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Approved For Release 2003/10/10 :CIA-RDP65B00383R000100130102-6 BEST COPY Available Approved For Release 2003/10/10 :CIA-RDP65B00383R000100130102-6 '~?~.~te~~e~'etrs~ex--~ the eiae~ ~llotby' ~~e ' e e~ave~' rs Robert Iien- it- artac# aad js[1 at ? ,Attorney f,~neret of the In- Buddtlist sad sl3sdessb aas~ ` ttcoY k[ ~ ~~ ~ P~ terdeM~Pt1W Cotaet5if#ee esn #~~ up Ante3iceu5. ae~erit3sen. t;AUn;rirci~' estaDlfshed by Arew~ers ace ~ sots~lt tffi, his tsrnther, the p3rsident, to di- ~ the iiou:~e pc+abers b aacb at~cr rect thin p~~o-n~ ~t-aio- ~rrtie~t questions a~ ~' txual te~ Sy +et t3tate -:, Totat t>f ~gi~it~ ?"afid and ~A iJ U~ A,texts J~veseaes. vetettirn career Maxie alreac#y ~ err ea-ustr? d'epkrmet vvitb * eogtecie5sce ~ Insy ~ fn tiartisa Iron C'~srtaln aosurtr4es. 14sst ~ coutsiee. roof rater at the P~ is Hob vVho makes these deeistoto and. idesrnedp. .: , r on what tsarist _4 _ . _4a ..>sut~ency rL~w.w tS/M~ft,+lt an 'lJ~elaitVe ~bY }tii h~ hard ~! ~.._........,.?ls.~,ee" 13-lda.. vetaraa lifts b bt CU+st f ,iionai .:~' r J....~.,,......i a~4-eaticatSas another tt~ahmar d' tM yvatst At erge y asa s~ rrrtt ~atusi~ ~- #t op+~a e~roa ~rderi eacltaitiilve - ffie ~ ~ " r3a+ ` ~ `_ i y' j~gli~t-~LN!.~~'~ ~ tO iir~~ . ~~3fi~1 ~ ~f ~tY1~lR''SQRt!'~~-i~ ? ~,~~ ~s ~ rC[ribsfi ?~ rkw t d l H d ~ "~~,rs~ter+t gesvurty'e 4 ~'`Dt~ Wtere~t ~ aad and tretltrat itstes7'""~ r~ErRJ C~ t1Y`. bt:11t~ Itii~`d t0 ti51a11f! tI1fY thr worictwidt agp,vttirs ~ the caux5ter itwsrBQTMe}' Wt~? Most ad thla money i!t ~~ ~t tat et- ~~, trai5ltssg, ~1~ ~ ~~ rpec^~-t police tsecu- ritvt yprcts. ?~ ,4pp5+upriatians C~ae5~c51ittee hoe ascerraitted that Xi million a year at such Nnd~ is ta~$cw h pe5lded for ttsis p135~IDae Vietnam; more th ~ ~~ ~ the Dominican Repo aeven~5lonth regime of deposed gn~eider-t gos~fi; and around ~. 000 it- Fioaldurae, where F'reaident ttllle=#a MDS'at ~ ae~h ai these satfhtarp caulp? ~nrerttTntnt averthmMra, ttse V.B.- f~wsced ttsd trattstid ttjleclat eithet dtd nathirsg irn~fttrtual. ~.arYe tturtse are belrlg t~ ~ strertat countet+~neal~cY totces i11 P+e3v. 8otivta. and W,n~rtacta~-=tire Lst ihtee serkstas- ky threatened tpr ~ tK` tariate on, otte t>ec-d atri sdtitary 4u14+71[C{1 ~ [{R YKC4 VgRY illlQra t,',0r51T511ttK oA t~latltlFtA>De- Pu'~'t? ~. ~ .`? dy's appco~ral. feted b te~ce >sim, but aD tar. b ew wail. 3n addition EQ Clsalt'tnaat Aitlxis Johnson t~sd ' 4"merel Robert Ke3>fsedy, etiser t3se3s1~bera i-t silo IntesdeQarknetttat Zbunter- hswea+eal~, (,1osz!00l Mr. Long of Maryland ,with Mr. Reifel. Brock Haley Purcell - Mr. Thornberry with Mr. Mallliard. Broyhill, N.C. Harris l,~uillen Mr, Corbett with Mr. Hoffman. Broyhill, Va. H9bert hill H Rains Ri S C Mr. Tupper with Mr. Martin, of Massa- Burleson emp vera, . . chusetts Colmer Cooley Henderson Herlong 13,oberta, Ala. 17,oberta, Tex. . Mr. Foreman with Mr. Battin. Cramer Huddleston 17.ogers, Fla. Mr. Sibal with Mr. Thomson of Wisconsin. Davis, Ga. Jarman 17,ogers, Tex. Mr. Norblad with Mr. Siler. Dorn Jonas f3cott Mr. Harvey of Michigan with Mr. Van Dowdy' Jones, Ala. :3elden Pelt. Downing. Elliott _ Rornegay. Landrum 131kes - :3mith Va Mr. Lloyd with MT. Martin of California. Everett Lennon , . :3tephens Mr. Burton with Mr. Derwinaki. Evlns ~ McMillan 'Caylor Mr. Fino With Mt, Derwinskl. X7909 ' The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. INDEPENDENT OFFICES APPROPRI- - ATION BILL; .1984 Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Appropriations may have until mid- night tonight to fife a report on the in- dependent offices appropriation bill, 1964. .The SPEAKER. Is.there abjection to the request oY .the Gentleman from Texas? There was no objection. Mr. OSTERTAG reserved all points of Coxrea$rres Rs2oa'r (H. Reps'. No: 