, Okla. I participated in the similar questions are asked daily. stubble mulch program again this year. In answer to these questions i reply, first, Through this program, we FFA members are that the people who purchase electricity -earning better ways to conserve the soil, own the cooperatives. And, to the second; These new and highly improved soil conser- no, it is not a Government agency but the .ration programs are the steppingstones of purest form of democratic free enterprise. food community living. While the cooperative board of directors Just think for a moment. Where would has borrowed thousands of dollars from the we be without the educated farmer? The REA to provide you with good electric service, answer is, we could not exist. How could they have to pay it back with interest. we, without food? Therefore, the better Imagine, if you can, what. life would be like -onservation practices we present the better today without electricity. Imagine a world cur communities will be. without refrigerators, radio, television, food The very purpose of our FFA program of mixers, and the hundreds of other electric work each year, to develop mrsnip knowl d It is a strange sensation to move from the charges and accusations that have rolled through the press, in the dispute over the TFX contract, to the actual hearings of the Senate Investigating Committee. As one studies the records of the hearings, it becomes very clear that the bitterness and anger which have marked this inquiry have greatly surprised the committee. Nor can any observer, with no personal stake in this controversy, avoid the conclu- sion that the gage of battle was flung down by the Defense Department. In the end Mr. McNamara may convince everyone that his decision is fully justified. But the merits of his case do not excuse the way it has been-presented to the public. In its various public statements the Defense Department has been fretful, inconsistent; and provocative. It was not, until it was stung that the committee struck back in self-defense. No one familiar with congres- sional committees could have expected it to , e ge, and recreational activi- Imagine, also, trying to do anything else. ies, is the foundation for good community numerous farm chores without t erform he hel thep reThesen that t t eo be a tee is t nglto dig- iving. You members of the Farmers Union electric water pumps, bunk feeders, welders, credit o or destroy y Mr. Mr. McNamara's rying usefulness cuNo. 46-22 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approved For Rele fWg?i f)lAff 0Il3?$F4MR00220025-1 March 28 4812 as Defense Secretary. Those who hold this Their job is difficult. They must cover tually without pay, working to save their view would find it very hard indeed to point all three branches of the Federal Gov- jobs and to keep this industry in Olean. to a single sentence In the published record ernment-executive. legislative, and Judi- According to Robert W. Easley, presi- to justify such a charge against the com- cial. But, they know Washington. They dent of local 22 of the American Federa- mittee, have had many years of experience. tion of Grain Millers, the response has in fact Senator MCCLELLAN spoke for the whole committee when en he he said the final They know how to develop facts, how been overwhelming. Newspapers from report might well be a complete endorse- to write informative stories. Moreover, all over America, from Sweden, Turkey, ment of Mr. McNamara's judgment in their reports are always fair and accu- France, and Barbados carried the story. awarding the contract to General Dynamics rate, They do their job competently Employees painted their philosophy in Instead of to Boeing. without either favoritism or prejudice. large white letters on the outside wall At one point in his testimony Mr. Oil- I take pleasure in calling the atten- of the factory. "We won't quit," they patric, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, said Lion of my colleagues to the Maine Le- told the world. "Olean can't afford to and were not misled, we were not entrapped, and we have no complaint in any sense over gion's citations commending these two let another plant close." the conduct of this proceeding by the com- dedicated Maine journalists. For 6 weeks they have held on to keep mittee." Still later, in reply to Senator I ask unanimous consent that the two the company going. Although weekly CURTIS' question, Mr. Gtlpatric agreed that citations be printed in the RECORD at cash receipts are divided up among the the committee had never railed even one this point. workers, this payment has averaged only witness who could be described as a critic There being no objection, the cita- about $15 a week-hardly even enough of Mr. McNamara. lions were ordered to be printed in the to get to work. The Grain Millers Union, Nor is there very much substance to the RECORD, as follows: which has organized the plant, is eo- civulan that head Mr. MCNamae D authority as civllia o of f the Defense Department has CITATION TO DON LARaAEEE FROM MAINE AMER- operating fully in the endeavor, and has been challenged and compromised. No one ICAN LEiION AT THE STATLER HOTEL, MARCH declared fees. moratorium o hues and in- on the committee, or in Congress for that 13, 1963 matter. questions the principle of civilian The American Legion to Don Larrabee In 10 weeks without pay to this plant be- control. grateful appreciation and recognition for his cause he and other members of the local On this particular point in the contro- outstanding service In the field of Journal- have been so pleased by the fine labor- versy Mr. Gilpatric has testified in these tam, this citation is awarded this 13th day management relations which have al- words: "I do not believe that this Issue Is of March, 1963, in Washington, D.C. ways existed there. "This company," a civilian-military issue. "I don't think this is a question where the civilian authorities In the Pentagon and in the Department of Defense are at odds with the military. There were certain facets where we don't agree but It is not a civilian- military issue and therefore there isn't any basis for criticism of Mr. McNamara by the military in my judgment." In the four evaluations which preceded Mr. McNamara's decision a total of 275.000 man-hours had been spent on the two pro- posals. These evaluations resulted in a clear and repeated preference for Boeing. Mr. Namara reversed these recommendations for what seemed to him to be emphatic and suf- ficient reasons. Now he is explaining and defending that decision before a committee of the Senate that has been empowered to conduct such investigations. It should be added that on the evidence thus far the committee has learned that General Dynam- ica, which gained the contract, was given the preference by the Air Force on only three "performance criteria" while Boeing had the preference on 16 or 17 Items, The committee has been unfairly criticized for an arbitrary interference with the Defense Department. It would indeed have been open to censure it it had failed to start an investigation once these facts came to Its notice. Above all, It should always be remembered that many witnesses have yet to be heard, with some of the evidence dealing with classified matters. The best thing is to drop the invective on all sides and let the in- quiry proceed fairly and fearlessly. CITATIONS PRESENTED TO MAY CRAIG AND DON LARRABEE BY AMERICAN LEGION Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, on March 13, the American Legion delega- tion from Maine presented citations for outstanding service to two veteran Maine journalists, May Craig who represents the Gannett papers of Maine, and Don- ald Larrabee, Washington correspondent of the Bangor Daily News. I concur fully with the Legion's judg- ment that Mrs. Craig and Mr. Larrabee have made significant contributions in interpreting Washington events for the citizens of Maine clearly and factually. W. J. 1ROGERS, said Mr. Easley. "has the best ethnic National Executive Committeeman. JAMES L. BOYLE, principles of any company I know. Department Adjutant, Each man is hired and promoted with- Department of Maine, out regard 'to his race, creed, or color, BERTRAND LACUEUZ, and we want to see this continue." Department Commander, Although, as weeks have elapsed, Department o/ Maine, some workers have been forced, because CITATION TO MAY CRAM FROM MAnSE AMER!