Russian Officers and Wives Accept Informal American Dinner Invitation

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Approved For Releasp_2Q00Ii8123 CIA-RDP65-007?,6800060040045-3 1:)es;i. No. TO The F' 11 e s CONFIDENTIAL End. No._._-._ N.t11110,11 A tyDUM From -B-F,:ohenl liE!a.,3. (Churl/iealion) Dcsp. January 11,. 1955 SUBJ; Russian Officera and. Wives Accept Informal American Dinner Invitation FROM; 1W On Deoenibe;r 10 Lieutenant General. and Mrs. D. I. SMIRNOVD Counselor I. A. KOROLEV, Second Secretary and Mrs.. A. S. GAL. STUKHOV accepted an informal dinner invitation at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Richard FUNKHOUSER, Chargb d'Affaires a.e I. General Snirnov had previously ?a: peared only at the. Western homes of the Wand previously Militaryttr.dohea for Informal dinners. The cweking wn s p(;,, hap;3 noteworthy for the fact that i t was the first time Russian officers have been known to bring their Wive$ to a' Western home in Bucharest. The Invitation wac sent out only forty-eight hours before the dinner. It was assumed. that,. if the Russians were inclined. to accept, thy; chance of their accepting on short notice was as good. as on lone notice. Short notice was elso a well.-know,,n ), raactice of Easterners In Bucharest, so that no offense. was to be anticipated.. Actually, the movies were better then avcr:'ef,e that week and e notation on the invitations was -made to the, effect . ths.t "anima" cartoons" and a "r acienee-fiction" fi.Rl:ru would .be shown. The scienoe-fiction .film, per.}wr)s for the be?;t, w.,; ,s not available the evening of the invitation. The term hod not been understood by the Russians in any cese. Acr,eptance ceme the morning of the scheduled dinner. tlx i.t1ssh. Leg,o.t,,ion . Second ?ecretor. y end- Mrs. John WHITFIELD together with Sur:l.r;c. First Sec=retary and. Mrrs. Michael G:EL iN, v er9c the other invit?y a co.uples? . Mr. Whitfield steaks some 3tra :Ian;. hl s ^rie , no L; \lmportantly, is most attractive. The Gel. ?, e-r s are hand some polyglots a.ncl, " neutrei s" Mr. CroIntuk.hov remembers ,route English from his days in London ~or7Cl..Mr% . Korol ev, r.., smatterinfg of French. All invitees cpl, ;:.oene the, faculty of being n.b e: to smile without pa.rticu- 'sir diffi,c~_i3.ty.. t,l`,e "little gen(,ral11. tie ha:l Ib?ien decorated w? ith the Legion of T.Ar-r-it }air Cie?'1! ~L l EI"?ENNMoWJ13 ' In 7 ? :5 for t la:k divi-~ 0r?l into ' rl iraa: - Bo, i;; iroud. of the, decoration but r1-ones not 1.1-1. ,"t tb.ii s t me for 1 po] i tic'-a,l'r rea sans. Genern1 GAVIN, hiii hIs'.tarntrooper 1.neig:rrla. The General. is, reportedly v ch^rcct'r.`1.stic of Gr,,. ;Cat 7 ; is ns i.n th.o'1 he is rcaciy to reciprocate. friend.shiti ... d is O nr t?e1 ,nnd.- Mrs. Smirnov somewhat disconcertingly arrived ten rrr3 nutes .h ad. of Cchedule. The Gianerai is a shall rotund. r,3r ' r,n7jr3 to the 1_z3cl.:.Lcrs (a it ialaseciuer tl. dr,-aci_apedS are :,r tt~t ;: r a :tie, tip pl.rrr, thotafgh "ti: T)].n:rr" is lie r cl.t_y tyre m'epex' r,r .i. nor znnnl..i y ra p ,erg to reflect more of the simple - : l: Approae for Releae 2`j691 ?'TCIA-.RD~65-007568000600040045-3 State Dept. declassification instructions on file P'''` ?l For Release 2900108/23-- CIAD26 - 0756R p600 00 5-3 prbv d O-- i com ___ COI' F'SDFNTIAL, Encl. (Class i/icalio?j Desp. No.- 12 From___ __B 111I:_G_ t .__._._.and de,,irhabl_o c;uslitj.ess dcvelor.,ed through fighting for country than d rnopstr'-ted by his mot"o cautious politic,-. a Un for tun(," tely, the General does not seem to unde 'stared tht7.t there are- those who do not know Russian, nnc he speaks in Fo.ulk- nerifan sentences with vast enthusiasm, happily without demanding 'PC R rjonsc. lie has an eye for Western ladies, in fact both eyes, and. Is particularly appreciative as the evening; lengthens of their more slender proportions. His not unattractive wife was dressed simply, though u:n- stylishly-bty Western stand.araa, in black. She appeared to share her husband's 'forthzrightness' and'ease,. After. failing to get much of A. response to-hPr Russian before the others arrived, she es- ta.bllshed he' se:l f - comfortably on the sofa. a.nd enthusiastically poured throng H rr~ er s 9 ,ar and. N,,, ew YZrl, er a:cls, pointing; to Items of interest for gestured explanations, The General shoired Initial and momentary interest I n H1-Fi equipment, throw down three or four ,pineapple juice cocktails, went on to Martinis nn(l. then back.. to pineapple Juice. The other Russians also drank copiously of pineapple Juice-twice; extra. cans h.,-.),d to be procured from the basement Dinr:ex!, into which the guests enthuoisstically threw them elvos, was quickly announced. The host'.s Beginner's GOLIVI, se at the Foreign Service In;3titute, though stretched beyond- recognizable limits, paid off, at least to the ex- tent. of' being able to create noise at his encl. of the table. Fin remembered that he had learned. ho.w to say "I love ham and. eggs and. apple pie" which, though :inserted some rha,t bulkily, Into the conversation with little respect to con- te..t, provoked a hearty response from he Soviet ladles. They did not kriow?r the words to ''Q*ohjfehorniya.s"nor did they appear to, heard of the song. E, 1,ioL e, I'll 110, w hi ch t}; ho ,t, err rt.v