812) The .Committee of Conference on the dls- agreeing votes of the .two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bilk (H.R. 7179) "making appropriations -for the De- partment of Defense for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1964, and for other purposes; ' having met, after full and free conference, have agreed. to recommend and do recom- mend to their respective Houses as follows: Tliat the Senate recede from its amend- ment numbered 7. That the House recede from its dteagree- ment to the amendments of the Senate numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23 and 28 and agree to the same. Amendment numbered 8: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amend- ment of the Senate numbered 8, and agreed to the same with' an .amendment, as fol- lows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert "!146,000,000"; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 12: That the House recede from ita_ disagreement to the amend- ment of, the Senate numbered 12, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amend- ment Insert "813,389,071,000"; and the Sen- ate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 14: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the- Senate numbered 14, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed bq said amendment insert "862,913,600,000"; and the Senate agree to. the same. Amendment numbered Sb: That the House recede from its disagreement) to the amendment of the Senate numbered 16, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert "85191,325,000"; and .the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 18: That the House recede from its disagreement to .the amendment of the Senate numbered 18, and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amendment insert "8a4,366,b00,000"; and_ the Senate agree to the same. " Amendment numbered. 19: That the House recede from Its disagreement to the amend- ment of the Senate numbered 19: sad agree to the saXYie with an amendment,. a& follows: In, lieu of the sum proposed by said amend- Approved For Release 2003/10/10 :CIA-RDP65B00383R000100130102-6 17910 Approved For Release 2003/'10/'f0:CIA-RDP65B00383R000100130102-6 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --HOUSE ~ ~ October 7 went insert "02,889,146,000"; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 21: '.Chat the House recede from its disagreement to.the amend- ment of the Senate numbered 21, and agree to the same with an amendment, as iollowa: In lieu of the sum proposed 'by said amend- ment insert "03,38b,57b,000"; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 24: That the House recede irom rte dlsagreement~ to the amend- ment of the senate numbered 24, and agree to the same with an amendment, as iollowa: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amend- ment insert "01,388,141,000"; and the Beasts agree t0 the same. - -- Amendment numbered 26: That the House recede irom its disagreement to the amend- ment of the Senate numbered 26, and agree to the same with an amendment, as iollowa: In lieu of the sum proposed by said amend- ment insert '?03,463,378,000' ; and the Senate agree to the same. 'The committee of canferelace report in dls- s~reement? amendments numbered @, 11, 20 and 27. ' ~ -.' R,ZCHARn B. R,JaeRLL, CARL HAYDEN, LIBTEH HILL. JOHN L. McC~.EiLAN, ALLEN J. ELLI:NDER, HARRY F. BY$D, - LEVERETT $AL'rON9TALL,. MILTON YOIII7G, MARGARET CHIAaE SMITH, Managers on the Part of the Senate. GEORGE MAH~DN, HARRY R. SHEPPARD, CLARENCE CANNON, GERALD R. FORD, HAROLn C. Or1TERTAG, Managers on the P?rt of the House. STATEMENT The managers on the part oi.the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on tb,e amendments of the Senate to the bill (1[.R. 7179) making appropriations for