- of family responsibilities, to leave the CAN LEGION AT THE STATLER HOTEL, MARCH plant and apply for assistance or other 1s, 1963 jobs. Dozens have remained. They are The American Legion to May Craig in living on their savings and on hope- grateful appreciation and recognition for hope that loyalty, determination, and the her outstanding service in the field of jour- American spirit of cooperation in time naiiam, this citation is awarded this 13th day of trouble will pull them through. I of March, 1963, In Washington. D.C. salute these fine men and women of W. J. Root", Olean, and assure them that all America National Executive Committeeman, admires their action and shares their JAMES L. Boy", hope, Department Adjutant, Department of Maine. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I should BrorTRANO LAOuavx, like to join my colleague in what he has Department Commander, said about the company at Olean, N.Y., Department of Maine, Mr. Easley, who has been an absolutely COMMUNITY COOPERATION IN OLEAN. N.Y. Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, the city of Olean, N.Y., is fast becoming a symbol, in my State, for community co- operation. Because a group of citizens in Olean are determined to meet and overcome the challenge presented by de- creasing job opportunities, they have banned together, at great personal sacri- fice, to save an industry in their city. Six weeks ago, the management of the Fibre Forming Co., in Olean announced remarkable union leader-in that regard, the town, the town people, and the man- agers of this company, which has been a model for small business in the United States in its intrepidity and determina- tion to drive hard for a constructive economic measure for Olean. I have been there. I have seen the plant. I have seen the workers. I have addressed them, as I am sure my colleague [Mr. KEATINC] has. This action is a great source of gratification to me, as it is to my colleague. We extend to them not only our felici- tations for their tremendous courage, but our help and cooperation, which we the payroll due, at the end of the week. have already given, and which I know The 120 employees of the company were we will give in any measure that' is informed of this disheartening situation humanly possible to help in such fine and presented with a plan to defer their determination as they have shown. pay envelopes temporarily. No one was laid off. The choice of whether or not to leave was left up to the individual workers themselves. Their response was anything but disheartening. Only 5 of the 120 men and women left the company to look for other employ- ment or to collect unemployment insur- ance. Fully 115 decided to stay on, vir- RESPONSE OF NATIONAL JEWISH WELFARE BOARD TO CRISIS Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, in the midst of continuing tensions in the Caribbean area, it is noteworthy, I think, Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 1963 Approved For Release 2004/06/23: CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE to point out that the measures taken by the .U.S. Government to alert our mili- tary forces to the exigencies of the situa- tion have had their counterpart in equally swift and decisive actions taken by civilian agencies which support our Armed Forces. I refer specifically to those agencies which deal with the welfare of men and women in uniform, and the additional pressures which the Cuban crisis has put on their programs. A report delivered to me from the National Jewish Welfare Board is typical of the way on which these organizations have rallied to the service of `soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen who were redeployed to various areas of the country as the crisis de- veloped. The National Jewish Welfare Board is the government-authorized agency for religious 'and morale services to Jewish personnel in our Armed Forces and their dependents, and it recruits, endorses and serves Jewish Chaplains for the military establishment. It con- ducts a vast recreation and cultural leisure-time program for servicemen and their families and is 'a member of United, Service Organizations, Inc.- USO. It also serves people of all ages in the civilian community as the na- tional association of YM-YWHA's and Jewish Community Centers. With the announcement by the Presi- dent of the naval and air quarantine of Cuba, the National Jewish Welfare Board took a series of steps designed to ease the problems of servicemen and their dependents who were affected by the sudden shifting of military forces. The organization made an on-the-spot study of Jewish communities in the Southeastern United States to determine what local facilities were available to those coming into the area. The or- ganization's affiliated Jewish Community Centers and other institutions such as synagogues. were briefed on the possible needs which would arise. The National Jewish Welfare Board's Commission on Jewish Chaplaincy con- tacted all civilian rabbis in the area who serve as auxiliary Jewish chaplains, out- lining the probable additional religious and morale activities which would be required. The organization's director in Balboa, Canal Zone, made a swing around Jew- ish communities in the Caribbean where the National Jewish Welfare Board has religious and morale programs for the military, to strengthen the potential in these communities. Emergency services were supplied, in- cluding the finding of housing and other necessities, for families of Navy and Ma- rine Corps personnel hurriedly evacu- ated by air from Guantanamo Bay on the eve of the announcement of the quarantine. This reaction to a national need is nothing new in the history of the Na- tional Jewish Welfare Board, which was established early during World War I at the request of our Government for just this kind of service. Through two World Wars, Korea, and similar crises, this organization has established a- memorable- tradition for rising to emergency situations and for day-by-day constructive activity on behalf of the young men and women in our- Armed Forces. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WELFARE SITUATION Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, all of us who have a deep concern for the District of Columbia are aware of its many problems and interested in work- ing to solve them. Crime, discrimina- tion, and unemployment loom large in the distressing picture. As a member of the Senate Juvenile Delinquency Sub- committee, I have had firsthand knowl- edge in these areas, and know that many improvements can be made. I have,- for example, recently cosponsored a bill of- fered by the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. DODD] to provide fair employment legislation for the- District. I intend to join in pressing - for early enactment of that bill since I believe it is a meaningful first step in helping District residents to help themselves. No one would deny, however, that one of the primary manifestations of Wash- ington's malaise is the situation existing in the field of public welfare. A subject of continuing concern among experts is how to prevent a permanent welfare class. No one would abandon those who require the assistance of the community to meet their basic needs. At the same time there is a growing feeling that wel- fare aid in the District has not been ad- ministered in a manner which helps its beneficiaries to become self-sufficient. A permanent welfare class is not in keep- ing with human dignity or the traditions of our society. We must help those in need, but we must help them in a way which aids and encourages them to re- construct their lives so they may become self-sufficient and self-supporting. This problem is the subject of a recent comprehensive report prepared by they Public Welfare Crisis Committee of the Washington chapter, National Associa- tion of Social Workers under the direc- tion of Dr. Daniel Thursz of Catholic University. I. know that other Members of this body will be interested in the study since we are, in effect, the City Council of. the District of Columbia, charged with governing a voteless citi- zenry. I, therefore, ask unanimous con- sent to have inserted in the RECORD at this point, a summary of the committee's recommendations and an editorial from the Washington Post dealing with this subject. There being no objection, the material was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS, METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON CHAPTER, SUM- MARY or RECOMMENDATIONS _ The Public- Welfare Crisis Committee, on behalf of the Metropolitan Washington Chap- ter