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Approved For Ruse 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756RIW500130045-4 JOINT PRESS READING SERVICE FOR REFERENCE ONLY -. NOT TO BE LUOTED MOSCOW DAILY PRESS REVIEW No. 1 SECTION B Tuesday, January 13. 19,E MAIN FEATURES ARREST OF GROUP OF WRECKER-DOCTORS FOUL SPIES AND MURDERERS DISGUISED AS PROFESSOR- DOCTORS (Pravda) DOMESTIC AFFAIRS ALL PAPERS ARREST OF GROUP OF WRECKER-DOCTORS o e time ago a terrorist group of doctors who set themselves the aim of cutting short the lives of active personages of the Soviet Union by means of wrecker medical treatment was discovered by State Security organs, Among the members of this terrorist group were: Professor M, S, Vovsi, physician; Professor V. N. Vino gradov, physician; Professor M.'B. Kogan, physician; Professor B. B, Kogan, physician; Professor P. I. Egorov, physician; Prof. A.I. Feldman, otolaryngologist; Professor Ya. G. Etinger, physician; Professor A, M. Grinstein, neuropathologist; G. I. Maiorov, physician. It has been established by documentary evi dence, investigations, the conclusions of medical experts and the confessions of the men under arrest that the criminals, being secret enemies of the people, carried out wrecker medical treatment of sick persons and undermined their health. Investigation has established that the members of the terrorist group, taking advantage of their position as doctors and abusing the confidence of their patients, deliberately and criminally undermined the health of the latter, intentionally disregarded the data of objective examination of the sick persons, gave incorrect diagnoses, not in accordance with the actual character of their diseases and then brought about their death by incorrect treatment. The criminals admi't,ted that, taking advantage of the illness of Comrade A. A. Zhdanov, they incorrectly diagnosed his illness, concealing the fact the he had an infarct of the -myocardium, and prescribed a regime contra-indicated to this grave disease and thereby caused the death of Comrade A. A. Zhdanov, Investigation has established that the criminals also cut short the life of Comrade A. S. Shcherbakov, incorrectly made use in his treatment of very powerful medicines, prescribed a regime which was fatal for him and thereby caused his death. . The criminal-doctors attempted first and fore- most to undermine the health of Soviet leading military cadres, to make them unfit for their duties and to weaken the defence of the country. They tried to put out of action Marshal A. M. Vasilevsky, Marshal L. A. Govorov, Marshal I. S. Konev, General of Army S. M. Shtemenko, Admiral G. I. Levchenko and others; however,arrest frustrated their criminal plans and the criminals did not succeed in achieving their purpose. Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500130045-4 Approved ForRelease 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00796R~00500130045-4 SECTION B -2- "'January` 12,-1953 ALL PAPERS"(Cont'd.) It has been established that all these ,..murderer-doctors, monsters of the human race,, who trampled,,.Qn... the .sacred banner. of science and profaned the honour of scientific workers, were paid agents of foreign intelligence. The majority of the members of the terrorist group (M. S. Vovsi) B. B. Kogan, A. I. Feldman, A. M. Grinstein, Ya. G. Etinger and others) were connected with the international Jewish bourgeois-nationalist organisation "Joint-', established by the American intelligence service, ostensibly for rendering material a,ssistanc.e,. to Jews in other countries,. In actual fact this organisation carries on under the leadership of the American intelligence service wide espionage, terrorist and other subversive activity in a number of countries,including the Soviet Union. Vovsi..under.arrest,told.investigation officers that he 'had received a directive ,on the destruction of leading cadres of the USSR-' from the USA from the "I Joints' organisation through a doctor in Moscow Shimeliovi`ch and the well known Jewish bourgeois-nationalist Mikhoels. Other members of the terrorist group (V. N.?Vino.gradav, M. B. Kogan, P. I. Egorov) have long, been agents of the British intelligence-service. The investigation wit l be completed in the ve-ry. near ,future. (TASS) (2/3 col,) (Full text) ALL PAPERS 13.1.53. PRAVDA FOUL SPIES AND MURDERERS DISGUISED' AS PZOFESSOR-DOCTORS 'FronPage Editorial) There is published today a'TASS chronicle on the arrest of a group of wrecker-doctors. This terrorist group, which was' discovered some time, ago by State Security organs, set itself the 'aini of cutting short the lives of active personages of the.. Soviet Union by means of wrecker medical treatment. Investigation has established that the