the Department of De- fenae for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1984, and for other purposes, submit the following statement in f:xpianation of the eitect of the action agreed upon and recom- mended in the aoeompanying conference report as to each of much amendments, namely: TrrLE I-MILITARY PERSONNEL Military personnel, Army Amendment No. 1: Provides 0300,000,D00 by transfer from the Arrny stock land and deiense stock fund as proposed by the Sen- ate instead of 0125,000,(100 as proposed by the House. Amendment No. 2: Pravidea 0b0,000,000 by tranaier from the Army industrial fund as proposed by the Senate ilzetead of 08b,000,00D as proposed by the House. Military persmtnei, Navy Amendment No. 3: :Provides 6SOg000,00D by tranaier from the defense stock fund as proposed by the Senate instead of 037,000,000 from the Navy stock iu.nd and the deiense stock fund as proposed icy the House. Amendment No, 4: S+trikes language pro- viding Por transfer irom Navy stock fund as proposed by the senate. Amendment No. b: FTOVides for transfer of ffi90,000,000 irom the :Navy industrial Yund as proposed by the Senate instead of 6110,- 000,000 as proposed by i,he House. M{litary personnel, Air Force Amendment No. 6: 7?rovidea for tranaier of ffi4b,000,000 from trie Air Force stock fund and the defense stock ~[und instead of 020; 000,000 by transfer irom the deiense stock fund as proposed by tine Senate and 6176,- 000,000 by tranaier irom the Air Force stock Sand and the defense si;ock fund as proposed by the House. Amendment No. 7: Restores language pro- posed by the House providing for transfers irom the Air Force stock fund. Amendment No. 8: Provides for tranaier of 010,000,000 irom the Air Force industrial fund ae proposed by the Senate instead of 03b,000,000 ae proposed by the House. Reserve personnel, Army Amendment No. 9: Reported in disagree- ment. ' National Guard personnel, Army Amendment No, 30: Appropriates 0242; 800,000 as proposed by the Senate instead of $240,300,000 as proposed by_the House. Amendment No. 11: Reported in disagree- ment. It is the intent of the committee on con- ference, Ia providing the amounts indicated is amendments numbers 1 through 8, inclu- sive, to provtde for carrying out the program of military personnel strengths proposed in the budget estimates. It is understood that adjustments may be sought in connection with the supplemental estimates covering the costs o! the- recently enacted military pay increase. _ TITLE II--OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Operation and maintenance, Army Amendment No. 12: Appropriates 09,989 071,000 instead of 03,381,000,000 as proposed by the House and $3,376,843,000 as pxoposed by the Senate. Operation and maintenance, Navy Amendment No. 13: Provides a limitation of ;7,800,000 for emergency and extraordinary expenses as proposed by the Senate instead of $7,400,000 as proposed by the House, Amendment No. 14: Appropriates 02,919,- 800,000 instead o! $2,906,000,000 as proposed by the House and 02,919,200,000 as proposed by the Senate, Operation and maintenance, Marine Corps Amendment No. lb: Appropriates 0191,325,- 000 instead of 0191,000,000 sa proposed by the House and 0191,Bb0,000 as proposed by the 6enate. Operation and maintenance, Air Force Amendment No, 18: Appropriates 04,3b6,- 500,000 instead of ffi4,341,000,000 as proposed by the House and 04,370,000,000 as proposed by the Senate. Operation and maintenance, Army National Guard Amendment No. 17: Appropriates 0180,800,- 000 as proposed by the Senate instead of 0178,800,000 as proposed by the House, TITLE III-PROC'ORn'*R>rrr'~' Procurement of equipment and missiles, Army Amendment No, I8: Appropriates 62,931,- 094,000 as proposed by the Senate instead o! 02,958,894,000 as proposed by the House, Procurement