of the National Association of Social Workers, recommends: (a) Assistance grants: A complete upward revision of the District of Columbia Depart- ment of Public Welfare budget, based on current cost-of-living indexes, with a built- in clause to -allow for increasing the total 4813 grant when there is a rise in the cost of living. - Elimination of the reduced allowance clause for families with four or more chil- dren. Since the grant schedules are too low to begin with, we see no need to cut them further. . Development of a program for emergency Counseling. and relief to take care of tem- porary situations of financial stress. (b) The employable mother: A revision in the regulations so that each mother will have the right to determine whether the wel- fare of her children will best be served by her remaining at home or by taking employment. The mother who remains at home to give care to her children needs also to feel that she is -a worthwhile citizen. Regulations that facilitate temporary, part- time, or even full-time employment, but the initiative should come from the mother. In some cases, mothers will be able to assume limited employment. This initiative should be encouraged rather than penalized by re, duction in grants. Coverage for costs due to employment should be allowed, including ex- penses for the care of children. - School age should not be regarded as a stage in development that frees a child from the need of parental control. Older chil- dren, including adolescents, require super- vision-not in the same fashion, but to the same extent-as preschool children. A revision of the regulations so as to em- phasize the right of a child to his own parents in his own home. We believe that all resources of - the community should be used to make this possible. - Only as the 'parents themselves feel incompetent or the court finds them so, should placement away from home be considered a desirable -plan for any child. A completely new public assistance state- ment about the employability of mothers is needed. The basic philosophy on which the current regulations were made needs close reexamination. Current costs of adequate financial help should be measured against the potential cost to the community if ade- quate services are not provided now. (c) The ~nan-in-the-House rule: The abandonment of the 34 special eligibility factors which determine whether a man has a continuing relationship, with a woman and her children. The presence or absence of the man, other than the legal husband, should not be a consideration in establish- ing eligibility for aid to dependent children. Rather, the important factor should be whether or not a family is - able to meet its needs as determined by the public assistance budget. When it is established that "the mother has a continuing association with a man, similar to that of husband and wife"-that- the Department of Public Welfare provide financial grants to those of the mother's children who are not being supported by their natural fathers and who are not the children of the man in the house, unless he Is willing and able to support them. The nonhusband living continuously as the family head should- be responsible for the support of the mother and his children by her. The legal requirement that an absent father continue to have financial responsi- bility for his own children should be enforced. To determine if the male head of the house is able to support the family, the Depart- ment of, Public Welfare investigate and see how much he can earn and contribute with regularity. If it is determined that he is not able to provide , full support for his children, then the Department should sup- plement the family's income to make it compatible with the aid to dependent chil- dren standard living scale. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 4811 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE That all financial resources of the family on public assistance be Investigated periodic- ally by the Department. That the Department continuously ask for verification of the man's employment status. The Department has the right to ex- pect the man to make all attempts to secure employment. (d) Implementation of the national pro- gram in the District of Columbia: [A review of selected 1962 public welfare amendments affecting the administration of the aid to families of dependent children program as shown that the District of Columbia has not taken advantage of several provisions of Fed- eral legislation which would be beneficial to the District and would strengthen the aid to dependent children program. For most of the changes In the Federal law, the District of Columbia already has the legal authority necessary to make them a part of the Dis- trict's Public Assistance Program, and the De- partment of Public Welfare could put them into effect by administrative action.[ The following programs could be imple- mentedby administrative action: Extend the aid to dependent cbiidren pro- gram to children who are deprived of paren- tal support and care because of the un- employment of a parent. Extend social services to all aid to de- pendent children families by decreasing case- loads to the maximum of 60 recommended by the Federal Government, and by developing a program that wolud make possible fre- quent home visits and the working out of a case plan for each child that would give consideration to the family's needs in such aspects of life as health, housing, child care, management of limited funds, job train- ing, education, etc. To be eligible for the 75 percent Federal financial partlelaptlon, the Welfare Department must provide this minimum package of services by July 1, 1983. Help to better prepare Its staff to provide the social services described in the preced- ing recommendation through an organized program of In-service training and enabling staff to get the necessary technical and pro- fessional education while on educational leave from the agency. If plans for an or- ganized training program are developed by July 1, 1983, the Welfare Department will be eligible for 75 percent Federal financial participation for the program. Continue assistance under the aid to de- pendent children program to children who are removed from their homes by the courts because of the unsuitability of the home. This assistance could continue If children are placed in a foster home or in certain licensed, nonprofit, child-caring institutions. Plan a program to provide day care for children who are not able to be under parental supervision during the day or for part of the day. With such a plan the Dis- trict will be able to apply for Federal funds under the child welfare grant program. Funds are expected to be made available as part of a supplemental appropriation of Congress this year and the Welfare Depart- ment does not need further legislation to take advantage of this provision. [The following recommendation would re- quire congressional action to make it pos- sible for the District to particlpatej : It Is recommended that Congress give the District of Columbia legal authority to Institute a community work and training program de- signed to increase the work skills of unem- ployed parents and to prepare children over i8 years of age In aid-to-dependent-children families for gainful employment. (c) Staff and other services; Every Public Assistance Division worker be given a formal period of in-service training and orientation in a unit staffed by professional people, This course of study should be geared to in- struct the workers in concepts of services to clients based on sound social work prin- ciples. While the committee feels that every Public Assistance Division worker would be beat equipped to handle his difficult and complex job by acquiring a master's degree in social work, it recognizes that this is neither feasible nor practical at this stage. Every effort be made by the Department to take advantage of available Federal funds to provide for the further training of workers in schools of social work so that the Depart- ment will have a larger number of workers with the master's degree in social work. The agency develop differentiation In sal- aries and job responsibilities based on educa- tion and experience in order to provide work- ers with further Incentives to additional learning. The Department of Public Welfare and the schools of social work in the Washington area consider the development of courses and in- stitutes specifically designed for the welfare worker