members of the terrorist group., taking advantage of their position as doctors and abusing the confidence of their patients, deliberately and criminally undermined their health, made in correct diagnoses, and then caused the death of the sick persons by incorrect treatment. Being concbaleed by the lofty and noble calling of doctor - man of science - these monsters ? and 'murderers trampled on the sacred banner-: of science. Entering, on the-path of monstrous crimes,. they profaned the honour of scientists: Victims of this band. of wild beasts in human. form were Comrades h. A. Zhdanov and A. S. , Shcherbakov. The criminals have admitted that, taking advantage of the illness of Comrade Zhdanov, they intentionally concealed the fact that he had .an infarct of the myocardium, prescribed a regime contra- indicated to this grave disease and thereby caused the death of Comrade Zhdanov. The murderer-doctors by the incorrect application of very powerful medicines and by the establishment of a fatal regime cut short the life.of.Comrade-Shcherbakov.and brought about his death. Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500',130045-4 Approved For Fase 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R1500130045-4 JOINT PRESS READING SERVICE SECTION B - 3 - J a n u a r y 13 ., 195? PRAVDA (font' d.) First and foremost the criminals endeavoured to undermine the health of leading Soviet military cadres, to put them out of action and thus to weaken the defence of the country. The arrest of the criminals frustrated their criminal plans and prevented them from achieving their monstrous aim. `,Jhom did these degenerates serve? ,.Jho directed the criminal terrorist and wrecker activity of these foul traitors to the Motherland? ''hat aim did they wish to achieve as a result of the murder of active personages of the Soviet state? It has been established that all the members of the terrorist group of doctors were in the service of foreign intelligence, sold themselves to it body and soul, and were its hired, paid agents. The majority of the members of the terrorist group - Vovsi, B. Kogan, Feldman, Grinstein, Stinger and others - were bought by the American intelligence. They were recruited by a branch of the American intelligence - the international Jewish bourgeois-nationalist organisation "Joint'". The foul aspect of this espionage Zionist organisation, which conceals its base activity under the mask of charity, has been entirely exposed. Relying on a group of corrupt Jewish bourgeois nationalists, professional spies and terrorists belong- ing to ''Joint", on the instructions and under the direction of American intelligence, developed their subversive activity also on the territory of the Soviet Union. As the arrested Vovsi testified in the course of investigation, he received a directive ''on the destruction of leading cadres of the USSR;' from the USA. This directive was transmitted to him on behalf of the "Joint' espionage-terrorist organisation by the doctor Shimeliovich and the well known Jewish bourgeois-nationalist lVlikhoela. The exposure of the gang of poisoner- doctors is a blow at the international Jewish Zionist organisation. Now all can see what sort of -benefactors!' and friends of peace" are concealed beneath the "Joint' signboard. Other members of the terrorist group (Vinogradov, M. Kogan, Egorov), as has now been established, have long been agents of the British. intelligence service, have served it over a long period, carrying out its most criminal and foul assignments. The bosses of the USA and their British F' junior partners" know that it is impossible for them to achieve domination over other nations by peaceful means. Preparing feverishly for a new world war, they are assidla.ously sending their scouts to the rear of the USSR and the countries of people's democracy, are trying to bring about what the Nazis failed to do - to establish their subversive "fifth column" in the USSR. It is sufficient to recall. the open and cynical allocation by the American government of a hundred million dollars for subversive terrorist and espionage activity,in the countries of the socialist camp, not to mention that hundreds of millions of dollars, American and British, are spent secretly for this purpose. Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500130045-4 Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-007500500130045-4 SECTION B -4- January. 1 l PR.'