of aircraft and missiles, Navy Amendment No, 19: Appropriates 62,689,- 14b,000 instead of 02,877,445,000 as proposed by the House and 02,928,845,000 as proposed by the Senate.. The committee of confer- ence has deleted the funds restored by the Senate for the EABA airarait. The program presented to the Committee on Appropria- tions for the modiflcatlon of eziating air- craft to the proposed EABA configuration is approved and should be accomplished with funds presently available in this appropri- ation item. Funds restored to the bill by the Senate In the amount of 010,200,000 for the Gulfstream aircraft axe deleted. Funds re- stored to the bill by the Senate In the amount of 011,700,000 for the T2B trainer aircraft are approved, ; Shipbuilding and conversion, Navy Amendment No. 20: Reported In disagree- ment. The managers on the part of the House will offer a motion to appropriate 62,- 069,b89,000 instead of 02,080,089,000 as pro- posed by the House and 1{1,068,089,000 as pro- posed by the Senate. Aircraft procurement, dlr Force Amendment No. 21: Appropriates 03,38b,- 575,000 Instead of 08,928,900,000 ae proposed by the House and ;8,396,078,000 as proposed by the Senate, The coaiereee have reduced by $9,600,000 the lands restored by the Sen- ate for the C-141 aircraft, This 1s to be applied to the procurement of spare parts and ie not .to iaterfero with .the number of aircraft programed in the bill as approved by the Senate. Missile procurement, Atr Force Amendment No. 22: Appropriates 02,141; 990,000 as proposed by the Senate instead of 82,129,490,000 as proposed by the House. Other procurement, Air. Force Amendment No, 23: Appropriates 0878,- 299.000 es proposed by the Senate instead of 13871,299,000 as proposed by the House. TITLE IV-RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EvntvsrzoN Research, development, Iasi, and evaluation, Army Amendment- No. 24: Appropriates 01,988,- 141,000 instead of ;2,889,141,000 as proposed by the House and $1,991,141,000 as proposed by the Senate. The committee of confer- ence approves as increase of 123,000,000 for the defense ~ammunication satellite ae pro- posed by the Senate and is agreed that 06; 000,000 above the House amount be restored to the LANCE missile program to be offset by a corresponding reduction is an aircraft development program. Research, development, teat, and evaluation, Air Force Amendment No. 26: Appropriates 03,4b3,- 378,000 instead of 05,418,146,000 as proposed by the House and ?$,483,378 U00 ae proposed by the Senate. The increase above the House amount. includes 630,000,000 for the mobile medium range ballistic missile pro- gram and 07,230,000 for a classified project. Amendment No. 28: Provides Yor a limita- tion of 20 per centum an Indirect expenses in connection with research grants as pro- posed by the Senate instead of 26 per centum as proposed by the House,. Amendment- No. 27: Reported in disagree- ment. .GEORGE--?-BON, HA88Y R. l3HEPPARD, Cr.~crrrCE CANNON, GERALD $. FORD, HAROLD O. OSTEBTAG, Managers on the Part of the Xouse. PAFW:~IAMENTARY INQUIRY Mr. FjAT,T.FCK. MT. Speaker. I would like to address a Parliamentary inquiry. The SPEAK. The gentleman will state his parliamentary inquiry. . Mr. fiALLECS. I believe the Consent Calendar has been scheduled for con- sideration. I au1 wondering if we can follow along with the. Consent Calendar now, because on our side some of the ob- jectors necessarily will have to be absent later on this. afternoon. The SPF'AKFR?. The Chair intended to recognize Members for unanimous- consent requests and then proceed to the Consent Calendar. VTAIVER OF IN.DEB'I'IDNEBS BY AD- MIIVISTRATOR OF VETERANS' AF- Mr. TEACIUE o1 Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from Approved For Release 2003/10!10:CIA-RDP65B00383R000100130102-6