during summers or evenings when workers may participate. The National Association of Social Workers explores ways by which it can be useful In helping the welfare worker who does not have professional training become more closely aware of the profession's goals and principles. (a) Staff and other services-Division of responsibilities; That the most qualified staff be assigned to intake services. We wish to emphasize the crucial nature of the intake service where the client for the first time meets a reaction to his request for aid. Here are needed the best trained and most expe- rienced staff members whose jobs must In- clude the following: (1) provide help to clients to secure the necessary documenta- tion to determine eligibility; (ii) refer in- eligible clients to alternative community re- sources; (iii) assigned accepted clients to appropriate unit with continued care section. That the caseload be reviewed In the con- tinued care section In order to select special kinds of cases for Intensive casework serv- ices and that these special cases be handled by the most qualified workers. The newer workers could begin with those clients need- ing a minimum of help in maintaining themselves and solving their problems. That all supervisors in the Public Assist- ance Division should have professional train- Ing. That investigators be used at the request of and be responsible to the caseworker when the caseworker sees the need for this type of help in determining certain kinds of facts. The committee cannot emphasize too strong- ly that Investigators cannot In any way per- form the rehabilitative function of the social workers. When caseloads are reduced to meet the standards of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and when the staff Is training either in schools of social work or in programs within the Department, then fraud can be reduced. The committee believes that the experi- ence of other cities has proven the useful- ness of other skills and disciplines to the client. These should include social group work, community organization, day care spe- clallats, family planners, home economists, etc. That the Department assume the respon- sibility to provide literacy and vocational training and guidance to the head of the household to enable him to become self- supporting, and a constructive example to his children. (a) Staff and other services-Organization of the Department: the committee recom- mends the following steps to improve both the eelclency of the total agency and its rehabilitative function: Integration of the categories of public as- statance and child welfare so that one worker would be responsible for one family, its fi- March 28 nanciai needs, and its related problems. This Integration would assist in providing profef sional leadership for the Public Assistance Division. Decentralization of the Department into small neighborhood units so that the worker would have his office In the area where his client lives. With this kind of opportunity to know his family, his way of life, the work- er would better understand his needs. The present facilities used by the Department are ,totally inadequate for this type of service. Limit the amount of administrative detail now handled by the welfare workers and increase the use of machines so that the workers can be released for the tasks for which they have been hired. [From the Washington (D.C,) Post, Mar. 6, 19631 THE 46 SCANDALS The great strength of the Crisis Commit- tee's report on the Welfare Department lies in its collection of the stories of 48 families that this city abandoned to hunger because they could not meet the departmental regu- lations. It is a portrait drawn from life, Here we have the mother of two small chil- dren who Is denied relief as employable under a definition that shrugs off the impossibility of finding a job for her, or of finding care during the day for the children. The com- mittee comments: "Whim rather than wel- fare can readily dictate the fate of children in a public assistance family, so long as the current policy is used as a base for practice." Here we find the mother who was cut off relief because her landlord was a bachelor. Here also Is the mother of 11 children who lost her relief because an adolescent daughter had an Illegitimate baby. They were both victims of the man-in-the-house rule. That will be remembered as the rule permitting a mother on relief to have any number of affairs as long its they are kept completely transient, but prohibiting her from living with her husband. That rule has already generated an accumulation of degradation and misery for which this city will be doing penance for decades to come, but a morally careless city continues to enforce it, The Crisis Committee was established by the local chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, under Dr. Thursz, of Catholic University, and provides a more professional analysis of the Department's errors than we have previously seen. It pro- vides a deeply disquieting view into the De- partment Itself. First among the causes of staff inefficiency and turnover, It cites the departmental policies that require case workers "to administer restrictive and un- just regulations, and to award below-mini- mum grants to clients, causing clients to enter into Illicit ways of supplementing grants and concealing facts about the family situation." Last summer Senator BYRD of West Virginia ordered the Department to reduce Its relief rolls by eliminating the very large number of cases there by fraud. Since the Department's staff is neither large enough nor experienced enough to weed out the illegal recipients, it is reducing the rolls by seizing any excuse, no matter how trivial, to deny help to impoverished families. "At this point," the Crisis Committee states, "the job is seen more as trying to see who should not receive assistance rather than seeing how It Is possible to help those who need it. There Is a 70-percent rejection rate here as opposed to 30 percent nationwide." The Crisis Committee has accomplished the salutary purpose of prodding the city's conscience. The question is whether the city's conscience has not grown so flabby, by lack of exercise, that even these 48 cases of scandal can no longer rouse It from its normaly recumbent position, Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 1963 Approved Feb?ftgSi81/ / -~IillDPSg %~O ~~gg3R000200220025-1 ~~~E~;(3R_ ~t~TE 4761 ,,Stone," Barney Madden remarked after Jim had twisted one in, "should volunteer for the submarine corps. There's no one who can accomplish so much in so small a space." These were the five, and they had the title put away almost from the start. For a time, it seemed they couldn't break the four-point barrier. But near the end of the first half, the machine got going and, by midpoint in the second period, it was a venture decided. With some 2 minutes to play, Mullaney even permitted himself to lean back on the bench and enjoy what was happening. "A short game for you, compared to some," a man remarked to the coach. "Yes," Joe said, "but earlier I almost fainted." Mullaney took out the first team with some 90 seconds remaining. When Thompson got to the bench, he clasped Ernst in a great bear hug and lifted him off the floor. When Vinnie got down, he gave Mullaney's head a congratulatory rub. Friar students chanted, "We're No. 1," and there were few doubters. When the winners got to their quarters, they behaved with championship calm. Pleased, proud-yes. But it was obvious it came as no great surprise. "Was this team," a man asked Flynn, "as good as the one you won here with in your sophomore year?" "This team," Ray said with emphasis, "is the best team in the country." Reporters took down the words, but Ray had more. "Is there any way you can arrange for us to play Cincinnati?" he asked, half smiling now. "If you can, we'd fill the place, and I'd sell the tickets myself." He would have a good thing going for him, for the 1962-63 Friars have accomplished much and this was the climax. And more, overall. In five tournaments, three finals-two championships-three most valuable play- ers-biggest afternoon crowd in 26 year- the loudest, happiest rooters. Right now, the Friars are Rhode Island's greatest export. poses. We have exacted from Brazil the commitment that it will reduce subsidies. In the United States we are to enter into a subsidy program on mass transporta- tion which will cost at least $5 billion in the next 10 years. Third. The Brazilian Government suffered the exaction of the promise that there be an increase imposed by the Government on railroad freight and pas- senger rates, with 'the view of reducing operating deficits. In the United States the Federal Government, working in collaboration with a transit system in Massachusetts, has sent $3.6 million to the transit board in Massachusetts, which, matched with $1.8 million of Massachusetts money, is to be used to subsidize passengers so as to take them off the highways and put them in the trains. I was shocked the other day when in testimony it was revealed that the Bos- ton & Maine Railroad reduced passenger rates frojn $1.99 to $1.10 a person. The PRESIDING: OFFICER (Mr. BAYH in the chair). The time of the Senator from Ohio has expired. Mr. LAUSCHE. May I have 2 more minutes,- Mr. President? Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the distin- guished Senator may proceed for 5 addi- tional minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. LAUSCHE. I thank the Senator. With that reduction of 89 cents in the fare charged by the Boston & Maine, 7,000 more passengers used the Boston & Maine Railroad, allegedly leaving their automobiles at home. But then it was disclosed that, in order to induce those 7,000 persons to use the train, the Gov- ernment had to pay a dollar of subsidy on each ticket. The fare was reduced from $1.99 to $1.10. With such a reduc- tion, of course, there was an increased number of passengers. So again we have a paradox: In Brazil fiscal and monetary policies. Subse- quently Italy followed, and then France, trying to live within their budgets. And they are now enjoying unprecedented growth. What we are telling the people of the world to do-and now this applies espe- cially to Brazil-we are not doing back home. Federal expenditures have risen by $17 billion in 3 years. The budget this year will be in deficiency by $10,800 million, if all works out to the best advantage. If it does not, the deficit is likely to rise $15 billion. So I say when we tell Brazil and othernations what to do concerning their monetary and fiscal policies, we had better take a look in the mirror and see what our image is and see whether or not we should not follow what we are telling others to do. AID TO BRAZIL Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, there came to my desk today a communication iss ied by Mr. D. E. Bell of the Depart- ment of State. In it Mr. Bell recites the correspondence which took place be- tween the Brazilian Government and our Government in connection with the search for aid made by Brazil. We have pledged our support, in the form of aid for Brazil,, in the sum of .$398.5 million. Certain conditions, sup- posedly, are to be attached to the giving of that aid. I should like to list some of them. First. The Brazilian Government has committed itself to the adoption of a tax reform program which will increase revenues by about 25 percent and which will provide the foundation for impor- tant administrative improvements in tax collections. We are to give nearly $400 million to Brazil under the condition that Brazil will increase its revenues by increasing its taxes. In the United States we contemplate improving our tax system by increasing spending and reduced taxing. I cannot see how the two courses are compatible. Second. The Brazilian Government promised the elimination of subsidies ola wheat and petroleum products, so as to reduce the cash deficit of the treasury and free resources for development pur- ei h d a g o an As for the United States, the final passenger rates"; in the United States abandonment of American efforts even the Federal Government is beginning to seek justice for Hungary through the to contribute money for the purpose of United Nations would constitute a long reducing rates so as to induce people to step toward the fulfillment of Khru- leave the highways and ride the trains. shchev's main purpose, which is to con- Other conditions have been imposed, quer the West by destroying faith in the allegedly insuring that Brazil will stabil- steadfastness of the United States. ize its currency and thus be able to main-. The Hungarian problem should be a tain its own economy. must for full consideration by the United A few days ago Mr. Per Jacobsson, Nations General Assembly, which will head of the International Monetary convene in its 18th session September 16, Fund, made a speech about the growth 1963. The main orders issued by the in the Common Market nations of Eu-- United Nations in 1956 and 1957 have rope and Japan. We in the United not been fulfilled and it now appears they States are complaining because our will not be. economic growth is not adequate. Mr. Mr. President, on December 31, 1962, Jacobsson made this statement: the Committee for Hungarian Liberation Looking back through history, the -coun- issued a memorandum signed by its ex- tries who have maintained relatively stable ecutive vice president, Gen. Julius Ko- monetary conditions, so that people know vacs, which ask body of consent to they are dealing with a sound currency. have derived distinct advantages from such have printed in the e body of the RECORD. an achievement. Confidence in currency is There being no objection, the memo- a plant of slow growth. randum was ordered to be printed in the Mr. Jacobsson further went on to RECORD, as follows: point out that Japan and West Germany COMMITTEE FOR HUNGARIAN were the first to enjoy a resurrection of LIBERATION, INC., Cleveland, Ohio, December 31, 1962. their economy. West Germany and It is with understandable disappointment Japan were the first to adopt sound that the Hungarians living in the free world HUNGARIAN LIBERATION Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, on March 21 it was learned that Premier Kadar had issued an amnesty order in Hungary covering a wide variety of political crimes. It is reported that am- nesty will be given to those who took part in the Hungarian revolution of 1956. Persons convicted of espionage or treason do not come under the amnesty, and they will be required. to apply in- dividually. While this order may raise some de- gree of hope, there remains considerable apprehension among the enslaved na- tions that the extremely serious reverses which occurred under the effects of Stalin's personality during and after World War II may be repeated under Khrushchev's personality. Mr. President, in the brief remarks that I made on the floor of the Senate on August 11, 1962, I expressed my grave fear that the Hungarian problem would not be given full consideration at the ,'17th. General Assembly of the United Nations. The fear expressed at that time has now become a fact. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 4762 Approved For ~?NGR2OO4/VR .RC 5~~Q 53 00200220025-1 March 28 received knowledge of the fact that the 3. That the United States of Americagive kind of cargo to Cuban ports, have taken United States made the recommendation to recognition to the Russian colonial rulers In a position indicating their purpose to revoke the authority vested In Sir Leslie Budapest as being the legitimate Government serve freedom by giving to and not tak- Munro in the matter of the "question of of Hungary by establishing diplomatic rela- ing from it. The industry of the Greek Hungary." It becomes even more difficult tions with It. mercantile marine, by abiding to the to understand this recommendation when It 4. That the free nations exercise In the mercantile banning all vessels to under to considered that Moscow and the Moscow- United Nations the same energy and sin- run government of Budapest have done cerity for demanding the disintegration and Greek flag from carrying any kind of demonstrated nothing to satisfy the resolutions passed by abolition of the eastern slave empire, as the cargo to Cua Ports, C to occupy a position the United Nations In 1958 and later. It Is United States of America have exercised in Its Unselfish absolutely certain that it Is the Russian Red demanding the freedom of the Asian and Af- in the vanguard of people fighting army which kept the R'ladar puppet govern- rican colonies. communism. ment in power in Hungary. As a result, The people living under International or Little Greece is trying to tell the great human rights and national independence national communism still consider commu- firm, do not exist as far as the Hungarian people nism as an Institution which does not recog- United States the that we purpose should rb be e fir are concerned. The only change which has also moral codes or political boundaries and taken place In Hungary is the Improvement an international menace just as under Stalin. Communism from Central and Southern of the Communist propaganda techniques They draw these conclusions from persona' America. It knows the methods of aimed at-the free west and elsewhere. experience. Today as well as under Stalin, communism because of painful ex- The at.