.VDA, (Cont'd.) Soviet people must not forget for a moment .about the necessity of in- creasing their vigilance in every way, of keeping a close watch on all the machinations of the warmongers and their agents, of untiringly strengthening the ,rmed Forces and the intelligence organs of our state. Comrade Stalin has frequently warned us that our successes have also their dark side, that they en- gender among many of our workers feelings of complacency and self-satisfaction. Such feelings are still far from overcome. There are not a few gullible people amongst us. It is pre- cisely this gullibility amongst our people which constitutes a favourable soil for criminal wrecking. In the USSR socialist relations are completely dominant. The Soviet people won a victory un- precedented in history in the Great Patriotic :war. The heavy consequences of war have been liquidated in an unprecedentedly short period of time. have had successes on all sectors of economic and cultural construction. From these facts some people draw the conclusion that the danger of wrecking, diversions and espionage has now been removed, that the bosses of the capitalist world may abandon their attempts to carry on sub- versive activity against the USSR. But only right-wing opportunists, people who uphold the anti-i,'larxist. point of view of the 4damping down"f of the class struggle, can think and reason in this way. They do not understand or cannot understand, that our successes lead not to a damping down but to an intensification of the struggle that the more successful our progress is, the more, bitter will be the struggle of the enemies of the people, who are doomed to destruction and who are brought to desperation. Such is the teaching of the immortal Lenin, such is.the teaching of Comrade Stalin. In our revolution" Lenin states, more than in any other, the law has been confirmed that the force of revolution, the force of attack, energy,, resolution and the triumph of its victory strengthen at the same time the force of resistance on the part of the bourgeoisie". Exposing the opportunist theory of the 'j damping downP" of the class struggle in accord with our successes, Comrade Stalin gave the warning: ''This is not only a rotten theory, but it is a dangerous theory, for it lulls our people, leads them into a trap, and gives a chance to the class enemy to recover himself for struggle against the Soviet authority'. In the USSR the exploiter classes have long ago been smashed and liquidated, but survivals of bourgeois ideology, survivals of private-ownership p psychology and morality have still been retained; we still have the bearers of bourgeois views and bourgeois morals - livinTeo,le, covert enemies of our people. It is precisely these covert enemies, supported by the imperialist world, who will still go on wrecking. Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500'130045-4 Approved For F ase 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R 500130045-4 JOINT PRESS READING SERVICE SECTION B -5- January 13j1B PRAVDA .(Cont'd.) All this obligates Soviet people in every way to. strengthen their revolutionary vigilance, to keep a close watch on the machinations of the enemy. The fact that a group of contemptible degenerates from among `people of science" could function with impunity for a considerable time is evidence that some of our Soviet organs and their leading officials had lost their vigilance and had become infected with gullibility. The State Security organs did not uncov- er in good time the wrecking, terrorist organisation among the doctors. However,these organs should have been especially vigilant, since there have already been examples in history when foul murderers and traitors to the Motherland have functioned disguised as doctors, such as the ~'?doctors,, Levin and Fletnev, who on the instructions of the enemies of the Soviet Union caused the death of the great Russian writer ... M. ;Gorky by means of the deliberately wrong medical treatment, and the eminent public figures of the Soviet state V. V. Kuibyshev and V. R. Menzhinsky. Nor have the executive officials of the Ministry of Public Health of the USSR been equal to their duties. They overlooked the wrecking terrorist activity of the base degenerates who sold themselves to the enemies of the Soviet. Union. The exposure of the gang of poisoner- doctors is a crushing blow at the American-British warmongers. Their agents have been seized-and rendered harmless. The real aspect of the slave-owner-cannibals from.the USA and Britain has again been shown to the world. The Soviet people with wrath and indignation stigmatises the criminal band, of murderers and their foreign masters. They will crush the despicable hirelings, who sold themselves for dollars and pounds sterling, as some loathsome reptile. As for the inspirers of these hireling- murderers, they can be assured that retribution will not forget them and will find a way to them in order to pronounce its weighty judgement. All this, of course, is true. But it is also true that, apart from these enemies, we have still another enemy - gullibility amongst our people. : It cannot be doubted that while we still have gullibility, so.long there will be wrecking. Consequently: in order to liquidate wrecking, it is necessary to put an end to gullibility in our ranks. (1.3/4 cols.) (Full text) PRAVDA 13.1.53 IZVESTIA SPIES AND MURDERERS inISGUISED !AS 'SCIENNTIST-DOCTOR S" ._. _..._. _-_~ ..