-the people the world over they are living under a complete dtttator- perience. clearly see the consequence of the revoca- ship. Behind this dictatorship stands the We rose to our greatest heights last tion of the authority of Sir Leslie Munro. powerful Red army. The happy and free O22 when the President of the There will be no more discussions in the nations living at a safe distance are in no October tobe States declared firmly our pthe United Nations concerning the brutal and position to clearly understand the true na- United not to tolerate o in ur- colonialistie suppression of the Hungarian ture of that slave system-pose people. It appears to many as the final The enslaved peoples cannot share the op- Americas. We have fallen basely to burial of the international significance of timtstic views which were implied in & talk dishonorable levels since October 22 the Hungarian question. The Hungarian given by Secretary General of the U.N., by the toleration in Cuba and in other freedom fight is no longer a moral and po- U Thant on December 2, 1962. or bg Mr. Ball, Western American countries of Com- litical weapon In the hands of the free Under Secretary of State, in New York on munist subversion, infiltration, and nations. It will appear to eastern and cen- December 13, 1882. In the service of a grin- sabotage. tral Europe and the Balkans and the sup- ciple. it does not make much of a difference Nation should enlist the aid of pressed nationalities of the Soviet Union as who the Individual is and who holds the Our of every country should possible-especially those proof that individual rights and national flag. There Is no difference in the purpose Independence from 1962 forward, will be of office whether it is filled by Stalin or to which we have been generous in measured In terms of double standards. It Khrushchev. granting aid-to impose sanctions on further appears as a silent acceptance of the The experienced people of the enslaved international water carriers which carry status quo. nations watched the Cuban developments cargoes either into or out of Cuba, In view of the above, hope for the libera- with critical awareness. The result of the banning them the right to enter the tion of the enslaved nations will diminish. Cuban situation was not one of victory of ports of the sanctioning nations, At the same time the power of the Soviet the principles of the free West over that of MONRONEY obtained the Union and Its puppet governments will be communism, because this never developed Mr. MAGNUSON. obtained the floor. lo President, will Increased. In the eyes of the enslaved Its- into an issue. It was primarily a victory Lions there has been decline in the moral of the United States of America over the So- this motor yield to messed comment the Senn reputation of the western peoples. Further- viet Union in the area of power politics- The h more, this recommendation will In no way Communist ideology and the way of life it ator from Ohio? improve the spirit of resistance to Commu- represents never was threatened during the Mr. MONRONEY. I yield. nist slavery among the enslaved peoples. critical period. It Is understandable that the enslaved na- There is considerable apprehension among Mr. MAGNUSON. The Senator from tions are deeply disturbed because the cham- the enslaved nations that the extremely seri- Ohio just mentioned shipping to Cuba. pion of freedom, the United States, made the ous reverses which occurred under the effects Since January, and even since last fall, recommendation, and the protector of small of Stalin's personality during and after World I have been putting In the RECORD, week nations, the United Nations, accepted it. War II will be repeated now under Khru- by week, as I get the reports, a list of The explanation made by U.S. Representa- shchev's personality. Because of an error in Cuba. call can at the i Commuunist nist Cuba. tlve Rowan has not alleviated the unfortu- the Interpretations of Stalin's Intentions, the The ships RECORD that shows I nate Impression. The transfer of the Hun- very grievous errors were made with reference garian question to the personal authority of to the small nations and consequently to the have placedin it. I have the latest fig- the U.N. Secretary General is not comfort- entire world. Not only over 200 million peo- ures available. ing, since specific Instructions were not ple were tossed Into slavery, but the present I mentioned the Greek order last week. provided cold war is a direct consequence. It was a courageous order on the part Small nations under these circumstances Authorized by the member and cooperating of Greece, but it had an escape clause again are experiencing two great powers tak- organizations, societies, groups, and branches of it Greece, which they suggested they ause ing steps toward agreements without rail- in the United States of America, Canada, in in Ing the Iron Curtain. The struggles toward South America, and Europe. have no control over ships carrying the liberation and freedom of the small nations JULIUS KOVACS, Greek flag which were chartered. The which have fallen lntq an unfortunate Executive Vice President. Greek Government went as far as it- sphere of influence became nothing more -~~ could. I appreciate that. We are hope- than sacrificial offerings. Yet, these peo- ENTS ful all free nations will go even further. LM- plea have been required to sacrifice made GREEK EMBAR In view of the remarks of the.Senator measurably as a result of arrangements only VTJBA from Ohio, with which I thoroughly at Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam. Not only MT LAUSCHE President, the agree, and in keeping with my practice did they lose human rights and national liberties, unnumbered millions have lived Embassy of Greece in Washington on to advise the Senate of free world ship- through the anguish of elimination of free March 16, 1963, announced that a ping to Communist Cuba, I wish to call speech, fear, want, and death by torture. royal decree out of Athens has banned to the attention of my colleagues that The enslaved nations and the Hungarian all vessels under the Greek flag from during a 2-week period from March 8, people would like to believe that this step carrying any kind of cargo to Cuban 1963, through March 22, 1963, 11 free was taken as a tactical necessity. They ports. world ships, totaling 84,920 gross tons Under the order one exception was called in Cuban ports delivering supplies like to not would abandoned t thos e b e that principles free whicchh st has form m hos the foundation of individual and national made protecting the agreements ex- to bulwark the intrusion of communism existence in the free world. For these rea- ecuted by the shipowners under time- in this hemisphere. Combined tanker sons we respectfully ask you: charter cpntracts prior to the issuance tonnage of 40,684 gross tons in ships fly- 1. That the free nations do not support of the March 16 order. ing British and Italian flags delivered any action to minimize the significance of The decree issued by the royal Gov- more badly wanted petroleum products. the U.N. resolution concerning Hungary, or ernment of Greece is reflective of the The names of the ships, their flag of that these resolutions be stricken from the ancient purpose of the Greek people to registry, and tonnage are as follows: stand by the cause of freedom. . Athelduke (tanker), British, 9,089. 2. record That with the tech free nations silent refuse recognize the representative of the e Russian ian puppet gov- The Greeks, in banning all vessels ,4thelsulfan (tanker), British, 9,149. ernment of Hungary, Kadar's government, under the Greek flag from carrying any Bytom, Polish, 5,967. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE Himmerland, Danish, 8,774. Mr. MAGNUSON. In all fairness I Linda Giovanna (tanker), Italian, 9,985. should say that although many of these North Empress, Greek, 10,904. Pamit, Greek, 3,92D. countries do not have a merchant fleet . San Nicola (tankers), Italian, 12,461. comparable in size with those of the Seirios, Greek, 7,239. , countries about which we have been Mr. President, if we look at the RECORD reading, so far zj,s I can ascertain, since for January 9 it will be found that the October there have been practically no real offenders in this matter have been South American countries involved, al- the British and the Greeks; but the though there have been some pan-Amer- Greeks have taken some moves to do ican ships, or ships flying the a- something about it. I do not know what than flag. I do not know of any c countountry the British have done, that is more deserving of our friendship, have a list of the ships before me. and whose problems we should view sym- I British tanker. ps before Brit- pathetically, than Panama. Some of Here hais a e a these ish tanker. A Norwegian ship of 3,800 Chinese ships have been to Communist them tons. A Polish ship. Of course, we ex- Of course, all Canal. them pect the Communist bloc ships to go to list s pa is through ahg Panama Cw deG e I do e lau Cuba. Here is a new one, a Spanish- believe that t wg steadily. However, applaud flag ship. A Danish ship. An Italian for ought to for attempting g to o do something Greece about it. hing i p. A ship. A Greek ship. A Greek sh Greek ship- Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield for a question? Mr. MAGNUSON. I yield. Mr. LAUSCHE. What have Yugo- slavia and Poland done? Mr. MAGNUSON. Yugoslav shipping was quite prominent In all the reports I placed in the RECORD. I put that infor- mation in the RECORD. But as of June or August last, before all the trouble happened, Yugoslavia sent five ships on seven trips to Cuba. The percentages of ships going into Cuba at that time were 25 percent Greek, 13 percent Brit- ish, 12 percent German, 9 percent Nor- wegian, and approximately 4 percent Yugoslav. The West Germans first issued a strict order,, following the Cuban crisis, and have lived up to it so far as we have been informed. The Norwegians have said they will cooperate as best they can, but that they have no control over their chartered ships, The Greeks have taken a move. I am hopeful the British Gov- ernment will do so. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to continue for 2 more minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. LAUSCHE. The situation the Senator has referred to covered the period before October 22. Is that cor- rect? Mr. MAGNUSON. I have put in the RECORD a list relating to prior to the October incident, and I have been put- ting information in the RECORD approxi- mately every 2 weeks right up to date. I have here the names of the ships that were Involved between March 8 and March 22 of this year. Mr. LAUSCHE. I am glad that the Senator has contributed that informa- tion in connection with the remarks I made, because we are in agreement that our allies throughout the world, as well as Yugoslavia and Poland, whose Com- munist governments are the recipients of our aid and our charity, ought at this point to recognize that they owe some- thing to us and not be giving sustenance A PROPOSED RULE OF GERMANE- NESS AND OTHER PROPOSALS Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, Senate Resolution 89 was submitted to the Senate on February 19, 1963, by the senior Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. PASTOREI. This resolution would amend rule 8 of the Standing Rules of the Sen- ate to provide that a rule of germane- ness be applied during the 4-hour period after the morning hour is concluded. When this resolution was presented to the Senate, the principal author, the Senator from Rhode Island, yielded the floor to me and I stated at that time that I would like to be a cosponsor. However, I find that this request was not ac- knowledged by the Chair at that time, and I am not now listed as one of the 30 coauthors of this very important and de- sirable proposal. Therefore, at this time I ask unanimous consent that I be listed as a cosponsor of Senate Resolu- tion 89. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MONRONEY. I thank the Pre- siding Officer. This resolution, Senate Resolution 89, has been referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. Among its most enthusiastic supporters are several members of the ad hoc Committee for the Expeditious Handling of Senate Business. This committee was ap- pointed by the majority leader, acting as chairman of the Democratic conference, on January 9, the opening day of this session. It has since held a number of informal conferences and has met with representatives of a similar ad hoc com- mittee appointed at a meeting of the Republican conference on opening day. The discussions which have been held during these past few weeks have clearly emphasized the need for immediate ac- tion on Senate Resolution 89, and also for consideration as soon as possible of another resolution, Senate Resolution. 111, which the Senator from Idaho [Mr. CHURCH] submitted on March 14. Join- Ing Senator CHURCH as coauthors of Senate Resolution 111 were Senators ANDERSON, MCGEE, PASTORE, and myself. it would amend rule 15 of the standing rules of the Senate, which now prohibits meetings of standing committees of the Senate while the Senate is in session, without special leave. It proposes to amend that provision of, the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 on which rule 15 is based. A committee would then require special leave of the Senate only in those instances when it desires to sit after the conclusion of the morn- ing hour, or after the Senate has pro- ceeded to the consideration of unfinished business. All of us are well aware of the increas- ing volume of critical commentaries re- garding the present pace of congres- sional activities. Much of the criticism along this line has been unjustified. I am convinced that Members of the Sen- ate are working harder than they have ever worked before. The start of com- mittee work was delayed this year by the debate on the proposed change of rule 22, but since that matter was dis- posed of, committee work has accelerated. The two resolutions to which I have referred would'permit an immediate ac- celeration of work on the floor of the Senate at a time when an overwhelming workload lies ahead. The ad hoc committee named by the Democratic conference held one joint session with its equivalent group from the Republican conference. The joint group reached a consensus on a holiday recess schedule which was adopted in- sofar as Lincoln's Birthday and Wash- ington's Birthday were concerned. Ac- cording to the consensus, forthcoming recess schedules would be along these general lines: First. Easter: Recess Thursday, April 11, through Friday, April 19. Second. Memorial Day: Recess Mon- day, May 27, through Friday, May 31. Third. July 4: Recess Wednesday, July 3, through Friday, July 5. The ad hoc committee, in keeping with the instructions of~ the majority leader at the time it was organized, has also taken affirmative action concerning a proposed summer recess starting at the close of business Friday, August 16, and extending through Monday, September 2, The members of the ad hoc commit- tee reported on these matters to Senator MANSFIELD on March 5 with the sugges- tion that the leadership of the Senate consult with the leaders of the House of Representatives in an effort to firm up a program of work for both Houses during the last 2 weeks of August. Many Members of both the Senate and the House have advocated the 2-week recess in August in the belief that an overall improvement in attendance and in the rate of legislative activity would result, Several Members favoring this late sum- mer recess want to have an opportunity to return home for that period in order to consult with their constituents before the final crucial weeks of the session. Others see the -recess as an opportunity to enjoy vacations with their school-age children, who in past years have been back in the classroom before sine die adjournment. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1 4764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that I may Pro- ceed for 2 additional minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, It is so ordered. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, the pros and cons of the summer recess will have to be considered eventually from the standpoint of the amount of work which we are able to complete during the Immediate months ahead. Now is the time for us to do something about this scheduling problem if we are to avoid another long and wearying ex- tension of our work into the autumn or beyond. The people of the United States, by and large, cannot understand why It is necessary for the sessions of Congress to grow longer and longer. When the Legislative Reorganization was passed in 1946, the Congress went on record as saying that Its work should be completed no later than July 31 each year. The Members who passed that bill were convinced that their mis- sion could be accomplished each year before July 31. More and more. Mem- bers of Congress, In my opinion, are becoming concerned with our pres- ent scheduling. The July 31 deadline seemed reasonable in 1946. Have our problems and our responsibilities become so much more difficult and complex that we must now stay in session into the autumn or later? Are we unwilling to face up to the possibility that millions of Americans do not believe we are mov- ing as fast as we should? In 1945 and 1946, the Congress, through honest and diligent discussion, agreed upon changes in procedure which have made It possible for us to deal with the more complex problems of govern- ment in an era when the course of hu- man events.constantly grows in diversity and complexity. Simple tools are available to us now to increase our horsepower to give us a faster getaway. The ad hoc Committee on the Expeditious Handling of Senate Business has three principal objectives. First. To schedule as far In advance as possible the periods when no votes of record will occur, so that we can avoid the random and uncertain holiday recess practices which have worked hardships on the Members of the Senate In the past. Stated recess schedules limiting the duration of these periods when Members can schedule conferences and speeches in their home States and be absent from Washington will work to the benefit of all Members and can ex- pedite Senate action, as well. Too often in the past important votes have been delayed through the absence of one or two Members. Too often these absences resulted from ambiguity and misunder- standings regarding the schedule of work here on the floor. If we are to improve our scheduling, we must necessarily adopt the policy of refusing to delay votes due to individual absences. This will be fair when recess and holiday schedules are clearly stated and clearly understood In advance by the Members. Second. The rule of germaneness, as Senator PASTORS has pointed out, would enable Senators to know that for 4 hours after the conclusion of the morning hour the subject matter under discussion on the floor of the Senate would be germane to the pending business. It is that sim- ple. At all other times, both before the period of germaneness and afterward, Senators would have ample time to dis- cuss any and all topics. We will be able to talk early and to talk late, but we would reserve the middle of our legisla- tive day for the specific business at hand. Third. Senate Resolution 111 should have a fair trial. It likewise will do no violence to the existing privileges of all Senators. It would revise rule 15 to permit committees to continue working through the morning hour if they so de- sire. It would keep in force the present rule which requires unanimous consent for committees to meet once the morn- ing hour Is concluded. The ad hoe committee urgently seeks expeditious consideration of this pro- posal, along with the recommended rule of germaneness. We are all fully aware of the very heavy burdens now carried by Senators, Most of us are faced with an increasing volume of legislation and other work. Adoption of these two rules changes, perhaps on an experimental basis, will demonstrate our willingness to undertake our additional workloads and our additional responsibilities in a posi- tive and constructive and timely manner. PROMOTION AND RETIREMENT OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. President, during the consideration last year of the appropriation bill for independent of- fices, the subcommittee inaugurated a rule which we hoped would be helpful, If not almost mandatory, to some of the departments and agencies in stopping the rise of employment In the depart- mental divisions of the Government. The administration can do much in this field. One proposal was made which was used to some advantage to the Com- mittee on Appropriations and, I believe, to the departments and independent of- fices in the administration. We found that when an employee re- tired, at one end of the ladder-we do not know for certain how many persons will retire in a given year-the agency used that amount of money to hire two employees in the lower grades. This added to the employment and, of course, demonstrated what Dr. Parkinson has long held, and which has become known as Parkinson's law. This proposal re- ceived some publicity, and some depart- ments and independent agencies have been carrying It out. Last December 4, the Wenatchee, Wash., Daily World published an edi- torial entitled "Parkinson's Law-Little Known But Easily Believed." The edi- torial resulted in a letter being sent to me by the U.S. Department of the Inte- rior, Geological Survey. The letter reads: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GEOLOGICAL Suavay, WATGa RE- SOURCES DIVISION, SuSsACE WA- TER BRANCH. ' Tacoma, Wash., February 4, 1963. Hon. WARREN G. MAGMUSOM, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. DEAR SxmATos MAGNUSON: I thought you may not have seen the Wenatchee Dally March 28 World editorial of December 4, 1962, con- cerning some statements attributed to you on the subject of Federal employees and pay- rolls. A print of it is enclosed. Someother agencies may do as you say but the Geological Survey would seem to me to be an exception. According to my 38 years of experience I am confident that, generally speaking, one retirement in our agency re- sults In the promotion of several lower em- ployees and the hiring of only one new per- son. I thought you might find this Informa- tion-helpful. Sincerely yours, F. M. VEATCH, District Engineer. I say to Mr. Veatch: It is not only helpful, but also refreshing, to Congress and the administration to learn that such a practice is not followed in the Geological Survey. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to have printed at this point in the RECORD the editorial of December 4, 1962, which was published in the We- natchee Daily World, There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed In the RECORD, as follows: PAaxIeesoN's LAw-Lri'rs,s KNOwN BUT EASILY BELIEVED At a committee bearing this fall, Senator MAGNUSON discussed a fact of Government employment that most people probably didn't know about, but won't have much trouble believing. It was something known as Parkinson's law-that each time a Government em- ployee quits or retires, two others are hired to replace him. MACNUSoN explained it this way: A $14,000 a year career employee retires. The man below him moves into his job, Now, there's an unexpended appropriation that had been budgeted for the man who retired. No Government bureau ever likes to end Its year without spending all the money made available to it, for fear the next time its full request won't be met. So, instead of hiring one man at the bottom and moving the rest up, the bureau has enough unex- pended funds from the retirement to hire two or three new beginners. This it does. These three men ultimately work up to higher salaries, eventually re- tire, and nine new beginners are hired. So it goes. MAGNUsON pointed out that 50,000 career Government employees retire each year, But instead of the total payroll remaining the same, it constantly grows. The Senator recommended that only one man should be hired to replace an employee who had retired, and that reviews be con- ducted in all Government agencies after retirements to be sure that it does. ATTEMPT BY SOVIET RUSSIA TO CONTROL THE OCEANS Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. President, 3 years ago I stated that Soviet Russia, in her thirst to dominate the world, avidly is seeking to control the oceans. Dominion over the oceans would give the Sino-Soviet bloc control of 90 per- cent of the earth's, surface and enable Russia to imperil the remaining 10 per- cent with missiles fired from submarines hovering along the Continental Shelf. Control of the oceans would permit Russia to fragmentize the free world al- liance, cut the lifelines to the United States, and block the supply lines from the United States to our oversea allies. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220025-1