~_. Trr-6 t Page" di oria1) Today there is published the T,1SS chronicle on the discovery and arrest by state security organs of a terrorist group of doctors, who set themselves the aim of cutting short the lives of active personages of the Soviet Union by means of wrecker medical treatment... This discovery and capture red-handed of spies and murderers, disguised as scientist-doctors, testify once again how far the American-British imperialists have gone in their malicious misanthropical activity, and expose with new force their criminal plans to the whole world. The exposure of the band of poisoner-doctors will deal a crushing blow to these criminal. plans. Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500130045-4 Approved For elease 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-007500500130045-4 SECTION B -b- January-11,_1252 IZV STI,"~ (Con.?.'d.) It is the patriotic duty of the Soviet people never for a minute to forget about the machinations of the warmongers and.their agents, un- tiringly to increase their vigilance, in every way to strengthen the armed Forces and the intelligence organs of our state... 'Xter the defeat and liquidation' of the remnants of the exploiter classes in our country the inter- national bourgeoisie lost its whole support within the Soviet Union for its struggle against the Soviet state. Nevertheless, it endeavours to use for its purposes the survivals of capitalism in the minds of Soviet people. i'lgents of the foreign intel- ligence services assiduously seek for weak and vulnerable places among certain unstable elements of our intelligentsia, who have been infected by the ulcers of obsequiousness towards everything foreign, the ulcers of cosmopolitanism and bourgeois nationalism. It is preci,^el y these people, being the bearers of bourgeois ideology, of private-oWncrship morals, being the covert enemies of our people, who become'the tool of for.ign intelligence services, who engage in wrecking and who will go on wrecking. To forget about this means to be criminally gullible, it means leaving a loophole for the foul machinations of the imperialists. The wrecker-doctors were able to function over a considerable period with impunity precisely because some of our Soviet organs and their executive officials lost their vigilance and were infected with gullibility. S o long as there is gullibility amongst us, so long there will be wrecking. In order to liquidate wrecking, it is necessary resolutely to put an end to gullibility, complacency and the blunting of vigilance. The State Security organs must be especially vigilant. However, these organs did not promptly dis- cover the terrorist organisation of wrecker-doctors, although in the recent past there have been cases when enemies of the people have done their work disguised as doctors, such as t}-,.e "doctors,' Levin and Fletnev, I who, by means of intentionally incorrect medical treatment caused the deaths of the great Russian writer A. iv!. Gorky, and the eminent personages of the Soviet state V. V. Kuibyshev and V. R. M'Ienzhinsky. Officials of the Ministry of Public H:alth of the USSR overlooked the wrecking, terrorist activity of the hire- lings of imperialist intelligence services.. ','~fith wrath and indignation Soviet people stigmatise the crimes of the poisoner-monsters, who, concealing themselves behind the lofty and noble calling of doctor, trampled on the sacred banner of science and profaned the honour of scientists. Like some loathsome reptile the Soviet people will crush the foul traitors to the Motherland, the despicable hirelings of foreign intelligence services, who sold themselves for dollars and pounds sterling! 1Iith wrath and indignation our people also stigmatises the foreign masters of the criminal band of murderers -- American- British imperialists. Let them know and remember that the stern arm of just retribution will reach them also! (1.3/4 cols.) (Condensed text) IV;STIt; 13.1.53 Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500'130045-4 Approved For ele se 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R0. OQ500130045-4 JOINT PRESS READING SERVICE SECTION B -?-- January TRUD xi D; SPIG~'LBLL B1.ND OF SFI S ~I D !tURDER ' a _..._.....~.. CaLt~G H T LD- ~1NDLD -"_ ._...._.~........._,.... .._..... . Front Pa editorial) .,.Damnation and shame to the foul degenerates and murderers: Soviet Justice will crush like a poisonous reptile the criminal band itself for dollars and pounds sterling. Nor will the American-British inspirers of the murderers and wreckers escape retribution. The time will come when they too will have to answer for all the crimes which they have committed. The exposure of the wrecker gang of spies and traitors reveals once again the.whole loathsome cannibal aspect of the imperialists of the USA and Britain. There is no crime to which the imperialist beasts of prey would not descend. In our day the subversive activity of the US monopolists and their British partners has become especially unbridled. and un- ceremonious. Matters have gone so far that special appropriations are even provided for in-the budgets of bourgeois states for subversive terrorist and espionage activity in the countries of the socialist camp... Vigilance, vigilance and once again revolutionary vigilance - that is the main conclusion which, all our workers, big and small, are draw... It is necessary to remember constantly that imperialist reaction does not grudge efforts and funds in order to find cadres for its intelligence within our country. In its frenzied hatred of the pe:o.ples of the socialist camp and first and foremost for our country the bourgeoisie is endeavouring to use for its own purposes the covert enemies of the people, the bearers of-bourgeois ideology, of private-ownership psychology, of nationalism... (li cols.) (Condensed text) TRUD 13.1.53 KO 'iSC OL P .'~VDt SPI.~3 3 "1I\D MURD RLRS OUGHT RED-H:.ND. D .Front-Psge.,EditorialT ...The exposure of the gang of poison,~r- doctors is a crushing blow at,th: Lmcrican-British warmongers. Their foul agents have been Caught red-handed. The real bestial aspect of the A'american-British imperialists has been presented again to the whole world. The Soviet people, :soviet youths and girls, filled with wrath and indignation, demand the stern punish- ment of the foul murderers, who hid behind the mask of doctors in order to perform their base work. The Soviet people is firmly convinced that those also, who inspired and directed these de- enerates will not escape their retribution, 1.2/3 cofs.) (Condensed text) KO:P~L.i0MOIL FR:;VDA 13.1.53 LIT .R.'-,R.Y G ZETTE SPIES ND UR r;=L R3 EXPOSED w opt Page Editorial-_~--~_ ...The exposure of a group of murderer- doctors and spies, who carried on their black work, taking advantage of their knowledge and our'trust, again and again raises the question of vigilance... Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500130045-4 Approved Fcelease 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-007005001130045-4 SECTION B -$- January 13.0-1923 LITERARY GAZETTE (Cont'd.) Vigilance and once again vigilance; That is what Soviet people must set against all the machinations of the warmongers and their agents. These agents are sent _to us from abroad, 'from the capitalist states, or they are recruited by the foreign intelligence services among the dregs of our society. The facts show that they can only function where there is a criminal slackening of vigilance, where complacency, self-satisfaction and gullibility are to be found In existing conditions, when there have long been no antagonistic classes in our country, when our people is consolidated and united., it is gullibility which provides a favourable soil for the subversive work of the enemy. There are people amongst us who think that the grandiose successes of Communist construction can of themselves eliminate all possibilities for diversions, espionage and wrecking. In the Soviet Union, so they say, enemies cannot take a step. People who think in this way are making an unforgiv able mistake. Comrade Stalin teaches us that while the capitalist encirclement exists, there will exist amongst us wreckers, spies diversionists and murderers, sent to our rear by the intelligence services-of foreign states. This was said in 1937. All Soviet people must remember this today., It is because.of an.imbecile disease - casualness''and gullibility, the lose of vigilance by some of our Soviet organ's'- that a gang of murderer-doctors, paid agents of foreign intelligence services,. was. able to function-for several years with impunity. Now an end has been put to their crimes. The Soviet hero-people will crush the miserable gang 'of despicable traitors to the-Motherland like P altry insects, They will have the same fate which has befallen all traitors to the Motherland. Thus it has been. . Thus .it wi..l be.. "If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed" (A,: M. Gorky), (1 col.) (Condensed text) LITER HY G:'-ZETTE 13.1.53 (Similar front page editorials appear also in the other newspapers). Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500130045-4